#it's like her power is growing with every episode? i swear if she has a similar or more prominent role in 73 Yards i'm going to bite someon
starleska · 4 months
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for the folks who wanted all of Susan Twist's casting appearances to date, here you go:
Mrs Merridew in Wild Blue Yonder
Mystery Woman in The Church on Ruby Road (uncredited)
Comms Officer Gina Scalzi in Space Babies (uncredited)
Tea Lady in The Devil's Chord
Ambulance in Boom
i don't believe Russell for a second, that they just 'ran out of actors' 😂 i am convinced that this mystery woman played by Susan Twist is some sort of embodiment of Story, the way Maestro is the embodiment of Music. the way she keeps playing supporting parts, the reference to Margaret Lockwood in The Wicked Lady... there's a few theories percolating right now, but i think she's a large part of the reason why the fourth wall keeps being broken. it's strange, how intrusive her presence is...it seems that with each episode, her importance to the plot grows stronger. she's gone from small speaking roles which don't impact the story, to directly interacting with the Doctor and Ruby, to being capable of killing characters in the central plot... is it possible that Susan Twist's character is attempting to take over the narrative and become the main character of Doctor Who herself? 👀
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flicklikesstuff · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Ep 8 Ramble and Theory
⚠️ SPOILERS!! ⚠️
Surprisingly, the show’s first season really got me hooked with its storyline and I can’t wait what’s in store for the upcoming season 2.
I’ve had my suspicions with Alastor since the pilot, and it just keeps growing with every episode. Even then, his real motivations are just hard to really see and it’s what makes his character intriguing. One moment, he’s lurking in the shadows like some sort of villain, and then the next, we see him maaaybe caring for his friends?? If he even considers them that. Idk 🤷
I’ve always thought that maybe he’s sticking around and playing nice to get Charlie’s guard down in the long run. Waiting for her to get desperate so he can strike a deal with her. So he could ask her for any favour in the future. And guess what? That’s what he exactly does in Ep 7.
And if I’m recalling correctly, Alastor helped Charlie with the war, but Charlie is yet to grant her own end of the deal. Alastor STILL is owed a favour from her.
(Where am I going with this theory and analysis? I’m getting there-)
At one point, maybe he did genuinely care for the hotel and the people in it. Regardless what his motives were. He even admits it’s a “surprising thrill” to watch them form connections. But the word choices he uses in this scene are just sooo…weird?
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“Almost??” “Could get accustomed??”
It sounds like he admits feeling attached to the other characters but at the same time, doesn’t want to commit to it. Does he have far more nefarious intentions in mind for them and that’s why he’s so distant?
Alastor probably noticed this in the ending of Ep 8 too. His altruistic self almost got control of him. He almost risked his life to help his “friends.” And he didn’t like that one bit. Perhaps, he sees this trait as a weakness.
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It really sounds like the verse“Great Alastor Altruist died” is equal to him stating that “there’s no more Mr. Nice Guy” from now on. He’s disconnecting and staying firm to whatever his highly vague motives are. And it’s highly likely that whatever’s holding him back from his full power is the deal he made itself. And he’s going to try anything to get out of it. Maybe that’s the reason why he approached Charlie in the first place.
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And I’m going back to Charlie’s deal with him here. The only condition she has is that she won’t harm anyone for him. But knowing Alastor, he’s going to twist the words a bit there. Maybe he won’t harm them physically. But maybe in some other way. Indirectly. One that Charlie won’t see in the long run. Maybe he uses this one favour to help him break free of this deal or loosen it in some way.
And Charlie already has so much trust in him after the battle, she most likely won’t see it coming. It’s perfect.
(Not exactly sure how these soul contracts work buuut, she’s the princess right? Maybe she’s powerful enough to do smth about it? Maybe that’s why Alastor was so interested to gain her trust and potentially free himself?)
But anyway! Onto the second part of my theory!
Alastor’s probably going to optimise his one chance of freedom through Charlie’s owed favour. But I have a feeling he’s not only going to use just Charlie.
Who else is at the hotel that the other main cast members trust? Who he could freely command under his control? To show up at his will? Answer his beck and call? Whose souls that Alastor owns?
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I swear. It is NO ACCIDENT that these two were standing side by side. NEXT TO ALASTOR. In the ending. (Or maybe I’m overanalysing, but whatever. This is MY ramble)
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When Alastor comes back from the “dead”, everyone was happy to see him. Especially Charlie. And surprisingly Vaggie? I guess she’s warming up to him. Idk if that’s good or not.
Everyone except Lucifer and Husk. Lucifer’s still bitter on the whole ‘dad’ thing. But I just really felt sooo bad for Husk here. 😂 My guy had maybe a few happy hours of what he thought was freedom. Then he sees this guy come back and he’s just: “Ahhhh… SHT-!”
Now I’m just saying, I don’t think Alastor can just casually go up to Charlie and just easily demand that favour. Especially now that Lucifer might be staying around(?) Also, Alastor sounds like someone who would strategically play the long run if it means benefits. Albeit, less truly altruistic than before since that approach almost costed him highly.
He’s maybe going to have to pull some strings to really make Charlie feel like she HAS to do him a favour. To better solidify his chances and so she’s less likely to be hesitant/reluctant/suspicious. After all, Alastor is only owed ONE FAVOUR. Maybe he’ll pull some strings to win over Lucifer’s own trust too so he won’t be stopping Charlie? (I’m not sure, these two are not in good terms.)
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(Look me in the eyes and tell me this is the face of someone who’s definitely not going to use this hotel for his own personal gain. Things are going to start getting ugly with Alastor’s new approach. I’m also still like 80% sure these 3 characters are placed together for a reason. It CANNOT be a complete coincidence, right?)
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Now I’m really curious how Husk and Niffty would react under this sudden new approach. The angst potential here is smelling strong. It’s obvious that they’re starting to get highly attached to the hotel and really consider the others as friends. Something Alastor didn’t allow himself to.
And it’s not like they have a voice in the matter either. No matter what Alastor tells them to do to secretly manipulate things around the place so he’ll appear like he’s “helping out more.”
Who knows really? What kind of errands he’ll force them to do? “Mr. Nice Guy” is really no longer an option here. That guy is dead. Adam killed him.
And all at the same time, Alastor wouldn’t be breaking Charlie’s condition. He’s not making her hurt anyone at all. Just helping a good old pal, who’s done so much for her, to maybe loosen the constraints his deal has. Or whatever else he wants, I don’t fcking know-
(But Srsly though. The angst??? Niffty and Alastor are fond with each other, but Niffty is also starting to like her new friends too. Will that create some sort of rift? Niffty actually being hesitant??
And don’t even get me STARTED on Huskerdust. Like wtf-? Husk has already stepped out of line before and it left him completely shaken. What else could he do? And a heartbroken Angel finding out he’s behind all this when Husk is the first person to truly reach out to him? Husk not being able to meet his gaze out of guilt?? THE FCK-???)
Yeaaaahhh, can’t wait what Season 2 has for us all….
Remember fellas, this is just a theory. A Hazbin theory! :))
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elionwriter · 1 year
Wow, just wow. I can't believe it! They made me hate my favourite series. I mean, the entire S3 of the Mandalorian has been bad, but for me this episode really broke it.
It was a travesty. I mean, how do you go: yeah we got a great series, with great characters that have been growing steadily over the past two seasons.... let's just toss all that in the garbage bin and do whatever we're doing now.
I swear this season is making me legit angry. 😠😠😠😤🤬😡 What the F!!!!!! It's so bad!!!!! Lizzo and Jack Black?!?! Are you for real?! Evil separatist dude in the worst mystery plot ever?!?! The knighting scene?!?! And the absolutely anti-climatic passing of the dark sabre? Like what the fuck was even the point of making Din have it? And make him struggle with it?!?! Din's character was supposed to prove that despite being brought into the creed and not being born Mandalorian royalty he still was in every way, at his core Mandalorian, even more so than most who took it for granted, because he understood, respected and upholded those values. And the show goes, nah, let's give power back to the legit princess who basically got a pat on her back for whatever she did this season and forget there is someone who earned everything he has and has become through trial and error. Honestly, it's not that Bo is taking the leader position, I would be ok with that if the story actually made her work for it. But the moment she reached the covert the armourer was just like 'yeah, I'm gonna favour you over the person who almost died to be accepted again in our family and protected us for years. Sure, take off your helmet Bo, it's not like I immediately kicked out Din the moment he did so without even wanting to hear his side of the story. Let's, once again, hand Bo-Katan the sword without saying that we're just handing down the sword to her! I mean come on: it's Din and Sabine the ones who sweated over it! Bo-Katan literally never did anything to properly deserve it!!!!!
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rex101111 · 1 year
Finally gotten around to watching the three so far released episodes of My Adventures with Superman (in a way that is Totally Legal(TM) I Swear), and I love it! Its very sweet, very cute, just a really sunshine show with a lot of room to grow and some nice intrigue thrown in right away to let quietly simmer throughout it, very good.
A few noteable things i liked:
* Superman. Supes is...so good here. Just the perfect blend of modern Good Boy Shonen Protag and classic Farm Boy Clark he’s been since the 90′s. He’s a delight. Specifically I really liked how they established how central his “I’m here to help” thing to his character right off. He had a kite stuck on a tree, and his powers didn’t awaken when he wanted to this (very very slightly) selfish thing. A person is in danger? His powers roar to life right away. Pitch Perfect Superman.
* Lois!! She’s such a delight, honestly. Its a bit jarring since I just finished binging the old Superman cartoon from the 90′s, in which Lois is the hardass experienced reporter she’s been in just about everything since the late 90′s, but new Lois here is still very recognizably Lois Lane, the reporter that doesn’t think twice about putting herself in danger for a story, she’s just more puppy dog about because we get Intern Lane for the first time in a while. A thing I really liked about her is that, yeah, she wants to interview Superman for the big scoop...but her initial and main driving motivation for that is that she wants to say thank you to the person who saved her life. That’s just great.
Also also these two are totally a Gohan X Videl Au fanfic with the names changed and I am all for it lets fucking GO.
