#if anyone actually reads this in its entirety......
twipsai · 2 days
ive been wanting to do something like this for a while, so here we go
Silver's straightforward attitude and anxieties: a poorly formatted analysis
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Silver's anxiety is something i havent seen talked about a lot, and im really just barely going beneath the surface here -- i hope i did it justice in anyway sfdkSKHJFDSKFH i think about his obvious anxiety disorder a lot
transcript of all the text i added under the cut incase its hard to read for some ppl ^_^
image 1 (source: IDW #8): "isnt really used to banter, got worried he actually offended Sonic"
"he worries a lot about not being useful, because thats pretty much his entire purpose in life. if hes not doing something, he will find something to do (badly) or panic. he gets nervous at the slightest insinuation that he mightve messed up because the last thing he ever wants to do is get in anyones way."
"for how powerful he is and how much shit he talks, Silver doesnt really think very good about himself or his own worth."
image 2 (source: Sonic Universe #82): "its hard to say anything here that i havent already said, its just another example os Silver having issues with his self wroth, and also a lot of his motivation coming from protecting the people he loves (and, more generally, protecting the world), considering a page after this he gets up and completely wrecks the Second Devourer"
image 3 (source: IDW #8): "Silver will take pretty much anything literally. he lacks the social skills to identify when someones being serious bc he grew up completely alone"
image 4 (source: IDW #14): "he cant lie (is both bad at it, and it really just doesnt cross his mind to do so), but he can change the subject"
"he also really doesnt like it when people are worried about him -- almost every time people show concern for him, he tries (and fails) to lie or change the subject"
image 5 (source: IDW #14): "he didnt see anything suspicious about [Starline giving the "vault code"] because he doesnt usually assume people lie directly to him, its just not something that usually crosses his mind"
image 6 (source: IDW #60, TSR interview): "Silver's rudeness, his naivete, misunderstanding of jokes/quips/banter, inability to lie, it all stems from his straightforwardness. its simple, but but oftentimes effective (yes i chose a bad page to showcase when it works, ignore that)"
"Silver doesnt like to beat around the bush or show off too often. go in, defeat the bad guys, get out. it ties in with his anxiety of the future -- time is always of the essence"
"Q: What are some of your favorite items to use during the race?
Silver: [...]but the Jade Wisps' "Ghost" is the only one I like. I can disappear and focus on the race."
"it does make him forget to stratagize and cooperate with his friends sometimes, though, when his first instinct is "hit it until it stops moving""
image 7 (source: Sonic Rivals 2): "im not really going over his bluntness in this, but literally the entirety of Rivals 2 covers that. he doesnt think to hide what hes doing because he knows hes in the right, so he just expects everyone else to know that. he expects people to believe him just because hes telling the truth. he doesnt see why he would have a reason to lie, so he never thinks to justify his actions."
"a lot of this bluntness is also shown in IDW #64 -- Silver cant be stealthy and observe someone from afar to save his life when he knows hes right about them. he really takes no time to explain that Duo is Mimic before Whisper steps in and attacks Mimic, even though if he took the time to talk through what happened, he probably couldve convinced Lanolin of Duo's true nature"
image 8 (source: IDW annual 2022): "Silver has pretty much zero idea how to navigate the world outside of helping other people and saving the world. he is almost constantly in "survival mode" and doesnt know how to handle low-stakes"
"(he sometimes takes casual conversation too seriously because of this)"
"he is constantly worried about the future. to an almost unhealthy degree sometimes, its often all he thinks about. when he knows exactly what to do, he comes off as confident and powerful, but when he doesnt know what to do..."
"...he completely spirals. to him, an uncertain future is worse than a doomed one. not knowing how to fix things is one of the most terrifying thoughts to him."
"if Espio hadn't been here to calm him down, i think its super likely he'd have had an anxiety attack."
image 9 (source: Sonic Generations, IDW #64, Team Sonic Racing, Sonic Universe #79): "like, i truly cannot emphasize enough how he cannot relax. anything can be a threat, and if he doesnt see an immediate one, he will find something that is one. "
"he can rarely calm down, because every second hes in the past is another second he should be saving the future"
"i cant properly showcase it here, but if you run past him in Gens, he'll immediately be on-guard."
"he has to always be looking for the next world-destroying foe, it's pretty much his default setting."
"there are tons more examples of his overt anxiety, but these are some of the more prominant examples."
image 9 (source: Archie Sonic #235): "we even see in the traitor arc in archie how Silver is constantly paranoid. the idea never crosses his mind that there is no traitor, because something is always wrong. hes like a machine built to find a problem with no off switch"
"almost anything can set him off and make him untrusting of anyone, because thats the only way he knows how to live. anything can be a threat in his eyes, and when there is no threat, he will either find one or panic that he cant find one."
"because when you spend your entire life fighting,"
"how else are you supposed to live?"
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regrief · 2 years
a quick look into some important parts of the fan-translated version of the SH2 novel, and how they relate to my take on james.  warnings for depression, suicide, alcoholism. 
re: apathy, depression, willingness to die. 
01.    On the other side of the dirty clouds was a vision of himself.  Reflected in the mirror was his own face, hard and stiff as if it were the face of a corpse.  Actually, I guess I am dead, James Sunderland thought.  My heart's as good as dead anyway.  He wasn't filled with a sense of loss, he just felt like his life wasn't worth living anymore.  He had become indifferent.  Work, free time — none of it really mattered anymore. 
02.    A dark red pool spread across the floor underneath their mangled remains.  He found that even after his narrow escape from death, he felt no sense of relief. 
03.    Strangely enough, even in this hopeless state, James felt no fear.  In fact, it was like his self-preservation instincts had been completely turned off, and all he felt now was peace.  In this mentality of self-abandonment, James hung his head, closed his eyes, and silently awaited the cold touch of the executioner’s blade. 
04.    His desperate search for Mary... he couldn't just give that up.  Just the thought of seeing her again, even just once, was enough to make him continue on even now as things were becoming more dangerous.  She was the reason why, no matter what, he had to live.  Even if it meant risking his life. 
05.    Out of the corner of his vision, James could see countless pale hands reaching up from beneath the waves. They surrounded the boat, waiting for the chance to pull it down to the bottom of the lake.  “Come here, come here,” they beckoned; an invitation to lure James into the abyss.  He tried desperately not to see them, keeping his gaze firmly locked in the direction of the hotel.  It was his beacon to guide him away from temptation.  James knew that if he were to look away for even a moment, he’d find himself drowning in those dark waters.
his entire reason for returning to silent hill was to take his own life, unable to live with the knowledge of what he’d done to mary, and unwilling to live without her.  this is forgotten upon arrival, however, and the note from “mary” that he so desperately clings to is conjured by the town as a way to draw him in.  he naturally feels fear when encountered with various monsters around town, and their deaths sometimes provide a a sense of accomplishment, but his apathy is too great to genuinely care about his own survival beyond finding mary again.  he holds tightly onto that goal, needing something to keep him moving forward; if he allows himself to stray, he fears he might just give up. 
re: grief and coping. 
01.    At any rate, after he lost his wife, James took to drinking and began to conceal his sorrow with outbursts of anger.  It affected everyone around him to the point that his coworkers didn't want to put up with his sullen behavior.  Before long, he was treated like a trouble-maker. 
   obviously, mary hasn’t been dead long enough for this to be true.  his drinking began during her illness, brought on by the stress of hospital bills, sleepless nights spent pouring over medical texts, and mary’s ever volatile behavior towards him.  he refused to let that anger and frustration surface around her, and it more often than not was misdirected at other people around him, which he’d quickly and quite pathetically apologize for. 
02.    It was no wonder then, with these kinds of thoughts in his head, that James found himself wishing for a miracle.  Did she really die three years ago?  Or had she died and somehow been revived?  [...]  But if she really has been alive this whole time and didn't try to contact me until now, maybe she's been trying to avoid me?  What if she ran off and has been living with another man...?  [...]  For a moment, he felt a burning surge of hatred, but it soon drowned in his melancholy mood.  More than anything, he just wanted to see Mary again, and more than anything else, he dreaded that meeting. 
it’s implied that his hesitation to reunite with mary is because he’s unsure why she took three years to contact him, most notably his worry that she simply grew tired of him and shacked up with someone else.  even when they were together, this was a prevalent concern; his employment as an office clerk doesn’t provide much money, if his beaten up and rusted old car is any indication, and he constantly worried that one day mary would get fed up of living such a financially simple life and leave him.  in reality, his hesitation (unbeknownst to him) is coming to terms with her fate. 
03.    First Mary, and now Maria... Because they shared the same beautiful features, it was like losing the same woman twice.  They slipped away until they remained nothing but a memory, leaving James with twice the grief.  An overwhelming feeling of emptiness that felt the same as death.  He wanted nothing more than for this madness to end.  [...]  With great effort, James finally got back on his feet.  He remembered his wife’s face, the face of a dead woman.  That lovely face was the foundation of his entire being, his reason for living.  These feelings of grief and sorrow were only a distraction. Searching for Mary, holding on to the belief that she was alive — those were the only things that mattered now. 
re: mary’s illness. 
