#if she really is a rapist then that is absolutely disgusting
bajaja-blast · 1 month
tw/ sexual assault
does anyone know what’s up with the Melanie Martinez allegations?
ik this is nothing new anymore, and even though I love Meanie’s music I would much rather side with a victim of SA. I did find this Reddit comment on a post about it from a year ago and I was wondering if any of the things in this comment are still relevant.
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severussnapemylove · 26 days
Sometimes I wonder if JKR even realises she wrote Snape as a victim of sexual assault. Because he unambiguously is, and she writes him as traumatised by the incident. So it seems mad to suggest that she might not have thought through the implications of her own writing, but if she did get it, I am baffled by how sympathetic she remains to James. Harry is never really made to confront how vile his actions were, because he looks for comfort from Remus and Sirius rather than telling Hermione who would react in horror and disgust, and he gets to skip over it completely in The Prince’s Tale. JKR clearly considers James a hero, and has confirmed that in interviews. She’s even more sympathetic to Lily, who is portrayed as an absolute paragon of goodness, morality and virtue, despite her being attracted enough to James *after* he publicly commits sexual assault on a less privileged kid to marry him! What a malfunctioning moral compass. JKR also has no sympathy at all for Tom Riddle Sr, who is a victim of rape, and his rapist Merope Gaunt, who is herself strongly implied to be a victim of incestual abuse, is condemned by Dumbledore and the narrative not for what she did to Tom but for not being as courageous as nice, pretty, middle class Lily Evans because Merope committed the crime of…dying in childbirth. The only conclusions I can draw from this is that JKR is the sort of ´feminist’ who doesn’t believe men can be the victims of sexual crimes, and that deep down she thinks being a member of the underclass who can’t drag themselves out of it alone is indicative of moral failure.
This! All of this!
I don't think she puts it together at all. She's incredibly tone deaf about a lot of the abuse she puts these characters through. And with the blasé attitude she has about male victims of SA in the books definitely goes along her brand of toxic radical "feminism". It looks like she just doesn't recognise the severity of what happens to these characters. On top of Severus's attack and Tom Riddle Sr, remember that Ron was roofied with love spell that was intended for Harry, and Moaning Myrtle is incredible predatory towards the boys. Sadly, this attitude carries over from the author to a chunk of the fandom too. I've seen so much dismissiveness of the assaults against the male characters, especially Severus. And it's even more disappointing when I see people who have experienced abuse saying that what Severus endured "didn't count" as abuse. Had someone today on another platform having an absolute meltdown at me, saying that what happened in SWM wasn't sa, and that he wasn't traumatised from his abuse and if his anger was caused by trauma then why wasn't Harry the same. Seriously, you can't tell another person that what they experienced wasn't "bad enough to be abuse", that's a very warped mentality. Survivors are supposed to support each other, not belittle each other's trauma. Also, what book did they read that they think Harry doesn't have issues from the life he endured? He has different issues than Severus, yes, because he had different life experiences and everyone's reactions to trauma are different.
"Merope Riddle chose death in spite of a son who needed her, but do not judge her too harshly, Harry. She was greatly weakened by long suffering and she never had your mother's courage."
WTF is this!!!??? This is just plain victim blaming. "Your mothers' courage"? Lily had supportive, loving parents, was loved by her peers, admired by her teachers, had a very comfortable, secure life. Merope was physically and mentally abused for her whole life. They really criticized the poverty stricken, abuse victim for not being as "strong" as the Mary Sue of the Wizarding World??? Toxic as hell. Personally, as someone who has dealt with self-harm, mental illness and generational trauma in my family, this attitude of "they weren't strong enough" is nauseating and infuriating.
There really is a disturbing trend of extreme poverty equalling a dead-end life with no hope. Which is again an extremally toxic and judgmental attitude and a very dangerous message to put in a book aimed to children. The attitude towards abuse, poverty and indecent assault of men is beyond problematic, not only in the books but in far too many members of the fandom.
I could rant more but this will go on for pages.
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darklinaforever · 4 months
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I don't believe it... they continue with their delusion of Daemon being abusive towards Rhaenyra (at least bordering on physical violence)... ?! Ryan Condal really has a visceral problem with the character of Daemon and notably in view of his Rhaenicent propaganda... It's absolutely disgusting. I remind you that this kind of thing never happened in Fire and Blood. Daemon never challenged Rhaenyra's authority, at any time. There have never even been any suggestions about it even though the dance is literally written by pro greens maesters ! It's literally just there to demonize Daemon's character and add free violence towards a female character, as if this story didn't have enough of that in Fire and Blood ?! Yes, Daemon Targaryen was a man with violence in him, but a violence that was always directed towards his enemies, and not those he considered family and loved ! I'm outraged on a level you can't even imagine right now... When I think that Sara Hess spits on Daemon Targaryen (who is nothing that she and Ryan made for HOTD in general in Fire and Blood), but defends the behavior of Aegon II (rapist as much in Fire and Blood as HOTD)... When I say that those who make this show have a real problem of perspective on the history of dance and are pro Greens !
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biwitchenergyz · 3 months
Making Aegon ii a rapist was a poor decision.
TW! Discussions of sexual abuse
Besides a few book lines about young Aegon being known to grope people (WHICH I AM NOT DEFENDING AND I FIND TO BE DISGUSTING) there was no real reason to make him a rapist besides making everyone team black.
