the thought was you could get help by monitoring me but you cant you got worse and worse and worse you need to be in a hospital to get the help and care you require not you are teaching me or anyone
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what you are doing with facebok is not funny you are very mentally sick youre insane with sadism --wanting people mad all of the time is mentally insane its part of mania which meth causes it causes mental illness --its not making you smarter you think you are but youre actually deranged
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so you started out doing buddhist stuff and you thought you were going ot what teach people? wake them up? enlighten them? just ask someone to take you to a hospital -- you are clearly very mentally sick --I have gone over this with you for years now --you have to be using meth you have to be and you want people to be ajated and that's some thing you do while using meth youre sick your brains got sick from the meth use which can make you think your enlightend but your just sick mentally
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just call 911 just call someone and ask them to take you to a hospital -- im not praying for you people just ask someone to take you to a hospital youre sick you need help
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“it looks like we can” there is nothing we can do for you people good luck no other person is coming no
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why not walk 10 miles because I did 7? why not two bowls of oat meal cause I did one? --why try to interrupt meals? why do shut offs because I took a walk -- really really sick --really obsessively sick
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having 15 children becase you think tht bothers me --im moving out west good luck good luck with everything --that's a lot of laundry and cleaning and ill people to care for
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strike me down with it retards --phones around the modeum --slowed down type --facebook and twitter shut offs --uncontrolled fuel burning --injecting yourselves with even more mercury because you think I might get ill and have no health insurance --screwing men infected with God knows what because you think I like them --marrying a rapist sadist strangler because you think I like her
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you are not grounding anty airplanes --you are all going to die off from cancer --don't worry about the planes and the gasoline or even the money I will be enjoying a literal paradise after your death --you think you are harming me because you are mentally insane you are ensuring your extinction --I don't want you in Heaven so thank you * thank you for failing TRIAL completely
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“I see by our ranting” die --take a bunch of opium and die
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I take a 7 mile walk and im then again fine and voicla another insane sadist has shut off facebook ahahahahahahahahah --die --die now -- God is killing you yes people can not actually be human with you people here die
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“please forgive me” nope die off I don't want to hear any more of your fing apologizes just die --you are so demented and sick you actually told me I wouldn't be in Heaven you are insane * die off
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coming here while an entire house went to ohio was sort of the clue on that and brining the 10th dog into the house --so I wont be here not you wont be here --then whats done? not the planet nope your race you are going into extinction and humans will remain here happy as all get out --chosing to go out like this really horrible really really sick
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just keep interviewing them --what is the name of the lord? ah YHWH-- “no”-- okay insane woman and we all have mental disorders? no we don't nope and some boys come here just to annoy other people--I know that im a psycharist been doing this a very long time --your family is very sick
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there is no such thing as those jets you are insane people -- Almighty God will put you out of your misery there is opium to help you people die off
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you are 100% mentally insane --you are doing the same shit barbaa kent does you are insane --if you try to interrupt or slow down the type that makes people worse --so then you do it --youre insane so eventually you wont be able to keep even using a computer its just a matter of time
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you are 100% mentally insane “anyone not doing this and walking is not going to be able to not use” so you again shut it off youre insane --just commit suicide really you are mentally insane --you have to be druggie you have to be
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