#if i hit a roadblock again i want to remember this
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years ago
i wanna make a post for all the artists out there struggling with long term burnout, because i’m just starting to emerge from it after nearly three years and i honestly forgot what it was like to have creative energy and i lost a lot of hope during that time.
first of all, burnout can come from anywhere, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that you did too much art and now you drained your creative energy. for me personally, i was dealing with anxiety-based burnout in the aftermath of covid and my freshman year of college, and i lost all motivation for writing, which is like my main thing, the thing i consider to be me, you know? if i’m not a writer, i’m not me.
it was really hard, and i had to push through it, painfully, because my degree is in creative writing, and burnout or not, i do not have the funding to not graduate on time. and it wasnt just writing. this burnout affected all areas of my life.
i stopped being as interested in music, stopped wanting to go to concerts for my favorite artists, because even my favorite artists weren't very important to me. i would make it halfway through a book or maybe even finish a book and then stop reading (aside from fanfic) for several months.
last year, i had such a hard time coming up with a halloween costume that the only thing that saved me from not having a costume entirely was that i found a nice coat that looked exactly like sophie's dress from howl's moving castle.
and the worst part of it all was that i truly started to lose hope. i thought i might never find a favorite music artist again, with songs i want to play on loop endlessly despite knowing that, historically, that usually leads to me not being able to listen to the songs again for a while. i thought books just weren't for me anymore. i dared not think it, but in the back of my mind, i worried that i would never write something i was truly excited to write ever again.
it was really disheartening. still is, to be honest. its the worst thing an artist can feel, to be cut off from that creativity, the one thing i always seemed to have in abundance, no matter what, before.
but as i said, im starting to come out of it now. its a very slow process, but a couple weeks ago, i started planning my novel again, and started rereading an old favorite book series instead of continuing with fanfic. the reason i started making this post is because today at work i had not just one but several halloween costume ideas, when it was so hard for me to even manage one last year.
i still have a ways to go, but i just wanted to make this post. because tumblr is great, but i only ever see artists talking about their current art on here, and it wouldve helped me a lot while i was in the thinck of it to see someone who hadnt produced art they were truly excited about and proud of in a long time.
it was gone, but it's coming back. it might leave for a long time, but once your circumstances aren't as stressful and draining, it will return. even if it feels like it won't, like maybe you've changed permanently and stopped being an artist, somehow, it will.
humans are made to make art. sometimes we're just not in the right circumstances to be able to do it and survive at the same time.
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stevieschrodinger · 2 months ago
Part One ThirtyFive
prompt from @justsearchingformystory and @starthecozy
Eddie’s speaking and reading and writing and all that stuff has come on massively, but he still doesn’t quiet grasp all the nuances of...well, humans. So, sometimes he does things that are just...kind of slightly to the left of normal.
He hasn’t yet grasped that he is really, really not at all subtle. Steve hopes he never works it out, prays quietly that Eddie remains brash and obvious for the rest of their lives. Eddie has a catalogue from somewhere, one of those cheap badly printed things you pick up at the mall. They’re everywhere this time of year, trying to pressure people into buying yet more gifts. Like stuff is the only thing that could possibly bring happiness at Christmas.
He sits close enough to Steve that they’re squished together, flipping the pages. He’s pretending to look but the way he’s holding the book, it’s more like he’s showing it to Steve.
“I like this sweater,” Eddie says, not at all nonchalantly, and then he stares at Steve. Waiting. Holding the page open to show a man and a woman in matching sweaters.
“Yeah, not really your style any more babe, but I’m sure you’d look great in it.” It does, in fact, look exactly like the kind of thing Steve would wear.
Eddie blinks, and Steve knows his plan just hit an unexpected roadblock. Steve can almost hear Eddie thinking. Then he frowns, and turns the page.
“A remote control car,” Eddie reads carefully, “comes with batteries,” he’s showing Steve again.
“I guess you’ve never had anything like that,” Steve grins sweetly, already sensing Eddie’s growing frustration. Whatever the opposite of subtle is, Eddie is it, “I could get you one for Christmas, if you like,” Steve offers, trying to play this as normal as possible, doing his absolute best to school his expression. He’s not sure he’s succeeding, but Eddie doesn’t seem to realize, so near enough.
Eddie turns a couple of pages, “snow chains?” He’s frowning at the book now, “what are snow chains?”
“For the car tires, so you don’t slip around in the snow, I’ve already got some,” Steve smiles sweetly. Eddie’s frown deepens, and he abandons his tactic, and the magazine, heading off in a huff.
Steve wakes up slowly. It’s not urgent, part of his brain telling him that it’s just Eddie that woke him. He can feel Eddie holding his hand, doing something, and Steve shifts sleepily under the covers, blinking his eyes open just as Eddie shuffles something into his pocket. Steve frowns, Eddie’s already dressed. “What you doing baby?”
Steve rubs his thumb between his fingers, rubbing away the ghost of Eddie’s touch, “nothing!” Eddie replies, way too fucking fast, and way way too enthusiastically.
“Uh hu, that isn’t suspicious at all. You’re dressed.”
“Yeah,” Eddie leans over and kisses Steve on the forehead, and when Steve presents his cheek, Eddie kisses him there too, “Chris will be here soon, we’re going Christmas shopping.”
Steve yawns, “can I tag along? I could do with getting some gifts.”
Eddie immediately looks shifty, “uhm, no.”
“I know you’re getting stuff for me baby, you keeping it secret?”
“How about I call Robs, I can do some shopping with Rob, you can do some shopping with Chrissy, and then we can swap, I need to get Rob something.”
“And I want to get Chrissy something,” Eddie smiles, seeing Steve’s plan, “you gotta get dressed.” Eddie drags the covers unceremoniously off Steve, making him groan at the loss of comfort, “I’ll call Rob, going soon.”
“Okay okay. I’m up, I’m up,” Steve groans, dragging himself out of bed as Eddie thuds down the stairs.
“Can we get lunch?” Eddie asks, leaning forward as far as he can given his seat belt. Chrissy is driving, so the girls are sitting in the front, “the food court,” he says, with the utmost reverence. Steve remembers very fondly the first time Eddie went to the mall, wandering around with Steve, mouth open, not sure where to look because there’s just so much stuff. Technically it wasn’t the first time Eddie had been to a mall, since Steve carried him through half of Starcourt when they made their escape, but Steve’s pretty sure Eddie doesn’t remember much of that. To be honest, neither does Steve since he was high on Russian drugs and beat all to hell.
The nearest mall is now near the city, so that’s where Steve took Eddie. And then he saw the food court for the first time. Eddie had made a noise Steve’s sure he’s only ever heard when they’ve been having sex.
Chrissy laughs, “of course we can.”
“Okay,” Steve checks his watch, “we meet here at twelve thirty, get lunch, then trade off, yeah?”
Robin salutes him, “aye aye captain.”
They go opposite ways, Robin immediately quizzing Steve, “so what is Eddie getting you?”
“I...actually have no idea. He’s brought his savings with him through, so,” Steve shrugs, “he’s got to buy for his secret Santa too.”
“Who did you get?”
“I am not telling you-”
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours-”
Steve shoves her, laughing.
They don’t mean to find Eddie and Chrissy, but as they walk into the store and spot them, Steve and Robin both instinctively duck down out of the way, hiding.
“Oof, I hope that isn’t for either of us,” the sweater Eddie is holding up was an almost rabid confusion of pink and yellow.
They can hear Chrissy and Eddie laughing, “oh no,” Robin sighs, “they’re going to weaponize the sweater.”
“We should go, there’s no way I’ll be able to act surprised.”
Robin breathes deeply through her nose, trying to see where they’ve gone now, “okay, I think we’re safe, pretty sure he left the sweater.”
“Doesn’t mean they won’t be back for it,” Steve grumbles.
“They’re late,” Steve checks his watch. He isn’t worried; Eddie’s with Chrissy, and it’s only the mall.
“Not that late...there they are,” Robin goes on tip toe, waving to get their attention.
“Where’s all you stuff?” Steve can’t help but notice they’re empty handed.
“In the car, hidden from prying eyes,” Chrissy tells them with a knowing look.
“It’s a secret, Stevie,” Eddie informs them solemnly, “Chrissy is keeping my gifts at hers. We can wrap them in the dark.”
Chrissy snorts a laugh, “no honey, we need to keep Steve in the dark.”
“Right right,” Eddie frowns vaguely, but clearly has other priorities, “lunch food?”
Steve collapses onto the couch, simply walking around all the stores can be exhausting, maybe because of all the thinking and planning involved. Steve managed to get a couple of records and band shirts for Eddie; things he knows he will like.
His guitar playing has been coming along too, Eddie picking that up just as fast as everything else, and Steve managed to find a book of Metallica tabs at the record store, plus a red guitar pick necklace that he’s certain will be a winner. The red plastic has the faintest of sparkles to it, and Eddie is such a magpie Steve’s sure he will like it.
“Close your eyes Stevie love!” Eddie hollers through the house.
Steve snorts a laugh, but does as he’s told, not moving a muscle otherwise, still slouched on the couch, “okay! They’re shut!”
He can hear Eddie moving around, rustling things on the coffee table, “okay, open.”
Eddie’s laid out a bunch of...stuff...on the table. Crafty looking stuff. In the middle there are two Christmas stockings, the kind you hang on the mantle. One is red and green candy cane stripe, and the other a dark blue with little glittery starts printed all over. They look extremely cheap, but no less charming for it, “what are we doing baby?”
“We’re going to make hot chocolate, I got fancy marshmallows, and we’re decorating our socks.”
“Sure. That.” Eddie has scissors and felt and a little bottle of Elmer’s glue. There are tacky plastic gems with paper backs, and sheets of little foil stickers; angels and snow men and Christmas trees and stuff. “They have to have our names on, so we can cut out letters?” Eddie holds up a little sheet of colored felt material.
“I...you know. I’m pretty sure I see your vision, this looks fun. Lets go and make the hot chocolate.”
The smile Eddie gives him is brighter than the godamn sun, and they end up making out in the kitchen, waiting for the milk to heat.
