#or more idk but like i found very little fan content for this game
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it is now a continual law that I will forget about an art piece for what feels like ages then manage to finish it in an hour anyway :3
#mister honda#yanya caballista#yanyacaballista city skater#legit i think 2 people know this mf total#or more idk but like i found very little fan content for this game#its a cool game though#like really cool#digital art#art#illustration#what else am i supposed to tag here#idfk#yippeee#mr honda#he exudes magic style hes cool dude
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the weirdest part of the fnaf movie is the marketing presence made it so i had to hear people i never wanted to hear talk about fnaf talk about fnaf
#this post brought to you by being jumpscared by the fnaf bus wrap in eddy burback's new video#we finally found the down with cis bus#anyway. i really hope jenny nicholson does not follow through with making content about the fnaf movie also#it's somewhat more in her wheelhouse but also. idk i've been very conflicted about the general reactions to the fnaf movie#is it a legit criticism to say that it's only for the fans and it's awkward and cringy? what other purpose should it serve?#i feel like it would have been more legit to say that if it had been sharted out by a bigger name director 5 years ago#but you can't really like. section off a movie from being part of culture at large the way you can with a video game#but also it was marketed WAY more than i expected lmao. but also with surprisingly little movie-centric merch#so it doesn't feel like as much of a kids meal tie in merch flood as it did when it was just passing the former high water mark of peak fna#i was killing time in the gamestop at the mall recently and heard the cashier say they literally can't keep fnaf merch in stock#idk. as always. i am absolutely fascinated by every aspect of fnaf. it is such a strange little phenomenon.
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I'm bored so heres a list of underrated, obscure and somewhat forgotten Punch Out characters in my opinion :p (including characters outside of the games)
I never see anyone talk abt the Challenger from the original arcade games + arm wrestling but I kinda get why, theres not a lot too him and Little Mac is just a better protagonist in general. Its kinda neat he did get referenced as a smash bros skin tho.
Piston Hurricane is another one of the first characters from Punch Out and I dont see him get any attention either even tho hes kinda neat :[ (Piston Honda is superior tho hehe)
Considering how big punch out is on its stereotypes, I'm shocked they never brought back Pizza Pasta and turned him into a major Italian or even mafia stereotype but maybe its best they didnt.
More of an honorable and debatable mention but I dont see content based on Kid Quick either. But to be fair, Disco Kid is a revamp of him so I guess I can understand why kid quick doesnt get a lot of content himself.
Moving onto the spinoff game, anyone from Arm Wrestling who isn't "Mask X" or Alice & Ape III are very obscure. No fanart or hcs r anything abt these dudes, not even of the supposedly deleted character found in the files of the game. I feel like a character like Texas Mac could have such a personality, sucks that they'll likely never appear again in any future installments. :/
This one really disappoints me but Bob Charlie (wow i wonder who this character is based off of) barley gets any recognition either. I really fw his character and the few fanarts I've found of him r great but sadly a lot of characters from SNES Punch Out arent as noticed compared to say, anyone featured in Punch Out for the NES or Wii. I've seen someone say he was also apart of being revamped into Disco Kid but i couldnt find any source or evidence behind that besides the two having rhythm quotes.
Masked Muscle is another cool character that I dont see anyone talk abt or ever get referenced after Super Punch Out. I really like his mechanics and i like his luchador design too, but hes on the more underrated side of fan favorites from what I've seen.
Not a whole lot to say other than Mad Clown is just another obscure character from SNES Punch Out. I dont have a whole not to say other than its kind of funny that on the Punch Out wiki in the stereotypes category, he gets listed with clown stereotypes rather than racial ones (mostly.)
Hoy Quarlow is too underrated in my opinion. Motherfucker brings staff into the ring and no one bats an eye, he was THE Aran Ryan before Aran Ryan got revamped into being insane. If we ever get a sequel to Punch Out for the Wii or simply just another game, it would be great to see this prick again.
Finishing the SNES installment, the Bruiser twins dont get talked about a lot either. I've definitely seen some art and takes on them b but their also very obscure leaning. Again, they dont have a whole lot going on for their characters but idk, theyve grown on me since I got into the games.
Any "characters" that never appeared in the games but rather in outside media like the comics or ads are extremely obscure and id argue there's only one actually good character, but I'll get to him at the end.
I have no idea who the blonde guy is on this cover. My only guess for the time could have been Glass Joe but this was for the Super Punch Out arcade game, which he never appeared in. I'd honestly dig to hear some theories or hcs on who this guy is. (Also isn't the guy on the far left supposed to be Dragon Chan? Why does he have a Japanese bandana even tho hes from Hong Kong? Piston Honda didn't exist until 2 years later after this ad so it cant be him either.)
Vonnie and Reg only appeared in one of the Nintendo System Comics, specifically the issue Fox and Hounds. The system comics arent exactly the greatest but I kinda liked these two characters despite them both not having a whole whole lot of personality. In a way I kinda wish there was more content with them, especially of Vonnie. I oddly liked her character and I have a lot of hcs for her :D
(This entire thing was made out of boredom and is entirely opinion based, srry if anyone I mentioned isn't actually obscure/underrated)
#they can never make me hate you Gushiken <3#I was tempted to put more characters but if I did#Dragon Chan and Heike here but I felt like they were decently noticed enough to not get put on the list#punch out#punch out nes#punch out snes#punch out comics#punch out manga#punchout#arm wrestling#piston hurricane#kid quick#pizza pasta#bob charlie#masked muscle#mad clown#hoy quarlow#rick bruiser#nick bruiser#punch out vonnie#punch out reg#Gushiken the kangaroo#tw cursing#texas mac#frank jr#kabuki#arm candy#long post
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do you have any head canons for Michael afton post scoop? Or any head canons for Ennard? Perhaps how they interact with another? Idk maybe just a master list tbh, I’m hungry for more Fnaf Michael content and it’s a desert out here
Oooh do I ever. Anon thank you so much for sending me this ask, it’s gonna be a doozy. I’m going to separate this into a couple sections, “Things I’ve posted before”, “Michael”, “Ennard” and “Interaction”. I’ve also already posted some of my Michael Afton headcanons in a little list here
They call me irrigation the way I’m about to bring water to this desert. Okay? Let’s go.
