#tag has really caught on yet? and it would work for both fandoms i think without knowledge of the other
the-voldsoy · 6 months
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The Magnus Institute is an...offputting place, to say the least. You can never quite shake the feeling that something is watching you. The shadows...aren't always right. Sometimes they look like things they...shouldn't. Not quite. And they don't always fall in the right places. They seem to coagulate in corners in ways they shouldn't but especially around this...figure. I- uh. I don't think he was human. Not- not anymore, at least.
((turn your brightness up to view more clearly)) first tmagp/tma fanart ive made !! the premise was basically just 'What If RedCanary had found The Archivist instead'.....had the idea when the first episode came out and only just got around to it lol.
yall do Not understand how frustrating this was to make lmao,,,,it was so dark to see the details properly, so i turned the brightness up and the glare of the screen on my glasses meant i couldnt see clearly so had to take them off and i STILL couldnt really see it jkdfsjhkfds
sligtly brighter version under cut :)
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
[FIC] Chaos and Calm
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Rated: G Word Count: 1551 Tags: fluff, domesticity, single dads, pre-relationship, outings in the park, feeding the ducks, rain
Notes: For Day 1 of Dreamling Week 2024 as organized by @mr-sadman, for the prompt 'hunt'. Also dedicated to the wonderful @chaosheadspace, whose single-dads AU Castle in the Sand rotates in the back of my head quite often - I meant to have this coincide with your birthday but didn't quite make it, alas.
Summary: Searching for rain boots and meeting friends in the park. No real plot, just meandering domestic parenting vibes.
On AO3
"Robyn! You 'bout ready, kiddo?"
Hob winces at the sound of something heavy thudding on the floor above, and then his son appears at the top of the stairs. "I can't find my boots!"
Hob suppresses the urge to sigh. "Do you remember where you had them last?"
Robyn's brow furrows. "Maybe? They might be in the cupboard? But I think I might have used 'em as astronaut boots and forgot to put 'em back."
"Did you check by the washing machine?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. You keep looking in your room; I'll check down here and then come help you look if I don't find them."
"'Kay." Robyn scrambles back up from where he'd started down the stairs and dashes back to his room, and Hob heads to check the coat cupboard in the front hallway.
They're meant to be meeting Dream and Orpheus at the park in fifteen minutes. The day has turned out to be dreary and grey, light rain off and on keeping it misty and damp and a raincoat plus wellies are definitely called for.
If only he or his son could be relied upon to consistently put things back in their expected places. Ellie had always scolded them about it, gently, and for all the years since she's been gone Hob has kept trying to do better, but it's not always top of his mind and they're both surviving okay, despite the current inconvenience.
He checks the bottom of the coat cupboard; no boots.
He lets the sigh out this time, since Robyn's not there to see the frustration. He checks the utility room next, where last year's too-small snow boots are still sitting next to this year's because Hob hasn't gotten round to dropping them off at the charity shop yet. This year's snow boots will have to do if they can't find the wellies, but he's not giving up yet.
He's not going to tear the house apart looking, either, though; he's eager to get going. Letting Robyn spend time with his best friend is important, but also. Hob really looks forward to seeing Dream, for—well. For lots of reasons, that he's comfortably aware of but cautious about acting on because the kids would be caught in the middle if it didn't work out and that's the last thing he wants. Right now he just wants to let himself enjoy the possibilities. Hanging out, conversations while the kids play, watching Dream's pretty face go soft and expressive as they talk.
So. Best check all the likely spots in this comfortably-cluttered chaos he lives in, then, so they can find the boots and get going. It would certainly be easier if his home was less messy, but he's a single dad with a very active kid, he teaches secondary school, and taking the time to make his home look like a magazine spread is just not on his agenda. And sure sometimes it bites him in the arse, like now, but most times the chaos is of a manageable level and more importantly, it works for them.
Just. Not today, apparently.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, fires off a quick text to Dream.
May be a few minutes late We've a crisis of missing wellies over here Keep you posted
Dream's response comes through almost instantly.
I wish you luck in your hunt, then. We will wait.
Hob smiles, tucks the phone back in his pocket and heads up the stairs to join the search.
Robyn's room is a little bit of a disaster zone, as he's been throwing things around in his haste, and Hob kneels to crawl around the floor and help him look. He'll help him straighten up later, too, but for now they're boot-hunting.
Robyn is a little worried, as it turns out. "What if Orpheus and his dad leave before we get there? What if they think we're not coming because I can't find my stupid boots?"
Hob laughs, a small laugh full of kindness. "They wouldn't," he assures, pulling his kid into a one-armed hug as they sit on the floor. "And besides—I texted Orpheus's dad so they know we're running late." He drops a kiss in Robyn's hair. "Now let's find those blasted wellies so we can get going, yeah?"
The boots are not under the bed, or the desk in the corner; they're not in the toy chest, nor the basket for Robyn's dirty laundry, nor under the laundry that hasn't quite made it into the basket. Hob helps that last category get to where it was meant to be and sits back with a sigh, making a mental note—and hopefully he'll remember later—to be sure to run a load of Robyn's clothes.
"Alright, kiddo, is there anywhere you haven't looked yet?"
Robyn ponders for a moment, face scrunched in thought, and then lights up. "Oh!" He scrambles off the floor and over to the wardrobe, yanks it open. Hob would have thought that would be the first place to check, so he hadn't looked himself but obviously he should have, because Robyn dives into it with a little yell of victory and emerges with a boot held high in either hand and triumph radiating from his grin.
~ They're only a little bit late to the park; Robyn and Orpheus spot each other at the same instant and yell in excited unison, charging across the wet grass and crashing into a hug that also involves a lot of jumping up and down. Hob grins at their enthusiasm, eyes searching beyond them to find Dream looking for him as well; the smile that blooms on Dream's face, visible even at this distance, makes Hob's heart do a pleasant little flop in his chest.
"Your hunt was successful, I see," Dream says, when they are close enough for speaking; they are trailing after the boys, who are cavorting in the general direction of the duck pond, splashing in collected puddles on the path. Dream's got his umbrella up, even though it's not raining right this moment, which somehow just enhances his general goth vibe.
Hob stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, time to do a major cleaning. His room's a bit of a mess but we finally found his wellies in the wardrobe. Which honestly would have been the first place I checked if I'd realized he hadn't. Kid brains work on different logic, I suppose."
"True." Dream shifts a little, casts a glance sideways at Hob. "Robyn is fortunate to have a father so skilled at finding lost items."
"Got a lot of experience misplacing my own crap," Hob offers, laughing to cover the flustery warmth seeping into his chest at Dream's simple compliment. "And he found the boots himself, just needed some help thinking it through."
"As I said. He is fortunate to have your guidance," Dream reiterates, and Hob is saved from having to respond when Robyn comes running back to where the two of them have stopped at the path's edge. Orpheus is over by the pond, bending down to peer between the rails of the short wooden fence that surrounds it as several ducks swim toward him.
"Dad! Did you bring the peas? The ducks're hungry!" There's eager excitement in Robyn's voice and Hob smiles.
"'Course I did, kiddo, here." He rummages in the bag at his hip, slung comfortably across his chest, and hands over the snack-size freezer bag of peas; Robyn thanks him and dashes back over to Orpheus. Whether or not the ducks are 'hungry' is arguable, but Hob won't deny his kid the human joy of personifying the world around him nor of feeding the ducks, which is generally their purpose in coming to this park. He glances sideways at Dream—who is Hob's own private secondary reason for any of the activities they do together with their kids—and finds him watching the boys with the softest little smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
He's so beautiful.
It starts raining, then, just a light misty sprinkle. The boys put up the hoods on their raincoats and carry on tossing peas to the eager birds who've gathered for the feast; Hob is about to dig his own umbrella out of his bag but Dream steps closer and shifts his own broad umbrella over Hob as well. His arm presses up against Hob's, from shoulder to elbow, and Hob swallows the urge to lift his arm and put it around Dream's shoulders, leans solidly into the touch instead. It's nice.
It's so, so nice, and Hob revels in the imagined warmth he can feel seeping into the contact despite the layers between them, the way that seconds turn to minutes and neither of them moves away, how they both watch their boys in comfortable silence. Hob's thoughts and emotions often feel chaotic and jumbled up in the same way his house manages to be a mild-but-functional disaster zone but this—sharing an everyday domestic moment with Dream, the casual unremarked closeness between them—it quiets something in his head, makes anything and everything seem gloriously possible.
This, this is a feeling worth finding, a feeling he did not even realize he was searching for.
He is still entirely grateful to have found it.
= Started: 6/2/24 Drafted: 6/3/24 Posted: 6/3/24
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: starryeyedjanai! @starryeyedjanai has 74 fics in the Stranger Things fandom and 60 of them are in the Steddie tag!
@steddieas-shegoes recommends the following works by @starryeyedjanai:
All things end and all things change.
what lurks beneath
nights like this
if i could hold you for a minute (i’d go through it again)
"Janai is one of those authors that can make absolutely anything hot. I could sit and talk for hours about how they characterize Steve and Eddie. I absolutely love everything they write and always make it a priority to open the AO3 email when the notification comes in!" -- @steddieas-shegoes
Below the cut, @starryeyedjanai answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
These two burrowed their way into my brain and just won’t leave. I can’t not write them when I am thinking about them literally all the time and am brimming with new ways for them to fall in love.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m kind of a sucker for steddie talking via notes, letters, etc. before they ever meet in person. There’s just something so special about them falling in love in unconventional ways before they ever meet in person that hits the spot, you know? I also just really love all the creative AUs that people come up with that I never would have thought of writing.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I love writing anything that has friends to lovers and especially if they are so, so stupid about it. Idiot4idiot my beloved. friends/acquaintances to lovers is So fun to explore because there are a million ways to do it. I love a good oh moment where things just click into place.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
It is So hard to pick just one!!! So i’ll list a few: One that I have reread a few times that I just really, really love is All I Do Is Want by novemberthorne. There’s just something really special about it—all the emotion in the beginning and then the smut which is just top tier. like a sack of bricks and literally anything by alligator_writes is great off the beaten path by pukner is also really, really great
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I have a fic idea that I've been thinking about for a while that involves alternate universes, like the metaverse, because if the Upside Down exists, there are probably other dimensions as well.
What is your writing process like?
It is honestly so variable. For the majority of my ficlets, I get an idea and just start hacking away at it intermittently until it’s done, so it’s safe to say that at any given time, I have like eight ficlets that are partially written. I never used to outline because I didn’t really write fics longer than around 5k, but since I’ve started writing longer fics, it is almost necessary for me to have an outline that hits all the major plot points because otherwise I will forget what I have planned. So for anything that I know will be longer than a ficlet, I’ll write out an outline, even just a few bullet points so that I can reference it when I’m writing and not lose sight of where the story is going. 
Do you have any writing quirks?
