#i'm not sure)
bluewolfangel01 · 1 month
Levi: "I don't understand why you like someone as pathetic as me, I'm not that good at anything other then being a nasty useless otaku, (insert more self degrading here)."
Mc: *blank faced, moving sneakily close to Levi and picks him up bridal style*
Mc: "Snake <3."
Levi: *Stunned silent, he doesn't move for a few moments, then his tail curls around Mc's leg, and leans into their touch.*
Levi: "Y-yeah...."
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metalkaloids · 14 days
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they're toxic and i can't stand them
phoenix drop high laurgene STAYS in my mind rent free unfortunately
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tomboxed · 8 months
and then they fuck
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podushkinz · 1 year
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It's heizou time
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occudo · 1 year
we got angst in the og knight fic, when are we gonna get angst in this au /hj
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And that's how Jon got into witch school
I realized now that you maybe meant Martin-focused angst, but oh well-
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Guys is it gay to forgive him for the ultimate betrayal, is it gay not only to decide not to kill him and then yourself, but also promise it, in your native tongue that you had forgotten, while putting your life in his hands, is it gay to visit his mother and look at his childhood pictures and taunt him on the phone, is it gay to introduce him as an equal, as part of the family (when once we were four, we are now five), is it gay to feed him human blood for the very first time and help him finish transforming into a creature of the night, is it gay to get his first victim ready for him, to make it as easy as possible....
I really want to know, is it gay to have predicted all along he wasn't ready, that this life wasn't yet for him, is it gay to decide to fix it, is it gay to then dress him up in robes and tie them around his neck while speaking to him so softly, is it gay to comfort him and guide him to the intricate ritual you constructed in order to give him the choice you never had, is it gay to decorate your house with banners and candles, and to have all your friends surround you both in a circle and bear witness....
Please, I'm not sure, is it gay to ask him, to make sure he gets to make the decision, and to make it with dignity and respect, is it gay for your own voice to break when you said you predicted the outcome (that you know him so well), is it gay to break the most sacred of rules for him and kill your own brethren just so he doesn't have to do it himself, is it gay to hand him his glasses that you had ready for him, that you'd carried with you for who knows how long, is it gay to stand next to him with your hand on his shoulder as he grasps the enormity of the situation and tell him that this was the only way for him to realize what he really, truly, wanted....
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cnth-rb · 4 months
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Drawing some siblings.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Ok, so In your response to my last spiel, you mentioned that Alexander will have a zero tolerance policy towards anything that may harm Reader and her the twins, including other wives.
It does make me wonder how Alexander would react to one of the wives (aka Roxanna 👀👀👀) trying to kill our girl. I keep picturing this scenario where it's a banquet, feast or some sort of get together with Alexander, Reader, Roxanna and maybe some of the generals. Long story short, Roxanna hands Reader a cup with a 'special' drink (ie she says promotes health, will help with the pregnancy etc). Reader, being as smart as she is, and knowing Roxanna's history, is automatically suspicious. To see if it's safe she either asks Alexander to 'taste' if for her or insists that Roxanna take the first sip. In either case, it results in Roxanna frantically slapping the cup out of Reader's hand before either she or her husband gets poisoned. At that point, everyone has noticed the commotion, and have realized that Roxanna has just tried to poison the Queen.
My question to you is this: what does Alexander do next? Lets assume reader is pregnant just to make thing extra spicy.
Since requests are open again, perhaps you could do it as a reaction blurb? I'll leave that up to you though. I'm just curious as to what you think would happen next.
Thanks, and hope you feel better ❤️!
❝ 📜— lady l: this was longer than I thought and I don't know if it's good, I liked it, but let me know your opinion, anon! Forgive me for any mistakes, love you! ❤️
❝tw: attempted murder, mention of poison, domestic violence (??), physical punishment and perhaps torture.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝ 📜word count: 1,246.
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It was supposed to be a happy and fun dinner.
Needless to say, that's not what happened.
You were sitting next to Alexander, being shown off as his beloved Queen and heavily pregnant. Everyone was hoping for an male heir and was happy for you, everyone except Roxanna who looked at you as if she wanted to stab you or, in this case, stab you in the stomach.
That scared the shit out of you.
You were already familiar with her story, about what she had done to Stateira and Parysatis, and you were afraid that she might try to do something to you and the baby.
