#idk if i should add tags if any
pupfrin · 3 months
(Today had been. . . Rough.)
(Every day had been rough, actually. It had been, what, a week? No, not even that, just four days, right? No, five. Five days. It had been five days since you escaped that hell. Since you nearly ended the world. Since, you, you. . .)
(Five days.)
(You're sitting on a bed, it was the only bed in a room for two. Probably some cosmic joke, first inn on the road and this was what was avalible. You still agreed to it, naturally. It's not like you and Isabeau hadn't shared a bed before, buuuuut. . .)
(You reach up and bap your non-human, very dog-like ears. It would be the first time without a nightcap to hide your ears or something to hide your tail under.)
(A human with non-human parts as a result of powerful Body Craft. You didn't remember when you got this, you always did. Maybe it was something from home that you had long since forgotten. This was you now. A chimera.)
(You'd been really good at hiding your chimera-ness over the year. Years, even. You could count how many people had found out on one hand, although, Odile had long been one of them. She had known days after you joined the party, but after a brief conversation, she never brought it up again.)
(You'd been terrified of her ever since.)
(What if she had told everyone? That you were a freak of nature? And then they left you, shunned you. Stupid. Looking back on it now, that was stupid. Then again, being a chimera had been the least surprising thing they had learned about you lately. Still, it made you worry.)
(Now it was just another thing on the long, long, loooooooong list of "stuff about the rouge to deal with." Dog ears, tail, and a nose like no other. And whatever aftermath came temporarily being several stories tall.)
(You shuffle in place, it was late at night, and you said you needed to head to bed early. Partially true, yes, but it was also because of another thing that should probably be on that list. You check to make sure Isabeau hadn't snuck in while you were musing.)
(Alright, alright. You slip a hand under your cloak, and underneath those lightless traveler pants you wore. You let out a huff, feeling yourself up. You needed this, you really, really needed this.)
(Because the Universe loves a good show and a funny joke, those two days you had been stuck in time had been during The Weird Zone; as you had so lovingly nicknamed it. Every month, or two, or, well, you didn't really know, you'd get really, really, really aroused by things. You never really knew why or anything. After you figured out that Isabeau was into you, and that you were into him back, it had gotten a hundred times worse! Honestly, it took every ounce of self controll to not bend over and bark for Isa.)
(STARS what a thought that was?!? It was true but you didn't need to have SUCH an active imagination!!! You shake your head. You could never do that! You, you both still needed to figure out what you WERE. B-but, even then, just thinking about him made you, more needy. Stars, even if they weren't here, you could still hear Loops roaring laughter.)
(They had taken this information very, very well. They had made fun of you for it.)
(Your breathing got faster, stars, you were getting close. Touching yourself like this still felt kinda gross, but, also nice? It was so hard to think about or explain or anything. It's, it's alright, just a little bit more. . .)
(There's a knock on the door, you could smell it was Isabeau.) "Sif! Can I come in?"
"S-sure!!" (You say, quickly removing your hand, you just sit and hide your blush. Great.)
(Isabeau opens the door and closest it behind him. He's smiling at you.) "Are you feeling alright? You look a bit, uh, off-shade?"
"O-oh!" (Your ears twitch, you look away.) "I-I'm fine, I think."
"Siffyyyyy." (Isa teases a bit, sitting down next to you.) "You think? You know you can talk to me right?"
"Y-yeah. . ." (You mumble, stars, please don't ask, about, anything.)
". . ." (There's a moment fo silence. Isabeau glances up at your ears, and hesitantly holds up a hand.) ". . . . Can I touch?"
(You sink more into your cloak. Ok, that was something he could ask.) "G-go ahead. ."
(He very gently reaches up and touches one of your ears. Then he moves to scritch behind your ears. Instantly you could feel your shoulders visibly relax.)
". . . Woah. . ." (Isabeau says, awed.) "This alright? It looks like it's alright but. . ."
"Mmhm. . ." (You squeak out.) "I-instinct, or, o-or something, I think. . ."
"Ooooh, like, dog instinct? Does that mean like, there's other-"
"N-no! Maybe! I dunno what you're gonna ask but I've been trying not to think about it!" (You say, pulling your cloak up around your face untill it's just your head of hair and ears exposed.)
