#it all started with draco
emfyredarchived · 1 year
media: here's a man with white hair me automatically: 😍
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longdaytogo · 1 year
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premeditated drunk antics
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aiuredsworld · 6 months
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You have my wand
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What if draco didn’t survive and harry carried the hawthorn wand into his final battle What if when harry used the wand he could feel draco existence. Harry’d chant “be with me” repeatedly and draco’d whisper silently into his ear “I’m here with you” but harry couldn’t hear a thing bc draco was already dead
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greenerteacups · 9 days
i'm begging everyone everyone please stop what you're doing and go read this fic where draco is a legionnaire and hermione is a domestic in his household. I could talk about this for hours but I cannot possibly sell it better than the tags can:
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months
Remember that time in book 5 when Harry saw Theodore Nott, didn't know who he was (probably bc he doesn't hang out with Draco that much) and didn't care but then saw him in the library talking to Draco and immediately found out his name from Hermione?
His Draco obsession is so real. No wonder no one took him seriously in book 6.
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phoebe-delia · 1 year
People You May Know
For @drarrymicrofic prompt: follow.
@HarryPotter has requested to follow you.
Draco blinks at his phone, frowns, and then refreshes the page.
@HarryPotter has requested to follow you.
Fuck. Not a glitch, then.
Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe Potter doesn't know how to rescind a follow request. Maybe Draco showed up under 'People You May Know,' (or, more accurately, if you ask Draco, 'People You Don't Speak To Anymore But Instagram Knows You Have Their Number') and Potter clicked it by accident.
Or maybe not.
"Pansy?" Draco calls across their shared flat. "I need your help."
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 9 months
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The Weasley twins should probably run right about now
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t1oui · 2 months
remembering when i wrote hp fanfiction in elementary school that was literally just ginny & luna being gay and living their best lives ft a very dramatic love triangle between harry, draco, and ron in the background 💀
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6madanus9 · 2 years
Art Dump (low quality pics)
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handledwithgloves · 6 months
two very popular drarry fics that i did not care for and why
in the past however long of my becoming a drarry stan ive read many fanfics and i can say only two had really gotten me so pissed i had to log off
and thats not to say that i never dnf a drarry fic before because i have done that to so many for various different reasons. ive also read plenty dead doves do not eat so… this is saying something i suppose.
and this is no hate at all to the writers of these fics they clearly love what they do and are super talented and no hate to the enjoyers of these fics, like what you like. this is just my person experiences.
first is, harry potter and the welcome to the world of grey. i just gotta say i did not get the hype at all. i hated voldemort so much everything he says to harry is meant to be philosophical and insightful and whatnot and that makes harry question whether or not voldemort is truly evil but mans just talked way too much for my liking. he needed to be shut up and every time harry was tryin to beat on his ass he stopped for whatever reason - i was so pissed. like atp just kill each other istg. and then harry is supposed to be conflicted and all alone and he cant trust dumbledore and he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and go to jail for killing someone, well too bad pookie! get tf over yourself you're a bad guy now. not only did you kill twice but both times you killed it was not in self defense but your own willingness to do so. like the drarry was good, in fact so good that i got about 3/4ths way through before i had to quit. the drarry was carrying this story and i understand if drarry stans love it solely for the drarry but if there's going to be other parts of the story i need it to make sense to me. harry and voldemort's characters were just not doing it for me.
second, is the mirror of ecidyrue series. It started off soo well, so well. i loved how all the characters were so in character and everything was cool and draco was powerful and his power was mysterious and bella was scary. i loved how harry met draco and how hermione started trying to befriend him i loved the friendship bracelent draco made her and that snape helped. i even loved jealous harry when draco and charlie were flirting and harry was like 'how old are you again, charlie? 25!? well draco's 14' and charlie started freaking out 'um, 21'. so anyway, strong start! but theeennn... we get later on in the series and for some reason draco starts changing? like yes he gets influenced by the people around him but all of a sudden he's like hyper fem which is not a bad thing in general but definite ooc - i like draco's character so i would prefer him to be in character but whatever i was able to ignore it until they started giving each other nicknames. oh god the nicknames were the worst part. like i get they're cringey kids they do dumb things draco is no exception apparently even though mentally he's like 21 hanging out with 14 yos. so yeah i had to absolutely stop when draco was having sex with 16 yo harry and harry starts calling him dragon in a sexual way... yeah i just had to stop there. i was getting way too much second hand embarrassment that it was pissing me off. i did not like draco lmfao. also i hate that they made lucius abusive lmao.
once again just disclaiming this is no hate to the writers or enjoyers of these fics i just couldnt stomach the stories and thats my own personal fault. i just wanted to share what i thought lol. they definitely made an impression!
