#in Stolas’s defense he’s just a little guy
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midnight-vixn · 1 year ago
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Your honor, they’re idiots and I love them
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eldritchcreatureofwords · 6 months ago
I'm a little tired of seeing the 'Stolas should have defended Blitz at Ozzies!!!!' posts/takes. 1. Blitz caused that entire situation. Start to finish. He wasn't supposed to be there, he wasn't there under genuine pretenses, and he shouldn't have said anything when Moxxie was coming under fire.
But but but, you say, Moxxie was being bullied! Blitz was standing up for his friend!!!! He's protective that way!!!! You aren't wrong, but if you notice, Moxxie doesn't actually seem that upset or flustered by what Ozzie and Fizz are doing. After they go after him the first time, he continues singing his original song, not changing a thing, fully unintimidated. Moxxie is a sweet, sensitive boy, but he's also strong, smart, and not a delicate little princess. He's not happy he's under fire and being mocked, he's upset his moment is being bashed and ruined, but he's also standing his ground and dealing with it.
Blitz had good intentions but he only escalated a situation further and made everything much worse, as well as bringing the fire towards himself- and his red buttons are much bigger and easily pressed then Moxxie's. (Also, if you watch Moxxie's face, he looks horrified when Blitz speaks up. It's very, very possible that he knows Verosika is there already (and that's part of why he didn't want Blitz there.) 2. Stolas did get up to help. Go and watch Ozzie's again guys. He rises when Verosika gets Blitz backed against the stage, pupils showing, concerned and upset. Everything about his body language after that suggests he fully intends to step in. I've seen people accuse Stolas of trying to sneak out during this moment, and if you pay even an iota of attention that's clearly wrong.
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Then, he is dragged into the spotlight. Called out, put under a microscope, and physically, bodily manhandled. Stolas is shy. He is introverted. He has been kept isolated from basically everyone his entire life. He's terrified of losing his daughter. He's ashamed of what happened to him. He's a mother fucking abuse survivor. And now he is being called out, confronted, and harassed over something he's just barely coming to terms with himself.
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Of course he didn't react super well to that. Of course he wasn't the white knight blazing in to save Blitz.
What did ya'll who think this want him to do, stand up, yell I LOVE BLITZ THE IMP AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS????? at the top of his lungs, magically shedding every ounce of trauma, changing his personality to a brazen extrovert, and learning a lifetime of social skills all in that one moment through the power of love? He hid behind his menu because he is shy. He is scared. He is traumatized. Not because he's ashamed. But because all ya'll are so focused on Blitz, on his trauma and his hurt (and he is traumatized and hurt, and he has the right to be, and no one is downplaying that) that you're choosing to overlook Stolas's in favor of just saying he's a big ol' mean meanie. And finally:
3. Blitz brought that night on himself. Look, I'm sorry. Blitz wasn't supposed to be there. He had many, many opportunities to rethink his rash, impulsive, hasty choices that night. Many, many chances to reconsider lying to his situationship, taking advantage of Stolas's naive eagerness to be around him, sneaking into a place his friends don't want him to be, speaking up in defense of Moxxie- all of it. I am not saying he deserved what happened. I am saying that he brought Stolas there under false pretenses, went somewhere he wasn't supposed to go, and then stirred the pot. He did this because he's traumatized. Because he's lonely. because he's protective. Because he's desperately and not mentally well and hurting deeply and doesn't think Stolas sees him as anything but a fuck toy- or at least, wants to think that. Doesn't dare hope it could be more because he's not allowed to have more.
But he still did it.
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bouncybongfairy · 8 months ago
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Shot After Shot
BlitzØ x Reader Smut
Summary: After finishing up his apology tour at Verosika's party, he goes to the bar for a drink. The two of you drink away your problems and find solance in each others bodies.
Word Count: 1.0k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Season 2 Episode 9 Spoilers & Angsty Smut
` Blitzø just left Verokisa’s party, feeling like absolute gutter trash. He knew that he had commitment issues but when he saw the potency at which he fucked up, it got to him. All those people who were so badly hurt by their relationship they were seeking solace in each other. Not to mention he was sure that things with Stolas had officially fizzled out. Not being able to get the image of him dancing with another guy out of his mind. He was walking downtown, looking for any bar that was open. All he knew was that he didn’t want to think or feel. You were at the bar after getting into a nasty fight with your boyfriend. You immediately took notice of Blitz, grumbling the order of vodka under his breath, taking the shot from the bartender's hand before he could set it down. 
“Rough day?” you asked.
“You have no fucking idea,” he said, downing the liquor, “another,” he said, letting the shot glass hit the bartop.
You watched him throw back shot after shot and listened to him rant. His mind set was continuously wavering, sometimes he’d talk about how he’s a piece of shit. Then switching to the defense, talking about how nobody could handle the little amount of fucks he could give. You started drinking a bit more yourself as he began asking about your personal life. Scooting closer to you and wrapping his arm around your waist. You’d recently broken up with your boyfriend and were liking the attention he was giving. 
Little words were exchanged from the car ride back to your place. Sitting in Blitzø lap while he drove his van to your place, not giving a shit where he parked. Wrapping your legs around his waist and letting him walk the two of you up your drive-way. Making out for a while with your back pressed against the door. Pushing his pelvis against your core and grinding down. You pulled away, digging in your purse trying to find the keys. Both of you wobbling and drunkenly giggling while you fumbled with the lock. Blitzø standing behind you, rubbing his erection against your bottom. Kissing and nipping at your neck while letting his hands wander the front of your body. Groping your chest, pulling the bra down, tugging and pinching at your nipples through the top. The two of you fall through the door and stumble to the bed. Ripping each other's clothes off, like you couldn’t expose the flesh fast enough. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he huffed out, pulling your top off. 
‘No, you,” you giggled, undoing the buckle of his pants. He sets his gun on the bedside table and then turns his attention back to you. Spreading your legs and admiring how wet you were. Laying his shaft along your slit, thrusting back and forth. Letting his head spread your juices around, loving how it slid across your clit. 
“Please Blitz,” you whined, bucking your hips up. 
“Already begging?” he asks, slowly pushing into you. 
He let his body fall against yours, wrapping his arms around your neck and letting his length sink into you. Muttering curses to himself, being completely overwhelmed by your heat. God this was such amazing stress relief for him. All that self loathing, accountability and guilt had been eating away at every part of him. Especially after talking with Verokisa; your body was such a nice outlet to get rid of such heavy feelings. Your legs were tightly coiled around his torso. Moaning into his ear, trying to get used to the stretch. He growled into your ear once he fully bottomed out. He couldn’t wait anymore and started thrusting his hips. 
He tried taking it slow but feeling how wet and slick you were around his cock made it impossible. Fucking in and out of you so fast his knees kept sliding on the bed. He bit down on your neck, unable to contain himself. Drool completely coating your skin, you rake your nails down his back. Feeling overstimulated in the best possible way. He pulled away suddenly and manhandled your body, propping your knees on the bed. Bringing his hands down hard on your ass, leaving hands marks on the soft skin. Fucking himself into you, loving the way your walls hugged him from this angle. Your ass continuously slapping against his hip bones. Sweat was starting to bead on his forehead from the work he was putting in. 
You were gripping onto the blanket, practically screaming into the mattress. His hands were coming down on you relentlessly, he got a kick out of watching you try to squirm away. Part of him wanted to call out this bluff, acting like you couldn’t take his cock anymore. As if you wouldn’t be a whining begging mess if he actually stopped. The other half of him knew he couldn’t control himself enough to pull out of your tight pussy. Seriously, if it didn’t feel so good to be plunging in and out of you he kept himself buried inside. Try relentlessly to get his length deeper and deeper into you. Blitzø was getting close, his length throbbing and aching while chasing his orgasm. He let himself fall on top of you, wrapping his arms around you; engulfing your body in his embrace while pile-driving his cock into you. For a quick second his mind thought about Stolas but he quickly distracted himself. 
“You’re such a fucking slut, like being used as a hole and nothing more,” he groaned into your ear while he came. 
You could feel him filling you, how his length pulsated while cum started seeping out the sides. Intense waves of euphoria swept over your body while cumming. Your wall convulsing and tightening around his cock while both of you came down from the high. He wasn’t in the mood for casualties, nor did he want to stay around long enough for you to realize this was a mistake. Too drunk to notice him gathering his things, or to clean up the cum that was leaking out of you. He left and sat in his van for a while before driving off.
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anthurak · 2 months ago
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So ever since Mastermind, I’ve been seeing the expected number of ‘What if Lucifer or Charlie was present at the trial?’ fics/headcanons positing that either of their presence would have had them speak out on Blitzo’s and/or Stolas’ behalf and led to the PERFECT ending where the evil schemes of Andy-the-not-actually-a-sister-fucker are foiled and both Blitzo and Stolas are acquitted and it’s all sunshine and rainbows and puppies for everyone (except those evil rich people (except the ones we like)). And like, that’s all well and good…
But let’s be real. Even with a deck not massively stacked against them, or even stacked in their favor, both Blitzo and/or Stolas could ABSOLUTELY still find a way to fuck things up for themselves. I mean we’re talking about one guy who opened his defense with “Those orphans were already sick!” and “But when is attempting a crime a crime?”, and the other guy for whom ‘throwing my life away in a big dramatic heroic sacrifice for the man I love’ was Plan A.
And I just think that sounds way more fun and interesting then Lucifer or Charlie being some author-insert to serve as a secret cheat-code for the Golden Happy Ending for the episode.
Sure, Lucifer or Charlie being present almost certainly means things would go better for Blitzo, Stolas and co. regardless, but again I feel like it’s just way more interesting and fun and honestly in-character for these two gay idiots to still find a way to fuck things up for themselves.
Like imagine if Lucifer wants to hear Blitzo out at the critical vote, not so much because he really gives a fuck, but more because he’s bored and is also just messing with Satan.
