#i've been so productive today i'm very proud of myself!
singersalvaged · 7 months
OKAY i'm going to bed
but this weekend I want to work on more graphic stuff for practice so if you need an icon template hit a girl up
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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After all this time, all this hard work, I can finally tell you all more about my work on Welcome Home beyond "Dude Just Trust Me I Work On It I Swear" !!
I've been calling myself the "production manager" because a lot of what I've done has been in that realm - making checklists and spreadsheets, doing research, sending emails, and generally keeping our wonderful team on track to do the incredible things they do, with all the support they need! I'm very lucky and grateful to get to support Clown and all the incredible actors and artists we've brought on!!
that said, over the time I've been part of this project (I looked back and realized February 1st this year is when it all Officially Began, can you believe it), I've gotten to work on some more obvious, visible things you'll find on the site today as well! most prominently, I am very proud to say, I was the curator of the very real Welcome Home exhibition!! Clown was extremely generous and supportive in letting me bring his work into the world this way, and with their help it became bigger and better than I ever could have dreamed! Though this iteration was very small and private due to our venue, I hope the few of you I know who attended enjoyed it very much, and for the rest, know we hope to find ways to host the exhibition in other and more public venues in the future! (Where and when, I don't know, but I'll work hard to make it happen...!)
As part of the exhibition, I was able to create a lot of new props to help build the world of Welcome Home! Most excitingly, I was able to create a real working toy telephone, and help Clown to find our talented group of voice actors to provide the recordings! And of course, I was able to meet dear sweet Wally and Home themselves, who were the sweetest little peanuts and a true pair of professionals! Just delights to work with!!
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Though this was my most prominent contribution, somehow, that wasn't all! You will find bits and pieces of my art and writing all over the newest website update (some places more obvious than others...), and I was able to contribute to building many of the new and updated site pages as well! We've all worked so hard on everything you'll find there, so I hope you all enjoy the exciting new additions to the neighborhood!
My final little statement while I have my sweet little soapbox here... every last one of you who has provided support, even just one ko-fi tip, has Directly made this update Possible!! Not only do these tips allow us very literally to pay for supplies, art, voice work and the like, it very directly Supports and Improves the livelihoods of every single person involved!! so if you have the means, and would like to do so, please do consider tipping or subscribing to Clown and/or any of the other artists and actors involved!
And with all that... thank you, neighbors!! And Welcome Home!!
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laxmiree · 6 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien Sharing Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Perhaps it's an illusion, but after he removes his glasses, those eyes that have always been looking at me seem even deeper.
With my soft exclamation, the already close distance becomes even more intimate, not leaving any gap.
His lowered lashes tremble lightly, brushing against my cheeks like butterfly wings.
His hot breath lingers on the corner of my lips for a while before finally enveloping it eagerly.
special thanks to ivi (@ivioivioivi on twitter) for helping me with translating some abstract things here 🫶
—[Part 1]—
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The lecture hall is almost full, filled with students from the Film and Television Department of Loveland University.
Due to my previous programs consistently ranking first in viewership, universities' Film and Television Department often use them as case studies.
However, it's the first time today that both the production team and I have been invited to campus to give a sharing session.
Even though I've attended many events and ceremonies, as a behind-the-scenes person, I still feel a bit nervous under so many attentive gazes.
MC: Hello students, I'm MC.
Noticing a subtle unease in my tone, I can't help but recall the solemn vow that I made last night.
—[Flashback Start]—
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MC: As long as I step onto the same podium where Professor Lucien once stood, I'll surely have the same demeanor as you!
Seeing me confidently waving the speech notes, Lucien couldn't help but chuckle.
Lucien: I'm curious, in your eyes, what kind of demeanor do I have?
MC: Of course you're someone who is both patient and effortlessly competent, and able to make complex concepts lively and engaging. In short, you're simply the best teacher in the world!
He gently gazed at me for a moment and then pulled me into his arms.
Lucien: [chuckles] If this biased classmate really were my student, my evaluations would probably become the highest in the whole school.
MC: What! The original highest score wasn't yours?
My exaggerated tone amused him, and Lucien rubbed my hair.
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Lucien: If the Great Producer keeps showering me with praise like this, I might not be able to resist feeling proud.
Lucien: After the poster for the sharing session was put up, many colleagues came to greet me because of this outstanding family member*.
(T/N: his colleagues refer to MC as XM/Lucien's family🥺)
MC: So it seems that the reason I agreed at that time was very correct~
Facing his curious gaze, I winked at him.
MC: Because that was the invitation sent by your school.
—[Flashback Ends]—
Looking down at the audience below once more, I steady my mind.
Just as I'm about to speak, I hear a familiar voice.
??: Sorry, teacher, I'm late. Can I still come in and listen now?
MC: Of course—
Unwittingly, I glance towards the classroom door, my eyes widen in surprise when I see Lucien.
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The classroom buzzes with murmurs, as the students have also recognized him.
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Lucien: Thank you, teacher. Sorry to interrupt everyone.
I stare dumbfoundedly as he approaches and calmly places a piece of paper on the podium.
Lucien: My late slip.
MC: Ah, okay…
Not until he steps down to find an empty seat do I notice that the completely blank late slip is covered with a sticky note-
-filled with a drawing of a little rabbit on the lectern talking eloquently, and in the audience seat, a little fox applauds with a smile on his eyes.
I can't help but look up at him, seeing that he has already found a seat and is quietly gazing at me.
The distance between us isn't close, but his gaze has already dispelled most of my unease.
So I collected myself and took out my speech notes.
MC: I originally wanted to chat with everyone, but our department head wouldn't allow it, so I had to prepare a speech.
A wave of friendly laughter ripples through the audience, completely easing my nerves.
Very soon, I smoothly finished speaking according to the notes.
MC: ...Actually, the birth of every successful case is influenced by many uncontrollable variables.
MC: Even if we as creators replicate the so-called “speak from experience”, it may not necessarily generate new successful cases.
MC: In the end, I think sharing some practical insights is better.
MC: I often feel that filming is similar to life, it's a process of establishing a stable relationship with the world.
MC: And some specific yet small orders will bring us a sense of certainty about life and becoming an important part of life.
MC: If you don't know what to shoot, you can look within your own world.
MC: Taking myself as an example, like... the flower shop that opens at 8 a.m. near my home. And also...
As I speak, I look at the audience, meeting head-on the gaze that has never shifted.
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There is an itch in my heart, always wanting to express something. Before I know it, I've already put down the speech notes--
MC: [smiling softly] The light from my neighbor's house next door often stays on until 4 a.m.
—[Part 2]—
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Amidst the continuous applause, Lucien beamingly applauds, bearing a striking resemblance to the little fox on the sticky note.
At this moment, the dean beside me suddenly leans in, lowering their voice as they speak.
Dean: MC, you delivered your speech too smoothly. Here's the bad news: there are still 20 minutes left before class ends.
MC: [sweating nervously] Ah? What should I do? Do you have anything else you want to say?
Seeing him shake his head, my brain starts to work at lightning speed, and suddenly, I think of something.
MC: Since we're out of things to say, we'll just have to let the students speak.
The next moment, a student stood up bewildered as we called their name.
Dean: Everyone, feel free to express your thoughts. Share your feelings after attending the sharing session.
Student A: Oh! I found Teacher MC's talk very interesting. I've also been pondering about some small "orders" just now.