Part ThirtySeven
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cosmicdahlias · 4 months ago
A Fatal Mistake
a ford x reader fic
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Ford is being driven to the brink of insanity for betraying Bill, constantly possessed and harmed in every way possible. He’s been missing for days and you’re working to find him when he comes through the front door, looking incredibly worse for wear.
warnings: blood, injury, possession, oral, p in v, creampie, knives, death
i included one of my favorite astronomy facts! i loved astronomy in high school, it was actually one of the few classes i applied myself in. i was gonna give the ending my usual fluff treatment, but after reading the book of bill and seeing how dark things get in the lost journal pages i couldn’t help myself.
It had been days since you had seen your research partner, Ford. As of late disappearing for a day or two was commonplace for him, but it had been almost a week with no sign of him.
You never had any idea what he got himself up to when he took off like that. He’d come back with various injuries and when you tried to probe him for their source he always insisted he didn’t remember. Normally you’d think he was lying, but it genuinely seemed like he was telling the truth.
It killed you to see him like this. Not just because you cared for him as your research partner, but because you harbored deep feelings for him. You always had, ever since you met him all those years ago in college.
When he called you up asking for you to come work with him in a small town in Oregon, you happily agreed to it without a second thought. For the longest time it was just you and him, discovering and documenting the weirdness that inhabited Gravity Falls. There were so many times you wanted to tell him how you felt, but you were plagued with cold feet.
Years had passed when another brilliant mind joined the team after you’d both hit a roadblock in your studies. Ford had been struck with the idea, as if from nowhere, to build an inter-dimensional portal. You two were incredibly brilliant, but lacked the engineering skills to complete this monumental task on your own. Ford called up his old college roommate, Fiddleford McGucket, in Palo Alto. He eagerly accepted the offer, insisting Ford’s plans were “mathematically feasible!”
As much as you enjoyed Fiddleford’s company, any chance you’d had to confess your feelings to Ford fell by the wayside. Between diligent work and never being alone with him, you simply didn’t have the time.
After months of the three of you spending every waking moment on the portal, the time came to finally test it. Things went wrong, horribly wrong. The rope tied to the test dummy had wrapped around Fiddleford’s wrist, pulling him halfway through the portal. Ford’s and your quick thinking allowed you two to heave him back out. Ford tried to ask him what he had seen, but he rambled incomprehensible nonsense and said the machine would bring about the apocalypse. He quit on the spot.
What should have been a silver lining to have Ford to just yourself again did not turn out to be so. In the following days he became erratic, paranoid, overrun by sleep deprivation, constantly turning his head as if to sounds you could never hear. He was a shell of his former self, but you were determined to stick by him.
One morning he called you frantically, all you could make out was “Fiddleford was right”. He did not elaborate, insisting he had more to say to you in person. Alarmed by the obvious decline in his mental state, you raced over. He sat you down on his couch and explained everything.
He confessed that building the portal was not his idea, that he was instructed to do so by an otherworldly being by the name of Bill Cipher. He had trusted him, lured in by Bill stroking his admittedly massive ego, praising his high IQ, and promising him the secrets that would solve the mystery that was the weirdness of Gravity Falls. Bill said that the portal would be Ford’s magnum opus, a true conclusion to the answers he so desperately sought.
But it was all a lie. Bill needed the portal to link his dimension to yours so he could take over and establish a “Weirdmageddon”. A cataclysmic event that would turn all reason and logic on its head, it would spell the end to life and the universe as you knew it.
It was a lot to take in, but the look on Ford’s face told you that this was gravely serious. You took his word without question, vowing to put an end to Bill’s plans and destroy him at all costs. Within days the disappearances started to happen.
At first you wondered if these episodes were some kind bender, be it alcohol or drugs… or both. Perhaps a way to cope with the reality of being used as Bill’s pawn in a sick game of chess for the fate of the universe. But now you were certain there was something far more sinister at play.
It was a fairly common occurrence that you saw his eyes glow bright yellow, pupils catlike. His demeanor would shift and his voice would change in register, almost as if someone was speaking through him. During these instances it was like he became a different person, he was wild and unpredictable. He would say things to you either for shock value or in an overtly flirtatious manner just to see you turn red.
You had studied your fair share about demonic possession. With the way Ford had described previous moments where Bill had taken over, back when he still considered him his “Muse”, it was a no-brainer that Ford was once again being used by Bill. This time it was for his own sick enjoyment of making his former puppet suffer, a punishment for Ford’s betrayal.
You sat in the secluded cabin in the woods the two of you used to conduct research in, before things had become so tumultuous. Night had fallen and you were on the phone speaking to the GFPD.
“So you’re not going to send out someone to look for him until morning!? Why can’t you do it now? He hasn’t been seen in days! He could be-“
The front door swung open with an incredibly disheveled Ford standing in the doorway.
“FORD!” You shouted.
“Hello, hello?” The officer asked over the phone.
“He just walked in the door, sorry for all the trouble.” You said unceremoniously, slamming the phone.
“Where have you been? I was so worried!” You said.
Before Ford had a chance to respond he began to fall forward, you leapt to your feet and caught him before his face could make contact with the floor. You took his face in your hands and studied his eyes. They looked insanely bloodshot and exhausted, but thankfully normal.
“Ford, what the hell happened to you?”
“I- I don’t know.” He murmured faintly.
“Let me get you somewhere comfortable.”
You lifted him up, put your arm around his shoulders and led him back to his room, sitting him on the couch. You scanned him from head to toe. His white button-up shirt was torn with a long horizontal laceration across his chest, a ring of blood stained his shirt, it looked like he’d been attacked with a knife. You put a hand to his chest, he flinched.
“Oh, Ford. Who did this to you?”
“I can’t recall a thing. I remember nothing from the near week I was gone.”
“Regardless, I need to get you cleaned up. I’ll be right back.”
You headed to the bathroom where he kept a first aid kit in the medicine cabinet. You made your way back and sat next to him on the couch.
“This shirt’s gonna have to go.” You said, pulling scissors from the kit.
“I don’t think there’s any chance of salvaging it anyway.” He chuckled weakly.
You removed his tie and cut away at his shirt, sliding the remains off his arms and revealing his chest. With the shirt no longer obstructing your view you could see that the cut was deep, but thankfully not enough to require stitches. He had avoided a hospital trip… this time.
“You know, you’re probably gonna have to get a tetanus shot.” You said.
He laughed softly “I’ll take it over rabies shots, those are hell.”
You pulled out a small bottle of disinfectant and a cotton pad. He winced as you applied it to the gash.
“I’ll never get accustomed to this sensation.” He said through gritted teeth.
“I’d imagine obtaining the injury was far worse.”
“It’s a good thing I can’t remember it then.” He smiled sheepishly.
You unfurled a roll of gauze, pulling his back away from the couch and wrapping his chest.
“Ford, you have to tell me why you keep vanishing. I know you say you don’t remember, but I’m certain there’s more to it. I know it has something to do with Bill.”
He looked away, afraid to meet your gaze. You took his cheek in your hand, turning him to face you.
“Hey, I tell you everything, I know you can do the same for me.”
He put his hand over yours and took a deep breath. “I leave because I don’t want to put you in danger. On nights where I can no longer fight the exhaustion, Bill threatens me in my dreams- my nightmares. He wants to hurt you.”
“There has to be a way I can help keep him from taking over. Something, anything.”
“I wish I knew, but I… don’t. I feel like I’m slowly going insane, but at least if I’m away from you I can’t harm you.”
“I’m not letting you face this on your own, we’re a team and I’m not going anywhere. You scared me half to death over these last few days. I started to think I might’ve lost you. I’m not losing you again, not even for a second.”
“You don’t understand the violent things Bill wants me to do to you, to kill you.”
With stakes as high as they were you realized how foolish it was to keep secrets, even your feelings for him.
“No matter what happens, I’m staying. I love you, Ford.”
You leaned in and kissed him. When you pulled back he stared at you, blood rushing to his cheeks.
“You love me?” Ford he whispered.
“I have for over a decade.”
“I- I had no idea.”
“Well, you’re the smartest man I know, but you’re incredibly stupid when it comes to romance.” You laughed.
“Touché.” He smiled.
“Ford, I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I’ve wanted you for so lo-“
He cut you off by pulling you onto his lap and kissing you passionately.
“I love you too, stardust.”
Ah yes, the nickname he’d given you in college. You had told him a fact about how certain elements in human bodies only form from the death of a star. You told him “we are literally made of stardust” and the name stuck. He always said it in a way that came off platonically, but this time as it left his lips it was obvious the intent was vastly different.
He looked at you directly in the eyes, he hated eye contact so you knew you must’ve mattered to him a great deal.
“I’ve felt the same way for so long, I just never thought you did so I put my feelings aside, buried them deep. You have no idea how often my thoughts are occupied by you. There were so many times I would just watch you working, the way your brow furrows in concentration is adorable. I need you like a flower craves sunlight, like a fish to water.” He whispered.
You kissed him again, tangling your fingers in his hair. He lowered his mouth to your neck, kissing and sucking the skin. You ground yourself against him, eliciting a soft moan against your neck and causing him to grow achingly hard.
“God, I’ve wanted this since the day you came into my life.” He breathed.
You sunk to the floor in front of him and started undoing his belt. You unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. Jesus christ, he was big. You stroked him a few times before taking him in your mouth.
“F- fuck, your mouth feels incredible.” He moaned.
You moved your head up and down his shaft, Ford whimpering far more than you had expected.
“Ah, hhhnh, don’t stop.” He whined.
He ran his fingers through your hair, moaning and softly bucking his hips into your mouth. He took great care to not move hard enough to make you gag. You picked up your pace, stroking him with your hand as you sucked.
“Nhhhh where did you learn to do something like that? You’re so good at this. Y- you’re gonna make me c- cum if you keep guh- going- ah- like that.” He stuttered.
You bobbed your head furiously on him. He tangled his fist in your hair and gently pulled your mouth off of him.
“N- no, stop. I need to feel myself inside you. Please?”
You nodded and he turned himself to lay back on the couch, you stood and slipped your panties off from under your skirt, dropping them to the floor. You got on top of him, straddling his hips and hovering over his cock. You lowered yourself to take his length inside you, now it was your turn to whimper as your pussy struggled to accommodate him.
“Dear moses, stardust, and I thought your mouth felt good. You’re heavenly. So warm and- mmh- tight.”
