#in love with robin too 😍😍😍
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doctorwormcore · 1 year ago
i am still unfortunately in love with sanji
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azuree1733 · 18 days ago
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Missing them ☹️☹️☹️
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collectivecloseness · 2 years ago
What order do you think the fruity four can go without a kiss from you
We loooove poly fruity four x reader
Eddie: he can’t go long at all without a kiss. Eddie is leaning over for multiple kisses in a go whenever he’s near you, and he’ll come right over to you himself. He needs physical touch almost constantly. And if he doesn’t get a kiss, his self doubts might start creeping up again.
Eddie’s always going for kisses, so he will notice if they start lacking. If there just hasn’t been a kiss in a little while, the second he thinks of it, he rectifying it immediately, no matter both of your surroundings at the time. And he’s coming back up with a smile.
But if there’s something else going on, or he feels that there might be, he’s testing the waters carefully. He doesn’t want to upset you more, if you are upset at something, or with him. The last thing Eddie wants is him overstepping his boundaries, or you pushing him away... Even if you’re distancing yourself from his love and affection because of something else, not to do with him, Eddie knows he’ll crumble right then and there if that happens. He’d have to leave, and be wiping his eyes on his sleeves as he does.
You can tell Eddie’s emotional pretty quickly. He’s shadowing you like a lost puppy, but he’s also been a lot quieter than usual. You thought maybe he was just in his own head like he sometimes was, thinking about things, but even then he’s making sounds. With one, even short, look, it’s easy to tell Eddie’s upset about something. He just looks so sad, so dejected. You gently grasp both sides of his face, and Eddie’s looking into your eyes with his big sad puppy ones, almost looking hopeful you’d say. And you gently lead him away to a room to talk, asking what’s wrong as soon as you two are out of earshot, even as you’re still moving. You and Eddie don’t move away from touching each other the entire walk into the next room.
If it’s pretty early on into Eddie’s realisation, then he’s just scuffing his shoes on the floor as he casually brings it up. If he’s had time after his realisation to torture himself with it, and really marinade in you not kissing him for longer while he’s aware of it, then he’s a bit more upset talking about it. But he’s always open, because he needs to know what’s wrong. Especially because it will eat him, or he might eat himself.
Eddie will tell you what he’s noticed, but start off with what’s most important in his mind, asking “Why haven’t you kissed me?” You blank, thinking if Eddie’s tried to kissed you earlier today and you accidentally dodged it or something, but Eddie tells you the truth, and your heart melts while listening to him. He’s just looking at you. With those big dark eyes! And your boyfriend looks so sad.
Eddie says it’s been going on even longer than you say/think, even though he’s the first likely to notice, and considering he’s kissing you at pretty much at least once every time he’s in the room with you, it’s definitely less than a day. You really have to talk it out with Eddie. Because even though he’s relieved when you explain it really was nothing, he just wants to go through it. He needs to know if he’s the one kissing you the most, and you don’t even want to be kissing him all the time, a fact you adamantly deny, and Eddie needs to make sure he’s not being overbearing including now! But was your relationship before this okay? Was he okay? Was he doing anything bad? Even though Eddie would swear he’d change for you if you asked, if you asked for less kisses, his heart would break piece by piece in his chest, and it would continue breaking every day until he fell.
But luckily, thank God, you didn’t ask that. And you came to give Eddie some affection, hugging him close and swaying with him, while you talked. Both of your lips pressing to each other’s bodies, giving small kisses, but talking, and breathing against each other the entire embrace too, your lips always resting in that hug on each other. Not only to make up for lost time, and apologise, but mostly because you wanted to hug your love because he was sad.
You promise things just got away from you, you’re sorry you didn’t notice, you were super in your head today, and when you weren’t, you were having conversations you really had to think about. It wasn’t that you forgot about him either, time just got away. It always went fast when you were with your loves. You promised you loved nothing more than kissing Eddie, and the others, all the time. But you told him you loved how much he kissed you too.
You and Eddie swoop in at the same time, highly tuned to the emotions in the air, and knowing now was the time for your big kiss. Eddie doesn’t let your lips go. His hands have held you in every position, and even by the time you’re both laughing into the kiss, and your thumbs have swept those small fragile tears that escaped Eddie away long ago, he’s still not letting go. You’ve both spoken multiple times during the kiss, and even as you try to speak now, tell Eddie you’re just trying to move with him to sit while you kiss, Eddie’s lips are clinging onto yours. Pulling them in, pushing against them, his mouth lips teeth attaching itself to your lip and keeping you so close you can’t move away from him.
His laugh is music to your ears as you’re doing all this though, and so is yours to him. You keep laughing about the bed, you want to keep making out with him on the bed, so Eddie swoops your thighs up, and swallows your gleed gasp, and not kissing, but both of you just smiling as you press your legs together, wrapping your legs around his own thighs before sitting on the bed with you. There. Now you didn’t have to move away from his kisses to sit. Eddie calls you mean. But then you’re helping to pull him in as he’s crawling half on top of you. Both of you smiling because all you want to do is kiss, and hold each other. And Eddie’s so full of how much he loves you, a fact he always knows. And that you’ll always prove to him how much you love him too.
Steve: he is a busy body, so he might be out all day, before collapsing into your body and asking you and Eddie to just carry his corpse to bed. So him being out all day and then tired from helping everyone out, makes sense he wouldn’t have as much time to think of the less demanding things he hasn’t done. So although it might take him slightly longer to notice because of how much he puts on himself, he probably gets more worried than Robin or Nancy quicker once he realises, if he doesn’t get a kiss. Especially since he at least always usually gets kisses in the mornings and at night.
But also, he gets especially worried quicker, and he probably realises sooner with the amount of time he has with you compared to Robin, because of his past experience with relationships. With what his parents were like, and he’s made peace with Nancy about their past before this, but he still doesn’t feel great about his own past. You not kissing him really sets a pit in his stomach, if he’s okay and more secure in his sudden realisation, then he may just come up to you and kiss you, or purse his lips, or even ask for one.
But if he doesn’t feel confident enough, if he’s thought you’ve pulled away on purpose, then he’ll crawl to bed alone, once he realises, with a pillow hugged close to his stomach, that he occasionally needs to hit as well. He worries there’s a reason you haven’t kissed him. No, he’s pretty sure there must be one. You don’t like him anymore, or at least not as much. He’s done something wrong, he knew he’d fuck up again. Of course he would. Or maybe you just saw how he still wasn’t good enough. Not that he’d tell anyone this. Unless one of the others came up to him already knowing something was wrong, because they know that Steve needs to be asked in specific ways because he might not just say it straight away. After all, he doesn’t want others to feel like they need to help him, when he’s the asshole, and he’s the one who’s supposed to be looking after others, which doesn’t mean making them worry about him on top of their own issues, over his bullshit. At least, that’s the unhealthy thinking he doesn’t fight off when he goes down rabbit holes like this.
He doesn’t want to talk to anyone. He’s not worth that right now, and if you’re upset with him, either the others are too, or they should be, because he’s a fuck up. He knows he’s noticed as MIA because he’s not doing his usual responsibilities, Eddie said it the moment he came to find him. But Eddie didn’t get at him for not doing something. Instead he asked Steve what was up? And when Steve, who wasn’t grumpy with Eddie, because everything was only Steve’s fault anyway, barely answered like it was just too much to, Eddie changed his question into what’s wrong? Steve still wouldn’t say. He didn’t need you guilted. That’s not why he wanted you to come back to him. He also didn’t need his partners worried. Especially when they’d just find out he was shit. He didn’t want them to know what was wrong, because what if they figured he was wrong? Steve just wanted to be alone. Even though what he actually wanted was you. Or rather, you wanting him. If only he hadn’t been found. What if he just kept ruining things? His head hurt.
This was stupid. He was. He knew it anyway. But he bet you were kissing the others just fine. Steve probably was the one not giving you enough time, and now he was here spinning it, feeling sorry for himself. A gut punch feeling left when he heard not words, but the clear voices of Nancy whispering to you, once she’d left his room.
When you come to ask him what’s wrong, after Eddie and Nancy had tried unsuccessfully, Steve just puts the covers over his body further, turning away in bed, with a pout on his lips that he doesn’t realise is there. He also didn’t care that he felt like a big baby, he didn’t, he just wanted you. And he wanted you to kiss him, and hey, why hadn’t you yet? Where had his kisses been? Surely he deserved them. Were they not as important to you, because Steve loved sharing at least good morning and good night kisses with you. He debates about excusing, saying he’s sick. He doesn’t want people looking after him, especially when he’s fine, and lying, but he also doesn’t want to think about telling you. Is he really going to get your honest response if he does say why he’s not himself? Are you going to kiss him only because he reminded you, so Steve wouldn’t truly know the extent of your pull back, or just to pacify him?
But then when you eventually get it out of him, you don’t laugh even in a crooning way, you don’t look disappointed, or disgusted, you just look surprised. You apologise, and throw yourself on top of Steve, which does make him hug you back, because of course. He actually closes his eyes in the relief he feels, at knowing you two are okay, that you still love him just the same. And you two make sure to have a big long talk. As soon as Steve gets the all green that you actually do want to keep kissing him, that there was nothing wrong, he keeps trying to kiss you throughout your talk. He waits until he’s sure, but then he’s looking at your lips, and keeps moving forward, holding your hand softly so you stop placing it over his mouth while he keeps trying to kiss you.
But then he’s pretty happy, because once you two have had a loving talk, he gets to swoop your head close, and before the words can leave his lips, you ask exactly what he was going to by saying “Can I kiss you now?” And Steve really lays one on you. Romantic, but then loving and sweet as well. Both of you laughing through your noses between kisses, Steve making lots of little happy sounds as he holds your face, and makes sure you really are on top of him, caged in so you can never ever escape and deny him his kisses again. Very happily moaning into your kiss with sounds of pure joy as your hands rummage through his hair as you two go. Steve gets really pleased when he asks you to kick the door closed when Robin and Eddie interrupt, and you do so, to give Steve all the time and attention and love in the world, that he works too hard in, and sometimes finds lacking. And not only does Steve make sure to cover you in kisses everywhere, but he even jokingly asks where his nose/temple/chin/shoulder kisses are in return, as soon as you’d finished swooning over his.
