#jason todd x kori anders
kisses-for-you · 9 months
Preference: They accidentally hurt you
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Titans Characters X Fem!Reader
Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Gar Logan, Conner Kent, Kory Anders, Donna Troy & Hank Hall.
Dick Grayson:
You and Dick had gotten into an argument and it was getting heated. He was risking the team's life by making stupid and reckless decisions, or at least that's what they were in your opinion.
Without thinking, you yell, "You don't have to risk everyone's lives just because Jason died and you think it's your fault!"
Dick's hand makes contact with your face as he slaps you in a fit of rage. The room seems to freeze as Dick's eyes widen with horror at the realisation of what he's just done. Your hand instinctively reaches to your cheek, the hurt in your eyes making your boyfriend feel even more guilty.
Dick immediately recoils, his expression shifting from anger to deep regret. "Fuck. Y/N, I... I didn't mean to," he stammers, his voice filled with remorse. He takes a step back, grappling with the weight of his actions. His eyes search yours, pleading for forgiveness, but the pain in your gaze is palpable.
Dick takes a hesitant step forward. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry," he murmurs, regret etched across his face. He reaches out to cup your cheek, however, fear grips you, and you instinctively shrink back, avoiding his touch.
"I need some space," you finally manage to say, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and sadness. He nods solemnly, understanding he fucked up badly.
Jason Todd:
You and Jason were training and since you were still fairly new to the team, you thought it'd be nice to train with Jason as you're the closest with him.
You're meant to block his hits but as the bo staff heads your way, you hesitate for some reason and react too late, resulting in Jason accidentally hurting you as the staff strikes you. It's just a small mistake and it doesn't hurt too badly but he immediately rushes to your side.
"Shit. Babe, are you okay?" His concerned expression mirrors his regret. You give him a small, reassuring smile, saying, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's probably just a small bruise anyway. Let's just get back to training."
He shakes his head, still looking guilty even though it wasn't his fault. "No, let's just finish here. You shouldn't keep training if you're hurt. We can always train tomorrow," Jason insists, genuine concern in his eyes. You know there's no point in arguing with him, so you just sigh and nod.
Gar Logan:
You and Gar were alone in the Titans Tower, where Gar was struggling to stay in his human form. He was incredibly upset (you didn't know why) and his intense emotions were causing him to shapeshift into an animal, which he was trying to prevent.
"Y/N.. You need to.. go," he whispers, his voice strained as he tries to fight against the transformation. Concern etched across your face, you refuse to leave his side. You assure him, "Gar, I'm not leaving you alone like this."
You try to reach out to touch his trembling hand, but before you can make contact, Gar involuntarily shifts into a green tiger. In his tiger form, Gar loses control and accidentally swipes at you with his claws. The scratch isn't too deep, but it's enough to draw blood and sting, causing you to step back in shock. Gar, now more distressed, manages to regain control, turning back into his human form as he apologizes frantically.
"Fuck, Y/N, I'm so sorry. I- I lost control. I didn't mean to hurt you," he stammered, rushing to your side, panic etched across his face.
You assess the scratch on your arm, trying to downplay the pain, not wanting to make him feel worse. "Gar, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. Besides, it doesn't even hurt that bad."
Gar, tormented by guilt, searches for a first aid kit in the Tower. As he tends to your wound, you insist that it wasn't his fault, attempting to calm him in his distressed state. While Gar is patching up your wound, you notice a mixture of guilt and fear in his eyes. You gently take his hand and reassure him, "Gar, accidents happen. Don't blame yourself." Despite your comforting words, Gar remains visibly distraught, haunted by the fear of potentially causing you harm again.
Conner Kent:
Conner had just returned from a mission with the Titans. He looked exhausted but relieved as he walked through the door. You greeted him with a warm smile, knowing how tiring his superhero responsibilities could be.
As Conner hugged you, his thoughts wandered to what happened during the mission. He started to get lost in his thoughts, and his strength momentarily slipped out of his control. He squeezed you too tightly, causing you to wince as the force of the hug became too much. You were left in a little pain, and probably with a bruise. Conner looked concerned as you pulled away, realising what he had just done.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I don't know what happened. I started thinking about the mission and then I just..." Conner rambled, trying to explain and apologize to you. But you interrupted him and said, "Conner, it's okay. I know you didn't mean to. Don't worry about it." No matter how much you try to reassure Conner, however, he still feels guilty and blames himself for hurting you, even if it was accidental.
