#incorrect eternals
cabispace · 1 year
Ikaris : You know what would be cool ?
Makkari : More books
Gilgamesh : Food
Phastos : More time in the day
Kingo : To have a goddam network
Druig : You to shut up
Y/N *whispers* : Hooking up with your mom
'Everyone else hear it and turn to you'
Ajak : I would love to dear
'Ikaris pass out as well as you turned bright red'
Phastos : That's an interesting developement
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jade-bright · 5 months
Before Stiles and Derek find out the other is part of the supernatural.
Stiles: Who are you talking to?
Derek: No one.
Stiles: You're talking to the air, Derek, and at a volume like you're talking to someone
Peter, from a distance, grinning: He's smart, good choice nephew
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stereksimp · 2 months
Stiles: Lydia, my strawberry haired goddess, how are you this fine morning?
Scott: *to Derek* ummm... you cool, dude.
Derek: Yeah why.
Scott: Cause Stiles is flirting with Lydia, and you're dating him.
Derek: I have nothing to worry about. Plus he's not really flirting. Watch.
Derek: Stiles, baby, come here.
Stiles: *stops talking mid scentance with Lydia* Yeah, Der, what's up? *slips arms around his waist under the leather jacket*
Derek: *just kisses him on the forhead*
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fanby-fckry · 10 months
Alastor: *looking at his hellphone* Why hasn’t he responded? The only reason I have this ridiculous thing is to ‘text’ him.
Lucifer: *texting Lilith* Lili how do you spell gorgous? 😭
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blaksstr · 2 months
Derek: You're a goddamn menace.
Stiles: A charming, irresistible menace.
Derek: More like an infuriating pain in my ass.
Stiles: Your favorite pain in the ass.
Derek: You're impossible.
Stiles: Impossible to resist.
Derek: *lets out a low growl* I swear, I'm gonna -
Stiles: You gonna what?
*Derek's eyes narrow and he moves closer, his face barely an inch away from Stiles*
Derek: *low growl* Don't tempt me, Stilinski.
*Stiles can feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he swallows hard as he tries to keep his composure*
Stiles: *taunting* What, afraid you can't handle me?
*Derek lets out a guttural growl and grabs Stiles by the collar, pulling him closer*
Derek: *voice thick with anger and lust* I can handle you just fine, you brat.
*Stiles lets out a small gasp as Derek grabs him, but continues to smirk defiantly*
Stiles: *taunts* Prove it.
*Derek's eyes flash with a mix of lust and irritation. He can feel his control slipping as the urge to shut Stiles up grows stronger*
Derek: *growls* You really don't know when to quit, do you?
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voidstilesplease · 4 months
Stiles: I'm your partner, Derek, you have to trust me. Let's not forget who pulled out the wolfsbane-laced dart from your ass last week.
Derek: Yeah, let's not forget who shot me with wolfsbane-laced dart in the ass last week, either.
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teruel-a-witch · 4 months
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just mcdanno things: tenderly stroking his knuckles
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teencopandthesourwolf · 5 months
Stiles: So you're just like——out here raw dogging life, huh Der-bear?
Derek: Dog jokes? Really, Stiles?
Stiles: Oh my God, I didn't even mean to——hang on, you mean I don't actually need to take quadruple doses of ADHD meds to be funny? BECAUSE I ONLY HAD A DOUBLE DOSE TODAY AND OMG I'M HILARIOUS! Hashtag winning! Hashtag I was just born this way! Hashtag The Stilinski Life! Hashtag How many times can a puny human pump their fist into the air without passing out?!
Stiles: *wobbles on the spot*
Derek: *steadies Stiles with a hand on the puny human's shoulder*
Stiles: Uh... Hashtag what were we talking about??
Boyd: You want me to threaten the pharmacist again, Derek?
Derek: *Le sigh* Please.
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mianqingxuan · 2 years
Xie lian, to hua cheng: I love laying my head on your chest when you're sleeping so I can hear you breathe.
Mu qing, to Feng xin: I recorded you snoring so you can hear how loud you are and why I can't fucking sleep.
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escespace · 9 days
Leon: Ok. What's going on?
Merlin: What do you mean?
Leon: What's the matter? What's wrong with you?
Merlin: Listen, I know myself so you have to be a little more specific if you want a short answer.
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Erestor: *banging a scroll impatiently on the table*
Glorfindel, also exhausted: Erestor, stop. How would you feel if I banged you on the table?
Erestor: I-
Elrond, still sitting there: Please spare me.
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cabispace · 2 years
Bother Ikaris
Druig : Want some Doritos ?
Kingo : Where did that even came from you don't have any pockets on this skinny jean and lether  jacket !
Druig : I'll take that as a no at least I offered
Kingo : No wai-
Ikaris : Let him go, hearing him chewing all the time is so boring and noisy when I try to relax and think
Kingo : Relax ? You do Yoga or something ?
Ikaris : It's call Pilates and -
'Druig come sit right behind Ikaris without him hearing it until loud chew are heard'
Ikaris *slitghty irritated* : Can you stop being that noisy, every time i tried to express myself or just casually try to think
Druig : First, how thinking is casual for you prove just how boring you are. Second It's always hard to think for the first time.
Ikaris : Okay I'm done talking to you, that just waste my time and lose my mind
Druig : You can't lose something you never had...
'Ikaris eyes start to shine'
Kingo : Ikaris NO
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jade-bright · 5 months
Derek: I only said I love you to three people. My mom, my grandma, and Stiles when he was dying from the bite back before the fire. I only regret one of those
Scott: which one?
Derek: Stiles. He healed 2 days later, so I just looked like an idiot
Stiles: we're mates
Derek: still
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stereksimp · 9 days
Peter: Dear nephew, why is there a severed head in my refrigerator?
Derek: Why would I know?
Peter: I wasn't talking to you? Stiles?
Stiles: Well, I couldn't keep it in my fridge. Dad would freak out.
Peter: Fair enough. If this is going to become a regular thing, maybe we should get a separate one for dismembered body parts.
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blaksstr · 2 months
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Stiles: *looks up at Derek, their faces inches apart* You're the hottest person I've ever laid eyes on.
Derek: *growls and moves closer* And you're the most infuriating person I've ever met.
Stiles: *grins and leans in* You love it.
*Derek leans in as well, his lips hovering mere centimeters from Stiles' own*
Derek: *whispers* Shut up before I shut you up.
*Stiles' smirk grows wider and he licks his lips*
Stiles: *teasingly* What? Gonna make me?
*Derek's eyes darken with lust as he grabs Stiles by the hips and pulls him onto his lap*
Derek: *growls* You're pushing it, Stilinski.
*Stiles lets out a low gasp as he feels Derek's hands on his hips, but still grins*
Stiles: *teases* Maybe I want to push it. You just gonna sit there and let me?
*Derek's grip tightens as he looks up, his eyes filled with lust and a hint of irritation*
Derek: You have no idea what you're doing.
Stiles: *leans in and whispers in his ear* Oh, but I think I do.
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