And throughout the rest of the trial Lucifer is mostly just dicking around being a bored little gremlin. With the his only real contribution being to veto outright executing Blitzo, and even then that’s only thanks to Blitzo mentioning that Loona is his daughter. Sure, he may barely give a fuck at this point, but having a man killed in front of his own daughter? That’s pretty fucked up, don’t you think?
Which probably leads to some petty bickering between Lucifer and Satan about why they can’t just send Loona out of the room and THEN kill Blitzo, which then probably escalates/tangents to some ‘petty, jilted ex’s’-esque arguing that may or may not have some of the other Sins piping in for shits and giggles that is really only stopped when Stolas bursts in with his big ‘dramatic, gay heroic sacrifice via song-number’ gambit.
And Lucifer is in fact totally okay with Stolas getting stripped of his power and position, because hey he did a whole song number for it, but he draws the line at Stolas getting separated from his daughter. Also Andrealphus doesn’t get to be regent of Stolas’s position because Lucifer doesn’t like him for extremely petty reasons.
Meanwhile, I feel like Charlie sitting in for her dad probably wouldn’t turn out much better.
Sure, Charlie would want to hear Blitzo out, and ABSOLUTELY give a fuck about his situation. But let’s not forget that this is BLITZO we’re talking about, and giving him a chance to talk is ALSO giving him a chance to dig himself into a deeper hole.
For example; what do think Charlie’s reaction is going to be to learning what Blitzo and co. were actually DOING with that grimoire they got from Stolas?
You know, the princess of Hell who’s trying to deal with the sinner-overpopulation problem learning that these imps are likely contributing to said overpopulation problem? As well as the whole ‘murder business’ thing.
Which would likely put Blitzo in the awkward and hilarious position of probably having to argue AGAINST the person arguing for his life because that person ALSO wants to shut down his business.
And of course because this is Blitzo we’re talking about, there is a VERY good chance he just makes a total ass of himself or at the very least puts his foot in his mouth in epic fashion.
And if she’s present, I can imagine Vaggie at some point is leaning over to quietly ask Charlie if they really NEED to be defending this guy?
Maybe this eventually leads to Blitzo, or Stolas or perhaps Moxxie making some big, dramatic, emotional, heartfelt plea, possibly in musical form, for them to be allowed to continue their wholesome family business… of murdering people.
And maybe that does in fact sway Charlie. Or at least tugs on her heartstrings enough to forget about the whole ‘murdering business’ thing long enough to argue for Blitzo’s life without pushing to shut down I.M.P.
Which is exactly when, again, Stolas chooses to burst in with his big self-sacrificial song number and make things even worse/wackier.
All in all, as much as people may love their ‘here’s how we could/should have gotten a perfect happy ending!’ author-tracts, I think this option is way more in-character, interesting and most importantly fun XD
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This Defense Of Stolas Is Just So Laughable
Critical Crusher Bot, the anti anti helluva boss fan, is at it again with his braindead two cents on how to defend Stolas and it's a doozy. The main points that Stolas is getting back his autotomy, male abuse victims should be taken seriously, he's a victim not a villain, lack of nuance, bashing so-called gotcha culture, trying to invoke there is no moral correctness, and that it's a survival story, and he owes Stella nothing for cheating on her.
First thing first is that the autonomy thing is bs and hypocritical when Stolas himself violates Blitzo's autonomy by forcing him into the full moon agreement and sexually abusing. Seriously, this series and his defenders wants you to think Stolas is a brave victim of abuse standing up for himself against his abuser, while trapping a lower class demon into a sexually exploitative relationship. That's pure tone deaf bs. He's not a victim he's an even worse abuser than Stella because unlike him she never sexually abused him and most of all she didn't try to make herself out as the victim when called out for her actions. And none of this pos fans actually took Blitzo as an abuse victim seriously and brushed it off as he could have just said no at any time, but we know that Stolas had all the power but they don't want to admit it.
Also yes Stolas was the villain because you don't sexually exploit someone and expect to be seen as the bad guy. The only reason why he's seen as the "good guy" is because the narrative wants to. And that goes into the bs of nuance and no moral correctness. Because there is no nuance, because it refuses to see things through Stella's way and just make Stolas the pure woobie abused by her while she's demonized as the most evil thing ever. Also that no moral correctness is also bs because that's a cop out to say we don't want to think about how what a pos Stolas can be and people have a right to call him out. Just because someone is designated a victim doesn't mean they are absolved of horrible things they do especially if they are an abuser themself.
Also this ain't no survival story. Stolas always had the power to leave he just did out of some misguided savior complex to give his daughter proper family when in reality she was exposing her to a toxic environment that could go off at any time. He could have left it years ago and have nothing to do with her. But again this pos just put all of this on himself because he's a sucker for punishment. Calling Stolas a survival story is an insult to real survivors of abuse who had all the stacks against them and little support. Also Stolas destroyed that family life out of selfishness and now wants to look like the victim for destroying his daughter's life while his defenders overlook that.
And that's the other part, these people say we are looking for gotchas, but that's it we are looking at the fact that Stolas is presented as something in narrative when in execution he comes off as something else. He comes across as a horrible person uses every excuse he can to absolve himself of any wrongdoing to the point that even when you point out the hypocrisy people will pull up another one. That's the real gotcha which is nothing is ever his fault and you should feel shame for bringing it up.
Also just because you feel he has no obligation to his wife he does have an obligation to his daughter and he destroyed it completely by cheating on her mother. And don't use the abuse card, because he as said before could have just divorced her easily but instead became a cheating prick who sexually abused a lower class demon to feel any sort of happiness. He even multiple times chose being with Blitzo with her three times. You can't even tell me that he cares about Octavia and then says he doesn't owe anything to Stella. He really at heart is just a selfish pos who only cares about what he wants and no one else not even the person he says he loves. Because when he's around Blitzo all he does is take from him rather than give. It's a parasitic relationship that's deceptively depicted as a healing, complex relationship when in reality it's toxic as hell, but the narrative and fandom don't want to admit it. If they actually can't state the obvious morals about Stolas their support for this show crumbles and they have to question what this series actually stands for by condoning such a depiscable character.
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bleucaesura · 11 months ago
“Look who’s finally awake.” Loona scoffed from the doorway.
“Sweetie!” Blitzø almost pushed Stolas off the bed as he turned and threw his arms wide gesturing to Loona to come and give him a hug.
She rolled her eyes.
He deflated and pouted.
Octavia popped her head in beside her.
“Via!” Stolas squawked.
He fell out of the bed trying to get himself untangled from the sheets.
“Hey dad.” She snickered.
Stolas popped up off the floor and brushed himself off, blushing an amusing shade of red. Blitzø chuckled. Stolas cut a glare his way.
The girls watched their dads, smiled smugly, and crossed their arms in unison.
Blitzø looked over, raising an eyebrow.
“What’s up with you two? You’re looking like the Grady twins right now… Creeping me out.” He pursed his lips.
Loona snorted. Octavia scrunched her face, confused. She looked at Loona quizzically.
Loona leaned down and whispered something to her.
“We haven’t watched that one have we?” Octavia responded.
Loona shook her head. “You don’t like horrors.”
“Hmmm.” Octavia rubbed her chin looking thoughtful.
F*ck, they are adorable.
“What were you referring to, darling?” Stolas whispered behind his hand.
“Creepy twin girls from a horror movie. Don’t worry about it.”
Stolas nodded. Clearly still completely lost.
Blitzø pulled him down and whispered “Maybe we’ll watch it some time and I’ll…. Keep you safe.” He blew on his feathers teasingly.
Stolas shivered, stood up straight and cleared his throat.
“Yes. Quite.”
Blitzø chuckled.
“You two are f*cking disgusting.” Loona stuck her finger in her mouth and gagged.
“Ya, dad.” Octavia smirked. “Not the time or the place.”
Blitzø barked out laughing.
“Raised us some sassy b*tches, didn’t we Stolas?!” He elbowed stolas in the ribs playfully.
Stolas fluffed and glared at him.
“I BEG your PARDON?” Stolas’s eyes flared.
Blitzø shrank.
Oh shit…
“Chill out, dad.” Octavia started to laugh. “It’s slang. Kind of a term of endearment. He’s not actually calling us b*tches.” She looked over at Blitzø. “ARE you?”
“I would never!” He threw up his hands defensively. “You’re both precious, beautiful hellspawn who can do absolutely no wrong!”
Blitzø clasped his hands together up by his face and batted his eyelashes at the girls. His eyes were huge and sparkling, like an anime kitten.
“F*cking right we are.” Loona grinned.
Stolas looked between the three of them, pursing his lips.
“Mmhmmm.” He sounded incredibly skeptical.
They all looked at Stolas and burst out laughing.
He blushed and fluffed, stamping his foot indignantly. The display only fueled their laughter.
He puffed his cheeks indignantly.
“Aw. Stols.” Blitzø tried to swallow his laughter. He reached out to take his hand.
“HMF.” Stolas threw his beak in the air, crossed his arms and stomped out of the room, brushing past their daughters in a regal huff.
Blitzø’s face fell, he stuck his lip out and pouted.
Loona rolled her eyes and pushed off the door frame. Octavia followed close behind as Loona walked over to Blitzø’s bedside.
“Don’t worry.” Octavia said. “He likes to be dramatic sometimes.”
Blitzø looked up at her with worry in his eyes.
“He’s not really that upset.” Octavia smiled reassuringly. “Just let him be a drama queen for a while. He’ll get over it.”
Blitzø looked at Loona. She gave him a little nod and wink.
Blitzø turned back to Octavia and smiled sadly.
“You guys are fine.” Octavia waved him off. “My dad’s just a f*cking baby sometimes.”
“Via!” Blitzø gasped, feigning horror. “Language!” He grinned behind his hands.
Octavia flipped him off.
They all burst out laughing; laughing until their sides hurt.