For the next couple of weeks, he's extra careful around you and way more gentle. He also tries to find ways to make it up to you; he doesn't need to though because you know he didn't mean to do what he did.
Hank Hall:
You and Hank had been watching a football match on TV together, enjoying the rare day off. As Hank headed to the kitchen to grab you both a drink and some snacks, an idea sparked in your mind. You decided you were going to scare him; it was a fairly innocent idea.
Within a couple of seconds, you start to tiptoe after him, planning to playfully surprise him. You just wanted to see his reaction so you could make fun of him if he screamed like a girl (you never know, he might). As you reach the kitchen door, you take a deep breath, preparing to unleash your surprise.
However, as you sneak up behind him and scream, Hank's reflexes kick in. In an instant, he spins around, his combat instincts taking over. Before either of you can even realise what's happening, his hand shoots out and strikes you right in the face. A gasp escapes your lips as you feel the sudden impact.
Time seems to freeze for a moment as you both register what just happened. Hank's eyes widen in shock and horror as he sees you wince from the unintentional blow. Concern fills Hank's eyes as he drops whatever he is holding in his hands, rushing to your side. "Oh fuck, babe, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he blurts out, panic evident in his voice.
You hold your nose, pretty sure you have a nosebleed. "I'm... okay." As the initial shock wears off, you can't help but let out a nervous laugh. "At least now we know that your instincts are top-notch," you quip, trying to lighten the mood despite the pain you're feeling. You move your hand away from your face, revealing a trickle of blood from your nose. Hank winces, guilt written all over his face.
He quickly grabs a tissue from the nearby counter, handing it to you with a mix of concern and remorse in his eyes. "I didn't mean to... I just thought..." Hank stammers, struggling to find the right words to express his regret. You take the tissue and give him a reassuring smile, realizing it was just an unfortunate accident.
"It's okay, Hank. It was my idea to scare you like that so if anything, it's my fault," you say, dabbing at your nose. Despite the pain, you can't help but appreciate the genuine worry in his eyes.
Kory Anders:
You and the Titans were preparing for another battle against an intimidating villain who was threatening the city of San Francisco. You were standing by Kory's side, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. Tonight, the stakes were higher than ever before. The villain, known as Mother Mayhem, was ready to unleash chaos upon the city. Kory's eyes were glowing with determination as she walked towards the impending threat. You followed closely, aware of the danger that awaited you.
As the confrontation continues, Mother Mayhem launches a devastating attack that catches both you and Kory off guard. In a moment of panic, Kory's powers surge uncontrollably, and a burst of energy erupts from her, unintentionally striking you. The impact sends you flying to the ground and pain radiates through your body.
Kory's eyes widen in horror as she realises what just happened. She rushes to your side, leaving the rest of the Titans to deal with the threat. Her concern is evident in every step. "I-I'm so sorry," she stammered, kneeling beside you. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Despite the pain, you manage a weak smile, reaching out to reassure her. "It's okay, Kory. Accidents happen. Besides, we have a more important matter at hand," you say, referring to the villain you're currently fighting.
"I promise, I'll control my powers better next time," she vows, gently cradling you in her arms. She then stops to think, unsure of whether you should get back to the fight in your condition. "Are you sure you want to fight? I don't think that's the best idea for you right now, Y/N."
You nod, determination flickering in your eyes despite the pain. "I'll be fine, Kory. Just a little shaken, but I can still help. We need to stop her before things get worse." Reluctantly, Kory lets you go, her worry etched across her face. She stands up, taking a moment to make sure you're stable before rejoining the battle. 
Donna Troy:
You and Donna were strolling through through the dimly lit alleyways of the city. As you turned a corner, a group of menacing thugs emerged from the shadows, surrounding you both. Donna's grip on your hand tightened instinctively as she stepped forward, ready to defend you from the impending threat.
Donna's eyes narrow, her instincts kicking in. She swiftly reaches for her lasso, the golden glow illuminating the dark alley. But you find yourself in the line of fire without even noticing. A sudden movement from one of the thugs causes you to stumble, and in an attempt to protect you, Donna swings her lasso with lightning speed. However, the unexpected jolt of the situation results in her accidentally striking you instead of the intended target.
