#yandere alexander the great x reade
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years ago
Ok, so In your response to my last spiel, you mentioned that Alexander will have a zero tolerance policy towards anything that may harm Reader and her the twins, including other wives.
It does make me wonder how Alexander would react to one of the wives (aka Roxanna 👀👀👀) trying to kill our girl. I keep picturing this scenario where it's a banquet, feast or some sort of get together with Alexander, Reader, Roxanna and maybe some of the generals. Long story short, Roxanna hands Reader a cup with a 'special' drink (ie she says promotes health, will help with the pregnancy etc). Reader, being as smart as she is, and knowing Roxanna's history, is automatically suspicious. To see if it's safe she either asks Alexander to 'taste' if for her or insists that Roxanna take the first sip. In either case, it results in Roxanna frantically slapping the cup out of Reader's hand before either she or her husband gets poisoned. At that point, everyone has noticed the commotion, and have realized that Roxanna has just tried to poison the Queen.
My question to you is this: what does Alexander do next? Lets assume reader is pregnant just to make thing extra spicy.
Since requests are open again, perhaps you could do it as a reaction blurb? I'll leave that up to you though. I'm just curious as to what you think would happen next.
Thanks, and hope you feel better ❤️!
❝ 📜— lady l: this was longer than I thought and I don't know if it's good, I liked it, but let me know your opinion, anon! Forgive me for any mistakes, love you! ❤️
❝tw: attempted murder, mention of poison, domestic violence (??), physical punishment and perhaps torture.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝ 📜word count: 1,246.
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It was supposed to be a happy and fun dinner.
Needless to say, that's not what happened.
You were sitting next to Alexander, being shown off as his beloved Queen and heavily pregnant. Everyone was hoping for an male heir and was happy for you, everyone except Roxanna who looked at you as if she wanted to stab you or, in this case, stab you in the stomach.
That scared the shit out of you.
You were already familiar with her story, about what she had done to Stateira and Parysatis, and you were afraid that she might try to do something to you and the baby.
You wouldn't let anything happen, though. Although you weren't excited about the pregnancy news at first, you warmed up to the idea and began to look forward to holding your baby in your arms. And you'd be damned if you let anyone try to take that away from you.
''Are you alright?'' Alexander leaned over and whispered in your ear. You looked at him and smiled, it was still strange calling him your husband, but you were getting used to it.
You gave a weak nod to his question.
Alexander frowned and placed his hands on your swollen belly. It was just a few months until the birth and he was so excited. He did want an heir, but he couldn't help but want to have a girl.
A little princess to love and spoil.
''We need to start choosing names.'' He joked, trying to ease your obvious tension, although he didn't know what was making you tense. Yet.
''I already gave you some choices.''
Alexander grimaced, ''Yes, you did and they are all horrible. What kind of name is Augustus?''
You laughed loudly, attracting attention. Augustus, yes, you had given him that option as a joke. Obviously you weren't going to name your child after the first Roman emperor, but it was fun to play with your husband about historical things.
''It's just a common name where I come from.''
''Hm...'' He half-closed his eyes and you touched his face gently, caressing him. Alexander purred and leaned into your hand.
This earned you a look of compassion and a furious, jealous look from Roxanna. You didn't notice and neither did Alexander, both too busy in your affection for each other.
''I love you.'' He murmured, looking into your eyes intensely.
You smiled at him, ''I love you too.''
''Let's make a toast!'' Nearchus' amused voice sounded and everyone turned to the admiral.
''A toast?'' Cassander asked with a loud voice looking into his cup of wine.
Nearchus laughed loudly and slapped his friend on the back, ''Yes. In honor of our beloved Queen, (Y/N).''
Nearchus didn't notice Roxanna's withering look at him. But you did and the pure hatred you saw in those dark eyes gave you goosebumps.
You knew that look and you knew nothing good was coming.
Everyone raised their cups, even your husband's second wife. You were the only one drinking water, even Hephaestion was drinking wine, and he was loose and happy. And that made you happy, you liked him and he was one of his closest friends and you hated seeing how haggard he seemed lately.
''I dedicate this toast in the name of our beloved (Y/N). Our Queen, sometimes soldier and friend.'' Everyone laughed as they remembered what you had done in the Indian Campaign, ''And the child she carries in her womb. May it come healthy and, regardless of gender, we will love and protect this child. To (Y/N) and the baby!''
''To (Y/N) and the baby!'' Everyone repeated and drank the wine in your honor, you laughed, feeling loved and took a sip of water.
You took a piece of bread and bit into it, satisfying your hunger. Roxanna looked at you and smiled. She took a clay jug and poured the thick, dark liquid into a cup and handed it to you.
You raised your eyebrows in doubt as you picked up the cup.
''It's for you. My doctor told me that it helps with pregnancy and helps the health of the baby and the mother.'' Roxanna explained, biting into a piece of bread.
You mentally scoffed. She didn't think you were that stupid, did she? It was insulting that she thought she could poison you in such a blatant way.
You decided to act quickly, ''Why don't you take a sip first?''
She furrowed her dark eyebrows, ''Excuse me?''
''It's a custom among my people that the person who gave you a cup must taste it first.'' You explained, handing her the cup.
Roxanna looked at the cup in your hands with hatred.
''Take it'' You encouraged her, ''or is there some reason why you don't want to drink it?''
Alexander turned his eyes to you and Roxanna, before he could ask what was going on, Roxanna slapped your hand, making you drop the strange liquid on the table.
The noisy room fell silent in a matter of seconds as Alexander stood up from his chair and fixed his eyes on Roxanna.
''What do you think you're doing?'' Alexander's voice was so cold, so lethal that you stiffened. He ignored you, focusing entirely on his second wife.
Hephaestion, who was sitting on Alexander's left side, stood up and touched the thick liquid on the table. He grimaced as the liquid stuck to his finger.
''That's...'' Perdiccas started to speak but couldn't finish.
''Poison?'' Ptolemy finished for his friend.
''How dare you?!'' Cassander growled, also standing up and glaring furiously at Roxanna. He never liked her, he wasn't oblivious to the hateful looks that Alexander's barbaric wife sent to you, to his friend. And now she tried to poison you.
Cleitus was still sitting, watching everything with a stony expression, but his hand was on the dagger stuck in his chiton. He was prepared to act, one word from you and Roxanna would be eliminated from the world.
Alexander still didn't take his eyes off Roxanna, but he spoke to you, ''Go to our room. I'll be there in a few minutes.''
You wisely decided not to disobey.
You stood up carefully and quickly looked around, watching all your friends, your husband, stare at Roxanna who looked terrified. You should have felt bad for her, but you didn't.
Not when she threatened the life of your unborn baby.
Once you were out of sight, Alexander addressed one of the guards stationed at the entrance to the hall, ''Take the whip.''
Roxanna's small body shook in fear at her husband's words. Her shaking legs gave way and she fell to her knees on the floor, feeling hot tears fall onto the dress she was wearing.
Alexander did not feel sorry. And neither do the others. She had brought this on herself.
Actions have consequences and punishments must be applied. And Alexander would not tolerate anyone threatening your life or that of his unborn child.
Alexander felt satisfaction fill his body as the guard brought out the whip and positioned himself behind a desperate Roxanna's back. He watched with satisfaction as the whip hit her sensitive skin and felt satisfaction when he heard her screams of pain.
Roxanna was to blame for her own pain and the scars that were forever marked on her skin were true proof of that.
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loosesodamarble · 2 months ago
congratulations on finishing welcome to black bird series. If it's okay can you tell what inspired the names of the butlers.
Daaaaw~! Thank you Anon!
The WttBB (Welcome to the Black Bird) series has been a labor of love and I’m very glad that people are enjoying it.
And it's totally okay to ask about the fake names of the Black Bird staff (it's not just the ones working as butlers but the whole Black Bird staff who work under false names)! It's a smaller detail that can be easily overlooked but I'm happy to get a chance to discuss it.
I'll start with explaining the aliases of the cafe's butlers/waitstaff, since you asked specifically about them.
(Also, I'm putting the rest of the post under a "read more" because it became a lot longer than I anticipated.)
Yami is called Alexander and it's a bit of an inside joke for myself. A few years ago, when I first started my blog and more into the Demon Slayer fandom, I had a World Swap AU where I imagined BC characters in the DS world and vice versa. Part of that included giving the characters new names that better fit their setting. As a joke, I didn't leave Yami as Yami but instead made him a foreigner to Japan and turned him into a European man named Blake Alexander. Since Yami's butler persona is meant to be a protective bodyguard type, I used the name Alexander since it means "defender of man."
Fuegoleon's false name of Marius was chosen because the Latin origins point to it either deriving from a Latin root word meaning "male" which suits Fuegoleon as a gentlemanly fellow, or from a word meaning "sea" which contrasts the fire that Fuegoleon is usually associated with. It's a name that both does and doesn't fit Fuego depending on how you look at it, and part of his hang up in the butler cafe au is that he feels at odds with himself. He's got some internal conflict with himself as the duality of his name reflects it.
Nacht's butler persona name of Aurelius is another joke to myself. It's a two-fold joke. For one, one of the oc children I gave Nacht is named Dawn Aurelia Faust. Aurelia is the feminine for of Aurelius. So it's like "ha ha, the name follows him across realities." But also Aurelius is the name of a character from a visual novel that I got a little silly over a while back. And well, look at the guy.
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It's not just that but the name Aurelius means "golden" and with Nacht's black hair and (diluted) yandere butler persona, the name Aurelius contrasts his looks and role at the cafe.
For Gordon's butler name, I wanted something that sounded elegant. Like, stiff British aristocrat elegant. And at the time, I was getting into Spy x Family so the Desmond family from the series came to mind. And that's how Gordon became Desmond.
Zora's persona is Christian, and really, I needed a decent, upright sounding name that didn't suit Zora or his "sadist" persona whatsoever. So the most fitting thing was Christian in my mind. A good Christian boy, Zora is not!
Finral was given the name Austin. At first it was just to sort of fit in with/match Yami and Nacht's butler names. In my mind, Finral has always been like the Bulls' vice captain before Nacht's return so I wanted his butler name to work alongside the names I gave Nacht and Yami. Thus, unlike everyone else, those three have names at the cafe starting with the same letter. I later found out that the name Austin is meant to mean "great" or "magnificent," which when alongside names meaning "defender of man" and "golden" paint a really majestic image.
Rill's butler name was between Oswald and Oscar for a while I settled on Oscar because I was reminded of the Oscar award and the name belonging to a type of award felt right for his "haughty perfectionist" persona.
Asta got the name Zavier and I mostly just wanted that funny little contrast of his real name starting with "A" and his fake name starting with "Z." Pretty easy. But I also wanted a false name that felt out of place. The Z and V aren't commonly used/heard sounds and so the name feels harder on the ears compared to names like Flynn or Marius.
Speaking of Flynn, I picked that one for Gauche's butler name since the name makes me think of Flynn Rider/Eugene from the Tangles franchise. And Gauche, either as himself or his butler persona, aren't like Flynn. Not a smooth talker and faking self-confidence.
