#imagine all of them geeking out together
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ineffablejaymee · 10 months ago
i would kill for the camp cretaceous kids to meet Lex and Tim that would be SO fucking cool
i think its possible that maisie makes an appearance in chaos theory, and i think she would have an interesting relationship with lex and tim, all of them being the grandkids of the fathers of dinosaurs
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cinnamuff · 2 years ago
Thinking about Kris and Hoxi hanging out together and Kris telling Hoxi about all of the planets he's visited while Hoxi just listens with intrigue
Or just the both of them geeking out about space together since they're both space nerds :3c
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months ago
I was wondering if you can do Yandere dick and Tim with a Childe reader who seems to favor Tim over Dick.
Just imagine Tim finding this little Kid following him like a little duckling and thinking that he is soooo cool!
No matter how much Dick makes the kid like him Tim is always his favorite!!
(It will be funny if Batsis who doesn't like Dick at all is also around. He will be losing his mind!!)
A/N:Oh my gosh yes! Lowkey Batsis and Tim being co-sibling-parents lolll. Honestly Tim and Batsis duo is so iconic. I need to do more. I love them. look at him...he's such a good brother.
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Here's the thing, Dick is the honorary dad of the family. Like he's changed diapers, taught how to tie shoes, walked his siblings to school and gone to graduations... All the siblings go to him with their problems before Bruce.
Now new baby alert,,,,Dick is in full papa mode and is ready to do the same with batchild and is so hurt when the kid screams in his arms. Like anytime he's near or picks the child up like this kid is in distress. O my gosh I feel so bad. Poor Dick.
Dick is seriously trying so hard to make batchild love him but nothing he does works. Dick could have cocomelon on full blast and wearing a Barney costume and this kid will be trying to get away.
Eventually like Jason has to be like..."dude, please just let someone else take care of em'. They need more time to adjust to you."
It's because of his blue eyes isn't it? Dick unintentionally has the Miley Cyrus blue eyed stare and the kid cannot take it. lol
All jokes aside it's really not that bad but it's clear that Dick isn't their favorite. There's definitely cute moments where Dick is sitting down with batchild in his arms and they are munching on some snacks. Or Dick is singing to them or doing a fun trick with them in the air. But ultimately the kid seems to gravitate to other siblings instead.
Dick doesn't really know how to function though. I mean we've seen just how insane he is with batsis. Only problem is he cannot be as forceful with the child in fear of scaring them.
I think the batchild and Tim situation won't get to him until he sees batsis, Tim and batchild all together.
The whole Tim obsession is out of the blue. Like Tim is almost always in his room or in a dark corner somewhere doing research. He decides to come out one evening as he had a bit of time after solving some cases...
I like to think Tim is a super geek who probably wears cartoon pajama pants or silly slippers and it caught the kid's attention so he's waddling towards him.
Tim is kind of like...what is happening? What do I do with this young human? He's kind of awkward with the kid at first but the kid is just loving himmm. Tim will try to explain the character that it is on his clothes to the kid, and they will try cutely mimicking him and Tim's heart just melts.
"Oh uhh...this is Link from..well Zelda.."
"lwink...frwum zweldwa..?'
The kid is dead set on sitting with him during dinner too. Like they climb into his lap and starting eating off of his plate. It's perfectly okay because Tim doesn't eat much at all so he didn't mind the kid messing the plate up.
He stays out in the living room a little longer than usual that night to play with the kid a little, it's super sweet.
I like to think Tim and batsis are rather close siblings so there are times where Tim will be coupe up in this room and batsis will come in with batchild and pull him away from his work. Batchild loves playing pretend with the two, specifically knights and dragons and hospital. It's nice seeing Tim a bit out of his element and having fun.
Sometimes batkid will just fall asleep in Tim's arms as he's working late. Speaking of, Tim takes to the kids like they're his little apprentice. Oftentimes you'll find them together with tons of case files out and the kid is grabbing items or pinning things on the board for Tim. Seriously that child's reading level went from first grade to 10th in the span of a few months lmaooo
But there's often times where batsis and Tim are with them. Quickly they become the kid's favorite siblings and they want them to do everything. Like when the kid is hurt, they'll cry for either. If the kid need to get ready for school, they want either to help. If it's movie night, the kid is squished in-between the two. You guys basically broke the honorary parents and it's so adorbs.
But this is where I said Dick is not having it. I feel like Dick was never threatened by Tim until now. Like sure Dick knew that Batsis and Tim were kind of close in a way and he was okay with batkid taking a liking to him...but all three of you being your own little squad is killing him.
He hates being excluded and not being needed so he's like ripping his hair out. He'll try inviting himself into the group and like the kid is just ignoring him...
Dick will try to open a juice box for the kid and now the kid doesn't even want it anymore like....bruh I wants Timmy to open it for me :(
Honestly I am not even sure really how Dick copes...Like I just feel like he doesn't explode because like I said he doesn't wanna scare the kiddo but idkkkk
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promiseslikewater · 1 month ago
Qijiu is just so delicious because one is like "I hate everyone, everyone hates me my mere existence is a stain and I will make it everyone's problem nobody wants to be with me" and the other responds with "You're so right, Xiao-jiu." Not because he agrees, but that he was too geeked out staring at Shen Jiu's face and imagining them raising a cat together and being all domestic and lovey-dovey and giving each other good morning kisses so he defaulted to his general NPC response that is agreeing with his lil meow meow on everything.
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kkpaaw · 2 months ago
PIXAL and Jay's friendship is so underrated imo. Folks either don't have them interact at all or if they do its PIXAL expressing annoyance at Jay and seeing him as incompetent and VERY little else
I think there's so much potential there beyond PIXAL just seeing Jay as an annoyance and a dumbass
Like cmon they are two capable inventors and you mean to tell me that nobody can think of any scenarios where they would bonding really well?
Imagine PIXAL being one of the only to notice Jay stopped inventing and wondering why cuz she considers him a very capable inventor
I could easily see PIXAL trying to encourage Jay to invent again too
I can easily see them having many conversations about mechanics n whatnot. Going long hours of the day just talking and brainstorming new ideas and just geeking out in general
Jay going all mad scientist with his ideas and PIXAL bearing witness to the absolutely bonker inventions he makes and wondering howww they are still alive
Jay helping PIXAL be more wild with her ideas and how she makes them while PIXAL helps Jay reign in his crazy
Together they make the coolest shit
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writing-zelda-brainrots · 8 months ago
More Apothecary!Reader thoughts.