Robin: she gets sad when you haven’t kissed her for a while, and runs away from it. Especially because you have all four of your life partners as lovers, who also love you. And while the others don’t have as many either, Robin only has you and Nancy as the girls in the group. She knew it was inevitable occasionally, but sometimes during group sex, you two were both busy with a boy each, and you’d try to include her with what she’s comfy with, but sometimes Robin feels like if you didn’t like her as much, everything would fall apart, or that she’s expendable or something, even though she knows that’s not true, and you’ve never really given her a reason to think that. But having not kissed you in a while, she doesn’t want to make anything worse.
She might ask Steve about it, or Nancy, or Eddie, but she also thinks they might say something. Or encourage her too, before she could fast forward through every thought in her head before she spoke to you. She was sweaty right now. Also, not that they would, but if any of the others looked at Robin after she told them her thoughts, and they said “what? Y/n’s been totally normal with me. What’re you talking about?” a part of her might just shrivel up. Robin knows what she should do, and what she’s going to vomit out in like two hours anyway, but she knows Steve or someone would tell her just to talk to you, and she’d rather just go crazy with them for a second, although Robin’s sure Steve would also let her do that as well if she wanted. And Robin does want to talk to you. And she also doesn’t. And she wants to word vomit everything, then hide away from you, but also have you save her from her own metaphorical tower in the castle after.
She had to bring it up, after realising and a spiral of looking over everything, a few hours later, she needs to bring it up or she’ll burst. When you sit by her because you notice her looking nervous, and ask her what’s wrong, Robin shoots herself over to hug you. With how quick your girlfriend moves, and the way she clings to you, you’re immediately asking “Robin, what’s wrong?!” But the fact she shakes her head, and doesn’t want to move away when you try and pull back, pull her apart, to talk to her, the fact she doesn’t want to start this conversation, or have you look at her, makes you know it’s more serious. You have to gently coach her with soothing words you know calm her, rubbing your hands on her arms as you slowly peek back, shuffling your bottom half closer so you can ask her what’s going on.
Robin gets very quickly soothed by you when she explains it seems like you two haven’t kissed in a while, and you explain too. You two quickly talk through how nothing’s wrong between you two, and it just happened, and you’re sorry it did, not only sorry for your love, but sorry because you’ve missed out on her kisses as well. You discuss it all, over what else made Robin upset, and going through every detail of the past day or two, that Robin latches onto because she loves hearing you talk and talk much like she will too, especially when she wants to know the details like now. You go through it all, making sure Robin really is okay, and know she’s loved, tenfold, going through everything she wants to talk about and making sure she truly has the floor. And when you’re both finally as secure as you could be in your relationship, and you’ve talked through everything, Robin ends up leaning in for her kiss first before you can, even as she’s still sniffling the last of her cries, but she pulls back smiling, with her hands on your face. She’s just so happy with you.
And Robin is very happy for you to spend the rest of the day, and the next, focusing very much on Robin and her happiness, giving her all the attention and affection she’s been lacking. You tell everyone for dinner, that you’re all going out together tonight, and to Robin’s favourite restaurant. Of course, you sit with Robin in the car ride, and in the booth, Eddie on your other side because he beat Nancy there, knowing she wouldn’t run in a restaurant. Robin’s even clinging to you when you’re both getting ready to go out. You go with her to her bedroom, putting on one of her jackets, both of you almost tripping Steve, and then Eddie, at the bottom of the stairs, because you’re tying each other’s laces there. And Robin is koalaing on you on the short walk to the car, both of you giggling into each other’s ears, as you bounce her while you carry her. In the restaurant, you’re pressing small little kisses to Robin’s shoulder throughout the night, and even leaning on it, and Robin gets to lean on your head, while you’re both sleepily stuffed, Steve going over to pay and Eddie in the bathroom. Robin doing most of the talking with Nancy, and lighting up inside with how cozy you are on her. And how both your knees have been stuck together the entire night.
And even the next day, you sit next to Robin on the couch, holding her the entire morning, even as one of the others comes up to ask if you’d like to do something, you have to pass this time, saying “Sorry I can’t, I have plans with Robin today.”
Nancy: is pretty busy. She focuses on other things quite a bit, like her career, and doing checks on people (and her weapons), making sure the house stays standing, she’s even got back into tennis now. Plus she understands you can be busy too. You two can do other things together, like have conversations, or a simple touch on the arm while you both share the kitchen. As long as she’s seeing you, she’s happy and secure in her relationship. And of course, she knows you’re okay. So she might not realise it for a little while, that you two haven’t kissed, even if you’ve been around each other, unless it becomes obvious.
And even then she just sees it as a coincidence of circumstance that it hasn’t happened in a couple of days, so the next time she sees you, she’ll be sure to give you a smooch, even if that’s in passing as you’re both walking through the hallway or something. She’s not worried, unless she’s given a reason to be worried. Then her Nancy Drew mind may be turned on a little.
But Nancy’s first course of action even then, after waiting to see where you are if you are home, and then seeking you out, is to swiftly and softly grab your elbow so she can lean in for a kiss. As soon as she’s leaning back, then she’s judging every facial and body expression of yours. Just to see if something actually was up.
And when she realises it truly was nothing, she’s very satisfied. Giving you another kiss, if you haven’t leant in for one already, and promising that right now she’s just very quickly going to finish up something (her work she abandoned when she had a new theory to sniff out and test) and then she’s going to come downstairs and she’s going to cuddle with you on the couch and hang out with you. Because she feels like she hasn’t in forever, and she could do with some nice relaxing time with her love.
If someone mentions something to Nancy though, even innocently, that might stick. Nancy might be doing some more covert investigative work. Checking if you’re kissing the others, or acting any differently around them, or differently with them compared to her, and that compared to all your usual nuances in your relationships within the relationship.
Of course, if you kiss her while she’s doing that, then all is solved pretty much! Nancy will have her newspaper in her hands, very slick she realises, but she’s watching over it as you and Robin flick each others noses over and over, getting closer to each others faces, with upturned chins and wider smiles each time. When you turn to Nancy, in the silence of recognising her eyes on you, Nancy gives you a smile over her paper, one you grow back in return, and Nancy also exchanges one with her other girlfriend.
Nancy knows there’s differences with everyone’s relationships with each other, and she’s not checking this out because of jealousy, she just... she needs to know if she’s done anything to change your affections towards her, or not. Because if it’s that, then she wants to change that, before it leads to a blow out, or a scenario where she tries to kiss you, but it’s too late, and you outright angle your head away from it. Nancy realises she’s catasrophising a little bit, but she also feels slightly bad, she wants to make sure she’s been giving you enough of her time. She knows she’s busy.
But also, maybe you’ve been on your own little mission too, maybe you thought Nancy was pulling away, but not just with kisses, in general? Maybe Nancy had accidentally seemed to spend more than with the others than you? There were too many paths to explore. Even when she’s checking on you, she’s at least in the same room as you, spending time with you like that. And usually you or the others invite her over, noticing her in those times. So she does get more time closer with you, doing things with you. She’s tried to sit next to you sometimes in those times, during her short intel collection.
But she eventually does talk everything out with you, after realising you might not be upset with her, but she still wants to talk about it. And also make sure she is giving you enough of her, she knows she throws herself into a lot of things, and a lot of things are important to her, but you, her family, are the most. But when she says she feels a bit silly, that she knew she was being, smiling as she’s reassured after her straight up talk with you, you hold her and tell her that that’s not true. It wasn’t silly, obviously you love her and none of that has changed of course, but if she ever is even a little unsure or worried, then she should ask, she should talk to you, just like she did now. Her feelings are never silly, and you’re so happy that she’s so amazing, and talks through them with you. Nancy kisses you harder after that. She always tends to love you more every time she speaks to you, and each time she isn’t sure how that’s even possible.
But also, Nancy feels so relieved, she gets softer in the exterior than she is sometimes. Just wanting to hold you back, and so thankful to have you in her arms, smiling as she ticks her cheek onto your shoulder, and feels you pressing kisses all over her hair.
When all of the four are holding you, looking bcak at you after your first kiss after this, they look at you so blissed, that they’re holding their world in their hands.
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moonlightcycle571 · 5 months ago
All the Batkids have their own favourite Superhero (that’s not Batman), but it comes as a surprise when Damian says his favourite is Captain Marvel.
Captain Marvel, after being put on ‘Robin Watch’ after Batman had to disappear in the Watchtower for whatever reason: so … what do you like to do?
Damian, who vividly remembers Dick telling him to play nice or he’ll tell Batman about the 364 cats he’s fostered with Selina: I … like Cats
Captain Marvel, who has no idea what normal kids do: Oh, me too! My best friend is a talking cat!
Damian, intrigued: … elaborate
Captain Marvel, already showing Damian pictures of Tawny: This is Tawky Tawny, he’s a magic tiger that sometimes live in the Zoo! He’s also my best friend 🥰💕😍💕😍💖💗💗💗💗😍😊🎉😊😍😍
Damian, already calling Selina: I would like to meet this Tawky Tawny.
Later, Batman would start to panic when he couldn’t find Robin, but then would be shown a picture from Instagram of Robin, Catwoman and Captain Marvel in Fawcette Zoo, specifically the tiger cage hugging a massive Bengal Tiger, captioned “the most civilised tiger you will ever meet”. The next picture is a picture with the three of them having tea with said Tiger in a suit.
Dick, Superman’s Number 1 fan: Oh please, he’s obviously the most like me! Captain Marvel and Superman look like they can be BROTHERS
Jason, forever a Wonder Woman Stan: HA, I heard that he WAS Wonder Woman’s Brother
Tim, hiding all his Cap merch: Oh yeah, he’s nothing like Red Tornado, so I’m good
Steph: why wasn’t I invited to the tea party …
Barbara and Alfred, tracking Captain down: Don’t worry, we’ll be invited to the next one
Cass, sensing something is off: … new … brother????
