#ily ethan hunt
foxonfier · 2 months
because of the clear differences between ethan as a 32 year old vs 42 year old vs 54 year old, i’d like to highlight some of the key characteristics of all of these “versions” of this character. mi1 ethan is certainly um … a freak, as i like best to describe him. while mi6 ethan, for example, is much more mellowed out and seems to have lost much of his confidence and self-importance after everything he’s been through. and mi3 ethan is still a bit freakish, though has slightly become calmer with age. but first, let’s talk about continuity and things that carry over! because ethan does have a lot of things wrong with him that continue throughout the movies.
lots more below the cut …. god damn
i think talking about ethan’s love life is something that’s going to be very important, because ethan is somewhat of a selfish lover. when it comes to his relationships, he is very much concerned about the way he feels. his dependability on his lovers is clear as day to see, and he needs to be in a relationship to continue functioning like a normal human being. or, at the very least, he needs someone to be the focus of his attention. he needs that “click.” and when that click happens it’s near impossible to shake ethan off. the whole power play thing is also big for ethan; doing things that give him influence over the other person, whether it be narrowing down choices to specifically him ( mi1 ethan ) or saving nyah from security that he called on her ( mi2 ethan ). he’s quite possessive of the people he’s in relationships with, very much obsessive as well. unable to get them out of his head, zeroed in on them at all times.
in mi1, you can tell the moment it “clicks” for ethan. he’s just had a nightmare and when claire touches him to wake him up, he throws her back, points his gun at her and demands to know what she’s doing here. strips off her coat and aggressively searches her, not in a kind or loving manner at all. and then, because he’s ethan hunt, he pins claire to the bed and crawls on top of her, putting his entire body weight on her. he’s just finished screaming at her and now she’s begging for him to listen to her, broken after the “death” of her husband, and being in that position makes ethan realize the feelings he actually does have for her. maybe it’s some sense of importance; ethan feels as though he’s the best person to be in a relationship with these people, because he can do better than their previous lovers. he can protect them and love them. and when things click for ethan, i think any sense of taboo is thrown right out the window. obviously falling for your father figure’s wife is something that is not normal in the slightest. but i digress. realizing his feelings, ethan literally LEANS IN and it looks like he’s going to kiss claire, but he seems to hesitate for a moment and pulls back. and then he gets off of her and sits back in the chair ; and when claire comes over to try and reason with him, telling ethan that she can get the cia to listen to her and believe that ethan is innocent, ethan tells her that if she does that, they’ll just think that she’s working with him and will kill her anyway. leaving her with absolutely no other choice than to work alongside ethan. and when she does this, helping him out, ethan seems absolutely dumbfounded that she ever would. when he’s the one that narrowed down her decision to him in the first place! this just shows me that he doesn’t consciously realize what he’s doing, but the fact that he does do these things in order to trap these women is very um not good!
and then, he finds out jim is still alive. and knowing by this point that jim is the person who set him up and helped kill all of his teammates ( having seen the stamp from hotel drake, chicago in the bible, which is where jim was staying ) he begins to suspect claire, but when he returns to her he just can’t. he wants to believe her so badly, almost selfishly, because he wants her. even when he knows better, even when it could easily jeapordise his entire mission and even his life, he just can’t help himself. and then he ( probably ) has sex with her! after finding out her husband, ethan’s father figure, is alive! so there is very much a pattern with his partners: it all clicks for ethan, he gets selfish, traps them at his side, and then he has sex with them. and after that, he’s completely and utterly in love.
this is especially apparent in mi2, when ethan meets nyah and immediately it “clicks.” he falls for her and becomes selfish in his pursuit, being a general weirdo by following her around and helping her steal something -- then when she steals it, he sets off an alarm to call security in, just to rescue her from security. entrapment! he makes these people dependent on him and kind of forces them into this “damsel in distress” role that he saves them from. making him not only believe that he’s the best option for them romantically, but makes them believe this as well. and nyah doesn’t immediately fall for it, she even calls him out, but somehow ethan finds her physically as well as finds her phone number, and does this um interesting car chase with her. telling her that he needs her just like she needs him. and by this point she might feel that yeah, she does need him, because didn’t he rescue her from security? and because of that she kind of owes him, right? so she goes with him and does this whole undercover thing with ambrose, which immediately makes ethan jealous, showing that very much possessive and protective side of him. and his feelings do end up with the capability to compromise his mission, just like in mi1. because when nyah injects herself with chimera, ethan should kill her. but he can’t make himself do it, and instead he leaves her in order to find a cure and extends the entire ordeal, enough to where he endangers millions of people just because he couldn’t do the right thing. selfish behavior! nyah even asked for it, told him he needed to do it, but he just couldn’t. and by the very end he saves her and probably makes her feel even more indebted to him. and by this point he’s deeply in love with her, and i think that she just … isn’t. sure, she loves him, but maybe she wants something more causal in that she doesn’t want someone to be this dependent on her. she just wants a normal relationship, while with ethan, it will never be normal because he isn’t normal about his partners. so the running idea is that nyah can’t take it anymore -- his behavior, his dependability -- and eventually leaves him. setting him up for mi3, where he meets julia and, most likely, the same pattern occurs.
now i think that mi3 ethan is the most transparent about his selfishness. he finds julia and, instead of telling her who he is, he keeps it a secret. and while i do believe that some part of him wants to protect her from the imf and shield her from that part of his life, i think most of his decision has to do with the fact that … well, he just can’t bear losing her. and telling her that he works for the imf and that his job will likely endanger her and her family might make her leave him. something he just can’t deal with, not when he’s already so in love. so he’s selfish and keeps the truth from her, lying about where he works, even putting on a show about how interesting he finds traffic patterns to all of her friends. charming his way through to them! and more of his weirdo behavior shines through -- using his training in order to eavesdrop on julia’s conversation with her other friends, reading their lips and watching from afar. and he just can’t help himself, he has to chime in with the right answer ( “wanaka!” ) to their personal conversation that he wasn’t at all invited to. freak behavior ethan! and they’re dumbfounded, wondering how the hell he heard them, and ethan just smiles and walks off. he really is still a strange person. and the whole entrapment thing comes up again in this movie -- because ethan is acting odd, something julia notices, and instead of confessing his job to her he just tells her to trust him. and of course, she says she does! and then he goes and marries her, well and truly trapping her by his side. and sure, it’s a cute scene, but the fact that he does this at all is telling to the kind of person he is. even weirder, later on in the movie luther asks him if he and lindsey were sleeping together and instead of answering like a normal person, ethan says, “she was like my little sister.” and luther is like, would you sleep with your little sister? and ethan doesn’t reply!! maybe he just doesn’t designate it with a response, thinking it’s so obvious that he shouldn’t even have to answer, but some part of it may be that … well, he did like lindsey. i don’t at all think they slept together, but it’s entirely possible that he had feelings for her. because the care and love he shows her during the rescue mission is more than he shows for any of his other friends. romantic partners have always been the priority for ethan, always will be, and it’s quite obvious he cares for lindsey a lot, enough to come back into the field just for her. lying to his fiancee even more because of it. so, i definitely believe that ethan having feelings for lindsey is a great possibility. would he have cheated on julia? of course not. he isn’t a bad person at heart, and he wouldn’t hurt her like that. but it definitely seems as though he had not-so-platonic feelings for his former student.
and just like in mi1 and mi2, ethan’s personal feelings get in the way -- which makes sense in mi3 of course, his wife is kidnapped, but he goes completely rogue because of a mistake he made. aka, not changing his name. so davian is able to easily find julia, and because ethan didn’t ever give julia or her family information on who he is, julia’s brother tells a stranger where she is. which you can’t blame him for! how would he have known that he was dangerous? and it’s not like julia’s brother is going to know all of her friends, anyway. so ethan freaks out and tries to find her, bringing his entire team into this situation that he did largely cause, endangering both their lives and their jobs. showing the kind of domino effect of his actions. and he does get her back, but not before truamatizing julia with everything that’s happened to her. and she still stays with him, somehow, but clearly not for too long.
because then everything post mi3 happens and it seems as though julia divorces ethan. of course, no one seems to know for sure what happened, whether she left him or whether she’s even alive or not, which is what ethan wants. but, i do believe that because julia was kidnapped again, she couldn’t deal with it anymore and decided to get a divorce. i think she still loves him in a way, especially as a friend, but being with him just isn’t an option anymore. and ethan’s work will always be important, therefore julia will always be in danger. so they get a divorce and ethan heavily throws himself into his work. this is when he begins doing stunts where he’s actually, truly in danger of dying and this is simply because he has no one to grasp on to. he has no romantic partner and because of that, nothing to heavily focus on and obsess over besides his work. and, i do believe that he becomes more suicidal when julia divorces him, because even in mi4 he climbs a fucking tower where if he fell, he would die! and sure, he doesn’t want to do it at first, but he does. and in mi5 he actually, genuinely dies and ilsa has to bring him back to life just like julia did. and in mi6 ethan does the most insane, crazy shit ever, like driving against high speed traffic or climbing on to a moving helicopter, then crashing said helicopter into ANOTHER helicopter, without so much as a care for himself. no self-preservation at all, and he doesn’t give a shit whether he lives or dies. so, without a love interest, ethan truly does become highly suicidal, turning from something passive to something a little more active. he also blames himself a lot more for things, putting this weight on his shoulders that pushes him to be even more suicidal. such as blaming himself for the bombs being in kashmir where julia is, even though he stopped them from going off! he just loses so much of that prior confidence in himself.
now, of course, ethan isn’t a bad person. he’s compassionate and loving and genuinely feels for people and wants to help them. but when it comes to his partners, he is very, very odd and exhibits intensely strange and possessive behavior. which i think is important to note! he’s not a perfect guy, certainly not the perfect protagonist, and he’s got some major issues. but i think that’s what makes him so fun and interesting, and i cannot wait to see what else he gets up to in future mission impossible movies.
