#caretaker turned whumper
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wintertimewhump · 3 months ago
Power Source Whumpee
Power Source Whumpee my beloved..
Whumper carefully crafting a machine to fit Whumpee's body and hold them in place.
Whumpee hooked up to the machine nearly all the time, only allowed a four hour break to sleep each night.
The power being extracted by hundreds of needles attached to wires, sticking out of Whumpee like a pincushion.
Whumper telling Whumpee that this is their only purpose and to just be good and fulfill it. Whumpee technically not needing to eat, as the produce their own power, so Whumper doesn't even bother to feed them, causing Whumpee to feel lightheaded and dizzy.
Whumper using the power they extracted from Whumpee to hurt their friends, blasting them back with the same energy Whumpee had once used to fight Whumper.
A reluctant Whumper placing a damp cloth on Whumpee's sweating forehead, saying they're sorry, but this is necessary for the plan.
Bonus: Bad Caretaker
Caretaker defeating Whumper, about to pull Whumpee out of the machine, but then realizing how useful the power is, and thinking about how much their city needs it.
The hope in Whumpee's eyes fading when Caretaker, who was about to release them from the machine's grip, steps back and turns it on again.
Caretaker guilt tripping Whumpee, telling them that if they were to be released, a whole city would suffer in darkness.
Caretaker thanking Whumpee for their involuntary sacrifice, telling them it won't be forever, but it sure seems to last that long.
Caretaker telling Whumpee that this is what they were made for, sounding just like Whumper now.
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literarystarfish · 2 months ago
Whumpee gets kidnapped but ends up being treated better than when they were with their ‘Caretaker’/friends/teammates.
Kidnapper comes to realize how Whumpee was treated by how timid or apologetic they are acting even if they were the ones being kindapped and Kidnapper is horrified.
Whumpee didn’t realize they were being treated so awfully before this because it’s just normal for them up until that point.
Then they see how nice it is with Kidnapper, making them so damn confused.
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a-class-attempter · 2 months ago
Caretaker circled Whumper, whom was tied to a chair, electrodes along their chest.
“Ple-” Whumper screamed, lighting surging through their body. When the shock ceased, they collapsed with a sob.
“What did I say about talking.” Caretaker growled. They grabbed Whumper by the jaw, forcing eye contact. “I wasn’t lying when I said I would die for Whumpee. And I wasn’t lying when I said I’d kill for them.” Caretaker squeezed Whumper’s jaw, their nails digging into their skin. “And you best believe I’d torture for them.”
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whumpd-up-kicks · 11 months ago
A character who's been shot is captured by enemies/bad guys. They're bleeding badly, and their captors need them alive. The bullet is removed, and the wound is poured with alcohol and bandaged tightly - none of it is done gently, and, being tied up (and maybe gagged), they can do nothing but scream and cry out in pain while enduring the rough treatment.
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whumped-by-glitter · 1 year ago
Okay, hear me out....
A caretaker with an extremely conditioned whumpee.
Caretaker is forced to "speak their language" to get through to whumpee. Caretaker has to start acting like Whumper to slowly undo the conditioning.
They have to start harsh and strict to slowly teach Whumpee what freedom is, or reintroduce them into their own agency.
Maybe Whumpee was a slave or a pet, and all they know are orders and discipline and reward. Before Caretaker figures this out, Whumpee is listless or catatonic, or maybe self-destructive and reckless. Without order and routine, Whumpee has no idea how to function, their mind is sent into chaos.
Caretaker has no interest in being a master, but to get through the conditioning, to even get them medical help, they are forced to get their hands dirty.... Orders are just necessary- "you're going to the hospital, that's an order" or "I order you to decide on what you want for dinner."
Caretaker never wanted this power and responsibility over another person.
With power, there is also the risk of corruption.
Maybe Caretaker is terrified about walking the fine line between helping their severely damaged and twisted whumpee and becoming the new whumper.
Maybe they get it right, maybe they get it wrong, maybe it's something in between, there's so many directions this could go and all of the threads are so interesting.
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whumpster-dumpster · 6 months ago
Thinking of Character A and B who have a troubled, dysfunctional relationship, who genuinely do care about each other's wellbeing and want to help each other but really struggle to gel well together.
Thinking about Character A relentlessly stuffing down all their feelings about every argument, every stressor, every infuriating thing B does/says, because taking care of them is more important than getting along, until something finally tips them over the edge and in a moment of blind rage they're a lot more like a whumper.