Student A: Like the video call my mom makes every night and the taro ice cream that the school convenience store restocks every Thursday afternoon at three.
Laughter instantly fills the room, as if this were a well-known understanding among everyone.
Immediately, several students also raise their hands, eager to join the conversation.
Student B: When spring arrives, the peach blossoms on the campus will bloom the earliest.
Student C: There's an old librarian who likes to blow his beard, it turns out he's stuck on sudoku.
This time, everyone fell silent for a moment, emitting small gasps of surprise.
Student C: Because of the old man's habit of blowing his beard, I made a documentary about him... but the film lacked soul.
Student C: So I want to ask, how do you find something worth expressing?
I think for a moment before speaking earnestly.
MC: The best way I can think of is to ask yourself what you most want to express from your heart.
MC: Once you have the answer, you will discover that it may have just been sustaining the order you rely on the most to survive right now.*
MC: It's also the closest connection between you and this world—
MC: At that moment, many natural words or images will appear before you effortlessly.
(T/N: tbh it's really abstract even in CN LOL, but I take from it that perhaps what you want to express is already on the orders in your life all along? Keep this in mind until the last part)
I instinctively glance at Lucien and notice the corners of his eyes slowly curving.
Student C: Can you give an example?
MC: Um?
Perhaps the answer was too clear before my eyes, and in that moment, I hesitated instead.
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As I realize, I've already missed the opportune moment for the best response, and I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed.
And the person in my line of sight seems to have chuckled, raising his hand.
Lucien: I'd like to share something too.
As soon as these words were spoken, students turned their curious gazes towards him, and I also waited nervously for his speech.
Lucien: I feel that, often, before finding the expression, perhaps it's the order itself that takes precedence in life.
Lucien: After you become aware of it, it has already brought about natural habits and rules.
Lucien: Therefore, for me, perhaps the modification and alteration of the order itself appear to be more special. The things born from it make people want to dig and explore deeper.
Lucien: For example, the hot milk that always appears when I write a paper, or the scolding I received for not sleeping, which seems to have started at some unknown point…
Even as I try to control my expression, I still feel my cheeks getting a little warm.
The instigator, however, seemed oblivious to my shyness, unabashedly casting an eager gaze my way.
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Lucien: Teacher MC, if all the orders of life point to one person at the same time, then wouldn't her existence—
Lucien: Be tantamount to the closest connection between me and this world?
—[Part 3]—
The meeting ends, and after saying goodbye to my colleagues, I decide to take a walk around campus with Lucien.
I'm still immersed in the confession that only we knew a moment ago. Even my steps feel a bit light.
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Lucien: You seem to have more talent for being a teacher than I imagined.
Lucien: If I had a teacher like you when I was studying, I would definitely sit in the front row every class.
Lucien: Would this teacher choose me as the class representative?
As he speaks seriously, I pretend to consider.
MC: Hmm... I'll think about it.
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He nods thoughtfully, but a smile slowly appears in his eyes.
Lucien: So, to become the class representative, it seems I need to pay more attention to the teacher.
Lucien: [teasingly] Your face seems to have been flushed since I raised my hand to answer the question. Are you feeling uncomfortable?
Colliding with his narrowed smiling eyes, I blush and playfully poke his arm.
MC: Lucien!
Lucien: [chuckles] It seems that the teacher has already remembered my name.
Seeing his pretending-to-be-serious expression, I can't help but laugh.
Lucien: Moreover, it seems you set an example for me first.
I raise my puzzled gaze, then collide with his slightly teasing smiling eyes.
Lucien: After all, it was teacher MC who mentioned me first.
Lucien: It appears that I didn't realize I had become part of your order so long ago.
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MC: ….!
I belatedly react, embarrassedly wanting to reach out and cover his mouth.
He chuckles softly and catches my hand, squeezing it into his palm.
Hand in hand, we walk through the campus, bathed in the gentle light filtering through the trees, softly resting upon us.
Occasionally, students pass by us, heading in the same direction.
The moment I curiously glance in that direction, he already grasps my hand, leading me towards it knowingly.
Ten minutes later, standing at the entrance of the convenience store, we look at the taro ice cream in each other's hands and laugh together.
Despite the slight chill in the air, I eagerly take a big bite, instantly filled with the soft, sweet flavor of taro.
MC: No wonder it can become an unspoken understanding among everyone, it's just too delicious!
Lucien also takes a bite of the ice cream, his eyes widening slightly.
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Lucien: [gasps in a pleasant surprise] It's a bit cold... but indeed the taste exceeds imagination.
MC: But it seems quite popular on campus. You've never tried it before?
He shakes his head, then as if something catches his eye, he lifts his hand and gently rests it on the top of my head.
Lucien: Although there are indeed many beauties in this world that I have yet to discover…
Lucien: They always seem to be miraculously brought to me by you.
He opens his palm towards me, revealing a pale pink petal lying inside, probably the one he just picked from the top of my head.
I raise my head, and several peach blossoms hanging from the branches come into view.
Realizing that the scenes shared by the students seem to be coincidentally unfolding before us, I look at Lucien with some excitement.
MC: How about we go to the library again and see that old man who loves to do Sudoku?
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Unfortunately, the one sitting at the librarian's desk in the reading room is a young girl.
MC: Looks like the old man isn't on duty today…
Sensing my gaze, the girl looks back at me with a puzzled expression.
I instinctively turn to the side, then immediately hear a muffled chuckle from above.
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Lucien: [chuckles] Are you forgetting that you* have always had the right to come and go here?
MC: Right…
[T/N: Actually, Lucien teasingly refers to MC as 教师家属 (teacher’s family member) in that sentence. Anyway since he’s a teacher here, and she’s his ‘family member’ she has the right to just come to the library at any time. They can find him at another time together^^]
The familiar reading room, the season of peach blossoms blooming, and the person beside me with a smile, everything seems to be no different from two years ago.
[Reference to Impression Date!]
But unlike back then, the once quiet and empty reading room is now filled with students quietly reading. I can't help but lower my voice.
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MC: I don't think I asked you last time, where do you like to sit when you read?
His indifferent gaze falls lightly on the sun-drenched tables and chairs without much emotion.
Lucien: I prefer to borrow books from the third-floor lending room and read them at home rather than here.
MC: Oh? I always thought you wouldn't be picky about reading environments.
Lucien: For me, the environment indeed has little impact on the reading experience.
Lucien: However, at home, there's always a little lady who will snuggle up next to me and read together.
He pauses for a moment, looking at me earnestly.
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Lucien: It's hard not to develop a sense of dependence on the comforting environment you create.
—[Part 4]—
MC: Wow, it's "Essays in Love"!
Just as I stepped into the lending room, I paused in front of a somewhat familiar novel.
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Lucien: Mm, compared to the story in the book, I'm more impressed by MC's "kidnapping”*.
[T/N: reference to Devotion Date where MC 'kidnaps' Lucien]
He holds my hand and leads me with a smile, I haven't even taken a few steps yet when another book catches my eye.
MC: "YOUR ATOMIC SELF"? You just read it recently during the check-in event!
Lucien: Yes, I returned it after finishing. If you want to read it, there's a new copy in the study that I just bought.
We walk hand in hand through the empty shelves, and every few steps, we come across familiar traces.
MC: Hehe, this book is one we read together.
Lucien: However, after flipping through a few pages, it seems like a girl fell asleep in my arms.