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driftershunt · 1 year
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Ilsa Faust & Ethan Hunt <3
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kaiowut99 · 26 days
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 115 & 116 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episodes 113-114 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-115: Giese the Spirit Hunter
Cobra's second assassin was sent after Judai and the others--that assassin being Giese, who is capable of seeing Spirits. He captures Sapphire Pegasus, one of the Gem Beasts, alive and uses him to coerce them into dueling. In Judai's stead, due to his exhaustion of stamina, Johan confronts him, and a duel between Johan and Giese begins. Giese activates his Hunting Net Counter Trap, as if to hunt down Johan's Gem Beasts, and captures Amethyst Cat. Johan attempts to save his Gem Beasts, but even more traps would await him.
TURN-116: The Gem Beasts VS Hell Gundog
Giese proceeds to capture the Gem Beasts with various Trap Cards, while also summoning his Hell Gundog to pour on the attacks against Johan. Feeling anger at Giese's dirty dueling, Johan starts his counterattack, anticipating his Traps and overcoming them strategically by summoning Topaz Tiger and Emerald Turtle to attack with. Cornered, Giese goes for Johan's weakness, making him hold off on any of his attacks. With Johan unable to interfere with his moves, Giese activates his Substitute Pain Permanent Magic to inflict damage on him.
Sooo, accidentally ran later with these than intended--not helped by realizing while drafting this full release post over the past two days that I missed a couple spots with a few of my usual animation fixes 🙃--buuut with that out of the way, finalized!115-116 are now up and ready to go! This isn't a catch-and-release I promise
These are always a nice pair of episodes in terms of establishing more around Johan's bond with the Gem Beasts and how he sees his relationship to Spirits, as shown as he encountered Tom and when he finds out that Giese was the one who stole his card and Spirit (meanwhile, the dub decided to give them history for reasons); that Pegasus cameo as he introduces them to the Gem Beasts was always cool, and his "Jesus!" line is iconic haha. Also notable for showing the start of the "What am I dueling for?" question starting to stir within Judai's head after his duel with Satou (which is also conspicuously absent from the dub). Always did find Giese's ultimate fate after Johan crushes him--to "Camula's Theme," at that, which always slaps (and is especially nice given the easter egg that Johan's VA, Kanako Irie, also voiced Camula)--a bit ambiguous since we never do follow up with him, but it is implied the Spirits he hunted (and the one he actually saw as a friend?) either consumed him or took him to the Spirit World or what-have-you; I wonder if they would've added a quick follow-up had they had some room in the episode runtime.
Animation error-wise, well, that was part of the reason for the delay, as overall I handled about 31 throughout both episodes, split roughly evenly between them; varied from smaller quality-of-watching things like split-screen timings (with some border errors mixed in, at that) to card errors (moreso in 116 given how often Hell Gundog wound up on Johan's Disk...) making up the bulk of them, along with helping Topaz Tiger see better well good in 115's preview for 116 due to an error with his eye. Given the amount of fixes worked on, as with 113-114, I'll once again go through the usual edit breakdown in this separate post for the interested!
Anywho, enjoy! Up next, I'll hopefully be working on the Judai vs Cobra three-parter in 117-119 together; I'll be detouring back to TFSP to work on Crow's events in the 5D's character stories, mixing in some work on 117-119 as I go. In particular, looking forward to revisiting 119 since it's a favorite (between the art/animation, music, Cobra's message to Judai echoing Satou coming back later... *chef's kiss*), but 117 will also be interesting for the Yubel/Amon interaction, and of course the surprise fight sequence! Stay tuned!
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twelverriver · 1 year
sorry her evil ways and wicked sexyness have bewitched me body and soul
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emseebeans · 1 year
Just finished my @topguncommentbingo blackout! This event was super fun, and a nice way to read a variety of works and authors. Thanks for organizing!
I put the text list of fics under the 'Keep Reading,' along with the pairing and a direct link to the work, in case anyone else would like to show these authors/artists some extra love. ❤️
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fic rated mature: 'Forgiveness,' by BlueGeranium - Rooster/Maverick
art rated gen / teen: 'Blue Cornflowers On My Sleeve,' by gilliontidestrider - Slider/Goose
fanvid: 'icemav: we keep this love in a photograph,' by huntmavs (tumblr) - Iceman/Maverick
fic set during TGM canon: 'Trouble,' by drh0rrible - Rooster/Hangman
fic with a ship you haven't read: 'never knew it (took me by surprise),' by americanheartbreak - Hondo/Maverick
WIP: 'Better With Age,' by SharaRaizel - Iceman/Maverick
fic completed in June 2022 or earlier: 'that hunted so to see (the heart that wanted me),' by susiecarter - Iceman/Maverick
fic with 5k- 15k words: 'Love Makes My World Go Round,' by KatofKanals - Rooster/Hangman
fic you forgot to comment on: 'Waiting for Every Tomorrow,' by Renai_chan - Rooster/Hangman/Phoenix
fic completed between Sept - Nov 2022: 'happiness to me is u & ily more than blood,' by tl_trashtalk - Rooster/Maverick
fic with a trope you love: 'sweet melody,' by lawrussoauto - Rooster & Iceman/Maverick
fic with an archive warning - 'Punishment Duty,' by consulting_unicorn - Rooster/Maverick
FREE CHOICE: 'Mile High,' by Brenda - Hangman/Maverick
fic completed between March - May 2023: 'Neon Pink Longing,' by Capt_JaneClaude - Rooster/Hangman
canon divergent fic: 'Layers,' by pohjanneito - Rooster/Maverick
a 5+1 fic: 'Nothing But Tired.' by thatweirdplantlady - Maverick/Slider
fic with 3k- 5k words: '(Begging You To) Touch and Go,' by proprioception - Maverick/Goose/Iceman/Slider
fic from a fandom event: 'who cares who sees anything? (I'm your passenger),' by DarkstarDiesel - Hangman/Maverick
fic tagged fluff: 'Of Phone Calls and Forgiveness,' by Anxiety_Baker02 - Rooster & Maverick
fic with more than 5 additional tags: 'Time Is Our Greatest Adversary,' by PurpleArrowzandLeather - Rooster & Maverick
fic rated gen: 'Hugs Cure the Heart,' by Wanderlust17 - Rooster & Iceman/Maverick
fic focused on a POC: 'Learning to Speak Your Language,' by ReformedTsundere - Payback/Fanboy
oneshot: 'On the Beach at San Clemente,' by Muccamukk - Penny/Maverick
fic with your favorite tag: '5 Times Bradley Calls Jake Sweetheart + 1 Time Jake Returns the Endearment,' by dalearden - Rooster/Hangman
crossover / fusion: 'Hanging by Wires,' by elizabethgee - Ethan Hunt/Hangman
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rules: tag (9) people you want to know better and or catch up with, then answer these questions below!
tysm @chairhandle and @browneyeslouis ily both sm <33
four ships:
tom “iceman” kazansky/pete “maverick” mitchell (top gun)
ethan hunt/ilsa faust (mission: impossible)
ataru moroboshi/lum (urusei yatsura)
loid forger/yor forger (spy x family)
last song: the pleasure seekers by the system
currently reading:
shadows house (manga)
anything in the icemav ao3 tag
last movie: puss in boots: the last wish!
craving: homicide /hj (nah i want some oreos)
tagging @faeratil @calkale @nicejobkid @constellationscharts @aortaargent @looney-just-like-her-tunes @assignmentimprobable @derpinathebrave @destinedtobeloved @tvheit @tcmiv @tomcriuse @lookforanewangle @mavspeed @qin-ling @dip-the-stick @vampiremansionpoolboy @soap-dispenser-tom @brendaonao3 @laikawriter @scottishaccentsareawesome @awkwxrdapple @enthyrea and anyone else who sees this and wants to <3
edit: i just realized the rules were to tag nine people. whatever 💀
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peonyblossom · 2 years
"But I thought you never liked valentine's day?" "Surprise!" for any of your babies it would fit (but if it does fit Jackie x Thomas or Sydney x Ethan then definitely one of them please and thank you)
Above and Beyond
Book: Hollywood U Pairing(s): Thomas Hunt x f!MC (Jackie Winters) Words: 897 Category: Domestic fluff Rating: Teen & up Warnings: Brief discussions of sexAO3 link here Summary: Even though Jackie doesn't expect anything, Thomas goes above and beyond for their Valentine's Day celebration. A/N: #1 Prompt above appears in bold A/N #2: For @choicesficwriterscreations Valentine's Day Event and @choicesmonthlychallenge To Be or Not to Be ('To Be - ily")
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Despite the fact that Jackie had been at Hollywood U for over a year and a half, she still wasn’t used to the warm Februaries. She was used to slushy, icy, gray, seasonal-depression-inducing winters in the midwest. So, even though she was on low energy because she had to stay on campus a couple hours later than usual because of a production meeting, she had a spring in her step as she entered Thomas’s house. It was Valentine’s Day, but she didn’t expect much. For one, she knew Thomas wasn’t a huge fan of the “capitalist trap” that was the holiday. For two, they were still keeping their relationship a secret. Even when they went as far as Catalina Island, they were almost caught and they knew it would be even worse if they were caught together on Valentine’s Day.
Jackie walked through the front door, dropping her bag to the ground and looking down to kick her shoes off. When she looked back up, Thomas was waiting in front of her with a bouquet of various red and pink flowers. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love.” Thomas handed the bouquet to Jackie.
“You got me flowers? But I thought you never liked Valentine’s Day?” Jackie took the flowers and smelled them, smiling.
“Surprise! I don’t really like Valentine’s Day, but I know you love it. I’m only sorry we can’t go out anywhere.”
