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167 posts
Mostly opinions on media I like. Please refrain from spoilers as this is a reactionary blog. Specifics to come soon.
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 29 days ago
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 1 month ago
So... It's been a minute.
I have less and less to say about Remarried Empress because honestly after Rashta exited stage right I feel like all the tension and drama left with her.
Rashta's justice was far too great for most of her crimes and I feel like it was mostly there just to appease anyone who rabidly condemned her.
I was told time and again I'd eventually hate her for the shit she's done and I just disagree. She is, by far, the most unique and interesting character. She's gone now and I just don't have nearly as much investment in the love story between Navier and Henrey. Though I will say I do enjoy them being in love and cute together, it's much nicer than when I felt like the whole thing was a one sided romance of convenience.
I thought Krista might prove interesting but she also got exited stage right and in the least satisfying way.
Right now the most compelling and interesting character is Sovieshu and I really just... Don't care that he lost his memories. The desperation is unique and intriguing, the fact he demands to be her lover is wild.
I dunno. I feel like the story is allergic to resolving conflict with villains in any way besides a tragic death or off screen demise.
I'm still reading it. But I have a feeling the intrigue with Sovieshu's memory will be resolved soon and then I'm back to square one.
Oh well!
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Love it when I repost to the wrong fuCKING BLOG
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Okay,here is a novel because the manhwa adaptation did it so badly. It's called,actually,I was the real one. Note,this novel doesn't have any any romance aka those so called male leads aka Joseph and erez aren't into Keira aka fl while Keira doesn't have any any romantic feelings towards the two. Teh brother aka Zeke helps her the most on uncovering who Cosette aka antagonist truly is. The manhwa did a lot of changes badly,tej only good one is the fact the og Cosette soul is still alive. I prefer you read the novel if you want novels better than their manhwa adaptations okay. I said this because I hate the unnecessary romance on the manhwa adaptation.
Writing all these down oh my gOD
I have to fix my attention span, I'm in like... three different novels right now lol.
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Transmigration is isekai but better.
Less male power fantasies, more female oriented political drama and maximizing success with knowledge
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
I've also been really into Epic lately.
I have a history degree and I'm super into Antiquity. Yknow... like a basic bitch (if ur getting a history degree, u kno what I mean. Basic AF). So I'm familiar with the Odyssey already, tho I know a fair few are because I think a lot of high schools in America had it as required reading? So I'm not special or anything but some background for FlAvOr~
I love Rivera-Herans take on the story so much. The music is fitting and beautifully nuanced. While I'm not like... super well versed on music theory, what little I do understand is absolutely LIT THE FUCK UP about the motifs and the designated instruments for specific characters...
All this to say the soundtrack has been playing in my head nonstop for days.
We stan a Wife Guy.
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
You should also read not sew wicked stepmother because the fl cares for her stepdaughter and the fact she wants stepdaughter aka ogfl to have a good childhood. The father aka ml does care about the ogfl it's just complicated and the fact he doesn't neglect her,of you know the reason,you will know that he has ogfl aka blanche when he was so young aka 14 years old. And when fl knows about this,she decided to help him getting better. I also love the fact the fl fights those that is in her status and has good female friends.
My webtoon app didn't transfer to my new phone so all my history is borked and there's nothing I can dooooo
I need more fun shit. I love transmigration shit so fuckin much.
Also mother/daughter story????? Those are so rare, I rlly love that aaaaa
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Honestly,if I wanna compare remarried empress I, would say I abdicated my throne as empress m Even though some people called it a remarried empress clone,it's not. The fl is also acts like navier except she has flaws and has personality. Heck,she is forced to marry an emperor because her mother ordered her to. She doesn't even love the emperor but the emperor(not the ml) still keeps forcing her to love the guy even though he has a mistress. But the interesting this,the fl doesn't hate the mistress. She sees the mistress as just person and treated her like an acquaintance no matter how the mistress lets her anger out on the floor. The fl still sees the mistress as a person no matter what and doesn't want to be her enemy.
Abdicate is SO good too. I genuinely like the nuance of it, the Mistress sees the empress as a threat but the Empress has more stake in what's going on with the Empire.
I only just started it though, I really enjoy it!
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Also the fact that I can go search up "Unmarried Queens" a ship name I coined and get results for Rashta x Navier makes me so fuckin gleeful
I'm glad it took off and that other people see the appeal
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
That ask about Lebetti and Alan has me thinking a lot now about how there's a lot lost in the lack of media literacy some of the fanbase has.
Lebetti is written to be a rather cruel and horrible character, but she aligns herself with the heroine so she's a bit nuanced. She is, objectively, on the correct side according to the narrative but she's also a horrible person to other people. I like how nuanced she is and how contradictory her character can be.