MC: [sweating] Haha, it's the kind of thing you can forget about.
Lucien: [teasingly] Oh? Looks like MC isn't too curious about what happens after she falls asleep.
His lips curled a bit, as if recalling something amusing.
MC: What is it?
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Lucien: Actually... [chuckles] about half an hour after you fell asleep, I fell asleep too.
MC: Pfft! If even you fell asleep, then it must be the fault of the book.
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Lucien: Though it's a bit impolite to say, the author's writing does lack logical coherence.
Seeing his slightly furrowed brow and troubled expression, I suddenly felt the urge to tease him, so I struggled to suppress a smile.
MC: But I think it's impressive in its own way.
Lucien: Hm?
MC: It can be used for hypnosis~ Next time if I find you refusing to sleep, I'll just read it aloud beside you, and you'll drift off in no time.
Seemingly taking it seriously, he even pondered for a moment before speaking.
Lucien: [chuckles] But the feasibility of this method is not very high.
MC: Why?
Lucien: After all, it seems like you'd get sleepy before managing to lull me to sleep.
Seeing him speak earnestly, but his eyes already betraying laughter, I can't help but laugh along with him.
The clock hanging on the wall quietly completes a full circle as we step into the innermost section of the document area.
Scholarly journals written in various languages are neatly arranged on the bookshelves, bringing together a vast ocean of wisdom.
Suddenly, I remembered something and looked at him with a hint of anticipation.
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MC: I remember you recently published a paper in a core journal. Can we find it here too?
Lucien: Nowadays, many publications are distributed in electronic formats. I'm not sure if the library would have hard copies.
His gaze wanders through the dizzying array of titles for a long time, seemingly without finding anything.
So he walks over to the search computer, typing the journal's name on the keyboard, and after hitting the enter key, he squints a little at the screen.
Lucien: [chuckles] Found it.
MC: Huh? They have even the newest ones. Can I find the article you published earlier too?
Five minutes later, I find myself dazedly staring at the thick journals in my arms.
MC: Even though I know about every paper you've published, seeing them all together still makes me want to marvel at your brain…
MC: Can I absorb some of your wisdom by reading these articles?
Lucien: I don't think so.
With a lingering inflection, he leans down slightly and pecks my lips.
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Lucien: [chuckles, then whispers] But maybe this way you can.
His earnest demeanor makes it impossible for me to suppress a smile.
MC: Hehe, with Professor Lucien sharing his wisdom with me, I'll definitely be able to read research papers with ease in the future!
As I speak, I flip through the pages and quickly find Lucien's article among them.
Unfamiliar foreign languages and complex technical terms occasionally trip me up as I read, but it doesn't stop me from carefully perusing the text bit by bit.
In his concise and clear theories, it feels like I can see every dull piece of data he recorded and every sleepless night he endured.
And there's also that curiosity that never extinguished, even after countless failed attempts.
Merely watching him moving forward fills me with immense pride.
Unconsciously, I reach the end of the paper, and suddenly, I feel as though I see my name flash before my eyes.
I calm myself and carefully read through the last section once again.
The next moment, as my gaze flicks over the acknowledgments section, I feel my heart skip a beat.
There, my own name actually appears-
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And finally, I would like to thank my dear (y/n)-
--whose love and support has always been the driving force pushing me forward.
I stare at him in disbelief, but he just looks at me and smiles.
Having a faint idea of what's going on, I proceed to flip through several other journals.
Without exception, there's a line of acknowledgment dedicated to me after each of his articles.
An indescribable surge of emotions overwhelms me, leaving me momentarily speechless, but he instantly pulls me into his arms with a chuckle.
Lucien: [chuckles, then whispers] What to do.
Lucien: Seeing my little lady so surprised, it seems I can't easily showcase my research results in the future.
His pretended distress amuses me, and I lightly pat him on the shoulder.
MC: You know very well that I'm very happy.
He pulls me into his hug, his chin rubbing against the top of my head.
Lucien: [whispers softly] Um, of course I do.
Lucien: [x2] It's just that seeing you happy because of me, I can't help but feel happy too.
MC: You never mentioned it before.
He looks into my eyes as if trying to see into my heart.
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Lucien: [x3] Just like eating and sleeping every day, I don't seem to feel that this is something necessary to mention specifically.
Lucien: [x4] Just as you appear in every corner of my life…
Lucien: [x5] I naturally think of you in the moment of completing an article, and naturally want to express thank you to you.
Lucien: [x6] This natural feeling…
Lucien: [x7]...is like when spring arrives, flowers will naturally bloom.
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My heart feels like it's being gently tickled by his whispers, making me unable to resist any longer, so I stand on tiptoe and kiss him.
The next moment, he gently lifts me up, quietly closing the distance between us.
The gauze curtains sway, casting a touch of charm onto the light and shadow falling upon us.
Perhaps it's an illusion, but after he removes his glasses, those eyes that have always been looking at me seem even deeper.
I stare at his handsome features in a trance, unaware of the sudden strength supporting my lower back.
With my soft exclamation, the already close distance becomes even more intimate, not leaving any gap.
His lowered lashes tremble lightly, brushing against my cheeks like butterfly wings.
I have to close my eyes so that my heart doesn't beat too chaotically.
His hot breath lingers on the corner of my lips for a while before finally enveloping it eagerly.
The pleasant breath gradually penetrates my lips and mouth, and then spreads all over my body, making me completely surrender myself to him.
In my hazy consciousness, I faintly hear the sound of flowers blooming.
My next spring with him- really seems to have arrived.
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 5 months
Warmups #1 (Plus Charlastor!)
Turns out warmups really DO help in art (fuck me, right?) and these are all from yesterday and today, hope you enjoy it!
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Pretty much just Hazbin and some OCs of mine! (That's basically all I've been drawing the last month or two lol) I've also been reading way too much (not really, fight me) Charlastor/RadioBelle fics and consuming ALL the artwork. I might just be obsessed with Al in general though - *sigh* - before my Charlastor fixation it was RadioStatic/Silence. Anything with the Strawberry Pimp or Vox tbh. Fuck I'm just rambling about Hazbin, huh? uhhhh where was I? RIGHT here's the one and only reference I actively used besides glancing at some official Hazbin art:
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I saw it, and then immediately fell into a fit of laughter at the idea of drawing Charlie and Al like this. The whole drawing process made my cheeks hurt bc I was giggling over getting to make those two idiots be, well, adorable fucking idiots! XD
Anyways, here's the speedpaint!
Anatomy is so harrrrrd but I'm actually really proud of myself for how I did with this one, I'm still terrified of drawing the lower body but heyyyy, problem for another day!
