#its not about the romance it was never about the romance and the story is just as strong even if its entirely 100000% platonic.
brightest-stars-if · 18 hours
Hehe my MC is very upfront in terms of communication and vulnerability in relationships. Definitely the type to be very honest and not afraid to show their genuine affection for their family in a very direct manner. I can't wait to read about the dynamic of such an MC with their family. Also I think the writing for MC and their interactions with their family is absolutely lovely and I admit I've certainly grown quite attached to them. My MC as well, I'll like to think they're fiercely loyal to those they care about which include their family as well as Lux (Although I wonder how far this loyalty can be pushed with a low!corruption MC and high!corruption Lux due to their extremely differing views.) Anyways thank you for such a compelling story and sorry for the long ramble haha :]
Please never apologize for sending a long ask, I adore reading them!
I think that your MC's personality is going to be very interesting when interacting with their family. The person most receptive to their way of doing things will probably be Eulen, but even then they'll have to bully their way into good communication with their fam. Your MC's emotional intelligence will catch them off guard, I think.
I'm really glad that you enjoy the dynamics with the MC and their family! I think the benefit of having less ROs is that I can really allocate more time to other characters outside of romance, and that really shines with House Rauz imo.
Your Low!Corruption MC's loyalty could be extremely tested with a High!Corruption Lux. Sometimes, ideals divide even the strongest bonds after all. This conflict is definitely something I plan on exploring in both combinations where their corruption levels don't match! Y'all really won't have to deal with the fallout of that till later though.
Anyway, now I'm rambling haha. This ask put a smile on my face, so again, don't apologize for its length!
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thephantomcasebook · 2 days
Last scene of Alicole was so weird 😭 what are they doing to my parents??
It's because Condal and Hess are acting like Pretentious middle schoolers with no emotional intelligence in their writing.
They've sat around and cooked up all these scenarios and patted themselves on the back about how "complicated" it all is. When, in reality, they've made an incredibly less human experience than ever before.
They've taken the emotion and intimacy out of sex for Alicent and Criston. The two characters in the show in which love and romance would play an incredible part of the reason their doing this. If Alicent and Criston are going to break their vows and their moral code it's not because they're feeling fucking horny. If that was the case this shit would've happened years ago.
It's a vey, very, immature meditation on sex from people who spent way too long in Hollywood. They want to explore Alicent's sexuality as a repressed religious type person, but they leave out the emotional and romantic element that would be the absolute only key to the door of that person entering that place.
Now, they're just basically writing pornography.
Alicent is a strawman understanding of what dumb ass progressive writers would think a Conservative woman's sexual awakening looks like, skewed in a very unrealistic point of view of sex and human relationships. It's like a fucking abomination of retarded sexual revolution logic that has been proven to be unrealistic and detrimental to women for decades.
Alicent and Criston would not be having sex if they didn't love one another, because, the characters have been set up by Season 1 of not giving into base desires. For this storyline to work and make sense, they have to portray Alicent and Criston as being in love, like really - really - in love. This idea of Alicent falling apart and feeling guilty while getting railed in secret is basically the plot of about 35% of pornography.
Alicent is basically the protagonist of a Spicy Detective pulp from the 30's-40's of a good girl turned wanton and getting drawn into crime. But those stories were directed at 13-25 year old males to masturbate too not to tell high art.
Its sex without a story and without understanding human relationships, written by a bunch of progressive political hacks that write like they've never been in love before or have never made love to anyone in their life.
Which, to be honest, wouldn't surprise me in the least.
From one writer to another, "Messy" isn't a story. Messy is code for having a half-ass idea and doing it anyway without justification. Mess is fucking lazy.
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phasesofpencils · 3 days
This is the last im gonna say about Apology tour but, like this whole romance plot could have potentially been at least interesting if it was handled well. But as it stands it's just frustrating.
