#it’s kind of the Gordon Ramsay thing you know
lilnasxvevo · 8 months
Funniest Shen Qingqiu moment is when he notices Sha Hualing is barefoot and his internal monologue is just like YOUNG LADY DON’T YOUR FEET HURT? YOU’RE INVADING A MOUNTAIN SECT WITH NO SHOES? Setting aside for a moment that it’s MY mountain sect you’re invading—
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ohcaptains · 8 months
So like the video of Gordon Ramsay when the girl burns her hand, all the “that’s it- deep breath- calm down- good girl- goooood girlllll” but like…it’s Carmy and you’ve burnt your hand and he’s screaming at Richie to get some ice but he’s speaking to you so gently but so in control and you almost forget your hand is still sizzling
he moves fast. pulls you to the sink, yelling, “richie get out of the fucking way,” and you can feel your heart beat in your hand. it’s pulsating, swear you can smell your flesh burning, and carmen is frantic. that man has never known peace, but this is raw kind of rush — panic a literal, physical thing.
“fuck, cousin, what’s the rush for—“ he starts, ready to fight, but he must see carmen holding your sizzling hand, and your pained, tense face, because he puts his hands up.
“whoa, man—what happened?”
carmen ignores him, and guides your hand under the tap, holding your wrist gently in his tatted palm. you hiss as soon as it touches the luckwarm water, and carmen nods his head, and gently says, “shh, i know.”
you hide your face with your elbow, but peak over and watch as water runs over your charred hand. duck fat will do that. you must make a sound, as carmen nods, and calmly orders, “relax your hand for me. come on, unclench. thereee we go, sweetheart. that’s it.”
richie pipes up, “i’m literally first aid trained, let me see,” and carmen’s face scrunches up, “can you shut the fuck up for a second?” he spits over his shoulder. you whine into your elbow, and carmen’s demeanor switches. he rubs your wrist, his voice soft and sweet as he coos, “just breathe, take a deep breath. you’re good, that’s it. unclench your hand for me again, i know it hurts but relax—thaaat’s it, goood. good girl, good.”
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forzalando · 3 months
anyone can cook
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max + cooking date - 3k celebration driver scenario for @foreveralbon !! liyah, i do not know what happened but somehow this turned into just jokes and banter. i am so sorry, i hope you still like it!!!! special bonus scene at the end that is the most unserious thing i have ever written and i apologize profusely for it but i was writing this past bedtime and couldn't get it out of my head this is the end of the 3k celebration blurbs, i am kind of sad but also feel accomplished🥹 i only had to write 6 but i am notorious for not finishing things. patting myself on the back today! pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader word count: 660 words tw: none, unless boxed pasta offends you
“MAX! I said salt the water, not create the sixth named ocean,” you said through giggles. “Here, let me help.”
You cupped your hands under his, leading him to the sink to dump a considerable amount of salt under the rushing water.
“Use about…this much,” you mumbled, tongue poking out and concentrating on dumping the granules into his hands without spilling any onto the floor. Jimmy and Sassy were weaving in between your legs and you didn’t want them tracking salt into every room or, heaven forbid, rolling around in your bed.
After guiding Max to the boiling water, you turned your attention back to your blistering tomatoes and garlic, but not before passing a cheese grater and block of parmesan over to him.
“Cooking is so much work,” he whined. “How do you enjoy this?”
“Max, you’ve literally done two things. You filled a pot with water and salted it, how many things do you have to do simultaneously while in the car?”
“That’s different, it’s fun!”
“Cooking can be fun! Cuisine is an art – it’s therapeutic, calming, and you get to eat something delicious after all your hard work!”
“Yeah, and do a million dishes,” he grumbled under his breath. You immediately shot him a steely glare and he smiled big enough that his eyes crinkled. “But I love doing dishes with you! Quality time, right?”
“Nice save, Verstappen.”
For the next few minutes you worked in tandem and in silence – Max furiously grating cheese and hissing every few seconds when he accidentally caught a finger against the sharp holes, you stirring and perfecting your sauce with ease.
The stove timer interrupted the peace and you called Max over from his place at the countertop.
“Ok, lesson number three of the evening – ”
“What were one and two?” He interrupted you, hints of hesitation and guilt in his voice. When you turned to look at him, your mouth open in exasperation, you saw the teasing look in his eye and rolled yours in return.
“If Gordon Ramsay were teaching you, you’d have been called an idiot sandwich twice and kicked out of the kitchen by now.”
“Lucky me, you’re way nicer, way more patient, and way prettier than Gordon.”
He tickled your ribcage lightly, causing you to flip a spoonful of pasta water across the room.
“New lesson number three – no tickling the chef when boiling water is nearby. Lesson number four, previously lesson number three – never trust the cook time on the pasta box. A true pasta chef also finishes cooking their pasta in the sauce, so we’re taking it out a few minutes early.”
“Wouldn’t a true pasta chef use fresh-made pasta?”
“You’re on thin ice, Max.”
He leaned in swiftly to kiss your cheek and stole the pasta spoon from your hand. “I’ll be dumping the water, I don’t want it to splash on you.”
“Don’t forget to – ”
“Reserve a cup of pasta water, where is your faith in me? I pay attention to everything you say, mijn liefje.”
It wasn’t long before you had served up plates of pasta as fresh as you could make considering you’d just gotten back to Monaco that morning, slightly burnt garlic bread because Max forgot to set a separate timer, and a mixed greens salad so Max’s trainer wouldn’t sue you for mistreatment and neglect.
“I’d say this was a very solid date night,” Max said between chews. “Thank you for teaching me and being patient with me – I take for granted how much you do for me when we’re home.” He pressed another kiss to your cheek, this one longer and messier than the one before.
You couldn’t help but grin at him, a devastatingly lovesick grin, and your stomach fluttered when he returned the exact look. He had a tomato sauce stain in the corner of his mouth and a droplet of spilled wine on his shirt but to you he’d never looked more beautiful.
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bonus snippet (i couldn’t help myself, please accept my apology)
“Y/N, I cannot cook. I can count on one hand the number of times I have cooked for myself in the past ten years. I will blow up the kitchen.”
“Relax, I’ll guide you the whole way! You’ll never be near an open flame unsupervised, no sharp knives, we can even start with something simple! Pasta al pomodoro – you’ll love it!”
“When the rat said anyone can cook, he did not mean me, I promise.”
You looked at him quizzically – “Max, what rat?”
“The little French rat, not Esteban, the one who lives in the chef’s hat and makes soup for him.”
“…Are you talking about Remy? From Ratatouille?”
“I don’t remember his name, I just know you made me watch a movie one time about a French rat that could cook.”
“Ok, well, that’s an animated kid’s movie, and actually Chef Gusteau said anyone can cook, but he's right! Anyone can cook, Remy is proof, so get ready to cook on date night.”
“Thanks a lot, Remy,” Max huffed, crossing his arms in defeat.
taglist: @scuderiahoney @lam-ila @anaviieiraaa @nebarious @chocolatepoetryfun @maxlarens @coff33andb00ks @katsu28 @sof1shticated @viikysmile @scuderiarossa @littlegrapejuice @alexxavicry @priopp123
if you would like to be added to my taglist, please refer to this post!
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
Thinking about the Tweels parents reacted to them bringing home a partner, think of how excited mama Ashengrotto will be when Azul brings home his mate. After seeing Azul alone, depressed, and self-loathing for so many years, seeing him have the confidence to bring home his mate. If he is in his Merform she is even more thrilled. When she sees them comfort and hug him and allows Azul to cling to them she may faint. If/when they get married, you know she is throwing the biggest wedding reception in her restaurant. Yuu’s dress or tux, completely covered no matter the cost, all food, covered. She is just happy that her son found someone and Mr. Ashengrotto has to hold her back and keep her from squeezing Yuu to tight out of joy. She would also drop hints that she would be a great grandma and show you how cute Azul was in all his baby pictures.
Azul would probably die of embarrassment when his mom shows baby pictures and when they are finally alone (thanks to Azul’s Stepdad reminding her she has a Business to take care of) he finally relents:
“I’m sorry, she is just excited to meet you,” Azul has yuu curled in his many arms inside his octopot.
“Is she the reason you waited so long to introduce me to your parents?”
