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-text “women’s march” to 44310 
-text “frontline” to 30403 (or go to thefrontline.org)
-text “RISE” to 22422 to join the Planned Parenthood Action Committee 
-supercharge2020.com to RSVP for Women All In Super Majority’s Day of Action
With only 44 days until the election the most important thing we can do right now is work to increase voter turn out!! As senator Mazie Hirone said tonight- “take that anger to vote.”
There's so many ways to get involved, across movements so find something if nothing above suits you! And if you can’t or need help doing so, message me!! We can do this!
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kamiartist9 · 4 years ago
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I strike for Breonna bc she deserved to live. Posted @withregram • @revolution_for_nonviolence #day1329 💜 it’s the least we can do: support Black Womxn 💟 #strikeforbreonna 💟 #wethepeople #wearamask #powertothepolls #womensrights #blacklivesmatter #familiesbelongtogether #lgbtqrights #protecttranskids #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #nobannowall #refugeeswelcome #mybodymychoice #istandwithpp #endwhitesupremacy #takeaknee #climatechangeisreal #waterislife #supportthearts #savethenet #goptaxscam #fucktrump #reclaimingmytime #shepersisted #intersectionalfeminism #sisepuede #goodtrouble images @gather4justice @nyjusticeleague #r4nv https://www.instagram.com/p/CFtSyISpiRX/?igshid=1gqxq35v0qam9
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odddc · 4 years ago
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SOLD::::Ezra Furman & The Boyfriends Live At SXSW, 2016, Ink on paper, 12x15” gorgeously museum board matted & FRAMED by @saltworksstudio 🔲🖤
-Some history (as I vaguely recall)- Completed at high noon during literally the hottest set on the upper deck of the infamous Panache “Bruise Cruise”, this live painting was my first with Ezra (whom I was only introduced to moments before by @panachelady), & the start of a SXSW tear-of-a-tour capturing the essence of this 2016 hot mess. But it all started on this pontoon, for a 3 hour/3 show tour, hydrated only by cheap beer & cutty sark. —— I am SO HAPPY to be donating this ORIGINAL PAINTING from my archive to be part of the 8th annual VILLAGE OF LOVE Planned Parenthood Benefit SILENT AUCTION & VILLAGE OF LOVE Online Concert.
All Proceeds Benefit @plannedparenthood
The auction is LIVE NOW & Ends Friday, October 30th at 9pm PT/ Midnight ET http://bidpal.net/vol OR Text VOL to 243725
And you can register on your phone. Brought to you by THE OG indie loverz @panachebooking, @like.mgmt and @edvarie
#istandwithpp #istandwithplannedparenthood
————- Contributing Artists Include: @beastieboysstory @bingbangnyc @aherwitz @austenzombres @best_coast @bradlelterman @CarlyJeanAndrews @cherryglazerr @ChristianJoycostumes @cmtandy @bloodofafreshkill @ClaireMilbrath @ColleenHerman @david.benzler.studio
@justJoRosenthal @JodyRogac @castlefacerecs @Jonathan_Casella @K8Klingbeil @tees4togo @mskathleenhanna @kimletgordon @kinggizzard
@Leah ElizabethDixon @lukeymcgarry #MacDeMarco @0chinero @marni.leikin @michelle_blade @nathanielrussell @little_vampire @peachesnisker @remaghuloum @_rodrigo_amarante @Ryan_DeLaHoz @SarahHomboogie @sspu @soft___structure @spinningtopmusic @tysegall @tenaciousd (at Panache)
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ppaction · 7 years ago
What is Trump's "Gag Rule?”
The administration’s gag rule would have devastating effects for women and those seeking sexual and reproductive health care services.We can all agree that patients should have access to the best medical care and information possible. This rule would do the opposite and put women’s health at risk.What does the gag rule do?Donald Trump has said from day one he wants to control women. With a new gag rule, he and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar are now trying to make it official government policy.  
The Trump-Pence administration’s new rule would block patients from care at Planned Parenthood. It would also prohibit doctors, nurses, hospitals, and community health centers across the country from being able to refer their patients for safe, legal abortion.
In short, a gag rule would keep women from having full information about all of their reproductive options, and from getting the best health care possible.
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Act now: Stop the gag rule
Everyone, regardless of their race, of their income, or where they live, deserves the best medical care and information available. Under this rule, they won’t get it.
What does the gag rule do?
