#if knuckles were blue instead of sonic
via01lactea · 1 month
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I’ve seen this before
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I don’t know where tho
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multifandom-pleasures · 4 months
A/N: sonic boys and babies ? sonic boys and babies. pregnancy down below as forewarning !! pregnancy announcements and such.
you sat patiently waiting on the couch of your home, waiting for sonic to return. he was out doing his hero work, and you had finished your job for the day as well; and now you were waiting to show him what you held in your hand. two very positive tests between your fingers.
you had felt somewhat sick the past few mornings, your usual favorite foods made you gag, and you’d become irritable. even sonic was growing concerned for you, and you waved him off. you were probably just tired. but after speaking with amy and rouge about how you’d been feeling they suggested you take the tests.
and here you were. pregnant. you knew sonic would react well to the news, no matter what was thrown his way he took it in stride. but you were still nervous. who wouldn’t be nervous? you instinctively hid the tests beneath your thigh as the door swung open, the blue hedgehog striding in with a bright smile.
“ (y/n)! “ he practically cheered, shutting the door and zipping over to you. he plopped into the spot beside you on the sofa, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple, “ you okay? you don’t even have the tv on. “ he looked over at the screen across the room, brows furrowed in slight concern at the dark screen.
“ yeah. “ you replied, lips instinctively into a smile, “ I was just thinking was all. how was work? “
“ ah y’know! same old. helped a few people, saved a few pets, beat up a few of egghead’s bots. “ he sighed, leaning back with his hands resting behind his head, “ you? “
you appreciated the talk, it eased your worries, tension leaving your shoulders and your smile growing.
“ good. “ you replied simply, fingers grazing the tests still hidden underneath your leg, “ I actually had some news for you; maybe it can be considered a gift. “
“ ooh, a gift? “ sonic perked up at that, sitting up properly and his smile stretching across his muzzle, “ what is it, babe? “ you took a breath.
“ well, you know I’ve been feeling sick. “
“ yup; I have been kneeling by you in the bathroom in the morning. “
“ and that I’ve been kinda.. mood swing-y. “ he winced and nodded.
“ yeah, definitely noticed that. “
“ and some foods kinda gross me out. “
“ even your favorite. “ he pouted slightly, “ did you go to the doctor? I’ve been worried you were getting sick. “ you laughed and nodded slowly.
“ sort of? not a doctor but, i did find the reasoning for it. “ he sat patiently, silently waiting for you to continue. you instead slid the tests from under you and took his hand, setting the two plastic sticks into his palm. his eyes drifted downwards and stared for a moment, and the silence drew a bit too long for comfort. you almost started to worry again; until he jumped up and practically dragged you off of the couch.
“ you’re pregnant? “ he exclaimed, a grin on his face, “ like; you’re absolutely, positively, a hundred percent sure? “ you squealed and clung onto sonic as he lifted you by your waist, a shy smile on your face.
“ yes! I took a few more tests to make sure. “ you replied, and sonic looked down at you with an expression of absolute adoration and joy, “ you really are happy about it? “
“ of course I am! I mean, I never had a set plan for kids, but, I’m not gonna say no to them either. “ he replied, setting you down onto your feet, “ so long as you want them too, of course.. I would treat you and them so well, I hope you know that. “
“ I never expected anything less. “ you replied softly, unable to keep the smile of your face as he pressed kisses over your knuckles and hands, “ I want them; I want to have them with you.. “
“ I can’t wait. “ he sighed, bringing your hands to his chest. his smile grew more mischievous as he added, “ I hope they can run just as fast as me! we’ll be the fastest hedgehogs around! “
“ sonic. “ you rolled your eyes fondly, snickering. they would be the death of you; and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
you’d never been more nervous in your life. you hadn’t planned for this sort of thing to happen; you had one lovely night with shadow, one thing led to another and now here you stood in the bathroom. three tests lined up on your counter, and each had two very solid, and very obvious lines. you could deny it all you wanted, but you were indeed pregnant.
how were you going to tell him? kids were never a thing you’d discussed, he was much too busy with G.U.N and still freshly healed from his traumatic past. this would be the very last thing he could want. you contemplated just keeping it to yourself, mull over your choices and then decide when you were ready.
that idea flew out the window as you heard said hedgehog coming home, his familiar routine of setting his motorbike keys onto the table, along with his weapon, and then making his way to the kitchenette to spy on what was made for dinner. you hadn’t made anything. you were too queasy to eat, which ultimately led to you meeting your wits end and deciding to finally take the test you had in your bathroom cabinet for a week.
shadow then made his way down the hall, and you threw the tests into the trash, haphazardly wasting some toilet paper in an attempt to hide the sticks. you left the bathroom just as shadow made it to the door, and as he looked down at you he hummed and dipped down to give you a kiss.
“ you weren’t hungry tonight? “
“ no. “ you replied quietly, “ I was feeling a bit sick. sorry, love - I know you love to try what I make. “ he gave a small shrug and smile.
“ it’s alright. “ he slid past you to look at himself in the mirror. he cleaned off a few smudges of dirt and whatever other muck he’d gotten in his fur during his mission, “ are you feeling better at least? “
“ still a bit sick. “ and you spoke honestly, your stomach was coiling with anxiety with how closely he stood beside the trash. you weren’t all to sure if he could see the tests or not. he sighed and looked over at you, eyes flitting over your form.
“ do you know what it is? “ you blinked and replied, voice croaking slightly as your hand instinctively settled on your stomach.
“ what? “ his brows furrowed and he tilted his head.
“ do you know what it is? “ he repeated, “ a stomach ache or are you coming down with something? “ you let out a breath and shook your head.
“ just a stomach ache. “ shadow was quiet for a moment, and when his eyes flitted to your stomach and back to your face, you nearly lurched towards him as he stepped back towards the trashcan.
he gingerly lifted the stressfully thrown strand of toilet paper and peered into it, then took the tests from the can.
“ you are a horrible liar. “ he sniffed, setting them onto the counter and observing the positive lines, “ and you are horrible at hiding evidence. you’re lucky you aren’t a criminal; I would have caught you immediately. “
you sighed and covered your face shamefully in your hands, almost expecting a negative reaction to it all. instead, your hands were pulled away from your face and you looked up to see shadow’s surprisingly gentle expression.
“ what is your plan? “
“ I don’t know. “ you replied quietly, fingers curling into your palms, “ I was.. I was thinking you wouldn’t want them. “
“ why wouldn’t I? “ he replied, almost sounding offended by the thought, “ I don’t know much about.. children. I can count how many I’ve known in my life with one hand; but, it is your choice more than mine. “
you were quiet for a moment, thinking. you shifted in place as you slid your hands into shadow’s, interlacing your fingers.
“ I would want to keep them.. “ he nodded, kissing your forehead.
“ then we will. I’ll learn. “ his lips curled into a small, faint smile, “ admittedly.. I’ve wondered what it would be like to have children. with you, at least. “ you blushed and ducked your head, “ I do worry I won’t be a good father.
“ you will. “ you replied as you wrapped your arms around him, hugging onto him. he returned the gesture with a sigh, “ I just know it. “
“ i can only hope.. “
it was knuckles who had convinced you to take the tests. he can be awfully perceptive when he wanted to be; and when he noticed the mood swings you had, your changes in meals, and how often you’d been napping, he insisted. you were sure you weren’t, but he said he’d witnessed it a few times with the women in his tribe, and you relented.
you felt idiotic as the test showed you the two solid red lines, and you triple checked on the box that it meant positive. that damned echidna. the door swung open when the silence had stretched on a tad too long and he decided you were done taking the test. he looked down at you and almost looked smug at the result.
“ and I was right. “ he puffed up his chest, hands on his hips, “ as I knew I would be! rarely am I wrong. “
“ shut up. “ you groaned, throwing the test at him which easily bounced off his chest. he laughed and knelt down to pick it up.
“ careful; we must cherish this! the first sign of our kin! wouldn’t you wish to keep it for memories? that is what people do, is it not? “ you felt your face burn as you took the test back, his excitement for it all endearing and annoying all at once. how could he always be so positive?
“ you mean you do want them? “ you stood up and set the plastic strip back onto the counter. he looked at you as if you had three heads.
“ of course! I would want nothing more than to revive the echidnas with the one I adore most. do you not wish to have them? “
“ no. “ you replied, then quickly added, “ I mean; yes! I do, but, it’s just.. a lot all of a sudden. “ you sighed, resting your palm to your face as you looked down. sensing your worry, knuckles set his hands on your waist and pulled you closer towards him.
“ what are you worried for? “ he questioned, and you looked up at him. curse your hormones making you tear up so quickly. you sniffed and shrugged.
“ I just worry I won’t be enough for them.. “
“ of course you will be. “ knuckles replied without hesitation, brows furrowed and a frown on his face, “ you are resilient! and ever charming, and intelligent, and considerate, and patient, and.. “ you raised your hand to cover his mouth, knowing well if you let him talk he would continue on. you let out a small teary laugh.
“ you really think so? “ he nodded, eyes focused on you as if to assure you, since you did cover his mouth. you uncovered it and were immediately met with a kiss.
“ I know it. if there was only one thing I was sure of, it is that. I have faith in you. “ he murmured, “ you will be a wonderful parent to our kin. “ you sniffed and nodded.
“ we can do this.. “
“ that we can. “ he replied with a bright grin, and you returned the gesture.
“ and I will train them to be the best warriors this planet has ever seen! “
“ knucks. “
you paced the throne room anxiously, worrying to yourself on how you would tell scourge. the scourge, king of anti-mobius and previously known non-monogamous ladies man. until you, of course. he had never let a single thing tie him down before you, and because of that you always had the inkling in the back of your mind that for any little reason, he would leave you. even if he’d assured you many times before it wasn’t true.
you nearly threw up alone as you heard the doors open and the said hedgehog came waltzing in. he looked rather cheerful. he had his sharp-toothed grin, glasses resting on his head and his eyes were focused on you. you nearly melted as his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into a kiss, which you distractedly returned. he pulled away with a small huff.
“ what, don’t love me anymore? c’mon babe, what’s with that kinda kiss? “ he frowned, almost a pout, as he pressed a few more kisses against your jaw. you wiggled in his hold and gingerly pushed him back, and his frown only grew, “ you okay? what’s up? someone say somethin’ t’you ? y’know I’ll fuck ‘em up. just say the world, doll. “
you shook your head with a soft snort, trying to calm him down before he riled himself up at the thought of someone making you upset. he was cute was he was so protective.
“ no - no. I just.. have something to tell you. “ he was quiet and then led you to his throne, where he sat and pulled you into his lap. he looked awfully serious now with the tone you had given him.
“ what is it, then? “ you wrung your hands together, contemplating how to word it. it didn’t help with scourge eyeing you, tapping his fingers against the armrest of his throne.
“ I’m.. “ you trailed off, then took a breath before continuing, “ I’m pregnant. “ you looked over at scourge, who’s eyes were wide and all motion had stopped. you could feel how tense he was and as you set a hand on his chest, you could feel his heart pounding beneath your palm.
“ you’re sure? “ he said as he finally found his voice.
“ extremely. “ he nodded slowly, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“ you’re keeping it? “ you looked up at him with a small frown.
“ do you want it? “ you asked instead, and you could feel his heart racing further underneath your touch. his chest was heaving slightly, “ I don’t have to if you don’t want me to. “
“ ‘s not my choice, doll. “ he replied with a soft huff, a forced laugh, “ ‘m not the one with somethin’ growin’ in me. “
“ scourge. “ you said sternly, moving to rise from his lap, “ if you don’t want it I won’t have it. I won’t get stuck raising kids on my own. you don’t have to avoid the question. “
he pulled you back down, and you huffed as you looked up at him. his fingers twitched around your arms before he let you go, realizing the action was wrong of him to do. you still stayed seated.
“ I do want ‘em. that ain’t what ‘m worried about. “ he said after a moment of silence, mulling over his words in his mind. he had learned to think before he spoke for you. he didn’t way round unintentionally upset you, “ I.. don’t know what a good dad’s like. “
you softened, recalling scourge’s past. his father had put his kingdom before him, and after many attempts to try and garner his attention; he’d given up, and stuck to himself. it ultimately let him to the bad group he’d found himself in for the rest of his life.
“ that doesn’t mean you won’t be a good dad. “ you replied quietly, reaching up to cup his face. he twitched away for a moment before melting into your hold, “ and I’ll be here with you. it’s not like you’ll be doing it alone. “
“ I just don’t want ‘em to turn out like me.. I didn’t do a good job - growin’ up. “ he sighed, closing his eyes, “ only good thing I did was find ya. “ you brushed your thumb against his cheek, and he scrunched up his face, “ ‘m not gonna lie, doll, I.. “ he trailed off, unable to finish. you knew what he wished to say. he was afraid.
“ I know. “ you whispered, “ do you want it? “
he nodded slowly, and you smiled, “ then I’ll keep them, okay? and we’ll figure it out.. you just gotta treat them like you treat me okay? you’re always so sweet with me, and patient.. and protective. that’s all I want you to be with them. “ he huffed through his nose and finally opened his eyes to look down at you.