You slid him fully inside you, never feeling so filled by cock before in your life. He rested his hands on your hips and you began to move yourself on him. He threw his head back, already overwhelmed by the mere feeling of your pussy taking his cock.
He panted. “You can’t imagine the amount of times I’ve pictured something like this. How often you’ve distracted me from my work. The nights I’ve spent with my hand wrapped around my cock, the mere thought of you pushing me to orgasm. Oh stars, how I longed to know you intimately.”
He slipped a hand between your thighs, stroking your clit with his thumb, the other hand still holding your hip. You bit your lip, stifling what would have been an uncomfortably loud moan, tightening around him.
“Good girl, I love how my touch makes you constrict my cock.”
You became even tighter at his praise.
“Nnnnahhh, Ford.”
“Is that a praise kink I sense, stardust?”
You nodded fervently.
“That’s my girl, so needy for my words.”
You lifted and dropped your hips, sliding him fully in and out of you at a steady rhythm. His eyes rolled back into his head, completely overtaken by the pleasure of you. His breath was ragged, his eyes never leaving you, darting between your body and face.
“You’re so gorgeous, stardust. I’ve studied so many creatures over the years, seen the likes of sirens and nymphs, but you are by far the most enchanting.”
He reached up a hand to cup your cheek, you leaned into his touch. You felt yourself growing close between both his words and thumb on your clit. You made an attempt to tell him, but all that came out was unintelligible whimpering.
“Oh Ford, you’re- I’m gonna- ah- nhhhh.”
“That’s it, you’re such a good girl. Cum for me, you’re almost there.”
You absolutely lost it at his praise, digging your nails into his shoulders and riding him as hard as you possibly could until you came completely undone around him. The feeling of you spasming and contracting around him sent him over. He released your clit, both hands gripping your hips. He slammed you down onto the full length of his cock and came deep inside you.
“Dear god, y/n!” He half moaned, half whimpered.
Your pace died down and for a while you stayed on top of him. You both said nothing, just looking into each other’s eyes and panting as your heart rates settled. You leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips and pulled yourself off of him. You laid down, Ford spooning you.
“In the name of all the stars in the known universe and beyond, you are absolutely incredible, stardust.” He sighed, content.
“I love you, Ford.” You said, eyelids growing heavy.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I love you too, y/n.”
You both lay in silence, slumber embracing you. Bill knew it was now or never. He took control of Ford and silently moved him off the couch so as to not wake you. He led him to the kitchen, pulling out a large knife. He crept back into the room where you slept, looming over you.
You stirred. “Mnh, Ford? What are you-“
Your eyes widened in terror as you caught sight of the knife in his hand, his eyes glowed unnaturally in the dim light. Adrenaline rushed through your veins, you bolted off the couch and ran for your life. You burst through the front door and took off into the forest, the light of the full moon being the only thing to keep you from crashing into the trees.
A constant crunching of snow behind you was a strong indicator that Ford was pursuing you. Tears streamed down your face. You said you would stand by him no matter what and now you were paying the price for thinking with your heart.
You looked back to see if you were still being followed, but didn’t see him. Before you could even turn your head again you collided with something, falling to the ground. You looked up and your heart sank. Ford grinned with a smile so wide it looked as if the corners of his mouth would split open.
“Hey there, dollface. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”
Ford came to god knows how much later. He blinked, vision blurry, as it always was after Bill had taken hold. He could see a figure lying in the snow and as his eyes began to focus he screamed in horror.
You lay before him, your body stabbed near beyond recognition, an immense pool of blood stained the fresh snow. There was no way to bring you back, you were gone. A page ripped from Ford’s journal laid on top of you.
“Did you really think I’d let you have your happy ending with your little ‘stardust’? It’s just us now, sixer, I’m all you’ll ever need.”
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 1 year ago
Do you know any fics similar to The Mating Privilege or I Don’t Like the Way She’s Looking at You? Just some stories where Derek isn’t the *best* mate/bf/husband etc or they have to pretend to not be together and ends up with stiles feeling neglected or ignored.
I’ve also read “how I long for yesterday” and “worth it” for those that want something similar but not quite what I’m looking for!
First of all. "How I Long for Yesterday" is my fic. So this made my day.
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How I Long For Yesterday by sweetbutterbliss
(1/1 I 6,017 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles blinks, his throat going dry, and he moves his thumb without thinking - liking the post. He feels a surge of petty satisfaction. At least the fucker will know he knows now. He stands up, his body feeling too heavy, and he blows out the already guttering candles. He lets out a sob of frustration when the last one won’t fucking blow out. But he sucks it back in and bites down on his tongue, using his thumb and forefinger instead. He throws himself into their empty bed without undressing. He lies there repeating the words ‘Derek blew me off for Isaac’ over and over. He tells himself to shut up while rearranging his pillow violently, but he goes to sleep with the refrain continuing its painful loop.
Worth It by dragneels
(1/1 I 1,670 I General I Sterek)
He hadn’t thought even for a second, instincts roaring, and jumped in front of Derek, taking the blow. And then he got lost in the darkness. also known as the "stiles telling derek that he's worth everything" fic no one asked for
As the seconds tick by by Halevetica
(1/1 I 3,972 I Not Rated)
When Derek picks up a new contract, he starts showing up late and missing important dates making Stiles feel unimportant. Derek is sure the contract is worth it, but Stiles doesn't understand why.
I'm Torn Do I Stay Do I Go by Adaline_Stilinski
(2/2 I 6,963 I General)
Derek had been focusing on making alliances with other packs around Beacon Hills to protect his pack but in doing so he started to neglect Stiles and there relationship. Stiles get's sick of it and decided to leave for some time apart is it going to help be like the stories Stiles reads and write about how distance makes love grow or will they both realise that there better apart. Will tragedy bring them together
Aberration by JackalPinesOfHouseEvergreen
(11/? I 29,415 I Teen)
Derek is a hot-shot lawyer who is very focused on his work. Stiles is his loving husband who does his best to fit into Derek's high-class family. He's hit some major roadblocks though. He feels neglected and unloved, and worse when Derek ditches him at his own family's parties which leave him humiliated as he tries to appear like their marriage isn't failing.
As an old member comes during some important werewolf ceremony to stir the pot, Derek's relationship with his family and Stiles is tested more than ever. Derek's world has been rocked and turned upside down.
And Stiles? Stiles is trying to find out who he is in the absence of the one he loves. As much as he believes in Derek and in their relationship, Stiles needs to find his self-worth that got lost along the way. Remember the fire he had inside of him as he got in the face of those that looked down at him, the fierceness of his intelligence that made others fear and respect him. Remember how fun life was...
Derek and Stiles drift a bit as Derek realizes he has to woo Stiles again, because he will not risk losing the love of his life. Not again.
The Mating Privilege by Kikileduc
(12/12 I 35,380 I Mature)
Stiles and Derek have been happily mated. The pack is doing well, but in hopes of creating alliances for it to do better, Derek accepts a neighboring pack's request to allow two wolves to join the Hale-McCall pack for a full moon cycle. They hope to form a blood-tie, or at least a long term friendship between the two packs. The issue is Kohona, the tribal leader's daughter, has her eyes set on an unavailable alpha wolf. This could have drastic consequences for their young emissary, however...
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by WriteByNight
(7/7 I 35,994 I Explicit)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
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emtb319 · 26 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Please forgive me for this.  In my defense, I woke up at 2:30 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I decided to try to write a bit for my daily goal.  That turned into getting Joe Diffie’s song "3rd Rock from the Sun" stuck in my head…and well…this happened.
Total word count for my 100 word a day challenge this month so far: 3814 words.
Thunderbirds are Go universe 
It started with his brother’s alarm clock.  Tired of it just being reset to wake the entire house every 10 minutes, they had gotten him one of the ones that rolls away until you get up to capture it to shut it off.  Except today, the rolling noise pollution rolled right out of his little brother’s room, down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.
Virgil groaned.  Scott and Gordon were on a callout, and Alan obviously was not getting his alarm.  When he went to get up out of bed, his foot got caught in his blanket, and he landed nose first on the floor.  Once free from the offending fabric, he went to the bathroom for a rag to put on his bloody nose.  He could hear the alarm going off downstairs.
When he managed to get down to the kitchen, he found the alarm clock wedged underneath the pantry door.  Because of the clock, he couldn’t get the door open, and the button to silence it was on the pantry side.  In the end, he had to remove the door at the hinges to get to the alarm to silence it.  He threw it away from him and hit the table, where he had put the pins for the hinges.  They rolled off of the table and underneath the oven.
“Ugh…I am not moving the oven…”  Virgil yelled in frustration.  Either he had the replacement pins he needed in his shop or the pantry wouldn’t have a door anymore.  “Coffee…I need coffee…Who touched my coffee?!?”  He found a note in place of his coffee can.
Sorry, needed the extra caffeine this morning and now the callout.  I promise to bring back more.  -Gordon-  “Arrgh!”  Brains heard the commotion and came to investigate.  
“I-I know it’s not coffee, but I-I have some Russian Caravan t-tea.  I-I could brew us some.”  Virgil pinched his nose before he remembered that it hurt.
“Thanks.  It’s been a…morning…already.  I should just go back to bed, but I can’t.”  Brains nodded, he understood.  He took care of the kettle while Virgil went back upstairs to clean himself up again.
The tea was good.  Not as good as his coffee, but for the moment it sufficed.  He decided to make some toast for breakfast.  Another bad idea.  He bit his tongue instead of the toast.
Virgil decided that he needed to tinker, something very mindless to help restart his morning.  But…someone moved his tools around.  It took him over an hour to put things back where they belonged, but his hammer and flat head screwdriver were missing.
“Kitchen…ugh.”  Alan was awake and eating the rest of Virgil’s abandoned toast when Virgil got back up to the kitchen.
“Hey Virg.”  Virgil grunted instead of answering.  “That actually answers a lot.”  Alan gestured around.  “All of this because of that stupid alarm clock Scott bought me?”
“Yes, by the way, I owe you a new one, but I refuse to buy another rolling one.  I have to do a supply run anyway.  Want to go with me?”
“Is it safe?”  Alan joked.
“Ha..ha..funny boy.  Much less safe for everyone if I don’t restock my coffee.”  Hammer and screwdriver forgotten, they went down to the hangar.  “Who forgot to refuel her?”  Another roadblock.  Virgil was fast losing his patience with the universe.
