#idk what the proper ship names are tbh
coquiriitxt · 2 years
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paleode-ology · 1 year
as always I’m thinking about the Stede/Izzy/Ed dynamic and trying to figure out how they can still win. I started going through this in the notes of a post and realized I just wanted to talk about it lmao so here we are
I’m Okay. So here’s the thing. I am so pro steddyhands. Like frankly it’s a dynamic that I love and want to see more of and like. As more mentally healthy individuals I think they would be soooo unstoppable like actually peak romance and chaos. BUT they are. Not. Mentally healthy individuals like they are all so incredibly fucked up. And that is maybe a post for another time. Anyway so I have two ideas about the ideal plotlines for these three, which I call the realistic plotline, and the one that won’t happen but would be sooooooo gay plotline.
This post ended up being kind of long bc I talk a lot lmao so here’s a cut.
Even though I want in my heart a steddyhands endgame, Jenkins has said that the third season would (if greenlit) be the last, and that’s just not enough time to work out a well-written and satisfying romantic end for the three of them. Also, I just honestly don’t think steddyhands was ever in the cards for this show; it would just be way too messy idk. Realistically, I think we can definitely get an Izzy and Ed reconciliation, and we’re DEFINITELY getting stizzy bonding this season, so at the very least they’ll all be friendly going into the third. But this season is obviously about Stede and Ed learning to trust each other again and get to know each other better before they go back into romance. They have shit to work out and they’re clearly gonna be starting to do that in the next few eps.
I thinkkk the plan is for them to heal this season and actually figure out their feelings for each other bc let’s be so real, they were so fucking repressed in season one and had just BARELY realized they were in love before things went to shit. The third season will probably just be them becoming proper husbands and co-captaining and like fighting the British yippee. Cannot wait.
As for Izzy. Oh my god Izzy. Okay. So he’s sticking around for now. He’s been the only one looking out for his crew this whole time (and honestly I think he and Stede might bond over that. Stede kind of gives very few fucks about his crew but he values their lives and doesn’t WANT to leave them behind. Tbh breaking them out while also dealing with Ed’s death was just so insane of him and like. He’s gonna be such a good captain.) and anyway, we know he’s going to be teaching Stede pirate things. Not to mention that everyone loves Con so Izzy’s undoubtedly going to be hanging with the crew and keeping them organized while Stede and Ed fuck off on their bonding excursions.
My running theory for Izzy in season three is that he’s going to be captaining the Adventure. (For those who don’t know, the real life Blackbeard had the real Israel Hands captain that ship for a hot minute.) Izzy’s wanted to captain a ship for a long time, and I mean, he’s the Revenge’s captain in all but name at this point. So once he’s sure Ed and Stede and the crew aren’t going to set the Revenge on fire and accidentally kill themselves, he’ll go off to captain the Adventure and have his own healing journey during the third season. Hell get to figure out what it’s like to be out from under the shadow of Blackbeard, and like honestly it’ll be way less stressful and he’ll have a good time. Season three can cut between his adventures and the Revenges adventures, and the overarching plot will have all of them reunite in the latter third of the season (deus ex machina Izzy PLEASE). They’ll work together, have a final reconciliation where they all end on good terms, and either Izzy will go his own way as his own pirate captain, or he’ll decide that he’s grown and healed but he still likes working with New Ed and he stays on with the Revenge or they form a fleet with the Revenge and the Adventure and maybe another ship that shows up at some point in the third (I just feel like a fleet of two ships sounds stupid sorry). Maybe they’ll give Izzy a boyfriend in season three also. Like maybe it’s just me but I feel like getting laid would fix him.
I’m really, really excited for Stede and Izzy to get closer this season. Their little enemies to romantic rivals to still romantic rivals but they have bigger things to worry about to besties is just so real. And I think that them being closer is going to just bring this new balance and dynamic that we haven’t seen before.
So that’s the realistic plotline. Everyone ends up happy, we have pirate husbands, and no one dies except for the British. Onto my insane pipedream plotline also known as the outline for the fic I will probably never write.
Basically, it starts off quite similar to the above prediction for the rest of the show. The only caveat is, the show extends past three seasons. I don’t know that Jenkins will keep writing after the third, even if the response is huge, just because he seems really dedicated to telling the story properly, and unless he decides now that he wants to keep it going, a fourth or more season would mess up the pacing of the show, especially since the season three finale is supposed to the The Show Finale. But for the sake of this fic outline, let’s pretend we get as many seasons as we want.
I still think Izzy should captain the Adventure. Like I really firmly believe that his and Ed’s relationship cannot fully heal unless they part ways for a bit, and as an Izzy diehard I just want him to have fun without worrying about Ed 24/7. I want it to be light, though. Like mostly just him working out his shit with Ed and what he wants from his life going forward.
Meanwhile, Ed and Stede get to have their honeymoon phase on the Revenge. They’ll have a mostly functioning crew for once, and I also like the idea of them escaping the law or fucking up nobles. Like just really have a fuck the rich moment. Once again, it’s light. BUT I also want them to acknowledge that they miss Izzy. Like Ed will tell stories about the years he worked with Hornigold and how he fell in love with pirating and probably compare this new beginning with him and Stede to when he set out on his own captaining journey and as he reminisces and starts to get over the trauma he never really dealt with, he’ll realize just how much Izzy was always there for him, and he’ll regret how he treated him when Izzy was the person closest to him for so long. Also, generally seems to be leaning away from being a full pirate rn. Like he’s definitely starting to realize that there’s more that he wants out of life, which he’s going to have to balance with pirating being the more that STEDE wanted out of his life.
Meanwhile, Stede will have his pirating tricks that Izzy taught him, and while Ed has his own style and certainly lots of pirating experience, he’s already taught Stede a lot, and, quite frankly, he’s a terrible teacher. Like. We saw how the sword fighting lessons went. Izzy is going to be more effective, and I think he and Stede are going to have a lot of fun once Izzy realizes that Stede actually respects his advice and genuinely wants to improve. Like that’s going to be really good for them. But then Izzy leaves, and Stede’s left with not very many people to go to with advice or ideas. People that will critique him (mostly) fairly. Once again, Ed loves Stede, but he mostly just wants Stede to be happy, and he’s good just being on the sidelines watching his husband slay the pirate life. So Stede misses Izzy too.
So does the crew. Ed tends to view himself as quite separate from the crew, and while that’s subject to change, I don’t think he actually knows how to be a good captain? Like. Izzy has been doing his job for him for forever. Meanwhile, Stede cares about the crew’s well-being, but he really isn’t that close with any of them. He very much sees himself as their leader, and lets them do whatever the fuck they want as long as the ship isn’t sinking and they all get to do some good old fashioned raiding.
Izzy, on the other hand, spent a long time in the space between captain and crew. While he sees himself as part of the crew, he has a huge responsibility that inherently comes with being first mate and is further burdened by the weight of dealing with post-breakup Ed. He earns the respect of the crew when they see how much he takes on for them. “He’s our dick.” While Ed’s prestige intimidates crews into following him, and Stede initially bought a crew, Izzy earned the respect of his crew, and he proved to them that he cared about their lives and their well-being. So yeah, going back to the Ed/Stede co-captaining chaos means that the crew is going to miss Izzy.
Note here that I think the Adventure would already have a crew. I don’t know under what circumstance they’d need a new captain, but let’s imagine that that’s what’s happening here. I want Izzy to be fully out on his own, without any of the crew he’d had before. Our season one crew stays with the husbands. In my mind, Izzy meets a guy from the Adventure, they become besties, and then that guy invites Izzy to come be their captain bc the old one like died or whatever. New guy is Izzy’s first mate, and helps him work through some of the Issues.
