#incorrect otome quotes
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incorrect-otome · 9 months ago
MC: who do you dislike more? Ota or Baba??
Soryu: hmm...I'll have to go with Mamoru
Mamoru in the background: I wasn't even a damm option, you jerk
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tsukii0002 · 2 months ago
Diavolo and Mc looking at a frozen lake in the Devildom
Mc: Dia, *nervous* could I borrow your coat?
Diavolo: Are you cold Mc?
Mc: Well, more than you for sure, you have your coat in your hand *smiling*.
Diavolo: Oh, ha, ha, of course *places the coat on Mc's shoulders*
Mc: So warm *the coat is clearly too big for them and they can hide practically all of their body in it*
Diavolo: …
Barbatos: *picking up the phone* Mc?
Mc: Why is my closet full of Diavolo's clothes????!!!!
Barbatos: Excuse me, What?
What are you trying to say Diavolo? 😂 😂 😂
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kpop-otome-yandere-here · 6 months ago
Mammon: Can I have a bite of your food?
Mc: Absolutely not!
Levi: Wow. Some great couple. She won’t even share her food.
Mc: It has avocado on it. He's allergic to avocado. Are you so jealous of our relationship that you want Mammon to die?
Levi, murmuring: Yes.
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aydien677 · 5 months ago
Mc: "Hey Salmon."
Solomon: "Mc, I told you before it's Sol-O-Mon"
Mc: "anyway, Salmon."
Solomon: *sigh*
Mc: "So his name is Mepenalties"
Barbatos: *almost spills tea*
Diavolo: "No, no, Mephistopheles"
Mc: "Mefistoplease
Lucifer: *dies of laughter*
Diavolo: "Meh-phi-sto-phe-lese"
Mc: "Mephipickles"
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MC: Let's just hug it out. Come on, hug it out.
The brothers: *struggle into a group hug*
Lucifer: Who took my wallet?
Mammon: Sorry.
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ironicallyyn · 6 months ago
Mc: hey Lucifer.. wanna see something funny?
Lucifer: ... Sure?
Mc: shout
Lucifer: (shouts... But nothing happens) ?
Mc: (shouts)
Mammon, Levi and Asmo barged into the room: I HEARD SHOUTING!! MC ARE YOU OKAY!!??
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obeymeshallwedateaddict · 6 months ago
So this is a dumb little headcanon I thought of in the middle of the night since I was thinking about how in NB they never really showed why Lucifer was okay with MC keeping the Ring of Light even if he didn't know about what happened in OM sooo...
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
in Nightbringer
Lucifer: MC, why do you have my ring?
MC: Because like- wait.. why do I gotta explain this to you? It's a long story and that's that.
Lucifer: Well thank you for keeping my ring with you. Now give it back.
MC: Give it back? What do you mean?
Lucifer: Give me back my ring.
MC: But I found it. Me.
Lucifer: And? That doesn't change the fact that it's mine.
MC: Y'know, Lucifer. Finders keepers.
Lucifer: MC, I'm not going down that rabbit hole. Give. Me. Back. My. Ring. Now.
MC pondered deeply before a smirk appeared on their face. They took off the ring and extended their hand as if to give it to Lucifer.
MC: Here. Take it.
But as soon as Lucifer reached to take the ring MC pulled it back to themselves.
MC: But you might wanna know that I washed it with holy water this morning. And I'd say it's still a bit humid.
Lucifer's eyes widened for a subtle second, MC could catch a glimpse of anger in his expression. The demon took a few steps back, knowing how dangerous holy water is for him. After that he pinched his temple and left.
MC had a big ass grin on their face
Later when MC is back to the original timeline
MC telling the brothers about the encounter with Lucifer involving the Ring of Light
Asmo: And so? What happened?
MC: Well.. have you guys ever seen Lucifer run?
Mammon: Run? Like outta fear?
MC: Yeah he was running for his life.
Lucifer: sighing MC you're likely exaggerating.
MC: raising their shoulders I wouldn't say that. You seemed pretty horrified to me.
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amazingfandommomarch · 5 months ago
Mc : *walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone*
Satan : Hey, Mc , how was your day?
Mc : *picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Satan * Hell.
Lucifer , watching this unfold: *whispers* Who hurt you?
