#if I make it that far XD
Lewis Fic Recs: Small Comforts
Sometimes the smallest things—a long held memory, a creased note, a scrap of clothing, a steady hand on the shoulder—bring the deepest comfort and take up the most room in your heart. This list is far from exhaustive, so please feel free to add your own favs!
The Smallest Things by Somniare
2,776 Words, James & Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply In this poignantly tender story, Robbie goes to check on his sick sergeant, and discovers a box of his childhood things spilled open in the hallway. Sometimes James needs the reminder that he's not alone.
Pursued by LadyKes
715 Words, Gen, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply The story of Hathaway's bear. When Julie goes around the station collecting donations for charity, Robbie decides that James' desk could use some brightening up. Extra kudos for the Shakespeare puns.
Respite by ComplicatedLight
100 Words, James & Robbie, Rated G, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings In this softly powerful drabble, Robbie's computer frustrations lead to a quiet moment of peace and support. This author's short fics are always masterclasses in making the most of few words.
Coffee and Care by ComplicatedLight
100 Words, James&/Robbie, Rated G, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings After a long day at work, a coffee and rare moment of peace out in the sunshine for James leads Robbie to a realization.
Shock Blanket by Wendymr
200 Words, James & Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply James hands won't stop shaking after a near-miss for Robbie, so Robbie takes him home and wraps him in a blanket.
A Scrap of Comfort by Lindenharp
100 Words, Laura & James, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Dealing with the fallout post-Falling Darkness, Laura finds security in her nightly routine—and comfort in a borrowed handkerchief.
Absence of Presence by citrusgothic
100 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply: Implied Unrequited Love Even after everything, Robbie can't bear to throw out the shirt of his that James once wore. This poignantly heartbreaking fic is a reminder that sometimes comfort goes hand-in-hand with pain.
Only With Your Clothes On by paperscribe
729 Words, James/&Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings ApplyO On one particularly bad night, James finds solace on Robbie's couch—and in the borrowed t-shirt that James can never quite manage to return. And then it's Robbie's turn to have a rough time of it.
Mine Now by tabitha6
9,250 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply As their relationship grows, James develops a habit of stealing Robbie's clothing. This warmly comforting fic does a great job in showing their growing intimacy, not only through clothing, but through all the tiny ways they make room for each other in their daily lives.
Ohrwurm (series) by LyricaXXX
16,821 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply After a difficult case, Robbie gets an irritating song stuck in his head. When multiple attempts to drive it out fail, a visit to James' band rehearsal and a borrowed iPod help Robbie to discover that it is James' voice and music that helps the most. The only problem is, James doesn't know what Robbie is listening to.
Secretly by paperscribe
843 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply In this sweetly touching fic, James's voicemail is full, and Robbie makes a surprising discovery when he attempts to help.
The Mobile Mishap by dogpoet
2,536 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply James and Robbie accidentally go home with each other's work phones one night, and the next day Robbie finds that James has made some...additions—ones which Robbie soon realizes he doesn't have the heart to delete.
Notes by serenbach
767 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Established relationship. In which James bears some resemblance to an Austen heroine. While helping James move, Robbie finds a stack of papers in his own handwriting when one of the cardboard boxes spills open.
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north-noire · 23 days
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henry emily and the puppet-girl (charlie)
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chickenchirps27 · 1 day
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hello denizens of tumblr i come with humble offerings
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they wish to romance you
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endlesspaint · 6 months
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lonicera-edulis · 9 days
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While I am at it, decided to draw this request as well (thank you, I didn't even count that this silly au will get someone's interest outside of my tired mind; I will also draw the rest of ideas from your ask later).
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lienwyn · 6 months
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Kang Yo Han in his natural habitat, as observed by Kim Ga On
You want to fuck that old man so bad it makes you look stupid
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captainhysunstuff · 4 months
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I like them being dorks.
This came out as an actor!AU sort of thing where Light's super shy when it comes to intimate scenes, lol. Or maybe they're (mostly) platonic friends and it's just super awkward for him (to smooch on camera)~. He wants to do it, but he can't stop giggling about it for some reason. XD
Updated: I was so focused on making them as OOC as possible that I missed a typo. =__=
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dustykneed · 20 days
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prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "who did this to you?"
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descendant-of-truth · 9 months
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The musical score is so dramatic and foreboding and I'm over here giggling in delight over how joyful Nine looks while posing like a necromancer raising his servants from the earth
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noecoded · 2 years
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nicheposting asmo obey me but 2000s emo
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spicylove4ever · 24 days
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I present to you all my interpretation of the moment when Makkaro Aetherward becomes a necromancer, breaking free of his chains to go for the kill on those who tormented him...
This one has been planned for a while, but none of the sketches convinced me. I wanted to make a fanart for the part of the chapter when he breaks free and destroys the prison and the Warden, but I after a lot of thought, I found the moment he has his demonic voice for the first time would be the one.