 A couple things I’m undecided on:
* Fuckboi Deathstroke is...a choice. That’s for sure. I’m really torn because im so used to Slade being this totally in control, always scheming older dude with a rancid vibe you can only get from dating a 15 year old. (YEAH THAT’S A THING, YOU THINK HIS DYNAMIC WITH TERRA WAS FUCKED IN THE CARTOON??? HOW LITTLE YOU KNOW). So him being this young is throwing me. Granted, he’s still a douche, and a slimeball, and he introduces Amanda Waller into the narrative right away and I am always game for The Wall to show up and make things difficult, so I’m in the middle here. Lets see what they do.
* I want to like Jimmy, I do, but there’s just something about his energy that seems too...desperate. I dunno I think he needs a bit more fine tuning with his writing because he’s just a bit...too much for me. Which is not that bad honestly, he has his good moments, specifically when he teases Lois about Clark, but unlike those two he’s too surface level. Sure he and Lois stick around to help people but that’s...basic. Lois is driven to be a real reporter and is willing to stick her head into any bear trap that looks interesting enough. Jimmy is a...conspiracy theorist...lovely.
Okay, real talk, can we stop making conspiracy theorists main characters? Or treat it as some cute quirk? Because I swear these guys are never likeable enough to hold major screen time every episode. I swear if Jimmy says some bullshit about Lizard People I am going to McFreakin lose it.
And just because he’s right about the aliens and meta-humans and all the other shit doesn’t make that gimmick any less annoying! Give the guy something else! If he isn’t Superman’s Pal anymore, okay sure fine shifting dynamics is fine, but maybe give more weight to him and Clark knowing each other since college? Maybe have him visit his folks and show off how much he cares for Clark as a friend more specifically without the tinfoil hat bullshit? Please?
Anyway major nitpick above besides, good show! Go watch it! In a way that is totally legal but is sure to not give anyone in WB any money. 
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I believe the villains in Owl House got screwed over because Dana disliked writing them. Belos was stripped of his complexity, ignoring his lore, Kikimora was reduced to a joke, and the Collector was transformed from a malicious, cruel person to an innocent kid who only wanted friends. It feels like Dana doesn’t enjoy writing villains.
So I don't think it's that Dana hates villains. I think it's that the TOH writers had no interest in writing an adventure series. Because of how much time is wasted, even in S2B, purely on romance and schoolkids being schoolkids (Them's the Breaks still has no point to exist after all) and how the villains are barely there outside of something to beat at the end of an episode, it kind of feels like the crew just wanted to do a magical school show which makes the supposed claim that Hexide was Disney mandated hilarious.
This actually also goes for the characters too though. A real adventure show would care about its power levels, its tricks and tools and actually showing the growth of our characters as fighters, not just as people. TOH... doesn't. Willow's big gimmick when she's first introduced is that she is incredibly powerful but can't control it. Then THREE EPISODES LATER, in the first episode that has Willow in it for more than a minute, it's resolved. Period. Until fucking S3. At that point, she is all powerful. Luz is all powerful by the beginning of S2, literally three episodes after she got her last glyph. Arguably, by Young Blood, Old Souls because she kicks the shit out of the entire Conformatorium in that one.
Even before then, most villains show up, cause a slight problem and then are quickly defeated after the character moment that the show setup with the conflict is resolved because their purpose is not as villains, it's just for the sake of it being an adventure show. Even the creatures of the Isles are for this purpose. That's also why most villains in TOH get like MAYBE three minutes of screen time at most. This would actually be okay if interesting things were being done with the characters but... Well, Luz goes through the same lesson multiple times in S1 about not taking cheats for magic and listening to Eda, almost ALL of King's plotlines in S1 are just repetitions of "Maybe don't see people as disposable pawns?" until S2 it's all "FAMILY!" until he's unrecognizable from his S1 counterpart. Then Gus has shades of self confidence issues in ALL of his episodes and never anything else. Then in S2 we have Hunter who is just mostly there in his episodes and learning constantly, "Maybe... Maybe friends are nice?" rather than actually challenging his world views and making him grow that way. That's also why I claim the show actively ships him with every girl his age.
It ironically makes the fact that TOH is so split in its identity feel like a necessity for the writers to have had more than at best two season's worth of material. With how much they recycle plot points, characters, etc. like that, of course it wastes time because it has no idea what to do with the amount of time it had.
Ignoring Belos' lore though is a different problem that has to do with his role as the big bad clashing with this, because he can't just be a slight obstacle to be overcome or else he looks like a joke like Kikimora or the coven heads came off as, but also that... Well, the show was ending.
So because they had nothing to do in S3 to keep audience interest because S2 had wrapped up too much, they leaned hard into saying "We have a complex villain, we swear," to keep people theorizing and invested in the show until the third special came out and the show went "JK LOL! We need to wrap this shit already. BYE!" Like they KNEW they didn't have the time, it's ENTIRELY on them to have focused so hard on Belos and then pulled the rug out from under everyone but...
But that's also just the normal trick of TOH. Here's the golden guard. No wait, he's a sad but mad boy, let's wrap this up. Here's a bully character who has deep ties to wanting the status quote to stay and should have a dozen anxieties about liking Luz. Never mind, none of that mattered, she's actually a good girl and has no issues getting into love besides the basic question of 'will she say yes?' Here is the ex-coven head for the EC who got betrayed and hurt by Belos while trying to just be a good sister fi- ISN'T HER TRAUMA HILARIOUS!?
If Dana disliked writing the villains, frankly, that means she disliked writing 90% of the show because most parts of the show aren't actually any better than the villains. They just got more screentime.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: ted lasso from 2x02 to 2x05
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jamie’s such an asshole 😭
“…oh.” skfjgjvjfjs
the sad music playing in this jamie scene is taking me out
i hate jane, beard deserves so much better
maybe frank sinatra was the problem
nate and his asshole attitude is getting really old
“why’s it smell like my nana’s house in here?” i don’t know why but the line delivery is sending me
“you ain’t even speaking spanish” CACKLING
“evidently she doesn’t eat sugar” “what a fucking asshole” 😭😭
the littles being absolutely thrilled when roy swears is so funny
we all have our kinks i guess skfjgkvkns
“when it sucks and i hate it, i’m gonna hire a bunch of children to follow you around and scream ‘told you so, told you so.’ for centuries” “i look forward to the attention” i love keeley 😭
“old people are so wise. they’re like tall yodas” WHATKGKFJFJS
dani finding it funny that ted and jamie look like they’re sitting in the guys hand while everyone else is upset is so on brand 😭
jamie better get on his hands and knees and beg sam to forgive him, that’s all i know.
sam is so precious, i freaking love him
higgins keeps showing up in the most random places 😭 someone get that man an office
nate talking about how jamie being back would ruin morale by belittling everyone then having him immediately doing it to will was such a smart move
ted got through to dr fieldstone 🥹 i knew she’d grow to love him eventually
oh shit, this is gonna be a disaster
- 2x03
sassy!! i’m so glad she’s back
“you finished on my-“ YELLING
“did he talk like that-“ “the whole time. and so eager to please. it was fabulous.” 😭
genuinely forgot about their hookup til now
“uncle roy, can we have ice cream for dinner?” “no, that’s dumb” “you’re right, thank you for helping me set boundaries” pls
“wow, she really loves you” “i know, it’s fucking annoying” 😭
i really hope we see more of rebecca and nora’s relationship, i’m loving it so far
nora being a sam girlie is so real of her
what the fuck did i just witness?!76(;;$(85&
“charles edgar cheeserton the 3rd” wake up babe new chuck e. cheese name just dropped
“sincerely, boss ass bitch” this whole scene has me in tears
“jamie tartt is a muppet and i hope he dies of the incurable disease of being a little bitch” that’s actually a really good insult 😭
so proud of sam!!
that entire scene with the tape was so powerful
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- 2x04
colin and moe aww
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i’m not gonna lie, this look is really doing it for me
did jamie just bless HIMSELF??? 😭😭
keeley sticking her tongue straight into the chocolate fountain was sooo me coded
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God, it’s me again-
a mini dartboard 🥹 henry is so precious
ted is all alone :(
“i think you might be dying” FUCKFKGJFJDJS
“i brought friend chicken!” “is that a christmas tradition in holland?” “no :D” 😭
“i just walked into your neighbors house! oh my God” idk why but this ep is making me lose it
“let’s get drunk!” pls he sounds so happy
rebecca’s look of disbelief at ted being called a wanker dkfjgjgjs
that nerf scene I’M CRYING
“mom! there are two white people at the door and they’re smiling!” BYE
the guy wanting a selfie with keeley instead of roy skfjfjsdjgkd REAL 😭
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losing it at dani and mrs higgins drinking together, they looked so happy skdjgjvkd
ted and rebecca spending christmas together and delivering presents to kids 🥹
“you want me to drive?” “the…steering wheel is on the other side” “right, i’m the one with the accent here” 😭
i love rebecca’s voice so much
this was such definitely my fave ep so far and i desperately need a holiday episode every season
- 2x05
ted laughing when nate said he’d talk to isaac was fucked up but so funny
“so can i like give this back to you and you give me cash? is that a thing or…?” “no.” lmfao
“i don’t drink coffe, my mother says i was born caffeinated” she’s not wrong 😭
nate is taking hit after hit this episode and i can’t even feel bad for him after how he’s treated will
God, i love the way higgins talks about julie 🥹
alright, who wrote ‘yum’ on roys picture? cause i know it wasn’t him lmao
i don’t care if it was just brett almost breaking character, i’m gonna believe that there was a slight smile on roys face cause he was happy to see ted
“you’d look well fit with pigtails” “i do 😁” petition for rebecca to wear pigtails at least once before the show ends…for science.
roy asking ted if he did alright with coaching isaac is something that can be so personal
isaac stopping in the middle of the game to tie that girls shoe just made me love him more
roys reluctant friendship with ted is everything
when harry met sally 😭
every time i believe i can’t love roy more than i already do he goes and proves me wrong
roy seeing the impact he had on isaac 🥹
keeley looks so proud of roy aw
don’t know if i’ve said this before but isaac has such a beautiful smile
“shut up. just shut up. you had me at ‘coach’” and if i said this is the funniest show on television?