If there was actual nuance. If they would actually acknowledge that BOTH sides were and continue to be toxic towards each other, and not just having Viv try to cover her ass in tweets about "acknowledging both are at fault". It COULD have been a compelling melodrama about a weird relationship and miscommunication. But the main issue and this season's entire problem is that it only feels like they want us to see it from Stolas's POV, and hold his hand, and retroactivley justify his behavior in season 1 as "cute" naive flirting.
Every time Stolas gets a little self aware about Blitz never having been happy, and how wrong their deal was, and how maybe he didn't actually treat Blitz as well as he thought he did, its just one step forwards and 5 steps back and he either continues to ignore it in favor of his own fantasy of Blitz and their relationship or literally in the new episode OTHER CHARACTERS tell him to ignore the one logical thought he's had. We have not STOPPED getting Stolas's POV of how he sees Blitz, but we've hardly seen anything on how Blitz sees Stolas. other than thinking he's just a rich asshole and we're supposed to take that as like him being a "tsundere" about it. We get so little on Blitz's perspective that it feels more like the story trying to force Blitz into being into Stolas for the plot than actually developing an attraction to him (not even touching on the weird and highly toxic dynamic of their relationship past and present that again is just being played as like Stolas being naive).
It's just a constant dog piling onto Blitz and it doesn't feel fair. It doesn't feel fair that apparently we have to WAIT for another character to FINALLY call out Stolas when this entire season has been dedicated to calling out and blaming Blitz. It doesn't feel fair that even people in Blitz's life that should probably be a little more on his side, like Fizz or the I.M.P gang still feel like they're trying to make Blitz feel bad for not recognizing Stolas's feelings and/or won't actually listen or understand what their relationship was actually like and just make assumptions for him on how he's supposed to feel. It isn't fair that every little character flaw Blitz has is poked and prodded and called out but every character flaw Stolas has is ignored or temporarily reconciled (see every time he ignores his daughter and makes up with her) or excused as "but he's just naive cus he's new to love and rich and sheltered". Stolas keeps blaming Blitz for "always making it about sex" and "talking like Striker" and "I've never looked down on you" and I'm just SCREAMING for Blitz to call him out on his hypocrisy and stop groveling to him. Stolas and the show just has the worse habit of ignoring his flaws as real consequence-having flaws and won't stop victimizing him for it meanwhile Blitz is just constantly demonized for his flaws. The show feels like it plays favorites, and it's just so old and repetitive at this point and it's not fun and not compelling when i just go into every episode thinking "how are they gonna blame blitz and victimize stolas this time".
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Gore Mod Review
Okay I'm not sure where to begin. Most of what I can say is just...wow. I'm going to be completely honest I installed this mod on a complete whim, I wasn't even really looking for a follower mod specifically, it was more of a I've experienced the mods I have repeatedly by this point. I'm not complaining I still love the mods I have and the followers I already have that being: Kaidan, Lucien and Inigo, but I kind of wanted something fresh and I got all that and much more.
Spoilers but extremely vague ones
Okay so when I initially met Gore I went in with the mindset of not comparing him to my other followers I already have grown to know and love because that would not only set high expectations, but its also completely demeaning to the mod creator.
When you first meet him I was just immediately drawn to him because he is just so easily likeable, but I think the moment that truly solidified that I'd never play another playthrough without him was during the climb to High Hrothgar. His presence and reassurance was just everything to me because thinking about it if I was truly the dragonborn I'd be terrified, all that responsibility in such a short amount of time is daunting (especially considering that it was only recently you were about to be executed) and he really reminded me to take a moment to prioritise myself and what I was feeling.
The small things really sold this mod to me as well as the amazing voice acting and story...he just feels so real? Not to mention that I sobbed his entire story because it was like looking into a mirror. I really resonated with him and I could really see him as my best friend.