We can all agree that patients should have access to the best medical care and information possible. This rule would do the opposite and put women’s health at risk.
The Trump-Pence administration's gag rule would do three things:
Impose new rules designed to make it impossible for patients to get birth control or preventive care from reproductive health care providers like Planned Parenthood.
Prevent health care providers across the country from referring their patients for safe, legal abortion.
Remove the guarantee that patients get full and accurate information about their health care from their doctor.
The gag rule is an attack on Title X, the nation’s program for affordable birth control and reproductive care that four million people rely on. Title X ensures people have access to contraception and gives them more control over their lives, health, careers, and economic security — and a gag rule takes that care away.
Why you should care, and what it means for patients
The administration’s gag rule would have devastating effects for women and those seeking sexual and reproductive health care services.
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First, the gag rule would block patients from health care. Planned Parenthood health centers serve 41 percent of patients who get care through Title X-funded health services — yet this rule is designed to bar those patients from coming to Planned Parenthood health centers.
Preventing those patients from coming to Planned Parenthood would mean many are left with nowhere else to go, leaving them without access to birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, or even general women’s health exams. But it doesn’t stop there. The gag rule would apply to 4,000 Title X-funded health care providers across the country, including community health centers, hospital-based clinics, and health departments.
Other health care providers have been clear — they couldn’t fill the gap if Planned Parenthood were no longer allowed to serve these patients. Already, in many counties, Planned Parenthood health centers are the only places that provide uninsured people or people with low incomes the reproductive care they need.
This would fall the hardest on people of color. Because of systemic inequities, many patients who rely on Title X for their health care needs are people of color, who already face significant barriers to accessing health care. Black and African Americans make up 21 percent of Title Xpatients, and Hispanic and Latino patients make up 32 percent. After being blocked from these health centers, including Planned Parenthood, many patients would have nowhere else to go for care.
The gag rule would limit women’s reproductive health choices. This is an attempt to take away women’s basic rights. Period. Under the gag rule, if a woman is pregnant and wants or needs an abortion, her provider would be prohibited from telling her where she can go to get one. Or if a woman’s pregnancy would severely affect her health — for example, she discovers that she’s pregnant after being diagnosed with cancer — she might not receive information that abortion is even an option.
It would have dangerous and widespread health effects.  We’re familiar with the consequences of a domestic gag rule because we’ve seen similar dangerous measures in effect. One of the Trump-Pence administration's very first acts in office was to reinstate and expand a "global gag rule," which bans overseas groups from receiving U.S. global health funding if they even so much as mention abortion-related services.
Evidence has shown that the global gag rule leads to increases in unsafe abortion, as well as unintended pregnancies, women dying from pregnancy-related complications, and infant and child deaths. It also leads to health center closures, which leave people with less access to care. We should be ending the global gag rule — not importing a version of it to the U.S.
How can I take action?
We can’t afford to let the Trump-Pence administration continue down this path of chipping away at our reproductive health care access. Now is the time to unite, show our power, and make sure everyone gets the health care they want or need, without politicians controlling when, how, or why.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 6 years ago
I just heard some guy being like “ladies imagine how you would feel if you had no say in a child being born or not just because you had had sex with someone and now you were expected to be a father” (the idea being, if you ask a girl to get an abortion and she says no, you are relieved of any obligation to that kid besides perhaps monetary because you didn’t want it and she chose to have it.) besides the fact that legal abortion allows situations like this to happen, absolving fathers of all responsibility because ‘well you could have had an abortion but you didn’t so obviously you want to be a single mother’—
boo hoo fucking hoo. yes, dude, you had sex, the thing that makes babies, you knew protection is not 100%, and you let your hornyness overcome the fact that if there is a chance an activity can lead to pregnancy, and you don’t want to get a girl pregnant, don’t have sex. You had a say if a child would be born or not when you decided to have sex knowing (assuming you have taken sex Ed and are above the age of 10) that you could get someone pregnant. Your life is so sad and this is in no way a consequence of your own actions, poor baby.
The way abortion is used to treat women like objects to be used and disposed of makes me very sad!!
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that-catholic-shinobi · 6 years ago
It’s amazing that in nursing development clssses we don’t start with the newborn, we start with conception. We start at the beginning of life.
The lips are formed at 4-7 weeks. Heartbeat at 6-8 weeks.
The first trimester has some of the fastest and complex growth for the fetus.