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rinz-aspirinz · 2 months ago
Diavolo, trying to get Lucifer to take a break because this morning he witnessed Lucifer pouring hot water directly into the coffee jar: I've planned an entire week for us, we're going to stay at my beach and Simeon will take care of your brothers and MC so you won't even need to call them!
Lucifer who has no idea what the fuck he's supposed to be doing with himself when he isn't working or parenting and still packs his brothers and MC their lunch with little notes and sweet treats: why do you hate me. what have I done to deserve this.
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rayray-2ice · 5 months ago
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When u have a decent drawing but are too lazy to finish it 🫠
Based on this tumblr post by @devildomwriter
Good luck read my handwriting
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sveniak · 9 months ago
Incorrect Quotes Error 143
🌸a/n : english is not my first language, so I apologise in advance for any conjugation or grammatical errors.
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1 First Meet
Caspian — So, how did you two meet ?
Micah Yujin — Angel hack my computer.
Caspian — What ?
Micah Yujin — And that's how I knew he/she/they was the one for me.
2 Worm
Micah Yujin — If you were a worm, what kind of worm would you be ?
Angel — A worm that hacks your phone and texts your friends emabarrassing things.
3 Firewall
Micah Yujin — I could hack your heart.
Angel — Too bad, I already installed a firewall.
4 Attempted Flirtation
Micah Yujin — Are you a keyboard ? Because you're just my type.
Angel — Are you a pop-up ad ? Because you're persistent but kinda cute.
5 Breakfast
Caspian — Can you keep a secret ?
Micah Yujin — I'm a hacker. Secrets are my breakfast.
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incorrect-otome · 8 months ago
Baba: are you mad?
Soryu: no.
Baba: so sharpening knives at 2am is just a new hobby then?
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tsukii0002 · 10 months ago
I have the headcanon that the brothers can feel when Mc feels the sin they represent, Satan when he feels anger, Beel when he feels gluttony…, but that the other way around also happens. When one of the brothers is being “dominated” by his sin, Mc is able to feel that feeling as their own even though it is not. I mean, Mc is calmly doing their business and suddenly BUM, they feel a very marked envy out of nowhere. And it's like:
Mc: *feels a very strong envy out of nowhere*
Mc: What the hell happened to Levi now?
Mc: *quietly in their room when they starts to feel a familiar sensation* How strange…
Mc: *realizing that it's greed what they are feeling* Wait…
Mc: *getting up suddenly and running out* MaaMmoOoon!!! whatever it is don't even think about it!!!!
Mc: *studying* mmm What…
Mc: !!! *feeling a big lust* Asmo we have a final exam tomorrow!!!!
Mc: *with a classmate doing a project* … *suddenly feels a surge of anger and smashes their pen* …
Demon: Are you ok?!
Mc: I am, but the bastard who pissed off Satan won't be ha ha.
Demon: ????
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aydien677 · 4 months ago
Incorrect Quotes part 6.
Mc: "I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone else crash at your place."
Solomon : "You people already know too much about me."
Mc : "I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let anyone but me crash at your place."
Mc: "What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?"
Lucifer : "Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-"
Mammon : "Smad"
Lucifer : "Get out"
Mammon : "In my defense, I was left unsupervised."
Lucifer : "Wasn't Mc with you?"
Mc: "In my defense, I was also left unsupervised."
Mc: "Luci, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?"
Lucifer : "I don’t know, love you, talk to you later"
Mc: "Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Levi"
Mc: "Hey Lucifer"
Lucifer : "Yes?"
Mc: "Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?"
Lucifer :
Lucifer : "Where’s Solomon?"
Mc: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Lucifer : Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Mc: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING MAMMON WITH ME
Simeon, picking up the monopoly board: "I think we’re gonna stop playing now."
Simeon: "Lucifer why?"
Lucifer who just drank 102° black coffee: "You'll know when Luke has his rebellious phase"
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Asmo: Hey guys, what are you watching?
MC: Kitten Football
Asmo: Why?
MC: It randomly came on and now I'm invested, And then Satan came in and got into it too. Aw, look Snuggles fell asleep-
MC: Satan sees the show differently than I do.
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ironicallyyn · 5 months ago
Mammon: oi human! What's your ideal type?
Mc: Strong and Tough
Mammon: Once I killed ten mosquitos-
Mc: But also who are sensitive
Mammon: -and after killing them, I cried for an hour.
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