#is this a weird thing to be worried about is this stupid is this selfish
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pissfizz · 11 months ago
I’m going to lose my mind oh my god I am so scared for this quincenera wtf
#NOT MINE BTW I MISSED MY CHANCE LMAO#but Jesus Christ family I’ve never met before flying in from Panama…. god I’m so scared#I’ve already been dealing with some wack ass imposter syndrome ass shit cuz of how I was raised this is gonna make it SO MUCH worse#I DIDNT EVEN KNOW PANAMANIANS GOT QUINCES#i was raised with almost zero influence from any culture whatsoever I wasn’t even raised close to that side of the family#and like I’m mixed with white but I can’t even use that as an excuse cuz the cousin who’s quince it is is also mixed#and that side of the family is super tied to the culture and they speak Spanish and shit#i don’t even speak Spanish even if the family from Panama doesn’t think ima. total embarrassment what if most of them don’t speak english#when I’m surrounded by white people 24/7 I feel like a total outlier but the second I’m around anyone else latine I feel like that but WORSE#i don’t speak Spanish I don’t know anything about the culture I’m from the fucking pacific northwest and do digital art and watch anime#i am so far completely removed from everything I’m gonna be sick#my grandma is already so judgy about stuff my uncle was even WORSE and made fun of the stuff that was too white or too American about me#my cousins throwing the party are the least of my worries cuz at least their mixed and second/third Gen too#but oh my god the family I’ve never met before I’m so scared I’m so scared#i was already thinking like. can I even call myself latine bc of how I was raised and how far removed I am from everything. I’m mixed so -#-should I just associate myself more with the white side of my family. am I being fraudulent by identifying with that term just bc I have -#-the blood is that even enough maybe that kid had a point when he said I shouldn’t count as hispanic if I don’t know spanish#and thinking about showing up to my cousins quince as. me. it’s terrifying it’s awful I want to go I want to meet these people I want to -#-celebrate my cousin and be happy for her but GOD what if everyone hates us and just tolerates us cuz we’re related to them#i would say we’re the black sheep of the family but I feel like white is more fitting cuz I feel like we’re just slightly brown white people#god god god I’m so stresssd out by this#is this a weird thing to be worried about is this stupid is this selfish#and to make matters worse I DONT KNOW WHAT TO GET HER FOR A GIRT#vent
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suzukiblu · 1 month ago
WIP excerpt for Cheshire behind the cut; “the one where Kon meets pink kryptonite and decides to fuck Tim and his boyfriend about it”. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Do you know what subspace and sub drop are?” Tim asks. 
“Uh . . . no?” Kon says, then frowns a little as he remembers–“You were talking about me dropping something when I was, like, all out of it before, right? So like–is it something with that?” 
“Yes,” Tim says. The way he’s petting Kon’s hair sort of–changes, a little, and Kon gets this weird little thought that it’s suddenly kinda more like Tim’s petting him for himself, more than anything else. Like, as a little–tic, or something, that he’s using to keep his focus. So that’s . . . weird, kinda. Yeah. 
Kon doesn’t even know where that thought came from, really, but . . . 
He’d like to be something Tim could use for that, he thinks, and bites the inside of his lip as he feels his skin heat up over that thought. 
“Did you feel different, when you were subbing?” Tim asks carefully. It’s his “assessing my teammate’s psychological condition” voice again, and also pretty obviously an “I know the answer to this question but I don’t know if you know the answer to this question” kind of question. 
“Yeah,” Kon says, and shrugs a little. “Like–I usually do, when it’s, you know. Good. I just get, uh–a little weird sometimes, I guess? Sorry.” 
Tim frowns. 
“Do you feel . . . mm. Detached? Lightheaded? Or emotional, maybe?” he asks, still careful. It is absolutely another “I know but I want to know if you know” question. Like, for absolute friggin’ certain it is. “When it’s–good, I mean.” 
“Yeah,” Kon says, because he feels all that and a whole lot of other things besides, when it’s good. And even more when it’s this good, really, including a few things that would be sorta embarrassing to admit to and a few things that would be sorta mortifying to admit to. He doesn’t really know why Tim’s asking any of this, but the guy’s asked him weirder shit for less reason, so it’s whatever. “Um. Is that, like . . . I mean, that happens to me sometimes, yeah. Just didn't know it was like, a thing? You know, like–with a name and all.” 
“But you do feel that way?” Tim asks, still just barely frowning. It makes Kon a little bit worried, like maybe it’s a bad thing and he’s–well, it kinda is a bad thing, he guesses. Like . . . definitely not a safe one, even if it makes him feel, like . . . 
Well. Safe, he guesses. 
“Yeah, I mean–I guess I do?” Kon says, and shrugs again. It’s a little more awkward this time, maybe, but it feels like a stupid thing to be evasive about or whatever. “I mean, like I said, I just get a little weird and all. Like, I try not to, think I kinda freaked Wonder Girl out once or twice that way. And like, she said it was okay, but . . .” 
But he hadn’t felt okay about it. Like–very much he had not felt okay about it. He’d felt like a problem, and like he was being weird and selfish and too fucking much and she was maybe finally gonna get sick of him being too much and– 
. . . wait, Kon thinks, and frowns a little himself. He does usually try not to get so, like . . . weird, yeah. But like . . . did he try not to get weird this time? He doesn’t, like . . . remember, if he really . . . 
“You try not to feel like that during the sex, or you try not to feel like that during the aftercare?” Tim asks, which seems like such a bizarre little thing to even bother caring about and kinda makes Kon feel . . . not weird again, but . . . a little . . . lighter, maybe. Like . . . somehow. 
He can’t help thinking about how goddamn fucking good Tim is at Domming, and just how quick he and Bernard had both rattled off their hard no’s and safewords and everything at the start, and how neither of them’s forgotten any of his or acted like they were stupid or annoying, and how much they both talk–how much they both talk during the actual sex, even–and how, like . . . 
When Tim safeworded earlier it was just a thing, and not a thing. 
And neither Tim or Bernard’s gotten freaked out by him getting weird or getting . . . weirder, even. 
So that’s . . . something that Kon can’t help thinking about right now, for whatever reason. 
“Um,” he says, not sure exactly what the fuck he’s feeling about . . . all that shit he can’t help thinking about, he guesses. Just . . . all of that. “Dunno what ‘aftercare’ means either. What’s, uh–that one?” 
It’s probably just something else he already does and just didn’t know had an actual name, Kon figures. “Aftercare” he guesses sounds like something he’d do after, like, the typical morning-after walk-of-shame home–okay, the morning-after flight-of-shame, and also he has zero shame either way so it’s whatever–so maybe it’s something about dealing with the kinda, like–hangover kinda thing that he gets, usually, or just the hangover thing itself, even, maybe that’s a thing that actually isn’t just–
“That's the part where everyone checks in with each other and makes sure no one's upset,” Tim says, and Kon . . . blinks, very slowly. The–what? 
“Uh . . . upset about what?” he asks, and belatedly tries to make the question jokey by adding, “I mean, I’m definitely upset your dick’s not in me right now, but that’s just me being a greedy fuck, you know?” 
“Ngh,” Tim mutters under his breath, his fingers very briefly tightening in Kon’s hair, and then lets out a doors-blowing exhalation. “Upset about how the scene went. Sometimes people talk about what they liked and what they might wanna do differently next time; sometimes it's just making sure everyone's comfortable and gets some food and water in them before they fall asleep and wake up feeling gross.” 
Kon–blinks, again. Remembers Tim coaxing him into drinking the water bottle and feeding him the protein bar bite by bite and not even like a come-on, and even kind of the thing with bringing him the candy, and–there’s a third plate of breakfast on that tray, too. Like . . . that Bernard brought to him. 
Oh, he thinks, and feels weird.
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suzieloveships · 4 days ago
Cybertron Pre-Sentinel's betray
AKA High Guard x B99 au
Base on my previous post
Part 2/Part 3
Starscream: That's how we do it in the HG, sir. Fight bad guys and look good doing it ------ Shockwave: Could you make TC stop doing that weird thing with his face? Skywarp: Crying? ------ Starscream: Let's go! Chest bump me! Soundwave: You don't want to do this Starscream: No, I really do Soundwave: It hurts you every time Starscream: No, I know, but I'm fired up. The adrenaline is gonna carry me through. Here we go! [They chest-bump, and Soundwave effortlessly knocks Star to the floor] ------ [Megatronus enters the room with his wrist is in a splint] Starscream: Whoa. What's with the cast? Megatronus: I sprained my wrist. Skyfire: Oh no, what happened? Megatronus: Don't worry about it, I'm fine. Starscream: Yeah, Primus, Sky. Back off. Leave the guy alone [he cranes his neck to check if Prime is out of earshot] All right, huddle up, everyone. Bring it in, bring it in. So he wouldn't say what happened, which can only mean one thing. Skywarp: He's in a fight club. Starscream: No. He did it doing something he's embarrassed by. Like smiling. Only question is how do you hurt your arm smiling. Thundercracker: Could be a sports injury Megatronus: Attention, everyone! I can hear you speculating about the nature and origin of my injury from my office. I tripped over un uneven sidewalk. I did not think it was relevant to your jobs, the jobs you should all be doing right now. Get to work. Megatronus to Starscream once everyone in gone: Do you want to know how I actually hurt my wrist? Starscream: Yes. Megatronus: I was hula hooping. Prima and I attend a class for fitness and for fun. Starscream: Oh, my Primus. Megatronus: I've mastered all the moves. Starscream: Why are you telling me this? Megatronus: Because no one will ever believe you. Starscream: You sick son of a glitch. ------ Starscream: So how'd you convince the whole squad to betray me? What'd you offer them? Megatronus: I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you, and they instantly said yes ------ Skywarp: Oh, no. Despite what I've been saying for years, that aft just might quit ------ Shockwave: Come on, sir, the math thing isn't the problem. The war is keeping you and Prima apart. You two just need to bone. Skyfire: [chuckles nervously] Megatronus: What did you say? Skyfire: Don't say it again. Shockwave: I said you two need to bone. Skyfire: [whimpers] Megatronus: How dare you, General Shockwave. I am your Prime! Megatronus: Bone! Megatronus: What happens in my berthroom is none of your business. Megatronus: BONE?! Megatronus: Don't ever speak to me like that again. ------ Shockwave: So Starscream's doing the right thing instead of the selfish thing? [to Skyfire] You did this to him ------ Megatronus: I wanna show you a picture from last night that really upset me. Starscream: Okay, but in my defense, Shockwave bet me 50 shanix that I couldn't drink all that shampoo. Megatronus: That's not what I wanted to- You drank shampoo? Starscream: What? No. You're the one farting bubbles. ------ Megatronus: Please, keep an eye on Thundercracker today. He’s going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get himself punched. Skywarp: Sure, I would love to see Thundercracker get punched. Megatronus: Try again. Skywarp: I mean I will stop TC from getting punched. ------ Starscream: This is where we came the night we pass our first big exam and you fell in love with me. Skyfire: Star. Starscream: The night you flirted with me for twenty klicks and I became obsessed with you forever. ------ Thundercracker: Life is a party and I’m the piñata. ------ Soundwave: You could've died.  Starscream: The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the energon is supposed to be ------ Soundwave, holding kitten!Ravage: Prime was right. I've been so worried about my own kid, I forgot about my stupid grown-up kids [points at the seekers] Starscream: That's insulting ------ Thundercraker: Sexy train is leaving station, check out this caboose. Later sluts Everyone: Starscream: Just let him have it
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runawayolives · 1 year ago
So for baby daddy Nate: when they are older and married reader can't handle anymore and they both fight she ask for divorce but the kid hear it.? Hope you write about this.
This isn't canon, I think.
This belongs to Baby Daddy.
"I think we should get a divorce."
"I said that I think we should get a divorce."
"I heard you the first time."
The Jacobs' household was soaked in silence, the two young adults in the kitchen after setting their kid to bed. Nate was sitting on the armchair near the kitchen island, while she was cleaning the remaining of dinner. He stood up, walking towards his wife, invading her personal space.
"Can I know where this is coming from?" The faucet had been dripping for a bit, probably because it knew breaking the silence was its new task.
"I don't think we need to be married." Her hand was gripping a damp towel, hyper-focusing in a little circle of coffee from that morning. "We aren't a married couple, we're just two adults living in a house and raising a child."
"Who's fault is that?"
"Don't blame me." The circle was finally gone. "You were the one who married a woman who never wanted you." Their eyes met for the fist time since they put their child to bed.
"Don't say that shit."
"Mommy? Daddy? I'm thirsty." Both young adults turned around to look at the small figure standing by the hallway. The way they were gripping the doorway and their half hidden body proved that the child had been there for longer.
"Mommy will get you some." Quickly she turned around to fill a plastic cup with water. "Here hon. Do you need help going back to bed?"
"I want daddy to do it." Those big brown eyes were too hard to deny, making Nate walk forward.
"Come on, Jojo, I'll read you another story." He lifted his child to his hip, somehow still dwarfing the child, as if they hadn't grown since they were still a baby.
"Goodnight mommy."
"Goodnight, baby."
The staircase was full of picture frames of the young family, at the park, the zoo, on christmas. Endless memories that his stupid wife wanted to throw away because she was a quitter and a coward.
"What were you and mommy talking about?"
"Nothing you have to worry about."
"You were mad. Is mommy in trouble? Should she sit on the step?" Jojo was the most terrifying child Nate had ever met. The big eyes, the big cheeks and their calm nature made them look like a small victorian child that had seen too much. Jojo had a normal childhood, two parents that loved them, friends, and two set of grandparents that spoiled the kid a bit too much. Normal, very normal child.
Nate thought all the weird things that came out of Jojo were her fault. She burdened their child, he knew it. Jojo played like any other kid, Jojo had the same taste buds as any other kid. But Jojo asked uncomfortable questions and would stare at you for a bit too long, as if the five year-old was trying to figure you out.
She spent too much time raising the child, got bored because she's a stupid selfish bitch and decided to treat Jojo like an adult. Too many books, too many paintings and too many museums.
