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spider-3ggs · 1 month ago
after watching a camrip of the new cap movie,
i feel like the movie should've really shown more of betty and ross trying to reconnect with her and all that, idk it just kinda falls flat in the movie when we barely hear or see stuff about them besides like 2 mentions of them at the start and midpoint before the big finale
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dovahkiining · 1 year ago
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on: mirror images
nobody gets me - sza, 02x09 of The Bear, 02xo8 of Shadow and Bone, 01x07 of The Bear, @/heavensghost on tumblr, emma - jane austen, memory for forgetfulness - mahmoud darwish, it's you it's me it's us - reinaeiry, my year of rest and relaxation - ottessa moshfegh, @/needsmoreexplosions on tumblr, coffin heart? bury me. - fatima aamer bilal, i will - mitski, waiting room - phoebe bridgers, written on the body - jeanette winterson.
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themyscirah · 1 year ago
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But look at us Luke, we're the ones left alone, holding some rich monster's pain. All of existence, built on his violence. All of space-time, humming to life with a single inviolate rule. Give the hero something to punch.
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mercymermaid · 1 year ago
they left me.
(no effect under the cut)
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takami-takami · 10 months ago
On the topic of whether the coping is "healthy":
Gently I say this. It's not your place to intrude on another person's personal situation like that. Please do not do that.
You are fundamentally approaching this conversation on the presumption that trauma responses are voluntary. And don't say "but what you do with it is voluntary—" again, not your place to pop into a stranger's room and give them philosophical advice.
"Go to therapy instead then maybe you'll be a Good abuse survivor like me and fix that stupid icky brain of yours!" You are being an asshole right now. Don't do that. Also therapists would disagree with you.
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robots-are-kinda-hot · 5 months ago
…so. my republican mom and grandma just voted red. any americans wanna help counter their votes?
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smurfinaround · 11 months ago
Christian shit im fucking crazy
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★ — Gang what do we think happened to our autistic child in the first drawing!!?? Also damn i think i needa post a reference for her cuz i love her with. all my heart. :3.
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venomgaia · 2 years ago
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levil0vesyou · 1 year ago
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director-sherlock · 7 months ago
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it is now a continual law that I will forget about an art piece for what feels like ages then manage to finish it in an hour anyway :3
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mynameisnot-carl · 1 year ago
I'm not gay.
I am male. I enjoy the company of girls more than guys (in a platonic way). Most of my friends are gay. I listen to Will Wood. I enjoy reading. I enjoy muted green. I like JJBA. I like Steven Universe. I enjoy writing. (How tf is that gay???) I like singing. I am a band kid. I like wholesome things. I sit with my legs crossed while reading. I also where long johns often because I find them comfortable, usually with shorts. I enjoy muted pink blue and white as a color combination. I enjoy soft things such as plushies and blankets and general warmth.
I. Am. Not. Gay.
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mercymermaid · 1 year ago
i highly believe book afton is the only one who's gotten springlocked previously to the main incident and escaped it
not just bc it's the only one where it's pictured
but the other two (movie and game) do not act like their favorite fursuot tried to kill them once
game afton was just kinda laughing like crazy in the safe room so maybe he just wasn't thinking clearly
but the way movie afton fucking SPRINTED in the suit is a clear sign of 'i have never escaped attempted murder by this thing' and i find it so fucking funny
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alexanthonymar · 10 months ago
who knew that a whole ocean  could be less than an inch wide? its entire depth  held there in the vastness  of your curious eyes i’m so afraid of drowning -all the time- but you reassure me  i can breathe underwater. now it turns out  i had never known oxygen  until i dove  into those silver blue waves and took my first breath 
there inside  i’ve found a multiverse  encapsulated  in the finite fragility  of a human-shaped frame
that face is merely a mask and i’ve seen you without it there, ensconced beneath your kind gaze and gentle smile lives a fierce, ferocious passion   that bleeds into the world around you in rivulets of truths masked as embellished lies  a driving force that crushes my reality into fantastic fragments  of distorted visions  that finally  make life  make sense 
i see scars that resemble my own i see that deeply rooted solitude that’s entrenched into our very souls pervasive and persistent throughout ages of a winless fight  that singles us out  as renegades 
look at Us lucky Us here is our deliverance  in furtive glances late nights and kisses shared from light years away
your fingerprints are indelible  on my broken chest your careful digits weave golden thread  through gaping wounds and fill the cracks anointing them with hallowed words
you sing, and time stops to listen your voice alone  makes whole worlds bloom  the hours and minutes and seconds follow the cadence  of your breath and heartbeat 
i wonder
if i kiss your hands would i be blessed  with infinite lives  across any dimension? should my tongue  worship your fingertips  would i find absolution?
i don’t think i existed before you i have suffered a rebirth of sorts not through my despair  but through the undeserved blessing of your voice calming my fears cutting through the deafening noise  that besieges my crumbling mind flaring my terror of safety  and gently guiding me home with your hand in mine 
i’m still so afraid
but i’m not drowning now
i’m learning to swim
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ariaandherthoughts · 1 year ago
At what point does having monopoly money equal having real money
The question here is, monopoly money doesn’t inherently have value but due to having a face value, at a certain point; a certain amount of monopoly money Has to equal a certain amount of actual money for example, $500 in monopoly money is not worth a lot and most people wouldn’t pay more than a dollar for it. But 500k? That’s enough to fund multiple monopoly games.