Okay now for genuine spoilers depending on choices
His optional romance route was just utterly stunning. It flowed so so easily and didn't feel forced or rushed it just felt so natural. It all really hit close to home though his struggles with relationships and the concept that someone would actually like him for him and not be disgusted by his past. As someone who's never been in a relationship let alone been near another person in that sort of fashion it was just so comforting to both be in the same boat. The build up and everything was just so well executed from him trying to push you away by giving you reasons to end things to finally accepting that you do want to be with him even if it's foreign to him.
But whether you choose to romance him or to remain friends my favourite quality of his is that he is uniquely him; by that I mean he genuinely feels like a real person because he's humorous and he has his own thoughts, feelings and opinions and he will make them known and he stays true to himself and his beliefs all whilst growing as a person and learning to be better. Despite everything he's been though he's such a positive figure to have even if he thinks otherwise and its so nice to get to be apart of his journey and watch him learn to be content with himself as well as his past. I cannot sing his praises enough I genuinely have so much love for the character and the creator. He's become my favourite companion in such a short time and I could write for hours and hours about how much I love Gore and how much I appreciate your work but I won't...Just thankyou so much for making me and everyone who plays this mod seen and felt and much love to you! And I urge everyone to get the mod to experience this absolute treasure! 💞
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gncrezan · 4 months
IFs (especially IFs on tumblr!) are very fun because there's a lot of creator-fan interaction possible because of tumblr's ask function. you get to ask questions about your favorites, suggest ideas and sometimes those ideas are even taken on board. fans get much more content because the writers and creators are so accessible. and i feel like asking questions and leaving comments in this way has become so common and standard with IFs that people are forgetting that's a real person writing these stories. just because you can send the ask doesn't mean you should. DON'T BE RUDE ON ANONYMOUS!!!!! DON'T BE WEIRD ON ANONYMOUS!!!!! my jaw drops reading some of these asks so i can't imagine how it's like for the authors
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3416 · 7 months
clipped the segment from auston's appearance on spittin chiclets in 2018 where he talks about sitting with mitch on the plane and rooming with mitch on the road bc auston is SUCH a poser........ trying to act all high and mighty about mitch "watching cartoons" just to turn around and be like :) and we like to go to dinner with patty (naturally omitting that he also likes to cuddle w them in bed with dessert while they watch cartoons) (also.. them accusing mitch of being a furry and part of a sex club(??) in toronto... oh boy)
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adventures-in-teyvat · 9 months
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im so obsessed with the way games hint at romance between npc’s, it’s literally just crumbs and little insinuations but it’s so cute. like you never ever get anything more than these little spouts of dialogue—nothing ever comes out of it—but somehow that makes it even more sweet or exciting ?? almost like they will always exist as this fragment of a fairytale, absent of an ending, living forever in this giddy idea of a potential romance.
it’s cute, is what i mean to say.
and the fact that their names are bluffy and dummy is fucking adorable, ship name duffy
(also i didnt take screenshots of his story, but basically dummy is a dashing young rogue who came to the inn looking to make extra money but ended up changing as he says :3)
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Persona romance routes are all pretty bad but damn they really hit rock bottom with p3p femc route like the misogyny is very blatant and it’s almost hilarious like look at the Shinjiro romance. When you do his social link he’s like very clearly respectful of Kotone as a leader and explicitly says stuff like "oh yeah you’re clearly the best fighter we have, I don’t really know much about fighting like you do, I hope I’m not dragging you down, you’re doing a good job as leader just remember to take care of yourself, everyone looks up to you I know you can rely on them" etc. like he has faith in her leading abilities. But then when you romance him he’s like got dialogue like "bwah bluh i gotta look after you because you’re a GIRL and you need to stick by me, a big strong MAN so you don’t get hurt" and "don’t wear that revealing outfit in front of other guys 👺" and it’s like. Does he respect her or not and also like it doesn’t make sense for him to look down on her for being a girl cuz he literally has never not been led by a girl leader during his time in sees and Mitsuru in particular really has her shit together when it comes to being responsible and a good fighter and she’s always known the most about Tartarus