“I think Scott and Grandma had her out last.”  Alan answered, as he connected the fuel nozzle.  “Why don’t you get the pre-order in.  This way, we’re not wandering around.”  His big brother was far too grumpy to be shopping for out-of-stock items.
“Good idea…ugh…we have to make 2 stops.  I am not coming back without my coffee.”
“That’s fine.  It’ll be nice to have some me and you time.  Ready to go?”  Virgil smiled.  He was grumpy, and Alan was still trying to cheer him up.
“Take the captain’s seat little brother.  Let’s get you some flight hours while we’re at it.”
Virgil smiled as they landed.  The flight to the mainland was perfect, and so was Alan’s landing.  He was becoming a pretty good pilot.  He just needed the practice time.
Stop 1 was for some hot coffee.  Coffee #1 was spilled all over his lap when a young child bumped his arm.  Virgil laughed.  He has so many emotions run through him all at once, that all he could do was laugh.  Coffee #2 managed to make it into his stomach.  Coffee #3 was taken to-go with a very secure lid.  
Stops 2 and 3 went well.  They secured all of the groceries in the plane., then decided to grab a quick lunch.  One of the airport workers recommended a bar-b-que place nearby.
“Need a bib big brother?”  Alan tried to joke with him.  Virgil was in fresh clothes, but he didn’t have another pair.
“Not funny and no.”  He wasn’t really mad, but the universe had used up its allotment of ‘pound the snot out of Virgil today’, right?
The food was good.  Virgil added it to the list of must visit places after callouts.  They ordered extra to take home for dinner and made sure to secure it with the rest of their groceries before they took off.  Their flight home was relatively uneventful, save for a tiny bit of turbulence.
While Virgil secured the plane and refueled her, Alan went to grab the bag of food and some of the groceries that needed to go to the kitchen instead of storage.  “Shit…”
“Language…and what happened?”
“Umm…”  No…no…no…not that bag.  That could not be what fell and exploded all over the place.  Virgil looked over Alan’s shoulder and groaned.  He pinched his injured nose.  “I’m calling Scott right now and will put another pre-order in.  If we just tell them to pick it up, they’ll forget.”  Virgil tossed up his arms.
“I can’t catch a break today!”
“Virgil go.  I’ll handle this.  Go to the gym and hit a bag for a while.”
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bardoftheshire · 1 year ago
Here's the link for the whole series on Ao3 if you prefer to read it there :)
Weird Science | Chapter II
Egon Spengler x Reader
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[Notes; This is a shorter chapter and is kind of a filler I guess, but I promise there's more the next one. There is no summary for this.
[Warnings; Some foul language and that's about it.
Part 2/? | <Previous Chapter | Next Chapter>
Ring, Ring, Ring, Ri-!
You run from the other room to get the telephone, nearly tripping over some of the boxes scattered throughout your apartment. You answer the phone, picking it up and holding it to your ear.
"Y/n! Hey, it's Ray. I was calling to see if you wanted to swing by our research area sometime this week? Me and the guys have been working on something but hit a bit of a roadblock and need help getting it fixed or changed up soon," Ray's voice rings out excitingly through the phone.
"Hey Ray! Sure I can, but it'll probably have to be either tomorrow or Friday, I'm kinda stuck moving some of the boxes out to my apartment right now,"
"That's fine, Y/n. Also, how do you feel about getting some drinks with me and the guys this weekend? I figure I can reintroduce you to Peter and Egon again. I think it'd be fun if you aren't too busy," Ray suggests.
"Great! I wouldn't mind going with you guys, I think it'd be nice especially with all this that's goin' on right now too." You say, twisting the telephone cord in between your fingers.
"Great! How about you come on over Friday and after we finish up we can all go down to a bar for the night. The work shouldn't take too long."
"Yeah that works, I'll see you Friday then. Bye now."
"Bye Y/n, see you Friday." Ray says before hanging up the phone.
You place the phone back into its holder, then walking through the stacks of boxes to get back to organizing them.
I forgot just how much fun it was to talk to friends, why did I ever loose touch with all of them? Especially Ray.
You pick up a box labeled Motherboards and Breadboards, scribbled out in messily neat handwriting, picking it up and placing it on top of the boxes labeled Wires.
You had only been moving your stuff out for two days now, so regardless of the amount of shit you had in your apartment currently, you still weren't done and there was unfortunately plenty left in what used to be your lab.
You go to turn on your radio, tuning it to a radio station that played some of your favourite stuff and luckily managed to catch it just as a song was about to play.
-bzzt!- "...You're listening to 97.5 FM, the top radio station where you can get all of the newest -bzzt!- hits! Here's Everything She Wants from Wham's new album 'Make It Big'!" -bzzt!-
You make a mental note to remember that you need to buy another radio, as the speakers on yours were starting to give out.
"Somebody told me, "Boy, everything she wants, is everything she sees" I guess I must have loved you, because I said you were the perfect girl for me, baby,"
You danced as you organized more of your boxes. "Where on earth am I going to put all of these?" You said to yourself, putting your hands on your hips.
"Somebody tell me, o-" -pop!- -fzzt!- Your radio began to pop and spark, and it finally gave out with some mild vapor coming out of it.
"Shit! No, please don't give out on me now." You sigh, unplugging the radio from the port and trying to fan away the smoke.
'As if my week couldn't get any worse right now. I'm starting to look forward to Friday more and more.' You think to yourself.
You run your fingers through your hair, deciding to take a nap so you could try to calm yourself down.
You wake up, stretching and letting out a groan. You look at your bedside clock. 7:47 PM, the clock read.
You get up and head into your kitchen to make dinner. You grab a pot, a can of tomato soup, some bread, and a couple slices of cheese.
Grilled cheese and tomato soup couldn't really be considered the best dinner but its what you had. that's another thing you needed to add to your list. New radio, more groceries.
You add the can of tomato soup and a can of water into the pot and turn the heat on. You get four slices of bread and four slices of cheese out, placing them onto your cutting board as you go to grab your skillet and some butter.
You walked back into your living room to turn on your answering box to listen to any messages you might've gotten while you were napping.
-beep!- "You have- 3 new messages" -beep!-
You walk back into the kitchen to make your grilled cheese, turning the stove on for the skillet and putting two slices of butter on it to melt.
"Hey, Y/n! It's Sarah. I wanted to call to tell you that Mark and I are engaged now! How awesome is that, right! I'll have to talk to you about it when you actually answer your phone. I'll talk to you later, bye!" -beep!-
You smile to yourself, it was always good hearing from Sarah, you never got to talk to her often and you were happy that she finally got engaged with Mark. It might be better to meet with her to congratulate and talk to her, you'll call to tell her that later.
"Hey, Y/n. It's dad. I heard about what happened at the University and I want to say I'm sorry, kiddo. If you ever need help with anything or just want to come and hang out with your old man you can always come over whenever you want. I hope you feel better and, uh, yeah. I love you, stay safe." -beep!-
It was always so nice to hear from your parents. You hated to say it but it was even better when you heard from your dad rather than your mom. You'd always been daddy's little girl though. You need to go and visit them very soon, you forgot just how much you missed them.
You take both of the grilled cheeses off of the skillet and turn of the stove for both the soup and the skillet.
"Hey, Y/n, it's Ray again. Good and exciting news; me, Venkman, and Spengler got actual evidence that phantoms and ghosts are real and even got an ectoplasm sample. Not so good news; we've all been kicked out of the University today. I guess the Dean decided he was done with us in the same week. Anyway, just wanted to sha-" -beep!- "Time limit exceeded." -beep!- "You have no more messages" -beep!-
"Shit. I hope they're okay." You say to yourself, taking your plate and bowl to place it on your kitchen island.
Your home didn't feel all that cozy now with all of the boxes scattered throughout your apartment. Though you guess it never was to begin with.
There were only the bare necessities. A bed, one chair next to the island, pots and pans, food, a small television, a table where the television and phone sat, and a few other kitchen appliances. You were always at your lab so you didn't feel the need for a couch, things for hobbies, or anything else that weren't completely necessary, though you guess that a television wasn't exactly necessary.
You sit at the island and eat, turning on your television and putting on the news. Nothing interesting to say the least, just the same boring thing as everyday.
You sigh and clean up the mess from your food, walking them and putting them up to dry. Turn off the television and head into your room to go to bed again.
Though it sucked to have been fired from the University, you had a lot of time to relax now, to sleep a normal amount of time for the first time in years. But the downside of it is that you were bored. So.. incredibly.. bored.. This was also the first time that you had nothing to do in years to occupy your hands and mind. It was awful.
You finally fall asleep after letting your mind wander, thinking about how you never would have had to let Thallman go work with another professor if you would've just done something else to not piss of the Dean.
This was a shorter chapter and I'm actually being smarter about making chapter fics, making two of them at a time so people don't wait ages for one individual chapter to be released (And I'm terribly sorry for that, guys), and I'm sorry for the pace that this is going. But the next chapter is going to have more, I promise. I'll stop the ranting for now, I do hope you enjoyed it, though.
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atommadly · 3 months ago
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐀𝐔) | pt. 2
Pairing: CEO!Harry Wells x Intern!Reader Warnings: none
𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺'𝘴 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The night had been short for Harrison. He had to be at the office early for meetings, and after going to bed at 4 a.m. the previous night, he was exhausted. Yet, despite his fatigue, the memory of the evening you’d spent together, working on the project, filled his heart with a quiet joy. That joy, however, didn’t last long.
His father stormed into his office, his face a mask of displeasure. “You’ve betrayed me, Harrison!” he snapped, his voice sharp. “The board has decided to cut the budget for your project! You disobeyed me!”
Harrison blinked, trying to suppress his exhaustion. “I didn’t disobey you. I reduced the budget provided by STAR Labs. I’ve managed to secure additional funding.”
“You think I’m an idiot?” his father snarled. “You do whatever you want, without considering the consequences. That’s not how you run an empire.”
“I’m not running an empire, I’m a scientist in search of answers,” Harrison retorted, his voice calm but firm. “This project could save lives. It’s too important to just give up on.”
“Then why hasn’t it moved forward in over six months?” His father’s voice was icy.
Harrison was taken aback by the question. He had been so caught up in the work that he hadn’t realized just how much time had passed without significant progress.