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iris-draws · 9 months ago
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Aftermath of Full Moon🌑
Sorry for the emotional whiplash but whoo double post! (Pls don't hate me guys)
Also more rants about full moon (sorry yall im a yapper at heart):
Everyone is bashing blitz rn but honestly I'm kinda on his side? Not completely I think they had both good points and obviously it got emotional and blitz was being defensive and self destructive and didn't exactly mean what he was saying but honestly I think he had a point. The way stolas handled it was weird to me. He told blitz to come on the full moon- basically leading him to belive it was their transactional thing when really he wants to have a very serious talk about their relationship. I feel like he could have specified that he wanted him to come over to talk? (Although I will have a counter argument saying knowing blitz that might scare him away into not showing cause feelings are scary to him) I understand an emotional talk can scare people into not thinking logically- I just think it would have been smarter to full on say what he wanted so it wasn't so abrupt and sudden to blitz, causing him to react the way he did. He would have been better prepared and handled it better.
Now about Blitz. I know he has very crazy emotional trauma and refuses to believe anyone loves him and pushes people away bc of that. But he's getting better as we've seen the past few episodes. He wants to atone- he made up with fizz, he wants to make up with Barbie, and I'm pretty sure him and Verosika will make up in Apology Tour. But he definetly had a point. Up until about Ozzies was Stolas actually more upfront about his feelings. Because most of Season 1 was haha horny bird. Remember in S1 episode 6 when Blitz had that bad trip and he had to crawl up to stolas in chains showing how he feels like just an imp serving his master? Yeah. Stolas has referred to him as an "impish little plaything" Really only solidifying his belives. Then at ozzies he doesn't deny any of the allegations that him and Blitz are anything but sleeping with each other.
We as the audience know stolas wants a relationship with Blitz, but Blitz doesn't see those heartbreaking moments of him pouring his heart out when he's alone. No one does. Stolas has been very upfront but he's never had an actual for real talk with Blitz about his feelings. Then when he randomly spills all that out on him he sees him confused and is (understandably, with how Blitz mocked his feelings as a roleplay) hurt. He moves on and just dismisses Blitz thinking that's his answer. Blitz argues back and gets angry and I really think he was right in this argument, Stolas should have talked about this sooner, or handled it differently. Then right as things get heated in the discussion he just sends him away. They didn't get the chance to really talk, one said their feelings, the other got defensive, and then that's it.
I'm not really blaming Stolas or Blitz for this argument. Stolas is my favorite character so trust me this is in no way stolas hate. But I wanted to shed light on this and sees if anyone agrees with me Blitz is not only in the wrong.
Omg I'm sorry for the long yap session if yall read to the end you're a real one fr.
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rhiandoesfandom · 5 months ago
Chapter 1-ACHOO!
The chapters of this fic will be simultaneously posted on AO3 and Tumblr!
CW: Medical/CPTSD/Sickfic/Bodily fluids
"Achoo!!", Blitz sneezes into his arm, the force of it practically almost throwing him across his desk.
"Uh-sir, are you okay?", Moxxie mentions as he peeks in his office, about to tell him something about the last hit. Blitz waves him to come in, "Yeah, yeah I just haven't been able to stop sneezing all fucking day".
Moxxie walks in hesitantly and hops up onto a chair in front of his desk, "Well-uh, it seems that the client called and said the job was supposed to be a double kill? That it was a couple, and we only killed one of them". He scooches his chair back a little as he sees Blitz's head rear back and his eyes squeeze.
"H-Hold on-", he starts, "ACHOO!" he sneezes again all over his desk, snot dripping down his nose.
"Uh-sir you have a little bit of uh....", Moxxie points, wincing. Blitz blinks, trying to get his bearings again.
"Huh? Oh-", he grabs a tissue and wipes it then throws it in the trash, "Well Moxx, they should've paid double", he says, reaching for the client paperwork but Moxxie pulls it back and to his chest.
"Moxxie what the he- ACHOO!", he sneezes then coughs, whining and rubbing his throat.
"They did pay double sir, you just didn't tell us there were two-you know what, you should go home today sir. You are clearly sick", Moxxie speaks up, narrowing his eyes at Blitz.
"Wha! I am not! And how do you expect to get anywhere without this baby hmmm?", his voice cracks as he gestures to the crystal and Moxxie rolls his eyes.
"Millie!!", he yells.
Blitz waves his arms, "Come on that's not necessaryyyy. Fine we can finish the job tomorrow, but I'm not sick!" he insists and Millie pops her head in.
"Yes baby?" she asks Moxxie and sees Blitz in a defensive mode, reaching for the documents in his arms.
"Millie, he is sick! Make him go home!", he says with gusto, making Millie giggle, "Well-is someone sick?" Millie, always the mom of the group, walks over to Blitz and unfolds his pouting arms and rubs his hand, "What hurts, B?"
Blitz now rolls his eyes and pulls his hand away lightly, "Nothing!"
"His throat, he keeps sneezing, and he coughed", Moxxie butts in and Blitz stares him down, hissing a little.
"Well, then I think going home is in order then hun", she looks up at Blitz and he purposely looks away to avoid her gaze.
"I'm. Fine. You guys don't gotta care, now I'm the boss around here, get back to work!" he says weakly as he sneezes again and slumps in his chair, nursing his temples with his fingers as a headache comes on. He thinks he really should go home. He could get any of them sick too. But there's paperwork to do. Always paperwork.
Millie and Moxxie walk out of his office and close the door and Moxxie sighs, "What now? Stay out of his office till he's better?" Millie is already dialing the phone.
"Millie what're you doing?!" Moxxie asks, shocked as Millie just talks to the other end then hangs up,
"What that stubborn boy needs", she smiles, pleased with herself.
One hour later and Stolas portals into Blitz's office. All four eyes widen when he finds his boyfriend fast asleep while using a pile of papers as a pillow. He whispers a chuckle and decides not to wake him, picking him up in his arms and walking back through the portal.
Blitz groggily wakes up, fuck how long did he sleep?! But he wakes up somewhere he knows well. The large bed, silken sheets, and royal emblem that he's stared at during countless nights.
So those traitors called Stolas! It's time to admit to himself that he is sick, but it's just a cold! He could have worked. He blinks and it's barely light outside still. The light of a red sunset streaming in through the stained glass doors of the balcony.
He rubs his eyes and doesn't spy anyone else in the room, but Stolas must be around here somewhere. Standing up, his body aches like hell, satan he's never felt so bruised. Stolas won't mind if he takes a bath, would he? They're boyfriends now after all.
After texting Loona where he is, who apparently already knew cause she's there too, in Via's room, he walks into the bathroom and looks over the tub faucet. How does their fancy faucet work again? He fiddles with each knob until its a good hot temp and climbs in.
It's practically a mini hot tub for him. He sinks under the water a moment and feels the hot water on his horns, under his spikes. Washing off all the gross of the day. When he pops back up there's a tall, doting owl looking down at him.
"Fuck! You scared me", he chuckles and Stolas gasps, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Would you like me to leave you alone? I'm glad you decided to take a bath", he says delightfully and Blitz scoffs.
"What, did I stink or something?" he jokes.
"No! No not at all-I-rather like your musk I just-", Stolas falters and Blitz snorts, grabbing at Stolas's lounge shorts, "Just get in here", he gives him half lidded eyes, not so much trying to be sultry, but because this bath is making him dead tired again.
Stolas hoots, "As you wish my love", he strips and steps in as he also levitates a tray with water and medicine on it over the tub.
"What's this?" Blitz cocks his head.
Stolas laughs, "I thought you'd need medicine? Your voice is rather hoarse, and like Mildred said, you-" Blitz cuts him off,
"Heh, horse. But-I don't take medicine".
Stolas blinks, "You...don't...take...medicine?" Blitz nods, "That is what I said birdy", he replies as he grabs the body wash.
He leans back and washes his arms, "I just let nature run it's course and I'm eventually better", he shrugs.
Stolas now looks concerned, "Well-you could take it this time, for me?" he gives him cutesie eyes and moves the pills closer to him. Blitz laughs, "Eh I'm good, but thanks". He finishes his own body and moves on to Stolas, starting to preen him but stops and holds his legs, "Fuuuuuck everything aches", he whines, sitting back down.
Stolas picks him up and places him in his lap, starting to wash his horns.
"You know, medicine will make you feel better faster", he mentions. Blitz sighs, "I know how medicine works, Stols". Stolas grazes a finger down his forehead and Blitz yawns,
"Then why would you refuse something that can get you better?", he asks.
"Cause my body already does that! I don't need some-fancy made pill with magical properties to change my body", he groans and Stolas hoots,
"Not quite how that works. You're telling me your parents never gave you medicine?" Stolas asks incredilously and Blitz fully laughs now, coughing afterward and Stolas rubs his back.
Medicine. There's only one person in the Buckzo household who got medicine.
"Nah, my dad couldn't afford it. Didn't care for it. We had to convince him to even buy it for my fucking mom-can you believe that?! She was DYING, and he just made us all keep working, keep going without any sort of-", he stops his rant as his breathing gets shallow. He's crying a lot, and his body is rejecting it.
"Barb and I sometimes had to save everything we had for her medicine. For Mama. But it was never enough. We had to plead him-" he cuts off again and Stolas holds him tight and soothes him, "Shhh it's okay Blitz, thank you for sharing that with me. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you had those feelings about medicine".
The crying is now making him cough and he quickly scrambles, naked outside the tub and throws up in the toilet.
Stolas still in the bathtub, just watches on with shock. He's never read about an Imp throwing up from a cold before.
Blitz breathes heavily and coughs a little more into the toilet, then his breathing finally slows.
"Well...that doesn't happen often with a cold", Blitz says, chuckling a little bit and holding his head, trying not to start crying again as his head is pounding.
Stolas now steps out of the tub and dries himself off, Blitz still dripping all over the floor, and drapes a towel over him.
