#idk why i went on a ramble but anyway. wish i could magically make people see me and my gender the way i want to be seen
scattered-winter · 3 months
every day i kick a rock and bash my head into the wall because i'll never get to go on a big space adventure and become tightly close-knit with my new found family up there <//3
#re lrb..........#i mean realistically if i was in the voltron/quintenary stars universe chances are i would probably NOT be one of the people#going on the space adventure.#i'd be roped into the plot when the aliens invade and earth almost gets destroyed. spoilers for arc 2 btw sorry#but man. child soldierism aside i wish that were me so so so bad#sadly kicks a rock when will EYE have a deep and mystical connection with a giant ancient cat :(#its not even that i want to interact with the main cast bc i dont really i just. wanna be in their position man#i think one of the reasons why voltron grabbed me so hard (among MANY) is how badly i wanted to do what the main characters did#i remember when i was first watching it while it was coming out i would CONSISTENTLY daydream about being launched into space#with a handful of other people and having to fight a war and grow up far away from home and all the suffocating stuff that came with it#and then coming back years later already solidly knowing who i am and being confident in that#so i'd actually be brave enough to be unapologetic about it. and i'd be found family with the people i went to space with also#that parts important#idk man just. i dont like saying i was abused when i was younger because i really dont think it was like that and it isnt even close to#what how people who have really been abused have had to go through#but sometimes i really do wonder. like now that im (mostly) out and able to review everything with an outside perspective#not even getting into the cult survivorism stuff this is JUST family dynamics im talking about here#bc that shit is a whole other can of worms#i think my parents were genuinely doing the best they could with the cards they were dealt but. jesus christ.#i would have given ANYTHING to be able to run away from all that. and throw magic cats into the equation? brother im GONE#anyway this tags ramble has derailed in a MAJOR way. tldr i wanted to be a paladin sooooo fuckign bad bro#like it actually makes me SICK how much i want a lion. red you are my forever girl even if only in my heart <///3#i still do want to do all that out of principle but its not as desperate now i just really love space and really want a big kitty friend#winter speaks
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saltycharacters · 2 years
Being multigender really is just struggling to not let people pick one of your genders over another yknow
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eldritchazure · 2 years
i have a surak-era oc who i’m gonna ramble about here from time to time.
he’s from t’paal because i’m Fascinated by that region for some reason. i really wish there was more info on it but alas. i’ll have to make shit up as i go. he was born in one of the enclaves but i’m thinking he was raised in a temple of akraana there.
(people don’t know what the goddess akraana presided over, only that she was the wife(?) of the war god khosarr, so i’m gonna make things up. i’m thinking she was some kind of goddess of magic, prophecy, and art because it’s convenient and also cool. also since one of the enclaves where her disciples lived is now an artists’ enclave so it works. her worshippers were kinda like a mystery cult, similar to the cult of despoina, hence why people don’t know what her deal was today. sorry for the info dump, i find this kind of thing REALLY interesting so i think about it A Lot.)
so this guy was a disciple of akraana and raised in one of her temples. the reason why he was sent there as a child was because he had these “visions” of the past and the future. the actual reason for the “visions” was that his mind was frequently temporally displaced. not permanently or constantly like spock’s was in disco, but it kind of came and went? like he’d be going about his day and then all of a sudden BAM there’s gonna be a horrible famine here At Some Point in the Near Future. or BAM someone was murdered horrifically at this spot A Very Long Time Ago. or someone was born at this spot and a lot of people were full of joy about it A Very Long Time Ago. he couldn’t tell when exactly things happened/would happen, only vague impressions. this is why he was dropped off at the temple by his parents. they didn’t know how to deal with the visions and figured the temple people might. is this logical or at all responsible parenting? definitely not. but i’m thinking the visions put great mental strain on him and by extension his parents through the familial bonds so maybe sending him to live with the people who specialized in that kind of thing would be able to take care of him better. whether or not that’s true remains to be seen.
i have no idea how the temporal displacement happened, or why it isn’t like how spock’s was. at this point it’s plot convenience. idk maybe it’s some weirdo space entity?? idk idk. anywho he mistook the weirdo space entity for akraana (or maybe it was akraana. who knows. ANYWAY.)
so yeah he gets these visions. maybe they slowly drive him a little mad? i don’t know!! i’ll figure it out, or maybe i won’t. but yeah he gets visions and then writes them down in a bunch of notebooks over his life. he doesn’t know what most modern things are so they’re written through a kind of fantastical/mythological lens. he predicts different wars with aliens but he doesn’t know they’re aliens so he calls them like, demons or spirits or whatever. even technology that could be found at that time he probably didn’t know about, because i’m imagining that the temple/area he was raised in was one of the ones that was generally against technology. so if he were to predict the radiation from the nuclear weapons being used at the time, people wouldn’t know what he meant until it was happening.
eventually the notebooks are found and now they’re in a museum somewhere displaying the history of the region. most historians dismiss his prophecies as the ramblings of a madman but those who look closely enough do admit it is somewhat eerie how they seem to mirror a lot of big historical events.
for example, a ship full of vengeful demons wearing the faces of vulcans emerging from a portal, who will consume t’khasi from the inside out.
anywho. at the moment his name is tova. this is subject to change. his story is pretty barebones at the moment and is little more than a concept that i’ve written out here in a very long winded post. i’ll probably flesh it out some more, add some much needed Drama and probably a healthy serving of Angst, as you do.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
hi, can I please get a romantic marvel match up? im 18, and im an intp, 5w4, slytherin, true neutral, and a capricorn. I'm cisgender and my pronouns are she/her, and I'm bisexual with a heavier preference for guys. I'm 5 foot 3, fair skinned, and midsized/curvy. I also have brown curly hair just below my shoulders and light brown eyes. I'm usually wearing cuffed jeans, a shirt with some show or movie reference on it, and converse. My hobbies are writing (novels and poetry), reading (books and comics), baking, watching shows and movies, drawing/painting (even though I suck at it and it makes me upset half the time) and playing piano. I love mythology and ancient history, and I'm very interested in anthropology. I would love to work in a museum and become an author one day. I struggle with social anxiety and depression, but once I open up I ramble a lot to people I trust and I use humor a lot to cope. I'm a very loyal friend who loves to help solve problems. thanks so much if you get to mine!
Hello, thank you for the request! Sorry this took a bit longer part of it is cause I was busy the other part was that idk marvel is a bit harder for me to write for idk why but i digress…DRUMROLL PLEASE
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Imm just say it, you two are huge nerds. And nerds are highly attracted to each other. I would know. Anyway,
You two met on a field trip, but not in the way you'd expect. You see you two actually went to different schools, however you and MJ were childhood friends and she had gotten you an internship at your local museum which they so happened to be visiting.
The students were released in groups to go explore the museum as they wished (within reason of course we don't need to be creating any more spider people in this universe). MJ, Ned, Betty, and most importantly Peter were in a group together (because of random chance aka my magical powers as the author).
MJ being MJ went off first to see what she was interested in, and to escape Ned and Betty being lovey dovey and cringe (by the power invested in me as the writer I pronounce Ned and Betty still a couple). Peter feeling awkward as the 3rd/4th wheel decided to go with her.
After a while he lost track of where she went. So, he decided to look for her in the Greek mythology section, where you just so happened to be working on your shift today.
During your time here MJ was hoping to push you towards working on your social anxiety so you could achieve your dreams. Only thing is that you usually avoid most of the patrons unless your manager asks for something specific, which they usually don't because they're quite the control freak and do everything themselves.
Anyway, when you heard there would be visitors from one of the nearby genius schools you decided to hide out in the mythology exhibits. Unluckily for you however Peter, one of the many students you were trying to avoid, had spotted you.
Peter being the actual puppy that he is decided to ask you if you had seen his friend, when he noticed your Star Wars t-shirt. Immediately he was asking you all kinds of questions about what your favorite movie in the franchise was, who your favorite character was, if you liked any of the other movies he had mentioned.
If you were being honest, it was a little overwhelming. This random boy just ran up to you and started asking you questions before you could respond, but if you were being honest it was refreshing to have someone to share interests with you. Your coworkers didn't know what you were talking about, and even though MJ was willing to listen to your ramblings she didn't really find interest in it just happy that it made you happy.
After his rambling Peter finally introduces himself. Deciding to take a leap of faith you decide to continue talking to him, and you get along swimmingly. After you two exchange numbers MJ finally shows up (she actually found you guys 5 minutes ago but didn't want to interrupt you guys) to tell peter it was time to go.
If you thought that was the last, you would see of Peter then you were dead wrong. Ever since that day Peter had been texting you every day to get to know you better. You guys would nerd out over franchises, debate about science and history, and would show off your latest works to each other (him his science experiments and you your art/writing).
After a year, Peter decided he was finally going to tell you his secret, well secrets. 1. being the fact that he was spiderman, and 2. the fact that he had a massive crush on you. So, after building up his courage he finally asked you out, and he the perfect idea for the date.
On the day in question, you got a text from him saying to come to the roof of your building. When you reached it, you saw a mop of brown hair in a red and blue suit smiling sheepishly at you. After he dropped the bomb and gave you time to process it you two headed on your date: a tour of New York from the roof tops.
He swung you all around New York from Queens, to Brooklyn, to Midtown, to Staten Island. You soared all across the city safe in the strong grip of Peter's arms and admired the view. The final stop was atop the head of the Statue of Liberty where lay a candle lit dinner for two, and the rest is history.
A word to sum up the life after would be absolutely adorkable. You two are a nerdy hopelessly romantic couple and the best of friends. Always laughing together and sharing support for each other's dreams and passions. Even as Peter's spiderman life gets hectic and his Parker luck rears his ugly head, he'll always be there for you and protect you, and you him.
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Wow this turned more into a fic then a matchup, but I hope you like it.
Runners Up: Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, Steven Grant, Scott Lang, Bruce Banner
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi I hope you're fine! Can you make the reaction of the brothers to a Mc who managed to overtake Salomon and made 100 pacts, the 100 th being ... Diavolo himself ?! (idk if it is really possible) Thank you love on you
I don’t really know if it’s possible either but I gave it a go anyway! I love this concept tho because MC, being the powerhouse they are, now has absolute control of 100 demons one which is actual prince of hell. Idk why I find that funny tbh.
I hope you’re well too and that you enjoy reading these HCs!
The Brothers Reacting to MC who made 100 pacts:
-*Surprised pikachu face*
-I’m sorry, w a t?
-Not only did an average human,with no magical capabilities whatsoever, beat a spectacular sorcerer in the span of just one year and managed to make 100 pacts before him
-But they also made a pact with Lord Diavolo as a grand finale??? (MC knows how to leave DevilDom with class holy shit)
-If you look closely enough, you can see Lucifer’s wheels spinning inside his head
-And here he thought you were going to get eaten in the first few days
-He needs to sit down for a few moments, his fucking logic has decided to take a walk
-He really went 0-0
-And on one hand, he’s totally impressed and actually very proud of their little exchange student
-But on the other hand, when tf did you have the time to make 100 pacts??
-You talked with at least 92 other demons and didn’t get murdered?
-Are all humans this hard to kill off or it just you?
-Taking aside his confusion and the way he worries like a middle aged parent, he’s actually pretty boastful about your situation
-Pride on another level, I’m telling you
- Pretty smug about it to Solomon too which is concerning because he isn’t really supposed to have favourites in the exchange program
-But he totally does
-“MC, you’re full of surprises aren’t you? You’re ability to adapt here is very impressive. Just don’t get too reckless, I don’t want you getting hurt.”
-Aw your tsundere and arrogant boyfriend actually really cares about your well being
-“But I’m still your first man, right?”
-Literally the first thing that leaves his mouth when he finds out
-Doesn’t matter how many pacts you make, he’s always going to insist he’s your first and therefore your best pact of them all
-He may freak out a bit at first because he doesn’t like the idea of you possibly chatting it up with other demons but he’s pretty chill
-Until you tell him about Lord Diavolo
-“Guess who just made a pact with Lord Diavolo!!”
-“Is it someone famous?”