“Yes… also she has three books full of photos hidden in the house I can’t find and my step-father won’t tell me where they are. They just appear when guest come over and disappear when I try to burn them later.”
“Well, we are meeting your Grandma tomorrow so things should be better there!”
Azul groaned.
“More picture books?”
“Six books. I have no clue how she got half of those photos, I think she hired the tweels behind my back!”
She's so happy upon learning about Azul's partner. Ms Iris Ashengrotto is a sweet woman whose restaurant started from the bottom to become a renounced, exclusive dining experience that only the most wealthy, prim and proper folks under the sea could have the privilege of eating. It's why the Ashengrottos and the Leech family have worked together for so long, it makes a fine establishment for their… “business” deals. She's what we would equate to Gordon Ramsay, really: no-nonsense, with strict and high expectations in her kitchen. Similarly, she is oh so sweet with children, her own especially.
So it was a pain to watch Azul grow up so lonely, though she could never get him to tell her why. Iris assumed that it was due to bullying, most merfolk are not kind to cecaelias, but she couldn't go off and scare random children into not interacting with her son. Nor could she talk to their parents without knowing for sure if that was the case, or if her son was just naturally shy. It didn't help her worries when her son got skinner and skinner, thinking she didn't notice him look at his body in the mirror as he poked and prodded at what little fat remained on him.
She took comfort when the Leech parents sent their twins off to keep Azul company, though he didn't seem to warm up to them for quite some time. Even when he went to NRC with the twins, opening his own establishment, Iris was still concerned about him making friends. It's why she was so pleasantly surprised to hear from her son during his second year about his partner. He's shyly gushing about you to him, a magicless human that slithered their way into his locked up heart. With the way he describes you, like you hung the moon and starts, she's already planning a wedding in her head.
It takes some nudging after that to get him to bring you for a visit, but he eventually did over the summer break. Oh, she was delighted to see his limbs unconsciously curl around you, holding you close as you curled into him yourself. You were so cute! A sweetheart! A delight! A perfect child-in-law! Azul, please forgive her if she starts sobbing, but how else is a mother supposed to react when she sees her child gaze at someone with so much love in their heart?
The first day she's monopolized your time, feeding you and Azul all sorts of food and snacks, offhandedly mentioning that the two of you would have to fatten up a bit to give her health grandchildren. She had to withhold a laugh at Azul's mortified expression. Iris has several albums of baby and childhood pictures, eager to coo over how cute and chubby Azul was as a baby. Her son is sulking at the other end of the couch, but he still has a tentacle curled around your ankle, never leaving you for long.
It's when she's hiding away her album (one of three, Azul's destroyed many be she always has spares), that she overhears your conversation. Iris had stopped by his bedroom to let you two know that she needed to return to the restaurant, but instead quietly delighted at the sight of you two in his octopot. A cecaelia's octopot, hiding place, is a very private and intimate place. So seeing you, cradled in Azul's lap, as his many arms hold you close to him, makes her heart swell.
She decides to leave you two alone, taking one last peek as you giggle at a pouting Azul, before sharing a soft kiss. Iris is smiling at the sight, sighing as she can finally relax, knowing her son is going to be taken care of.
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Some little incorrect quotes from the Merlin academy gang.
Because I have a bit of alone time right now UwU
(+Glassheart/CharmingHeart and other ships)
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Red : The fuck, no I'm not.
Hook: Excuse the hell out of you?
Morgie: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Bridget: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Chloe: Rude.
Ella: *punches the person*
(I honestly want Ella or Chloe to punch someone)
Chloe: What are you up to today?
Red: Nothing.
Chloe: But you did that yesterday!
Red: I wasn’t finished.
(I feel that. Yuh)
Cinderella: Did you take out Red as I requested?
Chloe: Red has been taken out, yes.
Cinderella: You have my grat-
Chloe: It was a great restaurant.
Chloe: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Chloe: Red proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
(AU were Cinderella and Queen of Hearts are enemies or something and Ella wanted to kill the daughter of the Queen of Hearts for some reason idk lol)
Hades: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio
(I don't know much about Ohio. But apparently it's hell?)
Ella: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Charming: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Ella: But you’re always acting stupid?
Charming: ...
Charming: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
(aha 👀 okaaayy)
Morgie: How do I tell Hook that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined the crème brûlée?
(damn, Morgie. hell yeah! I'm hoping for you)
Morgie: I want a bf.
Bridget: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
(All of them really. But mostly a boyfriend/Hook)
Bridget: Watcha doin?
Morgie: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Bridget: Scandalous.
Bridget: Can I help?
(The cat wasn't treated well. And Best friend? Check ✅)
Bridget: Awww, why don't you like cats, Ella? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??
Ella: I don't know Bridget, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.
(Bridget felt really bad for Ella that she can't cuddle with cats. She made it her mission to find some kind of potion/recipe that could make Ella not allergic so she can pat cats safely)
Morgie: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here.
Hook: Morgie, are you alright?
Morgie: *sobs*
(Boyfriend? Check ✅? Also he would definitely make that joke.)
Hades: How high are you?
Bridget: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet.
Morgie: No, they’re asking what drugs are you on.
Bridget: Oh, antidepressants, why?
(oop. I can see that tho 🫠)
Bridget: Today at 7 am, Ella poured a Monster energy drink in their coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing.
Hook: I watched Ella brew their coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think they ascended into the astral realm.
Hades: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
(Says a god. He's literally a god. What the hell.)
Kind in a rush.
Also not much glassheart
Hope you liked it
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thequeenofcupps · 2 months
I’m just gonna make a shit ton of katsuki bakugo x reader incorrect quotes
Y/n: Katsuki , you love me, right?
Katsuki : Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Y/n: How do I tell Katsuki that I want him to yell at me like he’s Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Katsuki : If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Y/n: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Katsuki : I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Y/n: I said within reason, Katsuki . How about I murder that guy?
Katsuki : So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Y/n: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Katsuki : Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Y/n: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Katsuki : No, like, U R A Q T.
Y/n: Awwww!
Y/n: Hey, Katsuki , what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Katsuki : What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Y/n: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Katsuki : Can't really say I have.
Y/n: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Katsuki : Sorry, Y/n. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody
Katsuki: Goodnight to the love of my life, y/n , and fuck the rest of y'all.
Y/n: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Katsuki : That's great, Y/n. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Y/n : I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives.
Katsuki: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train.
Y/n : I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Katsuki: Stop doing that.
Y/n : Stop doing what?
Katsuki: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
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I don’t know if you’ve already covered this, but I had a question to ask about the VDC in Book 5. To clarify, I understand that RSA needed to win for thematic and character arc purposes, and that in-lore it was an audience vote not a professional one. The story beats line up. But the choice of cutesy and childlike RSA performance over the more refined and professional NRC performance still doesn’t quite click with me. Is there some kind of cultural difference that didn’t translate to explain why one performance was supposed to be understood as preferred over the other? Even if it was an audience vote, the standards should be higher just by virtue of this being a big name competition for teenagers held at a prestigious school.
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Very quickly, I want to add a couple other points that help to explain why RSA won over NRC! Book 6 opens early on with Vil noting that NRC was not able to perform as well as they wanted to since they had just come out of a difficult battle against his OB form. (Because of this, he accepts responsibility for their loss.) Thus, the NRC performance may not have actually been as "refined", "professional", or as polished as we imagine it to be.
Additionally, it’s stated in book 5 that RSA’s song choice had universal appeal whereas NRC’s did not. We see this effect on the production crew when Neige and the Seven Dwarves do their practice run; their performance has a refreshing and soothing effect on what appears to be an older audience (as it plays to their nostalgia); we must consider this when evaluating RSA and NRC. For example, I know that I really disliked NRC's performance (sue me/j) because it sounded very oppressive and therefore unrelatable to me. The lyrics are literally about how NRC will dominate their opponents and win 😭 Sure, the music and lyrics for Neige's song aren't complex, but they're at the very least accessible and easy to follow along with. (That's not to say that I prefer RSA's performance though; I'm just explaining why someone might not find NRC's performance appealing.)