"I'm going to go get you some more water and maybe some saltines? I-I'll be right back", he places the existing cup of water next to Blitz and runs off, really using it as an excuse to worry longer.
Blitz weakly dries himself off and grabs the cup of water, then uses the toilet seat to help pull himself to standing with his other arm. Even his feet feel weak, like his legs could give out under him. He squeezes his eyes tight, unable to stop thinking about Mama, about how much bullshit his dad put him through. All the coughing and throwing up they did backstage at the circus. All the smacks he'd get if he dared to cough in front of the audience.
He looks over at the medicine from Stolas. Even though his eyes are blurry he walks over and downs the pills, following it with a swig of water.
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effy-writes · 9 months ago
Striker x Fem! Reader: Bonnie & Clyde
requested from Wattpad (3rd POV)
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It's been months and Striker is still trying to assassinate Stolas. He's been so fixated on it that he's been neglecting his other clients. Soon enough, he took a small hiatus on killing this owl, and started to work his way killing other people that his clients requested him to do.
This one guy in particular, Funim.
Y/n got kidnapped and murdered by Funim and his gang up in the mortal realm. She knew that Funim died and was brought here, so he was on her personal list. She wanted revenge on him and his gang. However, she had no access to the mortal realm to kill the rest of them off. Pissed off as she is, she goes on a little hunt to find this guy, and end his life.
Y/n's been stalking this guy for weeks now, trying to kill him, but every time she's getting ready to strike, he either walks off or loses him. But not this time. She has a perfect aim on him.
His window was open, and she can see him walking back and forth from one room to another, she didn't know what he was doing but that's not her main concern.
She looked through the riflescope, finger on the trigger. As he walked past the window again she was getting ready to press the trigger until she felt the rifle fly out of her hand. It misfired and completely miss Funim.
She turned her head and was meet face to face with the snake demon, Striker.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Don't you see I'm trying to kill this guy?" She whispered yelled.
Striker picked her up from the collar so they were face to face, "This kill is for me, sweetheart."
Y/n got out of his grip. "The fuck you mean? This guy killed me and now since he's down here, it's my turn. And now you completely blew it." She huffed.
"I'm an assassin, I get paid to do this kind of business. You're just a cheap demon who's all pissy because she got her little self killed." He smirked, clearly getting under her skin.
Y/n tried to ignore that comment. "Well looks like we both lose because that guy closed his window." She got out of his grip and walked off to pick up her rifle.
"Don't even think about killing him, little girl." He threatened.
Y/n groaned and turned around. "I'm 24, well was 24, I'm not a little girl." She turned back around and started walking off. Muttering bullshit about that guy, in which she never caught his name.
The next day wasn't no different. She ended up finding Funim at a strip club. Y/n knew she would lose him if she goes in there, so she waited by the side of the building. Crouching on the cement, her rifle on her side getting ready to attack.
Y/n felt someone pull her up by her hair. She yelped and reached for the person who has a fistful of her hair. She felt another hand cover her mouth, her neck being warmed up by the guys hot breath.
"This is my kill." Stiker snarled, letting go of her. Y/n abruptly grabbed her gun and pointed it at him.
"For the love of god leave me the hell alone."
Striker chuckled, using his hand to point the gun away from him. "You won't kill me, you're too focused on killing this guy that I was paid for to kill."
"You could just let me kill him for you." She rolled her eyes, pointing the gun back at him.
"As much as that does seem logical, I do enjoy killin," Striker snagged her gun and before she could attack he pointed it right at her, finger on the trigger. "Especially killing those who gets in my way."
Y/n puts her arms up in defense, showing no emotion but really she's freaking out. She's not a killer, she's not a "bad ass assassin," she got kidnapped in a fucking walmart parking lot by 5 guys, each one torturing her then killing her, and finally one of them is down here. All she wants is to kill that guy.
Striker didn't pull the trigger, instead he threw her rifle to her. Y/n caught it and held it tightly against her, still deadpanning.
"You're lucky I didn't shoot you." He smirked, proceeding to walk away, but then turned around. "Oh yeah, the guy left right whenever you pointed your gun at me. Just wanted to let you know."
Oh you mother fucker.
Y/n and Striker still didn't give up. The next day they accidentally crossed paths again.
"You got to be fucking kidding me!" Y/n yelled, getting Strikers attention.
"Too much of a pussy to kill me? How are you going to kill this guy?" He teased.
Striker is actually fed up with Y/n and her getting in the way. But the fact that she's so new to this and keeps screwing up humors him.
"Because you don't deserve it, that guy does." She nudged her head to Funim, who was in the kitchen with the window opened, again.
Before Striker could say anything she spoke up, "I don't give a fuck that you're paid to kill him. Him and his god awful friends kidnapped me and killed me. I had a future you know? I was actually happy in my life. But guess what? I'm dead and this guy deserves to die, again. So if you would just kindly fuck off and kill another guy please go do so." She spat, pointing her gun back at Funim and just like last time, Striker pushed her to the ground, her gun flinging out of her hands.
Y/n tried not to make noise so Funim wouldn't freak out and close his window. Striker was on top of her, pinning her down so he could get his gun and shoot the guy before she could to.
"Why aren't you gonna kill me? Too much of a pussy?" She mocked before punching him in the face so she could get out of his grip.
She quickly got up and grabbed her rifle, while Striker was trying to prevent her from shooting. He ended up grabbing hers, "You got a strong grip," He smiled, "Let go of it." His smile dropped, and as soon as it did they both pressed the trigger, killing the guy at the same time.
Y/n and Striker both dropped the gun and looked at that window opening, they could see blood splattered on the walls.
"Well damn, I guess we shot him at the same time. I bet that pissed you off." Striker cackled.
Y/n glared at him but soften her look. "How come you didn't kill me for this guy?"
Striker lit up a cigarette, "Waste of bullets." He breathed in the smoke and then exhaled, the smoke blowing directly in Y/n's face. She coughed and took a step back.
"Well thanks, appreciate it. I'm Y/n by the way."
"Didn't ask for your name." He took another puff, "Names Striker."
"Doesn't surprise me."
During Y/n's stay in Hell, she learned about this owl prince and how he has access to all sorts of realms, including the mortal realm. She hit the jackpot once she found out he's going to be at the Harvest Festival.
The next day she arrived there, and since she was too scared to bring her rifle (because she thought if she got caught with it then she'll get in trouble) she brought a pocket knife that she stole from a homeless guy.
Y/n sat on the bleachers and waited to see this prince. She began to think about how she was going to pull this off. Hey I need your book to go back to earth so I can kill these guys that murdered me. She rolled her eyes.
Y/n straighten herself once she saw the owl. He began speaking about the tournament, and then pointed over to an Imp that was sitting about 3 yards over.
"Hi Blitzy~"
Y/n looked over at "Blitzy" and he slouched down more in the bleachers. Y/n decided to walk over there and talk to him since they apparently know each other. She wants this revenge.
"Can I sit here?" She pointed to where "Blitzy" was sitting.
The Imp rolled his eyes, "Sure."
There was some awkward silence between them. "This is going to sound weird but do you know anything about him?"
"Who? Stolas? All I know is that he's a horny fucking bird." He groaned.
Definitely wasn't expecting that. "I meant like...how does he go to the mortal realm?"
"A book. That's why I'm fucking here."
"Wait, you're wanting to go to the mortal realm?"
"Yeah? Do you?"
"Fuck yes I do. I need to kill these guys that killed me."
"Well you're in luck bitch, I'm an assassin who gets paid to kill humans by sinners. Here's my card." He handed her his card, which said "I.M.P. Blitzø" with a phone number attached.
"No thanks, I need to kill them myself."
"Well too bad because without that book you can't go to that realm. So I would advise if you would just wait and call tomorrow." He smuged.
"Yeah, I'll think about it." She lied, resting her eyes back on Stolas. She figured once the festival is over she'll try to take that book, since he doesn't seem to have guards.
The festival soon ended, giving Y/n the cue to go talk to Stolas. Her plan was that she was going to tell him she's a sinner and is in distress, pull a "damsel in distress" if you will.
Her hand grip the pocket knife as she got closer and closer to Stolas, who looked like he was looking for someone, possibly "Blitzy".
As she got closer she saw Striker, who looked like he was about to attack.
Oh you mother fucker.
As Striker gotten closer to him, Y/n used her full force to push him down, but unfortunately they both rolled down a rocky hill.
"I have to kill him, bitch!" Striker puts his hands around her throat, but didnt completely choke her.
"Please don't! I need his stupid book so I can go to the mortal realm so I can kill the guys that murdered me you jack-ass!"
They both groaned once they made contact with the ground. Y/n slowly got back up, "Please let me use him, then you can kill him I swear."
Striker got close to her, tilted his head down so he can look at her, "I'll help you get the book."
Her eyes lit up, "Really! Wait why?"
"So you can leave me the hell alone." He rolled his eyes.
Eventually the two found Stolas' place and crawled their way up a wall.
She got the book while he kept looking out. Once she acquired the two hurriedly left before they can get caught.
Once ending up in a secluded area, Y/n flipped through the pages to see which spell is the mortal realm spell.
"Got it. I'll see you in a bit." She said before jumping into the portal.
"Hol on, I'm coming."
"Like I said, I like killin'"
"Fair enough." She shrugged.
Even though his reason is true, he wants to be around her. Yes he did hate her in the beginning, and lowkey wanted to kill her, but the fact that she's so adamant about her desires and doesn't stop is what made him like her.
Y/n on the other hand, is too caught up on killing the guys that killed her. She hasn't have a thought about how she feels about Striker. She's grateful that he hasn't killed her or seriously injured her, but she was pretty pissed off about him.
The two jumped through the portal and landed in her hometown.
"This was not the place I was expecting." Striker commented.
"Tell me about it, imagine getting kidnapped and stabbed at walmart."
"A what."
"Forget about it. Let's go."
"How do you know where they at?"