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gayelectro · 1 year
Earthspark liveblog episode 9/10
Absolutely loving the camera work in this episode so far. The fight choreography and shots are looking fabulous. Very dramatic.
Not sure if the way they depict Skywarp's power is the most seizure friendly...
Overall I'm actually growing to like Megatron's voice (I didn't like it from the previews I'd seen) but sometimes he'll have a slew of dialogue where it's like "literally what is this accent that he's shooting for". People say it's Scottish, but I have never heard somebody with this Scottish accent.
Wilhelm scream
Dot punching Mandroid in the face was awesome.
Dot is the best, every line from her in this episode is just *chef's kiss*
Man, I dunno what it is, but I just cannot muster it in me to give a fuck about this Mandroid plot. So far, this show just works better for me when it's about the Maltos. I know I'm boned, since it looks like he's gonna be the central antagonist, but it's like... I do not care at all.
"I wish to rid this world of all violent beings" well we know the Cybertronian solution to that problem, now don't we?
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Not to be that guy on main, but Megatron laughing smugly while tied up in bondage...
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Dot is so cool. Like she's kind of everything (and MORE) that I wanted out of June Darby and Agent Fowler.
Okay, this has been nagging me the entire show... The arachnibots look more like ticks than spiders. They keep insisting they're spiders, but they're shaped exactly like ticks. The extra eyes aren't enough to sell me! Ticks are still arachnids! You can call them arachnibots but admit that they're ticks!
Tit missiles. Nice.
"I didn't have a word for my name, just a feeling" I like the exploration of that in this show, I know this is gonna be a reoccurring theme.
I honestly have seen nothing about Hashtag and Jawbreaker but I already love them. All these Terran babies are so precious. I would protect them with my life.
Yeah, Nightshade is just filling my heart with such joy. It's the way they made that face as they could tell Optimus was confused on how to refer to them. It's how Mo looked at them with understanding and stood up to say their feelings out loud. It just about made me break out into happy tears when Optimus Prime so readily accepted and then immediately started actively using their proper pronouns in a sentence. God, after all this time, seeing a Cybertronian that's like me just warms my heart.
Okay Tudyk definitely slipped into his Clayface voice for most of his explanation of the plan. I swear, this show would be helped out a lot if actors could have some more takes at lines. He is an amazing and varied voice actor! But I'm not feeling it.
Nice purple rain reference
Love when we get shots of bots safely catching a human while transforming, that's a cool thing we've seemed to get more of as we get more CG animated media.
Dot and Alex are so sweet. I love their marriage. It's easy to see how much they really love each other.
Wow I love that Mandroid definitely 100% died there and we're never going to see him again and there's no way he will come back and--
Oh my GOD Dot is such a good mom.
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piratesfromspace · 2 years
Poison (Billy Butcher x Reader)
Pairing: Billy Butcher x Reader
!! Spoilers for The Boys Season 3, episode 2 !! I’m interrupting my Top Gun mania to write for The Boys. I wrote this while on withdrawal from painkiller/AD and it turned out more angsty than I intended, but I’m pretty proud of this piece. Hope you’ll like it! TW: mention of death and alcohol, smut, p in v sex, kinda rough sex, angst, age gap, Reader is female and younger than Butcher but definitely of age (in her 20s or 30s)
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Butcher had - has - many vices. Addictions come easy to him. But sex is not one of them. Not since he lost his wife. The first time at least. Now he doesn’t even have the hope of finding her alive. He knows she’s dead, she won’t come back. He can’t decide if it’s worse or not than being in the limbo of maybe.
Her death has dug a new hole in his heart. In his already flimsy ethics. He just doesn’t care anymore about what happens to him, he has decided to follow his instincts - all of them, even the lower ones. It’s a death wish and a hedonistic impulse all wrapped into one. Into his sick mind. Into his oh so very mortal body.
The last remnants of compound V are running in his veins. The green poison is temporary - but it’s a poison nonetheless. He hates every minute of it. It enhances everything: his strength, his senses, his wit, but also his darkness, his impulsiveness, his ugly desires. He has one hour left before withdrawal, maybe two. And his mission is done. He found the supe he was looking for, he had squeezed the answers out of him, and then he had killed him. There is blood on his shoes, on the lapel of his ragged jacket. He can still smell it, and it’s driving him crazy. All this power at the tip of his fingers, and nowhere to put it. No more supes to smash to a pulp. He’s growing restless. Frustrated. He needs an outlet.
And then he runs into her when he gets back to the safe house. He knows her somehow. She’s a friend of a friend of Frenchie. She helped them once or twice. Or they helped her? He’s not sure but he remembers her because she looked pretty and young and out of her depth. Not the kind of girl who would usually hang around the likes of Frenchie and Chérie. She had been kind to Kimiko, when most people act afraid or like she doesn’t exist. She was different in a way he couldn’t really describe. She also had been nice to him. Flirty even, if he must believe MM’s taunt. She had looked at him like he wasn’t the monster he is, and he had been unsettled for a second. If he weren’t trying to lie to himself, he would recognize she reminded him of Becca.
It’s dark outside - he has lost track of time. All he knows is the feeling of power pulsing under his skin. And the girl, she smiles at him, she asks where the others are, she offers some food she brought back just for them. She still looks pretty. Still looks out of place in this rundown basement.
Are you okay? You look like you just snorted a kilo of cocaine. She quips, and he chuckles because her french accent makes everything she says sound so damn cute. Is that blood? Are you hurt? She adds when she gets closer, and he can see the faint freckles on her nose, the way her eyes grow big and concerned under her long lashes. Her hands find his chest, she wants to soothe him, to understand and to cure. The compound V is still thrumming in his body. He still has all this energy to spare. He doesn’t know how to cure that, until her lips fall on his.
It’s kind of a blur - experimental drugs will do that to you - but he’s now pressing her against the wall, kissing her senseless. He buries his face into her neck, getting drunk on her smell, something sweet and girlish, until he rucks her mini skirt up her thighs and drags his fingers against her clothed cunt. The fabric of her panty is damp, and he swears he can also smell this. He’s rock hard in his jeans, already leaking, like he’s a freaking teenager again. He snatches the fabric aside and gathers her slick before pressing circles into her little clit. She gasps and pants and it makes his ego swell. She grabs his arms as he pushes her even more against the wall, and he has to step back, let her breathe because he just forgot for a moment that he could crush her in a blink if he wanted to.
Please, Butcher She begs. He hates that she has to call him by this name, but it’s the only one she has for him. Still, he’s more than happy to comply, and to finally open his fly. He notices the way she tenses when she sees him. He’s never been this hard, this big, full of his drug-enhanced blood. He keeps his fingers on her clit, rubbing slow as he breaches her. He has to remind her to breathe and relax before he starts moving. He’s holding her, driving her up against the concrete. He can do that without breaking a sweat, without worrying his bad elbow will give out. She weighs nothing in his arms, it’s like carrying a cloud. She feels hot, scorching hot and tight and wet around his cock. He grinds his hips carefully, he wants to stay in control, to make it good for her, even though the green shit in his veins commands him to go fast and hard. Top take, to rip open, to not worry about the consequences.
She had always found him kinda hot. She finds everyone kinda hot actually, that’s her problem. But the first time she saw him, with his stupid grin and jerky attitude contrasting with his rugged appearance, she knew she was doomed. Butcher, two syllables that don’t try to sugar coat who he is. It’s not a hyperbole either. He has that violent aura, that assured bravado dipped in a very dark sense of humour. He also has the body count - in the very literal sense - to back it up. Everything about him screams danger, and the stories she heard should raise a thousand red flags. But she decided that he was too handsome to dwell on such consideration. It was actually part of the appeal. Her survival instinct was already fucked up, another dubious choice in her so called romantic life wouldn’t make a difference in the mess that was her existence.
The concrete wall is unforgiving for her back. She’s deliciously split open on his cock, pinned there with nowhere to go. He had swept her clean off her feet effortlessly. He looked buffed anyway, but she was not ready for this. Something was wrong with him. He was too quiet. There was a faint glimpse of too bright orange-y light in his eyes that wasn’t there before. He seemed on edge, ready to take on the world and to burst into tears at the same time. She wanted to help, as always.
He moves slowly, filling her so well, one of his hands between her legs, touching her where she needs it. Calloused fingertips on her tender flesh, the pressure perfect. It’s surprising because she thought he would be way rougher than he is - and she would have been happy with that. She could have dealt with the manhandling, and the quick fuck with no tomorrow. It would have been the perfect way to flush him out of her system. The almost-tenderness he’s displaying, the care, yet basic enough, he’s putting into this - she’s not sure she can process. She peers up at him with half hooded eyes, and he looks on the verge of crying. She surges forward, kissing his lips, drinking whatever sorrow is bothering him. She wants to help, as always.
Butcher keeps fucking her through the kiss, he licks into her mouth with a renewed hunger. She tastes like bubblegum and vodka, and it makes perfect sense with the rest of her. He tries to forget the sudden realisation she was the first girl he was sleeping with since Becca’s death. It had hit him from nowhere. Compound V has the nasty side effect of making you believe you’re unstoppable - that is until something you can’t break with your bare hands, like emotion or memory, comes back to bite you in the ass.
Butcher… butcher! She calls him back to reality. A pang of guilt crosses his face when he notices the way she’s huddled harshly between the wall and him, the thin tank top she’s wearing not enough to cushion the soft skin of her back from the hard concrete.
He mutters an apology and he carries her to the old couch below the dirty window. She’s still so light in his arms, she feels unreal. A ghost. An elaborate hallucination. Maybe he’s slowly losing his mind because of the greenish liquid sloshing in his skull. The only thing convincing him she’s somewhat true is her warmth, her smell, the soft noises she makes. It’s crazy how being a supe sharpens his senses until he can pick up the smell of her sweat under her perfume, of her wet cunt, until he can hear the slightest hitch in her breathing, the thump of her heart speeding up when he pushes inside her again.
Soft moans fill the room again as he rocks gently against her. Her hands are buried in his hair, grabbing at the luscious locks. She tugs at his scalp, bites his bottom lip, and snaps her own hips to take him further. He smiles against her neck as he understands what she needs.