-He’s a bit scared because the price you have to pay to be in a pact with Lord Diavolo is pretty damn high
-But if you keep insisting you will be fine, his worry will subside
-He’s a bit smug, like Lucifer, knowing you beat a powerful sorcerer in a non existent contest that he just made up in his mind
-Like “In your face Solomon, MY HUMAN got to make 100 pacts before you had the chance. Haha what a loser.”
-I feel like the brothers sometimes wish to just abandon Mammon somehowere so they don’t have to deal with this
-Dude doesn’t care how many pacts you have or with who as long as you remember ‘he was your first man.’
-Of course you of all people would be able to attain such a significant achievement
-You were his human after all
-No matter what you do, he will be even more smitten with you than before
-“That’s cool. Will you pass me my headphones.”
-“Wait....you did whAT?”
-You’re telling him that he barely has the courage to step outside the House of Lamentation but you can go right ahead and start making pacts with demons like it’s nothing???
-Did he just get beaten at life by a normie?? His normie even??
-He’s really panicking because the shit you’d have to deal with when making that kind of bond with Lord Diavolo is apparently very terrifying and he’s scared something bad will happen
-Pacts also mean markings on your body, so his whole jealousy thing kinda sparks here
-Because ‘it’s not fair you have all these people’s pact marks on you while mine is barely visible!”
-Even though his is like, really obvious too???
-Other than that, he just feels like you’re gaining EXP and getting stronger, like a video game character which is cool
-I want him to show up whenever MC gets in a new pact and just shout ‘Level Up!’ at the top of his lungs lmao
-He doesn’t have that much of an opinion on Solomon, besides his cooking, but he’s impressed and a bit scared that you can outdo a human like him in something as dangerous as this
-Lololololo, Solomon got wrecked by a human normie what a noob XD XD #badassnormie #solomoncanteven #gameoversorcerer
-The brothers seem pretty adamant at rubbing the salt into Solomon’s wounds, can we get an f in the chat for our white haired wizard boi
-He knew that humans were capable of a lot of things but what the fuck?
-How is that even possible???? What is the likelyhood of a random human managing to make 100 pacts???
-He is probably the most unsettled because he relies on probability and logic to get him through his day to day life
-And that shit don’t make no fucking sense
-He’s not agitated, just very shocked
-And then he realises the potential threats you’ve been exposed to considering all the demons you’ve had a chat with
-So now he’s just thanking Lord Diavolo that you weren’t eaten alive by some lower level demon scum
-Don’t be surprised if he asks you how you went about when you started making pacts with demons
-You were always a bit of a special case and you certainly stood out from the very beginning but this was something completely different
-For a human like you, that is a very respected achievement you’ve unlocked
-Satan figures that since you made pacts with him and his brothers, you would try to do so with Lord Diavolo too
-But he actually accepted?? You just kinda gave up part of your soul to the demon prince and now you have full control over him???
-It’s amazing how easily you could make demons of all things to trust you
-He respects that and also appreciates your tactical approach to this as well
-It’d be pretty easy to summon a demon to get your ass out of danger if the need arises
-He has no idea what you do to him but it’s strange he would rather let you ramble on about the backstory of every pact you made in the past year than read his collection of books
-Wrath certainly isn’t the only thing in his heart right now
-His partner beat his ex fuck-buddy at making a pact with Lord Diavolo
-Asmo knew you were special ever since that retreat at Lord Diavolo’s palace when you managed to summon him with such power
-But he definitely wouldn’t have guessed you would be capable of something like this
-Your bravery when it comes to this sort of thing endears him a lot
-He will probably want to see all of your pact marks now (haha you’re in danger)
-Unlike his brothers, he knew damn well why you had managed to make around 100 pacts in just one year
-Demons aren’t used to anything genuine or with good intent
-So, it makes sense they would be attracted like magnets to you and your approachable, kind nature
-After all, demons can’t deal with temptation very well
-Solomon is cunning and ominous, not that different from anyone else down there and it’s a fact the brothers don’t even trust him that much
-But Lord Diavolo?
-“MC honey you hit the jackpot! Tell me every little detail!! What happened? How did the topic of a pact come up?”
-He’s not worried about you overall
-Not because he doesn’t care but he believes that if you can survive for a year with the seven avatars of sin and also convince 93 other demons to make a pact with you, then you can handle whatever Lord Diavolo throws at you
-He probably buys a bunch of revealing clothing you can show off all of your marks because they look ‘fabulous’
-It’s the only think he’s gonna talk about for a while because how many other humans can say they have control of the prince of Hell???
-Asmo also acknowledges that Diavolo must have trusted you a lot for him to agree to this which he thinks is incredible
-He will definitely listen if you have any stories on the pacts you made because he finds them very thrilling and he loves the sound of your voice!!
-Again, he doesn’t need human souls, just a mirror, some skin products and drama to survive
-And you, if I had to guess
-The calmest our of the seven about it
-You made a bunch of pacts? Cool, it just shows how strong and independent you are
-Which made him respect you even more to be honest
-He flinches a bit when you tell him about Lord Diavolo because he knows that the prince isn’t the type to agree to anything without being given something in return
-Even if he knows you can handle yourself, he will be right there beside you to help you out
-Also, uh, don’t tell Belphie about the pact thing Diavolo. He might blow a fuse
-You guys work out together sometimes and he is usually utterly mesmerised by all the pact marks you have on your body
-He kinda wishes you would have asked him or one of his brothers to come along with you when you made your pacts
-Just in case things went wrong
-He regrets a lot of things that had happened until now, but one thing he absolutely cherishes is the pact you made with him
-Beel is aware that his brothers think the same and if you think you can deal with the pressure of having some many demons under control, then he won’t nag you too much about being careful
-As for the Solomon thing, he doesn’t have much to say
-I mean, yeah, he is a sorcerer and you’re just a human but if you could make a pact with Lord Diavolo in such a small time frame before he even had the chance to?
-It means you’re just as special as he is
-And definitely a better cook
-ok maybe humans aren’t as stupid as he originally thought them to be
-Making pacts with so many demons is something that takes strength and intelligence, so props to you
-He would never admit it, but you being able to do all this shit without batting an eyelid is seriously restoring his love for humans and their culture
-might take a while tho
-He also wonders when you had the time to make so many bonds, considering he spends most of the day with you at RAD and at home
-Eh, he was probably asleep
-His view of you before the incident did a full 180 degrees
-This sort of thing in DevilDom is something worth praising, especially for an average human like you
-And ‘I guess you don’t look all that bad with so many pact marks on your body *angy boi blush* but I still like mine best!’
-It might be best not to mention the Lord Diavolo thing, otherwise his brain might snap in two
-But turns out, he seems pretty relaxed about it
-Too relaxed, I would say
-“Hey do you think you could use your pact with Lord Diavolo to do something that would tarnish his reputation and maybe embarrass Lucifer while you’re at it, idk.”
-Ah, so that’s what it was
-He’s such a mischievous, spoiled brat
-“No Belphie shush.”
-“I’m just saying-“
-Despite him hating humans way less nowadays, he still holds somewhat of a grudge against them
-Old habits die hard I suppose
-Especially for Solomon whom he never liked in the first place
-He finds it very amusing when he figures out you just beat Solomon at his life’s work in under a year
-He has a good chuckle about it but never actually brings it up in front of him
-Because he knows you’re gonna flick him over the ear for it
-Belphie is the youngest sibling and therefore the spoiled child, can’t change my mind
(Ok so poor Solomon, I kinda want to give him a hug now lol. Hope I didn’t make these too repetitive or short. Thank you for reading!)
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benscursedkid · 4 years
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jdkdkdn okay so i accidentally deleted this ask, but since i always take a picture just in case i am still able to post this. hope you enjoy!!
p.s. i am still working on those follower specials, but school is virtual and it’s kicking my ass right now, so please stand by. i’m working on it. 💗
okay i hope we can all agree that tulip has some killer cheekbones
they’re just so pretty and always earns her a few second glances
not that she really cares but still
also i have this weird and unexplainable hunch that tulip is really good with latin
her best class is transfiguration and mcgonagall wishes she would put half her effort that goes into her pranks into the rest of her schoolwork
dennis has his own room at her house
there’s this decently sized coat closet that they don’t really use and so she took her allowance (because no magic over summer break) and used it to get decorations and such
dennis loves it
her parents always keep red tulips around there house and tulip doesn’t know why exactly but she doesn’t like them
she likes to hide her roommates things
not like important stuff that would give them a heart attack if it went missing but like.
rowan’s nightstand is very spick and span with everything in its place?
oh would you look at that, one of her quills is gone? yeah and now that i look at it, isn’t that my charms homework? what is it doing over here?
just little things to entertain herself
she also plays pranks of course but i don’t have enough brain cells to get into all those
tulip, tonks, and jae are the school’s trio of pranksters
if you ever see the three of them together? just lounging or passing by? run
if they aren’t in the midst of a prank already, then they’re planning one
either way you probably don’t want to be there right now
neither of her parents have siblings or cousins either so she’s really just been itching to get out there
she hates the holiday breaks
sometimes she doesn’t even go during Christmas as there’s only a 50% chance her family won’t be working anyway
she loves giving gifts to her friends on the occasions where it calls for it
it’s not normally something she likes to do
but she loves giving... interesting gifts
something that is so undoubtedly tulip that twenty years from now they’ll still remember it
but she’s not evil so most of them are still useful
she’s versatile and her gifts reflect that
she loves working in silence so that she can hear herself think
sometimes she does her best work alone, only dennis for company, and the only sound other than his croaking is the little ramblings she’ll allow herself to say out loud
but that’s typically when she’s creating something
she has an entirely different process than, let’s say, when she’s planning something
which is basically just lots of racket and a vivid and lively environment
it gets her ideas flowing
also she’s definitely the type who either takes her coffee black or with lots of syrups
end of question
she was really fond of chester even if she gave him a rather hard time
in her mind, that was the best way she could come up with to say as much
lastly I imagine she’s the kind of person who loves using psychology tricks on people for fun
really likes it when strangers get confused around her
half the school thinks she’s a little off her rocker but she’s also strangely? cool? like that’s her reputation.
a cool, eccentric ravenclaw you don’t want to be caught in an enclosed space with.
I think that actually says a lot
so I know most people call her rath but I’ve just always said erika for whatever reason so we’re going with that
i imagine that, for no reason other than just because i can, that the name erika is actually a recycled name within her family
by that I mean she was named after a family member. maybe her grandmother.
I also don’t think that it was her who originally initiated the switch from erika to rath
I can see other little kids who she interacted with growing up calling her rath because maybe they thought she was a little scary
and after being told what wrath is and learning of her surname it just kinda fit?
also, don’t come at me for this pls, but i know canonically speaking she’s a ravenclaw, unless you’re mc is a ravenclaw in which case she’s a slytherin
but I’ve always just placed all the quidditch kids in separate houses even though it totally fucks with the story
I’ve said this before in my skye hcs but I’ve always seen her as more of a gryffindor than anything else
orion gives me big ravenclaw vibes
murphy strikes me as the opposite of your stereotypical hufflepuff
and rath radiates slytherin energy to me
I didn’t plan on them all being in different houses but I realized that it just kinda fit?
besides, rath does face against both skye and orion here anyway and it gives all three of them the chance to be their own respective team’s captain
she just comes across as very competitive, ambitious, and determined to me but she also has her own code of honor that applies strictly to her specific morals which is also a very slytherin thing
she’s a bit on the tall side too
I’d say maybe 5’7
5’9 maximum
(idk what that is in cm very sorry)
she’s very respectful of her teammates as well as her fellow housemates
she has a sort of comradery/brotherhood pride about her
not a big fan of sweets
if she eats chocolate, it’s usually the dark or mint chocolates
has abs
but that’s a given
no allergies, 20/20 vision
no pets but she secretly wants to get a dog
also, she’s a capricorn
i don’t make the rules
her hair is naturally very curly and she just uses magic to straighten it
she doesn’t like all the upkeep that comes with containing her natural hair
so she just doesn’t
loves oranges but I couldn’t tell you why
she has two siblings
an older brother (Ayden, by 6 years)
and a younger sister (Ellery, by 10 years)
again, I don’t make the rules, okay?
also, don’t ask me why I feel the need to name them bc idk either
obviously they can’t be sure about Ellery yet by the time Erika is in school, but thus far she’s the only person in her family who has shown an interest in professional quidditch
Ayden played on the hufflepuff team while he was in school but didn’t think to make a career out of it
very close with her father
not that she’s not close with her mother, she’s just always gotten along swiftly with her dad
she’s irish, have fun ;)
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aquaburst3 · 4 years
I’m gonna unleash a bit of salt in order to get this out of my system. Now that the excitement has died down a bit, to be quite honest, I feel like the Pomefiore arc was rather underwhelming. Don’t get me wrong. The first half of this arc until Deuce and Epel go out is great. (Even if I have issues with it, for reasons I’ll get into in a bit.) Just this update makes me feel mixed.