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the song “Runaway” by The Corrs from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 133
Drarry microfic: runaway letter
Dear Ron and Hermione
By the time you have found this letter on my kitchen table, I’m probably already far gone. I know this probably doesn’t come much as a surprise to you. Honestly, anyone who had eyes should have seen this coming. It was the only way.
We don’t know where we will go. We have a whole world to explore after all. From green woods to colorful fields and mountains. It feels good to be free for once. And although we’re gone now, we will return. We don’t know when, but we will.
Thank you for being the most amazing friends anyone could ask for! Until we meet again.
Your runaway friend
P.S. from Draco: I’ll make sure he doesn’t wander off the trail. He’s in good hands.
Prompt from January 27th
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I’m a simple woman. I see an androgynous person with long hair and I simp.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
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simp 👏🏻 harry 👏🏻 supremacy 👏🏻
Harry Potter and the Welcome to the World of Grey by sobsicles
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tamymew · 3 months
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here i am, back again, with random ass sketches that may or may not be older than a month (and draco and aela, ofc)
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sneverussape · 2 years
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snapetober 2022 - hidden injury
“is he dead?”
“for merlin’s sake…draco! you mustn’t touch him! he might be cursed!”
“first diggory, then potter, and now professor snape—!”
“parkinson, stop crying this instant, you’ll bring the bloody baron round!”
“he’s breathing, isn’t he? oh circe, oh merlin, mordred, and morgana…”
“it must be some sort of hidden injury…i saw him stumbling on the way back from the forest.…”
“you don’t think it’s—mummy wrote me yesterday that…you know…it was tonight.”
“you mean…”
“but why would the Dark Lord want to hurt him? he’s one of us! it doesn’t make sense!”
“pansy, you great bloody cow, keep your voice down!”
“but he…if the Dark Lord came back like potter said…and i know my parents had written about…well. something hinting at it. why would he…why would he hurt professor snape? what about…what about our parents?”
“…you lot, shut it. i’m trying to listen to professor snape’s breathing.”
“it’s the cruciatus, i’m sure of it. see how he’s shaking?”
“there’s no cure for the cruciatus!”
“i know, nott, shut up. listen, we’ll bring him to his office to lie down properly, and wexler and i will keep an eye on him until the breakfast bell. if it gets worse, i’ll send for pomfrey.”
“leggy, you couldn’t!”
“she’s a slytherin! of all people she’d be the most help, and she can keep our secrets far better than the old coot of a headmaster…here, malfoy, give the professor some room, will you? wipe his face…good man.”
“i could have sent for the elves at the manor…to help…but…”
“no, if the Dark Lord did this…it’s not safe. just make sure the professor’s warm. we’ll move him in a bit.”
“leggy, you really think…do you think…”
“shut it. never breathe a word of it outside of this room, any of you, you hear? for now, we will watch and listen. if the Dark Lord is back, and is responsible for this…one thing’s for sure…we take care of our own, understand? within hogwarts.”
“including professor snape.”
“especially professor snape.”
“enough now, leggy. zabini, shuffle over here and give us a hand. steady the professor while i levitate him. malfoy, scoot over. who was the swot that keeps breaking the wards on the professor’s office?”
“i did. just yesterday. it was pretty difficult that time. the professor was pleased, i think.”
“walk ahead of us and get it ready. mind your wand movements, hear?”
“i’m not a bloody first year, wexler. i heard you spent a month in the infirmary when you first tried to break the wards.”
“better you than me. now get a move on. i don’t want to use too much magic on the professor while he’s still…unwell.”
“malf—you aren’t coming to stay up with us. you’re a bloody fourth year. the professor will have our heads!”
“i don’t care, i’m coming. he’s my godfather. he wouldn’t dare fail me in potions for this.”
“no but he’ll give you detention for skipping curfew intentionally. you lot should have been in bed hours ago.”
“just walk, leggy, so we can set the professor down and let him rest. he can yell at me when he wakes…and i hope it’ll be soon.”
“on your own head be it— oh, merlin. greengrass you did not just melt his office door.”
“we’ll you did tell me to get it open.”
“the rest of you lot get back to bed before i assign you all detention with trelawney and hagrid. we’ll let you know how the professor is later. and none of you better be late for breakfast because of this or i’m assigning you all additional latin translations.”
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Oh look, my favorite flavor of ships. Gay, head over heels in love, and sure to end in tragedy✨
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