You wouldn't let anything happen, though. Although you weren't excited about the pregnancy news at first, you warmed up to the idea and began to look forward to holding your baby in your arms. And you'd be damned if you let anyone try to take that away from you.
''Are you alright?'' Alexander leaned over and whispered in your ear. You looked at him and smiled, it was still strange calling him your husband, but you were getting used to it.
You gave a weak nod to his question.
Alexander frowned and placed his hands on your swollen belly. It was just a few months until the birth and he was so excited. He did want an heir, but he couldn't help but want to have a girl.
A little princess to love and spoil.
''We need to start choosing names.'' He joked, trying to ease your obvious tension, although he didn't know what was making you tense. Yet.
''I already gave you some choices.''
Alexander grimaced, ''Yes, you did and they are all horrible. What kind of name is Augustus?''
You laughed loudly, attracting attention. Augustus, yes, you had given him that option as a joke. Obviously you weren't going to name your child after the first Roman emperor, but it was fun to play with your husband about historical things.
''It's just a common name where I come from.''
''Hm...'' He half-closed his eyes and you touched his face gently, caressing him. Alexander purred and leaned into your hand.
This earned you a look of compassion and a furious, jealous look from Roxanna. You didn't notice and neither did Alexander, both too busy in your affection for each other.
''I love you.'' He murmured, looking into your eyes intensely.
You smiled at him, ''I love you too.''
''Let's make a toast!'' Nearchus' amused voice sounded and everyone turned to the admiral.
''A toast?'' Cassander asked with a loud voice looking into his cup of wine.
Nearchus laughed loudly and slapped his friend on the back, ''Yes. In honor of our beloved Queen, (Y/N).''
Nearchus didn't notice Roxanna's withering look at him. But you did and the pure hatred you saw in those dark eyes gave you goosebumps.
You knew that look and you knew nothing good was coming.
Everyone raised their cups, even your husband's second wife. You were the only one drinking water, even Hephaestion was drinking wine, and he was loose and happy. And that made you happy, you liked him and he was one of his closest friends and you hated seeing how haggard he seemed lately.
''I dedicate this toast in the name of our beloved (Y/N). Our Queen, sometimes soldier and friend.'' Everyone laughed as they remembered what you had done in the Indian Campaign, ''And the child she carries in her womb. May it come healthy and, regardless of gender, we will love and protect this child. To (Y/N) and the baby!''
''To (Y/N) and the baby!'' Everyone repeated and drank the wine in your honor, you laughed, feeling loved and took a sip of water.
You took a piece of bread and bit into it, satisfying your hunger. Roxanna looked at you and smiled. She took a clay jug and poured the thick, dark liquid into a cup and handed it to you.
You raised your eyebrows in doubt as you picked up the cup.
''It's for you. My doctor told me that it helps with pregnancy and helps the health of the baby and the mother.'' Roxanna explained, biting into a piece of bread.
You mentally scoffed. She didn't think you were that stupid, did she? It was insulting that she thought she could poison you in such a blatant way.
You decided to act quickly, ''Why don't you take a sip first?''
She furrowed her dark eyebrows, ''Excuse me?''
''It's a custom among my people that the person who gave you a cup must taste it first.'' You explained, handing her the cup.
Roxanna looked at the cup in your hands with hatred.
''Take it'' You encouraged her, ''or is there some reason why you don't want to drink it?''
Alexander turned his eyes to you and Roxanna, before he could ask what was going on, Roxanna slapped your hand, making you drop the strange liquid on the table.
The noisy room fell silent in a matter of seconds as Alexander stood up from his chair and fixed his eyes on Roxanna.
''What do you think you're doing?'' Alexander's voice was so cold, so lethal that you stiffened. He ignored you, focusing entirely on his second wife.
Hephaestion, who was sitting on Alexander's left side, stood up and touched the thick liquid on the table. He grimaced as the liquid stuck to his finger.
''That's...'' Perdiccas started to speak but couldn't finish.
''Poison?'' Ptolemy finished for his friend.
''How dare you?!'' Cassander growled, also standing up and glaring furiously at Roxanna. He never liked her, he wasn't oblivious to the hateful looks that Alexander's barbaric wife sent to you, to his friend. And now she tried to poison you.
Cleitus was still sitting, watching everything with a stony expression, but his hand was on the dagger stuck in his chiton. He was prepared to act, one word from you and Roxanna would be eliminated from the world.