If you see Batman sulking in the corner, you saw wrong. If Batman sulks harder when he realises Barbara and Alfred figured out Captain Marvels identity before him and refuse to share… you’re a fucking liar.
Flash: …
Captain Marvel: …
Flash: so when do we get to hug the magic kitty
Captain Marvel: FOR THE LOVE OF-
Tawny, not even a week later: ✨I’m so popular✨
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coco-loco-nut · 9 months ago
Father’s Day
pairing: max verstappen x reader
summary: max is dating an international star
a/n: i literally had this idea last night and had to write a short blurb, i promise i am writing other stuff tho 🫶
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y/username happy father’s day, daddy. i love you and your big…
maxverstappen1 anything to share with me?
y/username not pregnant, just letting everyone know how turned on you get me
maxverstappen1 love you too, schat
user12 anyone else not getting it, like she is so hot and he is 😬
y/username you know that one barbie scene with the rock? that’s my maxie. also if you think he’s ugly, that’s fine, more of him for me 😍
y/username priority 1: old barbie movies priority 2: max
user3 ON THE MAIN?
user33 PR monster got her, I really wanna know what she was about to say
recordlabel we don’t… we actually want bleach for our eyes
redbullracing we will share our bleach if you send us demos of her next album 👀
charlesleclerc Go on, finish the sentence, I dare you.
y/username his big heart, ego, ass, trophy case, therapy bill from childhood trauma, i could keep going on but i don’t want to make you feel emasculated
user62 okay, but like how did he bag her?
y/username he has incredible rizz, and look at him🤤
“Happy Father’s Day, Maxie,” you grin as Max lays on you lap, looking up at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
“You aren’t pregnant, Schat,” he laughs, your fingertips gently scratching his scalp.
“We could change that, get some practice in for after the wedding?” you watch his eyes widen as he quickly sits up.
“Practice makes perfect, why don’t we practice now?” Max suggests, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom.
Your wedding is small, only some close friends and family in attendance. The ceremony takes place in your backyard, no reception beyond a dinner afterwards.
Despite both your respective fame levels, you didn’t want anyone knowing of the marriage. Fans still thought you were dating, so when you got a positive pregnancy test, you were extra careful.
Max was grateful that you had a private recording studio in the house, for when you needed to drop the album. You didn’t mean to choose the surprise drop date to be at the end of your pregnancy, nor Father’s Day, but life worked in funny ways.
“Happy Father’s Day, Maxie,” you softly say, handing the little bundle off to Max.
“This is the best present, he’s beautiful,” Max hold back tears as he holds his son close to his chest.
“I’m not sure if I will be able to top this next year,” you laugh a little, your tiredness making an apparent after a long labor.
“You should take a nap, I’ll be okay with him,” Max runs a hand though your sweaty hair. To him, you’ve never looked more perfect.
“I have one thing to do first,” you yawn, pulling out your phone. Max slides into the hospital bed beside you, you immediately nestle into him, his warmth enveloping you.
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y/username SURPRISE! midnight rain is out now! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it for the past four years. There is so much in my life that happened, so enjoy my journey through heartbreak, love, and growth. I want to quickly thank Max and my team for making this possible 💙
user1 AHHH this is so good, but didn’t she and Max break up? Why is she thanking him?
user3 dude, i think they are married, did you listen to everything else
user4 yeah, she had some songs about marriage, but she hasn’t been at any races since last year
user10 did y’all see the statement saying there won’t be a tour for the album?? crying in the club
user11 Okay, but Robin?? secret child??
maxverstappen1 endlessly proud of you, schatje
user5 we get it bro, she wrote Dress and The Alchemy about you
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maxverstappen1 our little robin decided to hatch 💙
danielricciardo So happy for you and Y/n, mate. Big day for the Verstappen family, can’t wait to hold the little guy!
y/username he will love his Uncle Danny
y/username he’s perfect, just like his daddy
redbullracing what a gift for father’s day! sending our gift to you 💙
user42 guys, y/n’s song credits changed…
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worldlxvlys · 11 months ago
can you do a fic where chris and reader are dating and reader interacts with all the edits of chris on tiktok and fangirls with the chris girls.
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing, sexual jokes
a/n: i kinda love this, i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone do a tik tok social au before
lmk what you think
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**click yes to actually watch the edits**
yes scroll
@ y/n
y/n -> the sturniolo police abt to get ur ass (same)
suddenly i’m on my knees 🫠
y/n -> literally me
y/n is so lucky but idk if i wanna be her or chris more
y/n -> i’d want myself too honestly (i’m kidding i love chris)
why is he not in my bed rn ??
y/n -> sorry bae he’s in mine ✌🏾i’ll tell him to go visit u later !
y/n -> the way that i genuinely ask myself this question on a daily basis
y/n -> fr like who does bro think he is ??
y/n -> idk which is crazier, your username or this edit ( both eat tho)
the fact that y/n is always just lurking in the comment sections of chris edits absolutely takes me out ���😭
y/n -> gotta support my man and his talented ass fansss
i need him BAD
y/n -> same (i already have him)
i just need one chance 😫
y/n -> nah bae, he’s got a brother thooo !
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yes scroll
@ y/n
his hair is really nice 🤭
@evieolo -> I’M SAYINGGGGG
it always looks so soft and fluffyyyy
@mbbsgf -> if he ever shaved it off i would cry
y/n -> you and me both sis
yesss, i love my husband’s hairrrr 😍
y/n -> aren’t you a matt girl ?? where’s your sense of loyalty ??
my man is looking FINE
y/n -> girl, i don’t know how to tell you this…
even the paparazzi is obsessed with his hair
@sturniolowhore -> can’t even blame them
@bethsturn -> he’s just so 😫
@ y/n -> you guys get it
biting my phone rn
y/n -> glad i’m not the only one !
long hair chris >>>
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yes. scroll.
@ y/n
it’s a good day to be a chris girl
y/n -> it’s a good day to be chris’s girl
@ y/n -> they’re long as hellll 😋
@defnotayonna -> wdym by that 🤨
chris girls, how y’all doing ??
i’m just a sturniolo girl atp
@ y/n
@blueeyedbesson -> not you watching chris edits while you’re with him 😭
@hearts4chriss -> oh hey boo tell my man i said hey 😛
@ y/n -> oh is matt your man now ??
@ hearts4chriss -> …girl don’t play with me
@starsturniolo -> he’s so fineeeee 😩
@robins-scoop -> LIKE WHY ISN’T THIS MAN IN MY BED ??
@ y/n -> sorry y’all he’s in mine !
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yes. no.
@ y/n
@ y/n
damnnn me and flo milli twinninggg 🤞🏾
@ christophersturniolo -> oh look at that it’s night
@readerakayourname -> CHRIS 😭
@fandomhopped -> he’s so real for that honestly
@ y/n
i’m absolutely obsessed with that first clip
@yamamasjumpercables -> i want this edit engraved in my brain
@ y/n -> no LITERALLY
i’d let him choke me any day
@ y/n -> where is your self respect 😧 ( literally same )
the only person’s babies i’d carry
@ y/n -> WHAT 😭😭 (real)
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yes. no.
@ y/n
his frat boy era will be missed 😔🙏
@rootbeerworshiper -> frat boy chris >>>>>
@ y/n
song choice >>>>>
@ christophersturniolo -> i wanna watch u get naked !
@ y/n -> then come over ???
@patscorner -> oh !
@junnniiieee07 -> ik those are the lyrics but i don’t think they’re joking 😭
@ y/n -> 🤫
@chr1sgirl4life -> THAT’S MY MAN MY MAN MY MANNNN 😍
@breeloveschris -> incorrect that’s MY man !
@ y/n -> idk how to tell y’all this…
this audio choice was the best decision you could’ve ever made
@vanteguccir -> this song is so chris coded
@55sturn -> frat boy chris + this song 😩
@mayhem-72 -> his smirk ?? are we kidding ??
@ y/n -> bros ego is INFLAMMED
he ain’t even the fart fr
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yes. no.
@ y/n
@ y/n -> i’m sayingggggg
smash !
@ y/n -> oh (i agree)
@disturbedwoodelf -> i love how no matter what chris edit i’m watching y/n is always in the comment section
@ y/n -> AND AMMM
@ mattsturniolo -> she has nothing better to do
@ y/n -> alr fuck you too then
-> and you can’t be talking you had to click at least 5 different drop down arrows to even find this reply
@ mattsturniolo -> i’m very busy actually
@ christophersturniolo -> matt you’re literally walking around the house catching pokemon
@nikolastrn -> damn they gagged you 💀
@bernardsbendystraws -> i’d rock his shit
@ y/n -> what do i even say to this
@ berbardsbendystraws -> wanna join in ??
@ y/n -> oh my 😨 (🤭)
@ frxy on tiktok
@ bl6tts on tiktok
@ sturniolo.vfx_ on tiktok
@ strvnloml on tiktok
@ chrislover476 on tiktok
@ edzbyang on tiktok
this took me wayyyyy too long to make, but it was so funnnn
lmk if you want more like this :)
no tag list cause i tagged y’all in the actual fic 😝
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bbyjackie · 2 years ago
one piece social media + dating feat: sanji
》 almost everyone wanted sanji's ver
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♡ liked by sogekingg.usopp, FRAAANKY and 3.9k others
_ynln: hard launch
tagged: blackleg.sanji
theroronoa.zoro: what is he pondering so hard about 💀💀 (liked by nicorobin)
↳ blackleg.sanji: i was staring at a polaroid of the most beautiful, fantastic, gorgeous, jaw-dropping, mind consuming, pretty, lovely, enchanting, heart-throbbing, charming, attractive, cute, captivating, bewitching, stunning, irresistible, elegant, heavenly.. see more
↳ theroronoa.zoro: oh my god forget i asked
sogekingg.usopp: wdym your relo has BEEN hard launched since like four months ago 🤨🤨
↳ _ynln: sad 💔💔 i wanted to soft launch it but that was never possible
↳ theroronoa.zoro: i was trying to sleep and all i heard was screaming
↳ lovenami: real, if i was sanji i would be shocked too if i pulled yn ☝️
↳ blackleg.sanji: @theroronoa.zoro I HAD TO ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT MY DEAR YN SAID YES 💞💘💝💗
↳ sogekingg.usopp: y’all got NO faith in sanji 😭😭
p1rateking_luffy: what's hard launch?
