#ic. eighth doctor
ofthetardis · 6 months
@drummingncise continued from X
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The Doctor pauses briefly before letting out a regretful sigh. "I know. And I'm sorry...but we had also started going our separate ways long ago."
It was there, hidden away in the deep and long history they shared with each other-- the Master had become who they are now, trying to rule the universe, while the Doctor-- he was just an idiot with a blue box, trying to save the universe from his childhood friend and others. "After all these centuries and you still can't understand--- we don't have to rule the universe to see it and enjoy all it has to offer." He said with a smile. "Why must it always be like this between us?"
Were they to be locked in a never-ending battle of wits with each other forever?
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heimeldat · 26 days
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eighthwholove · 10 months
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A very happy birthday to Paul John McGann, born Saturday, November 14, 1959!
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riversofmars · 29 days
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Can't stop thinking about them having ice cream on Chasca Major.
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dailyclassicwho · 1 year
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By ToonOutArt [Instagram | Twitter | Facebook]
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dalesramblingsblog · 1 year
Virgin New Adventures Reviews: The Dying Days by Lance Parkin (or, "The Final Cut")
Should you listen to the Aquanettas?
Who is Edward Greyhaven supposed to resemble?
How will the New Adventures bid farewell to the Doctor?
Should Watership Down and Space Jam be watched as a double feature?
These are just some of the questions answered by The Dying Days, or more accurately by my typically obstruse brand of review. Check it out, folks.
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peiart · 1 year
Examples below
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whole-fruit-pie · 1 year
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Mish-meshing different fandoms woo hoo! 😬
Don't think too hard about this one.
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pluralzalpha · 1 year
Galactic Gazetteer: New Mars
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AKA: Halcyon, Nova Ares, Mars Two
Location: Mutter's Spiral, 90 ly from Earth
Inhabitants: Halcyons (extinct), Martians (Ice Warriors)
Colonised: 27th century/33rd century (books vs. audios)
Affiliation: Halcyon/Martian Empire/New Mars Republic/Galactic Federation
Visited by: the Meddling Monk
Appearance: "The Resurrection of Mars" (2010 audio)
Fun fact: terraformed (martoformed?) by the Ice Warriors to become their new homeworld after Mars became uninhabitable, wiping out the native Halcyon.
Another fun fact: in the 347th century, the Slitheen conducted tours of New Mars and showed atrocities committed by humans.
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vortexparadox · 2 years
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@dutyworn asked: you can’t be serious. / for eight in either altered history or his own era verse crossover chaos?
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"Can't I?" the Doctor asks with a curious tilt of his head, only the mischievous sparkle in his impossibly blue eyes hinting that he's being anything but serious in this very moment. "Odd, I thought I was quite good at it, myself."
Although, there were more pressing matters at hand, and it's hard to ignore that when the terrible inhuman screech is heard once more from down the corridor. "Right, yes. As I was saying…" Pulling a strange looking key out of the inner pocket of the black leather jacket he wears, he steps closer to the wooden box and quickly unlocks the door. "In you go, Commander. We'll be safe in here. I promise."
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thedoctorwhocompanion · 10 months
Reviewed: The Teeth of Ice Starring Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor
Reviewed: The Teeth of Ice Starring Paul McGann's Eighth #DoctorWho
Seeing how Big Finish are pretty much dominating the market with original Doctor Who content, it’s hard to miss if anyone else is attempting the same thing. After all, I don’t see much chatter on X (nee Twitter) about BBC Audio Doctor Who releases apart from audiobooks of Target novelisations. Thus, it was quite a surprise, when in Bluewater’s Waterstones’ audiobook section (when I say…
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ofthetardis · 7 months
@theresastargirl said: ❛ you’re the best, you know that? ❜ - eight
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Although he may have either agreed or disagreed with that in the past depending on the incarnation, the Doctor can't help but graciously accept the compliment with a warm smile and humbleness now. "You really think so? If you say so, I'll take your word for it then. Now, where shall we venture off to next?"