The first introduction we have to adult Aegon is right after the scene with Dyana which hints that Alicent has dealt with Aegons victims before. By making this Aegons first scene they erase any sympathy or connection anyone could have towards him (myself included before reading the books). TGC did an amazing job at playing Aegon and he is the main reason I’ve begun to like Aegon again but the writers constantly prove to be his downfall. They make it canon that he is a rapist whose bastard children are forced to fight in pits that he frequents instead of showcasing it as Team Black propaganda. They attempt to do a 180 in season two by showing him as a loving father and a relatively good guy but the damage from the first season (and the lack of any good screen time with his children) is already done.
Personally, I think an introduction for Aegon would be better if we got rid of the scene with dyana and make Aegons opeining scene be Alicent searching for him only to find him sneaking back into the palace likely coming from the brothels. This hints to his misbehavior while also allowing for his character to be interpreted better. I think that dyana (and victims in general) can be really important representation to see on HoTD but the way it was done demonizes Alicent (a victim of SA) while also giving very little importance to the plot other than making Aegon a monster. We could have used that representation in the first season when Mysaria asks Daemon if he wants her to get another blonde Virgin for him or Aegon could have been shown to make maids uncomfortable in his youth. There were many different options, it would have been interesting to show young Aegon as a groper (similarly to his cannon character) but have Alicent lecture him or smack him over that behavior. It would still be a canon portrayal and it could also give the same option for people to dislike him while leaving room for Aegon to grow up and stop that awful behavior.
The only way for there to be two teams, green and black, would mean that Aegon isn’t portrayed as the worst man possible. Nobody can defend a rapist, nobody SHOULD defend a rapist, so the shows only intention is to make us team black but by advertising the show as two sides they make it easy for team black to send hatred towards anyone who strays from the acceptable view. So basically I think with the way the show uses victims and then drops their plot lines is really crappy and they make the leader of the other team a complete piece of crap only to try to turn it around with little to no genuine character growth. Aegon is funny, has no real political understanding, a total drunken frat boy and he really shouldn’t be king because he didn’t want to in the first place. But making him a literal offender fails because instead of choosing Rhaenyra because she has the legitimate claim and the most political understanding, you leave it with the decision of who would you prefer this absolute girl boss or a (possibly pedo) rapist?
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atalienart · 9 months
People are scary stupid. (I'm gonna mention SA so don't read if it might upset you. It's about stories and stuff.)
So I browse insta, like one does and I get adds for books. I check Polish authors and sometimes they are on wattpad. Many of those writers have their wattpad stories published traditionally, mainly romances and erotica. I'm a curious cat, I want to see what kind of stories are published. It's mostly mafia romances and millionaire/girl stories. I find these stories extremely repetitive and boring, they also have characters that I very much don't enjoy but whatever. I read a few chapters of a story by such a wattpad author who has some of their other stuff already published. And wow. You know, I don't care what people write about, if I can't stomach it I just won't read it, that's fine. But wtf is wrong with a person who clearly writes rape and then in the comments (responding to someone saying "hey, you described rape") says that they don't see it as rape, didn't write the scene as rape, that it's a matter of how you look at it, that it's "dubious" because the character eventually "likes it" (literally the character is running away from the "love interest", is begging him to stop, pushes him away, but she's held down and then well... she just gives up because he's stronger; afterwards she's crying; she doesn't even like him, he just practically bought her). And the author tries to convince everyone readers will like the guy eventually because he will change and he has a tragic backstory™ (the girl left him or something -_-). Btw, it wasn't the first time he forced himself on a girl, oh no, he just now feels bad because this new girl is somehow ⋆。°✩speshul⋆。°✩. Idk what sits in those people's brains. It's like saying, no no, she didn't kill the guy, she just shot him and he tripped and fell of the window. She's heard him screaming all the way down, he'd been alive until the pavement hit him, therefore she's not a killer. This is absolutely ridiculous. And I know dark romances, the guy love interest is usually the most deranged, disgusting, evil macho man to exist. He uses and abuses the girl in every possible way. And some people enjoy reading those things I guess. But saying that what you wrote is not what you wrote because you enjoy it is just wrong. Or if your intention, as a writer, was something else, think if you actually managed to get your idea across. Sometimes what you try to communicate doesn't read like that (I know, I've been there) and you need to change things. But if you really think your character isn't a rapist because he's handsome and broken™, and the girl love interest will eventually fall for him, then yikes. Hope no one hurt you irl and that you don't hurt anyone either with this way of thinking.
Sorry, I just had to rant.
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gorelesbian · 4 months
Please, tell me your top ten most disturbing books you’ve read. I honestly need recommendations.
thank you very much for asking!!! <3 some of these are so nasty that i feel the need for a disclaimer; i read disturbing horror (sometimes. can't stomach it continiously) when i get bored of everything since i know for sure it'll be stimulating and never boring. these are those books in no particular order!
the troop by nick cutter is about a troop of boy group scouts and their scoutmaster who are camping on an island when a fucked up parasite starts spreading. the body horror and animal cruelty/death in this are beyond insane, the turtle scene haunts me. i gave it 5/5 stars.
any man by amber tamblyn is one of my favourite books ever but i've never dared recommend it to anyone. it's about the male victims of a female serial rapist and genital mutilator. it's extremely harrowing and disturbing but i knew after 30 pages this would be a 5 star read for me, some of the best writing i've ever read. i gave it 5/5 stars. fun fact: amber tamblyn is also the girl who dies in the opening scene of the ring (2002)!
tampa by alissa nutting is about a woman who starts working as a teacher at a high school just to seduce and have sex with (rape) preteen boys. it's written from her perspective and it is extremely unpleasant to be inside her head. absolutely disgusting but also very well written. i gave it 4/5 stars.
earthlings by sayaka murata is about a young girl who has convinced herself that she is an alien from another planet to cope with the horrific abuse she going through. this book goes places i couldn't explain if i tried. i expected this to not be that disturbing and insane since it's quite popular but i was very wrong! i gave it 4/5 stars.