Lastly! We as players are looking at the two song + dance numbers from an omniscient perspective. We need to consider our own biases when judging, and accept that it may differ from the characters in-universe view things. Maybe you prefer NRC’s performance. That’s fair! But how much of that is informed by your personal music preferences? And how much of that comes from your attachment to the NRC characters, since you’ve followed their stories up until this point? As Rook points out in book 5, he’s aware of how hard NRC has worked to get here… but he’s also aware of Neige’s hardships too (er, in terms of his lifestyle; ie living with the dwarves and doing chores, etc.). Consider then, would you honestly not have a bias for RSA had Twisted Wonderland’s story centered on them instead of NRC?
It’s also worth noting that how things are seen in Twisted Wonderland may reflect its own unique culture rather than how we in the real world may perceive it. Maybe the people of Twisted Wonderland just prefer a cute, nostalgic performance. This may not necessarily correlate with west or east at all and that has always been a possibility! (While TWST does take inspirations from the real world, it’s not a 1:1 with the real world.)
dkhlbaiyfadvfoad Okay, NOW onto the actual question being pitched!
When you look at media from different countries, there are some stark differences in how the same information is presented. One example is like... any Gordon Ramsay show yes, I am using him as an example. Compare the American cut and the British cuts; there are much more loud sound effects, dramatic music, yelling, and cussing in the American cuts. The British cuts, by comparison, are notably quieter and contemplative, with hardly any cursing. Another example! Looking at variety shows from the east vs the west, they're quite different as well. Eastern variety shows tend to be "cute", usually using various cute sound effects or edits which make the guests appear more bashful (like drawing blush over their cheeks or something). We don't see this in western TV shows, which are louder and more boisterous. I've noticed a similar trend in the music industries of the east vs the west as well, where eastern stars tend to emphasize their youthfulness and playfulness and western stars try to be more "mature" and grown-up. These are just my personal observations and may not reflect reality, especially seeing as I am not involved in music-oriented spaces.
I asked friends and personal contacts in both eastern and western pop music fandom spaces for their own insights (which is also in no way representative of both fandoms, but at least this gives us other perspectives for consideration). To summarize, most of them replied that they did not think cultural differences account for this situation, since equating a preference for a "cute" aesthetic is not the same as RSA performing what is basically a nursery rhyme. There's no real-world equivalent for that (at least none that they can think of), and I agree with all of this. There’s really no point in trying to compare the two.
I remember lots of Japanese fans being upset at NRC’s loss too (when book 5’s ending was first put out), so the impression I got was they didn’t prefer the performance of RSA over NRC either. It was not just the international fandom that was disappointed. I don’t believe TWST ever intentionally set out to present “Everyone Yahoo!” as the “superior” song and dance number, or as the performance we’re supposed to like more than the other. It was very much framed as something pathetic and unlikely to win in most of the eyes of the NRC characters. They make fun of RSA’s clumsiness and claim it’ll be easy to win over them. The player most likely is supposed to think this way too—until Vil, the one with an eye for showbiz, realizes his loss. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what we think. What matters is how this clumsy performance will resonate with the common person.
What I think it ultimately comes down to is emotional appeal to the audience, which is more of a personal/individual level thing than a cultural thing. The competition is decided by audience vote. The average person honestly does not care about quality or standards. No one is giving them rules to evaluate by, no one is going to tell them off for not having strict standards. They will pick based on what they like best or whatever makes them feel good. And what will make anyone feel food, regardless of age, sex, race, education, socioeconomic status, etc.? Something cozy and familiar, thoughts of simpler times… Nostalgia.
Something else to think about is what a powerful motivator emotions can be. There are irl idol competition shows that are high stakes and decided by audience vote just like VDC/SDC… and people will still vote for their favorites even if they gave a technically bad performance. This is because fans are so emotionally invested in and attached to the performer. It doesn’t matter how “bad” they are, the performer/performance makes the audience member feel impassioned, and they will then act according to those intense feelings. Think about what you’re like when you’re in a terrible mood vs a good one. You act completely differently, right?
I hope that perspective helps! 🙏 I tried to be as thorough as I could be in this response, but please let me know if I misspoke or maybe missed a point.
P.S. I happen to be responding to this ask after TWST showed us the NRC Tribe’s dance performance in a MMD video. I wonder if this only made the “NRC should have own” crowd double down on that opinion since now we’re seeing just what their performance looks like 🤔 (though we don’t have a complete MMD video of Neige’s group to directly compare, just this which shows part of the dance and not in the same clumsy way that Neige and co. perform it).
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spoonsock · 1 year
3 AM shenanigans
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: It’s late, you’re hungry and your girlfriend can’t cook to save her life.
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff and typical teenage fucking around late at night.
Not proofread. I’ve come to realization I never proofread anything I write. Oh well.
Take this short little thing instead of a part 2 for show me love, I’ll write it soon I swear 🙏 also I’m glad that the whole community agrees that Gwen can’t cook lmaoo.
“I’m hungry”
“And how’s that my problem?”
You push the absolute bully of your girlfriend. “Ouch”, she says monotonously, eyes still closed, and you glare at her, knowing darn well she can feel you doing so.
You’re sleeping over at her place, her dad’s not home and you’re both laying on her bed, trying to fall asleep but the grumbling of your stomach is interrupting you. You ate dinner but it has been a couple of hours since then and. You. Are. Hungry.
You turn on your back to glance at the clock on Gwen’s nightstand. 03:05 it says. Whatever, you think, it’s never to late to eat.
“Gwendyy, I’m staaaarvingggg”, you pout at her.
“No” is the only answer you get. “…Fine, I didn’t want to resort to this, but I guess you leave me no choice”, you say before getting up from the bed and grabbing both of Gwen’s arms and dragging her upwards. The attempt of getting her to get up doesn’t work and she falls from the bed, making a loud noise as she lands. Before you can process it, she grabs your knees and pulls, letting you to fall flat on your butt with a thump.
You pretend to be hurt and she actually gets worried for a second and you use that moment to grab her hands and pin them above her head, getting on top of her as she’s laying on the floor, not letting her move, and looking her dead in the eye before saying how you need to eat or you’ll die and it’ll be her fault *she know’s you’re exaggerating ofc*.
Unfortunately for you, your girlfriend is Spider-woman. Idk why would you even think you could overpower her, she literally has super strength. So she easily turns you over and pins your arms above your head before whisper yelling at you how there will be no food making at 3 in the morning. The two of you toss and turn on the floor for some time, like a pair of fucking toddlers, giggling and wiping the dust off of the floor with your pajamas.
Eventually Gwen gives in and you happily lead her to her own kitchen. You’ve never cooked in her kitchen though, meaning you don’t know where anything is, so your girlfriend tells you to sit still while she makes you something to eat.
“You know what, if I really have to cook for you in the middle of the night, Imma cook you the meal of your life”, she says and excitement builds up inside of you, wondering what kind of a Gordon Ramsay bullshit is she about to pull. You watch her patiently as she brings ingredients out of her fridge and pulls out a bowl and cutlery from different drawers. She heats up some oil in a big ass pot and then adds a thing after a thing in it.
After a while, you smell something burning and you ask her if everything’s okay, but she assures you it’s all doing great and you decide to ask no more, even though you definitely heard the panic in her voice.
Aside from that, she looks super confident in whatever she’s doing so you don’t even ask her what is she making for you, and honestly, you don’t even wanna know. You trust her and you’re hungry and you’ll eat whatever she makes for you.
Or at least that’s what you thought, until she put the big ass bowl™️ in front of you. And in it was a suspicious liquid mixture of pasta, different types of something green, carrots (hopefully?), corn, jelly????, mushrooms, bacon, and other suspicious stuff. Gwen hands you a spoon and smiles brightly, all the signs of tiredness disappeared, as if she wasn’t desperately trying to fall asleep cuddled up next to you, like, half of an hour ago.
“Bon appétit, babe”, she says, putting on a bad french accent.
Your girlfriend sits next to you, waiting for you to try the meal (?) she has prepared for you, and you give her a hesitant smile before dipping the spoon in the bowl and then putting it in your mouth.
You couldn’t even get yourself to swallow whatever you just put in your mouth because the feeling of it on your tongue made you immediately start to choke. It was sweet, salty, bitter, spicy and cold all at the same time. You run to get yourself some water, trying to lose the taste of it from your mouth while Gwen watches you confused. As you are drinking your water, she decides to try the meal herself and has the same reaction as you do.
