#im scared of men actually
dh--ii · 2 months
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strawbxsblog · 20 days
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zaisamoo · 23 days
"within her first few months of life, she was a acting as a partisan."
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jayisgayandtrans · 5 months
Alright so Valentine's Day is coming up.
I have this massive crush on a guy, if this post gets what 25 notes (25 because it's crazy enough) I'll ask him out even though i guess he'd say no.
Edit: Auv gets 15 notes.... No more pls 😭
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hybbat · 7 months
You know I've had a lot of posts on my dash about Lizzie including 3 fics... And all of them are about how she is ignored for the men.
I've not seen any of the content they're complaining about, and I've not seen any of the content they're asking for...
You know you can just... make content about Lizzie. Instead of content about the lack of content. You can just draw her or write about her or make headcanons and essays about her, instead of about how there isn't any.
We get it, nobody is talking about her. So, please just actually talk about her?
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the-daily-male · 1 year
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Today's daily male is Double-O-Sev-Ren from Hermitcraft!
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t4transsexual · 3 months
Out of curiosity- what's the weirdest thing another trans person has told you regarding transhetness?
probably the most offensive one has to be that time someone said i would never have to worry that people wont accept my sexuality. because in my life that has not been the case lmao. like i am still TRANS so generally someone who doesnt accept homosexuality isnt gonna be thrilled with trans ppl either, like those kinds of people who are homophobic but not transphobic really only exist in terfs brains lol
and the least personally offensive one would have to be that one person who said "you cant be straight as a trans person, this push for sameness is really hurting our community" like damn rly didnt think i was gonna get called an assimmilist for like, being a heterosexual lmao my bad
also im not straight passing irl either, but i am cis passing, so whenever i bring up that im dating a girl i get to visibly watch the gears turn in peoples heads as they try to figure out how this little gay boy fucks women which is always fun
i think generally a lot of weirdness i get probably comes from the fact that for one, a lot of people view queerness and gayness as the same, and queerness and heterosexuality as opposites, and especially people in my specific generation (older gen z) and especially the cis people/recently cracked eggs rly have put emphasis on "gayness" and "being gay" and take on "being gay" as the same meaning as being queer, so when they meet someone who is queer but is explicitly NOT gay (and this is more than transhet people, this can be anyone who is queer but doesnt identify as gay, including same gender attracted people of all sorts of sexualities/genders), they really dont know what to do with us, and for two im southern and live in the south and people here are not usually very imformed about different flavors of queerness and for some people im lucky if i get them to understand that im trans at all, let alone telling them im a heterosexual, because im not exaggerating when i tell you that pretty much everyone expects me to be gay no matter the fact that i have a girlfriend and havent dated a man since 2021 lol
and heres a photo of me close up if that helps you understand why everyone thinks im gay (i really dont get it myself but)
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guideaus · 26 days
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im also not a fan of how the dad in hgsn goes from being intimidating and yoshiki not having a positive image of him, to the manga kinda presenting him like an awkward goof or sympathetically pathetic? the narrative seems to be babying this adult man, and ditched the initial depiction of his father being cold. i still think his past actions foreshadow things relating to yoshiki and hikaru, but him as a character felt a little annoying in this chapter, like it was a retcon.
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yoshiki's mom is repeatedly fed up with the dad for his inaction and refusal to communicate, where he usually throws a tantrum and leaves the conversation, which happens over and over. yoshiki sides with her, and blames him for being embarrassed by neighbors knowing about their relationship troubles.
Here, she might have heard him praise her when he doesnt know she's there, or that he told yoshiki to make sure to tell her, too, but I don't think he does much that deserves a reward (his favorite meal being made), especially compared to his previous actions. In this scene, he doesn't resolve that he'll try to speak/listen to the mom, nor does he say that he should be acting better, so I don't think there's a reason for the mom to feel any less annoyed. In fact, I think if I was the mom, who repeatedly tried to broach important topics to him, he wouldn't step up, and I heard him having the opposite attitude not around me, i'd feel baffled, or at least annoyed, not subtly wanting to reward him for not even doing the bare minimum.
The main conversation is abt him sharing the past, but him suddenly complimenting her felt a little forced, like to make us believe he actually isnt that bad, even though he's not fixing his behavior. There's also no indication at the end of the scene implying him trying to do something different. Yoshiki gets info that he can't get anywhere else, so he's glad for that, and can relate considering the indoh situation and focuses on that, but also i'm not sure how he gets that info in the first place.