01.    He wanted to escape.  He wanted to run away.  It would be so easy to just turn around, climb back though the barricade, and run... but he didn't.  [...]  He couldn't leave a dangerous monster to wander around and cause more harm.  However, the true reason he hated this thing had nothing to do with any sense of justice.  It was disgust. 
mary’s illness weighed heavily on james to the point that his psyche all but cracked, and between his own stress and that of visiting mary only to be met with cruel words and spite from a woman who no longer resembled his wife, part of him grew to hate her.  what few good memories he could cling onto were lost in a sea of disgust and a desire to be free, to unchain himself from all the pain it was causing him.  his decision to kill her resulted from a mixture of hate and love, and he can never tell which emotion was stronger in that moment. 
02.     This thing was no mannequin.  It was another monster. Though it had a different form than the squirming monster from before, he had no doubt that they were related somehow.  Oddly enough, he found that being confronted by this grotesque being didn’t bring up the same feelings of hatred and disgust that the other monsters had. 
unlike the lying figures, whose misshapen bodies and acid-spitting “mouths” are meant to represent not only james’ feeling of being trapped, but also mary’s sickness and tendency to say mean, hateful things to him, the mannequins are born of his sexual frustration and desire.  naturally, he doesn’t experience the same subconscious anger he felt towards the lying figures, though he doesn’t know why. 
03.   That was the moment when he'd been condemned to despair — the ending to his happy life.  Indeed, it was almost like he had died before his beloved Mary...  Trapped in a living death that left him with nothing but a husk of a soul, and a heart that felt nothing but never-ending pain.  It only grew worse with each day he had to watch his wife slowly waste away.  His frustration swirled like a frigid storm until it swelled into a cold mass of fury... 
04.   She would yell abusively, all her words turning into hateful curses that struck him like nails through his chest. It was more than James could bear. It was such a sorry sight, watching her heart turn ugly as she slowly withered away.  The beautiful, gentle soul that he had fallen in love with had gone from the world.  That’s why he...  More retched memories spilled forth.  He couldn’t stand to watch her suffer.  That’s why he had to end it with his own hands... 
re: guilt and mercy. 
01.    A large bloodstain ran across the surface of the road as if painted there by a giant brush.  James recoiled in shock.  Seeing something so closely related to death opened emotional wounds.  [...]  Ever since he lost his wife, he had always been indifferent to the rest of the world, and as much as he wanted to just walk away and forget he ever saw the blood-stained pavement... this was something he just couldn't let go.  There's just no way he could bring himself to abandon someone who was probably dying, given the amount of blood the person left behind. 
02.     Truthfully, he sort of envied Laura in this regard.  Envy like an ugly, monstrous dog with a disease-ridden and painful bite.  James had courage... only it was more like recklessness.  I really can’t stand that kind of weakness.  I don’t want to go outside.  I just want to stay shut-up indoors.  Being alone really is the best thing.  I don’t want anyone else to get hurt... because of me... 
03.   But if that’s true, then why am I so reluctant?  It’s just a monster.  Something that’s going to kill me if I don’t kill it first.  But what if... what if it really isn’t?  [...]  And if anything was to be gathered from her appearance, she’s probably suffering immense physical pain as well.  If James looked at the situation that way, it almost seemed pitiable. 
       Then, at most, it’d be nothing more than a mercy killing, right?  [...]  It has to be painful for anyone that disfigured to live.  Monster or human, the best thing would be for it to die.  [...]  I made the right choice... didn’t I?  Even if he could make himself believe that, the whole situation left a bad taste in his mouth.  He felt Maria’s hand on his shoulder.  “James... you did what you had to do.”  Maria offered words of consolation, once again as if she knew exactly how he was feeling. 
guilt, guilt, guilt.  even now, he’s rationalizing his decision to kill mary as a merciful act, down to the references to her disfiguration and pain.  and maria, born of james’ desire for mary, consoles him over it.  he wants to hear that she understands why he killed her, even while grappling with his own self-doubt as to whether his choice was the correct one. 
04.    If this really was the truth, then it should have made it feel easier to kill them one-by-one.  It would be an act of compassion, ending all their suffering.  To think that I’m really “helping” them... that’s a lie.  Only an excuse.  Like I’m trying to run away from something... but what is it? 
re: maria. 
01.     James checked the condition of her injury.  Blood oozed from a scrape on her upper arm.  “Sorry.”  The monster only gave her a scratch, but James still felt the need to apologize. 
even if not by his hands, maria was injured, and the guilt set in.  if he’d just acted faster, maybe he would’ve been able to protect her. 
02.     The thought of this woman who looked exactly like Mary dancing in such indecent clothing and exposed to men’s greedy eyes...  It was like seeing Mary herself endure public humiliation.  Almost like the inquisitive eyes of a stranger watching her in her sickbed... 
03.     He stole a quick glance at Maria, who was still clinging nervously to his arm.  If he was so worried about her motivations, why didn’t he just ask her right now?  He tried to form the words, but he kept hesitating, like he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.  It was that uncertainty, among other unpleasant emotions swirling in his mind, that always made speaking with Maria so difficult. 
again, confusing maria with mary.  their personalities are completely different, and yet, memories of being unable to be fully honest and open with mary, or saying something and having her lash out at him in response, unconsciously nag at the back of his head. 
04.   “Maria...where are you?”  In James’s mind, Mary and Maria were beginning to overlap.  As if Maria was trying to replace Mary.  Maybe the last traces of his wife’s existence were no match for the need and concerns of a human being who was still alive... 
05.   Suddenly, he heard a voice calling out his name. It was like... a beautiful sound from heaven.  Like the song of an angel, so captivating and breathtaking that it could even wake the dead.  Heart lightened, James turned around.  There was that lovely face he had been pursuing for so long...  “Mary?”  “I’m Maria!”  She glared at him, the annoyance plainly visible on her face.  “Oh, sorry...” James shrank away.  [...]  James found himself to be overwhelmed by her furious accusations. 
mary’s late personality bleeds over into maria’s, dredging up traumatic memories for james of having to hold himself together while enduring verbal abuse for her sake. 
06.    However, even though she had changed into a demon — even though she wasn’t really the woman he loved — he couldn’t bring himself to shoot.  She had been his guide as they wandered through the town’s streets together.  She had been a smiling face to ease his loneliness.  Even now, just seeing her Mary-like face healed his heart. 
re: the outcome. 
     “Mary, I’m back.”  James smiled.  He had left the hotel and backtracked all the way to the parking lot by the highway where she was waiting.  She had always been here, waiting for him.  “Sorry, it’s probably pretty cramped in there...”  He opened the trunk of his parked car. He lifted Mary’s curled up body and set her in the passenger’s seat.  As he climbed into the driver’s seat, he spoke to her.  She was silent, resting inside a sleep from which she would never awaken. 
      “Mary, I remember everything now.  The real reason I came to this town.  I wonder what I was so afraid of?  As if there were anything in this world that could be scarier than losing you...”  He started the engine and stepped on the accelerator. 
     “Now we can finally be together... just the two of us...”  Staring blankly ahead at the mist-enshrouded lake, James kept his foot pressed down on the gas pedal.  The smile never left his face. 
     “I love you, Mary.”  As the car began to slowly sink to the bottom of the lake, James pulled his wife close and gently held her.  Their wish had finally come true.  They would be together.  And now they had an eternity to enjoy their happiness. 
arguably the most depressing, albeit poignant of the potential endings, and my personal favorite.  i like “leave” as well, but there’s something beautiful and tragic about james coming to terms with his guilt and learning to be at peace with his decision to die.  honestly, i think it’s the only real way for him to fully atone for his actions and deserve to be with mary in the afterlife.  i hope they’re happy together in death. 
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mayo-is-an-instrument · 3 months
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I made a boo oc!! I'll make more drawings to use them for when I start making "serious" YouTube videos :3
#mayodraws#dont really know what else to tag so#TIME FOR RAMBLING WOOHOO#im thinking of just getting rid of the name Mayo tbh#ive grown sick of it#honestly might just stick to my real name for everything atp#i use it for the entirety of discord now so 💀#i just feel like its not me if its not my actual name#its like its a separate identity of myself even if im the same person you know?#i like feeling that i am me even through a screen i am still me and not some offbrand representation of myself#so hey everyone my name is Hailey :3 feel free to call me that#soon enough ill change all my socials or the ones I actually use to be some form of 'Hailstorm' because it sounds cool imo#and its a nickname my sister gave me so it also means something special to me <3#should I have made a separate post for this? yes#is it too late? also yes#since im in a ramble session i may as well say more on my mind#im in a server for discord and i so badly have been trying to become friends with people there but holy shit even after like 2 months#i still cant gather courage to speak most of the time#hopefully ill open up more soon but man i need to just not be so shy 😭#are you having fun reading through the tags 💀💀#i would be surprised of anyone actually read all if them#if you did i hope you have a wonderful day 👍👍#also Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its Christmas totally#back onto the youtuve thing most of my videos are just shit like “toad screaming” or editing zelda cutscenes but at some point i want to#make scripted videos for nintendo related stuff#i already finished a script for ttyd and i know its not the best script but for being my first its good enough and ill learn along the way#okay im done yapping Happy St Patrick's Day
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deep-sea-horror · 2 years
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actually its a lot harder to be annoyed with qi rong when you realize he’s a direct parallel to hua cheng
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greetingsfromuranus · 28 days
Hmmm.... maybe I can read homestuck ONE MORE time....