More undercut because of spoilers.
Issues I had with it
Why didn’t Jack play a bigger role in this arc? The flashbacks flat out stated that the two are close friends since they were little kids. You think that Jack would step in and help out a lot more if they have that close of a bond.
The climax seemed underwhelming storywise. It just seemed like Vil just shrugged and decided to randomly poison Neige out of nowhere. Then Rook stops Vil and he gets pissed, and then overblot. That just just seems rather basic to me. I thought that there would be a lot more to it like someone getting poisoned and the team curing them before confronting Vil or something more than just that. 
Someone on Discord said that he was disappointed since the rhythmic battle with Vil was super easy to beat compared to Jamil and some of the other dorm leaders. I don’t play the game, so I can’t back that up. But there’s that, I guess.
Is it just me or did it take very little for Vil to overblot? He only used his powers only twice this arc, and then overblot. Hell, Leona used his powers more often than Vil before he overblotted! Like what happened with Leona, that doesn’t make sense or fit the established lore, seeming like a giant plothole. Idk, the story could have done a better job at building up to him overblotting and had him use his powers far more.
I’m kinda disappointed that Neige and Vil aren’t stepbrothers. I feel like something like that would’ve added more meat to their conflict. For one, it would parallel Snow White with Vil being jealous of a family member. It would’ve made the conflict much more personal on both ends, giving more meaning to the rivalry between them.
Neige and Vil hardly interacted, despite their spat being the centre point of that whole arc. I would’ve liked them interacted at least a lot at the end. (Yes, I know Leona hardly interacted with Malleus in his arc, but the latter doesn’t get out all that much and Leona was a lot more crafty with his plan, so there’s at least an explanation why.)
Someone posted a theory on here before this part came out about how Grant and some of the other dwarves getting jealous of Vil's team's skill, so Grant decides to go behind Neige's back to "cancel" Vil, saying his dirty laundry. This makes Vil extra pissed, thinking, "Fuck it. If I can't get my way playing fair, then I'll take him out of the competition."  After the battle, they apologize for how they treated him and undo the damage. I would've loved to see that play out, considering that would make the conflict more nuanced, and, for a lack of a better term, adult. If this was the case, Neige's teammates would be like Janice from Mean Girls in the sense that they were equally in the wrong and ruthless. Sure, poisoning people is wrong, obviously, but so is what they did.
What’s with the poisoned apple in the opening credits? And Kalim’s story that seemed like foreshadowing? And Jamil/Kalim’s skills about knowing how to deal with those who are poisoned?  Or Deuce falling behind the rest of the team? What about Vil pressuring Epel like he forced him into the competition for some dark reason? (Yes, I know he used Epel’s juice at the end, but there seemed to be more to it than that, because Vil could’ve poisoned any food or drink item and got the same result.) Those plot points sure lead to fucking nowhere.
Vil’s backstory seemed underwhelming and the least justified out of any of the dorm leaders so far. What’s his dark and “tragic” backstory? He just hated being typecast as a villain in roles and when he was very small some people were scared of him because they thought he was the same character that he played in a movie before they outgrew it for obvious reasons. Seriously, that’s it?! That’s his only motivation for steeping so low as to poison someone?! I get why he would be upset about about being typecast, but after seeing what others like Jamil went through during their pasts, it just seems like nothing. All actors are typecast in some way real life! I mean, people typecasted Robert Patterson after his role as Edward Cullen, but you didn’t see him snap like that after people doubted that he could play Batman. At least Azul was constantly bullied and fat shamed throughout his childhood, so his actions make far more sense. Vil just comes across as very melodramatic and his attempt to poison Neige just seems extremely unjustified. All it took was for a casting director say that “he wasn’t chosen for the role because they wanted a more ‘bland’ looking man in the main role” one time and Neige is his archenemy for life. It reminds me a lot of how Lance named Keith as his rival in Voltron, despite not knowing him. That seems rather OOC to me. Before it seemed like he was like Miranda from Devil Wears Prada where he was a strict and took things too far, but was professional and above else logical. Him declaring Neige as his rival just over that seems rather petty and isn’t something that a logical person like him would do. I wish his backstory was more inline with Jamil and Riddle’s where it alluded to some serious issues with the entertainment industry, just so that way his actions make more sense. (Seriously, you have no idea how fucked up entertainment industry can get. There’s a reason why former child stars are often so messed up in the head as adults.)
On a similar note, I kinda wish that the something happened on the team or in his personal life that pushed him over the edge like someone being injured on the team, putting the VDC in jeopardy, so he got desperate enough to do something that stupid and against his morals. Again, just so his actions made more sense and him trying to poison Neige came less out of nowhere.
Am I the only one that hates Vil’s overblot design? I’m a graphic designer. It looks far too busy, uses a lot of weird textures, there’s no visual hierarchy, it has nipples on it...for some reason, and he looks too much like those Virgin Mary paintings instead of a queen that he’s supposed to be. It just doesn’t suit his character at all. (Personally, if I designed the outfit, I would put him in a purple gown with a light purple cape, a high collar and crown on his head.) Then again, this is coming from the same person who hates Jamil’s overblot design, so take that with a mountain of salt.
Over all, I thought this arc would be epic, but it just felt meh when everything's said and done. I wouldn't be surprised it failed to deliver because of the hiatus making me build up false expectations for it in my head. Covid 19 probably messed up a lot of aspects of this arc. Understandable, but it still sucks, since I was looking forward to it.
Though, I swear if Vil loses the competition, because of “the villain must be punished in any Disney universe” bs, I’ll flip a table. (Because that’s not how things work in real life. This isn’t an underdog sports movie where a team can half ass their way to a victory. Neige’s team was super sloppy with their routine and Vil’s was just better on all accounts, so he should obviously win. Vil deserves that after all the hard work he put into this. Having Neige randomly win would go against what the game set up so far with it subverting a lot of anime tropes.)
Having said that, I love a lot of things about this arc. Everything until just this update is pretty solid storywise. Just I wish the story took its time more with this section to have it come together more properly. Though, I would’ve still liked Jack to play a larger role and for Vil to use his magic more often, since those were issues even before the update.
Eh, either way, I’ll just follow my original outline and make the changes I suggested in this rambling to my own take of the Pomefiore arc in my fic...once I get to that point, that is. It’s canon divergent anyways and I already said that arc would be different, so I don’t care if breaks away from the canon.  
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theharellan · 5 years
so far i’ve read three trees to midnight, horror of hormak, and callback. i’m trying to practise restraint and leave the last story until i’m at least done with my initial read-through of the material most relevant to my characters which ksjdf. is very hard but here’s notes i’ve taken so far:
oh and btw pls dont r/b this!
if you want a pretty good demonstration of why solas and cole speak with discomfort about how spirits are used in thedas, “wisp darts” may be a pretty good example. it’s likely the wisps aren’t fully-formed spirits, more akin to the pieces of pieces cole refers to the mortalitasi using. still a pretty callous way to use something that has some presence, even if it’s not a person.
there’s a reference to a talented tevinter mage healer being able to reattach arms with magic, through use of spirits.
there is a lot of discord among the qunari rn, both within different arms and without. the bas-taar, the antaam keeper of bas slaves, essentially, thinks of the ashaad with disdain-         “even the black-and-white-striped vitaar that painted the huntmaster’s face was  drawn to symbolise sight, finding, rather than battle and power, as befitted the antaam.” funnily the huntsmaster is actually not antaam but ben-hassrath, therefore a priest, but that his attitude doesn’t draw notice indicates this isn’t abnormal for the ashaad. so like not only do at least some of the antaam and ben-hassrath have beef, but there’s beef within the antaam.
if i read it right, the dwarven deep roads gave way to purely elven ruins, and the warden narrator notes that this isn’t completely unheard of. not only that but there are dwarven carvings of elves, and it’s only later the elven bas-relief take over. i’ll prob need to reread to wrap my head about it, i wonder the relation between the dwarves and elves there.
fucked up as the art itself was, i love the glimpse we got into true elven art. the lack of age made me pause-- solas indicates that spirits can preserve things, so it could be that, or could someone be upkeeping it? and the change the art went through, going from healing to putting the hurt (the taint?) into people. whether this is just ramesh’s perception changing or magic idk, but i also wouldn’t be surprised if ancient elven magic shifted as the viewer looked at it, too.
solas’ reasoning for discomfort abt the wardens grows tbh when i think about the art. while the wardens don’t change themselves the way (what i assume to be) ghilan’nain’s creations have, they are still taking the blight into them oftentimes unwillingly. it’s the sort of parallel that would be difficult to let go to say the least.
there was a yellow-green lyrium stone hanging from the ceiling, something we’ve apparently only seen before in the hissing wastes (around rifts). cole makes reference to it being a result of venatori trying to make red lyrium “less angry,” which i guess would make sense given all the blight around the lyrium? but who knows if they’re connected. it’s a pretty good bet that green lyrium is somehow touched or related to the Fade/sky in ways the blue stuff isn’t.
a lot about the spirit of regret made me wonder both about it and about solas. there was a lot to it that didn’t match up to solas’ motivations-- glee in the dread that was coming, for example, doesn’t match, calling itself the regret of a god. this is honestly expected as spirits don’t create perfect replicas, tho still interesting. and that what felled it wasn’t a lack of regret, but an ownage of said regret. idk i feel it has greater implications for “demons” because things like pride, desire, rage aren’t bad but natural human emotions, and sometimes necessary or even good. this ramble is just becoming the plot to pixar’s inside out. regret was a good and i wish things had ended less violently for it, even if it will likely reform in the fade. i will be putting more stuff out abt regret tbh b/c i like to think it and solas spoke prior to him leaving the inquisition but for now i’ll leave it be.
the implications for solas? - “I regret acting alone!” / “I regret using my friends!” / “I regret now!” as sutherland himself notes it seems like he was echoing the regret that drew it to skyhold, and all these things apply to solas 1000%. the thing about solas’ relationship with regret is that while he does “own it” in the sense that he will admit regretting-- a lot of things, and often-- his relationship with it is pretty unhealthy and doesn’t lead him to new paths, at least not as of now. he’s regretful but also feels stripped of other choices. - “There might have been a better choice, said a thought it had not been allowed.” this line makes me think about inquisitors who vowed to redeem solas, specifically thora, but what else is new there. namely, the lines at the end of his trespasser screne aren’t so much in the spirit of “save our friend from himself, if we can” but “i’ll show you there’s another way.” which is much closer to how i imagine the threat solas poses could be nullified (without just pure opposition, anyway, which imo may solve the solas dilemma but would just be slapping a bandage on a world that’s bleeding out). - that the final fresco became the scene of flemythal’s death and that the figure was both lupine and reptilian obvs confirms that it was absorption and not possession which, thanks i hated that theory for many reasons. whether the implication is that solas has lost some of his own identity as a result or it’s merely symbolic we’ll see, i guess. i do personally hc that it changes his relationship with his own magic and not necessarily for the better. - tbh the moral sutherland and the order from divine victoria is interesting considering-- regret did accept and move on? which has implications for more than just solas but spirits in general. idk i’ll talk abt this one more once a) i reread it and b) i read the other relevant stories for solas b/c i know there’s more
on a brighter note, it was sweet and so good to see the inquisition from the POV of people not in the inner circle. i loved the note of skyhold being stripped bare by people taking keepsakes, and how much it meant to sutherland
overall so far i think my fave has been three trees to midnight, i thought the chemistry between the characters rang the most true. i’ll have to go back and reread down among the dead mean as i know it has spirit-relevant stuff but i wanted to read horrors of hormak......... so.