OH I almost forgot to talk about my own characters a little?! Hyperfixation, what have you done to me?!!! We've got four of my babies here, all from the same project called Ashland Bites, which will hopefully, someday, be an animated series! I've been writing it for years and years (slow but steady, I'm a team of exactly one person lmao) and I've been trying to get my art skills honed so I can do as much of the (probably very distant, but hopefully someday) future pre-production work myself! I started learning more about animating recently, and the openness that Vivienne Medrano allows her cast and crew to have has been a godsend for learning more about the different steps of the process (all while feeding my ravenous little neurodivergent brain with that good good fixation content lmao)
Can't share too much about my own project at the mo, but let me just say it's got Vampires, the fair folk, godesses, ancient fantasy cultures, modern humans running around thinkin' the world is our definition of 'normal', and SO much more (I wish I could tell u all the things oh my GODDD)
Thanks for taking a look at my work *smooches ya*
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kafkaesquetragedy · 18 days
Friday, September 6th 6:55AM: woke up earlier than expected, couldn't fall back asleep. it is a gloomy day, and the weather drastically cooled down. rain showers are announced throughout the day. after a long summer full of heatwaves, i'm glad to finally see this type of weather. 7:55AM: finished my morning routine, cleaned up my desk a bit so i can start studying 8:05-10:00AM - literature: 4 pending essays 8:05-8:20 , first essay based on a short story, already did half of it yesterday, just finished and proofread it. 8:25-9AM, finished my second essay. i didn't get to read the book myself but i nailed it based on information i've gathered on google 9-9:20: break, it's pouring outside. i love the weather, some good music, and relaxing. 9:20-10AM, last essay unless I manage to find the play i need to read to fully complete my assignment. but i'll leave that for tomorrow, or later. anyhow back to said essay, i started and finished it on time. the book i was supposed to analyse was fairly unpleasant. it was well written and it is a masterpiece of the romanian literature, the first objective novel, however... to me it was cold and hard to process. unpleasant at first read, i will have to read it sometime. i also did manage to find the aforementioned play. 10:51-11:14- read the play and wrote last essay. it's lacking a lot but big "good job" to me for FINALLY finishing my assignment. 3PM-6PM - history assignment (part 1): four historical records (i want to give up and i didn't even start, my head kills me) 3PM-??? historical record about napoleon, this is killing me. change of plans i'll aim to get at least half of these done, so 2 historical records. or just get this one over with and cry because mannnnnnnnnn... 4:41- extremely bored still not done. will finish this and call it a day 6:51, took a long break, finishing the first rec and then calling it a day, tomorrow will be better! update: didn't finish it, lost all motivation
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note: that cinnamoroll plushie was there for support forreals. cutest emotional support big note that today being a productive day is the result of me continously procastinating for the past three months. the list of things i've achieved today could've been done gradually with less stress on previous countless other days. i do not encourage nor condone procastination, as it is something i'm struggling with, and i'll fix throughout the next school year. this behaivour is NOT healthy and i'm not trying to promote or once again encourage it. however i am very proud of myself for finally finding it within me to finish half of these assignments, , even if it had to be done this way.
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her-quicksilver · 11 months
「☽ [ 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒐 𝑨𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 ] ☾」
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「 The day has finally arrived, and the truth is that I can't feel more proud and happy with one of my most worked cosplays so far✨
⠀At first I didn't have much hope, but once I put on all the clothes, makeup, and wig together... I don't think I've ever felt better in a cosplay, so in character, so Prompto, so happy and at ease!🐣
⠀As you can see, I'm very happy to bring this cosplay and I hope to be able to share the creation process with you soon!🪡
⠀The only drawback of the photo has been the editing, which has been complicated for me since I took the photo with sunset lighting, so I needed a background with the same lighting. For this I made a photo myself, in the game, of Wiz's Chocobo Post at sunset, and after that came the editing and today's result! 📷
⠀About my week, it has been calm but productive. I've sent my wife's gift, I've dyed and took care of myself, played Minecraft, FFXV (Episode Gladiolus), I've worked more on Prompto's wig, I've cleaned and taken care of my Kalimba that I play more and more, and finally I took the cosplay photos on Saturday, and today I bring you the result that I hope you like!🖤 」
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– Cᴏsᴘʟᴀʏ ʙʏ @her-quicksilver
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check-in: October 12th, 2023 🎀
Today has been a lazy yet somewhat decent day? There's not much to complain about. Besides the fact that I didn't do a single homework assignment, I'm exhausted, so that's alright. I did do a decent amount of Japanese studying today though I didn't open up my Genki Textbook like I had wanted to but oh well, there's always tomorrow!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Brunch - Spaghetti with ground Turkey and meat sauce
Dinner - Taco bowl with ground beef, black beans, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, sour cream, a small dollop of avocado, and red salsa with 1.5 low carb tortillas
Snack - bunny tracks ice cream, 16oz bottle of Dr pepper
Extra - 4? cups of coffee (or 5, I can't remember)
I was not very productive today in terms of academic progress, but I still feel like I did what I could given my energy levels. (and caffiene intake). Did not eat the healthiest, but I listened to my body, and honestly, not every day will be perfect, and that's okay!
🩷 Personal Achievements, Oct 12th -
cooked ground beef (leftovers woooo!!)
washed dirty laundry
put away all clean clothes
did my therapy phone call
video called my boyfriend
morning + night skincare
completed 2 duolingo lessons
completed 1 busuu lesson
completed 3 kanji lessons
typed up one draft for upcoming blog post
I had heard about an app called Kanji that teaches you kanji based on JLPT Levels, and I actually really like it, so I bought access to all levels for 11$ USD!! feel like that's a fair price for over 2000 kanji, and I'm excited to start expanding my Japanese knowledge. Also, I am trying out the LingQ app. It's pretty interesting and seems useful for reading practice! I don't know why I got such a kick to study japanese but I am not complaining!!
No Academic Achievements for Today
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 13th -
Review previous 3 kanji lessons
Complete 1 duolingo lesson
Complete 1 busuu lesson
Continue Genki I Lesson one (?)
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal
morning workout (at home)
make bed
read 1 chapter of atomic habits or other self help book
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 13th -
Culinary Chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventory Assignment
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Chapter 9 Quiz Psyc
Attend Psyc Lab
Attend Anatomy Lab
Using Credit Personal Finance assignment
module notes fitness health and sport
module quiz fitness health and sport
work on component 2 for psyc paper
Giving myself a lot of school work to complete tomorrow but that's okay because I have the day off from work so I know I'll be able to get a lot of it done, if not all of it! I'm hoping I sleep decently tonight so I can wake up ready to rule the world tomorrow. My goal is to wake up early, workout, shower, do some makeup and get ready, and be on campus early to get back into the school mindset because I know I've been slacking these last two days. I work a double shift on Saturday, so tomorrow is really the ideal time to finish everything as much as possible.
🩷 Song of the Day: Fearless, Jp Version - Le Sserafim
This has been my anthem lately. It's catchy, and I kind of prefer this to the original version in Korean, but that's a bit biased on my end as I am studying Japanese at the moment.
🩷 Tomorrow Morning Workout - Pilates
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Even if I only finish the first video, I will be proud of myself. It's the effort that counts, and it's definitely gonna be a start! I will be posting an updated current workout schedule with routines soon!!