Time seems to slow as the golden rope wraps around you, the energy coursing through your body. A surge of pain shoots through your veins, and you gasp as the unexpected impact takes you by surprise. Donna's eyes widen in horror as she realises her mistake, immediately releasing the lasso. The thugs seem to take this as a chance to run and escape. Stunned and in pain, you stagger backwards, clutching the area where the lasso struck you. Donna rushes to your side, her concern evident in her eyes. "Fuck. Y/N, I'm so sorry," she murmurs, her voice filled with regret.
As Donna checks on you, you assure her that you're okay, though the pain still lingers. The two of you decide to go back to her apartment to assess the situation and tend to your injuries. Donna's guilt is palpable, but you understand it was an accident in the heat of the moment. Together, you make your way back, Donna keeping a protective arm around you.
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hunterofartemis7 · 4 months
Jason: *looks at Raven* you okay sweetheart?
Damian: what did I tell you about calling her that!?
Jason: don’t remember and don’t care
Raven: be nice Dami. And yeah..I’m okay
Dick: than why were you crying?
Raven: you could hear me?
Tim: we couldn’t hear y’all’s conversation but we did here the crying
Raven: oh. Yeah don’t worry about it. I’m fine
Dick: if you say so?
Raven: hey Kori, can we talk?
Kori: ofc! What’s on your mind?
Raven: *closes the door and makes the room sound proof* can you keep a secret?
Kori: ofc. You know I can
Raven: even from dick?
Kori: *worried* depends on what the secret initials
Raven: fair enough….but I need you to keep this one. And it’s not bad
Kori: okay
Raven: I’m pregnant
Kori: OH MY STARS THATS AMAZING!!!! *bear hugs her* Congratulations!!!
Raven: *hugs back* thanks Kori
Kori: how far along are you?
Raven: I think a month, but I’m not entirely sure
Kori: does Damian know?
Raven: yes, and so does Alfred. But we aren’t telling anyone else yet
Kori: alright. I won’t say a word until you’re ready.
Raven: thank you kori
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one-bat-day · 3 months
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Fave lesbians (/j but happy pride to all members of rhato cast)
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lothirielswandc · 1 year
Rachel Roth: I come to you as a future daughter-in-law to conduct a contingency plan to prevent disaster and pain which you, as the future father-in-law, will have to suffer through.
Bruce Wayne: You have the floor. And my entire afternoon.
Barry Allen: wtf
Rachel Roth: Kory and Dick are planning classic family activities that will threaten the foundations of this family and we cannot allow them to continue. You know that they’re going to want to take that picture of everyone in a white shirt and blue jeans jumping on the beach. Selina will not agree to it, Damian will not agree to it, Jason will play along just to screw it up, which will piss Dick off, which will then in turn piss Damian off, and finally piss off Tim through collateral. In the end, they will all try to kill each other, and we’ll have to watch along with whatever poor witnesses are present.
Bruce Wayne: *a single teardrop rolls down his cheek* I’m not alone anymore.
Barry Allen: What is HELL just happened—
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Kory, a 6'3 goddess: Being tall is great until there's no one to throw me over their shoulder
Jason, a 6'4 tank with a lot of ambition:
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captain-mozzarella · 2 years
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Ok but consider ✨them✨
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red--pirate · 7 months
Injustice 2 | Fighter Pack #1
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49311grayson · 1 year
[RoyJay/JayRoy] Husband
Roy, holding back tears: This year, I lost my dear husband Jason.
Jason: Stop telling everyone I'm dead!
Roy, wailing: Sometimes I can still hear his voice!
Jason, pissed: Because I'm still alive!
Artemis, shocked: They got married already?!
Kory, sighs: No.
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
Dick: you have bad taste when it comes to girls
Jason: oh yeah? well you!-
Dick: what. are you going to tell me that my taste in women is shit? and that Starfire isn't better than anyone else in this whole damn world? that she isn't perfect?
Dick: that's fucking what I thought. bitch.
