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mochinomnoms · 1 year ago
Thinking about the Tweels parents reacted to them bringing home a partner, think of how excited mama Ashengrotto will be when Azul brings home his mate. After seeing Azul alone, depressed, and self-loathing for so many years, seeing him have the confidence to bring home his mate. If he is in his Merform she is even more thrilled. When she sees them comfort and hug him and allows Azul to cling to them she may faint. If/when they get married, you know she is throwing the biggest wedding reception in her restaurant. Yuu’s dress or tux, completely covered no matter the cost, all food, covered. She is just happy that her son found someone and Mr. Ashengrotto has to hold her back and keep her from squeezing Yuu to tight out of joy. She would also drop hints that she would be a great grandma and show you how cute Azul was in all his baby pictures.
Azul would probably die of embarrassment when his mom shows baby pictures and when they are finally alone (thanks to Azul’s Stepdad reminding her she has a Business to take care of) he finally relents:
“I’m sorry, she is just excited to meet you,” Azul has yuu curled in his many arms inside his octopot.
“Is she the reason you waited so long to introduce me to your parents?”
“Yes… also she has three books full of photos hidden in the house I can’t find and my step-father won’t tell me where they are. They just appear when guest come over and disappear when I try to burn them later.”
“Well, we are meeting your Grandma tomorrow so things should be better there!”
Azul groaned.
“More picture books?”
“Six books. I have no clue how she got half of those photos, I think she hired the tweels behind my back!”
She's so happy upon learning about Azul's partner. Ms Iris Ashengrotto is a sweet woman whose restaurant started from the bottom to become a renounced, exclusive dining experience that only the most wealthy, prim and proper folks under the sea could have the privilege of eating. It's why the Ashengrottos and the Leech family have worked together for so long, it makes a fine establishment for their… “business” deals. She's what we would equate to Gordon Ramsay, really: no-nonsense, with strict and high expectations in her kitchen. Similarly, she is oh so sweet with children, her own especially.
So it was a pain to watch Azul grow up so lonely, though she could never get him to tell her why. Iris assumed that it was due to bullying, most merfolk are not kind to cecaelias, but she couldn't go off and scare random children into not interacting with her son. Nor could she talk to their parents without knowing for sure if that was the case, or if her son was just naturally shy. It didn't help her worries when her son got skinner and skinner, thinking she didn't notice him look at his body in the mirror as he poked and prodded at what little fat remained on him.
She took comfort when the Leech parents sent their twins off to keep Azul company, though he didn't seem to warm up to them for quite some time. Even when he went to NRC with the twins, opening his own establishment, Iris was still concerned about him making friends. It's why she was so pleasantly surprised to hear from her son during his second year about his partner. He's shyly gushing about you to him, a magicless human that slithered their way into his locked up heart. With the way he describes you, like you hung the moon and starts, she's already planning a wedding in her head.
It takes some nudging after that to get him to bring you for a visit, but he eventually did over the summer break. Oh, she was delighted to see his limbs unconsciously curl around you, holding you close as you curled into him yourself. You were so cute! A sweetheart! A delight! A perfect child-in-law! Azul, please forgive her if she starts sobbing, but how else is a mother supposed to react when she sees her child gaze at someone with so much love in their heart?
The first day she's monopolized your time, feeding you and Azul all sorts of food and snacks, offhandedly mentioning that the two of you would have to fatten up a bit to give her health grandchildren. She had to withhold a laugh at Azul's mortified expression. Iris has several albums of baby and childhood pictures, eager to coo over how cute and chubby Azul was as a baby. Her son is sulking at the other end of the couch, but he still has a tentacle curled around your ankle, never leaving you for long.
It's when she's hiding away her album (one of three, Azul's destroyed many be she always has spares), that she overhears your conversation. Iris had stopped by his bedroom to let you two know that she needed to return to the restaurant, but instead quietly delighted at the sight of you two in his octopot. A cecaelia's octopot, hiding place, is a very private and intimate place. So seeing you, cradled in Azul's lap, as his many arms hold you close to him, makes her heart swell.
