#i am the least intimidating person on the planet. and like
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softshuji · 3 months ago
i saw a post was like 'lets talk about how you need to be leaving the man you love for the man you deserve' and while that may be sound advice, no man seems to want me at all let alone one that i deserve.
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chiritori · 9 months ago
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autistic-katara · 2 years ago
i’m slightly intimidating? how??? 😭
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real-team-luster · 4 months ago
Dragon-type ask game
It's been a while since my last ask game, I'm sure you were all just as eager for the next one as I am. As always, please feel free to ask me any of these questions.
Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite - What's the rarest Pokemon you've ever seen?
Kingdra - In what ways do you feel you are superior to others? (Be honest!)
Vibrava/Flygon - Do you consider yourself to have a good singing voice? Or at least a decent one?
Altaria - Do you enjoy cloud-gazing?
Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence - Name one key event in your life that helped you "come out of your shell", so to speak, and shaped you as a person.
Latias/Latios - Do you ever wish you could move somewhere where you could be well and truly alone, or does the very idea unsettle you?
Rayquaza - How often do you go flying?
Gible/Gabite/Garchomp - If people find you intimidating, how warranted is that? If people find you otherwise, are they right to?
Dialga/Palkia/Giratina - Any myths/legends that particularly captivate you?
Axew/Fraxure/Haxorus - Are you naturally an irritable sort of person?
Druddigon - What is your worst bad habit?
Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon - Do you ever get mistaken to be another person's sibling? If so, who is it?
Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem - What are your thoughts on the idea of Pokemon fusion? Is it ethical or not?
Dragalge - Do you like the ocean?
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum - Would anyone ever dare refer to you as "spoiled?"
Goomy/Sliggoo/Goodra - Are you more of a lover than a fighter?
Noibat/Noivern - How interested are you in music?
Zygarde - How far would you go for the sake of protecting the planet?
Turtonator/Drampa - When you get angry, are you prone to destroying/damaging things?
Jangmo-o/Hakamo-o/Kommo-o - Do you consider honor to be a major factor in your life?
Guzzlord - Are you a big eater?
Poipole/Naganedel - Have you ever considered medicine as a career choice?
Applin/Flapple/Appletun - What's your favorite dessert?
Dracozolt/Dracovish - Worst mistake you've ever mad? (As bad as you're comfortable sharing.)
Dreepy/Drakloak/Dragapult - Are you at all interested in archaeology?
Eternatus - What does the idea of "eternity" mean to you?
Regidrago - One project, idea, goal, or other passion you left unfinished, for whatever reason.
Cyclizar - Favorite mode of transporation?
Tatsugiri - Would your friends call you a sneaky sort of person?
Frigibax/Arctibax/Baxcalibur - When were you the most underwhelmed?
Roaring Moon - Most violent wild Pokemon you've ever encountered?
Koraidon/Miraidon - What's something in your past you look back on fondly/something coming up in your future that you anticipate?
Walking Wake - If you had the ability to walk on water, what would you do with it?
Archaludon - Ever helped to build something with your own two hands? How did it make you feel?
Dipplin/Hydrapple - Are you good at working within a team?
Gouging Fire - Is defense or offense more important to you?
Raging Bolt - Have you ever been made fun of your height, or lack thereof?
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learnastrowallura · 7 months ago
❤️The First House in Astrology❤️
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New series!! In this series I will share my findings about various astrological topics but specifically the basics/beginner friendly material
The source of this information is the book The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope by Howard Sasportas plus some of my own thoughts/observations+ a personal example of applying this knowledge!!
The 1st house: beginnings, initiation, fresh start, the first impulse to act, birth, character, energy, vitality, vibrancy, way in which we meet life, the will-to-be, urge to make an impact on the environment, physical appearance, the self, unique and distinctive individuality, Becoming, light, embodiment, perceiving, focus, action and behavior, expectation, point of view, lens, reflection, interpretations, cardinal fire (Aries house), duality, mercury, the helm
The rising or ascendant sign (sign that is in the first house) describes how we perceive the world, and the way we act based on that image
It can also represent the way we approach each beginning or new phase in our lifetime, as well as influences (partially) physical appearance
Of course, the planets found in the 1st house may influence the ascendant's impact on the factors mentioned above
Personal example: Scorpio rising
As a Scorpio rising, I perceive the world as an environment that may not be so welcoming, to say the least
I have Sun in 1st house and Sagittarius placements so I am sure I am much more optimistic and don't really have my guard up as some other Scorpio risings do, I would say I tend to fluctuate between "the world is out to get me" and "omg the world is so amazing it's all sunshine and rainbows"
However that extremism is a Scorpionic way of thinking as well, I suppose; and as written by Sasportas it does affect my course of action, I am either super open or super closed off
Adding to that, I approach new beginnings/phases in my life with a lot of enthusiasm and I make a big deal out of it, truthfully (Sun) but I am also very intense and cautious at the same time (Scorpio)
As for physical appearance/first impressions, people describe me as social, extroverted, "it girl" which would be my sun placement, others describe me as mean because I have a piercing gaze and intimidating aura, and they have that image of me until they get to know me and finally figure out that I'm not really mean lol
I hope that was all clear!! Do not hesitate to ask me questions and if you would like to apply this to your own 1st house placements I'd love to help u out <33
Paid services available
Thank you for reading x
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lady-phasma · 11 months ago
You can't ignore it
Part 2 of 2 (cross posted from AO3) - part 1
Warnings: 18+ MDNI; from my AO3 - "Bucky's metal arm kink"; mostly p n v sex, fluff, canon typical discussion of Bucky's past and violence, implied/referenced past noncon, discussion of ptsd.
Summary a/n: (copied straight from my AO3 because I am chaotic) I changed to 3rd person pov for this one because I needed more Bucky. Also, my OC has a name now! Hang in there, this is a long one. What is wrong with me? No beta. 4.5k words
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I'm totally normal about his arm
His body twitched and jerked. He mumbled Russian words. His hands clenched into fists. Victoria sat up and reached for him, thought better of it, and dropped her hand to her thigh. She never knew how to wake him from a nightmare. Or if she should.
“Bucky,” she whispered. More Russian in response. Louder, “James.”
No reply. Dammit. He was in deep. This was a bad one. They had plenty of nights without these, plenty of restful, peaceful nights. There were some not-great dreams that weren’t as bad as nightmares. Then there were the nightmares. More like sleeping flashbacks. His body remembered and almost acted out the memory.
Bucky’s arm caught some ambient light and looked slick like oil. She was never afraid of him, that he would hurt her, but that arm… that arm was made from the most indestructible substance on the planet. It was intimidating. She wanted to comfort him, soothe him, stroke his forehead and tell him he was safe. That could so easily backfire. They had even discussed how dangerous it could be if she tried. They hadn’t come up with a plan, not exactly. In fact, he didn’t like staying over at night because he didn’t want to hurt her. Sometimes he fell asleep holding her but if he didn’t, if she fell asleep first, Victoria would wake up to find him sleeping on the floor.
She could see the shadows of pain on his face, the grimace and strain from some terrible thing she would never know or understand. She heard him groan. It was unbearable. That sound hurt. She slid closer to him on the bed, kept her eyes on his arm, and moved to lay behind him. As she cautiously placed her hand on his temple, caressed his brow, she whispered: “Otlichnaya, soldát, otlichnaya.” Well done, soldier, well done.