"Aww, Sif. Hug?" (You nod gently. He hugs you.) "You know none of us would judge ya for any 'dog things' right?" (You nod.) "So, if there's stuff like that going on, let us know, okay?"
". . . You guys are really nice. . ." (You take your face out of your cloak.)
"Hah! It's the least we can do after all of that! I just- o-oh!" (He's looking behind you, huh- OH!)
"S-stopthat!!" (You grab your tail to stop it wagging like crazy. You could hear Isabeau trying desperatly not to laugh.)
"S-sorry, Sif." (Isabeau was blushing lightly.)
"I-it'sok. . ." (You took a breath.) "I-I uh. . . I'm just, uh-"
"YEAH, y-yeah I'm just tired." (You smile at him.)
(He tilts his head.) "T-there isn't, uh, any other additions you got?"
"Nonono!! N-no just, no that's all, the ears, tail. . ." (Stars, it was still surprising you were able to talk about it so openly.) "N-nooooo surprises for you, hehe."
"Haha! Alright that's good to know! U-uh, I'll, I'll get dressed then?"
"I wont peek if you wont~" (You stick your tongue out.)
(You both start getting changed. It felt, really weird. You knew logicaly not much changed between you two but. . . Was it, was it the touch? Was it that you two are a THING? Was it that you were still feeling this really weird feeling?)
(. . . . . You decide to take a peek at Isabeau, it could be tha. . .)
(You had felt a lot of new feelings over the past five days, and over a hundred loops. This, was a new one. Isabeaus back was to you. You could see his back muscles, you could see each line crossing his back. And, and you could smell him, you, could. . .)
(He noticed you staring at him and you very quickly look away. Stars oh stupid oh stuid stupid stupid Siffrin! Looking away didn't even help! You could still smell him and it was driving you crazy! C'mon, Sif, keep it together.)
(You finished getting dressed, your tail uncomfortbly sticking out from your pants made for non-chimera humans. Thankfully, it seemed like Isabeau decided to keep quiet about your staring. You go to get into bed.)
"Is that comfortable?" (Isabeau asks, deffinatly talking about your tail.) "I-I mean it doesn't look like it, so."
"Haha, no, not really." (You say, your face still feels hot.)
"Theeeen I know what my first tailor project will be!" (Isabeau is beaming at you, getting into his side of the bed.)
(You could feel your face getting hotter. Stars. . . You snuggle into the blankets) "T-that'd be nice. . ."
"Heh." (He was looking at you. . . Like. . .)
(You inhale sharply, glancing away, it was like the clocktower, every night, he gave you that look. That same look, and would try and- no, no, stop thinking, stop it! You're ok! You're out! You're ok!! O-okay?!?)
"Sif are. . . You alright?" (He asks so tenderly.)
"Canwepleasecuddlemaybe. . ." (You mumble before your brain can catch up with your mouth. Wait, what?!? WHAT?!? YOU, YOU JUST ASKED?!?)
"O-oh! Oh! Of courseyeahwecancuddleifyouwantto-" (Isabeau responds, stars. . .)
(. . . . You gently snuggle up to Isabeau. Chest to chest. You could feel your tail wagging like crazy but it's not like you could stop it. After a moment, you could feel Isabeaus big strong arms gently wrap around you. Stars, he was so. . . So. . . .)
". . . Y-you alright? Sif?" (He asks. You nuzzle up and into his arms.)
"Comfy. . ." (You say, the sleep starting to settle in.) "You're comfy, Isa. . ."
"O-oh!" (He was warm, comfy, gentle, strong. . . He smelled nice. . . Stars, you were so sleepy, Isabeau was saying something but it didn't take long for you to pass out.)
(You're feeling so, cloudy. Sleepy. Oh so sleepy. You could, faintly, hear someone. You could faintly see someone. Maybe they were, no he was. . . You uh. . .)
"Siffrin. . ?"
(Someone was. . . Calling your name? Oh who. . . Who was. . . You reach out, and stumble and. . .)
"Sif. . . Siffy. . ?
"Ghhmhgh. . ." (Oh uh, oh. Oh you were asleep and, well, you couldn't remember what you were dreaming about. You could feel yourself holding tight to another body.) "Bmwuh. . ?"
"You awake, Sif?" (That was, uh, Isabeau? Oh yeah! Right! You fell asleep cuddling him.)
