#in the tags but
watercubebee · 2 years
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I blame @valeriianz for this skdcjnskdcjkascjajksn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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who's the scientist why r they eating chilis like theyre candy 😭
Super sad I don't have a picture of him grrrrr my coauthor never designed it, so just pretend he’s looks like this instead. 
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The Scientist is a part of the very special and totally uniquely named group of semi-aquatic creatures called “Sea People”. The Scientist is (well yeah a scientist but like everyone else is too) kind of a nobody. Just a regular intelligent sea creature doing his job.
The “Sea People” area can be split into 2 dominions, they don't have names yet, but we can call them the Hippies and Scholars.
The Scientist is a part of this “scholar kingdom", that is driven in the pursuit of knowledge. They are VERY academic.
They kind of pride themselves on being neutral and unbiased (it's a fucking lie). They have entire cities dedicated to preserving, categorizing research, and making information widely available (except they don't share it with anyone but themselves fucking hypocrites).
Everyone is always on the scholar grind it's wild. The Scientist worked in the department for Genetics/DNA (or whatever the equivalent would be as they're not humannnn) and then switched over to robotics + construction and now he’s earning his degree in tortureeeeee. 
The Scholars would tolerate the “Land People", as they hate everyone and everything that is not from the sea... The water was already shaky *wink wink* but then...the Sonic Pulse happened, it was literally an "until the fire nation attacked scenario". The Scholars would welcome anyone into their kingdom as an exchange student. They really fw niggas who tryna learn.
But The Lord attacked their kingdom (almost killed everyone with her stupid sonic pulse) and The Scholars basically shut everything down and are now refusing to cooperate with anyone on ANYTHING.
A “fuck you and yo mama good luck on your own” if you will (they petty) as they need each other's resources to function.
The Scholars hate this limitation and are working diligently to be able to exist independently. But for now, everything is thrown out of balance (thanks Arlinda). 
The Scientist was originally sent to the surface as a spy researcher of some sort. Even though The Scholars are "beyond petty governmental disputes" and "don't engage with stupid ideologies like speciesism, classism, etc" they are still discriminatory asf in the kingdom
The Scientist is kinda a peasant and The Scholars see him and others like him as disposable (they literally eat the peasants).
It's not in his nature to argue or say no (accepting rules and authority is ingrained into everyone who lives there), but he is still really pissed about it…how dare they take him away from super important research!
He's rereading his favorite book written by some random from 200000 billion years ago while giggling and kicking his feet...
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Going to the surface to be with the "Land People" is kind of a death sentence. The "Land People" have a reputation for being horrendous, bloodthirsty, dirty, freaky monsters. Not to mention The Rabid spreading like crazy. The Scientist hates being on the land so much but it's unlimited new information to learn...he’s creaming. (would never admit it tho).
He got lost in the sauce and after a while, stopped reporting to The Scholar that was assigned to him. Everyone assumed he died and forgot about him.
The Scientist doesn't care about fame and fortune, though he did want to use the new information he learned as leverage to get himself into more elite circles.
Which would give him access to classified or secret projects The Creators were working on. The Scientist also REALLY wants the meet The Elders.
However, as he adapted to "Land People" he found that he can survive comfortably there (so far) so now he doesn't give a shit about "Sea People" and is focusing on learning actual NEW information. 
(Since The Scholars hate "Land People" and think their kind isn't worth learning about, no one knows anything about them).
The Scientist still doesn't think they’re worth learning about but it's not like he's NOT going to record everything he’s experiencing while he's here. (He's obsessed). 
In a sense, you can say he turned on his own kind. While on land he quickly learned about The Lord and joined up with her. He’s only there for the resources and learning experience. During this time he came into his mad scientist era and hasn't left, so now he can go balls off the walls and there are only people who encourage himmm (The Scientist sees The Lord as his Elder so he is in awe of her, and wants to get closer to her. If you point this out he'll kill you).
The Scientist has a daughter, her name is Natalia, and she is an android (but not fleshy, she's full metal).
Natalia is reminiscent of a porcelain doll (and she's also the fucking Terminator) he made Natalia at the request of The Madam.
The Madam wanted to make the humans they captured feel safer and at ease but boi that does NOT work. 
(He also has a second daughter her name is Pheobe, The Doctor made Pheobe as a "warning" to all humans who disobey or cause trouble. Pheobe is kind of like a Frankenstein blob creature. Her and Natalia are sisters!! Natalia hates her <3) 
The Scientist is always fighting with The Madam about Natalia. 
The Scientist: "You know nothing about technology, I am not changing its primary programming. This weapon was made to provide security to the base. You will not adorn it with useless trinkets. Leave my lab, now." The Madam: "...you...you stupid fuck...what are you talking about???? i PAID you to make her FOR MEEEE!!! I AM YOUR SUPERIOR!!!"
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The Scientist hates her <3 
His personality is almost non-existent mostly because he never had a chance to develop one (lame ahh nigga) but he gets irritated easily (especially being on land).
So he’s very mean and doesn't fuck around, if you’re not behaving within the first 2 seconds of meeting him he'll put you in time out (the electric chair) but out of all the creature he’s the easiest one to become friends with.
As long as you word whatever you want to do as a new learning experience he'll stick around. 
He gets a lil sillay after he leaves the kingdom and is no longer constantly watched to maintain societal expectations.
A lot of the information gathered by The Scholars is learned by observing rather than experiencing.
Being on land kind of…changed him and now he’s a little reckless. (the chaos of the land is getting to him possibly maybe?)
Think Brave Wildness and how the guy lets himself get stung or bitten and ranks them. Or the video of the girl eating the black death candy?
Yeah, that's something The Scientist would do too :)
So to answer your question...
The Scientist: "wtf is a chile?? Wtf is chile oil??? It is spicy? How spicy?................ Uh so is anyone going to taste and meticulously record each of thes-"
sorry for typos oof
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madefate · 3 months
alive! exhausted.
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petewentzisblack1312 · 11 months
im getting emo over the reference photo i took for a drawing. wentz wishes he had my sadboy swag.
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pterygoidwalk · 6 months
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sometimes i wonder what my cat named me
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ra3kiv · 4 months
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sea, swallow me
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transalfredpennyworth · 2 months
characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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bringcal · 2 months
fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap
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hellishqueer · 2 months
we ask that the defense not say "me when i lie" while the witness testifies
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rhythmgameurl · 2 months
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sirompp · 6 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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theredtours · 3 months
why yes I AM making boop gifs from screen recording
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snakesinsocks2005 · 3 months
Pin for survivors
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syn4k · 2 months
i will give tiktok one concession and that is that it has spawned a comment that contains a phrase that i think of often at relevant moments: pack it up boys we've made a social blunder
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tastylemonbread · 7 months
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a post about when someone tags someone else on your post
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