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portuguesedisaster · 2 years
Let Lucie and The Doctor hug challenge.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 30
The Second Doctor and Jamie once landed on the nucleus of a uranium atom. An entire civilization lived there and told them stories of their sister planets being destroyed by humans splitting atoms for nuclear power.
Irving Braxiatel once claimed he had a phobia of foreign objects being put in his mouth.
Moments after leaving the Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane encountered the Monk.
The Monk is also aware of the existence of Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter.
The Eighth Doctor once befriended and traveled with an Ice Warrior named Ssard as a companion. Upon leaving the TARDIS, Ssard married Stacy, one of the Doctor’s other companions.
Removing a Time Lord’s second heart eliminates their respiratory bypass.
It is incredibly difficult to give Braxiatel presents because his future self will often ship him whatever he wants the second he decides he wants it.
The Eighth Doctor gave Braxiatel socks for Christmas.
Similar to the Greek letter nicknames Omega and Theta Sigma, there was a Time Lord called Epsilon Delta. Epsilon Delta grew to hate the Time Lords and ran away from Gallifrey, eventually adopting the title the President as he had made himself President of St. Matthew's College on Earth.
There are beings that live in the time vortex. If you traverse the vortex unprotected, they might eat you.
The Eighth Doctor once referred to Braxiatel as a "colleague and occasional collaborator in adventures of the mind, the body and the soul." This is a really complex and convoluted way of describing your older brother.
While attempting to seduce the Seventh Doctor, Queen Angvia shoved his face in her breasts. She thought there was "boiling masculine virility under the flimsy of [his] beauty." By shoving his face in her chest, she gave him a dose of her pheromones. He and Mel only realized something was Very Wrong when he almost broke the notorious no-kissing rule.
While fetching a cake for K-9's birthday, Romana II single-handedly foiled an alliance between the Master, the Daleks, and the Cybermen, but when she returned with the cake, it came to life and asked not to be eaten.
After arriving in 1666, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane were almost run over by a heavily loaded cart being driven by someone in odd clothing. The Doctor didn't know this at the time, but this was the Terileptil leader that his Fifth incarnation was chasing.
Braxiatel's office in the Braxiatel Collection is part of his TARDIS.
Miss Hannigan introduced herself to Irving Braxiatel as a missionary. He responded by saying that missionary was an interesting position.
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riversofmars · 1 year
If you are up for it: what do you think that Eight/Liv/Helen's go-to ice cream flavours are?
I think Helen would be pretty straightforward, she strikes me as a mint chocolate kind of girl. Classic British flavour, very her!
The Doctor, I'm sure, would just go for whatever have the most ridiculous colour. Smurf blue? Fluorescent pink? He's right there!
Liv I'm finding the hardest to pin down... I'd say something fruity with a bit of a tang. Lemon perhaps or raspberry!
Would love to hear everybody else's takes on this!
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scrubbinn · 4 months
Slime HRT 3 Months: First changes
Omg omg omg!!! My first real change! It finally happened! Ok! Ok. Ok, let’s start at the beginning, I need to temper my excitement a little bit. To start from the very beginning, the past month I've been drinking so much water lately. I've always been drinking three bottles a day at work but now I’ve been drinking nearly all the time. I was told that was the first sign everything was working. Becoming fluid requires fluids if you can believe it. I have to avoid coffee and tea now, which has been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done in my life, but the caffeine in both can actually be really damaging to your new slime cells apparently. It’s pretty much room temperature water or non-caffeinated energy drinks only. Still, if I need to constantly drink water then at least that means the medication is working.
My skin has gotten so smooth too, it feels like I’m made of warm ice. There's still a lot of hair, and there's still some rough patches on my body, but the hairs and rough spots should disappear after a few more months. It really is just my limbs that have gotten smoother so far, which sadly includes the soles of my feet. I actually ended up slipping on the floor and crashed into the kitchen and directly on all the pots and pans. I was more panicked about if I'd broken anything around me rather than if anything about me was broken! I didn’t break anything, utensil or bone, but it’s clear I need to take more deliberate steps plus socks on if I want to make sure being a soapy slime isn’t going to send me to the hospital.