"It's a small town, 1000 people, trust me I think I can find them."
"More like 999." He snickered.
Y/n glared at him, but soon a smile formed on her face. "That was pretty good I ain't gonna lie."
It took maybe about 4 hours to find them, and there they were, in their broken down house.
"Ready?" Y/n smiled, handheld gun in her hand that she stole from Striker.
"Ready darlin'."
The two broke into those guys house, weapons pointing at them. Before they could even say anything the two shot the 4 guys.
"That was easy." Y/n laughed. "Guess I didn't need you."
"Yeah well, like I said, I like killin'."
Y/n looked up at him and softly smiled, "Thanks again for letting me borrow that book. You can go ahead and kill Stolas now."
"Wanna join me in killin' him?"
"No thanks."
Y/n opened the book again and made the portal, the two jumped back inside and landed into their home, Hell.
"Well, see ya later." Y/n started to walk off but Striker grabbed her arm. "Man don't kill me." She joked.
"I aint, damn. Wanna go back to my place after I kill this owl?"
"Are you gonna kill me?"
"If you piss me off." He joked.
"Then sure, why not?"
The two started walking back to Stolas' mansion. Striker spoke up. "Do you have a place to stay?"
"No, why?"
"If ya want you can live with me."
"Hate to admit, but I like ya."
Y/n softly smiled. "I like you too."
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years ago
What would happen if Striker joined IMP if he was a good guy? It's an au.
Oh okay, the coolest part of this idea to me is that it nearly happened in canon. Blitz fully offered him a job and that only fell through because of Striker being contracted to Stella and trying to fulfill that, so let's get rid of that pesky hen's involvement and explore a little on what I feel could happen with this AU
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Striker joining I.M.P as a good guy AU
Now let me get one thing clear off the bat, Striker is still kind of an ass, He and Moxxie still get off poorly, he's still very boastful and cocky. The only difference is he was never contracted, so no actual murder attempts this time, he accepts the job and everything is hunky dory.
Also I'm conflicted on if Blitz would want him to join in on the company car pool to work, and all the scenarions that could work with, or have Striker ride Bombproof there everyday so there's a horse around. Choose which you like.
I have a feeling if he kept bullying Moxxie, Millie would eventually come to his defense, no parents around to scold her this time. So he learns to back off and be nicer to his co workers, no reason to make people who have your back in tough situation mad at you after all.
He and Blitz get along the best, after all he's the guy he really synergized with during the festival, becoming a bit of a common duo on missions. Also he has a horse which we know makes Blitz like anyone a bit more.
Not sure how his and Loona's relationship would be, she seemed cool with him so maybe she's less standoffish to him, maybe calling him over to show him something funny on her phone, idk seems like it'd be a cute little friendship.
Now if he apoligized to Moxxie, and chilled out with the teasing, I think they could be decent friends, talking bout gun stuff and music, since they both seem to like those things, Maybe something more if you want a Strixxie situation that's pretty wholesome, either way I think they'd grow to like eachother.
With Millie her only problem with him here is him antagonizing Moxxie so if he settles that she's okay with him, I can imagine they sometimes talk about her family, mainly venting since they both knew them, and while Striker seemed cool with them, I feel he'd still get her frustrations a little, plus there both Wrath grown Imps it seems so theres also something shared to talk about.
Now with Stolas... Well I feel good or not Striker wouldn't be the biggest fan of royals, as it seems to be big part of his character so he sees Stolas as a necessary thing for the book, and prefers him not to be around. He's standoffish if they interact and Stolas hasn't a clue why, and just awkwardly walks off, though eventually I think he'd see Stolas is just as much a victim of the system as he is, and he chills out, after all I also feel for the sake of another thing I feel happening here they probably should.
Speaking of that, One thing I feel very strongly about in this AU is I think Blitz is going to ask Striker out eventually, since he clearly liked him and was attracted to him, and without the falling out I feel he'd ask him out. Cause if theres any kind of universe Stritz would work healthily, it's this one.
Now interpret how this goes anyway you want, Striker could just politely decline and they remain friends, they try it out but find they don't work, or they get together long term, I feel any could work here. This doesn't disqualify any other ships tho so have a big happy polycule with the cowboy involved someway. XP
Now I could go into how Striker would work in the other episodes he just wasn't in, in canon, but this post is long enough so I might make a part 2 for that if you want it, in the mean time let me list off some random scenarios I thought up.
Striker misplacing his hat and getting the whole team to help him look, Moxxie tries to give him one of his in the meantime but it just isn't the same to him so he's still grumpy untill they find his actual one.
Whatever situation he had to house Bombproof falls through so they try to find another way, and get into shenanigans along the way.
The whole company get's treated to a fancy dinner (Probably by Stolas) And Blitz insists they go as a team bonding thing, but it has a strict dress code and Striker refuses to wear anything fancy and without his ragged hat (Blitz and Millie end up having to wrangle him into a suit)
Also in general he's just a grump when they get him to try new clothes XP
Striker discovering Blitz in his apartment constantly, and dealing with the same stuff M&M do. To the point he puts rope traps around, and it blossoms into a full goofy war between him and Blitz on who can outsmart the other. Ending with both tangled up in the traps, and they have to call M&M for help
I hope this was a good list of ideas for this kind of AU. Personally I really like the idea of a Good/Redeemed Striker, as I like him a good bit, so this was fun, also even if I don't personally ship them, the ships with Striker with one or some of the I.M.P members I've seen some cute stuff in passing, and this AU seems perfect for those.
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stolitzsings · 5 months ago
💖, 🖋 and 👨‍👩‍👧 for the ask game! (I probably got at least one of the emojis wrong but hopefully they still make sense 😂) - @blitzwhore
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Can't believe you're gonna make me think of something nice to say about myself 🤣 I've been told I have a very "lyrical" style of writing, and sometimes I'll write a sentence or paragraph that flows really well and just Hits. I love those moments when I feel like I've really nailed it at a word-for-word level.
👨‍👩‍👦 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
Most people in my life know I do writing of some sort, but I'm pretty vague with the details lol. I only talk about writing fic with irl friends who also write/read fic (and I don't tell most of them that I write smut, just bc I know it isn't their jam). I told my therapist I write "character studies," because what is smut if not horny character analysis? 🤣
🖋 Post a snippet from a current WIP
Putting this one under the cut!
Ok I was a little nervous about sharing this because it's from a longer AU I've been toying around with, and historically I'm very bad at sticking to longer projects. But regardless of what I do with it I had a lot of fun writing this scene of M&M tormenting Blitz lmao
Blitz could feel his face heating up. “He isn’t— It’s not like—” Fuck, he was losing this one fast. “Okay, so maybe we’re boning or whatever, but it’s just a casual thing, you know? It’s not like we’re dating or anything.” Moxxie raised an eyebrow. It was almost impressive how smug he looked. “Who said anything about dating?” “I think he just did, babe.” Okay, now they were getting on his nerves. He could feel his spines starting to bristle.  “Look. It’s just a convenience thing, ‘kay? He gets to have his bad boy fantasy, and I get a reliable fuck who I know won’t steal my kidneys while I’m asleep.” It wasn’t like Stolas would ever really consider a relationship with someone like him. Disowned or not, he was still a royal. And that was fine! Blitz didn’t want anything complicated, anyway. Fucking was easy. It was comfortable. It was all either of them was looking for.  “If you say so, sir.” Moxxie had somehow dialed the smugness up to eleven.  Blitz rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. “I’m firing both of you. And I’m keeping your shares for today.” He was pretty sure Moxxie started to say something in response, but he was out the door before he heard it.  He let himself stew as he made his way down to the parking lot. “Looking for excuses,” for fuck's sake. They were hired killers! What did they expect? He was going to get injured sometimes. And it only made sense to go see Stolas, who knew more about this shit than any of them did. Besides, a quick fuck sesh was good for you, or something. Boosted your sero-whatever levels. Got your blood pumping. It was basically healthcare, anyway. Talk about a bedside manner, he thought to himself, grinning. He made a mental note to use that one with Stolas later. He'd think it was funny.
“C’mere, B, let me take a look at that scratch for you.” Millie had opened up their first-aid kit and had just finished bandaging a shallow cut on her thigh. Blitz looked down at the wounded arm that she’d gestured to. It wasn’t serious— an annoyance, more than anything. He shrugged. “Eh, that’s okay. I’ll just have my guy take a look at it.” Millie eyed him skeptically, like she was trying to catch him in a lie. “You know, you’ve been spending an awful lot of time with this mysterious “guy” of yours lately.” Moxxie looked up from his paperwork with a conspiratorial smile. “You’ve been seeing him for everything, even minor injuries. Almost like you’re looking for excuses to pay him a visit.” Oh great, the famous M&M tag team. “What? No, I haven’t.” Even he knew he sounded defensive. “Sure looks that way to me.” Millie crossed her arms and perched on the edge of the desk so that she and Moxxie could give him the double stare-down. Cute. “Are you sure that medical attention’s all he’s been giving you?”
Thank you for the ask @blitzwhore! I'm still answering these prompts if y'all are curious 😊
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snowflake-of-destruction · 9 months ago
For the 1 Like=1 Fic I Want to Write Game (the post s pinned if you want to join) and @rodhatz
Role/Situation Reversal plot for Stolitz and their deal.
Stolas got out of his marriage to Stella long ago, and rather explosively. I'm thinking that instead of just being abusive to him, Stella turned on little Via, because that is the only thing I can think of that would make Stolas completely snap. You would think that we all could cheer for him standing up for himself....but the type of snap I'm going for is not a cathartic yelling match and then telling his staff to make sure she gets out, but, rather, a knee jerk reaction he can't take back that has huge ramifications. He turns Stella to stone.