And Izzy LOVES being captain. He likes the responsibility, he likes looking out for his crew, and he enjoys looting and fucking over other pirates and colonizers and it’s just a whole vibe for him. He’ll earn the respect of this crew as well. He prioritizes their lives over his own, and they genuinely enjoy working for him.
Here’s the thing, though. Being captain is lonely. He has his own quarters, which are pretty fucking sparse. He has a new crew, and while making his own name is good for his ego, no one on his new ship knows him the way his old crewmates did. And let’s be honest, while his crew enjoys working for him, he runs a tight ship. He’s abrasive. He’s brutally honest. He can be cruel. He’s fucking insane with a sword. Let’s not forget that this is a man who, unlike Ed and Stede (for now) very willingly murders. Izzy can be SCARY when he’s not running himself ragged trying to please and take care of and save the man he loved without getting the rest of his crew killed.
So. He’s not really bonding with the crew. They aren’t friends. They’re just a team of pirates who trust their very scary leader. He’s close with his first mate, at least, since that’s the buddy who brought him onto the Adventure. For the most part, the isolation isn’t bad. He’s allowed to reflect and grow and become more confident in himself. He realizes he’s his own person and not just Blackbeard’s guard dog.
Still, he finds that there are things he misses about the Revenge, so when Ed and Stede find themselves in a tight spot (with the British? I do think it would be so fucking funny if we had ANOTHER Badminton), Izzy doesn’t hesitate to come to their rescue. He saves the day, gets to talk a bit with the husbands, and they decide that while being separate was good, maybe traveling together is something they can do again. The Adventure joins the Revenge, and we end season three.
THEN in season four we get to see the three of them together again. Their time apart has helped ease tensions, but there’s still work to be done before we enter poly territory. So Ed and Stede are fully in a relationship, with Izzy on the outskirts. Izzy’s gotten over his blind devotion to Ed and has grown closer to Stede, and it’s comfortable, but sometimes still a bit weird.
Izzy’s (and by extension, Ed’s) past is coming back to haunt him in this season. People he thought he’d left behind show up, enemies he’s made are coming back for revenge, and he can’t deal with it all on his own. Ed and Stede have to help him through it, and they have his back the way he had theirs at the end of season three. Ed begins to realize that he didn’t know Izzy as well as he thought he had back when they were shipmates, and so they get to talk and properly discuss what went wrong between them (namely Ed’s dismissive attitude towards Izzy and Izzy’s inability to accept Ed as anything other than the Dread Pirate Blackbeard).
Stede and Izzy get to be Violent together while Ed stays behind and organizes the auxiliary wardrobe, and now that Stede has improved on his swordsmanship even more, they get to have a lot of fun. Bonding via murder, my beloved. They learn how to work as a team, which would just be SUCH a dynamic like gentlemen pirate plus rabid chihuahua? Nothing better.
Eventually, I think the Adventure would make its departure. Izzy’s first mate would become captain, and they’d part amicably. Izzy stays with the Revenge. With Ed and Stede. The three of them take meals together. Izzy is a co-captain in all but name, preferring to remain first mate as long as he gets a say in what they do and where they go. He loves working more with the crew again, and they’re more responsive to him than they’ve ever been.
And slowly but surely, they all realize their complicated feelings for one another. Secretly and without telling each other, obviously. Ed and Stede are both confused with themselves because they’re HAPPY they have and love each other, but they also both value their time with Izzy so, so much, and of course they can’t say anything to the other because then Ed will think Stede doesn’t want him anymore, or vice versa, and that’s not what’s happening.
Izzy is just so fucking confused bc he can tell that how he felt about Blackbeard hasn’t gone away, exactly, but something’s different. And when he and Stede are fighting together or preparing the next ambush or discussing plans for their next stop, it’s so fun. Fighting with Stede is like breathing in a way that fighting with Ed never was. So. What the fuck? But it doesn’t matter how he feels anyway because Ed and Stede are together and why would either of them ever want to replace the other with Israel (Basilica) Hands?
So while they’re each having an existential fucking crisis, the entire crew knows what’s going on, or they at least have realized that there’s something weird happening with Izzy and the captains, but it’s not bad the way it had been before. So there’s betting pools going on who’s fucking who and whether or not Ed and Stede will leave the other for Izzy or if they’ll all just end up being together.
And just as things are reaching a breaking point between the three of them (Izzy retreats from them both, snapping at them and refusing to open up the way he had been previously and yelling at the crew more than usual, Ed stops talking to anyone at all, preferring instead to do target practice with Jim, and Stede is throwing himself into one raid or project after another, staying up through the night until he can’t stay awake any longer), our main conflict comes into play. We’ve been dealing with someone from Izzy’s past all season, and things finally come to a head. Tables are turned, and now Ed and Stede have to work together to save Izzy from whatever the fuck is happening. During this time, they realize that Izzy is equally important to the both of them and vital for the co-captain dynamic and they’re like. Fuck. Now we REALLY have to save Izzy.
And god, Izzy’s been saving their asses this entire time, hasn’t he? He’s always been there, and now they need to be there for him.
So uhhhh they rescue him and everyone kisses yippee that’s the ens of season four. Season five gets to be the True Poly Season, where they get to fuck around and be the baddest bitches of all time and it’s beautiful.
And that’s my rough outline for. What the show could be? A fic I want to write but probably won’t? Uhhhh yeah 👍
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leoremin · 5 months
I just finished watching the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...and I have...thoughts (along with some bad grammar)
This is an overall negative post, so if you don't like that keep scrolling. If you like this movie, go ahead and scroll on past if you don't want to read this. If you want to debate me, then hell, go ahead, I might be wrong in some areas and I'm fully willing to admit that. I'd love to see anyone's take on this movie.
To say real quick, I haven't finished reading Dracula (over 1/2 through tho), Sherlock Holmes, 4 billion leagues under the sea, and a few others.
(last note: I am not against retellings or that stuff, I'm just rating it on MY OPINION of these little guys and all that stuff. This is depending on how much I like them from just a writers sense.)
Tbh I really love the idea of crossovers, I love so much seeing the babies all together (I am working on a crossover myself so...) but I feel like this one was just...mediocre
First up Jekyll!
Number one, assuming this takes place after the novella, that is not how HJ7 works. Jekyll turning back into Hyde is not right then. At that point, Henry would be living on a timer rather than Hyde.
Also Jekyll is a doctor, he acts like the fucking wimpy Swiss man from Frankenstein. Jekyll is meant to be a (mentally) strong man who experimented on himself and kept good notes during the whole thing. He is a doctor; he is used to seeing some shit.
Also...why would you make Hyde look like that? One of the few clear physical descriptions in the book is that Hyde is much shorter than Jekyll, but he's...hulkish. I don't like that because it takes the monstrosity away, pinning it all on looks and not on action.
Also why Paris? Why did Hyde run to Paris? There wasn't really a reason for him to do that in a writing sense.
Upside: At least he continues to run on rooftops. All Hydes run on rooftops; it is not optional.
Next on the Chopping block is Dorian.
For a moment there, I really thought they ruined Dorian, but hell yeah! They kinda did it!
I wish they'd had another actor to play him, since the dark hair makes him look a little malicious, which is quite the opposite of what he's supposed to look like. He's supposed to be a child-like and innocent; deceiving.
Also...what the fuck was his ending?? Like he doesn't perish if he looks at the portrait. It literally says earlier that "the last time [he] looked at the picture" which literally contradicts what happens later. He can look at the picture, but chooses not to.
I am glad they decided to not have him redeem himself. That fits a little closer to the book.
For Mina!