oh i wanted to add if you’d like more coherent summaries, i’d suggest felassan’s tevinter nights tag. everything i talk abt in here will prob end up rewritten on solas or my multimuse (like the qunari stuff is relevant to tetrak) rn it’s just........... words.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 5 years
HIStory’s ranked (no one asked, but here i go)
so i was sittin here, talkin to myself about the HIStory series’ and was like ‘hey, i should rank them’ (which i’ve seen a few other people do, but mines a lot more rambling than there’s because i can’t shut up lol) 
so here’s my views lol (ordered from worst to best, imo):
6) My Hero (HIStory1) -
probably universally acknowledged as the worst episode, and i’d be inclined to agree with the masses on this lol... not only is the tone and humour of this series so weird and disjointed, but the entire story line literally makes no sense lol?? it’s unclear who the audience should be rooting for (especially as it goes out of it’s way to paint our protagonist as really unlikable lol, not to mention the love interest is the dullest character ever conceived like ???), as well as this the ending feels completely unrelated and bizarre... 
i think this concept /could/ have worked if the guy the woman was inhabiting (which sounds weird without context, but like she’s dead lol) was somehow also inside his head? or if she got to see his memories or whatever & tries to adjust her personality to match the guy’s, causing love interest!dude to fall in love with the guy... (like i could go into more detail, i basically hav an entire au written in my head lol, but yh...)... that way, her letting go of him in the end would feel so much more well set up? especially if she was generally more understanding and likeable.. 
i think overall this series just fails in telling a decent story lol... & the cringe is even beyond what i can handle lol
5) Obsessed (HIStory1) -
people might be surprised to see this one so low down, especially since i know a lot of people really love this series (& if u do, no hate to u btw, ur allowed to like whatever u want idc), but i realllllly don’t like this series... like at all ...
the plot is weird anyway, which isnt inherently a bad thing, but then u add on the really bad couple and it’s just...... bad lol... like everything about their relationship is built on lies and deceit, and even more so than that it’s built on a lack of mutual respect and fundamental trust for each other! tall guy (i don’t know names soz) feigns memory loss in order to get closer to short guy (btw, the scenes with them being domestic were really sweet, & i firmly believe this could have been an alright series for the actors if the story line wasn’t so bad), short guy’s whole existence in that universe was a lie lol (like i know there’s no easy way to tell someone ‘lol well i’m technically from the future’ but still), then there’s the whole resolution at the end & it’s just so ??? frustrating lol!
nothing bugs me more than seeing conflict in relationships (on screen or irl) that could be solved simply by TALKING TO EACH OTHER GODDAMNIT & isnt lol... my other issue with this series is the fact tall guy 100% forced himself upon short guy in the tent & like we’re just supposed to accept it cos ?? he’s saying no and pushing away but actually he wants it because he loves tall guy ?? like fuck no i’m not accepting that lol! 
basically, bad & bizarre story & characters, & gross tropes just makes this hard for me to watch and enjoy lol... i think, like in my hero, this could’ve done with being a different story altogether lol... (maybe tall guy actually did lose his memory & he falls for short guy all on his own with no predatory intentions?? idk something like that)
4) Right or Wrong (HIStory2)
this one & my number 3 are very much tied tbh, but this one is just slightly lower just because i’m not as big into the couple as i know a lot of people are... & it’s not necessarily the age gap, cos i dont actually mind age gaps in pairings (just as long as the younger one isnt a minor, obv... and also i think any gap that’s 30+ years is a bit weird lol..).. i think my big problem with this is i dont really see why younger guy (again, i have no idea of any of these characters’ names lol) would fall for the older guy? like the older guy is obvs going thru some issues, and hasnt been taking care of himself or his kid properly because of them, but like we dont rly see a lot of why he’s a great guy? like we get the sense young guy is attracted to him, but like love is more than just thinkin they’re hot lol... idk lol this might just be me tbh i just couldnt see why he’d be interested lol
i did like the whole family side though, and showing how a man who was previously with a woman can still end up with a guy (bisexualityyyyy (or some variation of that thereupon)) is something you dont always see in media, so i thought that was pretty cool! (even if the ex-wife thing was kinda lame lol...) 
i think overall i see what this series was going for, and that it actually did an alright job in some parts... the biggest problem is that it’s kinda just forgettable lol... maybe that’s why people like obsessed so much lol? maybe it was a train wreck but ohh boy at least u wont forget it in a hurry lol!
3) Stay Away From Me (HIStory1) -
i’m a bit torn about this one, cos there are parts of it i actually really like (them going from rivals/enemies to being good friends to being more), and other parts i really didnt (the stereotypical squealing yaoi fangirl friend)... & tbh, i kinda wish this had just been a show about the budding friendship between the 2 guys... it almost feels too forced to me that they’re made to ‘fall in love’ when i actually think them both becoming less selfish and learning to respect each other as step brothers & friends is actually already a really great story (& i know that it doesnt fit with the whole ‘HIStory’ thing, but stories of platonic brotherhood/’bromance’ are just as important as gay representation... isnt a /substitute/ for representation, don’t get me wrong, but it’s always so beautiful to see decently portrayed non-toxic friendships between guys... ok this is a rant for another day tho shhh)
i think maybe why i like this one more than the other HIStory1′s is because kinda nothing happens lol... it’s not overly complex with weird unexplained magic things happening, it’s just a simple story lol... is it still tropey as hell? of course lol! but i think the ‘realism’ of the world really helps, and i def think this was incorporated more into HIStory 2, which i’m really glad about...
overall, this is a relatively harmless series & is actually quite sweet at times... the kiss is awkward as fuck tho (there, i said it lol...)... it suffers the same forgetability as right or wrong tho... 
2) Crossing the Line (/Boundary Crossing) (HIStory2) -
ok, so here’s a series i 100% love & totally agree with the hype around lol! i hav no interest in volleyball (or any sports tbh), but the way this show handles the friendships and dynamics between the characters is really well done, especially for a series that’s only 8 episodes long! i also really love that none of the characters really fall into any stereotypes (which is a great improvement from HIStory1 i can tell u lol), and are given the space to actually have some growth & nuance at times?! 
(nuance? in MY HIStory series?? it’s more likely than you think!)
the main couple have really amazing chemistry, and the way they get together doesnt feel too out of place or that it’s going to fast, it just sorta flows really nicely... even the side couple are pretty well done (though i wasnt that big into them on my first watch, just cos the whole overbearing older brother thing was kinda annoying... i liked them more as the series went on tho...)
i kinda dont have any major complaints? which is bizarre cos i always hav complaints about things lol... maybe my complaint would be that they all look way too old and attractive to be whatever teenage age they’re supposed to be lol... (but tbh that doesnt take anything away from the story so i’ll forgive them lol...)... i think maybe i wouldnt consider it my favourite because the story line didnt grab me like the number 1... but i really cant fault it in terms of what it delivers lol, legit such a well put together series!
1) Trapped (HIStory3) -
lol i think anyone who’s been following me for the past few months aren’t in the slightest bit surprised this is my number one... i just love it too much lol!
from the incredibly well written and well acted characters, to the interesting and engaging (even if a bit ridiculous) plot, to the beautifully told romance , it really has it all doesn’t it!!! & i think even if this wasnt an enemies to lovers thing (aka one of the most godtier of all fanfic tropes), there’s so many things going for this series that make it worth watching! i have a few complains about editing choices and a few bad trope plot points which were just unnecessary (plus the fact we missed out on a lot of background info on some major characters lol...), but like despite everything this series rly struck a chord with me deep down in my soul lol
i could go waaay more into detail (and maybe i will one day lol... tho not rn, i’m v tired), but the gist of the matter is: i really love trapped lol
Even though i’ve complained quite a bit here, i am so grateful for the HIStory series’ for bringing really interesting, and a little mad, stories with gay characters and story lines, with a big emphasis on happy endings! there are so many lgbt stories/characters in things that end up dying or just have bad endings, which just sends this horrible message that lgbt people aren’t worthy of having happy endings, which is completely untrue! 
So i look forward to future HIStory’s, even if some of them are gonna be bad (& maybe none will live up to the trapped!shaped bullet firmly lodged in my heart lol)
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lia-nikiforov · 6 years
Spring 2018 Anime Final Review
So, uh, this is six months late. I’ve had half of this post in my drafts forever. To make it short, as I’ve mentioned previously, mom lost her job, which has not only been a heavy hit to my sense of stability for the last six months, but also means my time to watch anime was seriously reduced and even now a slight change of plans fucks up my whole schedule and sets me back for a full week. Anyway, nobody cares about any of these shows anymore so let’s get straight to it? I’m gonna ommit the two-cours that continued into the Summer - hopefully I’ll be able to make that post soonish? idk. Worst to best, same as usual
The crappy gender politics pit of shame
Darling in the FRANXX: I think everyone has ripped this show to threads at this point and there isn’t much I could add to that. It is quite funny to me to see how many people flipped out when the show went completely bananas in its last few episodes. Feels a bit like KADO, I’ve been telling y’all this was a ton of empty crap since episode 2, it just took the writing to completely self-destruct for everyone else to notice. A part of me feels tempted to do a long post breaking down just how badly the show collapsed in its final shebang, specifically how every single twist and turn completely nulled any remote kind of message or central thesis the show may have had, but at the same time it doesn’t seem worth the time. In the end, I may have given What is Internal Consistency, The anime way too much credit. It’s not hateful antigay propaganda, it’s just dumb as shits, with a writer and creators who didn’t think for half a second of the implications of what they were doing, and who were so incompetent they couldn’t even conserve the minimal plot and character coherency within a single episode, let alone 24. In other words, Darling isn’t saying “gays shouldn’t exist” but “I have no idea of anything regarding gay people”. What makes it egregious is that the show spent so much time acting like it was “meaningful” and “important” and yet it ended saying absolutely fucking nothing. Except mayb “have babies”. Down to oblivion you go, along with the likes of KADO, to the void of shows that couldn’t even be offensively bad and no one will remember a year from now. Bonus garbage points for the half-assed “bury your gays”.
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Nil of Libra Admirari or whatever this show was called: I’m not trying to diss on the show, I just genuinely never remember the title because I have the JP and EN all mixed up. Not that it matters much, as far as I could tell, the show could call Shalabalabatuna and it would have the same significance in regard to the content. But the title isn’t important. In fact, it may be a bit unfair to have this show in this section. For the most part, Main Girl is very self-determined and has an active role in the story.... but then the last two episodes heavily featured a lot of rape threats or rape themes and forced pregnancy (real and threat) and I don’t really understand why they’d go there all of a sudden. One of them was treated relatively well, even empowering the victim in the process, but when the ikemen bad guy was rambling endlessly about how he wanted to impregnate the protagonist it really turned me off :/ I’m also not a fan of “main boy was her secret fiancé all along”, but at least they also handled that somewhat decently. It’s a very disposable series, but since I watched all of Amnesia, I think I owe every otoge adaptation at least the smallest chance to clear that very low bar, and Libra of Nil does it, more competently than most other stuff in the same genre.
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Hisone to Masotan: I really, really wanted to love this show. Even now, as I put it in the pit of shame category, I’m pained. There was a good show in this, and a lot of it made it to the screen: an adorable, charming little story about a woman finding her place in the world, making new friends, finding her calling and bonding with an adorable dragon. Unfortunately, it got buried down under this opressing, horrendous gender politics that tried to do something with bringing attention to sexism in the military only to cancel it out making the one dude that embodied that sexism getting rewarded with the affections of a girl he explicitly tried to crush. It also called back on the virgin or whore fallacy and even managed to shove in a “bury your gays” trope. Even though Hisone challenges the ritual bullshit, it’s too little, too late, and she does end up carrying it out anyway, so the defiance to the status quo is of little importance in terms of problematizing the ritual itself. Sorry BONES, it wasn’t meant to be this time. 
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The ni fu ni fa section
Ni fu ni fa is a Mexican colloquialism for “It was okay but it didn’t change my life.”