exquisite corpse by poppy z brite is about two gay necrophilic cannibalistic serial killers on the loose and their victims. it's set during the 1980s aids crisis which is very interesting. not much else to say about this one honestly! lot of nasty things happen! i gave it 3/5 stars.
tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica is about a world in which animal meat has become unsafe for humans so we have started breeding and keeping humans for consumption. maybe not as disturbing as the other books on here but really interesting portrayal of the meat industry and how society treats minorities aka people they deem as "less human" than themselves. i gave it 4/5 stars.
gone to see the river man by kristopher triana is about a woman who has started a relationship with an imprisoned serial killer and has agreed to go on a quest for him. i was stressed as hell throughout this because she brings her mentally disabled sister with her who has no idea what's going on and i massively feared for her wellbeing. it actually wasn't disturbing at all until about 80% through and then it starts smacking you across the face. yikes! i gave it 3/5 stars.
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca is about two women who meet online and quickly get involved in a very intense and fucked up relationship. goes pretty hard on the body horror and animal cruelty and baby cruelty. jesus christ. i gave it 4/5 stars.
to be devoured by sara tantlinger is about a woman who becomes obsessed with the thought of being a vulture and finding out what rotting flesh tastes like. she goes further and further to try and find out the vultures' secrets. now THIS is real weird girl swag. i gave it 4/5 stars.
i ran out of novels help. the most disturbing manga i've read is brutal: confessions of a homicide investigator by kei koga and ryo izawa which is about a homicide investigator who secretly punishes the criminals he encounters. this is very brutal. for example he finds a guy who raped a woman and he shoves a stake up his ass. i gave it 4/5 stars.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
can you do reader that has to seduce a suspect for gaining information and reid getting jealous about it?
if you don’t, don’t worry and have a nice day. your blog is marvelous <3
sort of based off that scene with Emily
You feel gross doing it, twirling a strand of your hair around your finger and battering your eyelids at a serial rapist, but unfortunately, there's not enough evidence to convict him and there's no way you're going to let another woman get assaulted just so the police can catch this exact guy.
This type of flirting never worked on anyone who wasn't sleazy and narcissistic. Any guy with common sense wouldn't fall for it. It wouldn't work on Spencer, who you know is behind the glass with your engagement ring in his palm.
"I get it, Connor, some of us -some people just like it rough." You bait him, smiling even though you want to grimace at the grotesque images in the manilla file in front of you.
"Wait, some of us." Time and time again, these idiot men fall for it.
Your smile is a little more genuine knowing he's going to prison and never coming out. "I, uh, misspoke."
"No, no, no, you're into stuff like this." He insists, tapping his fingers against the folder.
"Well, I can't really say that in here." You whisper like it's a secret, and Hotch, Emily, and Spencer aren't right outside listening to the planned speech. "You tell me first, and then I'll share once I turn off the cameras." You promise with absolutely no intention of fulfilling it.
So he does, reciting every detail to you with a sickening grin. He's going to be very popular on the inside, and it's the only thing you can think about to relieve the horror. The last part doesn't waver in its level of disgust. "And the things I could do to you."
He doesn't have time to get another word out before Spencer bursts into the room with narrowed eyes and a tight jaw. "Get up!" He demands, barely waiting a second before dragging him up and roughly tightening his handcuffs before basically pushing him out of the room.
Hotch stops him, taking control of the situation before Spencer can shove him against the wall or break his nose. "We don't need lawsuits on our hands as well." He tells him firmly but sympathetically. He gets it, but he's thinking more logically than Spencer.
"And she doesn't like non-consensual sex, by the way, because she's not sick." Spencer hisses one last thing before handing him over to Hotch.
You walk out of the room, Emily patting you on the shoulder in appreciation before leaving you and Spencer together.
"You okay?" He asks gently, pulling you into a hug even though he'd usually avoid any PDA somewhere so professional.
You nod. It doesn't feel better when you catch unsubs. Even if they couldn't hurt anyone else, the impact of their crimes would forever inflict pain.
He didn't like what you had to do either, but he knew you'd do it every time if there was a chance of getting a confession.
He pulls back, cupping your cheek. "My brave girl."
"Love you." You whisper, brushing your nose against his. He hates seeing you flirt with other people, whether your job requires it or not, so you know he needs the reminder.
"I love you, too." He replies, quickly kissing you. "Ready for some fun paperwork?"
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
Woobifying Aegon was bad enough, but choosing to make megalomaniac rapist war criminal Hugh Hammer some sympathetic little meow meow and champion of the smallfolk absolutely disgusts me. How could anyone read what he did and go "gee, what if this guy was actually a victim?" And how can this show unironically claim to be a feminist retelling of the Dance?
I suspect that it's like Katy Perry's "Woman's World" where it is a man thinking of how women could/should conform themselves to a male's idea of feminism in order to survive or flourish within a male-centered and run world.
In other words...male gaze.
That being said, idk if Hugh is "champion" of the smallfolk; it's more that he's given a story people can easily sympathesize with and without the writers investing anymore in him. The punching the guy for food immediately invalidates the "champion of the smallfolk" purpose. and for some it also removed a bit of sympathy, which is ironic bc I though it actually humanized him, with all this talk about how nobles' actions affect stavation, privation, death onto smalfolk where their riots were all totally justified in F&B? What happened to Rhaenyra-is-responsible-for-her-feast/party-&-allocating-funds-foodstuffs-away-from-those-who-need-it? Now people don't like when it's on the green side where we see smallfolk deprivation and desperation?