The remaining butler names (William as Johnathan, Nozel as Wesley, and Henry as Elias) were chosen arbitrarily but I tried to keep the butler names "nice" or "elegant" sounding.
Then there's the rest of the staff. Lightning round!
Secre's cafe persona of Nero is just me using the two names she goes by in canon.
Jack's fake name of Richard was chosen just because the name Richard means "strong ruler" (or something along those lines) as I liked the sound of it because he is meant to be the cafe's head chef, thus the leader of the kitchen. But also Richard being shortened to "Dick" was one of the petty things that Yami and Jack yelled at each about when they were both chefs before Yami got booted to waitstaff.
Yuno as Brandon has similar reasoning to Asta as Zavier. Y and B are opposites in terms of letter order so for Yuno's name starting with Y, I wanted to give him a B name. Also, I associated the name Brandon with someone I don't think of fondly and I wanted to reclaim it for my memory.
Klaus is called Vincent because I use the name Vincent as the name for Nacht and Morgen's asshole father, and to prevent me from only seeing the name in a negative light, I needed to give it to a character I like.
Leopold is Wolfgang because it evokes the image of an animal different to what Leopold is usually associated with, a wolf instead of a lion.
All other names (Marx as Luis, Luck as Kyle, Magna as Gabriel, Kirsch as Ivan, and David as Hector) were chosen at random.
(Magna as Gabriel is somewhat embarrassing for me because I have two friends each with an oc named Gabriel but I had already locked in Magna as Gabriel in my mind before I learned about the Gabriel ocs. Oops.)
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tinymoonrider · 2 years ago
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Summary: The servant, a friend of the prince, is finally old enough to take over the chores of their mother. The prince, upon learning that his friend is starting to date, starts getting a little... Strange... (Prince x reader)
Warnings: Character death, kidnapping, fear, obsession, yandere, and blood
The main character is gender neutral
My family had been serving the Larson family for years. By the time I had reached my eighteenth birthday, I was to take over the chores my mother was in charge of. "That's why having children in this profession pays off!" she'd always tell me with a tired smile on her face.
Eventually her and my aunt, would try to play match maker in hopes that I would be able to leave this life behind. They'd set up dates with people who had stable jobs in the village. My mother hoped that getting a partner with a stable job could also help me get a job somewhere else outside of the castle. They'd especially try to get me to go on dates with those who were from other villages. "Please just try. For me? I don't want you scrubbing floors and plunging toilets for the rest of your life." They'd push me forward, getting me to leave with my date. To be very honest, a couple of them have managed to catch my eye, but, whenever I try to reach out to them again, it seems as though they weren't interested.
Although I appreciate my mother and my aunt trying so hard for me, I just think that all of this is in vain. None of the people I've met up with want to see me again. Besides, I don't mind working for the palace. They provide all of their workers with food and shelter. It's not so bad here.
I wring out a rag over the soapy water mixture contained in the rusty bucket next to me and continue scrubbing the tiled floor. The sound of sharp clicking of heels makes their way over to me, I try to make myself look busy in case it's the queen making her rounds on the servants. The shiny surface of the area I've cleaned so far reveals the face of the young prince, Alexander.
Alex was about my age, only a year's difference between us. We grew up together in the castle, in fact, for a while I was assigned as his personal chambermaid. Although it only lasted for a week, we managed to become great friends. Unfortunately I was fired after the explosion incident in the servants kitchen (he only had half of his eyebrow left, but at the very least he wasn't dead). When I was ruled unfit to be his chambermaid, I remember Alex crying his eyes out over it. The night I was fired, Alex had one final request: more pillows and blankets and for me, specifically, to bring it to his room. Upon bringing it to his room, I was "formally kidnapped" for the night. I slept on his bed next to him, the extra pillows and blankets forming a little nest around us. I told him a story to help him sleep that night, as he couldn't sleep. He said that his mother would've read stories to him had she not been busy. At the time, I knew that she really wasn't doing anything at that time of the night. She just didn't have the energy to deal with her son. She couldn't bear the guilt.
The next day, after a light scolding from both of our mothers, I wasn't allowed to hangout with Alex for a couple of months. Even after our sentence was over, Alex was forced to learn all the ways of being a prince and the heir to the kingdom. Anytime he saw me, he was more than excited but, mainly kept to himself. It was only after his parents had encouraged him to pursue other princesses from other villages that Alex had really changed. Any free chance he had, he would cling to me, following me around the castle, pulling me away from my chores, and even acting out to get what he wanted from me.
A hand covers my eyes and another wraps around my waist. "Darling~... Guess who." A deep sing-song voice whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and decided to mess with him a little bit. Teasing him never got old.
"James? From the library right?" Alex growled from behind me, "Oh my gosh, I thought I'd never hear from you again- how are you?" I stifled a laugh as his grip got tighter, "Thanks again for buying me that book, I honestly couldn't put it down. It's so interesting... Say, now that I have you, I was wondering if you wanted to go out again sometime?~" Alex spun me around and wrapped his arms tightly around my back.
"It's not James." He huffed, "It's me, Alexander. Whoever this James is, doesn't deserve to go out with you. He doesn't even know what you'd like..." Pouting, he lets me go and turns away from me. Rolling my eyes, I start to giggle.
"Alex, I was joking around with you. I haven't heard from James in a while." I sigh, "Besides, I heard from his parents that he hasn't been home for a couple of weeks... They said he went missing." I play with the rag in my hand and wonder where he could be.
"You shouldn't worry about low life scum like him." My eyebrows knit together as I glare at him. "You never met James. How dare you say something like that."
Alex challenges me, "I know about his criminal record. I'm sure Mr. Prince-charming never told you about that!" His hands find purchase on my waist. He squeezes, "You're better off not going out with him ever again." He mumbles something under his breath and turns back around. Snapping his fingers, he gestures for me to follow him. I shake my head and pack up my cleaning supplies, following him to where he wanted me to go. We head outside towards the gardens. A place we often frequented when the weather was nice. Sitting down in the gazebo, I relaxed with him in the cool breeze. I enjoyed the scenery around me, the colorful spring flowers danced along with the wind, their scent was as beautiful as they looked. Alex's eyes never left me in moments like this. It was like he was studying me, making mental notes of how I looked and felt in those moments.
"You should stop going on dates." Alex scooted closer to me on the bench, his hand reaching for mine. Ignoring him, I lifted my head up slightly, refusing to hear what he had to say.
"That's not something for you to decide."
"But it is."
"Oh really?" I looked at him, searching his eyes for the gull he had to say such a thing to my face. "How so?"
"I technically control the church too you know. You might not be able to marry in this village if I say so." I took a deep breath.
"It's not your life. If you do that, I'll never forgive you." I got up from my seat, the moment soured by his declaration. His hand reached for mine, desperate to keep me there with him for a little longer. I ripped it away from him. "I have to get back to work. I do have a busy job to get back to, unlike some people..."
Leaving him there, he watched on in bewilderment.
"What did I do wrong?"
In the servants kitchen, I started on some stew that could last me for a couple of weeks with enough rationing. Prepping the ingredients, I had gotten ready the pot I was going to cook it in. Soon a clearing throat rang throughout the kitchen, turning around on my heels, I was met by one of the royal dinner servants standing there, looking at me expectantly.
"Yes, sir?" Putting down a tomato, they gesture for me to come near.
"Prince Alexander has requested an audience with you up in the dining room." Wiping my hands on my apron, I follow the servant up to the dinning room where Alex and his parents were eating. I stood on the other side of the table from him, waiting patiently for him to acknowledge my presence so I could leave. I was still so upset with him from earlier. His off hand comment, still simmering in my mind. Upon seeing me however, he only smiled and continued to finish eating. He made faces at me to try to get me to smile wanting me to cheer up from earlier. When I didn't do what he wanted, he put down his utensils and cleared his throat, gaining his parents' attention.
"Mother, father, I have some very exciting news for you." He paused for effect and waved off the other servants, pointing at me to stay. Once all of the other servants had left, he continued, "As I mentioned to you both earlier, I found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with..." His mother smiled, while his father grinned as he took a stab at his steak. The king, gestured for me to get him another refill for his drink. Popping open a bottle of wine, I refilled his cup as Alex kept talking. Making my way around the table, I eventually made my way to Alex, his hand wrapped around my apron, tugging at me like a child asking for attention.
"I managed to get permission from their parents. They were more than excited to see us be wed. All I need is for you to approve of the marriage." His mother nodded.
"Of course, we would need to meet them first of course." She continued to eat away at her meal, Alex's hand tugging at me again. I manage to wiggle myself out of his hands to put away the wine. Making eye contact with him, urging him to stop, he silently begs me to come back next to him. When I don't listen, he rolls his eyes and gets out of his chair, his parents watching him with curiosity.
"Prince Alex, sir, I can get whatever you may need. All you need to do is ask," I make my way over to him gesturing for him to sit down rather harshly. He shakes his head at me and pulls out a chair next to me. Taking my arm, he pulls me down to the open seat and pushes it in. Grabbing an empty plate from a cart, he starts fixing the plate with the food on the table until it's overflowing. Setting it down in front of me, he gives me a couple of his forks and his glass of wine. Bewildered, I glared at Alex, upset with him for breaking the rules.
"Alex," his mother starts, her eyes, stabbing at me, "you know the rules right? No servants at the table. They have their own place to eat downstairs." Her voice raises slightly. His father watches intently at what his son would do. I start to pull away from the table as quietly as possible. Alex, pushes me back.
"I shouldn't be here right now, I can come back." I say to no one in particular, they ignore me.
"They're not a servant." He grabs a fork and takes a piece of meat from my plate, lifting it up to my lips. I don't bite.
His father sighs as his wife complains to her husband, trying to get him to do something about me sitting there with them at the table. "You know what, you're right, Alexander, they're not a servant." Now addressing me, he says sternly, "You are to pack your things and leave this castle. You are to be gone by morning or else I'll have the guards to remove you themselves." He turns towards Alex, mouthing, "don't you even think about doing what you are about to do."
Alex grins. "They're going to be married to me." I turn towards him, begging him to say that he's just joking around. He doesn't. The room is silent. It feels as though a heavy weight hugs my chest tightly. What? His mother glares at me, telling me with her eyes to drop dead so he could marry one of the many options already lined up for him. "Mother, would you stop being so rude?-- You know, you should really relax that face of yours, your crows feet will only grow if you don't." She lifts her hands to her face. Alex takes my hand into his and squeezes. Offering me a soft smile, he pulls me up to my feet and guides me so I stand behind him.
"So, what do you say? You both already know her! She's lived here all her life so she knows the castle like the back of her hand-- as well as everyone in it." The queen starts to sob quietly, "She's a very hard worker and a very quick learner-"
"No." The king places a hand on his wife's shoulder. Rubbing her back, he gently pulls her into his chest. Alex's hand, still holding mine, tightens.
"You heard me. There are so many better options out there than that." He points at me with his fork, "Options that can easily improve relations between kingdoms." The queen sobs harder, "That wretched thing behind you is no more than a servant. They can't help you. They can't help anyone! In any way that counts at least. As royalty, you have a duty to marry. Not for love but for purpose." Alex's hands try to curl in on themselves, my fingers unfortunately in the way. It feels as though they would pop off of my hand at any moment. Unable to hold my voice back any longer, I let out a small whimper. Alex's attention immediately snaps to me, the conversation between him and his father long forgotten.