Jojo loved their mom, and Nate was envious. Not because Jojo didn't love Nate, but because looking at them proved what relationships between mother and child could be. Martha hadn't been present, she was home, and she picked him up from school, but his dad was the one in charge of raising him.
Seeing Jojo and Y/N somehow was the Universe or whatever entity rubbing it his face. You had the potential for having this, but you didn't.
The white walls of his kid's room were covered in little scribbles on the wall, something they hadn't bothered in correcting as long as it was only in these walls. The dinosaur lamp was still on, spreading the room in the light green light. Some story books were laying on the ground, and some books. Original versions of classics such as Little Women and To kill a mockingbird laid besides The very humgry caterpillar and The Giving tree.
During the walk up and the small back rubs Nate was giving Jojo, the five-year old had fallen asleep, long eyelashes tickling their cheeks. The toddler was set on the brand new ocean life bed sheets, their latest obsession, and immediately started hugging the handmade-crochet whale they had made with their mom's help.
After setting the kid to sleep and kissing their small forehead, Nate went downstairs. His wife was were he left her, this time with a mug between her hands.
"If you think I'll give you a divorce and let you separate me from my son, you're way stupider than I thought."
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suhkusa · 7 months ago
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PAIRING. Sakusa Kiyoomi x f!Reader
CW. fast paced, fluff with slightest of angst
A/N. alt ending for sakusa lovers (me)
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Sakusa doesn’t know if you remember him. If anything, he would be more surprised if you did remember him. It was just one interaction during your high school years after all. 
“Are you alright?” 
You look up from your seat. You had come to this stupid national volleyball tournament because your friend made you, but she’s off somewhere flirting with a man from another team. You had dozed off and you didn’t even realize Inarizaki was playing their last set of the match. 
Now there was this strange man in a volleyball uniform and a mask in front of you. Oh, he said something to you didn’t he?
“Oh, yeah,” you feel self-conscious under his gaze.
He looks away for a second before looking back at you. 
“Are you from Inarizaki?” 
You nod at his question. You can feel the awkwardness oozing from your presence. You feel sorry you don’t contribute much to the conversation.
“Well if you get bored, Itachiyama’s match starts on court C in like 30 minutes,” he nods his head at you before striding off.
There was something laced in his stern voice that you couldn’t quite put a finger on. Pity? Care? You didn’t really know. 
Ah. You should’ve asked for his name.
It couldn’t be. You couldn’t be. Fate was weird. You’re the girl from the Spring Tournament weren’t you?
“Y/N,” you extend your arm towards him, “Nice to meet you… Sakusa? Right?”
“Yeah, Sakusa,” he takes your hand and gives it a small shake before letting go.
He couldn’t help but watch you as you introduce yourself to every member individually. Couldn’t help how he noticed you tense and hesitated as you got to Atsumu. He tried not to think about it too much.
When you got too drunk and that whole thing with the guy happened at the bar, Sakusa only did what was right. Take care of you and help you.
But you looked ethereal. Honestly. Part of him feels wrong saying that. Even as you lay peacefully sleeping in his own apartment. 
He didn’t want to let himself fall for you. It felt unprofessional, and Sakusa was anything but. But he couldn’t help it.
And so any chance he’d get, he would try to slip himself into your life, little by little. Maybe you’d notice. Or if you didn’t, at least he would still get to spend time with you.
Imagine how excited he was when he found out you played the exact same games as him! 
But then you started to turn a foot towards Atsumu. Even after that fiasco of a yelling-match the two of you had? It stung a bit. He was definitely hurt. So Sakusa decided to distance himself. That was the only thing that he felt like he could do. But if you ever changed your mind, he’d be here. As a friend or whatever you wanted him to be.
Then the two of you took the fall of Atsumu’s actions together. At first he didn’t know that Atsumu was behind all of it, not until you joined a video call and ranted to him about it. He honestly just cared about you and your well-being. 
He was selfish. He was ugly and selfish because he was glad that Atsumu was finally out of your life and the two of you could go back to the way things used to be. 
“Atsumu- I mean Miya came to my house last night,” you say, your voice static-y through the phone.
His heart dropped. What happened? Did he apologize? Did you forgive him?
“Oh,” is all he can manage. 
“What? Oh?” you laugh, “Don’t worry, he just apologized and… And maybe I got emotional but nothing happened, I promise,” he can feel himself sigh in relief at the last bit of your sentence.
“Is that you?” Sakusa asks.
He can hear you struggle a bit, probably grabbing your bags. “Mm, yep,” there’s moving noises.
“Well, you have a safe flight, Y/N. Make sure you text me when you get to your room, okay?” Sakusa is sad. He hopes the two of you can stay in contact. 
“I’ll miss you, Omi,” you say, and he knows you know he hates that nickname. But if it’s you, he’ll let it slide.
“What? Don’t get all sappy on me now,” he says, “I’m going to miss you a lot more, Y/N,”
Sakusa swears he hears you sniffle a bit. 
“A-Alright, I’ll see you soon, Kiyoomi,” you say one last time.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/N,” he mutters, the line going dead soon after.
It’s scary how someone across the world can make you feel so loved. It’s been 2 years since you’ve left Japan. And every day since then, you and Kiyoomi have talked. Texted, called, video chatted, anything and everything.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t developing a tiny bit of feelings for him. But you couldn’t tell if he felt the same. Tones and emotions are so hard to read through a screen. For all you know, he could be acting as a friend and you’re just reading too much into it.
“I am coming to Japan,” you state, you can hear him shuffling on the other side of the call.
“Mm, hm? What?” he sounds a bit shocked, “for what?”
“The season just ended here, and I don’t really have anything to do. I’ve been homesick for the past 2 years, and I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon. Oh, I’d be there for just a week, though,”
“Ah, I see. Do you already have a place to stay? I can lend you the guest room?”
You think it over, but you don’t think you should consider the feelings you’ve been feeling towards him recently.
“We’ll see, thank you Kiyoomi,”
“Of course. When is your flight back?” 
“Next week,”
Next week became this week. Then this week became today. 
Apparently everyone wanted to come visit Japan because all hotels and motels were booked fully. That’s how you found yourself a taxi ride later in Sakusa Kiyoomi’s guest bedroom.
You had decided to keep your return under the wraps, not wanting any attention or big reactions, or… other people to catch wind. 
It was in the very beginning of your stay back home in Japan that Sakusa Kiyoomi proclaimed his love for you.
“I think I love you. Or well, I do love you, sorry,” he looks like he’s ashamed as the two of you sit in front of his fireplace. 
At first you just stare at him as if you two were sharing a normal conversation. But then the cogs in your brain began to turn. 
“Y-You don’t have to say anything,” he’s freaking out behind those still eyes of his. You can see it, “I’m sorry, let’s just.. let’s just forget about it,
“I love you, too,”
His head snaps towards you, “What?”
You feel tense under his gaze, unsure as to what your next move should be. 
“I- Sorry,” you scoot back, “I really do love you… You’ve been there for me for so long, even when that whole thing with him happened… I’m sorry it feels like it took me so long,”
His warm hand meets under your chin.
“Only forever, idiot,” he smiles at you. “I feel like I’ve known since the day you walked in,”
There’s tears in your eyes because you believe him. He really had been there since the very beginning. 
“Don’t cry,”
“B-But I have to leave in a week and-”
“Then that gives us a whole week to be with one another… if that’s what you want,”
A tear drips down your cheek. “Then we’d have to do long distance and I don’t want you to wait,” you look into his eyes with your glossy ones.
“I’d wait eternity for you, Y/N,” is all he says before dipping his head down to yours and welcoming your lips into his. 
You basically cry into the kiss, until the kiss gets sloppy and you’re coming onto him.
And maybe you gave all of yourself to him that night. And maybe every night after that.
The goodbye is bittersweet. You know the two of you will meet again, but are unsure when. Being deduced to only being able to communicate through your telephone is hard. Especially after all of your feelings were finally let out of the bag. The two of you know your love will keep you guys intertwined until you guys see each other again. 
When that is, is the only thing that’s uncertain.
“Do you still like me?
“I think you know the answer to that, Y/N,” he says sadly, “all too well,”
A sigh escapes your lips.
“You know you shouldn’t, Atsumu,” you say, and it tears his heart apart. He thought this night
would’ve ended differently if he answered that way.
“Y/N, can’t we try again?” he pleads. Atsumu knows he’s beginning to sound desperate, but he can’t lose his grasp on you, not when he just found you again.
“Atsumu… I’m dating Kiyoomi,” 
You can visibly see his heart sink. It looks like he’s trying to find something to say, but all that comes out is silence.
You’re not sure what to do or say, letting the cool air blow against you. The awkward silence is broken when the doors behind you open.
“Ah, Omi,” you turn to face him.
“The guys wanted to take shots, did you want to join?” 
“Sure” you walked towards him before giving Atsumu one last glance back. “Did you want to join us—”
“Yeah- yeah, I’ll be there in a second,” the blonde mumbles.
You nod towards him before you latch onto Sakusa, he welcomes you into a tight hug.
“What were you guys talking about?” he queries.
“Oh, nothing, just… him stuff,” you offer a fake laugh.
“We can talk about it later if you need?”
“Yeah, that’s fine, let’s just get that shot, you deserve it after that win,” you wink at him.
As you walk off before him, Sakusa Kiyoomi gets hit with a wave of realization of how lucky he is to be with you. There’s so many ways this could have turned out, yet you chose him.
He can’t wait for you to come back to Japan, the two of you have been discussing you moving in with him and so much more.
He’s not telling you just yet, but he’s even planning a little trip for your guys’ anniversary. 
Sakusa is going to do everything in his power to make you happy. He’s waited all this time and he’s finally gotten the chance to make you happy.
To love you.
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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fruitmins · 1 year ago
Agust Dad—Six
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry and change your fate forever.
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: time jump (don’t hate me for it), twitter, you kinda pee yourself at the end, panic attack/meltdown, angst, don’t worry there’s at least a little fluff in the beginning, fainting, cliffhanger-ish
<next part>
note: the storm :)
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @tatyhend @jiminiesunicorn @littlestarstinyseven @baechugff @thelilbutifulthings @tearykth @familiarlikemymirror3 @coree730 @prajusstuff @wobblewobble822 @choisoorin @manuosorioh @0funsite0 @whipwhoops @bergandysam @aloverga @illnevertrustmyselfagain @silentreadersthings @butterymin @girl-nahh @linneasblog @cuntessaiii @nikkiordonez12 @chl0buggy @serendididy @llallaaa @ghostlyworld @roguesthetic @captainchrisstan @bxcndd @lukeys-giggle
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You shifted and turned in the mirror, studying the slight bump that phased through the expensive flowy red dress that Yoongi had convinced you to let him buy.
You weren’t all that surprised. Over the past months Yoongi had been buying the most ridiculous things for you without blinking an eye. Any weird food you wanted, Yoongi would have it in less than thirty minutes.
What you were surprised about was the main reason you wanted the beautiful dress in the first place. Jin had invited you to a party he and the rest of the boys were throwing a party In celebration of a successful Bang Bang Con.
Then he revealed he was going to propose to Harin who like Yoongi, you’d gotten close to over the months. When though you weren’t Yoongi’s girlfriend (even though it was starting to feel like you were) she still thought it would be nice for the two of you to be close.
It shouldn’t have surprised you that he invited you, but somehow it did. No matter how much time you spent with BTS, you couldn’t help but be insecure about how your connection with Yoongi happened. It weren’t proud of it in the slightest, even though Harin has reassured you many times they didn’t judge you.
But still, you had a frown on your face as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You didn’t want the new bump to be all that visible, and you couldn’t help but feel anxious and nervous.
You hear a small knock on the door before it cracks open slightly, revealing Yoongi who was already ready and in a nice black suit that matches his ridiculous long black hair.
Your heart pounds when you see him all dressed up, thinking back to the night long ago that had gotten you into this mess. You can’t help but feel a flutter in your heart, like when you two first met. The warm feeling that flowed in your blood whenever you saw him.
Unlike first time, the feelings were much stronger now. You tired to push away the fuzzy feeling whenever he looked at you these past few months. The way he had gradually opened up to you and cared for you. You chalked it up to just being hormonal, but a part of you had always liked him a bit more than you are supposed to. And it was only getting stronger the times he was away training and at BangBangCon. You felt ashamed how much relief washed over you when they were finished, just over the fact that he could spend time with you again.
You were starting to get stupid and selfish again. Just like that night where you stupid and selfishly gave into him for your own pleasure and enjoyment.
Seeing that you were fully clothed, he stepped more into the room, a small smile on his face as he did so.
You turn away from the mirror to face him fully, gesturing to your dress. “How do I look?” You let out a nervous chuckle, slightly scared of his answer.
He takes a minute to study you fully, looking from top to bottom before finally responding. "Pretty," Yoongi said quietly, standing in the doorway, a small smile on his face as he looks at you. "You look beautiful."
Your heart flutters as you stare at him. Despite everything that's happened, you can't help but feel excited to be here, with him, in this moment.
“You definitely have a pregnancy glow.” He praises again, this time with a little playful chuckle and you turn away from him, praying that you weren’t blushing. “Thanks.”
You mess with your hair once more before grabbing your high heels and sitting in the edge of the bed to put them on. Yoongi is quick to kneel down on his knee to take them from you.
“Can I?” He trails off softly even though he already took them, getting ready to put them on your foot before pausing for a moment. He tilts his head slightly before staring at you for a moment with his eyes wide. "Are you really planning on wearing those?" He says in realization.
You nod immediately, trying to take the shoes away from him. “They go with the dress.” You state in slight confusion. You weren’t that heavy yet.
"I don't think it's a good idea, Y/N." he says cautiously, the concern for your wellbeing evident in his tone but gentle as always.
“They’re the only shoes I have for the occasion. Well flats would work but I don’t have any good ones.” You mumble, mostly to yourself before looking at him with a slight pout while trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. Telling yourself for the millionth time that he was concerned for your baby and not you.
Yoongi can’t help but let out a small amused smile at your pout. "Y/N, I'll buy you the nicest flats you've ever seen, just don't wear those." He says, making a sharp gesture towards the heels he’s holding.