That's all for now! I will update tomorrow night!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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What if It All Happens Again?
trauma doesn't leave easily. it lingers. sticks to you like cobwebs. remains a part of you like a still bleeding scar. and sometimes even when you think you're getting better, your finally healing, the scabs start to tear away, creating a fresh new wound.
warnings: hurt/comfort. descriptions of anxiety and panic attacks. very very slight mention of s*icidal thoughts (it's very vague). trauma.
a/n: this is a very personal story. I've been going through a very difficult time this last year and i thought i was coming to the end of all that stuff. but it got pretty bad today. so I'm writing this. I'm proud of myself for doing something productive with these pains. 🍊
bi-han x black biracial reader (gn!)
you half distractedly set your hair pick on your nightstand, staring at nothing in particular. your throat felt tight and uneasy sensations kept seeping into your chest and stomach. you finally gathered your kinky hair into a bun before wrapping your head in your silk headpiece, and that's when you realized you hadn't been listening to bi-han at all.
he'd been talking about today's mission. something about the next "champion" -bi-han's phrasing- liu kang had gone to find along with him and his brother kuai liang. "mediocre actor" and "imbecile" were only a few of the words you could focus on bi-han saying as your mind plagued you with your doubts. the ever looming thoughts that you were usually able to keep at bay. it's gonna happen again, i'm going to lose everything again. thoughts you'd gotten so much better at not letting take over your mind and body. but tonight was one of your worse nights, those thoughts were spilling into your mind, ever looming, as if they'd manifested into a large shadow figure that was always at the corner of your eye, reminding you of your failures, of how nothing good ever lasted for you, that you were doomed to repeat the same sorrows and traumas you'd barely began to heal from.
soon everyone here will hate me, just like they did back home. I'll be despised and abandoned and just like i was before...
your heartbeat was thundering now and your chest was tight, it felt hard to swallow but you did anyway, again, again, almost obsessively, even though you knew it wouldn't ease the block in your throat. it was getting more difficult to breathe, like weights were pressed up against your lungs, your stomach felt empty and hollow and you realized how tense your lower body felt. how you tensed up your thighs were as if ready to run if the thoughts kept plaguing you. your lower back ached and you moved to ease some of the tension. they'll find a reason to be rid of you, just as they did before.. you're never truly safe or liked... and it'll be my fault..I'll deserve it...
you heard bi-han speak your name and you snapped out of your drowning. he sounded slightly irritated, which was usual, as if he'd been calling your name several times already.
"mhm?" you responded, trying not to sound as anxious and depressed as you felt. you sat on the edge of your shared bed, back to him, foot lightly kicking your nightstand. bi-han stood on the other side, still fully clothed, not bothering to get comfortable as he ranted.
"did you not hear me?"
"i must have zoned out, I'm sorry my love." the smile you gave him did not meet your eyes and bi-han immediately picked up on that. "you have not heard anything i've just said did you?"
"no, no, i was listening." you lied turning your back again. "he's a cheesy wannabe actor who has no business in the tournament. i heard you." you turned again, only to smile at him again. and bi-han could still tell it didn't meet your eyes. he narrowed his own eyes at you.
"what is the matter?" he asked- moreso demanded of you.
you gave a long sigh and shrugged before absently running the fabric of your robe between your fingers. "it's nothing really, I'm listening i promise, tell me again how you broke this guy's priceless vase- I'm listening." you turned fully to face him. it was almost as if you were pleading with him. you were now tapping your thigh aggressively, to which bi-han also noticed.
i don't even deserve any of them liking me.. loving me... i don't deserve it.. how worthless can one be if they're hated by everyone?
"if something is wrong, just tell me. i know you don't want to hear about this tournament drivel." his voice sounded intense, mean, he wasn't even necessarily angry at you, he was always angry, but seldom at you, he never liked when you tiptoed around things, he just wanted you to say it.
you turned your face away, opening your mouth to speak, but a soft cry escaped your lips, one you tried to force down, and tears began brimming in your eyes.
bi-han's eyes widened. the realization you weren't just being weird with him for the sake of it hitting him in the face. in one of those rare moments, bi-han's anger dissipated, replaced only by concern, confusion. had someone hurt you? said something to you?
you tried to stop the tears from flowing down your face as your chest tightened and that uneasy sensation washed over you again, you finally felt how tired your body was. you brought a hand to your face as you began to cry, unable to hold all the pent up emotions in anymore.
bi-han was by your side in an instant. strong arms taking a hold of you. he pushed himself as close as he could to you, the contact sending something different to your body than panic and worry.
but your tears still didn't stop, and your muscles still weren't relaxed. you tried to avoid him looking at you but he found your gaze.
"tell me what is the matter my dearest, I'm right here." though still intense, his voice was softer, quieter.
you only cried before trying to take a breath and speak.
"you do not need to suffer needlessly, my love, I'm right here with you." he brushed your cheek gently, wiping some of the tears away. you finally could face him, still crying as you rested your forehead firmly against his. he leaned firmly into you, steadying you, his strong arms still around you.
"i'm-" you started trying to take another breath. bi-han took one first, a long slow breath in, then out. it was something he silently always did whenever you panicked like this. wordlessly breathing in to show you you could do the same. and so you did, trying to follow his steady breaths with your uneaven ones.
"i'm just so worried again, about everything that's happened." your voice was raw and still shaking. but bi-han only took another deep breath, silently inviting you to do the same. as you exhaled you continued.
"I'm still so new here, in your home, in this realm.I'm still just.. not over it all. what if i lose this all again. what if I'm cast out, with no home, and nowhere to go. hated by everyone who looks at me. ridiculed and judged. hated by people i thought were my family... my friends...what if it all happens again?" your voice broke again, and you began sobbing more intensely. bi-han's brows furrowed in concern and a rare show of heartbreak. you'd talked to him of your previous life. the one you lived in outworld. the one you described with such adoration, such love and fondness. but also such sadness, such regret and anger. it pained him each and every time you spoke of it.
"where will i go if you all cast me out too? if i disappoint you all like I probably will? it'll be me, then won't it? I'm the issue. the pariah. no one cares about me. how can i bare it when another realm of beings hate me." bi-han felt his chest ache. an uncomfortable feeling. one he seldom felt. he wanted to fix it all. to be able to reach inside of you and take the pain away. to make sure you'd never have to deal with so much worry and sadness again.
you sobbed now. your foreheads still pressed together. the both of you still tangled in one another. bi-han spoke quietly.
"you will not be cast out from here, my love. i know it. but-" he paused a moment, trying to find the right words. he took another deep breath hoping you'd follow, and you did as best you could, though your breath was shakier than ever. "-but if that somehow happens... that still doesn't say anything about you. outworld, earth realm. they can all hate you, but that says nothing. absolutely nothing. they don't know you. how can they possibly when none of them even bothered to try? they can't see what's inside of you. your passion. heart. love. anger. will to survive. you're a good person. and even if all the realms in the universe tell you otherwise. they know nothing of who you are. you're better off without ones who would cast you off so easily.nthe ones that truly care for you will earn it. and show it."
your sobs had quieted down. but you wanted to cry again. bi-han's words hurt, but not because they were hurtful themselves. it was so incredibly hard to say nice things about yourself, to truly believe you were a good person. worthy of love for yourself. you craved connection. validation. and having that all ripped from you from the only home you knew- who'd thrown you out like a worthless stain meant to be washed out...it had broken you.
you took in a very shaky breath. realizing your hands were gripping onto bi-han for dear life. but he hadn't let go of you. arms held securely around you, his head against yours- grounding you, helping you get out of your own mind.
it couldn't happen again. it couldn't. because you weren't sure if you'd be able to survive if it did.
soon you found yourself laying across from him, limbs tangled still, as he gently brushed any lingering tears off your face. you felt your eyes getting heavy. sleep finally taking a hold of you. but you both looked at each other, gently, lovingly, as he caressed your face. you held onto him still, foreheads barely touching, and sleep had almost wrapped it's embrace over you when bi-han placed a kiss to your forehead and put a strong, heavy hand on your lower back, rubbing small circles.
you crumpled into him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. and he held you there. not saying anything more. just occasionally inviting you to take deep breaths with him. rubbing calming circles on your back, your arms, your shoulders. he felt so safe. so comforting. the pang of hurt would come into your head now and again, of everything repeating like it had for so long, but you just pressed yourself further into bi-han, escaping from the shadows and drowning as best you could as he rested his cheek against your covered hair.