"I'm so sorry, my Love. Come on, let's go to my chambers. We can talk more there." Pulling me so that I was in front of him, he guided me to his room. His father calls out for us, declaring that the conversation wasn't over. Alex ignores him, pulling me along with him, forcing me to ignore his father too. Not that I wanted to speak with him, especially without Alex.
Once in his chambers, he locks the door behind me, guiding me to his bed. "How about we find you something to wear..." I feel like my brain is about to turn into mush and leak out of my ears. He pulls out a long sleeved white undershirt. Comparing the size of it to my body, he makes a satisfied noise. Nodding to himself, he rummages his closet looking for a pair of bottoms that would be able to fit me.
"Alex, I can't marry you." My vision blurs, I can't control my breathing. Alex's face falls flat.
"Is this about what my parents said? 'Cause, Honey, we could just elope! I'll take a couple of jewels and cash from the treasury and then we can buy a farm-- I remember how much you like animals-- we'll be at the edge of the village so no one will bother us!" My head involuntarily shakes at the idea.
"How stupid are you?" I look at him, unable to hold the tears back, "We can't just elope! You're next in line for the throne, you can't just leave." He frowns. "Your parents are right, this isn't a good idea." I offer a small smile, trying to lessen the tension in the room, "If we go back now, and apologize-"
"No! Don't you see? I love you," he wines, "I want you. Only you. Screw other women. Screw this fucked kingdom!"
"No," he stated, "I love you. I want you. I want every single fucking part of you. You are my life. My love. None of those other assholes deserve an angel like you." He grabs my hands and leans closer to my face, "You were made, for me. You are mine as I am yours. You will understand that in time. You will understand just how much I crave you. Every single fucking part of you." He leans in, this breath fanning at my face. My chest hurts at how fast my heart is beating. His lips brush against mine when a knock at the door interrupts us. Alex sighs and goes to answer it. A mumbled exchange between the two and he begrudgingly excuses himself from the room. Locking the door behind him, I'm left alone with my thoughts.
After a couple of hours, a personal chambermaid of his, unlocks the door and hands me a note as well as a glass of water. With a small, shy smile and curtsy, she leaves the room, the sound of the lock clicking back into place. Unfolding the note, I read through the carefully written loops and swoops of his letter, wondering what is taking him so long.
"Apologies, Hon, I'll be a little late to bed tonight. I have to take care of something but, I promise that we can continue our little conversation tomorrow. Maybe even walk through the gardens? Play with a couple of the animals from the pet shop you love to visit so much? Anyway, go ahead and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow morning my Love.
I let out a deep sigh and took a sip of the water given to me and changed into the shirt he had taken out. Plopping down onto the bed, my eyes instantly felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me. With my body relaxing, my mind drifts away from my body, almost missing the piercing scream that rings through the castle. Almost.
The next morning, I'm neatly tucked under the soft covers of Alex's bed. Sunlight filtered through his sheer curtains gracefully. As if he had known I had woken up, Alex walked in with a breakfast tray. On it were all of my favorite foods, a glass of orange juice, and a vase of white tuberose flowers. They had bloomed in the garden not too long ago. I remember mentioning how beautiful they looked in the sea of color. How pure they seemed in that sea. I guess he remembered.
Setting the little portable table on my lap, he settled himself next to me, grabbing my fork and stabbing a piece of somewhat burnt bacon. Nudging my lips, he waits for me to take a bite. Opening my mouth to talk, he shoves the bacon past my lips and smiles. After eating a couple of bites, I decided to address the elephant in the room.
"Can we continue our conversation from last night?"
He nods, "Are you accepting my marriage proposal?" He takes a bite himself and waits for my answer. I shake my head, reaching for the spare fork, he takes it off the table and throws it across the room. He lifts more food towards my lips for another bite. Trying to take the fork from his hands ends in vain as he dodges and manages to get the food past my lips once more. "Well you won't have much of a choice..." Confused, I ask him for answers only for him to shake his head. We finish our breakfast in silence. Ordering me to get dressed and to meet him outside, chambermaids rush in to help me.
I'm led towards the main room of the castle where many soldiers, a couple of villagers, and Alex circle around something  on the floor. Quietly, I take my place next to Alex, the fancy clothes he had me wear felt out of place on my body. Usually the clothes I'm allowed to wear around the castle, as per the queen's orders, were basically a bunch of old rags stitched together. Upon seeing what they were looking at in the middle of the circle, my heart rate starts to increase. A white sheet outlines a body laying on the floor. A faint odor wafts towards my face. I look at Alex for answers to which he whispers, "The queen is dead."
Later that day, while in the gazebo with Alex, he explains to me that he had found his mother earlier that morning bathing in her own blood on the floor. A distinct line carved into her neck like a smile. His father, the king was missing. He looked straight into the distance at the sea of flowers. The sky was a dark grey. His face is both full and void of emotion. I couldn't fathom how he had felt in that moment. The head of the church had come up to him just before we left to go outside, telling him that he was to lead the village until they were able to find the king. They had also mentioned that they would be able to help him out for the time being but, ultimately, the final decision would be dealt with by Alex.
He leans into my chest, wrapping his arms around me, he inhales my scent and buries his face into my chest. Mumbling his secrets into my heart, I sit still and run my hands through his hair. "I'm going to need you. I'm going to need your support. I can't do this alone. Not without you." I nod.
"Of course, whatever you need."
It had been three years since that day. I had stuck by Alex's side, learning alongside him on his journey to becoming the new ruler. Alex's proposal had slipped to the back of my mind, not that he ever brought it up since then. I assumed he had forgotten about it too. Or maybe he had other things on his plate that he needed to worry about. Either way, I was more than happy to just support him on the sidelines, giving him guidance whenever he needed it the most. I was so busy helping out to take care of the kingdom, my mother, and the other chores that I had been neglecting, that I was blind to what was happening in the background.
One day, Alex had called me into the dining room for another audience. We had both been so busy that this would've been the first day we'd finally be able to see each other for more than ten minutes. Opening the door, I had walked in on Alex lighting a couple of candles on the table. The lights were off, the warm glow was our only light source in the room. As soon as I opened the door, all of the servants had rushed out of the room, giving a curt bow and curtsy as they passed by me. Sitting down at the table, we ate dinner and enjoyed each other's presence for the night. In the middle of the table a bouquet of tuberose flowers sat, their scent evoked pleasant memories from before all that had happened as of late.
"So, I have a bit of news for you. Would you like the good or the bad news first?" He gave me a sad smile, one reminiscent of the one he had when his mother had died.
"Bad." I braced myself for what was coming.
"They... They found my father. He was held up in one of the villagers basements at the edge of town... This villager and his family..." He paused excusing himself to take a deep breath, "the man killed my mother and didn't leave much left of my father to recover unfortunately..." I put my hand over my mouth and apologized.
"I-I'm so sorry to hear that."
"They're together in a better place now. That's all that matters." His sad smile turned hopeful, "The good news is, they read my father's will and it seems as though we will be getting married after all." He stood up from his chair, "There was a fail safe put into place in case I was to take over the throne while still being a bachelor..." He kneels on the ground in the space beside me, laying his head on my lap he continues, "I am to be married to you. To you quite specifically. It seems as though they... Changed their minds about you..." Taking my hands into his, he kisses each individual finger and knuckles, "How lucky right? The wedding is to be in no less than two weeks. We can get married earlier than that but, I want to make sure we have enough time to plan everything. Including the honeymoon." I rip my hands away from his reach.
"Excuse me?"
"I want everything to be perfect. The church is more than willing to take over while we visit other countries and just relax. Our army has been built up over the years and is more than capable of handling things while we're gone..." I tried to collect myself before I struck him across the face. Excusing myself, I stand up from my seat, my chair falling behind me, I rush towards the doors. Pushing against them with all my might, they don't budge. Rattling the door knobs, I bang against the doors, calling out to anyone that could hear me.
"Someone please, open the door! I want to leave- I need to leave!" Alex appears behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Honey, I have the key, they couldn't even open it if they wanted to." I start to cry.
"What did you do?" I turn towards him fighting his hold as he calmly pulls me against his chest. A smile, a warm genuine smile, tugs at his features.
"What are you talking about, Darling?"
"I'm not stupid. I'm not blind. You obviously had something to do with this." I manage to push him off, backing off to another corner of the room. Using the table, I generate some ounce of distance between us. Adrenaline rushes through my veins, an obvious chase about to ensue. "This is all too convenient for you. Your parents never liked me. They wouldn't want you to marry me. They'd rather find a way to bargain for a princess of a rival village to marry you, even in death, they'd find a way." He chuckles.
"Is that so?" His chuckles turn into full on laughs. "Honestly Darling, you should be thankful. I did this for you- for us!" My mind was spinning, it felt as though the room was swaying. My dinner threatened to come back up. "Elise!" A chambermaid knocks on the door and Alex goes to unlock it. He promptly grabs me by the arm and drags me away from Alex. As I followed them outside the room, I managed to slip from their grip, running out into the court yard. The chambermaid called for me to come back. I managed to make it outside of the castle and out towards the front of the building, the garden beds that decorate it, helping me to relax. Sneaking towards the exit of the castle walls, I'm immediately dragged back inside by one of the guards. The guard who had found me carried me on his shoulder I was unable to see anything besides his back. The creaking of a door alerts me that I've reached my destination. As I'm put back onto my feet, the guard kicks me down the stairs of the wine cellar. All of the lights are off, the void effectively swallowing me whole. The only source of light being at the top of the stairs, where Alex appears at the door. With a disappointed look on his face, I try to get up and race towards the top.
"Alex, please!"
"You had your chance. I think you need to take a time-out to learn your place. I'll see you in the morning, Darling."
My only source of light is snuffed out by my future husband. By the time I reach the top of the stairs, the turn of the key, clicks the lock in place. The cold, empty void drags me back down stairs.
I am swallowed whole, and never seen again.
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months ago
Yan!Husband Alexander the Great pretty please? 🥹
❝ 📜 — lady l: here! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: possessive behavior, mention of death and toxic relationships.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
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Alexander had no thoughts of getting married anytime soon or, according to some sources, getting married at all. The rumors were always varied, some said he didn't want a wife and others went as far as saying he wasn't attracted to women.
This continued for some time until he met you and decided he would take you as his wife. Alexander found himself enchanted by the way you spoke, your smile and the look you had. He knew he would have to become your husband and so he did.
Although his generals were surprised and some even worried about his choice of bride, Alexander was resolute. He fell in love with strength and with an intensity that few could resist, making a point of showing his power and determination.
Alexander's marriage to you was a grand event, worthy of a King who conquered vast territories and accumulated immense power. The ceremony was held with all the pomp and circumstance expected from an event of such magnitude. Alexander wanted the world to know the importance of this union.
