#is it a sensory thing
Me getting poked: ok
me getting high fived: ok
me getting punched(jokingly):ok
me getting pats:ok
me getting lightly touched so i can barely feel it: SKLHnfCNdI whFDSNcLeOC I FIGHT GO AWAY *jumps 36 feet into the air* BACK BACK YOU VILE BEAST
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zombblehh · 3 months
Shout out to the autistic who’s abilities have regressed as they’ve gotten older.
“You didn’t used to be like this when you were a kid.” I know please don’t remind me
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Weighted blankets aren't enough I need to be crushed in a hydraulic press
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
7 Autistic Things Which Are Difficult for Non-Autistic People to Understand
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m4rs-ex3 · 11 months
possible reasons for when i cannot sleep
jammed out too hard before bed
this bed ain't beddin
too low on the pillow
too high on the pillow
hair is on my neck
nothing good on in the fictional scenario department
dog chose the incorrect spot to sleep
hair is on my neck
thinking thoughts
the fact i might get up tomorrow
weighted blanket isn't enough i need a hydraulic press
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“alt text for more info” “turn on cations for more info” no actually this is not where more info goes. These have a very distinct purpose. There are plenty of other places for more info. If you’re going to make your post inaccessible, the least you could do is not use accessibility tools at your own leisure for whatever purpose you see fit.
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Me: covers my ears and rocks back and forth so I don’t have a meltdown My mother: stop it you look like a special needs kid Me: glares in autism
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snakeautistic · 11 months
Sensory issues are the worst because everything SHOULD be fine, but no, the way my hair grows from the follicles in my scalp feel terrible right now
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 11 months
shoutout to all the neurodivergent people who have been told by neurotypicals “but it’s not even that bright” or “it’s not even that loud in here”
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aniseandspearmint · 1 year
This is something people with sensory issues will have Keen Opinions on, but everyone is welcome. If you vote maybe give it a reblog too so it gets around! Feel free to explain why your vote is obviously the worst in the tags!
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hc that steve actually likes metal and listens to it regularly, just always pretty quietly. so when eddie, who never has his stereo turned down to anything below 40 and even that's too quiet sometimes, gets in steve's car one day to hear metallica playing through the speakers with the volume only set to like 7, he's immediately torn between being ecstatic that steve is listening to one of his favorite bands and outrage that he's not giving it the proper listening experience it deserves
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captainlevi06 · 6 months
When you are overwhelmed:
Find a quieter place
I find it helpful to go outside or on a short walk, possibly with some soft music or white noise.
Getting away from loud or overlapping sounds helps immensely
I also prefer dimmer lights or natural lighting when possible.
Water is essential for all bodily functions, including sensory and emotional regulation.
Have your preferred water bottle with you and sip slowly. Add flavouring or ice if desired
Eat something
Again, taking care of your needs is key
If possible, get a small snack and eat slowly. My system usually keeps oyster crackers with us. They’re bland but have a good amount of salt which is important for us, as we have POTS
Most of our overstimulation is caused by being hungry and not realising it
Identify irritating clothing
Is an article of clothing too tight? Are you too cold or too warm? Is something itching?
Once you’ve identified anything that’s uncomfortable, make any adjustments you can that will remedy the issue
These solutions don’t have to be conventional to be effective. Flipping socks inside out can prevent you from feeling the seams. Dabbing cool water on your wrist and/or ankles can help cool you down.
Stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviour, can help calm you down.
Safely stimming can include tapping your fingers, chewing gum, rocking back and forth etc.
There are also stim toys and chewable necklaces for this purpose. I have recommendations if anyone needs them
Identify and Devise a Solution
What led you to feeling overwhelmed?
Write down, either physically or digitally, what caused this and start to plan a solution
If it is a problem with completing a task, We use an app called Goblin Tools. It’s free on the website and the app is $0.99, neither of which have ads. It has a to do list that uses AI to break down your task into steps. It also has a feature to identify tone in writing among other things.
Break down your plan into small, manageable pieces. You don’t need to do everything right now.
Final steps
Communicate your needs to others. If you need to adjust your environment or tasks to accommodate your needs, tell others clearly what you need and how they can help
Breathe. You’re going to be okay. You are not a failure for needing to take a break. You are not a failure for being unable to take on everything at once.
You’ve got this
- Levi
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I love love love when trans women* give advice to trans men* about """manly""" things and when trans men* return that kindness with advice about """womanly""" things. I love the intracommunity commitment to supporting each other <<3
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pumpkinspicedmochi · 1 year
Haven't seen a post like this so I'll make one: Shoutout to the autistics that have special interests that people find creepy (for example horror , true crime things , knives but could also be anatomy etc because that might come off as creepy)
Double shoutout to autistics who enjoy talking about these things with no awareness that people find it creepy/get uncomfortable when hear it.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
My Biggest Frustrations as an Neurodivergent Person
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glimmerstimmer · 18 days
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