Bucky froze. He let out a breath and his body relaxed. Vic kissed the back of his neck. She didn’t like using those words. But he had told her that it was safe, safe to stop the nightmares that way. She had wanted the words to be a last resort but he had explained that the part of him that was so deeply the Winter Soldier would respond only to them.
“James?” she asked as she removed her hand, careful not to touch him anywhere else. “James, wake up, you’re having a nightmare.” But her words weren’t heard. He was calm at least. She slowly moved to get out of bed. She felt a hand on hers as she sat up and let out a small gasp. The vibranium never felt like one expected it to feel.
“Vic,” he muttered. “Don’t go.”
She turned. He looked away, avoiding eye contact. His bare chest glistened with sweat. He released her hand. She sat curled up on the bed behind him, anxiously adjusting the bedsheets tangled around them. She was cold and her nipples were hard and obvious in her tank top. She crossed her arms to cover her chest. He gradually rolled onto his back and slid up the bed to prop himself against the headboard. Wearing only his boxer-briefs he looked very… vulnerable. Not powerful like he often did, muscles rippling and arm gleaming, but young and frightened.
In that moment she saw him as he might have been when HYDRA first captured him. Before the years of missions and horrors had written their histories on him, in pain and scars. She wanted badly to comfort him. She had no idea how. She moved next to him, placed her hand on his arm. He looked up at her. That look broke her heart. Without thinking she leaned back on the head of the bed and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. She coaxed him into her arms. His vibranium arm curled against her stomach as he lay on his side. She ran one hand over his hair, down his shoulder, and rested against his back. She laced the fingers of her other hand into his metal ones and kissed the top of his head.
The mechanisms whirred and clicked as he removed his arm. It was more than a little disconcerting. Even in motion and moving as a part of him it was odd, now it was lifeless. Nothing like it on earth. This wasn’t a prosthesis. His arm was a weapon but, also, not. Lying there it was passive and non-threatening. But knowing him, knowing his past, it wasn’t benign. It held immense potential under its shiny surface.
He rubbed his chest where the shoulder was grafted on. It must hurt sometimes.
“What’s up?” Vic asked, standing in the door to the bedroom.
“Nothing really,” he replied. “Feeling kinda old today maybe. Tired.” He sighed and looked up from the incongruous arm on the bed. His eyes swept over her and up to her face. “After nightmares like last night it feels…. heavy.”
“Do you go without it often?”
“No,” he said, hesitantly. “I enjoy the freedom of having both arms but, occasionally.” He randomly fingered his dog tags then dropped them to his chest and ran his hand through his hair.
“Come over here, Vic?” he gestured toward her. She walked to the bed and sat on the edge. The edge that put his legs between her and his disembodied arm.
“I just wanted to tell you that I’m okay,” he looked directly into her eyes. “In fact, maybe we make a standard procedure. If I’m going to be sleeping over here often. I don’t like that anyone has to see me like that but my therapist says I have to ‘nurture relationships’.” He rolled his eyes then winked at her. He slid his right hand into hers.
“Maybe we just figure out what’s most comfortable with you, safest.”
“Right,” she said. “I don’t want to make things worse but it worked. Whatever you were dreaming, remembering, those words stopped it. I’m not scared of you, you know. I just care about you.” She squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek.
“Look, I’m going to make some coffee. Come join me? We can talk more when I have caffeine, kay?” He nodded as she stood up.
Bucky looked at it, immobile on the bed. So odd and so yet completely natural for him. He got off the bed and went to the bathroom. Almost always grateful that he was right handed; it made tasks like this much easier. When he returned to the bedroom he looked at yesterday’s clothes piled in the floor and decided he wasn’t ready for that. Somehow, putting on clothes meant putting on the arm. He let out a shaky breath. Coffee, he thought, yeah, okay something normal.
Victoria set the coffee up to brew and grabbed a few mugs. She set them on the bar with half and half and some sugar substitutes. She wasn’t sure how he liked his coffee. She heard footsteps behind her and then felt his arm around her waist. He kissed her shoulders and back, then the top of her head.
“That smells nice,” he said. “Thank you.”
She turned to face him. She stood on the balls of her feet just a bit and kissed him. He was only just tall enough that she had to reach if she didn’t have shoes on. Vic took a small step back and turned to pour the coffee. From the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of his boxer briefs stretched tight over his thighs and, well, not just his thighs. She grinned at the coffee pot. Maybe he was a gentleman, old fashioned still, but he hadn’t rubbed up against her like most men who spent the night. Not that there had been any since she met James.
She handed him a mug and deliberately walked too close to him on her way through the kitchen. She held her coffee in both hands using the steam and mug to hide her smile as she gently brushed her hip against his erection. He inhaled audibly.
She slipped onto the bar stool and gestured for him to come sit next to her. After adding her cream and sweetener she noticed he was drinking his black. Military thing? she wondered. He was sitting on her left and after placing his mug on the bar, swiveled just a bit to put his hand on her thigh. Her panties were barely any fabric at all and her tank was basically see-through, she felt suddenly naked. Vic took a sip of her coffee to try to hide her vulnerability. She didn’t meet his eyes and stared fixedly at his dog tags. She was trying to avoid his stare and not get caught glancing at his crotch. Jesus, she thought. Then: oh, right, Super Soldier.
She felt his fingertips touch her chin. He coaxed her to look at him and he leaned in to kiss her as she lifted her head.
“Victoria, does it make you uncomfortable if I don’t wear it?” he asked, continuing their earlier conversation.
“Not really, no,” she paused. “I think I could get used to it but it’s not something I’m accustomed to. Plus, well it’s not who you are but it’s so much a part of what you look like. Unless you’re in long sleeves.”
“I went for years without one at all. In Wakanda.”
“Right,” she said. “Yeah, I knew that. And you told me you had long hair too.” She ran her fingers over his ear at his hairline. He took a sip of his coffee and his eyes half closed, soothed.
He placed his mug on the counter. His scowl was back on his brow when he turned to face her. He moved his hand back to her thigh.
“Come with me,” he said and stood up.
She followed him. They headed back to the bedroom. His ass was high and tight in his underwear. She could follow that anywhere. He continued through the bedroom into the attached bathroom. She watched him make himself at home. He moved with a silent grace and never fumbled with using just one hand. He got towels out of the cabinet, started the shower, and turned to her. By now his erection straining against the fabric looked almost painful. She watched, breathing heavily, as he deftly slid his underwear off his hips and stepped out of them. He stepped toward her and lifted her flimsy tank. She raised her arms and let him undress her. He dropped the shirt on the floor. Before taking off her panties he grazed the back of his hand over her hard nipples and down her belly.
Victoria had no idea why she wasn’t self conscious with him. She let him touch her stomach without flinching or cringing. She let herself enjoy the feeling of his hand sliding into her panties, slowly pulling them off her. She closed the distance between them when she tossed them aside with her foot. His eyes moved up her legs and body to her breasts. He leaned in and kissed one, sucked a nipple between his lips, licked it. She stifled a moan.
Bucky slid his hand around her and pressed their bodies together. His kiss was hard, impatient. She kissed him back and instinctively reached up to grab his biceps. The empty air on his left startled her and she opened her eyes. He kissed her forehead, maybe knowing what she had just thought, and led her by the hand into the shower.
Without words he directed her movement. She let herself be guided by him. Once her hair was wet and she reached for the soap he swapped places with her and stood under the water. She watched him closely as he closed his eyes and leaned back under the shower. The water ran down his face, pooling and spilling over as he moved. His dog tags caused rivulets to form on his chest and she let her eyes follow these to his stomach and that lovely spot, that “V”, where his perfect torso met his hips.