His father pressed on. “I’ve done my homework, Harrison. You’re funding a project that’s stagnating. We’re losing both time and money.”
“I’ve just hit some roadblocks with the calculations,” Harrison explained, but there was an edge of uncertainty in his voice. “I’ll figure it out. The project will come to fruition.”
“Three months,” his father said, his tone final. “You’ve got three months to make this project work. If it’s not completed by then, we’re pulling the plug.”
With a final, harsh glare, his father slammed the door behind him, leaving Harrison in the quiet aftermath. Harrison let out a long, weary sigh. He knew his father was right, to a certain extent. The project was stalled. He had been stuck on a complex problem for weeks, unable to find a solution.
But as he sat there, his mind drifted back to the evening you had spent together. The way you’d worked so effortlessly alongside him, how connected the two of you had felt. He remembered the focus in your eyes, the way your ideas meshed seamlessly with his. There was something about you, something that had made him feel like the solution was just within reach.
An idea sparked in his mind. It was an unusual one, but something about the way you worked — the way you saw the problem from a different angle — gave him the confidence to consider it. He had an idea that could break the deadlock, but he would need your help.
Suddenly, the prospect of solving the problem didn’t seem so daunting. The thought of working with you again, of bringing your energy and fresh perspective into the equation, made him feel a sense of hope he hadn’t felt in weeks.
He couldn’t let his father’s deadline loom over him. He needed to find the answer — and this time, he wouldn’t do it alone.
The next day, you were busy organizing data from your current assignment when one of the lab assistants approached your desk. "You’ve been requested in Mr. Wells’ office," he said with an unreadable expression.
You froze, gripping the edge of your desk. Harrison Wells’ office? The CEO, the legend of STAR Labs? The man who had spent hours helping you fix a sabotaged project just last night?
Your heart thundered in your chest. You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since that night. His sharp mind, his quiet kindness, the way he had made you feel like an equal, not just an intern. And yet, a new wave of anxiety settled over you. What could he possibly want now? Had you done something wrong?
You stood, brushing off your slightly wrinkled blouse. The other interns, always eager for drama, noticed immediately and began whispering among themselves.
“She’s definitely in trouble,” one of them snickered.
“Maybe Wells finally realized she doesn’t belong here,” another added, her voice dripping with malice.
Your face burned, but you ignored them, squaring your shoulders. You needed this internship, and you weren’t about to let their petty comments rattle you.
The walk to Harrison’s office felt endless. When you arrived, the heavy wooden door was slightly ajar, revealing the man himself seated at his desk. He was leaning back in his chair, his chin resting on his hand, deep in thought.
You hesitated for a moment, taking him in. In the bright daylight, he looked every bit the billionaire CEO — polished, sharp, and utterly captivating. His suit was immaculate, though his tie was slightly loosened, a small reminder of the long hours he often worked.
Steeling yourself, you knocked lightly. Harrison looked up, his piercing eyes softening when he saw you. “Come in,” he said warmly, gesturing to the chair opposite him.
You stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind you. The office was as intimidating as you had imagined, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city and shelves lined with awards, blueprints, and cutting-edge prototypes. Yet, Harrison’s smile made the room feel just a little less daunting.
“Please, have a seat,” he said, his voice gentle.
You sat down, your hands folded nervously in your lap. Despite his welcoming demeanor, the knot in your stomach tightened. “Did... did I do something wrong?” you asked hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Harrison blinked in surprise, then chuckled softly. The sound was warm and reassuring, and it made your cheeks flush. “Not at all,” he said, leaning forward slightly. “Quite the opposite, actually.”
Your brow furrowed. “Then why am I here?”
“I need your help,” he said simply.
Your eyes widened. “My help?”
He nodded. “There’s a project I’ve been working on for a while now — the Neural Pathway Integration project. It’s... one of the most important projects I’ve ever undertaken. And I want you to be a part of it.”
Your heart skipped a beat. The Neural Pathway Integration project? You’d heard whispers about it in the lab. It was cutting-edge, something that could revolutionize neuroscience and artificial intelligence. But you? You were just an intern.
“Why me?” you asked, your voice shaking slightly. “I mean, there are so many people here who are more experienced, more qualified—”
Harrison shook his head, his gaze steady and unwavering. “Last night, working with you, I saw something... different. You think outside the box. You approach problems in ways that most people don’t. And that’s exactly what this project needs.”
You stared at him, your mind spinning. Harrison Wells, one of the most brilliant minds of your time, believed you were the key to solving his problem?
“What exactly is the problem?” you managed to ask, your voice barely steady.
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. “There’s a critical calculation that the entire project hinges on. For the past six months, no one’s been able to solve it — not me, not my team, not any of the experts I’ve brought in. We’ve hit a wall.”
You hesitated, the weight of his words sinking in. This wasn’t just a simple assignment; this was a leap into something far bigger than you’d ever imagined.
“But I’m just an intern,” you said softly. “What if I can’t—”
Harrison cut you off, his voice firm but kind. “I believe in you, Y/N. I wouldn’t have called you here if I didn’t.”
The sincerity in his tone made your heart flutter. There was no condescension, no doubt — only belief.
Finally, you nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Okay. I’ll do it.”
Harrison’s face lit up with a smile that made your chest tighten. “Thank you, Y/N. I have a good feeling about this.”
As you left his office, your thoughts were a whirlwind. The whispers and judgments of the other interns faded into the background. None of it mattered anymore.
For the first time since starting at STAR Labs, you felt seen. Not as just another intern, but as someone who could make a difference. And as you walked back to your desk, you couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement.
Weeks turned into months, and your life fell into a rhythm that was both exhilarating and overwhelming. Working alongside Harrison became the highlight of your days—and nights, as the project demanded more of your time and focus. From the moment you’d agreed to help him, he had thrown himself into the work with relentless determination, and you followed suit, eager to prove yourself worthy of his trust.
Harrison was a natural teacher, explaining the origins of the Neural Pathway Integration project with a level of passion that left you breathless. He told you about the years he’d spent conceptualizing the technology, the challenges he’d faced, and the breakthroughs that had brought the project to its current state. As he spoke, his face would light up, his hands gesturing animatedly, and you couldn’t help but be drawn in.
At first, you listened with awe, feeling out of your depth among the brilliance of his ideas. But Harrison never let you doubt yourself. He invited your input, valuing your perspective even when it differed from his own. Over time, you began to see yourself as more than just an intern—you were a collaborator, a partner in solving the complex equations and intricate designs that had stalled the project.
You worked tirelessly, often staying late into the night. Harrison would roll up his sleeves, loosen his tie, and dive into the work with you, the two of you poring over schematics and scribbling calculations on whiteboards. It was exhausting, but there was something magical about those late nights. The quiet hum of the lab, the soft glow of the monitors, the sound of his voice as he walked you through a problem—it all felt intimate in a way you hadn’t expected.
The dynamic between you began to shift. At first, you had addressed him with a formality that reflected the intimidating gap between your statuses. But now, you called him “Harrison” without hesitation. It felt natural, as though you’d known him forever.
Harrison, too, had changed. He laughed more when he was with you, his usually serious demeanor softening. He started bringing coffee to your workspace, remembering how you liked it, and teasing you about your tendency to forget meals when you were deep in thought. The walls he kept around himself seemed to lower, bit by bit, until you felt like you were seeing the man behind the title.
Your late-night work sessions became your favorite part of the day. When hunger inevitably struck, you would order takeout, sharing cartons of noodles or slices of pizza over blueprints and brainstorming sessions. You found yourselves talking about more than just work. Harrison shared stories of his childhood, his love for science, and even his frustrations with his father’s obsession with image and legacy.
You opened up to him too, telling him about your struggles to get where you were, about the sacrifices your family had made to support you, and about your dreams of making a difference. Harrison listened intently, his gaze unwavering, as though your words mattered more to him than anything else in the world.
As the weeks passed, something unspoken began to grow between you. It was in the way Harrison’s hand would linger just a moment too long when he passed you a pen, or the way your eyes would meet across the room, holding each other’s gaze for just a beat longer than necessary.
Harrison couldn’t stop thinking about you. You had a way of seeing the world—and the problems you were working on—that captivated him. Your intelligence wasn’t just impressive; it was thrilling. Watching you work, watching the way your mind pieced together solutions in ways he hadn’t considered, was utterly intoxicating.
And then there was you—your smile, the way your brow furrowed when you were deep in thought, the soft laugh that escaped you when he cracked one of his dry jokes. You were beautiful, but it was more than that. You were real, genuine, and unlike anyone he’d ever met.
Harrison had always kept a distance from others, especially when it came to relationships. Being Harrison Wells meant being a symbol of success, wealth, and power—a mask he’d grown accustomed to wearing but that left him feeling isolated. People didn’t see him; they saw the billionaire, the CEO.
But you were different. From the very first moment you met, you had looked at him as if he were just another person, not a headline or a name on a Forbes list. That memory stayed with him, the way you had treated him with kindness and sincerity, unaware of his fame.
It terrified him how deeply he felt for you. He hadn’t allowed himself to fall in love before—it was too risky, too painful. But with you, it was inevitable.
You, on the other hand, were experiencing emotions you hadn’t allowed yourself to feel in years. You had always been focused on your studies, too busy chasing your dreams to think about love. But now, it was all you could think about.
Harrison consumed your thoughts. His eyes, the way they sparkled when he smiled; his hands, strong and sure as they worked beside yours; his voice, low and steady, grounding you in even the most chaotic moments.
You dreamed of him—not just of his touch, though the thought of his lips on yours sent a shiver down your spine—but of his words, his ideas, his passion. He was brilliant and kind and unlike anyone you had ever known.
And so, you continued working together, dancing around the feelings that neither of you dared to name. The tension between you grew with every passing day, a silent promise that something was coming, something neither of you could ignore for much longer.
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darkwingsnark · 9 months ago
Thematic Contradictions: Pinky, the Nature of Suffering, and the Brain.
A comment written on a youtube video showing the multiple backstories provided by the different iterations of PatB. Something written in the moment, free flow, with no research to back my claims. All made for the fun fun silly-williness of it all.
I did think others might enjoy it all the same, so sharing anyway.