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu HAPPY KISS: This soft reboot of the franchise had some really great episodes and did an actually good job of developping its characters. For the most part, it achieved what its predecessor did in terms of satirical comedy and I enjoyed it quite a bit. However, what bunked it down so low in the list was the final episode. At some point, the writers forgot they were doing a parody and made the show somewhat self-serious, way closer in tone to the magical girl anime it was supposed to be making fun of, rather than the satire its predecessor was. Whereas S1 ended with the whole Magical boy stuff being revealed as a crappy space reality TV show, this one ended with a real cheesy conflict about happiness and family and blablabla. Which is not bad by itself if this were a Precure show, but that kind of self-serious plot development just didn’t work for this series. I still enjoyed it, and the fanservice episode is one of the best of the whole franchise, but I’m a bit sad the finale missed the mark so badly.
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Hinamatsuri: Hinamatsuri was very hit-or-miss for me. There were some truly brilliant episodes, a lot of funny vignettes and heart-warming stories, and then there was some stuff that made me uncomfortable -like every single Hitomi story- or felt unnecessary and dry. It also threw me off that the superpower dynamic completely disappeared in the second half of the show, especially in Anzu’s part of the story. It was okay but I feel like I needed something that felt like a closing, and choosing to end it with Mao who featured very minimally in the show overall didn’t cut it. It’s a fun show, I’d reccommend people check it out, but it felt a bit too disjointed for me
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Persona 5: The Animation: This is a hard show to place because I love the looks of it and I think the concept is interesting and pretty cool, but there is something that’s keeping me from connecting emotionally to the story. The part where changing the villains’ heart makes them repent from their sins and become “good” feels very artificial and very tasteless when you’re dealing with rapists and abusers. I ended dropping it at episode 16, I just couldn’t find the motivation to catch up with the 6 episodes i’d fallen behind on because my schedule is a tragedy
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Tokyo Ghoul: Re: I guess it’s fair to say I’ve kind of outgrown Tokyo Ghoul. There’s something messy and confusing about how this season panned out, and there comes a point in which misery porn just doesn’t cut it anymore. I still watch because Ishida has a way to make every single goddamn character extremely sympathetic, which makes for an emotionally engaging viewing even when you’re not sure of what the plot is supposed to be or who you should be rooting for. I tried picking up the new season that just started airing and immediately found I had no idea of what was going on, who was on who’s side and in general, who the fuck were 90% of the characters, so I dropped it.
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Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu: I’ve mentioned it before, this second season had the opposite problem than the first one: the pace was too slow. It took more than half of it to get to Escanor, and then the season ends at a kind of random spot. I really thought we’d get further along on the story, since Gowther’s backstory was hinted at in the openings, but no such thing happened. They did manage to give us a variety of cool moments and fights, and I love Ban so his scenes with Zhivago and Elaine made me quite happy, though I really wish the romance between Elizabeth and Meliodas wasn’t su dubious and cringy. In light of some revelations that take place further along the manga, going out of their way to emphasize that Meliodas was a sort of mentor figure for Elizabeth when she was a toddler seems unncessary and just very squeamish. I do hope we get a third season though, and an OVA of the Vampires of whatever side story would be great too.
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Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori: I was pleasantly surprised by this show, and it’s closer to being one of my top of the season than it is to “meh”. It had some weaker, cheesier segments, but it also managed great whacky moments and a genuine soothing atmosphere. What surprised me most is that the vanilla looking cast of moderately handsome dudes managed to develop into interesting, funny individuals with a dynamic that made every episode enjoyable. A solid reccommendation for anyone wanting to see delicious looking food and moderately handsome dudes being ridiculous. Also, the cat episode is the best episode of anime ever produced.
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The I’m probably the only person alive who enjoys these shows
Mahou Shoujo Ore: This is a difficult show to place because it wasn’t quite as great as I wanted it to be and its parodic nature took me by surprise, but somehow I was still seriously entertained more often than not. The twists in the final quarter and the absolutely bonkers finale was a total riot, but I definitely advise caution before going in, given that some of the jokes may seem insensitive or in poor taste in regards to gender presentation, sexuality and there are even some mild harrassment jokes that certainly made me roll my eyes.
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Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line: I don’t know if anyone’s noticed, but I think through half of the show’s 25 episode run, I was convinced the title was actually Glory Road. It’s kind of anticlimactic that it’s called Glory Line if they don’t actually reach the final Goal btw. Anyway, I feel I say this a lot, but really, if you didn’t like the previous Yowapeda seasons, there’s nothing here for you, and if you did, you’re probably not gonna hop off this late in the game. This season does suffer from the same dragging than its predecessors, with the added issue of being quite pessimistic for no reason in about half the episodes, and a diminished presence for Onoda. I really wish they hadn’t dragged the Day 2 goal so long, I really hoped we’d see the end of the race, but no such luck I guess. Still love most of it and hope we get one more season or a movie to complete the story.
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The favorites of the season
Golden Kamuy: In spite of its pacing issues, terrible animation and general clunkiness, I can’t help but love this show. When season 1 ended my feelings for it had mellowed quite a bit, but as soon as I picked up season 2 this Fall I just fell in love all over again. It’s fun, unique, over-the-top in some ways, incredibly grounded in others, and the dynamics between the characters are incredibly charming. 
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Hozuki no Reitetsu: It’s hard to talk about this one because it feels repetitive, given how tonally the show remains just the same across its three seasons. It could’ve very well been a one-season, 36 episode show, for how little it changes in spite of the time that transpired between the first season and the second. But in short, the comedy continues to be as spot on as always, the Zashikiwarashi twins are the best addition to the cast. It’s definitely a show I could watch endless episodes off, and the rare case of an episodic series with no overarching plot that I can enjoy wholeheartedly. 
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Card Captor Sakura: Clear Card arc: Over the course of the series, I’ve expressed a few concerns and misgivings about how the story of this 20th anniversary sequel was playing out. The final episode was particularly troublesome in that it left the story unfinished in spite of deviating from the manga. In spite of this, more than anything I’m very happy that this continuation still retains what made the original so special, that they captured the magic behind Sakura’s “everything will be alright” spell and gave us the chance to spend more time with these beloved characters and see their stories continue. The slow but sweet development of Sakura and Syaoran’s puppy love is a definite highlight. Needs more Touya/Yukito and Yue in general.
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Piano no Mori: This show got heavily overlooked because it was kidnapped by Netflix (pls stop immediately), and then when it was finally unceremoniously dumped a month or two ago, it came under fire for the wonky CGI during the piano scenes -and it is indeed very wonky-. But beyond that, I found the story very engaging, especially because Kai is such a fascinating protagonist, his intense rivalry-friendship with Megane-kun (sorry, it’s been six months, i can’t remember names) is exactly the type I can’t help but root for. Kai’s participation in the final episode gave me goosebumps. I’m very happy we’re getting a continuation,  can’t wait to see how the Chopin competition develops.
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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii: Sweet, funny and absolutely delightful from start to finish, Wotakoi was easily one of the highlights of the season. Although there were some aspects about Cosplayer-senpai and Yuri Otaku-senpai’s (I’m really trying to remember the names, I’m sorry!! ;---;) that didn’t work for me -namely the izakaya segment- Narumi and Hirotaka more than made up for it with their clumsy yet adorable romance. I spent the entirety of the amusement park episode screeching. I really hope we get a continuation -and get a chance to see more of Hirotaka’s brother and his gamer friend too- and that in general we can get more anime about adult stories
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Megalobox: Who would’ve thought that a show that wasn’t even in my radar before the season started would’ve end as one of my favorites, possibly of the year? Even as someone who’s only marginally acquainted with Ashita no Joe and has no interst in the sport of boxing, I was completely enthralled by the style and passion of this production. As I said a bit above, intense rivalries are very appealing to me, and the build up in the tension between Joe and Yuri was almost palpable, their mutual respect gave me chills. Definitely the surprise of the season, made even better by its optimistic happy ending to contrast with its predecessor’s tragedy. Megalobox is a unique anniversary project that is closer to an homage and it works perfectly. Definitely check it out.
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That’s it for the Spring season! I hope i can do the summer season this weekend and maaaybe even my watchlist for the Fall season. Fingers crossed i won’t get swallowed up in other stuff :’D 
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macdonvlds · 5 years
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tarot  cards  spread  beneath  trembling  fingers,  bubblegum  and  cigarette  breath,  never  speaking  a  wish  out  loud  for  fear  it  won’t  come  true,  knuckles  whitening  around  a  steering  wheel  as  you  slam  on  the  brakes,  laughing  till  your  throat  is  raw,  shimmering  eyeshadow  and  flowing  skirts  rimmed  in  mud,  only  catching  your  breath  on  the  roof,  wilting  daisies  in  empty  firewhiskey  bottles,  oversized  hoop  earrings,  ice  cream  dripping  sticky-sweet  down  your  wrist,  looking  your  mother  in  the  eyes  when  you  lie.  ┊  if  you’re  looking  for  MARY  MACDONALD,  you’ll  probably  find  HER  in  the  GRYFFINDOR  dorm  with  the  rest  of  the  SEVENTH  years.  they’re  the  TWENTY  year  old  MUGGLEBORN  who  looks  kind  of  like  MEDALION  RAHIMI.  they  seem  INQUISITIVE,  COMPASSIONATE,  VIVACIOUS  to  me,  but  apparently  they’re  also  ESCAPIST,  DEPENDENT,  FLIGHTY.  maybe  that’s  why  their  patronus  is  A  HUMMINGBIRD.  (  cis  female  &  she / her  )
mary macdonald was born maryam madani, to an iranian mother who wasn’t expecting her, but loved her nonetheless. zahra madani came to england for what was supposed to be graduate school, but instead turned into a surprise pregnancy with an english boyfriend who didn’t stick around very long after zahra told him she was pregnant 
it took zahra a while to finish grad school with a newborn baby but she did it !!! we stan a queen. eventually started her own private psychology practice in birmingham 
a single, immigrant iranian mother raising her daughter in 1960s england ?? that’s tough bro ! madani became macdonald, zahra became sarah, and maryam became mary in order to make mary’s childhood as seamless as possible
but even so, mary was always different as a child in ways her mother couldn’t explain
spoiler: it’s cause she’s a witch
mary always was kind of an awkward loner as a child. it meant she studied a lot tho !! lil baby nerd spent all her afternoons at the library cause her mother was working and it was cheaper than paying for childcare
wow tb to when mary was good at school... #spoileralert
anyways and then they found out that hey ! mary was a witch ! whoa 
so she started at her semi-local wizarding school super excited n then found out that everyone else already knew so much more than her.... she just felt so behind and dumb and very discouraged yanno 
plus she was far from home for the first time !!! she missed her mom !! homesick bb
when she went to hogwarts she was like. fuck this i’m reinventing myself. i’m gonna be the Fun And Exciting one 
so she was always the class clown, wore a lot of badly applied makeup, goofed off in class and hiked her skirt up a few inches shorter, spread rumours about herself to make herself more interesting, talked loudly and made inappropriate jokes and got drunk on school nights 
she liked attention and liked being liked
she bases her self-worth on how other people view her..... girl thats Unhealthy but idk she does it anyway
was ofc getting flak for being muggleborn but she kind of put on a v carefree attitude to hide it
obviously her grades were slipping but she kept on that who cares attitude, and at home told her mom that p meant perfect
as the years passed, she felt more and more like an impostor, searching for her passion and her place in the wizarding world, flitting from friend to friend and fling to fling, quitting different clubs and joining another
but idk as loud and crass and aimless as she could be .... she never rly had a bad word to say about people ? she always believed in the best possible version of other people
SCARS TW / until she woke up one day in fifth year, eighteen years old, in the hospital wing with jagged white scars running along her side and across her chest, and no memory of how they got there / END TW
madam pomfrey told her she’d been attacked and was found unconscious and badly hurt in the third floor hallway. but whether it was the result of a spell, or the trauma, or because she was under the influence, mary has no memories of the night
the rumours all point to mulciber, and she chooses to believe it because it’s not like she has a better idea 
the week before her attack, her divination professor told her there was danger approaching. at the time, mary brushed it off with a laugh and an eye roll, but she fixated on it afterwards
now idk she’s really into divination ? it’s one of the few things she takes seriously. she always has her pack of tarot cards on her. her line of thinking is that if magic is possible, why can’t divination be possible ? it’s kind of a coping mechanism i guess. she needs something to lean on, something to believe with all the uncertainty in her life
she knows she’s a cliche and a cautionary tale but she doesn’t know how to be anything but
she’s not super happy rn but listen that just means there’s room for character growth
ok that was a rambly mess but um ya ? come plot with me 
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MCs background chapter 8: Resurrection
Honestly, this chapter is just as nonsense as it was in my head. It took me awhile to write it bc what the hell. How did I even wrITE THIS DJWJW. I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense bc honestly idk what was going on in my head. I still loved the idea tho. Plus, i don’t even know exactly what happened and I wrote it. So, I’m just gonna go with what Julian said from The Arcana...It’s mystical malarkey! As in, no one has ever experienced that and don’t know how it happened, so there isn’t exactly an “explanation”. It’s just kinda bs XD. Anyways enjoy! Plus, there is some information at the bottom.
