#it was admirable that day
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burrito-fight · 14 days ago
admiring from afar - RAVEN!NEIL SOCMED AU
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part four
admiring from afar socmed au masterpost || part one || prev part
everyone just brings up the fbi whenever nathaniel is mildly annoying. also i have a whole backstory for kevaaron but i'm gonna hold on to it for now (mwuahaha) - all you guys need to know is that they hook up whenever they meet BUT they're both like in denial (a bit ab their sexuality and a bit about the fact that it's each other) so someone's gonna have to break them out of that haha. also nathaniel is def gonna obsess over andrew bcz how did that tiny guy block ALL his shots and andrew is j like "read the room buddy, i wanna fuck you". he def blocked all those shots as a way to get neil's attention. bro's so tired he straight up went to riko's replies to admit that shit loll. next part has some more foxes <3
taglist: @bluehairmisfit , @snowcoming , @little2nerdy , @twin-yards <3 comment here or on the main post to be added to the taglist or send an ask or rb with tags that say some version of 'i wanna be on the taglist' :)
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months ago
on the first day of christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree. on the second day of christmas, my true love gave to me, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the third day of christmas, my true love gave to me, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the fourth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the fifth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the sixth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the seventh day of christmas, my true love gave to me, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the eighth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the ninth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the tenth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, ten lords-a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the eleventh day of christmas, my true love gave to me, eleven pipers piping, ten lords-a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. on the twelfth day of christmas, my true love gave to me, twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords-a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
String identified: t t a cta, t ga t , a atg a a t. t c a cta, t ga t , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , a-a-g, g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t gt a cta, t ga t , gt a-a-g, a-a-g, g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , a acg, gt a-a-g, a-a-g, g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t tt a cta, t ga t , t -a-ag, a acg, gt a-a-g, a-a-g, g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t t a cta, t ga t , g, t -a-ag, a acg, gt a-a-g, a-a-g, g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a a atg a a t. t tt a cta, t ga t , t g, g, t -a-ag, a acg, gt a-a-g, a-a-g, g-a-ag, g g, cag , t c , t tt , a A ATG A A T
Closest match: Limenitis camilla genome assembly, chromosome: 25 Common name: White Admiral
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(image source)
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holyjost · 2 months ago
Luke Prokop scores his first AHL goal with the Milwaukee Admirals (making him the first openly gay AHL goal scorer, for those keeping track)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
Charlie: "Sometimes I just wish I could get on your level! You know, really see things from YOUR perspective!"
Vaggie: "Metaphorically from my perspective?"
Charlie: "....."
Vaggie: "...you mean metaphorically from my perspective, right babe?
Charlie: "........."
- one perspective change later -
Husk: "Why the FUCK are you carrying your girlfriend piggyback around the hotel??"
Vaggie: "It's an experiment."
Charlie: (awed) "Everything seems so BIG from down here..."
Vaggie: "It's also a test of my love for her."
Charlie: "You are very VERY brave for being so small."
Vaggie: "I love you so much I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."
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acowardinmordor · 4 months ago
I’m waiting at the gate to board a plane, so have the next blip of thought for that high angst secret admirer thing
Lucas, the only of the kids with an ounce of emotional awareness knows that something is up with Steve. He also knows that Eddie has been in a manic grief. He doesn’t connect the two. Yet.
He sits with Steve and Robin at lunch at least a couple times a week, and screw Hellfire if they have a problem with it. Basketball team too. Steve is a full stop loser now, and Lucas was for years, he’s going to stand by him. Also, Steve saved his life, literally, repeatedly, high school popularity doesn’t exactly compare.
Ofc Steve tells him he doesn’t need to, but Lucas knows that the guy is sad about something, and extra sad that Dustin is still following Eddie like a duckling. Robin calls him out on it, but Steve has been talking about himself like he’ll never be more than a bullying popular kid. Lucas hates that most of all.
Then again, Eddie is obviously spun up about something. He’s twitchy and snappish, but he’s being nicer than normal to the jocks and popular kids. The thread he can pull on is seeing Eddie scribbling in a notebook - not his campaign notebook - but guarded just as carefully. Lucas follows him eventually and sees the poor, abused copy of the Hobbit in the library.
He reads the start of one, an apology for whatever he did that made his admirer stop writing. There’s a quote near the end from what must have been the other persons last note.
Lucas is smart. Lucas can see the pattern. He takes every single letter. Isn’t going to read them, but the one he read made it clear the both were gay, and there’s only one Eddie in school who would reference lord of the rings.