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Alright boys pack it up no more rain world posting new oni dlc is coming out in less than a week
#rat rambles#oni posting#rain posting#I jest I will probably still be posing some rain world stuff if I get around to designing more guys#but I can already feel the oni brain coming back and am half tempted to do one last comb through the files even tho I know itll be#pointless because the full dlc will be at my fingertips very soon#to be clear I 100% will be combing through the data of the full release too but thats a given#calvin my boy pls make it in pls don't get scrapped pls my boy#oh now that we're getting close Im gonna let myself talk abt this just this once but if you care abt potential spoilers stop reading#anyways so last I checked where the duplicant descriptions and stuff is stored there was an additional new duplicant named calvin#now I wasnt able to find anything else referencing him from my admittedly not super deep digging but he was there#I did thoroughly look through the spritesheets tho and hes definitely not there from what I could yell#or at least he wasnt when I checked idk maybe they put him in during one of the patches for some reason#but yeah I hope he makes it in despite all the specific advertising of them adding one new duplicant#its actually these descriptors that have been making me not wanna talk abt calvin dupe too openly as if he does make it in its probably#going to be a pretty big spoiler for a bit?#ofc if he is a secret of sorts then he wont be for long but if he is meant to be a surprise I don't wanna scream on the rooftop abt it#but I do wanna have proof that I found him before hand it he is a surprise I need to feel cool and special for looking at one file <3#yknow what I think I actually am going to pop open oni and tripple check that I'm not missing anything#I was playing rw a lot to cope with the dlc not being fully out but at this point Ive finished every campaign except saints#and saints is being a buggy bastard for me rn and keeps repeatedly softlocking me so Im giving up on it for now#like just this morning I did the entirety of the hunter campaign in like 2 hours I have so little left to do#if I do decide to replay a campaign tho it's probably going to be either gourmands or spearmasters since theyre my favorites to play as#idc what anyone says Ill always preffer the spearmasters story to rivulets I adore them both but ppl do not appreciate spearmaster enough#like every person Ive seen play it sees the ending as disappointing and I wont stand for it its high-key my favorite ending#now thats entirely because Im a moon enjoyer and a tragedy enjoyer but still I will always lose my mind over moon's final message
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kooldewd123 · 9 months
For as much as I love Animorphs, I’ve never actually read it in order all the way through. It was always scattered entries, whatever I could find at the library or buy at garage sales. There’s even a small handful I haven’t read at all. That’s why, for my New Year’s resolution, I plan to reread the series in its entirety. However, I know how my brain works, and I’m afraid I might lose motivation and quit too soon. That’s why, after each book, I will add to this post with, in my opinion, the most fucked-up part of the book, as well as the silliest part (because anyone who’s read these books knows that those are the two main tenets of the series). That way, I’ll have a publicly available record to hold myself accountable to if I start slacking, plus a nice thread of propaganda to hopefully suck more people in. I plan to read one mainline book a week, starting with:
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
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what is psych-k? •°. *࿐
according to the psych-k frequently asked questions, PSYCH-K, "is a proven and safe way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change."^1 dumbing it down, you are using psych-k to tap into your subconscious and conscious simultaneously, rewiring your brain with a single affirmation. and while doing this, you may begin to have a rush of negative, limiting thoughts, but instead of pushing them away in frustration, you will invite them in. think of it like this... you are the teacher and your affirmation is a brand-new lecture. you're standing at the front of the room in front of many desks, all filled with 'students' aka your thoughts, emotions, etc. as you are 'lecturing' (repeating this affirmation over and over and over) the 'students' begin to disrupt you with hurtful words or overall trying to debate with your 'lecture'. how do you handle this? you continue to 'lecture', you can continue to listen to your 'students', and eventually, the 'students' will quiet down until there's complete silence and that's when your 'lecture' has started to implement its knowledge into your 'students'.
how does psych-k work? •°. *࿐
"PSYCH-K® is a unique process, having evolved from years of brain research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive, “Whole-Brain State” that dramatically reduces unwanted resistance to change in the subconscious mind. The subconscious can be accessed in a way analogous to a personal computer. PSYCH-K® works as a kind of ‘mental keyboard’ — a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct, and verifiable."^2
has there been scientific research on psych k? •°. *࿐
absolutely. if you'd like to read more about this, you can go here and download the various articles and give them a quick read.
how does psych-k differ from other methods as well as other healing techniques such as meditation? •°. *࿐
if you're looking for a thorough answer to this question, feel free to look at this for reference as it better explains the answer to this question in its entirety. the bottom line, however, is that this technique is just as important as others and is not meant to replace any other methods, it is simply another addition. many healing techniques will depend on outside sources of the person, such as a psychologist, hypnotist, or anyone with similar titles. however, psych-k will depend on the inner-workings of those who are performing it, psych-k simply provides the tools and you, the one who is getting into this 'whole brain state' are the one actually doing all of the work. you will be the one taking apart your limiting beliefs and replacing them with whatever you truly desire.
will it benefit me? •°. *࿐
PSYCH-K, "[...] enables you to communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that are limiting your self-esteem, relationships, job performance, even your physical health…and much more! PSYCH-K® is popularly characterized as a spiritual process with psychological and physical benefits. While the term “psych” is often used as an abbreviation for “psychology,” in our case it is used as a variant spelling of the word psyche, meaning “mind,” “soul,” or “spirit.” The letter “K” represents the Key to sustainable success."^3
why should i test out the psych method? •°. *࿐
just like anything else, you do not need to try this out, however, what do you have to lose? the results may shock you.
can anyone do the psych-k technique? •°. *࿐
absolutely anyone can do the psych-k, it is not limited to any particular group of people, and it can effect people differently depending on how they use it.
how do i do psych-k? •°. *࿐
there are many videos on YouTube that will provide a visual guide of instructions on how to do it, however, this is the video that I use and I highly recommend that you watch the entire video to get a logical understanding of what's happening (if you prefer logical info like I do). and if you're having trouble figuring out how to position your hands, watch this video as well. I'd also like to mention that if you're unsure of which side of your brain has more resistance to a new belief, set yourself a timer for 5 minutes and do psych-k with your left ankle crossed over your right and your left hand crossed over your right. after the timer goes off, switch your right ankle to cross over your left, and your right hand to cross over your left. a l s o, if you decide to have resistance against this method bc or any method in general (bc you're stubborn perhaps), take the time to do psych-k and affirm that all methods work for you, boom, fuckin' foolproof.
can i use psych-k to manifest anything i desire? •°. *࿐
yes, yes you can, you're changing your beliefs right in the moment, there are no fuckin' limits unless you create those limits for yourself.
can i use psych k to enter the void state? •°. *࿐
yes, you can do anything you want with psych-k. @urgurljodie has a bit more information on this, but, i am aware that they sent an ask to someone and stated that while doing psych-k you should affirm that you're in the void state/in the void etc.
how do i know if I'm doing it right? •°. *࿐
there's no need to overcomplicate this, don't fear the replacement. simply sit down, get into position as instructed in the videos provided above, and follow their words. stay in the psych-k position for as long as needed, repeating your new belief over and over, invite the resistance in, and simply keep thinking this new thought until you no longer feel resistance towards your new belief. you'll know if you did it right, promise. may sound unbelievable at first, but again, what do you have to lose?
can i combine psych-k with the laws of manifestation? •°. *࿐
absolutely, use any affirmations you want.
do i have to do psych k to eliminate limiting beliefs? •°. *࿐
nope! this is simply just another method of sorts, you don't need to try anything you don't want to. no one is forcing this shit down your throat...
notes •°. *࿐
i'd recommend this technique that combines psychology and kinesiology to anyone and everyone who thinks they are struggling to build new beliefs or manifest their dream lives. the worse that could happen is that it doesn't work or it just takes you a little longer to replace the programming in your mind. give it a try and report your results. a l s o, before anyone comes at me i will give proper and due credit to @urgurljodie for bringing light to this technique to the tumblr void community, ya should be thanking them for this. this particular technique has thoroughly pleased the logical and more scientific-based limiting beliefs I've had for a while. this post was simply meant to add onto what's already been established, all due credits go to the developer of the technique of rob williams as well as the tumblr user mentioned above.
all of the quoted information comes from this site.