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ficreadergirl · 2 months
Part-180 -end 2- ↓ Dick: So is she okay? 😟 Jason: Yes. How is she? 😟 Tim & Damian & Cass & Barbara & Steph & Kory & Artemis & Alfred & Bruce: 😟 Duke & Kate: 😊 All together: Yay!!! 🥳 🫂 Madame Xanadu: It was difficult to banish that demon but we managed to do it with her help. 😏 Raven: 😳 me? Gar: Yes. She's great right? 😉 Raven: 😳 Artemis: Which demon we're talking about? 🤔 Madame Xanadu: I think she should explain it. I have things to do. 👋 *left* Raven: That demon was... Trigon. 😔 Gar: Your dad?? 😲 All together: 😯 Raven: Yes... 😞 Artemis: It's not your fault. You know that don't you? 🙂 Raven: 😳 Gar: Yes! It's not. Let's eat something to celebrate this news that Y/n is safe and free from him. 😃 Steph & Cass: Exactly! 😃 Barbara & Kory: I feel so hungry too. 😄 Dick & Bruce & Alfred: There is already an open buffet. Why don't you get in line? 😠 Gar & Raven: Why should we? We're not in restaurant are we? 😉 Artemis: Stop talking the kids like that. 😑 Dick: 😧 okay ma'am. *Jason slowly moving away from crowd to your room* Y/n: 😴 Jason: 😟 Rose: You scared of what her reaction will be when she wakes up? 😏 Jason: 😯 how did you get in? Rose: 🤷‍♀️ Jason: I'm not scared of anything. 🤨 Rose: Okay then let's wake her up for food. Y/n? 🗣️😄 Jason: Shut up! 😨 *You waking up* Y/n: 🤕 what happened to me? I feel like I was hit by a truck. 😣 Rose: Steph hit you honey. 😊 Jason: Don't move. You're hurt. Go back to sleep. 😦 Y/n: Jason... 😦 Jason: I was about to leave. 🙁 Y/n: No... 😔 Jason: 😟 Rose: I think I'm starving. I'll go get you two canapés too. But like... 2 hours later. 😉 *left* Y/n & Jason: 😳 Y/n: I'm sor-- 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ↓
Other chapters
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e-nonsense · 2 years
Hello it’s me againnn😭 I hope I’m not asking for too much but I just really love your writing! Could I possibly request a Dick Grayson x reader with the prompts 7, 23 from the prompt list #1? Thank you sm<3
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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⇢ ᴅɪᴄᴋ ɢʀᴀʏꜱᴏɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ {ᴛɪᴛᴀɴꜱ!ᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ}
⇢ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ » #7 “ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ɪꜱ ᴇᴀꜱɪᴇʀ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ” || #23 “ɪ’ᴍ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ” “ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ʀᴇꜱᴛ ɪᴛ’ʟʟ ʙᴇ ꜰɪɴᴇ, ᴡᴇ’ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ”
⇢ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛꜱ, ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ꜱʟᴀᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟꜱᴏɴ, ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ
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"Let her go!" Jason screamed, the poor boy was in so much pain but he was still fighting. He may not be close to Dick but he sure as hell cared about you, for everytime you defended him.
You had been with Jason when he got kidnapped, and Wilson realised that he could use you to hurt Dick.
Deathstroke was turned around to face Jason, he pulled a gun out and shot you in the leg. The bullet went straight through your leg, but you were too tired to care about it. You felt nothing, you took all the beating, Slade realised how it hurt Jason more when you got hurt than any physical pain he'd experience.
"Pathetic" he looked over at you.
You felt disgusting, drenched in your own blood, cuts and ugly bruises everywhere, bullet wounds in places, your shirt torn and soaked in blood.
You knew that the only thing that would come from today was death, you understood that now. But death was better than watching anything happen to Jason, you'd grown attached to the boy, viewing him as a younger brother, he saw you as a big sister or a mother sometimes.
So you were glad to take the beating.
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You weren't sure when you fell asleep, but when you woke up Slade wasn't there, you looked up. Jason was still there, "You alright there J.T?"
"Am I alright? are you?"
"Eh, could be better" you tried getting a smile from him but failed
"Don't you die okay?" You heard the crack in Jason's voice at the thought of you dying "don't leave me here, I won't make it without you"
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That's when you heard it, a couple of gunshots.
"They're here" Jason, he turned to smile at you "Told you they'd come for us"
"Sure did Jay"
The black covering moved up to reveal you and Jason, you smiled when you saw Dick, but that went away quickly when you realised he was here to sacrifice himself for you, Jason and Rose.
Slade went to press the button that would release you and Jason to fall to your deaths, but he was caught off guard when Kori showed up and sent fire his way.
You weren't sure when but a helicopter found its way to the fight going on inside, and Jason took the opportunity to try and break free.