"You're going to be standing for almost the entire night, so wearing heels would be very uncomfortable, and besides, it's dangerous to wear heels when you're this far along in a pregnancy." Yoongi takes a slow breath, his concern for you showing more clearly than back when everything was first happening. Though he was never really hiding it from you.
“You’d buy flats, right now?” You ask, slightly surprised but suspicious. “I don’t want to make us late or have you buy more things for me.”
"Of course.“ he responds without hesitating, even rolling his eyes a little. “I’ll be right back.”
The moment he says this, Yoongi leaves the room and rushes out of the house, leaving you alone in the bedroom as you listen to the door slamming shut.
The moments you wait for him to return are painfully long, and you can hear your own heart beating in your ears. And just as you finish your thoughts, Yoongi walks through the door once again. You immediately look down at his hands, and see two bags in each, with the flats open. You sit up in disbelief. Yoongi really just came back with four new pairs of flats.
"Here they are." he says, handing you bag with a small smile. "I went to a nearby shop and told the shopkeeper to give you all the best ones. I hope they fit." he adds, his tone anxious as he waits for you to put them on.
"Oh my god." you say, shaking your head as you take each pair out. They're all the top design and incredibly stylish, and more importantly, incredibly comfortable looking. You couldn't have asked for a better selection.
Yoongi smiles as you continue to examine the shoes, your heart warmed by his gesture. You try on both on the pairs, both equally as soft and comfy as they looked.
“Thank you so much.” You say, still wide eyed as you picked the best color and design and started to walk around to get a feel. You couldn’t even express how grateful you were for him.
“Alright, let’s go.” You say, catching yourself before you can be overly emotional as the two of you rush out to his car and drive to Jin’s surprise proposal party.
The two of you pile into the car and drive off to the party. Yoongi turns to face you, his eyes filled with concern and worry. "We don't have to stay too late, alright?"
You nod your head, not too upset about it. As long as the two of you end up having a nice evening, you don't mind leaving early.
You arrive at the small spot a moments later. Yoongi does the honors of helping you out of the car as the two of you head inside of the small house that Jin rented.
The two of you walk in and look around the nicely decorated area. As you walk inside, you see that the party is underway. There are streamers hanging from the ceiling, and a table with snacks and drinks set up in the corner. There isn’t a lot of people there either, just BTS and some close family members on both sides.
Jin greets you both with a nervous smile, and you can feel yourself beginning to relax. This seems like it'll be a decent event, and not the tense affair that you were expecting. What helps is that it’s a private party, not a camera in sight and no reporters can see you.
“Yoongi! Y/N! Your here.” He says with a big smile despite being so nervous, giving you each a small hug. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course Jin.” Yoongi says with a small, putting a hand on his shoulders and to try to calm his nerves. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Y/N, honey, you look great.” He says giving you one last night squeezes before leaving you to mingle around.
The rest of BTS come up to greet you and Yoongi as well, feeling slightly nervous when Yoongi leaves to get you and himself something to drink.
The party is lowkey, not upbeat and filled with people speaking on top of each other as everyone mingled.
You happen to spot Harin in the distance from the couch you sat on, so you walk up to greet her. She gasp happily when she sees you, giving you a big hug as the two of you chatted away.
Suddenly, someone touches their glass to get everyone’s attention. You both turn it see all of the members in a small circle. “To a successful BangBangCon. Even though it was online it was still nice to see all of ARMY.” Namjoon started and everyone hummed and nodded in agreement, going along with the facade.
All of the members do a small speech until Jin is the last one. Jin stood up and the lights turn off, leaving the room in darkness.
A few minutes of silence and fake murmuring, Jin's voice cuts through the silence as he now stood in front of his Harin who was next to you. "Harin, we've been through a lot in the past few months. We've been on opposite ends of it all, but one thing remains constant," he says, his voice shaking slightly. “My love for you.”
A faint glow cuts through the darkness as Jin bends down on one knee, holding out a small black box in his hand.
Harin takes a moment to process everything before covering her mouth with her hand.
Jin's eyes sparkle as he looks up at her. "Will you marry me?" he asks, his voice soft yet strong.
Harin is speechless, her eyes widening in shock and surprise. She takes a moment before nodding her head. Tears stream down her face. "Yes, I'll marry you."
The both of them explode into tears, and the room erupts into a joyful celebration. You clap along with everyone else in celebration, your eyes even watering a little as they cried and kissed.
The party after is filled with almost everyone beside you and Yoongi getting tipsy and having fun. Lights now flashing and music now blasting through some speakers.
A little while later you find Yoongi again, happily chatting and congratulating Jin with the rest of the members. You were getting tired and wanted to leave. You were getting a headache from the lights and loud music, and quite frankly your social battery has reached zero quickly after the propose.
You saw him, smiling and laughing with his slightly tipsy younger members and simply didn’t have the heart to interrupt him. You could put up with the party for another hour or two.
But as you walked away from them, Yoongi’s head suddenly turns and meets yours. He takes one look at your face and expression and knows it time leave, so as you walk out you see him excuse and say goodbye to his members before lightly jogging next to you.
“Hey, time to go?” He asked softly, still a small smile on his face from talking with the members.
“No, it’s fine.” You shake your head quickly, wanting him to have more fun. You didn’t want to be selfish once again.
“You look tired. Let’s go home. It’s getting late anyways.” He states nonchalantly before locking your arm and practically dragging you to the car.
He opens the door for you drive home in some comfortable silence, resting your eyes and feeling warm from the nice atmosphere.
The two of you get out of the car, and as soon as you step inside, you go straight to the bedroom. You take off your shoes and lay down in the comfy bed, covering yourself in the fresh blankets.
Moments later you are out like a light but only to wake up in the middle of the night to quickly use the restroom.
You groggily get up, checking your phone to see the time. It’s an hour past midnight and everything in the house is dark and cold.
Your eyes squint as you look at the bright screen, eyes lightly skimming over your notifications. Your eyes brown in confusion when you see a familiar coworker has texted you out of the blue.
‘Y/N, is this you?’
You get a sinking feeling in your stomach looking at the text, slowly opening up your phone to see the attachment with it.
Your face pales and your throat closes in fear when see a screenshot from a video of yourself at the party. Clearly pregnant and stood directly in frame next to Harin who was staring at Jin down on one knee.
Your blood runs cold when you see the screenshot. It's exactly as you guessed it would be: yourself standing next to Harin with a noticeable baby bump.
You freeze in your tracks as an overwhelming sense of panic washes over you. Your heart is soaring at a rapid rate, and you feel like you're going to throw up.
You don't know what to do. You don't know how to handle this situation. But you find your hands shakily downloading twitter again in a heartbeat.
The moment you do the first thing you see is the screenshot had been spreading around the wildfire. You can't believe your eyes when you see the screenshot on Twitter. It's viral, quickly making its way around the platform and receiving an overwhelming amount of attention from both the media and fans.
You feel your heart sinking in your chest as you see your body in the media spotlight in this way, even though it hasn't been confirmed that it's really you.
Sometime after the party, Jin had uploaded his proposal to happily and innocently show his fans, and people had started to notice a pregnant woman in the background.
#RedDress was trending.
WHO IS SHE? was trending.
Thousands of ARMY’s were connecting the dots, putting together that whoever the woman was is Yoongi’s ‘girlfriend’.
Jealous fans are picking apart off every inch of your body, calling you disgusting names all over again just like when the official statement was released. But now ten times worse. Crazy fans were trying to find out your official identity, hoping that it would lead them to Yoongi.
You start to have a breakdown, seeing just how exposed you were now. You were crying, barley even breathing as you felt a sting of pain in your stomach. You felt hot and cold at the same time as your mind got fuzzy and clouded with all types of worry.
Your eyelids start to get heavy, your ability to get out of bed to pee now gone as black dots started to appear.
You glance towards the door, desperately trying to call out to Yoongi who was peacefully asleep in the guest bedroom but you’re so panicked and out of control you can’t even speak.
You start to hyperventilate as the black spots get bigger and your body gives out, the last thing you remember being your head hitting the bed frame as you grew unconscious.
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pilot-boi · 1 year ago
Jaune’s friends throw him a birthday party only to find out he has long forgotten his own birthday in the Ever After, never mind how old he technically is.
Jaune’s friends have been acting weird all week.
Of course, he’s not a very good judge of what counts as weird anymore. Living for decades in a world where the brooks would literally babble and time was literally money would do that to you.
But he feels pretty sure that they’re being weird.
They keep huddling in groups whispering to each other, only to see him coming and abruptly change the subject, or just straight up walk away. He might be out of practice reading social cues (and he was pretty abysmal to begin with, let’s be honest here) but even he can notice that.
Are they mad at him? He’s been trying his best to hold himself together since getting back. He’s been talking to Ren and Nora and Ruby when he’s spiring. Oscar has been a HUGE help adjusting to feeling out of place in his own skin. Heck, this morning he didn’t even wake up freaking out about being late! All things considered he thinks he’s been doing pretty okay.
So why are they all avoiding him?
“Do you have…”
“No, Ren’s taking care…”
“Oh good, then you can-”
Ruby and Weiss are lurking outside of an unused classroom, whispering intently to each other over an open notebook. Jaune perks up. “Hey guys! What’re you-”
They both look up at him, immediately cutting off their conversation. Weiss shuts her notebook with a snap. Jaune’s greeting trails off and his smile slips from his face as they stare at him.
“What uh… what are you guys up to?” Jaune asks.
Ruby and Weiss glance at each other. “Nothing you need to worry about,” Weiss responds eventually, Ruby shifting awkwardly behind her
“Are you sure? I could… maybe I could help!” he offers, hating how over-eager he must sound.
“I’m sure,” Weiss replies firmly, and Jaune wilts further. “Besides, we were just going, right Ruby?”
“We were? I mean, yeah! Yeah we were,” Ruby nods, already edging away. Can she really not even stand to be around him? “See ya later, I guess!” And the two of them hurry off down the hallway, already whispering to each other.
Jaune slumps. He thought he was doing better, but if Weiss and Ruby beat that hasty of a retreat at his mere presence? And not even the first one this week? Yeah, they’re definitely mad at him. He just wishes he knows what he did.
He shuffles his way back to the JNPER dorm. The whole time, he’s replaying the conversation in his head, nitpicking every over-exuberance, every awkward moment. He knows he’s out of practice, but he’s trying, really he is. Maybe they’re just finally getting tired of his lackluster performance? Tired of playing nice in the face of his bumbling?
The door is ajar when he returns, and he can hear Oscar and Nora’s voices inside.
“...just hard seeing him this way.”
“I know, it hurts me, too.”
He hesitates, hand hovering over the doorknob. He can’t help it. And yeah, eavesdropping is bad. But they’re talking about him, and if they don’t know he’s there, they will continue to do so. Of course, he might not like what he hears, but at least he’ll have answers. And since when does he do what’s good for him?
“...having trouble adjusting.”
“Yeah. But hopefully this will help!”
“I hope so. It’s been a while, but if we all work together we can make sure he stays away while we-”
Yeah. He’s heard enough.
Jaune shuts the door with a quiet click. Well, he was wrong at least. His friends aren’t mad at him. 
No. No, they hate him.
He lets his steps carry him away. He doesn’t much care where he ends up, he knows his friends won’t be there.
If they want him to stay away, he can do that. It was selfish of him (stupid of him) to want to immediately insert himself back into the team dynamic. They spent months grieving him while he was living in fairytale land, and then he shows back up and what? Just slots back in like nothing happened? Like they didn’t just spend the last few months of their lives thinking he was dead?
“Having trouble adjusting” Nora had said, and she’s right of course. It’s no secret that he’s been taking to Remnant like a fish to the desert.
But he’s been trying, gods he’s been trying!
Jaune knows he’s awkward and too loud and too big. Too used to stiffness in his limbs that would slow his movements, too used to a creak and a crack in his voice that would lower his tone. Too used to being alone to fit, like he’s a puzzle piece from a different set thrown in a box it doesn’t belong.
He knows he’s not okay, he’s not right. He knows that as well as he knows his name. (His name or his title? Which one is he anymore?) But to hear it spoken so plainly from a friend’s mouth…
Jaune doesn’t realize he’s crying until his vision blurs with tears.
Weiss and Ruby whispering to themselves about Ren (his teammate, his brother, he doesn’t even know what his brother is doing), saying they don’t need him, and leaving abruptly when he approaches. Nora and Oscar talking quietly about how badly he’s adjusting and how they need him to stay away.
He just wanted to be less alone, but he’s just pushing everyone away again. Too loud, too big, too much. Just like Alyx.
“Hey Arc, what’s with the moping?” Jaune jumps, whirls around, and blinks back into awareness. He’s in a courtyard dappled with the warm tones of sunset (Wasn’t it midday? How much time did he lose?), one of the few places in the city with plantlife. And there, glaring at him from under a palm tree, is Emerald.
He stares at her. She stares back. He can’t tell if she’s giving him time to calm down (stupid crying, stupid trauma, why won’t his lungs just work right) or if she just refuses to ask the question again.
Eventually his breathing steadies as much as it’s going to, and his panic begins to ebb. She’s still just staring at him.
His brain catches up. Right, she asked him a question.
“I’m not-” He swallows. No more bottling things up. He tried that already, and look where it got him. A bowl full of poison and a lake full of tattered paper. “I think everyone is mad at me. I think… I think they’re all just psyching themselves up to tell me that they’re… that they hate me.” Jaune admits, voice getting more quiet as he goes. And wow, he really must be hard up for people to talk to if he’s telling Emerald this.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “What? No. No they’re not.”
Jaune blinks, taken aback by her immediate response. “They’re not? But… but they’ve been avoiding me all week! Saying they don’t need me and that they want me to stay away! I just heard Nora, and she said-”
“They don’t hate you, trust me,” Emerald assures, cutting off his increasingly panicked rambling. And somehow, she sounds so sure of herself that he can’t help but trust her. “I don’t think they can hate you. Believe me, I’ve tried, and you’re annoyingly likeable. It sucks.”
“But if they don’t hate me then…” The words won’t come. Why are they avoiding him? Why are they working on something while deliberately not including him? Why do they want him to stay away?