She decides to leave you two alone, taking one last peek as you giggle at a pouting Azul, before sharing a soft kiss. Iris is smiling at the sight, sighing as she can finally relax, knowing her son is going to be taken care of.
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the-trinket-witch · 2 months ago
I PICK GALEN!! *ahem* I choose Galen for the Oc Dating Sim Game... I'm totally normal about him hehehehehehe...
I wanna see his best ending but also am very curious about his bad ending...
Prompt Here
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Galen: Found either in Heartslabyul hedge maze, Campus Stables, or Heartslabyul Interior
+ choosing Equestrian club for your club
+ Defeating Overblot Riddle within a certain amount of turns (Galen must be in your party)
+ attending Unbirthday Parties (randomized daily event)
+ giving ‘Book-prose’ items
- choosing ‘Flamingos’ for your party’s Unbirthday Party duty
- choosing ‘flirty’ options of dialogue before hitting certain milestones
- selecting the dialogue option inquiring about his gloves before reaching his ½ way Affection Milestone
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @cyanide-latte @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3
@tixdixl @prince-kallisto @candiedchiliarch
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mellowshipsu · 1 year ago
Hello Mellow!
I was wondering if you could ship my Oc with a TWST Character!
Her name is Cynthia Widow and she is a Female TWST of Oogy Boogy from Nightmare Before Christmas.
She goes by She/Her and is in Ramshackle (She is Yuu).
She seems like the stereotypical good girl: kind, quiet, and fun-loving, but once she is comfortable around her, you see she is actually Cunning, sly, and very outgoing. She loves to play cards and luck/chance games with her friends (she starts an underground casino) and is a good cook. She is very elegant and graceful looking, but she is always listening and has a way of getting people to tell her their deepest, darkest secrets, desires, and truths to the point where she could blackmail anyone she wants too. She has perfected her mom glare and is fiercely loyal to her friends. She dosen't like potatoes and has a strange fondness for spiders and bats. Her live language is physical touch and quality time. She has a fear of snakes and is not the best athlete (though she does dance).
Lmk if you need any more information and thank you!!
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One would think he would never take interest of you.
You're quite the opposite of him, it's true.
An outgoing gambling woman full of potential sin.
But that is what draws him in.
You're beautiful, covered in glitz and glam.
You gripped the heart of the righteous---
Rollo Flamm!
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(image source: breezewiki)
Cynthia Widow instantly caught the eyes of the Noble Bell College's president, Rollo Flamm. Not only was she not invited to to this event, she was also a woman in a school full of boys. He eyed her closely at her stay with her demon talking cat. To his surprise, Miss. Widow was a kind woman. Politely talking to the citizens, parenting her little monster cat, and playing with the local children and goats.
Rollo walked with her and Grim around the city before spotting a group of men playing a shell game. Some men were complaining how they lost their money which made Rollo sneer in disgust. But Cynthia looked intrigued, a smirk creeping on her pretty purple lips. She watched intently as another gambled their money away.
"You're a cheat." She said simply, making everyone, including Rollo stare at her in shock at such a bold statement.
"Ma'am. I do not know what you're talking about." The dealer said nervously.
Cynthia walked up to the table, "You're quite good at acting about being humble. Losing some games to suspend suspicion - smart. But unfortunately for you I'm an avid gambler, who gambles to a various amount of magical students." She grabbed the shells and lifted them up to reveal they were all empty, "Non-magical people fall victim to these games against a magic user." She put the shells down and pointed at the dealer's arms, "You use your magic to slip the marble up your sleeve when you rearrange them."
The man looked baffled. Rollo took this opportunity to check himself. He stepped forward and used his magic to pull the marble out from the man's sleeve. Rollo looked angered, "And on our joyous holiday!"
The dealer shook and was drenched in sweat, while the people who were swindled got the authorities. The dealer was escorted away and Rollo made it his responsibility to distribute the money back to the gamblers, scolding them not to indulge in such dark temptations.
Cynthia and Grim pouted a bit, wishing they had some of that money. Rollo would scold them, but he couldn't stop looking at Cynthia's pouting lips and thinking how cute she was.