I use way too many em-dashes and my sentences are sometimes comically long, but the way I write is indicative of how fast my brain is moving, kind of. I typically headcanon Steve and Eddie to both have ADHD, so any fics in their points of view will have their thoughts coming out as fast as my own typically are. And sentence length and structure can really help convey that.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I prefer posting once I’ve finished writing because my focus shifts around a lot and it sometimes takes a while for me to actually finish projects (like i had a fic that sat at 16k for months as I worked on other things that caught my attention and then I finally returned to finish the last couple thousand words six or so months later)
Which fic are you most proud of?
I am proud of all of my fics, but I really, really love how All things end and all things change. turned out. Some fics just come together so easily and this was one of them. I outlined the fic and let the idea marinate for a couple months and then I wrote ~20k in about a week and finished the fic.
How did you get the idea for All things end and all things change.?
This fic was for a holiday server exchange so my giftee gave me three prompts and I found ways to incorporate all of the prompts. I saw the prompt for mutual pining roommates and immediately knew I was going to write Eddie taking Steve home to Wayne over the holidays. I originally only planned on using that prompt, but the prompt for a snowy cabin getaway really called to me as I got further along in the fic and needed more tension between them. It was just a really excellent set of prompts.
When writing All things end and all things change., what was something you didn’t expect?
I did not expect it to get so long! My original estimate was 10k, but then I kept adding more to Wayne and Eddie showing Steve how special Christmas could be with people who care about him and then I added the cabin scene which added an easy 5k to the fic and then I was staring at what was, at that time, my longest complete fic. Wild.
What inspired what lurks beneath?
This honestly came out of left field for me because I had only ever written one other fic like it. I was doing kinktober for the first time and had a few different ideas for the prompt for that day and then I saw that the date of that prompt was Joey (@matchingbatebites)’s birthday and remembered her lake monster Eddie ficlet and instantly knew I wanted to explore a different version of lake monster Eddie.
What was your favorite part to write from if i could hold you for a minute (i’d go through it again)?
I really, really loved writing the flashes into the future at the end of the fic. Throughout the fic, there was some yearning and pining from afar and getting to write that everything works out in the end was cathartic.
How do/did you feel writing if i could hold you for a minute (i’d go through it again)?
Oh boy, this fic put me through the ringer. This was written for the steddie big bang and it was the first longer fic that I was attempting to write. I just had so many different ideas for this fic that it made it hard to choose the direction I wanted to go in. I probably have like an additional 20k words that just did not end up in the fic because it contradicted things that did end up in the fic or just didn’t fit with the vibe I was going for. There were times that I felt discouraged and felt like I might never finish it, but I am very pleased with how it turned out in the end! It was extremely rewarding to finally finish it and get it posted in February!
What was the most difficult part of writing nights like this?
Honestly, I don’t remember this one giving me any trouble at all. Once I got the idea in my brain, I think I sat down and wrote all 2.5k in a day. I do not know what my brain was doing during kinktober, but I think I ended up writing like over 60k that month and it was the only time that I’ve ever really been able to sit down and write a ficlet from start to finish like that and it happened with multiple of the ficlets that I ended up writing the day before they were published.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I really love the lead up to the smut in my fic catch the embers on my tongue. Like eddie being a little self-deprecating and in awe that steve might feel the same way he does was so fun to write. Also the summary for surface level freak is probably one of my favorite things i’ve written.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Some of the projects I’m working on right now are things I can’t really talk about, but look forward to fics from me in the Steddie Summer Exchange, the Steddie Bang 2024, and the ST Sapphic Mini Bang!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Whoever nominated me, I am kissing you full on the mouth with tongue (if you’re into that kind of thing)
Thank you to our author, @starryeyedjanai, and our nominator, @steddieas-shegoes! See more of starryeyedjanai's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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n3ptoonz · 2 months
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Pairing: Li Mei/Umgadi!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: Smut; Explicit, angst if you blink, SCISSOR ME TIMBERS, female reader, undercover mission mentioned, forbidden love trope(?), technically re-profession of love, light breast play, may be some continuity errors
dt: @victorianeumanstrophywife i heard your cry and now i provide (bars) mwah mwah (user name so real)
Word count: 1.4k
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You were utterly devastated the day Li Mei was discharged from the Umgadi. Neither of you would call whatever it is you had a "relationship." Not because it wasn't, but because it couldn't be. The Umgadi are sworn to piety from infancy. Those lingering stares, light feathery touches during training, all of it was kept hush-hush. You had no choice. But when she had to leave for good, it nearly broke you.
You held Li Mei in such high regard outside of her being the head of the Umgadi, and she to you outside of your excellent skillset as a higher ranked Umgadi. The whole thing was just beautiful. The only glaring issues were you could never be together and if you were it would be tried as treason.
One would think that because you were not around each other anymore it made things easier, oh to the contrary. Besides the fact that you both have mastered the stone cold soldier image, it was harder than being around each other and not being able to do anything about it.
To the Elder Gods above who must have thought it humorous to pair you two together for a longer mission outside of Edenia, what was the reason? For however long Li Mei had been appointed head of the Sun Do, you two never thought you would be able to already rarely meet outside the darkest of nights ever again. This is absurd to say the least. This had to be a test, right? Surely someone has informed a higher up about you two...No, otherwise you probably would not be standing here breathing, in front of Empress Sindel, receiving orders and details about the mission. The task was not simple, but it can be done, and she specifically requested you both because of your history working together and skills that best work for this type of mission.
There was a two bedroom small stakeout place already set up since this was going to last a few days, but you've never so awkward a day in your life. You dreamt of days like this: the day you would be able to be around each other in during the hours of the day freely, seldom judgement. Now here you both stood like statues. Li Mei nearly unable to look you in the eyes and you're just standing there.
"I'll take the left bed." Li Mei said as she cleared her throat to fill the silence. You nod and place your equipment on the right bed. The both of you were tasked with gathering information about conspiracy against the royal house, being provided civilian clothes to fit in. Li Mei was already undressing herself after laying her clothes out, so when you turned around you were met with her bare back before she readjusted her bra. You really couldn't help but to stare at the way her muscles rippled along with her movements while actively trying not to let your gaze travel straight to her ass.
"I can feel your eyes on me." she said with a small chuckle before putting just her pants on, leaving her in just her undershirt when she turned to face you. "I know it's been a while-"
"I miss you," you said, "Every day."
"I know," Li Mei replied in a quieter tone, taking both your hands into hers, "It was already one thing to be kicked out of the Umgadi. I still have not gotten used to not being able to see you every day. Even after all these years." she admitted. She looked down at your worn, yet somehow still soft hands and rubbed them with her thumb before pulling you into a hug.
"We may not be lovers officially...but perhaps one day." she mumbled. The faint smell of lavender in her hair took over your senses, causing you to hug her even tighter.
One long evening of almost getting caught multiple times later, you end up back at the hotel nearly out of breath. At some point you had to start running in case of recognition by voice or face and neither of you wanted to take that chance. There was some pretty useful information collected around some of the bars you visited together and separate. You subconsciously threw your jacket and shirt off onto your bed to feel the long awaited cool air pumping in the room, meanwhile you didn't catch the way Li Mei's breath hitched at the sight of the long scar across your back.
After getting out of her own head she asks, "Where did this come from?" while walking up behind you and gently placing her palm where the scar was. You looked over your shoulder with a puzzled expression before remembering almost instantly what had happened.
"Freak accident on a mission." you said while trying to sound casual about it. Before she even said anything you could tell she wasn't convinced in the slightest, but what came to your surprise was she decided against asking again and instead coming to her knees.
"Li Mei?" you questioned, feeling her hands grip your hips so you couldn't immediately turn to her. She left light, slow kisses along your well healed scar, making her way up your spine--smiling to herself when you shudder.
"Li Mei." you whisper this time. You shut your eyes and didn't even attempt to protest; anyone who was able to get Li Mei to act like this wouldn't dare either. Funny thing is, you are the only one who can.
Li Mei takes responsibility very, very seriously. Especially after what happened. But there's just something about the woman who stands before her that nips away at that part of her soul in the hottest way possible. She'd drop everything right now just to stay like this for the rest of her life.
She left a few kisses on your neck as her mindlessly let her hands roam your half naked body. Seeing you in a simple bra and casual pants were enough for her to even forget what you were here for in the first place. She reached up and turned your head to face her, soon having your body do the same. You couldn't look away no matter how hard you tried. Everything you went through played in the blink of an eye and right before her lips made contact with yours, you placed your hands on hers and sighed.
"We can't." you said quietly and gently moved them from your jaw. "We can't." you repeated, this time it sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than her. "If we do this now-"
"Then we would be getting it out of the way."
"But," you breathlessly tried to retort, "We can't..." your eyes drop to her lips, "We..." you mutter one last time before closing the distance --which was barely there to begin with. Your lips meeting hers was that of a searing hot feeling of passion and longing. You fiddled with each other's clothes until you both were completely bare, still caught up in this kiss you so desperately needed for so long.
Once you were laid out on your bed her fingers made their way to your folds, drawing a genuine grin against your lips.
"You missed me that much, hm?" she said as you playfully rolled your eyes and quickly repositioned yourself so that she was now on her back and your leg was hooked around one of hers. Looking up at you with slight surprise, she smiled again.
"I did too." she mused and pulled you in for a longer kiss, softly humming when you started rubbing against her. This was not new for either one of you, so you knew exactly what got her to tick. She fucking loved when you played with your tits; it was like a neuron activation. The bed creaking held no candle to the breathy moans and wet sounds of your lips gliding effortlessly against hers. The more she watched you watch her play with her self solely to the visual of your fingers rolling your nipple between them, she was about ready to let the whole town know who she loved.
It didn't take long until she painted your upper thighs and lower torso with her own cum and you soon did the same. You still rode out your highs like your life depended on it, breath getting heavier and legs getting more tired by the second. Before you allowed yourself to collapse, you practically jumped into her arms to kiss her again.
"I'm so...in love with you..." you murmured in between kisses and rolling onto your back with her on top of you and settling between your thighs and whispering against your cheek.
"Not more than me loving you."
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nimata-beroya · 9 months
20 Questions For Writers
This was sitting on my notifs for a few days and i finally took the time to do it. Thank my darling @takadasaiko for the tag!! 💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 88 works in total, 31 of which are for Star Wars.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
574,873 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm only writing for Star Wars. But I used to write for Arrow and Supergirl, and ASoIAF, Dark-Hunters and Chronicles of Nick are in standby. I'm waiting for right motivation to come back to any of the last 3.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm only talking about Star Wars fics here...