The bewilderment must be plain on his face because Emerald sighs and stands. She mutters something under her breath that sounds like “those idiots can’t even…” but he doesn’t catch the rest.
“Gods damn puppy eyes. They’re just planning a… wait. Actually-” Emerald pulls out her Scroll. Jaune can’t see who she dials, but whoever it is picks up immediately. “Hey it’s me. Yeah. Yeah I know you’re busy but- Yeah I know you’re almost out of time-”
At this, Emerald glances at the sky for some reason and Jaune automatically follows her gaze. The sun is dipping behind the roof of the building, sending cool shadows across the courtyard. Jaune winces, reminded of the time he lost. How long was he wandering around the halls of Shade before he stumbled across Emerald?
“Yeah I know, I KNOW! Listen, Arc’s-” She gets cut off again, clearly growing more and more irritated. It’s probably Yang then, or Ruby. “Will you just shut up and listen?! Arc’s here! He’s here with me, so you can tell the rest of the idiot squad to stop worrying! He’s right here!” Jaune perks up. They were worried about him? But…
“He wandered past me after overhearing one of you… No he still doesn’t know, somehow, but he showed up freaking out and VERY disassociating and I had to calm him down! So if you don’t want a full meltdown on your hands, one of you get over here and get this show on the road, because I swear I am not equipped to deal with Jaune crying.”
Jaune. She called him Jaune. 
And earlier she said she doesn’t hate him.
And if she doesn’t hate him then… then maybe she wasn’t lying about the rest of his friends not hating him. It feels like there’s a happy balloon swelling in his chest, and gods dammit he’s starting to cry again.
Stupid high strung emotions, stupid post-meltdown crying, stupid heart caring so stupid much.
Emerald catches his eye and she winces. “Ah shit um… No everything’s fine, Arc’s just crying again. No I think it’s good tears this time, he’s got this big dopey smile on his face. Yeah. Yeah that’s the one. Can one of you get over here now? We’re in the garden off of our room. No the other one. See ya.”
She sighs and tucks her Scroll back in her pocket. “Ruby should be here any second.” Jaune beams at her. She squints at him. “What.”
He shrugs. “You’re a good friend.”
Emerald scoffs, folding her arms and looking away. “Yeah, whatever.”
There’s a burst of rose petals and Ruby materializes next to them. She’s speaking before her feet touch the ground! “-so sorry! Jaune! Oh gods we’ve been looking for you everywhere! Come on, the others are waiting-”
“You have? They are?? Wait what are-” Before he knows what’s happening, Ruby has wrapped herself, himself, and a reluctant Emerald up in her cape. “-you talking about?” Jaune says as soon as they land. And then the nausea hits.
“Oh crap, I forgot! Sorry…” Ruby apologizes, patting his back as he doubles over, breathing shallowly and leaning heavily on hands resting on shaky knees. “You okay?”
“Better than ever,” Jaune replies, chuckling weakly. “Just warn me next time. Please. Airships are bad enough but that was…”
“Horrible??!” Emerald interrupts, looking thoroughly ruffled.
“Intense,” he concludes, straightening with a shudder. They’re standing outside of an unused classroom, the same one as before. But then… why did Weiss and Ruby leave?
“Well? Go inside!” Ruby prods, bouncing next to the door.
Again, weird. But again, he’s no longer a great judge of what’s weird. So Jaune just opens the door and-
-and is immediately hit with a wall of sound comparable to a bomb going off.
They’re all lucky his sword is back in the dorm, or they’d all be nursing a few gashes. As it is, it takes an embarrassingly long amount of time for Jaune to realize he’s not under attack, and that all the yelling is just…
Birthday wishes? Is this a surprise party?
“Is this… for me?” Jaune asks, once his voice finds its way back to his throat.
“Of course it is, we’ve been planning this all week!” Yang hollers, from where she’s standing next to Blake and a pile of haphazardly wrapped presents.
“We wanted it to be a surprise,” Blake shrugs, looking sheepish. “Guess we took the secrecy a bit too far.”
“We didn’t mean to make you worry!” Nora apologizes, from beside the biggest cake Jaune’s ever seen. “I think you might’ve overheard me and Oscar talking earlier and-”
Everything slots into place. The whispering, the planning, wanting to keep him away, not including him in the process, Ren’s key involvement (That cake could only have been made by him), wanting to help him adjust. It was all just them doing… this.
There’s a pile of presents, each wrapped individually and labeled with Yang’s scrawl and Blake’s tidy printing. A banner hangs overhead with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” written on it in block letters, and the last few letters of birthday are all smushed at the end. The cake is iced yellow with the double crescents of the Arc crest emblazoned at the top.
And his friends. His friends. All working together for a week to do this, for him, and he can feel his heart tight in his chest, and gods dammit here come the water works. How could ever think they hate him while they were doing this for him??
His friends are alls taring at him anxiously, and he realizes they think he doesn’t like it.
“I love you guys,” he sobs, and holds his arms out for a hug.
They all surge forward and sink to the floor. Oscar tucks himself under one arm, Ruby under the other. Weiss, Blake, and Ren curl around his sides. And on top of it all he can feel Yang and Nora’s exuberance.
They don’t hate him. They don’t hate him. Gods, how could he ever think they hate him?
In the middle of the hug huddle (Hud? Huggle?) Jaune frowns. “Wait… is it my birthday?” he asks nobody in particular.
He can feel someone adjust against his chest. “Course it is,” he feels Oscar’s voice hum through him. The pod loosens so his baby brother can look up at him, and Jaune ducks to avoid his discerning gaze. 
“I…” Jaune swallows, and finds that he’s looking right at Ruby. She looks gentle, understanding, and when he glances around he sees the same warmth on all of his friends’ faces. He swallows. No more bottling things up. “I forgot,” he admits.
“You forgot it’s today?” Emerald asks, and of course, she’s sitting cross-legged just outside of the slowly detaching hug pile.
“I forgot it entirely,” he says quietly, and he feels Oscar tuck into his side, and Jaune wraps an arm around him without even looking. “There wasn’t any reliable way to count days after so long, and even if there was… the days just weren’t consistent.” Time flowing away like sand in a shattered hourglass. Days that last minutes, nights that last days, days that last months, nights that last seconds. He shrugs. “So I just… forgot. I forgot a lot of things.”
“You didn’t forget us,” Nora reminds him, thudding her head down on his shoulder.
“I couldn’t let myself,” he says. “You guys…” Jaune takes the time to look them all in the eye. “Knowing I’d eventually get back to you all is all that kept me going.”
“Well, if you forget again, if you fall again… we’ll catch you,” Ruby says simply. “Me, Ren, Nora, all of us. And if that’s not enough, and you forget, and you lose yourself…” She swallows, and Jaune’s suddenly quite certain that he’s not the only one on the verge of tears. “Then we’ll just find you and show you who you are.”
“A million bajillion times,” Nora agrees, muffled against his chest.
“As many times as it takes,” Ren nods, and the others all murmur their assent. And Jaune’s heart swells with love for these people who have walked through hell, and who he would walk through hell for, and who would walk through hell for him.
The presents could be bricks and the cake could be sawdust and he wouldn’t care. This, these friends holding him in their arms… this is the only thing he could have ever wanted for a birthday he forgot but they remembered.
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pharawee · 1 year ago
It's Friday Sunday, and that means it's time for more omegaverse shenanigans. 🥳
Sadly, this will be my last Pit Babe novel commentary post for a while because the main story only has 25 chapters. But worry not! Apparently there's a few extra chapters and if anything significant happens you'll be the first to know (but don't be surprised if it's just chapter upon chapter of kinky sex - that's just how Daddy and Papa Charlie and Babe roll).
If you want to catch up, you can find parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 here.
As for this part - expect major spoilers, shenanigans (both omegaverse and not), family reunions, family reunions... and fun card games. But more on that later.
For now, let's get back to Babe, who's apparently rich enough to own a white Ferrari. Show-off. He's currently on his way back to Khun Tony, and he's such a brat about it that he fools the guards into letting him through. Things escalate from there. Babe threatens to bring Tony to justice once and for all, to which Tony reacts with mild bemusement. He's no longer interested in Babe since he's lost his powers, and he even taunts him with Charlie's (supposed) death. No, Tony didn't want Charlie dead. He merely wanted to incapacitate him in order to bring him back home (because car accidents are such a precise science...). It's a pity that Charlie died but, really, at least he's free now. Or something.
This man must have stupid amounts of money to throw at all of his plans because, quite honestly, they're shit. Oh well, at least we know where Way learned his... well, unnecessarily long-winded (TEN YEARS!!) ways.
Babe has heard enough but sadly Kenta steps in before he can get his hands on Tony. This leads to more taunting and the appearance of Way, who casually slings Babe over his shoulder and forcibly removes him from the premises. Which leaves the guards like, "who tf even was that weirdo?" Oh, to be a guard in Khun Tony's employment...
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(photoshop is my passion)
Meanwhile, Charlie (alive and, uh, relatively well) is still busy having his stolen powers exorcised by Babe's long-lost dad (the real one this time). The more he uses a particular ability, the longer it takes to meditate out of him. No, seriously, Reval and Charlie are basically just sitting in a room mind-palacing the powers away. Apparently it's very draining.
They also talk about Charlie's guilt, and how he believes it's best to stay away from Babe as not to hurt him again. Sure, he could leave the final decision to Babe but even that, he fears, might be selfish of him as that leaves Babe with the burden of having to decide in the first place. No matter what he does, it will cause Babe both happiness and pain - just like when Charlie's initial selfishness brought him closer to Babe and then almost drove him away entirely. Charlie's mind is going in circles. He's so protective of Babe that he doesn't realise - no matter his intentions, no matter his inaction - he can't untangle himself from the hurt he's already caused and will cause going forward.
Oh, and by the way? That moment when Charlie "died" in the hospital and Babe thought he was getting his powers back and had to listen in on every excruciating detail of Charlie's body shutting down? Yeah, turns out that was Charlie causing (mass) hallucinations and slowing down his body functions. Poor Alan had to go identify Charlie's body in the morgue while Babe was in such a bad way that he basically stopped functioning.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: what the hell, Charlie, you positively traumatised the poor boy. Could you maybe have kicked the bucket a little less dramatically? Did you really have to enact all of Babe's worst nightmares to make it more convincing? Just because you mean well (and didn't do it over the span of TEN YEARS for weird omegaverse breeding purposes) doesn't make it all right.
But more on that later.
Babe has made his way to a safe house. There, he meets Pete - the oldest of Tony's sons and currently AWOL, same as Babe. Pete is adorable, all sunshine and puppies and right-hand man of a local mafia boss. Or something. Because, you see, Pete figured out early on that the only way to leave Tony was to seek the protection of someone even worse. So he started working with the mafia, as you do. Apparently, he's so good at his job that he's convinced them all to go straight. Now he's studying to become a doctor. Oh, and also planning Tony's demise by preparing a really effective presentation.
That's where Babe comes in. Him visiting Tony's mansion was all a distraction - a sleight of hand, if you will. Even though he complains about Way manhandling him (Pete offers to get him a masseuse for the pain) it was all part of their plan:
While Babe distracted the guards by making a big stink, Way snuck into Tony's evil room of plotting (or something) and stole all of his evil data. When he later dragged Babe outside, he used the opportunity to slip the data stick into his pocket. On it there's evidence of all of Tony's evil business transactions. It would be easy to give it to the police, but Pete cautions against it. The evidence would simply vanish - something that has apparently happened many times before. Instead, Pete plans to reveal all of Tony's evil deeds in a way that makes it impossible for anyone to ignore.
We cut to Charlie and Babe sharing a cute moment. Wait, what?
"I've never loved anyone this much before." Babe's voice was soft, as if he didn't really want to accept reality, but he couldn't help but share those feelings with [Charlie]. "I'm afraid that if I love you too much, it will make you uncomfortable. [...] I'm afraid I can't love you as well as you love me."
Is it a dream? A memory? A (shared) vision? Whatever it is, before Babe wakes up from it, he and Charlie share some fundamental truths about themselves. About how Babe doesn't really know how to act now that he's in a relationship because he's never been allowed to be in love. About how he feels vulnerable and unsure, afraid of taking too much instead of giving back. But Charlie reassures him that he likes Babe just the way he is. He feels very loved, and anyway, he's also never loved anyone before so it's not like he has any grounds for comparison.
Meanwhile, Charlie also just woke up. He's given away the last of his powers and he's very exhausted. Jeff is with him to keep him company. Outside, it's just stopped raining. The rain makes Charlie think of Babe because it accompanied them throughout their relationship: when they argued, when they fought, and when they first became boyfriends.
"And the first day you became a normal person, it also rained," Jeff added with a small smile [...]. "But you couldn't see it in time. Only I saw." "Yes, when I woke up, the rain had already stopped." "Maybe that's a good sign." "A good sign?" "Yes," the young man nodded lightly. "Because the rain has stopped. [...] The sky is clear now."
What is this? Allegory? In my omegaverse novel??
There's always been a shadow hanging over Charlie and Babe's relationship - heavy and dark like a rain cloud, constantly reminding them of their past, their powers and the lies it took for them to even meet. Charlie has worked hard to rid them of their powers, and Babe is busy taking action against Tony. Maybe honesty and trust are all that stand in the way of them getting their happily ever after...
Until then, all they have is last night's dream, because as it turns out Charlie shared Babe's vivid memory. Babe's powers were the last to get exorcised and perhaps it created a momentary psychic bond between them. You never know with these omegaverse x-men.
What follows is the moment we've all been waiting for: the grand finale. The Ides of... whatever month this is but I hope Khun Tony gets stabbed to death by all of his adopted children. Et tu Way!
Meanwhile, Khun Tony is throwing a party. And by party I mean a human trafficking auction where he sells off some of his beloved children to fellow rich people. Charming. Why bother with a plan at all? Why not set everything on fire?
Right, because Pete really, really wants everyone to see his presentation.
Currently, Babe is disguising himself as a waiter. We all know waiting (and retail) staff are invisible to most people so no one recognises him except for one lone guard who's so smitten that he asks Babe out on a date.