They realise Twilight's 'situation' a lot quicker than anyone would have thought (probably before he even told the others). Our dear apothecary is constantly having to play detective back at the palace, there's no way they don't figure it out.
Twilight: How did you find out I was Wolfie? I haven't told anyone that. [Name]: Well, let's see. You have the same markings, I've never seen you two in the same place at the same time, and neither has anyone else, I've noticed your sharper fangs and senses, as well as your sometimes feral behaviour, and Wolfie is way more intelligent than a wolf should ever be. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.
They're legit the one with the brain cell 97% of the time. The only time they aren't is when they're geeking out over herbs they found/when making medicine.
It's like there's this invisible 'common sense' switch among the group. Before [Name] joined, it would constantly flip between them all depending on the situation. However, after your little accident, the switch is almost always pointing in your direction.
Random villager: I understand the importance of having a healer around, but... Are they really the best you've got? Time: They have extensive knowledge of medicine that is unmatched by anyone else we've ever met. Also, they are our group's common sense. [Name]: *giggling evilly while picking plants from the ground and bushes* Time: They are our most valuable asset.
I've been thinking about this, but the Chain probably doesn't know about CPR. Medicine in Hyrule is all about potions and fairy magic, things like that, even in the games when you faint it cuts to black and the npcs just kinda wait for you to wake up. Imagine how the others freak out when one of them is downed and you preform mouth-to-mouth for the first time.
Human medicine, because it doesn't use any magic, is not instant, but is a lot more thorough. I hc that because potions/fairies are so fast with the healing, the recipient also gets hit with all of the pain at once (thank you, Dungeon Meshi for this). On the other hand, potions and fairies can't really do much in case of things like infections/illnesses/aches/cramps/concussions (pretty much anything that isn't an open wound/broken bone). I mean, they do help, but they're simply not as effective in certain situations. Meanwhile, humans have invented medicines for all those other things and more.
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witches-at-monster-high · 1 year ago
Jackson/Holt x witch!Reader
(This gif is very cute :3)
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Sorry it's literal YEARS but I started writing again :) @slushystarzcrush
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First of all, Jackson was your first friend at Monster High. He felt an instant connection to you because of your « normie status ». Plus that boy had an almost immediate crush on you (he thought you were so cool, I mean a witch??? Hello??)
Before you integrated the main friend group, you and Jackson would hang out together all the time at school, most of the time he would listen to you rant about new spells, curses and charms you were practicing. Or even just do his homework while you were reading your grimoire.
But here’s the thing.
You’re used to listening to music when you practice magic.
So when Jackson saw you under the same tree where you both sat at lunch break, bobbing your head cutely while waving your hand to cast a spell, he didn’t think much of it.
Until he heard-uh oh :0
That’s how you met Holt!
You were honestly surprised Jackson didn’t tell you he was half monster. A shapeshifter? Anyways Holt almost tackled you to the ground when he saw you, saying he was so excited to meet you.
From this point on, you tried to spend every other day with each one. That little arrangement was great for Jackson and Holt since it created an actual schedule where each could « come out ».
While Holt loved the spells and flashy parts of your witchcraft, Jackson was really into the history and lore you would geek about.
Even when you guys started hanging out with the main group, you would always do things together on the side.
Holt was the one to confess, unsurprisingly, Jackson was too self conscious to even think about being able to be your boyfriend.
Holt would absolutely follow you into a dark forest to look for evil spirits.
Both these guys are the embodiment of that meme where a guy is laying in the middle of a ritual circle and his girlfriend is lighting candles and reading a grimoire.
Morticia and Gomez kind of vibe. You also give them a kiss before they turn into the other one, as a « see you later ;) »
I imagine that Jackson and Holt would absolutely help you get body modifications if you want to. I headcanon Jackson to be more into piercings and Holt tattoos.
They both find it very attractive if you try to dress with a certain aesthetic in mind (whatever it might be). They’re both pretty stylish guys, in their own ways, Jackson liking the ‘academic’ kind of vibe and Holt a kind of rockstar punk one.
You guys are honestly giving Cleo and Deuce competition for the most popular couple, but just because you guys’ alchemy is REAL.
On a side note, witch!reader has a ghost aunt but is partially inspired by Baba Yaga. So I imagine the first time the boys are invited over to your house to be kind of funny.
« Your house walks??? ON CHICKEN LEGS?? » Cue Holt trying to climb up on them.
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infernumequinomin · 1 year ago
I think everyone for the start assumes that Marcille is the fucking normal member of the party and is just that typical high strung elf trope when in reality, of the og party, Marcille and Laois are the biggest fucking freaks for the dungeon. It just makes sense that they're the ones the winged lion focuses on.
Marcille spent god only knows how many years studying dungeon design and how the magic of the thing works, on a very foundational level to the point of actively trying to design her own "safe" dungeon, Laois focused on the ecosystem and food chain simce he was a small child, Falin was obsessed with the dungeon as this mystery to explore so much she dropped out of school and joined her brother bc this was a Bigger Cooler dungeon than the one she had at school to explore. These three were absolutely fucking insane for the dungeon. They may have been some of the only people down here at first, NOT just here because they were trying to strike it rich.
Imagine being Namari like "oh these people just need a little help getting to the deeper levels for normal adventuring stuff" and then over your first meal together in like, the forest level, Marcille and Falin both start going off fucking science geek style about how the spirits are collecting in the area and what that means for monster cultivation and mandrakes and shit while the knight of your party is drooling imagining what a fucking ghost tastes like and being like "Oh no, I am the only normal person here" all the way up until you get to the fourth level and find a rare sword and spend four hours yelling abt metal composition and edge maintenance and then realizing "oh fuck oh god oh no we're ALL freaks".
Like high opinions of the siblings or not, why this party gravitated to each other makes sense, they're all fucking nuts abt this place in different ways. Even Chilchuck, who is arguably the most levelheaded of the group and arguably not here for insane reasons like "basically born here" or "wants to taste new and exotic food" or "needs to know how magic works or it'll drive her fucking insane for the next half millennia", is still clearly enamoured with how novel and interesting these locks and traps are. He likes the challenge of his skills! All of them are excited about the dungeon as a place to grow and feed their own desires for the future, and I think that is beautiful!
But fr Marcille is a freak and of the party. I don't think if the demon hadn't happened she, OR Laois, would have stopped adventuring.