You tried to help by copying his movements.
One moment Dick and Kori were fighting Deathstroke and the next he was pressing the button, it happened in a blur.
"No!" you faintly heard Dick's voice, and then, Dick made it to grab Jason's hand, and Jason grabbed yours. He slipped, his hand slipped straight out.
You were falling, and with whatever strength you had left you pulled so that he was on top of you. You hoped it would protect him from some of the damage and pain.
He knew what you were doing "No, no please" Everything was happening so fast. You smiled at him, "I'm sorry"
Halfway to the ground, you felt another pair of arms secure around the both of you.
Whoever it was jumped onto a car, you felt a crack.
Your back was broken...
"Who the fuck are you?" you hoarse breath, snapped Jason out of his trance.
You blacked out again.
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For a few seconds, but enough for Jason to carry into a darker place, to check on you.
"Where is she?!" your boyfriends voice echoed
"Over here! Dick!"
Dick caught sight of Jason and you on the concrete, you were bleeding out.
"Babe?" He was next to you in a second.
"Hey there handsome" you choked on your blood, the adrenaline and need to protect Jason kept the pain away.
"n/n?" Jason's broken voice made you peel your eyes away from the former Robin to the current one. He was crying, tears streaming down his blood stained face.
"Hi Jaybird" you could barely breathe, but you had to show him he wasn't alone. Even if you weren't around to make sure he wouldn't be.
"You promised"
“Sometimes giving up is easier, love” You reached for his hand which he gladly gave. "I love you okay, you're never alone"
"But I need you"
"You'll always have me, love" once last smile
You turned to Dick, "We gotta get you to a hospital-"
"No time Dickie"
He tried to keep his breathing even, but the thought of losing you made his heartbreak. "Protect him, okay?"
"You can do it" his voice quivered "c'mon, please"
"Dickie, please keep him safe" you choked on you blood "I love you Dick Grayson"
You caught sight of Kori, you smiled at her, “I’m tired”
“It’s okay, rest. it’ll be fine, we’ll be okay” she reassured you
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© ʜᴇʟʟꜱ-ᴇꜱᴄᴀᴘᴇᴇꜱ. ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ/ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ/ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ
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kisses-for-you · 9 months
Hiiiii 💕💕💕
Could you write something about how these characters would react to reader accidentally calling them pretty right to thier face idk maybe reader is kinda out of it after a patrol or mission or is on pain meds or smth and is just like wow you're sooo pretty and just how would the characters react to this pls I was thinking for donna troy, Jason todd and dick grayson and hank hall if you write for hank?? Xox
Preference: You call them pretty
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Titans Characters X GN!Reader
Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Gar Logan, Conner Kent, Kory Anders, Donna Troy & Hank Hall.
Dick Grayson:
You and Dick had been on patrol, and ended up fighting off a small group of criminals. You weren't injured too seriously but it was still quite painful, so you were given pain medication. You weren't very alert, and you just said whatever came to mind, so you ended up calling Dick 'pretty' right to his face.
Dick is a bit surprised by your compliment. He is not used to being complimented like that and he gets very flustered. He tries to pretend like he didn't hear, and he wants to brush it off by telling you that you probably didn't mean it. But, deep down, he is quite flattered by your compliment, and he finds it very adorable.
Jason Todd:
You and Jason had been through a particularly exhausting night of crime-fighting. You guys were fighting this big gang that was taking over the streets and you managed to win. However, when you got back to the tower, you were exhausted and slightly disoriented.
As you look over at Jason, you call him 'pretty' without thinking. Jason is surprised as he wasn't expecting that but he played it off by giving you a small smirk. He even teases you back, calling you things like 'gorgeous' and basically showering you in compliments.
Gar Logan:
You were watching Gar as he played this new video game he had discovered. As he finally beat the next level, he turned to you smiling, excited that he finally completed the level he'd worked so hard on. You chuckle at his antics and without thinking, you called him 'pretty'.
Gar is caught off guard by your comment and he can't help the faint blush that forms on his face. Gar grins sheepishly, his embarrassment transforming into a playful smirk. "Pretty, huh?" Gar teases, raising an eyebrow. You playfully roll your eyes, realizing your slip of the tongue.
Conner Kent:
You and Conner were just spending some quality time together, going on a nice walk around town. As you stared up at your boyfriend, you didn't even realise but you had just called 'pretty', which you did not mean to say out loud at all.