Honestly, while contradictory in nature for the sake of making different origin parodies [a habit shared with shows like Darkwing Duck], there's plenty to work with in regards to coming up with a backstory. Even if you were to assume that Brain truly has lost it enough to believe all origins, there's still the running theme of having lost his innocence due to interference with humanity. That the trauma triggered the want and need for control to provide safety for himself [and Pinky]. I wouldn't call his want to take over the world [and thus humanity] to be seen as the example of his anger displacement. His anger displacement comes in the form of lashing out and getting overtly defensive when hitting roadblocks. It's a triggering of the feeling of failure, which in turn is internalized. His plan didn't fail, HE failed. Which in turn, he feels, is a jab at his intelligence. And if he isn't intelligent, the very thing granted and the outcome of why he suffered, then what was the point of it all? If he can't seek control, make the world a better place, was his suffering just a cruel act and not the marks of a greater destiny?
The answer in the end, of course, is one that philosophers have debated for a long time. But I argue that, outside of the love story of two mice [platonic or otherwise], the show handles topics like hope vs nihilism. Nihilism, in this case, demonstrated by both characters. Nothing matters, so why not take over the world? [It has to matter, or else why did he suffer?] Nothing matters, so why not have fun and be kind along the way?
Hope is also what enables them to continue their plans for world domination, while the fear of not being good enough is why Brain hardly ever tries a scheme more than once. Despite the fact part of learning comes with figuring out where one's mistakes occurred. But Brain has trouble learning on an emotional level, because he's closed off. That is where his learned helplessness comes into play. We've seen time and time again that he has trouble being vulnerable because that means losing any semblance of control. Control over himself, as well as passing on the reigns to have another help him through his pain. But what if he's rejected? What if his pain is mocked, or the other sees his vulnerability and validates the fact that he is a failure?
To want is to face the possibility of pain. To hope can lead to loss. And the Brain has faced enough of that for a life time.
And none of this even covers the new theme that reboot has made of Brain being just like the humans he sees as monsters. Of how he has continued the cycle of abuse through Julia's creation and downfall. When you see the mouse dine at the table of humanity, it becomes hard to distinguish one from another.
Luckily Pinky is there as Brain's moral anchor. And I like to believe that Brain can be better, can remember that nothing matters so why not be kind in spite of it?
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Omg haha remember my TUA AU? That you're so totally interested in? Yeah you're very interested in hearing about it yes you are
Yeah I've hit a roadblock with the Commision/Handler but I still want to talk about this au so I'm gonna release what I have of the Umbrella Academy yay______________________
The Umbrella Academy 🌂
Sir Reginald: AFO Shigaraki, an affluent man with shady ties to powerful people and a shady person himself. He managed to adopt 7 of the 42 babies that were conceived and born in a single day at the exact same time, where he raised and trained them all to be highly powerful fighters under the guise of “heroism”. After all his children moved away and grew apart, he faked his disappearance in order to force them to work together again so they could be a united front for what AFO was preparing them for… too bad they never to that in their timeline.
No. 1: Jurota (Shishida) Shigaraki 🐻
Power: Beast- born with an unnaturally beast looking body and heightened senses. He can transform into an even bigger beast form at will and back.
After the Academy: stays living at the Academy due to his body and face standing out too much getting a lot of unnecessary attention. Works under AFO publicly as the only Academy member left, but otherwise does not interact with his father. Tries his best to stay in contact with his siblings even after the U.A. Scandal.
No. 2: Ochako (Uraraka) Shigaraki 🪐
Power: Gravity Manipulation- the strange pink pads on her fingertips allow her to change the gravitational pull on anything they touch, not a five-finger requirement, and has a small control on its direction/movement.
After the Academy: being the last to move out of the Academy other than Jurota, she continued her path of heroism and joined the police force. She eventually realized that many of her colleagues and superiors were corrupt and when trying to call them out, she was fired. Becoming a vigilante instead, she got a regular job and lives with her best friend Tsuyu while keeping contact with a friend inside the law.
No. 3: Hitoshi (Shinso) Shigaraki 🙊
Power: Brainwashing- using a two-step activation requirement, he can create any command that the affected will comply with no matter the realistic possibility of it.
After the Academy: tried to completely leave his life of the Umbrella Academy behind and pursued new interests. He ended up quite famous and well known but as word of his old life resurfaced, he became accused of misusing his power to get where he did. Was struggling with clearing his name and suppressing those accusations in the media by the time of the start of the “show”.
No. 4: Yuuga (Aoyama) Shigaraki ✨️
Power: Light Manipulation- can manipulate beams of light to either change direction or create images, can also expel light from his body. SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDE hallucinations and dissociation, uses certain… substances to dull side effects.
After the Academy: moving out not soon after becoming an adult, he switched jobs often to stay afloat before AFO reached out and offered him a cushy job and place in exchange for complete loyalty and help with certain “work” projects. He was hesitant to accept that offer but not wanting to end up struggling on the streets, he accepted. (knew the disappearance was orchestrated)
No. 5: Shouta (Aizawa) Shigaraki 👁
Power: [still figuring that out]- when looking at someone he can slow down their bodies and brains as much as he wants, the effect wears off when he blinks.
After the Academy: when he was younger he was targeted by a Commission member and he killed the assassin in a panic. After this he was scouted by the Handler/Commission and taken from the Academy to work for the Commision. Years later he ran from the Commision to try to save the world and was much older than his siblings.
No. 6: Oboro (Shirakumo) Shigaraki ☁️
Power: Warp Gate- can create blue, cloudy, black hole-reminiscent “gates” of various sizes that teleport anything that goes through them
After the Academy: killed on a mission that mysteriously no one remembers
No. 7: Izuku (Midoriya) Shigaraki 💪
Power: OFA- uses sound waves (?) to create energy and turns it into super strength None
After the Academy: After moving out he pursued a career in order to finally make something of himself and at some point revealed the horrors of the Academy, unintentionally releasing some of his siblings personal trauma that they did not want publicly known. This messed up his relationship with most, if not all of his siblings.
*a lot of this stuff is subject to change bc I’m making it as I rewatch the show, so there may be things that I have but then decide doesn't fit and change it to something else.
Yeah I'm still figuring things out BUT ITS THE GUYSSS @spaceic
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lumine-no-hikari · 1 month ago
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #405
I had a weird dream that I don't remember very well. Something about needing to rehome all of our cats, for reasons I can't recall. I do, however, remember crying a lot.
Today I scoured through the website for state jobs, looking for ones that I qualify for. I found a bunch of potential openings that I can maybe fill. But... I hit a roadblock. Apparently, a non-trivial number of them want me to attach a record of my unofficial college transcripts.
In order to get those, I need to access my college email, which I don't remember, because it has been like 13 years since last I've used it. I tried to get that info, but to do that, I need a PIN, which I also don't remember. So I tried to follow the process for that, but the PIN was sent... to the email address of an old high school teacher, because I didn't have my own email address back when I applied.
So I contacted the IT department over there to change the personal email address associated with my data over there (because I'm a big adult human now, with my very own email address and everything). But in order to do that, I need the address of where my mother lived at the time I applied, which I also don't remember.
So I guess I'll go in person tomorrow; thankfully, the place where I gotta go isn't very far. I suppose I'll get it done after the orthodontist appointment, which is after physical therapy. So... tomorrow is probably gonna be pretty busy.
Aside from that, I... probably spent more time reading the news than I should have. The state of my brain right now... isn't great. Watching one's country descend into fascism in real time is really not good for the blood pressure, lemme tell ya. Still, what can I do aside from trying to keep my chin up and trying to be a source of support for those who need me?
We got burgers today. And I'm staying hydrated. In fact, I'm gonna get more water in like 10 minutes. I should probably eat again soon, too. Though admittedly, everything seems like it's either too much, or kinda gross.
...I wonder if you've experienced this. You wanna eat, but your body has decided that all food is illegal. Or maybe your body wants all the food, and can't choose, so it would rather sit, paralyzed and hungry. I'm in these states with some frequency. And, as insane as this is probably going to sound, sometimes I am in both states simultaneously, and the results are very weird, to say the least.
...Oh well. Maybe I'll ask M and J for suggestions or whatever, when I go down to get water.
I thought about playing Hades, but it feels incorrect. Continuing work on the crafting project also feels incorrect. I'm trying to get my brain to figure out what does feel correct, but it's being... uncooperative. I'm not really sure why.
On the bright side, I did get some pretty good pictures of the sky today. Here, check 'em out. I took one with the lamppost in front of me, and one with the lamppost behind me...
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I decided to get pizza with mushrooms on it. I also got garlic naan and tzatziki sauce to dunk it in, and macaroni and cheese bites. They'll arrive soon. If they're pretty, I'll take pictures.
While I waited for the things to arrive, I decided to do some leisure writing, and I got clarity on a thing that has been bothering me for... gosh... a very long time. There's this thing I've been trying to do, and I thought I've been doing it wrong the whole time, but... actually I wasn't doing it wrong at all. I'm just not used to moving within the space, which makes it a little hard to navigate. But... I think I have a slightly better understanding of what I'm supposed to do. I guess time will tell me if I'm right.
Anyhoot. Here are the snacks we got...
This was a pizza with onions, mushrooms, and alfredo sauce:
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This was a pizza with sausage, apples, and candied pecans:
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These were gouda macaroni and cheese bites with garlic parm sauce:
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...And this is tzatziki sauce made with goat milk yogurt, with some garlic naan:
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...There are so many delightful things in my world. I wish you'd pop by someday so I can share them with you. Even though it's impossible, think about it anyway, okay?
I think I will sink a little more into some leisure writing; it's been a while since last I've done that, and it might explain why I've felt so disconnected from various things.
Today's letter is short. Sorry about it. With tomorrow being so busy, maybe I'll have a little more to write to you by then.
Please stay safe and healthy out there, Sephiroth. Please do your best to make choices that won't lead to you disappearing. Because I love you, and... I don't want to imagine what my life might have been like if I hadn't had your example to look to when I was struggling the most.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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askror · 3 months ago
Surge, what drew you to Lanolin? What is it that you like about her?
"Really? Hell of a hard question, pal." Surge rolled over to lie on her side with a fangly grimace. How did you explain that? Like, in words?
"I don't give a damn what people think about me usually. Probably doesn't help that I go out of my way to piss 'em off half the time, but even the ones I like can take me or leave me, no skin off my back." Yes, that was the way to do it. Play the question off with swagger and confidence! Or so she thought. Almost immediately she hit a roadblock. She couldn't say what followed while sounding like a badass. Just didn't work.