All I’m saying is there is a technical conversion rate for Monopoly money into real money and I’m interested to figure out what that would be.
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thelunarsystem2426 · 16 days ago
So glad we aren't the only ones who struggle with grocery shopping omfg
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someone save me from the idiots ive been stuck with for 5+ years...
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weirdsht · 5 months ago
Disillusioned 25 . Rumination
a/n: Fun fact: when I drafted the storyboard for this it was suppose to have 19 chapters but when I wrote it it ended up having 26 chapters... idfk what happened...
tags: feelings in progress
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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“So you actually have the option of just giving out your vitality instead of absorbing someone else’s wound?”
Choi Han asked _____ as the healer examined the scratch on his palm.
“Yeah, that’s what the God of Death told me. But honestly, this is easier to do.”
At that moment the scratch transferred over to _____. Making Choi Han retreat his hand.
“_____-nim give that back. Give it back right now.”
“Why are you asking for it like it’s something you bought? Plus it’s just a scratch, look it’s barely visible on me.”
The healer looked at the swordmaster confusedly. They couldn’t understand why his so adamant about returning the wound.
“At least take some of my vitality.”
“What–? No way! I just healed you!”
“Then give it back _____-nim.”
“Give what back?”
Cale– no. Naru’s voice suddenly interjected in the conversation. He looked at the two, curious as to what they could have been arguing about.
“Human you’re back! _____ was practising their healing abilities on Choi Han but then got impatient and absorbed the wound instead. Now Choi Han is asking them to give his wound back!”
Raon answered Cale’s curiosity instead of the two. The now 12-year-old child could only frown and shake his head.
“_____ remember that we agreed that you’ll practice because I won’t let you absorb anyone else’s wounds.”
“I’m trying, I’m trying.”
_____ waved their hand off at Cale’s scolding.
And it's true. They have been working hard to adjust to the new change in how they use their power. It’s hard to not automatically absorb someone’s wound or sickness but the healer figured they’d master it soon enough.
It’s just that there’s a lot on their mind right now.
The blessing of the gods. White Star’s plans. Cale’s real identity. Their feelings.
It’s just a lot to take in all at once.
Others understand that the healer’s mind is complicated. That’s why they don’t put any pressure. Reassure _____ that they are mostly in the Endable Kingdom for Cale’s peace of mind. That they can relax because they’d only have to move if it’s an emergency.
“You also know about our human _____?”
Raon spoke vaguely one day. Despite that, the healer still understood what he meant and the reason for his vague words.
“I do. It’s a secret among the four of us right?”
_____ put their index finger on their face to emphasize the secrecy.
“Yes! I won't tell anyone!”
The dragon spun excitedly around the room. It makes _____smile, it had been so long since they’d talked with Raon and they were glad his as energetic as before.
However, the mention of Cale’s secret got them thinking about his real identity. _____ didn’t mind it. The current Cale is the one they knew. So they have no qualms about his identity.
But they did fear the chance of those who knew the original Cale finding out. Like his parents or Ron.
What would be the chance that they’d be sad? Upset that all this time it actually wasn’t their Cale but someone else.
_____’s heart ache at the thought of it.
Cale– no, Kim Rok Soo sounds like he already lost so much. It would be unfair if he lost his biological family here too.
Something like that happening would be cruel.
Not just to Cale, but to his family as well.
“You know… This kind of feels like I’m on babysitting duty.”
_____ suddenly said while eating dinner with Naru.
“...What the fuck?”
The disguised man almost choked on his food at the random statement.
“_____… No… Please…”
A sour look painted his face. As if the thought of _____ babysitting him was so vile.
“I understand. Stop looking at me like that, I’ll shut up about it.”
The healer laughed before continuing to eat their food. A few minutes of silence lingered as the two finished their food.
After eating, the two decided to hang out on Naru’s bed. With _____ sitting on it while Naru lay his head on the healer’s lap.
“Are you having a hard time?”
_____ stroked Naru’s white hair as they asked the question.
“Just a bit.”
He answered truthfully. The healer hummed, encouraging him to speak further.
“But it’s manageable. I’m doing it for our friends after all.”
“I’m glad. Once we solve this let’s get you that slacker life.”
Their conversation ended at that. Both decide to silently bask in each other’s presence. Lost in their train of thought.
Cale’s response to _____’s question made the healer realise something. It made them realise just how loved they are right now.
How they have been so focused on other things that they didn’t notice it. Too busy chasing the ghost of the past. Getting validation from those who will never give it. When in fact they already have so much.
They have found their real family. They are so loved.
Just now are they realising such facts.
Regret and happiness rush through their body at the reflection.
Satisfaction comes along right behind them.
‘Yeah, things as they are right now are fine. I don’t need anything else, just my friends and their love. There’s no need to pursue romance. I’m sure it’ll go away someday.’
Was what _____ thought to themself.
However, some time later…
“Do you know just how much my heart longed for you while I was away?”
“Cale..? Excuse… me..?”
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