So you just stand there silently, in her kitchen, staring at the big ass bowl™️ on the table. It seems as if something will jump out of it and attack you. The liquid reminds you of a swamp and you don’t feel hungry at all anymore.
Gwen sighs deeply. The two of you decide to go back to bed and try not to have nightmares of the meal your dear spider girlfriend has prepared for you. At least you know she put effort in trying to make you happy, which warms your heart and you pull her closer to you to press a kiss on her forehead.
When you wake up, you see her dad in the kitchen, sitting down and staring at the bowl intently and quietly, as if contemplating his whole existence because of the bowl. “You tried it, didn’t you?”, you ask and he slowly nods his head, obviously still in shock from the taste of the meal.
That was the day you decided you’ll be the one to prepare food from now on.
Guys she was trying to make minestrone (soup) bc she saw a recipe for it somewhere and she really wanted to try making it. She’s so precious 🥹💞
Yes I put trademark ™️ on the big ass bowl.
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sluttywonwoo · 10 months
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instead of you [part thirty-two] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of sex (mdni ; 18+)
word count: 2.2k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
The first time you met Jisung was at a party on campus. It was a month into your first semester of college and one of the frats had passed out fliers in the residence halls in the hopes of getting lots of the freshman girls to attend. 
You had dragged your roommate with you, insisting that you needed to get out there and start meeting people since you were each other’s only friends thus far. 
But the joke was on you because she ditched you not even five minutes after arriving, having recognized an ex-boyfriend from her hometown. You didn’t hold it against her, you had been the one to convince her to come in the first place and you understood the whole ex thing. 
But you were a lot shyer back then, less confident. So you stumbled your way through the house until you reached the kitchen. No one had offered to make you a drink yet so you figured you might as well make one yourself. You’d need a little liquid courage if you were going to get the balls to talk to any of these people anyway. 
That’s where you ran into Jisung. He was bent over the stove cooking what looked to be a grilled cheese sandwich. He turned his head when he heard you come in and nodded at you in acknowledgement.
“Want one?” he asked.
“What is it?”
“Grilled ham and cheese.”
You nodded. “Hit me.” 
He finished simmering the one in the pan and slid it onto a paper plate before grabbing the ingredients for yours. 
“How long have you lived here?” you asked conversationally. 
“Oh, I don’t live here.”
“Are you a pledge then?”
“You’re not… affiliated with this frat?”
“Are your friends?”
“So you’re just…”
“Stealing their food? Kind of.”
You shrugged. “I won’t tell.”
He cracked a smile. “Good, because I’d really regret making you a sandwich if you did.” 
You hadn’t noticed until that point but he had an accent. 
“English?” you asked.
“Yes, that’s what we’re speaking. Why, do you know another language?”
You rolled your eyes. “You know what I meant.”
“No, I’m from Korea, actually,” he explained after chuckling. “But my English tutor was British so I picked up a little bit of an accent.”
“What made you decide to come all the way over here?”
“A mix of things, really,” he sighed.
“You’re probably tired of that question, I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s okay. I just don’t have an interesting answer or anything so conversations usually fizzle out after that.”
“I get it. It’s like when everyone in your hometown asks you what you’re going to study and what job you’re getting your degree for.”
“Pretty much,” he agreed. “Your grilled cheese is ready.”
He plated the sandwich and handed it to you, turning the stove off and depositing the pan and spatula in the sink. 
“Thank you!”
“You might want to let it cool down a bit, though.” 
“Yes, chef.” 
He gave you a look, making you freeze in place. 
“What? Should I not call you that?”
“No, it’s just- I’m a culinary major. I’m always saying that to my professors but no one’s ever said that to me before. I know you didn’t mean it mean it but it sounded weird.” 
“I was just referencing Hell’s Kitchen,” you admitted. 
“Just so you know, not all chefs are like Gordon Ramsay.” 
“Only the majority?” 
He winked at you. “Bingo.”
“So if you don’t want me to call you ‘chef’, what should I call you?” 
“I never said I didn’t want you to call me that,” he clarified. “But you can call me Jisung.”
“Jisung. Nice name.”
“Thanks. Do you have one?”
You grinned. “I do.”
He gave an exasperated little sigh. “And what is it?”
You told him, leaning forward and whispering it like it was a secret. 
“You have a nice name too.”
“Thank you.”
“By the way, your sandwich should be cool enough to eat by now.”
You leaned back against the island and took a bite of your grilled cheese. Jisung gauged your reaction, raising his eyebrows expectantly.
“Great. Best grilled cheese sandwich I’ve ever had.”
“Don’t fuck with me,” he warned. 
“I’m not! Listen, I can’t cook for shit so I’m very easy to impress.” 
“I’ll take your word for it. It’s better for my ego if I ignore the last part.” 
“I can make a mean Moscow Mule, though. My talents lie in mixology, not gastronomy.”
“Make me a drink, then?” he asked. 
You set your paper plate on the counter and made your way over to the fridge. 
“Let’s see what they have in here.”
“Oh, now you’re the one stealing food?” 
“Guess that makes us partners in crime.” 
You fell silent as you looked over the contents of the refrigerator, gathering a bottle of orange juice and half-empty jar of raspberry jam. You checked the expiration dates before continuing because you didn’t trust frat guys and then set them on the island with a handle of tequila that had been left out. 
Jisung watched as you spooned the jam into an empty solo cup, visibly skeptical. You couldn’t blame him for not trusting you, you had just met him, after all. You poured the orange juice in next and mixed the two together, finally adding a shot and a half of tequila. 
“Don’t want to get you too drunk,” you explained. 
He scoffed. “You think that’ll do me in? I’m Korean, remember?”
“Fine, suit yourself.” 
You poured what you approximated to be another shot of tequila into the cup. You filled another cup with ice from a nearby cooler and poured the contents of the first cup into it. Instead of shaking them and risking making a huge mess, you rolled them between the cups until you were satisfied that everything was properly mixed. 
You presented Jisung with your creation, eyes shining. “Here you go! It’s a makeshift tequila sunrise.”
Jisung reached for it but you stopped him abruptly. “Wait! Hold on.”
You took a sip of the drink yourself, just to make sure it was actually palatable, before passing it off to him. 
“Sorry, wanted to check.”
“Not confident in your abilities all of the sudden?“ he mused. 
“I’m trying something new,” you grumbled defensively, “artists make mistakes. I’m not above admitting that and therefore want to quality check my products to make sure it’s good enough for my consumers.”
“Didn’t realize you were taking this so seriously.”
“I take everything seriously.” 
He eyed you suspiciously. “Something tells me that’s not true.” 
That night, and all the others you spent with Jisung flashed before your eyes like some sort of sick slideshow as you stood there with him in the hallway. The fractures in the glass were beyond repair now, spindling inward threatening to shatter.
You supposed it was what you deserved, watching your relationship with your best friend crumble right in front of you. 
“Why do you ask?” you said quietly, still testing the waters.
“You think I haven’t noticed you sneaking off every night?” Jisung demanded.
“At first, I thought you just needed some space. And I understood because you’ve been stuck with us for over a month now, but then it happened every night and you’d be gone for so long,” he sighed. “So finally, I followed you-”
“You what?”
“I know, I’m such a bad friend for invading your privacy.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm and you could already feel the tears welling up. 
You tried to hold them back because you didn’t deserve to cry. You’d put yourself in this situation, and you knew it was wrong, but you still did it anyway. You clutched your towel closer to your body, trying to shrink into yourself. 
“I heard what I needed to,” he continued. “So how long have you been fucking my brother?”
“Jisung, I-”
“I asked you a question.”
“Long enough,” you muttered. “He found out we weren’t actually dating. I didn’t tell him-”
“That makes it better?” 
“No, I just thought you should know.”
“What does it matter anyway,” he spat. “We had an agreement. You had one task and you couldn’t even do it. I should have never invited you on this goddamn trip.”
You couldn’t help but agree. “I’m sorry.” 
Jisung laughed humorlessly and shook his head. “I don’t believe you. If you actually felt any guilt over this you never would have done it. Or you would’ve at least stopped before it got to this point.”