Things I’ve Posted Before:
Post Scoop, Michael can’t focus his eyes or flick his eyes side to side. That is to say, he’s always looking straight ahead off into the distance. He can’t see things directly in front of him clearly, and has to turn his whole head to look at things to the left and right of him. This is sort of based off a couple things, first being that because I think the black voids in the final 8-bit scene are empty sockets, and the little white dots are just whatever stupid scraps of remnant are in there trying their damndest. They hardly function like real eyes, he can’t even really see that well even if you put aside all the other stuff. The second is a little more meta, but the gameplay, especially in 1, 3 and 6, where you have to be looking at something to know what’s there, also influences this hc a little.
Post-Scoop Michael also cannot talk. Well, he didn’t try that hard to and then gave up, buts he’s positive that he can’t. It’s not like he really needs to or anything, he maybe interacts with a dozen different living people in the forty-something years he was dead, and really what does he have to say to them anyway?
Michael’s kind of a biter. If you startle him he’ll turn around and bite you, and you will catch some weird diseases. His bite mark is super distinct, which leads into my next point:
He’s got really bad teeth. He’s also missing most of his tongue (this took him a couple months to notice, actually) and his lower jaw is not very well attached to the rest of his skull. It’s mostly from when Ennard forced a giant robot thing through his mouth, and a little bit of just general ware over time.
He’s buddies with a guy who works Tuesday nights at a convenience store near his house. Obviously they’re not really friends, but they form a strange bond where they’re sort of comfortable around each other. Michael only buys batteries and cigarettes every week. At first the guy is a little confused as to who this freak who smells so bad and wears gloves and sunglasses on summer nights is, but after a couple months he gets used to him. Obviously Michael never says anything to him, but the guy eventually plays a little game to figure out what his name is and sort of looks forward to seeing him. During FNaF 1, when Michael skips his regular Tuesday visit, the guy is actually pretty worried about him, figures he finally kicked the bucket or whatever. And then he comes in the next week and buys twice as many batteries and doesn’t miss another week until the guy eventually moves away. (Just realized I already said this in the linked post but I spent a long time on this so you can read it twice)
(About Ennard, not Michael) I’m a huge fan of the voice mimic thing. Literally my #1 in the whole series I think. Like just IMAGINE being Michael and you’ve been sent down to this basement to find your sister and what you found isn’t really your sister anymore, but she still is a little bit. And you know she’s trying to kill you and she’s become part of a weird wire monster, but whatever she is now sounds exactly like her. And it’s sitting there telling you things that you always wanted to hear from her, that she knows it was an accident and that she wants to see you again, but it’s not her. Even though a small part of you must wonder how bad it would really be if you just opened the doors… (This is not a headcanon really, I’m just a fan of this)
Ennard, while wearing Michael, was having the time of their life. Sort of poorly skipping and waving at people and trying really hard to mimic his voice (they never actually heard it, so they’re going off what Baby is saying he sounds like) to say hello to people. Everyone is like “Seems like Michael’s gonna kill himself” because that’s what usually happens after someone gets like that, but then he starts rotting and his neighbors realize he has a different issue and don’t care either way. Bc he lives in a suburban neighborhood and this is how they are. Ennard gets mad because people aren’t talking to them anymore.
Michael (New)
He’s so strange. He has a really weird psyche where he’s essentially convinced that he is only alive as some sort of punishment to him and that his only purpose is to kill his father. Despite this, he’s obviously pretty terrible at making progress towards his ultimate goal so he just spends a lot of time just sitting at the kitchen table and staring off into space. Not even doing anything, occasionally hallucinating but that’s about it.
As the years go on and he really starts to lose it, he actually goes outside more and is henseforth spotted more often by people other than his buddy. He doesn’t really want to be around a bunch of people, so it’s not like he’s going to the mall or anything, but it gets to the point where he doesn’t have really the capacity to care at all about anything except whatever he’s journeying outside for (and of course, his ultimate goal of killing William.) This is how Henry ends up figuring out what Michael’s been up to, he hears a rumor about a weird guy who’s been out lately and is like, “ah.”
He doesn’t have that much remnant in him. Like barely any. Honestly, it’s just enough to keep him conscious and stop him from decomposing to the point where he’s mostly goo. It was just whatever may have been on the scooper, which was likely very little as I’m sure William was careful about that, and a bit from Ennard. Sort of pathetic, really.
He can’t feel, smell or taste anything. The latter two don’t bother him at all but the touch thing is sort of annoying. Eventually he gets used to needing to constantly look (his weird eyes make this especially annoying) everywhere to make sure he knows where his limbs are in relation to his body or make sure he doesn’t accidentally kick something, not notice and lose a couple of toes. This is not a problem for anyone else who’s possessing something, but Michael, as mentioned previously, has not that much remnant in him and this is one of the downsides.
I think kids throw rocks at his house and stuff. He’s sort of a local cryptid, and I’d throw rocks at Bigfoot if I got the chance, so it makes sense to me. He doesn’t really care that much, though, so it’s not a super common thing because it’s not very interesting for kids to throw rocks and not get a reaction.
For the sake of clarity, I’ll just call Ennard with Baby, “Ennard” and without Baby will be, “Molten Freddy”
I’m a huge fan of Ennard but I have no freaking clue what their deal is. I don’t think that any of the sister location animatronics are properly possessed except for Baby (I don’t think there’s any more dead people other than the 11 or so we hear about) but I think that they have un poco remnant because William Afton was just fuckin around to see what happened. Funtime Freddy has the most remnant, which is why he sort of takes control after Baby leaves. But I actually think that their behavior is from a combination of their remnant from the five kids (which gets into weird horcrux soul splitting stuff don’t think too hard about it), their own not great programming, and some influence from Baby. I don’t think that each individual Funtime is possessed by a new kid, is what I’m getting at.
I think Baby left on her own. I don’t think she got kicked out, I think she just got sick of everyone and dipped. She probably wanted a cooler robot and some more independence or something. I don’t think Ennard would have kicked her out.
Molten Freddy doesn’t gaf about being seen, why would they? They get spotted all the time, but because they do mostly hang out in the sewers (it’s nice down there) it’s not like anyone really believes when they see them. Like that cannot have been a bunch of metal with eyes walking and talking I’m sure that’s just the wind and some trash. So nobody really buys into the idea that there’s anything down there. They’re also sort of a local cryptid, but they’re a much more varied one because nobody knows exactly what they saw.