"i love you, my dearest. unconditionally. and you are worthy of that love for yourself too."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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hello! what day of sobriety are you on now and how are you feeling today? what are some little treats you enjoy? have you been kind to yourself lately? i'm sending you lots of love and support, you're an inspiration to me
I am on day 48!!
Today I feel like I'm getting a head cold, but I'm also being very productive, so I'm proud of myself and pleased with my work AND I got to rest today. Very balanced.
Right now I have been indulging a little too much in coffee. And the reason why I say too much is not Because I'm being hard on my self But because I have irregular beats (heart) and I've been triggering it a lot lately. So I'll need to find a new self soothing treat? Not sure
I've been kinder to myself than I have been in years. This stage of sobriety is starting to feel like a new one, even tho I'm still getting urges. I still think about a smoke as a treat, as a stress relief. The urge is always kinda there, hovering
You inspire me when you reach out💕 all the love
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themuse-if · 4 months
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Rina/Ren Fukushi
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have Rina/Ren Fukushi with us, our favorite future principal dancer. Rina/Ren, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue ballet?
Rina/Ren: *awkward smile* Uh hey...thanks for having me. Ballet is the epitome of grace and discipline. It's a form of art that allows me to express myself in a way that words cannot. From a young age, I was drawn to its beauty and complexity.
Interviewer: Describe your art, ballet, in your own words.
Rina/Ren: Ballet is about precision and control. Every movement is calculated and deliberate, conveying emotions and stories through the language of dance. It requires immense dedication and practice to perfect each step and technique.
Interviewer: How do you want to be seen by others?
Rina/Ren: I want to be seen as a dedicated and talented dancer. Someone who has worked hard to achieve excellence in their craft.
Interviewer: And how do you want your ballet to be seen by others?
Rina/Ren: I want my ballet to be seen as a form of art that evokes emotions and tells stories. I want the audience to be moved by my performances, to feel what I feel when I dance.
Interviewer: What trait do you value most in a friend?
Rina/Ren: Loyalty. I may not have many friends, but those I do have are incredibly important to me. I value their support and understanding.
Interviewer: You mentioned that you don't have many friends...would you say you have a best friend in your small circle?
Rina/Ren: Umm...my younger sister, Himari, she's a really good kid and no one understands me better than her. I'm honestly so proud to call her my sister. She's so smart and talented, incredibly funny and intuitive...wow...I'm really gonna miss her.
Interviewer: It sounds like you two are really close. When you go to NYU do you hope to make a new best friend?
Rina/Ren: I've never really been one to force friendships. I just feel like if it clicks then that's great and if not that's fine too. Respect and mutual understanding are really important to me. If someone is going to be my best friend they have to know and truly understand my priorities.
Interviewer: Would you describe your ideal partner the same way?
Rina/Ren: I haven't really thought about it. You may be right though. If I was going to date someone they would need to be able to understand my ambition and not resent me for it. Anyways, my focus is on ballet right now, not romantic relationships.
Interviewer: What is your latest obsession?
Rina/Ren: Perfecting my technique. I'm always striving to improve, to push myself further and become the best dancer I can be.
Interviewer: *sighs deeply* Do you have anything you're interested in that isn't ballet related?
Rina/Ren: I guess just general self care. If I'm not in good condition then I can't properly focus on my craft. With that in mind I focus on eating healthy, skincare, and an extensive workout routine. And yes, I do take days off. Burnout is very real and it can only hinder my process.
Interviewer: Sounds like you've got a super productive routine. Now on to something more personal. What was your first kiss like?
Rina/Ren: I haven't had my first kiss yet. *thoughtful pause* Well not technically...I've had one on stage...but nothing real. My senior year the ballet department was putting on Romeo and Juliet. I was cast as Romeo/Juliet. We never actually kissed during rehearsal so my first kiss was during the performance.
Interviewer: Was there any romantic tension between you and your fellow principal dancer?
Rina/Ren: No, obviously it was just for show. I wouldn't be a very good performer if I couldn't separate myself from the character I'm portraying.
Interviewer: Ok, ok understood. I think I already know the answer to this next question, but I still have to ask. When was your last relationship, and why did it end?
Rina/Ren: I've never been in a serious relationship. I've always been focused on ballet, and I haven't had time for anything else.
Interviewer: I thought so. What’s your ideal Friday night?
Rina/Ren: After I've finished practicing, I usually meet up with Himari at this indie movie theater Obscure Cinema. They have a year round Freaky Friday series where they show all kinds of horror, thriller and sci-fi movies. It's honestly pretty small so they don't have a concessions stand. Usually we'll stop and grab some food to take with us. It's definitely a little tradition that I'm gonna miss.
Interviewer: What’s the last song you listened to?
Rina/Ren: I don't really listen to music outside of ballet, but if I had to choose, it would probably be something classical.
Interviewer: How do you behave in a relationship?
Rina/Ren: I can't say for certain, as I haven't been in a relationship. I really don't know, I guess, I hope that my first relationship will be with someone that I'm really comfortable with. It would be nice to be able to be completely myself and feel seen and understood. I know that I'm extremely ambitious and that could make my future partner feel really lonely. Hopefully we could both be patient enough with each other to find the right balance.
Interviewer: Do you approach those you’re interested in or let them come to you?
Rina/Ren: I haven't really met anyone that I've felt drawn to enough. I think that I would really have to like someone, at least half as much as I like ballet. *silly grin* And that would be a lot, but I think that if I liked them that much then maybe I would try to make the effort.
Interviewer: What would someone have to do to grab you attention? to make you notice them in a romantic way?
Rina/Ren: I really admire people who put their entire selves into what they are passionate about. Someone who is driven, goal oriented, I think that someone who is exceedingly dedicated to their craft is probably the same in their relationships.
Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rina/Ren: I feel like this one is pretty obvious, but it's laziness. I can't stand people who half ass things. If you're going to do something then do it right.
Interviewer: What do you notice first about a person?
Rina/Ren: Their posture and body language. It can tell you a lot about a person. How someone tilts their head, the fall of their shoulders, if they speak with their hands, every little detail is very enlightening.
Interviewer: What did you dream about last night?
Rina/Ren: I don't really remember my dreams. I try to make sure that I always get the perfect restful 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Interviewer: Thank you so much for coming in today! It's been great to learn a bit more about you and how your mind works.
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platonic!Ranboo x reader blurb!! end of the school year drabble thingy yippee :D
this is the first one I've done in a while, for those of you who may not have seen my update a few weeks ago it's been a ride but I'm learning how to be productive again and I'm very proud of myself today despite some stress I went through, I'm working towards getting my life back on track :]
no pronouns for reader are used besides you/yours!
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"Y/n!" Ranboo called from behind you, evidently out of breath from running.
You turned to face them, forgetting for a moment how tall they really were. They had grown a lot physically the past year, you thought vaguely as you made eye contact with them.
"Hey," they said, far more quietly than they had been speaking. "So it's summer now, huh?" They paused for a breath. "Never thought I'd miss.. y'know.." he waved at the school. "Anyway. It's just- I don't think I'll be coming back."
Your heart nearly stopped. "What?"