1. https://psych-k.com/faq/#what
2. https://psych-k.com/faq/#what
3. https://psych-k.com/faq/#what
4. here's some information on muscle testing and psych-k
5. clearer instructions for the correct posture (en)
6. more information on the whole brain state
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127rkives · 3 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * mwah! || mark l. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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about? dad!mark sharing kisses with his baby girl!
warnings? none! pure fluff! pushing the domestic nct agenda. pronouns aren’t used but the word ‘mommy’ is.
wc? 811
notes? repost from what was supposed to be my first writing account 👹
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lazy days at home were your favorite days. lazy days meant no clocking in and out, no agonizingly long hours at the studio, no pressure to get up and rush to complete everything on the schedule. they meant there was nothing to do but enjoy the company of mark and your toddler.
it was a pretty sunny day, you could tell by the rays peeking through the curtains. the clock read ‘10:57’. you wished you could’ve rolled over and gone back to sleep, but your body was naturally trained to wake up early for normal, working days. carefully, you sat up and looked over at mark. his body was turned towards yours, his eyelids fluttered, and light puffs of breath left his slightly parted lips. he was partially covered by the sheets while the comforter had managed to shift to the end of the bed throughout the night. eventually, you managed to slide out of the bed, creeping out of the room and down the hallway to your daughter’s bedroom.
you made sure to be as careful as possible when you walked in so you wouldn’t be a disturbance even though out of the three of you, ji-ah had always been the heaviest sleeper. she had been that way since a baby, never waking up and screaming cries in the middle of the night. you tip-toed across the carpet over to her bed. ji-ah looked like an angel sleeping peacefully with a mess of dark curls surrounding her head on the pillow like a halo. when she was still a baby everyone thought she was a carbon copy of mark, but now that she’s grown more, she seems to be a pretty even mixture of you both. she had silky brown, a bubbly laugh, a love for music and a bright personality just like mark. on the other hand, she shared the same face structure as you, from the shape of her eyes, all the way to her jawline. she even had birthmarks resembling yours.
after spending a few minutes checking on ji-ah, you decided on a nice warm shower to jump into the day. even though the walls of the house weren’t too thick, a little running shower water probably wouldn’t wake anyone. you stayed in and lathered while singing whatever randomly popped into your head. when you were sure steam had filled the bathroom in its entirety you decided to hop out. after you walked across the bathroom to crack the door a little, you heard the faint sound of voices. soon you found yourself smiling as you overheard mark and ji-ah’s morning conversation.
you dried off and moisturized as quickly as possible before wrapping a towel around your body. upon approaching the doorway of ji-ah’s room, the sound of her giggles filled the air. she and mark were so wrapped up in each other that no one saw you smiling by the door. they sat together on ji-ah’s bed as she held her dad’s face between her tiny hands and placed a wet kiss on both his cheeks. “mwah! one kiss over here! and mwah! another one on this side!” ji-ah started to grasp the concept of kisses at a young age. when she was in your arms she would press her lips to your cheek. that eventually turned into her being able to give an actual kiss and saying ‘mwah’ afterwards in an attempt to reciprocate the smacking sound it made.
mark smiled as he pulled her closer and began peppering her face with kisses. “mwah! mwah! mwah! mwah! mwah!” she wiggled in mark’s grasp, trying to evade the tickling feel his kisses left on her skin. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, blowing your cover and attracting their attention. their smiles mimicked each other’s as you walked towards the bed and sat beside mark.
“i think mommy needs some kisses too. what do you think, ji?” she liked when her dad used her nickname. ji-ah laughed and spoke up. “yeah mommy. you need kisses too!” mark lifted her into his lap and they both began leaving kisses all over your face. he copied his daughter in saying ‘mwah’ behind every kiss. when they finally let up you grabbed ji-ah’s face and gave her a kiss on the nose, and gave mark one, both with the included sound effect. “why don’t you two head downstairs and think of breakfast ideas (really brunch ideas by now) while i get dressed.” standing, you smiled at the both of them. ji-ah spoke up in her toddler-speak. “um, i like fwuits and waffles! the waffles with, um, the wound blue things.” her round eyes looked up at you expectantly. “well, blueberry waffles and a bowl of fruit it is.” you gave the pair one last kiss before leaving to your bedroom to get dressed, heading to the kitchen afterwards.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
this work is property of me, 127rkives! no copying, reposting, translating, etc.! ;p
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mylight-png · 7 months
The "Free Palestine" movement is genocidal. Straight up. It's not just a few select slogans they use or some fringe members.
The very name of the movement is genocidal.
I had a conversation with my former roommates last semester where they refused to understand why "Free Palestine" in and of itself as a statement is a problem.
To them, it's a liberation movement. But the first issue arises when we ask who or what is being liberated.
What, in modern geographical terms, is Palestine? Where is Palestine? Who is the ruling party of Palestine?
Anyone with even a bit of knowledge would realize that this is a trick question. There isn't any country actually called Palestine.
When people refer to Palestinians, they typically talk about the people either in Gaza or the West Bank, which are two separate entities with two separate governments.
So who are we supposed to be freeing? Gaza, which has its own government in the form of Hamas? Or the West Bank, which has the PA as its governing group? (By the way, the PA has this little thing called pay-for-slay I suggest you look into, but that'd be a post for another time.)
The actual term "Palestine" most commonly is used to refer to the entire area of where Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank are located.
Which brings me to my main point. When people call to "Free Palestine" they aren't calling for a two-state solution. Identically to their call for "from the river to the sea", this slogan calls for the complete destruction of Israel.
A lot of people have already spoken on the issue of why "from the river to the sea" is genocidal in nature, so I won't be going too in depth on that. My point is more so that those two phrases are equivalently malevolent in nature.
There's also the people who call themselves "pro-Palestine". If we take into consideration what "Palestine" as a term means, we're left with two interpretations.
First, they just use that instead of "Free Palestine", making their use of it still equivalent for wanting the entirety of Israel gone.
Second, they want Palestine to "win" in the war.
Now, since we've established that there isn't actually a country called Palestine right now, they're either rooting for the PA or Hamas to win.
As I recommended before, it'd be fantastic if you could just take time to read up on what pay-for-slay is. As a quick summary, that's exactly what it sounds like. The PA pays people money for killing Israelis/Jews. (That's the very vague version, since this isn't the point of the post.)
Therefore, you can probably imagine what would happen to Israelis if the PA were to take over Israel (G-d forbid).
If, G-d forbid, Hamas were to take over Israel, we'd end up with a series of atrocities akin to the horrors of Oct 7th. How do I know? Hamas leaders have repeatedly promised to repeat Oct 7th again and again and again.
Both the PA and Hamas have killed their own people for suspected collaboration with Israel, in rather cruel ways. So you can probably imagine what'd happen to Israelis in both scenarios.
I have seen very very few people who align themselves with either phrasing of the movement actually calling for two states, or for any viable solution. (And no, a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in power is not a viable solution. We had a ceasefire until the moment they attacked on Oct 7th.)
(I say "very few" as an allowance that some may exist, but in reality I haven't seen any.)
If your solution involves the dissolution of Israel and giving power to either the PA or Hamas, congratulations. You are actively backing a genocidal "solution".
And much like a previous "solution", most of the victims of this proposed genocide would be Jewish.
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artemis-pendragon · 4 months
M9 bits I need them to keep in the animated show in no particular order because they're all precious to me:
• "Can you hold me through the show?"
• The entirety of the hospital heist
• Yasha's full list of advice to Caleb on how to get people to like you
• As much Frumpkin, Nugget, and Sprinkle as physically possible
• Caleb playing dead and Jester doing the MOST to save him
• Boulder parchment shears
• The syphilis bandits
• Ol' Buttonbeard the ghost pirate
• *Beau getting arrested*
Jester, genuinely surprised: Oh, I thought you didn't like jails!
• Widomauk forehead kiss pls pls pls
• Molly and Beau getting astrally high and needing a tripsitter to follow them around
• Veth and the minotaur 😏
• Jester's "HI, DAD" sending
• "You poopin'?" sendings
• The sendings to Astrid lmfao 😭
• Actually just all of Jester's sendings
• Fluffernutterrrrr!!!
• Jester and Beau reading smut aloud to the entire party while they're trying to be stealthy
• Jester angrily drawing Avantika full of arrows and knives out of jealousy
• Kiri saying "Welcome to the Mighty Nein!" and "Go FUCK yourself!! 🥰"
• Fjord's 3 natural ones
• Nott's disguise self Fjord impression
• Fjord: Make a comment about my strength and I'll throw you off this ship
Nott: Well first, you couldn't
• "Yashaaaa your hair looks really good. The humidity in here..." *awkward gay muttering*
• Yasha: *deeeep armpit sniff* I smell like a crayon :/
• "Well who am I to judge? Have you seen me?" "I've seen you. I've seen you a lot."
• Beau reading Yasha's love letter in the bath 🥹
• Jester (gasp) actually using healing magic because it's for FJORD 😤
• Beau just fucking bodying that girl at Traveler Con
• Shiver and queef in SOME form idk how but I need it immortalized in film
• Fjorester kiss in the rain or else
• Beauyasha first flight scene!!! Please!!!