Needless to say, Conner is quite surprised and flustered by this compliment, and he finds it very cute. You try to apologise profusely, but Conner just laughs it off and says that it was a cute mistake. He goes on to tell you that he finds it quite sweet that you think that way of him, and you both spend the rest of your day together with a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Kory Anders:
You and Kory were having a nice, casual movie night. It was an 80's romance as Kory is really into anything 80's related. You looked over at her and noticed how pretty she looked while being so invested in the movie. Without thinking, you accidently called her 'pretty' out loud.
Kory doesn't think much of it but finds this quite adorable, and she is definitely flattered. She compliments you back, and you have a sweet moment together. You soon get back to the movie, mostly forgetting about what you said.
Donna Troy:
You and Donna were on a romantic date at a new restaurant that Donna suggested you guys go to. As you sat opposite her, you couldn't help but think about how beautiful she is. Without even realising, you said out loud, "God, you're so pretty."
Donna is slightly surprised as she wasn't expecting you to say that, however, she takes the comment in stride and gives you a flirty half-smile with a wink, which causes your cheeks to turn a bright shade of pink. Donna thinks your reaction is adorable, and she's impressed by how honest and straightforward you are.
Hank Hall:
You had been out drinking with some friends and you may or may not have drunk more than you can handle. All of your friends were plastered so none of them could drive you. Instead of getting an Uber, you decided to call your boyfriend, Hank.
As he arrives outside of the club and walks over to you, you can't help but think about how good-looking he is. Without realising, you call him 'pretty' to his face. Hank just chuckles at you, flashing you a charming smile. He wraps an arm around you, steadying your slightly wobbly stance. The next day, as soon as you're sober, he starts teasing you about it in a light-hearted way but you're confused as you have no recollection of anything that happened last night.
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idecidedtowriteig · 2 years
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Sweet Nothings
Gar Logan x Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff (tiny bit of angst)
I do not write NSFW
His eyes were a dazzling honey brown, that you could just stare into for hours on end. His smile was ravishingly alluring, to you so at least, but you could see the others agree when they looked at him just the same– not much so as in love– but more so in delight. He cheered everyone up, and you were totally head over heels for him, not that you would admit it anyway– only in the deepest depths of your heart. Or so you thought– but Rachel had accidentally read your mind once– of how much you truly loved and appreciated Gar, so much so that they secretly shipped you and Gar together. 
It was hard for Rachel to not confess what they knew to you and squeal in glee about how cute you and Gar would be together. However, all Rachel had to do– was sit back, relax and wait for the magic of fate to happen (or so help her, Trigon). Fate decided to play its cards for once, and give Rachel, Y/n, and Gar the thing they had all been hoping for…
First it came with a handwritten note…
This had been after Y/n had a hard enough day that they broke down crying in front of everyone. Everything just seemed to go wrong that day, Red Hood and Crane (or the Craniac and Y/n liked to call him) attacked. Just everything seemed to fall apart– and no matter what Y/n did, they thought it was never good enough. But Gar thought it was enough. Dick thought it was enough, Rachel, Donna, Kori, and the others did too. The Titans’ all had each other's back. 
Dick did try to give some words of encouragement– but not without a bit of awkwardness- since it was hard for him to express his emotions himself. Kori gave a great pep talk, Blackfire had tried her best to cheer you up- in her own rigid stiff way– shared about how she conquered her enemies. Rachel talked some, trying to comfort you, but not really knowing how to do that best. Gar felt bad, and didn’t know what to do exactly, either…. So, he decided to leave you a note… 
“Dear Y/n,
I think you did great today, and so does the rest of the team.
 You are one of the sweetest people on this team, and it really 
hurt to see you cry today. I know the Titan's work can be hard,
 it also gets to my mind sometimes. The Jason thing does too, and it hurts how he just left us like that… 
But I want you to know, we’ve all got your back! 
P.S. Also, meet me in the Kitchen later (I'll text you when) I have a surprise!”
-BB (Gar) :)
9:00 PM
Beast Boy: I have the surprise ready! :) 
Y/n: I’m on my way :)
Y/n soon entered the kitchen looking around, when they saw a paper sack labeled, "Gotham's Custard & Ice Creamery”' in bold pink and blue letters. They let out a big smile, as Gar grinned happily, “Rachel told me this was your favorite place! And I was trying to find a way to cheer you up…” He blushes a little bit, eyes meeting yours, but then looking bashfully off to the side. 