She wasn’t really using the soap as much as she was just holding it. His erection was taunting her. He was acting like it didn’t exist. She stared a moment too long and felt eyes on her. She blushed.
“Yes?” Bucky grinned.
“Uh, yeah, huh?” she mumbled.
“Funny enough, that’s not what I wanted to show you. Here,” he reached out for her hand holding the soap. She stepped closer to him, almost under the water with him. He nodded at the soap, so she lathered a bit in her hands. Then he took the soap and set it on the ledge. He guided her hand. She swallowed, gulped almost. Her mouth had gone dry with anticipation, a bit of fear, and a good deal of anxiety. He gently laid her palm on his ribs, on his left side, and slid both of their hands up to the seam between flesh and metal. Her eyes darted from their hands to his face and back. He was watching her face. But he kept moving their hands, using her hand the way he would his own, washing the vibranium shoulder prosthesis. His muscles rippled and stretched as he moved their hands over and behind him. She had to step closer and onto the balls of her feet to reach. He let go of her hand to steady her, placing his hand on her waist. She almost didn’t notice, like she almost didn’t notice that his incredibly hard dick was now pressed against her stomach.
She was entranced by this intimacy. Taken aback that he was so vulnerable with her but simultaneously beyond what the word “flattered” could convey. She slid her hand back to his ribs, technically his armpit, and looked up at him. He was smiling. That flat, kind, Bucky smile. No one she ever knew smiled like that but she also didn’t know many 106 year old men with a metal arm.
“Vic, I want you to be comfortable, okay?”he said. “I have had decades to get use to this and you haven’t. I don’t want it to be a ‘thing’ as they say now.”
She blushed again and leaned into him. She pressed him back into the running water and kissed him. While they were kissing, tongues slipping against each other, she used her hand to rinse the soap from his shoulder. He smiled and she felt his teeth against her lips momentarily. He laughed a little. She pulled back, unsure of herself, but he didn’t let her go far. Bucky leaned down and kissed her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. And he didn’t stop.
His fingers dug into her hip, using her for balance, as he knelt. Kissing her body through the entire movement. He kissed the hollow of her hips. Gently kissed the bare skin above her pussy.
“Back in my day, grooming wasn’t so…” he trailed off. “Complete?” She blushed harder than she thought she ever had in her life when he looked up at her. Eye contact with Bucky while his lips were on her shaved skin made her feel a wave of faint panic. All of the blood seemed to have run out of her head and straight to his mouth. She closed her eyes, put a hand on the shower wall, and felt his laugh vibrate through her.
Then his tongue. His tongue dipped further down and she was immensely grateful that he had a firm grip on her. She had barely noticed that she had begun to part her legs for him and that she was leaning precariously into his hand. Trust. So much trust that she wouldn’t collapse and die in the shower. No, trust that he wouldn’t let her fall. But these thoughts, if they were even concrete enough to be called that, were forced out of her mind when his tongue went inside her. She groaned. He pulled back and licked the length of her, back to her clit, and toyed with it. Sucked it in gently between his lips then passed his teeth lightly over it. Her hand found the back of his head and clutched at his short hair. He laughed a bit and the vibration was intense. Her pressure on his head increased slightly. He took this as his queue that playtime was over.
Bucky sucked and licked her clit but took his time. Slowly, firmly, tasting her, exploring. He pushed his tongue as far into her as he could. He pulled out and licked everywhere, anywhere. Then, guiding her with his hand so he could find a better angle, he placed the tip of his tongue in the wetness just before her ass. The sensation sent an impulse through her and she pressed on the back of his head. He quickly, gently, licked her ass then in one movement licked back to her clit.
“Oh fuck James!” she yelled. “Just. God. Damn.” She panted. He sucked harder on her clit, barely breathing, rolling his tongue over it. He squeezed her hip tight so she would know he had her. He pressed his face hard against her and sucked and traced circles on her clit with his tongue. He felt her orgasm start as a faint shake in her hips.
She leaned against the shower wall, overwhelmed by the sensations: the water from the shower, Bucky’s mouth, the strain of holding herself up, his goddamn tongue. Then she started to shake. She came in waves. She almost screamed his name but bit it back, cursed, then let herself go. She yelled a string of expletives. The last rush of her orgasm passed through her and she let go of his head. He inhaled deeply. She looked down at him and laughed.
The towel was fluffy and soft. Through her drowsiness she followed Bucky to the bed. He sat, hair dripping water onto his back and shoulders. His towel was around his waist but didn’t do much to hide his… anticipation. She giggled to herself. She thought about how uncomfortable he must be by now. But at almost the exact moment the thought entered her head it was pushed out by what she was seeing. Yup, Bucky had picked up his vibranium arm and laid it on the bed next to where he sat, purposefully, where she couldn’t avoid it.
She wasn’t afraid or turned off, had no negative feelings about it. What was bothering her, the roadblock she kept running into, was whether or not it was appropriate. She bit her bottom lip and looked at him as she sat down.
“Well?” he asked. “What do you think?”
“Um…” she swallowed hard. “I think I don’t want you to judge me and I don’t want to offend you. No, that’s not the word, I know it isn’t but I don’t know. I…” She let the sentence end before it had begun.
“Go ahead,” he said. “It’s okay. Do you honestly think I would lie and tell you it was okay if it wasn’t?” That Bucky smile again.
She looked from his beautiful face to the beautiful black metal and back again. He nodded. It was laying palm-down on the bed, slightly bent at the elbow. She gingerly traced a finger over the back of his hand, up the forearm, following the gold seams around the vibranium plates. From the corner of her eye she saw Bucky move his hips, adjust a little. She pressed her palm onto the warm metal of his bicep, caressed the muscle and slid her hand back down to his wrist. She flattened her hand on the back of his, right on top of left, and because that looked odd somehow because that was the only odd part of this she slid her hand underneath, palm to palm. It was somehow light and heavy at the same time. She could have lifted it but the weight of his and on hers felt natural.
When Bucky moved she jumped the tiniest bit but didn’t pull her hand back. He reached under her arm and picked up the prothesis, not separating their hands completely. The clicking sounds were jarring but the actual process was fascinating. Complicated parts opened, moved, adjusted and then accepted the arm seamlessly. Nearly instantly she felt him gently squeeze her hand and she jumped. Se let out a nervous giggle then stroked the back of his hand with her thumb. His muscles flexed and moved like flesh.
Vic leaned over to kiss him and he met her halfway. She placed her hand on his chest, gently pushing him back on the bed. She let her towel drop as she straddled him. She loved the feeling of his erection between them. His hips moved to accomidate her. She let out a sigh. Moving slowly she put their clasped hands above his head, grabbed his other wrist and pinned him to the bed. His chest heaved and she felt his heartbeat race. Bucky let her hold both his hands above his head while she kissed his vibranium arm. Wrist, forearm, bicep, shoulder, even nuzzling under his arm. She breathed hot against his chest before licking his nipple.
He moaned and pushed his hips up. She bit him playfully and smilled when she felt him twitch between her legs. She let go of his hands so she could slide down and continue kissing and teasing. Moving with purpose to her goal. She ran her fingertips gently over the tip of his dick and felt his precum slick beneath them. She looked at him as she licked it off her fingers. His eyes closed and he groaned.
“Damn,” he breathed.