It’s for Eddie’s safety. It’s for Steve’s safety.
He doesn’t tell anyone. Not even Robin or Max, who have closed ranks around Steve.
Lucas feels like the worst person on the planet when Eddie is giddy the next day. Then his mood sinks back down as the days go by.
Since he isn’t actually the worst, Lucas doesn’t read the letters. Or tell Steve he knows. By the start of winter break, Eddie has stopped leaving letters. All of which are in a box under Lucas’ bed. He’s meaner after break. His rants are more pointed. Lucas gets called out for playing basketball and betraying nerds everywhere.
Steve is withdrawn and quiet, doesn’t even show up to lunch most days, and just keeps telling them that they don’t need to pretend they like him because of the Upside Down. That it’s okay. He knows who he really is. He laughs it off as a joke when someone argues.
But Lucas pays attention, understands why Steve thinks that, and honestly, it makes him hate the Hellfire guys a little. Makes him resent Mike and Dustin even more.
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spirk-trek · 4 months ago
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As I Do Thee Fanzine | Deeb, 1989
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mono-doc · 9 months ago
I totally didn't forget to take a picture of my cosplay until right before I took it off. oopsie
(No wheel because I left it in my car)
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How my fellow Bobbery fans doing this fine evening
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thewhizzyhead · 5 months ago
how genderbending the warriors (2024) is done not for the sole sake of "bad-assery"
okay here we go feminist ramble time for our newest chick on the block: warriors. now i'll be honest, prior to listening to the album, when i first heard that the warriors main girls were originally dudes in the movie and the novel, i thought that the decision for the genderbending, in lmm's perspective, were from the following: 1.) girl power move in like a very basic meaning of the word "bad-ass" 2.) simply a twist on a cult movie about big gang bros loved by the film bros, and 3.) a way to have the schuyler sisters back together gjfkdfldf
but when i read more about warriors and its development and how lmm took inspiration from the gamergate controversies of 2014-2015 aka among the peak of gamerbro misogyny campaigns, that's when i realized that Oh Shit Is Serious - because adapting a story about a group being framed and targeted and harassed for something they are accused of doing without any substantial proof other than a man screaming "THE WARRIORS SHOT CYYYYRUUS" with 21st century misogyny campaigns in mind makes the theme of fighting back a lot more complicated and a lot more resonant, going beyond just marketing a cast you can call "badass"
take the hurricanes' quiet girls, for example. the hurricanes (concept album version) is the only gang that lets the warriors off the hook and with a stern warning: quiet girls don't make it home. here, the hurricanes berate the warriors for not saying shit or attempting to defend themselves from accusations they know well aren't true. THIS MESSAGE IN PARTICULAR is what stays and influences ajax, fox, and swan til the very end of their stories.
literally one song after this does ajax show how easily she resonated with the hurricanes' lesson by finally sticking with her gut and actually choosing to fight back against both the baseball furies AND against the sleazy undercover cop. the latter encounter is one of the instances that really solidifies the recontextualization of the story because in the OG movie, ajax (a dude) WAS the sleazy fuck up harassing a woman in a park - and now with the literal character switch, ajax goes from being just a rebellious gangbro dude bro into someone whose want to fight is warranted. such a want to fight is seen in fox seeing as fox is the first to comment on the quiet girls scene and that, in the concept album, she is the one that instigates the rumble against the police in union square - saying that she is sick of being afraid of them and their 'fuckin powder blue' colors (also notice how she is the only warrior that really does say fuck the cops i think that's cool BUT I'LL TALK ABOUT FOX MORE NEXT TIME)
to a less obvious extent, swan also gets the receiving end of this recurring theme - by the album's finale, the usually violence-averse caution-first interim leader becomes a lot fiercer in protecting her crew. but perhaps among what i consider to be the biggest recontextualized change in the feminist sense is MERCY and her motivations to join the warriors in the first place. according to the wiki, her attraction to swan and the warriors and um seeing the orphans as wimps is what led her to switch sides BUT IN THE CONCEPT ALBUM, mercy's motivation to become a warrior is deepened, rooted in admiration rather than attraction - wanting to be like those women who hold their head up high. and again, we see this in Sick of Runnin' when she takes part in the rumble, finding her bravery within their ranks as they fight back. here, mercy becomes less of a swan tagalong and more of someone that wants what the warriors have: pride.