Molten Freddy did kill a couple people, I think. Not always children, sometimes, but really it was just whatever. They didn’t even do anything after that (they don’t have the proper equipment to do the whole “wearing a guy” thing again) but it’s just their weird remnant and murder-code combo that just drives them to do this. They never kill anyone as Ennard bc Baby is mostly their leader while she’s there and Baby doesn’t have any motive to do that.
Molten Freddy isn’t really as conscious as you’d think. It’s hard to imagine a level of not-conscious because you will always be conscious and doing things or unconscious and not, but Molten Freddy is mostly code and a weird mix of pissed of remnant. It’s not really as thinking and feeling as the rest of the creatures, more just following basic instincts.
Slight diversion but Elizabeth does not feel bad, not even for even one second, about killing Michael. She fucking hates him for a variety of reasons, mostly stemming from him killing Evan and a little bit of William’s propaganda. Also she thinks he’s really stupid and gullible for falling into her trap (it was a clever trap, of course, but he didn’t have to keep coming down there) and sort of convinces herself that it’s his own fault. Basically, she has sort of a “Serves him right,” mindset about the whole thing.
Added on to that, Elizabeth doesn’t think he’s William because genuinely why would she? That’s clearly not William, and I think she’s smart enough to know that her plan would not work on William. She’d say, “I don’t recognize you,” and the plan would fail there because obviously she knows who that is. I’m getting to ramble-y I could make a whole post about their relationship so I’ll stop myself here.
I think, during the events of Pizzeria Sim, Michael is more scared of Molten Freddy than of anyone else. For a variety of reasons, but a lot of it comes from how chaotic they seem to be, while every other creature is just one person (a person he knows, so there’s an extra bit of weird familiarity) but Molten Freddy is much more of a creature than anyone else.
Michael was sort of conscious while Ennard was wearing him. Not all the time, but enough where he sometimes knows what’s going on. The thing is, though, he can’t see anything that’s happening and can only really hear the metal clicking noises so it’s not like he has any idea what Ennard is actually doing, just can feel what his body is doing a little bit. I also feel like the bouts of consciousness get longer and frequent as time goes on because the very little remnant in his body sort of starts to assemble itself and try and do its thing. This is very unfortunate for him, but he’s not a real person so whomp whomp.
Ennard knows that Michael is sometimes awake, they can tell, but do not really care actually. Whatever, it’s not their problem. They can sort of tell what he’s thinking, or at least get the gist of it, but it’s horribly incoherent so it’s more annoying than anything else. The knowing what the other is thinking does not go both ways btw, Michael can’t do that.
Nobody except Baby really has any beef with Michael. Sure, they’re attacking him in Pizzeria Simulator, but that’s more their programming and instinct than anything personal. To them, he’s just a guy that they’re going to kill, which is what they’re meant to do, and Baby hates him for some reason, but whatever.
Another thing about Baby, it’s really awkward for Scrap Baby being with Molten Freddy in PS. Molten Freddy doesn’t care at all but Elizabeth feels like she’s just run into her ex from a bad breakup at the store and he’s trying to make small talk.
And finally, Henry is weirded out by all of this and has no clue what’s going on. He doesn’t know what the fuck Molten Freddy is or where it came from, he doesn’t know what happened to Michael, he doesn’t know why everyone seems to have a complex history with each other (Really, everything lines up except any sort of relation or history with the tangle of wires.) He doesn’t care, that’s Michael’s problem. Connection terminated, or whatever.
I’m done
Okay that’s it! Of course I’m going to think of a billion more once I publish this but I think I’ve taken long enough already! Hope this was enough, and don’t disagree with me at all or I’ll cry (/nsrs) Thanks so much for the ask! Have a magical day <3
#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#michael afton#ennard fnaf#fnaf ennard#scooped michael afton#five nights at freddys#answered asks#elizabeth afton#I love making things up about these guys#thanks for the ask I love yapping
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Murkmire thoughts!
What a grand ol' time! A good old fashion treasure hunt! Twas fun!
The environment of Murkmire was very well done! Very atmospheric and pretty and felt like an actually marshy/swampy area. The edges of the zone felt natural as well. The ambient sounds and music were great to set the mood too.
I was pretty blown away by the interiors too! Almost every interior was just gorgeous. They had such beautiful lighting and ambience and such perfect vistas/views upon entering them. I think this is the first part of the game where I have repeatedly been blown away by the interiors and taken screenshots of caves and temples and stuff. I hadn't even considered their visual design that much before now, but I really appreciate these kinds of touches.
The characters were fun and interesting! Not the most stand out characters ever, but they all had their own little contained arcs (an underrated thing in this game...) and were genuinely likeable. I liked them a lot!
The main storyline was fun too. A fun little mystery with some predictable turns, but predictable in a way that I didn't know where it was going right away but rather as hints started being dropped, so the kind of twists that make me feel clever (lol). The story didn't overstay its welcome and the stakes weren't world ending, but were still engaging.
The Argonian/Saxhleel cultural development was very cool too. I always appreciate cultural lore, and I thought they were handled better than what I have already seen in the base game. (lots of references to argonian sex, but I'm not complaining. they should tap into that kind of "world-building" more often if you ask me). They were given a lot of unique and thoughtful worldbuilding that ESO has spared for most of the other races so far.
On that note, there were themes in this one (well, one, but still)! A theme that the main quest built up to! That was fun. And personally, i found the theme of accepting change to be one that was presented in a pretty thought-provoking way (but tes standard, let me be clear. the bar is low). It was a good was of really hammering home that part of Saxhleel culture.
Rapid fire round
One random thing I've noticed: this DLC has started a trend of new NPC dialogue animations that I've noticed in other new content (e.g. festivals) that I'm not a fan of. This is such a minor thing but there a few animations that just don't fit and look poorly motion-captured to me and I find them a little distracting. There aren't a lot in this DLC, but I'm bracing myself for more to come. I actually like the base game animation style for the dialogue.
The nagas looked cool (and their scales very pretty) and I appreciated the inclusion of different looking argonians. We should be able to make one during character creation imo. The way their teeth were sat in their mouth drove me a little nuts though
I've noticed as I make my way through the DLCs that there is a trend of less enemies in the overland by area, which I am extremely thankful for because in the base game you couldn't walk 3 feet without being attacked by something.
The dialogue for the argonians was better overall here than in the base game. I'm too tired/lazy to go into it now but the way the argonians in the base game were written felt too noble savage-y in my opinion (that might just be me though idk)
Famia was so cute I loved her
I liked the Bright Throat quest. Quests that make me go "what the fuck?" my beloved
HELLO??? WHAT IS THIS?????????
