#im seething with rage!
ridermatsu · 1 year
venting tiiime
i am so fucking pissed off night now. i know im barely here nowadays but this is the only place i know no one irl follows me so i need to vent.
Context: brother got married almost 2 years ago. they have an 80-lbs golden doodle puppy (1-2 years old) and had a baby in late June.
we were supposed to visit my brother in halifax (5 hrs away) this weekend coming up. then last night, mom gets a text from SIL asking us to take Murphy (their dog) until Thanksgiving. So, about a month.
Now WE have a dog. Her name is Cookie. she's a 13-year-old lhasapoo with a meat allergy. We love her, she's in pretty good health but we know she probably has another good year or two. Cookie can tolerate Murphy (they have before, we kept him for a week during Fiona and she was OK), but obviously we don't want to put too much stress on her.
So my mom says "im really sorry, but we can't take Murphy for a month". inb4 anyone asks, the in-laws can't take him because they have an elderly golden retriever who hates Murphy, so he can't stay with them for a month.
this morning, mom got a text from my brother. he said that his wife is really stressed out, with the baby and the dog, and that "company probably isn't good for this weekend". whihc translates to: "my wife is mad you wont take Murphy for a month so she doesnt want you to come sorry"
i am going. fucking insane. the absolute gall and audacity of this bitch. i dont hate SIL. but she infuriates me to my core. the entitlement.
after a small "break" they took when dating (which she blamed on my mom making naughty jokes about kitchens and rooster decorations), my parents have been walking on eggshells around her. IVE been walking on eggshells around her. we have been trying to compromise and make peace. but BY GOD is it hard to do that when you have someone who expects everything to go her way all the time.
i get she just had a baby. fuck, she even told my brother that she's been snapping at the dog for simply existing in her presence because of her postpartum rage. but my GOD as much as i love murphy they should NOT have gottwn him if they knew they were planning a baby. this wasnt an accidental baby!!! this was PLANNED!!!! and they were still like "you know what we should do? get a puppy that will grow to 80 pounds!!!"
but im not just upset with her. im upset with my brother too. because he ALSO walks on eggshells around her, he lets her walk all over him like a fucking doormat all the time. my brother loves dogs, but i dont think he realized how huge the responsibilty of raising a dog was. he also loves his son. that's his lil baby boy, of course he loves him!!! but he doesnt know how to say no to her, or talk to her. obv i dont know about their private life but from the lil glimpses ive gotten, it doesnt seem good. do i think he wanted to tell my mom not to come up this weekend because SIL is in a bad mood because we wont bend over backwards for her? no. did he still do it instead of having the important conversations about what to do about their situation? yeah. he did.
as much as it pains me to think about, i think they should rehome Murphy to someone who has the time and patience to train him and raise him well. my brother has patience but no time, and SIL has neither with a baby on her hands (and honestly i wouldnt be surprised if she just got a dog to make him happy without thinking about the consequences). because literally none of this is Murphy's fault! hes jsut a puppy! an overgrown, dumb and loveable puppy!!! i would take him in a heartbeat if i could!!! but i cant!!! because i have an elderly dog and i live with my paretns!!!!
this is not a good quality of life for him. Murphy deserves better.
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phiklimz · 2 years
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akane’s my fav actress because I just KNOW she was seething during some parts of the nonary game. god bless her heart
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v8mpvrse · 4 months
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this is what i do to cope with the epic highs and lows of my hockey teams.
credit to thepenaltyboxpodcast on ig where i got the tickets and the bear from!
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jelliedbat · 3 months
sources are saying season two was less freaky because of the time slot moving from 10 to 9 pm…. imagine what we could have had… RELEASE THE PERVERT CUT!!!!!!!!
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dukeofthomas · 8 days
"He hurts you because he loves you" classic excuse for abuse, not an interesting angle to go at a story with, boring, annoying, makes me hate anyone who says this shit. "He loves you but he still hurt you" beautiful, amazing, empowering. Love is not a pure, good, flawless emotion, actions matter more than intent, and caring for someone doesn't mean you can't or won't hurt them, and in my opinion, it makes hurting them worse.
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Style - The Lonely Mountains (NOT Taylor Swift)
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novellapink · 6 months
I'd rather punch bark on a tree til my knuckles bleed than to ever lay eyes on you again!
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skimmoons · 8 months
I’m sorry but (I really am sorry don’t come for me) people who were disappointed at the season finale atp are doing it just to piss me off. Like ok, I get it, lots of things were changed during the first season and it wasn’t what you expected, but the season finale was by far the episode more faithful to the books except, maybe, the first two (and I still think the SF was better).
We had everything, the fights weren’t underwhelming, the betrayal hurt even more, we had Gabe turning into stone for you who spent the last 7 weeks bitching that they were gonna change Gabe’s arc, the conversation between Poseidon and Percy literally had a quote from the book WORD BY WORD. They gave you everything you wanted. At this point, if you’re STILL gonna bitch about idk the tree not being the right shade of green, please just stop watching. Please. It’s getting fucking annoying. If you want to rip the show apart at least make sense of your critiques.
