#industrialist history
menandwomanofhistory · 5 months
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Andrew Carnegie
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scotianostra · 5 months
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May 3rd 1768 saw the birth of Charles Tennant who became a chemist and an industrialist.
Tennant was born at Laigh Corton, Alloway, Ayrshire to John Tennant and his second wife Margaret McClure. Tennant’s family had farmed there for generations - and had been friends of the local poet Robert Burns. They moved to Glenconner, Ochiltree, Ayrshire, shortly after his birth and Charles attended Ochiltree parish school. After leaving school, he was apprenticed as a weaver.
In his work he saw that the weaving industry was being constrained by the method used to bleach cloth which involved crude chemicals and long exposure to sunlight for many months. He started his own bleaching fields in Ayrshire and looked at the methods used for bleaching. There had already been progress (times had been reduced from 18 months to four) but in 1799 Tennant (in partnership with Charles Macintosh who is best known for his technique of macintosh waterproofing clothing) patented a new method to create a dry bleaching powder that could be used indoors. He built a factory at St Rollox in Glasgow and demand for his bleaching powder soared. By the 1830s and 1840s it was the largest chemical plant in the world, with over 1,000 workers.
Later, he was to become a social reformer, helping to create one of the most productive periods of social progress and reform in Scotland’s history. His works needed large quantities of coal and as he was a good friend George Stephenson, the great railway engineer, Tennant was one of the prime movers in railway expansion. He was mainly responsible for getting a railway into Glasgow. The chemical business founded by Tennant eventually merged with others in 1926 to form the chemical giant Imperial Chemical Industries, that’s ICI, in case you were wondering!
As well as a social reformer they say that he was sharply aware of the atmospheric pollution his works were creating and so he ordered the building of the worlds highest chimney - 450 feet high - in an attempt to lose his fumes into the upper atmosphere. Tennant’s Stack was a Glasgow Landmark well into the twentieth century. Of course pumping it into the atmosphere was doing as much damage up there as it was in Glasgow. I call into question his credentials in this respect as over the decades the St Rollox works has been one of the cities worst eyesores. Chemical waste was dumped in the Sighthill area causing a deadly spread of contaminants through the soil, which local people called the Stinking Ocean. Many of his workers suffered perforated septums and blindness due to continued exposure to toxic chemicals and were colloquially known as ‘Tennant’s White Mice’.
Charles Tennant died suddenly at his home in Abercrombie Place, Glasgow in 1838 aged 71.
Pics are of Tennant, his St. Rollox Chemical Works in 1831 and his grave on the Necropolis.
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townpostin · 2 months
Piloting a Nation through Uncharted Territories: The JRD Tata Story
JRD Tata, a legendary industrialist, guided India’s growth with visionary leadership, ethical principles, and a deep love for the nation. Chanakya Chaudhary Vice President, Tata Steel JRD Tata’s leadership and ethical values shaped India’s industrial landscape, creating lasting impacts through his dedication to excellence and social responsibility. In the archives of Indian industry, few…
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thebloggingbuzz2024 · 9 months
"Legacy of Innovation: Speech at Krupp Factory" Speech, Krupp Factory, L...
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upcomingtradera · 11 months
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
The cycle repeats
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determinate-negation · 11 months
genuine question: why do you say that zionists engage in holocaust revisionism and denial? I've seen a few posts of yours talking about this but I don't think I fully understand what you mean. Thanks in advance
so much of the history american politicians are obliquely referencing when they compare palestinians to nazis is COMPLETELY incorrect and they are obscuring americas enthusiastic support for the nazis and apathy towards the jews, both before they entered the war, during, and after the war. before 1941 there was a lot of support from american politicians for nazis. they were reported on very favorably for years, major american industrialists and businessmen worked with nazis, people were unsure what side of the war the us would join on, the american public in fact generally blamed jews for antisemitic persecution and didnt want to allow in jewish refugees. there were pro nazi rallies in madison square garden with thousands of people. henry ford got a medal from hitler. during the war americans didnt believe a genocide was taking place, 'reputable news sources' questioned jewish eyewitnesses and death tolls. during the war american companies made millions off of the holocaust. after the war the us government protected high ranking nazi officials and put them in the american government. american politicians historically love nazis, they protected nazi war criminals, and they fund european neo nazis today. jewish holocaust surivors lived in displaced persons camps for years mistreated by american troops after the war. the holocaust was not even in public consciousness until decades afterwards, this entire culture of responsibility or whatever is completely superimposed retrospectively. every time that they try to invoke some memory of the holocaust to justify what they are doing in gaza its a shameful and cynical lie because america never cared, they love nazis and they have always allowed genocide to happen. ken burns did a documentary on this called the us and the holocaust thats really good
also the book Hitlers American Friends and this book
and zionists continue to make the insane claim that hitler didnt want to kill all the jews until palestinians convinced him even though this is just softcore holocaust denial about germanys central role in it. also this is not my main point, but the allied bombing of german civilians in dresden was in fact a controversial action, so the way that senate guy is talking about it is historically crazy. and bombing an industrialized fascist nation with a modern army like nazi germany is not remotely comparable to bombing a literal ghetto like gaza which can only fight using asymmetrical guerrilla warfare
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
There is a secret war happening in the heart of our world, friends. Combatants strive for absolute supremacy, a way to force their onerous new rules on regular human beings just like you and me. You only need to go to the cereal aisle at your local grocery store to see it for yourself.