Anyway, that is all! I think the Elsweyr Chapter is up next and I have heard many good things about that one, so I'm looking forward to it!
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I finished veilguard, here are my thoughts:
As a game, super fun. Enjoyed the combat, thought the scenery was pretty, etc…
But what I didn’t enjoy was how they basically retconned the whole lore. Like it’s cool to maybe have a few reveals like ‘this thing you previously thought is wrong, eg elven gods, etc’ but I hated the way they basically made all previous lore somehow invalid.
I suppose them not including your previous game choices should have been our first indicator that they weren't going to respect previous lore.
Kinda made me sad. I also found the ending not very satisfying but yeah. Fun ideas and all but just didn’t feel like dragon age, felt like a dragon age fan fic au or something.
Also I didn’t particularly love the Solavellan reunion, it was okay but idk. I wanted it to feel bigger. Thought it got overshadowed by Mythal.
wished there was a little bit more references to Solavellan in the game but maybe that’s just me being greedy for content. Maybe il just read some ‘fix-it’ fan fics
Overall i enjoyed it as a game but maybe not as the fourth dragon age
(also I think the veil should have came down 🤷♀️)
#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age#veilguard#veilguard spoilers#Dragon age veilguard spoilers#solavellan
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Do you think they'll get mad over this in Hoyo's new game or am I making a stretch
the one that just came out right? my friend sent me this one earlier today to post here lol I think it’s from some in universe social media

I’m not totally sure but based on the circumstances regarding what they got angry at earlier I don’t think so. in regards to why it happened before, for Genshin Impact, there is a significant amount of these male gacha players (we’ve seen this in china & SK but also to a lesser extent worldwide) who do not like that it’s an extremely successful mixed sex gacha where the male characters are designed to pander to female players. there’s been a lot posted and written on this blog and across the web about how men do not want women playing games and coming into their “playground”- we saw this most explosively in the west during the “gamergate” fiasco. You typically don’t see this happening in all-male gachas like ensemble stars because the game is marketed as “for women” to begin with, male gamers don’t see this as “their territory” that you have intruded on. I’ve seen posts by these men bemoaning the “unsexy” newer female Genshin character designs and saying “what are they doing to our game?” so you see they have this type of attitude. Genshin had a very long stretch of time where only limited male characters were released back to back which I believe ended with the character Lyney being released- this was one of the first Genshin-related Korean incel freakouts that made waves in the west because of how ridiculous it was. they didn’t like that he was sexualized in the same way female characters were sexualized, they didn’t like all the male banners, they thought he looked gay etc.
this is a similar problem they have with a lot of the Honkai Star Rail male character outfits that have boob windows which female characters will typically have, this is a huge point of contention for them, I remember seeing them absolutely seething that the free 5-star from that game was a male with more than the usual amount of skin showing, I think the screenshots might be on this blog somewhere. they have had huge meltdowns about these cleave windows it’s absolutely ridiculous to read. you can scroll earlier in this blog to the post about the “if there’s male characters in the game don’t play” movement to see more about this. The second freak out over Furina’s designer happened only when they found out a Korean woman designed her. The company was further targeted during this time because they did not take down the animations Studio Ppuri had made for them like the little pissant coward company Nexon did.
The new game doesn’t really have the same “baggage” as these other 2 and doesn’t seem to market towards a female audience as much so I don’t expect something like that to blow up, but who knows. these guys are getting bolder, people are getting extremely like idk sports-fan or kpop-fan tier heated over Wuthering Waves/Kuro Games VS Mihoyo for whatever reason, I’ve read some crazy rumors about Tencent…. lol. but that’s my best guess on how to read the situation and the recent history behind some of this
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Ask game! Hikaku: 1, 4, 12, 14, 25, 26
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I Can Imagine Anything.
He's not quite a blank slate, because being an Uchiha in the Warring States Era + talented + good at leadership implies just enough about him that I and many others can make up a guy around it and he can be as interesting and cater specifically to me as much as I want him to. Which means that no one understand him like I understand him and the only way to get more content about the version of him that I have crafted (for now) (since you know I'm also a fan of multiple interpretations of characters) is to make it myself and dissimulate it around until everyone else Sees. I've been doing it to you this whole time.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
(immediately forgets all other media I have ever consumed) Well.
If I had a nickel for every brown haired ponytail wearing aide to a man with an intense personality that has become one of my favorites i would have three nickels, which is not that many but it's weird that it happened three times. I'll mention Yatagarasu again because yes I *have* been watching Yukia and going "oh that's so Hikaku" (even if I think Hikaku would probably be more subtle than he is). Similarly, Riukson and Apothecary diaries, who so far is very close to how I imagine his personality. (note: user has not read book 11 yet and doesn't know what kind of nonsense he gets up to in there).
Also, he should be a bit character in a ghilbli movie. Everything around him is charming. But also. There are the horrors.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Is everything about this man not headcanon.
Non-Uchiha parent. Earth nature chakra. Older than Izuna, younger than Madara. Often forced into bureaucracy and paperwork. That stuff's all easy mode. What if I told you he's wise enough to see the structural injustices of the world he lives in but is too loyal and/or unambitious to try and change it.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I dont know a single thing about fashion. I googled a list. He's so Normcore (...????)
Idk, he 's going to be the guy who wears work uniforms 90% of the time because 90% of the time he's at Work. I will be imagining him in fancy formal kimonos and makeup though.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Name I did not recognize -> Name I have now seen more than once, is this an actual character -> Oh, he just has a tiny blurb in a data book -> There are so few characters with names in the era I'm interested in thinking about that it really only makes sense to flesh out the ones that are there a little more -> my boy.
Once I made a pixiv accout to look for older founders era art and I found an artist who drew Hikaku eating a burger and I think about it often.