‘You fancy it rougher, luv?   He whispers, voice hoarse with this heavy accent of his. She nods greedily. What a pretty dirty little thing you are He acknowledges, a hand collaring her neck, and her pussy clenches on his cock at this.
A grunt escapes his lips, something feral, almost victorious, as he feels the last surge of cursed power coursing through his body.
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kkusuka · 3 years
Have I told you I hate weak y/n’s that get pushed around by fangirls? No? Well, I hate them 😊
Let’s have Oikawa, Atsumu, Akaashi, Semi, and Terushima react to their normally calm gf, beat the dog shit out of a fangirl that tried to intimidate her for dating said men above. Reader just has a soft smile before cocking her fist back and boxing her shit before holding up the fangirl and looking to the rest like “You wanna end up like her? No? Then know your place~ ☺️”. Then she faces her bf with a sweet smile and says something affectionate like “I brought you lunch, dear. I made it just how you like it 😄” before kissing his cheek like she didn’t go Muhammad Ali on a bitch
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Oikawa Tooru<3
Oikawa’s had more than a few less than pleasant experiences with women
Considering he’s always been surrounded by them, from his sister's friends in middle school and being swarmed by them in High school and college- having women around him was nothing new
And for the most part, they were all pleasant
Giving him little gifts and food- that he always gave to you- and just telling him how much they loved watching him play
All things he can deal with before talking to his favorite girl, you
Though, there have been instances of some bold woman who just never get the hint
Whether it be drunkenness or some weird dream of having Oikawa to herself or just blatant disregard of his relationship
And right now just happens to be one of those times- but now you got a firsthand view of the madness.
Whoever this was clearly didn't understand relationships or personal space for that matter
She had a hand on his chest and was just blubbering about how she would be the best wife for him and would make life so much easier- much more than you do for him- and that was just what you saw from the ten seconds you were in earshot
He would normally laugh it offend continue seeking out autographs but he seemed to be locked in an iron maiden
“I promise! Forget about your girlfriend, she’s useless anyways!” and finally a perfect chance to make yourself known
“Tooru, I have your lun-” you attempted to grab him away, him shooting a pleading look to save him before your wrist was snatched from his arm and tugged away and shoved to the side then pushing your body away from the two
“Back off bitch!”
Now,  you were normally a pretty calm person, you knew how to deal with the women and you have been for years.
But you stand by the fact that it was never ok to put your hands on someone- no matter the situation.
But at that moment, you could care less about your silly reparations and breathing methods, that lady put a hand on you and pushed you
You could hear Tooru telling her to keep her hands off you but you just looked around and made sure that everyone saw what had happened, you don't need to be arrested anytime soon
Grabber her arm you detached her from your boyfriends and in the next second your fist was connecting with her face, watching her wither on the floor you turn to your boyfriend who’s now coming towards you
“As I was saying, I have your lunch.”
Atsumu Miya<3
Another guy who’s constantly surrounded by women
Although he is far less appreciative and nice to them, and he makes it a point to be abundantly clear that you are the only woman he will spend the rest of his life with
Something that wasn't too popular with a few specific fans
Every blue moon someone will find his phone number and blow it up with loving messages or try and get his address
The worst it’s been was someone finding his apartment number and thankfully being too far away to come by themselves but they did send some inappropriate images to his PO box and that led him to create an even thinker line between fans and himself
Thankful, the whole of them understood and respected his boundaries
Buuuuut there are always people who go the extra step
Like whoever this is crowding your boyfriend after a win against the Alders with a giant poster of him and a …. Thong
If you were the slightest more stoic you would have held in the laugh that started it all but it seems crazy is crazy no matter how you provoke them
That lady heard you laugh and the flood gates opened, in a split second her hand was on your cheek then she was on the floor holding what you could hope was a broken jaw
You didn't even realize you punched her until a shooting pain went up your wrist
Though before you had a chance to return to your lovely boyfriend, who was standing in the same spot shell shocked (and slightly turned on)  hand grabbed your ankle the flung you to the ground
It was, for lack of a better term, a catfight
She was hitting you and you were hitting her and she was screaming random shit about how awful you were to her precious Atsumu- seriously this lady was insane
Nevertheless, security arrived, and let’s just say that you were in much better condition than she was, who knew you could fight so well?
Though you weren't allowed to come to the next game and had to apologize to the heads of the Volleyball association, Tsumu was proud of you and the internet was on your side- so it was kind of a win-win
Akaashi Keiji<3
He surprisingly doesn't have a swarm of fangirls around him
But it’s much much worse, you’d rather have a mob of girls around him than the four specific psychos that never leave the poor guy alone
Everywhere in school at least one of them is watching the two of you, in class, at lunch- no matter where you try and eat- you swear you even saw one at the boba show you pass on your walk home with him
The worst part?
He thinks it’s funny.
It is hilarious to him that you try so hard to keep them away full knowing he would never leave you for the likes of them. It’s just too cute how you puff up your cheeks and huff about them and honestly, it's a breath of fresh air considering how much everyone kisses up to him
Well- he likes it when they are at a distance
On the off chance they get close to him, it's a different story. They truly are intolerable, and they away try bad-mouthing you to him like it was supposed to mean something that they don't like you
And they only ever do it when you’re away- cowards they truly are. And since they’re always watching, as soon as you left to buy the two of you lunch, one of them was on him in an instant
She was annoying and all she could say was ho you were a ‘poison’ in his life and he had to leave you as soon as possible
He didn't even realize you were there until a hand grabbed the back of her uniform and flung her off him. And from the looks of it, falling on the ground really hurt
“I’m a poison? That’s all you could come up with?”
You didn't even have to say another word, she was already out of sight
Not missing a beat, you handed him his lunch and started talking about the latest episode of the volleyball anime you loved.
Semi Eita<3
First off- a total power couple
Not only are you willing to beat a bitch, but he’s also ready to hype you up while you do it
It’s not confirmed you have, but there are rumors that you fought more than a few girls who were less than pleasant. And it’s not like you do anything for rumor control, you just laugh and turn the other way
Still, even with the rumor mill running rampant, some girls still try and shoot their shot
But this girl has to be the boldest woman on planet earth
Not only was she flirting with an openly taken man, but she was flirting with him as he held his arm around your waist. She even looked at you as she spoke to him, the audacity of people these days
“You like music? That’s crazy, I do too!” you wanted her to shut the fuck up as soon as possible.
What pissed you off more was that he knew exactly what he was doing, and he was letting it happen to spite you.
What happened after this you blame solely on the alcohol the party was providing and not on the fact you wanted to clock this girl the moment you saw her
It was just that suddenly your drink was in her face
Then her drink was in her face, and she was running to the bathroom, maybe she should listen to rumors more often because you don't think strawberry daiquiri will come out of a white crop too so easily
Terushima Yuji<3
He’s an ass
But he’s your ass, somehow
He’s a manwhore and an attention-whore, mix that should have been shot before it could grow into something more
By now you're used to the girls slipping him their numbers and hitting him up on every social media site possible and you remain happy to say he doesn't respond- probably too busy dicking you down to care about any of them
Plus, less than 1%  of them actually approach them in public, and they just happen to be the most insufferable people on the planet.
Desperation doesn't even describe it
Of that 1%, at least half of them try to touch him, running a hand on his arm, tugging at his clothes, maybe even a strand of his hair, all you can deal with because he knows what’ll happen if he even entertains their advances
But for some reason, the only thing that sets you off is when they mention the tongue piercing.
It invokes a rage unknown within you, the second the metal ball’s mentioned you see red. And he fucking loves it, you could be three prefectures over and the second the girl mentions it, you magically appear at his side like you’d been there the whole time
All of a sudden you’re all over him, disregarding this girls words as she tries to bring the conversation back to her, going as far as grabbing your shoulder, and since she touched you first- you had the green light
Your arm pulled back and your fist connected to her cheek
And like nothing ever happened you turned back to the blond
tags: @diamond-3 @rinsangel @heyheyitsne @angelalje @monisi @crystal-lilac @sadpotato10
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swearyshera · 3 years
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I shall share my thoughts on these (no major spoilers!)
Beast Island: This one I've not got hugely detailed notes on, but those evil 'mind vines' are going to be fun to do in a painful way. Also Micah being a DAD.
Bow's One Time Swear: I always joke about just dropping it in randomly in a normal conversation, but I wouldn't do that. Or would I..?
Horde Prime: I have gone back and forth over how I'm going to do Horde Prime's character, to not only be humorous but also not end up making fun of things that aren't funny. To that end, I very much doubt I'll be making jokes about the clones having sex with him, because that power imbalance is just a little bit nope for me. That's not to say from the right perspective you can't joke about darker topic, but it's got to be done right and that is very difficult.
But, my intention is to make him a genuinely awful and unsettling character to see, and tease out humour from that in a way that doesn't punch down. Ideally, the reader will be on edge every time he's in a post, but we'll see how that pans out.
Queen Glimmer: Season 4 is when Glimmer thinks she has matured (season 5 is when she actually does), so it will be the time that her "I can fight whatever I like" persona starts to drop away. I think that in her first few episodes as Queen, she's afraid to make mistakes and that stops her from being her usual self (oh the irony), but as she grows more comfortable in her role towards the end of season 4, she gets that aspect of her personality back. But that, sadly, is what leads her to turning her back on her friends.
Double Trouble: I love DT, I really do, they are so much fun and they absolutely will be here! One thing I do know I'm going to change a little is their speech to Catra at the end of Destiny. I've seen a lot of people say it was inadvertently victim-blaming, so I shall remove the ambiguity and replace it with something that destroys Catra that little bit more. If in doubt, add more pain.
Save the Cat: I've not got a huge amount of notes, but the one I have around chipped Catra is either going to go down as terrifying (if I get it right) or offensive (if I get it wrong). No pressure there...
The Portal: I am actually about a third of the way through Remember as I write this, so I've gone through the happy Catradora moments and I'm onto the Adora breakdown. Changing the other characters in little but noticeable ways is quite fun, so I hope you enjoy that too.
For the final episode of season 3, I have a lot planned to make you laugh and cry. Mostly cry, I imagine. Adora and Catra's fight will see Adora say some stuff that really hits Catra; Adora and Angella's conversation before she goes for the sword will break you with three words. And the aftermath once they get back to Bright Moon? Good luck surviving that.