Kadala (The Mandalorian) [and 4th place in most kudos of all my works]
Rough Awakening (The Bad Batch) [and 5th place in most kudos of all my works]
Welcome to Yavin IV (Rebels)
An Explosive Situation (Rebels)
Rescue on Ryloth (The Bad Batch)
And the the rest of my all-time fics with most kudos are
Take Your Breath Away (Arrow)
Undisclosed Desires (Arrow)
Made For You (ASoIaF/Game of Thrones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best, but sometimes I forget, and then it's been weeks and months since I got the comments that I'm embarrassed to reply them after so long. Even though, I think it's important that a writer let the reader/commenter that they appreciate it, even if it's with a simple "thank you" or an emoji. I know I'm being a hypocrite here since I fail to do what I preach, but it doesn't make it less true.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that would be Drifting, because it's kind of open ending, left to be interpreted, so it could end however the reader wants. Although, I left an author's note at the end saying what's my preferred ending, which always will be inclined to the happy side.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
High Above the Ground because is the happy ending i want for Commander Fox and Riyo Chuchi. They deserve only the best!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, not really. I've gotten only 1 stupid message of someone criticizing a fic, but that was years ago when I still posted on FF dot net. The joke was on the reader because I moderated all the comments there so I just deleted it and nobody saw it but me. Honestly, I just laughed about it cuz their argument was just stupid.
9. Do you write smut?
I do, all kinds -from the most tame thing to the most perverted. But I used to wrote way more in my old fandoms, especially for Arrow. I think for Star Wars I've written just 1 or 2 smutty fics, and tamed at that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've tried a couple of occasions but never finished them. I'm not opposed to them obviously, but I do think the combination of fandoms has to be just right to work. Or at least, when it's me doing the writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Many, many years ago in the first fandom I ever wrote for. It was awful and hated it! You see, this was in the stone age of the internet when fandom specific sites abounded and not everyone had an account on FFnet yet (and Ao3 was not even a dream). The site I published on was split in 2 sections because the ships war in the fandom was bloody and ruthless, so to avoid the slaughter, I kept myself in my preferred side. But one day, a friend who read fic on both sides told me that someone stole my fics. Avoiding to get caught, the person who did it published them under a pen name that was almost exact to mine, she only added a period at the end, which could easily go unnoticed. Oh, and she interchanged characters names so it'd fit the other ship.
At first, my friend thought I had posted them but she knew I'd never write for that ship, like ever. In the end, it turned out that I wasn't the only one who had being plagiarized. Several people ON BOTH SIDES were. Thankfully, the person was caught and banned, but we almost burned the site down because of the whole shitshow.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
By me, yes, several. All into Spanish (my mother tongue). By others, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! A couple of times for different fandoms, and I loved it. I hope I'll do it again. The thing is that you need to find the right partner for it, or it can be a nightmare.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't appreciate this question, let me tell you. It's hard to choose. But I think I have to go with Olicity. I love them still (even if the show ending ruined it for me). Close second would be Braime (and I'm glad that there's still hope for them on the books, because as usual the show fucked them so but sooooo bad)
And as Star Wars specific, I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say it's Kalluzeb, right 🤣 They're my babies and I adore them!
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Anything for Arrow or Supergirl. I sworn off those fandoms after their respectively awful endings.
No promises, but there's still hope for all if my unfinished works for Star Wars 😅
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas. So, so many ideas. All the time and I want to write them all.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Finishing writing the above-mentioned ideas. I tend to splay myself too much when I'm writing, and it takes me forever to get to the portion I really want to write (usually the idea that sparked the whole writing process) and I lose steam. That's why I have so many unfinished WIPs. I wish they'd write themselves.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's ok if used sparingly. A word here, a phrase over there is fine, but if a wall of dialogue that the reader needs to scroll down to the notes or click on a tooltip to find out the meaning it's the worst!!! A better solution for a writer that really needs/wants to have a whole conversation in another language for plot reasons or whatever, then all they need to do is to say once that the characters are talking in the other language and put the dialogue in the same language they've been writing the rest of the narrative and in italic.
The characters who don't speak the language won't understand what's being said, but the reader will and their reading will be more pleasant and fluid.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An Argentinian show called Floricienta. A modern retelling of Cinderella.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I don't like this question either! All my fics are my babies! How do you want me to choose?!! There are so many I'm proud of. I guess I'll point the most recent one: Feed Me Poison, Fill me till I Drown I really like how this story is coming along. It's not done yet (what else is new? 😅) but what's coming is so so good!
Tagging (no pressure): @renee561 @thecoffeelorian @genericficerblog @airlockfailure @mistr3ssquickly @insertmeaningfulusername @fanfictasia
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ladykailitha · 2 years
In the Midnight Hour Part 12
Just one more part after this. I’m sad to see it go. It’s been a lot of fun. It’s also the longest story I’ve written for this fandom. Thank you all so much for following this story and all your comments and tags have made me so happy. :D
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
The next day Steve made sure that Eddie’s visitors were in small groups only. He got a lot of flack for that, but Steve didn’t care. He explained that with Eddie having to write down what he wanted to say having too many people would overwhelm him.
They grumbled but conceded the point.
The first ones in were Dustin and Robin. Steve was starting small and working his way up. Wayne was at the door, making sure everyone got their turn. Ten minutes each.
Eddie had gotten a large poster board and wrote: MY HEROES!! Causing Robin and Dustin to laugh breaking the tension almost immediately.
“Steve’s the real hero,” Dustin said coming up and giving Eddie a careful hug.
Eddie shook his head and pulled out his notebook. “Steve broke me, you guys put me back together again. Like Humpty Dumpty.”
Steve protested. “Hey!”
Robin giggled. “It’s true though.”
Eddie wrote: “Grateful.”
Steve’s expression softened. “I wish there had been a less violent way to save you.”
Eddie wrote: “Me too.”
“Doesn’t matter how it happened,” Dustin said. “You’re back. You’re alive.” He lifted up Eddie’s hand gently. “Will you be able to play?”
“Doc says yes,” Steve said for him. “It’s the voice they’re most worried about.”
Eddie nodded.
“Well I, for one, am glad you’re back,” Robin said.
Eddie cocked his head to the side and then wrote “Why’s that?”
Robin glanced over at Steve with a feral grin.
Steve’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh no. Don’t you dare.”
Eddie and Dustin looked back and forth in confusion.
“What?” Dustin asked, saving Eddie the question.
“All the moping and whining about not having enough time with Eddie to really get to know him,” she said with a wink. “If you know what I mean.”
Dustin frowned. “Well, we all felt Steve’s love for Eddie.”
Robin grinned. “I’m not just talking about love, kiddo.”
Dustin shrugged. “So what if Steve likes guys? Are you guys homophobic or something?”
Robin and Eddie both turn and look at him eyes wide. And then they look at each before bursting out into laughter.
“No, genius child,” Robin crowed. “We’re gay. It’s a little hard to be homophobic.”
Dustin screwed up his nose. “Oh...you’re biphobic!”
Steve burst out laughing at the shocked faces of his friends. He rubbed the top of Dustin’s head. “It’s not like that, bud. They’re trying to say in the most round about way that I’m in love with Eddie. Like, love love.” He made gesture over Dustin’s head, a cutting motion across his throat as he mouthed the words, ‘He’s too young!’
Dustin’s face cleared. “Oh!” He looked between Eddie and Steve. “And do you love love Steve back?”
Eddie blushed and shoved his hair in front of his face to hide his reddening cheeks. Steve’s breath caught in his chest as Eddie nodded.
Eddie nodded again.
Steve leaned over and kissed his lips gently. “Good to hear it.”
There was a knock on the door. Their ten minutes was up.
Dustin grinned. “Don’t you be hogging him, Steve. You can kiss his lights out off after everyone has had a chance to talk to him, k?”
Steve blushed. “I promise.”
Dustin followed Robin out.
“The next group is Nancy, Jonathan, Mike and Will,” Steve murmured. “You haven’t met the Byers brothers, yet. But I think you’ll love Will.”
Eddie grinned.
The four of them shuffled in and Nancy immediately ran over and gave Eddie the biggest hug. Eddie’s blush deepened as he hurriedly wrote something down.
“Don’t worry, I’m gay.” And he held it up over Nancy’s head.
Jonathan laughed. Will on the other hand looked shocked.
“Wait,” he murmured. “You are?”
Mike looked over at Will in confusion.
Nancy stood up. “Hold up, before we get too far off topic. Introductions need to be made.”
Steve laughed. “Eddie Munson, Jonathan and Will Byers.”
Eddie tilted his head and grinned. “Us freaks should stick together.” He pointed at Will and then back to himself.
“In more ways than one,” Will agreed. “My ‘death’ started this whole thing and your ‘death’ ended it.”
Eddie’s grin got bigger. “Hell yeah!” he wrote.
Jonathan smiled and then wagged his finger at Eddie. “Now, no converting him to metal. I have spent too many years keeping him on the alternative rock scene to have you go and mess this up on me.”
Eddie let out a wheezing laugh. “No promises,” he wrote.
Mike’s face fell. “I heard about your voice, man. Does this mean that you won’t be able to DM anymore?”
Eddie shrugged.
“He’s working with a speech therapist,” Steve said.
“I have a lot of those!” Eddie wrote with a wink. “Two physical therapists, one for my body and one for hands. Then even another for all the trauma.”
Nancy picked up his hand, the tips still bandaged. “You went through so much. That’s not say that you had it better or worse,” she quickly amended when Jonathan, Will, and Mike glared at her. “This town took so much from you. I just hope it doesn’t take away your ability to do the things you love.”
The three of them softened. Because she was right. Despite what everyone had gone through, it was Eddie and Max that had the most taken from them. And it wasn’t fair.
“Tell me about taking out the gates,” Eddie wrote when the silence got too awkward.
Mike and Will launched into how bad ass it was and how cool Jonathan and Nancy had been in helping Joyce and Hopper take down the gates.
Far too soon another knock came on the door.
Nancy gave Eddie’s shoulder a squeeze. “You take care of Steve for me, okay?”
Eddie looked up at her in shock and Steve looked away. She just patted Steve’s cheek and walked out, the three boys following close behind. Will stopped at the doorway and looked back at Eddie and Steve. Their foreheads were touching as Steve whispered something to Eddie.
Will smiled. Hope really did spring eternal.
“One last group and then you rest,” Steve said. “Okay?”
Eddie nodded. Steve could tell that he was already getting tired, but he hoped that this last group would be the easiest on Eddie.
Lucas wheeled in Max with Erica and El following close behind.
“You look like shit, Munson,” Max said.
Eddie rasped, “How would you know?” Hopefully loud enough for her to hear.
Max laughed. “Because you always look like shit. Unlike Steve who always looks good.”
Lucas gasped. “Hey!”
Max and El giggled as Erica rolled her eyes.
“Steve...” Erica whined. “Lucas and Max are being gross again.”
El shook her head. “I think they’re cute.”
Steve smiled at Erica. “Eh...I’m with El on this one. Sorry, kiddo. Maybe you’ll understand when you’re older.”
Erica sighed dramatically. “That’s what everyone says!”
Eddie grinned at her. “Well I think it’s gross too.”
Every head snapped his direction.