of course now that i type this out i realize that warriors is not based solely on the feminist rhetoric as with their theme of hope amidst adversity, the story is more intersectional and rooted in community struggle and wanting for more than that. but nonetheless, i genuinely believe that the twt filmbros arguments on why the genders should not have been changed in the first place just for "woke" points is kinda like,,,very shortsighted because not only does the narrative of women narrowly escaping unwarranted accusations actually fucking fit, but the act of learning to fight back amidst all odds - be it that of disbelieving, predatory men or the power of oppressive pigs - stays resonant for women yesterday, today, and the days to come.
ultimately, warriors (2024) is not solely a tale of female badassery - rather, it is a tale of the need for such "female badassery" in the face of past and present realities, which is why it somehow fucking worked.
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gouinisme · 1 year ago
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uhm. jarchivist
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burrito-fight · 18 days ago
admiring from afar - RAVEN!NEIL SOCMED AU
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part two
admiring from afar socmed au masterpost
next part has more player tweets + q&a with the ravens!! which means the phone ban will be lifted!! this is like a mix of random cracktweets and plot 😭😭
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emiko-matsui · 2 years ago
the funniest thing about the bad kids meeting ayda is she took one look at the right side of the table and didn't give a shit about any of them and then became absolutely obsessed with every single person on the left side of the table
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months ago
madame morrible has the worst fucking luck ever and I CAN'T because first of all after decades and decades of waiting she finally gets her most promising student yet right; she finally gets someone who actually has magic and who might actually be able to read the grimmerie and help further her and the wizard's plans and COINCIDENTALLY this student (bless her heart) is shunned and ostracized by literally EVERYONE including her own family and is desperately craving some form of parental love and affection and validation and acceptance and so madame morrible is like 'ooh this is fucking PERFECT this girl is going to be SO easy to manipulate into doing what I want what could possibly go wrong wow.'
and in comes the fucking pink lesbian.
because elphaba is shunned and hated and all of her peers avoid and detest her because she's weird and green BUT then all of a sudden?? out of nowhere??? she and her pink roommate who, mind you, had a choreographed song and dance routine which involved the entire student body in which they detailed how much they really really hate each other, got really fucking close??? now they go everywhere and do everything together??? they are attached at the hip and looking longingly into each other's eyes WHAT IS HAPPENING????
you are madame morrible and you think galinda upland is in love with your student and what is worse is that your student might be in love with galinda upland and that fucking SUCKS because how the fuck are you supposed to properly emotionally manipulate her now. and it makes absolutely zero sense to you because WHY is galinda upland, the most popular girl at shiz taking an interest in your student??? WHY IS SHE HERE, WHY IS THE FRUITY BITCH RUINING YOUR PLANS???
glinda's very EXISTENCE is a thorn in your side; her simply being herself and interacting with elphaba is probably the reason why you feel a headache coming every time you see them together and is perhaps the reason why you scream into your pillow at night because this absolute loser lesbian just being there might upend a huge fucking chunk of what you've been planning for years.
and then the fucking cherry on top of all of this your student decides to play vigilante and flies off into the sunset and then that leaves you stuck WITH her situationship who you hate more than anyone in the world and you're forced to sort of team up with her for a bit except she doesn't really know magic and she's just being sad and gay and moping about missing her girlfriend and you're sitting there FUMING thinking about how all these fucking witches are fruitier than fuck and all of them are useless to you at this point.
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like this is just madame morrible at shiz after elphaba asks her to include glinda in their study sessions just realizing 'dear god I am going to be ping-ponging between these lesbians for the rest of my fucking life aren't I.'
ik she needed elphaba for the plot and for her dastardly plans but in all honesty if I was her and elphaba came up to me at 1am and was like yes please I need you to include my roommate with whom I have a homoerotic relationship in our study sessions or else I will quit right now. also, you have to go down to our party this very instant and tell her in person yourself bye and thanks, I would've just handed in my resignation letter right then and there and cut my losses.
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peachducy · 9 months ago
what if that one scene from azran legacy was animated
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evelynpr · 7 months ago
Ochako kinned Izuku so hard she also unconditionally reached out to a traumatized violent blonde who's physically hurt them- leading to said blonde feeling indebted and unworthy, then giving their life to them.
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mollysunder · 3 months ago
There's a good chance Silco and Singed met when Silco looked like this.
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You think Singed thought Silco was the hottest medical anomaly he's ever seen.
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arrothededushka · 1 month ago
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