Also there was the design: I used 2002's Count of Montecristo bits of the Chateu D'If to get the idea of how a prissioner would look like, and it fades away all the recognizing traits of Makkaro (long hair and beard that hides the face and all that), so there had to be necromancy playing.
I must say it was painful to draw Makkaro on such conditions, injuried and so thin, but the part where there was magic had the karmic part, so that did some help.
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tokibuns · 5 months
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if envy doesn't bring any of this energy to the final movie I'm leaving
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ravinoforre · 6 months
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Michael and Leaf Pokemon but they've suddenly been isekai'd to Sylvarant oops
The template @frayed-symphony, @ciryze and I collectively put together.
...also uh 👉👈
there's this
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saltynsassy31 · 26 days
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
Start - Part 1 - Next ->
🍕Team Grub🍕
Splatfest 24-09-2022
[Master Post - coming soon]
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bleue-flora · 1 month
Why I think c!Dream is Autistic - Part 2
[Part 1] - [Part 2] - [Part 3]
If you haven’t read part 1 (eventhough I did try and write these as like separate things) I do recommend you go do that...
Did you do it? Hi hello, welcome back. :) Okay, now having gone over general traits, let’s talk more about the second part of my original statement [post]: “c!Dream is autistic and the consequential misunderstanding and miscommunication is a root of all the problems and conflicts” which I have covered a bit already [here].
So, because we think differently, communication and social interaction is often at the heart of a lot of our struggles (after my diagnosis at 20 I realized just how many of the conflicts in my past came down to this). Me and my therapist like to make the comparison that because autistic people’s brains are structured differently it is as if we are speaking a different language and as a result it ends with things being misinterpreted. Because as we all can recognize, when a language isn’t someone’s first, there are times when things don’t come across properly. Both because of perhaps a lack of words, different slang, tone, culture… etc. When you don’t take translation into consideration, it leads to miscommunication and misunderstanding as a lot of poor assumptions are made and conflict is often the result, especially because our inclination is to think the worst of people. [funnily enough here’s a great example between some anons about translation and communication 1 -> 2 -> 3]
As such, while autistic people have issues communicating with neurotypicals, we often don’t have issues communicating with each other - we speak the same language. So, it isn’t that we are any worse at communication in general than everyone else (in other words Dream is not the sole one to blame here), it’s that we are struggle to communicate with the neurotypical like we are speaking two different languages without even realizing it, so of course we struggle to understand each other. 
I think (hopefully lol) we can all agree that the root of the dsmp conflict is miscommunication and not understanding each other. But the thing is, miscommunication in the standard sense, in our day to day life or in the climax of a romantic comedy is about the absence of communicating, like Quackity not talking to his fiances. It is to have information, an opinion, view or assumption that goes unsaid and then leads to struggle just because it was never talked out. However, in Dream’s case it isn’t that he doesn’t talk it out or not share his side of the story, because he does. He does a lot, he does communicate, how else could Dream apologists understand him even before the finale without his own pov detailing his thoughts. 
He does talk about it but his autistic mind is using logic and facts against an emotional response leading to him being unheard. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether tyrant is the right word, they are just expressing their feelings of being controlled by a larger power, but Dream is too focused on pulling out the literal definition and the facts to see the real issue at hand - that they feel controlled and overshadowed by him. So they think Dream doesn’t care, and Dream thinks their points don't matter because their facts were wrong and no understanding is reached. Dream can use logic all day - Why would someone not want to escape a prison they were being tortured in? Why would someone make a prison and then plan on putting someone in an unfortified 1x1 hole in the wall? How can I be the tyrant when Eret is literally the king? How can I steal the discs if they were literally given to me after a fair duel? - but against people just spewing words out of anger, hurt, feelings of abandonment it isn’t going to make a difference.
Perhaps one of the most notable and tragic examples of this is George’s dethronement, in the aftermath of Techno’s attack and the Spirit speech, where Dream meets Sapnap’s and George’s emotions with logic and facts.  (See [here] for full transcript, the following is trimmed down from two different vids)
[18:54] George: “Why—why do you think- why do you think I shouldn’t be king anymore?” Dream: “I think that… you would be safer if you were not, right?”
[23:56] Dream: “You’ll just be targeted if you’re the king, and you wanna be able to like, get revenge on Tommy and stuff, right? So, we can like work to—We can work together. Me and you.” George: “Hm. Sounds like you’re sugar-coating it.” Dream: “No, nono—I mean, it’s a little bit sugar-coated, but it’s also like… it’s just better because you don’t get attacked by everyone, and you can do whatever you want without having to worry...”