Ask Meme
#ask meme#naruto blog for naruto things#im PSYCHICALLY BEAMING HIKAKU INTO YOUR MIND#If i write him well enough you will understand him. like i understand him.#(things said about real characters whos entire personality i did not make up)
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re: your arcana post - i literally don't even go here but i live for drama.... if you were ever to do a video essay or even just a write up in a post about the situation.... i want to know what happened, can't resist 👀👀
oh my goodd it's so eerie to explain it to someone who wasn't involved but this silly little mobile dating sim was just an initial passion project from a small team of employees of an indie game developer that was basically given six weeks to turn in something completely self-indulgent and it quickly got a backing on kickstarter around 2016-2017? beyond that it was quite a classic case of a project becoming more famous than its creators expected and it turns into a bit of a mess bc of their lack of experience. and by that i mean they got very close to the fans, and that's bound to open a can of worms. they used to make weekly q&as and you can't imagine what an exciting event that was, oh my god literally everyone was in a discord server losing their shit bc the devs had opened the askbox and we could ask the stupidest questions in the world about their characters and they would answer bc frankly they were very funny and the characters were all like... established in a funny enough way that it was so easy to make good jokes about them.
and i think what makes it very interesting is that the fandom was actually pretty small, but it felt HUGE. those q&as seemed like the most viral posts you could run into when you logged on tumblr but really most of them had a couple thousand notes at best, even when the arcana was at its most popular. it was literally like living in a small village where everybody knew EVERYBODY. if you posted something, high chance everyone in the fandom would see and reblog. it was like a hive mind.
also part of the reason why it felt so huge was bc everyone was churning out fan content like CRAZY, i don't think there was ever any fandom i've personally been in where i've seen so many people create so much damn stuff and frankly i think it's one of its strongest features. idk what it is about this game but everytime i revisit it inspires me so much, suddenly i wanna pick up my tablet after months, i wanna try writing again, etc. it's just wonderful at urging you to create and i have no idea how one even achieves that.
but yea the fandom slowly disappeared partly due to controversies, some of the creators were found to have been into some questionable stuff back in their not so olden days and they stepped away from the limelight, afterwards i believe a lot of the team stepped away from the game altogether. but it was weird because the controversies were constant, not just towards the creators but also within the fandom itself 💀 and given the huge volume of them they of course ranged from reasonable criticism especially regarding the representation of the characters of color, or the absurd microtransaction to stuff like 'his eyes are drawn bigger in this cg so the artists wanted to make him look like a child so this game caters to pedos actually' dkjgdkfj i saw some CRAZY takes and the bad faith criticism definitely overshadowed the reasonable voices in my opinion, it was not balanced at all. they stopped doing the q&as, the posts they made on their official tumblr became way more sanitized, and actually in a way so did some aspects of the game, and little by little it grew quieter.
and now it's... silent. but it's so near and dear to my heart, i think it's an absolutely wonderful game and what i love about it the most is how much it inspires people to create. and i think the reason why is bc unlike in many games like this (at least i think, i'm not sure cause i haven't played many) your character doesn't just suddenly meet every love interests. they have a connection to some of the love interests and a past they don't remember so it's very interesting to peel those layers back, BUT because it's your character the story stays quite vague about the past. so it's incredibly fun to speculate, to create a backstory, etc! that's i think one of my favorite things about it and it's not a coincidence that arcana went on to inspire some fans to venture into the visual novel genre as creators themselves.
and yea overall it just felt like a close positive community (well. mostly really, we are talking about a fandom on tumblr here so) and a super creative and inspiring one. the jokes were super fun, the art was top notch, the writing was also good. so yea i kinda miss it and it's sad to see how empty it seems now? like i see people from 2020 onward go 'ohh i just discovered this game' and i'm like... MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD... YOU HAVE NO IDEA.... YOU HAD TO BE THERE.... and ig i didn't really answer your question bc i kind of glossed over the drama but i went through the whole phenomenon bc i think it was. really interesting to witness 🫡
#can't believe i'm blogging about the arcana in the year of our lord 2023... 2024 almost#anonymous#asks
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your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
#veespeaks#south park#style#fic asks#creek#this was kinda fun to format lol#hopefully it is enjoyed by anon and maybe others#but yeah i have fic ideas...lots of em#I just don't have enough time to do everything I want lol#but soon....soon
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I found out about a Pillowfort-specific blog post format called blanket boxes, and now, I'm doing a blanket box for the first time! Hooray! This is the Visual Novel Blanket Box by babycarrot! Figured I'd also share it on Tumblr too, some of y'all might appreciate this.
PF link: here.
🎮📖 What's a blanket box?
A blanket box is a post (the box) containing a set of questions or prompts (blankets) that you can answer to help build your Fort and introduce yourself and your interests or projects to others. Make your own post, copy the questions/prompts into it and answer them. Each blanket box has its own unique theme and questions/prompts to answer.
You can find more blanket boxes in the BlanketBoxBox community.
🎮📖 What's this blanket box's rules? (hint: they're way more like guidelines!)
as with all blanket boxes, feel free to interpret these questions however you’d like, skip questions, and elaborate as much or as little as you want :)
tag your answers with ‘visual novel blanket box’ and repost/link to this post so others can find it!
🎮📖 The prompts
1. What genre of visual novel do you usually play?
Romance/Otome games are the ones I play most often, I find.
2. What was your first (or one of your first) visual novel(s)?
I don't think it was the first, but it was definitely one of the first: Hierofanía @sillyraccoonknight . I loved this game SO MUCH when I was a young teenager; I even took the time to chart out every single possible branching path on a piece of paper, marking all of the different routes and endings. I played the game repeatedly in order to complete this; I didn't use a walkthrough or anything, as I recall.
3. What was the last visual novel you played?
AFTERLIFE by Chris Logsdon. Go play it, it's very short and very good.
4. Has a visual novel had a lasting impact on you?
The first VN in the Code:Realize series got me into otome games, which was impactful for me. Heirofania was VERY impactful to me, as it was one of the games that made me want to make visual novels, and led me on my game development path.
5. Gush about your favorite visual novel! NOW!!
Blooming Panic is so good omggggg. It's rare for me to like all of the love interests, but that's definitely the case here. I haven't played the Full Bloom Edition yet so idk about xyx, but I'm sure he's wonderful. <3
6. If you could give a visual novel character a kiss/hug, who would it be and why?
I'd give Takeru Sasazuka from Collar X Malice a big big hug, that's my husbando and I love him.
7. How would your favorite character react if they suddenly turned into a worm?
If Takeru turned into a worm he would be PISSED. He prides himself on his hacking abilities, and how can you type on a keyboard to hack if you're a worm?! On the bright side, he loves sweets, especially donuts, and you can get a lot more out of a donut when you're teeny-tiny.
8. Is there a character that you reaaaallly relate to?
I really like Grayson from Lost And Found--he has special interests, he's trying to be successful in a creative field, he has homophobic parents who he wants to like him despite them not liking his identity. . . He's just like me for real lmao.
