#in procrastination city
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quimser · 1 year ago
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more nit sketches. also introducing puuril, a lizard they modified into a walking multi-tool. it seems to be doing alright though
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jhonnyhotbody · 6 months ago
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How u one of the strongest in DC but loose to ADHD?
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floafy · 7 months ago
tumblr actually gets this as a post, enjoy the oc content (i love them i love them i love th)
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potofsoup · 5 months ago
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Guess who's excited to get their ballot in the mail tomorrow? Me! So I slapped together a quick comic, as well as a map based off of this and this. A list of when same day registration is available is at the bottom of this article.
But also: wow, early voting stuff is so confusing! For example, I get my ballot in the mail tomorrow, and I can immediately mail it back. But if I want to drop it off in person, I need to either go to a special ballot drop box by city hall, or wait for early in-person voting sites to open, which isn't until Oct 22nd for my state.
Or like, early voting in Louisiana is apparently from Oct 16 to Oct 29th? And then there's a week of no voting, and then polls open again on Nov 5th? Or like how the only day you can register and then immediately vote is Oct 26th?
Anyway, best way to figure out the info for your area is to check your state and county's election website. I've found usvotefoundation.org to have clear fact sheets for each state (including ID requirements, polling location finders, as well as direct links to state election websites): https://www.usvotefoundation.org/state-voter-information . You can also jump to each state's election websites via usa.gov, or by searching directly, though some websites are more confusing than others.
Happy voting!
Oh, and here's the voter registration deadlines map from last time, in case you haven't registered and want to register. Oct 7th is the last day for a bunch of states!
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reunitedinterlude · 11 months ago
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kind & lovely
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mustasekittens · 11 months ago
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grad school + vigilantism = too much stress | my peter design | more mundane sillies
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kittyoverlord · 9 months ago
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Ally's characters having complicated relationships with otherwordly all-powerful beings.
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tea-tuesday · 2 years ago
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another weekend, another day going to a café and reading recent supreme court cases for class☀️
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pissterdaniel · 5 months ago
1. phancouver
2. phansas city
3. phancester
4. phantwerp
5. phan diego
the rest 👇
6. phadelaide
7. phatlanta
8. phortland
9. pheattle
10. phoakland
11. phaustin
12. phenver
13. phampa
14. phrisbane
15. phoronto
16. phetroit
17. los phangeles
18. philwaukee
19. phorlando
20. phelbourbe
21. phinneapolis
22. phoston
23. phublin
24. phlasgow
25. phauckland
26. phamsterdam
27. phirmingham
28. pherth
29. phrankfurt
30. phort lauderdale
31. phred bank
32. phreading
33. phrand prairie
34. phicago
35. phlymouth
36. phindianapolis
37. phydney
38. phardiff
39. pharsaw
40. pherlin
41. phoslo
42. phakron
43. phopenhagen
44. st phlouis
45. phighton
46. phelsinki
47. phurham
48. physons
49. phashville
50. phewcastle
51. phelfast
52. phondon
53. pheykjavik
54. phew york
55. phockholm
56. phalt phlake phlity
disqualified: philidelphia, phoneix
This took so long of me just repeating these names out loud 😂. Also some places suit tit better than ph such as salt lake titty, but this is them all ph-ified.
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electricalcheese · 7 months ago
Can draw Fitz? In a white shirt and black jacket and ripped jeans and fingerless gloves... That sounds demanding bur I'm not forcing I swear
fun fact he's in my eyes, he is in my ears, he's in my blood, he is in my tears (or should i say tears, sweat, and blood amirite...)
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Also uh. No registry pendant because I wouldn't draw a keeper character wearing human clothes with a registry pendant.
He is actually me irl I look exactly like him and my legal name is Fitzroy Avery Vacker and he was based off me he is a carbon copy of me we are the same (actually me and fitz aren't really alike but we're alike in a way ok.)
sketch under cut bc i like it.
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ofmisfitsandmagic · 1 year ago
y’all i’ve been feeling a DEEP URGE to write a post-canon non-epilogue-compliant copete roommates/allies to friends to lovers fic lately. am i the only person who still cares about this ship? would anyone read this??
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gotham-response · 1 year ago
So many Gotham rogues are PhDs because they planned their crimes while procrastinating writing their thesis
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 4 months ago
Regarding some of @bengiyo's questions of this week. I already talked about Gyu-ho here and I can't really say much more about it.
The consistent presence of the T-aras has reshaped their entire role in this story. How does their ongoing relationship with Yeong change their role in this section?
Up until this point there was something comforting in the fact that Young had them in his life. But for me, what this part makes clear is that sure, he has this group of friends, to gossip, and ask advice on relationships or to go out dancing and drinking. But these aren't deep friendships. That comment with the glasses in the club was awful, although sad to say, not unrealistic. Specially for that time. But the fact that Young didn't tell them also says something to me about their relationship. He tells Gyu-ho, he's the first person he told. So he didn't tell MiAe, which makes sense, because she's no longer that person, and so neither one of the T-aras are as well. And that saddens me. Because he's living alone with this up until Gyu-ho and after.