"Aaaam now. . ." (You mumble, nuzzling a bit close. You were clinging pretty tightly to Isa, actually.) "What'time is it. . ?"
"U-uh, it's around dawn, kinda early I think?" (You felt a hand rub behind your ears.) "I-I was just. . . W-worried you were having a nightmare or. . ."
"Hhhhuh. . ?" (You finally open your eyes and look up at Isa. He's- Oh! He's blushing really deeply.) "Whatya'mean?"
"W-well. ." (He looked away.) "Y-you're really holding tight, a-and, andyouweremumblingmyname-"
"Huh. . ?" (You were, mumbling his name? Oh c'mon, Sif, what were you thinking about in that noggin o'yours to- wait.)
(Some squeak of a sound made it out of your mouth before you hide your face in Isabeaus chest. Oh stars, STARS! You could remember PART of what you were dreaming but it was too embaressing to even think about!!! Oooooh noooooo now that your mind was on it you could FEEL just how hot you were, and how much your privates BURNED, and a-and-)
(Stars, it's never, ever, EVER been this bad!! Was it being close to him?!? M-maybe since you two were sharing a bed and being open about liking eachother- b-but, how would that help now?!? How do you get out of this!!! He'll think you're a weirdo!! A creep!!!)
(You could hear Isabeau calling your name, and then a hand reach and pat your head gently. You flinch at that, so, he stops. But then you whine so he starts again. Stars, now you felt even more ashamed.)
". . . S-soooooo." (He asks, curious.)
". . . C-can you. . . Promise you wont be mad?" (You say, Stars, what, are you going to be HONEST? Great.)
"Uh. . ." (He thinks for a moment, then nods.) "W-well, I wont be mad. Okay?"
"Okay. . ." (You breathe in, and out. Stupid. . . C'mon, you can say it. It'll be dumb, but you can say it. You still feel that burning too.) "I-I uh, had, had a d-dream. About, y-you. . ."
"O-oh!!! U-uh, w-what kinda dream??" (He asks, excitedly.)
"W-well. . . I-it was, a uh-" (Ooooh boy.) "A uh, averyadultdream."
"Huh? A very-" (You can see his eyes go wide in realization before he looks away, flustered.) "A-adreamlikeinTHATadultway?!?"
"I-I'msorry." (You tuck your head down. Stupid. What a stupid thing to say!) "I-I'mreally really sorry-"
"N-nonono!! No it's i-it's--" (He stammered his words out, eventually.) "I-it'skindahotactually--"
"Wh-" (Your brain stopped responsing for a second. He. What?) "I-I- Y-you're not mad?!?"
(He shook his head.) "N-not in the slightest! Just, u-uh, figuring out w-what to, u-uh, well, uh. . . What'dwedo???"
"O-oh!" (You blush. Looking away.) "I. . Don't remember, s-sorry. . ."
"That's ok! Haha. . ." (He looks away too. There's a bit of an uncomfortable silence before he continues.) ". . . Y'know, if, if you ever, everwanttodosomethinglikethat-"
(You make a sound between a cough and a squeak. He. WHAT?!? OH!!! O-OH OKAY THEN HE COULD JUST SAY THAT. That TOTALLY didn't instantly make that burning feeling get a hundred times worse!!! You rub your legs together absent mindedly, holding tighter to Isabeau. Oh stars, what do you say! Do you say YES?!? You, you can't just say yes can you?!? B-but then again he did offer!! And if this burning is going to get worse than he could help with it?!?)
(It'll, it'll be fine! Right? Right?!?)
". . . . T-that'dbenice-" (You squeak out.)
"O-OH!" (Isa looks back down at you. Blushing even harder.) "Y-you'resure?!? I-I mean, I did ask but, I didn't know, if, uh-"
(You nod.)
"O-okayokayokay I can be normal a-about this-" (He laughs nervously. He holds you a bit tighter.) "U-uh, s-so. . . D-do. . . Do you need-"
(Yes, yes yes yes yes YES RIGHT NOW. PLEASE!! N-nono calm DOWN Siffrin! Stars! What were you a DOG?!? D-don't answer that, haha. You, you did need. That. Now. You needed it. He was offering and. And. And you- You nod a bit more enthusiaticaly than you mean.)