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♡ liked by theroronoa.zoro, ilovecottoncandychopper and 5.3k others
_ynln: he made me dinner, i might just cuff him rn 😪🤞
tagged: blackleg.sanji
↳ blackleg.sanji: don't even try, i locked the door
↳ p1rateking_luffy: LET ME IN!!1!1!!1
↳ p1rateking_luffy: LET ME INNNN PLEASEEEEE
↳ _ynln: luffy omg wait im making you a plate 😭
↳ p1rateking_luffy: OOO THANKS YN
↳ p1rateking_luffy: btw whats a hard launch
_ynln: @blackleg.sanji you actually look so fine in this photo i might just have to delete it 😮‍💨😮‍💨🫵
↳ blackleg.sanji: ANYTHING YOU WANT MY LOVE 😍😍😍
↳ _ynln: ok 😭
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♡ liked by nicorobin, p1rateking_luffy and 13 others
priv.ynn: usopp is a real one for taking these photos ☝️☝️
tagged: blackleg.sanji
↳ theroronoa.zoro: yn blink twice if you need help
↳ lovenami: ngl yeah that was a bit concerning 😭😭 (liked by nicorobin, sogekingg.usopp)
↳ priv.ynn: EVIL AHHAHA
p1rateking_luffy: yn what's hard launch?
CAPTAIN.KIIIID: i hate happy people
ilovecottoncandychopper: i love that you guys love eachother ❣️
↳ nicorobin: agreed
↳ priv.ynn: AWW YOU GUYS <333
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♡ liked by _ynln, S0U1K1NGBR00K and 7.4k others
lovenami: robin w us in spirit </3
tagged: _ynln
S0U1K1NGBR00K: May I see both your panties? 🤲
↳ lovenami: words cannot explain how much i DONT want that (liked by _ynln)
↳ sogekingg.usopp: YOU SHOULDVE SLAPPED ME
↳ p1rateking_luffy: WAIT I WANTED TO SEE BARBIE TOO
↳ p1rateking_luffy: anyway what's hard launch?
↳ lovenami: luffy you can barely concentrate on a five minute video, we aren't taking you to the theatre for two hours 💀💀
↳ _ynln: yeah luf, love u but you're gonna be bouncing off walls by the 20 minute mark 😔😔
nicorobin: so pretty! (liked by _ynln, lovenami, blackleg.sanji)
↳ _ynln: MISSED U SM ROBIN 💔
↳ FRAAANKY: sanji im worried you're one more comment away from a restraining order
blackleg.sanji 2h
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[blackleg.sanji] _ynln replied to your story: omg sanji stop im so in love with you 😔💞
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shiftinghoesblog · 2 months ago
yapping about my drs ❕❕
okay so this was a request from one of my moots to do this so yeah!!
i have no clue where to start but i’ll talk about some of my desired realities that i shift to but probably mainly non group shift ones so personal ones 🫦
- this is one of my most recent drs i’ve been scripting and not gonna lie the main reason i’m shifting here is because of my man 🤭 he cosplays gojo... so you probably know as to why but besides the point, i was raised a nepo baby and younger sister to meghan thee stallion. i am a content creator, influencer (duh), fashion designer and i live with my s/o in the upper east side of new york🗽. i scripted that my first shift will be during christmas eve because who wouldn't wanna experience the city that never sleeps during the festive season and with your partner 😩 it’s gonna be the dream. i have a mad crazy friend group but i love them all because we’re so hot, cool and sexy. i did script that megan’s parents are still alive in my dr so let’s not worry about that. 💀 i dreamt about this dr a couple of times actually and about my s/o 😍, a couple of my friends. really looking forward to this dr.
- i think i shifted here like twice or a couple of times but didn't realise it because i did mention to y’all about chilling with kiara and sarah, another time i did find myself surfing like literally just living the life through the waves and my ass thought it was a dream. looking back i doubt it was, in many instances to be honest. in this dr i am the sister to kiara and my s/o is pope 😌 i grew up a kook but i transitioned to a pogue when i joined the others. i’m the reason behind kiara and sarah making up and i’m close with rafe since kiara and sarah were best friends and probably would have sleepovers together. i scripted that cleo’s lesbian lmao 😭 you know why. i wiped the plot out a little and also made everyone graduate already so that school is out of the way when hunting for the gold.
yep, i have an atla dr yay! in this dr i’m the oldest sister to kiara and sokka. i’m a waterbending master and my s/o’s zuko??? enemies to lovers kinda vibe. definitely part of the gaang and i’m shifting here because atla is part of my childhood. i have the ability to also create ice and other powerful combat skills so i can't wait to experience this universe.
i also have a lok dr because why not, i’m the little sister to korra the avatar but i’m gonna prove to everyone that i’m also capable to make a difference and i scripted that i can blood bend.. so ain't no one gonna touch me as well still being able to water bend. my s/o is bolin because he’s so underrated for real.
in this dr, i’m a hybrid so vampire and werewolf and an adopted mikealson. i live in new orleans and my parents are rebekah and marcel even though their not my bio parental figures because they are already dead 💀. also hopefully i can survive when dahlia comes in because i scripted that my first shift will be during season 2 😓 well shit wish me luck y’all. at least i’ll get to see baby hope aw.
i have a fame dr because i love attention 🥰 my main profession is being an actor and i’m known for my role in the vampire diaries. i also play robin in the one piece live action and act in many more projects, a nepo baby in this dr too because almost all my family members are well-known. my s/o is caleb mclaughlin? he plays lucas in stranger things and our characters in the show dated so that’s how our relationship sparked.
i love talking about drs so yeah i have a twilight dr where when i first shift, i’ll be human but i get turned by a villain in order to send the cullens (my friends) a warning like it’s “game on” so i’m gonna have to mentally prepare myself because i’m gonna basically die 😭 lmao. my s/o is jacob because i’m team jacob simple and it’s a slow burn 😀 woop woop.
waiting room - i plan on permashifting here, chill, script, feel free, play with my cat, breath fresh air.
better cr - a better version of my cr and my s/o is jiung from p1harmony, i live with jenna ortega, i attend a boarding school in london, i also model.
wednesday - i’m the sister to bianca and my s/o is kent, i’m a siren and psychic medium.
fate: the winx saga - it’s so underrated i see no one shift here but it’s like the winx live action adaption on netflix, the only dr where i didn't script an s/o.
ateez - my s/o is san and i’m the only female and 9th member, main rapper, performer and maknae.
streamer - i go by lemonpie and my s/o is cory kenshin 😚.
victorious - grew up watching it and i’m andre’s sister.
soloist - i’m a k-pop soloist in this dr and my s/o is blackpink jisoo (yes I’m wlw) she’s so 😍😍😍.
singles inferno - this is a dating reality tv show but at the end of it i end up with wonho (ex. monsta x) i’m besties with song jia.
not gonna lie they piss me off if they don’t put the damn effort
one piece (anime) - so far my most enjoyable one is the one piece (anime) shared dr because we talk almost everyday. anywho my s/o is sanji ahhh my vinsmoke baby! i’m the little sister to the asl brothers and my devil fruit is similar to aokoiji so ice ect. i am part of the straw hats and joined them during the alabasta arc.
kard - the k-pop co-ed group basically, me and the person barely talk so you see why i prefer my personals drs.. yeah. my s/o is enhypen’s jay 😍 and my positions are sub-rapper, sub-vocalist, producer and maknae. i’m always a maknae in k-pop group drs for some reason 😭.
the legacies - person dipped on me and didn't even fill any of their sections so! i’m poly with hope and josie, i’m a werewolf and witch.
harry potter - i’m the head girl of slytherin and my s/o’s draco, i scripted fred’s death out. also shifting to the half-blood prince era.
teen wolf - i’m a tribrid in this dr so i’m gonna be unstoppable!
the vampire diaries - a bennett witch, cousin to bonnie.
one piece (live action) - i’m a phoenix hybrid in this dr and also part of the straw hats, grew up around shanks.
romance - umm this dr ticks me off low-key because the person that i’m group shifting with ghosts me 😝 i didn't script an s/o for a reason i’m just gonna ditch them for jonathan daviss 💀💀💀 like imagine fumbling manon (I'm shifting as manon from katseye in this dr) i don’t want that person as my s/o anymore and like we’re “friends” here, miss me with that shit.
my hero academia - the group shift is dead bro no one is fucking talking in the group chat, one of them quit shifting, the other i was pfp matching with changed their damn pfp without telling me. script ain't finished too, they all called it a day. and y'all wonder why i don't wanna join no group shift no more.
this was lengthy but y’all asked to yap about my drs other than jujutsu kaisen which you already know about that dr and spill some tea so i did exactly that, i hope you enjoyed and this better not flop, i spent hours typing this 🥳.
there has been minor positive changes to some realities that i shift to i.e the romance dr is now a shared one with my platonic soulmate who does put effort in the group shift (i kicked the inactive one i complained about out) and i didn't end up with JD (jonathan daviss) that is my best friend, my s/o is currently the love of my life (dominic fike) and i couldn't be happier.
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robilover · 5 months ago
Transfem!Robin x female!Reader NSFW?