9. A character that you dislike?
No one came to mind! Maybe the villain of Collar X Malice? Talking about that would be spoilery though, so I won't.
10. Do you have a VN you’ve been meaning to play, but just haven’t?
So many lmao. I literally have a whole collection on itch.io that's mostly VNs I either haven't played yet, or have only played the demos/old builds of, not the final versions.
11. Have you made any fan content for a VN?
Yeah, I helped make a Blooming Panic fangame, Coffee With Quest! I also have written multiple fanfics for many visual novels.
#bez's blanket box#visualnovel#visual novel#visual novels#blanket box#questions#prompt#writing prompts#q and a#q&a#q&a questions#q&a session#vn#vns#blooming panic#bloomic#bloomic quest#collar x malice#code: realize#heirofania#takeru sasazuka#husbando#husbandos
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thinking about how I got into tf2 is so hilarious because it was one big string of events I might’ve talked about it before but I forgot
big post warning- I didn’t mean to write this much
it all started about 2-3 years ago… I was watching Minecraft brainrot when a matpat video about Minecraft(maybe it was another thing idk I assume it’s Minecraft) was in my recommended to me. This, friends, was the turning point in my life that possibly saved my childhood. I watched matpats videos until falling upon one about undertale. It fascinated me, who was this sans the skeleton and his brother papyrus? I slowly became obsessed with undertale… my very first fandom. I watched so many undertale comic dubs that it was probably unhealthy. This eventually led to deltarune. Dear god I was the worst spamton simp. But slowly, ever so slowly, the hyperfixtation started to fade away as I discovered Pinterest. Voila. Scp. I see funny plague doctor man and I think he’s interesting. I watch scp memes but the hyperfixtation fades quickly. One fateful day, chikn nuggit appears on YouTube sharts. I fell in love with it immediately. Truly wonderful. But alas, after watching all the episodes 3 times over, with no new content, it too faded away and became a distant memory… I go back to Pinterest, and rediscover scp. Now instead of being more into the scps themselves, I become a doctor fan… Dr iceberg was my favorite, until I discovered alto clef. I am not kidding when I say I have read almost every single page on the scp wikidot with clef tagged on it. Up until now my hyperfixtations had been lasting for up to 2 months at most(except for undertale I think that one was 6 months) but there was so much content on the wikidot that it fueled my hyperfixtation. That’s when, one fateful day on Pinterest, I discover these wonderful Microsoft paint drawings. I fall in love with them immediately. But I cannot find the original artist because the asshole posting them didn’t link them. But my friend who was also in the scp fandom at the time discovered a silly animation with the same art style, I looked at the channel and discovered their tumblr. I found all their doodles and they were so wonderful and amazing. During this period, I had felt like my hyperfixtation was slowly disappearing, but these doodles saved it. Until… one fateful day… they posted hlvrai au art. At first I paid no mind. “Ah. These are funny.” Is what I thought. Then I ended up really liking how the characters were designed, so I decide to watch hlvrai. At first, I am doodling the funny parts as characters from scp. Then I realize I really like hlvrai. I go to tumblr and I start looking at the tag. Yes. These are wonderful characters. This marks the end of the second scp phase. One fateful day, as I am scrolling the hlvrai tag, I come across a link. To AO3. I have never heard of ao3 before. It is a fanfiction about Benrey and Gordon falling in love. I read it. I love it. I look for more. I discover the fanfiction “human resource violation.” Truly wonderful and completely irrelevant to what im saying. I discovered ao3 from hlvrai. Soon later, I discover what being trans is. I realized that I may be trans. Wonderful. What else will I discover from hlvrai? Valve. Half-life. Portal specifically. I love these games. They are so fun. I play portal, and I go onto Pinterest to find art. And that’s when I see this silly little creature with a gas mask. Its name, Pyro. I immediately fall in love with this little creature. But I still love hlvrai. But the hlvrai hyperfixtation is old, and I am fascinated by this “pyro” and the other 8 “mercenaries” so I draw pyro. I put the drawing in my phone case. Wonderful! I am now in love with tf2. But that isn’t it. At first, I just scrolled Pinterest, but I didn’t really like it that much. So I decide to go back to tumblr.
That’s when I discover from a post that there are videos made by valve about the mercenaries. I watch all of them and expiration date and end of the line. I fall in love with these sfms. And also scout. I love scout a lot. I kin him, and start drawing him. That’s when I discover speeding bullet. Amazing name, and I love them. I read a few fics about them on ao3 and this is also when I discover that ao3 tf2 was not the same as ao3 hlvrai. When I’m scrolling on tumblr, I see a post about a series called team neighborhood. Still one of my favorite series. I watch it. And now there’s more tf2 related videos on my yt fyp. Amazing! I watch all of them. One day, im on tumblr again when I discover something interesting. Painis cupcake and freak fortress. I think this is fucking hilarious and I find out there’s a whole page of all the freaks on fandom. I have watched nearly all the videos. This is when I start noticing soldier more and how awesome he is. I have literally never been hyperfixtated on a character like soldier before. The earlier ones were all twinks. I think soldiers really funny, so I look for more content.
I get interested in boots n bombs. I love boots n bombs. I don’t want to ship red soldier with anyone because I still really like red solly and Zhanna, so I decide to make ocs for helmet party since at the time I wasn’t sure about multi shipping, and helmet party seemed interesting. Now, the birth of my literally favorite ocs ever, honeysuckler and honeysuckle. I get hyperfixtated on them and now they have a whole plot line made up in my head and I decide to make more OCs. There is an entire au now. Then, as I would like to call it, the dark ages. I still liked tf2, but I just didn’t really feel hyperfixtated on anything. That’s when I rediscover freak fortress. Yippie! All is well and a few months go by. I realize this is my longest hyperfixtation yet (7-8 months now) and now I’ve kind of settled down with tf2. I think one of the main reasons I’ve been hyperfixtated on tf2 for so long is because of all the content. Freak fortress is a whole other thing with a shit ton of series, and then there’s sfms and series like team neighborhood. But this literally could have taken a completely different turn if I didn’t watch that one matpat video. Also the person with the silly mspaint doodles liked overwatch, so I could’ve become hyperfixtated on overwatch instead and could’ve despised tf2.