Anyway, yeah we see him steal food from a man he punches and yes he reduces his own mother, but these are both things some people will and can just brush off as things he "understandably" "had" to do. The food stuff bc he has the sick child (this one is valid, which makes it all the more worse bc it's so manipulative on the writer's parts). The mother comment bc sex work has a stigma on it, and many people in the fandom and real life don't like disobedient young girls or looking at shit from their PoV. Or they like Jaehaerys a little too much and justify his violence behind his feelings...as if he's not the older one and her parent as well as the dude who apparently never noticed how his own daughter was feeling about her life at court and ignored his own wife when she at least tried to tell him her flawed but close-to-the-truth feelings about Saera? Sure.
What Hugh is is chosen perspective and access to how the smallfolk in KL or anywhere react and are affected by the blacks & greens' actions. Something that really should have belonged to Nettles, Essie/Sylvenna, or really just any random OC.
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
How do you feel that the show cast Aegon as a rapist and Rhaenyra as someone "worthy of the throne"? I still support the green team and Alicent, but Aegon has made me feel uncomfortable. Now people see the green team as supporting an abusive king and that disappoints me.
I was so annoyed with their decision to make Aegon a rapist. It was done solely in order to shove it down viewers throats that the greens are bad.
There was zero reason to make him such a disgusting creep and piece of shit other than to make Rhaenyra seem like the better option. It’s a lazy attempt to remove nuance from the show and push the narrative “team black good” “team green bad”.
Now, team green will always look like rape apologists or supporters of a rapist. All our arguments can be shut down by “Well look who your side is trying to put on the throne.” When in reality, every green supporter I’ve seen actually despises Aegon. We aren’t team green because we want Aegon specifically to be king. We are team green for a lot of other, different reasons. For example, we support Alicent, and we see how she has been abused for decades and how her fear for her children’s safety is valid. We also see how Rhaenyra has been making some crucial mistakes that make her a less than ideal heir and queen.
Rhaenyra has had two decades to do anything to help herself politically. But she has done absolutely nothing. Two decades she could have used to make alliances, find individuals she trusts to form a small council, form policies she believes in, hell even come up with a succession law to fix the issues that have existed for so long. But she has done nothing other than have illegitimate kids with Harwin Strong, pine over her uncle, excuse the mutilation of her brother (and ask for further torture), and hide behind her daddy to avoid consequences.
By making Aegon a rapist it’s an easy out to ensure that no matter how inept and how cruel Rhaenyra becomes, team green will be the bad guys.
Vaemond Velaryon was fighting to keep his homeland within his family and not given to white children that are not related. But he called a Rhaenyra a “whore”, so clearly he’s a bad guy and deserved to be killed. Aemond picked up a rock to defend himself against 4 people beating him up. But he called the Strong boys “bastards”, so clearly he’s a bad guy and deserves to have his eye gouged out. They do this time and time again so that team green will always be painted as villains. This is just yet another attempt to show that Rhaenyra is the good guy whom we must support. Even if the evidence is contrary.
This also isn’t taking into account Rhaenyra’s actions with Criston Cole in which she uses her status to coerce him into sleeping with her even after he explicitly says “No”. Many have pointed out that that scene was dubcon at best, and rape at worst. We hear him say no. We see him hesitant to participate. And we see him break down after the event from shame and guilt. So…Rhaenyra stans are really pots calling kettles black lol.
TLDR: Aegon being a rapist serves to make greens look like bad people, so we have to prefer Rhaenyra. But in the end…no green fans like Aegon. We just really hate Rhaenyra who is also not a good person with a clean sexual record when it comes to consenting participants.
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rfdiscoursethrowaway · 6 months
alr fucker ill bite
im trying 2 understand the absolute fuckin brainrot that is terf ideology solely so i can explain to people who actually want to make an effort to not be bigoted not fall into your pipelines. i do this already. but i wanna be more thorough and get screenshots and examples for specific questions. ill do a lil back and forth, but you wont be convincing me that all trans women are pedos n rapists and that we need to detransition people en mass and that trans people are delusional. i have a series of questions, if you consider yourself a terf please try and actually answer them, in a way that actually explains your thought process and isnt just calling me slurs because thats most of the discourse on this site. -------
how do you mentally justify the contridiction in "male and female brains have no difference and women are just as capable as men" (true and real) and "men are fundimentally more violent/ women less violent" besides just blatently liking sexism so long as it hurts men and not women (blatently harmful and bigoted just with a #girlpower coat of paint)
if its a socialization issue, how does female seperatism nessisarily help that? shouldnt the goal then to not treat women as an other, and to not define people based on biological characteristics? while biological differences exist they dont affect your mental or phisical capabilities in anything (in regards to biological sex atleast). wouldnt it be more helpful to treat it as simply a medical thing? like a blood type or something? and treat genital preference as just the same as any other random aesthetic preference in partners like, idk, liking fat people or likeing brown hair what is it about gender based oppression that makes you think that its the men that are the problem and not the whole gender thing, because its men thinking that women are fundimentally different alien creatures because we literally define people by their genitals and constantly talk about how your genitals make you fundimentally different then the "opposite". an ACTUALLY HELPFUL soution should be talking about how like, yeah! some of us look different, but thats like? fine? we are people. who cares whats in that person pants. and if your answer is that thats unrealistic and will require hundreds of years of societal change (true) why is your approach to double down on men and women being fundimentally different and not to like? work? twards something objectively better and less discriminatory? most of what terfs are known for is bigotry and thats not some crazy coincidence, its because your sexism (though you love to label it otherwise) naturally leads to transphobia. its because the core of your ideology is bigotry. women shouldnt be discriminated against cuz you are? fucking people? with the exact same capabilities, you do not deserve more/less praise more/less accountablitity more/less agency. infact id argue that this bending over backwords to try and exclude people you deem as men is why radfems are so much more of a pushover to conservatives. your willingness to go on and on about how biological differences make you a fundimentally different person just so you can rant about how men are all ugly evil penis havers just lets you be suseptible to violent reactionary shit by conservatives. regardless of where you come from politically, this applies to BOTH of us, if you refuse to really think deeply and critically about why you hate the things you do and why you like the things you do, and instead operate on gut reactions and absorbing politics from people on tumblr SOMEONE from SOME IDEOLOGY is always trying to take advantage of that. and transphobia IS violent reactionary shit, most the time i see transphobia especially against trans women its based entirely on appearance, people jumping all over themselves to body shame her for not being enough of a woman, talking about how gross and disgusting she is for wearing a dress or for having a deeper voice. why is this body shaming ok so long as you deem someone a man? attatching morality to appearance is just a blatently bad idea and its frankly gross how little so many of you are willing to critique that.