Quick thing: I have not yet finished reading Dracula, so I have no clue what's happening there or why she's the vampire (please don't spoil it) so I won't say anything on that (cough cough...should've been Carmilla)
I don't like making women the sole love interest. It feels weird. Literally three people liked her (well only 2, Dorian was pretending) out of five. Make it interesting, make it something someone would ship...there is literally no chemistry between any of them (except Dorian, and we don't even get a proper "oh yeah I hooked up with him" moment. It's only implied. When did that happen???). Also, Mina isn't that kind of person. She's (in book) not looking for romance in that sense, she had a husband, and I'm pretty sure she'd probably stay faithful to him even after death.
Speaking of Chemistry, why tf is she a chemist? Jekyll should've been the chemist. Mina is literally known for being able to write in shorthand, and they could've used that to her advantage. Again, please excuse this if somehow Mina does become a scientist after Dracula, but considering people's views on women in that time period, it's unlikely.
I think that's his name...idk. I have not read the Invisible Man, but why would they kill off Griffin? Like Jekyll dies, but he doesn't have a replacement. I can't say much since I haven't read the book.
I think that's all.
Thank you coming to my Little Leo lecture, and I hope anyone reading agrees, or can hopefully handle this as a mature adult. If you have other thoughts on this movie (whether they agree with mine or not) go ahead and share them, I'd be thrilled.
I may update this as I have things to say, but idk.
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smoothie03 · 1 year
Do the "understand my ship in 5 mins" template with TeuTemp
I'm glad you asked since I've had that one in my drafts for years
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Big/Little Spoon:
Idk both give me little spoon vibes if they're together. So they switch with being the big/little spoon.
Lends/Borrows Clothes:
As teens they are around the same height, so they'd be able to borrow or lend clothes equally. Once they're older (IF KT would be alive) Gabriel would tend to borrow clothes since he's shorter.
P.S. I made him shorter as an adult since he was in a dark and unfriendly place during the time he would have had a proper growth spurt.
(Also a correction: canon adult!Gilbert is 178cm, back when I wrote this chart the updates from Hetalia-Collezione didn't exist yet)
Pet Names:
There's no way Gilbert wouldn't call Gabriel a pet name. In fact he'd more likely call him a pet name instead of his actual name.
Suggestions made by my friend (a Prussia kinnie who I created my version of TeuTemp with; so yeah if I need info about Gilbert I just ask them):
-Goldie (bc of his golden-blonde hair and him being a golden child)
-Ghosty (after his death, Gabriel HATES that name and definitely hit him softly on the head for that one)
(If anyone has more suggestions for pet names, I wanna hear them!)
Actually I headcanon it like this:
Gabriel - extraverted introvert
Gilbert - introverted extrovert
Affection through words/actions:
Gabriel is 100% a man of words and songs (yet has difficulties to explain his feelings due to his upringing) and Gilbert isn't. Gilbert is a man of actions. He would brag about YOU surely missing HIM while actually he wants to say that HE misses YOU but god forbid if he said that this directly, ts ts... So yeah, Gilbert is more of an actions guy.
Honestly, it depends on whether they already understand their feelings or not. I think it is complicated for them, since they are experiencing their first ever love in an environment that is horrible for gaining such experiences in a time where they would be judged heavily. Gilbert might say that he likes Gabriel at first but without knowing the full context of his "liking" while Gabriel would only tell him once he's sure he loves him but even if he properly confessed first (which is more likely) he'd be a bit more mysterious about it. Aka "Music transcends language and speaks to the heart. If you would like to, we can sing together."
You can't tell me that wasn't KT being hesitant about slowly telling him how he feels. The subtext with his face in that panel tells everything.
Yeah, I think the chart says enough.
Gabriel, my dude, doesn't even understand what a car is. And even if he knew, he wouldn't want to learn how to drive. He is a passenger princess.
But tbh I think Gilbert prefers being driven around too so if they need to go anywhere, Ludwig drives them. (Also, he might know how to drive but it's honestly a risk even as a "former" personification, since it's apparently common for albinos like him to have struggles with their sight.)
Gabriel grew up with quite a healthy diet, so he would maintain that and cook a lot BUT Gilbert has to introduce him to MORE spices. (I read sth about the Templars' diet but I am not sure how believable my source is)
It is self explanatory that Gabriel wouldn't like public displays of affection since it is sth that unalived him once. If Gilbert would ever drag him to a pride parade in modern times, my poor child would still suffer from so much anxiety at the first time because he still feels watched and scared around others.
I would say both are very protective towards one another (in a stilll acceptable, healthy way. It isn't a possessive/controlling protectiveness but more like a protectiveness filled by worries due to their dangerous past but they're working on it)
But after Gabriel "d!ed" and if he ever met Gilbert again in modern times you cannot tell me that Gilbert wouldn't be the clingiest and most protective fuck ever and never wants to leave his side again in fear, someone takes his Gabriel away once again.
Meanwhile Gabriel will share a glare of death if he hears that someone tried to hurt/bully Gilbert. His OG reason for living was to protect pilgrims so I'm pretty sure he has a huge protection instinct for his loved ones.
Relationship experience:
They are each other's first love. They have none. But Gabriel is more socially skilled than Gilbert, so he isn't as inexperienced as Gilbert. (Also, he is Francis' cousin. I bet he taught him basic relationship 101.)
Cuddle Level:
They are both cuddly dorks <3 But Gilbert is clingier.
Awkwardness Level:
Both are fucking awkward when it comes to love but Gilbert is less awkward because he either doesn't UNDERSTAND what was going on in one situation or he simply ACTS like he isn't awkward at all (he is. He would even pray and cry around in shame when he touched Hungary before he knew she was a girl)
Meanwhile Gabriel is an overthinker and shows his awkwardness even more visibly than Gilbert. Also he is more aware of the atmosphere around him compared to Gilbert who is a stupid fuck sometimes. (Sorry, sometimes I still have to bully him)
Jealousy Level:
Okay, when I tried making up Gabriel's personality, I tought of flaws and I wanted to make jealousy his main flaw - ironically for him being considered a golden child that has everything but at the same time nothing- but somehow, in the making of the whole TeuTemp dynamic with my friend, Gilbert ended up being the more jealous one, especially in post-KT-"death" AUs.
Probably, because he is also the clingier one.
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martianbugsbunny · 9 months
for the ask game! frankenwolf or CS I can't decide lol): what made you ship it, what are your favorite things about it, and do you have an unpopular opinion about it?
ooooo why not both lol!!!
CaptainSwan I started shipping bc of the way Hook turned himself around for Emma, I loved seeing that. My favorite things about it are the way they support each other and grow with each other, and ofc the savior/pirate aesthetic, it's impeccable 10/10. (Tbh, their dynamic kind of reminds me of Tiana and Naveen, because they both teach each other things about living: Hook teaches Emma that sometimes you just have to take the plunge, even if you're afraid, and Emma teaches Hook that you can be better than you are, and that your mistakes don't have to exclude you from having a good life. They have a great sense of equality and balance.) Idk if I have an unpopular opinion about it, except maybe that Hook's introduction into Emma's storyline made it all the more interesting and beautiful, and that they really are mean to be together, bc I feel like there's a pretty big part of the fandom that doesn't like Hook very much and I think they're wrong.
Frankenwolf I started shipping bc of S2E12 (In the Name of the Brother) bc that was the first time Ruby and Victor had a real connection, and the whole monsters having a heart-to-heart thing was so cute! My favorite thing about them is that even though they're side characters without a lot of screen time, what scenes they do have usually point back to them being meant to be. Also the mad scientist/werewolf girl thing is so out of the box!!! I love it. My unpopular opinion about them is probably that it would have been more interesting to have Ruby stay in Storybrooke and have her and Victor develop a proper relationship than for her to go off and find Dorothy, bc as much as I enjoy Ruby Slippers it didn't have any buildup at all while Frankenwolf did, and I was kind of disappointed at not seeing any payoff there.