I feel like she’d be so good at both edging and aftercare 🥺
Transfem!Robin NSFW Headcanons !
pairing(s): robin x fem!reader
cw: nsfw, [very] consensual sex, edging, dumbification, praising, use of protection, slight breeding kink, men and homophobes dni.
a/n: nghtngn to be penetrated by robin😍😍
+a/n: this took SO LONG, I’M SO SORRY!! this was so rushed too, I hope this is okay💔
nsfw under the cut, read at your own risk!
honestly, robin wouldn’t mind being the top or the bottom. she just wants you to have the best orgasm of your life.
always uses protection!! she doesn’t want to accidentally impregnate you if you didn’t want to have children (yet).
but the thought of filling you with her cum would make her mind go haywire, to the point that she’d lean down to your ear and whisper how much she wanted to fill you up, even though she was using protection. that’s for next time— in the future <3
consent is sexy. she would never do anything without asking you first. for her, your pleasure comes first <33
always asks if she’s doing good. she wants to be praised; the same way she praises you for taking her so well. for being her good girl.
she loves it when you babble incoherent words while she moves in and out of you, it spurs her on so much that she is the sole reason why you’re so desperate for her, all dumb for her.
robin definitely has a thing for edging you, especially if you’re riding her. the desperate look on your face, begging her to let you cum was just so adorable for her. you can hold it in, right? you can take it, she knows you can. you’re her good little girl, her dumb little baby who just needs to be fucked dumb by her.
also, even when she goes rough, she tells you to say the safe word if it’s too much. your safe word is feather! (you hardly ever say that btw)
YES, THE QUEEN OF AFTERCARE!! she is absolutelyyy gentle and loving after she ravishes you. cuddles, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, baths, massages; she’d even dress you up herself, in her clothes. her pleasure? no need to worry, she’s pleased enough to see you being a moaning mess under her. don’t worry, she came a few times, but not as much as you did. <33
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timetravellibrarian · 9 months ago
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Sanji x reader
Some thoughts on Sanji.
Sanji x femreader
What happens when a simp meets another simp.
Sanji's advances toward women were never really taken seriously or even paid attention to.
He mostly cooked and waited tables at the Baratie, occasionally kicking ass if needed to. One thing he wasn't expecting was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen – you– enter through the doors along with a green-haired man and another gorgeous orange-haired woman.
"Hello ladies, what would you like to order?"When he had smoothly delivered a pickup line to both you and Nami– much to Zoro's annoyance at not getting proper service– he expected the usual his advance ignored.
"Well, I'd order you but you aren't on the menu." You threw back. It wasn't intentional. You weren't that much of a flirt, only used to doing or saying something to challenge or fluster others occasionally.
When the waiter in front of you seemed to have frozen on the spot and then smirked you were left with two words on your mind 'oh shit'.
Fast forward to the same man being in your crew, serving you guys the most delectable meals and kicking ass you were ready to give up on having a peaceful life.
Though he sent all his simpery to Robin and Nami he left you out of the loop. At first you didn't mind but overtime you questioned his actions. Wondering if he didn't try to flirt with you because of the first time you met or maybe he didn't think you were beautiful. Then you looked in the mirror and realised it must have been some other reason cause you knew you were drop dead gorgeous.
You weren't being vain, you knew you were pretty because you were told so by Apis when the crew helped her with Grandpa Ryu. Kids never lie about such matters.
Unbeknownst to you, Sanji didn't treat you the same because he knew that he wouldn't be able to save himself from loving you and confessing.
Your eyes, your voice, the grace in which you would do things. Even when you were being a menace to society. All of those he loved. You'd think he couldn't simp enough till he saw you not look glamorous and just chose to where baggy clothes. Not gonna lie he'd think you were gorgeous in a chicken costume, you never know with this man
As much as he was too shy to approach you he wasn't afraid yelling at Zoro to stop being so close to you.
You were close friends with Zoro. It couldn't be helped if you were the weapons expert, always checking if cannons were clear, swords were sharp and helping with new inventions with Franky.
So instead of noodle dancing around you he did the little things. Checking everything that he cooks didn't have anything you were allergic to. Always making sure you had a little lunch bag whenever everyone left to explore the island. Giving you extra cupcakes or other baked goods of you ever want more.
If you're a picky eater, he'd make sure to make your food according to your taste. Leaving multiple options on the dinner table for your palate.
He also made sure not to be away from your side too long. Wherever you turn you'd find a swirly-browed cook casually wrapping an arm round you to stave off any threats.
When you get sick he'd be calling in Chopper for any problem you would even slightly complain about. He'd be beside you 24/7 like you were dying or something. Which is kinda sweet but he was needed in the kitchen.
Overtime it just became normal for all this to happen. You got used to it. In fact I think y'all would be the kinda couple that just happened but then later confessed your undying love for each other.
To top it off, you were his number one supporter. Everytime you caught a glimpse of him fighting you'd cheer like you saw a celebrity. Some would swear that his behaviour rubbed off on you because you were also cheering and doing a noodle dance whenever he wore a different suit or set of clothes.
But sometimes there were some downs in the relationship, for example his smoking.
You'd worry over him whenever he pulled out a cigarette one after the other in a day. Which led to you talking to him about it.
"If you don't atleast limit your smoking, you might as well be Black-lung Sanji."
He was a bit flabbergasted with the statement but he got what you meant.
Or if you had terrible coughs in reaction to his smoking he would try to smoke at a distance so he wouldn't and I quote, "Damage your gorgeous lungs"
As we all know Sanji, he didn't like women fighting too much or getting hurt but you immediately shut him down on that one, saying that as much as some of his morals were so gentlemanly and some old fashioned he had to accept that you wanted to fight. You wanted to help Luffy become king of the pirates. You wanted to be able reach your dream. So that needed you to be strong. That needed you to fight.
Since then he just aimed to be able to support you in any event that you needed help but he wouldn't be overbearing.
Would allow only you near the kitchen if you wanted to cook or bake something and you would allow only him near your forge/ workspace if he wanted to be near you.
Unfortunately for him you had connections wherever you went so you found out about his life in Peachy Island and never let him rest about it for a while.
And before anyone says anything about Fishman Island Sanji. Let's just say you were besties with Zoro there. Much to the cook's dismay.
"Stop being around that mosshead, Love."
"Stop losing blood around mermaids, Sweetheart."
Long story short, y'all were a confusing couple around that time. In fact, once he saw you were hanging out with the swordsman he would butt heads with the man. Leading you to pull him away before anything crazy happened.
Most times you told him to sit down and let you cook for the crew, especially if he was injured. He wouldn't allow it on account of Luffy's stomach being a literal black hole but you'd convince him otherwise.
When y'all fought together it was sure to leave the enemy in broken bones, hopes and dreams.
With Sanji kicking them away with his special moves and you pulling out a large cannon from the bag you carry around ( which was comically small but it was your magical inventory), nothing could stop you two. Sometime you'd trade opponents if he found himself fighting a woman.
Sometimes you helped him clean up after meals. Making sure that he didn't get all the work.
Most times he'd sit with you beneath the blanket of stars, his head on you chest/belly and you'd both share secrets about yourselves.
All in all, Sanji would love you to infinity and you'd love him just as much.
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steddie-island · 2 months ago
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💛
Thank you! 😘😘😘
It was a big writing year for me and there are a lot of fics that I'm really proud of. 🥰
Mutually Beneficial - Smutty filth with a mean dom Eddie. 😌
Wallpaper - Platonic Stobin, with Steve coming out as transfem to Robin (TBH I love all 3 of the fics that I did in this little 'verse.)
Sweet as Cherry Wine - Featuring transmasc Steve Harrington and vampire Eddie Munson. Again, I love all 3 that I've done for this 'verse and am excited to do more with them.
Love is a Battle(vest) - Steve replaces Eddie's battle vest and they get together about it.
Squeezed In - Steddissy filth with some sweet schmoopy feelings that sneak back in at the end. Eventually there's going to be a part 2 to this, too. I just have to finish it.
I'm also going to follow your lead and rec some of my fave fics of the year! All of these are Steddie unless noted otherwise.
Like Lovers Do by @v3llichor - Just SO FUCKING SOFT. You can't go wrong with any of their fics (I know I'm biased here but Dra-mate-ic was a gift fic for me that is just full of Steve and Eddie both being ridiculous and dramatic and Robin and Chrissy being fed up with them. It's so cute, go read it!) Also No Fairy Tale Ever Started This Way, it's so funny and so hot and just really gives us dork 4 dork Steddie.
I had been hungry, all the Years by @jamiethegardener55 The Steddissy fics of all Steddissy fics. Also go read her unsafe, medium sane, very consensual series because it is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mine by @runninriot (another author where you literally cannot go wrong with any of the fics you pick.)
Proximity by @stervrucht Some of the best fucking pining you will read I s2g!
To the moon and to saturn by @pennyplainknits Correction— this is the series name but you should read both parts anyway! The first part features Steve helping Robin when she's asking him to explain going down on someone (SO SWEET and so well done I cryyyyy) and the second part is lavender marriage Stobin and it is also so 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!
Sub Eddie Week by @steddieas-shegoes All 7 parts are just exquisite. 😌
Demisexual/Virgin Eddie by @pearynice Another series where every one of them is just so fucking good. Just do yourself a favor and read all of them because 😍!!
I don't know you figure it out by @wynnyfryd The first Steddie series I got into, I read this on Tumblr and then immediately went and read it on ao3 once I was caught up. Mind the tags, this one has some angst to it, but it's so fucking well done and makes me want to bite shit in the best way!
I know I've left a lot of really talented authors off of this list, I would be here all year if I tried to remember every amazing fic that I managed to read in 2024. We're a fandom that is really lucky to have so many amazing authors and artists.
Here's to Steve and Eddie keeping our brains rotting in 2025!
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oh hello, I am here for my first beloved hype fic: someone who cares! prompt: "do you remember when we first met?"
I'll leave the rest to you and your gigantic, perfect brain <333
Lex!! 😍 Thank you so much for all your support and for giving this little universe so much love. These two were the starting point of my Steddie obsession AND of my fanfic journey, and they'll always hold a special place in my heart. Hope you'll enjoy their wedding day!
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Perfect, somehow
Rated: G
Words: 986
Tags: No UD AU; Modern AU, Steve is Dustin’s dad; Established relationship; Wedding day; Eddie Munson is a sweetheart; Steve Harrington needs a hug
Notes: Set in the same universe as Someone who cares
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Steve is staring out at the rain and the soggy decorations dangling sadly from the branches of the apple tree when he hears the bedroom door open.