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chrissv4mp · 1 year ago
bf!matt sturniolo hcs🤍
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author's note: was a little obsessed with the chris one, so.... here's some bf!matt hcs
warnings: none!
edit: i couldn't wait a whole week to post this, so it's a little present 4 u guys🫶🏼🫶🏼
🤍- HUGEEE hug guy over here!! especially hugs from behind omgg🤭 (and just any type of physical touch)
🦈- whenever his hands aren't occupied, then they're all over you / intertwined with yours.
🦈- loves whenever he has free time to cuddle with you / just spend even a minute with you. he loves your presence☹️
🤍- buys you flowers every time you come with him to the store, no matter the price of them. (even if he thinks $9.97 is entirely too much for a bouquet of roses..)
🤍- adores seeing you in his clothes.
🦈- like, you walk into the living room in one of his hoodies, "matt, do you know where my phone is?"
🦈- matt doesn't even give an answer to your question, he just continues to sit on the couch and gawk over you.
🦈- you're having an argument with a random girl from your college? he's on his way to back you up.
🦈- you're involved in sports and have an important game? he's already on the bleachers!!
🤍- he shares his airpods with you!! (best bf award goes to matthew sturniolo!!)
🤍- matt loves driving late at night and just listening to slow, quiet music with you.
🦈- he'll quite literally drive to a beach that's more than an hour away & just lay on the front of the car to watch the stars with you.
🦈- big astronomy guy over here as well! he loves the space and just stars in general. he'd geek out whenever he'd see a constellation.
🤍- the biggest sucker for forehead and neck kisses and is constantly showering you in them.
🤍- (speaking of showering....) matt loves warm showers/baths with you and will offer to help wash your hair bc he knows you hate whenever you feel a knot in it.
🦈- just imagine him running his fingers through your hair super gently & carefully untangling the little knots in your hair AGHH
🤍- whispers little 'i love you's' & praises in your ear whenever you guys are laying in bed together ☹️☹️🫶🏼
author's note: I LOVE THIS SMSMSM this might be my favorite thing i've written so far ahhhhh
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islandofsages · 1 year ago
Hey ! Can I ask for the Diasomnia boys reacting to a male!Ignihyde!reader who join the gargoyle club (idk if it's name) ?
Like, the reader is really just interest in the gargoyles, and isn't scare of Malleus (or anyone, really. Man is too tired for being scare.)
Ignore it if you don't want to write it.
Have a good day/night ! And happy new year too.
characters: diasomnia boys x male ignihyde reader
tags: platonic, canon compliant, fluff, imagines + scenario format; mentions of malleus in literally everything, lilia being a dad
warnings: none
author's notes: reader is so idgaf energy i love it. also i just remembered the small font feature exists LMAO do tell me if it's too small, i'll change it back to the original size!! if not, i'll change my previous posts to the smaller font. also you have a good day/night too anon ! and happy new year :D
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Malleus Draconia
Oh? You want to join the Gargoyle Studies Club? You’re being serious? Oh!
Words cannot describe how happy he is about a fellow gargoyle appreciator though his expression doesn’t really show that
And to think you see him as just another dude… such honor was bestowed upon him…!
He’ll excitedly bring you to every gargoyle he’s found on campus and infodump about them - and you’d write them down somewhere if you’re in the mood
Sometimes you’d find new gargoyles and bring him to them and you start to do likewise
Even outside of club activities you two geek out about gargoyles at times which has earned you two the title of nerds
“Have I told you about the time I’ve met talking gargoyles? I never thought I would see such a day…”
Gargoyles aside, he has times where he confides his personal daily life in you and in turn, he’ll ask you what’s it like being in Ignihyde, etc
After being around each other so much, it feels weird when you guys aren’t together - some people would ask where Malleus is whenever you’re on your own, and vice versa
People found it weird how close an Ignihyde student is to someone from a different dorm too and you’re not sure if you should be flattered or not
But in a sense, Malleus really is your other nerdy half.
Sebek Zigvolt
You?????? Join the club where Malleus is president and is the only member of?????????
Well, for one, the fact that you’re unfazed by his constant yelling and therefore probably too tired to be fazed by anything, consequently making you the perfect companion to Malleus because you wouldn’t react inappropriately to Malleus’ conduct
And that you actually are interested in gargoyles. That too. You tell all this to him
He clutches his head with one hand, debating your logic. You don’t know how and why but he accepts your argument
That doesn’t stop him from monitoring you two’s activities from afar but, again, you couldn’t care less. A sixteen year old’s fanatics is just part of the growing process
Outside of club activities, he interrogates you on what you’ve discussed with Malleus and you just tell him the truth: gargoyles
At some point, he gets so engrossed in your infodump about gargoyles his eyes shine with a new light
Of course, he mentions something about Malleus obviously liking something so interesting and befitting of his status - but he also thanks you for enlightening him on the topic and that he’ll go to you for more information if need be
You’ve converted him. You sometimes see him clutching a book about gargoyles around the school. It’s filled with notes sticking out of the pages. And a portion of that sometimes he’ll run to you to confirm about a fact or two
Maybe it’s safe to say you two are kind of friends now.
He doesn’t think too much of it other than being glad that Malleus finally has a fellow gargoyle fan he can geek out with
He’d see you and Malleus chatting it up around campus and he can’t stop the tender smile on his face from making an appearance
Sometimes he himself will try to strike up a conversation with you and gargoyle geek aside, he finds that you’re just a pleasant person to talk to and be around
He admits he’s not too close with any of the folks from Ignihyde aside for the Shroud brothers but you brush him off by saying that nobody is really
He also admires how you don’t really let anything get to you. Again, you shrug it off by half-joking that you’re too tired to be scared by anything at this point
He somewhat empathizes with you on that point, grieving over his narcoleptic tendencies with a heavy sigh
You try your best to cheer him up or if you have experience with such things, you give him advice on how to manage it
You then jest that he can tag along with you and Malleus’ club activities whenever he’s free if he wants. The more, the merrier, right?
He ponders it for a minute and nods. You didn’t think he’d actually accept the offer
“I don’t see a reason to refuse. Sebek and I have accompanied Malleus on his trips before. I’m sure this time around will be more fun with you here.”
And so you all do. You all have a royal time together - and the joy on Silver’s face is especially princely.