“All kissing that is between other people is gross,” he rasped with a wink. “It’s only cute when it’s me and my boyfriend.”
Steve blushed and looked away but every eye was still on Eddie.
“Steve’s cute all the time,” El said.
Lucas, Erica, and Max all turned to her in shock.
“Oops,” El murmured. “Dad and Joyce said it’s not nice to out someone without their permission. I’m sorry, Steve.”
Steve blushed. “It’s okay, you’ll get there. It’s just that a lot people are against people of the same gender being a couple. So it could be dangerous, okay?”
El cocked her head to the side. “I understand now. Thank you.”
“So you’re the one with super powers,” Eddie whispered. “Thanks for the assist down there.”
El smiled brightly. “Me and Uncle Wayne make a great team!”
Eddie mouthed ‘Uncle?’ to Steve who just grinned.
“It was sooo boring,” Erica complained. “There was no ‘Omen’ level shit or anything cool. Just El with her eyes closed and Mrs Henderson standing by with a hose and a kiddie pool.”
Steve sighed. “Well I, for one, am grateful nothing exciting happened here at the hospital during that fight.”
Lucas hugged his little sister. “Me, too.”
Erica rolled her eyes but snuggled against him anyway.
There was a knock on the door.
“All right,” Steve said. “Times up for today. He just wanted to see everyone and make sure everyone was okay. You guys can come visit him all you want next week, give his voice a chance to recover, okay?”
They nodded and quietly shuffled out.
“Come on,” Steve said. “I’ll massage your hand while you lie down.”
Eddie laid down and held out his hand.
“I think it was too soon for all this,” Steve murmured as began to kneed the palm of Eddie’s hand. “But I wasn’t going to say no. Not when everyone mourned you and you being so anxious about them. Mentally it was mutually beneficial. But I know it took a lot out of you physically. Your voice, your hand. I worry that you over did it.”
Eddie smiled gently and let his body slow drift off to sleep.
Steve smoothed the hair out Eddie’s face. “You beautiful thing. I’m so glad you’re safe.”
Part 13
Tag List: @swimmingbirdrunningrock @panicatthediaz @renaissan-vvitch @grtwdsmwhr @chaoticlovingdreamer  @savory-babby @thequeenrainacorn  @anzelsilver @estrellami-1 @steddieassheg0es @currently-steddiebrainrot @gregre369  @steddie-there @clumsywriter @babbler1202 
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sugaredrhubarb · 9 months
Reading with Ru: 2023 oct/nov/dec fic and book recs
Hello hello! Back again with some final recs from what I was reading towards the end of the year. Gonna start with cod because that's where most of my moots are, and then some from other fandoms and published romance I've been enjoying as well.
Just in case this goes outside my little circle, please check the tags of anything I rec; I'll try to mention if I think something is particularly dark, but don't read anything you won't like!
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landscape with honey by @ceilidho - (bear shifter!price x reader) starting with ceil because, at this rate, I can't write a list without including her. my friendship with ceil partially started from bugging her asks about bear price, so this one is always gonna be special, but I genuinely love it, ceil writes blatant dubcon really well (as we all know), but I think it's in fics like this—when the hero is just a little off, and the reader is caught between what seems too good to be true and a gut instinct that something isn't quite right—that her writing really thrives. Anyway, I'm okay with a big, burly man hibernating with me in a cozy cabin in the woods for a winter. (side note: we need to be talking about ghost x feral witch reader more)
Mind the Drop by @sprout-fics - (BDSM au, price x reader) more aftercare in fics!!! This wonderful one-shot is based in a universe where people are biologically designated as dominant or submissive. Reader is a sub who is feeling the effects of some missed aftercare, which Price takes notice of and offers his... assistance. Honestly, this is just some really well-written comfort and aftercare from a fun concept.
My daddy didn't love me, so I guess I've moved on to you by @makoodles - (price x reader) clearly, I was back in my Price era, and this fic hits on the central theme of my attraction to him in the first place: daddy issues :) So, if you may want to read 17k of Reader and Price succumbing to their attraction and mutual daddy kinks, this one is for you.
Light On by @peachesofteal - (ghost x singlemom!reader) I feel like everyone was reading it, but if you haven't checked out this lovely story yet, please do! It's nice to take a break from the darker fic, and this one is so lovely while still acknowledging Simon's trauma and obsession. Peaches is an excellent writer, and this sent me down a rabbit hole of single-parent fics and books! I could read so much of this.
Pornstar!ghost by @ghosts-cyphera - ( x reader) lo is on a little break right now, but this is another wonderful entry on the soft side of cod fic. I really enjoy Ghost's charisma and confidence on display here, and every update had me giggling and kicking my feet. (I found lo through her price wife x 141 post, which is also a must read)
okay, so @ohbo-ohno (hopefully) knows I love her, and she wrote a ton and is constantly throwing out mind-bogglingly yummy drabbles, so here are some of my favs from her kinktober and 1k celebration: price x reader breeding (surprise, surprise), soap x reader somno (drugged noncon), 141 x reader orgy, ghoap ft price deepthroating, 141 x free use reader (the dream), kingpin price x reader, ex husband price x reader, gaz x reader a/b/o, and my personal fav I think about all the time ghoap x brand new vampire reader. Maybe got a little carried away, but I adore Bo's work, and she has a unique ability to make everything hot.
And finally, @charliemwrites. When making this list, I was tempted to just rec everything Charlie has posted in the last few months, so if you aren't reading her stuff already, I'm jealous that you get to experience it for the first time. Obviously, it would be a mistake to not start with her current fics: charmed slasher simon (he's a serial killer, so violence warning) and woof woof johnny, which are both so fun and compelling, I get so excited whenever I see a new update. I almost daily think about this dark(ish) Price decides you're his wife post. Charlie also writes just wonderful fluff and lighter but emotional relationships too, and both childhood friend simon and bodyguard!gaz have a special place in my heart
other fandoms
casualties by little fools writing/tianawritesfic - (darklina) yet another person I could rec every single work by. This is a boyfriend's roommate cheating fic with the perfect amount of mean man.
You kept me like a secret (i kept you like an oath) by burninghoneyatdusk - (darklina) I genuinely think everyone should read this; it's modern setting, so no canon knowledge needed. Alina wakes up after an accident and discovers she's pregnant, but she doesn't remember the last year of her life, doesn't know who the father is, and most importantly, doesn't remember the affair that ended her relationship. I could talk about it for ages, but I'm just gonna share my comment on the last chapter: "every action, line of dialogue, description, and internal thought felt deliberate— not a single word felt wasted. you stripped both aleks and alina bare and it felt impossible to not take them in completely. i don't even know how to talk about the therapy sessions and alina's healing. the exploration of her guilt, her past, her anger, her confusion it all felt so earnest and raw. what a gift to read."
Bury Us Both by morriganmercy - (Lavinia Lucia/Nick Bruin) this is sibling incest! For the love of god, don't read it if it's not your thing. I know nothing about The Royals of Forsyth series (books?), but this was recd by someone, and I saw the tags codependency, slowburn, heavy angst, pining, and religious guilt, and now here we are.
bonus! published romance I enjoyed
links are to goodreads
Return to Monte Carlo by Cate C. Wells - set in 1982, fmc runs away from her stifling life with her rich italian husband and his snobby family before discovering that she's pregnant. fun, smutty, warning for miscommunication galore. i saw some comments about the fmc being immature but she's swept into this crazy life at like ~19 so idk enjoy your smut and stop thinking so much.
Between the Devil and Desire by Lorraine Heath - a widowed duchess must learn to get along with a notorious self made rogue when he is given guardianship of her beloved son. I'm a sucker for historical romances and for single parent stories but the combo is so hard to get right and this one did it for me! while sometimes a little ridiculous, i felt the characters actions had clear motivations. watching the mmc's relationship with the son grow was really nice and it actually made sense given his backstory rather than the sudden "guy who hates kids suddenly cares" trope other books do. (warning for discussions of childhood abuse and sa)
Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata - say what you will about MZ slow burns but no one else can get me to read 600 pages for one sex scene at 95% in. are most of her character's really similar? yeah. but they're never annoying and i love that they're always good people trying their best. i love all the small details and i love me an older man who is secretly down horrendously bad only to gets worse and worse at not showing it.
Icebreaker by Hanna Grace - people have things to say about this book. do the characters get together early on? yeah. do they hook up in the back of an uber filled with their friends? also yeah (i thought it was hot so). is their very little plot in a 400 page book? sure. i'm here for a good time not to be intellectually challenged. i actually enjoyed seeing their time together and really enjoyed that they just fucking communicated even if there were mistakes along the way. plus big nice hockey player who cares about consent? swoon my little canadian heart.
check the reading with ru tag for more!
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skeptiquewrites · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @tackytigerfic (here) and @maesterchill (here). Emerging from my post illness hidey hole.
How many works do you have on ao3?
32, a number that both seems too large and smaller than I thought
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
254,835. Wild.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly HP, although once in a while I peek over at other fandoms. And I have a joint Check Please fic in the works.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All Drarry. None really surprised me but the final one, I hadn't realized it climbed that far up the kudos. Huh. 1. Yours Truly - my romcom fic about Harry feeling left out when everyone's coupled up, telling a lie that gets out of control, and also how hot magical ecology is 2. Home Truths - my Quidditch fic about the complications of fame, love of the game, Harry finding out who his family was and letting himself fall in love 3. Special Affinity - how quickly one can justify fucking one's coworker given a bonding spell while having no idea if the feelings part is reciprocal 4. Winner Takes It All - Draco feeling caught in impossible circumstances, working too much, caregiving for a parent, and how small kindnesses can mean the world 5. A Little Time - mistaken for a couple, forced proximity, Healer school, and everyone in a small town hating you and all your friends on sight
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments, but it takes me a while. I read every single one, and I try to wait until I have the time and energy to respond with something thoughtful. I'm months behind at this point.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a fairly happy ending sort of person. I tend to go more for straight angst for drabbles and micros. Maybe Beside Manner? They're formerly bonded and dealing very badly with the dissolution.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, gosh, most of them. I'm most enamoured by the Big Damn Kiss at the end of Home Truths. I love No Distance because Harry and Draco are very much in love and not able to hide it. I am particularly fond of the end of Winner because I was able to leave Draco in a very good place that felt right for the fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really I think. I get the occasional rude bookmark rating. Once, a very unpleasant person who sent lots of hate for months over a fairly inconsequential aspect of a fic. And then there have been a few comments where it's clear the reader wanted me to write a different fic, which I don't really take that personally. Nice comments far outweight the negative.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not much. Tender, expressive, evocative. Light on details mostly.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I am not a crossover person.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think anyone has ever tried.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Two by the wonderful Bluebubbling which I was thrilled by.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've always wanted to. I'm trying my hand with another fandom, but one day.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Drarry. It just hits different.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm one of those people who has a dozens of ideas. I think I'm unlikely to finish my Veela!Harry fic, I just don't think I have the range. I have yet to successfully write and finish a PWP. Would be thrilled to finish some of my rare pairs.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm. I think dialogue, efficiency, and atmosphere.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
More complicated or mystery-oriented plots, the mid-level between an ensemble cast and an intimate chamber piece, anything with significant length, spending lots of words on one scene.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
One of my ideas about writing is that not everything has to be maximally accessible to all to be an authentic expression in a fic. If that's what fits or feels right, go for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
You know, I found out the answer for sure recently, and I will be keeping that information to myself. Highly embarrassing and yet formative. Let your imagination do the rest.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Winner Takes It All. Exactly what I intended, turned out beautifully. Some of my favourite writing.
tagging @magpiefngrl @lettersbyelise @lqtraintracks @quicksilvermaid @goblinmatriarch @teledild0nix @boxboxlewis and anyone else who is interested
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mvshortcut · 6 months
AO3 Tag Game!