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Zosk and Sarah had gotten really close. He had wished he was alive once more. She was 14 and strong. She was in 8th grade and dealt with all of her anxieties. She would talk to him about them in her dreams, even if she didn’t remember what he told her when she awoke. She was happy to be with him as he was with her. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt like this. Why did he get close to her? He never got close to any other person he visited. To be fair, he hasn’t visited many people. He couldn’t remember what happened after he died, but he just awoke one day and knew he had to pass on his power. He visited around 8 people? He always stopped when they were 25 or sometimes even younger. So, he knew his time was limited. He had been like this for 200 years, so he may have found his person. Or maybe not. He would have to wait and see.
“What happened today?” She jumped up and down. They were standing in a forest area once again. They were at the same bridge she was at when she was 8. He would bring her here sometimes, to see the fish and calm her down, or just talk to her about magic. “I went to school and I met a boy!” Zosk immediately laughed. Was he going to have boy talk with Sarah? That made him uncomfortable, but he would wait and see if it came to that. He hoped it wouldn’t. He isn’t good with emotions since he rarely feels them. He only feels them with he was with Melody and Sarah. That was it. It was weird, but that’s how he felt. “Hmm, and what happened with this boy?” She blushed and curled some hair around her ear. She did that from time to time when she was nervous or shy. “Nothing really, we just talked and stuff.” Zosk smirked at her. “You feel feelings already?”
Sarah laughed. “I don’t know yet, but I do like to be around him, and my heart does race when I’m around him.” She looked at him with a confused look. “What is that feeling?” He sighed and thought for a few moments. It could only be love. “Love. But, you better ask your mom. She’s better at feelings than I am.” She nodded and hugged him. “Thanks for doing this.” He hugged her back but looked down at her. “Doing what?” “Talking to me and being with me. I wish I could see you in real life. It would be a lot easier. I wouldn’t even have to forget you!” He got a bit sad at that. She would have to forget him. He couldn’t let her know about all he was yet, and all about magic. Her mother wanted to keep it away from her, so he would listen to Melody. He may have been an empire ruler, but he was a nice man. He sighed and ruffled her hair. He couldn’t tell her the truth just yet. “Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t.”
She pulled back from the hug and they both began to walk back to the beginning of the forest, still holding hands. It was something that never changed. They always held hands. Well, not always, but he held her hand for her comfort, but he couldn’t deny that it was also for his comfort. It just kept him grounded and at peace. He wished he could really be with her. Not just to make his decision, but to spend time with her. He’s been dead for so long, and with no one to be with him, it began to become lonely. He didn’t know what he would do when he had to leave her. He shook his head. It wasn’t the time to think of that. For now, he just needed to enjoy the moments he did have with her.
A few months had passed and Sarah kept asking about magic. She always seemed to want an example or a tale of Zosks. It wasn’t that weird since she did ask from time to time, but it was more persistent recently. He just took it as her growing up and wanting to know about magic. She was a very curious kid, just like her mother, so it made sense. However, it just seemed...out of nowhere.
Sarah was in her room, sitting on the bed, crisscrossed, and Zosk was sitting in front of her doing the same position. “Why do you want to know so much about magic?” He asked her. She looked away and began to curl some hair around her ear, uncurl it, and repeat the process. “Sarah?” Zosk said, with a serious tone. She looked at him and sighed. “It’s because you want to offer me your power, and I don’t even know what it does. I’m worried that I might mess up, or I might do something horrible because of it,” she said, her voice getting softer after every word. She looked back down at her lap. “I feel kinda scared. It’s why I want to know more about it so I don’t mess up what you might give me.” He looked at her and could hear the vulnerability in her voice. She was scared. Really scared. She’s kept it down for so long and dealt with it, but now has gotten it out. It made his heart ache that he put this much pressure on her and anxiety. But he couldn’t help it. This much power would cause anyone to have anxiety and worries. However, he did feel a slight relief. He was a bit happy that she didn’t remember everything when she woke up. Happy that she didn’t have this burden on her 24/7. Now that would put him in pain.
He got closer to her and pulled her into his lap. He now felt like a father helping his daughter. “Well, if you decide when you’re older, then I’ll help you. I’ll teach you about it, I’ll tell your family, I’ll help you through it. You won’t have to do it alone. I promise,” he said to her, and he meant it. She was scared and he hated it. He wanted to help her and protect her and he would do so as long as she’d let him. Sarah felt tired and her head fell onto his chest, her eyes closed, and her breathing relaxed. He knew it was almost time for her to get up, so he put her back to sleep. “I wish I had the power to bring you to life once more,” she whispered to him. He felt like crying. She was too pure and innocent, and she was wishing for the impossible. He can’t bring himself back to life, and no one else could either. He had been dead for too long and didn’t have a body. He felt his shirt get wet and looked down and realized Sarah was crying.
However, something was different.
Her tears...were bright yellow. Like a sun drop. He’s seen her cry before, and they didn’t look like that, but now they did. It was weird and he didn’t understand. He’s never heard of that happening before. He looked back down and saw more tears of yellow colored falling onto his shirt. They seemed to dissolve and he saw his skin start to turn back to a color. It wasn’t shadowy anymore, it was turning back to regular skin. He looked at his shoulders and noticed his hair coming back to a color as well. It was blue and just past his shoulders a bit. His clothes seemed to come into color as well. His long robe coming back into his view. However, it all seemed so big to him. As if it didn’t fit him. He looked down at his body and realized...he was a child. Well, he had a teenager sized body. He stared at his body in shock and horror.
“What the hell, what the hell, what the HELL.” He said. His body was back completely, and he noticed Sarah wasn’t crying anymore. Did her tears do this? She was just a human, so it didn’t make sense to him. He shook his head and knew he had to go somewhere else. To Melody. He watched over her and knew she wanted to see him again. “I guess this is as good as ever to see her.” He put Sarah back under her covers and he closed his eyes and ended the dream. His body was back, so he felt the cold air of the room when he entered Melody’s room. Melody woke up and looked at him. She didn’t have a choice to not wake up, since whenever he enters someone’s dream, he wakes them up instantly. “Who are you?” She looked at him with a look of confusion.
She got up and walked over to him. She poked his arm and didn’t feel a shadow. She felt an actual arm. She looked at him with confusion. Before she could say anything, Zosk spoke. “It is Zosk, but your daughter, Sarah, did this. I’ve been with her for a long time. I never told you because I thought you would get mad but now Sarah has done the impossible and I didn’t know who else to come too.” He was rambling. Melody looked at him with so much confusion. She wasn’t really angry at him. He didn’t really have any control over who he discovered. It just happened by chance. She nodded but stared at him. He was a teenager. A literal fucking teenager. She didn’t know how Sarah was able to turn him young again, but she did it.
She started to pace as she thought. She didn’t know how this was possible either. Sarah was a human, while her siblings were all magicians. She assumed that this was caused by light magic, but she didnt have any! It didn’t make sense. Maybe she really did have magic? Melody didn’t know. She just sighed and looked back at him. “Let’s just say, it was a miracle. I can’t think of an answer, and if you’ve never heard of it, then it’s most likely never happened before.” He nodded and looked concerned. “What am I going to do?” Melody suddenly got an idea and smiled. “Well, we first have to tell my husband, then we get you a makeover. These clothes don’t fit you anymore.” Melody giggled into her hand. Zosk seemed irritated but he was excited about a makeover. He didn’t want to admit it, but he didn’t really want these clothes anymore.
He was an empire ruler in the past and didn’t want reminders of it. He looked at her and nodded. “Tell your husband when he wakes up?” Melody looked at him. “How? You only enter in dreams.” Zosk shook his head. “I’m real now. I’ll have to come back in this body. So, when you wake up, I think I’ll be there.” Melody looked at him for a minute. She had to make sure she woke up before Gabriel. She didn’t want Zosk to get hurt because her husband didn’t understand why a random teenager was in her house. She didn’t even know if he’d believe her about all of this. She shrugged and just went with the plan. She hoped it would work.
She woke up around 7 am and looked in the corner of her room. She saw Zosk, sitting on the floor, sleeping. He had a peaceful look on his face. “I bet he had girls swooning when he was younger,” Melody said with a little laugh. She looked over and saw Gabriel, still fast asleep. She didn’t want to wake him up, but knew she had to. But first, she had to get the kids up for school and then do the talk. She got up and got the kids up and did everything for them. “I love you!” She said as she kissed them all on the forehead before they ran outside to the bus. She sighed. It was very difficult waking them up in the morning, but she still dealt with it. She basically ran back into her room and let out a sigh of relief as she saw both Gabriel and Zosk sleeping. She walked over to Gabriel and gently shaked him. “It’s time to get up, baby.” He groaned and looked up at her. “Why do I need to get up? We’re both off today, why not join me in bed,” he said with a suggestive tone. She laughed but knew this had to happen. “No, I need to talk now, please?” She gave him the same puppy eyes she did when they first met. She always pulled them out in case of an emergency.
He sighed and sat up and rubbed his eyes. Melody walked over to Zosk and woke him up too. “Hmm?” Zosk said to her. He opened his eyes and noticed her in front of him. For the first time in a long time, he felt sleepy and wanted to continue sleeping. However, he quickly realized the situation. He saw Gabriel looking at him with a shocked face. “I know you’re shocked but we have to talk about something. You’ll probably think I’m insane after I say it.” Gabriel looked at her, then at Zosk, then back at her. “Who is this kid?” “That’s what we have to talk about, and he technically isn’t a kid.” Melody walked over to Gabriel and sat in front of him, grabbing his hands to hold them. “You know about Zosk right? The powerful black magic magician? You told me about him a long time ago,” she told him, rubbing her thumb on his knuckles. He nodded and looked back at Zosk as he got up and walked a little bit closer to the bed. “Well...this is him,” she said. He tried to speak, but was cut off by Melody panicking. “Yes, I know I seem crazy, but you have to believe me. Also, you need to believe me when I say that Sarah did this. She brought him back to life, but as a teenager.” Gabriel just stared at her. He saw her honest expression and tried to believe her, but it was so hard too.
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?” “She’s not lying, I promise,” Zosk said. Gabriel looked at him and seemed irritated. He did sense a power coming from him, so it’s obvious he wasn’t a human. But being Zosk the Unconquerable?? It seemed impossible. Plus, how was he supposed to believe that Sarah did this? She was human and that was that! “Are you sure you didn’t do anything to my wife?” “No! He’s been with me since I was young, and now he’s moved on to Sarah. He needs someone to pass his power on to and he went to me when I was young. I said no and that I didn’t want it. So, he must’ve went down the line and just chose Sarah.”
Melody and Zosk spent the next hour talking about their pasts and explaining it to Gabriel. Gabriel just sat there, taking it in, with a few questions sometimes. He didn’t understand it, but he knew she wasn’t lying. Melody never lied to him and he had to believe her. Plus, Gabriel asked questions that almost no one knew the answer to, and he knew that only Zosk would know the answer. He answered them all correctly and just had to believe them. “So, you’re back again? And you’re stuck here with us?” Zosk nodded. Melody smiled at Gabriel and kissed him on the forehead. “Thanks for believing me and taking this better than I thought. I wanted to tell you when we got married, but I didn’t want to seem insane. Plus, he went away for some time and I didn’t know he was with Sarah, so I assumed I didn’t need to tell you.” Gabriel looked at her as she rambled on and kissed her forehead. “It’s fine. I’m just glad I know now. Especially since it involves our child.” “Well, we were close in her dreams, is it possible that we will still be close? Even if she doesn’t know me?” Melody and Gabriel both looked at him. “Only one way to find out.”