whats your explaination for the tonal dissonance between "i dont want trans people dead and im not violent" and painting trans women as "always being men with terrible intentions who cosplay as women to have an excuse to rape and assault people"
because while you may not directly say "i think all trans people should be murdered" and you do it in a roundabout way with "all trans people are rapists and all rapists should be murdered" that does still say "i think all trans people should be murdered", just with extra steps. and are you aware that this is the exact retoric used by colonizers to justify genocide and slavery? painting black people as "savages and rapists"? whats your justification for painting a large group of people as fundimentally evil and violent, and how nessasarily is it somehow different then the retoric used to oppress any other marginalized group? + if its a "but im right!" consider this is also what a rapist or an antisemite or a mysogenist would say, and why you are parroting the exact same thing. like do you genuinely actually think that having a boy brain, or more testosterone, or a penis, makes you a rapist and a pedofile? really? and again if you agree with me that its a socialization issue why! dont you! treat it that way!! if you mean one thing, SAY THAT! and FIGURE OUT WITCH ONE OF THOSE YOU BELIEVE. because you cant fuckin have it both ways! if you wanna say that we shouldnt be treating women as stupid vile little vagina having worms (real and true) then like, you cant ALSO be like oh i also think we should be treating men as stupid vile little penis having worms >:) hehe i am so progressive and counter culture ignore all the horrific damage that catagorizing people like that has had i think it will be funny when we do it with men you see.
what is with this insistance that people define themselves based on whats in their pants, like if having a pussy is just having a pussy thats fuckin fine alr but if you start insisting that people make that their ENTIRE PERSONALITY and that if you have one you HAVVVEEEE to have only a specific subsection of names and you HAVEEEE to be called a woman and use she/her and shit
like girl it is just words, who gives a fuck, if a guy says hey i wanna change my name to this girl name cuz it sounds cool as fuck its like! yea! hell yeah brother! and if hes like actually i prefer more feminine words to refer to me :) its like! hell yeah sister! how does that hurt fuckin anyone. is using words so hard 4 u. and before you be like ooOOuuyhghhg IM NOT DEFINING PEOPLE BASED ON THEY ARE PUSSY how is catagorizing people based on their chromosomes / genitals / appearance (and lets be honest here. its mostly appearance but you use chromosomes and genitals so you can pretend theres some kind of science proving that youre right, there is no chromosome detector 3000 for real life) not flattening them? like genuinely how the fuck do you justify that. you have to go to a different bathroom you have to go to a different doctors office you have to go to a different sports team all because i assume that your chromosomes and your genitals make you eaither unsafe or violent or constantly in need of protection and fundimentally less capable. terfs love to constantly insist that gender is whatever and then constantly try to force people to define themselves by their biological sex? why is whats in MY pants any of your fucking buisness? unless im at a gynocology appointment you dont need to know shit. all of this girlsgirlsgirlsgirls stuff what if you dont wanna be called a fuckin girl? what if i find it weird that you profile people and assume things about them because of their body? if gender is whatever why do you HAVE to be a male or a female. why do i have to fucking put my biology out on display for people to assume things about me based on? because i KNOW you assume things based on peoples biological sex and i KNOW you think more or less of people based on their biological sex thats half the ideology! why do you think every trans women is a sexist mysogenist who woke up one day at 24 and decided she was gonna be a girllll and wear dresses so she could opress woemennn moreeeee, why do you assume all trans men were groomed and exploited and brainwashed into thinking that theyre boys because of mysogeny and not cuz sometimes? being called a dude feels good? having a dick feels good? having a flat chest feels good? using he him or whatever the fuck feels good??? rad fem shit is just, sexism repackadged, do you never see the similarities? do you never see the fine print? that the core ideology is the same? this is just mysogeny again! like women are always the victim and men are always the perpetraitor. is just women have fundimentally less agency and men more agency women do bad things because theyre dumb and men do bad things because they had a good reason to. is just women have fundimentally less agency and men more agency please explain how that ISNT just the same mysogenist veiwpoints with a hashtag girlboss coat of paint. and this isnt me projecting mysogenistic right wing ideas onto you, i wrote all this stuff while looking through "radfem101" "terf reference guide" "things TRA's need to get thru their heads" posts. theres a reason people get them confused, ive been told these exact same things time and time again by alt rights and conservatives and mysogenists. so witch are you? why do you agree on so much?
how do you deal with the whole, not wanting womens genitals to be constantly policed and have that be all that defines them (true and real) and the very real fact that there is no chromosome detector 3000 and if you want to create "female only spaces" you realistically are eaither going to have to subject billions of women on a daily basis to sexual harrassment to see if they are "real women" or do it just based on appearance. witch is enevitibly going to cause a disproportionate ammount of hate and violence twards black, gnc, and intersex women for not being "women" enough. something that is already happening, because trying to give rigid requirements for what looks like a woman and what looks like a man is always going to impact these groups disproportionately, you know its gonna be based off of like a white skinny cis girl! and uh! not all women are that!