"O-oh-" (He pauses for another second.) "Okay, okay. Okay. J-just, tell me what you need, Sif. Okay?"
"Okay." (You say quietly. You breathe in, and out. Okay. This was going to be okay.) "T-touch me, please. J-just, just, p-please."
"Aaaalriiiiight. Just let me know if I should stop. Okay?" (You feel a large, strong hand trace down your back. You shiver, it felt nice.)
(Eventually you felt his hand reach the base of your back. He touches the base of your tail, which makes you feel, weird. Good weird. It ignited that burning even more.)
"This okay?" (He asks.)
"Y-yeahit'sokay." (You mumble back. Holding tight to him.)
"Just tell me if it's too much, okay?" (He continues, slowly moving his hand under your tail, caressing your butt just a little. That made you squeak just a little bit. His other hand pat your head reasuringly. The other eventually moved to between your thighs, you were so needy, you needed him. You needed him now please please please!)
(Restraint! Siffrin!)
"R-ready?" (He asks you. Stars, he must know how much you needed him and was teasing you!! Please, please just, you needed this!)
"P-please. . ." (You mumble out.)
(He gently scratches behind your ears. It felt like it took forever, but slowly you felt his fingers caress your enterance. You moan at his gentle touch. You felt like you were melting.)
"Good?" (He asks. Kissing the top of your head.)
"Mmmore. . ." (You moan out, Stars, your head was getting foggy. You wanted him like nothing else before.)
(You felt his fingers poke and prod around your folds, before eventually he slips a single finger in. You grip onto Isabeau tighter, letting out more little sounds. More, more more more please you needed more.)
(Your noises must have gotten the point across, because you could feel him exploring inside of you with those big, Defender fingers of his. You let out a gasp as you felt a thumb on your clit. Your leg twitching with all the sensations running through you. Your mouth was moving. Were you talking? O-oh you were just, babbling! Saying whatever came to mind. Pleading, begging, moaning.)
(More, more, more more more more you needed it please!! You felt your body shake more and more untill you let out one last moan. Gripping tight to your wonderful fighter as you came hard, feeling every second of it.)
(Your breathing steadies. Stars. . . You're seeing stars actually, haha. You were lightheaded.)
"That feel alright, Sif?" (Asks Isa, taking his hand out and holding onto your hip.)
"Ggoood. . ." (You mumble out. It still burned, part of you wanted more, more and more. You wanted to go for hours. Days, even. It was. . .) "T-tired. . ."
"It's alright, Sif." (He talked to you so gently, patting your head.) "Still early, you can go back to sleep okay? Don't need to worry about a thing!"
"Mrrgh. . . Isa. . ." (You look up at him, sleepy.) "I love you. . ."
(He blushed harder, kissing your head.) "I-I love you too, Siffrin! If you need anything, anything, let me know, okay?"
(You nod, and reach up and kiss his cheek before snuggling up to his chest again. Stars. . . That took it outta you. . .)
(Back to sleep.)
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theerurishipper · 3 months
I took upon myself the herculean task of compiling all Dick and Diana interactions.
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Batman/Superman: World's Finest #16
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Nemesis: The Impostors #3
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Nightwing (2016) #100
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Titans (2016) Special 1
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Titans (2016) Annual 1
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Justice League (2011) #51
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Wonder Woman (1987) #161
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Wonder Woman (1987) #166
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Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight #4
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Nightwing (1996) Annual 2
Some honorary mentions:
These two ones where Diana doesn't interact with Dick one-on-one and is only a part of a larger group, but it's still a good way to show that she respects and trusts him as a leader.
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The Brave and The Bold (2007) #15
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Justice League: Generation Lost #1
This one where Dick isn't here but Diana shows appreciation for his skills and is very quick to accept that Nightwing should be honored by being in the League (also this isn't about him but I love Clark's "finally, someone easy." That's a proud uncle y'all).
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Justice League of America (2006) #2
This one where Diana isn't here but she lets Dick use her Lasso, I think that counts.
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Batman/Superman: World's Finest #17
This one where Diana gifted Dick the fastest horse in the world, apparently.
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Justice League (2018) #53
These from the 1966 Batman and 1977 Wonder Woman shows' crossover comic.
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Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #5
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Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #6
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Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #10
And then—
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Yeah. That's about it. It's an unfortunately short list. But what little we do have shows that they have a bond of mutual trust and respect for each other. It's very interesting and I wish they explored it more.