Wow that was a lot myb
#conezyappityyap#There’s probably grammatical errors lol I wrote this quickly#I had to break it up into blocks because there’s a limit of words per block…
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okay it wouldn’t let me type all this on the comment you left about all for the game so i’m bringing it here hope you don’t mind
are you ready for a paragraph(s) about these books? bc i’m obsessed w them. it’s def not literary fiction so if you do read them don’t go in w an expectation that it’s going to be on the level of like madeline miller (my fav) or emily henry type stuff (idk what you read! those are just two authors staring at me from my personal library rn)
but also the characters have so much depth? it’s a silly little world with a silly little made up sport (it also helps that i love silly little sports. i’m an avid hockey and formula one racing fan. so silly) but also it’s VERY dark so please please look up content warnings before hand (i will send a list of what’s in the first book only if you’d like. but it’s a lot.)
compared to author dark fiction writers i’ve read (looking at you penelope douglas) i’ve found it approached better yk? like the content in it is dark stuff and my friends keep asking me if i’m okay when i’m describing the plot (i can also do that!! i literally never will shut up about any book i’ve ever read!!) but it’s still enjoyable. there have been multiple times where i had to step away from penelope douglas stuff bc i simply could not but i read the first all for the game book in 24 hrs.
i’m going to shut up now but plz plz lmk if you want to know more!! i simply am starting to fixate on this series and need an outlet to talk about it with others.
silly little sport?? dark?? omg the two extremes lmao you make it sound so interesting putting it on my list rn!! also id love to know more!!! you can yap all u want fr like whats the plot that makes ur friends ask u if ur good 👀
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for the Bad Batch ask game: 8, 24, 31, and 49! (or just a few of those if you’d prefer :D)
8. What song(s) do you associate with the Bad Batch?
I love this question bc I associate a really weird array of songs with The Bad Batch and I am beyond excited to list them.
I Got You by Devon Cole (tears 🥹)
Mr. Know-It-All by Young The Giant (mainly a Tech song for me)
The Less I Know The Better by Tame Impala
Brother by Kodaline
Don’t Leave Me Alone by David Guetta & Anne-Marie (acoustic)
Human by Jon Bellion
Burn The House Down by AJR
everything i wanted by Billie Eilish (mainly bc it gives me Calling Me Home series Echo vibes tbh oof)
This Was A Home Once by Bad Suns
Older by Alec Benjamin
Bonus Tracks:
Going Home by The Aces
Don’t Freak by The Aces (This one is a bonus bc in my head when I hear this song I have always imagined baby Fives and Echo going to 79s for the first time and Echo not being totally sure how he feels about it and Fives basically going ‘hey, don’t freak out. I’m here, you’re smart and capable. A bar is the easiest mission we’ve ever been on.’ idk I get so much inspiration from music tbh.)
^ The Aces are so feel good and endearing and give good fluff inspiration
24. Do you have any hot or controversial takes?
Oh yeah plenty of them tbh lol
My hottest take? Honestly? I’m super disappointed in how cruel people were to people with Tech Lives theories on this damn site. Not just in the way that I’m sad about *gestures to everything* but I have seen some really nasty takes and have blocked people over them even though they were never directed at me. It shows me who you are when you’re cruel to a stranger over simply *checking my notes* wanting their favorite character to be alive. Some people in the Star Wars fandom are mean as hell. Maybe it’s because I’m fandom old (mid 20s) so I’ve been around for over a decade in fandom spaces but I can say that Star Wars fans can be really really mean compared to other fandoms. That’s more of a problem on reddit (never again) but it happens on tumblr and twitter (which I don’t have any longer but have heard… stories.) My little corner is GREAT. No complaints about this little corner I’ve found myself in but every time I venture out I see some shiiiiiiiiit and it takes me a minute to remember that this fandom can be really volatile. This is supposed to be fun. I say my piece, I agree or disagree with other people’s piece. Then I move on. I won’t argue. It ain’t my style. I get really upset when I see people being downright nasty to each other over fandom stuff. Stop it.
Also. Listen. I started in the Teen Wolf and Merlin fandoms in high school. There’s a lot of great stuff to use from those shows but canon was rarely awesome. I got used to letting the fandom do the work, fans shipping everything under the sun, and making up wild plotlines that wouldn’t actually make sense because who even knows what’s going on in the actual show anymore. Fandoms are wild and I like different opinions and different content and everything coming together in a way that is both weird and wonderful. Sometimes people want the entire fandom to like exactly what they like and get really aggressive with other fans over it. That is not my vibe. If I see something I don’t like then it isn’t for me and I move on! Enough said.
Instead of moving on, blocking tags, or blocking users many fans straight up call people names! Start arguments! Post cruel things! It’s stupid! I’ll say it, it’s stupid as hell! Just block shit, man! You can’t control other people. Protect your peace and block stuff you don’t like. I promise it’ll feel better <3
(that was so long I’m so sorry I needed to get that off of my chest so bad lol)
31. What other Star Wars characters (regardless of the timeline) do you think would be BFFs with each Batcher?
(This’ll be fun bc I know very little of the greater Star Wars Universe so some of these are based just on ✨vibes✨)
Omega and Leia Organa! I loved the Kenobi show and I just think these two would get along SO DAMN WELL.
Hunter and…. I’m going to be honest I thought about this over night and I STILL can’t pick somebody. I need to watch more Star Wars
Tech and Luke Skywalker. Flying! Ships! Podracing! This is the only thing I know of Luke Skywalker! They’d bond over this and make ships go faster together so they’d be besties.
Crosshair and Merrin. In the way that I think he’d look at her like she hung the moon and the stars because she’s so cool and she’s scary and Crosshair appreciates intimidating people and would want to see all of the things she can do with her magic even though he’s kind of terrified of her. (I’m projecting, I love Merrin.)
Echo and Cal Kestis. This is an inspired choice, I feel. Cal has a really big connection to protecting people and Echo WOULD LOVE to work with him to protect people from the Empire (play Jedi: Fallen Order 👀)
Wrecker and Chewbacca. Wrecker really thrived in that episode with the wookiees and I think he’d have a great time with Chewbacca.