When I was a kid, there were thousands of breakfast cereals. It was big business: fill kids with sugar laced corn byproducts. Quick breakfast, get them out the door. That was before the Carb Panic, which is not related in any way to carburetors, which remain a perfectly valid form of fuel metering and injection. Suddenly, breakfast cereal wasn't "cool" anymore. Sales dropped. MBAs freaked out. And a huge portion of our shared cultural history evaporated, just like that.
Even now, people of a certain age still have these brands woven into their sense of identity. You will lumber through the rest of your life, sleeper-like, until abruptly activated by a series of names that industrialists tattooed onto your prefrontal cortex. Post Oat Flakes, your brain will screech, we remember the titan it once was. A gentle frisson of nostalgia, followed by a haunting void and an awareness of the irreversible march of time.
Reduced competition means an easier time making money, right? Not so: as our civilization slowly looks down, Wile E. Coyote-like, and realizes that we actually stopped doing anything at all a couple decades ago in favour of moving some numbers around in Excel, people are cutting out things like Fruit Loops in favour of "eating actual food" and "paying my rent." This time, though, the cereal pushers learned their lesson. If the grocery stores don't want to stock their cereal because of low demand, they can simply hike the prices so that everyone gets their respective beaks wet. Seven bucks a box! Sir Grapefellow would have been ashamed.
Don't worry, though. I've got a plan. You see, the Canadian government stocked a bunch of anti-nuke bunkers with food and water and other supplies way back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. In the 80s, they had kind of gotten used to the whole idea of being obliterated in a millisecond and largely stopped caring as much. All that cereal is still perfectly good. If you bring your dad's old bolt cutters, we can probably sneak out a couple boxes before the Mounties figure out we're there. Might be a little stale, but that's better than living under the whip hand of Bob Kellogg's. I swear to whatever deity is listening that I will once again sup of Count Chocula.
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
Annemarie Schwarzenbach
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(i am so glad i learned about her!)
Born in 1908 and died in 1942, she is a Swiss writer, poet, explorer, philosopher,  photographer, journalist and traveler (yeah that's impressive!).
Her family was a family of Swiss industrialists from the upper bourgeoisie and close to the far-right ; openly lesbian, she lives with difficulty with them and can't wait to leave.
From 1927, she studied history and literature in Zurich and Paris and then began writing articles for the Swiss press.
In 1930, she became friends with Klaus Mann (writer) and Erika Mann (writer, actress, singer) children of Thomas Mann (writer) and had a long affair with the latter. She supported them in their fight against Nazism. The three friends joined the anti-fascist magazine Die Sammlung.
In 1931, she obtained a doctorate. At the age of 23, she published her first novel, Les Amis de Bernhard. She became friends with Claude Bourdet, Catherine Pozzi's (poet and writer) son and a future member of the French Resistance.
In 1933, Annemarie Schwarzenbach made her first trip as a journalist, travelling to Spain with the photographer Marianne Breslauer.
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That same year, she travelled to Persia and decided to marry, in Tehran, Achille Clarac, the secretary of the French legation, who was openly homosexual. She did this so that she was no longer dependent on her parents. Thanks to her marriage, she was able to obtain a diplomatic passport, which facilitated her travels. Obviously, it wasn't a love marriage; the two of them did it to help each other and to be able to live free.
She later returned to Switzerland, then left for the Soviet Union and the United States. In 1938, she underwent several detox treatments for her morphine addiction. She fell in love with one of the women in charge of her treatment. During these stays at the clinic, she wrote "La Vallée Heureuse","Das glückliche Tal" (The Happy Valley).