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eggsplice · 1 year
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Day 1 - It's not kidnapping if you make the rules (Kidnapping | Gaslighting).
Based on creepy ass dialogue when cdream is escorting ctommy out of L'manberg.
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whiskiijack · 2 months
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autismsupersoldier · 6 months
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i made a cover for my gender playlist* and i think it came out pretty nice
current tracklist under cut, though i will be expanding it and welcome suggestions!
*a playlist that i think encapsulates what i want my gender to be :-)
Stayin Alive by Bee Gees
You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees
Hot Cop by Village People
Love Machine by Wham!
Take on Me by a-ha
Down Under by Men At Work
Working for the Weekend by Loverboy
Big Iron by Marty Robbins
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall
Sleeping on the Blacktop by Colter Wall
God's Gonna Cut You Down by Johnny Cash
Daddy Sang Bass by Johnny Cash
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash
Sixteen Tons by Johnny Cash
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bl00dalchemist · 1 year
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'They love eachother' i say, as i draw them in situations that are, in fact, not loving.
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cashmere-caveman · 3 months
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Joy Harjo, Perhaps the World Ends Here | House of the Dragon 1.02 The Rogue Prince | Hanif Abdurraqib, On Hunger | House of the Dragon 1.03 Second of His Name | Hanif Abdurraqib, Welcome To Heartbreak | Chris Abani, Poet of an Ordinary Heartbreak | House of the Dragon 1.01 The Heirs of the Dragon | House of the Dragon 1.08 The Lord of the Tides | Yaedi Ignatow, We Were Love
image descriptions in Alt
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the-voldsoy · 6 months
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The Magnus Institute is an...offputting place, to say the least. You can never quite shake the feeling that something is watching you. The shadows...aren't always right. Sometimes they look like things they...shouldn't. Not quite. And they don't always fall in the right places. They seem to coagulate in corners in ways they shouldn't but especially around this...figure. I- uh. I don't think he was human. Not- not anymore, at least.
((turn your brightness up to view more clearly)) first tmagp/tma fanart ive made !! the premise was basically just 'What If RedCanary had found The Archivist instead'.....had the idea when the first episode came out and only just got around to it lol.
yall do Not understand how frustrating this was to make lmao,,,,it was so dark to see the details properly, so i turned the brightness up and the glare of the screen on my glasses meant i couldnt see clearly so had to take them off and i STILL couldnt really see it jkdfsjhkfds
sligtly brighter version under cut :)
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autumnfangirler · 1 year
there's something ive noticed while reading the epilogues that i find really interesting. im not sure if this makes sense, but each ranger has a distinct voice that goes with their internal monologue. im going with chen and ortega for my examples since theyre just the easiest to notice but
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with chen, his thought process tends to be more clipped. its more curt and to the point, opting more for shorter, simple sentences
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meanwhile ortegas thoughts tend to be very,,,,i forgot the actual phrase im searching for, but long-winded. thoughts will wander and then get pulled back into focus at very random intervals, sometimes the sentences will be short, sometimes long, and there are a lot of run-ons and tangents as the thoughts crop up
it just adds that much more to their character yk? chen's inner monologue feels blunt and succint. there's no point beating around the bush with him. he feels more careful. and yeah, ofc ortegas thoughts go just as fast as their mouth. there's no time to breathe, things go a million miles a minute for them. looking at their thought process, its really easy to understand how they get so antsy so easily. idk its just. super fun to compare them and see how they think affects their character
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thecasualqueer · 7 months
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hiros-fr · 2 years
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#1 appy juice sipper, benny
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fabdante · 3 months
I was tagged by @robinainthood !
Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favorite.
I tried to limit things to one per fandom and also promptly forgot every character I ever liked however I could not exclude all 3 of my DmC kids so bonus Vergil option.
anywho, tagging: @thevampireauthoress @whimsipunk @ro-blaze @destroyyaa @bigsister-watches @cainite-bite (no pressure, only if you want!)
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redysetdare · 8 months
I'm sure I've brought this up before but I feel a lot more confident in it now but I'm pretty sure that I do not experience attraction, period. at least, i do not feel like i experience any emotion or feeling that can be called attraction.