Lilia Vanrouge
He sheds (crocodile) tears at the thought of Malleus finally having an additional member in his one-man club more friends
Since you’re chill about it, he is too! As long as you get along with Malleus, everything will be fine and dandy
If anything, he’s a bit impressed by how it takes more than the average amount to gain a reaction out of you 
…and a bit concerned. Are you sure you’re getting enough nutrients? His paternal instincts kick in when you tell him you’re too tired to have a reaction to anything
He knows that Ignihyde students are mostly shut-ins but he still advises you and makes sure you get a balanced diet
It’s like he’s adopted yet another son
“Oh, (Y/N), you really ought to take care of yourself more.”
You grow a bit annoyed at him sometimes but you know his intentions are good so you don’t protest
You do feel very loved though. You didn’t expect this much from just joining a club for a topic you’re genuinely interested in
But you have to admit it is kind of hard to come by people who aren’t intimidated by the Malleus Draconia, even if you don’t see it as anything special
What’s special, though, is the affection Lilia holds for you.
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wrongbodies · 3 days ago
Bodies Between Friends
Buying items off Wish or Temu is always a gamble. Buying a potion off a sketchy website? That is really risky. This is what ran through Brandon's mind when he met up with his two best friends that Friday night.
Brandon, a fairly average guy - dark brown hair, fair skin, and a slightly doughy body. He wasn't fat, just... not often seen at the gym. He was sitting in his friends dorm room, Robby.
Robby was grinning as he fiddled with a package. He was seated on his bed. Robby was skinny, almost emaciated looking, and extremely pale. His fiery red hair was cut short and neat. He was a pretty quintessential nerd, his tight graphic tees and collection of manga novels only cementing it. He did loathe his eyesight, which required glasses to correct.
Leaning against the wall by the door was our other friend, Jace. He was probably what we'd consider our "leader" due to his charismatic nature and good looks. He was a former hockey player, off the team only because of an injury that made him unable to keep up with the intensity of the sport. He still had longer hair, the way hockey boys kept it, typically. His eyes were a piercing blue, with a jawline other men would die for. He had no trouble with women, but he often seemed unable to commit.
"So, what did you have to show us, Robby?" Brandon asked, fidgeting with his phone.
"Only the most interesting thing we could ever do on a Friday night..." Robby said, continuing to open the small box. It was covered in tape and stickers denoting something fragile inside.
"This had better be worth it, I wanted to hit up the bar tonight. We can still go if you hurry." Jace groaned.
"Oh, don't you worry Jace. What we are about to do will transform this whole night. And we can still go to the bar. Let's just say it will be a very fresh perspective." Robby said, mysterious undertones not so subtly laced into his words.
"Ok then..." Jace rolled his eyes.
Finally, after ripping through the tape, cutting across with his room key, the box opened. Inside a satin sack was cradled in bubble wrap. Robby picked it up gingerly, his face flush with excitement. From within the sack, he produced a small bottle of dark liquid. It was stoppered with a cork, which made the whole thing appear very occult.
"Ok, I have some simple instructions for this to work. Can you bear with me? I promise this will be wild fun, and quite safe." Robby explained.
"Wait, is this some kind of drug? Is this ayahuasca or something?" Brandon asked.
"No, it's not drugs. It is a potion, though, if you can believe it. However, I want you to trust me." Robby continued.
Jace and Brandon exchanged a look. Robby could be a weirdo, a geek, and a bit lewd, but they would not expect him to hurt them or put them in harm's way.
"You know, this is weird, right? I am on board, but you being cagey is definitely weird." Jace said.
"I fully understand." Robby replied, uncorking the bottle. A scent emerged, like cinnamon and garlic twining around one another. "Ok, the instructions are simple: when you drink this, you need to think clearly in your mind a name. I am going to think of Jace. Jace, you think of Brandon. And Brandon, you think of me. Don't just think of the name, too. Imagine in your mind's eye their face, body, what they are like. Can you do that?"
"Uhhh I guess so?" Brandon confirmed. Jace nodded as well.
"Ok, it doesn't take much to do this. But let's drink all together at once." He poured a small drop into 3 shot glasses he had prepared. Earlier, Brandon had been looking forward to some pregaming based on the glasses, but it seems Robby wasn't pouring any liquor. Unless this potion was some very high proof something-or-other.
"Ok, remember the instructions. Cheers!" Robby said, as he handed out the glasses. Jace and Brandon exchanged on last look, and then followed suit with Robby. Tilting the glasses back, each of them closed their eyes as the liquid hit their tongues, a vile flavor reminiscent of radicchio and burnt coffee.
Despite the flavor, all 3 were able to maintain their focus. In Brandon's mind he saw the slight, petite body of Robby. His red hair that was neatly groomed, his green eyes behind the glasses. Admittedly, Brandon had always thought his friend was kinda cute. He knew Robby was straight, his collection of anime and general interests were very clearly about big breasted women.
Similarly, Robby was glowing inside as he imagined Jace's body. Strong, muscly, and eminently desirable. His hair when brushed back, eyes open like the sky, looking at a beautiful woman in his arms. He could imagine what that strength felt like.
Jace was in his reverie imagining Brandon's body. He wasn't attracted to him, he was firmly into woman. But he envied Brandon. Brandon could be so much more, with an unbroken body, that with time and effort could be molded into something not unlike his own body when in its prime. He didn't begrudge Brandon for it, he just wish he had that kind of potential again. A chance to revive his days on ice without the shooting pain in his knee from the injury and many surgeries.
It was all three of these young men were thinking deeply of their friend, that it happened. Each of them felt a weightlessness, a sensation that might happen when one left Earth's gravitational pull. But, strangely, their bodies felt rooted to the ground. It was like one half of them remained firmly where it was, and another part was drifting up and away. And then... they felt themselves landing, settling back into their body. Sensation of being fully connected returned, from toes to heads, they were reunited with flesh.
But when they opened their eyes, the flesh they had settled in turned out to be someone else's. Brandon found himself staring out from the bed, where he was seated. He could see Jace where he was standing before, looking down at his hands, before they moved to touch his chest and belly. Similarly, Brandon's own body, an impossible sight, was suddenly standing up from the chair and looking around bewildered.
"What the fuck?" Brandon's body yelped. "Wait, what the actual fuck is going on?!"
"Calm down, calm down!" Jace's body commanded. He put his hands on the shoulders of Brandon's body. "I know this is wild, and disorienting. But what just happened is we switched bodies! All three of us."
Brandon realized that this was true. He was peering at the scene from behind glasses, which he did not wear or need in his own body. And looking down at his torso and legs, he was much smaller, and clothed in a graphic tee and loose sweatpants that were most definitely not the clothes he donned this morning.