Starting a new post because the old one was getting a bit long!! I was tagged by @mahpotatoequeen <3333
How many works do you have on AO3? 21! Mostly oneshots and one long(ish) fic.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 137,409
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? One! Two if you count the book and the show as separate fandoms. But it's always been The Mysterious Benedict Society so far. I'd love to write for other fandoms someday, probably Good Omens, but this is where I feel comfortable with for now, both in terms of knowing the characters/story and the tight-knit fandom :D
Top five fics by kudos:
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Epistolary Bullying Campaign (because of course it is. this was my first crack fic and I wrote it at 1AM when I had an exam the next day. sigh)
5PM Every Evening, On the Dot
46 Fairview St. Apartment 2A, Stonetown
Thank the Stars Above
Time and a Half
Do you respond to comments?
In theory. I love chatting with people about fics - best way to make friends honestly - and I love when authors reply to my comments on their works! In practice I haven't replied in a while, which upsets me but it's more of a time/spoons thing. If I have time and energy I'd rather spend that commenting on one of my friends' fics rather than replying to comments on one of my own fics.
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
I really don't do angsty endings! They're not always happy, but they tend to be bittersweet or open rather than angsty, and even if everything isn't resolved, I usually try to get across that the fic is ending in the middle of a situation and that everything will be okay later (like this snippet). I think the three that come closest are Let Steep Ten Minutes, Keeping Time with Curtain's +1 section, and 46 Fairview St. where it's kind of left open whether SQ will ever go back to visit his father. But again, those don't really feel angsty, just somewhat bittersweet with the hope that things will grow and get better.
Do you write crossovers? I haven't yet, but I'd be open to it! I think it's really challenging to write a good and cohesive crossover and I'm not sure where I'd start.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Nope! Perks of being in a small fandom. I imagine it does happen but I know y'all would have my back
Do you write smut?
Definitely not for mbs. I'd be open for other fandoms but it's not really what interests me the most.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! I suppose someone might have fed a fic of mine into an AI writing generator which I'd personally consider a form of stealing, but I haven't heard of that happening. Please don't do that :)
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! I've thought of trying to translate some of my own for funsies, but I'm definitely not at that level yet! Although the lovely @sophieswundergarten has made a few amazing podfics of both my fics and some other excellent fics in the mbs fandom, which I'd consider translation of a sort!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
For mbs I'm more interested in platonic/familial connections, but I suppose I'd say Milligan/Moocho if I had to pick one? I really don't care if they're romantic or not though, I just like them together in any form that takes. For all-time I suppose I'd say Aziraphale and Crowley, though again I'm really not too picky about the nature of that, romantic or otherwise. Perks of being aroace spectrum baybe
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
Never say never! But I do have a longer Curtain Wins AU buzzing around in my brain where Reynie and Sticky "join" him at the end of Book/Season 1 and then work to bring him down from the inside, without getting caught up in his manipulations. That might end up being comparable to Time and a Half in length, so maybe someday when I have an abundance of free time.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I write some banger first sentences :D especially in crack/funny fics
What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many adverbs! Also I get very easily stuck on exposition/beginning/ending/filler parts. I tend to write down the most tense/exciting moments for the fic and then the writing process stalls for the next three months.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
For a real language, I think it can be a great opportunity to showcase a character's backstory/culture. It can also be immersive for the audience - if a character is in a foreign country where they don't speak the language, including pieces of dialogue in that language can help the audience understand how lost they're feeling (assuming the audience doesn't speak that language either)! If you're using a translation source though it can make for some pretty hilarious errors and mistranslations.
I think made-up languages absolutely fuck but I could never include one in my fic because I'd nerd out creating an entire writing, grammar, and vocab system and forget to write the actual fic.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
take a wild guess
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
absolutely not. top 5:
Time and a Half
46 Fairview St
And Without It One Cannot Start Over
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Epistolary Bullying Campaign
Keeping Time
Tagging: @binnudacademy (consider this a tag for your main, sorry about the shadowban. free molly 2k24) @ragecndybars @bi-demon-ium @trentcrimminallybeautiful (you pick which <3) @oflightningandstars and anyone else that wants to!!
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multifandom08x · 2 months
20 Questions for writers
Got tagged by @thewildballyntynesgrow
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
74... which is a lot i think.
2 What is your total AO3 word count?
123,098 - honestly not as much as i thought...
3 What fandoms do you write for?
I have currently written 67 fics for star wars, 2 for macgyver (2016), 1 original work, 1 for criminal minds, 1 for supernatural and 1 for avatar the last airbender. But i do have a lot more drafts for both star wars and avatar
4 What are your top 5 fics per kudos?
The force's will - Obi-Wan finds Anakin in his quarters after Ahsoka left. And his life hanging by a thread.
I got you - Padawan Anakin got kidnapped and waits for his master to safe him. He may or may not get tortured too.
Help her - Anakin and Ahsoka get hurt on the battlefield and because Anakin is Anakin he only cares about her safety.
Make it stop - Anakin got kidnapped (yet again) and was tortured for weeks. He just wants it to end.
Protective - Anakin and Ahsoka get caught on a mission and Anakin is the most protective older brother you can imagine.
5 Do you respond to comments?
Yes. To each and every one. Even on old fics, it doesn't matter.
6 What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would have to be Too late. I don't really like it but it does have the angstiest ending. I mean almost everyone dies so...
7 What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh... the best I could think of was Lightning because it is pretty angsty throughout the story but then ends on a happy note. But i don't really know tbh.
8 Do you get hate on fics?
Not until now. No.
9 Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Not now, not in the foreseeable future.
10 Do you write crossovers?
Nope, cause I don't really like them.
11 Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of at least.
12 Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, though I do think it could be fun.
14 What is your all-time favourite ship?
That would be Zuko and Katara from Avatar but through my (very) recent Inception obsession Arthur and Ariadne are also high up on the list.
15 What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
i have one unposted WIP because I always finish them completely before posting. The lines from the Last Line Challenge are from that WIP. I'm kinda stuck there...
16 What are your writing strengths?
Uhhh... I would say I can describe rather good. And least in my mouther tongue (not english) I can also write rather poetic which I haven't tried in english so far.
17 What are your writing weaknesses? (psssst @thewildballyntynesgrow I think you missed this one 🤫)
I would say needing a lot of motivation/inspiration to even start and sometimes loosing the thread of my stories when I didn't plan them out beforehand. I also always need something to play in the background, either music, youtube or a tv show wich leads to A LOT of distractions but otherwise it's even worse...
18 Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I do like it, as long as there's a translation somewhere. For example in the notes.
19 First Fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. Still writing for that fandom today but now I'm shifting around. My username is Multifandom after all so...
20 Favourite fic you have written?
Honestly, one of my yet unpublished ones.
But from the ones online it's Don't ever say that again - Ahsoka keeps Anakin from jumping off a cliff after a hard battle. I sometimes struggle with those kind of thoughts (jumping off a high building and so on) and found that writing about it helps. That's why I have a deeper connection to fics I wrote about it in.
OR it's Visions - Anakin has visions (duh) of someone murdering whole villages, the disaster trio is sent to investigate. Just because I spent SO much time working on it.
I'm tagging @astranite and @flyinghalfaship
And anyone who just wants to join as well
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andreafmn · 2 years
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 11
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Prompt (by @12-days-of-ficmas): someone answered my daughter’s ‘dear santa’ letter and it’s actually super sweet how kind they’re being
Word Count: 3.1K
Story Description: It's hard being a single mom, especially during Christmas when all you wanna do is give your child a day to remember. But Ellie, (Y/N)'s daughter writes a letter for Santa that somehow falls into the hands of an Avenger.
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Female!SingleMom!Reader
A/N: Back to not being caught up, but life happens 😅🫣 anywho, Merry Christmas everyone!! Thank you for following along with my stories, it truly has made my year 💖💖
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If you’d like to be tagged in 12 days of ficmas, let me know in the comments. 
For any other story: click here
Here’s the 12 days of Ficmas schedule: click me
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Dear Santa
Christmas was a hard time for many people. (Y/N) being one of them.
Though she loved her daughter more than anything in the world, it was tough being a single mother. During the holiday of giving there were certain expectations to provide your child with a day to remember. And although she did the best she could every year, she always felt like it wasn’t enough.
It was hard being by herself and doing everything in her power to provide for her daughter. She worked as much as she could without missing important moments with her daughter, Ellie. It was hard but she had managed it for six years already.
“Alright, dude, ready to make your list for Santa?” (Y/N) asked her daughter, sitting down next to her on the floor. “We can make it really pretty.”
“But I don’t want you to see this one, mommy,” the girl said covering the paper. “This one goes straight to the North Pole.”
“Okay, baby. I won’t peek.”
“Yes, dude,” she laughed. “I promise I won’t look at this one. But I need to at least know what you’ll be asking for Christmas; cause I have to consult with Santa what the budget is.”
“I know, mommy,” Ellie smiled.  “Now, go! I gotta finish this.”
“Geez, you’re pushy today. But, fine. I’ll go to the kitchen and bake some brownies just for me, then.”
“That’s not fair! You have to share.”
“I’ll consider it,” she laughed. “Finish your letters and then we’ll talk.”
(Y/N) left her daughter for the kitchen, watching how she lost herself writing. She uncapped markers and pens, sharpened colored pencils, and brought out the crayons. She did everything to make this the best letter to Santa she had ever written.
Curiosity peaked in the woman as her daughter put her whole energy into the piece of paper in front of her. But she had promised the girl that the letter would remain between Ellie and Santa, and she meant to keep that promise. It would simply get lost in the sea of letters to the North Pole that would never reach the imaginary old man dressed in red.
The next morning, before dropping the girl off at school, they stopped at a blue mailbox. The little girl excitedly dropped both letters into the receptacle and went on with their day, thinking nothing would come out of the secret letter.
At least she had been able to see the one with her list. A couple of dolls, a couple of cars, a science kit, and other things (Y/N) could simply not afford yet. She would work as much overtime as she could at her job and hoped the Christmas bonus at the office would be enough to make rent and have left over for the presents.