The preparation for the wedding was meticulous. From the luxurious costumes, decorated with embroidery and precious stones, to the sumptuous banquet that would be served to the guests. Everything was handpicked to reflect Alexander's greatness and the respect and love he felt for you.
As you exchanged your vows, Alexander spoke with a passion that touched everyone present. He has promised to love, protect, and honor you no matter what adversity may arise. His generals, although still surprised, could not help but feel the impact of that devotion. Any doubts regarding the choice of the bride were put to rest at that moment.
Alexander proved to be a very understanding husband, although authoritarian and possessive. He doesn't like being contradicted and, although he will listen to your opinions and desires, he is unlikely to change his mind when he gets one in his head. But with the right persuasion, he will do what you want.
He will spoil you without scruple, all the best to his Queen. Although, in the beginning at least, Alexander tends to maintain a more spartan style, the same will not apply to you. You will be showered in jewels, the richest fabrics, servants and anything else you could desire. You will have whatever booty you want.
Alexander is extremely possessive and this is very evident in the way he acts around you. He's always close to you when you're together in public, the way he places his hands on your waist, a dark look at anyone who looks at you for too long. He will not tolerate potential rivals in any way.
Quality moments with him are limited to reading, riding horses, bathing together and just exchanging caresses. Alexander, although he won't admit it, enjoys being spoiled by you and will happily accept any kind of affection you are willing to give him. And he will be happy to offer the same. And massages, he loves massaging you.
Alexander is also protective, although not overly so. He will make sure that you always have an escort wherever you go and that you are always fed and happy.
Even if he takes other wives in the future for political reasons, you will always be his favorite and his first. He will always be sure to remind you that you are the one who has his heart.
If anything were to happen to you, no matter how small, all hell would break loose. Alexander can become extremely violent and cruel when necessary and he will have no qualms about killing, maiming, or torturing anyone who poses a threat to you. He will destroy cities for you, kill the men and enslave their inhabitants. All for you.
Alexander's love for you, his wife, has become legendary. He is deeply devoted to you and will do anything you ask. You hold a great deal of power over him, one that he is only too happy to allow. After all, he is as much yours as you are his.
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months ago
In the middle of the night
❝commission: in the spirit of kinktober, I'd like to make an NSFW request that gives some insight into the intimate relationship between Alexander and y/n (pre kidnapping). In other words, something that shows what happens when Alexander spends the night in her tent. — requested by 💻 anon.
❝ 📜 — lady l: It's been a while since I did something with a touch of smut and this one was more romantic, so I can't say lol, but I liked it. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: smut, oral sex (female receiving) and praise kink (?).
❝📜pairing: soft yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 2,238.
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Your tent was silent, shrouded in a blanket of darkness that seemed to weigh down on your shoulders. Outside, the wind whistled, whispering between the ropes and the openings of the canvas, a constant and melancholic sound. It was an almost comforting noise, as if the night outside was trying to lull your restless thoughts. Even the soldiers who normally talked loudly and made jokes were now deep in sleep, their grumbling and snoring just a distant murmur.
The night had already gone on longer than it should have, and you knew that staying awake until that hour would be a problem. However, the feeling of discomfort that weighed on your chest did not allow you to rest. For hours, you rolled from one side to the other, trying to surrender to sleep, but each attempt seemed to worsen the restlessness, and the darkness of the tent became a kind of prison. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you decided to get up and move away from the crumpled cot that only increased your frustration. As you lit a candle to illuminate the tent, you were finally able to see properly.
Near a small trunk of belongings, in which your kitty pajamas were carefully stored, there was a chair that had been arranged with care. You settled into it, adjusting your posture, and picked up a book that was nearby: a copy of the Iliad, a gift from Alexander. The worn cover showed signs of use, as if it had passed through several hands before reaching yours. You slid your fingers over the surface of the book, feeling the relief and texture of the leather. The familiarity of the gesture brought a kind of momentary relief, an anchor in the midst of the chaos that was your mind.
As you opened the book, the complexity of ancient Greek leapt out at you, a language you had never even thought of learning, but which was now strangely accessible to you. It wasn’t just the understanding of the words, but the cadence, the melody of the sentences, everything seemed to echo naturally in your mind, as if a subtle spell or an unknown power was guiding you through that story. For a brief moment, you reflected on the strangeness of it all — being able to understand a language so distant and from ages past. Perhaps it was a stroke of luck, or the design of a greater force. Either way, you knew you would be lucky to be able to communicate at this time; total isolation would be a much crueler fate.
Your eyes read each word with anticipation, a smile adorning your lips as the story of the Trojan War was told in the most original and truthful way possible. The Iliad was truly something worth reading, no matter what Age you were in.
You were so immersed in the words of the Iliad, so lost in the distant universe of epic battles and ancient heroes, that the world around you seemed to disappear. Time and space within the tent became irrelevant, and all you heard were the imaginary sounds of swords and shields, the Greek lines echoing in your mind.
It was then that a soft but unexpected sound brought you back to reality. A discreet, almost restrained clearing of your throat. Your heart skipped a beat, and you almost let the book slip from your hands. The shock you felt was immediate, and for a moment, even your gaze took a while to adjust to the figure that materialized at the entrance to the tent, half hidden by the soft shadows cast by the light of the lantern.
Alexander, arms crossed and a half smile on his lips, watched your reaction. He seemed to be trying hard not to laugh, which only intensified that amused glint in his eyes. ''Sorry. I didn’t plan to scare you,'' he said, his voice low, but with a hint of amusement that he couldn’t completely hide.
You felt your cheeks heat up, a little embarrassed by the reaction, and still trying to regain your composure after the scare.
''No... I...'' You took a deep breath and forced a shaky smile, ''It’s okay.''
Alexander just nodded, his different colored eyes shining when he noticed the Iliad in your hands. Oh, you had forgotten.
The Iliad was his favorite book. Especially the story of Achilles and Patroclus.
''I didn’t want to interrupt your reading.'' Alexander murmured, approaching you. He stopped next to your chair, his attentive eyes watching you and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze.
You couldn’t say anything, just nodded.
''But I saw a light on and I got curious.'' Alexander continued, placing his clumsy hands on your shoulders. ''Can’t sleep?''
''I... I’m not sleepy...'' You murmured, looking at him, observing his features. Alexander was an attractive man, his features were strong and marked and the way his lips, full but small, were slightly parted, made him even more charming. Although not that tall, Alexander was strong and that made him even more attractive.
''I can’t sleep either.'' Alexander said and smiled at you, noticing that you were watching him. You felt your cheeks heat up and looked away to the book in your hands. There was nothing wrong with finding your husband attractive, right?
''Why? Did something happen?'' You found yourself asking, curious.
Alexander shrugged. ''My body refuses to rest.''
You nodded, knowing exactly how he felt, because you felt the same way. Your body refused to rest, no matter that you felt tiredness hitting you hard these past few weeks.
Your heart suddenly raced, but this time for a completely different reason. As you tried to formulate a response, something to break the awkward silence, you felt Alexander's unexpected touch. He approached you, with a delicate and almost reverent gesture, and you held your breath as he reached out, his fingers gently touching your face.
He brushed a strand of your hair away, carefully tucking it behind your ear. His fingers, warm and gentle, slid lightly over your skin, leaving a trail of heat. Each second seemed to stretch on, and you found yourself unable to look away from Alexander's eyes, which watched you with an intensity that made your face heat up even more.
"You are beautiful." Alexander whispered, staring at you as if he could read your soul.
You felt your mouth suddenly go dry, at the same time your body warmed with his words.
''Simply gorgeous.'' He said, bringing his face closer to yours. You stood still, barely breathing, when he finally captured your lips in a soft, delicate kiss. His lips touched yours with an unexpected tenderness, as if he were being careful not to scare you.
The kiss was sweet, almost hesitant, but deep in its simplicity. And, little by little, you felt your own tension disappear, as if the world had become a lighter, safer place, and you finally found the courage to close your eyes and allow yourself to feel, to allow yourself to reciprocate.
Alexander's hands slid gently to your head, his fingers intertwining in your hair as he tilted your face slightly, deepening the kiss with increasing intensity. The gesture, at once tender and passionate, dissolved any trace of discomfort or hesitation that might have remained. Without thinking, you brought your own hands to his shoulders, feeling the firmness of his muscles beneath his clothes, and returned the kiss with equal fervor.
Alexander’s hands slid down your arms, gently pulling you out of the chair as your lips parted. He kept his gaze fixed on yours, his eyes burning with a desire and tenderness that stole your breath. Unhurriedly, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, your warm body pressed against his. Each movement was careful, as if he wanted to enjoy every second of that moment that seemed eternal.
There were few times when you lay together after your wedding night.
With a light touch, he guided you to the cot, the room enveloped in soft shadows and flickering lamplight, making the moment even more intimate. His hands, marked by calluses and scars from years of battle, moved with surprisingly delicate skill as he untied the knot of the white chiton that wrapped you. The fabric slid smoothly, abandoning your body and falling in a soft murmur to the floor.
As the cold night air touched your skin, Alexander's eyes explored you with silent reverence, his gaze as intense as the touch of his hands.
"Beautiful." Alexander whispered, his hands caressing your bare waist, squeezing the flesh lightly. Your breathing became heavy as he attacked your neck, his lips leaving bite marks on your skin, marks that you knew could not be hidden so easily.
Your head lolled to the side, giving his conqueror more access to your neck. Your eyes closed in delight as Alexander's hands rose to your breasts, squeezing them with a strength that would not hurt.
You gasped as his fingers squeezed your nipples, the cold and the touch making them perk up. Alexander squeezed, massaged until he finally stopped kissing your neck and pulled away a little, watching you for a few minutes like a hungry lion. He smiled and carefully pushed you onto the cot, making you sit up. Alexander quickly and conveniently removed the chiton and you held your breath when you saw his visible excitement.
You couldn’t help but feel yourself getting more aroused at the sight, your insides heating up and your most intimate parts naturally lubricating. Despite the scars that covered Alexander’s body, he was a sight to behold. His muscles, years of hard training, were palpable and you found yourself wanting to touch them, to enjoy them.
Alexander smiled broadly at you. There was no more embarrassment, just a husband and wife enjoying each other’s looks.
"Lie down." Alexander ordered, his voice husky and authoritative, leaving no room for questioning. You wisely obeyed him and lay down on the cot.
Alexander sat on the edge and his hands moved up your legs, parting them enough for him to slip his upper body between them. You sighed, a little confused but excited at the same time. His eyes were fixed on your pussy, on your arousal.
You expected him to get straight to the point, that he would just fuck you. Foreplay wasn't something common back then, it wasn't something that would please a woman at least.
But Alexander's next action surprised you.
He brought his face closer to your center and, without warning, his tongue touched your pussy, tasting you for the first time. Your body shivered at the sudden touch, at the texture of his tongue.
"Alexander... W-What?" You tried to question him but, perhaps to shut you up, Alexander sucked your clit, really sucked it, his mouth sucking the sensitive skin and his tongue making circular movements that left you breathless.
Alexander pulled back a little and you could see his chin glistening slightly with your slick in the dim, flickering light of the chandelier.