“Hey Robs,” he sighs, fiddling with the flimsy zipper of the dry cleaner bag. “Do you think it’s too late to reschedule the whole thing? I know Eddie will be disappointed, but-” 
“Disappointed?” says a voice behind him. A very familiar, very male voice that is distinctly not Robin’s. “I think the word you’re looking for is fucking livid, honey.” 
“What the fuck?” Steve yelps, whirling around so suddenly he nearly topples. “I told Dustin to get Robin!” 
Eddie shrugs - or at least Steve thinks he does. It’s a bit hard to say with only his head poking into the room, the rest of him still hidden behind the half-open door. “She’s downstairs talking to the caterer. Can I come in or what? Dustin said, and I quote, Dad looks like he’s about to puke on his ugly-ass shoes.” 
Steve’s gaze flicks down to his tan leather slippers. He bought them especially for today, to have something to go with his cream suit. 
“It’s bad luck to see each other before the ceremony,” he mutters. 
“Yeah right,” Eddie snorts and steps into the room. The mumble of voices from downstairs dims as he shuts the door behind him. “Except from what you just said, you’d rather not have a ceremony at all.” 
“That’s not true,” Steve blurts. “Of course I wanna- … oh shit, you look amazing.” 
Eddie smiles - the boyish and dimpled one that was one of the first things Steve fell in love with - playing with the lapels of his suit jacket. Black, just like his shirt and tie and pants. His hair has been tamed into a braid, the first stubborn strands already escaping and curling around his face. 
“Thanks,” he says, black leather shoes nervously scuffing on the bedroom floor. “You only get married once, huh? If you still wanna. Marry me, that is.” 
Steve groans. The dry cleaner bag, still clutched in his clammy hands, crinkles as he flops down on the bed. 
“Of course I wanna marry you. I wanna marry you so fucking badly, you have no idea!” 
Eddie’s brow wrinkles. “Then what’s the problem?” 
“What’s the problem?” Steve blurts, gesturing frantically at the curtain of rain behind the windowpane. “I wanted this to be perfect, and now? Weather forecast says it won’t stop raining until tomorrow, and even if it did, the yard’s a fucking mud field. And as if that wasn’t enough, the fucking dry cleaner ruined my suit jacket.” 
He unzips the bag, shaking the mess inside at Eddie’s face. Those pretty brown eyes grow large. 
“Whoa,” Eddie mutters. “Please tell me you demanded your money back.” 
Steve doesn't reply, just continues to stare at him with the same glum expression. Eddie’s eyes go soft and he huffs a laugh. 
“Hey,” he says, plucking the bag from Steve’s hands and tossing it over a chair. Then, he plops down on the mattress beside him, knee to knee, and links their fingers. “Do you remember when we first met?” 
“Huh?” Steve blinks. “Yes, of course, why do you-” 
“I was one failed rent payment away from sleeping on the curb,” Eddie interrupts him, smile wide and happy. “The power company had cut me off weeks ago, and besides, I had pawned my laptop, so I hand wrote my application for that job you'd posted. Not that I thought I'd get it, but I was sort of grasping at straws, y’know?” 
His smile is warm and fond when he looks at Steve.
“That apartment building of yours was so fucking fancy. And then you barged out of that stupid, pompous penthouse and I thought shit, not only is he filthy rich, he's also disgustingly hot on top? Gimme a break, that's just unfair.” 
Steve scoffs, heat prickling at the base of his neck. “C'mon now, I was a mess. My father was breathing down my back at work, I felt like I was failing as a dad. The bags under my eyes were probably reaching my knees.” 
Eddie laughs, loud and carefree and Steve loves him. Loves him so fucking much, wants to spend the rest of his life listening to that laugh. Still can't believe he'll get to. 
“Okay, one: you looked like a fucking dream, baby. And two: I think we can agree we both weren't in the best of places, each in his own way. Right?” 
Steve scoffs. “Yeah, agreed.” 
Eddie's fingers squeeze his, the touch warm and familiar. The shape of his hand. The warm metal of his rings. Skulls and crosses, and the plain silver one Steve gave him on the day he proposed to him. “And still here we are, huh?” 
Steve takes a moment to let this sink in. Here they are. The man he loves and him, with the family they chose downstairs, ready to build a future together. 
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Here we are, I guess.” 
“So, what d’you say?” Eddie hums, lifting their entwined hands to kiss Steve’s knuckles. “You wanna get married?” 
Steve can't help it, he laughs. “Hell yeah, let's do it.” 
“Yesss,” Eddie cheers, jumping off the bed and punching at the air. “Let's fucking go!” 
Then, he starts unlacing his shoes. He's taken off his socks and is rolling up his pants before Steve finds his words again. 
“Erm, Eddie? What are you doing?” 
Eddie, just in the process of shrugging out of his suit jacket, shoots him a toothy grin. “What we do best, love. I'm making it work.”
They say their vows ankle-deep in mud, with the wind blowing rain under their umbrella and ruining their hair. It's nothing like Steve ever imagined his wedding day to be. It's all he never knew he wanted. 
And damn if that isn't its own kind of perfect. 
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More celebration ficlets!
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cyborg-franky · 1 year ago
Can you make a HC about what they do when Luffy is King of Pirates, the One Piece is found, Mystery of "D" resolved and so on? I mean if they stay Pirates, settle down, marry or do another profession. 👀 When there 35 plus or older. Please with Zoro, Sanji, Law and Kid 😍
Ooooh how fun! I did a bunch of chars including the ones you wanted : D
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Sanji Sanji finds the all blue and makes his own floating restaurant. Luffy always comes to visit and always eats him out of house and home. Sanji has long hair he keeps in a ponytail, and he has a beard he keeps in a braid, just like his old man [Zeff <3] Sanji is tough love with teaching his chefs but they all love and respect him. He’s married to his work and also every pretty person who steps foot in his restaurant. He calls it ‘The All Blue’ and he charges people with alot of money but helps out those in need. Thanks to Luffy being not just the pirate king but also a yonko his place is considered untouchable by the marines and thus everyone can come and eat here fearlessly with no worries. 
Zoro He’s the greatest swordsman in the world. He never leaves Luffy’s side, always sailing the high seas with his captain. When he does eventually settle down he gets married, and everyone is invited, even Sanji. He runs his own dojo now in Kuina’s memory, he teaches kids how to fight. He doesn’t turn away people who are female-bodied/identify as girls because he knows how strong they can be and would never play the sexist card. Everyone who trains with him are equal and valid. He would teach his own children how to fight too. He’s a firm but fair teacher. He still has that short mossy hair of his, maybe he’s got some ink now.
Nami Fame, wealth, power! Some say that’s just for the Pirate king, but Nami would disagree, Nami has everything she’s ever wanted. She sends back loads of money to her home island which have repaired all the damage that the Arlong Pirates ever did. They become a thriving community. She even makes sure there is a lovely orphanage, in memory of Bellmere with orange trees all around where young women can grow and learn skills and become strong and anything they want to be. Nami gets her short hair back.
Robin and Franky Together, but not married. Neither wants to get a piece of government-approved paperwork to say they are married. Robin can piece together all the mysteries of the world, the void century is her’s and she passed on everything she can to her students. She makes sure the next generation of the world will remember everything that happened both good and bad and as long as there are people alive who know what happened, who have seen the devil and god history can avoid repeating itself. Robin has her bangs back, and wears her long, long hair in a braid. 
Franky becomes a teacher himself! He passes on the amazing shipwright skills he learned from Tom to anyone who wants to come and learn from him. Both are a blessing to the generations after. Maybe Franky has toned down his look a little and he’s more like he was in pre-skip? 
Brook Still a hecken popular musician who is going around touring, loved by many, and as long as his music keeps touching people's hearts and he always has fans, he won’t ever truly be alone. He obviously reunites with Laboon too!
Jinbei Retired, living his best life back at Fishman Island, and has a spouse now. He keeps an eye on Fishman island though there is nothing but peace. After all the island and his people are protected by the pirate king himself.
Usopp Usopp goes off and becomes a pirate captain himself! But it doesn’t last very long, it’s just not the same so he retires and goes into writing books. He writes stories of all his fantastic adventures and inspires the hearts and minds of many young people who all want to be pirates. He also takes up art as a more serious profession. He writes and does his own artwork. Usopp’s Fables. Maybe he goes back to his village, him being a famous writer brings good things for the sleepy village.
Chopper Goes back to DRUM and helps the people, bringing back doctors to the island. DRUM once again becomes well known for how amazing its doctors are. He’s a good teacher for those wanting to be in the medical field.
Luffy THE PIRATE KING HIMSELF? Every night is still a party, he only settles down when the last of his crew wants to seek their own fortunes. He visits them all. Spending his time traveling between them and going on adventures. He never truly settles down. Just married to his love of life. 
Law Still a pirate, still with his crew because they are and always will be his family. He did everything he set out to do, take people down, and get revenge, he didn’t ever see his life past Dressrosa to start with so everything is a bonus. The only difference is now the heart pirates have less of a reputation for their captain being scary and cruel but the best place to take anyone with a rare illness. He specializes in learning about them and healing them. Totally rocking more tattoos everywhere and a ponytail maybe. Or an undercut…
Kid IGNORING CANON Him and his crew are still an issue for the world government, even in their 30s, 40s, hell even when they're 70 they are wild and causing chaos all across the world. Kid loses his violent streak and is just out here with his boys having the time of his life. Maybe he has a partner or two, he and Killer going polyam at last.
Marco Marco even at like 80 still looks younger, still a doctor on Sphinx but this time he’s not so honour bound to the memory of Whtiebeard and Ace. He sometimes leaves the island to go on adventures. He visits his partners, finally allowing himself to date again. He becomes a vet as well as a doctor, helping out people on islands he visits while seeing his partners. He’s enjoying his retirement, he has so many people in his life again that it heals his heart. Still, he aches for everything he’s lost, he always will but now he’s not shackled by it.
Sabo Thanks to his efforts and the RA the world is a more equal place, he makes sure of it. Aside from all of that. Maybe Sabo has a partner, maybe he’s allowed himself to have a few kids that he raises to be good and just and to never see the world as black and white but all the greys that the world is built up of. Making sure the next generation has a strong sense of their own justice. Sabo also wrote a huge book documenting Luffy’s travels after listening to his brother tell the stories over and over. The book becomes the legend of the Pirate King. The story inspires another era of pirates.