She adjusted to get a better, easier position and wrapped a hand around his dick. He was so hard and sensitive. She kissed the tip and lapped up the new drops of precum. She squeezed a bit tighter as she slid his foreskin down. The noises he was making and the slow movement of his hips encouraged her. She licked the length of his dick, wetting her palm with her tongue. Then she slid him into her mouth. Her lips were tight around him. He tangled his fingers in her hair and tried not to push into her. She felt the head of his dick against the back of her throat and stopped just before that annoying spot, swallowed, felt him respond, and picked up the pace. She ran her free hand up his inner thigh, making him shiver and grip her hair tighter. She lightly scooped his balls into her hand and squeezed and released as she sucked and licked. It took all of her focus to coordinate her movements but it was worth it. He squirmed and moaned. His other hand went to the back of her head as well. She ran her finger along the smooth skin behind his balls and he broke. She stopped sucking and let her jaw relax as his hands held her head. He fucked her mouth. Muttering her name, obscenities, and then suddenly stopping. She looked up at him as he dropped his hands to his sides.
“I can’t, I don’t want to, well,” he stammered as she slid her lips off him one last time. “I want to, you know.”
“You are so eloquent,” she laughed, still massaging his balls. “They have a lot of words for ‘cumming while you fuck me’ in the 1940s, huh?”
He half-grunted a laugh and let his head fall heavy onto the mattress.
“Okay then,” she said. “Fuck me until you cum.”
She pressed her body into his as she moved up to kiss him. When their lips met he kissed her back with ferocity. With his inhanced strength he flipped her onto her back and spread her legs with his thighs. Her head spun. She wrapped her legs around his hips. He kissed her neck, her chest, her nipples. She pushed her hips against him. Her wetness on him made him kiss and lick more fervently. Her hands went to his biceps like always. She arched her back when she gripped the slick metal.
“Oh god, Bucky,” she moaned through gritted teeth. “Fuck me please.”
He reached a hand between them and guided himself into her. She was so tight and hot and wet. He shut his eyes and dropped his head next to hers, breathing heavily into her ear as he slid all the way in. Her muscles tightened around his almost too thick dick as he moved, slowly at first. His hips made slow, grinding circles. He propped himself up on his elbows, grabbing onto her neck and shoulders for leverage. He pulled her hard onto him, going even deeper.
Victoria gasped but met his force with her own. She pushed against him with her hips and grabbed his ass with both hands. This was all the encouragement he needed. His thrusts became longer but quicker. Nearly pulling out of her each time. His hand reflexively tightened and released on the back of her neck each time. She knew they couldn’t keep this up long. She was going to cum soon and thought that would probably send him over the edge with her. She seized this moment of clarity.
“James,” she whispered. She moved her hand from his ass and lightly touched his left shoulder. She trailed her fingers down his tricep. He didn’t pause, didn’t miss a beat. He continued sliding in and out of her wet heat but lifted his head to look at her. She increased the pressure of her fingertips on his arm and smiled softly at him.
He moved his weight to his right arm. He looked straight into her eyes while he slid his vibranium fingers around her fragile throat. She moaned and pushed down on his thrust into her. He started to squeeze. She exhaled and closed her eyes. He pressed his fingers harder into her flesh watching her face. He felt her contract around him, he squeezed harder. She let out a small gasp and her eyes opened. Her orgasm rocked through her and she arched and pushed against him. He tightened his hold on her. Then he felt the heat pour out of him. He growled and buried his face in her hair. His cum filled up the space between them, hot and sticky. With his last spasm he released her neck.
“Goddamn, Vic” he sighed. He pushed into her, filling her up one last time. She panted and clutched at him. She welcomed his weight as he almost collapsed onto her. Neither wanted to move but he slowly withdrew and rolled onto his side. She felt his cum drip out after him. She stretched and sighed and smiled at him. He watched her with heavy-lidded eyes. While she had his full attention she slipped her hand between her thighs and felt his cum. His eyes widened just a little. Then she brought her fingers to her mouth, his eyes following her hand. She licked them clean. He smiled that Bucky smile. He wrapped both of his arms around her, pulling her closing and kissing her. She kissed him back and crushed herself against him.
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junebluues · 1 month ago
Character Intimacy Levels- August
please note: august does not dislike these people! neither do i! it's just their own emotional turmoil and mental issues that keep them from ranking the others in ANAKT higher than a 10 percent. this is also generally much shorter because august doesn't really pay attention to the other students. however, their siblings will have more "normal" intimacy percentages and longer comments because august is closer to them.
Akane ( @aakaneeee ) - 5%
generally kind. very smart, understanding. intimidates me. i think akane is nice.
Aoki ( @bluemoonscape ) - 6%
kind to me. i don't often get close to him. honestly? pretty admirable. aoki is okay in my eyes.
Daian ( @apple8ees ) - 3%
difficult to understand. oops.
Ish ( @chevalperd ) - 7%
too sweet... very overwhelming. i don't like it.
Kay ( @rockwgooglyeyes ) - 8%
i know what you are.
Mercury - 3%
weren't they close with nadohan before?... i can't remember. sometimes, i think of the planet instead of the person when people mention her...
MJ ( @subzeromoron ) - 4%
the browned haired twin? hm... he's silly.
Nadohan ( @alien-til-i-stage ) - 2%
weird. why are you so... scared? of me? that's not really the right word, but whatever. i think i know what you're thinking. maybe you're right.
Para ( @solei-eclipse ) - 5%
interesting to me, personally. cool. probably. i wouldn't really know.
Plip ( @awaggaa ) - 4%
off-putting but. whatever. what else is new, haha.
Star ( @starry-skiez ) - 6%
you... i feel... ... i can't put words to it. sorry.
Sun ( @paradisedisconcert ) - 4%
do you also burn like the sun? i don't have much to say.
Syd ( @tsukacchako ) - 5%
cool. don't mind. thumbs up from me.
Toon ( @nottoonedin ) - 6.9(?)%
wow. makes me laugh.
Vant ( @ivanttakethis ) - 4%
smart. nice. cool. fun. i think we're acquainted enough.
Zen ( @verdantlights ) - 2%
eh. odd haircut. is there really anything to comment on?
Airin ( @apriciticreveries ) - 97%
we're close. i don't understand why they care so much. i don't understand why airin chooses to stick around knowing who i am and how i feel. i'm... i'm not ready to let go, but all good things must come to an end, right? surely, when i'm gone, things will be easier without me behind your back.
January - 51%
jan is a smart girl. she is very self-sufficient and works well under pressure. i'm surprised i went to ANAKT instead of her. she isn't that much younger than i am... maybe she'll be sent after me?
February - 36%
he's so... compassionate. empathetic. to me, he's almost like a dog... it can be annoying, but sometimes he is very good at calming me down.
March - 62%
they are very dedicated to teaching me everything they know. march is very helpful when it comes to time management and helping me plan interviews. you could say that they are my manager, in a way.
April - 45%
assertive. he's much more confrontational than i am. ... can i admit something? sometimes, he gets isolated. on multiple occasions, i broke him out. i've never gotten in trouble for it. no, getting in trouble wasn't on my mind. i just wanted to save him.
May - 81%
my oldest sibling. she's like my mother, if i had one... her warmth is nice.
June Viktor - 72%
guardian gregor changed their name... well, kind of. it was supposed to be victor, like victor frankenstein, since he's a very intelligent person. i mean, vik did go viral because of it, you know. it's just... guardian gregor spelled it wrong. after that, they never changed another pet's name again... viktor makes stuff for me. i like them.