Usually nobody would care (What royal demon doesn't have the occasional "whoopsy" and kill a member of their household?), but Andrealphus and the rest of Stella's family demand justice. They have titles, influence and power of their own. Stolas ends up getting judged by a goetia court for crimes against another member of the royals. He is cast out--stripped of some of his demonic/magical powers as well as his titles if that sounds realistic, or just disowned by Paimon and disavowed by the rest of the goetia if not. Octavia is taken away from him and to be elevated to his position with Andrealphus acting as her caretaker and training her powers.
SO we have "regular guy just scraping by" Stolas who runs a fortune telling business, one that built a reputation for being always extremely accurate, completely unlike other scams--because Stolas ripped the portal spell out of the grimoire before he gave it up and can still travel to the human world. Or, well, he could until recently when Paimon went to check on Octavia's progress and found out she has no practical experience reading the stars?!? Blah blah missing grimoire spell, missing spell tracked down, Stolas's portal spell and even his memories of it are taken.
What's an owl to do?
Well, that's when Stolas sees Vox's sit-down interview with Verosika and Blitz Mayday (Yes, he took her name). The interview, more than being about Verosika's music is about personal questions.
There are attempts to talk about the rumors about Verosika's alcohol and drug abuse or the rocky state of the Mayday marriage, but Verosika insists that it's all false. Vox also tries to needle Blitz about how he used to be a performer and his career never took off (And what is he doing now? He used to be Verosika's head of security, everyone knows that, but...is he really just a househusband now? Completely irrelevant and, oh, starting to get out of shape?). Blitz deflects...mostly. There is some threats of how he'll show Vox just how out of shape he is.
Verosika and Blitz push the story of their wonderfully happy family instead. Their five adopted children, each from a different ring and each with their own talents they are discovering and pursuing. How much Blitz loves them...they both love them...and they're both totally involved of course.
Somewhere in there, an anecdote is told about how, when she was leaving for her Two World Tour, their youngest child hid Verosika's Asmodeus crystal to try and get her to stay home. Verosika didn't even notice and she felt so bad. Didn't notice? Yeah, she still keeps mostly succubi and incubi as background dancers and entourage. There's always someone else to open a portal. Plus, the Hell dates were before the human world dates so it was months before she went topside anyway.
There's more of course, but that's what sticks out to Stolas: an Asmodeus crystal that the owner just leaves lying around and won't notice missing, a legal portal to the human world to keep his business legitimate.
A heist is planned.
Stolas gets caught. Of course he gets caught. Blitz is retired, but he's still sharp and more than capable of his own home defense. Blitz rants about firing their staff because this isn't the first time they let some sick stalker who wanted to hide in the closet to surprise Verosika slip by them.
Stolas thinks on his feet, and coos that he's actually there for Blitz. He saw him on TV, so handsome, so underappreciated. Blah blah, I want you to ravish me, Blitzy.
Blitz isn't as easy of a target as Stolas was in canon, but Stolas still manages his seduction and robbery after a bit of convincing.
Blitz is also slower to notice the crystal missing than Stolas was with his grimoire in canon, but then quicker to track the thief and not interested in a deal. However, Stolas is dressed only in that slutty red robe when Blitz tracks him down, and....things sure do happen and Stolas gets away again.
Things evolve into these regular meetups where Blitz makes sure Stolas is at least taking care of the crystal, and Stolas feels the burden to keep Blitz charmed so the whole situation doesn't unravel.
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fanby-fckry · 7 months ago
For that ask game, Stolitz, romantic and kisses 🥰
Just Let Me Have This
Also on AO3
Part of my Hellaverse Drabble Ask Game
Rated: T Word Count: 196 Tags: Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Gentle Kissing, Blitzo is Bad at Feelings (Helluva Boss), Blitzo Has Issues (Helluva Boss), Stolas Goetia Loves Blitzo, Emotional Baggage
Author’s Notes:
I’m pretty sure this was meant to be fluff, but I couldn’t help myself! 🙈 Blitzo is my catharsis character; I cannot let him have nice things without a little angst. (And in my defense, neither can he, apparently.)
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Stolas and Blitzo were in bed. Not as a euphemism; they were literally in bed. Just kissing each other. Lips and beak and tongues, tracing each other’s jawlines and collar bones, wandering across vast expanses of feathers and burn-scarred skin.
Soft, slow, and gentle. No expectations, no pressure, no strings attached.
It was hard for Blitzo to just let himself have this. To believe that someone – anyone, but especially Stolas of all people – could want him like this. Soft, slow, and gentle. No expectations, no pressure, no strings attached. Stolas kissed Blitzo like he cared about him. Like he loved…
“Blitz?” Stolas had pulled back; was looking at Blitzo with worry shining in both sets of eyes. “Blitz, you’re crying.”
Blitzo reached up and touched his own cheek, wet with tears he hadn’t realized he was shedding.
“Don’t stop,” he said, trying to ignore the way his voice broke around the words. “Please, just… Just let me have this.”
Stolas looked like he might say something, but Blitzo didn’t give him the chance. He kissed him, more urgently this time, and Stolas hummed against his lips.
Please, Blitzo pleaded with himself, just let me have this.
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End Notes:
Guys, you don’t understand. Blitzo is me. Blitzo is literally me. I am physically incapable of being normal about him. I just… *projects my disorder onto him and watches as the fluff prompt turns to angst after a single touch from my troubled mind* I can’t help it. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this even half as much as I did. Sorry about your fluff, anon.
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demon-country · 3 months ago
#wiggles hands #i personally think that stolas had it wrong because even before blitzø started yelling #stolas thought blitzø didnt feel the same and immediately ditched as opposed to like?? giving him a fucking minute to process?? not cool??? #like yes the trauma response about being yelled at and setting boundaries and all that. thats fine #but Why stolas did you Immediately leave it wasnt even a rejection he just didnt Understand #give him a Fucking SECOND!!?? #which is smth blitzø also yells abt in full moon iirc! bc like DUH!!??? #and there IS power imbalance in the way stolas just tosses blitzø outside via teleportation. #it DOES imply he thinks little of blitzø In That Moment bc hes 'seeing his abuser' #but like... he would not teleport stella outside like that. even when he asserted his boundaries w her he NEVER did that shit #it WAS disrespectful to blitzø. it was. and the immediate dismissiveness the next morning obv didnt fuckin help #cuz blitzø immediately went on the defensive and like yeah he said horrible shit but FUCK DUDE he didnt instigate it! #like yeah stolas doesnt have to sit there and take it EXCEPT HES THE ONE WHO FUCKING INITIATED THE ISSUE? SO YES HE KIND OF DOES HAVE TO#HEAR BLITZØ OUT AND SIT THERE?? #puts my head in my hands. #and all the ppl talking abt ou well its stolas' house so he gets to portal blitzø out! #you are a fucking dick? you cant spring a huge relationship change on somebody and then run off and act the hurt party when they havent even #processed it yet! and then KICK THEM OUT when they understandably get ANGRY at you dismissing them? and HELLO. STOLAS DISMISSES BLITZØ.#HES NOT ONE OF YOUR SERVANT IMPS DUDE! HELLOOOO?????? #idk idk idk like stolas was definitely going through it but HOLY SHIT you guys cant be serious when you say it was equal on both sides #when theres a very obvious clear systemic power imbalance. like youre FUCKING WITH ME?? you cant be serious rn.
Wow. This... sure is a lot of extremely bad faith misinterpretations of those scenes. I'm going to address all of this step by step, I guess, because my dude, you are wildly off the mark on basically everything you accused Stolas of. So I hope you're ready, because this reply is going to be very long.
"#i personally think that stolas had it wrong because even before blitzø started yelling #stolas thought blitzø didnt feel the same and immediately ditched as opposed to like?? giving him a fucking minute to process?? not cool??? #like yes the trauma response about being yelled at and setting boundaries and all that. thats fine #but Why stolas did you Immediately leave it wasnt even a rejection he just didnt Understand #give him a Fucking SECOND!!?? #which is smth blitzø also yells abt in full moon iirc! bc like DUH!!???"
Yeah no, Stolas had every right to walk away, and was 100% justified in doing so. Maybe it wasn't entirely fair to Blitz, because on his end of things it looked totally different, but you already seem to understand what it looked like from Blitz's pov, so since we're talking about whether they equally fucked up or not, then I want you to step back from that and think about how it looked to Stolas, too.
Blitz did not respond to Stolas' confession with "hold the fuck on" or "what the fuck?" or "what do you mean?", nor did he do literally anything at all to suggest that he was confused or needed a moment to process what Stolas was saying. Blitz's immediate, snap reaction was to go "ohhh, okay you're fucking with me! This is an interesting roleplay, never done this one before but I can get into it. 'Ohhh, Stolas, I'll stay with you~! I love you sooo much~!'"
Perhaps you've never experienced this, but let me assure you that it is soul-crushingly awful to confess something important to you to someone you trust, only for them to completely write it off as a joke and/or make fun of you for it. It's extremely humiliating and feels like a deep betrayal, because you trusted them and were vulnerable with them, and in return all you got was mockery.
I've asked a number of real life actual people who have all, without fail, said that if that happened to them they'd end the conversation right there and walk away. Most of them, including me, said they'd leave just so they could go cry in private, and one said that they'd basically say "fuck you" and leave because they were pissed off. Stolas was the former. Take a moment to really, genuinely think about what your own reaction would be to having someone you love and trust make fun of you after you confess something important and vulnerable. It doesn't have to be a love confession, mine certainly wasn't, but do you honestly think you'd want to stick around after that?
So Stolas would have been justified in walking away just from that. He was very kind as he took his leave too and tried to bow out as gracefully as he could without causing a fuss, which is made all the more impressive because Blitz unintentionally triggered Stolas' trauma with the roleplay bit. Stolas has lived with Stella for 18 years at this point in the timeline, and part of how she abused him was humiliating him and mocking his feelings. He hides it decently well with Stella, because he's had decades of practice at this point, but we see in Ozzie's that being humiliated, especially in public, is a trauma landmine that Blitz tripped right onto. Yeah, he's going to leave, and it's not a fault that he does.