• If anyone has more to add pls do I know there's like a million priceless moments in CR2 lmao
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abcjxyzyeo · 2 months
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What a freak.
AN; I haven't written in a whileeee omgg.. But I was thinking about this and wanted to write for it!! This might be really disgusting buuttt... Enjoy!!!
Pairing; Perv!Shigaraki x Fem!reader
summary; Finally getting some time off of work after weeks of having pent up sexual frustrations, you decide to blow off some much needed steam. Well, until you realize some of your toys are missing.
warnings; not proof read!!, masturbation(f and m),eating dried cum, oral(m), sex toys, piv, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it!!), loss of virginity, riding, using underwear as a gag, degrading, slight voyeurism, overstimulation, sub!shigaraki and dom!reader. Reader calls Shigaraki baby. reader also refers to self as mommy once or twice. quirkiness AU, the LOV is just a group of criminals. Plot? What plot??
1.8k words.
"Finally!!" you silently celebrated to yourself.
A complete day off. It was incredibly rare that you would ACTUALLY get a whole day off. For the past week you barely even got sleeping, running around doing missions for the LOV. You can't complain you love your group and the cause but you needed a break once in a while. Especially because of how sexually frustrated you've been recently.
Plopping down to your knees, you open the bottom drawer of your dresser in the corner of your room. Grabbing the bullet shaped vibe before getting up and laying on your bed. You didn't care you just needed release, turning it on the highest setting and putting it on your sensitive bud. Letting out the most erotic sounds, again you didn't care if anyone heard. (Which the whole LOV can definitely hear you.) Building up the heat in your between your legs, pooling at your center. Feeling that familiar knot in your core forming, just as it's about to snap you stop hearing vibrations and you lose the feeling. You vibrator died. "Fuck!" You yell throwing it against a wall. You had another one, but you didn't favor it. It didn't have as many settings and it was quite big in size. But you had to deal with what you had.
Standing up with a groan you shuffle back to the place in front of your dresser and go to grab it. It wasn't in its normal place. Searching through the entirety of the draw, and it wasn't anywhere. "Damn Toga." You roll your eyes at the internal thought. You and her were pretty close, you often shared bras, underwear, and even toys. So you simply thought she took it.
Making your way down the long corridor, you eventually find Toga. "Toga?" you say it almost in a whisper. She's playing a card game with Jin and Shuichi. She sets her cards down and the three of them look over at you. "YN?" She responds in a quite playful tone. You were hoping she was alone, not wanting to talk about this in front of any one other than the blonde girl you swallow the spit pooling on your tongue. "Do you um, happen to have my toy? The purple one?" You watch three completely different reactions from the group in front of you. But Toga simply smiles and shakes her head "Nope, sorry! You should ask Tenko though, I saw him go in your room earlier. You smile drops and your brows knit into a furious look. Gritting your teeth you thank Toga for her time and advice and find your self storming down the hall to Tenko's room. "What a freak! What a creepy incel freak!" You think as you nervously stand in front of his room.
You don't even bother knocking, cracking the door open and pushing it slightly. Standing there in utter disbelief at the scene in front of you. Tenko had his black sweats pooled at his ankles, shirt bundled in the middle of his abdomen, cock in fist, frantically pumping and hips bucking. But what shocked you more was the fact your purple vibrator was in his mouth, biting and licking the dried cum you had left the last time you used it. You stand there for a good few minutes, squeezing your thighs together because oddly enough the sight before you was making you incredibly horny. He lets out a guttural moan and opens his eyes that had been clamped shut. Shifting his sight over and making direct eye contact with you.
Just the sight of you was enough to push him over the edge, ropes of white cum shooting from his angry red tip, onto his exposed stomach and thighs. He was quick to grab his blankets and cover himself. "Shit YN. Didn't see you there." you barely even heard him, he muttered so quietly, his face creeping with pink blush. "I guess you're here for this, sorry I took it." he picks up the toy that's now covered in spit. But you're still standing there, shellshocked. Before your brain registers it, you're shuffling to the edge of his bed and sitting down by his thighs. "You're actually a whore." You spit at him. "A filthy disgusting cum-driven whore." wrapping your small hand around his dick, it was longer than you would expect but it wasn't too girthy. Pumping your hands up and down, your face was still laced with irritation. He let out the most pornographic grunts. "I bet you just love this, fucking mutt." Giving his length a good painful squeeze. Just that was enough to make Tenko cum for a second time, to be fair he's never been touched there by another person before! You let out a laugh coming deep from your core. "You came from that? What are you? A virgin?" you cackle at him, but he gives you an uneasy look. His red eyes shifting between your face, your tits accentuated in your low cut tank top, and his own dick. A dark red crept over his face as he slowly nodded.
"Oh shit, Tenko. Poor baby, never had a woman to touch him." You were obviously mocking him in fake dramatic sympathy. You lean down to kitten lick his tip, taking some of him cum with you. Surprisingly, it didn't taste too bad considering his diet of energy drinks and junk. Pumping him again as his tip entered your mouth. You giggle as he wraps both hands into your h/c locks. Twirling them between his finger grunting loudly as the vibrations from your own laughter sent shivers down his spine. Swirling your tongue around his tip and moving your lips up and down. You felt like you were on ecstasy. You never thought you would ever be giving your boss a blow job but it felt so right when you were currently doing it. Releasing his tip from your mouth with a disgusting pop noise, you pumped your hand along his cock at the fastest pace you could. "Shit Y/N d-don't go so fast!" He moans loudly gripping your wrist. His tip was a red color that screamed at you, you knew he was extremely overstimulated and you savored every drop of his exhausted grunts and moans.
And just like that he was cumming all over your hand, with a string of profanities and grunts spilling from his lips. You grin as he watches you through his ashy blue hair, which was starting to mat and cling to his forehead with sweat. "Aw, is mommy making you feel good?" You coo at him "Am I making your disgusting dick feel worthy?" you stand up and pull off your pajama pants in one quick motion, your tank top being added to the pile soon after. Tenko stares at your figure, which was only covered by a laced black thong with a matching lace bra. Finding your place back on Tenko's bed you straddle his hips. Lifting his long sleeve shirt over his head and into the discard pile. You beam with joy looking at his scrawny torso, rubbing your hands up and down the thin muscle on his body. Slightly grinding your clothed cunt over his re-hardening dick. You reached your hand behind your back to unclasp the bra that felt suffocating in the moment. Letting it slip off your body, you slid the thin material under Tenko's pillow before attacking his jaw and neck with your lips. Leaving dark purple hickeys and bite marks. After a while of grinding on him, you lifted off of him and pulled your panties off of your body. Sitting back down on his lower abdomen you stare at the balled cloth in your hand before reaching up and shoving it in Tenko's mouth with little to no protest. You could see his jaw flexing as if he was sucking all your flavor out of the used cloth in his mouth.
You reached behind you and lined him up with your entrance, pushing him all in in one swift motion. You'd be lying if you said this was your first time riding a guy. You feel calloused hands travel over your body, one stopping at your right tit and the other at the mound of flesh on your ass. Both of them kneading and working your sensitive skin. You begin to bounce up and down at a rather concerning pace. Yours moans mixing with Tenko's muffled grunts making an almost angelic harmony. Staring down at him you realize he hasn't stopped making direct eye contact with you this whole time. His piercing red eyes causing gears in you to turn, edging you closer and closer to the finish line. Falling over onto his chest, your tits pressed against his skin. Wrapping your arms around his neck you continue to glide your walls up and down his length. Moaning in his ear and biting at the lobe causing him to grow stiffer under you as the time passes. As you feel the knot in your lower belly start to form your feel Tenko's hands harshly grip your hips pulling you to a complete still. He lifts you up into the air a bit before roughly pounding into you, sloppily with no rhythm or set pace. And just like that your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave with a scream like moan, clenching your gummy walls around him was all he needed to be spewing white ropes deep into your cunt. He thrusted into you a few more times, making sure his cum was deeply fucked into you before letting you go. You sat there for a moment catching your breath and admiring how beautiful Tenko was. You never really noticed it before, maybe it was the way his hair clung to his forehead making his eyes slightly more visible, or it was the fact his jaw, neck, and chest were covered in your spit and love bites leaving beautiful hickeys that he wouldn't be able to cover, having to show them to the entire LOV.
Once you realized you were both staring at each other you quickly got off his, now soft, dick and to your feet. You didn't bother getting your panties or bra back from him as you eagerly pulled your pajamas bottoms and top back on and making your way to the door. But not before turning around, and flashing a cocky grin. "Hope you enjoyed that, you filthy mutt. Cuz that's the first and last time I'll let your slutty dick near me."
You quickly escaped back to the main room where the trio was still playing cards. They all shared differentiating glances as they knew exactly what had just happened. Standing behind Toga and wrapping your arms around her neck you kept thinking to yourself how badly you want it to happen again. Maybe you'd even make him your boyfriend so that disgusting incel dick was all yours.