“ y’really think I can do it? “
“ course I do, baby. I know how good you can be. “ he nodded slowly, and leaned down to give you a kiss.
“ let’s keep ‘em then. I’ll do my best for ya; and I give ya permission to give me a good smack if I fuck up, yeah? “ you giggled and shook your head. you knew he’d do well; he had the ability to do it. especially for those he cared about.
“ I love ya, doll. “
“ I love you too, scourgey. “
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tailschannel · 1 year
New zones, customization options, and Emerald Powers: a recap of the Sonic Superstars cover story
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Issue 358 of the Gameinformer magazine was published this Tuesday, and its 12-page column on the upcoming Sonic Superstars revealed a new look into its development, and previewed a number of in-game features and zones.
Here's everything you need to know.
Major takeaways
New zone names: Sky Temple, Pinball Carnival, Lagoon City, Sand Sanctuary, Press Factory, and unannounced Golden Capital.
New Emerald Powers: Avatar, Bullet, Water, Ivy, Vision, Slow, Extra, Super.
Expect vast character customization options in the brand new Items shop.
Select stages in a Generations-style World Map.
New zones
Characters have the choice of going through a normal act or a character-specific act. For example, finishing Act 1 of Speed Jungle Zone as Sonic allows you to choose between either playing the second act of Speed Jungle or an "Act Sonic," an alternate act of Speed Jungle where you zoom as Sonic, running away from a terrorizing Fang the Sniper.
There is reportedly a World Map similar to Generations where you run in a 2D-plane to select a stage.
There is also an items shop where you can trade medals in for customizable parts. Apparent, you can customize your "head, body, arms, legs, accessories color, and something called prototype."
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The third zone of the game is reportedly called Sky Temple Zone.
In the zone, there is a mini-game similar to the game "Breakout," where you turn into a ball and aim to break bricks.
The climax or the ending of the zone is a massive storm.
The fourth zone is called Pinball Carnival Zone.
As the name suggests, "a giant pinball arena and fast sequences with fireworks setting off."
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The fifth zone is called Lagoon City, which is filled with submerged city ruins and water slides.
Act 1 is mostly above water whereas Act 2 has several underwater sequences.
Amy's character-specific act of Lagoon City is fruit-based, with several gimmicks like a fruit based robots and such.
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Sand Sanctuary Zone is the sixth zone of Sonic Superstars and a seventh zone reportedly called Press Factory Zone.
Filenames in the newly released screenshots also disclosed the officially unannounced Golden Capital Zone.
Emerald Powers
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Emerald Powers were inspired by the Wisps mechanic from Sonic Colors.
Every stage has a giant gold ring and a giant blue ring. Completing the giant gold rings rewards you a Chaos Emerald and the the blue ring rewards you a medal.
Both special stages have the same central gameplay mechanic: swing from floating bubbles toward the moving objective.
Emerald Powers can be used by using the right stick and operate on a cooldown, with each star post checkpoint replenishing your cooldown meter.
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Avatar (Blue Emerald)
Allows you to create clones of yourself.
Useful for defeating any enemy that lies on you path.
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Bullet (Red Emerald)
Allows you to direct and shoot your character at a specified direction.
"It's an extremely useful action; it's probably the most useful action for this kind of game," Iizuka said.
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Water (Cyan Emerald)
Allows you to interact with any body of water, like swimming freely underwater or climbing up waterfalls.
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Ivy (Green Emerald)
Allows you to grow upward vines.
Helpful in reaching higher areas.
Can also be utilized to help your teammates in co-op mode.
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Vision (Purple Emerald)
Allows you to see hidden objects like platforms, rings, or items found in the level.
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Slow (Yellow Emerald)
Allows the player to slow down everything on screen.
Helpful in tighter platforming sequences or boss encounters.
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Extra (White Emerald)
Unlocks character-specific actions.
Sonic – Homing Attack: Unlocks the Homing Attack from the modern titles.
Tails – Tornado Spin: Unlocks a devastating tornado attack that can destroy enemies in front of you
Amy – Hammer Throw: Unlocks the ability for Amy to throw hammers instead of the usual Hammer Swing.
Knuckles – Punch: Unlocks the ability to punch for Knuckles.
Super Form (All 7 Emeralds)
Characters can turn into their Super form after collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds.
Characters won't have any specific abilities outside of being invincible and becoming faster.
Emerald Powers can still be used in Super form.
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The concept of Superstars came from a Zoom call by Naoto Ohshima during the initial COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Ohshima and Iizuka held producer roles for Sonic Superstars.
Despite hinting at a short development time than expected, Ohshima was impressed by Sonic Team and Iizuka.
"Though Arzest and Ohshima led development efforts on Sonic Superstars, Sonic Team collaborated frequently, with Iizuka and Ohshima constantly sharing ideas of and production duties."
There were talks between Iizuka and Whitehead's team following the release of Mania where concepts were considered, but the project fell through; however, Iizuka does states that he is "pleased that the next generation of Classic Sonic that we talked about with them has been achieved with Superstars."
Iizuka said that the programming for Superstars "is completely unique and done from scratch by Arzest."
(Story contributed by Spectre and Scarlett from the Tails' Channel Newsfeed)
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absurdcosmonaut · 8 months
Part two for the second request I submitted to @0vergrowngraveyard
Sonic was panicking, for some reason the emeralds decided that instead of being reasonable and staying put, they’d rather all circle around the fox kit. Sonic probably should have guessed something like this would happen, the emeralds were known for being notoriously unpredictable and Tails was a unique case being filled with chaos energy despite not being a user himself (even if he ignore the fact he was now a toddler)
However, Tails shouldn’t have been able to go super without Sonic… right? What changed?
The hedgehog stared in Shock at the spinning and giggling ball of fluff in mid air until the little fox grabbed his feet and flew up towards the high ceiling of the library. Sonic dashed in a streak of blue, jumping off a chair to try and reach the kid with his momentum. However, the fox was just out of reach and the hedgehog went careening into the red echidna beneath him, layering the guardian in thick quills.
“Watch where you’re jumping, hedgehog!,” he shouted grumpily. Ignoring knuckles’ comment, Sonic stood up and immediately ran back again, jumping off the wall this time to try and gain enough height on the fox.
He was within reaching distance once again before the fox took a look at him and gave a sly smirk, flying just high enough for him to miss and fall into a pile of books the fox had read over the past month or two. Sonic groaned and climbed out of the pile in a daze as he looked back up to the fox, whose nine tails swished back and forth in an almost taunting motion as he doubled over in the air laughing at his brother.
He looked back over at Amy and Cream for support only to find them snickering and video taping the whole thing. Sonic made an obscene gesture at them and Amy returned the favor. Some help they were…
Returning his gaze to the fox, he noticed he was closer now and a few feet away and above him, leaning towards him with his eyes closed and…
Was he…? HE WAS!! That little gremlin was sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry at him… oh it was on now. Sonic smirked, the fox wanted a challenge? Oh, he’d get one.
The blue speedster suddenly felt a hand come down on his shoulder, “while I don’t mind you chasing down the fox, could you maybe… take it outside so you don’t destroy the library?”, professor Pickle asked. Sonic was about to respond before there was a flash of light and Tails was gone. That… wasn’t good. Sonic hoped it was because he heard the professor and went outside to explore instead.
So, in a flash he was up the stairs and burst out onto the roof of the building over Spagoina. The fox kit stood at the edge of the building with a fire of blue energy surrounding his blue fur and nine tails. He looked up at Sonic, an innocent look in his eyes like he didn’t just taunt his elder brother.
This was his chance! He sped over to the kit, but just missed him when the fox once again floated above his reach. However, this time the hedgehog began plummeting nearly six stories down to the pavement on the street before he closed his eyes, bracing for impact when he noticed the landing never came.
He cracked an eye open, and noticed he was now super! How… did that happen? Usually it took a conscious effort with the emeralds for him to… wait, the emeralds! They gave him their power! But did that mean… he quickly looked back up at the fox only to see that he too was still in his super form… Oh… when he touched the kit for a brief second it must have been enough for the emeralds to give him his super form!
The kit shot away in a steak of white/blue down the streets, but this dance was already over. In a flash Sonic teleported the kit who crashed into his chest. Sonic gave a dramatic groan as the kit ran into him. “Well hey there you little twerp! You didn’t think you could outrun Sonic the hedgehog, did you?”, he said while ruffling the super-fox’s hair. Tails giggled at the motion.
Sonic frowned “are you… okay bud? Why did you run away like that?”, he asked. The kid got a guilty look and his face and rubbed his arm. Then, Sonic was stunned when he signed back “missed you, wanted to run again…” Sonic was so Shocked he was lost for words. “Oh bud… well, you can communicate now at least! Do you have your memories back too…?”, he asked in a hopeful manner. The blue kitsune out a finger to his chin before nodding repeatedly, “sure do! Though this body is… not very accommodating…”, he signed once more as he looked down frustratedly.
Sonic smiled, “Well bud, as fun as this is, I think it’s about time we head back down”, he said as he flew back towards the archive before landing. Tails pouted and crossed his arms, his nine tails wrapping him in a protective cocoon. “Ah, bud don’t be like that!”, Sonic begged. However, one tail moved away from the fox’s face revealing a tearful gaze of pleading. One look at that was all it took to defeat the hedgehog.
“Alright, fine… we’ll fly around the planet, but only a few times, deal?”, he asked. The fox jumped up off his brother with a gleeful squeal before hugging the hedgehog tight around the neck, purring softly. Sonic hugged back. He looked up, the kid in his arms, and they took off. The fox became lighter in his arms and eventually began flying beside the hedgehog, holding his hand as they flew around the planet’s different zones.
Okay… maybe brown could be his SECOND favorite color…
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Knuckles - The Epilogue
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''Ohh, oh, oh, oh, ohh! Who's the hunter, who's the game? I feel the beat, call your name! I hold you close in victory! I don't wanna tame your animal style! You won't be caged in the call of the wild! Shootin' at the walls of heartache! Bang, bang! I am the warrior! Well, I am the warrior, and heart to heart you'll win! If you survive the warrior! The warrior! Shootin' at the walls of heartache! Bang, bang! I am the warrior! Well, I am the warrior, and heart to heart you'll win! If you survive the warrior! The warrior!''
– The Warrior by Scandal (Knuckles)
Knuckles the Echidna held his head up high proudly as he was driving his newly acquired motorcycle on the road back to Green Hills. He briefly reached for the brown fedora with a black band and three gold stars in red with gold lining circles at the front of the band to flick it up, nodding his head along with the song that was playing on Wade Whipple's smartphone, The Warrior by Scandal. He had already decided that this song was his jam and was more than happy to let Wade play it on loop as they were driving back home.
Wade in turn, was keeping a tight grip on his new bowling trophy, cheering and singing to the song. Not only did he prove his worth by beating his father who had abandoned him at TJ Maxx, Pistol Pete Whipple, at the Bowling Tournament in Reno, Nevada, but also aiding Knuckles in defeating that old crazy man, The Buyer, or whoever he was, who had allied himself with the two rogue G.U.N. Agents to steal Knuckles' power. He truly became a warrior in his own right.
''Finally, we are back at home! I shall ask Maddie to prepare a feast in celebration of our victory and regale my tribe with the tales of our adventure,'' Knuckles said joyfully.
''I'm sure they'll be excited to hear what had happened!'' Wade shouted enthusiastically, having to admit that he was also quite excited to brag to Tom and Maddie about his accomplishment. Both of them were certain that they would be welcomed at Green Hills with open arms.
''I got it, I got it!'' Tails managed to catch the baseball Sonic had thrown, with the two playing catch in the backyard. He flew up, about to throw it back at Sonic, when both of them heard the sound of an engine and Tails saw who had just arrived. ''It's Knuckles! Knuckles is back!''
''What?'' Sonic was surprised, with Tails beckoning the blue hedgehog to follow him to the front driveway. Both of them were stunned to see the echidna riding on a motorcycle with Wade sitting behind him and holding a trophy. Sonic and Tails were happy to see the person who was basically their older brother at this point, with Sonic elbowing Tails, a wide smile on his expression. ''See? I told you he'd be fine! I guess Knuckles just needed… eh, a motorcycle and a hat?''
''I guess he was on some kind of road trip with Wade,'' Tails said, drawing conclusion from what he saw.
To be honest, neither of them had a clue where Knuckles had vanished to and they did search for him after realizing that he wasn't anymore at the attic, but Sonic was confident that Knuckles would be just fine. Tails was a bit worried about Knuckles, but he had to agree with Sonic that their older brother had been through worse and that he would be back eventually. They both concluded that he had probably gone on some kind of quest worthy of a warrior and they were curious what it was about.
''Knuckles, where were you?'' Sonic asked as Knuckles and Wade got off the motorcycle. ''Also, what's up with the hat and the motorcycle? Have you decided to join the Hells Angels?''
''I don't know any of these Angels that live in Hell, and no, I didn't join them. Instead, I had decided to take up the task of training Wade Whipple into becoming a proper warrior and defeat his greatest enemy on the battleground of Reno, Nevada,'' Knuckles replied, turning to Wade.
''Well, I don't want to brag too much…'' Wade started, only to show Sonic and Tails the trophy he had, ''…but I completely destroyed my old man in the bowling tournament! Ha! My dad never saw it coming! You should've seen me!''