"So... I'm in Robby's body." Brandon said, a little shellshocked.
"And I'm Jace..." Jace said, from Brandon's body.
"Yep! I'm Robby in here!" Robby said exuberantly. He patted his body as he continued to feel quite excited about his situation.
"Robby, this is absolutely insane. You could have warned us this is what was going to happen. I don't know if I like this." Brandon said, doubt snaking into his language.
"Ok, I admit it was a bit on the sus side for me to leave out what was going to happen. But I genuinely thought it would be an exciting experiment! Besides, do NOT worry. If we all drink the potion again, we can switch back." Robby soothed. "We could even switch with others! There is no limit, except for the quantity of the potion."
"Well... if that is the case, I do feel a bit better." Jace said. "I have to admit, this is kinda wacky in the right way."
"You are actually on board with this?" Brandon asked.
"Why not? We can still go out, have a good Friday night. Do everything we would normally do. Just... with different faces. I'm actually looking forward to see if I could pull a girl in this body." Jace explained.
"That is kinda weird... but I can understand what you are saying." Brandon replied. He was a little turned on being in Robby's body. It felt strangely like a vacation. He was staying at an airbnb, except it was a body and not some random house.
"I am so glad you guys are on board for this!" Robby exclaimed. "And I was thinking the same thing, Jace. We can go out tonight, secretly swapped. We can talk with our other friends, pick up girls, see what happens. It's kind of kinky, isn't it?"
"Ok, I knew you were into Hentai and shit, but you are doing a bit much!" Brandon laughed. "But fuck, I'm down for it."
"Me too!" Jace pumped. "Let's see if I can get my friend a lay, while I AM that friend. That's so trippy."
"Wait-" Brandon spoke up. "I should say something first, because I think it would only be fair."
"What's up dude?" Jace asked. Robby looked on with some concern.
"Just... being in Robby's body, I should admit that I am into - um, well guys?" Brandon explained, not sounding very certain.
"Oh man, that's no problem to me." Jace said immediately.
"Uhh... so you might try and get with a guy in my body?" Robby asked, looking a little dubious.
"Only if you are okay with that." Brandon confirmed.
"I don't know-" Robby started.
"Wait, you can't be serious Robby. You hijacked us both for a body swap roulette. I am down for fun, but I have a suspicion you chose my body for a reason. Let's not impose restrictions because you swapped a gay guy - I say that with love, Brandon. " Jace argued.
Jace's body shifted with Robby in control. His face was red. "Ok, that is actually fair. I admit I did set it up so I could be Jace specifically. But I want everyone to have fun... so I guess if some guy wants to mess around with my twig body, Brandon can give it a go."
"Thanks man, there's no guarantee I get any action tonight anyways." Brandon said. "But... I need to do something about this outfit. I want to change into something better for the bar, no offense. And you two should prepare as well. I want to have a fucking good time tonight."
"Hell yeah!" Jace cheered. He checked out his new body and clothes. "Yeah, let me go freshen up. Robby, come with me and I'll help you pick some clothes. Can't have you walking around in my body looking schlubby."
The three friends beamed. This was going to be a wild night, for sure.
(I am planning on returning to this for a part 2, and maybe more.)
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blond3ang3l · 7 months ago
🌷♡₊˚geek lover! eren🦢・₊✧
This is a remake of the already geek lover eren, but specifically a sfw version but I actually really love this story
Eren is a geek lover. He absolutely is enamored with you. Watching your lips with every word you spoke. The way you got excited telling him about every single new detail of the things you got interested in. Eren worked hard as a famous rnb singer, long days in the studio trying to perfect his songs. Then having to perform when he literally had the WORST anxiety known to man. It always felt like someone needed him and was on his ass about something.
But he did it all for you. So you can have everything your heart desired. He left nothing behind when it came to you. You wanted to see a new sci fi movie? He already bought out the theater. There’s a new podcast you like? He’s downloaded all the episodes for you on both yours and his phone. Don’t even get started on books. On your first date you mentioned you like to read and study psychology in your free time. Once you moved in he had your very own book room built for you. Carefully picking out each book for you on his own. Your own desk and room for you todo your writings in. He even surprised you with a laptop and camera so you can start your own podcast! He just wanted to show you how much he loved and supported you.
For moment like this were he could come home and listen to you tell him. About the things you've watched in your huge list of video essays that you had in a playlist on YouTube. How you lit up telling him different facts from how the dating game killer had a coworker that also happened to be a serial killer and he didn't know to the conspiracy theory of the 27 club, no matter what you said it always made you so happy and seeing you all giddy and stimming while you talked to him made him so content with his life.
"I know cotards syndrome, Koro, Diogenes, fregoli, hypochondria, pica, capgras, boanthropy, apotenmophilia, kulver bulcy, ekbom, erotomania, Stendhal. Pics is like one of the more well known. You know that show my strange addiction that we watch together? Yeah so like those people who eat the random shit like the lady who ate rocks- omg that reminds me!"
You were sitting on his lap, yapping his ear off.His eyes couldn't help but wander to your legs which lead him to notice you were wearing his boxers. Your hands thick thighs were filling them out so well. His hands moved to grip them as he watched you talk. You’d kill him later for not listening but he just felt so much dread when he was away from you that he couldn’t help but just stare at you forever.
Erens ass was not listening one bit. He was watching you, watching your body. You guys had been apart for a little over a month so could do a very short tour in another country and he was sick as fuck that he couldn't bring you.Everyone knew it too. His attitude fucking sucked that trip. He was antsy, his anxiety was through the roof, he snapped at everyone, overall he fucking hated it. But now, sitting here with you he finally felt at peace.
“Rennie, papa are you okay? You’re getting all red. Are you feeling sick baby?”
You were worried, he had a bad history of getting sick easily. With him coming back from another country he could have likely caught something. It would hurt your heart to know he wasn’t feeling well.
“I’m fine baby. Keep going. I wanna hear you talk.”
“Are you sure baby? We can go lay down if you’d like.”
It warmed his heart how much you cared for him. You made him the man he was. He used to be so closed off to anyone that wasn’t your friends mikasa and armin. You taught him how to deal with the grief of life and got him therapy to get through the rough days of his depression. He just loved you so much and truly couldn’t imagine being anywhere without you.
“I’m fine baby, just missed you so much..”