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In 1939-1940, when Europe was once again embroiled in war, she travelled by Ford from Geneva to Kabul, via Iran, with the Swiss traveller, writer and photographer Ella Maillart, a journey marked by her addiction problems. The two women's epic journey is recounted by Ella Maillart in her book "La Voie cruelle". It was during this journey that Annemarie Schwarzenbach wrote "Un hiver au Proche-Orient". She also wrote various reports for Swiss newspapers.
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On her return, she went back to the United States, where her addiction to morphine, her depressive tendencies and her suicide attempts forced her to undergo several psychiatric treatments. She then became interested in the trade union movement. In New York, she befriended Carson McCullers, who fell madly in love with her and dedicated "Reflections in a Golden Eye" to her.
During a stay in the Belgian Congo, Annemarie Schwarzenbach joined the Free French forces in Brazzaville; she was mistaken for a Nazi spy. Disturbed by this comparison, she began writing a series of poems, including Les Rives du Congo-Tétouan. In 1942, having regained her serenity, she decided to return to Switzerland.
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On 7 September 1942, a fall from her bicycle seriously injured her head. She was treated in a psychiatric hospital in Prangins, with electric shocks. Her mother then had her taken back to the Engadine, where she died on 15 November, aged 34.
After her death, her mother chose to destroy a large part of her correspondence. However, the Annemarie Schwarzenbach fonds is preserved at the Swiss Literary Archives in Bern and was made freely accessible on Wikimedia Commons in 2017. She was nicknamed the "inconsolable angel" by the French writer Roger Martin du Gard.
She has created a number of novels, poems, photos and reports during her many travels, and I invite you to take a look at her work!!! She was such an interesting person!!!
I love women with a thirst for life and the world like that; she wanted to discover everything, and created such interesting things!!!
Do check her books, her poems and her photos!
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spaceprincessleia · 4 months
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"The magistrate is a former Imperial, but she's an industrialist. My idea was that she had a knowledge of metallurgy and obviously knew what beskar was. And she was pillaging this planet and stealing all of its resources - people who were willing to take everything from a world and give it to the Empire were valuable to the Empire. And even after the fall of the Empire, the people who built the war machine were still out there and really dangerous. They need to be tracked down because otherwise, they're going to keep doing what they're doing and find new ways to exploit people." (Dave Filoni, The Art of Star Wars - The Mandalorian S2)
MAGISTRATE VERSION 1B “It was around this time
that they wanted to make the magistrate a woman and
to maybe wear more red, the wine palette.“ Matyas
MAGISTRATE VERSION 119 “I really like graphic elements, something that has a really strong silhouette, especially for Star Wars; it‘s so important. [My concept art mentor] Dermot Power does such a good job with side profiles of characters. I think some of that, in my brain, it came out in this side view. [I was also exploring] the airbrush Blade Runner look for combat makeup and different hairstyles; if you can get the hair to work with the origami look for the clothing, heat-pressed hair that can be like very chiseled in structure.“ Matyas
“Jon was very insistent that the person playing the magistrate had to be somebody who was obviously skilled with martial arts, and we did a deep search trying to find somebody who could embody this character. Then I happened upon Diana Inosanto‘s name, and her history and her father [Dan Inosanto], who is a martial arts legend. Her family‘s connections to Bruce Lee [Dan Inosanto being his student and Diana, his goddaughter]. And that just felt right to me. Then, when we called her in, [we found out that] she‘s somebody who watches Clone Wars and Rebels with her kids. And she was just ecstatic. I said, ‘Well, you know who you‘re going to fight, right?’ She almost fell over right there.“ Filoni
“I was also looking at kendo uniforms, or something that has that really graphic read [with strong shapes and silhouettes] like an origami look. They weren‘t saying ‘No,’ so I kept exploring things in that realm. Maybe her combat outfit is hidden under her formal look.“ Matyas
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menandwomanofhistory · 5 months
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Oskar Schindler
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 6th June 1838 Thomas Glover was born in Fraserburgh.
For the first six years of his life Glover lived at number 15 Commerce Street in Fraserburgh. His father was the chief coastguard in Fraserburgh, he was English and his mother was A Scot from Fordyce, Banffshire. His father was formerly an Officer in the Royal Navy. Thomas Blake Glover had 6 brothers and a sister. The house no longer remains because it was destroyed after a bombing by the German Luftwaffe Air Force during World War 2.