"I heard some soldiers talking about it..." Alexander murmured, smiling at you as his fingers found their way to your pussy and he slid two of them inside your heat, feeling your inner walls immediately tighten around his fingers. "And I decided to give it a try. Curiosity, perhaps. By the way, my Queen, you taste excellent."
You could have sworn you were going to cum when you heard him call you Queen. Maybe it was a new kink you had acquired, but by the gods, it was something really nice to hear, to be praised. And, the best part, you really are a Queen.
Alexander kissed the inside of your thigh, feeling how hot you were. He sniffed the air and you had to suppress a moan at the sight you were seeing and, perhaps, because he still had two fingers inside you.
Alexander brought his face closer to your pussy again and licked it greedily, his tongue lingering on your clit, on that spot on your body that he knew would leave your legs trembling. He was a quick learner and Alexander knew that that spot between your legs left you breathless. Your head fell back, your sighs and moans of pleasure leaving your lips without any shame.
Alexander squeezed your thighs as he devoured you and his fingers fucked you in a fast and pleasurable rhythm. His tongue pressed against your clit, bringing you closer and closer to your release. Your legs trembled slightly, your hands gripping Alexander's dirty blonde hair as you finally reached your climax. You came in his mouth, clenching his hair, your body releasing your juices as you finally felt yourself relax. The orgasm relieved all the tension that was plaguing you.
Your breathing slowly returned to normal, and you looked up at Alexander, who pulled away slightly and smiled broadly at you. After removing his fingers from your pussy, Alexander brought them to his mouth, tasting more of your taste.
You felt like you could attack him right then and there.
Alexander chuckled as he saw your expression, the pleasure, excitement, and desire taking over your features. It was a sight to behold and one he planned to worship for as long as he could.
You were his Queen and should be worshipped as such.
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months ago
Yan!Alexander the Great w/ Soldier's Pregnant Widow!Reader
❝ 📜 — lady l: this is a commission that I was very happy to do! I'm sorry for the delay, I confess that I had forgotten this in my drafts and only remembered it after reading your messagem, anon! I hope you enjoy it and, as requested, it is more based on Alexander's feelings for the Reader. Forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: mention of death, mourning. pregnancy and fluff.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
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You were the wife of one of Alexander's cavalry soldiers who, unlike many other soldiers' wives, decided to accompany him to war. You loved your husband deeply and did not want to be separated from him.
Your husband also loved you deeply. He wasn't a general or a high-ranking officer, but your husband tried to make you as comfortable as possible in this violent environment. He was loyal to you, something rare but one you appreciated. You loved him with everything in you.
Until the day you lost him. During the Battle of Granicus, your husband died in battle and your world collapsed. You had lost the man you loved and it felt like an endless road. Alexander, being the beloved King that he was, buried the dead soldiers with the necessary honors and spoke to the wives present in the camp. And one of them was you.
Alexander was immediately enchanted by you. He was surprised at how you handled your grief, clearly you loved your husband very much and the pain of the loss you felt captivated him. He didn't take long to approach you subtly at first.
Alexander was kind and protective, offering his condolences and staying by your side. His words were kind and his discreet smiles were reserved just for you. More observant people didn't take long to notice the King's interest in you, but they never dared to say anything, not when they knew his temperament.
You found yourself lost in a sea of pain and sadness, unable to find comfort in anything around you. Alexander's comforting presence was like an anchor in the midst of the storm, offering support and compassion in such a dark time. He understood your pain as he had also lost soldiers close to him.
Alexander felt compelled to protect and care for you, not only out of gratitude for your husband's sacrifice, but also because he genuinely cared for you. His discreet smiles and kind gestures were an attempt to ease your pain, to be a ray of light amid the darkness you faced.
Although you fought your feelings, you found yourself enjoying the King's presence. But you soon discovered that you were pregnant by your late husband and you decided to focus on honoring your husband's memory and focusing on the baby growing inside you.
Alexander didn't like it at all when you tried to move away from him but he soon understood why. He wasn't angry or anything, but surprised and slightly bothered. You would have a child, something he wanted, but it wouldn't be with him. He couldn't blame you, though, it wasn't your fault.
As time passed, your belly grew and the pain of loss lessened, you found yourself more and more involved in the camp's activities, keeping yourself busy to keep away the thoughts that haunted you at night. And you found yourself increasingly close to Alexander, who made his feelings for you very clear.
He respected the fact that you weren't ready to get married due to the fact that you were pregnant, he could wait until the baby was born. But he wasn't far from you, spending his free time by your side while also taking care of you. You owned your own tent and personal effects, along with those of your late husband.
In time, your husband's child was born, and you held it in your arms with love and sadness. It was a part of him you would carry forever, a living reminder of the man you loved so much. Alexander was present and he acted as if your child were his. He didn't even like it when people mentioned it wasn't his.
You were his and your baby was his too. Alexander was skeptical about it at first but he warmed up to the idea. The mourning period is over and your child has been born, now it is time for you to become his wife and have children of his own.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year ago
Since requests are closing in a few days, I just wanted to put another one in. No rush go get it done of course!
I want to request a oneshot/reaction where Alexander gives reader a really, REALLY expensive necklace. Maybe it's a wedding present, a just because present , or something following the birth of the twins. You can decide what you want to do with that 😁!
Also, I keep picturing a necklace made of opal??? Not only is it a stunning gem stone, but it was also thought to be the tears of Zeus in ancient Greece, which would be an interesting tie to Alexander. Again, it's just a suggestion. You can use whatever gemstone you want!
Thanks, and take care ❤️❤️❤️!
❝ 📜— lady l: this had been sitting in my drafts for a while and I finally decided to write it. I got a little carried away, so it's a little big, but I hope you like it and if you want to order anything else, feel free, anon! Good reading and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: none, just fluff and very soft!Alexander.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,308.
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Alexander wanted to find something to give you. Something expensive and extravagant, something that would leave you impressed.
He felt like he owed you that. Not only had you given birth to his children, but you were loved by him and he wanted to please you. He thought of several options: a horse, silk clothes, food and even drink. He still wasn't sure what you might like.
Until he had an idea after talking to Hephaestion. He was the one who gave you the idea of giving you a necklace made from a special and rare gem. And he knew it was the right choice to make.
It was no easy task to get a merchant to have the necklace he liked and deemed worthy of you to wear around your delicate neck, but after the fifth try with a different merchant, he finally knew what your gift should be. He decided to gift you with an opal necklace, a jewel that reflected the beauty and mystery of his passion.
It would change color and he would know that it would look beautiful and graceful on your neck. Everything about you was beautiful and graceful, so the necklace would only stand out on you and no one else.
This opulent piece was adorned with the most dazzling opals that could be found in the entire Empire. Each stone sparkled with vibrant colors, dancing like the aurora borealis reflected in the starry night. The necklace was a unique treasure, a harmony of opalescent hues, displaying hues of celestial blue, emerald green, and royal purple.
The merchant who sold it told him a story about the necklace and it was this story that convinced him to buy it. According to the Persian merchant, legend said that opals were gifts from star spirits, who bestowed their blessings on those who used them with love and wisdom. The necklace was not just a piece of jewelry, but a source of magical power. Its colors and reflections were believed to contain the essence of nature, connecting the wearer to the spiritual realms and bringing fortune and protection.
Whoever owned the opal necklace was seen as a keeper of ancient secrets, an heir to the ancient magic that flowed through the precious stones. It was said that opal possessed the ability to amplify intuition and creativity, allowing the wearer to see beyond the ordinary, opening doors to new possibilities and inspiration.
After this explanation, Alexander knew that this necklace must be yours. Not just because of your story, but because of who you were. From when you really came. No one was more worthy than you.
There was also another version of the story that convinced him to buy it. Knowing how religious Alexander was, the merchant also told him that the opal was made from the tears of Zeus. Long ago, at the beginning of Greek civilization, when the gods walked among mortals, Zeus, the mighty king of the gods, shed tears of joy and sorrow over human fate. These tears, upon touching the earth, transformed into radiant stones known as opals, carrying within them the duality of emotions of the great god.
Thus was born the opal, a legendary gem forged by Zeus' own tears. Each stone was shaped from divine emotions, capturing the essence of heaven and earth. Its unique iridescence reflected not only the colors of the rainbow, but also the contrasting feelings of joy and sadness, hope and despair, harmonized in an eternal dance of light and shadow. Ancient sages believed that the necklace was not just a manifestation of beauty, but rather a link between mortals and the gods. It was said that whoever wore the opal necklace would be enveloped in the protection of Zeus and would have the divine wisdom to navigate life's challenges.
And maybe when little Aella grew up, he could give her a necklace similar to the one he chose for you.
He smiled at the thought and with the necklace inside a small wooden box with gold ornaments, he walked to the room you shared in the Babylonian palace. Straightening his posture, Alexander knocked on the door and after hearing a soft ''come in'', he opened the door and smiled widely when he saw you sitting in a padded chair with Aella in one arm and Cyrus in the other. He fell silent when he realized the twins were asleep.
You looked at him and smiled softly when you saw what he had in his hands. Alexander placed the box on a table next to the bed and approached you, carefully taking Cyrus in his arm. You smiled lovingly when you saw him cuddling the baby in his arms.
Whispering, Alexander says, ''I have something for you.''
You smiled and asked curiously, ''What is it?''
Alexander carefully picked up the box with the arm that wasn't swinging Cyrus and placed him on your lap, looking at you expectantly. You smiled and opened the box with a little difficulty due to the sleeping child in your arms. Your eyes widened when you saw the lush opal necklace. You had never seen such beautiful jewelry.
Alexander, who was watching you like a hawk, smiled at you.
''Alexander, that's…'' You swallowed and took the necklace in your hand, carefully observing its details. The necklace was a magnificent piece, a heavenly masterpiece that captivated the eyes of all who dared to gaze upon it. Every aspect of the necklace was a symphony of intertwined beauty and magic.
The centerpiece of the necklace consisted of a main opal, a generously sized gem that radiated an unparalleled iridescent glow. This central opal was an explosion of celestial color, with soft, shimmering hues that moved like an aurora borealis trapped within the gemstone. Its tones ranged from the deep blue of twilight to the lush green of enchanted forests, and occasional glimpses of the deep red of divine fire.
Around the main opal, a series of smaller opals were skillfully arranged, forming a necklace that seemed to have been woven by the stars' own hand. Each smaller gem had its own color personality, some glowing an ethereal blue, others a crystalline green, and still others with purple and gold hues reminiscent of the sun setting over distant mountains.
The structure of the necklace was as intricate as the reflections of the opals. Delicate strands of gold wove between the gems, creating a sparkling frame that complemented the iridescence of the opals. Small, intricate metal sculptures, decorated with designs that resembled star constellations, adorned the necklace, giving it an aura of ancient magic.
''Do you like it?'' Alexander asked after you remained silent, observing the necklace with a strange expression.
''I loved it.'' You whispered, admiring the necklace. Alexander walked over to you and took the necklace from your hands and placed Cyrus back in your arms, careful not to wake him. He stood behind you and removed your hair from your neck, placing the magnificent necklace around your neck. You closed your eyes when you felt the touch of his calloused fingers on your skin and sighed when the necklace was placed on you.