Thinking about afterward too. The first time these two abrasive personalities shrink, one shocked and scared, the other just as shocked at themself and ashamed. B knew they had their troubles but they didn't realize A hated them, much less that much. And A floundering to backpedal and fix it because they don't, they don't hate them, but is there really any coming back from what just happened?
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hurtfortea · 1 year ago
"You'll never hurt anyone again."
Caretaker captures Whumper and conditions them to associate the sight of blood, wounds or sounds indicating any kind of hurt (screaming, yelping, whimpering, begging, etc) with pain. This also means they’re not just scared of hurting others, but they hate looking at their own wounds and avoid making noise when they are hurt because the sounds upset them.
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inevitable-pretty-words · 4 months ago
Whumpee's Caretaker slowly becoming their Whumper as they get obsessed with the idea of fixing them – making them "normal", better, healthy again.
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whump-place · 10 months ago
When Caretaker isn't a good person.
Well, in some ways they are. Whumpee has seen the way they care for them. And those restless nights where Caretaker stood besides them, comforting them and promising that everything would be fine.
But Whumpee knows.
Even if Caretaker tries to hide it.
Those weird noises coming from the basement, the scent of blood coming from Caretaker, some days filling the house.
Caretaker isn't a good person. But Whumpee is willing to ignore that if that means staying on the good side of Caretaker.
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jordanstrophe · 1 year ago
Whumper was interrogated while caretaker watched from beyond the glass. Whumper gleefully spoke about everyone they tortured, recalling in great detail. Whumpee in particular was a prominent subject; they seemed to be whumpers favorite.
Each word ate at caretaker; whatever whumper spoke of, caretaker imagined a worse thing to do as revenge.
The interrogator comes back and caretaker demands "just 5 minutes alone" through fuming tears. The interrogator notes caretakers hands in fists, their body shaking with anger, their eyes pure hatred.
"No." They gently shake their head.
"Why." Caretaker spat.
"Because I know what you can do in 5 minutes and I need them alive."
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mj-iza-writer · 22 days ago
Caretaker turned Whumper
Whumpee tearfully watched as the guards pulled Caretaker up from cuddling with them on the floor.
"We can cuddle more when I'm back", Caretaker promised as they were led to the door, "everything is alright."
Whumpee nodded and faked a smile.
The door closed behind Caretaker and the guards. Whumpee was alone again.
They huddled into the corner of the room still wrapped in the blanket Caretaker had comforted them with earlier.
"They promised not to hurt you as long as I did what was asked of me. I'm going to do it because I-I need to keep you safe", Caretaker had profusely promised multiple times, "as long as you are safe, t-that is all that matters. Just behave and don't get yourself into trouble while I'm away."
Whumpee was never told what Caretaker had to do to ensure their safety. They didn't dare ask either.
Whumpee jumped when the door opened.
Another guard came in with a tray of food and set it on the metal table.
The guard turned, and started for the door.
"Th-thankyou", Whumpee cautiously spoke.
The guard turned back to them and huffed.
Whumpee cowarded into the corner as much as they could.
The guard reached for the door after hearing Whumpee's whimpered apology.
Caretaker stood in the viewing room.
Someone was being stripped and tied to Caretaker's work bench.
Caretaker watched through the one-way mirror to make sure the setup was correct.
Whumper came in and stood next to Caretaker.
"How's Whumpee doing this afternoon?", Whumper asked curiously.
Caretaker side glanced Whumper before turning to them.
"What?", Whumper shrugged, "I can't ask how one of my prisoners is doing?"
"I'm trying to figure out if you are being serious or if this is one of your sick games", Caretaker frowned.
"I'm being serious. They looked cold yesterday, that's how they got the extra blanket", Whumper talked nonchalantly, "I asked one of the guards to warm up the room. I don't know if you noticed."
"You were in the room?", Caretaker glared, "with Whumpee?"
"Only to give them a blanket and a head pat. They are so brave", Whumper grinned, "trusting you and all."
Caretaker stepped daringly toward Whumper... fist ready to fight.
"Uh-uh", Whumper warned as they pulled out a remote, "I'd hate to ruin their lunch", Whumper pointed at a screen that had video feed of the room Whumpee and Caretaker were kept in.
Caretaker turned quickly to look, "don't", they warned.
Caretaker saw Whumper press the warning button.
"No", Whumpee's whimpers could be heard on the monitor. They quickly reached and felt the shock collar that was locked around their neck, "please, mercy. I didn't do anything", Whumpee pleaded.
"Please don't", Caretaker turned to Whumper, "I-I'm sorry."