In 1851 the family moved to a Victorian Home in Bridge of Don in Aberdeen.  Upon leaving school Thomas Blake Glover started work for a trading company and was soon travelling the World, becoming a successful trader in weapons and ships. His travels took him to Japan with one of his brothers when they both worked for the tea merchant Jardine, Matheson & Co. during the late 1850s and early 1860s.
During his time in Japan Thomas Glover achieved a great deal. He helped the Samurai to overthrow their military leader, the Shogun. This action helped to restore The Emperor to his throne. This earned Glover the nicknames The Broch Samurai and The Scottish Samurai.
Thomas Glover was also a key part in the industrialisation of Japan. After commissioning three warships to be built at Aberdeen shipyards (including the Jho Sho Maru which was their first iron-clad warship) for the Japanese Navy he formed his own shipbuilding company. This developed into the company Mitsubishi after his bankruptcy in 1870. He remained in the company as a Consultant. He also introduced the first trains to Japan and the first mechanised coal mine. He owned the Takashima Coal Mine and helped found the Kirin Beer Company.
Along with other foreign residents they built and funded the Trinity Episcopal Cathedral at the Minami Yamate hillside in 1862.
While living in Nagasaki in 1863 he built a house on the Minami Yamate hillside which overlooks Nagasaki Harbour. This still remains as the oldest Western style building in Japan. Over 2 million people visit it each year. It is known as Glover House and boasts a stunning garden. It is Japan’s top tourist attraction.
Plans were announced in 2015 for the Aberdeen family home of the Glovers to be turned into a £2m research hub, if this happens it could turn Aberdeen into a mecca for curious Japanese visitors, but sadly I can find no new info on this. However Fraserburgh unveiled a statue of Glover, as a young boy launching a model ship, last June.
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
Now you mentioned i, I am a bit surprised Smallville is prominently and consistently in Kansas? It's Smallville, Kansas. There might be others and certainly cities located vaguely within a real region, but it's definitely the first fictional town or city of D.C. in a real-world American state to come to mind.
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So this gets to the weirdness of D.C geography. When Superman was first established, there was much less of a cohesive "universe," so if Siegel and Shuster wanted Superman to specifically be raised in Kansas, that's where he was from and the rest of the geography would have to work itself out.
IMO, this early slapdash approach to world-building has (over time) led to some things that just don't make sense to me as a student of urban history and urban studies:
Metropolis shouldn't be in Delaware. It doesn't make sense in terms of urbanization, given the context of an already-crowded Northeastern Corridor - Delaware simply does not have the capacity to sustain a city of 11 million people, and you wouldn't get a municipality of that size right next door to New York City (as well as D.C's other fictional cities in the area). The whole idea of Metropolis and Gotham being across the river/bay from each other has never really worked for me; you can still do Superman/Batman team-up stories no matter where they are, because Superman can fly and Batman has his own personal fighter jets.
More importantly, it doesn't make sense in terms of historic patterns of urban migration. Moving to the big city in search of the American Dream is a big part of the Clark Kent story, but historically people moving from rural to urban areas overwhelmingly go to the nearest large city, depending on how transportation networks are arranged, whether we're talking about train lines or direct flights or highways or bus routes. There is a reason we can track regional movements of black communities during the Great Migration, because who went where depended on which train lines ran through which states:
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This is why I've always felt that, while Metropolis has aesthetically been associated with New York City, it logically should be Chicago. It is the biggest city in the Midwest, one very much associated with robber baron industrialists and corruption at the highest levels, and absolutely stuffed with art deco architecture for Superman to pose on top of. Up until the Tribune Company began to strip it for parts, it's also been a major newspaper town with a long tradition of muck-raking investigative journalism that would inspire a starry-eyed cub reporter like Clark. As one of the original transit hubs and the U.S' own "nature's metropolis," it is precisely the place that a Kansas farm boy would hop a train to, because all trains go to Chicago. Also, culturally I like it better that Clark Kent represents the City of Wide Shoulders whereas Bruce Wayne is the typical Tri-State Area Type-A personality.
Going back to D.C's bizarro Northeast geography, I likewise have an issue with Gotham being in New Jersey...if New York City is also supposed to be a major metropolitan area in the D.C universe. Just as Delaware would struggle to support a city of 11 million people, it would be very difficult to grow Gotham into a city of 10 million people so close to the gravity well of the Greater New York Metro Area. New Jersey is a pretty urbanized state, but its biggest cities tend to range in population from 300,000 to 100,000 - which works very well for a place like Blüdhaven, which is supposed to have something of an inferiority complex vis-a-vis Gotham - because a lot of the population tends to gravitate to NYC for work and eventually housing as well.