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leqclerc · 8 months
yes to everything you said. i don’t have a problem with lewis, but like? dude has seven titles ffs. his fans are already mocking charles, and their journey hasn’t even started yet. i’m not babying charles, he can make his own decisions, but i don’t really think he had anywhere else to go, even if they did not give him a nice contract. ferrari would never pass up the opportunity to give lewis his eighth title and make history once again. this is good for the team, sure. but is it fair to charles? i don’t think it is. a lot of things aren’t fair in this sport, but we still have every right to be upset about it even if it won’t change. it’s hard no to see this multi year contract as a waste of charles’ golden years. if i was in his shoes, idk if i would be able to trust anyone about it. it can go really well, but it can also go to shit. lewis will leave with his titles, and charles? he might leave with nothing. and don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying he can’t do it, but how are you supposed to win without team effort put on you? he can only do so much on his own. my distaste comes from the knowledge that we almost had it, he almost had it to finally fight for what he wants and deserves only for it to be minimized less than a week later. it just doesn’t sit right with me. he has always been loyal to ferrari, but i find it hard to believe they will ever be loyal to him. it’s sad, really.
Apparently he knew about Ferrari's plans to get Lewis in before he put pen to paper, but tbh I would love to know more about how this all actually came about from the parties involved because it stills seems wild and pretty sudden? But maybe it was brewing behind the scenes longer than we know.
Agree 100%
I remember in one of his interviews in 2020, looking back at his time at Ferrari, Seb said something about how most of the people he worked with (mechanics, engineers, etc.) at the start of his career with Ferrari were gone by the time he himself was leaving years later, and how muddy the internal politics were, how difficult it was to have a clear goal and pursue it with a single-minded focus when everyone had their own agendas and ideas behind the scenes, everyone wanted to pull the strings and steer the ship in a different direction. And looking at Charles's time at Ferrari, he's has even less stability (two different TPs, now a third teammate confirmed, lots of mechanics/engineers swapping around.) It seems like during his time Ferrari's been building, rebuilding, constantly in a state of flux and transition with no real prolonged period of stability. Compare that to Mercedes's modus operandi in the consecutive titles era or Red Bull's very much Max-centric project.
And like you said, every time it seems like they're moving towards that, something changes. When Ferrari brought in Carlos no one expected Binotto to flip the script and start backing him and visibly shifting the focus away from Charles. It arguably cost them a championship, or at least a proper shot at it. Now, okay, they want to change things up. For months we've been getting assurances that with Fred at the helm things will be different now, Charles is going to be at the center of the project, his feedback will be taken into account, we're in our serious team era. And now this? It feels so... idk, experimental?
As you said, no matter how this turns out, Lewis will walk away with his titles, stats and GOAT status. Ferrari is an iconic, historic brand—they're not going anywhere either. If anything this is a win for them, having the bragging rights of signing one of the biggest names in modern Formula 1. So the one with the most to lose here is Charles. It's just depressing to think of him ending up as a footnote in Ferrari's extensive driver catalogue, especially if this all ends with no championships for him.
This will undoubtedly be the biggest challenge and biggest intra-team opponent he's faced, and sure, maybe he's looking forward to it, pushing himself to go up against the best of the best. But how many times does he have to do this dance? 😭 How many times does a driver have to prove himself in a team where he's the senior driver? Also all of this is working off the very generous assumption that Ferrari will produce a monster of a car and run a tight ship to back it up. Having these internal battles is a luxury you can only really afford if you're comfortably ahead of everyone else, otherwise you're just gifting points to your rivals. Ferrari might get 2026 right—but what about Red Bull? I doubt they'll just disappear into the midfield. And if not Red Bull, then someone else might get it right. There's just so many variables. Like I can't believe Ferrari introduced another element (a pretty significant one) into the mix when it already felt they were juggling too many things at once.
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akaakeis · 20 days
oh nooooo i tripped and fell for u into ur ask box
eating ny ice cream rn ;; strawberry is such a weird flavour like if i had to choose and get one i would not get strawberry but if irs rhere at home im finishinf ALL of it
ALSO, DRAWING ON PEOPLE'S HANDS 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
anyways about the iwa smau!!! genuinely have no motivation rn #tweaks BUT i would like to say that the yn is shamelessly based off me like i have consumed acrylic paint on multiple occasions (today) (with ice cream)
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lost a mark in my chem test today im tweaking
also like lowkey icl i was hanging around ur blog again rn and thats why i decided to send an ask !! ur blog is so pretty rrrrr
also about OUR iwa fic i was js thinking like,, fake dating this dumbass b word ushiwaka and hes like ?? why me ??? "ur names rhyme kind of" ?? wth ??
lowkey think im immune to anything thats in acrylic paint now bc i have Eaten So Much Of It
anyways the book is lowkey good i havent finished it YET but irs called the girl on the train and like woahhhhhh smth like that at our super conservative school is iNsane
i hope u feel better soon!!! if u dont ill fly over and idk. magic
i have a maths test tmr rjejsjskssk the topic is fun but I Don't Know what if i Fail
OSHIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOCK IN AND DO HW OOPS ERM HRU TELL ME AB UR DAY ETC ETC and also any sav x yaku tidbits youd like to drop <- forgot the ship name AND AND AND THE ANONS THINF IS SO REAK KMFG
ok byebye ily xx
ah thats a shame 😞😞 hope your knee or whatever u banged on the way in heals up well lina 😞
yum yum yum ice cream!! i hope ur enjoying it!! also thats so real i feel like strawberry ice cream is just an odd flavor... but true that i always eat the strawberry ice cream in the freezer just to spite my other roommate (with love!!!) LMAO
also real 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i adore when people draw on me or let me draw on them it js makes me so happy <3
HELP i didnt ever realize how much time you spent on my blog like genuinely 😭 BUT THANK YOU SM!! im super proud of this theme even tho its not the most intricate <3
WOOOW THE LIBRARIAN RECOGNIZED YOU AND TRUSTED YOU W AN UNFILED BOOK??? i aspire to be you but i never step foot into my school library i much prefer my public library... there's sm more books that i read there!!! BUT THATS GENUINELY SO COOL WTF
bro that fic will genuinely be so funny 😭 like the quote we were yapping ab earlier "ushijima?? the hell?? you don't even go to the same school as him?? 😨" iwa would be more confused than anything at first AND I THINK THATS HILARIOUS!! and pls ushijima just AGREEING hes a closeted himbo i swear i swear i swear
alina im genuinely concerned over the fact that you CONSUME acrylic paint? but whatever? i guess? please dont eat too much that's definitely not meant to be consumed 🧍‍♀️
im gonna add that book to my tbr list!! i read the synopsis and it sounds pretty good tbh
THANK YOU!! my roomie is taking care of me so i'll probably be fine within the next few days 🙂‍↕️
AND GOOD LUCK!! im sure you'll do amazing dont even play w me rn alina YOU WILL DO SO SO SO WELL YOU LITTLE MATH NERD (affectionate)
bye bye!! ily ily <3
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Uuuh character thingy except I tried to put it into different categories
• I know u know this character
> Edward Nygma
> Carlos(from wtnv) idk his name
> Jonathan Crane
> Dirk Gently
• Blorbos from my show that I hope u don't know nothing about so u come with funny headcannons
> House (House MD)
> Jonathan Sims (TMA)
• Idfk what I'm writing anymore
> Cebolinha (yes from turma da mônica)
Okay let's go.
> Edward Nygma: He collects strategy boardgames. While it was Doctor Leland and later Oswald that tried to make an Arkham boardgame night he is both the one sugesting the games and (in Oswald's case cause there was not much he could do in Arkham) provinding it. He is also an insuferable player.