"You are quite an interesting person Cynthia Widow... Would you consider staying at Nobel Bell College instead? I would like you by my side. ...! As my captain of the guard of course."
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umblrspectrum · 10 months ago
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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tomahachi12 · 4 months ago
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Meet the Doormans!
see I'm working on AU stuff lol
still no name for it though, but I'll figure that out eventually
Info about them down belooooow
Cyn "Cynthia" Swapped with - Uzi Age - 18 She was 6 years old when her mom died and the trauma from the event caused her to shut down and stop talking. She learned sign language from Noah so she could communicate. For anyone else that doesn't understand her, she'll either use text on her visor or a projected text box. She doesn't interact with anyone and prefers to keep to herself, the only one she really opens up to is her brother. He's the only one who can call her by her actual name, she'll ignore everyone else. Inherited her solver from her mom, which activated after her mom's passing. She's scared of Khan.
Noah Swapped with - No one! Rewritten for story Age 25 7 years older than Cyn. He was 13 when his mom died. No one knows why he's so tall. He took care of Cyn after their mother died. He learned sign language and taught it to Cyn. He's a member of the Worker Defense Force. Loves doing anything! boi stop hiding your pain and get help He wants his dad's approval, not only for himself, but for his sister as well. Does not have the Solver at least not yet
Khan Swapped with - No one! Rewritten for story. Leader of the Worker Defense Force and Outpost 3. Very stoic and closed off, especially after Alice died. After his wife died, he completely threw himself into his work, neglecting nearly everything else (including his kids ): ) Because of Cyn's strong resemblance to Alice, he can't bear to even look at her. He killed his wife.
Alice Swapped with - Nori Huge fukin nerd. Western movies were her favorite. Her pet-name for Khan was "Sheriff" She loved to play "dress up" especially with her kids. She was still part of the Solver Experiments, but did not cause the implosion, that was still Nori's doing. She had pretty bad Solver Moment when it took her over and she slaughtered an entire apartment block. She couldn't stop herself and begged Khan to kill her. She was 33 when she died.
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ziekkfreak2-0 · 3 months ago
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Hhhey guys, wouldn't it be funny if after eating Cynessa's core, Uzi got fully possessed by Cyn.
Wouldn't that be so funny.
For clarification, I mean regular Cyn without the influence of the solver. The Cyn who lived so long as a puppet of the solver, watching the people she considered family turn against her.
But that's fine. It made sense, didn't it? Who would trust someone who has killed them thousands upon thousands of times. Death was her punishment, to which she accepted with open arms.
And yet.
She was still alive. Not in her own body, but still alive. Alive in a body that didn't malfunction, with legs that could stand up straight and a voice box that didn't involuntarily say her every action.
Her family didn't look at her like she was wrong. Like she was strange.
Like she was a monster.
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Now, she is loved.
A chance to live the life she never had.
Was it so wrong to indulge a little?
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thatbugkidd · 3 months ago
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Cyn and Uzi have a particularly.. interesting relationship in this AU
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Their dynamic is a tedious journey of manipulation, mistrust, and gradual vulnerability with one another!! In the beginning their relationship is definitely very tense, with Uzi suspicious of any of Abso's subordinates and Cyn very manipulative and demeaning. Despite this, they do have a deep rooted respect for each other, not that either of them would admit it. It is a bit overshadowed by Cyn's manipulative tendencies and uzi's defensive hostility. Its.. not super healthy. But they still have an undeniable attraction to each other. Cyn admires Uzi's bite, and willingness to talk back to her, something few others do.
And Uzi might oddly admire Cyn's confidence, her ability to turn any situation to her advantage. She's quick on her feet and has wits, Uzi can respect that.
Uzumi, more generally known as Uzi, is quietly renowned for her innovation and knack for building weapons, which catches the attention of the head crime lord, Abso. Cyn is tasked with keeping an eye on Uzi to make sure she doesn't become a threat and is kept underway. here's a little snippet i planned for their first meeting hehe
Cyn enters the tattered workshop uninvited, leaning casually against the doorframe, smirking as she takes in the scattered tools and half-finished contraptions.