Jackie walked up to Thomas and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh, I don’t mind if we just spend the night here. We don’t need to go anywhere, I’m just happy to spend time with you.”
Thomas placed his hands on Jackie’s waist. “Well, even so, I have something to show you.” He led her into the dining room, where a beautiful candlelit dinner was waiting. There was an empty vase in the center of the table. Thomas gently took the bouquet out of Jackie’s hands and placed it in the vase.
“Oh, Thomas, this is wonderful! But you didn’t have to do this.”
“I know, but I wanted to. I knew you’d be tired and hungry by the time you go there, so I wanted to make dinner for you.”
Jackie blushed as she hugged Thomas, burying her head in his chest. “Thank you.”
Thomas returned the hug, rubbing her back. “You’re welcome.”
The two sat across from each other at the table to eat. They spent the meal playing footsie and talking about their days. It was the perfect little domestic Valentine’s celebration for the two of them.
Once they finished Thomas said, “Go wait in the theater while I clean up, okay?”
“What? No, I can help. I mean, you already made the whole meal, it’s the least I can do.”
“No.” Thomas kissed Jackie, who was just standing there, confused. “Tonight I’m taking care of you.”
Jackie smiled up at Thomas innocently. “Okay.” She walked down to the home theater in Thomas’s basement. She curled up in one of the seats and closed her eyes, resting for just a moment. Not long after, she reopened her eyes as she heard Thomas entering the theater. He sat next to her and she immediately cuddled up to him, resting her head on his chest.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Thomas asked as he wrapped one arm around Jackie and used the other one to grab the remote. 
“You’re going to let me pick the movie too?”
“Well, that depends on what you pick.”
Jackie giggled and said, “That’s fair.”
They agreed on a film fairly quickly and started watching. Being filmmakers, they spent much of the time talking about and critiquing different aspects, until Thomas realized he was the one doing all the talking. He looked over at Jackie and saw that she had fallen asleep, despite it still being fairly early. He quietly turned the movie off and slowly removed his arm from around her shoulder, so as not to wake her. He picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to the bedroom and gently laid her down on the bed. Only then did she start to wake.
“Oh, did I fall asleep?” Jackie looked around at her surroundings, rubbing her eyes. “And did you… carry me to the bedroom?”
“Yes and yes.” Thomas got into bed next to her and pulled her close to cuddle.
Jackie once again laid her head against his chest. “You are really going above and beyond tonight. God, what did I do to deserve you?”
“You didn’t have to do anything. You don't have to earn my love.”
Jackie sighed contently. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now go back to sleep – you clearly need it.”
“Are you sure? You didn’t have anything else planned?”
“No.” Thomas leaned over to kiss Jackie.
“Really? You didn’t want to do anything… sexy? I mean, it is Valentine’s Day,” Jackie asked, suddenly feeling insecure.
“I would’ve loved that, but I wasn’t expecting anything. I knew you probably wouldn’t have the energy. Besides, we can do something sexy whenever we want. Not just because some stupid capitalist holiday tells us to.”
Jackie sighed, laughing lightly. “Okay. I love you.” Jackie looked up at Thomas who leaned down to kiss her. She then laid her head back on his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso.
“I love you too, my dear. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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minaharkers · 2 years
2, 3, 4 for lukas and 23, 26, 27 for ophelia! 👀
2: Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
The current canon ending I have Lukas doing is independent Vegas but down the line after the Battle for the Hoover Dam he joins the Followers of the Apocalypse. He does really like doing the work that they do and he’s pretty good at medicine even though literally none of it is formal training LMAO. A couple of years down the line he even manages to find his bio mom through the Followers since she’d been doing work for them in the NCR :,)
And the faction he destroys is the Legion because 1. duh 2. His home was one of the “tribes” that were in their path of destruction
3. What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
At the beginning of the game:
S: 4
P: 7
E: 5
4. Give us a summary of their backstory
Lukas spends the first 11 years of his life in the small settlement of New Eden - a splinter faction of the New Canaanites that his father led after he declared himself a prophet of the Lord (he thought he saw an angel while stranded during a hunting party what was most likely a hallucination). Home life is. Not great. His father’s pretty subscribed to a very toxic projection of masculinity and expects a lot from his children - it’s toxic as hell and Lukas chafes a lot under them. His older brother Ethan got a big portion of their father’s abuse and ends up perpetuating it onto his younger siblings Julia and Lukas. So at 11 he ends up tailing a trading caravan that had recently stopped by in hopes he could leave, scrape caps together and get his mother and sister to leave too.
Like maybe two days in, he gets caught and the caravan decides they’re gonna send someone to take him back because they’re afraid they’ll lose a valuable trade partner if they’re suspected of kidnapping the leader’s son.
The one who escorts him is a ghoul named Majorie who does actually hear him out, and by the time they almost reach the settlement she’s tempted to say fuck it and keep the kid when they see black smoke rising in the distance.
All they find is a burnt-out shell of a town and one Legion flag staked in front - they’d missed the Legion by about a day who had taken everything and then burnt the rest to the ground. (So he doesn’t know this - but basically Ethan had been slowly being converted to the Legion when meeting and trading w them and sold New Eden out for a good position - a few had managed to flee including Julia and their mother.)
Majorie takes Lukas under her wing at first as a temporary thing before she can find someone to take him in, but that doesn’t work out at all and she’s like a mom figure for him.
She ends up dying from a bullet wound shortly before the Hopeville delivery and Lukas has been drifting since doing random courier jobs since he doesn’t have like any roots at all, leading up to the events of New Vegas.
🌊 Ophelia
23. Do they have a temper or are they level headed?
Oh my god yes. People don’t assume she does because she’s very sweet most of the time but you will regret pissing her off
26. How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make?
Ophelia comes off as very mild-mannered, a little shy to most people. As the game goes on it can be hard for people to connect her reputation and deeds to the person standing in front of them.
27. Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any?
It was really hard for her to travel alone when she first left the vault!! She was so used to having people around. She does get used to solitude when traveling eventually but you know Dogmeat is literally always with her!! She does finally manage to convince Butch to travel with her and it’s a weird friendship neither of them thought they’d have.
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Day 14: Pain
Hi! I’m sorry this list came out later than usual. I hope you enjoy it!
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Open Heart
The Ramseys (Ethan x F!MC) by @anxious-arliah
Red Carpet Diaries
Paper Cut (Hunt x MC) by @theartoflovingthomashunt
The Royal Romance
Pain by @cordoniansgonewild
Robin Hood (Liam x MC) by @annekebbphotography
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gutmeats · 3 years
[FIC] Earthquake Prank (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL) (I DIED???????!!!!!!1???) | Part Two
AO3 Link | Previous Chapter (AO3 / Tumblr) | Next Chapter (currently not available
Fandom: Hollywood U
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Avalon Hammond (M!MC)
Length: 5,643 words
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Teacher-Student Relationship, Fake Death, Canon Atypical Cursing
Summary: How do you apologize to your boyfriend after faking your death for a prank? Whatever your answer is, it's incorrect.
A/N: special thanks to my beta readers, @lame-kid-on-couch and @spacepumpkins ily smooch <3 they also beta read chapter one
Thomas Hunt watches in horror as Avalon falls through the open skylight and vanishes in the fog. “AVALON!” He screams, rushing to the edge. “Avalon! Avalon! Quickly, Ethan, downstairs! We have to--”
Ethan puts a hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “Professor… It’s too late..”
Lisa shakes her head sadly. “There’s no way Avalon survived that fall…”
“No…” Thomas stares into the smoke, kneading Avalon’s cardigan into a ball with his hands and pressing it to his chest. “I- I-” his voice breaks as he tries to speak. “I never told Avalon… how much I-- why didn’t I ever say…”
“Say what, Professor?”
Thomas whips around to see Avalon leaving the library, followed by Spencer and a few other students. “Avalon!” Relief floods his face. “You’re-! How?”
Ethan grins. “Do my eyes deceive me, or did Avalon successfully prank the Thomas Hunt?”
Lisa bounces excitedly. “We! Pranked! Hunt! We! Pranked! Hunt!”
“Is this the proudest moment of my life?” Ethan grabs Lisa’s arms and bounces with her. “Yeah! Yes, it is.”
Thomas looks in disbelief at the two bouncing happily, then at Avalon, who’s smiling- albeit somewhat sadly, and can’t meet his eyes. Slowly, he scowls. “No! You did not prank me! I never actually thought-”
Avalon tips his head to the side. “Come on, Professor. Accept defeat with a little dignity.” But even his gloating is a little flat.
Thomas stews silently for a moment, then throws Avalon’s cardigan back at him. “You may have won the day... but mark my words, I always have the last word.” And with that he turns and storms off.
Avalon reaches out to Hunt. “T-” He sighs and shakes his head, dropping his arm. After a moment, he pulls his cardigan back on and looks at his friends. “You guys owe me, big time.”
“That’s fair.” Ethan shrugs and pats Avalon’s back.
The five of them stand silently around the open skylight for a few seconds.
“So…” Lisa looks at the others. “What now?”
“I think we should clean up the screening room. We made that mess after all.” Avalon catches Bianca’s arm as she tries to slip away. “Nope. You too.”
Bianca huffs and frowns. “Isn’t that what the custodial staff is for? Why should we have to clean it up?”
“No. I’ll let the custodial staff know there’s a broken skylight out here so they can do something about the hole, but we’re cleaning it ourselves.” Avalon turns to the main building on campus. “You guys get started with the shelves and reels. I’ll be back with brooms for the broken glass. Crash, keep an eye on Bianca so she doesn’t try to get out of it.”
An hour and a half later, the five students lean against the walls and lie on the floor of the screening room. With the exception of the broken skylight, the room seems to be pretty much back in order.
“Ugh, is that it? Are we done?” Bianca moans. “Can we go home now?”