> Carlos: He learned embroidery from his granny and was really good at it. He mostly uses this talent to make beutifull paterns in his lab coats sleeves as a way to different his morning lab coat from his night lab coat from his fancy lab coat from his date labcoat from his sleep labcoat from his seductive labcoat (that has changed from seductive labcoat to the labcoat that seduces Cecil in specific) from his serius science labcoat to his just assisting the other guys in the lab today labcoat to his Esteban's PTA meetings labcoat from his secret labcoat and so goes on (he cannonically has a bunch of labcoats for different occasions and I love it for him). He does cute patches for Cecil and Esteban (he also did one for Aubregine, he never did for Khoshekh because like a proper cat he hated cute clothes) more rarely for his friends and since they adopted Steban he is learning to knit to make him a cute baby onesie of the uncomprehensive horrors.
> Jonathan Crane: When Jonathan worked on Gotham University he was a firm supporter of inclusion programs. He would never shame a student that was dedicated but simply didn't had the same tools as the others (be because they came from a school from a poor area with low govermental investiment or because they were neurodivergent or had to work all day and had no time to study or was facing personal problems stopping them from succed like an abusive househood or relationship or bullying or simply systemic discrimination) and would do all he could to help them. On the other hand priviledged students specially bullys always suffered in his classes and a lot of them became his text subjects.
> Dirk Gently: [blorbo it's been sooo long!!!] He is ace. I won't explain he just is. He also is nb and uses all pronouns. Todd knows neither of this things and tbh closested Todd likely doesn't even know what an nb person is until he Dirk and Farrah (and Amanda and Rowdy 3 and Bart and Mona) went to a protest against the rise of transphobic laws in the UK.
Now since the hc ended up being more about Todd I'll also say that Dirk loves sweets and eats the head of people/animal shaped things first so they die and won't be in pain. He also unfortunally eats the cookie first and preffers it from the white part when eating orios. Farrah rarely buys oreos because of that and when they have oreos she and Tood refuse to look at Dirk eating it. Also yeah I'm a firm defender of they lvie together at Todds house after they created their agency. I'm firmly divided between Dirk/Tood and Farrah/Tina or Dirk/Todd/Farrah as my ships for the show (besides Amanda/Rowdy3, best polycule).
• Blorbos
> House: He secretly loves gummy bears but he will never let people know because they might think he is soft and he is not. The only times HD eats gummys in front of the other doctors he slowly eats the members before the head so they will assume he has no feelings and let him be. And yes last time I saw this show was almost ten years ago this was a very blind hc.
> Jonathan Sims: Okay, this is a real blind hc because I want to listen to Magnus Archives (though I'm afraid I'll cry a lot) and won't risk spoilers. So this is a very simple one: he loves Animal Crossing and has the best island (but Nico every island is beutifull and what matters is the love the player has, nope, the best one is Jomathan, it has the horrors). Also my first instinct was to say he made all the other characthers in the Sims but that was a low pun.
• O Rei da "Lua"
> Cebolinha: He scams gringos to practice his infalible plan making talent. This six year old boy might never have succeeded in stealing a bunny plushie from the six year old girl with super strengh but he comited identity fraud and stoled a bunch of money. He is six so he has no idea how to convert or use the money but he has it. (Eu deixe em inglês pq eu acho mais engraçado do ponto de vista de alguém que não conhece o cebolinha).
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blue-captain-frankie · 11 months
actually im just gonna answer all the questions in one post anyways lmao
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
(i genuinely could not tell you, i think i just randomly came up with and stuck to it)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
(as of blog canon she is currently technically in her early 30s but being undead because of a parasite complicates age things lmao)
(i have an internal idea of "shes been here for 4 years" but if she crashed at 31 that'd make her 35, so idk)
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
(Clova/@green-captain-clova is currently her only "canon" love interest, so he's the default if someone asks if Frankie has romantic feelings for someone, but unless he's specifically mentioned/brought up i'm pretty open to figuring out new ones? she was already non-canonically shipped with Olimar before i made her blog, so this is not new lmao)
(tbh i'm not particularly attached to any of her ships so far, i just like giving her interesting dynamics with people. the slight ego boost from someone else's character having feelings for her is nice too lmao)
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
(i honestly could not give a straight answer for this one! Frankie likes eating anything i think, though as per her Koppai blood she has a slight bias towards fruit)
💼 - What do they do for a living?
(before Frankie died, she was part of a recon squad called the Four Corner Recon Squad. basically her job was to go either by herself or with a partner to planets that have been discovered but not explored, hang around there for about a week, and then report back so it can be decided if proper explorers should be sent.)
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
(i feel like she might like casual dancing if she tried it, but that's probably because i like to imagine characters dancing XD might also be leftover Olimar vibes)
(otherwise, i'm not sure!)
🎯 -What do they do best?
(in a way, i think one of the things she does best is try to hold herself together under stress. there're things that will inevitably break her, but she has a surprising amount of resilience for someone who's easy to unnerve.)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
(Frankie loves to swim and relax in water! it's genuinely her favorite thing in general, but especially now that she has gills and has all this clean water. she likes ferrying a small amount of non-blue Pikmin across water too, as a lot of them haven't been anywhere near water before.)
(she hates having to sacrifice Pikmin for... obvious reasons. she also hates having to run away from a fight she started because she thought she could take it.)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
(a day she spent with her grandpa on Koppai when he took a week off work for once! she was 9 years old, and they met up with her granduncle, Drake. It was her first time boarding a ship, seeing Koppai, and eating fresh fruit all in one day.)
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
(the day she got the news that her grandpa, Omi, had officially been declared MIA. she was 14 and took it extremely hard, especially when her mother told her rather bluntly. Frankie shut herself in her room for weeks...)
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
(sort of? she was created with a specific suit design (both pre and during PNF-404), but for pikposting canon she's now wearing a Rescue Corps suit. so technically she has a "new design" but not a full ass redesign)
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
(i actually have an extremely specific answer to this one!)
(Frankie was originally inspired by this animation meme of the Pikmin 1 bad end set to Bloom by j^p^n. i don’t remember how but she just kinda came into my brain as i listened to the song on loop a lot. the animation of Olimar falling with a broken helmet helped inspire the way she died.)
(she was also born from my want to explore the original pikmin hybrid Olimar, and then Pikmin 4 came out and punched me in the face lmao)
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
(fantasy, psychological horror, adventure, i think!)
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
(she's a stealth trans woman and straight!)
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
(none! closest she has is her 14 cousins who she doesn't know about lmao)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/ their parents like?
(she didn't know her dad before he died. with her mother, they didn't have much of a relationship, but Frankie tries to remain optimistic(?) that her mother was the way she was (neglectful and aloof) for a good reason.)
(overall has the opinion of "she's not bad, she was just trying her best". ...That doesn't stop her from moving out later, though.)
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
(her story, i think. just the way she's had all these ups and downs and that she's a captain and tries to stay strong but she still has things that'll break completely break her down)
(i also like that shes very easy to use for vents because she deals with self dehumanization and the feeling of being disconnected)
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
(not as often as i'd like! mostly because i'm kinda burnt out on long formal rps and the amount of informal rping i do makes me not feel like drawing her. i do have ideas, just. not the energy.)
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
(i technically already have/am, but she's been revived twice and will get revived again, so that doesn't exactly count. otherwise i dont think so! it'd be really difficult for her to die anyways though, there's two Wraiths and several Pikmin who definitely wouldn't let her.)
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
(Doctors. even before she becomes very "scientifically interesting" she has a phobia of doctors. i have no reason for this, she just does lmao. maybe it's a holdover from gone home au, idk.)
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
(in a way you could say Tion/@tion-posting is, though i'd describe her as more of a foil than being an outright rival, though she's also a bit antagonistic towards Frankie at times.)
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
(according to her Toyhou.se profile, Frankie has existed for two months! she was created on August 9th)
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
(19! i'm currently 20.)