''You have earned your title as a warrior. Your journey is complete,'' Knuckles said. Wade gave him a sincere smile.
''I wouldn't have managed to get so far without you Knuckles. Thank you,'' he replied. Knuckles tipped his head and nodded in acknowledgement, then turned towards Sonic.
''I also owe a 'Thank you' to you, Hedgehog. Your speech may have been confusing and your methods have not suited my ways, but you were right. Green Hills… No, Earth is now my home,'' Knuckles told him, with Sonic chuckling, being quite happy to hear that. He placed a hand on Knuckles' shoulder, giving him a wide smile.
''I knew you'd come around eventually. Your place is here, with us, and all it took was a road trip to Nevada to realize that. As a matter of fact, I also had to go on a road trip to realize that I wanted to stay on Earth instead of going to Mushroom Planet,'' Sonic said. Knuckles hummed in thought.
''You never told me that. Perhaps, going on a road trip is necessary ritual to accept Earth as your home.'' Knuckles then turned to Tails. ''Then, you are the next one to experience a road trip, Fox.''
''N-No, thanks… I've already been on a road trip with Sonic in Siberia. I don't think I need another one,'' Tails replied.
The group was about to go inside the house, when they suddenly heard loud steps coming from inside and saw Maddie approaching them. Sonic and Tails' eyes widened, as they realized that they kind of forgot about the aftermath of Knuckles' sudden disappearance. To say that the matriarch of the Wachowski family was furious was an understatement. It all started when Maddie went upstairs to deliver Knuckles the plate with his dinner, only to find out that the echidna was completely gone. Then, all Hell broke loose.
''Sonic, Tails? Where is Knuckles? Have you seen him?'' Maddie asked, her expression the epitome of serenity, but her eyes blazing with motherly rage. Sonic and Tails looked at each other nervously, having been playing video games in the living room.
''Uh, no? We've been here the whole day,'' Sonic replied. Maddie narrowed her eyes, with Sonic offering an anxious smile.
''Are you sure? You haven't heard anything or seen anything…?'' she asked again, with Sonic knowing that look. He knew that, if Maddie ever caught them lying about Knuckles' whereabouts, they were doomed. She may have been their motherly figure, but Sonic felt that he'd rather go against a Dr. Eggman powered up with the Master Emerald again than deal with a furious Maddie.
''No, we didn't hear nor see anything. We would've seen Knuckles if he tried to get past us,'' Sonic replied.
''Maybe he escaped through the window?'' Tails suggested. Maddie sighed in frustration, grabbing her smartphone.
''I don't know, but he'll be in so much trouble when he gets home,'' she said, walking into the next room and calling Tom, followed by Wade, followed by every person she knew in Green Hills about Knuckles' whereabouts. Meanwhile, Tails turned back to Sonic with a worried look on his expression.
''Do you think that I should've used one of my holograms to pretend that Knuckles was still here?'' he asked.
''No, because if you did that, we'd be in huge trouble and trust me, you don't want to experience what happens when Maddie gets angry. We just have pretend that we didn't know that Knuckles went missing until now, and we'll be fine,'' Sonic assured him.
''Okay, but what about Knuckles? What if he's in danger? We should go search for him,'' Tails replied.
''You said it yourself, Knuckles is the greatest warrior in the galaxy, so I wouldn't worry about him getting into trouble. He probably had gone to do some soul-searching and will be back in no time,'' Sonic said in a confident tone. Tails went silent for a moment, then gave Sonic a look of concern, his eyes wide.
''Do you think that Knuckles may have decided that he doesn't want to stay here anymore, at Green Hills? With us?'' he asked. Sonic shook his head.
''Absolutely not! You know that Knuckles considers us his tribe and he wouldn't go back on his promise. We made a power bump and we're brothers at this point. He will return, I'm sure,'' Sonic said, with Tails nodding in acknowledgement. ''Besides, the Master Emerald is still hidden in our roon, and we both know he wouldn't go anywhere without it.''
Tails chuckled. ''Yeah, you're right about that.''
Back in the present moment, neither Tails nor Sonic felt like laughing when they saw a furious Maddie stomping over to Knuckles and Wade. Knuckles and Wade's proud grins immediately faded away when they realized that she wasn't as overjoyed to see them as they thought she would be. Maddie inhaled deeply, glaring daggers at both of them.
''Knuckles, where have you been? Do you know how worried I was?'' she asked.
''I was merely on a quest with Wade,'' Knuckles said, sensing the tension in the air. As for Wade, he realized that both he and Knuckles were in deep trouble, even though he technically didn't do anything to piss off Maddie. He was startled when she suddenly turned to him.
''Also, why haven't you called me and told me that Knuckles was with you the whole time?! I've been searching the whole town for him!'' she said furiously.
''Maddie, look… I think you should just calm down and let us explain…'' Wade said, slowly stepping back. Even if he was a warrior now, he knew how to pick his battles. Throwing bowling balls at a guy in a robot mecha while powered up with Knuckles' quills was nothing compared to an angry Maddie.
Maddie pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled. ''Fine, but you-'' she pointed at Knuckles ''-are still grounded. How long you'll be grounded depends on your reasons for leaving.''
''I will accept my grounding with honor,'' Knuckles responded, also being well aware that there were some battles he simply couldn't fight, no matter how much he wanted to. He also figured that he wouldn't be punished for leaving once Maddie hears and understands his reasons. The group then walked into the house, with Sonic giving Knuckles an amused smile.
''I guess thinks can't get worse now, do they?'' he said.
''Don't worry, Hedgehog, I'm confident that I will be able to defend my case,'' Knuckles replied.
''Heh, we'll see about that,'' Tails said.
Unknown to Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, the situation actually got worse. Sort of. Of course, they believed that Dr. Eggman was gone and that G.U.N. wouldn't be bothering them again, and there were certainly no new adversaries attacking Green Hills, but the reason for that was because their new foe was miles away from Montana.
Nobody really payed any attention to the black and red hedgehog walking through a casino in Reno, figuring that he was just some kind of mascot or a guy in a costume. The hedgehog, in turn, was content with the lack of attention, solely focused on his own task. He paused for a moment, closing his eyes and focusing on the strange sensation that he felt, turning on his heel and walking towards the source of this sensation. He had already made the mistake to not follow his senses and instead focused on his memories, only to end up at a familiar bowling alley. Scoffing, he returned back to the other part of the building, being guided by this sensation.
He then stopped in front of a glass case, which displayed a bunch of trophies and photographs of previous winners of the bowling tournament, along with a green diamond-shaped gem inside it. He smirked, and his body became enveloped in orange sparking energy. The glass suddenly shattered as he punched through it, grabbing the green jewel.
''It all starts with this… A jewel containing the ultimate power…'' Shadow the Hedgehog stated, lifting the green Chaos Emerald up. His ears flicked when he heard people shouting, with the security guards arriving at the scene.
''What are you doing?! You can't just break the glass and steal-'' Before the security guard could even finish his sentence, Shadow furrowed a brow, shooting him a glare. He then held out the Chaos Emerald. ''There's no time for games… Farewell! Chaos Control!''
The security guard was left baffled when the hedgehog suddenly vanished into thin air. He then shook his head, deciding that he wasn't payed enough for this weirdness.
High above on a cliff overlooking Green Hills, there was a flash of light, revealing a small figure appearing seemingly out of nowhere. The figure narrowed his golden eyes, his body enveloped in cyan sparking energy.
''I hope that I'm in the right time. I can't let the future get destroyed!'' Silver the Hedgehog stated. ''I need to find that person, the wielder of the Flames of Destruction!''
He then flew up, his body covered in cyan energy, and flew towards where he believed his foe waited, determined to make sure that the future wouldn't turn into a desolate wasteland covered in flames and ashes.
#Current Chapter
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Breakfast, Bitches
Summary: The story where Modern!Shadow makes Boom!Team Sonic breakfast after a sleepover. You can say it’s because he cares about them, but he says it’s because Meh Burger is very unhealthy and he’s not letting them eat it for breakfast. Because he cares about them.
Quick Notes: This is my first time writing Sonic Boom after over a year ago, which I think I’d like to leave in the past like something I can look back on and say “Oh I was still practicing back then, don’t take it seriously”. I think I did pretty good, but tell me if you think it needs more comedy or shenanigans, I just didn’t think many were necessary since it’s early morning. This is based off @zumbieve‘s Isekai’d Shadow AU, which I thought was really cool!
Word Count: 2,322
Something smelled good.
That was the first thing Sonic noticed when he woke up a few minutes ago. Something smelled good, really good. Good enough to pull him from sleep and motivate him to sit up. In doing so, he was confused not to feel the same familiar movement of his hammock. Instead he felt a soft blanket separating him from the floor. A quick look out the window and Sonic realized how early it was, and that he was in Tails’ living room.
The sun was still barely rising. The sky was a shade of blue with just enough light to barely make out the small fox sleeping nearby. Sonic smiled a little and yawned. For a moment, he considered going back to sleep. He could hear the others snoring quietly nearby. No, he had to investigate. As comfortable as the moment and makeshift bed was, he wanted to figure out what smelled so good. The blue hedgehog began standing up. He moved slowly as to not disturb anyone, and because he was still a little tired. Once he was up, he rubbed his eyes and looked at his feet. He stepped carefully over Tails, the maneuvered around Knuckles, who was asleep on the hanging couch with his legs hanging off? Sonic knew better now than to question, but… Why?
He turned to the direction the smell was coming from. It was coming from his kitchen, and as he paid more attention, he also heard the faint sound of sizzling and someone humming a tune. Sonic’s heart picked up and he was suddenly much more awake. He moved as silently as he could to feel for the light switch. Once he found it, he flipped it on to see who it was. The sudden glare of the light made him squint, but his eyes adapted pretty quickly.
“Shadow?!” Sonic exclaimed. Don’t worry, not the edge lord one. The short one.
Shadow briefly turned to him, a spatula in his hand while the other held the pan steady.”Good morning to you, too.” He said half sarcastically. He turned his attention back to the pan. Sonic, confused and curious, walked over to see what it was he was doing. Since this Shadow was shorter, he could look over his shoulder. Three pancakes were on the pan, placed far enough apart not to touch and have some space between them. Sonic realized that the smell that woke him up was Shadow cooking. He looked at the dark hedgehog with slight confusion.
Since meeting him, this different version of Shadow has been… an experience. He was distrusting of them at first, like they were of him, but both sides learned to trust each other. They even gave this Shadow a nickname incase of the awkward scenario in which the two Shadows meet; Shads. Original, right? Despite their original thoughts, this Shadow was actually a great addition to the group, and an excellent friend. In his own way, more often than not.
He’d been invited to the sleepover, and even though he didn’t talk much, his presence proved to make that evening a little more interesting. Sonic remembered that the best part was how he reacted when they found out how often they ate Meh Burger after ordering some last night. He looked disturbed and said that wasn’t healthy to eat that kind of food so often, and Knuckles joked that Meh Burger practically wasn’t food at all. Shadow didn’t understand it was a joke at first, but it wasn’t entirely wrong. Meh Burger really lived up to its name.
Shadow nudged the spatula under one of the pancakes and flipped it.”Check the plate over there.” He said, pointing to his left.”I made enough for almost everyone to have three,” Shadow swiftly turned around and glared at Sonic, “only three,” He turned back to the flip the second pancake, “and this last batch is almost done. Go ahead and get some, but keep the others in mind. They’re not awake yet.” He said. Sonic looked in the direction the dark hedgehog was pointing. As Shadow said, there was a plate of pancakes on the counter.
Sonic walked over to them and took a deep breath in through his nose.”Oh, that smells amazing.” He said. He couldn’t help but smile a little. He noticed the bowl of scrambled eggs and plate of bacon right of the pancakes.”You made eggs and bacon too?” Sonic asked, genuinely surprised. There seemed to be enough for everyone. When he turned around, Shadow had flipped the third pancake.
”Yes. It took me more time than I’d have liked since I had to leave to buy the ingredients, cook the bacon, pancakes, eggs, and then come back with them. I forgot to cook the last three pancakes, so I’m doing that now.” He said. He glanced outside, and so did Sonic. Streaks of pink broke through the light blue, a sign that the sun was finally close to rising above the horizon.”It was still dark when I started. Now that I’m almost done cooking, all there is to do is clean up.” Shadow added.
Sonic looked around the kitchen incase he missed anything when he first turned the light on, but he couldn’t find whatever mess Shadow was referring to.“I don’t see any mess.” He said.
“The dishes I used.” Shadow responded.
Sonic scanned the three options again. How long did it take for him to make it? And why?“Why, though?” Sonic asked as he turned around. Shadow was putting the three pancakes onto a plate and paused to give him a confused look. Immediately, Sonic raised both hands as if in surrender.“Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate it! But I don’t understand why.” He said.
Shadow came closer with the plate holding the last three pancakes. Sonic reached out to grab one, but Shadow gave him a stern look that made him laugh nervously and put both hands behind his back. Shadow stepped beside him and held the plate in his hands at an angle to let the pancakes slide perfectly onto the plate with the rest.“I used them, so I clean them.” Shadow replied. He turned around and grabbed the pan and spatula to start washing them in the sink, which looked cleaner than last Sonic remembered.