and assuming there is a chromosome dectector 3000 in the future, a) intersex people b) trans men exist, and while im sure you can argue day and night about how they arent real men and phallo dicks are just a mutilated skin tube or whatever half of what you guys talk about is how you feel unsafe being in the same bathroom as someone who "looks like a dude" and who has a penis. considering the strictness in needing 100% gender conformity in trans women im sure the exact same people wouldnt be comfortable with a trans guy eaither, if youd feel ok just so long as they had the right reading on the chromosome dectector 3000 then all this talk about trans women being violent cuz penis and body hair and testosterone is just bullshit. and sense terfs love to play hypotheticals with 100% cis dudes just telling people theyre girls so they can get through the female bathroom security (a thing that totally exists believe me guys) (and also yeah telling a police officer that youre "just a trans girl" would totally actually help you in a legal case dont google trans panic defence shhhhhh its ok its ok, statistics you dont read from "xxvaginawomxngirlfucker" arent real its ok,,) couldnt a cis dude just lieeee about being a trans man? whos saying nobody can lie about my chromosome detector 3000 score! are you gonna put a bouncer in the female bathroom security gates? and like, where do trans people even pee then. we just rename the mens bathroom to the trannies and mysogenists room? the biologically more violent room? yeah lets shove a bunch of little intersex girls into the violent mysogenists room, she had body hair and a harsher jawline and that scared me so im lumping her into the room with all the people i think are pedos and rapists, she will feel totally ok about this and this wont effect her perception of herself, this wont enforce gender roles and make women having a complex about being feminine enough worse. women can be anything! except anything i think looks like a guy. so women can be feminine and nothing else :) but women can be anything i put in this super limiting box! i genuinely cannot imagine a world where this doesnt dramatically worsten sexual phisical and emotional violence against literally everyone.
and to say again. im not looking for quirky rebloggable snapbacks to each of my points i want you 2 put an equal ammount of effort as i did scrolling terflandia and writing all this up. so dont just call me a delusional tr-nny i want you to give me like. atleast a little substance here. something to chew and bite and pick apart
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nrilliree · 7 months
“Aegon has been debauched and abusive from an early age, and that's okay. In exchange for the benefits, Alicent sells her body - her feet (which has a certain name as a profession…), but that's okay. After all, they are "honor and decency".
But Rhaenyra's children should be treated as inferior people because their mother is promiscuous. That's how it is. This is right and justified.”
Gurl what?
1. No one from TG thinks that aegon’s behavior is ok. He’s a rapist.
2. Alicent sells her body? What? She’s literally being manipulated and blackmailed by larys to show him her feet in exchange for information. Larys has been lurking around alicent ever since ep 5. Not to mention he killed harwin and lyonel and basically blamed alicent for telling him to do it. So he’s prob also holding that over her head and blackmailing her. Dude that’s so messed up that you’d actually blame alicent for what larys has forced her to go through. She looked so disgusted and miserable throughout the entire scene. Calling a woman a whore for being SA is so messed up.
3. Rhaenyra’s children are not abused by anyone? Nor did anyone ever said that they deserved to be? Criston hates them, fine. He’s not kind to them. There’s a big difference between being “treated as interior” and being disliked. Do you really think anyone would dare to mistreat the boys? Viserys and Rhaenyra would’ve killed them.
Nobody? And yet I have seen people (not this specific person) who justify his behavior because he is misunderstood, unloved and maybe he didn't understand the definition of rape, so he didn't know what he was doing was wrong. You can't say it's nothing, because you're generalizing just like I am I'm generalizing ¯_(ツ)_/¯
TG (not that specific person, please note) can call Rhaenyra a slut and I can't use the textbook definition of that word 🤔? A whore is a person who obtains benefits in exchange for services of a sexual nature. Why can TG do something I can't🤔? Could this be bad after all 😱? But is it only bad in one direction? Because I don't think Alicent is a whore, I just started using this term on purpose ¯_(ツ)_/¯
But seriously now. In the ninth episode, Alicent has been queen for 20 years. She hasn't found any allies at court in 20 years? Nobody? Book Cersei was stupid and cruel, and she did better. For 20 years, Alicent still had only Larys and Criston's support, even when Otto returned to his position. Alicent had King's Landing to herself for several years because Rhaenyra was away and did absolutely nothing about it. She found no allies, made no alliances through the marriage of her sons, did nothing. She only continued working with Larys, although after the Strongs' murder she could point to him, because he did not even pretend to mourn and was happy with his new position. Even Criston could see that something was wrong.
3. I may use not entirely correct words or expressions. English is not my first or even second language. I do better in Polish, Russian and German. Sometimes I express myself badly, so maybe "inferior" is not the best word.
Of course they would kill them. They would kill everyone. This is why Criston openly favored Alicent's sons, and when this was brought to his attention, he dragged Jace by the breastplate to face Aegon. Jace was forcibly treated, Aegon was not. This is not treating some as worse than others ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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I agree with your latest rant, and would also like to add that I absolutely do not understand this heavy urge to present a full blown rapist (Aegon II) as a poor suffering creature. In fact, I remember someone, perhaps one of the writers, openly describing Aegon as a "tortured/tormented soul" in an interview (the reasoning/excuse here being something along the lines of "we wanted to flesh him out more").