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
I’m back to explode you. 3, 4, 5, 7, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. Ceajose. Ask game. 💥💥💥
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who's banned from the kitchen?
Caesar cooks because GOD Joseph is clueless. He wants to teach him but gets stressed thinking about it because with practising surely stuff will go wrong, and that means food will be wasted. Sure, Caesar isn't on the streets, nor is he poor anymore, but those habits have still carried over into his more comfortable life. However, Joseph is pretty damn good at cleaning things so he does that instead.
4. What's their favourite sleeping/cuddling positions?
Ok so usually they cuddle/sleep in what I like to call the "pancake stack" position, which is pretty much just having a person lay on top of you for a hug, like two pancakes on one another. Does it have a proper name? Probably but idk it
As a person who is friends with like uhh...6+ people (I think? Hard to keep track) who have ADHD, I can very much confirm that they usually like pressure on them, it's relaxing to them. Because Joseph definitely has ADHD, he'd be on the bottom and Caesar would be on top. Caesar usually rests his head on Joseph's chest and listens to his heartbeat when they go to sleep, it's comforting to him.
In other situations, such as laying on a sofa watching TV, they like to spoon. Both of them want to be the big spoon however,
Joseph manages to convince Caesar to be big spoon most of the time, because it makes more sense for the bigger person to be the big spoon
5. Who does what chores?
Tbh I've read this and my mind has completely blanked on what a chore is. Ummmm
OK SO Joseph would definitely do the more "fun" chores such as gardening, and Caesar would do the more mundane chores that would definitely bore Joseph into the point of being unable to do them (woah look at that! ADHD again! Get this man some fucking adderall!). Caesar wishes they could change it up sometimes but this way is the most reliable way of splitting the workload
Answered 7 in the ask Kirsten sent me so I'll skip
20. What clothes/accessories do they steal from each other?
Due to the size difference, I don't think Joseph would steal clothes. He would steal Caesar's jewellery just to piss him off though.
Caesar would definitely wear Joseph's pajamas or something, Joseph's clothes are very soft and comfy but they do not look good enough to be seen in in public to him. In retaliation to the jewellery thing, Caesar would steal one part of a sock pair from Joseph. Do you know how horrible unmatched socks are
Answered 22 in the ask Kirsten sent me so I skip. I did write a fic where I explored my ideas on this though, if you wanna check that out? (Definitely not advertising my fics to you. Definitely not.)
23. Do they like pickup lines?
Caesar uses pickup lines all the time because he has no idea how to try woo someone without them. Joseph thinks they're shallow and that you could do so much more to try woo a person. They both use them. Joseph's a hypocrite
Answered 28 in the ask Kirsten sent me (WOW, you two have a lot of the same questions my god)
29. What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
Tbh they'd only really never see eye-to-eye on trivial stuff like Pineapple On Pizza. And because it's trivial, you know those two are gonna get super competitive over it. They do not meet in the middle. They fight to the death instead
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
Sometimes I think about the fact that Joseph was arrested 3 times before getting past his teen years. And that with him being so ADHD-coded and it being the 1920-30's he probably got so misunderstood and ostracised by adults and his peers. And I think about how easily aggressive he gets to people for the littlest transgressions against him, like it's some sort of safety net, a "fuck off, I can fight back, don't even THINK of picking on me", like he expects it to get worse. I think about the fact he has no friends, apart from Smokey (when he was 19, mind you), who was also being wrongly ostracised and discriminated against by others, but with no power to fight back. I think about the fact that Joseph is so bad at communicating that he pisses everyone off all the time. I think about the fact that there seems to be disconnect between Joseph and Speedwagon and Erina, like he isn't as close to them as the story makes it out to be.
I think about Caesar, and the fact he had to take care of his siblings from such a young age he probably didn't get much education. I think about the fact that he eventually left them behind for whatever reason (their deaths, possibly), joining a gang where he could only rely on himself, nobody ever truly being trustable. I think about the fact that he had to become aggressive and violent to have a chance at surviving the world he was in, much like Joseph. I think about the fact that Caesar truly had nobody until he found Lisa Lisa. I think about the fact that his lack of education meant he had less interaction with peers of the same age, missing out on crucial social skills development.
Caesar is hurt by the world he lives in. Nobody except for a very select few, quite literally only two in Lisa Lisa and Suzi (until Battle Tendency at least), are trustable. Even then, he keeps a distance. Joseph is hurt by the world he lives in. Nobody except for a select few, quite literally only two in Erina and Speedwagon (until Battle Tendency at least), are trustable. Even then, he keeps a distance.
I think about the fact that despite this all, the two, so wary of others and scarred and hurt, manage to get along despite their tendency to fight, and forge a strong bond. They well and truly trust each other, they know the other has their back. I wonder if they see themselves in the other, that even though they don't know each other's past, they're both coming from a place only the other can well and truly understand.
They make me so sick. Nobody gets these two like I do.
I think they should also divorce
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shrinkthisviolet · 9 months
hellooooo, A, C and T for the ask game please :)
A: Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Oooh ok ok well, to start off with romantic:
Westallen, Snowest, Barrisco, Westhallen, Barriscowest, Snowstorm, Percabeth, Kataang, Maiko, Bumizumi, Shirbert, Samguel, Torisha, Narumitsu/Wrightworth, Franmaya, Klapollo, Junithena, Tedbecca, Roykeeley, Finnrey, Finnpoe, Reyrose, Jedistormpilot, ElizaDarcy (idk their ship name 😅), Kathony, Lukemara, Hanleia, PeterMJ/Spideychelle, Parksbornson
Keep in mind that these aren't all the ships I like, just the ones I love! Ex: Snowestallen is a cute ship, but it's a "like" ship, not a "love" ship. And these can always change tbh (they have, over the years), though usually this is what they are
Now for platonic (and I'm including brotps of my own making because I make the rules). Somewhat ranked but also not really:
Barry & Morgan (ofc), Jesse & Morgan, Lucy & Luke, Tina & Morgan, Lucy & Astra, Team Flash (Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, + Harry when he’s around), Barry & Cisco, Original Quartet (Luke, Leia, Han, Lucy), the Gaang (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki), Iroh & Zuko, Izumi & Zuko, Izumi & Mai & Zuko, Bumi & Aang & Katara, Caitlin & Morgan, Morgan & Cisco, Rey & Luke, Sam & Tory & Aisha, Sam & Robby, Daniel & Johnny (when they’re not being idiots), Amanda & Carmen, Anne & Diana, Anne & Josephine Barry, Peter & Ned & MJ, Phoenix & Maya, Apollo & Trucy, Athena & Apollo, Athena & Blackquill
There’s also Morgan & James, who are currently a ship but become platonic. Idk where to put that so I’m just making it its own category. And Morgan & Thawne are so interesting but in no way a brotp
This list isn’t exhaustive, but I got most of them, I think! It’s hard because I love so many more brotps than ships 😅
The rest of the letter answers are under the cut for length:
C: A ship you have never liked and probably never will
Gonna try censoring this one a little more than my previous “ships I don’t like” answer, so it hopefully doesn’t pop up in any tags…but if it does, I’ve heard putting a # in front of the search term can keep it out:
Sn0wb@rry. The origins of that ship just puts me off too much, I can’t ship it in any capacity (and tbh they both have better love interests, even if poor Caitlin doesn’t have a good love interest post-s1)
T: Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Doesn’t everyone? 😂 to name a few:
—Sam, Aisha, Demetri, and Eli were all childhood friends (the “Nerd Quartet”)
—Barry loves comics because of his mom, and that’s part of his motivation to be a superhero (comics canon! Headcanon in DCTV/Arrowverse)
—Ned’s the first one to figure Peter out, when they do their special handshake
—When they were supposed to be asleep, Iris used to sneak into Barry’s room, and they turned his bed into a mini pillow-fort 😂
—Barry’s Flashpoint adventure ~did~ change Caitlin’s past and give her powers—I’ll die on this hill, it’s the only way things make some amount of sense (and it’s no more ridiculous than the OTHER Flashpoint changes)
—Thawne was actually lying in s4 when he said he “hated every minute of [being Harrison Wells]”. Because literally wtf was THAT, writers??