Bow and Glimmer's fight: I hate that they had to fight, but it will have to happen. Bow is learning over the course of the show that being a friend to someone doesn't always mean going along with what they want, and that you have to sometimes say 'no'. And the first time he actually does this with any meaning behind it, in Fractures, it shakes Glimmer because she's not expecting it - but Glimmer being Glimmer, she takes it entirely personally and lashes out verbally.
I feel like the way Bow matures in the show is often overlooked because it's a lot more subtle than Glimmer's 'impulsive kid to responsible adult' journey. Where she learns to think about other people more, Bow learns to think about himself more*, and this episode is when those two journeys clash.
(* not saying Bow becomes selfish, it's more that he learns to balance his needs with others' a lot better)
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truezero · 2 years
OK TOH THOUGHTS let’s go (these are just in order of the episodes progression btw)
Spoilers for Clouds on the horizon below
-look at the collector being a silly little guy!! Love them fr fr
-“what if it’s all chaaaanged? What if YOU changed??” Dude
-“you can barely keep your human shape anymore!” DUDE
-ok so at the very least we know that they aren’t gonna make a new grimwalker while Hunter is still around
-but also Belos’ utter lack of care about him makes me :(
-Yeah Belos free the collector, I don’t think they’re one you want to break a promise of :)
-“you need to have more faith in pinky swears >:(“ the collector grows on me more and more every episode I swear
-I could go on a whole rant about why the shift from their initially just kinda silly behaviour (in my opinion) to truly childlike nature is what both warmed me up to them and made me very scared for him
-but that’s for another post
-I’m gonna punt her
-hidden Blight kids what they doing
-“Blights always uphold their end of the deal” FUCK you
-oh hang on so Odalia talks about “reconsidering her deal” with Alador and immediately moves into talking about how the kids should get more involved, does that mean that Alador has been convincing Odalia not to shove them into business work? I hope so
-I must say I am enjoying Alador’s gradual redemption. I like that he hasn’t been forgiven right away, reasonably so, but is working to be better I think that’s just a very good way to go about his character and I’m very happy about it
-ok scene change to sum up fuck Odalia I’m gonna crime her
-Dude I want to give King a hug so bad
-Eber is real funny lookin’ I love them
- AAA Eda seems like she’s trying to put up a brave face and I’m gonna sob
- “bossy boots” 🥺🥺🥺
-Raine making a promise to Luz aaaaaa
-DUDE Katya is so fun and also my sister is so gay for her
-Gus using the thingy he nabbed from Adrian is so excellent
-“SORRY MAN” Hunter my beloved
-why’d they slide in like that gkdjdhd
-YESS Hunter jumping in to help Luz they are siblings your honour I love them
-AYO flowers around the balcony??
-ODALIA FUCKING BROKE THE TAMAGOTCHI I’m gonna commit a crime actually
-they tried to burn down. The FUCKING factory. I sometimes fear the Blight twins just as much as I love them
-NOOO AMITY :( I’m giving her a hug too everyone is getting hugs
-Emira prompting Amity to talk about Luz,, I’ll cry methinks
-“I would say all that :)” they’re so cute I’m on the FLOOR
-holy shit did the frame rate go up when amity said “I know”
-c r i k e y
-They are such nerds I’m going to scream slash positive connotation
-oh yeah everyone else is here too
-ooh haven’t seen the elixirs in a while that’s slightly concerning
-why is Amber the one piloting the ship she’s too TINY FOR THAT
-“it won’t change your voice, so try not to say much” that’s gonna come back
-oh god there goes her head I forgot she could just do that
-mmmm I don’t quite like that they just h a v e a sigil glove
-I trust Steve with my life but it is TERRIFYING that he can (is about to) brand Eda with a sigil just at any given notice
-why the FUCK does Odalia’s hair move like that
-Kiki looks so pathetic it’s incredible
-they are hiding :)
-I do NOT like how even the collector HIMSELF is doubtful of Belos’ integrity I am so prepared for him to betray the collector (never planned on freeing them in the first place maybe?) and the collector to go NUTS
-maybe that’s how we get collector!Luz? They team up because the collector feels betrayed and they’re like “Y’know what we do not like each other but this puritan bitch has to go”
-is king getting kidnapped with a trail of hex mix I swear to god
-The music is always so peppy when we get a new Blight product that dichotomy of sound and what’s actually happening is AWESOME
-Snorses :)
-dude Kikimora just getting fucking picked up is so funny
-“IM TALLER THAN E V E R Y O N E” she’s so unhinged oh my god
-she’s going to kill someone with that
-and I have no idea if it’s going to be on purpose or not
-is that his palisman
-I’m gonna start a riot if that’s his palisman
-I don’t even mean it negatively just fucking RAT
-Hunter trying to trick Odalia has no right being as funny as it is
-Dude how did Odalia not notice the abomination-purple hair poking out of one of those masks
-stop calling his voice annoying :(
-“sOrrY mAn” coven scout noooo
-AYO every one of the wild witches in this scene look awesome why are these designs so jammin’
-ok good King didn’t get kingnapped
-King hanging out with Alador? Not what I expected but I’ll gladly take it
-how is Odalia still running a business dude you can’t just fire HALF A TEAM and expect the same work rates
-I hate her
-she’s literally a toxic store manager but a million times worse
-“sounds like I joined the wrong coven” does mans not get LUNCH BREAKS??
-dude did Alador make that swingset for the kids??? It’s very abomination-y so it doesn’t seem unlikely
-I hope so that’s so cute
-“I’m gonna spend more time with my kids. Get to know them.“ SOBS
-oh fuck he knows now
-“I’m tired of all this draaama” I’m going to kill you
-“oh no, no, that won’t do” dude she’s literally acting like Luz is like,,, a fashion choice or an object she’s so yuckyyyy
-all the more reason for me to punt her
-“The Emperor has eyes everywhere” THERE BETTER NOT BE A TRAITOR I SWEAR TO GOD
-I really hope it’s just the collector watching through King and not a traitor
-oh fuck they plotting
-G O D
-bro Amity gets her red-faced trait from her dad that’s kinda cute
-I forgot how oracles fight that’s pretty sick
-ok “Hunter” blowing a raspberry at Kiki they’re definitely illusioned as each other
-“Hunter” did Luz’s classic little lip curl
-I will now be pointing out every detail that is proving this until either they switch back or I am proven wrong
-also both of them aren’t talking much did Steve not say illusions can’t change voices 👀
-Ok so Luz’s plan was definitely to illusion them as each other for some reason yea
-unfortunately, the jet pack did indeed work
-mmm Odalia calling amity “princess” just really gave me the icks I Do Not Like
-AYO Alador can pack a fuckin punch his eyes went purple and everything
-“Also, I quit” DIVORCE ARC
-“I’ve been meaning to find a new competent business partner anyway” Odalia that’s your fucking HUSBAND. Who you are MARRIED TO
-this slightly implies that she married him purely for business and that’s just :(
-and off into the mist she goes
-bye bye bitch I hate youuuu
-damn even Alador is scared of Odalia
-Gus is still holding an illusion even though the fight is over 👀 👀
-oh no
Very good episode 8.5/10 Hootys from me
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 years
Imagine someone (one of the animatronics) putting a squeaky thing in all of the plushies as a prank. Roxy goes to chew a Freddy plush and it makes the same noise that Freddy’s nose does. Chica’s plushes sound like those rubber chicken things now
Listen you say this but like
I've been headcannoning that Roxy gets the zooms and the number one thing that sets it off is a squeaky ball for some time now it's great. Like I love the idea that Bonnie abuses this knowledge and he's like "come on let's play catch!" and the zoomies and the urge to just chomp on this ball grows with every pass until she caves and bites it. He sometimes swaps a regular ball for a squeaky one and as soon as she hears it she's fuckin gone, running laps around the room while Bonnie sits there and waits for the crash like "My work here is done." I have a sketch idea for it I'll see if I can show what I mean later
But yeah fuhfhjgig this is absolutely Roxy and Foxy's weakness. Bonnie loves doing this to them. He thinks it's adorable and he knows how much they love it even if they pretend they don't. Anyway
Uguigib Bonnie tries the Chica plush sounding like a rubber chicken and it scares the shit outta her. All you hear from her room is a loud squawk and then "WHO DID THIS?!" She immediately assumes it was Monty or Roxy since they're laughing their asses off but nope, it was bunny boy! After the shock wears off she does think it's kinda funny.
Monty's plushies get the pig squeaker and he unironically loves it. He thinks it's so funny it's now his favourite of the plushies. He also loves teasing Roxy with it by squeaking it near her and watching her fight the urge to steal it and squeak the living daylights out of it with her teeth. Chica has done this a few times too but she'll typically give it to her to chomp on for a bit after just a few squeaks. Monty immediately knows it was Bonnie that did this since he helped squeakify the Freddy plushies.
Freddy is tired of the squeak. The kids and Chica are constantly squeaking his nose to the point it haunts his dreams. The honk of doom. He thinks all the other plushies squeaking is brilliant though. He loves how different they all sound too. Bonnie says he should hide it in with the plushies Roxy and Foxy chew on and he decides that's a great idea. He knows it was a good move when very loud, excited honking erupts from one of their rooms in Rockstar Row.
Roxy's plush gives a higher pitched squeak and Bonnie made sure it was the kind that would definitely cause an episode of zooms. He has too much power and must be stopped.
Foxy's sounds like a little horn. It makes him jump out of his skin and he throws it across the room like "AH KILL IT!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" Bonnie filmed it and he never lets Foxy live this down. He much prefers the squeak Roxy's plushie makes.
Foxy and Roxy team up to make Bonnie's plushies swear when you squeeze it. Like a pressure activated voice box with a recording of him swearing. He finds out when he shows a kid the plush in his room and it just screams "FUCK" at this random child that thinks it's hilarious. Bonnie has to steal a new one from the gift shop for them to make it up to them. He laughs about it after the fact but he is mortified at the time. Definitely high fives the perpetrators for that one.
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sepublic · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Ruins!!!!!
