#it reeks of ableism
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thinkingofausername · 4 months ago
so many people saying curly's fate serves him right and "his disability was the punishment he deserved" rubs me the wrong way so goddamn much
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helluverse-rewrites · 3 days ago
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Okay so am I the only one who thinks it's weird that most of the thumbnails for Tamotasauce's dubs are the characters being cross-eyed?
I know he might not be able to do a lot with thumbnails and he probably thinks it's funny or whatever but come on.
As someone who had a lazy eye for a majority of my life, I can say with 100% confidence that it's not funny. Even in the slightest
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stardustdiver · 6 months ago
aroace hate in the ace tag (aro poster), very cool very awesome, love that for you bud, have a wonderful day
this exact behaviour is what drove me away from r/aaaaaaaarrrrro and then r/aaaaaaacccccccce, very nice to see it persist onto tumblr dot com
all this behaviour does is splits up the community, we should be connected and together, not infighting bc aroallos and alloaces and aroaces exist, what does aspec mean, remind me?
edit: we defeated the evil
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salemontrial · 3 months ago
I hate highschool aus that make Jinx like STUPUD stupid, not just unmotivated. My brother in christ she builds BOMBS. she taught herself how to use hextech. She is INCREDIBLY gifted in maths and science, she's been making bombs since she was 7 and she hasn't severely injured herself doing so??? She's missing a finger but that wasn't even caused by the bombs outside of that she's still intact that is EXTREMELY impressive she is incredibly smart. I get if you say she's not motivated or skips class or doesnt study hard but that she's flunking out?? Of stem subjects???? Explain to me why you're mischaracterizing the schizophrenic girl that way, quickly.
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tequilaasquared · 9 months ago
So I totally agree with the sentiment that S6-9 was painful without Mickey because I almost gave up myself. But I’ll be an Ian Gallagher defender to the end and I really hate when his own stans dismiss his storyline because Mickey wasn’t there and they hated his love interests.
Him becoming an EMT was arguably one of his most important story arcs throughout the whole series and it was crucial to his character development. And more importantly (for me anyways) it was such positive representation of life after a bipolar diagnosis. Watching someone deal with a life changing diagnosis and not be villainised by the narrative and see them make something of their life and have a career and stability, was so inspirational to me.
(I’m not including the s8-9 gay jesus storyline in this rant because I acknowledge that it WAS objectively poorly written despite it having potential)
I totally understand if Mickey is your fave and you aren’t interested in Ian’s arc without him. I get that the show would be boring and a waste of your time if your fave is gone and none of the other characters are interesting enough for you to continue watching. But to see Gallavich stans call Ian’s development trash and outright invalidate it is always so disheartening to me. Especially when I’ve seen the same people praise the other Gallagher sibling storylines just to purposely dismiss Ian’s. Like you can just say you weren’t interested because Mickey wasn’t with him without shitting on him.
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stitchwraith-stingers · 3 months ago
i cant handle this episode
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justiceforjumin · 1 year ago
I'm always scared to scroll down the Jumin Han tag bc there's a huge chance that like three posts in I'll be seeing some random hate post about him with the absolute worst takes possible and it genuinely makes me angry
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sassypantsjaxon · 8 months ago
Obviously people are allowed to ship or not ship whatever they want for whatever reasons, but... saying that Robin deserves someone better than Franky because he's made out of metal... yeah. that's not the winning argument you think it is...
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 1 year ago
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i'm not done with this template lmao
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majachee · 1 year ago
Putting the terms "emotional and physical abuse" up on a high shelf away from the TMNT fandom. You guys need to learn what words mean.
Also tossing serious mental illnesses and disorders up there. Yall are so inappropriate about these topics.
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dizzying-faust · 2 years ago
I seriously want to punt the next person who says that Faust isn't lovable/shippable because of his current state.
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wannursyafiqah74 · 4 months ago
(Disclaimer: I'm not professionally diagnosed as neurodivergent or mentally ill. This is just me venting about normalized ableism.)
Text is under the cut, I'm turning off reblogs for now because I'll archive this version later.
I tried finding an accessible site for therapy today. I find two sites relating to Applied Behavior Analysis (or ABA).
I think, "isn't ABA a terrible practice"?
I searched it up if it was ableist due to blurry memory, got nothing. Just supposed, sugarcoat-y, "professional" "autism support" sites talking about the problems with it.
I search the term itself on Tumblr, and it's not just ableism - people point out that it's abusive and essentially, conversion therapy.
After blocking the bad takeaways, I stop looking.
So you're telling me ableism is so normalized, "experts", who don't give a shit about the neurodiverse people affected by ABA, somehow get all the SEO?
I hate humanity.
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jentlemahae · 1 year ago
“if u have no hobby besides media consumption ur cooked” what happened to appreciating art
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dex-the-dog · 8 months ago
i keep getting continuously reminded how much of a shithole YouTube and most of the therian community is on a lot of social media. im so tired. and then they delete my comment after a thorough explanation
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
Another thing with the Steve's intelligence thing that gets me is most of it has little or no basis in canon?
This whole "Steve can't read" thing, he literally does in episode one. He's reading Nancy's flashcards without any trouble, and they're not just in a basic easy to read print, she's written them in cursive.
And the whole thing about Steve being so bad at school and academically challenged. Yeah, that comes a bit from the not getting into college thing, but that was after he'd had a serious concussion that would have taken weeks or months to heal. But he mentions getting a C- in a class that Nancy, who is one of if not the most academically intelligent characters, described as impossible. And yeah, a C- isn't an amazing grade, but it's not just scraping by either.
i think it largely comes from the duffers struggling with (and the audience not understanding) the difference between show, not tell.
because we’re told by other characters that steve is an idiot. but we’re shown that he did average in school, he graduated, he’s perceptive and notices things the ‘smarter’ characters don’t, he has a great intuition and he knows to listen to it.
some people seem to just struggle with actually picking things up like that, and they just take what we’re told at face value, with no consideration about whether the characters are joking, or their personal biases.
but yeah, steve can fucking read lmao. like, i love the dyslexic hcs as much as the next person, but it’s super weird to try to use that as an insult to make eddie seem smarter.
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koreanriddler · 2 years ago
Big Two Face AU pet peeve is when people “fix” the character by getting rid of his DID and then making him a manipulative impulsive asshole and saying it makes the character less problematic. Bestie, you switched out bad DID rep to make the man bad ASPD rep. You did not do the mentally ill community the great benevolent service you think you did.
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