"That's more like it", Whumper smirked, "sorry Whumpee, my finger hit the wrong button", Whumper spoke into a mic that connected to the room.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee shakingly shrunk to the floor, abandoning the tray of food they were just about to eat.
"Please tell them to eat", Caretaker pleaded.
The screen turned off, and Caretaker blinked away tears.
"What? Is the big bad Caretaker crying... for some prisoner", Whumper mocked, "is it from the guilt you feel from what you've done to them that drives you to protect them now? Is it some sort of attempt to repent?"
"No, th-they were the only one who forgave me for what I did", Caretaker admitted. They thought back to that night, "they don't see me as the monster you've made me."
A while ago, Caretaker had acted out against Whumper. As punishment, Caretaker had been locked in a full room. Everyone they had tortured for Whumper was also locked in that room with them. Caretaker had taken refuge against the wall and had buried their head into their lap to hide from the hateful but well-deserved torment they were receiving. They were as much a prisoner as everyone else was, but no one understood that. They were just as evil as Whumper.
"That dirt and blood covered hand reached for your hand", Whumper spoke out loud, "such a touching story. Whumpee sat with you all night, even though you had just tortured them earlier."
Caretaker fought back tears.
"How dangerous for yourself to have something weighing you down like that. You are really stuck. Whatever you do could impact that one", Whumper chuckled, "you've always been good at getting answers for me. That's why I let you keep Whumpee with you as a little pet. I figured that it would keep you in line. Plus, I really didn't have any plans for Whumpee. They would have probably died had you not taken them."
Caretaker frowned, "they're not a pet."
"Whatever you say", Whumper laughed, "good luck with this one by the way", Whumper looked into the interrogation room again, "they're a real piece of work. I'll feed the questions in to them like normal."
"Please let me see Whumpee one more time", Caretaker pleaded, "I'll do what I must as per our agreement. Just please."
Whumper nodded at the person in charge of the screens.
A full image of Whumpee came up again.
Caretaker sniffled.
"Whumpee, Caretaker would like you to eat your meal", Whumper talked into the mic.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee jumped at the sound Whumper's voice.
"I hit the button accidentally. You are not going to be shocked right now", Whumper smiled as Whumpee nervously nodded.
"Now go make me proud", Whumper chuckled.
Caretaker rubbing water on fresh wip markings, which caused the prisoner to writh and gasp on the table. Caretaker dug their fingers into the person's abdomen to signify it was completed.
"It seems you think you've finished?", Whumper questioned over the radio, "you finish when I say."
"Th-they answered your questions", Caretaker looked at the glass, "they can't take anymore. They'll die if we continue."
"Someone will be getting electrocuted", Whumper chuckled, "I'm done with that prisoner. They can die now. You either turn the level up to max on the probes attached to them or I'll shock Whumpee. Do you understand."
Whumper pointed at the person, who then turned on a screen in the room Caretaker was in.
"No Whumpee, please don't make me... I can't take a life... I can't do what you are asking me to do."
"Such a shame", Whumper sighed.
Whumpee grabbed the collar and screamed.
"Whumpee", Caretaker yelled, "please stop."
"This will keep happening. Do what you're told", Whumper ordered, "protect your pet."
"I-I'm sorry", Caretaker hurried to the machine.
"No, no, no", the person pleaded.
Caretaker paused before hitting the button.
Whumpee screamed, "Caretaker help!"
Caretaker to panicked and hit the button.
They shielded themself as the prisoner sparked. The screams matched Whumpee's until both quieted.
"How far did you turn that up?", Whumper laughed, "I think you roasted them."
"I-I don't know, you said turn it up. I can't think straight when someone I love is being electrocuted", Caretaker frowned, "Whumpee?"
"A little shaken up... they're fine", Whumper laughed, "good work today. Someone will be in to get you momentarily."
Caretaker cautiously walked around the table. They couldn't look at the smoking body. They only stared at the monitor.
Whumpee had collapsed on the floor and was gasping for breath.
"Please no more" Whumpee mumbled repeatedly between gasp, "please?"
Caretaker hurried into the room and dropped to the floor by Whumpee.
Whumpee whimpered when they saw Caretaker, then tears started to fall.
"I am so sorry", Caretaker pulled them close, "I wasn't fast enough, and you got hurt. I am so sorry."
Whumpee sobbed into Caretaker's chest.
"I-it hurts", Whumpee cried.
"I know, I'm sorry", Caretaker pulled them even closer and sighed, "I'm sorry for everything."
Whumpee calmed a little now that they were in Caretaker's arms.
"I'm so sorry", Caretaker whispered continually, "I'm so sorry". It was the only thing they could say.