Pete is also in disguise while Way pretends to be a good son and accompanies Tony for some good old-fashioned evil mingling. Their plan is to disrupt the auction and reveal all of Tony's illegal machinations.
This is a very questionable idea because I don't know about you but if I was at an auction trying to buy a child I'd probably not care if the auctioneer was evil. I'd probably ask for a slice of the evil pie.
Just as Babe is about to set their plan in motion, he's interrupted by Kenta. Uh-oh.
But, much like Pete and Way, Kenta too has had enough of Tony and was just waiting for the perfect moment to act. He assures Babe that he won't interfere. In fact, it was him who let Way into Tony's evil room of plotting to gather all of the incriminating info on him. Et tu Kenta!
"About helping you guys, this is a personal matter. [...] I have a brain, I can think for myself, and I know what to do. [...] But not everyone has many choices. Especially me. I can't make the same choice as you. [...] So, this is the best I can do. [...] You can handle the rest yourself, right?"
And so, Kenta leaves this story (presumably with some of Tony's financial assets) never to be seen again. What a shame. Kim's existence in the series will hopefully fix this.
Meanwhile, the auction is about to begin. I mean, the... uh, fundraising for poor, underprivileged children who also happen to have powers. Everyone's delighted - except for the poor kids who are led on stage one by one and then sold off like priced cattle. The thought alone makes Babe sick. Would the same have happened to him if he hadn't run away that day (no Babe, I thought we had established that you'd have been part of the breeding program...)?
And now, after having watched episode 5 of the tv series, I wonder if this is where the plot will lead us in lieu of the omegaverse plot. Tony mentioned an auction. I wonder if his goal is to sell Babe (and any other of his adopted children) for profit.
Babe's thoughts are cut short by a guard patrolling in front of Pete and his hiding place. Babe decides to check things out but he's quickly overwhelmed by the much stronger guard. He starts choking Babe and things almost go from bad to worse until someone unexpected comes to Babe's rescue.
That someone is Charlie - and there's a short, sweet and intense reunion between them that proves all of his fears wrong:
"I'm sorry." "It's okay," Babe let go of the hug and immediately responded without stopping for a second, his palms framed the other man's cheeks, before kissing his entire face: his forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. "It's okay, Charlie. Really, it's okay." The beautiful alpha hugged the tall young man again while repeating "It's okay" over and over again until the listener felt guilty.
Well, that was easy. But more on that later.
Charlie, Babe and Pete quickly catch up and then join forces. Pete is amazed that Charlie gave up his powers to escape Tony's clutches, going so far as to even fake his death to protect his loved ones. He's also amazed that he'd even dare come here - powerless and without a nifty presentation.
(And also, how does this whole having no powers thing even work? Did Reval - and in turn Charlie when he stole Babe's powers - rewrite Charlie's whole dna? Because how else would that even affect Tony's evil breeding program? And why am I so concerned about the specifics of omegaverse shenanigans? For all I know none of these characters even know or care about dna.)
It's quickly decided - probably due to Charlie's lack of nifty presentations - that they'll continue following Pete's plan. But wait, where is Jeff? There's no way he'd have let Charlie come here on his own!
Back at the auction, another child is led onto the stage to be sold. It's none other than Jeff. The auction grinds to a halt while Tony attempts to save face. This leaves Jeff with enough time to introduce himself and his powers. His name is Jeff, he's a 20-year-old omega and he can see the future.
"In no more than ten minutes, everyone in this room will have the same future." Jeff looked around the room with a bright smile before saying his next sentence which made the entire meeting room fall silent. "That is, death." The little Omega smiled broadly as if his own prediction was very pleasant.
I love Jeff so much. Make them suffer!
He then adds that there's a bomb hidden in the building and it will go off if even one person attempts to leave. Who even needs nifty presentations when you've got... Oracle Omega (no seriously, this is what the novel - or rather, the machine translation - calls him. Maybe it's his code name).
Everyone is then forced to watch Pete's presentation. I really, really hope it looks something like this:
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I'm not joking, it has talking cartoon dogs. Interactive talking cartoon dogs overlaid with incriminating voice files of Tony.
Turns out Tony's guests are okay with human trafficking and buying children but they draw the line at violence and murder embezzlement. Everyone is all shocked and clutching their pearls and secretly very glad that their names don't come up in this weird cartoon dog powerpoint presentation.
Tony's acting all cool until the cartoon dogs reveal that this presentation is broadcast live and for everyone to see - this includes live footage of the auction.
But it's never too late to fix your past mistakes so Tony draws his gun on Jeff because he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Luckily, Way quickly intervenes before Tony can fire his gun, but even though Tony's many guards are somewhat suspicious of a little guy with a bomb and someone who hypnotises people for a living, they're quickly overpowered. In the control room above, Charlie, Babe and Pete don't fare much better.
Everything seems lost until there's a loud crash.
It's Alan in a black supercar and he's crashed through the doors leading to the auction hall.
They're on the second floor (it is sadly later revealed that Alan didn't drive up the stairs - the car was already parked in front of the doors because this is what rich people do to impress other rich people, I guess).
But Alan isn't alone. He's brought several other racers, among them Six (Babe's old rival who was probably turned into either Kim or Winner in the series). Six is a powerful alpha who can cause mass hallucinations that are so strong that they're banned by law.
Tony's guards are going down!
Meanwhile, Tony has had enough. He locks down the whole mansion so no one can escape. Charlie, Babe and Pete make their way up to the roof because there might be a skylight without security doors. They have guns, the many guards have guns, but it's okay because this is where Pete enigma powers come in.
You see, Pete has super control over his whole body, meaning that he never misses a shot.
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I guess this explains this bit in the series (except for the part where the arrows are all over the place). But also congrats to Way for his future boyfriend with amazing body control.
While Pete is busy being awesome, Charlie and Babe lament the fact that they're probably going to die here when there's so much sex still to be had. :((((
Things are looking dire indeed. They're surrounded and out of bullets. One of the guards takes aim at Babe but before the bullet can hit him Charlie intervenes by jumping into its path. Miraculously, he's okay.
But that's because a few steps away Way has also jumped into the bullet's path and it's hit him instead. Babe is in shock. He hates Way for what he's done but in a way he's still his best friend. While Alan unsuccessfully tries to stop the bleeding Babe comes closer:
"Babe…" Way's dry voice called out his name as soon as he knelt beside him. "This is all I can do." Babe was silent, he just stared at his former best friend's face, tears flowing silently, without him even realizing it. "I know whatever price I pay, it probably won't be enough. But this is all I can do." Way's voice is very soft, as light as his breath. "…. I'm sorry for being a friend like this.."
And then he dies. Babe is inconsolable, sobbing and tightly hugging Way's lifeless body. He's still angry with Way, and he'll never forgive him for what he's done, but he didn't want him to die.
They better change this whole part in the series or I'll riot. I watched Nut Supanut die once in Something in my Room and I still haven't recovered.
Their victory is overshadowed by Way's death. Tony is apprehended alive and taken into custody. His evil alpha trafficking and breeding program is no more.
A little while later, Charlie finds Babe sitting alone in the mansion's garden. They talk, and Charlie apologises once more for letting Babe believe that he was dead. If Babe wants him to, he will disappear from his life and even stop racing cars so that they'll never have to meet again. This is all he can do: give Babe the freedom to decide for himself. But Babe only asks him if he truly wants to leave, and of course Charlie doesn't. And that's that. Babe has made his choice. He has decided long ago that he wants Charlie in his life.
Their long-lasting painful lives ended in the garden of the mansion that raised them to grow up like caged animals, allowing them to meet and fall in love. Today, everything has ended. It ended with the falling rain washing away their blood stains, sweat and tears, as well as a sweet kiss that he had been thinking about for a long time, making him feel able to stand in the rain without feeling afraid.
Oh, the rain allegory (and also oh, the bad machine translation)!
The novel ends quietly with Way's funeral, eerily similar to Charlie's fake funeral a few weeks prior. It's attended by the same handful of people. Even the clothes they wear are the same (which is convenient, I guess, but also... ouch!). Despite his many wrongdoings, people loved Way - and this includes Babe. And as it turns out, it was Way who got rid of whoever caused Babe's racing accident. He never told anyone about it.
Babe stays behind with Charlie and mourns his friend. He recognises that his feelings of friendship and betrayal are both valid and important (and later on it's established that Babe actively works on processing his traumatic experiences with the help of medication and therapy - and you know, I really appreciate the novel's nuanced approach to a character's mental health. It's an incredibly rare thing to see in Thai BL and an even rarer thing in most kinky stories). He won't forgive Way but...
"In the next life, please be kind to me. Don't deceive me again [...] Be a good friend, idiot!"
Which is as much of a peace-offering as anyone can hope for - wishing to meet each other again in the next life under better circumstances. Negl, I teared up because it's such a bittersweet thing to say. 😭
Meanwhile, Alan and Jeff have gone ahead and are talking in the car. Their ending is vaguely romantic (with their growing relationship hopefully developing further in the bonus chapters) but for now, all Alan asks of Jeff is to accept him in his heart as his brother. Please, don't phi nong me, novel!
And because this is Pit Babe the novel, we get one last drawn out sex scene that consists of Charlie trying to cheer Babe up by suggesting a game of naughty cards. A bit like strip uno, I guess. Naturally, Babe wins, but Charlie is allowed to leave his glasses on - and wear nothing but an apron while he gives Babe the bestest and longest and absolutely mindblowing (yes, there's a lot of blowing too) dicking of his life. Babe, my man, enjoy. You truly deserve it.
The End.
No wait, the novel actually ends with Babe and Charlie racing again for this year's title of King of the Hollow. Charlie is very skilled now, and it's very close but I'm relieved to say that Babe's experience and talent isn't all for nothing and OF COURSE HE FUCKING WINS.
The End.
Hold on, wait. I forgot about the part where Charlie takes Babe to see Reval - his real father. And of course Babe forgives him and it's all very sweet and they live happily ever after.
THE END. For real this time. Except for the bonus chapters. And unless the mpreg happens there (I mean, Jeff and North are technically available...), that's it for the omegaverse shenanigans.
When I first started writing these commentary posts I never thought they'd become so detailed and long - or that people would actually be interested in reading them. Thank you so much to everyone who left replies and tags. Sharing the insanity and reading everyone's reactions was honestly the best part of it all. May Pit Babe the series treat us kindly, and may none of us ever pop up in a cartoon dog powerpoint presentation. 🙏
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vulpixisananimal · 9 months ago
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A-Side: Chapter 1
"Hey, Sif, Siffrin, Siffarooni."
(. . . It's Isabeau.)
(It's always Isabeau. Every night, it's Isabeau who wakes you up to tell you nothing much at all. But, the script demands it, you turn and listen.)
"Um, sorry? To wake you up? I just have to tell you something. If that's ok."
(It's not like you had a choice anyway. You nod. Go on, Isabeau.)
"Then I shall tell you this thing! This thing I woke you up to tell you-"
(You zone out. You don't know why you decided to go through the sleepover again, was it selfishness? You were selfish, Siffrin. It just wasted time, and it just hurt your heart.)
(How long had it been? You were loosing track of your loops, was it months? Years? You hope it wasn't years. How much would you need to go through before it's all done?)
(You keep zoning out thru when Bonnie throws their pillow. This part was funny, once. The banter between your family, the ominous threatening, Isabeaus smile-)
(You snap out of zoning out. You hear thunder.)
"Woah." (Mira says in a whisper.) "M-must be close. . ."
"Stupid crabbing thunder! We're trying to sleep!- Huh? 'Frin?"
(You had stood up. What. What what what. There was never thunder at this time! Never, never never!! You rushed to a window to look out.)
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(It was storming, storming like it never had before.)
"What's up, Sif?" (Isa asks, concerned.) "Worried about the town?"
"Something's wrong." (You say, your breathing picking up.) "I-I, uh, I don't know but-"
(You wince, Loop?!? Loop what's- wait. You make the stupid hand sign Loop taught you, ignoring your family's looks of confusion.)
"Loop what's-"
"I-I don't-"
"Gems alive."
(You all rushed out of the clocktower, dressed and ready for anything. Your heart was beating our of your chest, what was going on?!? Was Loop ok?!?)
(The sky was cloudy and lightless, a level of lightless you'd never seen before! This, this couldn't be the end, right-)
"AAH!!" (Mirabelle shrieked.) "A S-SADNESS!!"
(You watch in confusion as a shadowy creature rises from the ground itself. It had antenae, sharp claws, and light-grey eyes. It's, what is that?!?)
"Weird looking sadness!" (Bonnie yells.)
(Odile analyses the enemy.) "It's not like any we've seen-"
(It lungest at your party, you move quickly and slice it in two, and it dissolves into shadow. It didn't feel like a sadness, it, it's wrong. You turn back to your family.) "Can't waste time! C'mon!"
"R-right!! We need to save the townsfolk!!" (Mirabelle agrees, everyone quickly following you to Dormont.)
(A hop, skip, and a jump and you were all back into town. Everyone was running about, more of those creatures were forming from the Darkness and attacking!! You run ahead and swipe at one that was about to hurt the frog-loving kid.)
"T-thank..." (They say meekly.)
(Mirabelle catches up with you, and addresses the kid.) "Go run to the library! We'll make sure everyone gets there, ok?"
(The kid nods, and runs off. Mirabelle turns to the rest of you.) "W-we, we should, we should make sure everyones safe, right? That was the right call, right???"
"It's a good call!! I'll help gather people!!" (Isa agrees.)
"Right, I'll make sure the Library's safe. Boniface, stick with me, please." (Odile adds.)
"Can I bonk one of those weird things???" (Bonnie says a bit too excitedly.)
"N-not now, Bonnie! Siffrin, can you help get people??" (Mira asks you. Was there any question?)
"Of course, I'll be fast about it, as always~" (You say cheekily.)
(You all split up, Mira, youself, and Isabeau looking for people to save. Odile and Bonnie to keep the Library safe.)
(You need to go see Loop.)
(You run through the town, striking at creature after creature, but with each one you slay two more take it's place!! You run past the Boulanger's, before you can stop it, one of the creatures strikes down the Big Boulanger. All you can do is slay the creature that did the deed, and tell the small Boulanger to run.)