For my girlie @merakidoll
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premiumbitch · 2 months ago
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hi luvs! I decided I'd make this post because I had someone (@rottent0m4t03z) request how they could create movie ideas for their dr! I hope this doesn't sound like homework because honestly I feel like I wrote it in such a boring teacher way LMAO anyways hope you guys found this helpful, enjoy :)
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Start With Something Real ♡ //
A lot of great movies come from real-life experiences. Think about moments in your life or things you’ve seen that stuck with you—maybe a complicated friendship, a crazy family story, or even something you saw on the news. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, just relatable. Like, imagine a story about a kid from a small town trying to make it in an industry where they don’t fit in—that’s universal, but it can still feel fresh.
Focus on Relationships ♡ //
Movies are all about people and the connections between them. Think about relationships you’d love to explore—best friends who’ve grown apart, siblings dealing with family drama, or two people falling in love in the messiest, most complicated way. The dynamic itself can shape the story. Like, what happens when someone has to choose between loyalty to their best friend and doing what’s right?
Ask Yourself, ‘What If?’ ♡ //
Good movie ideas often come from asking “What if?” Like, what if a journalist published a fake story and had to deal with the fallout? What if a lawyer discovered a loophole that could bring down a corrupt system but risked everything in the process? It doesn’t have to be over-the-top—just something that grabs attention and makes you curious about what happens next.
Explore Hidden Worlds ♡ //
Think about subcultures or communities most people don’t know much about. It could be underground street racing, high-stakes poker, or even the behind-the-scenes world of classical musicians. Building a story around a specific world gives it depth and makes it feel unique. For example, a movie about a fencing team could be way more intense than you’d expect if you focus on the rivalries and stakes.
Create a Flawed Lead ♡ //
Nobody likes a perfect character. Think about a role you’d want to play—someone with real flaws and layers. Maybe it’s a musician who’s wildly talented but self-destructive, or a teacher who’s great with students but failing at life outside of work. Flawed characters are just more fun to watch—and to act.
Keep It Relevant Without Being Preachy ♡ //
Movies that deal with social issues can be powerful if they don’t feel like they’re lecturing. Instead of making the issue the main focus, show how it affects your characters personally. Like, a single mom navigating a broken healthcare system isn’t just about the system—it’s about her fight to save her kid.
Think Simple, But Impactful ♡ //
Sometimes, less is more. A survival story, a revenge tale, or even a day-in-the-life kind of plot can hit harder than a big, complicated setup. Like, think about a movie where two strangers meet on a train and spend one night together. It’s simple, but the emotional weight carries it.
Visualize One Great Scene ♡ //
Picture a scene you’d love to act in. Maybe it’s a tense argument between two characters in a dimly lit diner, or a moment where someone finally confesses a dark secret. Build the movie around that one scene. What led to it? What happens next?
Write About What You’re Obsessed With ♡ //
Think about the things you geek out over—psychology, art, fashion, science, whatever—and weave that into the story. For example, if you’re into psychology, write a movie about someone confronting their past trauma. If you love history, set the story in a time period that fascinates you. Passion always comes through in the script.
Get Specific, Not Generic ♡ //
Details make everything feel real. Instead of writing a generic “bad boy,” make him someone who’s sarcastic because he’s insecure. Set your movie in places you know—like the small coffee shop you always hang out at or the chaotic bus stop in your city. Start small, make it feel real, and then let the story grow naturally.
Bonus Tips for Brainstorming:
Journal Random Ideas: Write random scenes or conversations you’d want to act out. Even if they’re not full stories, they can spark something.
Steal a Formula, Then Flip It: Take a classic storyline—like a heist or a love triangle—and twist it. What happens if the heist goes wrong in the first 10 minutes? What if the love triangle isn’t what it seems?
Look at Scripts You Love: Read movie scripts you admire (you can find a ton online). Pay attention to how they structure the story and create characters you care about.
Play the “What Happens Next” Game: Imagine an opening scene and keep asking, “What happens next?” until you’ve got a plot.
hope this helps! also, if you guys want, I can create a whole separate post giving you guys movie ideas! lmk! <3
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shadesslut · 2 years ago
quick rec if you have time ☺️
richie inviting his friends over to his appartement for a get together but spends most of the evening embarrassing and humiliating ethan (he's such a shitty brother).
so ethan takes y/n (whom richie is infatuated with) to his room and fucks her to make her moan so hard, all the guests hear her. he does everything to make her scream and embarrass richie in return ;)
Thank you! I hope you like it<3
brotherly love
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Pairing: (Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Smut, light humiliation)
Summary: After being made fun of by his older brother, Ethan finds a way to make sure he will never be made fun of again.
part 2
Ethan always had a complicated relationship with his brother. Since they were little, Richie would always try to scare the younger brunet. He would make elaborate pranks on how Ethan would die or get hurt, and they always worked on him. Ethan grew sensitive over time, never letting his guard down either. Especially around Richie.
When Richie moved out and bought his own apartment, Ethan jumped for joy on the inside. Since the older brother no longer lived with Ethan, he could finally relax. He could walk into the kitchen without having to stay quiet, and he could invite people over.
Unfortunately, all of this stopped once Richie came home for Christmas, bringing some friends along with him. Ethan panicked once his father said Richie arrived back; he already felt his anxiety rise.
The visit was alright. The only good thing about Richie visiting was his friends that he brought. Ethan had taken a liking to one of them; a girl with y/h/c hair and a bright smile. Her name was Y/N, and Ethan was already imagining his last name with hers.
That had been two months ago.
Ethan was now sitting on a green sofa in his brother’s new apartment. Him and his sister, Quinn, were invited to Richie’s apartment warming party. Ethan didn’t really have the urge to go, but he desperately wanted to see Y/N again.
She was across from him on the other couch, chatting with another girl. He had been watching her ever since she came in, gazing at every inch of her body.
Richie snapped Ethan out of his gaze as he plopped down next to him. He wrapped his arm around Ethan’s shoulders, slightly shaking him.
“Ethan,” he drew out. “Whatcha looking at?”
Ethan’s shoulders tensed at his older brother’s question. Richie knew about Ethan’s not so little crush, and he planned to make sure everyone else knew.
“Nothing.” Ethan mumbled, shrugging Richie’s hand off. Richie looked at Ethan with a sinister look painted across his face. He looked over Ethan’s head at Quinn, who shook her head at him.
“Hey Y/N,” Richie yelled, still looking at Ethan. Y/N’s head turned to Richie, smiling.
Richie stood up and walked towards her, sitting next to her. “You met Ethan, right?” He asked, pointing towards the curly-haired boy.