“No, I mean the food.” Sonic elaborated.
Shadow grabbed a nearby sponge and started with the plate.“I woke up pretty early and couldn’t fall back asleep. I got bored, so I looked at the time and decided it would be a good time to start breakfast. Also, because of habit.” He replied. He spent a moment scrubbing it, then grabbed a nearby washcloth to dry it. Sonic turned back to the pancakes. Surely one bite wouldn’t hurt. He picked one up and took a bite out of it.
For a second, he could practically feel a sparkle in his eyes. It tasted a little like heaven, with a bit of strawberry. He quickly ate the food in his mouth.”Oh my gosh, this is great!” He exclaimed, then proceeded to try to stuff the rest of it into his mouth. He made a few admittedly gross sounds that he knew made Shadow cringe. Sonic heard a small yawn and turned around to see Tails leaning against the counter for support, still sleepy.
“What’s great? And why are the lights on?” He asked tiredly. He rubbed his eyes as he began walking over to Sonic.
“Shadow made these pancakes.” Sonic replied. He took one from the plate and handed it to Tails.
He took a small bite and smiled.“These are pretty good!” He said, sounding a little less tired. He turned to look at Shadow, who was standing his toes to reach the higher cabinets Tails kept his plates in. Tails himself needed a stepping stool or to hover to reach them, but both brothers still found it funny that Shadow had to stretch a little. Both brothers tried to keep their laughter under control.”Thanks, Shadow!” Tails said. He was doing a better job at keeping his laughter down than Sonic.
Shadow turned around.“You’re welcome. Also, what’s so funny?” He asked.
Sonic waved a hand.“Nothing, nothing.” He said, trying and failing to get his laughter under control.”Just a small thing we remembered.” He said. Tails snickered at the joke. Shadow gave them a pretty disappointed look and turned back to start washing the pan and spatula.“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you have a short temper.” Sonic said.
“It’s morning, Sonic. Everyone has a short temper in the morning.” Shadow said.
Tails’ snickering was cut off with a yawn and he leaned against Sonic again. Sonic gave him a side hug and Tails continued eating his pancake with slow bites. It was a habit or something between them to have at least one hug in the mornings, and more often than not, Tails would almost fall back asleep leaning against his big brother.“I bet you especially?” Sonic teased.
Shadow chuckled softly at the joke.“Well, you’re not wrong.” He said. Sonic paused. Shadow chuckled. He just chuckled. Holy crap, that chuckle was somehow so nice to hear! Sonic wanted to hear it again, but it felt like his mind was running all over the place after hearing that. How was he this excited over hearing that laugh?”Anyways, I’m going to be heading out pretty soon.” Shadow said, interrupting Sonic’s thoughts.
“Wha — Already? But the others aren’t up yet! And you haven’t eaten breakfast!” Sonic said. He was suddenly determined to get Shadow to stay just a little longer.
Shadow put the pan and spatula away. He turned to them looking a little less grumpy and a little more confused.”I already ate breakfast, and I was under the assumption that you’d want me to leave after.” He said. Sonic sprinted to stand next to him, and Tails almost fell over, but caught himself against the counter. Sonic reached a high cabinet and opened it to grab a plate. He was definitely getting his second and third pancakes, and some bacon. And eggs, with ketchup, obviously.
“No way, man! Last night was cool, and today we’re going on a boring hike through the forest!” He said with an odd amount of enthusiasm. He grabbed a second plate and handed it to Tails when he walked back to the counter with the food.
Tails put his unfinished pancake on his plate and went to get some more food for himself.“Wanna come with us?” He asked hopefully. If Sonic wasn’t already smiling at the promise of actually good food, he’d be smiling at how Tails was acting.
Out of the whole group, Tails was the most nervous around Shadow. The first Shadow was a jerk to all of them, Tails especially for some reason. Hearing about that “fox hunting” comment made Sonic want to do things he’d probably end up arrested for. Plus, he’s still a kid, so it was no wonder he didn’t want to be near him at all in the beginning.
Last night changed that a bit, though. With some more time to talk, the group had learned a couple things about Short Shadow’s world. When Shadow explained what a motorcycle was, Tails wanted to hear more, and Shadow seemed almost happy to share information about them, including his own. Sonic had no clue what they were saying after five minutes and honestly found it a little boring, but Tails seemed so happy listening to Shadow talk about the different engines and whatnot, so who was he to interrupt?
Sonic probably wouldn’t say it out loud, maybe, but he was honestly proud of Tails seeing him start to trust this second Shadow.
Shadow hummed.“Well, I don’t have much else to do, so exploring the island a bit more might be interesting.” He said.
“Turn the light off!” Amy groaned. The three of them looked over to where she was sleeping on the couch. She was trying to cover her head with the blanket to block out the light. Sonic glanced outside. The sky was now a mixture of pink, blue, and some yellow.”Wait, what’s that smell? Did someone make breakfast?” Amy asked. She sat up and lifted a hand to cover her mouth when she yawned.
Sonic got his food and some silverware. He walked over to the couch and sat down to eat.“Yep, and get this; Shadow made it. You’ve gotta try it, it’s really good.” He said. He used his fork to pick up some scrambled eggs covered in ketchup and ate them. It could just be the pretty much daily Meh Burger after so long, but he thought this food was amazing.
“Shadow made breakfast?” Knuckles asked. Apparently, he was awake, too. Still hanging off the other couch a little, but awake. He fell to the floor with a thud when he tried to get up.
Amy rubbed her eyes and smiled. She turned around to look at Shadow.”That’s really nice of you, Shadow. It smells amazing. Thank you.” She said. She got up off the couch to get some breakfast herself. Sonic heard another yawn from the opposite side of him and looked over at the somehow still intact blanket fort Sticks made the night before. Soon, Sticks emerged, her fur looking a little like a small mane with it all out of the ropes she used to tie it.
Shadow gave a small scoff in the kitchen.”It’s normal breakfast food. If you consider this amazing, then you’re eating more unhealthy garbage than I thought.” He said.
Sticks pointed at him.”Hey, don’t insult garbage like that!” She said. Sonic could see the eye roll from Shadow, and he was focused on eating. Whatever was said next was lost from Sonic’s ears. Forget Meh Burger, this food was even better than their milkshakes! Could Shadow make better milkshakes? Or better chili dogs? That, Sonic had to find out. Maybe he’d ask during lunch!
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thel0llip0p · 9 months
A World Without Sonic
a sonadow prime ficlet, you can guess what it's about.
**disclaimer: i'm not a writer and I did not proofread it lol. this was the idea for my next comic but i got lazy to draw it so i wrote it out instead for now.
tags? sonadow , character death/mourning, platonic shadamy, mention of: tails, knuckles, rouge, big, eggman
Shadow finds himself in the last spot he was in right before the prism shattering, his arms held out and empty where the blue hedgehog once was, feeling disoriented for only a split second.
The cave!
Wasting no time, the black hedgehog dashes away making his way up to his destination. His heart racing wondering if Sonic made it alive and intact. A pit in his stomach grew on his way over, fearing the outcome. Like Schrödinger's cat, unfortunately there was only one way to find out, whether he liked it or not.
He makes his grand appearance at the mouth of the cave, and without thinking calls out
His heart dropped. At the scene, Eggman and Sonic's friends all staring blankly at him, both parties equally confused. But sonic was nowhere in sight.
This left him no choice.
"Chaos Control!"
and he disappeared just like that, along with the Paradox Prism.
Warping to a secluded location unbeknownst to anyone except himself, he sheltered the prism.
I guess this will have to do for now.
Against his will, he supposed he'd have to be the guardian of this thing for now, not unlike a certain echidna and the master emerald but he knew he couldn't entrust the prism with anyone else other than himself.
Now that the prism was taken care of for now, he could finally think about the burden on his mind.
Did he really not make it ?
He refused to believe that the bundle of blue joy was no longer in existence. He couldn't leave things at that, this warranted further investigation.
He needed answers now.
And he first person that came to mind was...
"I really... don't know who you are talking about?" Tails pondered with a hand to his chin. "Are you sure you're feeling okay, Shadow?"
"The name Sonic doesn't ring a bell? Really? Your blue hedgehog best friend? Try to remember."
"I feel like, it's supposed to be familiar but I don't really know. Nothing comes to mind. Sor-"
"Never mind, then."
Shadow walked away.
"Umm.. okay?" Tails shrugged him off, thought left a little dumbfounded.
On to the next one..
"Hey redhead, where's your blue friend Sonic?"
"What did you call me?!" Knuckles didn't take so kindly to the nicknames and much less being interrupted during his midday nap.
"Where's Sonic?"
"Don't know 'im"
He sighed defeatedly and took his leave.
Tails didn't know. Knuckles didn't know.
Big and Rouge didn't know either.
Of course Sonic isn't going to be anywhere. He's not here. It's like he never existed. And even knowing this was venture was fruitless, he felt the need to ask everyone anyway, as if he was holding out hope for something.
How stupid. This behaviour wasn't like him.
And there was only one last person left, the only person who could possibly understand even a tiny bit how he felt.
"Oh Shadow nice to see you around. You don't normally stroll around so casually, did you need something?" Amy, oh so very cheerful as always.
"Have you seen Sonic?" Shadow was straight to the point.
"Sonic? Ummm.." she gave it some thought. She felt like she was supposed to know who that was and although she didn't, it did make her heart flutter a bit. "Is he your friend?"
"No, he's not my friend, just someone I'm looking for."
"Oh... well I noticed you've been asking and searching around endlessly. He must be someone important to you."
"...Yeah, I guess so." He melancholically looked off into the distance.
The two of them were sitting on a hill with a nice view of the green hill landscape.
"If you don't mind, can you tell me more about Sonic? Who was he? What happened?"
"He... was a hero, your friend.. everyone's friend.." he trailed off.
"..And I couldn't save him."
Tears began to well as he began to recall his last memories of their adventure together. A surge of pain growing in his chest and his suppressed feelings beginning to surface.
Amy turned to Shadow, concern on her face. He was normally never vulnerable with anyone but in this moment, for some reason he felt like he could confide in Amy with this. Even if he couldn't delve into detail.
"He sacrificed himself to save the universe, and now he doesn't exist and no one remembers him... except me." He did his best to hold back his emotions.
She listened to him with sympathy in her eyes.
"A world without Sonic, is not the same world at all. I can't imagine a world without him, and here I am. Here's not here anymore." Brushing away the tears, he turned away to hide his face from her.
Amy wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug.
"It's okay Shadow. I'm sure it's not your fault.
Knowing you, you probably did everything you could to try to save him. And surely Sonic is thankful for your effort."
He wanted to believe her but his emotions only welled further.
"It wasn't enough... I wasn't enough, and now he's gone. Forever."
She stroked his back, trying to comfort best as she could.
"As long as you remember him in your heart, he exists and lives on in your heart."
At this point , Shadow was basically crying into her shoulders, and although it was extremely embarrassing he couldn't help himself. The tears flowed like rivers, mourning the loss of the only hedgehog he saw as his equal, rival, possibly friend?
How could he live on like this ? First Maria, now Sonic.
His feelings of remorse, hopelessness and sorrow overwhelming him.
When would it end?
Amy's embrace brought him comfort, but oh how he wished he was in Sonic's instead.
He felt his sense of self drifting away until everything became black.
"Shadow ?"
Amy's voice tried to reach him but her voice sounding increasingly faint.
"Shadow ?"
A familiar voice...
"Hey you okay?"
Slowly opening his eyes, he saw emerald green eyes looking down at him and a blur of blue and sunshine.
"S-sonic?" A sudden wave of relief came over him.
He sat up. "You're okay?"
"Of course I am?
He realized he had been sleeping on Sonic's lap? And oh, there was remnants of tears on his face?
"What was that about? Bad dream got ya?" Sonic teased as he layed back against a palm tree, hands behind his head.
Shadow sighed. "Guess you could say that," rubbing the back of his neck.
"I dreamt... you didn't make it back to Green Hill and everyone had forgotten about you. It's like you never existed."
"Oh you missed me so much you started crying in your sleep? Aww-"
Shadow grabbed his face with his hand, squishing his cheeks "Shut it, you." And kissed him.
"I'm just glad you're okay."
And the two resumed their peaceful afternoon by the beachside.
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Maddie's eyes widened as her gaze found Tails, his namesake flicking without a care in the world and his arms overflowing with bags of mints, so many, it was a miracle the fox wasn't falling over from the weight, nevermind dropping any.
"Tails" called, Maddie, doing her best not to chuckle at the sight. Innocently, Tails's blue eyes peaked from his pile.
"Yes, Mrs. Wachowski?"
"Please, go put all those mints back, you can keep one bag" said Maddie, in the most calm tone a mother could have.
She hoped Tails would listen, to say "okay" and replace the bags where he found them. What she got instead was a frown and big, puppy eyes.
Oh no...
Not those eyes...
"Tails, no. Just keep one" Maddie's voice was raised with more command, pushing back the urge to give in. He wasn't going to use Ozzie's tricks.