A week later – after completely forgetting about the secret letter – (Y/N) was looking at her mail when a bright red envelope caught her attention. The letter was embossed in gold and the penmanship seemed expensive. Nothing she would receive from any of her friends or her family.
It was addressed to her and her daughter, which struck her as odd. Especially since there was no return address on the letter. Taking a knife, she sliced the top of the envelope open, pulling out a thick cardstock invitation from inside and a smaller envelope addressed only to Ellie.
On one side, it simply read:
You are invited to the
Avengers Winter Soiree
December 24th at 7 o’clock
at Avenger’s Tower
Dress Code | Formal
On the other side, in a handwritten font:
 A town car will be around to pick you and your daughter up at 6:30 pm on the 24th
(Y/N) didn’t understand how this invitation got to her, or even why. It wasn’t like she had entered a contest or met any of the members of the team. Receiving that letter was quite a peculiarity. But Ellie seemed to know exactly why they were the recipients of the letter.
“It was Santa, mommy!” Ellie exclaimed after reading the letter that was just for her. “We’re gonna meet the Avengers! Look. Look!”
The girl waved the piece of paper around as she ran to her mother to show her the letter written with the same lettering behind the invitation. Excitement overflowed from the child as she waited for her mother to finish the card that read,
Dear Ellie, I would like to let you know that we got your letter for Santa. It seems some envelopes got mixed up in the mail, and we just so happened to get yours in our mail. But, don’t worry! We had a talk with Santa and he said it was okay for us to help him with it. That’s why you and your mom were invited to the Christmas party in the Avengers Tower. You’re gonna be able to tour places no one is allowed in, join us in the lab, and be able to spend some time with the Avengers. We truly hope you are both able to join us on that day and that you enjoy your Christmas with us! Hope to see you soon, Bruce Banner Merry Christmas!
It was a heartwarming letter and it made her eyes well up with tears. The response was kind and completely out of the blue. And it made the woman all that more curious as to what her daughter had asked Santa for.
They were both excited about the party for the rest of the week, giddy to finally meet the valued heroes of New York. When the night came, (Y/N) and Ellie got clothed in their new dresses. The woman did both of their hair, put a bit of makeup on Ellie upon her request, and did her own.
Waiting for the clock to hit six-thirty was excruciating, their excitement too high to let them sit still. They were minutes away from the most sensational night of their lives, and they still could not believe it. Luck didn’t normally change for people like them.
As soon as the clock shifted into those awaited for three numbers, a knock rang out through the small apartment. The sound made Ellie jump to her feet, her sky-blue dress bouncing as she got up. The girl pulled at her mother’s arm, beckoning for her to move faster.
With a chuckle, (Y/N) gathered her things – keys, phone, purse, and coats. She turned off the lights in the apartment, making sure everything was off and their home would be there when they came back.
“Ready to go, dude?” 
“Yes!” Ellie screamed. “Let’s go!” 
On the other side of the door, they were met with a man in an all-black suit. He had a kind smile as a perfect accessory to his outfit, a pin with the Avengers’ symbol on his lapel.
“Ms. (Y/L/N?” he asked before she confirmed with a nod. “Well, my name is Lucas Miller and I’m here to escort you to the Avengers’ Tower.” 
“I’m Ellie,” the girl chimed in.
“Hello, Ellie,” he smiled. “Are you both ready to go?”
“Yes,” they chorused.
Mother and daughter followed Lucas out of the building and into a black town car. Inside, he told them they could help themselves to any food or drink that was in the back. But they were both too nervous to take anything. It was the nicest car they had ever been in, and they had no idea what to do with themselves.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the heart and soul of New York and park right in front of the tall tower where the world’s mightiest heroes resided. Rare was the time that the duo came into the city, and each time they did they were reminded of why people gravitated so much to the place.
Especially in the wintertime, New York City was a sight to behold. In between the white blanket of snow that always rested on the pavement, the lights and decorations made the whole grandeur of the city seem even bigger. For the time being, they were lucky to call that place home.
Lucas directed them both into the building and to the last floor.
“Well, this is where I’ll leave you,” he announced. “Just stay put and someone will be out to greet you in just a second. Have fun, and Merry Christmas.” 
“Thank you, Lucas,” (Y/N) responded. “Merry Christmas.” 
The man disappeared into the elevator, out of sight until the next day when he came to take them home. After the elevator dinged, the big doors in front of them opened, and a man walked out.
(Y/N) recognized him instantly. She had seen him in the news, rarely, but she had. He had been the same man to respond to her daughter’s letter.
“Hi,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Bruce.” 
“(Y/N),” she smiled, taking his hand in hers. “Nice to meet you.” 
“And you must be Ellie,” Bruce directed himself to the girl. “We’ve all been very excited to finally meet you.”
“Can we see the labs?” the girl burst.
“Dude, manners,” (Y/N) reprimanded her daughter in whispers.
“That’s quite alright,” he chuckled. “I can tell you’re excited. So, why don’t we go on a tour of the place first?” 
The pair followed the man as he directed them through the place. Bedrooms, kitchen, training rooms, med bay, and simply any place that Ellie was simply not interested in – and she made that known many times. The girl wanted to rush through every spot that wasn’t their research lab, so all she did was peak in as Bruce talked and moved onto the next thing.
When they finally made their way to the labs, Ellie’s face lit up brighter than the city that doesn’t sleep. She stared in amazement as Bruce explained what every machine was for, the type of research he did there every day, and the things they had already accomplished with said research.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile at her daughter as she spoke to the man about things she could barely comprehend. The girl went on and on with questions the woman had no idea one could have. She was the most excited her mother had ever seen — going to museums was the second closest. It was the sort of happiness (Y/N) could give her every day.
What did surprise her was Bruce’s attentiveness to Ellie. He was patient with her, listening attentively to everything she said, and making sure she was satisfied with the answers before moving on to the next thing. When his attention wasn’t on Ellie, he would turn to (Y/N) and try to explain in simpler words what they were speaking of, making sure she felt part of the conversation.
Bruce was charming. Quiet, but very charming. There was something about him that made it easy to gravitate toward him. It did help that he was easy on the eyes, (Y/N) thought. But it was the fact that he was being so kind that made him the most attractive.
After being in the labs for over an hour, the three of them moved to where the Christmas party was in full swing. It was a small enough gathering. (Y/N) was able to point out the most known heroes quickly, some of the others were hazy but she knew their faces.
“Hey, Ellie,” Bruce said as he motioned for the kids in attendance to come closer. “Why don’t you play with the kids? These are Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel. Guys, this is Ellie.”
Quickly, the kids ran off to play whatever it was they could, falling into a friendship as only children could. It was heartwarming how easily her daughter fit in, her happiness the only thing the mother cared for.
The man introduced the woman to the group, going around the room and making sure everyone knew who she was. (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel a mixture of intimidation and awe. She was sharing the same space with people that saved lives whilst she wasted away in an office. Yet they all seemed… normal. When they spoke to her she felt she was their peer rather than a random civilian.
After an hour of socializing in a group, Bruce and she were left by themselves as everyone carried on in their own conversations. He ordered a drink for them both as they stood at the bar, chatting with each other.
“So, I’m still wondering,” (Y/N) started as she took a sip of her glass. “Why were we picked to come here? I don’t see anyone else here that had no connection to the avengers. So, why us?”
“Well, what I told Ellie in the letter was true,” he responded staring down at his glass, too nervous to look her in the face. “Her letter did get mixed up with our mail. When I read it, I just felt the need to reach out. Have you not read it?”
“Ellie didn’t want me to read it, actually,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Said it was a secret between her and Santa. I promised her I wouldn’t read it, so I didn’t. And, somehow, now we’re sharing a space with the people that have saved the world a couple of times now. So, it had to be a hell of a letter.”
“Would you like to read it?” Bruce finally looked into her eyes, staring at the glimmer that was in them.
She was an attractive woman, that he could admit. But what intimidated him was her kindness. Ellie had made sure to paint her mother in a beautiful light in her letter. And though, mostly, he invited them to the party to fulfill Ellie’s wish, he also wanted to meet the mother of such a bright girl.
“I-I shouldn’t,” she stammered. “I promised her I wouldn’t. But you could tell me the gist of it. That’s a loophole, right?”
“Mostly she spoke about you. She said she had the most kind, hardworking, loving mother in the world,” he started as a dark red hue washed over her. “Ellie wrote that she knew how hard you tried to give her the best life you could. That being by yourself was hard, but you never put that on her – always trying to appear strong so she doesn’t know when you’re struggling. But she does.
She sees the nights you don’t sleep, the things you renounce for yourself so you can give to her. So, she asked for a Christmas when you didn’t have to stress over that. She said she wanted at least one day where you could feel as special as you made her.
And she said she really wanted to see the labs in the tower one day and learn about everything we – or rather I – did here. You have a very loving and bright kid, (Y/N). You should be proud.”
“Oh, I am,” she said as she wiped away the tears that had formed in her eyes. (Y/N) took Bruce’s hand in hers. “Thank you for this, Bruce, truly. It’s been hard being just the two of us, but somehow we’ve made it work.”
“To be perfectly transparent, her letter made me want to meet you. It was so genuine that I couldn’t help but be curious as to who had raised such a smart young girl.”
“Are you saying you had ulterior motives, Mr. Banner?” she teased. “That you didn’t do this out of the pure kindness of your heart?”
“W-well, y-you know,” he struggled to speak. Though he had started the flirting, he had never thought she would reciprocate.
“I’m only teasing, Bruce. I am actually glad I got to meet you,” she smiled. “If I am being perfectly honest, you are my favorite Avenger.” 
A look was exchanged between them, one that made everyone stare at them. It was no secret that Bruce lacked in the socializing department, but he had been very adamant to invite this seemingly random woman to their Christmas party.  
“Kiss her!” Thor yelled out, faking a cough.
 “Make a move, Banner!” Steve joined in.” 
“If you won’t,” Tony said passing behind them. “I will.” 
“Stop it, guys,” Natasha chimed in. “You know he’s a slow burner.” 
As everyone chuckled, Bruce guided (Y/N) out onto the balcony. As soon as the cold air hit them, he took off his blazer, draping it over her shoulders to cover her from the weather. Their hands brushed for a split second, and they felt it. A spark. Unlike when she had laid a comforting hand on him when he told her about the content of her daughter’s letter, this was purely done randomly.
“So, your favorite avenger?” Bruce smiled, breaking the silence. “I think you mean the Hulk is your favorite.”
“Nope. Dr. Bruce Banner is,” (Y/N) corrected, wearing the same teasing smile he did. “Ellie and I are fans of what happens behind the scenes rather than the fights. It takes a different kind of strength.”
“Well, I’m always happy to meet my fans,” he chuckled. “Although, I think you’re hurting the big guy’s pride.”