Moreover, you'll notice that Stolas doesn't kick Blitz out here or tell him to leave. He walks away further into the house, and yes he's probably expecting that Blitz will take it as an opportunity to bounce, but he does not tell him to go. Blitz could have waited as he took the moment he needed and thought things over, and then talked and asked whatever questions he needed to after Stolas came back. It was his bedroom and it was midnight, it's not like Stolas wasn't going to come back within the next couple of hours. Or Blitz could have left, thought things over, and come back. Instead, he followed after Stolas, which wasn't a great feeling for either of them, because Stolas was only barely staving off a breakdown and Blitz was getting hit in that abandonment trauma all over again, but Stolas walking off scared him so he acted on the impulse to not let Stolas get away. 
And he started off fine! Even though he was basically chasing Stolas, he wasn't angry or anything. He asked "wait, you were serious?! Hold on now, Stolas. What the fuck?" and Stolas did his best to answer even as he kept walking, rather than telling him to go away or kicking him out. His answer was poorly worded though and it set Blitz off, which is when we get to your next point.
#and there IS power imbalance in the way stolas just tosses blitzø outside via teleportation. #it DOES imply he thinks little of blitzø In That Moment bc hes 'seeing his abuser' #but like... he would not teleport stella outside like that. even when he asserted his boundaries w her he NEVER did that shit #it WAS disrespectful to blitzø. it was.
???? How on earth did you reach this conclusion?? Of course Stolas would never teleport Stella outside like that. That's not respect, that's fear. It took everything he had to stand up to Stella the way he did, which we know because he collapsed as soon as she was gone. He was terrified of her; he was backing away while she approached and knew she was about to hit him. He was fighting back, yes, but you can tell from her reaction that he almost never has in the past. It had nothing to do with respecting her, because his normal response seems to be either standing there silently taking the abuse or shrinking in on himself while trying to placate her.
As for what happened in the ballroom, Stolas was triggered for the second time in just a handful of minutes, this time by Blitz slamming open the door and yelling. It says absolutely nothing about how much Stolas does or does not respect him that these actions triggered a trauma response in Stolas. Trauma doesn't work like that. Anyone doing that to Stolas would have made him panic, because when you're experiencing a traumatic reaction, even if you're somewhere safe with someone you implicitly trust, your brain freaks the fuck out.
It was in no way disrespectful to kick Blitz out, it was just Stolas going into extreme Flight mode. Blitz wasn't letting him leave and at the end even ran towards him (to apologize, but Stolas had no way of knowing that and Blitz was already half out the portal before he started to say sorry and didn't even finish it. Also, you hear Stolas very faintly saying he's sorry before the portal closes), of course he's going to force Blitz out! He didn't want a fight with Blitz like he had with Stella, because he wasn't angry, he just wanted to be alone.
"and the immediate dismissiveness the next morning obv didnt fuckin help #cuz blitzø immediately went on the defensive and like yeah he said horrible shit but FUCK DUDE he didnt instigate it! #like yeah stolas doesnt have to sit there and take it EXCEPT HES THE ONE WHO FUCKING INITIATED THE ISSUE? SO YES HE KIND OF DOES HAVE TO#HEAR BLITZØ OUT AND SIT THERE??"
No, he really, really does not have to sit there and hear Blitz out. Stolas made it very clear in actual words that he did not want to see Blitz right then, because he was feeling too raw so soon after everything and Blitz was not giving him any space to breathe. And Blitz, once again, did not leave. He also, you'll notice, didn't force Blitz to leave, he just asked him to go, because this time he wasn't outright panicking. And even then, he kept giving Blitz chances to talk things out with him, showing that he wasn't dismissing Blitz.
Also, you're really telling me that you think a victim of domestic violence should be forced to stick around when someone is yelling at them? It doesn't matter if he "initiated things", that doesn't mean he's going to okay when someone starts grabbing and yelling at him. If Blitz was being calmer about it, and wasn't continually intentionally mocking Stolas and his feelings throughout that conversation (which, again, big trigger for Stolas, he's just hiding it better now because he was braced for it. Note that he's reacting a lot like he did when Stella was mocking him at the party) then I might agree with you. If Stolas had actually instigated the garden scene by telling Blitz to come over and then refused to listen while Blitz tried to explain, that'd be super fucked up. But Stolas didn't ask Blitz to come over, explicitly told him to leave because it hurt to much to talk to him right then, and Blitz was not being calm. Blitz was self-destructing and was being both clingy and aggressive, because he was scared of losing Stolas but was even more terrified of being vulnerable, and he habitually masks his fear with anger.
"#puts my head in my hands. #and all the ppl talking abt ou well its stolas' house so he gets to portal blitzø out! #you are a fucking dick? you cant spring a huge relationship change on somebody and then run off and act the hurt party when they havent even #processed it yet! and then KICK THEM OUT when they understandably get ANGRY at you dismissing them? and HELLO. STOLAS DISMISSES BLITZØ."
Buddy. Dude. Stolas didn't actually spring this on Blitz. Blitz literally says at the beginning of the episode that he's been avoiding Stolas because he knows Stolas wants to talk, and he doesn't want things to become complicated. He knows things will change as soon as he actually talks to Stolas and that freaks him out, because in his mind it can't possibly be something good, and this fear is exacerbated by what Loona told him. He literally tells Fizz that Stolas does things to show he likes him, and multiple people have flat out told Blitz that he does, and Blitz can't believe that for multiple reasons, but this entire thing has been building up for months and he knows it. 
Stolas also did not spring his "feelings bullshit" on Blitz either, despite what Blitz claimed. It might have felt like it, because up until then he was in complete denial of those feelings being genuine, but Stolas has not been subtle, by any means. He has, in his and everyone else's minds, been showing Blitz that he cares about him at the very least as a friend, since this whole thing started. Even in fucking Loo Loo Land, despite him awkwardly trying to flirt with Blitz a couple of times, he doesn't actually try to start anything while they're there. He doesn't even seem to expect something sexual to happen between them at all, because he says he wants Blitz and his employees to come and immediately offers to pay Blitz with money, rather than sexual favors like Blitz anticipated. He's using it as an excuse to hang out with Blitz - because he's an idiot who didn't think about how uncomfortable it'd be for literally everyone involved, especially Octavia - and Blitz even knows that because he knows Stolas doesn't actually need one bodyguard, let alone three.
He invited all of them to the harvest moon festival because he thought it'd be fun, again with no expectation of anything sexy happening. He came to rescue I.M.P. with no ulterior motive, he just wanted to help them. He didn't ask for or suggest that he wanted sex in return for the save either, he just asked for a thank you in a very pouty voice because none of them thanked him, and Blitz turned things sexual, which he was happy to follow the lead on. He was super excited for the date, dressed up super fancy, proudly walked into Ozzie's holding Blitz's hand, tried over and over to talk to Blitz because he thought it was a real date, stood up to defend Blitz from Verosika (which Blitz didn't see and which he didn't get to follow through on, because Ozzie took that chance to go on the attack and publicly humiliate him), and even after that disaster he still invited Blitz in solely to hang out and maybe cuddle a bit.
He would ask Blitz to stay the night after they were done having sex instead of just kicking him out, which we see in the memory fragments. He called Blitz on the regular just to talk about his day and was frequently interacting with him on social media, both for approximately a year and a half. He was oblivious to how condescending his attempts at flirting were and had no idea how demeaning it was for Blitz until Blitz finally showed him how much all that hurt him (after Ozzie's), but he only was acting like that and talking that way because he genuinely believed that it was what Blitz wanted and was into, based on their first night together (doesn't excuse it, of course, but it was another way he was desperately trying to show how much he wanted Blitz).
For close to two years by the time The Full Moon rolled around, Stolas has been trying very hard and kind of ineptly to show Blitz he likes him, and at the very least wants to be real friends with him (that also have sex). Literally everyone who has seen them together knows how much Stolas likes Blitz, including Blitz despite him being in denial of it. He has tried again and again and again for nearly two years to show Blitz he cares about him and wants him around, and Blitz - for understandable reasons given his own trauma, history, biases, and hangups - has rejected him time and again. That's why Stolas was expecting Blitz to reject him following his confession. He expected Blitz to tell him to fuck off or to just take the crystal and run without looking back, but he didn't expect to be (unintentionally) mocked. He didn't expect Blitz, who he trusted, to humiliate him. Even without the trauma he has surrounding that, after all the other rejections of course Stolas is going to take Blitz mocking him as another rejection. He didn't think Blitz was confused, because he thinks he's made his feelings pretty damn clear for ages now, and that's why he said he had his answer and was trying to leave before he started crying - which most people hate to do, because crying in front of other people is often a mortifying experience.
"STOLAS DISMISSES BLITZØ.#HES NOT ONE OF YOUR SERVANT IMPS DUDE! HELLOOOO?????? #idk idk idk like stolas was definitely going through it but HOLY SHIT you guys cant be serious when you say it was equal on both sides #when theres a very obvious clear systemic power imbalance. like youre FUCKING WITH ME?? you cant be serious rn"
He wasn't dismissing Blitz. He super fucking did not. He wanted to be alone so he could go cry his guts out, and Blitz was scaring him by getting angry and slamming open doors. That's not dismissing someone, that's going into panic mode. He wasn't treating him like a servant, if he was he would have been bored and unaffected and told him to go. He. Was. Scared. He was hurt and humiliated and scared and Blitz was chasing him down and yelling at him. It's not playing the victim to be scared and it's not playing the victim when your feelings get mocked and you want to get away from the person who just stomped all over your heart.
Blitz's reactions make sense from his end, and absolutely he was being triggered too - he was in fact the one triggered first, though that too was by accident. Yes, his anger was justified and he had every right to express it when he felt he wasn't being listened to. Yes, he wasn't intending to scare Stolas. Yes, Stolas has messed up and hurt Blitz in numerous ways over the course of the series. But my god, that does not mean that Stolas' feelings and reactions are any less justified and reasonable.