(You run to the Favor tree. Loop's there, fighting off multiple creatures at once. You rush to help.)
(You strike at the creatures.) "LOOP!!! LOOP WHAT'S GOING ON?!?"
"STARDUST!!!" (Loop crushes a creature with a hand.) "What are you doing here!?! I told you to run!!!"
"I-I was worried about you!! We need to, t-to-"
"To WHAT, Stardust!!" (Loop snaps back.) "Can't you see!! The world is ending!!"
(You take towards them.) "L-Loop, Loop c'mon! Mirabelle is getting everyone together at the Library and-"
"What you want ME to be there?!?" (Loop laughs.) "Little old me at the END?!?"
"I-I-" (End of the world. It, it certainly felt like the end of the world. You could feel the earth rumbling, the storm getting worse.) "I, no!! I'm not arguing!! Come on!!!"
(You grab Loop by the arm and start dragging them, they don't resist-)
(You trip, what?!? What was that noise?!? You turn around and, a-and.)
(The world was, litteralt falling apart. Breaking, Falling, Rotting. The land where you were standing and where Loop was standing were slowly drifting apart, Loops side was crumbling into bits. Looking around, looking down, it looks like, like stars. Like void.)
"LOOP!!" (You yell for your friend.) "LOOP MAYBE, M-MAYBE-"
(You watch as horror as the ground they're standing on crumbles into nothing. Your friend, your sponsor, your star, falls into the abyss that's forming all around you.)
(No, no no no no, no that, that, that can't be right, right? That, that can't be it?!? You quickly make the hand sign. You call for Loop.)
(You don't hear anything.)
(. . . . .)
(Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together-)
(You run back to Dormont. It's worse, it's so much worse here. Cracks where forming everywhere, the land was falling into nothingness. There where creatures everywhere. You could see Odile at the library door helping people in. Mirabelle stood at the foot of the Change God statue, fighting off waves of creatures, you run to help.)
"Sif!!!" (She yells, slicing a creature in two.) "W-what-"
"No time!! Where's Isabeau?!?" (You start hacking away at the dark creatures.)
"I-I don't know!! I thought, I thought he was with you!"
(Your heart drops, no, no not Isabeau. Stars, stars please not Isabeau too! No, this can't be happening. This, this is a nightmare!! A terrible, terrible nightmare that--)
(You feel a sharp pain in your side, a creature sliced you. No, no this isn't a nightmare.)
"S-Sif!!" (Mira runs over to you, healing at the ready.) "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm really, really sorry!!! I don't know, know, know where-"
(You and Mirabelle turn, the piece of land with the Library had broken off from where you were. Odile was looking at you in horror, Bonnie was holding onto her leg for dear life.)
"M-MADAME!!!" (Mira screemed.)
(No, no no no. You can see it already, the cracks were forming on their little island. You, you couldn't watch, you look away.)
(Mirabelles screams were all you needed to hear.)
(This can't be real. This can't be real This can't be real Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back WHY AREN'T YOU LOOPING BACK!!!)
(Your stomach hurts.)
(Mirabelle collapses to the ground next to you, she's sobbing. You, you should, at least, try, try anything, anything anything anything!!)
(None of this was in the script.)
"M-Mira. . ." (You very, gently put a hand on her shoulder. Why, why did YOU need to be the stable one here!!) "I'm, I'm here, they'll, they'll be-"
"S-siffrin. . ." (She's, distraught.) "We, w-we've failed. We failed didn't we!! We failed and, a-and, a-and everything ending, and, it's all, all my fault!!"
"N-no! No we, we still, might have a chance, i-if-" (If you can go through a house that's currently crumbling into bits and beat the King? Not likely. Admit it, siffrin. You lost.)
(You scream as you feel a pain on your back. A creature had snuck up on you and struck you. You collapse to your knees, it hurt, it hurt so much-)
(You hear a swish, and a. . . Sparkle? Singing? And a gasp from Mirabelle. You look up.)
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(Mirabelle had struck the creature that had attacked you, but, now in her hands was a weapon you'd never seen before. It was sleek and thin like a rapier, with thin strans of what looks like hair leading from it's tip to the wrist guard. As she swung it around to get a feel for the strange weapon, you could hear it sing, or talk, or just, make noise.)
"W-what is. . ." (She's as confused as you.) "I-it, it. . ."
"It's a gift, I bet." (You say, trying desperatly to lighten the mood. It was just the two of you here after all.) "What is it?"
"I-I, I don't know." (She swings it a few more times. It sings some more- actually, no! You could make out some of the things it's singing, or saying. "Storstorageroomroom." "Openphrase123." What? Mirabelle helped you to your feet.) "It, it feels strong though. And it reminds me of a violin, look! Horse hair!"
(Oh! Right! That's what you used to make musical instruments, right- WAIT NO TIME!!) "Maybe we can fix this! O-or-
(For the third time you heared that sickening noise, this time, from above you. You and Mirabelle look up, your face drops.)
(It was a dark creature, one that was so, so much larger. It looked, looked like a nightmare.)
"Change. . ." (Mirabelle gripped her new weapon tightly as the thing landed on the ground in front of you. It was multiple stories tall, with evil looking eyes.) "S-siffrin, what, w-what do we do?!?"
"Fight." (You say, gripping your dagger close.) "It's, it's all we can do."
(You charge forward.)
(Balls of lightless mist erupted from the creatures chest, you dodged them effortlessly and striked its body. Once, twice three time!! You were sick of these blinding creatures!!! Just die!!!)
([Just attack])
"S-sif!!" (Mirabelle deflected one of the lightless balls with her new weapon, catching up and striking the creature.) "B-be careful! Please!!"
(You ignore her, stab! Stab! Stab stab stab!!!)
(The creature knocks you away like you were nothing. You fly back, right past the edge of the land you were fighting on. You stab the ground frantically to stop yourself from falling into the abyss bellow. No, nononono!)
"S-siffrin!!!" (Mirabelle started running to you, but was cut off by the creature.) "Sif!! Hold on I-I-"
(You try pulling yourself up. Don't look down, don't look down Siffrin. Just, just don't, don't. Look.)
(Your heart stops.)
"SIFFRIN!!! NO!!!!!"
(Your falling. Everything, everythings turning dark. The world, the world is gone, being eaten, eaten by. . .)
(You feel a tug on your stomach.)
(You wretch. Nothing happens. You feel a tug, nothing happens. Again, again, again!!! You're breaking, you're falling, you're, you're-)(You're going to die.)
(This is it. The theater has burned down, with all the actors still inside.)
(You close your eyes. You hope you your death comes quick.)
(In a far away town, a boy looks up to the night sky. And sees a star blink out.)
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bloodyjuls-blog · 1 year ago
I was so stupid
Leah Williamson X Reader
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: part 2 of goodbye my lover. If you read it you know what I mean in case of not it's just pure angst. This seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel
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Lucy POV
I woke up at 5 in the morning because I had to go to training at 8, I looked at my phone and realized that y/n had called me 3 times. I was quite worried because I was the only person (Ona too, but not at the same level of intensity) who had been with her in those difficult moments such as a divorce and the separation from her son. Little Sage who is such a sweetheart and Y/n too and now because of Leah's stubbornness they’re not together makes me quite angry.
I decide to call y/n back but she sends me to inbox, so weird. Yesterday I spoke to her and she told me that she was going through a bad time and that the pains in her chest had returned. Knowing that I am in Barcelona and she is in London makes me even more nervous because she could suffer a cardiac arrest and not have anyone to help her with it and now even less cause Leah apparently turned everyone against her. I don't understand.
Leah POV
*Beep beep beep*¨
Who in their right mind calls at 5 am on a Friday. “Hello” I said in a rather sleepy tone. Sage hadn't slept well, I felt him agitated. He always sleeps peacefully. “Hi Leah, I'm Lucy,” she tells me in a worried tone. “What's wrong Lucy? looks at the hours” I said calmly. “It's Y/N, I'm worried because she's been calling me in the early morning and I want to know how yesterday's conversation with her went?” she says worriedly. “Well, the talk has gone well, a bit of a farewell tone, but very normal. She also called me this morning too, although she seemed like drunk or drugged, her voice sounded very weird,” she says in a stern voice. “No Leah, how can you think that, she is doing those things that are on TV or in the gossip magazines. She is like this because the divorce and now you have left her without a job. Are you stupid or what?” Lucy says super angry. “Oi, calm down or I'll hang up on you, these are not the hours to argue, girl” I say calmly. “Leah, for God's sake, y/n could have suffered a cardiac arrest and you didn't even realize it, did your new girlfriend whitewash everything you felt for y/n? Have you realized how bad she has had it since she was kicked out of the club because of you and since it wasn't enough for you, you kicked her out of the house without even being able to take a jacket and her wallet, having to listen to her at 3 in the morning heartbroken because she doesn't know what she was going to do without you, you know that she has been living in a seedy hotel for 3 months since you kicked her out of the house? The sad nights when she misses her baby?…" Lucy says very seriously. "I'm sorry Lucy, I didn't know anything about that, I've been very selfish, but it all came down to me anyway, the absence, the times she ignored my presence and focused only on Sage, I've also missed her a lot, Lucy". I say in a worried tone. “Leah, I need you to go to The White Heart Hotel, which is 8 minutes from your house, ask the front desk for room 203 and make sure y/n is okay. Please". She says in a tone that I can't understand. "Okay, I’ll go now I’ll text you later" I say, worried but willing to collaborate.
"God y/n, I hope you're okay, damn it, why I didn’t pay you more attention, if something happens to you, I won't forgive myself" I say to myself.
Once I arrive at the hotel, which looks very seedy.
“Hello,” I ask at the reception, a little agitated. "Hello Miss. How can we help you,” the girl tells me without flinching. “Mmm yes, I'm coming to visit my friend y/n who is staying in room 203” I say nervously. “Miss Leah, I'm afraid that the guest Y/n was taken away by the ambulance a couple of hours ago, due to some cardiac incident, the poor girl was so young and had no one to help her at that time if not for the waiter who heard some noises, it's most likely that right now that girl was dead," the girl says sadly. "Excuse me? But she was fine yesterday when I saw her.” “Miss, I recommend you to go to the hospital where the ambulance took you and ask the corresponding questions there,” she says calmly. “Yes, of course, thank you very much anyway,” I say with a little emotion. “My poor y/n, how is this possible?” I sit in the car and tears come out of my eyes, I feel like the guiltiest person in the world. Instead of listening to her and being with her, the first thing I did is abandon her to her fate and if that's not enough, mess with someone who no matter how good person she is, is not y/n. The mother of my son, the love of my life. How stupid I am for God's sake.
Once at the entrance to the emergency room.
I get out of the car and look in the trunk for a facemask. “Damn, I had a box stored here” I say to myself, exasperated as I search through everything. “Here you are” I say, taking the mask under a pile of documents.
At reception
“Good morning miss, can I help you with something?” The nurse at the reception tells me. “Hey, a couple of hours ago an ambulance brought y/n Y/l/n here and I came to ask how she is” I say nervously. “Are you related to her?” she asks me, looking directly at the computer. “I'm her wife, Leah” I say, already stressed from so many questions. “I understand, at this moment, y/n is undergoing surgery due to a heart failure, if you wish you can wait in the coronary surgery waiting room on the 3rd floor and once the operation is finished a doctor will speak with you directly” she tells me. “Damn, well thanks, in the third one did you say?” I say worried. "Yeah".
It's been three hours since I've been here and the only thing that has changed is that a cardiologist has come to tell me that they are having complications with Y/N, and that her prognosis is reserved, that we have to wait and see how the surgery progresses.
“Family of y/n y/l/n” a doctor comes out with a worried look. "Me, doctor, I am her wife, Leah Williamson" I say in a broken tone. “Well, Mrs. Leah, I will be very honest with you, at this moment we are performing a pericardiocentesis on Mrs. Y/n because after the cardiorespiratory arrest she suffered in the early hours of the morning we realized that she had cardiac clog, we have done this procedure several times because the patient keeps coming to a standstill and doesn´t come back. I would like you to notify her other relatives just in case. It should be said that the prognosis is reserved and her evolution will determine if the heart does not clog again, for now I will do everything in my power so that the lady does not die,” he says seriously. While he says that I try to process everything. There are possibilities that my love won’t make it and die, I must tell Lucia.
“Lucy, y/n she is dying, she has suffered several cardiac arrests since this morning and is in surgery she’s not recovering” I say between tears and sadness on the call. “Leah, don't be pessimistic. Ona and I will take the first flight there is to London, we will be with you” she says crying. I'm glad Lucy cares about y/n, they're like sisters from another mother. I settle into the chair and send a WhatsApp to Sophie.
To Sophie
Hey how are you? Sophie, did you leave Sage with my mother?
*Yes, as you told me. All good? *
No, something has happened, but first I must tell you that I can't take this anymore, you are a wonderful girl but I am not in the best place mentally. Sorry Sophie, it's better to leave things here.
*What a coward you are Leah, not telling me in person. Ok, I hope I never see you again*
A few hours later Dr. Flynn himself comes out.
“Leah, y/n she is out of surgery, her prognosis is still guarded but we believe she will make a successful recovery. What worried us most was that being so young and out of nowhere having these moments of trauma and even more so knowing that she has a healthy and fit life” he says less worried. “What exactly does she have? Will she be able to continue playing football? What will the recovery be like?” I said a mile an hour. “Miss, slow down please. Miss y/n will be in the coronary ICU for a while due to the sedation we gave her. What we watched in the echocardiogram, in the blood tests and the chest x-ray is an irregularity in her pericardium hence the surgery, but them also show cardiac arrhythmias which means that she won’t be able to practice any high impact sport, as Upon her recovery, her evolution will be marked by how her heart accepts the changes. Most likely, she will always have to carry oxygen and in the future we can consider the use of a pacemaker to help detect any irregularity. “I understand, can I see it?” I say a little more relaxed. “Of course, come with me here…”
To be continued
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zedif-y · 2 years ago
…Sometimes, Joel isn’t sure it’s worth it.