Avalon sighs and looks around the room, running a hand through his hair. “I think so… I mean, unless y'all wanna help me reinstall the skylight.”
The other four groan in response.
Avalon nods. “I thought you might say that.” Stretching, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and turns it off airplane mode. Instantly, he gets flooded with notifications. “What the hell-” He unlocks his phone and turns twitter notifications off before scrolling through them.
“What do they say?” Ethan looks over his shoulder.
“Well… it looks like a few are congratulating us for pranking Hunt…” He clicks his tongue. “...And the rest are condolences for my loss?” He squints, confused, and scrolls faster. “...Oh. Jenni tweeted that I died.”
“Oh my god!” Bianca laughs. “What did she say?”
Avalon finds the original tweet and reads it out loud. “‘OMG, just saw ‘@avasham’ fall through a skylight! Don’t think he survived. Sad days, he’s one of my close friends-’ with a frowny face, and the hashtags ‘RIP Avalon’ and ‘you will be missed’... since when was I one of her close friends?”
“Since tweeting about your death would get her a bunch of sympathy likes. Look.” Ethan points at Avalon’s phone.
Avalon rolls his eyes and types out a reply to her tweet. “‘Thanks for the condolences. Stop tweeting that I’m dead.’” He hits send and slips his phone back into his pocket. “Whatever. Since we’re done here, I’m gonna go talk to Hunt and apologize for all of us.”
“What, apologize?” Lisa jumps up. “What for?! Pranking him?”
“Yes,” Avalon says flatly. “Honestly, I think we took it way too far.”
“Well, you’re the one who jumped through the skylight!”
“Exactly. That’s why I’m going to apologize.” Avalon waves his hand and starts heading out of the room. “Y’all do whatever you want, I’m doing this.” He leaves before anyone can say anything else.
Crash watches him go, then looks at the other three. “Hey… do you guys think the professor will notice if some of his dried fruit goes missing?”
Avalon knocks gently on the door to Hunt’s office, then lets himself in without waiting for an answer. He locks the door behind him. “Hey…”
Hunt scowls. “What do you want, Avalon?”
Avalon sighs and takes a seat across from him, not meeting his gaze. “To apologize. We took our prank way too far, and that was even before I let them convince me to fall through the skylight. What we did in the basement was dangerous and stupid, and what I did after was even moreso.” He shakes his head sadly. “Most importantly, I’m sorry for putting you through that, Thomas. I was devastated when I thought you were knocked out, I can’t imagine what thinking I was dead must have been like for you.”
Hunt doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. Then he slowly stands up, putting his palms flat on his desk. “Don’t you ever-” he growls, but his voice quavers in a way that betrays his emotions- “scare me like that, ever again.”
Avalon looks away, ashamed, biting his lip. “I won’t. I promise.”
Hunt pulls the blinds on the window closed, then slips around his desk to grab Avalon’s hands and pull him out of the chair. He wraps his arms around Avalon, holding him close. He presses his face into the juncture between Avalon’s neck and shoulder. After a moment, he whispers, “Stay at my house. For the rest of the week. I don’t think I can let you out of my sight again after that.”
Avalon nods, turning to kiss the side of his head. “I will. I am so, so sorry.”
Hunt lifts his head, pressing a tender kiss against Avalon’s lips, and the two men stay like that for a while, holding each other in their arms.
Eventually, Hunt breaks away from the kiss and places his forehead back against Avalon’s neck with a sigh. “How am I supposed to get you home? You didn’t drive today, did you?”
“Fuck, no. I fucking hate LA traffic; Ethan gave me a ride so we could finish setting up…” Avalon gently strokes Hunt’s hair. He hums quietly in thought. “I do have an idea, but unfortunately for you, it does involve us spending about an hour with my friends.”
“Great.” Hunt grimaces and looks up at Avalon. “But I don’t think that’ll help to keep our relationship private.”
“It will if we play our cards right, but leave that to me. You should just think of it as getting to know your partner’s friends.” Avalon kisses the side of Hunt’s head, just above his ear. “Like the Spice Girls.”
Hunt sighs. “...Like the Spice Girls.”
Avalon leads Hunt to the common area of Lisa’s dorm where she, Crash, and Ethan are recounting the events of the day to Addison.
“--and that’s when Avalon fell through the skylight!” To emphasize what he was saying, Crash tosses himself over the back of a couch.
“I thought you said he didn’t die!” Addi exclaims, dismayed.
“He did, but he’s fine now.” Crash pops back up, leaning over the couch. He points to where Avalon is standing with Hunt, at the edge of the room behind the other three. “He’s right there, actually.”
“Oh! Ava!” Addi lets out a squeak, somewhere between surprise and relief, and rushes over to wrap Avalon in a tight hug. “I’m glad you’re not dead!”
“I’m also glad I’m not dead!” Avalon responds cheerfully, returning her hug. “That’s a whole thing I would prefer to keep y’all from experiencing!”
“Hey, quick question,” Lisa interjects, “what the fuck is the professor doing here?”
Hunt frowns. “Language, Miss Valentine. I know classes are over for the day, but I still expect a certain professionalism from my students while on campus.”
“Oh, sorry.” Lisa rolls her eyes. “What the fuck are you doing here, sir?”
Avalon lets go of Addi, but keeps his arm slung casually across her shoulders. “I’ve invited him to get dinner with us. As an apology.”
The other students look at each other, then at Hunt- who seems slightly startled himself- and then at Avalon.
Lisa speaks up first. “Why?”
Avalon tips his head to the side, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. “...As an apology. I just said that. Apology dinner!” He wiggles his fingers. “It’s the least we can do.”
Ethan stares at Avalon for a few seconds, then shrugs and stands up. “Well, we were planning on getting dinner already so I don’t see why not.”
“Well for one thing, he locked us in a basement,” Lisa retorts.
Avalon snorts. “We locked us in the basement, Lisa. He just took the key.”
“I just don’t see why we have to apologize at all! Especially since you already did a few minutes ago!”
“You saw his reaction. I don’t think a single, verbal apology is good enough.”
Lisa frowns and crosses her arms. “Wednesdays are supposed to be the nights where we hang out and pretend we don’t have unstarted homework due. How are we supposed to do that with one of our professors sitting with us?”
“Lisa… are you not doing your homework?” Avalon asks, concerned. “I can help you if you need it.”
Lisa’s face flushes and she scoffs. “Uh- of course I am, dad! I was just saying, you know, hypothetically if we didn’t have our work started…” She shakes her head and storms for the door. “Whatever! Let’s just go get this stupid apology dinner over with!”
“Right, well, we should get going before the dinner rush hits.” Ethan glances at Hunt and Avalon. “Crash and Lisa, you’re with me. Addi too, if you’re going to join us.”
“I’d love to!” Addison winks at Avalon and shoots him a thumbs up before following Lisa, Ethan, and Crash out.
“Wait- Ava didn’t drive, how’s he going to get there if he’s not coming with us?” Crash asks as Ethan herds him toward the door.
“Don’t worry about it.” Ethan looks back at Avalon one last time before leaving the building.
After a moment of silence, Avalon turns to Hunt. “Ta-dah!” He jazz hands. “An alibi.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“It’s better than nothing!”
Avalon sits in the passenger seat of Hunt’s sports car as they speed through LA, following Ethan in his porsche.
“Just as a heads up,” Avalon begins, gripping the inside of the door frame as Hunt zips through traffic. “This place we’re going, it ain’t exactly Michelin rated. It’s nice, yeah, but it’s one of them somewhat-cheap-but-high-end-feeling type places. Outta the way enough that we don’t gotta worry about paparazzi swarming us when Lisa is around, but still nice enough that TMZ or Dirty Hollywood ain’t gonna say anything stupid about us being there if someone does get a picture.”
“Thank you for the warning.” Hunt glances at Avalon while they’re paused at a red light.
“Mhm,” Avalon hums in response and turns to look out the tinted side window. They sit in silence for a moment before Avalon speaks up again. “By the way. Addison knows about our relationship. I think Ethan does too, but I haven’t told him.”
“What?” Hunt brakes a little too hard.
Avalon grips the doorframe tighter. “That first night we spent together, Addi and I had brunch planned for the next morning.” He shrugs and rubs the back of his neck. “I didn’t really think we were gonna see each other again so soon, much less because you’d turn out to be our teacher, so when she asked how the evening before went, I told her I went home with a cute guy named Thomas, and after that first day of classes she was able to put two and two together.”
“She hasn’t told anyone?”
“Of course not! Don’tcha think there woulda been tabloids and… I don’t know, weirdly invasive slash fiction on Tumblr by now if she’d told someone? Word travels fast, and gossip even faster.”
“I suppose…” Hunt sighs. “And Ethan?”
Avalon shrugs again. “Like I said, I haven’t told him, but he’s a smart guy so I’d be more surprised if he didn’t know. I mean, he figured out Janey and I have been each other’s beards since highschool without me saying anything about it. Besides-” he pokes Hunt’s shoulder- “You told Chris.”
Hunt waves Avalon’s hand away. “I was drunk! He didn’t even know I was talking about you until you told him your side.”
“Well how was I supposed to know you were also fucking him? You didn’t talk to me outside of class for, like, two months!”
“Because you’re my student, Avalon!” Hunt makes an exasperated noise and shakes his head. After a moment, he quietly says, “Do you know how hard those two months were for me? Having you so close, but just out of reach?”
“I know,” Avalon sighs. He gently places a hand on Hunt’s thigh. “It was hard for me, too.”
Hunt tightens his grip on the steering wheel and keeps his eyes locked on Ethan’s car ahead of them. Slowly, he lowers his right hand and places it on top of Avalon’s, lacing their fingers together.
He keeps Avalon’s hand firmly in his grip until they turn off the road and into a small parking lot, next to a smaller restaurant tucked away between the city and the suburbs. He puts his hand back on the steering wheel as Avalon moves his own back to his lap.