You want greyness? You want to play with the audience and it's perspective? Be my guest. But why exactly do this by making (trying to make) the audience pity a raging fucking rapist? In a show where the ugliness of misogyny is the main theme?? Really now???
Condal's obsession with making TG more sympathetic is probably one of the biggest red flags from a showrunner I've seen since D&D. He sacrifices aspects of TB in the name of making them look better. Whether it's giving Jace's interests (swordplay, history, the fucking Valyrian language) to Aemond or swapping Alicent and Rhaenyra's ages upon marriage (Alicent was 18-19 in the book and Rhaenyra was 16).
Condal even made Rhaenys into Rhaenyra's political opponent, when in the book she supported her and even claimed the Velaryon boys inherited her Baratheon hair (her hair was also black in the book not Valyrian silver). He did this in order to make the Blacks look worse.
With Laena, Condal removed pretty much all plot relevance she had other than being Daemon's wife and Baela and Rhaena's mother. In the book, she and Rhaenyra were such close friends (maybe even closer than friends btw) that they betrothed their children (no, the betrothal wasn't a last ditch effort to win over Rhaenys) when they were infants/toddlers. Yet in the show, Condal sacrificed Rhaenyra and Laena's relationship to make room for Alicent.
His choice to make Aegon a "poor baby with daddy/mommy issues" is completely disturbing though. It's one thing to try to give Aemond and Alicent tragic backstories, but trying to make a rapist into a sympathetic character is outright disgusting. Even when we come face to face with one of his victims right after the act, Condal expects us to give a shit about that monster? Well it worked for a part of the fandom apparently, and isn't that just disturbing.
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darklinaforever · 6 months
Let's be real for two seconds.
Viserys is the type of guy who will pass everything to Alicent.
Symbolically declaring war on Rhaenyra's marriage. Constantly suggesting that his grandsons are bastards. Calling Rhaenyra's children "simple beings", or something like that I think. Refusing a marriage between Jace and Helaena that he approved of, and instead letting him marry Helaena to Aegon. Remarks on Laenor's sexuality. Overlooking the fact that she tried to take Lucerys' eye. Brief.
Very clearly Viserys is far from being mean to Alicent and there she lets her do absolutely whatever she wants in general without ever punishing her. While these are relatively serious things that deserve punishment.
It's not an exaggeration to think that if Alicent hadn't stayed silent and said no to having sex with Viserys late at night, he probably would have agreed.
I'm not saying it's 100% certain, but it's very likely.
Alicent literally lied to him, and is still manipulating him at the behest of his father.
Becoming his wife therefore implies sleeping with him if he wants (in addition to always having made Viserys believe that she like him) and from her point of view, in relation to the religion she is a follower of, etc. It is her duty to do what her father and husband desires because she believes it is her duty as a woman, no matter how she feels. Duty. Sacrifice. Etc. So the problem here is not really Viserys. But the faith of the seven and Otto who instilled it in Alicent.
Once again, Otto is the culprit for his daughter's suffering.
Viserys is as much a victim as Alicent in my opinion. Alicent is in a union forced by her father that she never wanted. And Viserys is being manipulated by Otto and Alicent in order to be his queen, stay in his good graces, and have children so that there will be possible Targhtower heirs.
Once again, during sexual intercourse, he noticed that Alicent was staring at the ceiling and sought to catch her gaze accordingly and what did Alicent do ? She smiled, reassuring Viserys that she was probably fully OKAY from the Viserys point of view.
And then, I remind you that Viserys is not very smart and very easily manipulated. It took Rhaenyra telling him for him to open his eyes to the situation concerning Otto and Alicent.
Viserys is a fairly nice and simple guy, I remind you (even if yes, he screws up a lot). But stop seeing him as some kind of disgusting willful abuser in Alicent life... (look Otto for that)
Yes, from Alicent's unique perspective, without much thought, one can conclude that it was marital rape, and it kind of is, but if you take the whole situation as a whole, it's much more complicated than that. The situation is not all black and white.
I am told that I risk ending up in prison for making comments like this by a commentaters...
But what do you really think the justice system would think if they had all the pieces of the puzzle ?
Namely, that Otto forced his daughter Alicent to seduce Viserys to become his wife and queen in order to produce likely future male heirs to the throne ? And that during the sexual intercourse in question, Viserys noticed that Alicent actually seemed elsewhere, and consequently caught her gaze and she then smiled at him, telling him that everything had actually gone well.
Yeah... I don't think therefore that they would also live on the evil abuser and rapist Viserys. Probably / Maybe he would still receive some form of sanction for what happened in episode 4, but I think that justice would also and especially apply to the case of Otto who mentally manipulated his daughter so that she forces herself to do all these things with Viserys, also manipulated by these two in this affair.
The situation is not as simple as the Greens and Alicent stans try to make it out to be.
Yes. What is happening to Alicent is horrible.
But no, just saying that Viserys is a horrible rapist and abuser for Alicent is false for the second and quite more complex than that for the first option.
As I said, not everything is black, not everything is white.
Yes, Alicent forces herself to have this sexual relationship. But we must ask ourselves for what, for whom, and for what purpose ?
The scene actually has quite a context.
And again, if Alicent had simply said no, I don't think Viserys would have forced her to do anything, given the examples presented at the beginning of my post. That's what I think.
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22degreehalo · 2 months
Like I know I'm just a whiny stupid antifeminist girl for caring this way about a Man but what did Aegon even do to deserve to be offered up for death by Allicent? Aside from that totally random scene that makes him a rapist despite there being absolutely nothing in his character before or after making that plausible.