It being– well. Him. Which, bloody hell, that just sounds depressing, innit? He’s not– he’s fine, really, in all the ways that matter. Good looking, smart, humble. What’s not to love. He’s fine, great even, so there’s no need for any worrying. No need for that at all.
He just wonders, you know? Everyone does. (Probably.)
But also, he’s phrasing it weird. It’s not that he questions himself, it’s more like… Hm. 
Let’s use a metaphor, all smart-like. Joel thinks of himself as a lot of things: The howling, blood-hungry chase of wolves, the business end of a knife. That razor-sharp feeling of teeth sinking into flesh. A forest fire out of control.
(Yeah, yeah. He’s got issues, whatever.)
That’s not the point. The point is this:
Joel’s more of a hunter than the hunted. At least, that’s what he likes to think– don’t even argue. He knows he’s unhinged, revels in it, thrives in it. Hard to put out a fire without getting burned.
And that. That’s the thing.
Because Joel thinks that sometimes he burns too bright. Like a flame– no, like the sun. A point of pride on a good day, something to hide on the worse ones. Fire doesn’t get to keep things. It burns what it touches, spits out the remains. Charred and blackened and what-have-you.
The thing is he can’t make a home without smelling the faint scent of smoke, ash lingering in the air that makes him cough and wrinkle his nose. He builds a foundation, lays down the plans, thinking maybe, this time–
He’s always wrong. Stupid, stupid. He’s always blummin’ wrong.
The thing about Joel is he’s never held something that didn’t crumble into ash. The thing about Joel is that he doesn’t know when that’s gonna end.
So is it worth it, then? To be his? 
He knows the tight grip of loneliness, the heavy chains of solitude. He knows what it’s like to curl up on the floor with his dogs— don’t you dare laugh— his back screaming at him for the night spent on a cold floor. Loneliness is as familiar to him as bloodlust, but he’d rather rip out his teeth than admit it, swallow his own tongue.
(A thought comes, and it’s stupid– no, really. It’s stupid. Stop asking.)
(Why do people think the moon’s lonely? Joel wonders, a scowl on his lips. The moon’s got like, loads of friends. The stars are right there.)
(You get too close to the sun and your wings melt.)
(Joel tugs at a piece of loose string, and he thinks that maybe the sun just wants a friend.)
(…See, he told you it was stupid.)
Joel doesn’t want to be alone. Alone alone, not regular alone. Nobody does, okay? Sue him, it drove him mad.
Whatever. Whatever.
Joel doesn’t want to be alone, not again, not ever. But he gets close to people and it’s like he can just see them burn, wax pouring down their backs and plummeting to their deaths. He gets close, gets attached, and suddenly everything’s burning all over again, and all he can do is laugh and try to put it out as it sizzles at his fingertips.
Until everyone he loves is swallowed by the sea.
(Maybe a submarine, he thinks, eyes-wide and half-crazed. Maybe that’ll be safe, he should try that next game. He should.)
(Maybe’s better than nothing.)
So yeah, Joel wonders if it’s worth it, having anything at all. He wonders if it’s worth the effort, wonders if it’d hurt less to have nothing to lose– though he already knows the answer, and for goodness sake, he wishes it were different.
Joel sighs. This whole thinking thing is exhausting.
To be his is to burn. To reach out is to doom them. But Joel’s too selfish– too much, too bright, too hungry– not to do it anyway.
…Dammit, this got depressing anyway.
Joel swallows through the lump in his throat, and he reminds himself to breathe.
He’ll keep trying, is what he thinks in the end. He’ll keep trying. ‘Cuz what else can he do? Mope, cry about it? What other choice does he have?
Maybe one day he’ll make something, and he won’t have to see it be destroyed. Maybe one day he’ll go out peacefully.
Maybe one day people will stop making their wings out of stupid, meltable wax–
Yeah, okay. He’s getting sick of this metaphor too.
But like– he can’t help but think, you know, about that fall. About Icarus, and how he laughed as he fell into the sea. People say he was happy, even in the face of death, even as his wings burned and turned into soot.
A joy worth losing. A friend worth dying for. A home worth its destruction.
Tentatively, he lets himself think: That maybe, at the very least, that’s what it means to be his.
The thought makes him relax. (If only for now.)
…He hopes so. He really, really does.
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utilitycaster · 29 days ago
Man, I didn’t want to believe the c3 stans on twitter were actually being that dense and hypocritical, but one quick search and woooooow. I can’t believe I’m seeing ‘I wish people could criticize CR without people jumping to CR’s defense!’ from the same people who’d call you homophobic for saying Laudna’s story arc has been poorly handled. Like these people aren’t even disagreeing that C3 has pacing issues now! But somehow they still can’t admit that maybe the naysayers had a valid point and it’s only a problem when their blorbos don’t get all the spotlight in the ending, something the naysayers were worried about ever since the Keyleth speed dial moment.
I’ve seen people say ‘to make up for BH not getting the full spotlight I want them to show up in C4!’ and like, that really does just highlight how all that matters to these people is their little blorbos getting more screen time. They see that pulling past parties into the current campaign can lead to them overshadowing the current party, and rather than arrive at the conclusion ‘we should limit the ability for past PCs to show up in future campaigns’ they think ‘I want C4 to focus on my favorite blorbos at the expense of the new party!’
YUP. One of the consistently worst, most unkind, and self-absorbed of the lot, who constantly takes anything that challenges the idea that their blorbos are not the most morally justified in the worst faith possible, made a post during their gross tantrum regarding the charity one-shot about how Bells Hells should crash the Fjorester wedding and like...I mean honestly it's just deeply sad. Like, most of the Bells Hells stans don't even like Fjord, Jester, Fjorester, or the Mighty Nein in general, and they probably wouldn't enjoy watching a one-shot (let alone paying to see it live) just to catch a brief glimpse of Bells Hells, and as someone who is paying to see it live my feeling is much more just...I mean that would be kind of weird, but like, the thing is, I like the Mighty Nein so much that a party I like less showing up is like, ok, weird choice, but the Nein are here. And they clearly hate the Mighty Nein more than they enjoy Bells Hells, and that is something of a tragedy.
A lot of us repeatedly said that the Bells Hells fans really wanted Campaign 2 but with Bells Hells and every time they jeered at us and now they're pointing to the time and space that the Aeor arc was given and crying that this is what they wanted. Hell, as someone else pointed out, they're too stupid to come up with a unique slogan - they've taken Liam's "what's sexier than wizards NOTHING" and swapped in sorcerers. They wanted Vox Machina in the story when it meant bringing back one of the most weakly conceived actual play characters to ever exist, and a lot of them even liked the Nein in episode 50 because they could write scenarios with Beau and Imogen, but suddenly, when it's apparent that this was never Bells Hells' campaign, it was the big trilogy finale in which Bells Hells were the current PCs, they're so bitter that they've already written off a Campaign 4 on every possible level. They can't ever extricate the party from past ones given Orym and Laudna's baked-in concepts and won't admit they got exactly what they signed up for.
They've been mad at us for literal years for calling various party members selfish, and we've known for years it was because they were, themselves, utterly selfish. It's really that simple.
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elsa-fogen · 11 months ago
Oh, Husk and Alastor?
Their dynamic is also pretty interesting, they kinda feel like two people who everyone thinks gets along great and are the best of friends. While in reality their friendship is fueled but a fire born from their hatred. They just have many decent moments and have a easy time understanding each other, through they often use that information to serve a selfish endeavor.
Like Alastor would mess with Husk, tease him and Husk would tell Al to get his act together so that he(Husk) doesn't have to deal with some sort of fallout (ref. when Mimzy comes by)
In general, I feel like they do get along really well, but they are in no way friends. Kinda like how you can get along well with your boss, but wouldn't really consider them a friend. And you wouldn't really want them to involve themselves in your life, but that doesn't stop Alastor. (Social conversions? What's that)
This also makes me curious, wonder what kind of dynamic Husk has with Rosie, or rather, how do you think Rosie sees Husk? Just like a pet Alastor has? Or does she actually see the person that is there? (Leaning more towards her not really seeing Husk more than a errand boy or pet of Alastor)
Though it would be fun if the first time Husk meet Rosie he thought that she might actually be willing to help him because she gives of the energy of being a very kind person around people she cares about (aka Alastor). So he tries to talk to her without Alastor present and he finally understands how they get along so well, they are both the same kind of crazy ᵔᵜᵔ
So, um- what are your thoughts on the dynamic between Alastor and Husk?
I saw a theory that Husk had children when he was alive. Keep that in mind, it's a secret tool we wanna use later
So, little bit about Alastor. He is not the guy who owns many souls. In fact, he doesn't own any (well... i have some headcanons, but it's for another time). The only soul he has is Niffty, and she's... she's whole another level.
So one day Alastor get's Husk's soul in posession and he has no idea what to do with him. Their contract is basically "you'll have to do anything i order you" but it doesn't set any boundaries for Husk. So he can insult Alastor, argue with him and so on. The only thing he cant is to try to kill Alastor, but it's obvious.
So, Alastor's just... drags him around, and Husk has to just be there all the time, and watch Alastor do stupid shit without thinking, being manipulated by Mimzy into some shenanigans and so on, because he's too powerful, kinda don't afraid of anything and little bit unhinged. And Husk is trying to be that voice of sanity for Alastor (and maybe Niffty). Like in canon, he tries to warn Alastor about Mimzy nd at some point seems genuinely worried about him. Just a bit. And also, in that scene in final song, when Alastor appears again, Husk doesn't seem happy but still goes for group hug.
I think he sees Alastor as a child he has to babysit, but the child is so spoiled, that he doesn't give a shit about his warnings. Maybe Al reminds him of his own children at some degree. And so Husk is attached to Alastor in some weird unhealthy way, he cares about him and tries to protect, even if it pointless.
The worst part of it is that Alastor doesn't see him more than funny fluffy cat-guy-pet. He almost never takes him seriously and doesn't listen to what he says. So Husk may try to reach out to Rosie, to make her to reason with Alastor. But she's basiclly "i could fix him, but whatever is wrong with him is way funnier". I think she listens to Husk's worries about another Alastor's scheme, but she also trusts Alastor? I mean, she belives that he'll be fine. But if something seems to dangerous, she can agree and talk to Alastor.
After all, Husk was an overlord, and i think Rosie could know him before he made a deal with Alastor. So, i think she doesn't think of Husk as just Al's pet, she knows who he is. After all, not every sinner can become an overlord. But still,
So, last thing. I saw that one comic where after episode 5 Alastor admits that Husk was right about Mimzy and i really love this thought. I think Alastor also likes Husk's presence at some degree. Maybe they could build something healtier, maybe Alastor, after losing part of his powers, would listen to Husk more. But still it's all fucked up while Alastor owns his soul.
And also, i'd really love to see something of just Alastor, Husk and Niffty getting into some shenanigans together, this would be so much fun. Al and Niff who are just 2 unhinged gremlins and Husk who's done with their shit, but still cares about them and can't just leave, and it's not because of the deal. Like i imagine when husk is trying to reason with Alastor that he's about do something stupid and dangerous and Alastor's like well i don't force you to follow us this time, but Husk still goes with them because who else would watch after these two idiots?
So i think, i get your point about them!
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multifandomfanficss · 1 year ago
You Look Like Shit
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Adrian helps you calm down at the end of a stressful work week.
Warnings: Stress, a ridiculous amount of hurt/comfort
A/N: This is so so deeply self indulgent. If you know me and my real life no you don’t. Look away lol. Sorry if you see typos. This was barely proofread. Just a short little thing I wrote on a night where I had trouble sleeping. Crossposted on my AO3 adriansglasses.
You sat in the driver’s seat, dissociating, staring into space at your home through the windshield of your parked car. Eventually you blink, take a shakey breath, and get out of your car, slowly heading to the door.
“Babe, is that you?” You hear your boyfriend call from the other room.
“Yeah.” You force a response out, despite feeling like your energy is running on empty. You’d just worked a pretty tough night shift. Just standing up right felt like an impossible task.
“Hey have you seen my- woah… don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like shit.” Adrian says, stopping in his tracks to look at you. He’s half dressed in his Vigilante suit, but he’s missing the chest piece. You can barely focus your eyes on him.
“Two no call no shows, a regular call out, unhappy customers, screaming babies, and something in the back of my head is still worried that building is gonna blow up because we never figured out what that weird smell coming from the heater was a couple days ago. Not to mention one of the no shows was a friend and now it’s my job to find her and connect her with work because somehow some way they don’t have her fucking phone number.” You feel tears start to build in your eyes.
“Holy shit…” Adrian’s voice trails off.
“And if I wasn’t stressed enough I’m covering extra shifts left and right and I don’t even have time to prep for my supervisor interview next week for the promotion and I’m massively overstimulated and everything is just going wrong.” Your voice cracks.
“If they don’t give you that promotion they’re stupid.” He sighs.
“Can I please have a hug?” Your voice trembles as tears begin to fall.
“Come here.” He holds out his arms. As soon as you reach his arms you start sobbing, finally letting out the tears you were holding in all night, the tears your body wouldn’t let out before because it only feels safe enough to do this with Adrian when it’s so stressed. He pulls you close, giving you the pressure you crave. He runs his hand across your back slowly. Your mind tracks the calming repetitive motion. “I’m sorry you’re so stressed. You have every right to be, but you’re home now and I’ve got you. You don’t have to worry about anything right now.”
“But- but I- I can’t stop stressing! I can’t stop! Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?” Adrian notices as your breathing quickens. You’re struggling to keep it at its normal pace.
“Hey hey hey.” He shushes you. “Why don’t we go lay down? Let me take care of things for the night.” He suggests.
“But I thought you were going out.” You gesture to his suit.
“No, I don’t need to go out. Not when you need me here.” He kisses you on the forehead, starting to play with your hair.
“But the city needs you.” You don’t want him to go, but you don’t want to be selfish.
“No, my partner needs me. The streets have been quiet this week. P can handle it on his own and if he can’t he can call me.”
“I just don’t wanna fuck anything else up.”
“Look at me.” He separates from you enough so you can see his face. “You’re not fucking anything up. I’m choosing to take the night off because it’s pretty chill out there and quite frankly I deserve it and I’m gonna use that time to hang out with my awesome partner. You’ve been working your ass off. That place wouldn’t run without you. Just let yourself try to relax with me tonight. We both deserve it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask quietly.