“No, I am sorry,” you tried. “It’s just…”
“Just what?” he asked, eyes widening suddenly. “You’re not pregnant, are you?” 
For a fraction of a second, you were thrown back in time. The best friend that didn’t hate you was suddenly standing in front of you, eyes full of concern. It passed just as quickly as it had come when you denied it. 
“No, it’s just… I f- I’m in love with him.” You couldn’t even look Jisung in the eye when you said it, too afraid of his reaction. 
It was dead silent all throughout the house after your confession. You stared at the floor where a puddle had appeared at your feet from your dripping hair. 
He chuckled again in disbelief, breaking the silence. 
“You’re not in love with him,” he said matter-of-factly. “You don’t even know what love feels like. You’ve only known him for a fucking month, how could you possibly love him?” You were crying now, furiously wiping away the tears that fell onto your cheeks. “You’re just lonely, y/n, and desperate, and grasping at straws for anything that feels like ‘love’.”
“That’s not true,” you insisted. You weren’t sure why you were trying to defend yourself. He was probably right. 
“It is true! I’ve known you for how many years now? You’ve never had a real relationship with anybody. How could you possibly know what love feels like?”
You shook your head adamantly, convincing yourself he didn’t mean what he was saying. “You’re lashing out.” 
“Is it lashing out if it’s true?” he quipped. 
You swallowed hard, choking a bit. 
“I can’t fucking believe this. My best friend and my brother. I went away to school to be on my own and have my own life, and somehow Minho manages to take that too.” He was mostly talking to himself now. “What if someone else had caught you two? How fucked up would that have looked? I put no flirting with my brothers on the list of rules for a reason, obviously. Although I guess it didn’t matter in the end anyway, did it? You didn’t take them or this seriously.”
“Ji, that’s not true and you know that. I’m the one who wrote out those flashcards. I memorized all that stuff about your family. I flew halfway around the world for you— I did take it seriously.”
“Until Minho offered his dick to you on a silver platter?”
“Oh my god!”
“Am I wrong?” 
You sighed. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.”
“Explain it to me then. When did this all start anyway?”
“Minho kissed me for the first time in, um, Italy.” 
“Oh my god, I’m the biggest fucking idiot in the world,” he groaned. 
“But it wasn’t like that then… he still thought we were together then.” 
Jisung threw his hands up. “That makes it worse!”
“I know but he was drunk.”
“That’s not an excuse. You of all people should know that.” 
You let the dig slide since he was in an emotional state and you were in no position to argue anyway. 
“I know.”
“So you guys have been sneaking around behind my back for like a fucking month now?” 
“We didn’t sleep together until Shanghai, when he found out we weren’t together. But I feel like I should tell you I kissed him in Japan. Just so that you know everything.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Jisung deadpanned. “Thank you for being so honest.” He spat the last word at you, which again, was deserved, but hurt nonetheless. You sniffled. “I can’t believe you’re the one crying right now.” 
You couldn’t believe that Jisung wasn’t crying but then again he wasn’t the type to cry when he was angry. He only cried when he was sad, and that probably hadn’t hit him yet. 
You were starting to get cold wearing nothing but a towel but tried not to let it show. Of course, Jisung noticed instantly. He sighed as you shivered and pursed his lips. Even when he was furious with you, even when your relationship was irreparably damaged, he cared about you. It wasn’t something he could just turn off, though maybe with time, he’d learn to. 
“Anyway, go to bed. I’m going to sleep on the couch.”
“O-okay,” you mumbled. 
Jisung brushed past you abruptly, muttering to himself loud enough for you to hear.
“God, I wish I’d never fucking met you that night.” 
You bit down on your lip as hard as possible to choke down a sob. All you could do was stand there motionlessly and stare at the floor. You waited for him to walk away into the living room but the footsteps stopped suddenly. 
“Oh, and a word of advice-”
“Hm?” You turned around to face him, trying your best to pull yourself together. 
“You should try getting over your feelings for Minho as fast as possible. He doesn’t love you back. He’s just using you, babe. I know he’s pretty smooth but that’s why he’s so good at his job. Easier said than done, I know, but you’re a smart girl. You’ll figure it out.”
hard one to write (and i imagine to read) but lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
iou tags: @gimmeurtmi @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsofafangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @bvslines @wonderfulshinee @imwithurmother @smollquokka @rosexjimin @skizzel @endzii23 @lady-lena @kwanisms @ch4nniebang @lilramennoodle @babyphotos0325 @dearalice @sojohns @mistlitmoonlight @yoontaethings @babebatter @mal-lunar-28 @shy-kisu @zerefdragn33l @downbadreading @saquso @bunnispaces @reianagarcia @hyunehans @imtooyoungforthisshitbaby @i8rsie @honeslykindahorny @214racha @hgema @chillllli @vixensss @smhlino @feiyaa @borahae-reads @bigbearenergy @hoodiesandicedcofee @darkacademic2512 @y00nzin0 @i8yul @shinypieceofgarbage @woozarts @just-a-little-delulu @djeniryuu @hbzzzbork000 @mimzibee @sofiaslayed @kangyounghyunhands @lexxxxs-things @baejinswrld @gaysontheprince @emogril @ngengngeng @tenshimara @stopeatread @seungminniesgf @lydatataylorsversion @cheolbs @bxnnyhwa @zheav @pinkskiesdream @soohyukazz @spearb-gf @lonely00sbrat @lino1ino @simple1605 @ninashellhole @yoorimin @catiuskaa @gemini-demon @kronikk
add yourself to the taglist here!
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poppitron360 · 2 months
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: What do you want to be for Halloween?
Jason: Yours.
Leo: …yeah, that would be pretty scary.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: Stop doing that.
Leo: Stop doing what?
Jason: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Jason: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Leo: I don't know, surprise me!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: Pros and cons of dating me.
Leo: Pros. You'll be the cute one.
Leo: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
Leo, confused: I mean, this is my house, so yeah.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: How do I tell Jason that I want him to yell at me like he’s Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Jason: Okay.
Leo: And make out during the scary parts.
Jason: Th-
Jason: The scary parts.
Jason: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason (about Leo): I would never say that my husband is a bitch and I don’t like him. That’s not true… My husband is a bitch and I like him so much!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: Are you an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing.
Jason: Are you a software update? because not right now.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason *Holding up a pack of pens*: Look at how cute these pens are!
Leo: Jason that’s gay.
Jason: Leo, we’ve been dating for-
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: This date is boring!
Leo: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Jason: Then why did you invite me?
Leo: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Leo I'll do whatever I want!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Leo: That's great, Jason. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
(Basically the plot of my Married Valgrace AU that I’ve been writing)
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Jason: Aww-
Leo: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Leo: Fight me!
Jason: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
Jason: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: Two bros!
Leo: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Jason and Leo, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it.
Leo: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Leo: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Jason: No, like, U R A Q T.
Leo: Awwww!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Leo: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Jason: But you’re always acting stupid?
Leo: ...
Leo: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend?
Leo: Dude- Its satire!
0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_ [0]-_🔥-_[0]-_⚡️-_[0
Jason: I want to kiss you.
Leo, not paying attention: What?
Jason: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
@euryvices I was literally in the middle of writing this when you posted your hcs and I had to tag you.