The order seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Tails's eyes only became wider to send out various conflicting signals within the brain that fought against Maddie's maternal instincts while her son continued to resemble a certain orange cat with those big, adorable eyes and squishable face.
'Let him keep the mints'
'We can't afford to buy everything for him everytime'
'He's so cute and adorable and fluffy'
'The house still needs repairs'
'Who would say "no" to that cute face?'
'We literally can't afford this'
Wait... Was that a whimper?
"MILES TAILS WACHOWSKI!" Maddie finally shouted, able to pull herself out of the mental argument with herself, though it did nothing to shrink her son's unblinking, begging eyes. "I SAID PUT THE MINTS BACK!"
Maddie sighed as she closed the door, as everyone did their best to ignore the strong smell of mint from Tails while Sonic was pressed against the door as far as he could, plugging his nose with a grip that would make Knuckles jealous.
Tom's gaze fell onto Maddie, whose palm was pressing against her forehead.
"I know..." Was all the answers he needed. No other words were spoken on the drive home, except for the silent agreement between the parents.
Tails, seriously needs a intervention
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marionedde · 2 months
ok im finally writing the sonic theory essay no one asked me to write
ok so i was thinking about the chaoes emerald skills in superstars, skill types in riders/heroes, the chao evolution in sa2, and color schemes.
im gonna cover the reasoning later, but for now, my main theory is this:
the colors of the chaos emeralds directly connect with what skill or attribute they enhance. here's a chart:
Tumblr media
The characteristics are based off the animal types and chaos drive colors in sa2. Figuring this out was just a game of elimination and context clues.
I'm not going to be counting superstars much since most of the skills don't make a lot of sense.
Let's start:
red chaos emerald- power.
this one is simple. the chaos drive for power is red, knuckles (who is power type) is red.
yellow chaos emerald- swim.
This one seems a bit contradictory, since in superstars the water comes from the blue chaos emerald, yknow cuz it's blue. But i argue yellow is swim since that's the chaos drive color in sa2. There isnt much other arguement- you could say that an arguement is that tails is yellow and can actually swim, unlike sonic who cant swim, and kunckles who (i might be wrong) doesn't have a swimming sprite.
green emerald- run.
this one has a lot to back it up. Sonic's eyes are green. Surge is green, the chaos drive for run is green. Shadow, who is techincally speed based but as the ultimate life form has essentially all skills under his belt, is speed based and uses the green emerald.
Cyan emerald- intelligence
ok, cyan white and blue are the three emeralds that are big stretches. There isn't a cyan chaos drive, and counting the secret types of the animals (luck, intelligence, ghost and mythical) individually would make one run out of chaos emeralds. So that was a no no. Instead, I separated luck and intelligence, putting luck with blue and intelligence here, and just keeping mystical and ghost together. technically, ghosts are mystical too, right? also, tails' eyes are cyan- intelligence. the computers and sage in frontiers are either red (powerful) or cyan (intelligent. get it?)
Blue emerald- luck/intelligence
i put this one as blue since sonic, who is consistently getting into near death situations and SOMEHOW not dying.
purple emerald- fly
not much evidence for this one, aside from the chaos drive. And, if i incorporate superstars for ONE second, the sight skill allows you to see hidden platforms. Flying is connected with surveillance, and if you were to stand on an invisible platform it would look like you were flying.
white emerald- mythical/ghost
white is a color that is almost always associated with magical things or spirits. Since mythical and ghost go hand in hand (opposites attract) so this one is self explanatory.
so, finally, after that has bounced around violently in my skull for about 5 months, i've written it. im exhausted.
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reploidbuddy · 6 months
Now that the character designs are back up in Welcome Aboard the Maria and the first 2 chapters of At Hope’s end, here’s part two of the art that was inside the fic B)
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Here is the Emerald art that was scattered across the fic once they found the emerald featured inside it!
While I'm at it though I think I'll explain them a bit further because they are a Concept™. Basically I wanted each crewmate to be "attached" to the Emerald that represented them most or ended up being the Emerald where they have a very important moment/issue happen.
So uuuh I'll put the reasons under a cut since it's highkey spoilers, I just feel like gushing about them fjbdjc
Amy’s gets the first green one because if it wasn’t on her card reading, positive interaction with Megs and her "can we keep him" attitude, they wouldn’t have thought of bringing him along and that would have changed everything I won't lie.
Tails gets the clear one because it's the first that was found with his Emerald Tracker, and it's honestly their best tool throughout the entire story.
Shadow gets the fake/dark/cursed emerald due to his stop-at-nothing attitude towards getting them, which has blinded him more than once, but especially in this case since it's the only time he’s ever brushed off Amy’s readings.
Rouge gets the yellow since while they're hunting for it and Shadow’s bedridden, it’s the first time she realized that getting her share of the treasures left a bittersweet taste in her mouth with the thought she might have to be the captain. Also that she was willing to finish his quest for him.
...I don’t think Knuckles’ needs an explanation considering his entire arc with Silver :p
Sonic gets the dark blue since it’s the one they find in Soleanna and he's the entire reason they're there in the first place, and his willingness to help Elise (while respecting his own boundaries) is what allows them to get the Emerald in the end. Took off his ring finger there metaphorically because he does NOT want to marry, he has all his fingers in the story fjdncn
Blaze gets the light blue because it’s during that time that she has to make a very important decision with her principles vs helping Shadow and it’s generally the Emerald that brought the most turmoil in her
Omega’s red because he makes his very first completely irrational decision and shows he cares a lot through it
And Silver gets the purple because it’s when he truly started to understand what his powers were about after his talk with Knuckles, and it’s thanks to this that they had close calls with Gaia’s Shadow instead of just straight up dying like 5 times (and the turquoise star under him represents what all this allowed him to do with Knuckles during the climax <3 a bright turquoise star) Kinda fun that the first crewmate Shadow and Rouge meets ends up being the last one to have his Big Moment™ that was an accident but a happy one
I kept them all in their og outfits because I didn’t want a "cut" between them but didn't want to spoil the (then undesigned lmao) future outfits
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Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday Once Again
Based on me and my brother's interactions. Fic is under the cut! Enjoy!
“Tails, I’m bored.”
“Well, that seems like a you problem.”
Sonic sighed as he laid down on the floor in Tail’s workshop. The fox was working on something that he says isn’t going to be important. Just a fun little project for him to indulge in his hobby. Sonic, on the other hand, has nothing to do. That leads into the situation that is currently happening.
“Tailssss, give me something to do!”
“Why don’t you go for a run? Or check up on the others?”
“I already did! Everyone else is doing other things right now!”
He wasn’t lying. Amy was babysitting Cream, the Chaotix were working on a case that they wished to do by themselves, Knuckles was busy with the Master Emerald, Rouge is trying to steal it, and Shadow said he was busy working on something and told Sonic to leave him alone. Tails was the only person Sonic could think of bothering.
“Eggman isn’t-” “Available to beat up? Yep. You’re the only person I could think of bothering.”
“Darn…alright, fair enough. I sorta can’t leave this gizmo unattended though otherwise-” “You’ll lose motivation to work on it?”
“Yeah! How’d ya know?”
“Mmmmaaagiicccc~” Sonic chuckled before sitting up, “Guessing what you’re going to say before you finish your sentence is easy though.”
“Really? I find that hard to-” “Believe?”
Tails shot the hedgehog a look, “That one was an easy one!”
“Then give me a harder one!”
“Alright, how about,” The fox cleared his throat, “The-” “The fitness gram pacer test is a-”
Tails chucked a pillow right at Sonic’s face, interrupting the blue hedgehog, “That wasn’t what I was going to say!”
Sonic let out a couple of laughs, “Then what were you gonna say?”
Tails opened his mouth and left it open as his brain searched for something to say. He then closed his mouth and sent Sonic a glare that made the hedgehog nearly begin laughing again.
“What were you going to say, Tails?”
“...Shut up.”
“I was right wasn’t I?”
“Do you want another pillow to the face?”
Sonic looked at the pillow in his lap, “Why do you have pillows in here anyway?”
“So I can use them to take naps, duh.”
“...Bro, why don’t you use your bed?
Tails froze solid in his chair as if Sonic just caught him eating all the mints. Sonic got up from the floor and walked over to Tails in a joking, yet menacing fashion.
“Answer the question, Tails,” He spoke, on purposely lowering his voice to be “threatening”.
“...Chair comfy?”
Now, normally Sonic would agree with that statement. However, he is trying to be a good role model as an older brother so he simply raised a brow instead.
“That’s the excuse you’re going for? Buddy, if you keep this up you’re probably going to get some good ol back pain and trust me when I say that won’t be fun.”
Tails looked away from Sonic as the hedgehog let out a sigh, “By the way, when did you last take a break?”
“Uhhhh, does eating breakfast with you count?”
“That was five hours ago.”
Tails blinked in shock before looking at the time. His stomach growled and he shot a glare at Sonic.
“How dare you make me aware of my bodily functions.”
Sonic chuckled, “Ooo, you need to eat food and hydrate! Oooo!”
Tails jokingly let out a hissing noise as Sonic picked him up with ease, “How are you gonna grow up to be a big and strong boy, huh?”
“Hey, put me down! I’m not five!”
“You’re right, you’re eight! Nice job counting there, bro!”
“...I am going to bite you the moment you put me down.”
Sonic grinned, “Like you could catch me, Mr. I forgot to eat and my stamina is probably in the negatives.”
“...Okay, I’m going to straight up fight you now.”
“Wow, I am so scared.”
“I know where you sleep!”
“I know where I sleep as well, you ain’t special!”
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neoclassic-sonic · 11 months
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Metal Amy artwork from the Sonic Superstars Digital Deluxe Artbook. Eyes edited to be teal instead of red since I feel that having Metal Amy and Metal Tails sharing red eyes with Metal Sonic kinda made Knuckles an outlier. I picked teal over blue since her ears were already blue.
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pico-digital-studios · 7 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Sonic.RAW
Created by: randidesu
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"Ya know, it's super cool to get to work alongside all these people. It doesn't even feel like the most professional job out there, but I really like how people can actually relate to your struggles and not chastise you for it. It's helped me to better grow as a person and know that I don't have to follow by example as I used to."
Sonic.RAW is an entity made as a byproduct of various other EXEs' forms, so he lacks a lot of powers they inherit, including Sonic's speed. This makes him stand out as more of a normal being compared to the demonic or malicious malware traits several other EXE entities carry with them.
Unfortunately, this opened the poor guy up to bullying and abuse from various other EXEs for not being on par with them. As such, since his form was based on the SEGA Saturn version of Sonic, he was sent off to a world based on the Sonic Jam game collection to follow the parole of Sonic.EXE; kill any innocents he finds.
Something RAW was thankful for, however, was his knowledge in creating art, gadgets and other sorts of crafts. With this in mind, he got his own Sonic gear-up sorted out; white rubber gloves, folded knee socks to resemble the shoe cuffs, and a pair of snazzy Sonic-esque shoes. It seemed like just the perfect plan to catch Sonic and trick others into believing he's the blue blur.
His first destination was Green Hill Zone (Sonic 1), where Sonic was dashing through as per usual. After hiding behind some trees for a bit, RAW tried going after Sonic, but due to a lack of Sonic's speed, he kept falling into the dirt, his face, gloves and shoes getting dirtier with each slipup. Eventually, a Badnik caused him to lose a life, since he lacked rings.
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Of course, Sonic was quick to notice and rushed back to where RAW was, surprised at seeing another version of himself that was badly hurt. Though RAW tried to push him back, Sonic just couldn't leave him behind. Before he could help him up, however, a gruesome-looking black hand emerged from a portal, grabbing RAW and dragging him in, before scratching Sonic's forehead as he attempted to get after it. It was clear the EXEs weren't happy with RAW for failing this task.
His second attempt was at Casino Night Zone (Sonic 2), and this time, he decided to meddle with the zone's layout. The lights in the casino were all switched off, replaced by lanterns on the floors and ceilings. There weren't many springs or bumpers, which made the place easier to navigate around.
Tails was the next target, and he felt unnerved wandering through the area, though he got to the checkpoint in one piece. Once there, he came across RAW, who was now sporting a pair of cool shades to mimic the black eyes Sonic.EXEs often tend to have. Tails's first reaction was to compliment the shades RAW made, which actually flustered the guy. As soon as he spoke, though, Tails quickly realised that it wasn't Sonic and bolted it.
That was meant to be RAW's cue to go after the kid, but the modified layout ended up working against him; he tripped on multiple lanterns during the chase, and to make things worse, the last one he fell over shattered, a glass shard stabbing into his head and causing him to cry from the pain. Tails immediately got back to help him out, since he had suffered major injuries. After he was all patched up again, that dratted hand came and claimed RAW once more.
This time, Tails was able to relay this information to Sonic, meaning that Knuckles was at the ready in Flying Battery Zone Act 2 (Sonic 3K), the airship being in the middle of a thunderstorm. Knuckles remained prepared as the final platform rose above the Flying Battery, only instead of encountering an Eggrobo, RAW showed up with a hang glider, using the heavy wind to keep himself afloat.
