#in procrastination city
quimser · 10 months
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more nit sketches. also introducing puuril, a lizard they modified into a walking multi-tool. it seems to be doing alright though
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jhonnyhotbody · 4 days
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How u one of the strongest in DC but loose to ADHD?
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floafy · 2 months
tumblr actually gets this as a post, enjoy the oc content (i love them i love them i love th)
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reunitedinterlude · 5 months
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kind & lovely
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mustasekittens · 6 months
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grad school + vigilantism = too much stress | my peter design | more mundane sillies
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kittyoverlord · 4 months
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Ally's characters having complicated relationships with otherwordly all-powerful beings.
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tea-tuesday · 1 year
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another weekend, another day going to a café and reading recent supreme court cases for class☀️
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electricalcheese · 1 month
Can draw Fitz? In a white shirt and black jacket and ripped jeans and fingerless gloves... That sounds demanding bur I'm not forcing I swear
fun fact he's in my eyes, he is in my ears, he's in my blood, he is in my tears (or should i say tears, sweat, and blood amirite...)
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Also uh. No registry pendant because I wouldn't draw a keeper character wearing human clothes with a registry pendant.
He is actually me irl I look exactly like him and my legal name is Fitzroy Avery Vacker and he was based off me he is a carbon copy of me we are the same (actually me and fitz aren't really alike but we're alike in a way ok.)
sketch under cut bc i like it.
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ofmisfitsandmagic · 7 months
y’all i’ve been feeling a DEEP URGE to write a post-canon non-epilogue-compliant copete roommates/allies to friends to lovers fic lately. am i the only person who still cares about this ship? would anyone read this??
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gotham-response · 10 months
So many Gotham rogues are PhDs because they planned their crimes while procrastinating writing their thesis
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thatsgonnaleaveamark · 2 months
booked a hotel and got the concert ticket aghhhh
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Been busy enough to justify a full round up for this WIP Wednesday. The TL;DR being that I'm back to being fully lace brained.
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Blanket 10 is NEARLY finished. I've started attaching the last row and just need to finish out this row and then do a border (and give him a good wash, I've owned some of this yarn for years and it smells a little dusty). The nights are starting to get really cold here so I'll be happy to have it done, I just gotta force myself to work on it.
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Doily 14 (Yarn | Pattern) needs to go on a longer needle but other than that is very fun and cute. I've decided to put it down for a bit to work on the next two projects but I expect when they get boring I'll go back to this. This pattern is surprisingly simple for a Neibling as long as you're prepared for the long pattern rows. Absolutely going to have to break out the washi tape to mark off my rows for the second chart, but the first one has been very easy lace knitting.
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Unnamed project aka me fucking around to see if I can freehand this sweater design. I had started with a two row lace ("Honeycomb lace" from A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara G Walker) but honestly didn't find it fun to knit. So I transitioned to a favourite of mine (ssk, k2tog, yo twice). It's going a lot faster now tho it looks a little weird. I'm going to knit to the underarm and if it fits, it stays. If it's too small I'll rip all the way back and redo the shaping in this lace pattern instead with longer shoulder saddles. It's unfortunate that I didn't like knitting the honeycomb lace, I really like how it looks, I'll have to try swatching it in different yarns to see if the problem is just that this yarn has zero stretch (100% cotton).
I have decided I will put short sleeves on this tho. I had planned to just add ribbing for the arms but I saw a drop shoulder vest in a similar style and did Not like it, so this just saves me from having to rip back. I also think I'm going to have to leave this cropped, I'm not a big crop top person but with this yarn being cotton, having a full length body along with the sleeves is going to have the neckline very stretched. There may be no helping it regardless but there's no harm in trying. I imagine if this is does become something I wear it'll either be in the dead of summer or layered over a button up/some sort of top anyway, so a crop wouldn't be too uncomfortable.
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Last but certainly not least is Shawl 14 (Pattern | Yarn). My precious Evenstar is coming along very well, I'm actually on the second to last pattern row before the set up for the border. I know the border is going to be a slog but I'm excited for it regardless, he's huge even all compressed on the needles. My self imposed deadline for him is April, but the border is only 56 repeats. If I can do one every other day I should be right on time, which sounds do-able even tho I know I'll get bored by the halfway point.
I need to keep an eye out for patterns for this yarn, I have a whole second cone plus what'll be left after I finish this shawl. These cones staring at me will probably be the push I need to settle on an Orenburg shawl pattern. (Or possibly a large Neibling, or one of MMario's patterns.)
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404-art-found · 1 year
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Decades after total nuclear war wiped out the bulk of humanity, a few roaming populations spent their days city-hopping for supplies. Before the war, City Nexi were an emerging form of artificial intelligence built for managing how a city or district functioned. These were typically used for weapons-making and were either destroyed or went rogue post-war.
Ari is the unofficial leader of a group of survivors familiar with how bloodthirsty these AI can be, because they're running on broken code, following a purpose to protect their weapons despite their purpose being long since past. Because of a drastic loss in information, it was presumed every Nexus was hostile, but Ari's group stumbles upon a Nexus built not for churning out war machines, but, of all things, urban planning. And, most startling of all, it is strikingly sentient, in a quiet, enigmatic way.
The Nexus's hub was in complete overgrowth and disrepair after so long, and quickly got attached to the first humans to fill its empty streets in years. Ari, an engineer, is thrilled to be able to repair and learn about such an endlessly complicated latticework of intelligence and steel.
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hahskeleton · 28 days
okay gang could yall send me pics of real places and I’ll draw the dca in them?
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ratacademia · 1 year
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Edinburgh Old Town, Scotland
this is the view from my dorm window!! i moved in last week (2 weeks ago?) and haven’t had a chance to post yet
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chiabats · 3 months
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