You beamed in disbelief, “Gar…” you said, smiling and opening the sack to see your favorite ice cream flavor. You smile, “You didn’t have to!” You say hugging him on instinct. Gar smiles delightedly, hugging back, “Well, I knew you just had a hard day….” He laughs sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. 
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you….” He mumbles– but not incoherently to you. 
Then it came with a little trinket of your favorite animal….
You heard a soft knock on your door, soon opening it to see Gar holding a little trinket of your favorite animal. You smiled, wondering for a second why he brought it here, but happy to see him explain– or ramble about why. 
Gar beams happily, “So I saw this at an antique shop I passed by! And isn’t it the cutest thing? It was only 5 dollars and I thought it might make your day better. Plus I know it's your favorite animal, I couldn’t resist.” He laughs sheepishly, handing you the small trinket. 
You stared at it happily and hugged him, “Man, I’m really going to have to start buying you stuff too.” You tease. 
Gar smiles, “On the house?” He laughs. 
At last, it came with a beautiful red rose…
Gar smiles, holding out a rose, “Look at this! It almost matches the color of your– lips… Not to be weird or anything!– Anyway, it just looks… pretty like you…” He grins, handing the rose to you– you noticed he had cut off the thorns beforehand.  Gar smiles, “I uh– also have something to ask you. I’m sorry if this makes everything weird….” He laughs nervously. 
His face soon turns a light shade of pink as he gulps, then asks you confidently, “Y/n… will you go on a date with me? I mean, would you uhh… possibly?” You smiled at his cute antics and cupped his face gently with your hand, “Of course, Gar! You mean the world to me!” 
Rachel totally wasn’t watching you from the window and fangirling….. Totally not… 
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stormikitty · 2 years
DeadOnMain and Starfire/Paulina
Maybe Danny and Paulina joined the Outlaws. Paulina definitely has dragon powers. (~~Can also use the idea I've talked about before with Danny being 1/4th dragon on top of being half ghost while Paulina is half dragon, but up to you~~)
Starfire finds out Paulina wasn't prom queen in a conversation that they had after Danny and Paulina sang a duet version of Teen Idle by MARINA, where they both sang the lines they related to. She asks how Paulina could have lost that popularity contest and who could have possibly beat her, and that's how Danny and Paulina end up explaining that they both had to leave their town and their families and friends in the middle of their sophomore year and they never got to finish highschool.
Danny had been dissected by his parents and Paulina saved him. He had to run away, and Paulina had to go with him for some reason. Maybe Paulina's family was against her being part dragon or maybe they were against her helping a ghost or what ever else you can come up with, but neither of them were safe in Amity. They ran away and didn't get to finish highschool. Not going to highschool wasn't as bad for Danny because school sucked for him. He never got to sleep and didn't have time to study because of the constant ghost attacks, and his grades were terrible because of that. He got the shit beat out of him every day and he was the only one who got in trouble for it. He might not have gotten beaten as much after he became Paulina's dance partner, but school still sucked for the most part. Paulina on the other hand? She was the most popular girl at school. She was Cheer Captain and friends with everyone. Everyone just knew for years ahead of time that she was going to be Prom Queen. She had already designed, sketched, and sewed her own BEAUTIFUL dress for prom. But she never got the chance to go to prom. Because she and Danny had to leave in the middle of sophomore year. Danny knows this hit her hard. She had cried to him about it.
But time moved on. Now, in the present, at the moment when the 2 of them are talking with Jason and Kori, it has been years. They are about the age that people usually start college. Paulina has a job as a model and is working to get her GED so she can move on from her highschool education she never got to finish and so she can go to college. Danny has just signed up for online classes, finally having enough money to finish highschool, having decided that he definitely wants to finish the education he missed out on.