[25:37] Sapnap: “George, Dream said he didn’t care about anything on this SMP which… That just means he doesn’t care about us.” Dream: “Okay, I’ll have you say, I was—Okay, I wasn’t—I wasn’t—I didn’t actually mean I don’t care about anything.” George: “Why did you say it then?” Sapnap: “Yeah?” Dream: “Listen, listen! The reason I’m even saying George should step down as king is because I care about him. Because I—He’s been getting attacked, and I care about him, and I don’t want him to get attacked.”
[27:28] Dream: “What did you do as king? Like you didn’t do anything as king like decree or anything...” George: “I’ve been the best king this server has ever had!” Dream: “Yeah, I agree. I agree. But you’ve also been the least safe king because you just get attacked all the time because people don’t like me. And therefore, they don’t like you because you’re behind me, and you’re my friend.” Eret: “By association.” Dream: “Yeah. By association. So, like that’s the same reason, like, Sapnap’s got into some, you know, drama and stuff too, but…”—“Sap, stop pointing the damn bow at me.” George: “Just say—Just say you hate me.” Sapnap: “Yeah, just say it.” Dream: “George! *laughs in disbelief* George, I don’t—Listen to me. I care about you. That’s the reason I don’t want you to be the king.” Sapnap: “First—first—Listen to this. First, he says he doesn’t care about us, and now he’s demoting you as king.”
In this conversation over and over he reiterates how he cares and is trying to keep them safe from being targeted and attacked and yet after everything is said and done, his friends somehow leave that conversation thinking he doesn’t care about them. Why? Because what Sapnap really needed was validation for him feeling hurt, but instead Dream kept reasoning with his emotions with the concrete actions, details and facts, essentially saying that what he feels doesn’t matter because it’s not truth, which was never going to get through to them. They are listening but they aren’t hearing eachother, both think they have made their point and the other side has poor intentions for not reacting appropriately. 
It took Tommy to literally experience Dream’s point of view to understand him and realize his intentions weren’t inherently malicious. Because only then could he shatter his assumptions and misconceptions about intention and motivation. Only then did he know which questions to ask Dream for him to get Dream to answer in a way that made sense to him. Before Tommy experiences Dream’s pov in limbo and after, Dream’s arguments and his answers for why don’t really change, he talks about peace and family so many different times, but it’s only after Tommy goes into his head that he’s able to actually translate what Dream was saying so he can hear him, understand him, see him.
It’s the assumption that the way you understand someone is what they meant to say that causes these issues in communication. Me missing social queues or body language that’s sending me a message and you assuming I don’t care or have a certain opinion on the matter because of my response or lack of response when in fact, no I just did not get the message after all. And as such as an autistic person it often feels like neurotypicals expect us to read their minds because they are sending messages, communicating how they feel just not in a way, not in a language we understand.
So, why do they ask that for the snake and not for people? - because people don’t speak snake, but surely people do speak people, so they assumed they don’t need to ask because they assumed that they can follow the train of thought because it's just like theirs. They assumed they understood each other but it’s like an American and a Brit arguing about jumpers without realizing they are two completely different clothing items.
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elvenbeard · 9 months
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◲ Omikuji ◱
V: "Okay, I told you mine, what's yours sayin'?"
Kerry: "Oh, next year's gonna be my year, baby. Every song's gonna go through the roof, gonna get so many new fans, money, fame... And it even says I'm gonna get laid this very night!"
V: "Uh-huh... does it also say 'draw the most specific fortune anyone's ever gotten'?"
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Happy New Year from Vince and Kerry and me :3
I mentioned before that Vince isn't very religious or keen on traditions, not a big celebrator of Christmas either. There is one exception though, and that's going to the Shinto shrine on New Year's to draw a fortune. He always went there as a kid with his father, celebrating Hatsumōde, probably the only real bonding moments they ever had. So, when he later returns as an adult for the first time, it was a very bittersweet moment. Similarly, when Kerry lived in Tokyo still, I bet he also participated in this tradition with his family at least a few times, whenever he wasn't on tour or otherwise occupied.
So, back in Night City now, even better to make some new, happier memories together :D
I also made and alt-version (which was my original idea for this piece actually, but for reasons I changed it slightly XD), below the cut, which is more fitting for my personal timeline of events if this scene takes places on New Year's 2077/2078 :3
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I hope you like either picture and thanks for reading all my ramblings <3 XD
He's fine, I promise!!! Or he will be, on the way to recovery xD I touched upon Vince getting some kind of treatment/surgery to deal with the Relic post-Sun-Ending in my fic and in some VP before, and at first I actually wanted to just post this version... but he looks so different with his iconic rattail gone, and I love drawing it, so yeah XD Two versions it is!
Also, since Omikuji vending machines are an actual thing, I think they probably have these in Night City as well... and despite all the wonders and horrors of our dystopian future, I like the idea that you still get your fortunes printed on old-fashioned paper so you can tie them on a tree or string if they're bad luck XD The good old clash between tradition and process I love so much about this world.
Good fortune for your 2024, with money, fame, and getting everything else fulfilled that you're into and hope for xDD
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