         SO! Onto other things first…
         WRATH IS BRAXAS’ FATHER!??!!? HOLY SHIT, Wrath is a canonical dad, I’d always expressed my… OH MY GOD WRATH IS DAD! And of BRAXAS, that sweetie… How is Braxas such a sweetie with a father like HIM, also-
         Wrath was in casual wear? Either he has a day off, or he got fired by Belos/Kikimora after drawing Luz a map to Eda in Young Blood, Old Souls! Either way this guy has a sudden new level of NUANCE that I am reeling from, and yes I checked, that really is Wrath according to the credits! Dang this puts everything in a WHOLE new light…!
         She looks so BEAUTIFUL and I love the kind of foreshadowing with the bookends of our first shot of Amity having her hair down, and now it’s changed! And she looks adorable and EMIRA AND EDRIC BEING GREAT SIBLINGS I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This… THIS is everything I wanted! I was resigned to not much of them but HELL YEAH they’re being good siblings and we get a look at their rooms, we see them doing MAKEOVERS together this is everything from my favorite fanon content and MORE,
         Also Edric has a date?! Emira says ‘their’ mom… Unless the Golden Guard has a mom, DARN! Not gonna lie, I half-expected a big twist at the end that Edric was dating the Golden Guard, who was doing some sort of reconnaissance as his unrecognized normal self and/or screwing around with the Blights even further, but in a GENUINE sense… But then who knows Kikimora could be posing as GG’s ‘mom’, this is a stretch anyhow-
         JUST HELL YEAH Blight Twins! Blight Twins being sweet and mischievous and supportive of each other, Blight SIBLINGS being siblings, Emira being an older sister and giving advice! And AMITY, Amity mentioning how much Luz has changed stuff, I love that they acknowledge it openly how her life has completely shifted, and now… NOW…!
         No necklace! Red leggings! PINK HAIR?! Is this why Amity in the intro hasn’t been updated yet… She was getting TWO updates, so the animators decided to only animate a change after this final update?!
         King and Gus are also friends it seems, and they even recorded some fun together! I’m surprised at how much Bria and the others mock Gus’ illusion skills… Obviously Belos is kinda terrible but like; I don’t think he’d set aside an entire subset of magic into Illusions without reason! Also that nightmare trip… I LOVE IT, I love Gus applying the creativity of illusions in their ability to completely warp and distort someone’s sense of reality! And I called that dragon-thing being an illusion!
         A graveyard… I wonder if the Gallderstones (is that how it’s spelled) have any relevance or if they’re just neat? I hope Mattholomule and Gus help hide the Looking Glass Graveyard… Damn, that’s another Death reference with Gus, huh! Is it culminating in his respect for the dead, or will it continue further with Gus being a necromancer, or an Oracle who can commune with the deceased, and he has their respect as someone who treats them properly?!
         Also not to get dark but… What if all those Illusionists are dead because of Belos? I’m JUST SAYING…! And not gonna lie, every time someone insulted Illusions, I kept imagining the Illusion Head just suddenly waking up and feeling like there’s a disturbance in the force, as well as a weird compulsion to beat up some Glandus kids. It’d be even funnier if he had beef with the Construction, Plant, and Abomination Heads as well!
         Speaking of which, more confirmation on Construction Magic being related to earth! Glad to see Bria give us a look into that, which furthers my idea of Belos using construction magic… Also dang, Bria and the Glandus Kids really are the parallels/foils to the Detention kids! You’ve got the short ‘nice’ girl, the tall lanky kid, the furry… But the Glandus Kids start off looking nice and cool, but turn out to be rather nasty!
         Meanwhile the Detention Kids seem like bad news and delinquents, but no! They’re just demonized and actually very kind and chill! The Detention Kids are looked down upon, the Glandus Kids are appraised… The Detention Kids are dual-track, the Glandus Kids are singular; Glandus Kids from, well, GLANDUS, Detention Kids from Hexside… One’s ‘mischief’ is actually very neat and cool, the other’s is literal grave robbing.
         I guess that’s how the bleeding statues got past the censors- It’s technically just an illusion! Also more insight into how Glandus works with its Survival of the Fittest mentality, I wonder if we’ll get confirmation on which coven heads came from there, how that might influence them as adults…
         What is Glandus like, is it more whole-heartedly accepting of Belos’ rule, hence its harsh ideals? Was it made after Hexside? Does Bump hate it for being so cruel like that, or is it just school bias? And dang poor Mattholomule, I always had a feeling he sort of felt and knew that he wasn’t much, so he accepted and compensated by deliberately doing whatever he can for power…
         They confirmed he’s from Glandus, and I appreciate this new look at him! This new leaf turned… Hot take but he’s honestly not as bad as Boscha, his stint with Gus was a one-time thing that Gus was able to live with! And that seems pretty good to set them up as friends! Speaking of Boscha, Willow was injured by pixies? And the last time we heard of pixies, they belonged to Boscha and caused the school to get shut down… Did BOSCHA DO THIS I SWEAR SHE IS DEAD TO ME-
         (Also she’s mentioned in the credits for this episode but I don’t remember hearing her? I might’ve gotten distracted with so much other things.)
         Gus! I like the insight into his relationship with Illusions, and I appreciate how he’s considering other forms of magic… But this hesitation might just serve to reaffirm his believe in Illusions, which is okay! It’s all about choice… And yeah, it seems Gus also has a case of impostor syndrome like King, no wonder they get along so well! I love the glimpses into Gus’ house and the confirmation that he has a library card, no Perry though alas…!
         I appreciate how Gus feels overlooked, like he has no real substance, which is how his Illusions reflect a desire to draw attention, but also the idea that there’s nothing real beneath them… Again, very much like King! And Gus, he’s not a powerhouse like the rest, he’s SKILLED and smart, but strength isn’t his forte, it’s not brute force he operates on, but cleverness! Trickery, I like it…! It’s a nice callback to his last A-plot episode, SVSF, where instead of fighting Mattholomule physically, Gus’ solution is to think outside the box and pull the alarm!
         You go kid, not relying on brute strength but showing that some clever tricks and thinking are just as valid! Kinda wonder if this episode is lowkey a discussion on masculinity for young boys, especially with Gus growing older with puberty, though the latter is mostly because his actual VA grew… But maybe the writers rolled with that and incorporated it, or it’s just a very neat coincidence! Also, it is me or did Mattholomule’s voice change? And the gag that Gavin’s dad looks identical to him, even moreso because he’s NOT supposed to have a moustache… That’s great!
         Malphas! Love this reference to a classic demon, I wasn’t sure if Malphas was the librarian with glasses whom I’ve always headcanoned as a father figure to Amity… But maybe it’s actually this bird dude! He seems adept in Bard magic, and I love the reveal of his true crow appearance… Guess those theorists were right that the one-eyed figure is from the Forbidden Stacks! Also Malphas NOT COOL with Amity, but I’m glad Luz changed his mind, and I wonder how that adventure looked…
         Which- DAMN, the RSD with Luz! She looks so UTTERLY BROKEN when Amity mentions doing stupid things, and she didn’t mean it like that, but Luz just looks so completely shattered and you can tell she wants to cry but instead she bottles it up and tries to take it in stride, and that plays into her trying to overcompensate for her mistakes AGAIN… SOMEONE GET IT TO HER HEAD that she doesn’t need to! I’m scared for Luz, and I was SO scared this episode would end on a bad note…
         This is EVERYTHING I ever wanted!
         What an AMAZING episode with wonderful characer beats and reveals! Again, Amity’s growth as a character, that brief insight into how Luz as a person is very chaotic and sometimes frustrating for Amity and forces her to reevaluate, but ultimately it’s good and Luz DOES try her best, and Amity clearly wanted to make things up for Luz and apologize, they’re BOTH doing things, just the little moments!
         Also, Alex Lawther voices Philip Wittebane! He has long hair and a vaguely british accent, he’s… He’s Belos isn’t he? And they got a new VA because having him voiced by Matthew Rhys would be really spoiler-y right? He’s got the long hair and he’s a nerd… And with how he talks of finding a way back home, maybe Belos really DOES just want to return home, after all? He talks of making a way back home…
         And we see a glimpse of the Portal, so it might’ve brought him there? Or did Philip succeed in making it, and that was his blueprint designs? Did he arrive by Titan’s Blood? What happened to the portal if it brought him there, or if he made it? Why the scar, why near Eda’s house, partially buried?
         Was it lost before he could finish his work, and Philip got side-tracked into something else… Perhaps going on a crusade, on behalf of a curse/demon that possessed him? A demon that killed King’s father…? Was the portal broken and he had to discard it, but then it naturally healed- Or did it just need to recharge, maybe Philip DID make it back home, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?! Is there some sort of doppelganger for Philip, is BELOS his doppelganger?! What is THIS WHAT-
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im-in-vin-ci-ble · 3 years
Heyy could I possibly request f!OC x Mark, in which the OC is Red Rush’s daughter who also inherited his powers. Set before the events of episode one maybe at a Guardian’s work party or smth. Mark and OC are hitting it off in a ‘Idk what’s going on my dad just works here’ solidarity during the party; while her doting and protective father Josef is keeping an eye on them, unsure about how he feels about his favorite sidekick growing up on him. Maybe Olga and Debbie try to be matchmakers too lol
A/N: okay well this is CUTE AF, I love this sm thank u for requesting <3 also josef and olga are married here, no one dies (yet) and everyone is happy!!!
Pairing: Mark Grayson x Fem!OC
Rating: T
Warnings: mild swearing
The annual Guardians of the Globe Founder's Day party was never really Zasha's scene. It mainly consisted of the Guardians and the Global Defense Agency's families, and more often than not, she was the only one in her age group. Her true purpose there was to really just pay her respects to the people — including her father, who people knew as Red Rush — who protected the planet.
This year's Founder's Day event was different, however, as Omni-Man finally accepted the party invitations he'd been ignoring for years. Although there were jokes that he had accidentally RSVP'd to the party, or that his wife had accepted the invite behind his back, everyone seemed happy, and still pleasantly surprised, when he and his family walked in.
Sitting down with a non-alcoholic beverage in her hand, she watched as everyone shook hands with the powerful Nolan Grayson and his loving family. Zasha's mom, Olga, walked over to say hello and immediately dragged the three to where Zasha and Josef were. The two male superheroes first exchanged pleasantries, followed by Olga forcing her daughter to get up so she can properly be introduced to the teenage boy standing across from her.