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I hope you enjoyed!! Likes, comments, and reposts are greatly appreciated!! <33 x333
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gallavichthings · 3 months
A.U.gust 2024
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It's almost August again, so time for us to explore alternative universes and see all the other ways in which our boys could fall in love. 😊
For this year, each week will have a general theme, and anything that falls under that theme is allowed, as long as it's original. WIPs, updates or re-imaginings of your own previous works are also allowed (to use someone else's work as inspiration, please ask for their consent before starting).
As always, no sign-ups are needed for this event. Just make sure to mention me using @gallavichthings on the body of your post (you can hide it under a read-more or by using a reblog if you wish to). Posting here on Tumblr is mandatory, but you can host your work somewhere else and post only a link if you want to. There will, of course, be a collection on AO3 (to be announced later).
Some posting suggestions (nothing is mandatory, but it would be courteous):
Tags are to your own discretion, but I suggest tagging NSFW works or hiding them under read-mores (in case of visual posts - fics are normally not an issue).
If you post a long fic on Tumblr in its entirety, it's best to use a read-more in order not to make your post too long and take up a lot of space on people's dashboards and on the tags.
For posting multiple unrelated works on AO3, posting separate works and making them part of one series is better than making each work a chapter of one single fic. That way, you can tag it appropriately and people can more easily find the fic they actually want to read. (That doesn't apply, of course, if your fics are actually connected.)
And without further ado, the themes for each week (please note that a few examples were provided for each week, but they're just a small fraction of what can be done):
Week 1 (01/08-07/08): Seasons/ Holidays (Christmas AUs, summer vacations AUs, New Year's AUs, Halloweeen AUs...)
Week 2 (08/08-14/08): Past/Future (Pirate AUs, Cyberpunk AUs, 1950s AUs, Star Trek AUs...)
Week 3 (15/08-21/08): School/Work (High School AUs, College AUs, Office AUs, Coffee Shop AUs, Tattoo Shop AUs...)
Week 4 (22/08-28/08): Supernatural (Vampire AUs, A/B/O, Soulmate AUs, Superhero AUs...)
Week 5 (29/08-31/08): Free - since this is only half a week, these last three days will be for anything that does not fit any of the other weeks.
If you aren't able to finish your work in time to post it in the designated week, please wait to post it in the last three days. If your AU falls under more than one category, you may post in any week you prefer, according to what you judge to be the most relevant to your work.
I hope that is clear enough, but if not, send me a message and I'll be happy to explain anything further.
And if anyone is in search of some AU ideas, this post contains several AU prompts.
See you in a few weeks!
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justauthoring · 4 months
and i wonder... who? [3]
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somehow, you find yourself torn between the two hottest guys at your school and you have no idea who to choose. loosely based off of operation: true love where geto is eunhyeuk and gojo is dohwa :)
a/n: operation true love is back and im back with this series :)))))))) (also apologies if you asked to be tagged and you're not tagged in this post, im sure im missing a few... just message me or comment on this if you still want to be tagged!)
pairing: geto suguru x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader
tag list: @username23345 - @anxious-chick - @novacaneformybrain - @mandysfanfics - @rottmntrulesall - @voiceofnoreturn - @rh-tg1 - @ky0mybeloved - @black-swan-blog27 - @ladytamayolover - @the8ate - @maybe-a-bi-witch - @dudalo100 - @reese-is-right - @6lonely-town6 - @its-a-dam-blue-brick - @kimi01985 - @dorusken - @siimp4youu let me know if you'd like to be added! please make sure your settings allow you to be tagged! (also tags show up when i edit but don't when i post??? if anyone knows how to fix this let me know)
you can find the masterlist here!
You could not believe your eyes.
The second you’d read that text, you’d convinced yourself you’d imagined it; blinking rapidly, rubbing at your eyes, even pinching yourself because there was just no way he’d actually texted you. Even if it was from an unknown number, it was clear who it was – seconds after bumping into him, him rudely blaming you and then calling you by that god-awful nickname, you get a text right after?
With the same nickname?
Yeah, it was clear who it was.
The past two days alone have been more than confusing. If it wasn’t Sukuna cheating on you, it was Geto suddenly acting like he cared about you even though for as long as you’ve known him, he’s done nothing but ignore you. And if he wasn’t ignoring you, he was glaring at you; giving you those eyes that made it clear what he thought of you. You were oblivious and you weren’t as dumb as you came across, it had been abundantly clear to you that Geto didn’t like you and even more, he probably thought you were pathetic.
And now? Now you had Gojo Satoru texting you? And why? Because you’d accidentally bumped into him in the hall? When, really, if anyone bothered to ask you, you’d guarantee it had been him who’d walked right into you – couldn’t a guy see when a girl was upset and needed a moment to herself?
Clearly, Gojo couldn’t.
The worst part was that Sukuna cheating on you seemed like the least shocking thing and that in of itself just seemed so cruel. It wasn’t like you weren’t aware – Sukuna treated you horribly. Sure, you were positive that at one point he really truly had liked you and maybe there was a way to get him to again, but that didn’t erase the fact that for the past few months he’s been nothing short of terrible to you. 
Dismissive of you, blatantly ignoring you, you can’t count on one hand how many times he’s laughed with his friends at you when you’ve wanted nothing more than him to defend you or at the very least comfort you.
So, yeah… him cheating on you? Wasn’t all that surprising. And you’re still not really sure how to feel about that.
Your mind is a jumbled mess throughout the entirety of class that you barely pay attention. When the teacher calls for lunch, you’re blinking yourself out of your stupor, jumping in your seat as everyone around you excitedly packs up their things. You probably look like an idiot sitting there watching everyone, stunned, face red when you realize you did not listen to a single thing your teacher was saying, until a hand falls on your arm.
Your eyes meet Shoko’s concerned ones.
You feel a buzz from your phone in your back pocket and the stupor is quickly replaced by anger.
There’s no way I’m letting him get away with calling me ‘sweet cheeks’.
You push yourself to a sudden stand, startling Shoko who lets out a tiny shriek in response, head jerking back to avoid being smacked by yours. Then, you’re grabbing your backpack and promptly turning around, making your way towards the door with a determined expression.
All while Shoko gapes at you; “Y-Y/N?!”
You’ll apologize later but you don’t have time to answer her distressed call. The second you’re outside the class, you’re pulling your phone from your pocket, glowering as you read the text.
Ignoring me? :(((
“Jerk,” you mumble to yourself, fingers moving quickly to reply.
Where are you?
And the reply comes almost instantly.
Why? Already missing me?
Jesus. What an egotistical guy.
Shaking your head, you focus on replying.
Just tell me where you are.
Your finger taps impatiently on the side of the phone while you wait.
In the hall outside the cafeteria.
The second you read those words, you start walking. Students eye you weirdly as you walk by, sending you confused looks and mumbling to each other in wonder of what your problem is; you’re not even aware that you’re practically stomping through the halls, footsteps echoing with each step you take. It only takes you three minutes before you spot Gojo, easily identifying him by his bright white-hair that sticks out like a sore thumb against all the blacks and browns.
He’s already looking in your direction the second you turn down the hall, and your glare darkens on the smirk on his face.
The second you reach him, you go to tell him off, but he cuts in before you can;
“Not gonna lose your footing this time because of how dashing I am?”
And his words are so shocking to you that you completely lose your train of thought, blinking as your lips part in disbelief and you gape up at him with your mouth left wide open. Gojo lets out a loud laugh in response to that, head thrown back in amusement as you feel your face burn.
“Wh-What!” You practically cry, “you’re the one who bumped into me! And I didn’t fall because of how you looked! I fell because you slammed into me!”
Raising a brow, Gojo simply crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the wall, the smirk on his face never faltering.
You huff; “you’re infuriating.”
He snorts; “I've been told.”
Shaking your head, you focus on the reason why you wanted to see him in the first place. “How exactly did you even get my number, by the way?” You ask, holding your phone up for emphasis as you tilt your head at him accusingly. “And I want a real answer.”
Shuffling on his feet, Gojo shrugs; “just asked someone from my class. Some girl.”
Pausing, you sigh; “people need to learn not to just give my number out to anyone,” you mumble to yourself, annoyed. Gojo watches you with a raised brow and amused glance, enjoying the way your face twists expressively while you talk to yourself.
Then, your eyes focus back on his. You try not to lose your train of thought when you remember just how blue they are. 
“Whatever,” you brush off, lowering your hand. “Just don’t call me ‘sweet cheeks’ and don’t text me either.”
“But why else would I have got your number?” Gojo asks, the question is genuine.
You just stare up at him. “Fine. Don’t text me unless you need something,” you concede before lowering your gaze. Your voice lowers and Gojo smiles as you start mumbling to yourself once more, moving to pocket your phone away. “Although, I don’t know why you would need to text me in the first place since—”
You halt at the feeling of a hand around your wrist, stopping you from putting your phone away as you stare up at Gojo in disbelief, lips left parted. He doesn’t bother to explain, simply using his other hand to pull your phone from your grasp and turn it towards him. You watch him with a stunned expression, mind not working quick enough to even ask him what he’s doing because all you can focus on is the way his fingers had felt against the skin of your wrist. His grip was so gentle, even if it had been enough to halt your movements, and his fingers were smooth and long.