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haloblossom · 6 years ago
Posted @withrepost • @plannedparenthood At Planned Parenthood, we believe sexual and reproductive health care IS health care — and that health care is a human right. That includes safe, legal abortion. Everyone deserves health care that’s free of shame, stigma, or judgment. . . . . #ThisIsHealthCare #HealthCare #IStandWithPP #WomensHealthWeek #plannedparenthood https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkuohIlBjJ/?igshid=18z8s03xmakq6
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pooyie · 6 years ago
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#istandwithisrael #istandwithpp https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKkW9BgPy3s2IjzC11Pr43yT7LHHN7xQUAFeo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8ahkeml74lmv
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chiaranissa · 6 years ago
Planned Parenthood’s New Campaign
10^2 Winds’ News
You give us the world, we also take your 20 minutes.
(This is parody news)
January 11, 2019
Early Friday morning, Planned Parenthood created a new hashtag: I stand to PP. The hashtag is meant to be inclusive of trans-women who do not regret their abortions and is an offshoot of the hashtag “I stand with PP.” The hashtag #IStandToPP is designed to embrace women of ALL body types. Women have a right to their bodies. Women have a right to the choose the type of body they have. Women have the right to choose the biological definition of their gender. Planned Parenthood’s decision to create the new campaign was inspired by the small outcry of the few trans-women in an obscure village right outside Chernobyl, Ukraine. The 2 trans-women, who were deeply offended, experienced intense emotional turmoil, isolation, tears, and sniffles as a result of the hashtag, “no vagina no opinion” which spread like hashtag wild fire. In their small village, it is nearly to impossible to obtain reconstructive surgery without bribing city doctors with anti-radioactivity shampoos to visit the small village. The two trans-women began dating about 3 week ago and soon discovered that one had become pregnant unexpectedly after a responsibly planned night of innocent vodka drinking. The village medicine man came to the rescue and performed the first abortion ever in that small village. The 2 trans-women wanted to share their lack of emotional connection to the loss of their baby and took to social media. The 2 trans-women received a lot of hate comments and backlash, but Planned Parenthood saw the couple as the poster child for the inclusion of ALL types of women and families. Planned Parenthood felt the 2 trans-women could showcase parents’ lack of regret for the planned aborting of the lives of their children while challenging the male chauvinism of overtly conservative straight cis men who pressure their wives with loving support to do the unimaginable and unheard of inhumane process of growing a human and giving birth to him/her. So show your support of women’s choice and join the #IStandToPP movement to show support for ALL women’s rights.
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ravenhead1997 · 6 years ago
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plannedparenthoodaccess · 7 years ago
Meet Planned Parenthood’s New President
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The president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund is Dr. Leana Wen, who will be leading Planned Parenthood through its next exciting, challenging chapter — the first physician in nearly 50 years to lead our organization.
Dr. Wen's resume speaks for itself — take a look.
Planned Parenthood was founded in defiance of unjust laws that prohibited women from basic information about their reproductive health. And we were forged with courage and commitment. We were built for this moment in history, when our rights are under attack like we haven't seen in generations.
As an immigrant who relied on public health programs, Dr. Wen knows personally the vulnerability of not having access to care. As a practicing emergency room doctor, she sees the consequences of people not having access to basic health care every day. For more than 100 years, Planned Parenthood has never stopped fighting to expand access to vital reproductive health care so that every one of us can live full, independent lives — regardless of race, gender, income, zip code, or immigration status.
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rerunroom · 6 years ago
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@overcastgoods donates $5 to Planned Parenthood from every Resist Fist sale✊Find them in store at our Yesler and @play_onthehill locations! . . . #rerunroom #seattle #pnw #shopsmallseattle #handmade #handcrafted #makersmovement #seattleliving #seattlewashington #pnwliving #capitolhillseattle #shopindependent #shopindie #seattlemade #✊#stainedglass #glassart #plannedparenthood #istandwithpp #prettypastels #ihavethisthingwithpastels #handmadeisbetter (at The ReRunRoom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsqjpz-nD3J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uv3cv0fti1zy
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ppaction · 7 years ago
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Our movement is powerful because we are unstoppable. Join us: unstoppablenow.org
Art by: Zoe Buckman
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omgpp · 7 years ago
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We're just going to leave this right here. Hope y'all don't mind.
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mynameisntsara · 6 years ago
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#istandwithpp https://www.instagram.com/p/BoKRDQ5nIgl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=276gyjfvrxm9
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femestella · 7 years ago
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