Sarah came home around 3:15 PM. Christopher came as well, but Alexandra and Jacob had to stay because they had a club meeting. Sarah and Christopher were too young to be in a club just yet. They were at the end of the year for 8th grade, so next year they would be able to join a club. However, that didn’t matter. Sarah and Christopher came into the house and saw Gabriel and Melody still talking to Zosk. Sarah looked at him and got excited. She loved to meet new people, even if she was very shy. Christopher looked at him and just looked confused. Why was there a random person in their house? Melody looked over at them.
“Guys, this is Zed. He just moved here. I think you’re gonna make great friends.” Sarah walked over to him and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you!” Zosk looked at her and smiled. He shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you too, Sarah.” His wish came true. He was alive and able to be with her. Hopefully he will be able to protect her like he promised.
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Yes. Zosks new name is now Zed because I believe that he would just call himself that to Sarah instead of Zosk. Also, I didn’t say it in the writing I think but
Zosk doesn’t get to choose who he goes to. He just wakes up in their dreams. Fate chooses it.
NO Zosk does not feel romantic feelings towards her. I keep thinking that people will see it like that, but I don’t mean it to come off like that. I just want to show that he wants to be close with her and protect her. Like a best friend bond sort of. It’s creepy to imagine them together. A 200 year old magician in love with a 14 year old girl? That’s called pedophilia and disgusting so no.
Also, when they do get older, they both gag at the image of them together. It’s just a fact I decided throw in here to.
Yes. Next chapter there is gonna be more sibling love! All of the siblings are gonna be shown more and stuff. They weren’t shown much in these chapters because I was just explaining the beginning of Zosk and Sarah and how Zosk (or Zed whatever fnwb) is involved in this. Plus, idc what canon is, I imagine Zosk as an actually nice guy. Very kind XD.
I don’t mean Zosk to come off as weird or creepy. He is bound to people when they’re young to see how they will grow and change and handle situations. It wasn’t really his choice. It’s just what happens. He just needs to see who is actually worthy of his power and what they would do with it. It’s just the only thing I could think of. I mean, being bound to someone when they’re like 25 and already grown and stuff wouldn’t exactly benefit him. I just fjsjsj. I just needed for him to somehow be close to her as a child so this was the way I could think of. Plus, it was just my original idea, but I didn’t mean for him to come off as creepy or anything.
Anyway, I’m sorry if this was bad. My writing is kinda bad in this part bc explaining this part of her backstory is kinda weird. It’s just hard to write so I hope this is good!
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hi ash! sorry that im a little late, ive been a bit preoccupied these few days, but im glad you like talking to me :D i rly like talking to you too <3 i appreciate that you put so much effort into answering everything T-T i do have discord actually! id love to continue talking over there after this :D also this is crazy long so dont rush yourself sjhdjdjd
if you want any nct music recs in the future you can come to me 😌 i really love hello future!! i say this about every title track during every comeback but its really my favourite one right now! 
YOU PLAYED DRUMS?? thats so cool :O ive always found drummers rly attractive sjshjehdjsh 
the have i evers :
i have never! been to a concert, ive just never had the chance :/
i have! sneaked out, but it was with the help of my mum where my dad didn't know lmao ehejenjdhen
i have! gone through both a one direction and bts phase. 1D came first and it lasted for almost half a year i believe? and i discovered bts in 2018 thanks to my friend, but i started exploring and eventually drifted apart from them in early 2020. jungkook still has a special place in my heart tho :)) 
i have! had a irl crush actually :'D he actually knew i liked him but did nothing at all and we remained pretty good friends, but he stopped talking to me about over a year ago, and i lowkey don't wanna admit it but i miss him sometimes :') 
i have! pets. i have 3 dogs and a cat currently, and i have 6 other unofficial dogs and a idk how many fish which are at my grandma's side :DD
i have! performed in front of a crowd, i was in a storytelling competition when i was 9 and 10, and then i learned to play the erhu when i was 12 and performed a few times :)) 
i have! fic wise, i also love by-moonflowers fics sm! T^T i read her tokyo ghoul au and i actually didn't have a clue what tokyo ghoul was, i looked it up on wikipedia before reading it djbfkdhdjd and her exes confront each other series was really amazing too. and im rambling but her jeonghan magic au, all the stars we steal, that was probably the first fic of her's i read and it hit something in me and i really wish i could read it again like it was the first time 😔 i really loved it sm. book wise, i will never forget jodi picoult's small great things. and also like any book reader, ps. i love you is definitely a favourite of mine :') it was so touching and i just genuinely really love that story. 
i have! there's quite a lot of moments like that, but this one where i went on vacation in the mountains? we stayed at a very nice place. on the first day i was really tired so i slept til the evening, and when i woke up it was drizzling and there's was quite a breeze, so i sat in front of the open door of my room. in front was a swimming pool so i just put on some music and watched the rain drop into the pool. it was the most relaxed i had felt in a while and i wish i could go back :') 
i would say i have! when we can talk anon off i'll tell you which one, but i really enjoyed writing this one drabble/oneshot and im glad other people seemed to like it as well :DD
and ofc i have! i met seventeen when i was pretty down, and i treasure them the most now. they helped me through a lot and really changed me and im really grateful to them
i wanna know your answers to these too! so, have you ever
been to a place/been in a particular mood after a specific event that you wanted to stay in forever?
written a piece of work that sparked energy within your fingertips?
met a person/have someone in your life who you now just treasure so deeply?
the next mission is out dkhdkdhfj but i'll continue for now, would you rather (pls dont hate me after this)
only listen to seventeen or txt forever
spend a week with soobin or chan
only eat bingsu or only watch 1 studio ghibli films for the rest of your life
sign with sm or yg or jyp
know how to play every single instrument or speak language in the world
be a master at something you love (singing, dancing, writing, that kinda thing) or something unique (like having a photographic memory or like ice carving? or even mouth reading)
i also suddenly remembered, but knitting is also one of my many hobbies :D
- 💎 anon loves you and wishes you a good day!
you can reply whenever you are ready anon. it excites me that we've been having a steady back and forth but sometimes life happens and you should definitely prioritize any other responsibilities you have!! i'll always be here 😌 knitting is a fun hobby anon!! i used to do that and crochet a lot too ,,, i should get back to it. what do you make?
before i go ahead and answer these can i just say how much i love that you personalized it?? that really means a lot to me <3 anyways~ here we go!! when we get to turn off anon i would love to hear some nct recs!! most of my irl kpop friends ult them and i'd love to get to know more!! and discord would probably be the best way to share because the asks just get longer and longer LOL (i love them)
drums yes!! i've been told that i look like i'd play the piano instead bahaha but i think drums are pretty neat :3 i also saw this person ask huening kai about band txt and he said soobin would play the drums :O need i say more?
thank you for your answers!! we definitely gotta talk more about them once we can chat on discord!! i loved reading them and they were just so lovely <333 for the last 3:
i don't think so? i have yet to be in a moment where i am completely lost in the energy - but the closest i've been to that level of peace would be the late nights where i'm playing my favourite music and about to drift off to sleep. i feel almost content, and sometimes wish i could stay in my dreams forever :3
my very first fic!! flights and feelings - i was writing it on a whim at 2 am? and i wasn't planning on posting it until i did randomly and now i am a tumblr writer :O
seventeen like you said! i don't think i would have made it through the rest of high school without them, and as of now they've been one of the things keeping me going :)
the next mission is out owo playlist making do i see? anyways onto these first!! how dare you write these anon my head is SPINNING
only listen to seventeen or txt forever ...seventeen, they're my ults!! but also because they have more music released atm, we have yet to see the amazing things txt have planned!! i wouldn't be surprised if i start ulting txt in the future as well :3 i...bought 3 of their albums a few days ago
spend a week with soobin or chan // WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEADACHE (moots please look away) soobin <3 i love them both very much but i think soobin and i will vibe more maybe it's my delusions THEY'RE BOTH MY ULTS and i'm scared of talking to both D: but soobin is slightly younger than chan so that's why i think he'd be easier to talk to T_T the thought of spending a week with soobin makes my head spin
only eat bingsu or only watch 1 studio ghibli films for the rest of your life // bingsu!! i would not mind that one bit :3
sign with sm or yg or jyp // as someone who is a terrible singer and dancer, i would not survive in either of these companies. however, under the assumption that i can do these things, i would say... jyp. i don't think there's an entertainment company that treats their idols completely right but out of these 3 i feel like i'd cry less in jyp. is kq entertainment an option? idk all the details but they seem to treat ateez okay, or maybe IU's company...again i don't know all the deets
know how to play every single instrument or speak language in the world // speak every language in the world!! it upsets me everyday that i'm not close to my culture because of this :(
be a master at something you love (singing, dancing, writing, that kinda thing) or something unique (like having a photographic memory or like ice carving? or even mouth reading) // i'd say maybe something unique!! it's kind of thrilling to always be looking for ways to improve on something you love <3 so i'd go with something unique...a photographic memory would be very helpful for studying!! but maybe i'd like to have a talent in making people smile!!
thank you for these questions anon!! i'm heading out to work now but i'd love to write you some more would you rathers later on :) i should have packed more questions into this reply but i really gotta go now sorry :( so instead just tell me how are you!! also i would like to know your answers to these ones!! you are very creative with these btw :3
which of your biases would you want to spend a week with?
what food would you be okay with eating for the rest of your life?
would you rather:
sign with sm, yg or jyp?
know how to play every single instrument or speak language in the world?
be a master at something you love or something unique?
0 notes
peachaidee · 7 years
Ep Ignis ramblings- mostly figured out how a happy ending could work with all the info presented to us vs the edgy sad end theory. Don’t read. spoilers, etc. just trying to make sense of it...
look i love angst and edgy stuff a lot but i dont know why some people automatically went for it in V2. to me, the story and directing was very obvious it was supposed to be a happy ending even though it was very confusing and it was difficult to figure out how it could work. i dont read reddit threads so idk if this has all been said before... just my thoughts.
after going thru V2 carefully a second time im more sure that the happy end could work out from the information given to us. Who is the "mysterious voice"? Most like the Crystal/Eos since it was the only thing around. It also could have been Luna. same VA in credits?? (Ravus did say her job wasn’t done...also great opportunity to slip future story in there for a possible ep luna, the poor girl needs it). 
Anyway, lets just say the mysterious voice was Luna since she is the Oracle. Her powers would allow her to talk about the prophecy spoken by the Crystal/Eos. In V2 when it was being explained to Ignis, she never said Noct had to die. She said as long as the ring was powered up he would ascend, and have enough power to end the scourge, kill Ardyn, and could restore the dawn. This matches with the prophecy Luna tells Noct when they were kids. 
I think some people think V2 can’t be real because we can’t forget as it was drilled into us for the entire game that it was Bahamut’s prophecy that we listened to and some people could not get over the requirement that a blood price needed to be made to fulfill the prophecy. Compare Luna’s prophecy to what Bahamut said in order for the Chosen King to ascend. He needed to have the ring full powered, and he needed the powers of the old kings and it can only be achieved by dying alone. This is a lot of requirements for ascension compared to the basic one told by Luna/Crystal. Now Bahamut...this fucker says as far back in the Omens trailer that a blood price must be paid and shows Regis the entire timeline of Omens playing out. I assume the endgame is the same where Noct destroys the scourge but just in a really terrible way. Terrible enough where Regis was like FUCK THAT and presumably does something to change Noct’s fate and asks the gods to forgive him. We don’t really know exactly what Regis did except for the very obvious action of sending Noct off WITH HIS BROS so he wouldn’t be ALONE.