The touch had sent shivers down your spine.
“There,” Gojo calls, smiling brightly as he turns your phone screen towards you. It takes you a moment, blinking, before you realize what he’d done.
He’d added himself as a contact, naming himself; Satoru <3
First name too?!?!
“That way you always know it’s me.” 
You flush, body jerking as you snatch your phone from his grasp, shaking your head. “Wh-what! Don’t…! Don’t just add a heart next to your name like that!”
“Why not?” Gojo asks, face in a pout as he genuinely asks you like he doesn’t understand. Your frazzled movements halt when you realize, arms falling to your sides with a huff before his pout is fading and being replaced by another shit-eating grin. You watch as Gojo goes to grab his own phone from his coat pocket, opening it and tapping at a few things before turning it to show you again.
There you see the both of yours short message threads before your eyes wander higher and then you see that he’s added you as a contact on his phone as well.
Sweet Cheeks <3
That was it. You were confident. You’re going to kill him.
You feel hot and you know you probably look like a mess, wide eyed and lips parted once more as you turn to look at Gojo. Of course, he’s smiling–because why wouldn’t he be–and looks completely unbothered by it all. In fact, you’d reckon he even looks proud of himself.
But yet, when your lips part to argue, you find no words to say. You know you’re embarrassed, a little peeved at the annoying pet name, but you think about the way his hand had felt on you and the way that despite how he was too cocky for his own good, you liked the thought of having him as contact in your phone.
Even if that was the name he’d given himself.
Even if that was the name he’d given you. 
And even if there was a heart next to both of your names.
Shoulders falling, you submit; “fine,” you huff. “But just don’t think this means—”
You halt, instantly recognizing that voice.
You miss the way Gojo’s eyes zone in on your reaction, shoulders tensing and the expression on your face turning just slightly afraid as you let the words you’d been about to say disappear. The air suddenly grows tense, or maybe you’re imagining it–you’re not sure–but you feel your body stiffly moving to turn, meeting Sukuna’s eyes from across the hall.
His brows furrow when he meets your gaze, eyes hardening at the sight of Gojo behind you.
“What’re you doing talking to Gojo?”
You freeze, and you realize somewhere distant you should say something, but you don’t know what.
Then, an arm falls around your shoulder and a weight is pressed against your back.
“We were exchanging numbers,” Gojo calls out with a singing voice, lips stretched into that familiar wide grin. Though, and you think you might be imagining it, you swear it seems a bit more tight and forced than it had before. “Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
You don’t miss the way he calls you by your first name.
Sukuna doesn’t either.
“Uh… y-yeah,” you force out, letting out an airy laugh that sounds more like a cough than anything. 
Sukuna’s face hardens, but the anger in his eyes is passing. With a simple shake of his head, he brushes off your words, before focusing back on meeting your gaze; “come on, Y/N. Let’s have lunch together.”
That’s right.
Maybe he will again. 
You’d been trying to win back Sukuna. Sukuna, your boyfriend. The boyfriend that had cheated on you with a girl who has had it out for you since middle school… Sukuna, whose hands have never felt as warm as the way Gojo’s had against yours just a few minutes ago; nor as soft, nor have they ever made you feel the way Gojo’s had.
“You should break up with him.”
Eyes squeezing shut, you force yourself to block out Geto’s words.
No, this was just silly. You’d already decided – you were going to win back Sukuna and that was that. Geto’s words didn’t matter and neither did Gojo’s hands; it was all just silly distractions you’d let yourself sink into because of your hurt.
You wanted to be with Sukuna and you wanted to win his feelings back.
And here he was inviting you for lunch. You’d be stupid to pass up the opportunity.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nod, gently shrugging Gojo’s arm off of your shoulder and taking a step forward. “Okay,” you call out sweetly, smiling at Sukuna, it strengthens the second you see Sukuna instantly ease at your agreement. 
You offer Gojo a smile over your shoulder as you make your way to Sukuna, ignoring the frown on his face as you wave.
Then, you beam up at Sukuna.
He glances at Gojo behind you for a moment longer, before meeting your eyes. You try to make sure you don’t smile too wide or obnoxiously, trying to make sure you look pretty, head tilted as you bat your lashes at him and reach for his hand.
Reluctantly, Sukuna slips his hand into your own, not bothering to return your smile as he leads you into the cafeteria.
You watch Sukuna and Mei Mei with a barely concealed frown. 
When Sukuna had first invited you out, you’d thought he meant a date. You’d practically squealed of excitement in your bedroom, kicking your feet before hurriedly getting ready. You’d done your hair, made sure your makeup looked flawless, and dressed exactly how you knew Sukuna liked you to dress. The two of you hadn’t been on a date just the two of you in a long time, and the last time you’d tried… well. It hadn’t ended the way you thought you would.
Operation get Sukuna to fall for Y/N again seemed like it was going well if Sukuna was inviting you out for a date and you knew tonight was the perfect opportunity to up your charm and flirting to remind Sukuna why he’d asked you out in the first place.
Then, you’d shown up at the arcade only to see Sukuna already there with Mei Mei, Mahito and a few of his other friends.
And quickly, you realized your plan was already starting to be a complete and utter failure.
With nothing more than a simple ‘hey’, Sukuna had barely acknowledged your presence nor had he tried to hang with you at all since you’d arrived. You’d been here for an hour and the most attention you got from anyone was Mahito when he’d asked you if you’d watch his stuff for him; you believe his exact words had been ‘if you’re going to sit there like a loser all night, can you at least be helpful and watch my stuff?’.
So that’s what you’d done.
Honestly, you were impressed you were as collected as you were. You knew you should’ve just left, but the small hope that maybe Sukuna would notice you kept you there even as it got harder and harder not to cry. You didn’t want to seem like more of a loser though, so you forced the tears back; trying to ignore the racing thoughts that ran through your mind as you sat there, all dolled up for a guy who didn’t care about you at all.
You were starting to think you’d been wrong all along and maybe he never had.
Were you that undesirable? You’d thought you were a good girlfriend… you’d tried not to be too clingy, even if Sukuna said otherwise and you’d always tried to help him and support him in anything he needed. You tried to wear the things he liked and get into the stuff he was interested in. You went to every one of his games and cheered him on every time. And yet, he’d only ever seemed annoyed at everything you did.
Maybe you were that undesirable.
Maybe you’d never realized just how annoying and insufferable you really were.
Biting your lip, you decide that that’s all you can take for one night and if you don’t leave now, you’re going to cry in the middle of this arcade and that’ll only fuel your embarrassment more.
With one more longing look Sukuna’s way, to which you’re ignored again, you move to stand, grabbing your purse and pulling it over your shoulder as you move to walk away.
Except, the second you turn, you bump aggressively into someone and something cold pours over you.
Your lips part, eyes widening as you realize that it’s some sort of soda, most likely coke, that is now seeping into your blouse and sticking to your skin. Gasping, you glance up to see who you bumped into since it’s clearly becoming a habit of yours, only for your embarrassment to deepen the second you meet a familiar pair of dark eyes.
Geto Suguru stands in front of you, looking just as shocked as you. In his hands is an empty cup, the lid now on the ground by your feet.
You stare at him for a moment before you hear laughter.
It’s loud and piercing. Body stilling and muscles tensing, you glance over your shoulder only to see Sukuna, Mahito, Mei Mei and the rest of his friends all laughing at you. Mahito’s got a hand pressed to his stomach as he doubles over in laughter, the look in Mei Mei’s eyes is nothing short of cruel and when you finally turn to Sukuna, you feel like your heart breaks a little.
Even though you’re not surprised.
Of course he’d laugh at you.
You can’t stand to see the look on Geto’s face, already knowing what he must be thinking, as you quickly shove your way past him. Your feet work quickly to make your way out of the arcade, not hearing the sound of your name being called as you feel your eyes finally well up with the tears you’ve desperately tried to hold back all day. 
The second you’re out of the arcade, it all becomes too much. 
You don’t care at that moment that you’re no more covered than you would’ve been inside the arcade; it’s better than crying in front of Sukuna and… and Geto. 
Pressing your hands to your face, the reality of everything catches up to you and a sob pulls past your lips as your shoulders shake. You’re cold, sticky, you’re pretty sure your blouse is now see through thanks to the soda that had spilled all over you and you’re standing outside an arcade crying because of your boyfriend who cheated on you.
Everything was just so cruel.
You stand there for a moment more, lost in your own world you don’t hear the ding of the arcade doors open behind you or the footsteps that follow. It isn’t until something warm falls around your shoulders do you finally look up, turning your head to the right and blinking at the sight of Geto’s concerned eyes staring back at you. 
“Are you okay?” He asks gently, voice soft in the mix of silence and your sniffles. “I didn’t mean to spill my drink all over you like that.”