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the-sinful-voice-witch · 8 months ago
I love JAYSTEPH, hear me out! 🙌:
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The Robin who died by the fans and the Robin that was resurrected by the fans... Is so poetic yet some people is against it, but I just fell in love with them and I want to support this ship after I was finally able to let go Timsteph and I know theres people who will be Timsteph forever and others that strongly dislike Jaysteph but I think there's more people that are just simply unconvinced so I have nothing to lose if I play business woman and try to sell this potential romance to them, it deserves a chance! Let's see the arguments against it that didn't convince me first:
Steph becoming Barbara 2.0... (what a bat-list she had: Dick, Jason, Tim in a video game and fucking Batman 💀 got her pregnant once, but I didn't disliked it when she was briefly with Luke fox) But the only options for Steph that are bat family members aside Tim are Cassandra and Jason because... Dick, Damian, Duke, Luke, Kate, Barbara 😂? Eh NOPE. And even if Barbara and Jason had a thing once it was doomed from the beginning, Babs and Jay only had in common being Joker victims and Babs follows 100% Batman's ideals (while Steph mindset allows her to understand better Jason's point). Also I think Jason idealized her, it felt like they weren't on the same "level"(Timsteph has the same problem, Steph used to kinda idealize Tim too),but with JaySteph feels different, I think they would see each other as equals, the vibes I get are that they could relate to each other better. Not to mention that if they start a relationship now it won't be the same as another Robin-Batgirl attempt, remember that when it was with Babs it was described as a long term crush he had on her (like Dick) while with Steph not only she was also a Robin (that went through a similar struggle as him), first she was Spoiler, her own independent vigilante persona (with a background Jason could totally relate with) that was 100% unrelated to Batman before she even became a Batgirl (a heroine that was independent from Batman but was inspired on him unlike The Spoiler) and currently she uses both Spoiler and Batgirl titles, in anycase this would be another Robin-Batgirl situation if it was with Damian, because Steph was Damian's Batgirl (they even reminded Dick his olds days with Babs) but he was 10 and she was 18 so obviously NOPE. The relationship would start NOW as their current selves by realizing mutually how much they understand each other better than anyone, they aren't joined by the Joker they would be drawn because of their personalities and the struggles they had with their own families and the rejection they suffered from the BAT-family (at different times but the struggle is the same). This is something neither Tim or Babs can fully understand.
They're like "siblings". Ha! NOPE. Strongly disagree. They aren't related biologically or legally and Steph isn't even in Bruce care like Duke, she is basically... " Your kid's best friend who eats your fridge food" and with the issue about her dating Tim's brother, some people who pulls the sibling card are completely fine with Steph being with Cassandra... So dating Tim's brother is not ok but is ok to date his sister? 🤨 And bringing back the first argument the only ones I see as Steph's 100% sibling figures are: Barbara who is the big sister figure and acts like one and Damian who is indisputably his annoying little brother but why is Jason seen as her brother? Because of the banter? That doesn't immediately make you a sibling, you know friends to lovers and rivals to lovers and enemies to lovers also have banter right?
Their respective most popular ships in the past: for Tim I already made a post about it and Artemis... I totally understand Jason 🥵😍, between her and Ravager I prefer her because Rose seems to be more like a very good friend with very sexy benefits but with Artemis there's more emotional connection... But my issue with her is the immortality factor (i mean the fact that she won't die of old age, she being hundreds of years old I don't care) and that Artemis deep down has too much "independent" Vibes, I mean that I don't see her wanting the long term relationship, she can't have it anyway because of her immortality. And there was the problem that it was perceived as another Amazon-bat attempt in a "trinity"(with bizarro) and as much as some people liked wonderbat (not me, it was a bit awkward) in the end it doesn't work well (look at Damian and WonderGirl Cassie in DCeased).
Some sort of fantasy about an "age gap", this one is ridiculous. Some people believe that Jason is super old for Stephanie... Well in that case Stephanie was way super old for Tim too 🙄, I'll just get to the point: Jason died at 15 and only lasted dead 6 months, Tim became Robin at 13 and Stephanie is one year older than Tim, they met when he was 14 and she was 15 so... Do the math, is being one year older than her TOO OLD??🤡 one year and half maybe? If we count the 6 month dead. I mean I know he sometimes looks older because of the way they draw him, like a huge muscle chunk and sometimes he has a beard (ajj I hate beards). And yes, I know they changed their ages currently but at much he is only TWO years older than her and she is over 18 or 19 so... Like I said the age gap argument is a fairy tale.
"They never or barely interacted before", just what kind of argument is this?🤡Do you want Steph to only be attached forever to the Batgirls and Tim or just be alone? Jason has been more allowed than her to interact with other people, how unfair but the point is... they'll have to start someday don't they!? Or just because they barely interacted in the past it means they can't interact more in the future? Is really that unbelievable that they could start hanging out more often and bonding? Is that weird? Have you never suddenly talked with someone you know but you barely interacted before and realized you had more in common with them than you thought? That's something extremely normal to happen! I don't see how it would be out of place with Jason and Steph 🤷‍♀️.
Now let's see how this ship started and it's potential:
The ship existed before they actually met, people already shipped the possibility: the two failed dead Robins and (yes I'm counting Steph as dead because her dead was meant to be permanent), but they never met before the new 52 reboot and when it actually happened... It was a classic not very relevant banter, the second time he was impressed with her with how she dealt with the Scarecrow and after that there was barely interaction... But then we got these exactly interactions that made me ship them very hard, passionately and strongly in Task Force Z:
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ok, I'm an anime consumer, this kind of tiny details affect me very seriously, when you are used to see relationships in comics where the couple simply jump to sexy time right away and suck face hard and fall in love or feel attracted instantly we forget about the little things that makes us blush with yearning... you know, the moment something changes in how you see someone even if you still didn't noticed it and you just feel funny and don't know why. In this comic panels the relationship is not romantic and hasn't even begin being romantic, they aren't in love or are feeling attraction yet and that still remains to be seen but what is happening here is a change, is a start! Is the beginning and they way he reacts to her really get me fangirl squealing LOOK AT HIS FACE!!! Specially when she touches his wounded cheek... You can't convince me that this guy isn't touch starved and not so used to receive affectionate touching 😭, suddenly after a big beating he received Kindness from someone unexpected but that we all know... relates to him better than anyone in the bat-family but the best part is that she isn't there to just pamper him a little she just decided to have a nicer approach to him, she gave him coffee, she treated his face wound and she gave him a talk of tough love, she doesn't take his side 100% but she let's him know she is still a friend and then the last pages of the issue:
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She was the only one who wanted to say goodbye because once again she understands him and because of that she is more tolerant and forgiving towards his actions than the others while still not being dumb and knowing he still is up to trouble and again... The little touches always get me, the way she caresses his hand with the plane ticket gets me screaming more than their hug 😭😭😭 ah this is also their first hug! And I'm kinda pissed because the height is WRONG! Jason is taller than her! It shouldn't look like she is hugging Tim😒.
All right now my official points about why I love this potential relationship:
This is very important, this needs to be a SLOW BURN, I know jaystephers, I know you want kisses and hot moments but NOPE, that can't happen anytime soon, first we need a lot of little details and little touches, emotional conversations that don't end in kissing but in hugging, a lot of little meaningful looks and gestures, we need the rest of the fans that are not convinced, to get used to see them together interacting but not specifically obviously romantically, it has to be wholesome but we can't jump and shove the ship down people's throats, that's a turn off. Keep in mind that usually DC writers write love like a switch on and off, look at what they did with Nightwing! Just how many true loves has he had? A lot of bullcrap text about how much he is in love and obsessed with every new girl and not to mention Tim (let's hope he sticks to his NPC cardboard walking bisexuality proof boyfriend and stops fooling around with Steph, our girl deserves better). A new love that has hit hard has to be believable, the potential with their personalities gives for a lot to work with: Jason is a tough bad moody broody boy who is actually very emotional and sensitive and so affection starved he fell into Damian trap when he hugged him, Jason just melted into the hug (before he got hit with a taser, Damian you little shit...) and thats where Stephanie comes, Steph is someone completely open, eager, sweet, foward and unapologetic with her affections and here Mister pride and prejudice lover Jason has a romantic side. Jaystephers I'm serious, this can't be rushed, absolutely not and I'm being insistent because I came from reading an insane amount of jaysteph fanfics that almost all of them end up being porn with plot, I mean really good plot and also very skilled written porn... but still! "BONK" 🔨 go to horny jail! That can't happen in the comics 😂😂. With a slow burn unconvinced people will have enough time to process just how good is this ship. Simply it has to become a Romantic friendship before a potential romance and then an actual romance.
They have come a long way on their personalities, currently they aren't the same as they were before so if they started now it wouldn't be like the chaotic kind of toxic mess that it was Timsteph, because at that time they were insecure and irrational teenagers, honestly the writers messed them up a lot and I guess there's still a risk a new writer will fuck them up too but I'd like to think that if some writer goes for it they really have to like this ship and will try not to make it a complete toxic or cringy or a messed up disaster, if a writer chooses to do it I want to think is because they saw how much in common they have, how much their personalities are compatible, how good they would work together and how much they can relate to each other. What I mean is that there is a background where they can start even though they were never that close before and is all starting now, there is a lot of material to work! They don't have to make up things they only have to let it flow naturally, just put them together in a room and let them interact. I mean, right now he is a grumpy bad boy and Steph is a perky ballbuster, let's see how that goes.