“Thankfully, I’m not interested in the big guy. But I am interested in a 5’9,” brown-haired, brown-eyed man with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.”
“You’ve really done your research,” he smiled proudly.
“I told you, me and my daughter are big fans of yours.”
He took a second to respond, staring deeply into her (Y/E/C) eyes, before he asked, “Would you like to be my dare to our New Year’s Party?” he blurted. “Obviously with Ellie, of course.”
“Only if you take me on a date without Ellie.”
“I think I could swing that,” he chuckled.
(Y/N) couldn’t wait any longer and stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss on Bruce’s lips. After getting over being startled, he kissed back. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer to him. She could feel his warmth even in this weather and she wanted more.
“What was that for?” he asked pulling away out of breath.
“Well, didn’t have time to get you a Christmas present as a thanks for this invitation,” she grinned. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“As far as I know, this is the best Christmas present I’ve gotten.”
Taglist: @avis15@honeylovemoon@wonieeee@supernaturalwriter@beckiej0073-blog @skyesthebomb @cecehensonn @krazyk99 @klf1999 @ilikepunsbeth @magimtz23 @adaydreamaway08 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @thatgirljayy @laylaskywalker @winter-soldier-101 @zheezs14 @clementinesjourney @DyslexicCatterpillar @cevans-winchester @sirenheadenby @sunsetcurvej @sapnapsbandana @esposadomd @this-is-a-bad-idea @nocturnalherb16 @blueshoelaces @then-worship-at-my-altar​ @six-call @nyenye​ @lunaOoO @captainrogers-19 @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-Loki-Bucky
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pilesofpillows · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by my beloved 🌶️🧠^2 @xenokattz
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
16 😁😁
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
118, 025
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is my main obsession, but I do have a Harry Potter fic in the works that desperately needs an update. I've also been thinking about dipping into the Scandal fandom 🫣
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Primetime - Attoye PWP
Bound in Pleasure - Attoye PWP
An Angel, Drowned (Excerpt) - Namor/Okoye/Attuma PWP (whole fic is in progress)
Stars Within - Attoye (quite possibly the sweetest thing i've ever written in my existence)
Stars Aglow - Attoye (the second sweetest thing i've ever written in my existence
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do indeed! At least I do my best. I enjoy getting feedback and finding out how readers are feeling about the story and the characters. It's really the best part of sharing my writing with y'all 🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Nothing... yet... 😬 I don't really have a plan for angsty endings, I angst to for the happy stuff 😁
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The happiest I would say is either Stars Within or Stars Aglow (the actual ending is coming istg)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My HP fic caught some hate because some people don't enjoy Black Hermione and that is what it is... I don't really care. The BPWF fandom has been nothing but welcoming and they have my entire heart 🤗
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LMFAO yes 😂🤣🤣 Mind you, I just started in March and the majority of my fics are rated E 💀 but I write all kinds of smut and will be writing a lot more in the future 😁
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
There is a Narnia/Harry Potter fic in my personal drafts because I adore both fandoms. I might find the courage to post it one day 💀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I certainly hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nopenopenope... but many requests
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
LOL no... I don't share well but I'm always happy to plot with my besties 😜
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I feel like this answer is pretty obvious but um Attoye (who's surprised 🤣)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly... Sunbound. It's entirely possible that I'll come back to it, but the vibe keeps drifting and I've got other things to work on 😅😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
World-building for sure... it's my favorite part. I've also been told I'm good with characterization(?) but idk... I just write what feels right.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It takes me a ridiculously long time to write scenes my brain doesn't looooove. I also can't write things out of order, which is what takes updates so long 💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to do it for brief phrases, a few sentences, and terms of endearment, but full conversations just get a note that they're happening in a different language. I like to put English translations in brackets for the differing languages I use, and I try my best to find the most accurate translations, but I don't speak Yucatec Maya or Xhosa 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Publicly: Harry Potter
In the secret file on my laptop? Game of Thrones 😬
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's not done yet, but Like Real People Do is going to end up being one of the best things I ever write. At least until that angsty crazy thing I'm planning comes out. 😁
Soft Sweet Tags: @umber-cinders @jbarneswilson @theeblackmedusa
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
Do not pluck a flower not yet bloomed
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Aemond/Lucerys (if you read it in a specific way)
Tags: omegaverse, in-heat, underage character, Aemond is threatening (pairing tag because of the vibe of the threats but nothing is spelt out or really happens other than looming) 
Realised Game of Thrones was a great universe to explore how heats have a scent (and taste) that goes from bitter to sweet as the omega goes from false to true heats. Also realised it wouldn’t fit in my main verse (or rather that it was too late to make it fit) so figured out something else to do with it.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44766529
The storm that rages outside feels like the one that rages through his belly. Each crash of thunder joined by a cramp. 
It’s not just his heat causing his stomach to roll although it isn’t helping. It is also worry for his family. Worry for Arrax. Worry for what his uncle has planned for the night. Both of them staying in the Baratheon Keep until the storm passes and sun comes out. 
It would be bad for me to send an heated omega out into a dark storm like this Borros had said as slick had started its slow path down Luke’s legs despite him silently begging it to not. Not right then. Anything but right then in front of a potential ally or enemy and his uncle. I will send a raven to your mother in the morning to come pick up her son who thinks himself better than his designation.  
Prepare rooms for them both, the Baratheon alpha had added with a nod with Luke’s Uncle sending chills of failure down Luke’s heat-warm spine. I have more to discuss with the other one.  
Not that there’s anything Luke can do about it now. Tradition states that omegas are to be guarded in their heats either for or by their mates. Given nesting materials as if that alone is enough to distract them from the wasted week of cramps and slick. 
At Dragonstone he could at least still train. Guarded, yes, his parents guarded him jealously – their only omega so far – but he could still do things. 
Here he can do nothing but wait. Wait for the shame of some knight, or his stepfather, coming to collect him and his failure. Or wait for House Baratheon’s head to decide he does want to accept the proposal of marriage to a relative of his choosing but without giving up his fealty in trade. 
Luke has long decided he hates heats. Always coming at the most inconvenient times and humiliating and  uncomfortable to endure no matter how much his mother tells him it will get better as his body adjusts to create a space for a womb that will carry his heirs. 
The door creeks open and Luke feels his breath catch as a shadow enters the room. 
The crash of lightning through the window reveals it is his uncle who has come into the chambers. 
A better option than the others within the walls that could be creeping in right now. But it is not one that makes Luke feel safe or reassured. 
His mother is married to her uncle as is common in their family. And he remembers the way Damon had looked at him like bait on a hook when the topic of Vhagar and her current rider being their biggest threat to getting and holding the throne had been brought up in the meeting.
And now Aemond looks at him like a predator stalking prey. 
“Uncle,” Luke says as Aemond stalks over to the bed. Luke vacating it to ensure there is still distance between them. Enough distance he can only catch the edge of alpha musk. “You should not be here.” 
“And why not?” Aemond asks, watching him with an eye that flashes with the lightning strikes. “I am merely ensuring my dear nephew is being looked after. It wouldn’t do if word got out that he had been unsullied while on a negotiation for his mother.”
“Well,” Luke says, freezing when Aemond’s nostrils flare like a hunting dog who has just caught the scent of their game. He forces himself to breathe and his voice to remain even. “You can at least safely dismiss any that come your way. As you can see I have been left completely alone until your visit.” 
“I suppose I can,” Aemond says almost dismissively as his eyes trace a path along the bed that Luke had barely even attempted to nest in. 
He suddenly hones in on something and swoops down like a dragon after a sheep. 
Luke lets out a squeak when he stands again, long fingers coated in the thick clear fluid of Luke’s slick. Luke’s underclothes not enough to prevent it from ending on the sheets he had been sitting on these days.
A promising sign your body is developing as it should he kept being told despite how much he hated how sticky and damp everything in his bed ended up after his heat. Unable to meet the maid’s eyes when they came to strip it once finished.
His uncle spares him a glance for it before returning to the slick. Pressing his fingers together and parting them as if testing the consistency. 
Luke’s seen the Maesters do the same thing a few times. Not that he believes his uncle has been properly trained to tell anything from his assessment like they can. It much more likely just an obscene display of power. Proof that he can and there’s nothing Luke can do about it. 
Aemond brings the slick-covered fingers to his nose, another common assessment. He doesn’t pause to smell it though, instead shoving his fingers into his own mouth. 
Luke doesn’t know what to do or say as he watches it. His uncle clearly taking his time with whatever it is he is doing with them in his mouth. Two full rumbles of thunder filling the air before he finally draws his fingers out. 
"Still bitter I see," Aemond says, a string of saliva connecting his fingers to his lips from where he had tasted Luke's slick in what was the most depraved way of assessing it. "An omega not yet fully bloomed and yet you are offering your hand in marriage." 
"I've presented, haven't I?" Luke asks. "That's more than enough."
It earns him a grunt.
“If that is true you shouldn’t be out at all without a bite on your neck. There are too many who would love to steal you from the den your mother has hidden you all in.”
“Good thing you are here to ensure that does not happen,” Luke reminds his uncle. 
The silence that it’s met with is terrifying. 
The way Aemond makes his way over scarier still. 
Luke knows going for the door is foolish. Not only will the guards likely not care, it could quickly turn the situation much worse in so many ways. So he backs towards the window until he hits the still of it. Seriously contemplating climbing out into the storm as his uncle closes in the distance. 
Perhaps if he yells loud enough Arrax will hear him and catch him if he jumps.  
“What do you want?” Luke asks when Aemond leans down so he is right in his space, his nose right by Luke’s neck. Both their breathes louder than the storm and Aemond’s lips are parted as if he’s trying to taste Luke’s scent like he had his slick. 
“Your heats will be true soon enough,” Aemond says instead of answering the question. “Who will you let have the first taste I wonder?” 
“My mate after our wedding,” Luke answers because it is the correct answer. The right answer according to the realm and the Faith of the Seven. And the one that has the best chance of getting him out of this situation unharmed. 
“That does not sound like you at all,” Aemond says, his eyes staring up into Luke’s as if he knows him at all, before they trace back down to Luke’s neck. 
“And what does it matter to you?” They are all-but at war now. Calling on alliances and houses to see who will stand by whose side. 
Aemond just grins at him before drawing back.
“Promise me you’ll keep yourself safe my little strong Lord,” he says, ruffling Luke’s hair like they are just uncle and nephew. “I would hate for someone else to spill your blood before I can.” 
“Only if you promise the same.” Luke doubts it entirely but he can’t not try and prevent the tense stalemate from spilling into civil war. 
Aemond huffs and turns to leave, finally giving Luke the room to move away from the window himself. Luke watches as his gaze is drawn to the bed as he passes it. The alpha suddenly stopping at the foot of it.
“If Lord Baratheon does not send a raven in the morning, I will return you to your mother myself,” he says, leaving the room in a quick pace before the words even have time to settle in Luke’s mind.