“Positive.” He smiles at you. He leads you to the bedroom where he helps you get changed. He picks out more comfortable clothes for you, letting you wear his clothes because he knows you always prefer his shirts over your own.
“That’s better.” He smiles, kissing your forehead after you’re eventually cuddled up to him in bed for the night.
“I’m sorry for ruining your night.” You say, looking away.
“You didn’t ruin anything. I didn’t even wanna go out. It’s kinda cold. Plus who wants to kill criminals when I could be killing your bad vibes.” You laugh quietly.
“I love you so much.” You snuggle into him.
“I love you too, but you should try to get some sleep. You really need it. It’s not like you have to be anywhere in the morning. You can just rest. You don’t have work tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but I’m just so stressed about work. I don’t wanna sit here. What if something goes wrong? Not to mention, not setting an alarm just feels wrong. I keep thinking I’ll oversleep and miss work, but I don’t have work tomorrow.” He feels you tensing in his arms as you ramble.
“But you’re with me now, Sugarplum,” He reminds you. “and I wouldn’t let you miss work, so get that out of your head. I know it’s hard, but try to relax. Your body is stressed about things and it’s just creating more stress, but I’m literally gonna find a way to shrink down and go inside your brain and start hitting buttons like Inside Out to get you to stop. Actually, Chris told me there’s this guy called Batmite and he’s pretty small so maybe he could crawl through your ear-“
“Adrian!” You cut him off.
“Sorry I forgot that’s gross to you.”
“Ear stuff is gross to most people.”
“I think your ears are cute.” He smiles.
“I think you’re weird.” You giggle. “And cute.” You add. “Very, very cute.” You smile. You don’t know how even on nights like this he can make you smile. On nights when nothing feels right and the world is broken, Adrian is the only thing that makes sense to you.
“Well you’re way cuter.” He smiles.
“I’m so deeply in love with you.” You say what you’re thinking out loud.
“Well that’s a relief because I’m so deeply in love with you… and I’ll be deeply in love with you in the morning too. I’m gonna be here all night. I’m not gonna leave you- well… I might get up to pee, but that’s like a 2 minute side quest. Okay the point is, I want you to try to sleep.”
“Can you keep talking? I’ll close my eyes, but I really love your voice. It helps. Just until I fall asleep?” He smiles at your request.
“I’d talk all night if it helped. I’d talk until my voice box broke. I’d talk until I die.” He vows.
“Please don’t die. I just want you to talk long enough that I can stay calm enough to fall asleep.”
“I guess I can do that too, but where’s the challenge in that? I could tell you how much I love you in a million ways and it still wouldn’t be enough. It’s like those papers you wrote in detention where you have to write you’ll never do again what you did wrong like 100 times on a sheet of loose leaf… I guess I’ll start off by staying that you’re strong and I love you and I’m proud of you and that I’m happy you’re strong, but you don’t have to be so strong around me. You can let me take care of you. I’m here and you’re safe.”
Your eyes get heavy and you fade away to Adrian’s reassurances.
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mmelete · 2 months ago
Twilight was selfish. Why did he ever bring up Wild’s kids to Legend? Why was he so invasive, not considerate and not even focused on this new version of Wild? He’d been gone for six years, and all Twilight could think about were the kids, his damn kids that didn’t even know who Twilight was! The same kids that weren’t here—because they were taking up too much space! Wild was shocked that Flora was at their own home, Twilight had no freakin' reason to intrude on their clearly busy lives...
Twilight gripped his fork tighter, feeling the metal jar into his palm. He was making assumptions. Too many assumptions and now he was causing more and more problems!
So what if Wild had kids, they were Wild’s kids. Twilight had no right to ever be involved in their life. Wild made new friends, got new mentors, he was a teacher now, for goodness' sake! 
Wild didn’t need Twilight for anything. He'd grown up. There wasn’t room for another weird mentor and apprentice relationship. 
Six years passed. He was freakin’ engaged. He was a hero and also an everyday citizen. Wild accomplished everything Twilight could dreamed of, and hell—he should be taking advice from Wild at this rate. Wild didn’t need Twilight, and Twilight had no right to need him.
“I’ll be back,” Twilight breathed before his throat could completely close up. He dimly felt his body stand, shaky, and step to the back door without real direction. He needed to get outside. He needed air. He couldn’t stand seeing all the colorful things, all the extra trinkets and so, so many stuffed animals—-
He ripped open the backdoor, relishing in the sharp, midnight air. 12 hours ago, he didn’t know if Wild was alive, and now—-shit, now he was a mess, crying on Wild’s back porch with his selfish thoughts and stupid, stupid guilt. 
Twilight contemplated taking a late night stroll through town, but then people would ask questions and the last person that Twilight wanted to talk to right now was—
The rancher whipped around at the sound of his name before staring at the ground beneath Wild’s boots in defeat. 
Blossoming silent princesses filled the lawn. The flower was technically just a weed, by botanical standards. But Twilight couldn’t help but love them, even if he knew they didn’t serve a purpose to him. 
Is that what I am to Wild?
____ ____ ____
Here's a link to the third and final chapter of A Wild Litter! It's been a wild ride (heh), and don't worry, there's plenty of chaos and snippy dialogue to keep up the beautifully complicated misunderstandings <3
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maximwtf · 1 year ago
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 Elrond x Reader
words: 2170
google docs pages: 4
warnings: Hurt with no comfort, death, griefing
opening: After your passing, Elrond tries to shake off the memories of you in every room of his house. Though, this task proves to be harder than he could have ever imagined. 
AN// Reader can be any gender. I haven’t written a good old angst in a while, and I feel like this had to be done because of that. Went full on out with this, angst with absolutely no comfort :”D I used lyrics from this beautiful -> song
You’d fallen ill one day, and as much as you kept telling Elrond that you’d be fine, he kept fussing over you. Neither of you could figure out what was wrong, and your condition kept getting worse by the time wasted with no answers on how to help. Even when you had become bedridden, you kept telling the Lord of Rivendell that you’d bounce back up eventually, that if he just calmed down for a moment, things would get better. That of course never changed anything, his care for you combined with the mind of a healer didn’t allow him to get almost any rest at all as he fussed over you. It hurt to watch him be so worried, ignoring some of his duties while trying his best to find answers, to find a cure. 
At some point guests and other elves had started to notice the way he had changed. You told him this, told him that people would find out about the secret the two of you had kept so well hidden for so long. You’d been courting him, silently and out of the picture since neither of you wanted to reveal it so suddenly, but took your time with it instead. Elrond’s children had their suspicions, but they kept it to themselves, having respect for their father and his relationships. But it was the guests and Elrond’s assistants and such that worried you, even when the mystery illness was bringing you down along with it. He heard your concerns, and as much as he worried about others finding out before it was the right time for it, he did not care. No secret he could have thought of was so important, as to surpass your wellbeing. That was of the utmost importance to him, had always been. 
Time had started to pass in a weird pattern for you, sleeping had become such an important part of your day that it had begun to feel like it was the only thing you were able to do. Sometimes when you woke up, Elrond was there. He’d talk to you for as long as you were able to talk. Sometimes you tried to stay awake past your limits, but in those cases Elrond would stop the conversations. He was not stupid, and as much as he loved spending time with you, he was not going to allow you to harm yourself by talking to him. He would assure you that he’d be right back whenever you woke up again, leaving you to sleep. 
This lasted for some time, Elrond visiting you while working and trying to find a cure. But internally the both of you knew that you didn’t have much time left. And if the cure didn’t magically appear, you wouldn’t make it for much longer. Either way it hurt Elrond to watch you suffer through every day, fighting with the small amounts of energy that you still had within you. You’d always been so strong. So in a way, he was glad. Glad, when he had entered the all too familiar room from the past months where he found you unresponsive. He silenced the spikes of grief in that moment with the thought of it being selfish. Selfish to miss you so, when he knew it was better this way if it had been him who had failed to find the cure. You could now rest at ease.
Maybe it was the whole of Rivendell, or perhaps it was just him. But everything felt silent, a colourless silence that had overtook the whole building, a feeling that followed the Lord of Rivendell wherever he went. Elrond continued to complete his duties as he had before, with the same care. But out of all the burdens that he had been through within his whole long life, this one’s weight was heavy. Heavier than he could have ever imagined. He had told himself in the past that he understood that you were a human, that you’d live a life that would pass fastly in his eyes. That if he was going to go further, to court you, he’d have to come to terms with that. And that was something you had asked for him to understand as well, knowing how important he was to Rivendell. But you had not lived the long life he had wished for you to have, the life that you had deserved to live. It’d been cut short, way too short. 
There is still an empty shelf in the closet for your belongings
Time passed, just as it had when you’d still been there with him. And time would keep passing by, no matter how much he wished for it to stop. Stop, just for a moment to give him time to think. To give him a moment to sit down and process. That was what his inner mind craved for, but what he did instead was continue life. He tried to block off the feeling, keeping himself busy and keeping the thought in his mind that it would have been selfish for him to feel the way he wished he could. Would have you wanted for him to cry after you, to seem clingy for something that wasn’t there anymore?
But his attempts at that were most of the time useless. Every time he was left alone, with no duties to go complete, the thoughts and memories came back. You’d been with him every day, in the same house with him for so long. He hadn’t had the heart to throw away your belongings yet, he did not wish to touch them. They felt pure in a way as they were, the last person who had been in contact with them being you. Though he knew he should put them away. If not throw away then perhaps store them somewhere close to him. Maybe that seemed silly, foolish of him even. 
He should have by now been used to loss. He’d seen many failed attempts with healing others, and this should have been just like that. But that was again what he kept telling himself. 
One day he took it upon himself to empty the shelves in your shared quarters. He did end up saving the items, storing them away for he did not have the heart to get rid of them. The grief he hadn’t let wash over him was making him do it, whether he liked it or not. And Elrond let it. He had thought of asking for someone else to do it for him, but that felt wrong as well. He wanted to heal himself in a way, but that was not something he was used to. So he believed that doing this may have been the help he needed.
and space for you on the bed, still waiting
But that was not the only thing he wasn’t used to. With the countless memories he had with you in the house, in all of the rooms there was one that reminded him of you the most. Mornings and nights that used to be a comfort for him before entering another hectic day had now turned into something he wished he could avoid. The now half empty bed he had shared with you, the place that had taken you ages to get used to sharing even when Elrond had told you countless times that it was okay. That place was now strange without you there. Even giving it a look, not daring to lay down brought a nowadays familiar feeling to him. The burn that started from the back of his throat and then moved up to the back of his eyes and soon brought up tears, which he shook off every time. 
waiting for you to silently press your head on my chest, when you can’t sleep
As many times as he tried, the tears always welled back up. Shaking them away never helped, and Elrond knew that. He had tried it multiple times, at the start- and at the end of every day since you had left and never did it work. But nevertheless he needed sleep. He could work as much as he wanted and try to ignore his emotions, but at some point he needed to stop and get some rest. It humoured Elrond to hear himself tell the patients he took care of to get some rest. That they’d feel better after that when he himself hadn’t slept in an unforgivable time. Elrond wasn’t one to self neglect, but the loss he was feeling was too much to bear in his sleep. He could go for a good long while before he felt the need to get any rest, but alas it still caught up to him. 
So he still laid down, still tried to take care of himself. He did it because he knew that’s something you would have wanted him to do even if you weren’t there anymore. That was one of the rare thoughts that gave him peace of mind. Everything that used to be familiar and comforting on the bed was now gone.
Due to him not having to sleep as much as a human, he had never been a heavy sleeper. He woke up easily, which had never bothered him. Most of the time he’d simply been there for you, and enjoyed stirring awake to you cuddling up closer. It gave him a reason to not get up until you’d wake up again, a reason for his mind to stop thinking about all the duties he had to fulfil. He was occupied. 
I’m missing you here, every day so much
Elrond knew people eventually started to notice his change, and if someone dared to ask him if he was alright, he insisted. Insisted that he would be fine, and that this was going to pass so there was no need to worry. At some point he even believed it himself. In his long lifetime he had seen and experienced so much, and he had learned to put his trust on time. As it passed, he had always begun to feel better as he moved on. Though, this sadness felt different, still just as heavy as before. 
Elrond still kept on doing the routines he had followed before all this. He dined with his family, sometimes even had guests over to eat with him. Of course, word got around and at some point the people he had over also knew of what had happened. Not only did they know of your passing, but they had started to wonder why he cared so deeply about one mortal from all of the people Elrond had taken care of in his life. Of course at some point it started to be clear to them that he must have been courting you, but since neither of you hadn’t had the time to reveal it officially, none of his guests asked him about it. In this way, showing their respect for the man.
I’ll keep putting out a plate for you, even if you never came again
The chefs had stopped putting out a plate for you soon after your passing had been announced, though Elrond had not come to that realisation for a long time after. He used to have supper with you, alone. He’d made time for that every day, because he enjoyed the company you provided when there was no one else around. Sometimes the shared dinners became a little hectic, and as much as he did not mind it at all, he held it close to his heart whenever he saw you arrive at the shared table for supper. 
So each time for supper he had found himself at that same table, putting out a plate for you. The first time he felt his heart ache, pull in different directions as he took a deep breath and collected the utensils away. By now, whenever he found himself repeating the same action he didn’t remove the plates. Maybe somewhere in his mind he was wishing you’d arrive back at some point, as foolish as that thought may have been. 
I’m missing you here, every day so much
After all this time, after all his duties, he always found himself leaving his study and making his way outside. The house and all the rooms within it felt less homely than they ever had before. So his mind made him wander back into the gardens, where he sometimes sat for hours. A place where he could be alone, where he didn’t used to be alone. But even without your physical presence there, it somehow didn't feel as pressuring as the air in the house. The usually calm sigh he used to calm himself was shaky today. From stress and piled up grief. When the first tear rolled down his cheek, the warmth within him in that moment felt like it started to return the colours around him. Slowly, but they started to come back. 
AN// I felt like I made this a little longer than necessary, but hopefully no one minds. Either way I feel like we need some more Elrond content here !
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