It’s also like. Idk maybe its just me I’m not a girl so FUCK IF I KNOW but to me the appeal of romancing Shinji is the fact that he’s sweet and sensitive and gentle and has respect for you despite the fact that he acts all scary. That’s like, what made me like this character in the first place. But the writers seem to think what women want is for a BIG STRONG MAN to protect them because they are just DELICATE WOMEN who are inferior in every way it’s like. Shut upppp thanks
#persona#persona 3#shinjiro aragaki#this is soooooooo obviously not the only romance route that sucks in this game yall know which one im referring to 🤨#and i actually tend to think of the shinji romance as the best one in the series cuz at least his confession scene is the only unique one#that really highlights who he is as a character and goes with the story#but ughh just idk its so annoying how the writers cant decide if hes sexist or not its really weird and its like#really shows how poorly the writers think of women playing their game its like all the romance options are trash and then your boyfriend is#sexist to you and its so clearly done in a way thats supposed to be romantic which is. ew#like idk if my partner was like talking about how i need to stay close to them because im a weak girl and they are strong man#especially when im literally the leader of the team and have been doing perfectly fine thus far and am clearly the strongest here#id simply run him over with a bulldozer#and its like this will all the guys in this game its like girl shut up and eat glass#meanwhile when youre a male protagonist your gf will kiss your ass to the point its infuriating#and their character arcs can never be too grand cuz then they might not wanna fuck you if they realize they have worth#uh sorry my brain is all over the place basically i hate persona romances lol and i hate how they wrote shinji in his#like dammit i dont want him cuz hes gonna protect me like a man i want him cuz he isnt great at fighting and prefers cooking and puppy dogs#and has respect for me and trusts my judgement and asks me to talk about my life and interests and smiles sweetly#but god forbid a woman in this series be respected i guess
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fitzrove · 4 months
Rant in the tags... I am insufferable
#i keep watching video essays that annoy me.....#largely about like idk 'girlhood' 💀#and they never make sense or come across as relatable because smth like loneliness or relationship drama or identity for women is ALWAYS#connected to relationship history with men 💀#and h*terosexuality is treated as an universal aspect of womanhood#this also makes many stories unrelatable to me. a man existing is not a crime but stories saying smth deep about womanhood through how women#feel about men makes it alienating when you don't see the world that way#also idk some video essays are just soo pretentious and the person talking obviously doesnt know enough abt the topic#this doesnt only go for 'girlhood' type essays btw it also goes for the stuff i watch about minecraft and ts2 etc (yeah...) 😂💀#anyway yeah where is the essay about the universal girl experience of wanting to be crown prince rudolf (JOKING)#no but the thing is... watching dune made me realise... ppl never let a girl be a hero in blockbusters IN THE SAME WAY men get to be#st*r w*rs tried but the overall plot failed in many parts & people couldnt be normal abt it#idk i do think its because of how sex and romance are treated way differently in women's stories....... women never have those happen#just randomly on the side as things that build her up and somewhat affect the hero's journey - it often becomes About The Man#(because often it is a man)#idk#where's girl p*ul atr*ides. where's girl j*sus. where's girl crown prince rudolf#(in my fanfics.... that last one is in my fanfics...)#well just one so far unfortunately 😔
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
one of my favourite character relationship dynamics, platonic romantic or anything, is when two characters are absolutely the bestest of best friends and when one is hurt or something the other will scream and cry and wail and explode and when the other is in danger then the first one will go on some kind of silent terminator-esque rampage about it. besties (do no separate)