Attraction just feels like such a foreign thing to me because every i try to understand it it just becomes lost on me. I can understand when someone is pretty, but i see people being pretty or handsome in the same way that i see a flower is pretty or a sunset is pretty. i do not think there is any attraction involved in that at all. I think the closest I've probably gotten to a feeling of attraction would be when i see buff women; but tbh i feel that admiration fits better than attraction in that case.
idk I just have been thinking a lot about attraction lately and how i always found myself confused on the idea of platonic attraction or aesthetic attraction because while i do like having friends and while i do find people pretty, i wouldn't call the feelings i have towards these things attraction. I'm not attracted to what i find aesthetically pleasing. I'm not attracted to any friends or people i may want to be friends with (Which the friend thing is a whole can of worms for another post with it's own nuances).
Some people may say "No you are feeling attraction, you're describing attraction" but genuinely i feel like i may not be. every time people have tried to explain it to me it never feels right. or the word feels wrong for what they are describing. People describe it as "Wanting" but that doesn't always work with other split attractions.... like people wanting to be friends is platonic attraction but....what is there to want with aesthetic attraction???? familial attraction???? same with descriptions of other attractions, everyone just has an explanation that doesn't click in my brain as something i feel.
and this isn't me bashing on people who feel attraction - I know feelings can be incredibly vague and difficult to explain and me not understanding isn't me calling it stupid or fake. It's more just me not being able to grasp something because I do not feel it. Similar to how i don't fully understand romance as an aro person who just...doesn't feel it.
idk there's no point to this post other than rambling on about attraction. I feel like it isn't discussed as much as it should be in aspec spaces. most people stop at romantic and sexual attraction but not much is explored past that point in terms of the SAM or even just the world attraction in general. Like....for a community that is built up of a lot of identities expressing the lack of attraction it's strange how we kinda don't explore the idea of attraction more outside of just...romantic or sexual...
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menlove · 3 months
When he’s two years old, the first color Paul learns is yellow.
Yellow is the sun, bright and big in the sky. It’s the color of the cat that sits in the garden and the daffodils that grow in the grass that the cat likes to stretch out on. It’s the color of the walls at his auntie’s house and the color of the little sweets he likes so much. Most importantly, yellow is the color of the dress his mum likes to wear. She tells him this with a sweet voice, petting his hair, pointing out everything in the room that’s yellow.
AKA an AU where you see in black & white until you touch your soulmate
finally finished & get to reveal my fill for the summer of love fanworks-a-thon event over at @beatleskinkmeme
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Starting a collection (putting under a cut)
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oh-meow-swirls · 5 months
how does the raft not capsize.
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#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i mean komasan's not there in canon 3 so it's slightly better but not by a lot#i feel like someone should at least be falling off how is the raft also big enough to hold them all-#whisper floats so he doesn't add weight or any space really but like#it still needs to both hold the weight of three teenagers and two yo-kai#AND have the room for them all to fit#the rafting challenge in bada-bing tower is probably worse cuz it has to fit two additional yo-kai#i think komasan not being that important in the mainline games is very lame. he's pretty important in the anime so it's kinda weird#he is at least somewhat important in 3 since he's there for the yopple tour and everything in bada-bing tower#whereas in 1 he has the auto-befriend yo-kai curse (only being important in their debut chapter)#and in 2 he literally only shows up during the jibakoma quest in psychic specters#(excluding being an npc during the beginning of the jibanyan's secret quest alongside a bunch of other yo-kai)#idk what's weirder the fact they made him so important in the anime despite that or the fact they never made him important in the games#i personally go with the nyanderful days continuity that he also moves in with katie cuz that makes sense to me#i've literally never written anything where nate's the one who gets the watch in 1 so idk what i'd do there-#(funny how i've never written anything that's in the same timeline as canon-)#i want to at least write something at somepoint where nate and katie both get watches cuz i like that idea#i mean i have a dumb au idea where nate and katie independently get watches at the start of 1 at around the same time#and take an extended period of time to realize#mostly just haven't actualized that cuz 1) i already have the rewrite and 2) i don't have enough ideas#basically just have the basic concept-#these tags got derailed quick. and also make me really wanna work on the rewrite more-#i have so many ideas but i'm just not motivated to write any of them#and also most of them are for 3 and i haven't finished rewriting 2 yet 😔#‚‚‚ anyways-
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