"Zasha, hi," Debbie said with a wide smile as she gave you a warm hug. "This is my son, Mark. I don't think you two have properly met yet."
He extended his arm, "Oh, hi, uh, I'm Mark," he replied with a sheepish smile.
"Hi, I'm Z," she said as Olga gave her a soft push to move her forward. The young girl's eyes threw daggers at her mom before politely shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you."
"Are you all hungry? They've got a lot of food," Olga told the Graysons, leading them and Josef, who squinted his eyes at Zasha and Mark, over to the buffet table.
Zasha and Mark looked at each other awkwardly and exchanged nervous smiles. He began to rock back and forth on his feet, shoving his hands into his pockets as he attempted to think of what to say.
"So uh, how's... superhero training?" he asked.
"Uh, good," Zasha answered, nodding her head. "We managed to take down Titan yesterday so that was pretty cool."
"Oh yeah? That's great," Mark exclaimed. "How about, um..." he scratched the back of his head, "Is the, i-is the drink... good?"
She looked down at her cup and clicked her tongue, "You know for a party that's sponsored by the government, you'd think they'd have better catering."
He chuckled, "If I knew this was going to be a boring party with adults and toddlers and no good food, I would have at least brought a snack and some comic books."
Zasha sat back down and looked up at him with a smile, "Well you better take a seat, buddy, because the next few hours are going to make you wish you were being hurled at buildings instead."
She gently patted the seat next to her and Mark accepted the offer. "Do you go to these things a lot?" he asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," Zasha replied. "You are so damn lucky your dad never wants to come to a Guardians event."
Mark laughed, "You know what, I used to be really jealous of all the families who got together during these events but right now, I'd do anything to just go home." He looked around and sighed, "I don't even know most of these people."
"Me too, and I've seen their faces at least thrice a year ever since I could remember," she agreed. "Actually, I think this is the first solid conversation I've had with someone at these things."
"Really?" he asked in shock.
"Really," she answered, taking a sip of the bland orange juice that now mostly tastes like water. "Most of the guys who are my age that have attended aren't really cute, nor are they interesting, so meh."
Mark's head snapped up at that remark and he felt the warmth rush up to his cheeks. "The other guys aren’t... cute and not... interesting?"
"Hell no," Zasha laughed. "Have you ever tried connecting with a person who has no special abilities but know you're a superhero? It feels like talking to a wall."
He crossed his brows, "What do you mean?"
She sighed and leaned forward, "They usually ask me what being a superhero is like, but when I tell them that I managed to take down a man with rock for skin, it's like I'm a freak."
"You're not a freak, Zasha," he replied. "And any guy who feels that way about a girl who's trying to save others sounds like a shitty person."
"And they're not even cute!" she added.
"And they're not even cute," he repeated after her with a laugh.
Zasha sighed again and sat back up. She looked over at him and briefly examined his face, "Well it's a good thing you are."
Josef turned around and watched as the 17-year-old boy chatted up his daughter, as well as literally take his seat at the table.
He held on to Olga's arm and leaned in, "I don't like what I'm seeing over there."
Olga turned to look then laughed at her overbearing husband. "They're just talking, Josef," she said. "It's not Zasha's fault she can enjoy a pleasant conversation and you can't."
"Mm..." Josef groaned, "I don't like it."
"Don't like what?" Debbie asked from behind.
Olga walked over to her and excitingly yet subtly pointed at Zasha and Mark, who were now facing each other now laughing. "Josef's worried that Zasha won't have time to be his daughter anymore if she ever started dating boys," she explained to Debbie. "You know he scares off every single boy Zasha introduces to us? I'm worried she'll never have a boyfriend!"
"She doesn't need a boyfriend, Olga," Josef chimed in grumpily, crossing his arms as he watched the two like a hawk. "No one will be good enough for Zasha anyway. She can literally outrun all the boys she dates."
"So are you saying that my Mark isn't good enough for Zasha?" Debbie asked with half a smile, momentarily shutting Josef up before he nervously tried to form a sentence. "I'm just teasing, Josef," she followed, winking at him and almost warning him not to underestimate her son.
Olga chuckled, "It's good for them to bond. They're both teenagers and superheroes, if they ever date at least they won't have to worry about keeping secrets."
"Whoa, wait," Josef exclaimed. "They just met, who said anything about dating?"
His wife rolled her eyes at his remark. "We should, what's the term... hook them up," Olga said. "Debbie, ask Mark what's going on and I'll ask Zasha."
Debbie agreed to the plan and walked over to Mark and Zasha while Josef huffed in annoyance but stayed in his position; there was no way in hell he was going to keep his eyes off of them.
Debbie offered Mark some food from her plate but he kindly declined. "Good choice," she said. "For a party paid for by the government, you'd think they'd have better food."
Mark laughed and nodded in agreement, "That's what Z said!"
"Oh really?" Debbie replied with a playful smirk.
Mark and Zasha looked at each other as if they were sharing an inside joke before Olga called her daughter over.
"Sorry, mama is calling me," she told the Graysons as she excused herself.
"So..." Debbie trailed off, raising her eyebrow at her son whose cheeks were rosy red.
"Mom, please don't make it weird," Mark begged.
"You and Zasha seem to be hitting it off."
"I begged you not to make it weird," he groaned, covering his face.
"I was just asking!" Debbie said with a giggle. "Why are you being so offensive?"
"I'm not, mom, I'm just... ugh," he groaned again. "Please don't say anything to Josef and Olga. Don't make it weird."
"I won't, I won't," Debbie reassured him. "Are you gonna ask her out though?"
"Okay, okay, I'm leaving," she said with a hearty laugh, nodding at Zasha who was walking back to her seat.
"Sorry about that, my mom was being strange," Zasha said. "Everything okay?" she asked Mark, who now looked like he'd been slapped over and over again.
"Yeah, yeah! Great! Everything's great!"
She smiled at him but Mark leaned over and kept his head down. Another moment of awkward silence fell upon the two; Zasha looked around while tapping her toes and Mark's sight was glued to the floor. From the corner of his eye, he could see his mom and Olga delicately signalling at him to make his move. He covered the sides of his face and continuously mouthed "No," but the two were unrelenting. He took a deep breath and finally sat back up, and looked over at Zasha who was still pretending to casually look around.
"Hey, uh, Z?"
She quickly looked over at him with wide eyes, "Yes?"
Mark looked behind her head and watched as Olga and Debbie were giggling and whispering to each other, like a bunch of high school girls who just saw their best friend talking to their crush.
"Uh, I'm hungry."
The smile on Zasha's face was quickly replaced with a look of confusion. "Okay... and?"
"Oh! Um," he cleared his throat, "do you... like burgers?"
Zasha giggled and nodded, "I do like burgers."
Controlling his urge to fist pump, Mark cheekily bit his lower lip and moved a little closer, "You wanna head out and grab a bite?"
"Uh..." she turned around and watched as Olga and Debbie quickly nodded their heads, her mom giving her a sign of approval to leave the party. "Sure, I'm starving."
Josef looked on as the two of them stood up and began to make their way to the exit. Sighing in defeat and sadness, he called them over to the place where he's been stationed at since the Graysons arrived.
"Papa, we're just gonna get something to eat," she informed him nervously, knowing his scare tactics when it came to the guys she introduced him to.
Josef's eyes softened as the sight of his little girl, who he knew and finally accepted was growing up. She was making her way into the world and as much as he wanted to always protect her, he knew that she was just as smart and as capable to start doing it herself.
He took his daughter's hand and held it tight, "Okay, call me if you need a ride home."
"I will," Zasha said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Love you, papa."
"I love you too," he replied with a smile that was immediately erased when he focused his attention to Mark. "Bring her home by 11:30, and no sneaking into her room by the window," he ordered the teenage boy sternly.
Caught by surprise by the sudden formality, Mark straightened his back and nodded. "Uh yes, y-yes sir, Red Rush, sir."
"Papa!" she exclaimed. "No more scare tactics."
"I'm sorry," he chuckled, "that was the last one, I promise."
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the loyalty that louis gives clem is just *chef kiss*
It takes Louis a little bit to truly warm up to people, which is something I think a lot of people don't get? because yeah, he gives off the appearance of being so open. If he's crackin' jokes and smiling and being super friendly, then surely that means he's an open book, right? ...except no. That's surface level you're lookin' at.
Yes, he is a genuinely friendly person who cares about people, but he isn't willing to just throw his trust around at whoever walks through the gate. He doesn't know Clementine, and while he wants to get to know her and become friends, he needs more than that to dump his life story on and swear his loyalty to her, y'know? She isn't owed that just for being Clementine, despite what some people believe.
Louis doesn't tell you shit about himself, and anything he does say is during the card game and it's small stuff that he would tell anyone, it's nothing super personal... and when Clementine chooses to spend time with him, he lets his guard down enough to tell her about how he views survival and living before catching himself like "whoops didn't mean to do that ha ha you should leave now and check on Aasim ha ha" like the boy isn't ready to bring that wall down and of course not, he's known her for a day and he's already feelin' a little something for her?? not ready to explore that yet??
And when it comes to the confrontation when you appeal to him? It's so powerful, I'm sorry but that scene is one of the most emotionally impactful in the first episode. Louis has his loyalty to Marlon because yeah, he's known Marlon for years and he's know Clementine for what? Two days? But he knows something is wrong here, that what Marlon's doing is wrong and through Clementine, he finds it in himself to step in front of a gun unarmed as a way of protecting both Clementine and Marlon. This is such a huge moment for his character realizing his blind trust in Marlon was broken and it hurts. Then before he can get any answers from Marlon, he's gunned down and there's no taking that back.
Which is why it's so satisfyingly that after everything they went through with Marlon, Louis is able to come to terms with what happened and forgive AJ for what he did as well as apologize for the mistakes he made and let himself be vulnerable with Clementine like... he still cares about her and wants to be near her, and it's up to her to take the next step.... and when she chooses him?