"It's not bad, it's not bad."
You couldn't stop yourself from thinking of every possibility as they paused, seemingly trying to figure out how to explain.. whatever this was to you. Was he okay? Were they going to move? Change schools?
"So- remember the restaurant jobs that kinda just all fell through?" they asked in a low tone.
You nodded hesitantly. What would that have to do with school-
"I've started.. kind of a job? Like- yeah, it's a job, I'm just-" they paused and sighed. "I started making YouTube videos. And- it's doing like, really unbelievably well."
A moment of silence reigned. They looked anxiously into your eyes, silently begging you to react.
"It's okay," you said, putting a hand on their arm in an attempt at comforting them. "It's just- you're sure it's enough that you won't need to come back?"
They nodded, sure of themselves this time. "It is. I know that much."
You started walking slowly, barely registering where you were headed. They really weren't coming back to school, then. They just didn't need it. There wouldn't be anything to look forward to next school year. You wouldn't see them on the daily next year. You wouldn't get to sit in the library together during study hall anymore. You wouldn't get to play Sticks with them during boring classes. You wouldn't get to make dumb jokes at each other over nothing anymore.
You should've had two more years.
You should've had your best friend right there with you until the two of you graduated and after that, even.
"Hey," their voice broke into your thoughts. "You're not mad, right?"
You looked up at them, tears you hadn't noticed before ready to spill down your cheeks. "No, no, I'm not mad, never mad, just-" you couldn't look them in the eyes anymore. You barely trusted your voice to crack. "I'm gonna miss you. So, so much."
Their arms wrapped around you almost instantly. It was warmth, it was love, it was home, you didn't want him to let go-
"Y/n," they said in the most gentle tone you'd ever heard them use, "this doesn't mean you and me are gonna change, okay? I know this is a lot. I'm scared too. Just please.. try to trust me? We can keep in touch and everything, this doesn't mean we'll never see each other," they reassured you. "Maybe I could introduce you to some of my new friends? I don't mind streaming with you," they offered.
You looked up, a playful smile barely beginning to break through the tears. "It's a deal then," you said. "I'm still making you help with Spanish homework though."
A half-pretend groan escaped the taller as the two of you began walking towards the bus for the last time that spring.
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have a picture of ranbaba with the unedited unproofread fic
it's late and this took longer than anticipated but I love you all <3 I'm just gonna post this and add tags later :] goodnight gamers!!
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sincerely-sofie · 11 months
Check-in for October 25th, 2023
Welp, The Present is a Gift has officially broken 8,000 words and is rapidly approaching the 10k mark! Also, fun fact: according to the outline, I haven't even finished writing the first chapter. This terrifies me when I consider the later chapters which have way more plot packed into them.
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Despite me writing out a very detailed plan for the project, it feels like I'm learning new things about the characters with every sentence I write. Twig is apparently a big fan of learning weird, obscure words and is sad that her old hobby of reading dictionaries has been dampened by her struggling to learn how to read footprint runes. You think you know a gal...
I spent most of today working on programming assignments and even got a nice comment on a past submission I sent in. In it, I mentioned single vs. double equals signs always tripping me up and causing bugs in my code--- turns out they used to baffle my instructor too! He's able to use them in their proper places without thinking now, which is encouraging. Regardless, I have never felt this audio more keenly than today:
I had planned on getting some practice with 3D modeling for low-poly V-tuber of my persona I've been jokingly working on, but that didn't work out as anticipated. I did spend a while admiring how I went from a giant gray cube to this, though:
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Ahhh. Look at that beautiful skeleton. So few polygons. So few worries. If only I could figure out how make the pupils move or make a bow.
I also spent a while reminiscing about how Blender lit up in flames at one point and I didn't understand why it happened or how I got it to stop. That was a fun seven minutes of unadulterated terror.
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I'm tempted to get back into Blockbench for its simple UI, but after learning the basics of Blender, I know it'd be unbearable to return to the rigidity of working in a program that's pretty much built for Minecraft modders. I just need to stick with Blender and find a few more tutorials to keep me going.
I will miss the fact that Blockbench automatically puts your model on a turntable and offers to pixelate it for you, though. It makes low poly modeling so cool so fast.
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Just look at these things! They're so cool! I made them yet they look like something out of my fave childhood video games!
I tried to figure out Super Mario Paint this morning and ended up with my first finished song from that program. Tried importing a few soundfonts from other sources but had no luck getting them to work, and the song was definitely rough around the edges--- but I'm still really proud of myself for making a quick tune! It was a battle to figure out how to export the finished product, and I ended up just recording my desktop with OBS to get it to capture the sound and video together, then converted that video into an MP3 file. It was a very roundabout process, but still!!! I made a thing!
The Shy Guy and Boo instruments, as their flawless character designs may have you suspect, are vastly superior to everything else contained in the program. You can't change my mind.
Also, I was tinkering around with Chrome Extensions and found the most heartbreaking note in the description for one of them.
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Tiny Sidebar developer, whoever you are, wherever you are--- I want to give you a hug and a slice of cake or two. Reading this activated my inner anime protagonist and I want you to know that there are so many good people out there, but they're quiet about their goodness. Bad people are just loud as heck and make scenes wherever they go.
With that sudden sappiness, I'm signing off on this check-in. Take a parting teaser for a future joke animatic as a palette cleanser. Depressed Friend will be Twig, Emotionally Stable Friend will be Celebi.
Sincerely, Sofie
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finyx7733 · 4 months
Affirmations: I am worthy of love I am capable of great things I am not a burden I am made of stardust and magick
How do I feel physically today? I feel really good today. I managed to fall asleep around 10pm last night and didn't wake up until 8 am this morning. I guess I needed the sleep. My body feels well rested and I am ready to take on the day.
Am I intellectually stimulated? I have been doing some research on Paganism and BPD, so I would say yes, I am being intellectually stimulated. It feels nice to be doing something productive and I feel like I am learning a lot. I will post my findings at a later time once I have more information.
How do I feel emotionally today? I am feeling great! my mood has improved greatly since yesterday. I don't feel like crying or breaking anything. I feel at peace, which is a rare thing for me, but it's been happening more and more since I moved here. I had a nice cup of tea this morning and just sat with my thoughts. I put it out into the Universe that today was going to be a good day and so far it has been.
How do I feel spiritually today? Like I said before I feel at peace today, my spirit is calm. I've already started practicing what I'm learning. This morning while I was making my tea I did a little manifestation spell, a prayer that today would be a great day and that I would have the energy to finish the tasks I set out for myself and so far it worked. I am looking forward to learning more and using what I learn in my everyday life.
Today is a lazy day for me, I have to clean the closet and declutter the bedroom but other than that I don't really have anything planned. Mimi is heading to work around 1 and boy is she just not ready to go. Poor thing is super sleepy and drained. I now know why I've been manic and overly emotional this past week, usually a week before my period starts I am an absolute wreck, my emotions fluctuate I go from being manic to being severely depressed. Well, this morning it decided to rear its ugly head. Which means this week is going to be emotional for me. I'm hoping this won't be the case but that is how it usually goes.