She nodded as she looked at Ethan smiling. “Yeah, I have.”
“You know any girls that’d be into him? And into the whole ‘pathetic guy’ look?” He laughed as others chuckled at his joke. Ethan’s fists tightened at his brother’s taunts. Y/N looked at him awkwardly and slightly smiled uncomfortably.
“You know he took a video game design class last semester? You’re such a geek aren’t you little bro?” Richie quipped again.
“Enough, Richie.” Quinn warned, yet was trying to hold back a laugh.
Ethan’s face reddened as he looked around the room, seeing how everyone was looking at him. “Shut up.” He muttered.
Richie leaned his head towards him, “What did you say? I can barely hear you.”
Ethan looked over at Y/N before glancing back at Richie. Richie’s eyes brightened as he noticed, and Ethan immediately regretted it.
“You better stay near me, Y/N, or else he’ll start creeping on you.” Richie told her, leaning his elbow on her shoulder. Y/N looked at Richie, and then at Ethan.
Some people laughed while others looked at Ethan judgmentally. Ethan cursed under his breath and stood up, stomping to Richie’s room. He could hear Richie and others laugh as he walked away.
A few minutes of Ethan’s knee bouncing up and down and him breathing slowly in and out, allowed Ethan’s anger to sizzle away. He sat on the edge of Richie’s bed, glaring at a picture of him and Y/N on his desk.
“Fuck you, Richie.”
He turned his head towards the door that slightly opened, Y/N’s head peeking through. “H-Hey,”
“Hi?” Ethan responded.
She stepped in and closed the door. “Richie’s an ass.” She said as she sat down next to him. She looked away, guiltily and sighed. “I’m sorry about earlier, I should have said something.”
He shrugged and played with his fingers. “It’s okay.” He said softly.
“It’s not, but, I know how we can make him mad.” She suggested, leaning towards Ethan.
Ethan raised his eyebrows at her. Is she��suggesting what he’s thinking?
“How so?” Ethan asked, setting his hands on the mattress.
She swiftly got up and straddled Ethan’s lap. Ethan gasped and shifted under her body. “Something like this,” she whispered in his ear.
He looked down at their hips, then looked up at her. “If you’re gonna let me do this, I’m not gonna hold back.” He spoke, his voice deep and his eyes dark. His hands reached for her hips, holding her harshly.
“Fuck, okay.” She moaned as she ran her hands through his curls.
He picked her up and kissed her roughly, throwing her on the bed. Oh he was so, going to gloat to Richie about fucking Y/N in his bed. She gasped as she landed, and looked up at Ethan.
He licked his lips and started undoing his belt, causing her to slide her shorts down quickly. He stepped out of his jeans and raised his arms as he allowed her to take off his shirt.
“You’re so hot,” She breathed against his neck, thrusting her hips upwards. He whimpered and grinder against her. His dick was already hard, and he could feel the wetness that grew between her legs. He kissed her until he couldn’t breathe; it was the best feeling in the world.
They were pawing at each other, both fully nude now. Ethan stared at her tits, they were so perfect, and all he wanted to do was suck on them.
He lowered his head and licked her nipple, which started to peak shortly after. He covered her nipple with his whole mouth as he sucked on it. She threw head back in ecstasy from the pressure.
“Ethan, I need you to be inside of me right now.” She moaned, tugging at his curls. He groaned and looked around the room.
“I don’t have a condom.”
She smiled at him and pulled his head back down as she kissed him. “I’m on the pill.”
He had a devilish smile on him now. As he lined himself up with her entrance, he looked in her eyes for approval; to which she nodded. He thrusted his hips slowly, halfway inside of her.
“Oh,” he moaned, slowly. He shut his eyes closed to focus on the feeling of her around him. She caressed his chest, and he pushed all the way in.
“You feel so good,” she cooed at him, arching her back.
He started moving his hips at a slow pace, in and out. He was a whining mess, while she tried to keep quiet. He wasn’t going to let that continue.
Ethan looked at Richie’s nightstand and saw a picture of Richie, which made him furrow his brows in anger. He was going to make sure Richie knew who was making Y/N feel so good.
He thrusted at a harsher and faster pace; pulling all the way out and pushing all the way back in. Now, she was moaning louder.
“Oh fuck!” She sobbed. She had tears in her eyes from the mix of pain and pleasure. Ethan dropped his head to lick the tears off. He reached his hands down and picked up her legs to put over his shoulders.
Her eyes rolled back at the position. The tip of his dick hit her sweet spot, which drove her crazy.
“Yell my name, yell my fucking name,” he growled in her ear, still thrusting deep inside her.
She whined softly and scratched his back. “Fuck, Ethan,”
He rolled his eyes back and quickened his pace. He reached his hand down and rolled his thumb over her clit harshly. The noises in the room made Ethan’s ears redden; wet and slapping noises filling their ears.
“Ah! Ethan!” She yelped at the new sensation. “Fuck me, fuck me!”
Ethan smiled to himself as she screamed his name, hoping to God that Richie could hear. He heard footsteps approaching the room and a faint “What the fuck is that noise?”
He saw the door crack open, meeting eyes with Richie. He glared at him with a menacing stare as he continued to thrust inside of her. Richie’s eyes widened as he glanced between Y/N and Ethan. He stood still at the doorway as Ethan continued to fuck her.
Ethan had heard a few of Richie’s friends laugh at him, and they pulled him away from the door.
Ethan smiled to himself, looking back at Y/N. He thought about Richie, and how he would never let him make him feel worse again. He knew Richie wouldn’t be able to, he wouldn’t be able to after tonight.
The two of them moaned and kissed each other as they slowly reached their high. Ethan thrusting in faster than ever. She moaned his name one more time, filling the entire apartment. He kissed her neck as he stuttered his hips a few more times as he came inside her. He dropped his weight on top of her, sighing with pleasure.
“Fuck Ethan, didn’t know you had that in you.” She moaned, breathing heavily.
“Me neither.”
She wiped the sweaty strands off his forehead, and then kissed the top of his head. “We should film next time for Richie.” She laughed.
“Oh, you know we are.”
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thedanniannie · 8 months ago
🖤Uchiha Men on Bagging a Goth Baddie🖤
Characters: Madara, Obito, Shisui, and Itachi
Warnings: sliiiiight NSFW mention
(Descriptions also lean feminine)
- first of all, I do not think Madara to be the kind to search out a goth babe. He would have to stumble upon someone who's personality fancied him, and they just happened to be gothy.