I've already said my piece about the lack of cultural specificity of D.C's Midwest.
As far as the West Coast goes, I've always found it a bit odd that Star City isn't where Seattle is supposed to be. Let's face it, the only place where Oliver Queen's facial hair would go unnoticed is Seattle. Also, Coast City is often depicted too far north on the map - if it's supposed to be a half-hour away from Edwards Air Force Base, it should be significantly more southern, down by Kern County and San Bernadino County, not practically up in San Francisco.
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Fascism, Economic Elites, Big Tech, and the Massacre of Children in Palestine
The relationship between fascism, economic elites, and indifference to human suffering has deep roots in global political and economic history. This essay aims to explore how these forces interact in contemporary contexts, using the massacre of children in Palestine as a central point of analysis. Over the past decades, the expansion of Big Tech’s influence has significantly contributed to controlling information and reinforcing the power of economic elites at the expense of truth and human dignity. In this context, the systematic disregard for the suffering of Palestinian children goes hand-in-hand with close monitoring of financial and technological markets.
Fascism and Economic Elites: A Brief Historical Overview
Fascism, both as an ideology and as a system of government, is notorious for its brutality and disregard for human life, especially when that life is seen as an obstacle to economic progress or national and racial dominance. However, the close relationship between fascism and economic elites has often gone under-examined. Fascist regimes such as Benito Mussolini's Italy and Adolf Hitler's Germany relied on the support of large corporations and the industrial class, who saw these governments as a means to ensure social stability and protect their financial interests. The fear of communism and labor strikes drove industrialists to support authoritarian governments that promised to suppress internal opposition and preserve the economic order.
In this context, economic elites often turned a blind eye to the atrocities committed by fascist regimes, from political repression to genocide, such as the Holocaust. This same kind of indifference, driven by the logic of capital preservation, can be observed today regarding the massacre of children in Palestine. Large corporations and investors prefer to focus their attention on stock market performance, ignoring the human cost of wars and occupations that ensure their economic benefits.
The Economic Dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The massacre of children in Palestine occurs within a global economic and political context, where the Israeli-Palestinian conflict takes on multiple dimensions. Israel, with its advanced and modern economy, heavily relies on the defense and security sector to maintain its geopolitical and military dominance in the Middle East. Major foreign investments and collaboration with Western powers ensure the continued prosperity of its economy, even during times of conflict.
On the other hand, Palestinians, especially in Gaza and the West Bank, live under extreme economic hardship due to the Israeli military occupation. Economic blockades, restrictions on movement, and the absence of basic infrastructure leave the Palestinian people in a constant state of vulnerability. In this oppressive environment, massacres of children and other forms of violence against civilians are seen by some as inevitable or even acceptable as long as they maintain geopolitical stability and protect global economic interests.
The Role of Big Tech: Controlling Information and Strategic Indifference
In the 21st century, Big Tech companies such as Google, Facebook (Meta), Amazon, and Microsoft play a central role in controlling information and shaping public discourse around global conflicts. These companies, through sophisticated algorithms, determine what people see, read, and talk about. In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, content showing the realities of violence, particularly the suffering of Palestinians, including the massacre of children, is often suppressed or censored.
This control of the narrative is crucial to protecting the interests of economic elites who benefit from the status quo. By restricting access to information that could spark popular outrage or global movements, Big Tech ensures continued economic and political stability, even in the face of crimes against humanity. Moreover, Big Tech companies have direct interests in the defense and security economy, signing lucrative contracts with governments, including the Israeli government, to provide surveillance, intelligence, and weaponry technologies.
Economic Elites: Profit Over Human Life
Global economic elites, comprising investors, multinational corporations, and financial conglomerates, exert a decisive influence on international policies and conflicts. Capital is often directed toward regions and sectors that promise the highest financial returns, regardless of the political or social conditions. These elites profit from the perpetuation of conflict and instability while remaining largely indifferent to the human suffering that ensues.
The massacre of Palestinian children is a tragic consequence of a system in which financial markets and economic interests are prioritized over human life and dignity. Economic elites, backed by Big Tech’s control over information and fascism’s historical precedent of collusion with industry, enable a world where profits trump the moral obligation to protect innocent lives. In this context, the indifference to the suffering of Palestinian children reflects a broader failure of global economic structures to prioritize humanity over capital.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Imperial Japan is a great example of a non-Western nation adopting Western practices out of a worldview you could say relates to white supremacy. For instance, they reorganized their nobility to be more like European aristocracies because that was seen as more fashionable and cool, although keep in mind that kinna thing is hardly unique, there was a very long time when the nobility of England were Francophiles and mostly spoke French, and Japan itself already had a long history of ripping off China.