Confidence was gone. Her voice had dropped a bit: "Poofball's different. I mean, yeah, part of it was I just thought she was hot at first, but... I dunno, that first time I said something that actually got her smiling? Made my heart feel all weird." The pink in her cheeks became an outright red. "I think that was the first time I ever wanted to make somebody happy, at least that I can remember. Just so I could see that friggin' smile again."
It seemed so mundane, but it was something Surge knew was real. Something that went past simple attraction to places higher and stronger. What did you call that? Love? Like, romantic love? She didn't know. But as she herself began to grin, fond and distant, there was something she was sure of: one of the things she was most looking forward to about coming home was seeing that smile, even just one more time.
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sadnesslaughs · 6 months ago
The worst thing about dying is talking to HR the next morning.
(A response to a writing prompt)
“With all due respect. I didn’t intentionally miss the meeting. I died yesterday. It was on the news and everything. I even texted our boss after it happened, so he knew I wouldn’t be able to make it into the office.” Garth pleaded, not wanting to lose his comfy office job. It was hard for immortals to find work, mainly because most companies either closed or got suspicious of their employee that had been working there for over a hundred years.
That’s why Amiza was perfect. A large distributor of candy and snacks, the sort of company where the bosses only see you as a statistic on an excel sheet. No one cared if he stayed here for six hundred years, as long as he showed up on time. He also had great job security, knowing that both candy and snacks were goods that would never go out of fashion. It was practically an unsinkable business, and yet he hit a roadblock in his employment. Dying yesterday on his way to work.
“Ah, yes. The ‘death certificate’.” The HR manager, Tom, resisted the urge to use air quotes, instead doing the verbal equivalent of it, giving a snarky rise in his voice as he went over the word. “You would have us believe you died and came back to life? It’s not even Easter and Christ has risen. Splendid.”
“Ah, I’m not a god or anything.” Garth said, a little embarrassed by the comparison. He had gone through a cult stage in the early 1000s, something that most immortals did while they were young. After that weirdness, he never wanted to be referred to as a deity again.
“I was being sarcastic, Mr. Backlor. How do you expect us to believe any of this? People don’t come back to life.”
“What about during open heart surgery?”
Tom sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “In that case, they may sometimes come back. Though, I doubt any medical profession is deeming them dead during the surgery. I also assume they wouldn’t turn up to work a day after being declared dead. I want to believe you, Garth, I really do.” Tom lied, already having the termination email template on his screen. “But, you have to give me more to work with. Why shouldn’t we fire you?”
“Because I’m a great employee.” Garth thought that would be obvious. What other answer was he going to give in this situation?
“You’re a good employee. Not great. Great is reserved for people like myself.” Tom smirked, always happy to fluff his own feathers. The man’s arms crossing against his chest as he leaned into his chair, demonstrating the proper authority that comes with a position like his own.
Garth thought about that. “Didn’t you come to work late last Tuesday?”
That smirk shattered as Tom shifted forward, scowling. “I wasn’t aware I was being monitored by you. For your information, I had a terrible emergency that morning.” Tom wouldn’t say what that emergency was, not wanting to admit he got stuck waiting for fresh hash browns in a drive through.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to offend you. I was just thinking that we’re kind of similar. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Similar? Tom fumed at the comparison, tapping away at his keyboard, writing Garth’s name into the empty boxes on his template. “Now that I think about it. Dying would void your employment contract. You wouldn’t even be able to sue us.”
“You can’t do that! I’m telling you, I died. I was even in the work parking lot when it happened. You can check the footage. Some idiot was speeding through the parking lot and they ran me over.”
Tom stopped typing, pausing. “Our car park?” Now he was nervous. A death at their workplace? One that had gotten news coverage? He sweated, wiping his forehead. “We… have signs around the parking lot telling people to slow down. We also have numerous safe crossing areas. You only have yourself to blame.”
Garth thought about the accident. He didn’t remember seeing any signs or crossings. He didn’t remember seeing much of anything except the hood of a car. “I don’t think there were any. I was in the old bit. The one that leads to the underground elevator.”
“Ah, one moment.” Tom hurriedly emailed Jenny, who organized their safety and upkeep, asking her to let him know if they had placed any signage or crossings on the underground parking level. When Jenny said they were doing that next week, Tom panicked. “Ah, why are we even having this discussion? Of course you’re not fired. We couldn’t fire a person for dying.”
Garth didn’t expect the sudden attitude shift, but was happy to hear he wasn’t on the chopping block. “You mean it? That’s great news. I thought I was a goner.” Garth offered his hand to Tom, who quickly shook it. “Yes. Actually, I think a promotion might be in order. To compensate you for your troubles. A great employee should be rewarded.”
“I thought you said I was only a good employee?”
“I didn’t want to ruin the surprise promotion.”
“That makes sense. I think?” Garth wasn’t born yesterday, so he knew what was going on. Even if he hadn’t intended to sue them, the thought of being sued was enough to deter them from firing him. After all, he didn’t want anyone looking too deeply into this either. It was hard enough trying to convince doctors you magically came back from the dead. You didn’t want lawyers also looking into your strange medical records.
“A ton of sense. Now, why don’t you get back to work? I’ll send the paperwork through for your promotion.”
“That sounds great.” Before Garth left, Tom reached over the desk, tapping his shoulder. “Yes?”
“I also might need you to make an address to whatever news company reported on the accident. Let them know it wasn’t as bad as initially reported. Just so we can sweep this whole mess under the rug,” Tom said, begging him to agree. The sooner they covered this up, the better it would be for them all.
“Sure. Bye Tom.”
“Bye Mr. Backlor.” Tom said, slouching in his chair as the man left. Glad he got that ticking lawsuit bomb out of his office. He just hoped he had diffused it, not wanting his own job to get caught in the blast if it went off.
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doevademe · 1 year ago
I originally had planned for this prompt to be about Percy and Nico remembering they were lovers in a previous life and trying to work through that, but the characters (especially Nico) resisted that plot. Oh well, maybe some other time.
Some other time has come. You can’t just tell us about this magnificent idea and not elaborate!
(It’s the notes from Mixing up the Routine)
Oh, now that takes me back.
Okay, so quick background on my WIPs: I have a lot of them. Some of them transform over and over until they become unrecognizable when I finally publish them. Some barely change and get published with just a few minor changes from their early stages, and some never see the light of day due to plot or characterization problems (or because I know fans would hunt me for sport with some of my more controversial ideas).
My fic about Percico as reincarnated lovers belongs to the latter category. Whenever I try to develop it, I hit a roadblock in either the plot department or the characters remaining in character means the story grinds to a halt. I've tried to rework it multiple times, but I've never been able to get it right. However, if you want, I can give out the latest outline for the story under the Read More, especially since I'm sure I'll never actually write it out.
The conflict starts with Percy and Nico having dreams about their past lives, where they see a person they are in love with (who they are changes a lot each attempt, sometimes they're both men, sometimes a man and a woman, once they were even two women). At first, they think this dreams are random and unimportant, but they are persistent, and once they realize it's their past lives, they become obsessed with finding the other.
Nico theorizes that he's getting these memories now because he's nearing the age when his past life met their lover, and thinks that him having those dreams means they can find each other again. He goes on an underworld adventure, trying to find some way to track his past lover.
Percy, meanwhile, is having an identity crisis. He's falling in love with a memory, while being days away from his wedding with whom he thought until just recently was his one true love, but how he feels for his past live lover... it makes this whole thing feel shallow and petty. He's also sad because Nico has been acting weird, and he knows he won't make it to his wedding, and that just hurts.
Nico appears before Percy the very day he calls off the wedding, and they are both confused. Percy was sure Nico would be away for longer, and Nico believed he was shadow traveling to his past life lover. Nico finally explains his absence and Percy realizes who they are to each other but... he doesn't feel for Nico the same as he did for past life lover, so what gives? Why is that?
Cue an investigation about what's happening, ending up with Percy and Nico realizing this isn't their second life. It's their third. Both times, they have found each other, and their love has made them as miserable as they have been happy. They always end up in tragedy and Percy had decided enough was enough.
It's revealed that before their last life began, Percy lied and said they'll go together like last time, but when Nico jumped into the Lethe to be reborn, and Percy didn't follow. Nico was born decades before Percy because of that. Then, he asked Aphrodite (in some drafts his mother, in other drafts through his father Hermes) to make sure he didn't fall in love with Nico in this life. To block out the feelings.
Once they learn this, Percy is convinced he did the right thing, because what happened to Nico while he was in love with him? Just pain and tragedy. Maybe it's for the best that they remain separated this life, give Nico a full life for once.
And here's where I hit a roadblock, because continuing from this to a happy ending requires Nico to fight to convince Percy they can be together, that this time will be different, but the thing is... why? Why would Nico want to fight for them when he feels like he's the only one with feelings in this life? What argument could be strong enough to compel Percy to undo the block? Only he can unlock his heart. Nico could ask Aphrodite, but that would be no different from forcing Percy to love him. The characters resist this plot having a happy ending, and I want this plot to have one.
So yeah, this is where I'm stuck, and any iteration of the reincarnation has been met with similar issues. I still like this plot a lot, but I really can't make it work, no matter how much I try.
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leonawriter · 4 months ago
When I think of all the different detco pairings, I usually think of the main ones, and so I'm all "yeah I ship all canon plus a few non-canon (AKA queer) on the side!" and actually I just... when I think about it?
It's funny, but there are a few side pairings that I'm not a big fan of. Some not as bad as others, sure, but still.
(under a cut for criticism and salt)
Shiratori, for instance, has changed a lot ever since he was introduced. Not talking about M3, more his initial plot line where he's basically only there to act as a roadblock to Takagi and Sato getting together. He wasn't especially likeable, mostly throwing his weight around as a "marriage candidate" and stalking anything potentially like a date.
I have to wonder if Gosho's views on his earlier characterisation of certain characters and plots has changed, since then. I was already in the fandom when the Sato/Takagi kiss happened, which would mean the other officers couldn't keep pursuing Sato in the same way and Gosho would have to figure out what to do with the ones he'd previously only used for that purpose.