He finally lays it all out and thanks her for being there and you can feel how much he cares for her and wants her to accept him, so when she does?? even if you don't romance him and I don't know how you manage to do that because I physically have to romance him every time.... he is ride or die for her. He shows his loyalty to her [and AJ] through words and actions, he proves it... like he is true to her, he is willing to tell her about the past he's so ashamed of that made him internalize all of this guilt and self-deprecation and "I'm bad, I feel things that hurt people, I am bad."
Once Louis is at your side, he's there and he's gonna do whatever he can to be there for you. It isn't bullshit "Kenny loyalty" that isn't actually loyalty, it's "do what I say and have the 'correct' feelings/reactions to things or fuck off."
Louis is loyal in that he might not always agree with Clementine, but he's willing to work through their differences and the obstacles thrown at them because she's important to him, AJ's important to him, together they make each other stronger and they grow as people. Even when he's hurting, even when he's pissed, even when he needs time alone to process everything and calm down, he cares and loves them. He'll be there for them no matter what, til death due them apart.
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you look after everyone, but who looks after you?
Summary: Penelope is sad and lonely and thinks nobody can see her struggling, but Emily does. When she shows up at her apartment unannounced, one thing leads to another, and soon a miserable evening turns into one of the best in Penelope's life.
Tags: hurt/comfort, sad penelope, angst w a happy ending, cuddling, tooth-rotting fluff, getting together, first kiss, friends to lovers
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Penelope Garcia
Word Count: 1.7k
Masterlist // Read on AO3
I'm imagining s5/6 penemily for this one!
Penelope's small and bright apartment is her only source of comfort tonight, and although she does absolutely everything in her power to maximise the cosiness, to feel as safe and warm as possible inside its protective walls, it still doesn't feel like enough.
She's sad, and she's tired, and a larger part of her than she'd like to admit is bitter, which is an icky emotion, and she hates more than anything that it exists inside of her but tonight, it does, and there isn't anything she can do to stamp that stubborn little flame out.
She has always prided herself on the way she acts towards others. She makes sure that people are okay, and she bakes homemade muffins and puts them on their desks with one of her colourful toys when the bad stuff is getting to them, and she gives out hugs like there's no tomorrow; that's who Penelope Garcia is, and it's something that will always be important to her, no matter what.
But sometimes— sometimes she wants her own Penelope Garcia. It's easier to cheer other people up, to make them smile on a sad and rainy day, than it is to pick herself up out of her own all-consuming, utterly inexorable funks that creep up on her every now and then. And because happiness, colour, and bright smiles are who she can't help but be, people don't always see through that facade when it's no longer an instinct but a mask.
And because she would never dream of putting her bad mood or her sadness or her heavy, weighty grief on the shoulders of anyone else, she's left on her own.
When the last candle is the living room is lit, and her favourite lamps are on; when she's taken a hot shower, and she's put on her favourite pyjamas; when she's placed the order for her dinner-for-one, she sits down slowly on the sofa and pulls her knees up to her chest, staring at the inky blackness of the one window she forgot to draw the curtains over. As she stares, the inky blackness she feels on the inside only grows until it consumes her, swirling aggressively until tears are streaming down her face, and she's choking back sobs that threaten to rip her chest in two.
She's only brought out of her miserable, desolate stupor when the intercom buzzes with a visitor that she supposes is probably the delivery man with her Chinese order. She'd fancied Indian, but it reminded her too much of the team dinners Spencer always dragged them to, and that was just a little too painful for a lonesome night like this.
"Come on up," she says into the intercom, not bothering to hide the tiredness in her voice from a stranger she'll never see again, and without waiting for a response, she sits back on the sofa, staring at the purple walls of her apartment until there's a soft knock at the door.
Almost on auto-pilot, she stands up and opens the door, and her eyes widen as she stares in shock at Emily Prentiss standing in her hallway.
"You're not the delivery man," she whispers, still staring at her with wide eyes.
Emily chuckles sadly. "No, Pen. I'm not."
Penelope nods, blinking a couple of times, very unsure of what to do next or why the woman she's secretly in love with is standing in front of her at 10pm on a Tuesday night.
"Can I come in?" Emily prompts.
"Oh, uh— yes, of course." She opens the door wide enough for Emily to slip into her warmly lit living room and takes the opportunity of Emily's back briefly turned to scrub fruitlessly at her makeup-less, tear-stained face.
"This is cosy."
"Yeah, I just reread my favourite book about Hygge."
"It's uh. It's a Danish thing." Usually, she jumps at the opportunity to talk about Hygge and all the things she'd learned from her trip to visit her Danish friend last year, but right now, she's far too tired.
Emily nods, dropping her handbag by the door and walking over to take a seat on the sofa. "Come sit."
Penelope obeys and curls up in the opposite end to Emily, pulling a blanket over her lap and cuddling into it in another vain attempt to cheer herself up. Still, when pretty candles and the promise of takeaway can't make her happy, there really isn't much hope.
They stare at each other for a couple of minutes before Emily speaks, leaning forward a little. "How are you feeling, Penelope?"
Penelope blinks. "I'm fine."
Emily smiles, and again, it's sad. "No, Pen. How are you really feeling?"
She continues staring but doesn't say anything in response.
Emily scoots a little closer on the sofa. "Listen, I've watched you over the last couple of days. I know you're having a hard time, and I know that you won't say anything to anyone because you're brave and strong and quiet in your suffering. You look after everyone, Penelope, but who looks after you?"
Immediately at hearing those words, her face crumples, and she descends into the tears she'd only just managed to stop moments earlier. This time, though, the sobs she'd been choking back spillover, wracking her shoulders as she hugs her knees to her chest, desperate to hold herself together as she completely falls apart.
"Oh, Pen." Emily moves even closer and pries Penelope's hands away from her knees until she's able to guide her into a hug. Penelope usually tries to keep her physical distance from Emily, too scared of what she'll do if given a chance to touch her, but right now, she can't help but bury her face in her neck and cling on to her for dear life as Emily holds her back just as tightly.
"Shh, you're okay, honey," she soothes quietly, running her hand up and down her back gently as she lets Penelope fall apart in her arms. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
She says everything Penelope needs to hear as she cries herself out, sobs eventually receding to tired sniffles as she pulls away from Emily slightly, a little embarrassed of her actions.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry on you like that."
Emily brings a hand to her chin and lifts her face gently until she's looking directly into Emily's warm, kind brown eyes. "You have nothing to apologise for, okay? I'm just sorry you've been having such a rough time and haven't had anyone to talk to about it."
Penelope nods, still embarrassed that she fell apart so easily but feeling soothed and comforted by Emily's warm words and gentle hands.
Just then, the buzzer goes again. "That's, uh, that's my dinner."
"Ah," Emily says, nodding in understanding. "Is that who you thought I was?"
Penelope looks away sheepishly. "Yeah."
"That explains the abrupt invitation upstairs," Emily says, smiling at her as she gets off the sofa and buzzes the courier up. "You mind if I stick around while you eat?"
"No! Please— please stay," she says, hating the desperation that bleeds into her voice.
"Okay, I'll stay, of course I will," Emily promises, rushing to soothe her again as she hears the agitation and distress in Penelope's voice. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
Penelope nods gratefully. "You can even have some of my eggrolls," she says, managing a little smile as she references the well-known fact that Emily despises eggrolls and makes such a big, dramatic deal out of it every time any of them order Chinese.
Emily laughs, her head tipping back a little. "You're so generous."
She opens the door for the delivery man and takes the bag from him, before bringing it over to the coffee table and laying it out in front of Penelope.
"You should eat up, sweetie," she says in that kind, concerned way of hers as she comes to sit next to her on the sofa, "I'm sure that crying took it out of you, hm?"
Penelope nods tiredly and tucks into her dinner as Emily flicks through the TV channels before settling on a rerun of Will & Grace. They sit in comfortable silence for a little while as the familiar sound of a 90s laugh-track sitcom fills the room and Penelope eats her dinner.
"You need another hug?" Emily asks once she's finished her food and is inching closer on the sofa, and Penelope might be delusional but she swears she sees an inkling of hope on her face, so she doesn't hesitate in nodding.
Emily beams and pulls her closer, arranging them until they're lying horizontally on the sofa, comfortably tangled up in one another, idly watching the TV while they enjoy the comfort of one another's company.
"Pen?" Emily whispers, after a good couple of episodes; after most of the tealights Penelope had lit earlier have burned themselves out. "You know I love you right?"
There's something in her voice that makes Penelope feel brave. "Yeah," she whispers back, burying even closer into her side. "I love you, too, Emily. More than you know."
The last four words are uttered with a weight the fragile air in the room can't hold, and they crash back down between them, making Emily shift to look at her properly. Her face is a myriad of earnest emotions, and Penelope can't look away.
"When I say I love you," Emily says, nerves and anticipation and hope in the whisper of her voice, "I mean it. I don't— I don't love you like a friend, Penelope. I love you more than that."
Penelope stares at her, her heart pounding in her chest as she looks at the woman lying next to her, anxious, hopeful features illuminated by soft candlelight.
"I love you more than that, too."
Emily's nervous features smooth into something warm and eager and happy. "You do?"
Penelope nods, and she's sure her face holds a similar expression. "I do."
"Can I kiss you?" Emily whispers, lifting her hand to rest in Penelope's blond, tangled hair.
"Please," she whispers back, and not a second later she's being kissed like she's never been kissed before; like the ocean's dried up and she's the last gulp of water to be found; like all the world's oxygen's disappeared, and she's the only gasp of fresh air left behind. She's kissed like she is Penelope Garcia and that is enough for Emily Prentiss, she's kissed like she doesn't need anything else but to exist in this moment, right here, right now.
She doesn't want it to end, but when it does, when they've pulled away and their faces are inches apart and they're breathing heavily, when she looks into Emily's eyes and sees everything she's always wanted to find in them, she's glad it did, because the first kiss ending means that they can do it again.
Yes, I'm gonna keep writing that Penelope is very invested in Danish culture okay, it's my fav headcanon, leave me alone. I hope you liked this one! <3
taglist: @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @temily @enbyspencer @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @reidology @spencerspecifics @hotchedyke @marsjareau @oliverbrnch @physics-magic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @reidreids @sapphic-stress @wifeyprentiss @cmily @notevanbuckley (add yourself to my taglist here!)
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