The potential Romanticism of this couple is something really underrated, the two failures as Robins that walked on the same path, they own to have yet the "talk" About their respectives deaths and the subject about how Steph failed as a Robin because of being a reminder of Jason, they should talk about had him not died he would have been the one meeting her instead of Tim and wonder how things would have been then... They should team up more often and strengthen their bond, the need to build a romantic friendship, a dynamic that could drive us crazy and by the time they start flirting is going to be the BEST!! Just remember how Steph flirts shamelessly on duty 🤭🤭 but with Tim it was a bit boring, he always turns her down because he is such a good serious soldier 😑 and gets mad but with Jason? Unless he is specifically grumpy about something he would totally flirt back and totally flirt in front of villains while fighting until the villains can't take it anymore and just ask to be knocked out 😂😂😂 and also the chance to piss off Tim is just too good, I need to see it 😂😂😂. I mean, one I love about most Jaysteph fanfics is that Tim is always fucking pissed and grossed out about Jason dating Steph but normally is never about jealousy he is just overprotective (but casually they also add a jealous Damian who can't help but criticize Steph's taste in men 😂😂, I think is canon that he had a bit of a platonic crush on her when they met).
They have a lot of similarities but they aren't exactly the same, the things they have in common actually was used as an argument against it saying that just like with Babs he only had in common being a joker's victim, people thinks "dying" Is the only thing he has in common with Steph and they are very wrong: They both are members of Gotham's lowest class, both had drug addict mothers and criminal fathers, also Jason's real mom betrayed him and sold him out to the Joker and Stephanie's dad orchestrated a kidnapping of her and in the new 52 he kidnapped her and her killed her (even if he didn't meant to) and had to get revived by Lazarus pit goo, the way they died was also caused by the same stubborn need of proving themselves to Batman, doing something extremely reckless, also I have to point out that Steph has been compared to Dick, Barbara, Tim and Jason but it was her similarities with Jason what doomed her before DC decided to revive her, the writers did a messed up job with the principal reasons Batman rejected her so adamantly at some point but the principal one was that she reminded him of Jason and ironically he trying to prevent her from getting the same fate was what drove her to act and ending up like Jason and they both were officially the first black sheeps of the bat-family. But even with all that their personalities are both opposites and complimentary, I mean that despite having a similar trauma, when Steph came "back from the death" (The first "death") she became more positive and hopeful than before, she used to be more cynical and angry and unlike Jason whose resurrection was just as traumatic as his death and was not in his right mind, Steph returned to Gotham to once again try to belong and be a proper vigilante, she wanted to keep trying and do the right thing and fight to be accepted unlike Jason who at first he only wanted revenge. Steph can understand where he is coming from and be more indulgent to him than the rest of the family but at the same time she would stop him from going too far, she has the bravery to fight off trauma like the fear toxin and the will to never give up, so I see how she would never give up on Jason.
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And don't you dare give me crap about this ship being absurd or something because this is not even the most out of the blue couple DC has ever done! I already mentioned Tim and Barbara🤬, Batman and Barbara💀 but also Raven and Damian 😒, Damian and wonder girl Cassie 😐Batman and wonder woman😒, Superman and wonder woman😐, green lantern Jonh and hawkegirl🥰, Superboy and miss martian😍, Lego Batman and Lego Barbara🤪, Martian Manhunter and Rose Wilson😶, beast boy and Rose Wilson🤯 (married and with a daughter), Jason and fucking Taliah (damians mother) had sex with him 💀(I hope he had at least 18) Dick and Helena Wayne 💀, Dick and Zatanna😑, Batman and Zatanna🙄, Jason and Starfire🙅‍♀️ and recently Jimmy Olsen and Supergirl 🤔 so.... Really? Jaysteph is so out of the blue and weird that should never happen? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I'm not even asking to make it happen in the main canon! Most of these ships didn't happen in the main canon, who cares about the main canon? THE MAIN CANON KILLED ALFRED (you committed a blaspheme DC) and also the main canon destroyed Jon Kent childhood by aging him up 🤬🤬, this is why the main canon is not important anymore, this is why alternative universe and independent comics are more popular, like Supersons, Family Wayne adventures or the teen Titans series drawn by Piccolo... So is asking for too much to have Jaysteph somewhere? An animated show? An alternative universe comic? A fucking webtoon?? There's not a good convincing reason to not give a chance to these couple! Let them have a chance!! 😣😣😣😭😭🙏🙏🙏
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ashwhowrites · 1 year ago
you said you wanted eobinfics so I WILL DELIVER 😍
What about robin and reader who plays basketball, she showed up to a game because of band but forgot half of the music because she spotted a pretty player on the court, robin immediately had a huge crush on reader and of course reader noticed the cute French Horn player, who looked like she was desperately trying to understand what's going on
Adorable. I love this idea!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Court crush
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Robin has been in band for years, a class her mother made her take starting in elementary. Robin felt like an absolute dork carrying her French horn everywhere and felt even worse wearing the hideous outfits high school made her wear.
Robin hated playing at the sports games. The judging eyes of all the jocks heated her skin as embarrassment flushed through her. She hated cheering them on when they were making fun of her. Plus Robin didn't understand sports. Basketball? The ball goes in the net. Football? Tackle and run. Hockey? Tiny black thing and net. She barely understood what she was cheering for.
But then Hawkins high school started a girl's basketball team, and Robin was more than happy to cheer on girls for a change. She was simply a girl after all so of course she eyed every player. But number 7 had Robin gripping her French horn for life. She was incredibly attractive. Her hair was thrown up, the basketball jersey loose against her body, and the baggy shorts. Robin was captivated by her.
Robin didn't notice the instructor, she didn't notice that the rest of the band was setting up their instruments to play. Her eyes were focused on number 7 as she warmed up on the court.
Throughout the game, Robin tried to focus on the music, but the notes got lost in her day dream.
Y/N expected to feel eyes on her, she was a player on the court after all. But she felt someone staring at her, like a very hot gaze that followed her every move.
After the game, Y/N packed up her bag and switched out her shoes. She still felt eyes on her, so she looked around. The band was putting away their instruments, all except one girl. She had short brown hair, a deer-in-the-headlights look, and tan skin. Y/N offered a small smile as the girl continued to stare, but the girl seemed to be in a zone. Y/N offered a wave, the action caused the girl to snap out of whatever daydream she had. Her eyes went wide and she quickly looked away. Her head down as she gathered her instrument, most of the band already leaving the stands.
Robin prepared for the game, this time praying she had a grip on herself compared to last time. But the second the players ran out of the court, Robin found herself in that trance all over again.
And again
And again
"This is like the sixth game you've been messing up and playing a different song. What's going on?" Vickie asked another player that Robin stood next to.
Robin felt the heat of embarrassment cover her skin. She didn't want to admit she'd been checking out one of the players and her mind turned to mush.
"Lot going on." Robin shrugged, Vickie gave her a look but left it alone. Robin cursed at herself for being so obvious. She put her foot down and made herself pay attention to the whole game and not just the pretty girl.
As the game finished up, Robin felt like she could take a deep breath. She never knew how hard it was to keep her eyes off of someone.
Robin hummed a song as she packed up her instrument, excited to spend her Friday night at Steve's and eat tons of junk food. Probably spend the night talking to Steve about the pretty girl.
"excuse me?" Robin heard a voice coming from behind her, and a tap on her shoulder.
Robin turned around too fast, her foot getting caught in the bleachers. She winced as she fell backward, her hands preparing to catch herself when another pair of hands grabbed her hips.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya," Y/N said a smile on her face. Robin blushed as the girl held her in place. She was even more gorgeous up close. Even when she was all sweaty.
"No! It's fine. That's all me. I'm super clumsy. I trip over my own feet all the time. Ever fall up the stairs? I do! I once even fell out of a car, how is that possible?" Robin ranted, her mouth coming out with random words as she lost her breath. Robin couldn't help but notice she ran completely out of breath, catching her breath as she took in the silence. She went to apologize when the girl spoke up.
"You're cute, what's your name?" The girl removed her hands from Robin's hips, and Robin couldn't help but wish she kept them there.
"Robin, Robin Buckley!" Robin said, throwing her hand out.
Y/N eyed her hand, but gladly accepted. She shook the nervous girl's hand, "names Y/N."
Even her name was gorgeous.
"You're really good!" Robin said, proud of herself for coming up with a compliment.
"Well, I have to believe you since you watch me more than my coach." Y/N teased, a smirk on her face that made Robin's stomach flutter.
Robin didn't know what to say, she was embarrassed to have been caught. She tried to stutter something out.
"It's okay. If the pretty band girl wants to stare, I'm honored."
"Pretty?" Robin smiled, she wanted to giggle but couldn't bear to embarrass herself anymore.
"Very pretty." Y/N said, her smirk now a smile as she handed Robin a piece of paper.
"If you ever want to go past staring, give me a call," Y/N said, throwing Robin a wink as she walked off.
Robin looked down at the paper, excitement filling her as she saw the number written with a heart at the end.
Steve was so going to hear about this.
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lilacskiesapothecary · 1 year ago
The Little Things/Drabble/How They Care✨
One Piece
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Luffy: He would bring you your favorite food and make sure you never go hungry! Always having a snack for you in his pockets, just making sure you’re happy 🍱🍙
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Zoro: Never too far away. He would always be there to protect you, like a loyal and strong guardian. 🗡️💪
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Sanji: He would cook you the most delicious meals and shower you with endless compliments. He wants to make sure you always feel loved😍🍳
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Usopp: He would create unique and handmade gifts just for you, filled with his creativity and love. Just to bring a smile to your face.🎁✨
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Nami: She would take you on exciting adventures, exploring new places and making unforgettable memories. ⛵🌴
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Chopper: He would be your personal doctor, always making sure you're healthy and happy. Kissing anything that hurts to make it better.🩺🐾
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Robin: She would share her vast knowledge and wisdom with you, teaching you new things every day. Reading you passages that remind her of you.📚🌸
Franky: He would build you cool gadgets and inventions, making your life more convenient and exciting. Doesn’t want you to lift a finger if he can help it🔧🚀
Brook: He would serenade you with beautiful music and make you laugh with his witty jokes. You’re the prettiest when you smile and he wants to keep you smiling always.🎵😄
Jinbe: He would be your calm and support whenever you need to vent , always offering a listening ear and wise advice. Will always be there for you when you call🐟🤝
✨🌊 Introducing our One Piece inspired Soap! Smells of Sea Salt & Sage and made with Apricot seeds to exfoliate the skin🌊✨
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