He truly hopes the Baratheon lord is good to his word and sends the raven as he promised. The alternative now much worse than the shame of having failed his family.
Kind of unrelated but Daemon 100% only uses taste not scent to assess slick as well.  
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elisedonut · 9 months
fic author interview
Thank you for the tag @mirrorofliterature I'm tagging whoever feels like doing it!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
42,741 words.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Raspberry Muffin Flintley - 139 
at least we're trying Flintley - 104
Rhododendrons and False Indigo Harry/George - 102 (why its only been up a week wtf)
Anyone But You Draco/Percy - 98 
Storytime Naps Perciver - 96 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah! unless it's just asking me to make more then i tend to get annoyed and ignore it but i don't get very many at the moment so i tend to stay on top of it pretty well
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Deceased. i guess? it's really the only one I got
i don't write angsty stuff much
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
most of what i write barely even has AN ending I do a lot of open endings
i think the closest I've gotten to a complete story story have been A Shell for a Mate and Camera Cutie and they both end pretty happy
7. Do you write a cross-overs?
I have not as of yet! if I ever do it's probably going to be an isekai type scenario because it seems like the most fun to me
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I still have not shockingly
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes im not very good at it and am still learning on that front most of it tends to cut before smut really happens or is just jacking off
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you co-written a fic before?
Also no.
13. What's your all time favourite ship?
I'm a big multi shipper so don't really even have one within one single fandom and you want an overall??
right now 99% of what i think about is Percy ships
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but think you never will?
hmm if i say all of them do i lose my writer card?
but i do have alot of things I've started because the mood hit that i just can't see myself going back to like i have 3k for an amnesia memories au that has just been gathering dust since that original sprint of inspo hit
15. What are your writing strengths?
??? i come up with fun concepts i think? or at least they're fun to me
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
the writing part really I come up with far more ideas then I would ever be able to write hence why I still post alot on here but also like making the idea an actual story story and not just a small slice of a story
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I'm too lazy for it overall.
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter so far it's the only fandom I've written for
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I'm not sure i ofc have a list of Percy ships i want to try which is currently
Dudley, Seamus, Justin and then ofc the two that constantly give me trouble when i try to pair them with Percy, Remus and Harry
but like outside of Percy ??
i have fandoms but most are dormant as of now like i love Idolmaster and stay caught up on the music but the idea of writing fics for it is like eh if anything it would be Makio/Soichiro tbh i miss them
I finished rwrb and enjoyed it a ton but with the firstprince being canon my brain just doesn't care that much to even seek out content for it because that's how my brain works
its canon so i don't feel the need to read (or by extension write) like 1000 different scenario's for them to get together
like people who stay fully invested in canon couples are powerful because my interest in them in a fanon sense goes out the window every time
i feel like if i ever did do something with rwrb it be an isekai since they are both into HP so it be a very typical get transported into your favorite series story i think that would be fun
i will never do it but fun idea
the ships i like for Danganronpa would probably get me killed/j
like i am with Percy now i was a big Chihiro multi shipper in my DR days before settling on ChiMaru as my favorite for them
20. What's your favourite fic that you've written?
controversial pick but Secret Fantasy 
i put so much work into it KNOWING no one was going to care about it because it's incest but i care about it damn it!! its the longest fic ive written as of now and i had so much fun with it and still think about it alot
less controversial pick is Camera Cutie  because I'm Colin kick at the moment though it is a bit more like messy since it was a pretty early one
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nothinggathers · 11 months
Fic tag game!
Tagged by @sweeteatercat
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I do one fandom at a time and it's D:BH right now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My Heart Knows You (Miraculous Ladybug)
The Rest Of Our Lives Will Do (FFXV)
Supernatural (FFXV)
Candyfloss (FFXV)
Beginnings (FFXV)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. Sometimes things are going on, but so long as I'm in a good place and I have time and the ADHD doesn't get me, I will respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest is kinda hard to quantify. I write a lot of angst. Would you consider the break up to try and keep each other safe (Sacrifice, FFXV) angstier than major character death (Five Times Gladio Carried Ignies, FFXV) (Close To Me Always, D:BH), or is rape by deception (A Night To Remember, FFXV) (Night of the Soul, D:BH) worse?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have multiple examples of this too but I'm gonna say Pendulum (D:BH) because it's the hardest won for the characters.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Aahahahahaha, I have one particularly persistent troll that targets anyone that doesn't do Hankcon 'right' (Connor has to be a virgin) and dares to mention Reed900. I included a Reed1700 chapter in one fic just for them.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Hoooo boy. Yes. Usually M/M, although I have more recently written some M/F. It's usually very graphic, occasionally kinky.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
My dude. Bro. I am the Multifandom Crossover AU queen. Both Getting Home and Pendulum feature characters from D:BH, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, and some OCs and is set in the same universe as Booty Call, and the universe in which One Night and Yours is set is the same universe as I Promise You One Day and also features characters from Kingdom Hearts and Bleach.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had someone request to translate Getting Home into Russian, which I agreed to on the proviso that I would be the one posting the translation with credit to the translator, because I'm not comfortable having my work posted by others even if it's in another language. I have yet to receive any translation to post, however. I don't like the idea that for whatever reason I may have for wanting or needing to take my fics down (something I am generally against), I would not have the ability to actually do that.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes, but we never completed it and my writing partner got cold feet and we agreed to pull it.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Currently Hankcon, previously Gladnis.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have one unfinished Miraculous Ladybug fic that I'm definitely never going back to.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Apparently scene transitions? A lot of people struggle with them and I don't. My biggest strength used to be dialogue, but I think other areas have caught up these days. I'm also told I write kisses really well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Passive voice and punctuation. My hand kinda inserts commas anywhere my brain pauses for breath, which results in weird comma splices, and I go through my work and rip all the passive voice I can out before I post.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
More than a few words is getting fucking checked by a native speaker.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The very first? I don't remember the fandom but I remember the fic name. It was on FFN and called As The World Falls Down, and it got yanked in the songfic purge waaaay back when. The first fandom I was active in is The Fandom That Shall Not Be Named (except to say it is not Harry Potter, it is, in fact, much more embarrassing than that).
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'm gonna say Ghosts in the Machines (D:BH) right now, because I had a blast reworking the canon and trying to make it less dumb. And clowning on Elijah Kamski. That bit's important too.
I'm not gonna tag people because I don't know who has and hasn't been tagged at this point, but if you are following me, I would love to know your answers to this.
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wildwoof · 1 year
Enstars Ask Game!!!
1. who do you currently produce?
Koga, Jun, Hiiro, Chiaki, Izumi, & sprinkle in Subaru too when I need Koga's help on song combos. But I mainly produce Koga of course!
2. who did you first produce?
Subaru was the first before I realized Koga truly was the one for me! Tho the first card I picked when I started the game was Hinata's leader card.
3. do you have a producersona?
I am Anzu & Anzu is me. Jk. I actually don't. I'm just myself. But according to you I am like Anzu, so maybe I'm not truly joking.
4. what got you into enstars?
I was just chatting with a friend, ya know who, Jay about enstars when the localization of the game dropped for pre-registration. I'd been itching for a rhythm game to play, so it fit the bill. I downloaded the game & played for a lil bit, but it hadn't quite caught me yet. Then another friend decided to play as well for a collab & at that point I finally got hooked on it completely. Seeing the boys I pick dancing around on the stage??? I was sold officially, especially since I was getting more cards of the boys.
5. what's your favorite headcanon about the character you produce?
Koga's body being a lil squishy. He's not overly muscular & has some squish squish to his belly. It's not full muscular abs. Also taking the fact that he's a Cancer to say that when he gets very emotional & starts crying that when he cannot contain it anymore he's just an absolute sobbing mess. Those are my headcanons.
6. how long have you been in the enstars fandom?
Tho I had my game account since June, I'd say I wasn't OFFICIALLY into the fandom until like August. I skipped a month of playing basically, so I wasn't truly into enstars until after.
7. what is your favorite unit?
UNDEAD, no big surprise
8. what is your favorite song?
Why you making me pick a favorite song??? If I have to pick one it'd actually be Fight for Judge by Knights, but Darkness 4 by UNDEAD is def catching up.
9. which unit do you think is the most underrated?
Every unit has its fans for certain, I can't really say exactly the underrated status. It's subjective since every unit has their own fan base that follows them out of love for the characters. I don't really think any is truly underrated. It just depends on what style people like. Tho if I HAVE to say a unit I think has good music but I rarely personally see, I would say Switch fits that bill.
10. which character do you think is the most underrated?
Considering I hardly pay attention to any character that isn't a boy that I like, I don't think I have any room to be thinking about who could be underrated. I can literally say right here & now that I think Koga is underrated since there's not often anything new in his tag on tumblr, but I find stuff for him everywhere else often. I could also say Chiaki is underrated because of how his personality is shaped, that he wants to be cool & dote on those under him, but his thoughts are very much to tokusatsu, hero stuff, & he has a very typical masculine MALE way of thinking, but he also hasn't taken any time to himself to work on himself, so he can be rather misjudged at times for this. But are they truly underrated?? I can't say, but it's possible. Also very very possible they are not, which is more likely. But I can say that Koga is underrated when compared with both Kaoru & Rei, Adonis even more so. Adonis might be the most underrated of the UNDEAD boys, tbh. I could base it off boys I hardly see, but again - I rarely look for them, so of course I'm not going to see anything.
11. do you have a least favorite character?
I'm not personally a big fan of Eichi & Hajime, even Tori honestly. Eichi I just question why so many times over, but I can tolerate him. I'm not a fan of shota girly-boys. Nothing against them, they can rock those looks. It's just not my forte when it comes to boy characters I enjoy. Their vocals just aren't my preferred.
13. which server are you on?
My main server is the globalized server for English!!! Recently in the past 2 months I did get a JP server account, but it has barely anything on it. Same goes for Basic too, only recently in the past few months did I start playing.
14. what card are you currently saving for?
My next card I'm saving for is Koga's Prison Breakers 5 star that drops in September~!
15. what is your favorite ship?
Koga has 2 hands for Rei & Adonis, but suppose Rei/Koga WAS my first ship, so I always holds more of a special place in my heart.
16. what is your favorite underrated ship?
S w e a t s........... Kuro/Shu. I could say all the same stuff that I said before about underrated stuff, & while I do still agree with all that stuff, I only find a small few stuff for them & I do actively look. I know one reason WHY I don't find a lot, & it is totally fair.
17. what non-problematic ships do you dislike?
Uhh...... I cannot think right now of one that isn't problematic I dislike. I'll get back to you on this one. I'm very tolerant to ships. I just ofc have the ships I prefer above others that I love.
18. what is your favorite shuffle unit?
Gimme more cute BLEND+ Koga pls n thanks. Cute Koga in his lil barista outfit for the Cafe is all that matters. He can serve out parfaits that are loved. Even bread.
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