For the battle, he made versions of his shoes with electric energy that could shoot electricity bolts at Knuckles whenever he rubbed them together. Knuckles managed to knock him out of position, but due to the rain making contact with those shoes, RAW was fried and fell to the ground with various bruises. Before he could get up, though, Knuckles quickly picked him up and ran with him as the airship began self-destructing.
Knuckles managed to land on the Tornado safely with Sonic and Tails, while RAW had passed out from the pain. The black hand emerged from the portal one last time to grab RAW, but this time, Knuckles attacked it, forcing it to clear off and denying the EXEs any chance of getting at him again. Once the team landed, RAW was quickly treated to ensure he'd be alright.
After RAW felt all better again, he explained the whole prospect of what went on, hoping Team Sonic wouldn't be angry with him for his "attempts" to kill them. Thankfully, they fully understood, and RAW was overwhelmingly thankful for this, even asking them to thank Robotnik for him as well, despite them not having met.
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After that was said and done, RAW continued trying to get better as an EXE, having also developed some new habits in his time out and about, such as smoking to relieve his stress. He has quite the courageous personality, as even though he's been heavily abused and harmed, he manages to stay positive, sure that things would get better.
As he travelled other lands to keep out of the watchful eyes of the EXEs, especially those he wasn't on good terms with like Lord X and Fatal Error, he ended up coming across Gust Planet by pure accident. When he did so, he didn't feel the overbearing presence of his superiors over him, giving him some much-needed relief.
Tekno saw him about while EV!Sonic was out on a mission of his own, and she saw potential in him that the EXEs hadn't, especially when it came to his tech knowledge. RAW was a bit nervous about the possibility of being recruited into the Quill Society, though Tekno reassured him that there was nothing to worry about, and that he'd be provided a safe environment free of the looming presence.
RAW definitely felt happier about himself as a member of the Society, especially since he was never judged for who he was, and he could make new friends who also enjoyed creating things like gadgets and artwork. He still kept the shades around as his personal setpiece to help him stand out, and developed an interest in music and dance, especially with recent hip-hop.
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In his time there, after seeing there were human members like Sarah and E-21, he thought about adapting a human appearance of his own to experience just what it was like to have such a body. He also started to crush on Sarah a bit, who teased him on occasion whenever they were working together on tasks.
In Many More Heroes, he sensed that there was something pretty special about OMT!Tails when he was invited to look around Gust Planet with EV!Sonic, and was one of those who didn't like LM!Sonic's canon event theory, for some major reasons:
He felt that it undermined the idea of the multiverse and made it seem like LM!Sonic considered every other universe outside of the Prime universe as expendable.
The EXE criteria is one he felt was systematically targeting him, despite his failures to present as an actual EXE.
He felt fearful that the ASM-91 criteria would mean that he could not be allowed to grow close to someone.
During the big chase, he made sure to put that tech experience he had to good use, having constructed some weapons and a fixed hang glider to pursue LM!Sonic with. He did get knocked out of the air at one point along with some other Quill Society recruits, though they didn't take long to recover.
By the events of Tails of Trials, RAW knew danger was coming when this project's overarching original antagonist had plans to eradicate the Prime universe in a bid to wipe EVERY corner of the SEGAVerse off the charts, having watched their scheming and reporting it back to EV!Sonic to get them prepared.
And by the end of it, the Earth-Prime Theory was well and truly debunked once and for all for IAB!, as while the whole EXE shebang in the Prime universe wore down various Sonics for a little bit, it just so happens that the antagonist's attack STILL didn't prevent universes from stemming out, meaning their efforts were for naught, which RAW was relieved about.
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sonicblueartist · 1 year
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Pairings: Tails x Reader
They/them // She/her // He/him // Other
Summery; Our gang went to a haunted house to celebrate Sonic's birthday. The thing is... nothing went as planned...
A/n: Does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Warnings: cursing, blood, abuse, kidnapping, possessive behavior, manipulation, deception, derealization, guilt tripping, scopophobia, etc.
Word Count: 2878
Have Fun!
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"Y/n, Are you really sure about this?" Tails asked hesitantly.
You proudly posed outside of the ruined palace, "Of course! Last year we went on a train to play murder mystery for Amy. Now this year for famous blue blur's birthday.... we are going in a haunted house~ Don't worry guys this is not a real haunted house just a play that I pay to someone..."
Everyone glanced at each other.
You approached your friends confidently, "I sent a message to Sonic, telling him to come here urgently. So we need to be quick. Everyone go and find a place for yourselfs, hide and be scared. We will be the one to hunt Sonic down! Let's go!"
Espio stopped you unsure, "Wait. There is no rule or anything in this?"
You glance at him, "Just don't kill anyone."
Espio raised a brow, unamused that you mention the last party he poisoned Sonic because of his disability understanding the whole point.
Silver gasped, "Wait, you guys played murder mystery on Amy's birthday? Oh no, I missed a lot!"
Blaze patted his back, "Don't worry this year you are with us this time."
Amy smiled at him, "It's okay. We knew you were unable to! Right now let's focus on having fun!"
"Yeah!" You cheered, "This is the spirit!"
Vector stopped everyone before we could get in, "Wait, if the only rule is not killing anyone out of fear or... other reasons... what if some people end up in the same place or some of us get lost alone in this palace what we gonna do?"
Tails popped in, "We could call each other or message."
Rouge sighed, "Good idea genius. There is no signal here, remember? This place is really a good idea to drag us all the way here with no internet whatsoever, thanks Y/n."
"You're welcome. My idea is that we can all get in groups and split up. Easy. Right? One group guards one place another. How's that sound?"
Vector pipped in once again, "I am writing everyone's name in a paper!"
Shadow sighed, "This is going to take forever, let's just split up. Me and Rouge can go to the top floor. Vector and Espio can go downstairs. Silver and Blaze could be on the fourth floor. Amy and Knuckles could be on the third floor. Y/n and Tails could be on the second floor."
Knuckled shrugged, "That was in fact faster."
"Sorry Vector."
"Aww man..."
You waited for everyone to go in, glancing towards the horizon. With a hope maybe you would get a glance of the blue line.
Tails grabbed your arm, "Let's go to our place before he comes."
You nodded and followed him in.
You escort after Amy and Knuckles. Glancing at the old wooden stairs, carefully stepping along the creaking steps as you listen to others cheat. You reached out to hold the railing only to halt. They're really dusty... It needs to be a haunted house after all. They're doing a really good job here.
Instead you continue climbing until you and Tails reach the second floor. Where you probably first scare Sonic without him knowing it was you guys.
You bid your goodbyes with others and disappeared into the hall out of their sight.
"Whoa, look at this place! Where do you think we should hide?" You nudge his side with a grin as you observe the pictures hanging on the walls.
He hums glancing around, "Let's first start searching from the first door. I am sure we can find something to scare Sonic even more too."
You followed him along to the first door you two were next to. Tails reach for the door knob and open the door with a loud creak.
You two walked inside as your steps heard loudly in the room.
There wasn't much in this room. Just a few covered stuff and a few boxes on a table.
Tails approached the boxes and searched inside them while you removed the cover of the seat.
You glance at him, "What's up?"
"There are a lot of tools here."
"Maybe this room used to be a repair room or something?"
"It could be-- What are you doing?"
You grin under the white sheet, "What? Scared?"
"If you are thinking of scaring Sonic like that... try a bit harder." He shuffled away from you as you took it off, throwing it on the old couch.
"But I sensed some fear from youuu~ Your tails are stiff-- Wait, what are you holding?"
"You are funny, and what do you mean-- oh..."
You snickered, "You really lose yourself when you are near tools, don't you?"
"I swear I don't even remember picking this up." He laughed and put the wrench back in the box, "Let's go."
You two left the room and walked further in the hall, opening some doors and glancing inside searching for something useful.
As you heard a loud thud from behind, in the hall you glanced back, guessing it was Tails who made the noise but seeing he also turned around and glanced back, you freezed in quick fright.
"What was that?"
He turned to you shrugging, "Maybe the wrench dropped out of the tool box because I left it unbalanced?"
You sighed, repeating in your head. This is not a horror movie and you two are not characters in a book. This is just a silly game and this place isn't haunted. Ghosts aren't real.
"Maybe it was others?"
"Wouldn't we hear the creak of wood under their feet first? Besides, why would they come to our floor? We all parted on an agreement basis. You're just thinking too much into this, don't let your imagination take over, it's the wrench falling off."
"You are not making me feel any better right now Tails." You spoke in a paranoid way.
Seeing your tensed body he sighed and reached his hand with a smile, "If it's gonna make you feel any better wanna check that room again?"
You nodded quickly, taking his warm hand into your cold one. It would make you feel more at ease. But he must be right. You are just making yourself scared for nothing.
You two walked back down the corridor, to the first door while you were scolding yourself for being such a kid.
Tails opened the door with a relieved smile, "See? Just the wrench."
You glanced around the room. Everything looked just the same as you left it. The wrench was on the ground.
"Yeah..." you frowned.
"But how? I am sure you put it inside where it can't easily just drop down like that. There isn't even any window here that can make wind too."
"Maybe you just didn't pay that much attention." Tails walked inside the room and picked it up. This time carefully leaving it inside the box.
"There, our problem solved. Don't scare yourself alright? Let's continue searching. It's just gravity."
You sighed following him out of the room. You feel childish once again, tricking yourself into believing in something nonexisting....
"Yeah, listen to the logic and that is you. Mr. Fox."
You two laugh at that. Now you are once again at ease.
Tails paused, "When I think twice...." He let your hand go and rush into the room again.
He came back with the wrench, "Just to be sure. This can stay with us. You can't be sure what could be useful in any situation."
You rolled your eyes at his reasoning, "Sure. Stop being so cliche."
"This is me." He hummed a song as he opened another door in the hall you two were never in before.
He walked in, "Try to touch everything as little as possible so that anyone who enters the room will notice the impression that the place has not been stepped in for years."
"I'll try." This room too was dark like the last ones. You couldn't turn on the light because there was no electricity in the house, and some rooms were darker because there was no window inside either, so you left the doors open when you entered. You guys entered the palace close to sunset so you guys have very little timed sunlight and getting darker and darker every minute.
Tails walked inside the room further as he had better sight vision then you had while you waited next to the door, "Oh, I find a flashlight! And it is charged too! It can take us for a few hours. This will definitely be enough for us in the meantime! This is definitely gonna be a lot useful. Wish you told us we were coming here so I could bring more useful things from my workshop but what we find here will do fine too I guess." Tails talked to himself.
You glance outside the room, observing the paintings. The eyes felt like staring into your very soul. It's just a fascinating illusion artists make...
Hearing a shuffle behind, you quickly turned around, glancing around in the corridor, a little panicked and confused.
When a bright light came to your face, you yelped and covered your face.
"Whoa, Sorry. Didn't expect this think can work like that. It looks really old too!" He spoke fascinatedly as he turned the light away from your face.
You blinked your eyes with a groan, "Did you find anything useful then that light there?"
"Nothing. Let's look to the next door."
You glanced back one more time as he went further in the now half illuminated hall, "Okay..."
Now the sunlight's effects are nearly gone, our only light source was the flashlight.
"I hope others find something to lighten their way too." You muttered to yourself, "I can't imagine how it could be without light in here..."
"I am sure they find something." Tails reached for the door and opened it.
After you stepped in you two heard a noise.
Tails glanced at you as you two freezed to listen more closely. It was mostly silent but...
Tails' ear twitched, "Static."
"It's not coming from this room."
You screamed with an explosion sound and the light turned off.
"Crap. Amoul exploded."
You grabbed your chest with a heavy breath.
"Gotta find a new Amoul. We still can use the flashlight. It still has a lot of power."
"Why are you so calm?! The Amoul just exploded out of nowhere!"
"That's not true. It was old and getting hot. It's normal."
"Then at least you should have warned me..."
You looked towards where you assumed he was, a bit annoyed.
"Sorry, you are right. I should have told you." He grabbed your hand, noticing your lack of vision.
You softened, "Let's just find one. And get going already. Sonic must be already here and we haven't figured out what we should do."
He dragged you outside, "I think I saw one in the rooms."
"That's good to hear...."
You waited outside the hall as he searched in the rooms for an amoul.
You glanced at the end of the hall; it wasn't far away. You looked back at the room Tails went to.
"Hey, you continue checking these rooms. I am gonna go see if there is anything useful in the other ones we haven't been to yet."
His voice became a bit muffled, "Don't get lost."
"Haha funny. As if I could get lost on this floor. There is nothing but this suffocating hall." You muttered to yourself.
You quickly walked down the dark hall.
Coming to a halt at the end of it, you squint your eyes noticing there was no door but two more ways to continue the corridor on its right and left walls.
"Oh my god more places to get lost..."
You shuddered a chill running down your spine as you glanced back, suddenly the paintings are more dark for you.
You wanted to run back with the sudden chill but you turned back at the new corridors. You swallowed and stepped in towards the right one.
A light illuminated your figure, "Wow, you find more hallways! Let's search!" His eyes shined with curiosity.
You started his back as he walked in front of you.
You gasped quickly following him before losing the sight of his light.
You walked next to him observing the paintings on the walls.
"There aren't any doors here."
"There is one in the end." He pointed it out with his light.
You two came to the end of the hallway, he reached for the door.
"It's not opening." He tried a few more times, "This one is locked from the inside... weird."