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Another weird thing about the dad is that him helping Yoshiki is supposed to raise our opinion of him, but I'm honestly not sure why this happens. His main flaw that creates Yoshiki and his mom's low opinion of him is his failure to connect as part of the family, he struggles to speak to his own son casually and can't speak to his own wife (who he apparently won over to convince her to leave her own hometown) about serious issues. Yoshiki is understandably not interesting in engaging with someone who at best can offer some distant small talk, and I can see the mother also being frustrated that he can now share personal info here, when she's been trying to talk to him forever.
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here, Dad does the same thing he always does, ask why the topic is being brought up, yoshiki similarly doesn't attempt to provide a reason, and inexplicably the dad continues on as if he's an NPC in a telltale game where the "..." dialogue choice effects nothing. Normally, I'd say maybe if Yoshiki attempted to be vulnerable, in turn the dad might reciprocate, but clearly at this point, the father is not interested in that. I think if Yoshiki actually pressed, the dad mightve felt threatened and resisted more, and yoshiki saying nothing I think... shouldnt have done anything. The father is mentioned to flee eventually after sitting like a scolded child, silently brewing in anger, so I don't really know what brought him out of his room he apparently hides in and made him talking abt what was needed beyond it being necessary for the plot. This is his first actual appearance, so I'm not sure what couldve worked to make him change his behavior, but I feel like I would've taken anything beyond it happening as easily as Yoshiki finding that Gehenna art (it damn near jumping out at him).
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His depiction in ch. 25 just feels unfair to yoshiki and his mom's characters at that point. It gives too much leeway to the dad, as if he's not an adult, and almost makes yoshiki's previous feelings towards him feel silly, like "wow, he hates this guy??" and maybe one could point out the bonus comic is a version of his mother who thought his dad was endearingly silly (instead of anything being signs of a problem), but the dad's flaws just arent seriously acknowledged by the narrative. He comes across as both a victim, and a cold authority, which doesnt make sense.
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Honestly, it reminds me of the opposite of this dunmeshi comic w laios' father. The father isn't evil, but his lack of communication hurts laios, and the fandom interpreted this as laios being overdramatic bc they compared him to... his sister who thought her mom's crazy tactics to "cure" her daughter were fun. ryoko kui does a good job of making characters complex, and the dad is portrayed objectively here, but mokumoku len definitely makes yoshiki's dad not seem very serious, like we're supposed to think there's smth serious going on, then no, he's just a poor man baby whose scared of his wife
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queenboimler · 2 months
but also the entire idea of a man going out of his way to follow a woman at her job and then asking her out, even though he has a girlfriend, because she looks like his dead (ex) wife is a horror movie
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strawbxsblog · 9 months
The last time I took a man seriously I lost my will to live
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clockworkcheetah · 2 months
i think it says a lot that the rowdy 3 and priest are the only people dirk seems completely terrified of
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like i’m not even an izzy stan but ppl who ARE izzy stans and also think that izzy wasn’t having the time of his life during the toe scene are so boring tbh. this show is full of So Many healthy relationships and characters who are capable of expressing affection in a normal way, and y’all chose the most repressed freak in the show to imprint on and then don’t even enjoy how fucked up he is!! izzy hands is the ONE outlet in ofmd where u can play around with toxic and obsessive romance without getting wildly ooc, and instead of playing with izzy’s fucked up hannibal-esque style of homosexuality portrayed only through acts of violence there are people who are like “actually izzy loves and respects every part of ed” “izzy wasn’t really threatening ed when he told him to watch his step” “izzy was so scared and traumatized during the toe scene” “when izzy smiles and says blackbeard is himself again he’s obviously lying to the crew and himself” boo your takes are lame!!!! don’t call yourself an izzy fan if you can’t accept that the toe thing was the greatest moment of his life
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jrueships · 2 months
Never saw how sexy lou dort was until you drew him like that. Now I want him pregnant. I blame you.
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tara-maclays-gf · 8 months
absolutely wild how men get away with saying the grossest shit about women and directly objectifying them to their faces and feel absolutely no remorse but if i accidentally glance at a woman’s cleavage i feel like the grossest misogynist on the planet. i just feel like there should be some middle ground that both of us attracted to women parties can find that is not gross and uncomfortable or extreme shame over the thought that women exist
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llannasvsp · 5 months
i always say "ew, men" until that man is a 1.5 inch lego and then suddenly i don't hate men anymore.
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pierog · 8 months
i love cooking (makes me feel like a witch concocting a brew) & have been getting sooo much more fun & experimental with it lately now im "freelance" (unemployed but in an artsy way).. its what senshi (dungeon meshi) would want.
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