"So this is where the magic happens. I expected something... less chaotic. But then again, chaos has its charm."
Uzi, without looking up, coldly responds "If you’re here to buy, I don’t sell to Abso’s lackeys."
A harsh scoff was heard, Cyn exaggerating faux offense, "Lackey? Ouch. I like to think of myself as... freelance talent. Though, I do have a certain reputation to uphold."
Finally looking at her, unimpressed, Uzi snarls her nose "Yeah, I’ve heard. ‘Queen of Cyn.’ What, did you come up with that yourself, or was that Abso’s idea?”
Cyn chuckles, moving closer to inspect one of Uzi’s gadgets.
"You’ve got a sharp tongue, I’ll give you that. But I’m not here to pick a fight. I’m here to talk business. You and I—we’re not so different, you know." She trailed off, tracing the rough metal of the gadget, "we're both just trying to get by."
Uzi snatched the gadget out of Cyn’s hands, glaring at her, "We’re nothing alike. Now, leave before I show you how fast this thing can melt through steel."
Cyn grinned, leaning in closer "Oh, I like you."
The arcane au has been a lot of fun so far, I'm enjoying giving it its own story. >:3
Unfortunately small little update!! My mental health has been taking quite a dip and with holidays coming round, I'm just really stressed out as of late so activity may drop for a bit while I focus on myself. I got some art backed up that I'll try to be posting :3 but I'm gonna spend a couple weeks taking it slow and doing some art studies, games, etc bc my art has just been frustrating me so much!! If it had a physical vessel I'd beat the shit out of it rn tbh BUT just wanted to give a little heads up
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cynassa · 3 months ago
we were twenty for such a short time
Nightwing found him. It unnerved him, because he hadn't expected to. Red Hood was sitting on a crumbling ledge, helmet off, cigarette stuck in the corner of his mouth. He didn't look like he was out of his mind, or going to go for a gun or knife.
"Why'd you do it?" Nightwing asked, carefully maneuvering himself out of the way of the heavy-looking desk that could be flung at him.
Red Hood grunted. "Don't suppose you've got antiseptic in there somewhere?"
Nightwing shrugged, letting it ripple all over him, where, it should be eminently clear, there was no place for a first-aid kit.
"Figures," Red Hood muttered.
Nightwing set his hip against the wall, not close enough to get in range of Hood's vicious front kick, but close enough to throw an electrified escrima stick at him if necessary. Black Bat was ten minutes away, as was Robin with the Batmobile. Ideally they would get this sorted before Batman was finished and could become involved. He just had to stall for ten - no, nine minutes now. With an on-edge Hood who had killed - no, executed - executed three people.
Hood nodded at the table.
Nightwing raised an eyebrow.
"Why I did it," Hood said. "Since you asked. I'd offer tea and scones with 'em but whoopsy, seems like I'm all out."
A quick flick of his eyes showed three neat nondescript folders. He'd have to put his back to Hood to read them.
Eight minutes.
"Not much of a reader, me," Nightwing drawled. "Why don't you give me the Sparknotes version?"
Hood snorted. He finally lit the cigarette. "Cappello's wife begged me to," he said.
Nightwing tensed.
"Had a porn ring, she said. He's a cop though, so she couldn't get away. Then her girl got old enough to contribute and she just wanted him dead," he said, sounding... exhausted. "Watson was a pimp too. The women told me that he was okay for a bit and then he got greedy and things got worse. Tried putting the fear of Hood into him at first but he'd heard that I was with the Bats, so he just beat them to shut them up after I left. Had some Family connections too, FBI fuckers wouldn't touch him."
He stopped, took a puff at his cigarette.
Seven minutes
Dick was abruptly tired. The Rogues were one thing. But this. These horrors of America's crime capital were unending. A man could die trying to hold them up.
"And Stewart? He was in jail," Dick said.
Jason smoked his cigarette slowly. It was a Marlboro Red Long. Still the same cigarette.
