#this is kinda inspired by watching a reaction and they claim that the haters care more about the show than the fan
phasesofpencils · 5 days
This is the last im gonna say about Apology tour but, like this whole romance plot could have potentially been at least interesting if it was handled well. But as it stands it's just frustrating.
If there was actual nuance. If they would actually acknowledge that BOTH sides were and continue to be toxic towards each other, and not just having Viv try to cover her ass in tweets about "acknowledging both are at fault". It COULD have been a compelling melodrama about a weird relationship and miscommunication. But the main issue and this season's entire problem is that it only feels like they want us to see it from Stolas's POV, and hold his hand, and retroactivley justify his behavior in season 1 as "cute" naive flirting.
Every time Stolas gets a little self aware about Blitz never having been happy, and how wrong their deal was, and how maybe he didn't actually treat Blitz as well as he thought he did, its just one step forwards and 5 steps back and he either continues to ignore it in favor of his own fantasy of Blitz and their relationship or literally in the new episode OTHER CHARACTERS tell him to ignore the one logical thought he's had. We have not STOPPED getting Stolas's POV of how he sees Blitz, but we've hardly seen anything on how Blitz sees Stolas. other than thinking he's just a rich asshole and we're supposed to take that as like him being a "tsundere" about it. We get so little on Blitz's perspective that it feels more like the story trying to force Blitz into being into Stolas for the plot than actually developing an attraction to him (not even touching on the weird and highly toxic dynamic of their relationship past and present that again is just being played as like Stolas being naive).
It's just a constant dog piling onto Blitz and it doesn't feel fair. It doesn't feel fair that apparently we have to WAIT for another character to FINALLY call out Stolas when this entire season has been dedicated to calling out and blaming Blitz. It doesn't feel fair that even people in Blitz's life that should probably be a little more on his side, like Fizz or the I.M.P gang still feel like they're trying to make Blitz feel bad for not recognizing Stolas's feelings and/or won't actually listen or understand what their relationship was actually like and just make assumptions for him on how he's supposed to feel. It isn't fair that every little character flaw Blitz has is poked and prodded and called out but every character flaw Stolas has is ignored or temporarily reconciled (see every time he ignores his daughter and makes up with her) or excused as "but he's just naive cus he's new to love and rich and sheltered". Stolas keeps blaming Blitz for "always making it about sex" and "talking like Striker" and "I've never looked down on you" and I'm just SCREAMING for Blitz to call him out on his hypocrisy and stop groveling to him. Stolas and the show just has the worse habit of ignoring his flaws as real consequence-having flaws and won't stop victimizing him for it meanwhile Blitz is just constantly demonized for his flaws. The show feels like it plays favorites, and it's just so old and repetitive at this point and it's not fun and not compelling when i just go into every episode thinking "how are they gonna blame blitz and victimize stolas this time".
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