Alexander still didn't take his eyes off Roxanna, but he spoke to you, ''Go to our room. I'll be there in a few minutes.''
You wisely decided not to disobey.
You stood up carefully and quickly looked around, watching all your friends, your husband, stare at Roxanna who looked terrified. You should have felt bad for her, but you didn't.
Not when she threatened the life of your unborn baby.
Once you were out of sight, Alexander addressed one of the guards stationed at the entrance to the hall, ''Take the whip.''
Roxanna's small body shook in fear at her husband's words. Her shaking legs gave way and she fell to her knees on the floor, feeling hot tears fall onto the dress she was wearing.
Alexander did not feel sorry. And neither do the others. She had brought this on herself.
Actions have consequences and punishments must be applied. And Alexander would not tolerate anyone threatening your life or that of his unborn child.
Alexander felt satisfaction fill his body as the guard brought out the whip and positioned himself behind a desperate Roxanna's back. He watched with satisfaction as the whip hit her sensitive skin and felt satisfaction when he heard her screams of pain.
Roxanna was to blame for her own pain and the scars that were forever marked on her skin were true proof of that.
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spoiledskullz · 8 months
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Ewww cooties day 💜❤💌💝💘
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lordsalissoon · 9 months
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I drew the gays, but in @i-eat-deodorant designs because I love this artstyle so much and I've been dying to draw them like this for a while now!!!!
Their colors came from a lot of different drawings, so I'm sorry if it isn't how you imagine them! I couldn't let them uncolored, but I'll post an uncolored version below as well
anyway, I hope you like it, I did have fun drawing them!!!!
Uncolored version:
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another-goblin · 5 months
Free Dr. Ratio is still available until the end of 2.1, right? And there was an in-universe explanation for why they were giving him away for free (him interrupting Owlbert's show and his letter to us, about him spreading knowledge and education).
So it's not a theory or a prediction, just a little idea, but what if there will be an in-universe explanation for why he's not available to claim for free anymore? Like, I hope he doesn't die in 2.2 or something. Maybe, considering that it coincides with the end of Aventurine's banner, what if they elope together, or he'll be busy trying to retrieve Aven from that black hole.
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pempempemto · 2 years
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thanking his dear listeners
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cursedc00kies · 21 days
I need to explode all of ur guys goobers/pos
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Credit for most of the doodles goes to: @how-to-humaning-401 @mothhue @t052ther0b0t and @milk-box-16 (my awesome swagger besties whose art is really cool and scrumptious)
(Also here's my main because I normally post stuff like this there: @witch-sweets)
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qarker · 3 months
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chronicowboy · 2 years
The first time Chris asks to see Buck, Eddie doesn't hesitate before saying no. The second, third, fourth, fifth times follow immediately after, Christopher's fury growing with each denial. But Eddie doesn't budge. He'll accept the abuses hurled at him, accept the weak punches Chris throws at his chest, accept the I HATE YOU! and slammed bedroom door.
Its nothing he doesn't deserve.
The sixth time Christopher asks, teary-eyed and pleading, Eddie wavers and says not yet. Chris huffs, but he grabs onto that little bit of hope like a lifeline. Eddie doesn't have the heart to tell him that hope is useless.
See, thing is, he knows Christopher is growing up. He knows his son is old enough to handle seeing Buck in a hospital bed - or, well, maybe not handle it, but he knows he's old enough to decide when he's ready to see Buck himself. But Eddie isn't ready.
Eddie wasn't ready when he tried to haul Buck back up onto the ladder, Eddie wasn't ready when he had to relinquish Buck's life to the others with no idea what was happening, Eddie wasn't ready to see Chimney straddling Buck's torso and begging Buck to wake up, Eddie wasn't ready to watch the doctors roll a still unresponsive Buck through the glass doors, Eddie wasn't ready to see Buck cold and still with a tube down his throat.
Christopher's always been braver than him.
But, selfishly, Eddie doesn't think he could handle seeing Chris beg Buck to wake up or say-
No. Eddie knows he couldn't handle it.
And, fuck, maybe its the wrong choice to keep Chris from getting to say goodbye to another parent. Its probably, definitely the wrong choice. But Eddie can't- He just can't.
He can't do this. He can't say goodbye.