This of course applies to tiktok fans but whatever I just had to say it
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mxbitters · 3 months
on behalf of my gramma i think i should be allowed to tear people who make ai generated cross stitch and crochet patterns limb from limb thank you very much
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andr0nap · 1 year
very problematic to ship vash and wolfwood. wolfwood is like 12 and vash is 150+ years old. gross. its giving pedo fantasy!
congrats anon on being the first one to send me hate! i hope it makes you feel as warm and fuzzy inside as it does for me 🥺👉👈❤️‍🔥
to celebrate this very important milestone i have drawn vashwood making out sloppy style just for u
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Rewatched the episode of House MD where Kutner dies and I honestly think instead of killing his character off, they should have said that Kutner got a job as physician to then President Barack Obama and that's why he was leaving. Objectively funnier since his actor did leave the show to work for Obama and I know it would have driven House nuts that Kutner was ditching to go play doctor with the President instead of getting verbally abused for House's amusement.
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People act like boycotting something is the hardest thing in the world for them to do and it makes my stomach churn so fucking much with anger. It is one of the most basic simple things you can do right now to support Palestine and people are saying shit like "well, boycotting the show isn't going to do anything :/ so I'm going to keep watching it :/ because it's special to me" literally kill yourself
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softerseasons · 7 months
listen. my post about being shat on on the internet for advocating for a word to describe the specific ways transphobia and misogyny and queer discomfort with masculinity intersected for me is going around quite a bit more than i thought it would when i first made it to vent so I want to add for anyone who like, comes to see what else i've got going on:
i should have specified that i also didn't get to have that community also because i was isolated offline and the internet was my only option for queer communuty in my 20s, and there was so much infighting happening that it simply wasn't a good place to look for such things. i was intentionally isolated from everyone except my abuser for the first few years, and unintentionally isolated by my disabilities for the last several years. the internet did not reach out and snatch those opportunities away from me, it simply failed to be a replacement for what i couldn't have elsewhere.
this was never the fault of transfems, this was never the fault of other queer people. this was and always will be the fault of people of all stripes being jackasses on the internet. while these experiences Do translate offline, far more often than not other queer people offline do not have the time or energy to spare to be shitstains to other queer people of Any type, because we're all too busy trying to live in whatever way is going to be safest for us.
yeah, ive had shitty experiences with irl transfems. i've had shitty experiences with irl transmascs too. their queerness was not the cause of that, they were just shitty people. everyone does unfortunately have an equal opportunity to be an awful person. had i had the opportunity to be more involved in offline communities, this would not have been such an issue for me personally.
so like. support the people in your community. block people who piss you off online instead of engaging. spend that energy on something useful instead, like being a person who is enjoyable to be around, so that you can build that community for yourself. it's out there. yes your experiences are real and you should be able to talk about them but also you can just block the people who refuse to listen or who deliberately misinterpret you, i promise, because they are never going to be part of your community anyways.
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josecariohca · 3 months
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reverieaudios · 4 months
you always seem so chill, so I wonder if you ever rage-quit a game. If so which one and why?
It's pretty rare for me to get genuinely angry at something, but there have been some. Moments. Like a few days ago when I was playing guilty gear strive and was fighting in arcade mode as Asuka R# (who I had barely practiced with) and it started me out on extreme mode. Some words were said and I made it to round 5 before I had to take a deep breath and walk away lmao
Also playing Pico Park with my brothers is. Not pretty. Tears are shed. Voices are lost. Name-calling occurs.
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hecksupremechips · 9 months
The fact that Junpei proposed to Akane in ztd just baffles me every time I think about it like. He doesn’t know anything about her. They were friends for, what? A year? When they were kids. And Junpei never even knew she was an orphan or that she had a brother. Given just how important Aoi is to Akane and the massive role he played in her life, it’s very telling that Junpei doesn’t know about him. He also doesn’t seem too interested in Akane as a person. He only likes the idea of her, of sharing a bed or taking a shower together, but when she actually starts talking about her interests such as the titanic, he thinks she’s talking nonsense and only plays along when he doesn’t know what else to say. He also has this image of her as a damsel in distress (partially because Akane puts up an innocent persona to avoid suspicion) and he wants to play an action hero who protects her from seeing the scary dead body, completely oblivious to the fact that she put them there, that she wants that bastard dead. And how much does he come to terms with the truth after the nonary game? He feels betrayal, resentment, but he still proposes to her. He still spends his life chasing after her. He still puts himself and quark in a potentially dangerous situation in order to see her again. Junpei doesn’t have his shit together at all, he refuses to accept that the girl he liked as a kid isn’t perfect and has changed, has changed without him
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