Six minutes
"Stewart, Danny M.," Jason said. "He'd been in juvie, you know? Got off after three months on 'count of good behavior. Kept the connections though. Plenty of connections in his jail too, enough to keep his little racket in the juvies running. And who cares if some street rat with a record goes missing from time to time. Mayor probably called it housekeeping when he took the money from him."
"And so it's got to be you who actually cleans house instead?" Dick asked, wishing he could throw his sticks at Jason, wishing he could put them down and- and?
"Who else do they got?" Jason asked, squinting at Dick. "I tried doing it the other way for a bit, y'know," he said, almost sympathetically.
"Right," Dick said. "For all of five minutes."
Five minutes
Jason shrugged. "Bit more'n that. But yeah, people would come to me and beg me to help them, rescue them, and I'd get these fuckers sent to places that would -- like, pedos don't last long in jail, y'get me? Or sometimes I'd just bribe the jail catering to give them something. But then people stopped being afraid of me, and it all got worse. Twice the effort for less than half the results. I didn't have any control over the trades here anymore, arms trafficking had gone up, they'd started human trafficking again."
Jason had just been killing people anyway. Of course he had.
"You thought that was the other way? Bribing other people to kill..." Dick wanted to bash his face in. "You thought that was right?"
"I'm not the one who does the right thing," Jason said. "That's on you, Big Bird. I'm just the one filling in the gaps the light doesn't reach."
"That's an easy fucking excuse," Dick bit out.
Four minutes
"All these people suffering, and I was sitting with my thumbs up my ass because I wanted a family, while they were losing theirs, how was that right?" Jason continued, like he hadn't heard Dick. "I'd been brought back to do one job, and I couldn't do it, because I was desperate to--" there was a tear at the end of one eye.
"That's not-" Dick gasped, "this isn't what you were brought back for! That's not true."
Jason shook his head. "You don't know that. You don't know how I was brought back."
"Neither do you!" Dick snarled at this nonsense, now wishing he really had just bashed his head in.
"Nah, but I know what it was for," Jason said, oddly peaceable. "I know what I gotta do, and then I can die."
"You can still stop," Dick pleaded, afraid suddenly, of something he couldn't name.
Three minutes
"Nah," Jason said, sad but placid. "There ain't no way but this for me anymore. Sorry, Big Bird. I'll miss you though. I'll miss most of you, I think."
"And now I've got to bring you in," Dick said, voice cracking. "Did you think of that? That now I've got to-"
"Can't let you do that, 'm afraid, still got a job to do," Jason said, half-smile on his face, turning to him finally, pushing off the ledge and moving forward, dropping the cigarette on the table.
Two minutes
Dick squeezed his sticks but didn't raise them. Jason moved swiftly, grabbing his face roughly and leaning down - because he was taller now, because he wasn't the little wing yearning to reach five foot, because he had died - to roughly kiss Dick's forehead. "Take care of yourself, Robin," he whispered and then shoved Dick back.
Dick had tensed in preparation but was still shoved back by Jason's sheer strength. By the time he leapt forward, Jason had thrown himself out of the window. The red Bat wasn't on his armor anymore.
Dick glanced out of the window just long enough to see Jason tumbling into a red moving truck. Then he sensed something and abruptly looked up to see the cigarette had lit up the files unnaturally well, as if they already had a flammable coating. This seemed to trigger some other mechanism, and the building slowly started going down - making a groaning noise as if in warning.
One minute
Dick unhooked his grapple and dived out, landing lightly on the Batmobile as the building slowly but surely came crashing down, so thoroughly destroyed that there was no way anything could be rebuilt again.
I give you back 1948.   
I give you all the years from then
to the coming one. Give me back the moon   
with its frail light falling across a face.
Give me back my young brother, hard
and furious, with wide shoulders and a curse   
for God and burning eyes that look upon   
all creation and say, You can have it.
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sunlit-mess · 5 months ago
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catocappuccino · 2 months ago
Before the storm
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crossroads-of-the-raven · 2 months ago
Just a Little Something about Cyn
I think it's important that when making a No Solver AU or a Human AU, that Cyn is still a little unsettling.
She and N have a tea party and somehow in turns into her giving him a pretend but accurate live autopsy.