Something more specific is that they might be said to have criminalized homosexuality based on Western influence. However, while copying and looking good to the West did play a large role in what was done about it, Japan, like Rome, was not any kind of LGBT paradise, and there was already a mounting backlash against homosexual practices within samurai culture.
Furthermore, Ming China banned homosexuality in the 1600s entirely on their own. When the Qing legalized it in 1907, it was due to Western influenced attempts to "modernize". To be clear, I'm not saying Western influence made China better - for as much deserved shit as I give the PRC they call that period the Century of Humiliation for very good reason. The Qing may have been a mess at the best of times, but foreign powers (including, you know, Japan) were basically stomping all over them every chance they got. Only a few years after the latest attempt at "modernization" they finally collapsed into decades long civil war.
However, it can hardly be said that the West has been going around exporting queerphobia. That always existed in Asia. That was always a thing.
To return to Imperial Japan, it has to be kept in mind that they were primarily wowed by Western culture insofar as it came with concrete upgrades on the tech tree. This led them to adopt certain Western cultural traits like styles of dress, yes, but mostly they wanted the big fucking boats with giant fuck off cannons, and maybe some of those guns you load on Sunday and shoot all week. While IJ held the West to be "superior" in terms of physical might, and thus their ability to shape the world, every possible opportunity was taken to assert Japanese culture to the point of being a right-wing nationalist death cult that makes MAGA look like little babies. Everything they took from Western culture, their attitude was always - subtly at first, more openly contemptuous as war with the US loomed - "anything you can do, we can do better".
That includes the racism and colonialism. IJ saw what the West and they decided that's what they wanted for themselves. Literally it was like "the West has all these great ideas about dominating cultural and racial inferiors, but we think we prefer it'd be us on top, actually". At this point it's like, did they internalize white supremacy? Or did they maybe see some bullies beating a kid up and decide that beating kids up looked fun?
As W. E. B. De Bois wrote:
So far as Japan was fighting against color caste and striving against the domination of Asia by Europeans, she was absolutely right. But so far as she tried to substitute for Europeans an Asiatic caste system under a ‘superior’ Japanese race, and for the domination and exploitation of the peasants of Asia by Japanese trusts and industrialists, she was offering Asia no acceptable exchange for Western exploitation.
So I have alllll these problems with the idea that white supremacy is to blame for like...literally every bad thing ever on the planet. And I just don't get how it isn't erasing the individual histories of other countries to reduce them to poor little meow meows brainwashed into evil by Western hegemony.
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hussyknee · 6 months
KJ Charles has breathtaking range. And it's all so organically diverse and vivid and excellently paced and clever.
Doomsday books -- Smugglers of Romney Marsh in 1810–20s in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.
Society of Gentlemen -- Clash between the royalist establishment and radical republicans in the last years of Regency.
Sins of the Cities -- Small businesses and trade of the Industrial Revolution in London's immigrant quarter (taxidermy of all things!), Victorian spiritualists and musical hall artists in the 1870s.
Lillywhite Boys -- London criminal underworld, bluestocking feminists, private detectives, colonial gem trade, the rise of industrialists in the 1890s, and pre-Victorian folk Christmas traditions.
Charm of Magpies -- Shanghai traders and Chinese immigrant communities of London in the late 1800s.
England World -- Nascent British intelligence agencies and new technology in the shadow of the Boer War in the 1890s + integration of Indian nobles from its last kingdoms with elite British society + classism and xenophobia in British antisemitism
Will Darling Adventures -- The reverberating social, political and economic changes from the aftermath of WWI and further development of intelligence organisations during the 1920s.
Just finished Band Sinister, which touched on Hellfire Clubs, the emergence of new medicine, atheism, and challenge Creationism from the fields of natural science, and Black British life before abolition. Currently reading Unfit to Print, which seems to be about London's underground pornography trade with character focus on the shared plight of Black and Indian immigrants from the colonies and their mixed race offspring. Charles's body of work really brings home that the 19th century was a full hundred years long and the distinct character of every decade. And that the real and authentic history of Britain had people of every race, religion, colour, disability, neurodiversity, gender and sexuality who have been deliberately erased by the same power structures that kept them disenfranchised and ghettoed back then.
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