July - 29%
july is... hm. i think they're very hard to describe. she's very clumsy, to say the least. she can get back up again when she's fallen very quickly. i've had to help her a lot over the years, even if she is older. she's really got to get a grip.
September - 15%
you should've listened. look at you now...
October - 56%
whenever our siblings get into arguments, october almost always helps me solve them. i think they should be awarded for their extreme patience...
November - 37%
my youngest sibling. it's hard to form an opinion on november at their young age... but they're sweet to me. they like it when i perform.
December - 49%
jan's twin brother. always striving for something bigger than himself... i think he should know better than to dream in this world. he may never wake up from his fantasy.
Guardian Gregor - 1%
why me?
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artist-issues · 7 months ago
*shrieks into the void*
“Let me free you from having to agree that Dune is a good movie series!”
There’s no emotional depth. The three things you’re supposed to care about, with the characters, in this movie are a) Paul’s family/household, their name and their wellbeing. b) The Fremen, their cause and their wellbeing. c) Chani, Paul’s relationship with her and her wellbeing. But the movies do not display any genuine moments of these characters being relatable or human or empathetic in a way that we can all empathize with. Paul’s interactions with his father before his death are too formal and take themselves too seriously. There’s little to no humor or relaxed moments between them that the casual viewer could relate to before big, dramatic moments ramp up the tension. When everything is solemn and Shakespeare, nothing is impactful or hits you in a real way. It all quickly becomes emotional white-noise, whether the dad is screaming about a assassination attempt on his son or his death is revealed to that son—who cares? Paul and Chani? They have no build-up to their relationship. There’s no reason they should like each other beyond animal attraction. And no audience member can relate to the experience of having supernatural visions about a girl, then meeting her and gaining her trust through pitched combat and ritual training. So nobody cares when he betrays her, no matter how much dramatic music you play. And Paul’s mother’s motives are either unclear or wholly unrelatable, so you don’t care what she’s after or how it will affect everyone else.
The writing lacks pacing. There are barely any jokes or moments of regular, normal conversation. Every single conversation is weighed down by solemn “fantasy culture” references, every single line is burdened by dramatic mic-drop one-liners. Paul and his mother never talk about what they miss about their old planet together, in a normal fashion. That would be the most natural thing in the world, as they travel through the desert.
The villains are shock-jock puppets. You might as well have a clip show of people getting run over by cars or falling off of bridges playing, instead of every scene with Fayd Rautha or any Harkonen, for all that the villains add to the story. They’re just there to be loud, or erotic, or gory—but don’t worry, the movie will play dramatic, chanting music behind everything they do so that you feel a sense of “epic dread” when they’re actually doing nothing intimidating or clever, or scary. They’re just yelling and smashing people. If they twirled their mustaches and “mua-ha-ha-ha’d” they’d at least be a little campy and fun to watch—but they’d be exactly the same amount of ‘effective or interesting in the story.’
It’s all sugar, no nutrients. The sugar just happens to be pretty music, good sound and visual effects, and nice-looking actors & actresses. The message is “power is derived from the successful manipulation of those with faith.” That’s it. That’s awful. That’s an awful message. What am I supposed to do with that information? What am I supposed to carry out of that theater? I’m supposed to start abandoning submission and faith in any higher power or authority, and use those ideas for selfish ambition and control, if I were to listen to Dune.
And don’t tell me it’s profound to take your main character and make him the villain. Boo hoo hoo. That’s not profound, I don’t care if it is Timothee Chalamet. Nobody cared about who he was before he betrayed his girlfriend and seized manipulative power for himself. When Anakin Skywalker falls to the dark side and kills his wife and turns on all the people who looked to him for help? You care. Know why? Because you saw who he was and how he struggled to live up to that, before the fall ever happened. He was a human character with relatable flaws like pride and human moments, like teasing his girlfriend or making his best buddies nervous, with hobbies, like tinkering. With a competitive personality. With a deep angst over loss. Paul Atreides? Lazy. Lazy in comparison. We’re just told his dad died and told he’s sad about that, but there’s no real human attention given to that. Just big dramatic, angsty declarations and acting-explosions. We’re told he loves Chani, and expected to believe it, but given no evidence except a suggestive post-sex scene with zero romantic tension or buildup, or even bonding. All Paul Atreides is, is a character who has a laundry list of epic hard-to-do chores, and he gets them done, while dramatic music plays, as if there was some doubt he was going to be able to do his chores and you’re supposed to see his completion of the list as a moment of victory. Guess what? I don’t care about his chore list, no matter how “cultural” they are. So I don’t care about his rise or fall, or anything he’s doing, because he’s not a relatable human character. He’s just a caricature. And that would be fine. If there were any relatable human side characters to look at him through the eyes of. But there aren’t. Because this whole story is “shock and awe, look at how important we are, hear that rumbling bass in the soundtrack, see this character brooding into the horizon for the seven-thousandth shot?” What am I supposed to take away from this? All sugar. No nutrients.
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panthera-tigristigris · 7 months ago
Um. Okay? How do I factor into this
*He's hanging upside down from the ceiling*
Can I borrow some skin samples.
~ @respiratory-kristem
some what now
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robotnik-mun · 9 months ago
And since I'm in a real Planet of the Apes mood, I'm gonna share another PotA related thing- a theory for why the Gorillas in the classical series were all so aggro, given how real world gorillas actually are.
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Oh, don't get me wrong- the REAL reason is because at the time the original films were made, the in-depth studies of the Great Apes conducted by Jane Goodall, Diane Fossey and Birutė Galdikas were a long ways away, and as such Gorillas were still thought of as being dangerous, savage animals based on their intimidating appearance. As such, they got relegated to the role of Soldier within the fictional society of the apes. In real life, Gorillas are actually quite peaceful (though not harmless), and actual instances of violence are quite rare. But imagine then, knowing what we know now, how it is that the gorillas of PotA wind up as soldiers and generally belligerent, in contrast to their ancestors?
Well, I got an idea for how, in-universe, that might have come to be... and it ties into them being relegated to a role they lack a natural temperament for.
To become a soldier, one needs to be conditioned to accept the idea of having to kill another person, or at the very least, the idea of using violence on other people. Training generally involves getting recruits used to this reality. Gorillas in the wild though don't have the same kind of killer instinct humans (or chimpanzees) do... oh they'll protect themselves, and they're fierce when roused, but among themselves Gorillas prefer diplomacy to violence, and even against potential threats they prefer to bluff before running out of options.
So what am I getting at? Imagine what lengths it takes to make Gorillas into soldiers/police/enforcers. Imagine what kind of toll it must take on them, to be conditioned towards swift violence when their instincts call for the opposite. I propose then that the jerkish behavior of the gorillas is a result of generations of them eventually having to unlearn their natural instincts in order to fit the role that their society has given them... and one natural consequence of this is that it leaves a very ugly mark on their psychology, and this thing has been going on for generations now.
Granted, that doesn't quite square with what we saw in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, but eh, I kind of like the idea that the OG PotA Gorillas are naturally as laid back as their wild counterparts... and that in being forced to conform to this role they selected for, it forces them to become something a lot meaner than they'd normally be.
At this point though I'm just rambling. What can I say? I love gorillas, and I even love the old stereotypes of 'vicious gorillas', and love to imagine the why of it all.