—Maiko had two weddings: one for their close friends, and one for the Fire Nation. They were the first of the Gaang to get married…though they didn’t have Izumi until after Kataang got married. They wanted most of the “so, when are you having kids?” bs to die down first
—Lando introduced Luke (and Lucy) to hot chocolate, and Luke and Lucy love it 💞 (Legends canon I believe…tho ofc not Lucy since she’s not canon. In proper canon tho, this is just a headcanon)
—Barry makes the best hot chocolate ever
—Iris can bake better than she cooks…tho she gets easily distracted, hence the burnt/lumpy pancakes sometimes 😅 still, I gotta believe someone brownie-obsessed can make good brownies
—Finn is a legend among his former stormtroopers…as an enemy to some, as an inspiration to others
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, tho there might be more!
ask game!
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kquil · 11 months
Hello!! Can I have a 🧁? Thnx!
Soo I haven't done this in a while, lol..
I'm shortish at 163cm, curvy and have long auburn curls and amber eyes. You could say I'm a bit cute, but I'm very insecure about my weight, so yeah. Gods this sounds a bit like My Immortal. Moving on.
I'm an extroverted introvert? Like I prefer being alone, but can enjoy good company every once in a while, and sometimes you'd think I like the sound of my own voice a bit too much? I'm all about knowledge and loveeee socio-economic politics etc. I'm a bit stuck up like that I suppose, kinda snobbish tbh. What can I say, I like good quality stuff, like not cheap and think and awfully stitched synthetic fabrics, it doesn't have to be bloody 100% hand spun and made alpaca wool, but cmon, yk? I grew up with a very strict the-curtains-are-never-just-blue kind of mother (french and flute and ballet, and learning the savoir-vivre front-to-back, the whole she-bang, you know the drill). I'm like her more than I'd like to admit, in more ways than one.
I'm a very autonomous person, and hatehatehate depending on others even for the simplest things. I have a lot of patience usually, but improper behaviour and lack of manners will get a rise out of em pretty quickly. I'm a cat person too.
When it comes to PDA, not a fan. I'm shy when it comes to intimacy, but also think it kinda improper.
Love books, hate how most ppl teach stuff- you could call me an independent researcher at soul, but have quite a bit of biases. (Eg, with barely knowing anything about evolutionary psychology, I essentially called it a useless waste to my mentor the other day. I think my exact words were "it seems a bit far fetched to be truthful")
Yea, did I mention I use a lot of brittishisms? I'm not even a brit, English is my second language, idk what the deal is with that.
Also I'm a slytherin, if that wasn't obvious so far. When i first took a test and it said so, I retook it feeding it the proper answers to make me a raven, because, and I quote, "being ambitious is just being smart about how you wanna live your life". Yeah. Still stand by that statement, just have rejected the hp canon and jkr as a whole in the meantime (her horrid ideas too).
I drink my tea an dmy coffee strong and with no sugar nor milk. I love books, and bodies of water (esp the sea!!!), and thunderstorms and greenery. Also ostentatious rose gardens and glass and wrought iron greenhouses and glass domes on indoor gardens etc. Yes, I have my dream mansion sketched out for when I'm rich ever since I was 9ish. I'll just say I need to be filthy rich because it includes a private groove AND lake. I think the word you're searching for by now is "delusional"
I'm a stereotypical Slytherin I think. Even my all-time fave music genre is a tie between classical and jazz (though I do love rock and punk too)
This is getting too long, so I hope it's enough! Thanks in advance!!!
PS I have two names, the first of which is horrid, but means Sapphire One, and I go by my second, Alexandra. Much too ostentatious to have both of these, I know, but I quite like "Alexandra".
wow! truly a slytherin through and through haha! thank you so much for requesting darling, im sorry it took so long for me to deliver on and i don't know if this is up to your standards but i did my best!
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I ship you with sirius black 
i. in actuality, you two started off as enemies and eventually became lovers, growing up together since young from very prominent slytherin families only to be sorted in rival houses instead. it didn’t take until 6th year for the two of you to blossom a romance with each other, it was after reaching an understanding of each other’s personal difficulties growing up that the two of you grew close, slowly growing closer until you made it official. sirius became the person to balance you out and him, you. you both learned to be better people through each other. 
ii. sirius loved how independent you were but also loved getting a rise out of you by being annoying, he loved getting your attention through that, knowing that you loved him too much to really sink your teeth into him, unlike the unlucky people he’s seen get a tongue lashing from you — he is not envious of them. he likes knowing that he can get away with things around you whereas other couldn’t, it made him feel special and, although you knew what he was up to, you always indulged him anyway. one thing you loved about him was that he made you feel so confident and loved, to the point where the insecurities you had of your body and appearance just disappeared because he loved everything about you, every good point, every star quality, every flaw…he loved those about you the best. 
iii. he’s the one who slowly eases you into soft PDA, he knows you aren’t going to be the type to make out in front of people or sit in his lap blatantly when in a group setting but he wants to always be holding your hand or have his hand on your waist or play with your beautiful auburn hair. he loves whispering his admiration for you into your ear when you least expect it as well, some times he’d speak it in french just to add that additional touch of romance to it. 
iv. he understands your love for ostentatious things, the two of you are common in that regard. and, being someone who took pride in everything he did, he was sure to shower you in all the opulence you were willing to receive. at some point in your relationship, he had acquired the perfect balance of gift giving to keep things special between you two without it being too in-the-face of others. he would take you on these really grand dates, get-aways, if you will, where the two of you indulge in all your favourite things as well as his, sharing and making memories together. He wants you to always be surrounded by beauty, because that’s what you deserve and you appreciate him so much for it. 
v. he knows how to make you your tea and coffee and you know how to make his, he knows what books you like to read and the music you enjoy and you know the same for him — the two of you are equal in that you share your interests and act on them for each other. in the beginning, you felt as though your ideal life one day were just delusions but he promises and made those delusions a reality for you. he loved that you knew exactly what you wanted and he delivered on every wish as best he could because he would do anything for his princess
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🔗 || What's the most extreme thing they have ever done for you? for doctor crane
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I don't actually talk about Crane much outside of the past tense of pre-relationship Kronos/Strange because TBH Kronos/Crane just requires even more trigger warnings than Kronos/Strange, and like
Like that's saying something
I think I would have an easier time listing trigger warnings that don't apply
So for the purposes of this ask meme, that specific Rena gif is gonna be my "if yee be sensitive to themes of psychological abuse in a relationship, maybe steer clear of this one" gif. I know I have that thing in my carrd like "I'm generally bad at tagging, so if you're easily triggered, maybe just don't follow me" but like IDK I feel like Crane is next level, even compared to ships like Sniper/Ocelot.
I use "Zacharie" in this context and not "Kronos" because the Kronos persona proper hasn't been established yet in the timeline. (Though, post-relationship Crane is basically just Crane trying to hunt faer down and re-establish a relationship by force, so like. Jot that down, I suppose.)
I feel like saying "he has killed for Zacharie" is incredibly obvious, and also incredibly tame. Ocelot has killed for Sniper! Faust has probably killed for Glitz! Yandere's bringing a naifu to their rival-waifus is nothing new. If anything, it is expected.
So, let's jam our spade in past that. Let's dig deeper.