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justanothervigalanty · 3 months
when I found my love ❤️🖤🤍 (Jason Todd x fem! Reader)
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Jason Todd. But you always new him as jay. You were around 10 when you saw a small boy around 11 steeling tires of an old car in the dump. “Hay! You, this is my place back off!” You say to him “ho sorry kid but I need these if I want to eat tonight” the strange boy said picking up the tires. “It will cost you!” You say just as he is about to walk off. “Yeah, ok fair point. What you need kid?” He asked walking towards you. “I can’t give you money though! I have a cigarette?” He said jokingly. “I’m 10 and a half! Plus I don’t want money.” You say with a hand on your hip. “So what do yo-I need something to eat!” You cut him off. “Oh um ok I normally get a sandwich from a soup kitchen but they shut down” he signed putting down a tier and holding out his hand for you to shake. “I’ll share what I can get from this. Ok?” He asked “yes! Oh I’m y/n, y/n L/n” you say “nice to meet you y/n I’m Jason Todd but…around here I go by jay, you should figure out a new name as well it’s safer like idk umm maybe Jen ?” “Ok sure jen and jay sounds cool!”
after around three years you got to know him better and became his closest friend and had maybe kissed once or twice. But then he disappeared. Vanished. Like he was never there. Only a week after Jason’s disappearance you were descoverd and put into foster homes but avenchualy you met the Kent’s. Thay already had a son Conner and he instantly saw you as his baby sister. When you found out that your foster father was the superman you begged him to let you train to become his sidekick along side Conner! And one day he agreed! You were over the moon you may not of had powers but you were one heck of an engineer you had made rocket boots so you could keep up with your brother and dad and not to mention a total badass when it came to hand to hand combat. You were 14 when Bruce Wayne came to your home to ask you to enter the titans who really needed an engineer. “Can I? Please dad please?!” You practically begged him “oh god fine but Bruce if I come round and see her with a fucking stab wound, she comes home!” Clark made it very clear on that but the next thing you know you’re in the elevator with your dad and Bruce by your sides. When you step out every one is in the living room watching some murder mystery movie or something like that. “Everyone I would like you to meet y/n L/n - Kent.” Bruce said as he patted your shoulder. “Ok I got to go be careful n/n” Clark said as he kissed your forehead before leaving. “Hi everyone I’m your new engineer.” You say as everyone comes to meet you expect one a black haired blue eyed teen still sat watching the tv. “Omg hi I’m Rachael finally more teenage girls!” You smile at the girl and everyone comes to say hi and greets you. “Jason.” Bruce calls out “come and introduce yourself”. “No I’m good thanks B much rather be here right now there about to enter crime alley!” Said the boy. You recognise the name Jason and his attitude towards everyone it was all familiar like you knew him from your childhood but didn’t know were. Dick when over and turned of the Tv to get Jason’s attention “what the hell dickhead!?” He said standing up. “Jason we all know you like crime alley but come meet new kid” they both walked over “hi I’m y/n L/n - Kent nice to meet you” you said “Jason Todd good to meet-wait L/n?” He asked you like he had remembered something. “Um yeah that’s me formally L/n now L/n - Kent” you said trying to explain you weren’t born a Kent. “No you’re what…Jen? That’s your nickname right? Jen?” He asked “yes it is- holy shit jay!?” You responded as he pulled you into a hug “I never thought I’d see you again!” Jason said still hugging you “um what is going on?” Asked gar “yeah not trying to reck the mood but do you know echother?” Kory asked “um yeah we dated in crime alley… speaking of which” you said pushing Jason off you. “Where the hell did you go? You just left me i when to bye us some sandwiches and when I get back you we’re gone!” You said still holding his shoulder’s “I know I know Ieft you and I’m so sorry but um can we talk about this somewhere that isn’t in font of my dad?” He said with that stupid voice he used when you argued back a crime alley.
When everyone was getting ready for bed later you Hurd somebody knock on your door you opened it to see Jason “hay babe can we talk?” You pulled him in pining him against the wall. “Don’t you ‘babe’ me, you left that is by far the opposite of being a good boyfriend!”you said you were about to carry on yelling at Jason but just as you opened your mouth he kissed you and you couldn’t help but kiss him back because in all truth no matter how angry you were at him you couldn’t help but miss how he kissed you, how he used to play with your hair after you had nightmares or when he would play a old music tape on his VHS player that you when both dance and sing along to you had missed everything about him and in all honesty so did he.
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tammysart · 2 years
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After several weeks of recurring insomnia due to his constant nightmares, Jason finally found his much needed sleep at a last minute movie night with his original fellow Outlaws. Roy and Kori, knowing that their Jaybird slept best when he was surrounded by their presence and safety, wasted no time in rushing to his need.
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