 It would be worse if I can’t phone anyone to take me to a clinic in the first place. I've heard that after a while you start to lose the ability to use a smartphone since it can't read your fingerprint or something. There's a few people that have made money off making fake fingers for those of us who no longer have skin. It's kind of gross, but my ADHD is definitely not going to survive without constant internet access, it's just another expense of perfecting my life I suppose. All of this new equipment I’ve been looking into has been starting to add up to a lot of money. Does everyone who takes animal HRTs go through this? I’ll need to waterproof my bed, buy a lint trap for cleaning out dust stuck in slime, and buy clothes designed not to sink into me. I don’t actually know if I need those things since it sounds like I’m going to have some kind of membrane, but this is a brand new medication so I don’t think even that doctor knows how things will go for me.
But ok, the big change. Just this morning I was eating a breakfast sandwich and had trouble biting into it. My teeth went rubbery! There's a blue tint to them too now. It's going to be a pain eating food now, I had to pull apart small bits and swallow them whole, and I just gave up on the bread. But now I've been experimenting with them. They aren't like a gel and there's still a few hard ones, but now that I know, I find myself constantly poking them. It just… makes me feel happy when they bounce back. Oh, but if my teeth are like this, I bet it means there's a lot of changes going inside my bones. Though it is concerning how I'm going to be able to stand after a while.
One big downside was that this meant I had to schedule a doctor's appointment. Normally doctor visits are fine for me, you go talk to someone you'll forget in a day and get some blood taken, but I had the feeling this wasn't going to be like that, and I was pretty much spot on. As soon as I entered his office, he just looked at me. Like that kind of look you get when faced with a disapproving parent or a teacher when you forget to turn in your math homework for the eighth time. Same doctor as before, I think there are assistants that handle certain cases but I got stuck with the guy you see in all the magazines outside his office. He asks how things are progressing and I showed him everything that's changed. He looked concerned, but most people can't wiggle their teeth, so that checks out. He mentioned my dosage was going to be increased, and that I should start taking a new medication alongside it. Some newer drug that's supposed to lower my level of humanity and make me more malleable. He told me I would probably see another change soon and then said three months was too big a gap and I needed to write a new entry in this thing, or whatever. Maybe I'll sit tight for four months next time just to show him.
Though the biggest downside of my new self was that one of my roommates had noticed what was going on with me and confronted me about it. Yeah so, I may have forgotten to mention to everyone other than my girlfriend that I was going through with this procedure at that point in time. I was going to tell them eventually, when I was more slimy, probably. They got mad at me for not telling anyone else, but especially not either them or my other roommate. Said it was important for everyone here to know what changes could affect the living situation. Like me being happier is going to hurt anyone. They said they weren't upset about the treatment and just the fact I didn't tell them… But for some reason it still hurt, like they were upset about the treatment. Sometimes that’s just how it is. Someone says the wrong thing and it just breaks you. Slime shouldn’t break, it’s supposed to bend.
I'm going to focus on the changes and avoid bringing up my new self with other people. A few online friends I told are supportive but god forbid what might happen if my family finds out. I'm sure they'll accept me eventually, but they aren't the type to accept change pleasantly. Change. That’s a loaded word for me. I knew there would be some rough spots, but I didn't think things could go this badly for my mental state, this was supposed to be a happy entry. Oops, sorry future me when you look back and read this, haha... I guess I can try to find something happier to write about next time. I think I'm done for tonight. I want to cry. I could really go for some coffee.
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Thank you everyone for the support on the last chapter, the amount of likes and reblogs are insane. Seriously, thank you everyone. Apologies for the sudden dark shift in the tone but I’d like to make this a story of self acceptance rather than just a list of changes.
At list (for anyone who wanted to be mentioned)
We now have a special announcement. Due to some recent events, we have discovered we're plural. We're still trying to figure out this revelation and it has been stressful for all of us. We don’t know if we wish to include our plurality into this story. It's all very new to us. We’ll be taking some extra time from Slime HRT to learn about our system and make an introduction post so you know who’s who. We're very new to this world so any support would be appreciated.
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