''I'm glad, it suits you.'' He kissed your neck affectionately and you closed your eyes, smiling.
Alexander leaned closer to your ear and whispered, ''When I heard the story about the opal… I knew it would have to be yours and yours alone.''
You opened your eyes and turned your head, looking at him. ''And what is this story?''
Alexander smiled widely and after kissing your forehead, he began to tell you both stories he had heard from the merchant. You just listened in silence, delighting in his words, with your sleeping children on your arm and the weight of the beautiful necklace around your neck.
Your small, loving family.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months ago
Handmaiden - II
❝commission: continuation of the Handmaiden story, with a pregnant Reader and fluffy romantic Alexander and Roxanna being all lovey-dovey and touchy with the Handmaiden.
❝ 📜 — lady l: this is a continuation that can be read by clicking here, if you want. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes, it's 2 am lol.
❝tw: pregnancy and past non-con, other than that, fluff.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!roxanna x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,252.
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The last few weeks have been like a blur for you. All you remembered was being trapped in Roxanna's tent and being filled in day after day by Alexander. They seemed very excited about the prospect that you might get pregnant and that scared you more than anything.
Your body was sore these last few days, you noticed. Your breasts felt heavier and more tender to the touch and you've noticed a significant increase in your appetite recently. You knew what these signs could mean, though you desperately prayed to whatever gods were listening that it wasn't true.
But when you resigned yourself to the fact that you might be pregnant, you tried to think on the bright side. If you really were with a child, it meant that there would no longer be those nights when you would feel Alexander inside you, nor Roxanna's sweet words, words that left you more disgusted than the man inside your body.
You placed your hand on your stomach, rubbing it slowly. Maybe being pregnant isn't all bad and you could finally get rid of it all.
Resigned to this, you sat on the cot and sighed as you waited for your lovers — you weren't sure if you should call them that — to arrive. You could finally break the news and get rid of them once you gave birth, you supposed.
"What do you think, sweet girl?" You were startled when you heard Roxanna's soft voice. You swallowed and looked at her, who was wearing simpler clothes than usual.
You shook your head and muttered weakly, "N-Nothing."
Roxanna narrowed her eyes and approached you, placing her hand on your face and raising your gaze. You can't help but be mesmerized by her dark eyes. Roxanna was a very beautiful woman and there was no denying that.
She was said to be the most beautiful woman in Asia after Darius's wife. But Stateira had died years ago, so that title remained to Roxanna.
"Do not lie to me." She scolded you and lowered your face, bringing it closer to hers. She watched you for a few minutes and closed the distance between you, sealing your lips in a soft kiss that quickly became passionate.
You blushed when you felt her tongue on yours. Roxanna didn't stop kissing you, she made you lie down on the cot and got on top of you, her soft hands grabbing the ornament of your dress, a dress that had been gifted to you by Alexander.
Roxanna deepened the kiss, exploring your mouth with a mixture of tenderness and desire. You tried to relax, but the weight of everything that was happening made your body tense. When she finally pulled away, her dark eyes were filled with an emotion you couldn't completely decipher.
"You look different," She said, studying your face with an expression of concern and curiosity, "There's something you're not telling me."
You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Roxanna, I.. I think I might be pregnant." Your voice came out weaker than you intended, almost a whisper.
Roxanna lit up at the news, her dark eyes shining with joy. She let out a soft laugh and wrapped you in a tight hug, "Oh, that's wonderful!" She exclaimed, kissing your face repeatedly, "You have given us such a precious gift!" She kissed your forehead, an almost maternal gesture.
You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the turmoil of emotions inside you, "Does that mean I won't have to... Go through this every night?" You asked, your voice filled with hope.
Roxanna paused for a moment, her gaze becoming more serious. "Maybe. But for now, we need to confirm. And if it's true, we'll need to take good care of you and the baby."
You nodded, accepting what seemed like your fate. Roxanna stood up from the cot and reached out to you, "Come, let's find Alexander. He needs to know this immediately."
With a resigned sigh, you accepted her hand and stood up, following her out of the tent. The camp was busy, with soldiers and servants passing from one side to the other. Each unfamiliar face seemed like a reminder of your own situation, trapped in a place where your body was not truly hers.
When you arrived at Alexander's tent, Roxanna gestured for you to wait outside while she went inside to talk to him. You could hear their hushed voices arguing, and then the imposing figure of Alexander appeared in the doorway.
He looked at you with a mixture of pride and expectation, "It is true?" He asked, his voice deep and authoritative.
You swallowed and nodded, "I think so."
Alexander smiled and walked over, placing a hand on your shoulder. "This is wonderful news," He said, "We will need a strong heir to continue our legacy."
You forced a smile, trying not to think about the uncertain future unfolding in front of you. Alexander turned to Roxanna and gave a brief wave, "Take care of her. I want her to be treated with the utmost care."
Roxanna nodded and took you back to the tent, where she began making plans to ensure you were comfortable and well fed, "We'll take care of you, sweet girl," Sshe said softly. "And our baby's."
As she spoke, you couldn't help but feel a small spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this baby was the key to a new life. A life where you could find a way to escape, where you could finally be free. But you should know better than to have false hope.
Alexander leaned over and kissed you on the forehead, and then on your stomach, in a loving gesture, "We need to make sure you and our child receive all the care possible. Nothing is more important right now."
After the news of your pregnancy, Alexander and Roxanna began to treat you with even greater care and devotion. Your routine changed significantly, and every aspect of your life became centered on you and your baby's well-being.
Alexander became incredibly protective. He ordered that you have the best doctors and healers available, and insisted that regular visits be made to monitor your health and that of the baby. He also had a special tent prepared, decorated with luxuries and comforts to ensure you were always relaxed and well looked after.
Furthermore, Alexander often brings you gifts: fresh fruits, fine fabrics, and delicate ornaments. He starts to visit you more frequently, not only to check on your condition, but also to talk and share tender moments. He talks with pride about the future, about the son or daughter that will come, and how that child will be the continuation of his legacy.
Roxanna, in turn, became almost motherly in her approach. She spends a lot of time by your side, making sure you are comfortable and happy. She has brought other handmaidens to care for you, prepare your favorite meals, and ensure that your diet is as nutritious as possible.
She also began sharing stories and legends about motherhood and parenting, seeking to not only calm your nerves but also create a deeper bond with you. Roxanna teaches you about baby care, and constantly massages your back and feet, relieving any discomfort.
They were excited about the prospect of having a child, after all, the child you were carrying belonged to them and not to you.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months ago
Wedding Gifts
❝commission: a drabble that has a 'newly wed' theme. My specifications are that it begins with Y/n waking up after her wedding night and involved the wedding gifts Alexander gives her in some way. Basically, something that outlines how her relationship with him has been so far. — requested by 💻 anon.
❝ 📜 — lady l: this is really sweet honestly and I loved writing it! I hope you like it and if there are any mistakes, forgive me. :)
❝tw: none, pure fluff.
❝📜pairing: soft!yandere alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 945.
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When you opened your eyes that morning, you felt more refreshed than ever. The bed was empty, indicating that Alexander had woken up earlier and gone about his duties. You didn't mind, though.
Yawning, you noticed that the camp seemed more active than ever. Outside your tent, one could hear the shouts and heated voices of soldiers and their generals. When you moved, you couldn't help the pained groan you let out after a sting of pain spread through your lower parts.
You had almost forgotten that this was the day after your wedding night. Almost.
Carefully, you removed the heavy blanket and placed your bare feet on the cold tent floor, feeling more rested than ever. There were days when you didn't sleep so well and, as much as you still had difficulty recognizing it, last night with Alexander had brought you more peace than your last few weeks.
You didn’t want to admit it but Alexander brought you comfort and a peace that you knew you desperately needed. Taking a deep breath, you slowly stood up, trying to ease the pain. The memory of last night brought a faint smile to your lips.
When you got up from the bed, you felt the cold of the packed earth floor of the tent and shivered slightly. You leaned on a small wooden table nearby and noticed something that hadn't been there the night before. On the table rested three carefully arranged gifts, each wrapped in fine fabric that reminded you of silk and adorned with a simple but elegant ribbon.
Curious, you walked over and started undoing the ties one by one. The first gift revealed a luxuriously soft wool cloak, red as blood, clearly made by the finest craftsmen. The vibrant color of the cloak contrasted with the austere environment of the camp, and when you touched it, you felt a comforting warmth spread throughout your body.
The second gift was a small carved wooden box, and when you opened it, you found a jewel of rare beauty. A gold necklace with a star-shaped pendant, encrusted with small precious stones that sparkled in the morning light. You recognized the piece as a symbol of protection, common among nobles, and felt honored and protected when you placed it around your neck.
Finally, the third gift was a rolled up parchment. With anxious fingers, you undid the wax seal and read the message written in Alexander's firm handwriting:
"My beloved, may this cloak warm you in my absence, may this necklace remind you of my constant protection, and may these words bring you the certainty of my eternal love. Our union is the promise of a future of peace and happiness. With Love, Alexander."
You felt a rush of emotions as you read Alexander's words. You sat on the edge of the bed, holding the parchment close to your heart. Your mind revisited moments from the night before, and a feeling of gratitude and affection grew inside you. Alexander, even though he was away that morning, had thought of every detail to ensure you felt loved and protected.
He clearly cared more about you than he let on.
Wrapped in the cloak, with the necklace around your neck and the parchment tucked away with care, you felt ready to face the day. As you emerged from the tent, the frenetic activity of the camp seemed a little more distant, as if a bubble of peace had been created around you. With a smile on your lips, you began to look for Alexander, wanting to thank him for the gifts.
The environment around you was filled with frenetic activity — soldiers training, tents being set up and taken down, supplies being distributed.
As you walked through the camp, the feeling that maybe marrying Alexander wasn't such a bad thing began to take shape in your thoughts. Every step you took was accompanied by curious and respectful looks from the soldiers, and you realized that your status had changed significantly.
You really were a Queen now and although that title sounded strange to you, somehow it felt right.
The soldiers stopped what they were doing to bow their heads towards you, a sign of respect that was still new to you. It was a powerful feeling, you felt powerful.
Alexander's gifts were not only displays of affection, but also clear signs of your position and importance beside him. That luxurious cloak, the precious necklace, and even the words on the parchment showed that he cared deeply for you and wanted you to feel valued and safe. He cared about you. Maybe he even loved you.
Arriving at the King's tent, you found Alexander in the middle of an argument with his generals. He looked imposing, with his armor shining in the shadow and his steady voice giving precise orders. When his eyes met yours, a soft smile formed on his lips, and he motioned for them to wait while he approached you.
"I see you found my gifts." Alexander said softly, his voice low and full of tenderness, contrasting with the authoritative tone he used with his men, "I hope they pleased you."
You nodded, feeling the heat spread across your face, "Yes, Alexander. They're wonderful. Thank you."
He took your hand and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss, "I'm glad you liked it. I wanted you to feel special and safe, even when I'm not around."
Alexander’s words filled you with a comfortable warmth and you smiled even wider at the realization of them.