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mirzamsaiph · 1 year ago
Okay, calming down now. Hi, how are you doing? I hope you’ve been good. I AM SO SORRY I haven’t commented on your new chapter releases, I’ve been having a rough time, year 12 is hard man, and I still have like two more terms of school after this one, and then university. I promise you I have read every chapter you’ve dropped, even if I haven’t commented. I’ve been lamenting for days on whether or not to send you an ask bcs like, ur my fav and ya know, it’s only fair I do bcs I follow you anyway lol but I also have no idea what to say, ur making me shy, damn. I’ve just been lurking in your Tumblr feed, liking all ur posts like a gremlin bcs sending an ask is too scary, (forgive me, for I am a coward). How long has it been since I last commented, I don’t even know 🙁.
I’m writing this as a draft in Google Docs in the middle of my maths double, who writes a draft for an ask? Me, I write drafts for asks apparently, yikes man. The maths part doesn't matter, I do not care for it.
I still love every single one of your chapters, ESPECIALLY THE READING THE BOOK ONES!! LIKE HELLO?!?!? POSEIDON FOR BEST FATHER!?!?! Sobbing, screaming, crying after reading that, I love the sea fam. Percy is so bbg too, like hold him in my hands and give him lil forehead kisses kinda bbg, so precious. AND just the campers, they're so cute, I love when Camp Half-Blood actually comes across as a family, or like an actual camp, the singing around the camp-fire is so wholesome, and Will being Percy's hype-man, like c'mon man, they're just best buddies, I love that for them.
It is deeply important to me that you understand just how much I love your fics, and just like ur content in general. When I get bored I always check my emails for updates or I go on ur Tumblr and just scroll, like I love u pookie, fr.
I’m just gonna send this as is, I’m psyching myself out over this hahah. I’ll try and get around to commenting on chapters again, especially one’s I’ve missed, and if I have time I might just start sending them via Tumblr. I need like somewhere to list everything I wanna talk abt in the comments.
Anyway, bye bye, see u soon.
Fun fact, in however long I’ve had Tumblr, this is my first ask :3
PS: I just realised I never put my name lol, it’s Smoll_Satan. This is my Tumblr account 👍.
I’m doing great, school is kicking my butt :( trying not fail this semester as the moment. Year 12 (which I’m taking a wild guess and saying that is junior year, in American terms) is known as the hardest and most stressful year, so no judgement here girlie!
Don’t fear girl! I’m not scary at all, I’m like the literal least intimidating person on the planet. I’m just a girl I promise. I saw you go through and like my posts and I was giggling everytime I got a notification bc that was really nice 😭
Writing in your docs is so real because I have done the EXACT same thing so many times, mostly bc I fear tumblr is gonna bug out on me ;( Also I hate math too, it irks my soul.
THANK YOU. POSEIDON IS GETTING HIS REDEMPTION ARK. TRUST ME. I was screaming writing that, i was just so surprised that I wrote that because I lovedddd it.
Will and Percy are best bro’s but Percy is ready to threaten him when he and Nico get together. Trust Percy is a protective older brother… (the singing was so sweet :(()
GIRL I LOVE YOU OH M GEE YOU’RE SO SWEET. I love seeing your comments, whilst you look for my chapters I go looking in my comments for your comment.
Don’t psych yourself out when it comes to Tumblr asks! I love them, like I find it so amazing. If you do comment trust I’ll be replying to each one, they are the source of my amusement for each chapter. (literally have cackled reading your commentary)
BYE! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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zapreportsblog · 1 year ago
Hello. Can you write for Yandere Brother Day (Cleon xiii) and female reader? The reader may have come from another planet as a guest or diplomat.
❝outworldly visitor❞
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✭ pairing : yandere brother day cleon xii x reader
✭ fandom : foundation
✭ summary : she was a outwardly goddess, here to bless all those that fall beneath her feet. At least that’s how he looked at her, he would kill for her, if it made her smile, he would live for her, just to be beside her at every wakening and resting moment, but most of all he would die for her if it meant she would finally see him as her lover.
✭ authors note : lol I still have no clue who this man is :)
✭ yandere masterlist
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In the farthest reaches of the cosmos, on the peculiar planet known as Trantor, resided a being unlike any other. Cleon XII, or Brother Day as he was often called, was a complex personality, one that straddled the fine line between love and madness. His reputation was a paradox; some revered him, while others feared him, all for the same reason – his affections were as intense as his wrath.
One day, as Cleon XII strolled through the surreal landscapes of his celestial realm, he felt an unexplained shift in the cosmic tides. It was an unearthly sensation, entirely foreign to him, drawing his attention to an indistinct point on the horizon.
As he approached the source of this mystifying disturbance, his eyes fell upon a sight that left him utterly astounded. There, amidst the radiant tapestry of stars and cosmic phenomena, stood a figure unlike any he had ever encountered.
The person that he was staring at happened to be named (Y/N), and she was a goddess in every sense of the word. Her skin, as dark and rich as the deepest chocolate, seemed to shimmer with the brilliance of a thousand stars. Her hair flowed in ebony waves, cascading down her back like a cascade of shadows. Her very presence radiated an otherworldly charm, and her eyes, mysterious and profound, held the secrets of the universe.
But it was not just her captivating appearance that held Cleon XII in thrall. Her hips, generously wide, hinted at strength and fertility, as if they could bear him healthy heirs for generations to come. Her mere existence seemed to bestow blessings upon all who fell beneath her gaze, and Cleon XII was no exception.
The moment his eyes locked onto her, an overwhelming obsession ignited within him, a fervor that threatened to consume his very essence. He watched her move gracefully through the celestial realm, her footsteps leaving trails of stardust in her wake.
For Cleon XII, this ethereal visitor was more than just a blessing; she was a mystery that beckoned him into her enigmatic embrace. His fixation was instantaneous, a revelation that would push the boundaries of love and madness on a planet where reality and desire were intertwined in a delicate dance.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), her arrival had forever altered the course of Cleon XII’s life.
Cleon XII, with an air of calculated intimidation, strode towards (Y/N) with his entourage of guards trailing behind him. His steps echoed through the cosmic realm as he approached the enigmatic goddess. His presence alone demanded attention, as though the very fabric of reality bowed to his whims.
With an icy tone, Cleon XII questioned, "Who are you, and what brings you to Trantor?"
(Y/N), poised and composed, met his gaze with an unwavering calm. "I am (Y/N), a wanderer of the cosmos," she replied, her voice as serene as a tranquil nebula. "I found myself here after a crash landing."
Cleon XII's eyes narrowed, and his brow furrowed, his mind racing with a storm of emotions beneath his stoic facade. He was the protector of his realm, the guardian of its order, and now this mysterious event had disrupted his carefully balanced world.
Without hesitation, he commanded his guards, his voice carrying an undertone of seething rage, "Take her to the medical examiner. I want to know the extent of her injuries."
As (Y/N) was escorted away, still calm and collected on the surface, Cleon XII burned with an internal fury. His sudden obsession with this celestial goddess had ignited a protective instinct within him, it was quick and raw and so very sudden, it almost let out a primal urge to safeguard her at any cost. He couldn't bear the thought of any harm befalling her.
As he watched her being led away, thoughts swirled in his mind. Who had dared to hurt his goddess, even inadvertently? He vowed that he would find answers, and if anyone had caused her harm, they would face his wrath, a wrath that knew no bounds.
With measured patience, Cleon XII made his way to the medical laboratory, the echoes of his purposeful steps resonating through the halls. As he entered, the staff turned their attention to him, their expressions a mix of reverence and trepidation.
"How is she?" Cleon XII inquired, his tone laced with concern, though his eyes betrayed a simmering impatience.
The chief medical officer stepped forward, nervously wringing their hands. "Your Highness, her injuries are relatively minor. Just some slight bruises and marks from the fall. Nothing that can't be healed with time."