“It’s… quaint. I didn’t know this was here,” he says, quickly finding a parking spot.
“That’s the point.” Avalon smiles and taps the side of his head. “Not many people do.”
“Right…” Hunt sighs and looks at Avalon. “Let’s get this over with, then. I’d like to take you home as soon as possible.”
Avalon snorts and laughs, touching Hunt’s arm. “Dirty old man,” he says, fondly.
Hunt’s face flushes. “I didn’t mean it like that-” He frowns. “And we’re the same age.”
“I’m just teasing you, darlin’. I gotta get it all out of my system before I slip up and say something in front of my friends.” He begins to lean in to kiss Hunt on the cheek, but stops a few inches away and pulls back. Instead, he hooks his pointer finger around Hunt’s and gives it a gentle squeeze before letting go and exiting the car.
The two men walk toward the restaurant, where Avalon’s four friends are already waiting by the door.
“Took you long enough,” Lisa says hotly.
Ethan lets out a small laugh and opens the door, holding it for the others. “They were right behind us the entire time.”
“Whatever,” Lisa grumbles, following Crash and Addison inside.
Avalon laughs and shakes his head, stepping up onto the curb. For the second time that day- only this time by complete accident- he puts too much weight on his twisted ankle and begins to fall. For just a second, his body goes into panic mode. Instead of just catching himself, he braces for impact.
Which never comes.
At least, not in the way he expected.
Hunt pulls him upright, arms wrapped securely around his waist and concern in his eyes. “Are you alright?” He asks quietly.
Avalon’s face flushes. “Yeah,” he breathes. “I just tripped, that’s all. I could’ve caught myself.”
“It didn’t look like you were going to…” Hunt tucks some of Avalon’s hair behind his ear.
“Then I’m glad that you did…” Avalon gently places a hand on Hunt’s chest.
The two men lean towards each other, lips parted slightly.
Ethan clears his throat, still holding the door open while pointedly looking away from them.
“Hm.” With that, Hunt lets go of Avalon and enters the restaurant.
Avalon stands there, dazed for a second before shaking his head and following Hunt inside.
As he passes Ethan, Ethan grabs him by the elbow and says quietly, “Hey. Be careful.”
“I am being careful.”
“Ava, that wasn’t careful in the slightest. This is the kind of scandal that could ruin your entire career if it got out. As your agent-- more importantly, as your friend, I can’t let that happen to you.”
“Gah-- I know, it’s just...” Avalon takes a deep breath and sighs. He runs a hand through his hair. “It’s hard to be careful around him sometimes. I have to spend so much time around him every weekday pretending that I don’t-- that I’m not in a relationship with him. When he gets too close, all of me goes a little bit crazy.”
“I can’t say I know what you feel. But at the very least, please try to keep your hands to yourself in public.” He starts to enter the restaurant, but pauses and turns back to Avalon. “And maybe stop screwing around in his office. That’s a guarantee you’ll get caught.”
“Huh- wh- uh-! We weren’t--! We don’t--!”
Ethan laughs and shakes his head, and the two of them enter the restaurant together.
Try as he might, there was no way for Thomas to see the dinner as a way to get to know Avalon’s friends, not in whatever way Avalon had meant. They were his students, first and foremost, and the only things he could think to ask them about were class related. So, instead he opted to sit quietly and sip his water.
As did everyone else at the table.
Thomas couldn’t exactly place it, but something felt off. He’d had enough one on one time with Avalon that he felt rather comfortable in figuring out how Avalon felt most of the time, but the same could not be said about his friends. Conversation died out as quickly as it started, Avalon’s friends glancing oddly at Thomas every time. It was easier before the waitress took their orders, he just pretended to be as invested in the menu as everyone else seemed to be.
He did find that a little odd, considering he was sure Avalon had said they’d all been there multiple times.
“So,” Ethan says, finally breaking the silence that had fallen over the table since the waitress left. “Ava. How on earth did you get $30,000 in property damage?”
Thomas nearly drops his glass of water. “You… what?” He stares at Avalon in disbelief.
“Like I said the other day, prank went awry.” Avalon shrugs nonchalantly and sips his margarita. He was the only person at the table who had ordered an alcoholic beverage; Thomas realizes with a start he had no idea if Avalon’s friends were over the legal drinking age or not. He knew Avalon was, but he typically didn’t care to know the exact ages of any of his students.
“But how?” Spencer- Crash, Thomas reminds himself- presses, leaning across the table. “And how come we haven’t heard anything about this?”
“Because it was forever ago- literally, not like last week or something- and also in Texas. It happened when I was in high school. Senior prank gone wrong.” He takes another sip of his drink.
And doesn’t say anything else.
Thomas glances around the table, trying to gauge the reactions of Avalon’s friends, before clearing his throat and speaking up. “Yes, but how exactly?”
“I’d tell you, but we took a blood oath never to speak the details.”
There was a pause.
Then Lisa started laughing. “Good one, Ava.”
“I’m serious. Look.” Avalon sits up and holds his right hand out, palm up. He points out a thin white scar that ran across it, barely there anymore. “It hurt like a bitch and I couldn’t use it for a while. It still hurts sometimes, honestly. They don’t ever bring that up when characters do it in movies.”
More silence.
Ethan took a deep breath, rubbing a hand across his face. “Wwwhyyyyyyyyyy. Why would you do that.”
“To make sure we don’t talk about it, obviously.”
“Yes, but why?” Addison asks.
“Why do teens do anything, ever? Edgy bullshit is usually the answer.” Avalon shrugs again and waves his hand. He picks his margarita back up and goes to take a sip, but stops. “Hey. T-- Professor, you said you were a production assistant on Battlefield Earth?”
Thomas frowns. “Are you really using that to change the subject?”
“Yup. That must have been interesting, huh? That movie was made by some… interesting people, wasn’t it?” Avalon leans a bit closer to him, eyes wide.
Beautiful, beautiful brown eyes.
Thomas clenches his fist under the table, digging his fingernails into his palms to keep himself from reaching out and tucking that strand of hair back away. “If you’re talking about John Trevolta, I don’t know if he’s homosexual. It was 1999 and I barely interacted with him.”
Avalon let out a laugh- loud and beautiful- and that weird offness around the table seemed to dissipate, at least a little. “No! I didn’t mean John Trevolta-- well, I guess I kind of did? But not for that reason!” He suddenly turns serious and slaps his hand down on the table, staring intensely at Thomas in a way that makes him feel… something. Something enjoyable. “Scientology. That’s the reason.”
Thomas blinks, chasing away those lingering thoughts. “Oh.” He scrunches his face and shakes his head. “Why do you want to know about that?”
“Honestly, I wanted to know if you believed that cr--” Avalon cuts himself off, looking like a deer caught in headlights for a second before shaking his head and returning to normal. “But your expression kind of answered that.”
Thomas scoffs. “The only way I would be in a cult is if I was the head of one, and I already deal with enough people who can’t think for themselves.”
Avalon’s friends share a look, and Avalon himself takes a particularly big sip of his margarita.
Thomas furrows his brow, confused for a second, and then realizes what he just said. “Oh, not-” He frowns and glances over his shoulder. “This doesn’t leave this table at all, but you five are the least intolerable of my students this year.”
“Wow,” Lisa says, flatly, “That was almost a compliment.”
“Don’t let it go to your heads.”
“I mean, we can try, but we're bound to end up with inflated egos if you keep sucking us silly like this.”
Avalon chokes on his margarita.
“Anyway, Professor,” Ethan says, leaning forward to put himself between Lisa and Hunt.“I wanted to know how you found out about the prank if Avalon didn’t tell you. I spent four years working on it!”
“Perhaps you should have taken another four years,” Thomas responds.
Avalon gives him a look.
Thomas sighs. “As much as this… pains me to say, you did put a previously unseen amount of effort into your prank.”
Lisa scoffs and begins to say something, but Avalon reaches across the table and shoves a complimentary breadstick into her mouth. “Quiet, child.” She glares at him, but eats the breadstick, slumping back into the booth seat with her arms crossed.
“If you must know,” Thomas continues, ignoring them, “there was a variety of things that tipped me off. Did you really think transporting a machine big enough to simulate an earthquake of that size onto campus would go unnoticed?”
Ethan frowns at Avalon. “I thought you were distracting him during that.”
“I was,” Avalon states. “In some ways.” Then he chugs the rest of his margarita to avoid elaborating.
“Your second mistake,” Thomas says, “Was allowing Miss Stone to, ah, help. Not only am I well aware that none of you like each other, but she tells her friends everything she does, and in turn Miss Whitman tweets everything she says.”
“Hey, why did you invite her?” Addison asks. “I could have helped.”
“Because she overheard us talking about it,” Ethan answers, “and I got the feeling that if I didn’t let her join, she would do everything she could to ruin my plans.”
“She did that anyway.”
“Yes, but not as bad as she could have.”
Lisa scrunches her nose. “I liked it better when we were talking about anything but Bianca.”
“Well, the good news is, we don’t have to talk about anything now,” Avalon says, gesturing at the approaching waitress.
Although the conversation had all but died down again, Avalon was glad to note that the silence was considerably more comfortable than it had been when they first arrived. On one hand, Crash and Lisa still seemed a bit uneasy to be sitting with their professor, but on the other Ethan and Addison had quickly realized that this was a perfect opportunity to grill their friend’s boyfriend-- nothing too invasive or inappropriate for students to be asking their teacher, of course.
During a lull in the questioning as they ate, Avalon discreetly- unconsciously, almost- shifts his leg to press it against Hunt’s. When he notices Hunt looking at him, he smiles innocently. The corner of Hunt’s mouth twitches upward slightly for not even a half of a second before he presses it back into a line.