"Maybe it's just stuck?"
He tried to open it with some force, hitting it with his shoulder.
"Nope and don't be fooled by how old it looks, it's really strong." He rubs his shoulder.
You huffed, "Man, what a waste of time."
"At least there are a few windows here. Look, it's already night."
"Yeah..." you glanced at the dark starry night. Moon's light was shining directly towards your figures.
Tails smiles at you, "Let's search the other hallway and hide in there."
You agreed to follow him. Until you halted noticing a mirror next to the door. You stare at your blurry reflection.
"You coming?"
When you got to the end of the exit along with Tails, you halted next to him, staring. Instead of an exit, there was a door blocking your ways.
"This is very strange. Did we go the wrong way?" Tails frowned, illuminating the other way.
He let out a gasp, "What the--"
You turn around to stare at what he was looking at. Your eyes widen. The hallway you two just walked down wasn't the same anymore. No windows, no paintings, no moon light, just darkness.
Your breathing quickened, "Okay.... Do you still think paranormal activities don't exist now?"
He swallowed, slowly turning towards the door, "Which one? Walking back down the darkness or the unknown door?"
You looked back at the darkness but quickly reached for the door and opened it, "The Door. Definitely the door." Tails quickly followed along as you shut the door back down.
The light flickered and you two freezed.
"No, no, no. You can't do this to us right now!" He groaned as he tried to fix it.
You halted glancing around, "Tails."
He hummed for an answer.
"Where are we?"
He looked up along with illuminating the room for you two.
"Dining room? What is this smell?" He groaned in disgust, closing his nose.
"Rotten, rust, dust and moisture...?"
"I just don't understand. How did we end up here?"
You steal his flashlight, "Stop trying to make sense in the ghost's life. This room is huge... and disgusting. Let's just find a way out."
"This place isn't haunted, Y/n. It must be because we accidentally opened a secret room." You two split up around the long table. It was donated with plates, forks, knives, spoons and old candles. In plates there were weird solid objects that you don't wanna pay much attention to.
You sighed, "Why would a dining room be a secret place? And why does it smell like shit?" You lighten up the walls, searching for a door.
"That is.... something I don't wanna tire my mind with..."
"Then tire your mind with finding another door!"
"I'm tryin' "
You two searched the whole room but found nothing.
"...maybe if we went back from the same door our hall would appear again?"
"It could work but.... where is our door?"
You illuminate the area where the door was.
"O-okay.... we are stuck in this smelly room. Do you wanna explain this with math and science too genius boy?"
"I threw math out of the window a long time ago."
"Great. How are we going to go back home then?"
Before he can say anything all the candles light up all of a sudden and your light flickered off.
You two screamed in terror.
On the table's biggest plate there was a fresh corpse of an animal, you could see the flys fluttering just above it.
Your hands were shaking so hard, you wanted to puke so much, you quickly covered your mouth.
You screamed when you heard a thud. You looked towards Tails, he was on the ground, choking.
You quickly sprint towards him.
"Are you alright?!"
He nodded quickly, he was holding his nose. He swallowed and tried to slowly breathe from his mouth.
You tried to ignore what you just saw and caressed his back.
"It's okay... breath... calm down..."
A few tears slipped from his face, "Damn it... what was that...?" He gritted his teeth.
You didn't answer.
You heard a ear scratcher scream. You two closed your ears in pain. It was like no matter what you do that voice seem to went straight to your head, ripping your inside.
You two cried for it to stop and all of a sudden.... it was all quite.
You heard an echo.
"Isn't that in the nature of a fox? To eat the rabbits, rodents and birds? Won't you come and join the dinner with us little fox? On today's menu we have carrion!" It started to chuckle while its laugh slowly grew with a menacing tone. You glared at the ceiling.
What the fuck is this?
Tails bared his fangs with a whimper, tears slipping from his tightly closed eyes, he clawed his ears don't wanna hear, his tails swarming his shaking up body. You try to comfort him with your shaking hands.
"What's wrong little fox? It's just meat~"
You couldn't stay still when your anger outweighed your fear, "I don't know what or who you are but you can't play with us like that!!! Let us out RIGHT NOW!"
"Oh but we just have begun..."
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shatter Me, Entry 1: Ambivalent
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''Always, you are fearless, like a cat absorbed in what it loves. The reason you feel dazzling is surely because I was looking at you. A circuit of stimulating thought, it draws me in. Blue, blue, I'm still not reflected in those eyes, you are the same as always today. Swaying, swaying, these feelings remain somewhere, now I'm just looking at your profile here.''
– Ambivalent by The Apothecary Diaries
Sonic ran across Green Hill, simply taking in and enjoying the lush scenery and the familiarity of his home. Sure, going on adventures, exploring new places and meeting new people was something he absolutely loved to do, but after his experience in the Shatterverse, he wanted to enjoy the comfort of the place he called his home just a little bit longer. Besides, Dr. Eggman had just attacked them once again the other day, so he and his friends needed to deal with that. Fortunately, they beat the mad doctor once again and decided to take a well-deserved break.
However, Sonic felt a little restless. He still hadn't told his friends about the Shatterverse, thanks to Dr. Eggman's attack literally interrupting him just as he started his story, and when things had calmed down, he forgot about it. But now that it was on his mind, he wondered whether he should come clean in regards to accidentally shattering the Paradox Prism, the whole adventure through New Yoke City, Boscage Maze, No Place, The Grim, Ghost Hill and The Void, and how he had managed to fix reality and save the world once again.
''Admittedly, I didn't save it by myself. I had help,'' Sonic said to himself as he ran through Hedgehog's Pass. He still remembered how all of the Shatterverse Variants of his friends and even the Chaos Council united to help him to get to the Paradox Prism, their own homes being slowly destroyed by the rifts in reality. However, there was one person Sonic had to give credit to, as without him, he didn't believe that he would ever make it home. He skidded to a halt, looking around and then leaning against a nearby palm tree. ''Speaking of which, where is Shadow?''
Sonic hadn't seen his rival since the battle at the cave that contained the Paradox Prism. He was genuinely happy to see him, having understood Shadow's plan of using the Chaos Emerald to keep the Paradox Prism safe. However, after the battle was over, Sonic actually wanted to invite Shadow to the picnic on the beach, but he couldn't find him. Admittedly, that wasn't unusual, since Shadow usually kept to himself unless the world was in danger, but Sonic had hoped that he would at least stay around for a little bit longer.
''I wonder where he is,'' Sonic said aloud, talking to himself, then chuckled. ''Maybe he decided to pull a Knuckles and become the Guardian of the Paradox Prism.''
''Who are you talking to?''
Sonic's head snapped towards the origin of the voice, his heart leaping when he saw a familiar figure standing on the elevated bridge-like road of Hedgehog's Pass. Shadow the Hedgehog was staring back at Sonic, his arms folded across his chest, his black and red quills fluttering lightly in the breeze.
Sonic suddenly rushed up to Shadow, a wide smile spreading across his lips as he pulled the ebony hedgehog into a tight embrace, nuzzling his cheek. Shadow's crimson eyes widened for a moment, having been caught off guard by Sonic's sudden and unexpected action. However, he didn't step away, just standing awkwardly as he let Sonic hug him and hoping that the azure hedgehog wouldn't hear just how loudly his own heart was beating as it picked up the pace. Finally, Sonic let go of him, instead placing his hands on Shadow's shoulders, still having that wide grin on his expression.
''Dude, where were you? I wanted to invite you to our victory lunch at the beach!'' Sonic asked, stepping back to give Shadow some space.
''I've been busy with finding a proper hiding place for the Paradox Prism, so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands again,'' Shadow explained.
''Figures,'' Sonic muttered, only to give him a curious look. ''So, where did you leave it? In a cave? A shrine? Oh, I know! In your basement!'' Shadow furrowed a brow, rolling his eyes at all the guesses. Sonic pouted. ''Aw, com'n, at least you could tell me…''
''Have you forgotten that you were the one who shattered it?'' Shadow responded, feeling a sense of satisfaction when he saw Sonic frowning at that reminder.
''Hey, it's not like I'm going to shatter it again-'' he protested, only to shut up when Shadow rose an eyebrow, giving him a non-verbal 'Really?' look. ''You know, I did learn my lesson about listening to others. I promise that me shattering another magical crystal won't happen ever again.''
''I'm not telling you anything,'' Shadow responded in a firm tone. Sonic deflated, giving Shadow a pointed look.
''Right, trust issues.''
Shadow narrowed his eyes, glancing aside as he lowered his gaze. Sonic was a bit surprised by his reaction, tilting his head and clasping his hands on his back as he bowed over to meet Shadow's gaze. The ebony hedgehog seemed to be bothered by something, but as usual, it appeared that he wasn't going to share what was on his mind, choosing to keep it to himself. Sonic faltered, realizing that Shadow wasn't going to respond in the usual manner.
''Hey, you know that I didn't mean to hurt you… Shads?''
Shadow just sighed in response, giving Sonic a rather indifferent look, as if to say that it didn't matter. ''I'm fine.''
''Thanks for saving my life back there. I wouldn't have survived without you.''
Shadow gave Sonic a surprised look, having not expected the azure hedgehog to thank him for saving his life. ''I was simply settling a debt. You have saved me from The Void.''
''Riiiiight, but you gotta admit that would be really boring for you if I wasn't around anymore.'' Sonic smiled cheekily. Shadow narrowed his eyes, staring at him for a moment.
''Hmph, I suppose I wouldn't have you constantly bothering me,'' he replied, feeling a slight sense of amusement when he saw Sonic giving him a displeased look. ''Or cleaning up the mess you create.''
''Yeah, yeah… I get it,'' Sonic replied, although he had to admit that he was glad to hear Shadow bantering with him. ''Hey, how about we go for a race? Maybe have a sparring match? I'm kinda bored.''
''So, you want me to beat you up again?'' Shadow asked in a snarky tone.
''Again? I recall winning our last battle,'' Sonic boasted, not really caring whether his statement was true or not. He was issuing a challenge to Shadow here and he hoped that his rival would accept it.
''Maybe I should remind who the real winner was,'' Shadow said, now taking a step towards Sonic, who felt quite excited.
''Sure,… but you first have to catch me!'' Sonic responded, before quickly dashing down the road. Shadow immediately followed him, taking note of the smile Sonic had flashed at him, followed by a laugh, showing that the azure hedgehog was having a lot of fun.
As for Shadow, while he wouldn't admit it out loud, he did enjoy a good challenge, and chasing Sonic fit the bill. He still had the green Chaos Emerald on his person, making that he could easily warp ahead to get as close as possible to Sonic, but he wanted to test his own limits first before going all out.
Sonic was still ahead of Shadow, but he did notice that the rival was getting closer and closer, so he leapt from the road and onto the soft grass below, deciding to speed between the palm trees to shake Shadow off. Unfortunately for him, his ears picked up the familiar sound of Shadow warping through space and time, having used to the Chaos Emerald to get in front of him, only for Sonic to dodge him, managing to keep the momentum.
''I don't recall agreeing to using the Chaos Emerald, but I guess this makes things even more exciting- Woah!''
Sonic's eyes widened when he glanced back, having to bow to dodge Shadow almost kicking him in the head. He skidded to a halt in a tri-point stance as they entered a clearing, and turned back to his rival, grinning. He dodged another punch from Shadow, then did a sweeping kick, trying to knock the latter of his feet, but Shadow did a backflip, before leaping back at Sonic, trying to punch him in the gut. However, Sonic managed to catch his fist, and attempted to kick Shadow, only for the latter to catch Sonic's leg and swing him around, throwing him towards a nearby palm tree. Sonic felt a painful sensation in his back, but he smirked as he saw Shadow getting closer, getting on his feet and landing a punch in Shadow's gut. Shadow backed away, but a smile spread on his tan lips as he saw Sonic giving him a taunting look, only to quickly speed away.
The chase resumed, with Sonic narrowing his eyes in thought. He knew that Shadow was a difficult opponent, especially with him being a better strategist and more focused on his task. Nevertheless, Sonic was quite creative in battles, trying to think outside the box… and then he realized what he could do. He glanced back at Shadow as he warped closer. ''You gotta do better than that, Shads! You'll never be able to catch up to me otherwise!''
This seemed to have struck a nerve with Shadow, furrowing a brow as he suddenly sped up, but Sonic was actually glad to see Shadow putting more effort into the chase. The azure hedgehog then turned his attention to the mountain above them, the one once hid the Paradox Prism deep within its cave. He wondered if Shadow had also noticed where he led him, but figured that Shadow already knew. Therefore, he had to make sure that Shadow won't realize what Sonic's true plan was.
As for Shadow, he was a bit puzzled when he realized where Sonic was going, but he still followed his rival, as he knew that, even if they get into the cave, Sonic wouldn't be able to escape him. It was a scenario where he could win easily. Once again, Sonic, you're not paying attention. Huh?
A cloud of dust was kicked up when Sonic sped into the cave, with Shadow quickly getting inside, squinting and placing his arm over his eyes to adjust to the sudden lack of vision. ''You have nowhere to go, Sonic! You might as well give up now!''