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eternalsams · 10 months
I gotta a request for you
TW: mentions of being sick (like a cold)
Ya girl is ill and in desperate need of fluff with Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Robert "Bob" Floyd (if your writing him rn), Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia like how they would be when your sick
Feel free to ignore this is you want
This is so cute! I have yet to write for Bob, it's on my 2024 plans don't worry. I'm ma just write some headcanons and not full stuffs cause I don't really have the time but I really wanted to do this now (it's getting late where I live)
TW: mentions of throwing up
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
first, he's clueless, he doesn't really know what to do. Is he supposed to cook for you? to help you blowing your nose?
if you get really sick to the point you empty your stomach at everything you eat, he tries to be as supportive as he can. holding your hair if it gets in your face? he can do that. rubbing your back when you feel like dying with your head on the toilet seat? he even kisses the back of your head and whispers sweet things to you
he desperately tries to cook you things you can keep; rice, chicken, whatever you need, he makes just so you feel better (spoiler alert, he's not really a great cook)
he even asks you if he needs to take a day or two off so he can take care of you but you promise him he doesn't need to (he respects your decision, he wouldn't have liked you missing work for him either)
he's a southern boy, he practically never gets sick so he takes that as an advantage to cuddle with you in bed and cover your face with sweet kisses
unfortunately, he does get sick and it's your turn to baby him all week
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
he knows what to do. he's been raised by the one and only Carole Bradshaw so he knows exactly what kind of food you need to get better asap
he surprises you with his cooking skills. he usually rarely cooks because he's not great either in front of a stove. but when you're not feeling good? that man turns into Gordon Ramsay for you
he even kept his mom's recipes from when he was not older than 15 when she used to cook him nice meals when he was sick
he's a cuddler, he doesn't care if he gets sick, he just wanna keep you safe and warm in his arms.
if you're feeling really bad, he even calls in sick with Mav to take care of you until you get better
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
that poor man goes full panic mode, he asks you if you're cold, if you're feeling nauseous, the whole interrogation
then he calls his mom, and you swear you hear him beg his mother for her secret recipes
I'm convinced this man is the definition of golden retriever energy, he just cannot stop running around. one moment he's wrapping you in his favorite star wars blanky, and the next one, he passing the front door, on his way to get some herbal tea
when you're all cosy on your couch, with Luke and Leia Skywalker wrapped around your shoulders, and the hot cup of tea in your hands, Mickey finally allows himself to calm down
even more when you ask him to pick a movie to watch together
Robert "Bob" Floyd
he's actually the one who notices you getting sick. when you start blowing your nose more often or clearing your throat with a grimace on your face
he looks up on the internet for some natural tips to dissipate a cold and it usually works without you noticing anything
but if you get really sick, he's a bit lost. just like Mickey, he'd call his parents for advice and his mom would help him cook you some food you can keep.
he doesn't care if you wake him up in the middle of the night when you flush the toilet or when you stumble on the bathroom floor to empty your stomach, as long as he's by your side through it, he's really doesn't care
maybe hell get sick with all the kisses he steals from you but he just can't get enough of the red flush of your cheeks and especially the tip of your nose
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xhoky · 8 months
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° art and world art history teacher.
°- "maybe i actually like kids..."- one of a students knocked down a can with paint.
- "I take my words back..."
°- here only for money.
°- whispering: "you little shitlings"
°- "i am not paid enough for this".
°- "who drew a d-.. pp on the canvas?!"
° trying not to curse really hard.
° he doesn't like kids, but still works mostly with 7-11 years old students cus he has no choice as older ones doesn't have art classes. At least they have world art history.
° Dream: "I heard that one of a students said inappropriate word after your classes, how do you explain this?"
Ink: "what kind of inappropriate word? I don't remember all what i said accidentally out loud"
° all his clothes are dirty with paint, but he doesn't care.
° actually teaching kids how to draw instead just making them copy from someone's already finished art.
° kids loves Ink despite his character. They also like to draw him (Ink secretly likes it, while also checks every mistake they made on the poor piece of paper when drawing him).
° kids: "grumpy teacher, grumpy teacher!".
° Gordon Ramsay but instead of cooking it's drawing.
° it's always the younger kids who like the grumpy, but not strict teachers. They find it funny how Ink outrage when someone make mistakes or knocks down the can of paint (again, maybe on purpose) .
°- Dream, Finch and Ani are his teacher-friends.
°- the only thing he enjoys in school is teacher tea-parties set by Ani in their classroom. They set these tea-parties in the evenings when all students are going home and teachers can finally rest and talk with each other.
° really close to Dream.
° can be a sub teacher of PE if Cross somehow can't attend classes.
° he is a menace.
° It's all fun and games until Ink comes in saying that he will change Cross on pe lesson today. Kids be screaming cuz no way someone won't get ultrahit while playing dodgeball (Cross is really careful with kids, but I can't say tha same thing about Ink).
°- "yess, minus three."
°- "who stole my brush again?"
° kids drew a pentagram right beneath the door, so now when Ink comes inside his classroom everyone laughing cuz he steps inside the circle. Janitor couldn't fully wash the paint away, so he let it be, even despite Ink's protests.
° he is still smoking on the school territory when no one sees. Some older students join him, knowing that teacher won't say anybody or they all are doomed. Also Ink just doesn't care enough.
°- "it's their choice, I can't untaught them if they already doing it, even if it's unhealthy and I am not their parent to scold them, I'm just a teacher. Also they are old enough to understand what is good by themselves."
°- "don't be mad, Finch, you are the therapist not me. You know that talking or taking away the cigarettes from them won't do a thing."
- Ink the second youngest teacher out of all cast (Ani is first).
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year
The problem with discussing the impact of reality TV is that there were two booms of reality TV that were very different, and people conflate them
The first one from 1999 to the mid-2000s was mainly reality-competition shows, and mainly on broadcast networks. This was the one networks did as a ploy to replace writers with cheaper content. This wave was also dying or dead by the end of the 2000s. The biggest hits survived, but it became harder to launch new reality-competition shows, and all the smaller shows and specials that clogged up the schedule (and some famous ones, like Fear Factor) went extinct, a victim of oversaturation - something foreshadowed by the show that kicked off the boom, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, going from hottest thing in TV to cancelled as it expanded to five nights a week. Like, if you look them up, most of the big reality-competition shows now either started during these boom years, or are spin-offs of one that did (like the Gordon Ramsay shows all springing from Hell's Kitchen). The network's dream/the industry's fear of reality replacing scripted content never came to pass
It's actually a huge commitment to launch a new "the viewers at home vote!" reality show, since you have to assign a untested show two hours on one night for the live show and one hour on the next for the results show, and throughout the 2010s networks would look for ways to ditch the results show. In some countries you could do voting live (British reality shows do due to having just one timezone), but you can't in the US due to episodes airing on a delay on the West Coast
I don't think you even can do a show of American Idol's level anymore, since it thrived from a brief period of overlap: where phones & internet were common, but we still had some kind of a monoculture. My proof of this is that there's a new season of American Idol airing right now, in April 2023. Did you know it was still on? I didn't. Do you know who won last year? I'm not sure I could name a winner or even contestant since the Bush years. I never watched it, but everyone knew who won it in its early years, since it had a saturation you just can't get anymore, except with sports. Hell, at its peak everyone knew the names of people who didn't get past the auditions. This is not a growth industry, it is one crystalized around a few shambling forever-hits, and that one show where famous people sing in animal masks
The second boom is the one that took off around the time of the strike, which was made up of "personality" based reality shows. These were most common on basic cable channels, and crucially, basic cable channels that didn't really have scripted content. Keeping Up with the Kardashians didn't displace anything, because E! was a celebrity gossip channel that was all-reality from the beginning. The fears around this kind of reality show were more intangible, that Jersey Shore or the Kardashians were a kind of cultural downfall, though they weren't in any sense a new evil but just the latest manifestation of tabloid culture. In past generations the type of person to keep up with the Kardashians would've religiously bought the National Enquirer, and far before that they would've kept up with the society pages.
Anyway people act as if these two booms were the same when they were very different and treat the first one as if it's ongoing and not very firmly dead
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cloudcountry · 1 year
I am LOOKING,, at Zero on the right 😳 
And yes!! The Berlin trip was exhausting, but it was really fun! And aaa I’m glad you liked the song! ^w^ It’s really catchy to me
As I’ve mentioned, I did a little wedding thing for some TWST characters 👀 So for some context, the reader/you are going to go to a large family wedding that’s coming up. Which also means extended relatives! You didn’t want to go out alone, so you decided to invite your friend as a plus-one. This is mainly platonic, but reader/you and the characters are implied to have some Feelings™ for each other,, 👀 👉👈 [The mini headcanons may be a bit messy- I hope you don’t mind!!]
-Congratulations! You’ve just gotten the biggest family flex of the century! Bragging rights forever!!
-He helps you with dressing up and styling your hair-
-You’re interrogated the second you step into the venue because holy sh*t is that the Vil Schoenheit??