They're coloring and when N looks over her shoulder, she detailing plans for world domination.
Big Sister J ticks her off and suddenly everything is going wrong in the worst way.
Big Sister V broke her promise and she wakes up in the middle of the night and sees Cyn at her bedside staring at her - she turns on her night lamp and Cyn is no where to be found.
J and V confront N about this and he always tells them that Cyn was with him - N always believes he's telling the truth, Cyn's perfect alibi.
Tessa is helping Cyn get dressed and she always wants to dress exactly like Big Sister Tessa, even down to imitating her hair and freckles.
N gets a girlfriend and Cyn is sticking to her like glue - if she starts trying to get Uzi to dress like her and Tessa, well Cyn just wants Uzi to know that she likes her.
And make sure that the creepiness is ten percent of her personality so that the other ninety percent is just her being sweet or silly - it's actually half her personality but shh, we don't talk about that.
P.S. - Cyn also has detailed crayon drawings of how to turn N, V, and J into Disassemblers - there's a separate page of something special just for Tessa and Uzi.
But of course she's just being silly [giggle]
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mochinomnoms · 5 months ago
I was just thinking, what if Pearl or Coral (or both) end up with one of Jamil or Riddle's kids??
Like they are at NRC (now Co-ed after Yuu or maybe a co-ed equivalent) and fall for their own Goldfishie and Sea Snake! They end up in a relationship woth them and when Family day comes around, Riddle and Jamil finally meet Coral and Pearl, there is something oddly familiar about them.... then in the background like the Jaws theme:
"Hehehehe~ isn't this a suprise?"
"It certainly is,"
Jamil and Riddle:
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*They can never escape*
I think it would be funnier if one twin each got with a child of Riddle and a child of Jamil. For either one, it's like a nightmare brought to life.
They thought they escaped the trio back in their NRC years. As much as they could with you being their friend and thus their spouse, but still.
Their kid is telling them all about their new girlfriend, how fun they are, how smart, how cool etc etc. Maybe they offhandledly mention her name is Coral/Pearl, but it's probably just a coincidence that her name is the same as your kids. Then they mention that she's a mermaid...another coincidence, surely...
Family Day at NRC comes and both are surprised that their kids are dating siblings, but don't think much of it and greet the girls warmly.
When they finally meet twins, they both look remarkably familiar...too familiar...and a shiver goes down their spines.
"Sea Snake! Goldfishie! I didn't know you'd be our new in-laws! :D"
Oh god no.
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the-trinket-witch · 9 months ago
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Lazaro liked to think himself the adventurous type. Never saying no to another helping of his abuelita's cooking, taking on dares to climb things, or trying any instrument he could get a hold of. Some things didn't work out: Isle of Woe tram tracks were fallen off of, family gatherings lasting til 2AM meant the morning didn't start til noon, and there were plenty of instruments that just sounded awful.
This was one of those times.
Arnoldo, one of the neighbor boys down in their underworld bubble, had been one of Laz's earliest friends. So it wasn't odd for Laz to be invited over for lunch.
"Ma said we can have some of the leftover chorizo from this morning!" Arnoldo offered. "Wanna have a seat and I'll get it started."
Lazaro sat as patiently as a 13 yr old boy could, when he remembered: he never had chorizo before. Based on the smell wafting from the kitchen, it had familiar spices to it and might taste great with eggs. And eggs were what came with the dish of bright red meat.
"I would've rolled yours," Arnoldo shrugged into his bite of burrito. "but I don't know how much you like filling yours. Look at mine, it looks like I did it with one hand."
Lunch was to say, an experience. The chorizo stuck out in his mind as actually kind of odd. A fermented tang to it he finished his burrito wondering whether or not it was too offputting to try again. That decision was swung thoroughly into 'NO' about the time Lazaro made it home. For a solid 2 days, the young Muertinez laid held up in the STYX public medical facilities. Most of the symptoms lined up with Food Poisoning. Laz concluded it had to be the chorizo. What his folks and Medical staff found baffling were some of the other symptoms, namely kidney failure. Caught quickly enough, neither had any lasting damage. But Lazaro left the hospital with something more than a STYX Hospital mug: a wariness for chorizo.