- I can see a connection happening after his future goth partner fearlessly locks eyes with him from across the street. And I'm sure this man has the biggest RBF of the entire clan, so that eye contact MEANS something.
- But once he falls in love with it once, let's just say he learns to love the goth side real quick.
- I think his favorite goth activity to share is watching horror films together. Talk about a man who could stomach any and every horror film (couldn't be me). Also, it's the perfect opportunity to play with their thighs.
- In terms of aesthetic, I think he likes the look of corp goth the most. He's a capricorn, so it just makes sense to me.
- Oooohhhh... oh poor Tobi... bless his simp ass soul....
- He's the kind to find goths very hot from afar, but would be too nervous to really act on anything.
- Based off his crush on Rin, he might be drawn to a "sweeter" gothy babe. Like, if they're wearing a pretty little dress or ruffley blouse, and looks like a sweet Gothic fairy or something his heart would just swell a bit.
- Honestly the only way I could imagine him having the nerve to talk to a goth babe is if they were friends with Kakashi or something, and after a collective meeting and some hangout sessions, kakashi would have to wingman Tobi to finally ask them out.
- When he's got them locked in tho, ABSOLUTE simp behavior. They want to watch a horror film? Tobi will have it streamed immediately. They want to listen to their playlist in the car? Tobi has it saved and it's blasting. HE IS A SIMP!
- A babbling simp at that. On the days that they decide to really dress up, he's on his knees. And if they decide to accessorize with garters.... he wouldn't be able to leave the house with them bc of his constant boner.
- like Tobi, Shisui finds the goth bitches very hot. Unlike Tobi, he's always looking to bag a goth hottie.
- like, he's the guy to have a crush on Rhea Ripley. Yeah, that's gonna be my new hc for him.
- on their first date, Shisui is the kind to match their energy by bringing a Gothic bouquet for them (and yes he keeps one flower to know when to replace them yadayadayada)
- he'd also purposefully buy more black t-shirts for his wardrobe so that he can more often see his goth baddie wearing his clothes. And they know that pairing it with some cute underwear and some thigh highs will make Shisui loose his absolute mind.
- The Uchiha to most likely take them to the club. May lead some small dances here and there, but he's really there to let people know who's their boyfriend.
- also expect him to be the one to beg his gothy partner to put makeup on him while they sit on his lap.
- gets excited about crows with them
- okay LET ME IMGAINE THE MOST FANFIC SETTING FOR 3 SECONDS OKAY......... imagine bumping into him at the book store as you two are both browsing through the Gothic literature section and grow a connection after collectively geeking over the literature y'all have read JFIEKSBDIDOJWBDJDJIDJSBJD
- He'll get matching dark manicures with them.......... and he'll pay.
- I think Itachi would loooooove a "Morticia Addams" kind of look, the long dark hair and a long, flattering dress would make him stare at them like a valuable piece of high art
- a hangout at the graveyard doesn't phase him. He ends up finding it quite peaceful.
- out of all the Uchihas, he's the one to most likely adopt all their goth playlists (like I said, he's a secret goth)
- Itachi also gets excited about crows with them
WHERE'S SASUKE, WHERE'S SASUKE? I'M NOT A SASUKE GIRL.... sorry to hurt your feelings. Also, I think sasusaku is very cute, and I'm sorry but sakura is NAWT a goth girly. Like, it'd have to be a whole au thing. Also I'm so not experienced in writing uchihas other than Itachi, so this really is just a warm up for me.
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martialartslover7 · 6 months ago
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Headcanon time: I feel like, the Blank Period after Shippuden was kind of a missed opportunity, in my eyes. Look, I get that everything needed to wrap up, but... seriously? We don't even get an emotional, on-screen scenario where Naruto finally becomes Hokage? Maybe after months of him forcing himself to suffer through these accursed Chunin exams (because bureaucracy fucking sucks, but, it is what it is), getting promoted to Jonin, before he can even HOPE to apply as Hokage?
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(Image belongs to Ammitastic on DeviantArt)
Another thing, in the Blank Period, I don't care what anyone else tells me, Neji Hyuga, the GOAT, deserved to live, he did not deserve to die so disgracefully in the war, being turned into a wooden pimp cushion. Hence, I will not ever canonically acknowledge his passing.
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You know what passing I WILL accept though, in my mind? Hiashi Hyuga. That piece of work actually deserved to go out like that, after everything he did to Hinata, her cousin and her sister (this is a can of worms I will open up another time). And because of his death, the Hyuga clan is left without a leader during the Blank Period. It would have given Hinata something to do, to actually participate in the process, along with Neji, on how they will be resolving this problem with the leadership question, mending the bridges with Hanabi too, outside of just being immediately reduced to a birthing machine. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind Naruto and Hinata getting busy (*wink*), they deserve it, but, the way it was shown off in the anime, came in such a jarring and abrupt way, I thought they would actually give it some time first, because, being an adult, is coming with a lot of unique difficulties, that need to be discussed first. I would have enjoyed some of that "being adults suck" point being discussed from Naruto's and Hinata's POV.
Like, before even having Boruto and Himawari, they could have just settled on enjoying life together for a few years, before the true stress with their jobs and children begin. They are not their families, they should be smarter about this.
Plus, this point is more of a stretch on my end, but, the anime talked about the "Madara Crisis" of sorts, where loyal, mentally ill followers of Madara demanded for the Infinite Tsukuyomi to return, which translated to me, only means: A Madara Crisis story. Like, it's not just nameless NPCs that are affected by this, but also specific shinobi that Naruto & Friends met, in the course of their lives. The Dead Rising geek leaves my body here. For real, imagine, some shinobi, like for instance, Kakashi (in my AU, Guy died fighting Madara, I really don't care what people try to tell me, him getting saved at the last minute just cheapened everything about his violent assault on Madara, sorry, I love Guy too, but if he died, he would have truly become a legend, think of it that way, it's sad, but a far more fitting end to his character), Hanabi, Shino, Tsunade, etc. being hit the worst by this Madara influence, where they would also join these followers, just wanting the emotional scars to close up, as some wounds just never heal, no matter how much time passes, and the 4th Shinobi war also contributed to their problems and emotional states. And they, in the context of a Dead Rising scenario, become Psychopath boss fights, except that, unlike there, you don't kill them. This saga would have given so many side characters a chance to take the lead for a change, and show off, how much progress they had made, coming over from the 4th war, to the Blank Period. I will just leave this here.
That's all for now.
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