Once the food is eaten and the bill is paid, the group quietly files out, no one really wanting to extend this apology dinner for longer than necessary.
“So,” Lisa begins, hopping once in place and turning to her friends when they reach the parking lot. “Apology dinner is over, we don’t have to spend anymore time with the professor, I think we should go clubbing! Just the five of us. No offense, but I don’t want some old jackass tagging along.” She pauses. “Actually, no. Full offense.”
“Avalon is the same age as I am,” Hunt mutters under his breath.
“Yeah, um, actually-” Avalon stifles a yawn. “I’m kinda tired. Y’all go clubbing without me if you want to go. I think I’ll head home.”
“Aw, what? I wanted to celebrate our prank. We couldn’t have done it without you!”
Avalon sighs and rubs his face. “Lisa, it’s Wednesday. We have class tomorrow.”
“So we’ll take Avalon home and then we can go clubbing,” Ethan states, cutting in.
“But it’s not as fun without him!” Lisa whines. “Plus, I’m 100% sure Ava is going to love this club.”
“I’m sure I will, on a day that I don’t need to work on a three page essay for one of the harshest professors I have a class with. Honestly, I think you should go home and get started on your assignments as well.” Avalon gives Lisa a pointed look.
“Ew, no, I’m still going clubbing. We’re just going to have to party extra hard this weekend.”
“We’ll see. If that's it, I’m going to call myself a cab and head home.” He glances quickly at Hunt.
“Don’t bother,” Hunt says. “I’ll take you home.”
Lisa raises an eyebrow. “Really? You seemed like you wanted nothing more than to get the fuck out of here and away from us. I’m surprised you haven’t left already.”
“Forgive me if I want to make sure the student I watched fall two stories into a basement gets home safe, Miss Valentine.”
Lisa turns back to Avalon, scrunching her face. “You’re not going to go with him, are you? I’d hate it if he knew where I lived.”
Avalon shrugs. “Hey, a free ride is a free ride. If he’s offering, I’m not going to turn him down.”
“Alright, but it’s on you if he eventually decides to break into your place to murder you in your sleep.”
“Yeah... something tells me he’s not going to do that. You don’t have to worry, I’ll be fine!”
Lisa pouts. “...okay. Fine. But you should check if he keeps any test answers in his car.”
“I won’t. And I’m sure he doesn’t.”
“Check anyway!”
“I will if you study tonight!”
Lisa scoffs and sulks off.
Avalon hugs the rest of his friends, then climbs into the passenger seat of Hunt’s car. As Hunt starts the car up, Avalon turns to him. “Hey, can we actually stop by my place? I know I’ve got enough at yours that I can stay there for the rest of the week, I just…” He sighs and lightly touches the spot on his neck where a gold band usually hangs from a chain. “I left my necklace at home because I didn’t want to lose it, and you know I hate not wearing it.”
Hunt nods briskly and begins the drive to Avalon’s neighborhood.
While Avalon changes into his pajamas, he can’t help sneaking glances over at Thomas, who has turned away. His partner was attractive, he couldn’t deny it, but currently he was focused more on how unusually quiet Thomas had been on the drive back from his house. The guilt from earlier that day had come back and was beginning to gnaw at him again.
He peels off his T-shirt, tossing it into the hamper and grabbing his sleep shirt from the nightstand. He slips the new shirt on, leaving it unbuttoned as he crosses the room to wrap his arms around Thomas's waist, pulling him close.
He gently kisses up Thomas’s bare shoulder and neck. “Hey, you…” He says quietly.
Thomas puts his hands on Avalon’s arms, leaning into his embrace with a soft sigh.
Avalon strokes Thomas’s hip lightly with his fingertips. “I know that it won’t make up for today at all, but…” Avalon kisses Hunt’s jaw. “Let me take care of you tonight?”
Thomas closes his eyes, sinking farther into Avalon’s arms just for a second. Then he stands up straight and shakes his head. “Go to bed, Ava.” He pulls away.
“...Okay.” Avalon lets his arms drop to his sides as he watches Thomas leave the room, turning the light off as he goes. “Okay.” He buttons up his shirt and crawls into bed, lying so he faces the door. He grips the gold band on his necklace for comfort, grateful for its reestablished presence.
A few minutes pass before Thomas returns. He barely glances at Avalon as he makes his way across the room to the other side of the bed. He settles down under the covers, his back to Avalon.
Avalon shifts, turning slightly. “Would you like me to-”
“No. Not tonight, Ava.”
He nods, swallowing hard. “Right. Okay.” He lies back down, hugging his pillow. He takes a few deep, steady breaths. “Toma, I… I’m sorry.”
There's a pause.
“I know, Ava.”
Normally, it didn’t take long for Avalon to fall asleep.
Normally, he could just shut his brain off as soon as he got comfortable.
Normally, he wasn’t fighting with Thomas.
That’s what this was, wasn’t it? He had upset Thomas, and now he was mad and they were fighting. He just wished he knew what to do to let Thomas know exactly how sorry he was and how much he regretted what he did. He sifts through idea after idea trying to figure out something- anything- that would work.
And then Thomas rolls over and presses against Avalon’s back. He puts a hand on Avalon’s waist and rests his forehead between Avalon’s shoulder blades.
Avalon freezes, unsure of what to do as Thomas’ shoulders start gently shaking. He squeezes his pillow, and for a few minutes just lets Thomas cry quietly.
It isn’t until Thomas lets out a strangled half-sob that Avalon rolls over and wraps his arms around him, holding him close and stroking his hair.
Thomas hurriedly wipes his eyes, trying to even out his breath. “You’re--” He takes a shuddering breath. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t wake me, I wasn’t asleep…” Avalon kisses Thomas’ forehead. “I couldn’t sleep. Not after today.”
“If I had known you were awake, I wouldn’t have…” Thomas trails off and shakes his head. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
Avalon frowns. “Don’t be. I understand why, Thomas. You don’t need to be sorry.” He strokes Thomas’ cheek lightly. “I’m just glad you’re not keeping it all bottled up.”
Thomas nods, turning his head and kissing Avalon’s palm. “I thought-” His voice breaks and Avalon can feel tears beginning to slip down his face again. “I thought I lost you, Ava.”
“I know.” Avalon kisses his cheeks before resting his forehead against Thomas’. “I know. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that…”
“I know we haven’t been together for that long, but I--” Thomas cuts himself off and takes a shuddering breath. “I care so much about you, Ava. I don’t know what I would have done if you had-”
“But I didn’t. I’m right here with you. I’m not going anywhere, Toma.”
Thomas nods and kisses Avalon before burying his face in Avalon’s shoulder. Avalon rubs Thomas’ back and runs his fingers through his hair, not unlike how he had earlier in the day.
And the two men hold each other.
Until they both fall asleep.
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cowboyx2 · 4 years
happy new year’s eve y’all!!
i don’t really celebrate until tomorrow but i hope y’all have a blast :)) now i’m going to wish my moots all a very good 2021
and to the lovely people who follow me: thank you guys sm!! y’all made my 2020 SO MUCH better!! i wish all of you the best in 2021
elle @thestrawberrygirl: you were one of my first moots and i could not be more happy that i met you early on in our tumblr adventures!! we’ve made plenty of memories this year, mostly us being dumbasses.. on a more serious note you’re one of the strongest people i’ve had the pleasure of knowing on and off of tumblr!! keeping being you boo or i will come over there and beat you up 💖
lucy @greenaway-lewis: AHHH!! we met very recently but we’re already really close (id like to think) and you’ve easily made the end of my 2020 much better!! i absolute adore you & all of your chaotic antics! hopefully in 2021 we can wreak even more havoc on tumblr! i love you bitch and don’t forget it 💞
grace @royalpenelope: we’ve only been moots for a short while but dude i’m glad we are!! i’m so fucking thankful to have you as one of my penemily partners in crime, it’s been sm fun trolling around!! hopefully we can have some more fun in 2021 :’)!! ALSO in the spirit of the new year, elle, lucy and i have decided to lift your j*id probation early!! (it was all a good goof but i stg i will hunt you down if i find out your seriously shipping jeid 😡) here’s to a good 2021, i love you 💗
yashasree @scandinavian-punk: we’ve had some good jokes & fun!! i’m glad jeanne gave you back in time for new year’s, i hope 2021 will hold a better fate then 2020 did! see you there :’)
abbie @lizziechase: abbie!it’s been quite an eventful year with everything and i’m glad i gotto be moots with you through some of it! here’s to a good 2021 and a good wandavison show 🍾
caitlin @themetaphorgirl: i wish you a good fortune in the new year!! i can’t wait to see what good you do next
lizzie @emilyprentiss27: we literally JUST became moots but i’ve seen you in my notifs for awhile and boy oh boy am i glad i clicked follow!! have a good new years, my dude ‼️
gaby @isthatyouritalian: heyo!! i’m really glad we were able to become moots through cm and now ethan!! all your art is lovely btw 🥰
rose @penemily: i’ve had a blast following your page!! i’m sure in 2021 you will bring even more hilarious content, have a good year, rose!! :))
noel @prentizz: aye dude!! we’ve had our fair share of shits & giggles through our time of being moots!! seriously i’ve had a blast just hanging out on your blog, it’s been nothing but wonderful!! 😎
maya @purelyprentiss: happy new year, dude!! i’m never not amazed by the absolute wonderful gifs and works i see on your page! all of it is absolutely amazing (even if some make me cry) i hope you well in whatever 2021 throws at us
simmy @pretty-b0yy: hey whore! us goofing off and making some questionable memories has been one of the few highlights in my 2020! i hope i was able to make you laugh and smile a good amount and that’ll be able to do the same in 2021!! i love you, you little asshole 🙄
yas @abitcriminalminds: even though we only really just started talking i’ve been admiring your humor and jokes on your blog for awhile!! i’m genuinely so happy we became moots and friends this year. i hope we can continue it be the same in 2021 (also thanks for making fun of simmy with me 🥺)
joey @agentshortstacc: hey!! we haven’t talked much recently but i still love and admire you!! you’ve been making have a good hearty chuckle when i see your posts on my dash, i just know you’ll be doing the same in 2021
cloud @cloudyreid: we just became moots but through our few interactions i know 2021 will be a blast!!