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter@rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@demonichikikomori @hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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pfhwrittes · 10 months ago
ripped straight from the dms with @femalefemur (thank u cyn my beloved)
best friend!johnny mactavish x gender neutral!reader thoughts below...
tw: alcohol mention, pining like whoa, little bit of jealousy, johnny being a possessive little shit, allusions to off-screen sex, fluff, "bonnie" used as a pet name.
unedited and written straight into the drafts for a rush of adrenaline. intended to be gender neutral reader but i may have slipped up somewhere!
word count: 777 words
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just thinking about how you and johnny are practically attached at the hip.
he's constantly over your place for takeaways and bad telly or he's dragging you out to clamber up some hill or through a national trust park "for the fresh air, bonnie!"
johnny sends you endless voice notes talking about his day, about the mischief he's gotten up to with kyle or how simon had run him ragged at the gym. in return you send him silly memes or links to tiktok trends and your own rambling voice notes complaining about how your favourite contestant had been eliminated from the silly reality show you'd been watching.
your camera roll is filled with shirtless sweaty gym pics from where they'd saved automatically from your messages. his camera roll is full of answering photos of you half awake and mugging for the camera from the comfort of your bed, your hair a mess and pillow creases on your face.
just thinking about how both of you are super tactile with each other. you mindlessly play with his hair when you're sat next to him at the pub, squished up on one side of the booth opposite simon and kyle. johnny slings his arm around your shoulders and watches the way you gesticulate as you bicker with simon. (neither of you notice kyle's glances between the two of you or catch the sneaky fist bump with simon as a wager is placed when you and johhny come back from the bar with a fresh round for everyone)
just thinking about how your stomach sinks a little bit and how your smile feels brittle every time johnny tells you he's met someone. it's a little bit harder than normal to enjoy johnny's presence when you have to share it with the woman he's seeing but you try anyway. you try not to be "that friend", you try to keep the anecdotes about past nights out or silly stories that only you and johnny know to a minimum. you pull away a little bit from all the usual casual touches you'd normally lean into, aware that her eyes are on you. and you don't want to ruin your friend's happiness with someone else, you really don't, even when you feel your lips twitch with a tiny involuntary frown when he kisses her in front of you.
i'm just thinking about how the people johnny date don't seem to stick around for long after they've met you. you ask him about it once when you're slumped together on your sofa, something lighthearted and daft playing on tv in the background. johnny just shrugs and says something about how they wanted different things (because there's no way he's telling you that his latest ex screamed in his face about how it was so fucking obvious that he was in love with you, even as he denied it and said that you were just good friends).
i'm thinking about what would happen if you started to see someone casually and johnny asks to meet them. how unlike you when you meet his dates, he seems to dial up the friendly touches. he dominates the conversation with stories that always end with "remember that, bonnie?" and a wicked grin. he even pulls up a video of him hitting a new personal record for his hip thrusts at the gym and mean mugs the shit out of your date as you watch the video and praise him for his hard work.
i'm thinking about how you'd pop to the bathroom at some point and by the time you come back your date is gone and johnny's shrugging it off like its no big deal. and yeah, you're a little bit disappointed but johnny comes back to your place with you and settles onto the sofa like he belongs there, leaning up against your side all solid and dependable and quintessentially johnny.
(and in the morning when you check your messages you're not surprised that your date has called it off with you, but you can't bring yourself to care as a thick forearm snakes around your waist and pulls you back against a warm naked body. the gravelly voice of your best friend johnny rumbling in your ear and peppering kisses down your neck...)
(the next time you and johnny meet up with simon and kyle for drinks at the pub, you walk in together hand in hand. simon silently holds out an open palm to kyle as kyle rifles through his wallet and complains that if you had just waited one more week he would've won the bet. bloody selfish of the pair of you.)
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sturnvxz · 3 months ago
popular!chris x shy!reader
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summary; popular!chris pressuring shy!reader into going to a party. (do NOT let ANYONE pressure you into something)
warnings; angst and icky chris !