Suddenly, there was a flash of blue, with Shadow feeling a grip on the arm that held onto the Chaos Emerald, and in the next second, he found himself pinned against the wall of the cave. His gaze turned towards Sonic, who used his elbow to keep Shadow pinned against the wall, while holding the green Chaos Emerald in his other hand, grinning widely.
''I wouldn't think so, Shads. I got you cornered,'' Sonic replied. However, instead of feeling frustrated to have lost to such an easy trick, Shadow just smirked back in response.
''So, you actually are thinking things through this time,'' he replied, with Sonic stepping back. He still kept the Chaos Emerald out of Shadow's reach, throwing it and catching it with one hand, before balancing the tip on his finger.
''I'll take that as a compliment,'' he responded, only too look around the empty cave. ''Man, this place really is something.'' He then fell silent for a moment. ''I wonder how Nine and everyone else are doing…''
The smirk on Shadow's expression vanished, and his gaze fell. It was clear to him that, even if Sonic had moved on to his next adventure, he still thought back to what had happened within the Shatterverse. It was no surprise though, as those events were still fresh on his mind, and given how he had to leave in a hurry, he never got the chance to make sure that all of his Shatterverse friends would be fine. It was no surprise that he would still be worried about them.
Unfortunately, Shadow couldn't share the sentiment, as he had his own thoughts of what happened to the Shatterverse and the Shatterverse Variants, but he still could understand how Sonic felt. These were the people he bonded and fought with to restore their homes, and he would never see them again.
''Do you want to take a break?''
Sonic was surprised to hear this suggestion from Shadow, but then nodded in agreement. Both walked outside the cave and sat side by side on the cliff outside, observing Green Hill below them.
''You know, even though visiting the Shatterverse was an interesting experience, nothing beats being at home surrounded by your friends… at least until the next adventure,'' Sonic said. Shadow just raised an eyebrow, glancing at Sonic.
''So, you're claiming that destroying our universe and sacrificing your life to restore it is an 'interesting experience'?'' Shadow asked in a deadpan tone, with Sonic giving him a sheepish smile. ''Of course you do. I suppose I forgot to whom I was talking to for a moment.''
Sonic just chuckled in response. ''Nice joke, Shads!''
''That wasn't a joke. That's literally what had happened,'' Shadow replied in the same deadpan tone. Sonic just kept smiling, with Shadow taking note that, even if their Shatterverse adventure wasn't anything to smile about, he still understood why Sonic saw it as something he had thought about fondly. Nevertheless, it didn't make him feel less puzzled. Just when he thought that he understood Sonic, the hedgehog found new ways to surprise him.
''Yeah, that's true… and I'm glad that you could tag along for the adventure,'' Sonic replied, his tone still light, but also a bit more thoughtful. ''I guess I really needed you back there to…''
''I needed you too.''
Sonic trailed off, his ears flicking and his heart skipping a beat when he heard Shadow's response, his green eyes darting towards the dark hedgehog. Shadow was just staring ahead at the lush greenery below and the blue sky above them, showing no reaction to what he had just said. Sonic could feel his heart beat loudly in his chest, but chalked it up to the residual adrenaline from their fight. A sly grin spreading a cross his lips, he scooted closer to Shadow, almost leaning against him.
''So, when did you finally decide to admit that you need me?'' he asked. Shadow didn't dignify this question with a response, trying to ignore it. His expression did change in a subtle manner, and it was obvious that he was already regretting telling Sonic that, because the azure hedgehog now refused to stop pestering his rival about it until he got a reaction from him. ''Com'n, Shads, you can talk to me about it. I promise I won't tell anyone.''
''You won't leave me alone until you get the answer you want, will you?'' Shadow asked, arms folded across his chest in the typical fashion. To his grief, he was met by an eager look bordering on puppy-dog eyes from Sonic. Shadow then sighed, well aware that he could just stop this conversation then and there, but for some reason, he didn't want to leave. Despite his reservations, he actually felt comfortable in Sonic's presence. ''I thought that it was obvious.''
''Obvious?'' Sonic blinked in surprise.
''You were the key to restoring the Paradox Prism. Obviously, I'd have to rely on you to save our home,'' Shadow replied. Sonic let out an amused huff, aware that it wouldn't be so easy to get Shadow to admit anything in a direct manner. Shadow then fell silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he clearly thought about something important. He then turned to Sonic, giving him a resolute look. ''One thing is certain. I won't let you tease me anymore about my friendless background or lack of trust in people.''
Sonic was genuinely surprised by this sudden response, wondering what was going through Shadow's head. He then smiled joyfully as he realized the implications. ''Wait, so you actually started to trust someone? That's great! Who is it? Do I know them?''
''It's you.''
Sonic felt a strange sense of warmth spreading through his chest, a sense of happiness and pride bubbling inside him, but there was also something else, something he couldn't quite understand. He wanted to respond, but for once, the words couldn't escape his mouth. He didn't even know how to respond to this confession.
Shadow, in turn, felt weird for admitting this secret to Sonic. Over the course of their adventure, he found himself drawn closer and closer to his rival, having found himself becoming very protective of Sonic, especially after finding out about Nine's scheme and the fate that awaited him if he relinquished the Prism Energy. Any anger the had initially felt after being warped into The Void had completely vanished, and instead was replaced by a strong desire to not only save the universe, but to make sure that Sonic would return back home in one piece. Despite his immature and careless behavior, he had learned, or rather, re-learned, that Sonic was someone he could rely on no matter how dire the situation was. Therefore, Shadow decided to affirm this trust to Sonic, even if it left him with a strange warm sensation that made him wonder if was getting sick or something. But, he was the Ultimate Lifeform; he couldn't get sick now, could he?
''I heart you too, Shadow.''
Shadow's attention snapped back to Sonic, who finally decided to respond with a wide smile and a heart shape he formed with his fingers. It wasn't the first time he heard this response, having heard it during their banter in the middle of a battle against the Chaos Council, but unlike last time, where he just let it pass, he felt that he could no longer ignore it this time. Well, at least he could try to pretend to ignore it for the time being until he fully understood why he suddenly felt like this.
Sonic gave Shadow a curious look when the dark hedgehog suddenly turned away from him, wondering if he had said something wrong. Fearing that he somehow offended his rival, he decided to drop the topic for now. ''Hey, do you want to go for a sea dog? I had figured out the recipe from when I was with Captain Dread's crew and I can guarantee that it is 100% the most delicious thing you'll ever try.''
''I guess that's fine,'' Shadow replied, turning his attention back to Sonic only to catch the green Chaos Emerald that was thrown into his lap.
''Great! I'll meet you at the beach for a picnic, since you couldn't be there the first time!'' Sonic replied, waving at him before rushing down the mountain.
Once Sonic was gone, Shadow let out a deep breath, pressing his hand against his forehead, sincerely hoping that Sonic did not notice the initial shade of red that had spread across his tan muzzle, as well as trying to calm down his rapidly-beating heart.
''Why… Why do I feel like this?''
#Previous Chapter
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#Next Chapter
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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hall0wedwyrm · 5 months
Basically, TLDR i saw a fake screenshot on TikTok showing Amy in the Knuckles series and it got me thinking about how she... doesn't quite fit in the movieverse yet...
So here is my long rant about why it would be bad for her to join in Movie 3 and she should be saved for a future installment.
to preface: I DO NOT HATE AMY OR HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST HER. I think shes wonderful and shes literally a main character so shes very important obviously.
First, the elephant in the room. Shadow the Hedgehog. One of, if not THE most, complex character in the Sonic franchise, let alone in the main expanded cast. Having to introduce, and illude to, aspects of Shadow’s backstory (his relationship with Maria and Gerald, The ARK, how he was made, and the fallout) and his future (returning with amnesia in his next appearance, potentially introducing the Black Arms and some of the Heroes and Shad05 story beats that are important who he becomes) in about an hour and a half to 2 hours. I just don’t see how it would be a good idea to introduce a core member of Sonic’s friends into the movie series when she could be introduced later so that Shadow has more of a time to shine, and Amy can too later on.
Historically, Amy’s talk to Shadow to remind him of his promise to Maria has been filled in by another character when the plot called for it. In Sonic X, during its own adaptation of SA2, Chris spoke to Shadow to try and help him remember his real purpose and talk sense into him. While it didn't exactly work out, it shows that this role could be interchangable in SEGA’s eyes. I propose a similar story, using Tom’s niece Jojo. Being a character who is around Maria’s age and doesn’t have a complete character behind her as of now, this could be a more meaningful way for Shadow to realise his purpose and remember his promise. Hearing the words from someone who is like Maria (a young girl who cares about Earth) would be more impactful to him. I can see any human character taking up this role though, but Jojo would be the best candidate, due to her simiarities to Maria.
However, while not introducing another new character could be good for not overcrowding the movie with new arcs and introductions involving them, I could see this working for one character; Rouge the Bat. She was introduced along with Shadow in SA2, which is immediately a good sign, as their plots intertwine with each other. They both work with Eggman, until they turn the focus on saving the world. Rouge is one of Shadow’s closest companions going forward, and has her own arc too. She is the one who frees Shadow in Heroes, and rekindles their friendship there.
Rouge also could connect back to the previous movie. Being a jewel thief at heart, she goes after the Master Emerald, but in Movieverse its destroyed and the Chaos Emeralds are retrieved from it. She is established as being the Rival to Knuckles, and this could help him fill a new purpose on Earth (cos lets be honest… he didn’t really do that in his show-) of becoming a protector of the Chaos Emeralds instead or something. The main part of SA2 is about the Chaos Emeralds so this makes sense. Refinding the Emeralds or going to the right spot to use them and such but thats besides the point.
Another huge loss of introducing Amy in Sonic 3 is missing out on how she was introduced in the franchise. In Sonic CD, she was introduced along side another key character in the franchise; Metal Sonic. She saw a blue hero coming to help her, believing it to be Sonic, but turned out to be Metal instead. Having Amy navigate the trio around and give them the lore would make a lot of sense, given the way that others were introduced in the second installment.
Its also appropriate for this introduction too, since Metal Sonic is the perfect equal to Sonic, compared to Shadow's unintentional equal. After Eggman's failure of using Shadow, creating Metal is the next best thing. Whatever the story is with Metal, whether its faithful to Sonic CD or is twisted to fit the Movieverse story.
Now... I think introducing Amy could also mess up a lot of aspects of what the movieverse has set up for the stories of the characters. I 100% know that they will try and pull off a romance for Sonic and Amy, since its one of her main character arcs and for the longest time and its kind of (??) the main romance of the franchise. BUT according to the Sonic Dream Team character profiles, and the ending of Frontiers, she's drifted away from that interest in him... so to go back to that would be a really weird choice. I know its a different universe, but if SEGA is trying to steer away from that, then why would they go back on it?
PLUS I think it would be a huge detriment to both of their characters. Movie Sonic is much different to the Sonic's of the past, as he has all of the charms of Modern Sonic (his quick wit and charming personality) but hes younger and less experienced and jumps head first without thinking because he doesn't know what to actually do. He was thrown into the role of the hero in the first movie because the place he grew up was being threatened and he refused to run away. Amy being introduced as solely 'the love interest' also does a disservice to her character. She's strong willed, and unafraid to stand up to Eggman and any other wrong doer. She's also rather hot headed but still kind and cares for those who matter. (this is also part of a larger discussion i wrote about how in canon Sonic and Amy wouldn't work out because they want different things and are very different people but thats for a different day and/or if anyone is interested). Sonic immediately switching to a head-over-heels guy would be a complete ruin of his character built up, while also immediately destroying Amy's.
Another problem is that there isn't a focus on romance of any kind in the story so far, and introducing it could mess up what they have going. The Movie's are clearly about familial love and growing up and filling the boots of a hero. It is not a story of romance in any way. The first movie was friendship, the second was about family bonds and making new friends, and the third is most likely about trust or learning to trust again (Shadow has to trust Sonic to save the world). It'll also be a huge moment for Sonic's character; Meeting someone who is not just against him and Knuckles and Tails, but against the world itself, someone who is so hellbent on revenge for the one he lost, and how hes going to over come that WHILE meeting his new love interest... is a huuuuge task to pull off and the two stories don't really mix imo. Plus even in SA2 the extent of the romance is just 'Amy mistaking Shadow for Sonic and then she thinks its awkward and gets embarrassed and thats how they meet for the first time'.
So yeah this could be done much better if it's something thats going to happen, and it would be better left for a 4th or separate installment. Having a mini romance arc along with the Metal Sonic stuff works better because the introduction of a potential romance was worked more into Sonic CD than anything.
Im still gonna be pissed off if they do a romance, because Sonic the Hedgehog has never been about romance... but its also a multimillion kids film franchise and its bound to happen, especially when its the main male and main female character. Just know i won't enjoy it lol.
IF they do Amy... I want tarot cards AND the Piko Piko Hammer and if you take either of them away i will be causing problems (on purpose). If you give her the original outfit +11 points and if you make up an outfit whatever as long as it works and its cute (I'm partial to Dungarees myself).
anyway yeah id like to see other opinions on this... maybe some other ways it could work out? or how else she could be introduced? or maybe even of she could be in Sonic 3 but idk what they would do for her to make her not get sidelined or overtake the plot...?
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