Maybe... Just maybe, marrying him wasn't such a bad thing.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years ago
⸻ The Lost Queen - I ⸻
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— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, eventual smut, pregnancy.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 1,592.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden, @elvinapandra, @jennifer0305 , @his0kaswife, @animetye-23.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 1
''This is so annoying.''
You looked up only to find your friend glaring at you angrily. You cleared your throat and asked her, ''What's so annoying?''
''All of this!'' She snarled, pointed at the history books on the table. You were in the library, studying about Alexander the Great at the request of your history teacher. Your friend complained, she hated history class and the teacher. You didn't hate the classes, but you didn't like Mr. Sheffield. He was so arrogant and brazen. You were sure he was getting involved with a student, but you had no proof.
''I know you're angry but there's no need to take it out on the poor books, May.'' You scolded her and picked up the book she had nearly torn up in her anger. ''Besides, if you screw up this book, you'll have to buy another one.''
''I don't care about that book!'' May snarled and pulled your hands towards her, ''(Y/N), please tell me that you found something rotten about Mr. Sheffield to get rid of him for good?''
You rolled your eyes. Had this. You've kind of become a spy in the meantime, trying to find something about your terrible history teacher and get rid of him. It wasn't ethical, you knew, but you'd do anything to get rid of that bastard. You already had noticed him looking at your legs shamelessly when you wore a skirt or shorts.
''I'm looking for. It's not that easy, you know? I'm not a professional spy.'' You grumbled and went back to your reading. You were reading about the Battle of Issus and its importance in the conquest of the Persian Empire.
May mumbled something unintelligible and you patted her neck comfortingly.
''Here, can we continue our reading, please? We have a work about this topic and I want the highest grade.''
''You're such a nerd, (N/N).'' You and her both laughed and she went back to trying to focus on the open book in front of her. Each was reading about different battles to get the job done faster. As you read about the Battle of Issus, May read about  the Granicus.
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You breathed a sigh of relief when you finally removed your sneakers and could lie down on your bed. The day was long and exhausting and you just wanted to be able to sleep until you became one with your bed.
But unfortunately you couldn't. You had to go to the market at your mother's request to buy some vegetables. The thought made you more tired but you were a good daughter and for that, just for that, you got up and went to the bathroom for a much needed shower, as you had been sweating all day due to the infernal heat it was doing.
''Ugh.'' You grumbled after getting out of the shower. You had taken a little longer than you normally would, but you felt so tired and the hot water helped to relax your sore muscles. It was a shame you couldn't just fall asleep
You dried your body and put on some comfortable clothes and put your sneakers back on. You took your phone and your headphones, putting some upbeat music on Spotify and put your phone inside the small bag that had the money to buy the vegetables at the market. As soon as you left the house, you closed the door and started walking towards your destiny.
The music was the only thing that enveloped you and you didn't notice someone calling you until they grabbed your shoulders, startling you.
''What the hell?'' You mumbled and looked at whoever had stopped you. You frowned as you didn't know the older man who glared at you sinisterly.
You felt disturbed by the man's piercing gaze on you, ''Hm... Hi?''
He didn't answer you and continued to watch you intently. This was getting creepy and bizarre.
''Uh... Since you're not going to say anything, I... I'll go...'' You were about to put your earphone back on, when he grabbed your right arm. ''Let me go, now.''
He glared at you and let go of your arm slowly, you pulled your arm back when he let go. He spoke, in a low voice but you heard it loud and clear: ''The shadows of fate surround you... The world will never be the same for you, girl.''
''What?'' You asked but he looked at you for the last time, smiled weakly and turned his back, leaving you standing on the sidewalk and thinking about the man's sinister words. ''Must be just another crazy dude...'' You shook your head and decided to continue going to the market.
You ignored the squeezing of your heart inside your chest, ignored the feeling that something was wrong. And that was your first biggest mistake.
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You left the market with bags in your hand, still thinking about the mysterious man's words. What was it? Why was this bothering you so much? And why did you feel a tightness in your heart as if something was wrong? You shrugged, deciding to ignore it all and go home as soon as possible, but first you had one last place to go. At a bookstore, you wanted to buy a new book that you heard had arrived and you felt very anxious about reading it. As if you have to read it.
You smiled brightly when you arrived at the store, opening the door to find hundreds of books. You put away the bags you were holding and headed to the history book section. For some reason, ever since you've read about the Battle of Issus, you've found yourself wanting to learn more about Alexander the Great. You could look up wikipedia, but you'd rather read a book.
Approaching the shelf, you found the book you were looking for, The Life of Alexander the Great, and opened it to flip through. You decided to take it and paid for the book at the register, picking up your bags and putting away the new book. You were eager to start reading it.
As soon as you got home, you packed your groceries and ran with your book to your room, changing clothes and putting on your favorite pajamas, lay down on the bed and opened the book to the first chapter. Your eyes read each word eagerly and you frowned as you read the next paragraph:
''Alexander was married with a woman of an unknown origin and he was deeply in love with her and devoted, according to sources at the time. Her name was (Y/N)..."
And why did your head begin to throb painfully? You tried to stay awake, but your eyes were too heavy and the headache made it worse. Maybe a nap... You bookmarked the page you left off and placed the book on the corner table and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep, your body in desperate need of a rest.
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When you opened your eyes, you were no longer in your room.
You tried to get up but your body still ached, you groaned in pain as your head throbbed again. What was that?
Finally managing to sit up, you looked around and felt dread creep through your body. You didn't know this place, much less the people who watched you cautiously and suspiciously. Your eyes widened when you noticed the ancient greek armor and swords in their hands and even more when you saw the symbol of Ancient Macedonian. Vergina Sun.
You recognized the symbol from the history books. This was a dream, it had to be, but if it was a dream, why did you feel pain and feel like you knew these people who looked at you like an alien. And you felt embarrassed when you noticed that you were still in your pajamas, dressed completely differently from the men who were looking at you.
''What are you doing?'' A loud authoritative voice echoed and you cringed even more. First, the person who was speaking approached the group of men along with another slightly taller man and second, why did you understand them? It wasn't the language you spoke, you knew that as it sounded nothing like your mother tongue but much more different. Greek, you noticed and that left you even more perplexed.
You didn't understand greek as far as you knew.
''What is that? Who are you?'' The man dressed more formally than the others, asked looking at you curiously. He had dark blonde hair and his eyes were two colors, blue and brown. He wasn't very tall, but you felt small with the way he looked at you. He seemed to be the leader, you noticed.
You looked like a fish out of water and one of the men laughed and said, ''Looks like she's lost her tongue, Alexander.''
Alexander... You widened your eyes even more and walked away from the grip of the man who was holding you. No... It couldn't be...
You had read a book about him... And his appearance...
By god... You were face to face with Alexander the Great.
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— lady l: I hope you liked the first chapter. This was her introduction to the ancient world and the next few will see (Y/N)'s interaction with Alexander and the others.
It has not yet been proofread and may contain errors, so I apologize for that. Until the next chapter my loves!
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year ago
⸻ The Lost Queen - VII ⸻
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— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, eventual smut, pregnancy.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 2,003.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden, @elvinapandra, @jennifer0305 , @his0kaswife, @animetye-23.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 7
Time was against you.
The more time passes, the more blood he loses and the more the chances of mortality increase.
You needed to be very careful and be as thorough as possible. Any wrong move or touch would result in Cleitus' imminent death.
The issue of medicine was also complicated and archaic and this only complicated everything. You weren't a doctor, but you knew enough about the human body and health care that you believed you could help save it. Your biggest concern, however, was the infection that could arise and how to treat the wound in his abdomen correctly and not make his situation even worse.
Those nights spent watching Grey's Anatomy could come in handy.
You almost laughed at that thought, but it was true. You tried to remember medical procedures and the biology books you had read in high school. You had to remember what was written.
You looked at Doctor Philip and frowned. He seemed more confused than you and that was because he studied medicine. Of course, not the medicine you knew, but still medicine even if archaic and probably with many flaws.
Obviously, Cleitus needed a hospital, with proper medical treatment. The only problem is that you were in the 4th century BC and not the 21st century and there were no conventional hospitals and there was the bonus that you were in a camp during a military campaign.
All the odds were against you.
The thought alone was very discouraging, but you weren't going to give up. You would do everything in your power to make sure this man lives and in the end it would all depend on how well you did.
Cleitus shouldn't die now and you were aware that saving him could change history even more, but you didn't care. Everything had already changed and you needed to save him.
You had to do it.
You washed your hands with the water that was there and the soap available. It wasn't the same as it was in its time, but it should help eliminate at least some bacteria.
You closed your eyes and counted to ten in an attempt to calm your nervousness and opened them again. You took a needle and sterilized it in beer. It wasn't what was recommended, but there was nothing else available so it would have to do.
Cleitus was lying on the cot, Philip was checking his temperature. You approached the cot with the needle and thread in hand, along with a wet and dry piece of fabric that was supposed to imitate gauze.
Philip looked at you suspiciously, ''What are you going to do?''
''Sew him.'' You replied as if it was obvious. You sat down on a chair placed next to the cot and grabbed the beer. You stared at your patient, Cleitus' tanned skin was pale and a wet cloth was on his forehead, as if it was trying to fight off a fever.
He was in a lot of pain and you would only make him feel more.
Your hands were shaking slightly and you cursed yourself for it. Taking a deep breath and praying to whoever was listening to you, you carefully cleaned the blood from the cut that was still bleeding, praying that internal bleeding wasn't happening.
You could stop external bleeding, but not an internal bleeding.
After cleaning up the blood that would get in your way, you threaded the needle and prepared to sew him up. Philip tried to help guide you, but you already knew what he was talking about.
You knew more about medicine than he did.
Trying to ignore Philip's babbling and the panic settling in your body, you pierced Cleitus's sagging skin and began to stitch him up. He was still and expressed no pain, but you knew he was hurting. The right thing to do would be to anesthetize him, but that was not an option available to you.
You managed to stabilize the tremor in your hands and finished the sewing, cutting the rest of the thread with a small knife. The wound had been closed and sterilized, Philip seemed satisfied and said that Cleitus could recover.
But you knew it wasn't just that.
A deep cut to the abdomen was dangerous and there were many risks to consider.
The cut had been closed but there were many things that could go wrong. An infection, internal bleeding or sepsis could occur. Or this could all happen at once.
The only thing left to do was pray and make sure he wouldn't die, at least not alone.
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It felt like days had passed.
You had lost track of the time since you had treated Cleitus.
Your eyelids were heavy and you just wanted to sleep, but you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep, not until you were sure he would live.
In a way, it was your fault. You were to blame for him being in such a state.
Although it seemed unrealistic, you were sure it was your fault. Alexander had his share of guilt that was greater than yours, but you still felt so fucking guilty.
You blamed Alexander too. Oh, and how you blamed him.
What was wrong with that man? By god, why the hell does he want to marry you? He knew you for what? A day or less? And you weren't politically attractive.
Not in terms of beauty, you thought you were quite beautiful.
But not politically. You literally appeared out of nowhere, with just the clothes on your back and probably looking like a ghost and he wanted to marry you.