But it's completely lost on the "haha serves Rashta right! Go Lebetti go!" that I see constantly.
Lebetti is awful, her being friends with Navier doesn't make her a good person.
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Can you make a post about the sexism and misogyny in Remarried Empress?
Honestly most of my opinions on this boil down to how the writing is done. Slavery isn't bad, it's part of the culture. Adultery isn't bad, it's just how it is.
Never mind the fact that all of their society is primed and READY to take sides on a matter as complicated as an Emperor taking a mistress. I find it incredibly contradictory too. The fact that it is stated that it's really normal for an emperor to take a mistress but that their society seems to immediately look down on said mistress and paint their empress as a poor jilted woman is... weird.
If mistresses were normal, no one would bat an eye, there'd definitely be favorites still but it wouldn't be a woman scorned situation. Rashta wouldn't receive hate for being a lover, she'd receive hate because she's opposed to the empress. They'd be two different kinds of politics.
Women in Remarried Empress are entirely religated to their positions of political status, their ability to scheme, or their ability to manipulate social climates. If they cannot provide anything to this effect, they're rather useless.
People are quick to boil Navier down to being a sad woman rather than wonder what their strong Empress will do.
Though the systems of gender imbalance in this universe aren't as apparent as our own, since the story largely follows a strong female lead or her equally as cunning (if differently cunning) rivals.
I feel like Krista gets the worst of it. She is literally native to the land, was the wife of the former emperor, well loved, had a crush on her brother in law, and largely didn't immediately do anything to hurt Navier. But she's pushed repeatedly into a corner, manipulated to being a demure widow as often as possible so she "knows her place". While Krista eventually DOES do something rather reprehensible, for the most part she always came off to me as desperate to keep her status and to win over the man she loves.
The problem is that her status isn't in danger? Krista's motivations are... not well done IMO. She's written out of the story almost as quickly as she was written in.
tldr, the whole thing is a mess and written so contradictingly that it's hard for me to pinpoint a specific opinion.
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 6 months ago
Reasons why Alan and lebetti are liked despite being shitty characters who suppor slavery?
Lebetti is liked entirely because she hates and is mean to Rashta. There's not really a lot going for her character. She's petty and rude and completely unapologetic about the absolute disgusting crap she puts other characters through. She likes Navier, therefore she's the best and she's mean to Rashta who everyone feels deserves it.
Alan is similar, though he's not as rude. I think the single father angle and the fact he's cute probably play into it a lot. No one seems to remember the fact he slept with his slave... who cannot consent. Alan is a rapist pure and simple but he's a cutie who would do just anything for his son so I think people like him because of that.
It all boils down to how they interact with Rashta and Navier.
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The fact that Rashta was written as half-assed character meant to be a stepping stone for Navier enrages me, so much could've been explored through her.
I don't even think she's that half assed though, I mean if that was the intention she's written pretty well so they failed. There are definitely a lot of societal issues within the Empire that should have been explored with her and that's definitely a disappointment but I think overall Rashta is a very nuanced character.
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Back from the dead to discuss Rashta some more given the most recent chapters. I'm caught up to 175 so if you're not there, I completely understand if you wanna avoid this post.
My opinions on Rashta have not changed one bit. She's still my favorite and I feel so incredibly bad for her, especially as time goes on and the scheming she does is more and more just... desperate. I won't excuse her crimes or anything but there's so many people who are willing to victim blame her to hell and back and it's not right.
Rashta is a slave, she was no one, no one has ever taken her seriously and the only ones who ever did were Navier and her previous owners. Sovieshu practically confirms that Rashta never mattered and all that ever did was him having a baby with someone.
He never loved her, he never respected her, he needed her womb and thought she was pretty. He didn't keep her on a leash and shielded her only so much as it protected his interests.
The same goes with Ergi. Ergi is using her and I think Rashta kind of knows that but her desperation is just so extreme she needs to rely on someone and unfortunately her trust is misplaced. Whatever ending she gets is going to be a horrifically tragic one and I just feel so so bad for her. Not a friend in the world and no one to rely on. From a slave to a place holder empress back to nothing.
What happens when Sovieshu is done with her? What happens when she's not empress anymore? She has nowhere to go and no family to go with unless her fake parents plan on keeping the act up and taking her in but I doubt it since like... half their reason for doing anything was because they needed Rashta and her position to find their real daughter, a truth Rashta is sitting on currently because she's damned if she tells them and damned if she doesn't.
It genuinely feels like everything is spiralling out of control and I can't help but watch her world get shattered and feel sad.
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 3 years ago
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 3 years ago
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lunars-unpopular-opinions · 3 years ago
Sorry I've been so quiet, I'm very close to graduating so I've been kinda focused. It's exhausting.
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