I think that was the important part. Bahamut’s prophecy had everything from Luna’s/Crystals prophecy. The added parts were, BLOOD SACRIFICE and that it was the chosen king who would make his sacrifice ALONE. We hear this in the main game and it was repeated in Ep Ignis when he was shown the visions in the main route. So, by adding the bros into Noct’s journey, Noct’s fate was dramatically changed but tragically even Regis had to fulfill the prophecy in the end. Maybe everybody thought they had no other choice, the outcome was the same, Noct had to die. Bahamut is the war god that belongs to the Lucians so I guess Lucians have no reason to not listen to him and accept everything he says except for Regis who didn’t want Omens to happen.
So basically...what I think the whole story is about....is that fate changes if you have people to share your burden. Did Ignis have an idea how to change Noct’s fate when he suggested that to him? Maybe, maybe not. He tried by suggesting Noct they stop their journey. But later in Ch. 10 Ignis was 100% committed to Noct’s decision because he repeats Regis’ words and only wishes to stay with Noct. Maybe he knew there was no way to change it and he accepted that all the things shown to him were inevitably going to happen. Noct even cuts Ignis off in the last scene like Noct didn’t want the bros by his side (but he’ll have them in his heart), because Noct accepted Bahamut’s prophecy word for word. That he had to do it alone.
V2 looks like a timeline created by the power of love and friendship even though it hilariously hinges on 1 decision Ignis could have made differently but lets say he made the decision to go with Ardyn because he took 1 second to think things through and not be so recklessly gay to save Noct. Lets say he actually processed his future visions, he would choose the option that he doesn’t do in his visions. He would know that Ardyn couldn’t actually kill Noct right then and there. If he could have a chance to change fate he would go with Ardyn. So he does and this is a great timeline because Ignis actually tries to change fate when nobody did in the main game.
The question then becomes why do the Lucian kings know fate can be changed if Ignis sacrifices himself? Wild speculation here but it could be Regis' doing convincing the council to let Ignis sacrifice himself for the ring’s power knowing that fate can be changed that way because he did it himself earlier. Or Bahamut and the Lucian kings are assholes which we know already from Kingsglaive and the like... So did they already know about Luna’s/crystals prophecy? Maybe Bahamut added blood sacrifice and the requirement to do it alone to his prophecy because he's an edgy fuck and has no friends. Bahamut could have told Noct that he could sacrifice any one of his pure-hearted friends in his place but obviously Noct would never ever do that and would die for them all so Bahamut probably thought to make it efficient, only the Chosen King has to die it will be easy.  OR, it is also entirely possible that through the events of Kingsglaive, Regis was sacrificing himself to change Noct’s fate.
By the magic power and love and friendship, Noct is able to heal Ignis using the Crystal. He was very determined in this timeline to fulfil his duty compared to the main game where he struggled and was confused in front of the crystal. He only puts on the ring kind of reluctantly in the main game but manages to do it to save Prompto. In V2 he puts it on immediately to save Ignis since he was actively dying. So sweet how in one timeline, Noct buckles up to save Prompto and in the other, to save Ignis. 
During V2′s 10 year gap I was very happy to see the bros sticking together more. In the main game and in Comrades it was mentioned that they don’t spend a lot of time together but this timeline had a kind of uplifting feel and the bros felt like they had a better sense of purpose and a better plan with how to deal with the long night. At then at the last battle Noctis had all the bros +1 at his side. He had them walk tall TOGETHER, sharing the burden. I believe that was the message. If you have good friends, if you love deeply and let them share your burdens you can change fate. Of course sacrifices need to be made but you don’t have to do it alone. This is why I think at the end everyone lives. Additional detail is that Noct was still wearing the ring when it was destroyed in the main game.
Some people think V2 retcons all of Ep Prompto which I get...Ardyn uses Ignis as bait instead of Prompto but you can use your imagination to try and keep Prompto’s character development. Like, if Prompto never got into the facility, maybe Verstael would still be alive and he would have sent out all his weapons anyway? Like chase Ravus’ airship down with machines. Or maybe Ardyn wanted to fuck with Ravus and gang anyway and let Verstael do his Ghost in the Shell thing. As far as Ardyn knew, Noct still had the ring so maybe he wanted to stir up shit so Noct would finally wear it. Ravus probably could have told Prompto about his origins if they ever ran into Verstael. I feel like Ravus would know about it.
This ending did feel a bit rushed but overall it felt more like the general theme of FF games where friendship is the best and you say fuck you to fate/religion and it seems right that ffxv showed us that thru different timelines. of course this is how i rationalize everything ignoring that this was supposed to be an entirely different game 10 years, even 3 years ago and even playing Comrades I could tell they couldn’t keep the game and Kingsglaive consistent. Episode Ignis was supposed to be the last of the DLCs until they confirmed they were making more by popular demand. And to me Ep Ignis did feel like it was the end by showing V2. Because of the game’s disastrous release schedule the game ended up so messy but i think the ffxv team tried their best to tie in everything. From Omens which people speculated were story elements from vs XIII, to the main game and them confirming AU exists or that Noct’s dreams are actually real in a way. I felt like V2 was a possibility of a happy ending so I don’t see it as some dark twisted bittersweet ending. Nothing against people who do, its all good fun. I was left feeling so satisfied I actually don’t mind if they stop DLCs. But since they’re making more I feel like they can do a good job because they said they’re taking their time with these future DLCs to make sure they’re good. I hope they can explore another timeline where this time they can save Luna or something. She honestly has it the worst.
tl;dr: fuck Bahamut honestly. Also what he does in Comrades is fucked up
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chaos2go · 8 years
So finally rambling about Dryst in BotW where I’ve decided he would ‘originate’ from. Land-of-Hyrule will always be where he really belonged and there are quite a few things he’ll be missing in translation but oh well. I can’t really place Alden in this game (okay, I could in some respect given timeline is figured out 100% even then... well, I want Alden to be with the koroks >C XD Just imagine. Alden in his sword spirit form with a korok leaf on his face so he ‘fits in’, trying to do the korok stuff, picked up the Mr. Hero thing, etc.). and Zahir fits in just fine with OoT (though with her, a BotW counterpart could work better given the stables). Either way, this game opened up the chance for a lot of my characters that didn’t really fit anywhere but where LoZ characters but especially Dryst. Aliza, you can have a house out there in the scary Hyrule too!
But there are SPOILERS below. Don’t read any further if you don’t want any! Though I’ll be honest, they’re nothing major given I haven’t been everywhere or done divine beasts (only watched) XD. Plus there are some ‘speculation’ things in there given there isn’t solid information on some junk. So excuse shoddy headcanon crap where appropriate.
Now if you’re reading this, I’m sorry if it gets a little long. I want to touch on his background changes and what exactly he’d do in the game as I imagine he would have some interaction with Link given he is a sheikah and the sheikah had a connection to him. In no way would he be over 100. If anything, he’s still around the same age which makes him a young whipper snapper! Also I don’t know if ‘magic magic’ actually exists but I’m just going to ignore that for now. It looks like it’s only items and special people so we’ll find out? Yiga clan teleportation looks like it’s to do with the talismans/wards/omamori(???)... But yeah XD Here we go. Sorry if this is boring!
Dryst would be born in Kakariko about 75 years after the calamity returned and Link was sent to the shrine. Much like LoH, he was kind of a spoiled kid who didn’t want to end up being a 'menial worker’ like his parents. Plus don’t forget the landing in trouble. He wanted to be someone important and do something important. Though the game doesn’t show it exactly beyond a few moments one memory scene, he wanted to be someone who helped guard the royal family. At the very least, he wanted to do something outside of the village that wasn’t research given there is no royal family at this point. Fighting the calamity and guardians to ‘thin them out’ really was his big idea as who knew when and if the hero would return.
Needless to say his parents weren’t keen on him trying to learn to fight and tried to redirect his ideas to research instead. It only directed him to learn about legends beyond what he was taught about the calamity, shiekah slate, etc. while trying to read books about combat. Despite many punishments, he still tried to sneak out and learn to fight. His parents barred others from teaching him which only hindered him further than his already lackluster skill. This drove him to just want to leave his hometown and try to find someone who could help him or to learn on his own. It wasn’t a big deal as some sheikah did this anyway though most opted to stay and wait for the hero’s return. Dryst was more dead set on fighting.
After one particular fight with his parents, his rage had just gone through the roof. His parents were trying to convince him that only the hero could fight the calamity and if he really wanted to help, he could still change his focus to researching. Dryst elected to take this as a chance to just leave the town entirely as he was done. He never informed his parents of this choice but rather went to Impa who he saw as the main problem for why the sheikah were so passive. Upon meeting her, he stated how this whole sitting and waiting didn’t help anyone. There had to be some action given there were still things bad in Hyrule given the calamity and the Yiga clan. Monsters were a problem, rebuilding was a problem, and all his people did was take care of themselves now. His frustrations towards the village poured out, especially against his parents. Impa could see his troubles and only informed him that she wished him well in his journeys across Hyrule. It wasn’t the first time a youth had felt that way and she actually encouraged him to leave. Dryst didn’t see her words as trying to help however. He told her that he had no intentions of returning. Then he left.
Hyrule itself was just too much for him. He did his best to survive and barely scraped by for the longest time. If anything, he had to learn how to fight a bit better against monsters just to survive. The original plan of making it to another race’s home just fell flat as he was constantly lost and struggling. Thankfully he ran across a woman who helped him out. That of course being Aliza much like in LoH. This would be very similar to LoH as Dryst would be quiet and open up about many of his problems after initially being berated by her. She’d offer him a home but still scold him and mother him when necessary as he would have been only about 17 (far too young to be out on his own according to her). Aliza overall doesn’t see why he has such an interest in actually fighting the monsters and the calamity. But she doesn’t wish to stop him as she sees he feels the need to do it and prove himself. If anything, much like in LoH she wants him to do what he can and find his place which obviously wasn’t with his people.
Over the years, Dryst’s skill doesn’t really improve beyond tiny things but he’s become good at other things. He’s made it to some of the places in Hyrule he’s planned on going and has found out a lot of legends. Despite his navigation still sucking, he has learned a few tricks to getting around that has helped him immensely (aka teleportation given we don’t know how it works >C so the wards or magic). Being known as a braggart and helping people out with menial tasks too has put him in a rather good position.
So from here on out, imagine Dryst as he is in the group save magic, save siding with demons (as there isn’t really an evil side to go with unless he went Yiga which he would probably wouldn’t even try given they can’t give him anything he wants), and save having Alden. He’s just a guy trying to do good deeds and show off. He would slowly be learning what he really needed to do with his life.
If I were to do a story however, he would run into this hero. Given how everyone plays the game differently, I don’t know how or when I would plan on them running into one another. Dryst would know very well the towers showing up would be a sign of his return. It would make him question whether or not he should return to his village. Unlike in the group, he would try to go there (his shame being the only real reason he hasn’t this time). Aliza would encourage trying. I imagine that it would more or less be him meeting Link right after Link had spoken with Impa. So the poor hero would have to deal with more “Wait, is that what I think it is? the sheikah slate?!” crap.
Given what the game says about Link, I imagine Dryst would just tag along and try to show off his knowledge. Link wouldn’t have much to say and honestly he’d probably test Dryst’s limits. Dryst would be useful in his knowledge however on some items that may have been forgotten (just not memories). He’d also have some input on other races (still being racist towards gerudo but not nearly as bad). Still there would come the time where he’d get left behind whether it would be warp, a shrine, or just an area he wasn’t allowed. I’d imagine somehow he’d be able to make it through the Lost Woods (if only because EVERYONE DESERVES TO SEE KOROKS... gonna just say I think they probably choose who to appear to but eh, w/e) and get a bit of story there thus finally learning that Link doesn’t remember everything and feeling kinda crappy that he assumed Link did. Overall just bro-ventures though. Dryst often getting a shorted on the adventure due to being left behind and just not being as skilled.
However I’d love to add some characters in to help build friendships besides Aliza. I am wondering about some LoH concepts (like a zora OC I couldn’t figure out an occupation for) to be adapted and then perhaps I can turn around and use them in the group too. IDK XD There’s just like... a lot I want to talk about but this ramble is kinda long. I’m just happy there is something beyond LoH he could fit in to.
I’m giving up on this ramble as of now because it’s late XD And I should be in bed. I could hit on specifics if anyone cars.
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