Whumpee jumped when the door opened.
Whumper sauntered in.
Whumpee whimpered and hid their face into Caretaker's chest.
"Aw", Whumper circled them both, "if only they knew."
Caretaker glared up at Whumper.
"I'm a bad Whumpee. Please have mercy", Whumpee pleaded.
Caretaker rubbed their back, "no Whumpee. That was my fault. I-I'll...", Caretaker bit their lip, their glare deepened, "I-I'll make sure it doesn't happen again", Caretaker blinked away tears.
They were both very stuck. Caretaker had a weakness, and Whumper was going to use it. There was nothing that could be done to stop it, either. The only way to protect Whumpee was to play Whumper's game.
"I'm glad to hear that", Whumper gleefully turned to the door when they heard someone opening it, "oh look, dinner. I'll leave you both to it then."
Caretaker sighed when they watched the guard come in with two trays.
"I need you to eat Whumpee... come along", Caretaker stood and helped the shaking Whumpee up, "I'll help you eat. I'm so sorry."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@weirdthingweee @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@risk606 @electrons2006
@paperprinxe @whumprince
@kaz-of-crows @mis-graves
@decaffeinatedtimetraveler94 @sausages-things
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
@valravnthefrenchie @glennemerald
@jasperthecapser @does-directions
@jumpywhumpywriter @blackbirdsinatrenchcoat
@mylifeisonthebookshelf @thenormalestever
@whatwhump @galatic-worm
@starmoon-constellation @bacillusinfection
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literarystarfish · 2 months ago
Caretaker did this? Whumpee thought as they looked up into the gleaming, sadistic, thrilled eyes of the person about to pull the trigger.
“They were sick of you.” Whumper grinned, kneeling in closer to Whumpee. His gun still poking roughly into their temple. “They told me where you would be— I’m pretty sure their exact words were ‘my pathetic, broken pup’— and to finally put it out of its misery. I agreed, of course.” Whumper stood again, positioning the barrel to push into their forehead. “I should really take you back since you escaped me— show you what you missed. But now… I really do hate to see a such a sad little pup suffer like this. So pathetic,” Whumper tsked.
Come along, pup. Let’s get you cleaned up.
You’re alright, pup. Its just a nightmare.
You’ll be okay, pup.
No one else besides Caretaker has ever called them ‘pup’ before. They were sure Caretaker never called them that nickname in front of anyone else either. It was only something they called them when they were being extra gentle with them. When their traumas were getting too heavy again. Whumpee wasn’t even sure anyone else knew Caretaker called them ‘pup’.
Whumpee’s eyes widened at what that must mean. The tears that had already been pooling at their lash-line easily spilled over.
A dark chuckle brought them back to the present. They looked back up to Whumper.
“Ahhh, see? You’re understanding now, pup. You were too much for them. Too broken. And if even Caretaker doesn’t want you anymore, then why would I?”
Whumpee watched Whumper’s grip tighten around the trigger.
“You should have listened to me, Whumpee. No one wants you. Not even Caretaker.”
“Goodbye, pup.”
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justbreakonme · 1 year ago
The moment the whumpee watches the caretaker, the kindest, gentlest, most loving person they’ve ever meet, absolutely OBLITERATE the whumper is a trope I will never get over.
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seth-whumps · 2 months ago
"What-- what are you doing?" (Whumpee to Caretaker-turned-Whumper or Carewhumper)
"Teaching you a lesson, that's all."
"This won't hurt. Hold your breath and don't move."
"Easy, easy. I'm just going to help you. I can be nice."
"Getting the kit. You're no fun if you bleed out, and I can stitch wounds with the best of them."
"Checking you over. Anything that'll scar won't do."
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the-dump-of-whump · 10 months ago
Weapon whumpees in their last moments of sanity asking, begging, to be killed so that they can’t do anymore damage, so that they can’t hurt anyone else, so that they can’t be used anymore.
Better yet if there’s something stopping them from doing it themselves and they have to plead with caretaker to kill them.
Does caretaker do it? Does it hurt worse for whumpee to be dead or to see the wreckage they cause, the pain in their eyes? Does caretaker forsaken them too?
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abhainnwhump · 1 year ago
(Content warnings: Burning alive, implied death, immortal whumpee)
Everything thinks Whumpee is dead, but they're just in a heavily/magically induced sleep. Whumpee's friends decide to cremate their body. Whumpee wakes up in the chamber they're being burned in and scream to get out, pounding on the case.
Bonus points if they have some form of immortality and they are unable to die, just going through it until Whumpee's friends realize what happened. The trust there is forever strained.
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