It was equal on both sides. They both equally fucked up. They both accidentally hurt and triggered each other. They both were scared. Stolas sending Blitz away was the only thing he could think of to de-escalate the situation, because Blitz was actively trying to pick a fight and Stolas had no idea that Blitz would stop just because he started crying (you think anyone else has ever stopped just because he cried? We literally see both Stella and Paimon mock him for it, and Stolas isn't exactly in a rational sort of mindset here).
Are you really, honestly, truly telling me that you would be fine just standing there and letting someone who just hurt you scream at you in a way that reminded you of both your domestic abuser and the person who recently tried to murder and mutilate you? Are you kidding me? You have completely misinterpreted everything Stolas has said and done in those two episodes by refusing to look at it with any amount of sympathy or compassion and immediately jumping to the worst possible scenario.
"Stolas shouldn't have portalled out Blitz during Full Moon" this and "Stolas should have stuck around and listened to Blitz in the garden during Apology Tour" that. Do y'all not realize how it sounds to demand that a domestic abuse victim stick around when someone is yelling at and insulting them? And on the flip side of that, do the other half of y'all not realize how it sounds to demand that someone, particularly someone from an oppressed group, never get loud or demonstrably angry just because it might scare someone?
Like Blitz had every right to air his grievances in Full Moon, and being angry when you're treated poorly is a perfectly normal, reasonable response. It's not inherently abusive to yell and stomp when you get mad, and it's completely unreasonable to say that Blitz is just because he did. But at the same time, Stolas does not have to sit there and take being yelled at when he's already had to suffer though someone doing it to him maliciously for at least 17 years. He does not have to take being grabbed, being screamed at, or having his clearly stated boundaries ignored either, like at the beginning of Apology Tour. Him getting upset when someone does that to him, when he's only just gotten away from his abuser and was almost murdered for it, is not some failing on his part or him playing the victim.
Blitz's trauma doesn't care that Stolas wasn't actually going to abandon Blitz, and it doesn't care that that the hurtful things Stolas has said and done have come largely from a place of ignorance rather than a lack of care. He's protecting himself the only way he knows how and is blinded by the sheer intensity and longevity of his self-loathing, but frankly it was a good thing for him to finally speak up about how some of the things Stolas does makes him feel, and it's a very good thing that he's actually trying to fight to keep Stolas rather than just booking it and throwing a grenade behind him on the way out.
Just like Stolas' trauma doesn't care if he knows Blitz is different than Stella and wouldn't actually hurt him, and it doesn't care that Blitz's anger comes from a hurt, scared, and traumatized place as opposed to the pleasure Stella took in hurting and scaring him. Stolas hasn't had any time to even begin to heal from the damage she did to him, and frankly if he's scared and breaking down like in Full Moon it's actually a step up if he's removing himself from whoever is triggering him, even if it wasn't fair to Blitz who was, in his own way, attempting to work things out.
Neither of them is the bad guy here, they're just very reasonably upset and having clashing trauma responses. You can be compassionate and understanding of both sides without saying that either of them should have to just sit there and take it when someone is greatly upsetting them. It's normal to get angry when you're scared and upset, and it's normal to cry and run away when you're scared and upset, and neither are wrong or bad just because in the moment when emotions were running high they each did several things that accidently set the other off, especially when they had no way of knowing it was a trigger beforehand.
None of this is say that the way things shook out was great or productive, and they definitely need to work on healing so that they're not letting their fear and trauma control them. If they're going to get to place of real understanding, then at some point these two need to sit down with the intent to talk things out and have an honest and open conversation with each other, without Blitz yelling or Stolas running or either of them letting their preconceived assumptions and biases get in the way of actually listening. Blitz needs to not self-sabotage and Stolas needs to not shut down, and that's going to be really fucking hard for both of them, because that's how they've been coping with their trauma for literal decades.
And to his major credit, Blitz got it right at the end of Apology Tour, the only thing he got wrong was the timing because Stolas was so drunk that I'll be honestly surprised if he remembers most of it in the morning. He wasn't in any state of mind to listen or pay attention, but at the same time, to his credit he's already been reflecting on what Blitz has been saying to him and trying to figure out where and how he fucked up and hurt Blitz. And also, he kept saying things like "right now", which means he will be ready to talk things out eventually if he's just given a little bit of space to put himself back together and think about things.
And guys, please. Just because some people will start crying to try to manipulate and guilt trip those around them whenever someone gets upset at something they did, doesn't make that what Stolas did. He was trying to get away so Blitz wouldn't see him cry. And just because some people like to fly off the handle and rage at every perceived infraction, doesn't make that what Blitz did. He had justifiable cause to be angry and in Full Moon he didn't think Stolas was listening, so he tried to make himself louder and bigger in an attempt to make himself be heard and his hurt be acknowledged. If one of their reactions made you uncomfortable, that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that. But the story isn't about those kinds of people, it's about two fictional demons who aren't trying to hurt or manipulate each other, they're just struggling to juggle trauma, ignorance, and the desire to be together. They're not able to yet, but that's what character arcs are for.
And just to head off any comments on it: no, the narrative is not villifying Blitz and it's not babying Stolas or trying to sweep any of the shit he's done under the rug. Blitz being angry and self-destructive doesn't make him a villain, and Stolas crying a few times and still being pretty ignorant of how he's come across doesn't mean they're trying to say he's done nothing wrong.
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almacambiondaughterofsaleos · 10 months ago
Stolas in the trailer: "Do you feel any kind of remorse for what you do?"
I.... Ha.... Wow.
Talk about victim blaming 101, heheheh.
You don't deserve to have the privilege to write or direct this show anymore. Not even a consultant. Get the fuck out, it's such a huge shame that your OWN characters can be better handled by a bunch of 13 year old WATTPAD FANFIC WRITERS. My ears needed an exorcism after that, hell nah. These episodes will be a dumpster fire, and I swear to god if that simp Ayy Lmao defends her shitty writing by saying "it's a lot of work handling an indie animated series", then I'll fucking thrash him in the comments for his dogshit defense, wait for the stans to come in.
Let's give support to actually good indie animated series like Lackadaisy, Spooky Month, Murder Drones and even very underrated ones like Chronicle of Pi, animated, written and produced by one guy, the guy who made the "How to Make an Animated Series" video. Plus even Ollie and Scoops and Monkey Wrench. But Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel? Nu uh.
This. Stolas is just the worst.
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wondersofspite · 2 years ago
What makes me tenfold depressed of the current episode is another loss of potential. I haven’t watched it-  even afraid at this point - but by reading other critics' comments, it seems like another episode wiping the bird dad’s ass.
If the writers actually explored Loona’s and Octavia’s conversation instead of using it to polish up Stolas’s (very much immature) parenting, they could actually expand on lots of things. Not many, certainly not the entire pacing and sloppy flaws, but at least, something.
Like. Look.
Octavia is a royal born and Loona grew up in abusive pseudo-dog care. Octavia has a father who is willing to spend and pamper her but does not truly try to listen to her, while Loona’s dad is very much willing but lives an incredibly poor status. Loona lived most of her childhood in an environment that deprived her of basic needs while Octavia ate on silver plate. Loona is literally a glorified pet and Octavia is an heir to a throne.
The potential, dude. The potential.
Imagine. This could have humanized both Loona's and Octavia’s situations. Share both their thoughts and feeling about the situation. Now, I’m going to go down some speculative routes and write up what else they could have shown with the scene.
Say, what if Octavia didn’t know that Loona was the daughter of Blitzo, and vented all the misery and pressure she is feeling cause her dad changed overnight “just for some imp”? Have Loona react to this with guilt, a bit of horror, and pity while as well some equal part of envy, bitterness and defensive protection. Where while she tries to console Octavia, now instead of praising the owl pervert, she indirectly defends her dad. Have her show that to some extent, she cares about Blitzo.
And with this, I think it would also be a nice reminder of the social difference between races. Perhaps, say, those two get into an argument cause Loona defended the guy who very much ruined Octavia’s household and her family. While she is much justified in her anger, Loona snaps back with something that stuns her.
“Who to say your own goddamn father didn’t force himself on the imp?”
Cause so far, none of the IMP crew talks about Stolas’s harassment. Despite him literally doing it publicly, more than once, Blitzo’s discomfort with it is louder than that is. Let that be to some extent why she kinda hates working: Not the fact that she has to work, but working on something that actively prospers from something Blitzo hates doing.
This could even be a sudden bomb for Octavia, who likely didn’t think (more or less, realize) that her dad, a royal, having affair with a less socially powerful figure could imply in context.
Heck, this could go in the total opposite direction where Loona actively tries to manipulate her.
Where that while yes, the IMP business fosters Blitzo’s suffering, it’s also something he wanted to do. Dreamed of. And main of all: She’s scared that once Blitzo can’t afford to keep her, she’ll be kicked to the streets. Have a little montage where right before she opens her mouth to call out how shit Stolas is, she slowly shuts it, then moves to look down the street. Have her look at, say, a stray dog, who’s following and desperately yelping at the feet of someone, till they are kicked away. Of bankrupt businesses begin shut down, of life on the street, of life as a discriminated group. I am far from a clever environment storyteller, and this is much trickier to do on paper than simply write it, but to point, some metaphor that shows her anxiety about her and Blitzo's future living conditions.
And when Octavia asks her what’s wrong, have her take a deep breath before saying the lines she said in the episode.
“...Your dad is trying his best.”
But make her actively look sick saying it, that she’s lying, that she very much thinks the opposite. But she lies: Cause what else can she do? If Octavia is given guidance in her confusion about her feeling towards her dad, she may actually direct her word right at him, whereas Stolas might actually pull back and cut his ties with Blitzo. Cut Blitzo and Loona off the only business they have.
That she’d lie to a teenage girl stuck in an abusive household for it.
Signify just how desperate they really are.
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