How do you feel about the way Yeong’s illness presents a genuine stigma and barrier in his personal and professional life?
I'm not gonna go too much into it, mostly because I don't feel equipped to write anything new about it. How does it make me feel? It fucking sucks. It's unfair. I wish this was something that I could just say, 'oh, but it was that way in those days.' And even if we're talking about S.Korea in this case, it's not like this is something that is only an issue there. In my own country, it's ilegal to fire, demote or change a person role in their workplace if they know you are HIV positive. And there's also no obligation to tell your employer nor can they ask for that information/test in the context of a health check for work. This is the law, since 2006, not really that long ago. But I would be lying if I said that because of that, atitudes have changed. Hell, gay people can get married and adopt here, and that didn't somehow make all the homophobes disappear. So, anyway, this is a real obstacle for Young, and something that he will have to deal with for the rest of his life. Professionally and personally. My one hope for him, is that he finds someone, be it a friend or a lover, that can help carry that. That can somehow make that burden less heavy.
Thanks again to @bengiyo and @lurkingshan for putting all of this together. 💜
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belethlegwen · 23 days ago
Hi, I made a tumblr account, so I could be alerted to updates to The Stranding and fireflywritesgts' The Art of Love and War, so please excuse me if I word those questions weirdly (or if those questions are weird). I'm a noob at tumblr. I'm also the person who got so mad at Daniel during the last two chapters that I posted #TeamHenryPunchingDaniel'sFace on your AO3.
How would the Watch members react to the fact that the militaries in Melanie's world have an even more obnoxious and braggadocious military branch (the airforce) than the Navy?
Are the people of Henry's world familiar with the concept of a democracy, and how threatening would it be to Vogunti's nobility? Are their neighbouring countries currently living through their own French Revolutionary era?
What are the Vogunti's society's expectations on the role of women? They seem to have vastly more progressive attitudes on women, given that there are several women in their military branches.
Sorry for the load of questions 😅. Love your work and your character dynamics (except Daniel. I do hate that guy).
Oh my god, hi!! Welcome to Tumblr!!
You're doing great with the questions and sending the ask, no worries, and hahaha yes, me and the wife are big fans of the hashtag!
1 - Firstly they'd be AMAZED at the idea of planes and the ideas of how they could be used (militarily or otherwise), secondly they would be AGHAST at the idea that anyone could be more obnoxious than the Navy hahaha
2 - They are VAGUELY familiar with the concept of democracy as it pertains to government. On a very very small level, particularly for townships and clusters/collections of villages and such, there is a process in place for nominating representatives to the next step of government under the King. The nominations can still be knocked down by the councils/King himself, and in larger towns/cities the nomination process is contained more to nobility/gentry who have more status and er go more say.
As for what's happening in Hostenia, there's definitely things of note occurring in that regard, though not necessarily an active revolution. There are a number of reasons that the tensions between Vogunti toward Hostenia in specific are so high, and take their form in specific ways though, and uh... we'll say cultural differences are a part of that.
3 - Vogunti IS pretty progressive in regards to the roles of women, in that there isn't strict expectation for them to be home-makers or housewives or simply just 'mothers', though there's an odd flip to that. If a woman were to be just a housewife sort of figure or only focus on raising the children (typically in this situation the mother would be expected to teach the children at home instead of sending them to school, which is a service reserved typically for the children of working mothers), it would be fine, but men are expected to work/find an equivalent role within society that would not allow them to be full-time home-makers and househusbands. A man in such a position is usually assumed-- if there's reason to believe they're not equally splitting time and efforts as detailed below-- to have been damaged in some way as to make him unable to work or is just a lucky layabout who landed a Lordly Lady who can afford to keep him around.
Working men and women in a relationship, especially with kids involved, are assumed to split duties of being home and taking care of the house pretty equally, usually with either not working full weeks/full days, or taking equal amounts of what we'd consider 'vacation time' to mind kids while the other worked.
Women, as you've pointed already, are free to take basically any jobs they're fit for, and have a strong history in the military already across all branches throughout Vogunti history over the last 500+ years. There are no careers that would be deemed 'only men' or 'only women' in society, just mostly the weird nuances of the housewife thing where you could be doing it 'too much' if you're a man.
Thank you so so much for the questions! I hope you enjoy your time on Tumblr, and omg I hope you've caught up on TAOLAW because I managed to miss like 3 chapter updates in a row and steamrolled them all at once and what a ride omg. Please enjoy yourself!!
Much love,
~ Belle
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thatsgonnaleaveamark · 7 months ago
booked a hotel and got the concert ticket aghhhh
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lambdal4b · 3 months ago
Hymn to the Decadent Life — Ro2noki
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