-Vil will excuse both of you if he notices you’re getting overwhelmed by the barrage of questions. He’s had his fair share of social conventions and he knows his way around them
-Seeing how he’s so popular, there’s a pretty good chance that he also gets barraged with questions by the guests- And though he’s used to that sort of thing, you manage to break him away from the busy atmosphere and take him on a walk through the rose garden outside to get some fresh air
-The peaceful and quiet atmosphere is really nice, so you stay out there for a while. Unfortunately, you two do loose track of time because while you’re out there, the fireworks display began to start. Though you say you should go back and join the others, Vil convinces you to stay in the garden with him, and he pulls you down to sit with him on a bench, seeing the fireworks go off in the sky. The two of you could still see the fireworks just fine, no?
-“What a beautiful sight,” you say watching the night sky pop with colourful fireworks.
-Vil glances at you, and he saw how the colours reflected in your eyes. “Yes,” he said, “it is.”
Trey Clover
-One of the best people to have as a plus-one and meet the family to be honest
-His polite, caring charisma and dashing looks are a deadly combination
-He’s open to chatting with anyone, and he shares recipes and baking tips!
-You two get different desserts and you compare each other’s
-“This is really good, you have to try it!” And he holds out his spoon to feed you some of his dessert
-I don’t know why, but I love the image of him analysing each dessert like he’s some pâtissier Gordon Ramsay. He’s more of a Paul Hollywood though
-Kind of a bad dancer but that adds to his charm 🤌
-I can see him hanging out with the grandparents… They’d love him, let’s be honest. They’d pat you on the back and nod in approval for finding such a nice young man. You have to tell them you’re not dating
-“You’re not dating yet, you mean!” Your grandma says.
-“Grandma, no-“
-I can see Cater hyping him up through text messages kfjgnb
Cater Diamond
-“Wait, let me take one more picture—“ Proceeds to take fifty more
-Also asks you to take some photos of him too so he can upload them to Magicam. He’s uploading them in real time
-Just imagine the hashtags he’d make
-Pretty fun date overall! Probably hasn’t been to a wedding before so he’s pretty excited
-Social butterfly, and by the end of the wedding, he’s probably met your entire extended family kjfkjhbd
-There was a glitter bar and he was ECSTATIC,, He asks you if you want to get some glitter makeup with him and now both your faces are bedazzled with glitter
-Fun dancer! Probably in a lot of dancing candid shots
-Though, he does manage to snag a photo of you dancing wholeheartedly and having the brightest grin on your face as an upbeat love song plays, the coloured lights catching in your hair,, he’ll keep this one photo private
Azul Ashengrotto
-Wants to make a good impression on your family, so he makes you give him a PowerPoint slideshow presentation on your family members—
-Not a bad date! He gets along well with your family
-Probably manages to overhear all the juicy family gossip and is living for it
-The bride ended up tossing the bouquet way too far and Azul ended up catching it. Now all the uncles are patting him on the shoulder saying congratulations and now he’s trying to hide his embarrassment because he knows exactly what they’re insinuating
-Ngl, he’d probably advertise the Mostro Lounge,, networking king honestly
-The bride and groom wanted one last private dance and as the others were preparing for the send-off, you and Azul have a little dance of your own, listening to the music drifting out of the open windows
-It was a little bit of a surprise for you; Azul didn’t strike you as much of a dancer but he was doing pretty well (He may or may not have practiced a lot-)
-It’s honestly a pretty tender moment; you follow his lead while you lay your head against his shoulder while he gazes at you so softly
Jade Leech
-Surprisingly eager to agree?? He’s curious to see how humans on land celebrate weddings, and it’s an opportunity to spend time with you, so win-win
-There was a DIY mocktail bar and Jade had the audacity to make you a drink with the most wack combination of ingredients you’ve ever heard. Why are you smiling while offering a drink infused with watermelon and cayenne pepper. Jade? Jade—
-Your aunts are charmed with Jade, and they ask you why weren’t you dating such a polite young man?? He’s enjoying every second of your embarrassment
-Fans the flames like “Yes (Name), why aren’t we dating?”
-Pretty chill on the dance floor and mostly just sways along to the music tbh
-How did he get in all the important family photos
-He got a personal invite to the next family gathering and had the sheer audacity to invite you as his plus-one
Jamil Viper
-A bit nervous about having to leave Kalim, but you both manage to convince him it’ll be fine. It’s just for a few hours!
-He absolutely tears it up on the dance floor. It’s his dance floor and we’re all just dancing on it
-You and him are also in a lot of candid shots dancing together!
-Gets along well with your family and the other guests (And tries so hard to not be passive-aggressive to your mean relatives. Whether he succeeds or not is up for debate)
-Although, the ceremony was to take place outside, and that meant bugs. So, as the bride was saying her vows, a roach landed on Jamil’s knee, and you were the first one to notice. You could feel the sweat sliding down the back of your neck as the bug casually crawled around. By some absolute miracle, Jamil didn’t notice it yet
-“Jamil,” you whisper just as the guests applauded the newlyweds kissing.
-“I need you to trust me and not look down.” 
-Jamil, currently living in blissful ignorance, is confused, but says “sure?” He’s suspicious now. You need to be quick.
-As the guests are walking away, you slap the bug off his knee and he screams bloody murder at the sudden sight of the bug flying in front of his face
-RIP Jamil he can’t catch a break
-Aside from that though, pretty chill time!
Kalim Al-Asim
-Very excited to go with you to the wedding!!
-Even though you insist he doesn’t have to, he gets the newlyweds so. Many. Gifts. And they’re all expensive too; it’s to the point where the bride and groom genuinely consider giving some back kjfngb- Kalim assures them it’s fine though!!
-Gets along great with the young kids there! The flower girl asked him to dance and now all the kids want to dance with him fgjnbg
-You have to pull him away from them so he can finally get some food fkgjnb
-Sucks for you because they still follow him around like an entourage. You just stand there like "🧍‍♂️"
-Another fun dancer and very social! He’s a fun date tbh
-After the wedding was finished and all the guests were sent away, you two were still hungry, so you did some Mac and cheese at home
-He says he had a great time and hopes he’ll get invited to the next family outing!
I hope you enjoyed this! I hope no one seems super OOC or anything fghjnfb- (Also happy birthday to Zero! :D)
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
azul would one hundred percent network at someones else wedding omg. ALSO THE BOUQUET PART?!?!?! IM FUCKING DEAD!??!?!?! WE SHOULD GET MARRIED AGAIN FR COME HERE POOKIEEEEE I LVOE YOU
"why arent we dating?" BECAUSE YOU HAVENT ASKED ME OUT YET YOURE TOO BUSY DEFLECTING JASHFDJASGFD also him getting his own invite to the next social is so real that would happen hes so sneaky JHASFDHAHSFGD
KALIMS PART IS LITERALLY SO SWEET. YORUE RIGHT HE WOULD BE THE FUNNEEST DATE EVER (except for my networking bf but that sjust me <3)
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spencermorgans · 4 months
Incorrect Quotes Generator II
Rossi: I never said I was gonna get back together with them. But I was thinking, they're in town, would it be the worst thing in the world if I gave them a call? Spencer: No. No, Rossi, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. It would be the fourth worst thing. Number one: a super volcano. Number two: an asteroid hits the Earth. Number three: All the Evel Knievel movies are lost. Number four: Rossi calls Hotch. Number five: Derek gets eaten by a shark. Derek: I’m Derek, and I approve the order of that list.
Derek: Bad news—Rossi locked themself outside of their own house. Derek: Good news—we didn’t have to wait around for a locksmith. Derek: Bad news—Hotch finds it very concerning that I know how to pick locks, and tried to unlock my Tragic Backstory(TM). I was too embarrassed to admit that the reason I learned it was because, at thirteen, I figured that was the kind of skill that would impress cute guys Derek: Good news—a cute guy saw me do it. Derek: Bad news—it was Spencer, and since they’ve already seen me fall out of several trees, cry because I saw a fawn that was just too damn small, and knows I can ride a unicycle, they’ll never think I’m cool no matter what I do. It’s too late. They know.
Spencer: I’m so happy two of my favorite people are getting along now. Rossi: Uh, Hotch and Derek are not getting along. Spencer: They’re not trying to kill each other. Rossi: You may have a point.