maggie @fuckshitupm8-deactivated3728: it’s been a bit dude!! you’re works on tumblr wether their fics, blurbs, icons or gifs are absolutely spectacular!! never stop :’))
kk @gothwyfe: you’re probably one of the funniest people on this stupid site and i’m so happy i found your blog!! even if you’re not into cm anymore, you still make me laugh
layla @babey-jj: we’re very new moots but that doesn’t mean i can’t wish you a happy new year!! you’re absolutely hilarious, dude!!
tammy @nocturness: heyo!! you still make me smile, dude!! have a spectacular new years and years to come!! ily💗
erin @jordantodds: YO!! i’m so glad to have you as moot!! even if you ship gotch and like adam, i still love you 😽 HAVE A GOOD 2021!!!!!
kai @multi-fandom-lover-555: kai!!!!! you’re text posts are a hoot and a half!! i’m so glad i found you on this silly little place called tumblr💕
iqa @moreidism: DUDE!!! your moreid posts are one of my favorite things on this site!!! they’re all so wonderful and accurate!!! have a good 2021 😭
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myriadimagines · 5 years
Just A Scrape
Mission: Impossible One Shot
Pairing: Reader x William Brandt
Other Characters: Ethan Hunt, Benji Dunn, Luther Stickell, Ilsa Faust
Warnings: violence and swearing
Request: “Gah I won't give up, tumblr can't hold me back, so a William Brandt oneshot, where reader is a fem!agent and the team goes on a mission, but it goes really bad and reader has to save Brandt, but she gets shoot in the process. Brandt is all panicky, but she says it's no big deal, but it is and they almost lose her. After she survives Brandt ends up confessing his feeling for her, and reader assures him she feels the same. Wooo I am so excited, I love you, thank you!! 😍💕” – anonymous
Word Count: 2,939
A/N: sksjfshdf ok when mi: ghost protocol came out i had THE biggest crush on brandt and then it died down and then it deadass just came up to bite me in the ass again for no reason so i’m glad your request went through, bless u for requesting something for him, ily too and i hope you like it!!!! 💖💖💖also i am literally writing this in the office at work because i had to come in super early and i have an hour or two to kill so
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
Brandt has to use every ounce of self control he has, control every nerve in his body, not to smile with relief when Ethan assigns you to help Luther hack into communications and the building computers while him, Brandt and Benji infiltrate the office the team is currently watching from afar. Despite being just as competent as the rest of the agents, Brandt hates seeing you out in the field, finding himself constantly distracted by the worry of something happening to you. He can see the tiniest flicker of disappointment cross your face — he knows how much you like to be in the action, after all — but you simply nod at Ethan before looking over your shoulder to smile at Luther, who grins back at you.
“This should be an easy, in and out type of mission.” Ethan continues his debriefing, leaning against the table in front of him, covered in various photographs, folders and a blueprint of the building. The rest of the team intently listens, watching Ethan trace a finger along the blueprints as he explains, “Brandt and I will head directly up to Gallagher’s office to distract him, where Brandt will insert this key into his computer so Luther can gain access.”
Ethan slides a small device across the table as Brandt leans over to grab it, briefly inspecting it before inserting it into the pocket of his suit. Luther shoots him a look as he warns, “Don’t lose it.”
“Have a little faith, Luther,” you tease, and you exchange a smile with Brandt who can feel his heart skip a beat.
“We will keep him distracted long enough for Luther and y/n to gain access to his files, and they will also be monitoring phone calls and the security cameras within the building. Meanwhile, Benji is to go to their mainframe room for the rest of the files. Ilsa will be watching any activity going in and out of the building from the rooftop across the street.” Ethan gestures at Ilsa, who is dismantling her sniper rifle into a small case, and she snaps the bag closed before she zips up her leather jacket. Ethan’s eyes sweep the room, looking at everyone else as he asks, “Understood?”
Everyone nods before quickly getting to work, Luther quickly spinning around in his chair to his own desk, where he starts up his various computers while Benji pulls on his jacket. Ethan fixes his comms into his ear before adjusting the cuffs of his sleeve, and you walk up to Brandt as he secures his tie into place. Your hands brush his as you reach up to help him with his tie, and Brandt feels himself holding his breath as you adjust it slightly, before smoothing your hands down his chest, straightening his jacket. Taking a step back, you joke, “There. Now you look like a proper businessman.”
Brandt chuckles. “Thanks, y/n. Stay safe, okay?”
You look around the empty office the team is currently hiding in. Snorting, you respond, “Yeah, because I’m in a lot of danger here with Luther.”
Brandt shoots you a look as you laugh. Ethan approaches Brandt from behind, raising an eyebrow at him as Ilsa makes a head start, leaving the room to find a good stake-out spot. Benji slides his laptop into a briefcase, zipping it closed before announcing, “Ready!”
Ethan tilts his head towards the door, and Brandt gives you a small parting smile before the three of them head out. It only takes Ethan a few minutes after leaving before you hear his voice in your ear as he asks, “Brandt and I are in Gallagher’s schedule, correct?”
You sit down beside Luther, pulling your chair closer to the desk as you type a few things into the computer. Putting on a nasally, artificial voice which is supposed to mimic a receptionist, you respond, “Yes, Mr. Murray, you and Mr. Waller’s meeting with Mr. Gallagher is scheduled at ten o’clock, sharp.”
If you were with them, you would be able to see Brandt smile, shaking his head as Ethan responds. “Good. Thanks, y/n.”
“I’ve got eyes on you.” Ilsa’s voice pipes up, peering through the scope of her rifle as she sees Ethan and Brandt cross the street, entering the building. After a minute or two, she watches Benji follow behind, and she adds, “Good luck, boys.”
Ethan and Brandt head straight for the elevators as Benji splits off from behind them, taking a separate elevator to head to the mainframe room. He scans the ID card he had previously made against the door, allowing him access to the staff elevator, and as the doors slide close, he remarks, “Well, this is going relatively smoothly.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Benji.” Ethan murmurs under his breath as he and Brandt watch the numbers on their elevator climb, inching towards the top floor where the elite offices are located. “Stay focused.”
You flip through the security camera footage on your own computer, watching Ethan and Brandt stroll down the hallway, where they are met by your target’s secretary. After a brief conversation, she stands, smiling at them before leading them to Gallagher’s office. Beside you, Luther’s fingers are poised over the keyboard, patiently waiting for Brandt to make his move. Brandt slides a hand into his pocket as he reaches out to shake Gallagher’s hand with the other, he and Ethan glancing at each other before Ethan gestures to the magnificent view from the office, remarking, “You’ve got a pretty good set-up here, Mr. Gallagher.”
The target laughs, briefly turning around to gaze out the window, and the split second is all Brandt needs to reach under the table, plugging Luther’s device into the monitor before sitting down as Mr. Gallagher turns back around to face him and Ethan. Luther clicks away almost immediately, and it’s not long before you see a small bar appear on his screen, slowly incrementing towards being full as the percentage beside it ticks away. Cracking his knuckles, Luther tells Ethan, “The download started. Keep him busy for a couple minutes.”
Ethan plasters on a smile, turning on the charm he uses when the situation calls for it. He manages to navigate his way through a fake business proposal as Brandt nods along, nervously waiting for Luther to count down the percentage left to load before he and Ethan can leave. As if reading his mind, Brandt relaxes upon hearing your voice inform, “Twenty percent left, we’re almost ther-”
“Shit.” Ilsa interrupts, watching two black vans pull up outside the building. You and Luther exchange alarmed glances as Ilsa sees two squads of armed agents pull out, and she warns, “We’ve been caught. You’re out of time.”
Panic settles in as Ethan and Brandt look at each other, silently debating over their next move as you open up the security footage for just outside their office. Your breath hitches as you already see four armed men exit the elevator before the secretary points them down the hallway, and you’ve already grabbed your gun as you hear Gallagher’s voice from Brandt’s comms, a sinister tone laced in his words as he taunts, “Did you really think I wouldn’t know who you are, Ethan Hunt?”
“Get out of there, there’s four men outside!” you exclaim, sprinting out of the room as Luther yells separate instructions for Benji to safely navigate his way out of the building. You load your gun as you exit your building just in time to see the agents from inside the vans enter the building, ensuing screams from the workers as multiple men and women run out. They don’t give you a second look as you duck through the entrance, hiding behind a pillar while you watch the squads fan out, covering almost every elevator and staircase. You mutter a curse, struggling to come up with your next move when you suddenly hear the faintest, unmistakable thud of a body, and you look in the corner to see Ilsa dragging the unconscious agent she had just knocked out into the staircase. She dumps his body down, looking back and forth before holding the door open, catching your eye as she gestures for you to follow.
Meanwhile, in Gallagher’s office, Brandt lunges under the table just before Gallagher flips it over, snatching the Luther’s device before stuffing it into his pocket. He kicks out Gallagher’s feet from under him as Ethan pulls out his gun, turning around just in time as the agents kick the door down. Ethan fires at the first agent before ducking to the side, roughly pushing a chair into the next agent before picking it up and smashing it across his face. Brandt scrambles to grab his own gun, but cries out in pain as Gallagher stabs him in the leg with a letter opener fallen off the side of his desk, the bullet Brandt fires missing the target entirely as he shoots the floor instead. Despite the pain ripping through him, Brandt raises his arm to fire again, and he struggles against Gallagher as he grabs Brandt’s hands, attempting to wrestle the gun away from him as Brandt knows his strength is depleting. More shots are fired, including at the windows, and the glass loudly shatters as strong winds blow into the room. Brandt is well aware of how close him and Gallagher teeter at the edge of the now open windows, yet he can’t quite move away with the space on the other side of the desk occupied by Ethan and the two agents he is fighting against. Ethan grabs one of the fallen agent’s guns as he runs out of ammo, firing two shots into another agent’s chest before tipping over a bookshelf beside him, ducking behind it for cover as two more men file into the small office.