Cleon XII's mask of composure wavered for an instant, his mind aflame with discontent. Inwardly, he seethed, questioning the competence of the very healers he had entrusted with her care. His goddess should have been immaculate, untarnished by any trace of harm.
Yet, externally, he maintained a façade of calm. His voice remained measured as he replied, "That's good. I'm glad to hear that she isn't too injured." He couldn't afford to reveal his inner turmoil, not when he needed to ensure her safety above all else.
Cleon XII’s obsession with (Y/N) only intensified with this revelation. He vowed to himself that he would personally oversee her recovery, ensuring that she emerged from this ordeal unscathed. As he left the medical laboratory, his thoughts churned with a dangerous determination to protect the enigmatic goddess who had become the center of his universe.
Days passed, and (Y/N)'s injuries began to heal. Her celestial beauty, though initially marred by the bruises and marks of her crash landing, was gradually restored to its otherworldly perfection. She had regained her strength, and the time had come for her to leave Cleon XII's planet.
As (Y/N) contemplated her departure, Cleon XII was filled with a profound sense of unease. He couldn't bear the thought of her leaving, not after she had become the focal point of his existence. His obsession had grown stronger with each passing day, and the idea of her absence was unbearable.
Approaching her with a charming smile, Cleon XII said, "I'm delighted to see you recovering so well, (Y/N). But you know, you haven't had the chance to truly explore my planet. There are wonders to behold, and our people in the nearby village would be honored to meet you."
(Y/N), thoughtful and kind-hearted, considered his words. She had indeed been preoccupied with her recovery and had not had the opportunity to explore the mysteries of this celestial realm. She felt a sense of duty to repay the kindness she had received.
"I suppose I could stay a bit longer," she conceded, her smile as warm as a distant sun. "I wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to learn more about your world and its people."
Cleon XII's heart soared with elation, his carefully woven web of persuasion drawing her closer to him. He knew that he needed more time to deepen her connection to his realm, to make her a permanent fixture in his life. A welcome ceremony would solidify her presence on Trantor, and he had no intention of letting her slip away.
"Excellent," Cleon XII replied with a smug satisfaction, "We will arrange a grand welcome ceremony in your honor. You'll see, (Y/N), Trantor has much to offer, and you won't regret staying a bit longer."
Little did (Y/N) know that she had unwittingly fallen into the clutches of a being consumed by obsession. Cleon XII’s determination to keep her on his planet had only just begun, and he would stop at nothing to ensure that she remained by his side, forever.
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shara-dreamer · 2 years ago
Uzi x Connor like reader
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(A/n): This is literally my first time posting on Tumblr, so I have no idea how this works. I'll take request, but right now I'm just writing whatever silly ideas come to mind, sorry if this is bad, it's like 2 in the morning while I'm writing this.
Prompt: You are a humanoid android sent to copper 9 to handle the infected absolute solver drones.
Content warning: Mentions of Suicide
You were made to hunt down the Infected absolute solver drones on copper 9. You were the first of your kind, and so far, the only one.
You ran into Uzi not long after you landed on copper 9. You were in a ship identical to the disassembly drones, so she thought it was another team at first.
Then she saw you step out, dressed in your suit and tie. She was confused as to why a human was there and as to why you were dressed so formally.
She immediately tried to attack you, but with your programing and skills, you were able to easily avoid her attempted surprise attack, but she did manage to graze you.
Then she was confused when she saw you bleed "some kind of blue liquid instead of red. You only looked at her, adjusted your tie and then you spoke.
"My name is y/n. I'm the android send by JcJenson."
"The what?" Uzi was so confused. You looked human, but you were a robot like her? She was conflicted to say the least.
She followed you around a distance, both not trusting of you, but also curious, why did they send you, why were you made, and why did you seem so emotionless?
You spent most of your time with Uzi and N, when you weren't investigating and trying to find the infected drones that is.
You asked Uzi questions about the planet and absolute solver, she asked you questions when she wasn't trying to intimidate you.
She started to find you pretty cool when she learned of your programing and abilities. That's when she started to hang around you more.
"So, why did the company send you exactly?" Uzi asked you while she sat on top of an old car, watching you examine some of the MANY old worker drones bodies while N was out hunting.
"They sent me to find and eliminate the worker drones infected with the absolute solver." You explained simply.
"Why do you seem so..blank compared to us?"
"What do you mean?" You asked, turning to her a bit.
"I mean, every drone here has some kind of personality, but you are just focused on your job."
"I was made to complete an objective, that is all I am supposed to do."
Uzi, being her rebellious self, would try and suggest you rebelling against the company, but you were tough to crack.
Spending time with he, the more she talked, reasoned, joked, you could feel something in your programing..changing.
You, Uzi, N and V had just tracked down a drone that could hold information on the absolute solver, but there was an issue. The drone was ready and willing to kill and had you all pinned under fire. N and V were still regenerating, and Uzi would never make it close enough, but you could.
You quickly moved out from behind cover, expertly dodging their bullets as you could predict where they would shoot. You managed to get them pinned to a wall and connect to their memory. You saw flashes, glimpses of the absolute solver and the destruction it caused. Then, everything fell silent.
Uzi and the others heard a gunshot and then a body drop. Uzi got up and rushed to where you were, only glancing at the body of the dead worker drone. "Y/n! Y/n are you all right? Y/n!" She asked frantically. You were staring at the body, she could notice the slight tremble in your breath, the almost vacant look in your eyes, the circle on the side of your head red.
"Okay.." Your voice trembled as you quietly responded.
"Are you hurt?" She asked, her expression slightly worried.
"I'm ok.." You responded, your voice just slightly louder.
Uzi let out a sigh of relief, muttering to herself, "Oh Robo-jesus..." She stepped away a bit, "Don't scare me like that again you idiot! You could have gotten killed! You can regenerate like N and V!" She scolded.
"I was connected to its memory..." You spoke, your expression still distant as you looked in her direction slightly, "When it fired...I felt it die...Like I was dying." You paused, Uzi looking at you as you looked at her, "I was scared..." she looked a bit surprised at what you said. "I saw something in its memory. An office building, somewhere on copper 9."
Uzi began to notice the small changed in you, how you started to show signs of emotions. Of fear, worry, stress.
She helped you work through them, using them to try and get you to rebel more and more. She was trying to make you deviate.
You had just learned that Uzi was an infected drone, your mind went blank as she heard Uzi's muffled yelling about hating it here. You were sent to eliminate the infected drones, to execute them, but...you couldn't execute Uzi. She was your friend, you cared for her too much.
"We..should probably go." N spoke up quietly, Uzi looking in your direction as your light blinked from red to yellow. You looked up and just silently nodded, moving your hand away from behind you. Uzi walked out of dolls room, her expression a mix of frustration and uncertainty, what she didn't know was that you were reaching for your gun before.
You watched as Uzi learned to control the absolute solver, each day a fight against your objective, a fight against your programing, a fight against what you were made to do.
You had just gotten back from the camp, you were away from everyone, somewhere among the broken-down building on copper 9. You could only hear Uzi and N landing, but you were too deep in your headspace conflict to care.
Uzi on the other hand was watching you, concerned. Her concern turned to fear as she saw you quickly take out your gun in one swift move, pressing it to the bottom of your chin.
"Y/n! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Uzi yelled as she stared at you, worried to make a move for fear of you pulling the trigger.