But then we have things like the bookend gags in Bride of Halloween only a few years ago where there are fake "wedding" and "funeral" events that are gatecrashed by Sato's... "admirers," and I wonder how much has actually changed.
Shiratori himself has Kobayashi, the kids' schoolteacher, but... the fact that he'd only met her for a short time as a kid to the point that he thought someone who turned out to be a murderer was her just because they did the same sort of paper craft with their cup holders was a little... frustrating.
Every time I've gone through that I've been "that could have been her. That literally could have been her. She could have changed, and her life experiences could have shaped her and made her a different person, and you would have to live with that." It'd be such a great story to tell, that sometimes that just happens. And he could meet Kobayashi and get to know her as an adult, as a new person, with no assumptions and no sense of her being a replacement goldfish for someone who was a replacement goldfish for.... her.
Overall I don't have anything with regards to those two that makes me actively dislike them, it's just... "man, that could have been SO much better written."
The other one I'd say I have salt over - and for similar reasons, too! - would be Chiba and Naeko. Because again, they met as small tiny children, and never forgot each other, and grew up, and... haven't changed one bit.
Honestly, just... he could at least spice that up by making it so that one of them had attempted to date other people, and it didn't work out because they're hung up on a memory. But that just makes me think of them finally finding each other, and they're so caught up with how they remember the other being, that they don't even recognise each other at first! That? That'd be fun.
The thing I really dislike about Chiba/Naeko is that she tries to effectively control him for her own purposes; she pushes him (anonymously, which is even creepier!) to lose weight (which because we're in comic book time happens really quickly, which is concerning) and then when other women start finding her guy attractive, she encourages him (effectively) to put that weight back on and be unattractive to others again. Never mind whether or not he's healthier or happier either way, oh no! It's all about her feelings, insecurities, and not wanting competition.
It's like - the pairings are so very hit and miss. He'll either write something so good, or he'll write something and you wonder if he's ever been able to experience the world outside of his art studio in order to have friendships with women, or learn about modern issues and so on.
...I also dislike Kyougoku's misogyny toward Sonoko, which is a much bigger issue, what with him policing the way she dresses and being way too controlling of who she hangs out with, projecting his insecurity that she even might date other men onto her, no matter what she'd say about it, no matter if it's her idol-crush on Kaitou Kid (which is different from romantic love), or just... hanging out with friends who aren't girls.
Dude needs to lay off, seriously.
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nat-seal-well · 2 years ago
I’m going to the renaissance fair today so I probably won’t be on much, haha. I’m about to go get ready for it because that’s going to be a Process™️. But before I do that I wanted to share part of what I’ve been working on (since I hit a roadblock with my other wip again).
When Elena comes to, it happens in stages.
She is vaguely aware of her mind waking up, only to be pulled back under the sea of unconsciousness. Like the lull of ocean waves, advancing and retreating, she is one grain of sand picked up by the force of the water and helpless to do anything but ride it out. Conscious and then not. Conscious and then not. Over and over again, in a loop.
But tides go out eventually, and when hers does, she finds she’s able to stay awake for more than a few seconds. Here is the next stage. She is slow, groggy, and wakefulness comes sluggishly like it often does after a long night with Tina and cheap, flavored vodka.
The third stage is thought, and the thought in particular that she has is, I fucking hurt.
I fucking hurt is an understatement. If Elena wanted to be more precise, she wouldn’t have been able to tell herself anything at all, because she doesn’t have the words for it. The hurting is an all-over sort of pain, a compounded concretion of many different kinds all at the same time. Her muscles ache. Her head is killing her, above her right eye, where something feels gross and like it was wet once, but dry now. All of her limbs burn with the stinging of too many different cuts to count. And whatever is under her is hard and unyielding, like stone, which does nothing to help.
It occurs to her afterward that this is not normal. She should be—
She should be…
…Where should she be?
There is a gap in her memory that unnerves her exactly as much as it should, which is to say, a lot.
Through her closed eyelids, Elena can see that there is a light. Someone must have left it on, which is annoying. She already has a headache and the brightness of the light won’t do a single thing to help, so she elects to keep her eyes shut as she has a little, private, spiral of panic.
Okay, okay, okay, she says. C’mon. Don’t freak out. (Too late, but she can try.) What happened? What is the last thing you remember?
Where were you?
When Elena was in high school, she needed to fill one of her classes with an elective because she was an extremely uninteresting teenager and didn’t feel like having a free period. It was the only high school in Wayhaven—what was she going to do? Wander around town? That was what all the other kids did their last year, only taking a half-day because they already had all of their required credits, but Elena didn’t see the point in it. She had already spent endless weekends unsupervised and doing exactly that, when she wasn’t working short shifts part-time at a little boutique she hated. So she decided to take an Intro to Photography class, just for the hell of it.
They had her go out with one of those super old cameras, the kind from before everything went digital. The pictures had to be processed in chemical baths under a red light, the whole deal, and then hung up to dry and develop. Whatever the camera had captured an image of would start to show eventually, a little at a time, and Elena’s was spectacularly awful. It was a good thing the teacher graded based on participation.
Trying to remember feels a lot like that picture in the dark room.
It comes to her slowly, bit by bit. Fuzzy at first, it starts to clear up the further she pries into her own head, even though that is already voicing its complaint with the throbbing right above her eye.
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sometimesraven · 1 year ago
any writing advice for someone writing their first novel? (*cough, cough, aka me*)
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Disclaimer: what works for me might not work for you, so feel free to take, twist and scrap whatever you need. I recommend asking/shopping around for ideas and other authors' processes, and it'll take some trial and error before you find what works best for you. But here's how I personally write.
Disclaimer disclaimer: this got real long while I was writing it and I realised how terrifying it must look to a first time writer. Take it step by step, at your own pace. It's not as scary as it looks xx
(I'm going to be focusing on the story itself, but I'm sure it goes without saying that you should have your characters planned out first)
First things first: have a basic idea of the story beats. It doesn't have to be a Big Old Detailed Outline, just a basic compass to keep you going in the right direction so you're less likely to hit a roadblock. Personally I use the Plot Embryo! Here's my favourite video explaining it:
It's a nice simplified, easy to use tool for plotting. Here's a page from one of my journals breaking it down in a way I can personally come back to and understand:
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hopefully you can read my shitty handwriting but I've put a little breakdown in the image description.
I then use these prompts to scribble down the basic idea of what journey I want my main character/s to go through, and use that as my blueprint for when I write.
First things first: if you're like me, and seeing errors or plot holes in the stuff you've already written will bug you forever, do what I do and NEVER READ BACK OVER YOUR WORK WHILE IT'S STILL IN PROGRESS. Sometimes I have to skim back to remember where I am but as a rule, once something is written it's no longer my problem until the whole thing is done.
Don't worry about chapters and other such structure. I use the plot embryo to split things up so I know where I am, but otherwise chapters and scenes Do Not Exist until the editing process. Here's the "chapters" of a WIP as an example (this is a slightly different embryo adapted for romance but you get the idea)
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Then just keep going until you're done. You don't even have to do it in order. If I'm stuck on a scene, I'll just put a big word in all caps that I can ctrl+f easily (usually either ELEPHANT or PENIS sklfsgskjf) and move on to the next bit I have ideas for, then come back to it later.
This first finished story will be bad. It'll be rough, patchy, full of holes. THAT'S OKAY. This is what we sometimes call the "Zero Draft". The draft that literally exists just to get the story out of your head to make the whole thing easier.
Warning: editing is the longest, hardest part of writing a novel. Your book will go through several different versions, be scrapped and torn apart and put back together again. This is what makes the story great.
This is where every author differs, and there's a whole bunch of ways this can go. Personally, the first thing I do once the zero/first draft is done is put it down. Don't look at it, don't touch it, don't think about it. For at least a month. This allows you to come back to it with fresh eyes that haven't been staring at the same words for so long they just hate the whole thing regardless (and you WILL HATE IT. This is normal).
Then, the first thing I do is read back over the whole thing, adding notes and reactions as if I am a reader. If a part of what I've written makes me go 🥺🥺🥺, I'll write that down. If something could be worded better, I write that down. If you think a certain thing that you would put in the tags of a tumblr post, write it down. Treat it like you're someone else's beta reader, note down every negative, every positive, every ???? part. This will give you an idea of what is and isn't working. Here's some of my funniest notes from my zero draft of book 2 just to prove how literal I'm being here:
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Then, and this is a controversial move that doesn't work for everyone but it works for my autistic adhd self-loathing brain: WRITE THE WHOLE THING AGAIN. FROM SCRATCH.
This sounds daunting and it is, but you've already written it once, so the second time is easier. Usually I don't worry about making this perfect because again, this is just another draft. I'll copy from my zero draft anything that I think is fine and write new bits or scrap bits as I go.
Sometimes, the story is fine. Sometimes this is an easy refining process. However, if you're anything like me, sometimes the whole thing is messy and you'll realise halfway through rewriting that the whole thing needs restructuring. Do not despair. This is normal.
I'm using book 2 of the Truth Saga as an example for this. I got 40k words into rewriting it before I realised that the reason it felt so 'off' was because the whole thing was sagging in the middle, characters were being left behind, and the whole thing needed restructuring.
It was a rough realisation, as Reckless Truth (book 1) was such a comparatively easy process. I only did three drafts and didn't have to restructure much. Book 2 is giving me so much grief and I'm gonna slap it when it's done.
If you hit this roadblock, it might be time to do what all mood writers hate. Detailed plotting. Go right back to basics. Write down every plot point in detail this time. Act like you're spoiling the whole entire story for someone. Have you ever watched a movie or book review where the reviewer does a full breakdown of the plot? Do that. In this you'll find out exactly where you're going wrong and be able to tweak and fix it. If you have more than one main character, I recommend doing a separate plot thing for each of them and one for the book as a whole so that you can make sure their emotional arc is getting the attention it deserves.
Then, when you're happy with the new plot you've written based on the draft of your story, go back and try to rewrite it again. If this sounds like a nightmare, it is. But it's worth the work, I promise.
From there it's a case of rinse and repeat, reread, rewrite, re-edit until you're mostly happy with what you've got. Then send it to beta readers and editors to tear apart even more and put it back together until you think it's ready! I also recommend joining some writing discords, watching streams or videos about writing, just research research research basically
Happy writing!
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