There are three distinct gunshots before the gunfire briefly stops, and Ethan sits up from behind the bookshelf to see you and Ilsa standing in the doorway, weapons drawn. You step over the fallen bodies, gun raised as you fire at Gallagher, who has managed to get Brandt into a chokehold. Brandt pushes himself away from Gallagher as he falls to the floor, and you rush to Brandt’s side as you notice the blood staining the floor around his leg.
“We’ve got to go.” Ilsa urges, looking down the hallway to make sure more agents haven’t appeared. “Benji has already made it out, and him and Luther are waiting around the back in the car.”
“Can you walk?” you ask Brandt, your hands hovering over his wound as you are unsure what to do. Brant nods at you, and you loop his arm over your shoulders, helping him to his feet as Ethan catches a newly loaded gun Ilsa tosses at him. The four of you set out, ducking into the nearest stairwell as Ilsa takes the lead and Ethan rounds everyone up from behind. She peers down the staircase, before signalling the all clear, and the four of you begin your descent. You can hear a door open above you, and Ethan whips around to fire at the two agents who enter the staircase. The door in front of you suddenly opens, revealing four agents, and Ilsa doesn’t waste any time opening fire. You grab your own gun as Brandt leans against the railing, and Ilsa takes a few steps backwards, an indicator for you to fall back, and you grab Brandt’s arm as you exclaim, “Come on!”
You push Brandt back up the stairs, and he stumbles forward as you turn to fire a few shots. One of the agents below suddenly shoots, and your gun clatters to the floor as you feel the bullet rip through your stomach. Brandt turns around, eyes widening as he shouts, “y/n!”
You collapse, attempting to press your hands down onto your wound, but all you can think about is how warm and how sticky your own blood is. Ethan jumps down from the flight above, swinging his legs over the railing as he kicks down an agent before helping Ilsa finish the rest off. Brandt kneels beside you, positioning you upright in his lap, his breaths becoming short as he panics, “y/n, I- shit, just… just… ah, stay with me-”
“What’s going on? Where are you guys?” Benji’s voice floods Brandt’s ear, but Brandt can barely hear him over the distorted haze that overcomes him. “Ethan? y/n? Brandt?”
“y/n- y/n’s been shot.” Brandt finally croaks out just as Ethan shoots the last agent in the stairwell. Him and Ilsa rush up to you as Brandt continues, “I- I-”
Ethan kneels beside you, pressing his hands down roughly on your wound to apply pressure. You scream in pain, attempting to keep your voice down through gritted teeth, and Brandt’s heart almost stops. He can’t bear to see you in this much pain, and his face contorts as he struggles to keep his emotions in check. You hold out your hand, which Brandt quickly grabs, and as Ethan applies more pressure, your hand grips tightly against Brandt’s.
“It’s, ah, just a scrape,” you attempt to joke as Brandt’s expression becomes increasingly nervous, yet Brandt doesn’t show any hint of a smile as he watches blood bubbling from your wound. Your head lolls to the side as you cough, “It’s fine.”
“Oh, it’s far from fine.” Brandt snaps, catching your head in his hand as he turns you to face him. He tries to ignore the blood, your blood, staining his hands that is now on your face as he continues, “You are not allowed to die, you hear me? Don’t you even dare-”
Yelling from a few floors down interrupts Brandt, and he looks up in alarm at Ethan. Ilsa peers down the staircase before turning to the three of you, loading her gun as she says, “Three floors down.”
Had it been anyone else, anyone else, Brandt knows he would be able to think straight. Knew he would be able to come up with a plan to somehow face off against whatever agents came your way and still get everyone, injured and all, out of the building. But because it’s you, because it has to be the one person on the goddamn team he just had to fall for, his brain is a frazzled mess — all he can think about is how he can’t lose you, especially since you had got shot trying to get him to safety.
“Can you hold them off?” Ethan looks up at Ilsa, who’s eyes flicker to your wound before looking back at him and nodding. “Or distract them, at least, lead them somewhere else. Brandt, you go with her.”
“No.” Brandt shakes his head firmly. “No, I’m not leaving-”
“y/n is losing a lot of blood, and she’s only going to lose more the longer we stay here and don’t get her someplace safe.” Ethan cuts Brandt off harshly, and Brandt falters. “You can’t carry her, not with your leg, but you’re mobile enough to give Ilsa back up. I’ll get y/n to Benji and Luther, and we’ll all meet at the car, got it?”
The yelling gets louder now, and Brandt knows he has no choice. Ethan takes your gun and hands it to him, and Brandt looks down at you — but you have already passed out.
Brandt’s voice is muffled, barely cutting through the fog that fills your head as your eyelids flutter open. You blink a few times, adjusting to the light as you see Bradnt’s silhouette hovering above you, and you shake your head before everything slowly comes back into focus. Brandt lets out an audible sound of relief, and it is then you realize his hand is firmly clasping yours. Instinctively, you squeeze it, and the faintest smile appears on Brandt’s face as his eyes flicker down to your intertwined fingers.
“Feeling better?” he asks, and you nod, sitting upright slightly as you peer under the thin blanket to see bandages wrapped around your abdomen. “Ilsa stitched you up.”
You weakly gesture to Brandt’s own patched up wound. “Are you okay?”
His eyes briefly flicker down to his calf before looking back up at you. He shrugs before deadpanning, “It’s, in your words, just a scrape.”
He smiles as you let out a soft chuckle. “I may have misjudged the situation.”
“Huge understatement.” Brandt replies, and you laugh some more, and Brandt feels on top of the world being able to get you to smile. His thumb brushes over yours, and he allows himself to feel more vulnerable than he ever has been as he confesses, “I don’t ever want to lose you, y/n.”
You pull your hand away from his to reach up, caressing his face, and he closes his eyes as he savors your touch. “You won’t.”
“I love you.” he suddenly blurts, eyelids snapping open upon realizing what he had just confessed. You mirror a similar shock, before you smile at him, and Brandt flusteredly continues, “That- that was unprofessional, I’m sorry-”
“I love you too, Brandt.” you reassure him, placing your hand back over his, and you can see him smile at you, his whole body instantly relaxing.
“Really?” he asks, and you nod, and Brandt feels as though nothing in the entire world could make him happier. He lifts up your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, and you can feel him smiling against your skin. “No more scrapes, promise?”
You laugh. “Promise.”
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tags: @fairytalesforever / @egg2k16 ↳ want to be added to the tag list?
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019 FIBA World Cup New Zealand Roster
#1 Yanni Wetzell (Vanderbilt University Commodores/Auckland)
#2 Finn Delaney (New Zealand Breakers/Nelson)
#3 Yuet Alok (Texas Christian University Horned Frogs/Sarasota, Florida)
#7 Mika Vukona (Brisbane Bullets/Tauranga)
#10 Thomas Abercrombie (New Zealand Breakers/Auckland)
#20 Jordan Ngatai (New Zealand Breakers/Auckland)
#21 Max Darling (K.K. Vrijednosnice Osijek/Auckland)
#24 Isaac Fotu (Ratiopharm Ulm/Auckland)
#33 Sam Timmins (University Of Washington Huskies/Dunedin)
#41 Tohi Smith-Milner (Melbourne United/Auckland)
#42 Dan Fotu (St. Mary’s College Of California Gaels/Auckland)
#51 Thomas Vodanovich (New Zealand Breakers/Auckland)
#54 Kruz Perrot-Hunt (Nelson Giants/Nelson)
#55 Shea Ili (New Zealand Breakers/Auckland)
#0 Tai Webster (Galatasaray S.K./Auckland)
#5 Taylor Britt (Canterbury Rams/Auckland)
#6 Jarrod Kenny (Cairns Taipans/Auckland)
#9 Corey Webster (New Zealand Breakers/Auckland)
#11 Ethan Rusbatch (Hawke’s Bay Hawks/Christchurch)
#15 Taine Murray (Rosmini College Basketball/Auckland)
#25 Reuben Te-Rangi (Brisbane Bullets/Auckland)
#12 Steven Adams (Oklahoma City Thunder/Rotorua)
#14 Robert Loe (Cairns Taipans/Auckland)
#24 Tyrell Harrison (Brisbane Bullets/Auckland)
#35 Alex Pledger (Melbourne United/Hamilton)
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Ethan hunt for the blorbo bingo baby~
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ethan hunt: i love!!!! this man!!!!! i love it when good things happen to him and i love it even more when bad things happen to him!!! he is not safe from my mental illness!!!
unfortunately his fatal flaw as a fictional character is that he is always getting woefully mischaracterized in fanfics but i stay silly about him :-)
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1 & 31 for those weird asks?
omg bestie!! tysm for the ask ily every time ur in my inbox it sets off happy fireworks in my brain <3 1. who is/are your comfort character(s)? AHAHA the question we were all hoping for!! i've had a lot of comfort characters over the years, but the ones who've lasted the longest are probably ethan hunt, leonard mccoy (aos star trek ofc), and matthew crawley <33 my current comfort characters are maverick from top gun, loid forger from spy x family and joe gibson from major ahsfhfjsha
31. what type of music keeps you grounded? i have a playlist of slow oldies and love songs (from like the 50s-80s era) that i listen to when i want calm, soothing vibes and it always helps me feel better! some of my favorite titles on there are summer breeze by seals & crofts and time in a bottle by jim croce :)
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