Swallowing thickly, you brush the tears on your cheeks, confused; “wh-what?”
“You ran out so quick,” he continues on, moving in front of you to grab the hoodie he’d draped around you and pull it tighter around you in the front. You watch as his hands reach for your own, taking your arms and tugging them through the sleeves of the hoodie before zipping it up until it hits the bottom of your chin. “I’m sorry I ruined your shirt.”
You’re stunned. Confused. You hadn’t expected him to run out after you nor did you expect sympathy. Sure, you didn’t know Geto that well, but you didn’t expect him to apologize for spilling his soda on you, especially when you bumped into him, nor did you expect him to give you his hoodie to cover and warm yourself up.
You stare back at him blankly.
Geto frowns at the tears in your eyes. “Ignore them. They’re idiots.”
He’s gesturing behind you at the arcade — to Sukuna and the rest of them.
You don’t glance back. You don’t want to see them still laughing.
“Why… why are you here?” You ask, voice small.
“I was babysitting,” he explains, “but their parents picked them up just before I bumped into you. I was… actually going to talk to you when you stood up suddenly.”
Oh. So that’s why he’d been right behind you.
“I’m sorry I bumped into you,” you mumble, selfishly enjoying the warmth his hoodie gives as you hug yourself. “And split your drink.”
Geto shakes his head. “You’re the one that got covered in it.”
And oddly, the comment makes you smile. You’re not sure why–maybe you’re losing your mind–but the way he says it so nonchalantly pulls a smile to your lips and a snot-filled giggle that is anything but attractive and you’re too upset to even care. 
Geto just laughs at himself; “you think it’s funny my drink spilled all over you?”
Meeting his eyes, you shrug; “I dunno.” Then, faltering, you glance at your feet. “I didn’t before. But maybe a little now.”
“Well… good,” Geto shrugs. “It was a little funny if I’m being honest.”
And the smile on his face tells you he’s just joking.
“Shut up,” you laugh.
An air of silence falls over the two of you then, and you shuffle on your feet.
“I’m gonna go home now,” you point to your left, the direction you’ll be walking. “I’ll wash and return your hoodie on Monday. Th… Thank you for giving it to me.” And you smile warmly, wanting him to know just how much you appreciate the favour.
Geto’s smile fades as he blinks down at you.
You offer a small wave and move to walk, but then a hand catches your arm.
Surprised, you glance back at Geto.
“I’ll walk you,” he offers.
Your eyes widen. “Oh! You… you don’t have to—”
“It’s okay,” he assures, somewhat urgently. “I don’t mind.”
“Okay…” you say slowly, not seeing the point in arguing. Besides, not walking home alone in the dark seemed like the better option anyway and if he was offering… still, why was he offering? “But… why?”
“Because,” he shrugs once more. And he hesitates and your heart twists because you don’t know if you can handle the answer if it’s because he feels pity for you.
And then he just smiles and it’s soft and gentle and it takes your breath away as you stare up at him.
“It’s late.”
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
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I'm just imagining how scary Akutagawa would be whenever he would threaten you with his ability but he wouldn't ever actually go through with it... Not fully, at the very least.
Whenever you misbehave the man just has a habit of getting Rashomon to scare you off, its long, black talons hanging right over your head as you cower in fear as he just stares down at you, his face devoid of any emotions. "You should have learned the rules by now." he'd say, his voice cold and unforgiving. You would always find yourself gulping and sweating bullets, it was impossible to look up at him let alone gather the courage to speak.
There was no room for weakness. Akutagawa would never allow you to be weak. He was strong, he was fully aware of that plain and true fact. Because of that fact, he knew that he needed to make you stronger, he needed to prepare you for the true horrors of this world. If you can't even defend yourself against him then how the Hell were you going to go back into the wild out there, unprepared like a little baby? He can't protect you forever.
His eyes widened at the realization as he felt his heart break a little.
...he can't protect you forever. He wants to. He really, truly wants to. He will be gone, sooner rather than later. Are you happy about that? Does it bring you satisfaction knowing that the man who so cruelly kidnapped you already had one foot planted in his grave? He laughed bitterly at the thought. He gave you a closed eyes smile but he could still sense your confusion.
Honestly, you were so easy to read, it was downright humiliating.
Akutagawa can't let anyone else read you like that. For once in his life, he wanted something to be his. Death may be the one thing which was going to tear the two of you apart but he had no intentions of making an exit from this world before leaving his mark.
"Stay still." he said as he finally opened his eyes.
"This is going to hurt."
Without missing a beat, Rashomon tore into your arm as you screamed in pain. It was sharp and sudden, the hot white pain was so intense that it clouded all of your senses. You could feel its teeth dig deeper and deeper into your flesh as fresh blood started to pool all over you, staining everything in its path. Akutagawa remained quiet once more as he let his ability carry out his bidding, all the while thinking how oddly pretty you looked like this.
Even if you were in pain, red truly was a beautiful color on you.
After what felt like a century, the pain morphed into a more numb feeling, as if the ability wanted to go easy on you. The sharp teeth did not cease until the words "PROPERTY OF AKUTAGAWA" were etched onto the entirety of your arm, droplets of blood decorating your soft skin and it was all Akutagawa's to enjoy.
Allowing himself a rare moment of softness, Akutagawa crouched down to your level, gently took your arm and planted a gentle kiss at the back of your wrist, right above the pulse point. That place was a favorite of his, feeling your beating heart brought him great joy. He needed to patch you up quickly but he once again allowed himself to be selfish just more as he decided to indulge himself in your being.
He didn't know how much time he had left. That was exactly why he needed to make every moment count.
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🤍 TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @misdollface, @sxy0ung, @rosemary108233, @c4xcocoa, @gettinshiggywithit, @ophticcus, @lakxcpsta, @ranposgirlboss, @robinaxolotl, @acornwinter, @enomane, @ishqani, @satohruu, @bluepeanutharmony, @ficsreblogs
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Until I read the comments on that one post I had no idea the Bechdel Test was a joke and wasn't supposed to be a serious measuring stick by which you gauged if something was feminist or not. Everywhere I'd ever heard it brought up, it was brought up as a very serious thing, and it was a failure of media if it didn't pass it. I remember the debate about Mako Mori from Pacific Rim and if she was a character you were "allowed" to like as a progressive person despite the fact that Pacific Rim doesn't pass the Bechdel Test, the discourse, the discussion of if the director was sexist for not writing in another woman for her to chat with about non-men related stuff, the camp of people trying to insist that having a fully realized character arc and being as developed as any of the male leads = good writing even if she doesn't talk to another girl...
And I've also had the remark about my writing not passing the test, just not to my face. I searched my fanfic's name once, curious to see if anyone was discussing it outside of tumblr and AO3, and found a Tiktok complaining about it not passing the Bechdel Test. The top comment was "motherfucker YOU don't pass the test but we still watch your ass". I cackled and moved on, but neither the commenter, poster, nor I had any awareness this wasn't Feminist Media Critique 101 theory and was, in fact, a goof.
Right now there's a segment of fandom debating if Blue Eye Samurai is feminist since when Mizu and Akemi talk, they do bring up men, since, y'know. Women aren't considered people with rights in their era in Japan and thus it's something they mention instead of only talking about being cool girlboss badasses who never bring up gender. If something doesn't pass the Bechdel Test, a smug segment of the internet high-fives itself and congratulates one another on being More Feminist Than Thou.
They then get really angry if you disagree, even though by this metric, Sleeping Beauty (the original animated one, where Aurora has only 16 lines of dialogue) is more feminist than Blue Eye Samurai.
Okay, so, nonnie....
Dykes to Watch Out For (1983-2008) was a long-running comic and major piece of lesbian media. I grew up buying compiled volumes at the bookstore. To be honest, that kind of 90s-ish lesbian culture isn't really my scene despite me being bi, but it was very nice to have this slice of life-y somewhat realistic, occasionally somewhat parody, look at the queer communities around me. It's up there with Tales of the City for me in terms of being a window into a particular culture and time and place.
If anybody is interested in queer history, in addition to looking up factual info, I think a read of the complete Dykes would give a really good overview of how people were thinking about things and what issues came up a lot. You'll see things like Barnes & Noble increasingly putting feminist bookstores out of business in the 90s, attitudes towards porn in lesbian circles—all kinds of cultural issues of the day.
I drifted away as I got later in my teens and found more genre fiction I cared about, but at one point, this comic was a very welcome antidote to the glurgey coming out stories that made up a lot of the more realistic media.
Anyway, here's the comic itself, reproduced in its entirety because I think it's important to actually understand the context.
This is from 1985, so the era of Rambo, Conan, and Death Wish, each of which you can see being made fun of here. It's based on Bechdel's friend Liz Wallace's actual rule for seeing movies.
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That's it. That's the origin of this whole stupid test.
"LOL, fuck 80s action movies". That's it. That's the joke.
The fact that blockbusters still routinely fail to pass in the 2020s is shameful, but that was never the point of the strip.
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