He's tangoed with the Clown Prince Himself in faers honor. I feel like that already comes up there. Joker didn't die, but he still had a message painted to him: back the fuck off.
He's also very much risked being caught and sent to Arkham (again) to keep faer afloat (never mind that he's why fae was so often drowning.) His darling has needs, and he will rob a million banks to provide those! It's so comic book, it's so cartoon-villain, but his darling has! Needs!
He's been so intent on sharing his version of love through fear with faer that he's developed new strains of the toxin to do the job. FOR EVERYONE FOLLOWING THE STRANGE/KRONOS LORE: THIS IS WHY! HE WAS DOING THAT! It was an act of love to make sure fae could never build a tolerance, that each new strain bring something new, and that its ever-evolving form be an everlasting terror. THAT WAS *AFFECTION* FOR HIM!
All in all it's kinda hard to pick, he's just done so much in Zacharie's name. In the name of love, even.
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spoofyleaf · 2 months
I dunno about this whole "farewell flyingbark, welcome wildbrain" part of your zine because like?? I thought you wanted the pieces centered around the animation studios and that sounded kind of depressing tbh 😭 but I read your tags and I get what you're going for, and if this is your first time running a zine, typically you're going to need a mod team. running digital zines is generally easier and faster than going through the process of producing merch and physical copies. Past zines I've seen usually gave contributors free copies but that also needed a select number of purchases + to be able to reach the stretch goals. What you absolutely DON'T want to do is end up with a finance mod pulling what that one genshin zine pilfering 20k did. Also, a tumblr poll is fine but I've usually seen interest checks conducted over google forms bc the mod asks questions like "how will you like to contribute, are you interested in purchasing, do you have any merch suggestions you want to see, do you prefer a digital or physical zine, etc and so on!" best of luck.
The “farewell flyingbark, welcome Wildbrain” is just a place holder name for the moment dw! I want it centered around LMK to thank flying bark for all they did, as well welcome Wildbrain into LMK, I’m just bad with names and rn that’s not on the tippy top of the priority list of things to be done (altho it IS up there).
The goal is to have it so every contributor can have a free physical copy, but that will depend on presales unfortunately. (At the bare minimum they’ll get a free pdf and pay as little as possible for shipping and the physical copy).
The tumblr poll was just a quick “hmm. Would atleast a couple people be interested?”, a google form survey thing is currently being made up to do a more proper interest check.
Trust me, there’s a LOT being planned out behind me going “lol guys what if 👀”, I just don’t wanna give anything away besides “hey I wanna make a zine lol”. My poor close friends who I’m blabbering to about all this.
Idk what happened with the zine you mentioned, but those doing financing is going to be me and a friend bc I have ✨trust issues✨.
Tldr:; don’t worry, there’s a lot of planning going into this that you guys aren’t seeing yet
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bisluthq · 5 months
I’m not sure because she had accommodation when she moved to london to do the play’s run (some of her friends took pics in the flat she had and her and harry were spotted near an apartment complex) but that ended in october and I assume she would’ve had a short term lease since her stuff was still in the US/ she wasn’t planning on permanently moving to london before she met harry. There were a few stories of her and harry staying together in a fancy hotel when renovations were being done on his house and since then she’s basically been exclusively papped in hampstead/on the heath so idk about the logistics of them having separate places?
well as you point out some/most of her crap is in the US lol. That means she doesn’t permanently live at Harry’s. She’s essentially a long stay houseguest who gives and receives blowjobs lol until such time as all her crap lives there with her and Harry.
my point was in both my situations it was a conversation that was had when actually it was pretty clear we lived together. With my ex like our leases were both coming to an end and my roommate and I wanted to renew because we fucking loved that place but also he was very much like “don’t you think you need to include [her name] because otherwise like how is this gonna continue operating like essentially I have a third housemate half the time and her housemate has a third housemate half the time and it’s all just weird” and I was like “this is a fair point” so we then switcherood and our housemates took one place (as housemates lol we weren’t all fucking) and we took the other. Like we did essentially live together but we still had to lug our crap over from one side to the other and whatnot to make it a proper living arrangement.
my current bf told me point blank he doesn’t want a serious gf ever again while we were friends (I wrecked his plans, that’s [his] [wo]man) because of the ex wife drama and then lockdown girl getting too serious and shit and him being like “actually I don’t want kids and I don’t want to raise kids so I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own” and then we started hooking up lol and then I just found myself spending more and more time at his place? And that was also a rental and he was looking to buy and when he started to seriously consider buying, he started to include me in the convo and that’s how we came to live together fairly quickly tbh because it was also a new house for him and a new place and it’s like… our place.
but these are normie situations that required conversations. Our Haylor’s is like… rich people problems lol like her crap’s in another country and he’s got mansions and shit like idk I wouldn’t move all my crap into his place the moment I start seriously considering it because what if we don’t work day to day and then like what lol I’ve gotta ship my crap BACK to the US?
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conradrasputin · 7 months
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#3 He/mlock Grove, RomanxPeter, an og betrayal, absolute trash, worst experience of my liiiiiiiiife!!!!!!!! and I love them forever!!! they might honestly be my heart of hearts ship, I've dry heaved sobbed irl over them, and thank god, there's fic that elevates it to my comfort level.
I'd honestly prob be more casual blogging them here, but I know, I KNOW, there'd be the conception from this and surrounding blog's energy that the porcelain big lipped 'vampire' is the bottom
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which given past celebrated content of similar builds, I see the point, and ships are subjective, and yet, INCORRECT
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that's the wife, that's the bottom, his p**sy is beautiful, we all have certain ships we just can't budge on this, and here's one of mine, I know you understand 🙏
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From day 1, the sass, the shorts, the sl**tiness, I couldn't NOT wife him forever.
#9 RosencrantzxGuildenstern, another dry heave sob ship idk why, I don't even need fic (altho there's excellent ones I've read for years), the film destroys me every time for whatever reason
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my preference may throw you off, especially since Mr. Roth is one of my god tier bottoms in Res/ervoir Do/gs (LarryxFreddy forever+forever creamed peach Freddy forever)
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but that just shows the power of this puppy dog bottom imo
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how I used to remember my own name – and yours, oh yes! There were answers everywhere you looked. There was no question about it – people knew who we were and if they didn't they asked and we told them our names.
I'm never over every face/body language choice from both of them, their desperation for their impossible situation, the LOVE and how Guildenstern just needs to deep d*ck cream inside Rosencrantz to calm them BOTH down, they deserve it
example of their amnesia marriage:
#10 JimmyxHenry Ha/rdcore Henry
pov movie, u never actually technically SEE Henry, there's sort of a diff face for a second there, but I saw the director's promo face first, and it's such a nice face I imprinted on, so that's that
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Henry, my darling, amnesiac cyborg, killing machine, and there's so much moments of DELIGHT from his character in the movie that shows his warmth and humor among all the chaos and violence, and I just want his legs up in the air , ya know?
(fun fact, his dad in the film is mr. roth)
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Jimmy is the scientist that makes sure he meets Henry from the chaos Henry's in
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the og jimmy is disabled from past movie events, but he has 'avatars' that, are technically connected to his mind, but have different personalities that imo jsut gives Henry multiple boyfriends
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(soldier jimmy's my fav)
you may know this one:
(whole movie's on youtube btw, altho if you get pov motion sickness, avoid; oh also violent lol)
There's a character named Akan that technically has the only canon h*moerotic moment in the movie, but fun for what it was, I'll never proper ship
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the back and forths between Henry+Jimmys, even a newly mute amnesiac Henry? >>>
If ur okay with violence, the little bits with Henry and Soldier Jimmy from 1:48 on is a good example
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I was a bit proud of this edit, ngl, 😂😂😂 If I had photoshop/art skills? pow. gonna repost by itself tbh.
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