Derek: What’s the announcement, Spencer? Spencer: It’s a lecture. Hotch’s gonna tell us everything they know about sex. Rossi: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
Spencer: seductively takes off glasses Spencer: Wow… Derek: blushes Haha… what? Spencer: You're really fucking blurry.
Derek: Being half asleep and feeling someone gently plant a kiss on your forehead is one of the purest kinds of love in the world. Spencer: Unless you're home alone.
Spencer: It doesn’t have a bone. Derek: Then why is it called a boner?
Spencer: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Derek: This is a lie. Derek: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie. Derek: THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
Hotch: It'll be fun. Hotch: We'll make a day of it. Hotch: Come on you punk bitch. Rossi: I can't believe I have to say this. Rossi: I don't have time to get tested for sti's with you tomorrow.
Emily: So you like cats? JJ: Yeah. Emily: tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table
Emily: How do I tell JJ that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
JJ: What’s your body count? Emily: Do you mean sex or murder?
Emily: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. JJ: What- how? Emily: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
Emily: JJ, is that my mug you’re drinking out of? JJ: No, it’s mine. Emily: It… looks just like the one I have… JJ: You don’t have one like this anymore.
Gideon: walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone Rossi: Hey, Gideon, how was your day? Gideon: picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Rossi Hell. Hotch, watching this unfold: whispers Who hurt you?
Hotch: So, what’s Rossi's type? Gideon: Brown eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humor, turtle lover. Hotch: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends. Gideon: Did I mention oblivious? Hotch: Yeah, why? Gideon: Okay, just making sure.
Gideon: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Hotch: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Rossi: Ya know… it might be.
Hotch: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Rossi a little bit. Gideon, holding Hotch's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation. Hotch: No, that's our joint tombstone. Gideon: My mistake.
Penelope: H-how do you ask someone out? Emily: Well, first- JJ: Don't ask them, they asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot. Penelope: …And you said yes?
Gideon: Who do we know that has handcuffs? Rossi: Well Hotch and I- Hotch: elbows Rossi Rossi: …wouldn't know.
Gideon: What did Rossi do this time? Hotch: More like WHO did Rossi do this time?
Hotch: And here we see Rossi and Gideon in their natural habitat. Texting eachother variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make eachother laugh. Rossi: Gaelic bread. Gideon: Grueling brad. Rossi: Ha ha, glamorous beans.
Gideon: They can't make me admit France exists, right? Legally, that's not allowed. Gideon: Sure, if France was REAL I'd say I liked it. Gideon: But who's to say. Rossi: I think France isn't real. Hotch: Rossi, you've been to France. Rossi: And???
Gideon: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks. Hotch: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs? Rossi: I think that’s the point. Gideon: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.
Hotch: What happened to Gideon? Rossi: They died. Hotch: They what? Rossi: They died, but they’re okay. Hotch: …Can you please clarify? Gideon: Clarification is for the weak.
Gideon: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Hotch recently. Rossi: No, Gideon, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Gideon: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Rossi: No! You’re the only one for me. Gideon: Is that so? Rossi: I promise! Hotch and I are just dating, okay? They’re my partner. Gideon: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Rossi: You are still my one and only best friend! They’re just the love of my life, nothing more! Gideon: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right? Rossi: Of course bro! Gideon: Bro… Hotch: What the-
Rossi (brainstorming ideas for pranking Hotch): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Gideon: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Rossi: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Gideon: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Rossi.
Spencer: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying? Derek: Damn, if people did that to each other, Hotch would've killed me years ago.
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Stray Kids as Different Kinds of Shopaholics
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Pairing: OT8 x gn!reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, crack Warnings: none
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1. Bang Chan- The Idiot
You would think that Bang Chan would be the sensible one when it comes to shopping 
This is false.
Unlike the other boys, he doesn’t really have super niche hobbies like art or dance, so he believes that he doesn’t need to spend so much money on such “unnecessary things”
He’ll even hoard coupons and try to use them, even though they expired months ago
But two seconds later, he’ll be whipping out his wallet to buy the most useless shit ever
He would 100% fall for stupid scams, like a self-stirring coffee mug or a “gravity-defying” umbrella hat
As long as they make “life more efficient”
But if you want to buy a book or socks or something, he’ll side eye you and scold you for buying dumb things, as if he just didn’t spend a fortune on an automatic shoe-tying machine
2. Lee Know- The Gordon Ramsay Wannabe
Now Minho is pretty wise with money, except when it comes to one thing
His kitchen
I can absolutely envision him wanting to have an immaculately stocked kitchen
After all, he likes to try making new and elaborate dishes, and he needs the tools for that
Minho will have no problem with buying the fanciest, most expensive supplies
He’ll have a bluetooth wireless cooking sensor to time his roasts from a distance, a soy milk maker, and that KitchenAid artisan mini stand mixer with the fancy beater
He’s so extra that he will even buy a juice extractor to facilitate his morning fix for green juice (gross)
Will get mad if you question his purchases.
3. Changbin- The Gym Bro
Every single exercise contraption known to man will go into his personal home gym
He needs fifty different kinds of weights, 
Maybe even those arm exercise bands for when he’s “on a road trip”
Also spends a lot of money on nutrition
Like those organic seed packets or high-quality kale or something so he can make healthy stuff for himself
If you even open your mouth, he will immediately get defensive, explaining why each and every one of his purchases make sense and why you need them too to be healthy
4. Hyunjin- Ariana Grande
The “I want it, I got it” mentality
Going shopping with him has no budget. He hates that word
The kind of person who doesn’t bring a shopping list; he just strolls the aisles and buys anything he wants
Likes buying name brands: Gucci, Versace, Tom Ford, Chanel, and of course, Celine
Bougie bitch right here
LOVES jewelry and accessories even more than clothes; anything that glitters
Might ask you to go shopping with him sometimes just because he needs someone to help him hold all of his bags
Simply will ignore you if you ask him why he needs $5000 in new shirts when he’s already got a closet full at home
5. Han- The Real One
Surprisingly, Jisung would be one of the more practical shoppers
He has a normal budget that he follows religiously, because there’s only one thing that he really wants
Whenever he goes out, he absolutely must buy a drink. Probably boba, to sip on while walking or when sitting in the car
He’ll have “secret” hiding spots in his room for his snacks
Can’t cook so loves taking it as an excuse to always get food outside & he loves doing it with you
Loves ordering-in all kinds of meals as well, whether it’s pizza or butter chicken
Every morning, Jisung needs to buy his coffee at Starbucks and be all aesthetic, or else he can’t do his work
Pouts when you remind him that you literally have a coffee machine at home.
6. Felix- Santa Claus
Now Felix is also a little like Jisung, being a little more realistic
EXCEPT when it comes to his friends & family, especially you.
Will spoil you rotten will all sorts of gifts, from new clothes to perfume
And he insists on taking you on shopping sprees and showering you with new things you don’t really need
Receiving expensive chocolates imported from Paris or somewhere is a regular thing for you
And he’s even managed to get you a designer bag that even the richest people have to be on waiting lists for
Doesn’t get offended at all when you tell him that he needs to cut down on the spending; he’ll just cutely hold out a pretty dress for you to wear
And how can you refuse him?
7. Seungmin- The Mom
Doesn’t give a crap about being fashionable; definitely stingy when it comes to that
“But Seungmin, that hoodie is seven years old…” “Well it fits, so I can wear it.”
Will lecture people (Hyunjin) on their horrible spending habits
Meanwhile, he’d rather spend time in the cleaning sections
He’ll stock up on extra paper towels and wipes and other practical materials
The kind of shopper to absolutely ADORE sales, and will buy everything with a discount
Would buy snow gear in June just because it’s 5% off and will force you to try on a hideous sweater just because it’s in clearance or something
8. I.N.- The Guilty One
Can’t be trusted when given money to go shopping
You could give him your wallet to tell him to go buy milk and when he comes back, he’ll have his arms full of crap that you didn’t even mention
Is such a binge-shopper that he has no choice but to live simple
Because the moment he steps into Target or the mall or somewhere, it’s over.
You had to stop giving him your credit card and just hand him a limited wad of cash when you need him to run errands for you
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TAGLIST @hamburgers101 @chansburgah @ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98 @ohish @chizumiyoshi @lilydaisyyy @jetblackbelle @143hyunes
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