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gojoocy · 2 years ago
IV therapy for Better Athletes' Performance and Recovery
Working on the body is a difficult and long process that requires not only physical but mental effort. Athletes often go through stages of muscle pain, sometimes injuries, moments of disappointment, and euphoria. They build their life around their goals, adjusting their lifestyle to move forward faster. 
Definitely, whether a professional or an amateur athlete, proper diet modification is of high importance. It is needed to supply your body with nutrients for efficient functioning and muscle recovery. But what if it is not enough? IV drip therapy might become a perfect match. Read how IV drip therapy can solve a number of things at once. 
Why Does Muscle Hurt?
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Is this feeling when you can’t stand up from bed in the morning familiar to you? Do your abs, quadriceps, and other muscle groups trained recently hurt? Or you can't even open the bottle of water because you don't feel the power in your hand? Seems like it's delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This is a common thing that appears because of muscle damage and some type of inflammation because of physical exercises. In such a state, the muscles really need external and internal support. External would include hot showers, massage, or creams, while internal include sufficient nutrient support. 
The Benefits of IV Therapy For Athletes
The body can be compared to a car that constantly needs fuel to keep going. In this situation, the fuel is the food you eat. Quality fuel would be a proper diet that includes three major nutrient groups - fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. So how would athletic recovery drip be useful? Well, let's compare it to car oil. IV drip contains essential nutrients that help to heal your muscles faster, hydrate your body and help to get rid of toxins. See, just like oil that gets rid of dirt and debris and gives the car proper lubrication, which makes your engine run slower. 
Vitamins are essential for muscle development and recuperation. They work at the cellular level, contributing to processes such as oxidative stress reduction, collagen production, and membrane rehabilitation. In addition, they contribute to increased muscle growth and structural stamina.
Which IV is Right for Your Athletic Performance?
Here we come to the most interesting part - which sports infusion is right for you? Joocy created a special formula for IV fluids that contains all needed minerals and vitamins:
Mineral Blend (Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, and Selenium). Minerals are necessary for your body's well-being. Minerals are used by your body for a variety of purposes, including the healthy functioning of your bones, muscles, heart, and brain.
Calcium Chloride. this nutrient is essentially important to create an electrolyte balance in your body and keep muscles and joints hydrated.
Vitamin B12. It is especially significant for athletes since it helps promote energy metabolism, making this nutrient crucial for bones and is crucial for blood health.
Amino Blend (Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, and Carnitine). Amino acids help to create muscles, produce chemical reactions in the body, transport nutrition, prevent disease, and perform a variety of other tasks.
This drip promotes muscular growth, supports your cardiovascular health, and delivers proper hydration.
Post-Event IV Therapy for Athletes
A consistent workout routine requires a complex approach when it comes to nutrient supplements. To set your body for a long perspective work, try Joocy Get Up And Go Support drip. Let this drip fill out your energy level with a vital combination of Vitamin C, Amino Blend, and Vitamin B complex. Not only will it support your fitness routine, but it speeds up cognition and overall wellbeing. Follow simple steps: go to the Joocy website and find your location in the USA, in Miami, Florida, specifically, and pick the type of drip needed. As an athlete, your optimal health state should be your number one priority. Joocy IV therapy is exactly what will do the trick here.
Read more useful information in our Blog https://gojoocy.com/blog/
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gojoocy · 2 years ago
How to Prevent a Hangover 
A hangover is the state even the brigtest minds struggle with. It brings plenty of adverse physical and psychological effects that are difficult to deal with. From dizziness to headaches, nause, and sore throat, hangover comes with symptoms that make regret about the prior alchohol intake.
Luckily, there are ways to reduce or even completely eliminate hangover. In this post, let’s examine way to deal with hangover, and even prevent it. You will discover a rather unusual but extremely effective method in the end of the post, so stock with us here. 
How to Stop a Hangover 
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Many people wonder how to feel less hangover effect after already waking up and being destroyed. Here are some tips to follow when you have enough time to recover after too much alcohol. 
#1 Sleep It Off
Good night's sleep is a major part of living a healthy and happy life. Not only it gives you some time to be unconscious and not think about the immersing things you did the last night but it has something more to offer. First of all, it prevents you from feeling fatigued and migraines, but what's even more valuable for us is that during sleep your liver gets some extra time to break down the alcohol.  
#2 Light Breakfast
Have you ever wondered why our body sweats a lot and the mouth is getting dry in the morning? Well, the thing is that late-night alcohol overuse causes blood sugar levels to fall down. Are there any ways to deal with it? Eat. Yes, we know it's hard to make yourself wanna cook something in the morning after a great party. Yet, you better do. A perfect meal would look like this:
Two or three eggs with whole wheat bread toast, a flank of fresh fruit, and a half of avocado. Also, you can add a cup of orange juice. These breakfasts contain all the nutrients required for the revitalization of your body. 
#3 Sip Ginger Tea
The actual flavor of fresh ginger tea is negligibly peppery and sweet. It makes you feel fresh. Not only the flavor are among its benefits, but also ginger tea's properties. Ginger is full of vitamin C or ascorbic acid, the most efficient antioxidant nutrient in our body. It cleans up your body from the waste of alcohol, making you feel refreshed and energetic. Another major benefit to mention is its anti-inflammatory properties, significantly aiding the digestive system. 
How to prevent a hangover before bed
The best way to prevent a hangover before you go to sleep is not to drink the night before. But well, if you are already here, it's not an option. Then there come alternative solutions: 
Option 1. Drink an 8-ounce glass of Korean pear juice before going to bed. This ancient medicine assisted some test subjects in breaking down alcohol and lowering blood alcohol levels. One glass makes your morning-after sensations less severe.
Option 2. Drink wight drinks. Darker beverages, such as red wine, whiskey, or rum, contain more congeners than lighter beverages, such as white wine as darker your drink as worse will be your tomorrow. 
Option 3. Book an IV drip for the morning. What's that? Joocy After Party IV drip is your ticket to a sober and healthy day (We mean if you live in Miami, Florida). The infusion is a mix of essential minerals and vitamins that will hydrate your body, boost energy, and maintain electrolyte balance. Nutrients start to circulate in your body after already 40 minutes of the procedure, making nausea, fatigue, headache, and dry mouth go away at the same time. 
How to not feel hangover? Just go ahead and buy a bottle of white wine along with a gallon of pear juice, and book Joocy IV drip in advance. Think two steps ahead. Play it smart, and party hard. 
Read more useful information in our Blog https://gojoocy.com/blog/
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