Last Mother's Day Mimi's mom, Whom I will not refer to as my mom, taught me how to crochet and I absolutely LOVE it. I am working on two blankets one for myself and one for Mimi. I'm hoping to have them finished by next winter, I'm a beginner so my progress is a little slow but I'm really proud of the quality. Mom says she is surprised at how well I'm doing. This makes me feel really good. I'll post pictures of my progress. I am really grateful for Mimi's mom, she is the kindest woman who welcomed me into her life with open arms. My own mother died from small-cell lung cancer seven years ago and life just hasn't been the same. Our relationship when I was growing up was very strained, she had her own mental health issues she was struggling with, and at times she would take that out on me, but as I grew up and became an adult our relationship flourished and she became one of my closest friends. When she died I was left to pick up the pieces, it's something I still struggle with. Mimi's mom treats me like one of her own and it warms my heart and brings me a peace I didn't know I would ever feel again. I've been doing a lot of research on BPD there are so many things I do because of this illness that I never even realized. It is helping me to understand myself better and I am looking into coping skills and something called DBT. I'm compiling notes so I can make sense of things. I can get sidetracked fairly easily so sometimes research is difficult for me. Mimi and I are watching a movie called The Stand, it's really good. I know they made it into a TV series I'll have to watch it. I really enjoy the movie so I'm sure I'll enjoy the TV series. Well, I am going to watch the movie and do some more research. Ta for now. <3 Fi
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belethlegwen · 2 years
A Tale of Hobbies and Hammocks
Hello Today, I made a hammock. It's been a project of the last couple of days. I bought the materials on Sunday afternoon, and have been pouring over Nate Large's YouTube videos for how to make and rig an American Navy-style Hammock for quite some time. I initially found them through significant research I was doing for The Rescue and The Stranding and I learned a ton from Nate's videos. You may remember some time ago, I got myself a reference-Henry:
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This guy is the full 8 inches Henry claims to be (Henry is only 7.2") but he's handy to have around. Since I got him he's been milling around on my desk for the most part, has come on a few purse adventures and so on, but I kept feeling bad that I didn't have a designated place for him to sleep. Well, a bed wasn't going to cut it. So, I reference again: Mr. Nate Large.
It started simply enough: I bought some fabric samples that resembled canvas enough, bought some D-rings because I figured they'd be easier to work with, needles, fancy thick thread, and came back to get to work. The first thing I did was start on the clews, and that required building a clew jig, as seen in this video. I am not a handiman by nature nor a particularly skilled or crafty creature in general, so I jimmy rigged something with a chunk of furniture board I had lying around from something:
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On the first one the D-ring was too close the comb I was using as pegs, so it's adjusted in the second picture. Honestly I'm pretty proud of this McGuyver-level setup.
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I didn't know how many loops I was going to be able to make for the clew with the measurements I had (again, nothing is completely precise just because I was going by rough estimates, eye-balling, and a general hit of a 10.4% scale of everything) so I kept this one pretty tight, which was difficult BUT it got the job done. Toothpicks for runners and thumbtacks as far as the eye can see.
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The first completed clew, I had somehow missed literally the first loop but being as it was still functional, I kept it. If I had to scrap and start over at this point, I'd put the damn thing down and never pick it up again.
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Second clew I went ahead and spread the loops out (there's 10 instead of 12 by the way, which I forgot to mention above). I hit all the loops this time on the finished product and am very very proud of having done both tiny weaves. Next step was the hammock. I took the white fabric I had, cut it twice as wide as I needed it because I wanted to try and replicate the thickness of the canvas I assumed would be used, and did the only stitch I know (needle go in, needle come out, needle go in again) to close up the open side and turn it inside out. I'm actually pretty proud of this especially because I only stabbed myself once! In the thigh, so it barely even counts.
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I used a little hair flat-iron I never use to iron the fabric between stages. One thing I did NOT do was fold and sew the seams at the end, and that was literally because I realized that the measurements I had been using were for Canon-Henry, not Reference Henry. Canon-Henry is 10.4% scale, Reference-Henry is 11.6%, which is a pretty big difference when you're measuring the lengths of hammocks.
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No I did not do grommets
I've never done grommets in my life and wasn't about to try and learn at nearly a 1/10th scale. I was crazy enough for doing THIS in the first place, I can ignore the need for awling and grommets and whatever else would've needed to happen for COMPLETE ACCURACY. Theater of the mind, friends. Anyway, I used the largest yarn darner that came in the pack I bought to poke 10 holes at equal intervals (1.4cm apart) along the sides, and then used the need to string the loops through the holes, and using a girth-knot on the first loop over my itty bitty rope, I slipped the rope through the rest of the loops until girth-knotting the end, and then: VOILA
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This was the first clew, so you can see in the second picture that one of the loops a little janky, but again: that's aesthetic problems. It's still very functional.
Second verse, same as the first until we get us:
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Our hammock was now ready for testing, but I was too lazy to go get my ring-light stand to take proper pictures with, so the first demos were done with the use of the clew rigging board:
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Henry in the hammock while slack, Henry in the hammock while tight. Snug as a bug in a rug.
Then, obviously, had to find a place to actually hang it. So: Over the storage-cubby in my desk, which I desperately need to clean out.
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So that's the story of how I spent an excessive amount of time learning a very cool, neat set of skills at a very small scale just so I could flex a little.
Thanks for coming along on this journey of learning, and thanks again to Nate Large, whose name he will never know is so god damn on-point right now.
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simbib · 5 months
Hey wonderful peeps, today marks the almost anniversary of my first ever video on youtube!! (The actual date is April 18th) I've had a lot of fun making videos this past year, and with 41 videos posted I posted one just about every week which I'm very proud of!!!
That said, the past month or so I've not been putting out videos that I'm really proud of. I know I can do better, and I want to! Buuuut… well, life, work, stuff 😛 The production I'm on right now has been kicking my butt and I've just not had the energy to do anything but play video games 🤡
I'm gonna take a bit of a break from posting videos. Maybe a month or so? I'm not sure. This was a surprisingly difficult decision to make, even though I am a very strong believer that "REST!!!!" is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. My biggest fear in taking a break is not coming back to youtube, and this channel being another entry in a long, long, ever expanding list of projects I started that I never finished.
But- I made 41 videos already, over the course of a year!! I think that's actually really cool!! I even made an a capella cover song over the holidays!! At the end of the day, this channel is called "stuff i make because I'm bored", not "stuff I force myself to do even though I'm exhausted". I know I'll be back. Bigger than before!! Maybe 😜
Thanks for all your support! And I'll see you in the next video!! Byyyeeeeee!!!!
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Sorry I'm late...
So, I've been working on for the past month and a half on a vocaloid dating sim. Lot's of things happened this month but I still have been trying my best to finish this. Sadly even if I pull and all nighter today I won't be able to finish it for tomorrow, so I'll have to delay this game.
I'm so sorry, I really wanted to release it for Miku day, but even if I cutted everything I possibly could, it will not be possible to finish it by tomorrow. I also think that even if I could the product would not be something I'm proud of, since it would be very bare bones.
I want to use this fangame as a sort of learning experience, to try out things and create something I like and then translate what I learn onto my future projects, so I still want this to be decent at least!
About the new release date? I still don't know. The barebones unrevised version (with no cgs btw) could be done next week, but I rather polish it a bit more and give myself more time. Even if it takes another month or two. I hope you guys don't mind waiting, but I'll do my best to make the wait worth the while. Hope ya'll still stick around to play it when it comes out!
And before anyone asks, yes I thought of releasing it on August 31 since it's Miku's birthday, but I feel like it will be ready before then and I'd feel bad sitting on a ready game for months just to release it on that particular date...
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