#i havent watched more than season 3 of x files but i rewatched season 2 recently#and that entire season along with the first half of season 3 (where i am now LOL) have been entirely this#literally like. mulders the screaming crying throwing up type and scullys the terminator one#its awesome#another far less obvious and possibly less intentional example but recently ive been reading some villainess manwha called#a villainess no more and like. the romance is kinda sweet and gentle and cute and all but like#i kind of really loved in the early parts where they kinda just became besties at first sight#like bro......they are BEST FRIENDS#rn in the story ive gotten to the point where theyre best friends And lovers which is sweet#its interesting though normally im a huge sap who loves romance in like everything but like...i kinda preferred them just as besties?#not something that happens to me often (nothing wrong with purely platonic relationships im just a romantic dweeb)#(theres exceptions of course. speaking of scully and mulder i like them best not as romantic or platonic but a secret third thing)#(theyre relationship is: scully and mulder. you know. thats their relationship status)#but this is a case where i really loved the platonic married besties dynamic a LOT#are there any comics or something about two besties being married platonically. maybe im craving something i never knew i craved#besties wedding. besties wedding#but i guess its no surpirse that i love besties dynamics if you remember all my complaints about certain routes in certain sengoku era otog#i think shingens route should have had more goofing around. i think mc and shingen should have become besties before romance#sometimes i cant buy romance unless they become best friends first. become BUDDIES before u put a ring on it#if that makes sense. who knows what im talking about. hold your besties real close tonight.....for me#(a transparent version of me smiling is overlayed over the night sky before i fade away into stardust)
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itspileofgoodthings · 9 months
I mean, you know I love an American aesthetic.
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baconcolacan · 6 months
Thanks for the cute ship hcs so far btw (T▽T) I always enjoy how people can find different kinds and types of love with the characters. Makes me so happy. Makes my heart all mushy 💕
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
We think Kabbu is aroace but specifically the kind of aroace where he's aware of romance and sex and all that jazz and he is in theory Totally Allo And Normal Definitely but in practice he couldn't catch someone hitting on him if they hit him with a brick to the face.
He's aware of it in theory but in practice the fact that it applies to him and people exist who could find him attractive is completely alien because internally the concepts are like oil and water and he cannot conceive the idea of him actually, like, entering a relationship with someone.
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bittersweet-mojo · 11 months
so good omens. hm. truly I dont know how to feel. this is the most well executed cash grab i think ive ever seen. like. oh for sure this season Should Not Exist. but neil and presumably a lot of other people looked at it and thought. well that could make a lot of money. and like, these are people who can write and make good tv, like its not bad! its just the most patiently obvious cash in i think ive ever seen. it’s a completely different show. its.. fine. its taking all the things the rabid fans said they wanted and just giving it to them. and like. theyre just gonna keep going you guys asked for a straight drama romance and your going to get it. theyve committed to it now. and theyve done everything right like, there’s nothing truly offensive about it. and for those mad about the cliffhanger guys this is pat and parcel for romance shows they want to make money theyre gonna milk it for all its worth. they cant just live happily ever after, if they did we wouldnt have a season 2 in the first place. truly the right thing to have done with the story was to just have them kiss at the end of season 1 and never touch it again. but now we have this. cool.
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impossiblepackage · 2 months
so fucking tired of media with a super cool and interesting premise and all sorts of fun stuff going on just for it to spend half it's time going on and on about yet ANOTHER mediocre romance. Seems like every time there's a character who gets talked up as being cool and competent and maybe scary who isn't shown immediately, I get lured into a false sense of security until BAM! it's a conventionally attractive man who is often way younger than the way people talk about him would imply. And you just know, right away, "oh okay so our protagonist is going to spend most of her time falling for this guy rather than focusing on any of the actual fucking interesting things going on despite her being the center of those interesting things"
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eorzeashan · 9 months
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Reverse City spoilers but this guy owns my Mihile's whole ass. He doesn't even have a face but he moved me in this story so much. Sad author guy who put his entire soul into his books but also needed the courage of another human being to have the will to live. Kind of boring in his own way but he was so cool-- 'we're all sad lonely pathetic outcasts who want to see our next sunset' theme got me ok
Not to mention there's something really intriguing about isekai'ing a guy from the normal world to this alien one while the PC is from a fantasy world, so you're technically both isekai protags but reversed as well
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