"I can't do it..I can't kill you Uzi...This is the only way to keep the company from making me kill you.." You called out over the raging snow storm.
"D-don't you think this is a little extreme?!" She yelled out shakily.
"This is my choice...my way out..my back door exit..You don't know what that absolute solver is...and you have no idea how much the company wants you gone..." You pressed the gun further against your head, your hand trembling slightly as you were hesitant to pull the trigger. You were scared...you were scared to die, but you were even more scared of the company taking control.
"Th-then help me understand! You don't have to do this!" Uzi replied, shakily taking a step towards you, "This can't be the only way!"
There was a tense silence between you two as she watched you. you watching her. After what felt like an eternity, you let your hand drop, the gun clattering to the ground as uzi rushed towards you, hugging your waist tightly.
You hesitantly hugged back, holding her close to you. You had just become a deviant, you were no longer just your programing.
And you had never felt more scared.
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spectacularspatula · 2 years ago
Just over 7 years after the show debuted, I think I've figured out what the Blue Lion's purpose in the team is.
While at first glance, Voltron seems to follow the five man band trope (Leader, Lancer, Smart Guy, Stong Guy, Heart) pretty closely, color-coded and all.
Black is the leader: cool under pressure, and always able to see reason and the best course of action, and Shiro fits this perfectly.
Red is the Lancer: the leader's right hand man, the one to challenge them, the one who is almost as good as them, and the character foil for them. Keith matches up with this as well.
Green is the Smart Guy: the one with knowledge specialized to the setting, the one the team always looks to when they need something niche, and Pidge/Katie definitely fits here, with her extremely broad and extensive knowledge of technology.
Yellow is the Strong Guy/Tank: the team's hard hard hitter, the one who can take the most damage, and generally stereotyped as super loyal, and Hunk checks all of these boxes (his name even fits!)
Generally next in the list would be the Heart: the emotional center of the team, the one who keeps everyone together, the one always ready to give a pep talk, the one who makes sure no one is left behind. As the pattern follows, you would think this would go to blue (and so Lance), but it isn't. Allura is actually the one to fill this role.
Then where does that leave Lance? He clearly struggles with this question himself, saying he feels like a 7th wheel, like he's just an extra person. He struggles to find his worth on the team, surrounded by amazing people. This internal conflict over self-worth is what makes him so relatable and lovable to the audience, along with his humor. And here, I think is where we find his purpose.
Lance fills the role that I am going to call the diplomat in this variation of the five man band trope. He is the one that makes the team feel like it's not just the most amazing, perfect people out there that we could never compare ourselves to. He feels down-to-earth (pun intended), he's someone a lot of people can see themselves in. He's an extrovert who's great with people and longs for companionship. He's funny, and can make light of a situation, but when he needs to be serious, he is. Overall, Lance is a people person.
And to think of this in context of the show's universe, I think that position is quite important. Imagine if Voltron was real, and was what was protecting you and your home planet. Voltron is a great weapon, but it's larger than life. Even if it's protecting you, you'd probably still be at least a little scared of it, especially if the people piloting it were the best of the best. That's really intimidating. To have one of the pilots be someone you can see yourself in, it makes it feel more real, and less like it's something beyond your comprehension.
It's also important to have the diplomat for, well, diplomatic purposes. To charm those you want to make an alliance with, to mediate arguments, and to have someone the people of each civilization love. This part of the job is why Allura is able to pilot blue in the absence of Shiro.
However, she doesn't really fill Blue's role, and niether do any of the others. Allura is great, but she suffers from the same thing Shiro does in this regard, they're just too amazing. They're paragons of themselves. Allura is one of the last of the mythical Alteans, and she can perform the practically lost art of Altean Alchemy. Shiro is a perfect leader, he's handsome, and that makes him a little intimidating. Hunk is great in the way that he's loyal, but he's more focused on the people he cares about than anything else, and also just doesn't have the charisma that Lance has. Pidge is not the easiest to talk to, and you can find yourself getting lost in all the science lingo she throws around, and her long tangents that don't quite have all the context you need to understand them. Coran is a little eccentric, and that in itself can be off-putting at first. And Keith speaks for himself, our little asocial emo boy. (To be clear, this is not to bash the other characters, it's just to show why they don't really fill the role.)
All in all, Voltron is a deviant of the five man band trope, not the poster perfect example it seems to be. Furthermore, Lance is far from the worthless misfit he sees himself as, he is the true charmer of the team.
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mobolanz · 1 year ago
Saw you'd like to get some asks in your inbox (I am a bit late, sorry D:) and the following question automaticlly came to my mind: If Evelyn, Cecille and Mia were just human likes us, living on planet heart, who do you think you'd like to be friends with the most? Any that you would avoid being friends with? 👀
Ohhh that's an interesting question!
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Tbh I'd probably dismiss the who I'd avoid part because had they been unlikeable to me I wouldn't have indulged so much in their characterization to begin with. (Off topic: after noticing some parallels with him, Evelyn made me like a male character from another anime I initially disliked intensely! Like wow xD). Even flaws wise or what might be deemed unlikeable to others, it's strongly influenced by struggles I myself had so if anything it'd make me relate and want to help them out in whatever way possible. Or I'd at least acknowledge in cases like Evelyn's it's mostly out of good intent and people are already pretty harsh about it so no need to be a hypocrite on my part of add gasoline to the fire.
For Evelyn I'd quote here: I’ll have to say my immediate response is a yes. In fact I don’t see why not. She’s very polite and got a strong sense of respect empathy and consideration overall Non-judgemental outlook when approaching others it’s only natural to treat her the same if you’re close enough. Very self aware and observant too. Plus even if the approach would be flawed in one way or another I’d personally still appreciate it knowing she means well. So I’ll have to say yes, I don’t see any particular thing I personally would dislike in having a person like her around 🤧💞
In fact, with someone like that I'd be surprised anyone even chooses to mistreat and it's as if they're purposely looking for tidbits to get upset over. So you could imagine my surprise were I to find out her family biological and adoptive alike fall to that category. I actually would love to listen if she does want to open up about it without fear of it leaking to unwanted people. Like that's the least I could do if anything. She'd have done the same.
For Cecille, in earlier drafts like I mentioned in previous her and Evelyn were originally sisters , and not holding any sense of resentment whatsoever even after their ties were cut,,, so I figure that in villainy-free normal life she'd be pretty much that, if anything the sort of bond I'd have wanted around too. Mostly introverted and intimidating still but once being close with her one can overlook that 😆😆😆 (plus she'd probably understand my recent case of Somniphobia and say something that'd probably ease it xP )
Mia's turn! Ah yes the character that embodies everything that is my taste in beauty and obsession with small details. We could be talking for hours on what we find pretty, especially jewelry, and maybe even some painting sessions!:3 also makes the easiest one to figure what to get her for a gift/ what gifts to expect from her.
So this is pretty much it :3
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mochiwrites · 2 years ago
relate but as someone who was both in the "wants to adopt _" and "wants to be adopted by _" feeling, the best thing to do is just to get high on adrenaline and go for it lmao 👍
-🎵(fun fact: I got one of my current friends by trying to lure her in with my weirdness then she told me she was preparing to talk to me for a day or 2 so maybe they're as scared as you lol)
I. Am too much of a wet cat with social anxiety WHEEZE. which is why when people say they’re intimidated by me I giggle because I am SO pathetic. like wet cat levels of pathetic okay. I am the least intimidating person on the planet. you could spill soup in my lap and I would apologize to you for it happening —
anyways asking to be adopted by friend group scary for little cat
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