49. What has been your favorite part about being in the fandom?
All of my friends!!! I’ve made a lot of great friends in the past two years and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s not very easy for me to make friends, if I’m being honest, so having friends that I talk to about the clones and star wars and fic ideas means a lot to me. It is the ultimate draw for me. I love talking to people about things I love, hearing everyone’s opinions, seeing everyone write and create art and do deep dive analysis. I love seeing people run role play blogs and come up with ask games. I love love love the fun parts of fandom just existing. Seeing people get excited about ideas and share them with others and create gifs and have fun. That absolutely has my heart. We’re all just here trying to express ourselves and that is something I think gets overlooked sometimes. This is something we do in our free time. We’re here because we want to be, not because we have to be. It’s a beautiful thing, to find connection over a shared love of something, and I love that. It’s kind of the same thing I love about concerts. Concerts are a unique place where it’s acceptable to have big emotional reactions with other people over the shared love of the music being played for you. For one night you aren’t just a fan of a band standing in a room listening to some people sing at you. You’re a part of the crowd, experiencing a million different emotions all in the same moment but not one of you is feeling the exact same way as the person next to you. It’s a wonderful thing to experience. This fandom, my little corner of it at least, feels about the same. We’re all experiencing life differently, different day to day things, different upbringings, different opinions, likes, and dislikes. But we’re all here, watching the same thing, and coming away with different emotions and opinions.
I think that’s beautiful.
Link To The Ask <3
#thanks for asking!!#the bad batch#ask game#I always really enjoy these tbh#sorry I gave you an entire playlist of songs I couldn’t resist😅
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I found this interesting books ask :
Do you mind if I ask, no. 13, 14, 15, 18, and 50? Thanks...😁
thank you! i love talking about books :)
13. name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption.
i just finished another book by celeste ng so the one that springs to mind right away is little fires everywhere. imo ng's biggest strength is that she writes about identity politics in a very accessible but nuanced way and the show adaptation just took all that nuance and threw it out of the window. my personal little nitpick is that they turned the mc who is aroace-coded in the book into a bisexual. yes, one could argue that her ruminating on how she can't help her daughter deal with romantic heartbreak bc she has never been in love herself is just a throwaway line but it's one of those lines that completely reframes the character and makes everything we learned about her make more sense in hindsight - that is, if you're open to seeing someone as aroace. if not, as a reader, you will assume she has probably had relationships which she just never mentions bc they're not relevant to the story (see: dumbledore rollerblading in every scene). as a showrunner, you will fill in those alleged gaps in her romantic and sexual life with bisexual drama which will give you more content for the show's runtime, if nothing else. so that is an interesting example of aroace erasure - it's not intentional but the fact that a person's deliberate lack of love life is something they, consciously or not, decided just not to represent speaks to a larger problem with aroace rep. if you straightwash a queercoded character people will likely notice. if you allo-wash an aroace-coded character no one will even blink.
14. name a book where the movie/tv adaption actually was better than the original.
i can't think of one that is better than the original off the top of my head but there are some adaptations i'm attached to much more than i like their source materials. the lord of the rings movies, for example. a re-read of the series i did a few years ago proved to be a slog but the movies will forever remain a special quality time i can share with my dad. the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is another example. i know for a fact that the fans of the book don't like the adaptation but i'm biased bc it's one of my comfort movies and i don't get why the book is supposed to be better, despite having read it two times🤷♀️
15. what book changed your life?
all for the game changed my life bc by reading it and becoming part of the fandom i have discovered the aroace spectrum and realized i'm on it (on the far end of it, in fact lol). i'm pretty certain the same couldn't have happened via just learning about asexuality from some educational materials bc neil's headspace and the subsequent frustration with how he got twisted in fanon were essential for my aroace awakening🖤🩶🤍💜💚
18. which character from a book is the most like you?
lol idk. i think if i encountered a character who is a lot like me it would make me so uncomfortable i'd erase this from my memory immediately. so instead of an answer please kindly accept this meme i made for my friends and draw your own conclusions😅
50. why do you love to read?
i read for escapism. that's why entertainment and immersion are the main two factors that make or break a book for me. granted, i have weird tastes and often find entertaining the things other readers find boring and vice versa. and i like when fiction is so immersive i can feel my soul leave my body and get transported to a different world, a different life. bc of this one might think i yearn for adventure but that's not true - i love my boring life and i love the illusion of control one has as a reader compared to the lack of control one often experiences irl: if the adventure is not to my liking i can simply close the book.
bookish asks
#says the girl who never dnfs lmao#is allo-wash even a word#well it is now#i coined the term ur welcome#book tag
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Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: Erica
Pronouns: she/any/whatever
Birthday (no year): May 3
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Phildelphia ish, EST
Roleplay experience: oh jeeze oh gosh uh like idk 15+years off and on?
Got any pets? Winston the German Shepherd and Pipis the ragdoll pisscat
Favorite time of year: Winter
Some interests and things you like: taking naps
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I'm the oldest in toa cringe, idk man I'm so tired rn
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? nothing like consistently right now? I like rpgs and games with a good story.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ground and grass, Diglett and Dugtrio I've been their number one fan since the games came out
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was at a Gamestop determined to buy a new game and Awakening looked interesting. 3H reignited my love of the series though.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Uhh Radiant Dawn is the only one I don't have any experience with but I read the Jugdral games, the Archanea games, and Binding Blade.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Genealogy if it counts even if I never played it. Three Houses or Blazing Blade if we're talking about ones I like to actually play.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Arvis baby call me back we could be clap in clap love clap
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Frederick I took one look at that freak and knew I was in love- Fates: I think it was Hinata but I honestly don't really remember- Three Houses: Claude and then I immediately felt bad because I stole him from Hilda - Engage: Saphir she's old like me
Favorite Fire Emblem class: I like an armored knight honestly idk why
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Some kind of cleric/healer
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd probably it's baby girl time
How did you find TOA? I saw it in the tags when I was looking for Hilda content and went hmm. Kept watching until their Hilda fell through and then jumped on that.
Current TOA muses: Deirdre, Ethlyn, and Altena
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Hilda (the good one) but her time is done
Have you had any other TOA muses? Hilda, Charlotte, Elise, Serra, Silvia, Tina, Ninian, is that it?
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Tragic wives/moms, little sisters, pink. Love how Ethlyn combines all three of these.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love familial relationships whether they are biological or found. I also really love cross game relationships whetehr they are platonic or romantic. It's fun having the relationship develop from ground zero rather than with an extra boost from them knowing each other in canon. Plus it's just neat to get to explore. I also like a little (a lot) of drama and angst. Messy relationships are very fun.
Favorite TOA-related memory: It's gotta be all the friendships we've found along the way. The writing and stuff is great and wonderful but the community and sense of belonging is something I will always remember and cherish.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Louise is a matter of when not if honestly.
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