(dividers by; @issysh3ll )
with all love, cynthia ᡣ𐭩 ۫ ִ ﹗
“come on baby, just go to the party!” chris tugged at your sleeve “im gonna study tonight chris I can’t” chris rolled his eyes he clearly wasn’t going to take no as an answer, he was determined to make you go no matter what.
“oh come on, y’never go!” he pulled you into his lap grabbing your cheeks slightly making your lips part and nose scrunch in his fingers. “I said no chris!” which sounded kinda muffled due to how he had your lips.
chris growled “your gonna go tonight.” he glared at you like he’s never done before, chris was caring and didn’t push you but today was different, why was he being like this?
later that evening, chris had gotten ready and decided to come and check on what you were wearing which although you didn’t want to go to, you had a really nice outfit, a flowy light pink dress with some dr marten mary jane shoes and some ankle fancy socks. again, chris wasn’t acting the same, he didn’t like your outfit “yeah you can’t wear that baby, you need something more..out there” you raised an eyebrow clearly not knowing what he meant by that “out there? what do you mean, you always like the way I dress..”
“yeah..i know but tonight’s different, everyone’s gonna be there so you gotta dress better, I’ll help yeah?” you weren’t quite sure what he had planned but agreed, scared that you would cause him to get more angry, “o-okay..”
chris picked out a black dress you haven’t worn in ages and some black heels to match. the dress was awfully too short for your liking thus why it hasn’t been worn by you. you looked at yourself in the mirror before putting on the heels you didn’t even know you owned, you didn’t like how you looked.
you sucked it up for chris and put the heels on which you could barely walk in and showed him. chris seemed happy that you listened “there’s my pretty girl” you hardly felt pretty, much far away from pretty.
at the party, you sat on the couch with water in your red solo cup clearly not enjoying yourself. while chris was having a blast with his friends laughing and talking while drinking beer. then chris glanced at you knowing you weren’t enjoying yourself.
he quickly glanced back to his friends deciding not to deal with you right now. you could feel people’s eyes on you, you hated attention and now you were getting it. you wished a hole in the ground would appear and swallow you.
you even heard crude comments about you from guys and normally chris wouldn’t let no one do that to you but he was too busy with his friends. you wondered why he was acting different, was it something you did? or was it just him.
then, you got up to get some sprite in your cup now which chris took as a chance to talk to you. “baby, what’s wrong? why’re you all mad?” he blocked your way from the fridge “m��not mad.. just don’t wanna be here” you looked down at your shoes and the hideous kitchen tiles.
“then why’s your face all..bitchy?” chris would never use that word to describe you but now he was, “what?” your eyes shot back up to him. “y’heard me, your acting bitchy right now. it’s not like you.. what wrong—“ you cut chris off clearly upset “what’s wrong with you! you’re acting totally different today! you would never make me do all the stuff I did today!” you shouted without realizing
chris looked around, making sure no one could hear “don’t yell at me. you’re acting like a real bitch..” that was it, you were fed up “don’t you ever call me a bitch chris!” without registering you slapped him across the face.
your face was plastered with guilt “chris…m’sorry—“ you tried touching his cheek but he swatted your hand away “don’t ever fucking hit me, do you know how hard it is to have you as a girlfriend!?” he couldn’t even call you his, “you never wanna do shit!” tears prickled in your eyes as he continued “can’t you ever loosen up!? jeez your like a fucking loser with no life” tears fully poured down your cheeks.
you couldn’t even reply, all that came out was sobs. “look now your crying! I told you, you’re pathetic” he walked away from you causing his shoulder to bump into you as he went back to his friends, there you were left sobbing next to the fridge.
you decided to go home, taking an uber back to your house. you struggled opening the door with your keys, your hands shaking as you finally opened it. you ran to your bed plopping down crying into your a pillow.
you didn’t even want to see chris anymore.
a/n; lemme know if you want a pt2!
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tomahachi12 · 2 months ago
I'm just gonna leave this here and go hide in shoebox, okay I love u, buh bye!
Also, excuse the typos and missing words. I tried to go through it and fix things lol
I'll probably go through it again and fix more things
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