Not to Buck.
Its when an Uber pulls up to the house and he catches Christopher trying to sneak out the front door that he realises he couldn't keep them apart anymore than he could have stopped that lightning from hitting Buck.
(You could have stopped it. You could have gone up in his place. You could have been faster. You could have been the one doing CPR. You could have-)
Eddie just grabs his keys and ushers Chris towards the Jeep - a fucking jeep, really? what is it? spit on Eddie day? - waiting for them outside.
He doesn't expect Chris to celebrate, but he also doesn't expect the stony silence that suffocates them in the back of the car. When Chris sniffles, Eddie grabs his hand and lets his own tears roll down his cheeks.
He should say something, but there aren't any words for this. This much he knows.
There weren't any last time either.
Eddie doesn't really register the journey from the parking lot up to Buck's room in the ICU. Not until Christopher suddenly goes very, very still and grabs his hand.
There's not a single part of Eddie that hasn't been shattered since he pushed himself up onto shaky arms and saw Buck hanging from the ladder, still, too still, but right now its the first time he really feels like he's going to fall apart.
"He's in there?" Chris asks, voice tiny and small and so, so scared.
"Yeah, buddy," Eddie croaks, "he's in there. But you don't have to go -"
"Yes. I do." Christopher takes a deep breath and marches towards the door like he's about to walk onto a stage.
Eddie follows. After a moment.
Chris has always been braver than him.
(He hasn't been in Buck's room once. Had only looked at him from beyond the window to his room for a few moments before using Christopher as an excuse to flee. Because he's a coward.)
Eddie doesn't know why he expects Buck's room to be empty. His family is at its biggest right now, even if Eddie remains quietly suspicious of Margaret and Phillip's sudden redemption. And he knows no one would ever let him be alone for more than a bathroom break or a coffee run.
Eddie doesn't know why he's so surprised to see Hen offering Chris her chair by Buck's bedside. She's known Buck the longest - along with Bobby and Chim of course, but between Bobby's superiority and Chimney's rebar, they'd gotten closest the fastest. He doesn't know why he expected Hen to still be at home with her wife and kid.
(Maybe because he'd been desperately jealous that she had someone to shoulder the weight with her.)
The grief-stricken, knowing look Hen shoots him is enough to have his chest tightening up worse than the suit shop.
And then, Christopher reaches for Buck's hand, looking so goddamn young but so fucking determined, and Eddie thinks it'd be fucking typical of him to have a heart attack three days after Buck's heart stops.
"I-I'm sorry, I c-can't." He glances at Hen in what he hopes she understands is a plea to look out for Christopher before fleeing from the room.
His legs don't take him far. His legs were made to get him up that fucking ladder to Buck. His legs weren't made to take him away from him. So, he collapses back against the wall under the window and sinks to the floor just as the first sob racks his body.
Its a painful thing. Like its torn from the very depths of him. Like someone has used the Jaws to pry his chest open and is ripping chunks of his organs out of him.
Its a desperate thing. A prayer and a plea to a universe he doesn't believe in.
Its a quiet thing, however. Because Eddie mastered that art so well that it is deeply ingrained in him.
Its a quiet thing which is why he can still hear Christopher's voice through the thin hospital walls.
"Buck, you promised me-" Christopher's words break, and Eddie breaks with them, pressing his fists into his eyes as hard as he can. "You promised you weren't going anywhere, and you never break your promises."
Eddie doesn't remember this promise. He remembers a hundred pinkie promises between his son and his- His Buck. But he doesn't remember this one. He wonders if it was before or after the-
It was before. Eddie knows Buck well enough to know it was before.
"Wake up, Buck. Please, I-"
Eddie's a coward. He's a coward, that's why he can't get up from the floor. He's a goddamn fucking coward.
"I want my dad," Chris wails, and Eddie doesn't know how he manages it - thinks briefly of stories about mothers lifting cars off their babies - but the next thing he knows he's watching Christopher bury his face in Buck's shoulder.
The left one, not the one with the Lichtenburg figures, the one near his heart.
Eddie doesn't need to look at Hen's tear-streaked face to know that Christopher wasn't asking for him.
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wow, is this post about huntlow?
(willow isn't exactly invulnerable, she does have some emotional moments after she meets hunter. however, she is suddenly turned into a "badass girlboss" and the rest of the post holds up.)
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