Dude didn't even want to be king. He just wanted to drink and fuck around and have fun. He's just an obnoxious, lonely frat boy with daddy issues. It was Allicent and Otto who pushed him towards the throne, in order to protect and empower themselves. He sincerely tried to end the war quickly and to listen to the townsfolk, despite literally no-one giving him the proper training. And then in a failed attempt at heroics he got himself almost killed.
He's lost almost everything. He was forcibly married to his sister, which he seems actively disgusted by tbh; at the very least it's not a happy marriage. His adored son was murdered as a baby. His own brother tried to kill him, and did render him permanently disabled and in chronic pain, and also seemingly did kill his beloved dragon. He was never loved or even liked by any of his parents, who dismissed him with open disdain, and encouraged him to actively let them treat him as a puppet because if he ever tried to do anything he'd just fuck it up.
He never wanted any of this, but he did it because he was so desperate for love and approval. And he really tried to do it well, despite it all!!!
And for all that, Allicent thinks she has a right to just... offer him up as a human sacrifice?
If it was about killing Aegon to save the people of King's Landing from a drawn-out war: fine. It'd still feel out of character and implausible, but at least on a moral level it'd be forgiveable.
But... it's almost framed like this is for Allicent's sake. So she can be free. Because she was never treated well in the Red Keep. Or so she can feel good about having done the right thing. Like this is a relief.
Would she have done the same with Helaena?
No, don't answer that. Because it's sort of implied, unless I read in too deeply, that Allicent considers this 'trade' because Aegon already has 'nothing to live for', or whatever. Because he's disabled. So, who knows? If Helaena hadn't suddenly become this whole Useful Exposition Prophecy Girl, maybe she would've been an acceptable sacrifice, too.
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17gz · 1 month
it just ENRAGES me beyond words that i reconnected with a friend from high school (who reached out to me since i was 1 out of 2 people in our grade of 500+ kids that were visibly out as trans)
because she wanted to let me know that she came out and got on E and told me her name and how she's been doing. we'd been talking for a while.
and i knew her pre transition in high school. she was miserable. and meeting her in person, she was a different person. i saw so much happiness and life in her eyes that i'd never seen before. it was so amazing to see her as who she really is.
i told everyone in my group who was going to pride about her. they all knew beforehand that i was inviting her. i expressed how happy and proud i was of her.
and when she arrived i saw a switch flip in my roommates heads. both of them. including the afab intersex one wearing a niohuru x "big dick girl" bikini for pride. my friend fully said "i use she/her. i don't like they/them, i prefer she/her." and these roommates used they/them for her the entire night.
they were so annoyed that she took up any space at all. they were so annoyed that she was excited. one of these roommates talked so often abt how its hard being autistic. and yet that same person made the rudest and most passive aggressive looks and gestures towards my friend because she's autistic. it was disgusting and juice even yelled at this person at dinner when this person kept doing high school bully shit at my friend.
and when we were forced to confront this person bc "they didnt understand why we were mad at them" we were completely honest and said that their treatment of my friend was unacceptable and disgusting and transmisogynistic
and this person denied all their behavior and even tried to cover it up by saying "i'm just a silly little guy" i wish i was fucking making this shit up i really fucking wish i was. we were stone faced and said they were treating my friend poorly bc shes a trans woman. they said "they'd never do something like that to someone in the community. they're part of the community!" and when juice said they are not incapable of being transmisogynistic, the crocodile tears were running immediately.
and then my friend i've known for 6 years (whos dating that pos) said we were being racist to their partner. and then within 12 hours we dropped the news that we were moving out. we moved out abt 17 days after that. from an apartment i literally hunted down and did all the work to find. and had expressed ALL year that i didnt want to move out from.
cannot stress enough that this roommates partner was staying with us rent free even though i even said they could pay at least $100-$200 per month to help with household expenses since money was getting tight for us and 4 ppl in there vs 3 ppl was rough (but i didnt want to say $800 -$1000 for them bc i knew they were in a tough financial state) (but also we were not doing well either and they took and broke SO much of our shit without offering to do a damn thing about it and spending their money on dumb shit)
and they'd been living rent free at our place for 4+ months. we were coerced into letting them stay w us. and the entire time they treated us like absolute garbage. they constantly made comments about us being fat and how they thought we were ugly.
not to mention. meatball is brachiocephalic. my ex friend was literally with me at the vet appointments where the vets said do NOT have smoke or candles or anything around him.
while i was vacuuming and getting him air purifiers to put around the house and spending over 2k on vet bills, the two of them were hotboxing him in their room when they smoked. i told them a trillion times to ventilate their room and keep the door closed and let the room air out when they smoked and they never listened. we only found out they were hotboxing meatball in july.
not to mention all the racist shit and the painting my friend made where they painted me as a rapist being eaten by them. never done anything like that, i was not ok w them using my likeness and even told them that, i was the darkest skinned person im that apartment, and they felt 0 shame or regret about it. and now theres a painting of me, depicted as a cis man rapist, darker than i actually am, being killed and eaten by this person.
i cannot even begin to describe my anger and rage and disgust and hatred towards this person. i genuinely hope they die. i wish nothing but misery and suffering upon them
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frozendakeri · 12 days
she didn't just support a rapist, she participated in the people who intimidated/harassed his victims - it's disgusting
reddit. c o m / r /LinkinParkOG/comments/1fbw6wu/cedric_bixler_zavala_and_his_wife_chrissie/
See, I heard about that and tried looking into it, but I couldn't really find anything that seemed truthful persay. Plus reddit wasn't helpful in the hunt for answers.
If that's legit, then what little respect I had for LP is absolutely gone. Most people are trying to excuse them by saying "Maybe they didn't know". No baby, they knew. Saying they didn't know is just plausible deniability and a cop out. It's trying to absolve them of the biggest fuckup they made.
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