It seemed like a very bad joke.
Cleitus had been the only sensible one, you recognized that. You were too shocked to react and you blamed yourself for it. Maybe if you had said something, Cleitus wouldn't have been stabbed.
Or he would have been the same way.
There was no way you could have predicted it, but you wished you could go back in time again and reverse this situation. But you couldn't do that.
Or could you?
You shook your head, trying to get those thoughts out of your head. There was no point in thinking about things like that, you didn't even know how you ended up in this place, much less how to travel through time again.
Or did you know? Now, alone with Cleitus in a strangely silent environment, you were finally able to think and analyze everything that had happened a few hours ago.
This all started after you bought that book, you were sure of that. And that book was supposed to be magical, it was the only explanation, even if your mind screamed otherwise.
You have always had a scientific mind and have always sought answers based on science and this has always worked for you. There was nothing that science couldn't explain.
Except that.
Science confirmed that time travel existed, but only into the future and not in the way you were experiencing it. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was always something to be credited with and you trusted him.
Now you weren't so sure about that.
Science went down the drain in this case. Maybe it was some god playing with you or you went crazy. But you dug deep into your mind, looking for any traces of what might indicate why you were here.
And that was when you remembered that strange man who had approached you before you went to the market.
You shivered when you remembered his words.
''The shadows of fate surround you... The world will never be the same for you, girl.''
Could he be the real culprit of your current torment? Possibly. In fact, him and that damn book were the things you could blame right now and only the gods knew how desperately you needed to blame someone or something.
You felt anger course through your body and you wanted to scream at someone. Preferably the culprit, but anyone would do in your moment of understandable outburst.
You felt tears in your eyes, but this time, they weren't tears of despair, but of pure anger.
You didn't try to fight back the tears, but let them fall and wet your face and the top of your blood-stained chiton.
All the emotions you had been suppressing finally exploded. The anger, the sadness, the fear, it all came at once like a devastating wave. Your eyes burned a little, but you didn't care.
After hours of anguish, you allowed yourself to freak out once and for all. And it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders after letting all your emotions out of you. You buried your head in your chest and folded your legs, trying to hide like you did whenever you were scared.
''(Y/N)?'' You raised your head and tried to focus your unfocused gaze on whoever had spoken to you. It was Perddicas. You smiled a little at his presence.
He approached you and gently touched your bare shoulders. You shivered a little at the sudden contact, but didn't try to push him away.
''Hey...'' You mumbled with a choked voice.
''How is he?'' He murmured, patting your shoulders.
You held back a sob, ''I'm not sure.''
Perdiccas just looked at you fondly with those beautiful blue eyes that you felt like you could get lost in them for hours.
''And how are you?'' His voice was a little louder than a whisper. He was trying to comfort you and you appreciated it immensely.
''Not great.'' You simply said, still looking into those mesmerizing eyes.
A hint of pain flashed across his handsome face. ''I'm sorry to hear that and for what happened to Cleitus.'' He mumbled and you could swear there were tears in his eyes.
''It sucks.''
He laughed nasally, ''Yes.''
No exchange of words was said after that. And it wasn't necessary, body and facial language said everything that needed to be said.
You were very close, closer than would be considered appropriate or comfortable but you didn't care. You needed this comfort, desperately and Perdiccas could offer you that.
He wanted to offer you this.
You knew it from your first interaction with him.
You leaned your face closer to his and his breathing became heavy, You didn't back away however. Your eyes were fixed on the general's full lips.
''(Y/N)...'' Perdiccas murmured, looking at your face with desire and affection.
Hearing him say your name like that sent waves of pleasure through your body. Your faces were close, very close.
''Perdiccas...'' He got goosebumps when he heard you whisper his name.
You no longer had any doubts.
Against all the common sense you had left, you sealed the distance between you. Your lips met in a shy and superficial kiss, but one that quickly became passionate.
You moaned softly and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing his warm body closer to yours. Perdiccas touched your waist and squeezed lightly, deepening the kiss. Your tongues touched in a shy and passionate way, your mouths became one.
You reluctantly broke apart after the lack of air hit you. You opened your eyes and blushed when you saw his lips swollen from the kiss and his breathing a little labored. Yours was no different.
You took a deep breath and touched his face tenderly, stroking it softly. He was really very handsome, the kind of man you were sure you'd see in one of those magazines, maybe like Vogue.
''(Y/N), you...'' Perdiccas couldn't formulate a proper question, still very surprised and excited by the passionate kiss. He wanted to kiss you more and maybe even more than kiss.
You smiled at him.
You threw yourself against him, looking for the necessary comfort. Perdiccas hugged you tightly and kissed your neck, stroking your hair. You closed your eyes and gave yourself what you wanted most.
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— lady l: You didn't expect that kiss, did you? Me neither. The idea for the kiss came up at the last minute and I had to write it, so... Yeah, we had a little kiss between our girl and Perdiccas. Will I mention the consequences this will have? No. Anyway, I hope you liked it and forgive me for any mistakes and bad writing on the medical treatment part lol, don't repeat that! If you have been stabbed, seek medical attention! Love you all and see you in the next chapter ❤️.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years ago
⸻ The Lost Queen - II ⸻
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— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, eventual smut, pregnancy.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 1,820.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden, @elvinapandra, @jennifer0305 , @his0kaswife, @animetye-23.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 2
You were afraid.
In fact, you felt mixed emotions. Fear, dread, horror, terror.
You didn't know why the hell you were in an old military camp, let alone why you were facing one of the greatest conquerors in history. Nothing that was happening made sense and your mind tried to look for logical answers, but it was in vain.
Because nothing that was in front of you was logical.
Maybe it was a really bizarre dream, maybe you were high or drunk, but you knew better. It was real and very real.
Nothing made sense and you felt like crying and going to your mother's lap for comfort but you couldn't do that. Not while you were being held by a scarred man and the others were staring at you with curiosity and... disdain? You couldn't tell.
How did you end up there? It was your first question. Your last memory was of you in your room, reading a book about the conqueror and falling asleep. Was that book cursed? No, that was not possible. But it will be? It seemed like the only acceptable option considering the fact that you were over 2,000 years in the past.
You took a deep breath, trying at all costs to avoid the urge to scream and cry. That wouldn't be acceptable to do now, you needed to stay calm and try to find a solution.
''Can you speak greek?'' You blinked in surprise when one of the men addressed you. It was the one who was next to Alexander. You glanced at him lightly, why he looked familiar?
''Hephaestion, I don't think she's fine or that she even understands what we're talking about.'' One of the slightly tall men spoke up. You shifted your gaze to him when you heard him say the name.
Oh, oh.
''It doesn't hurt to ask, Ptolemy.'' Another man said. You looked at him and blushed a little. He was handsome, maybe not by 21st century beauty standards, but he was attractive. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes.
And Ptolemy? Like in Ptolemy I Soter of the Ptolemaic Dynasty?
''She could be a spy sent by the persians. I mean, just look at the way she's dressed.'' The man with dark brown hair and green eyes said, looking you up and down with disdain.
You glared at him, daring him to say one more thing about your pajamas. Yes, it wasn't the kind of clothes they wore but it suited you it was comfortable and the print had kittens!
But the man held your gaze and you shuddered slightly as you noted their intensity.
''Look at the way she's dressed, friends. She clearly is a whore.'' One of the men said, looking at your breasts shamelessly.
If you weren't trapped in another man's arms, you would have kicked ass.
''Whore is my hand in your face if you say another word!'' The words came out before you could stop yourself and everyone looked at you in shock and you felt like slapping yourself.
You could have feigned madness, claimed amnesia or that you couldn't speak greek and, you really didn't, but apparently the ''magic'' that brought you to this place decided not to screw you around so much.
''She has spirit!'' The man holding you laughed and you glared at him.
Finally, Alexander decided to say something.
''Bring her to my tent. I want you all there.'' Were his only words and he turned his back on you without another word, with Hephaestion following, but not before giving you one last look.
You gasped as you began to be dragged towards what appeared to be the King's tent. Several people in the camp watched you curiously as you were led away and followed by the other generals.
You were so fucked up and not the way you liked it.
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Alexander didn't know what to do with himself at that moment. He didn't understand what was going on and he hated it.
There were so many questions in the King's mind and none of them were answered. But the most puzzling of them was why he felt awkward around you.
Alexander felt an unknown feeling and what it attracted to you. How a stallion was attracted to a mare in heat. Not that he was thinking about sleeping with you, no, it wasn't that but he felt weird.
It was like he already knew you and that bothered him a lot. You had never seen each other, he was sure of that, but then why did he feel that way?
He needed answers and fast. He looked at his best friend who was looking at him with concern.
''Are you alright, Alexander?'' Hephaestion's soft and warm voice rang out and the friend touched his shoulder to try to calm him down.
''I'm fine, just tired.'' He lied quickly and something told him that Hephaestion didn't believe his words.
But there was no time for questions, not when the mystery woman was led into his tent, surrounded by the curious generals. Alexander frowned, but held the pose.
He looked right at her and his mind filled with disturbing thoughts.
She was the strangest woman he had ever met in his life. She was beautiful, albeit in a different way, but what really drew him to her was the fear in her eyes, the kind of genuine dread he had only ever seen in the eyes of his enemies. And the way she was dressed… He had never seen such clothes, even in Persia.
And that attracted him.
Alexander cleared his throat before asking the question that had been on her mind since he met her, ''Who are you and what are you doing in my camp?'' The King's voice was serious and authoritative and he could have sworn he saw her shudder.
The young woman opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and closed it again, avoiding Alexander's piercing gaze. It made him uncomfortable, but he could not and would not show weakness in front of anyone, let alone in front of his generals and a complete stranger.
He watched her for a few seconds and realized what made her sulk, the fact that she was still being held by Cleitus the Black.
''Let her go.'' It was a simple command but the general obeyed instantly. Alexander smiled a little when he noticed that the woman's posture visibly relaxed when she was released.
''I'll ask you one more time.'' Alexander said and moved a little closer to the woman, ''And I suggest you answer.''
She just stared at him as if she was seeing a god in front of her. Well, maybe he was a god.
''Who are you and what are you doing in my camp?''
''I'm (Y/N) and I don't know how I came to be in your camp.'' She finally said it in a low voice but he could hear it loud and clear.
Alexander was stunned. (Y/N)... A name he had never heard in his life and yet it seemed to suit this woman. And when he was finally able to hear her voice again, the King found himself wishing he could hear her speak more often. She was so strange yet so endearing and Alexander found himself wanting to know everything about her and he would.
He was the King, after all, and he always got what he wanted.
"It's an unusual name. What it means?''
She shrugged, ''I don't know. I never tried to find out.''
She was so insolent and disrespectful. Did she not know who she was talking to?
A laugh was heard and Alexander glared at Nearchus, who stopped laughing at the same moment.
''Where are you from?'' Alexander asked, looking at her curiously. He had decided that she wasn't a threat, she seemed too stupid to be a threat anyway.
She thought for a moment and smiled. Alexander felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled at him.
''Uh…I come from a very, it's... a distant place.'' She said between pauses.
Alexander scoffed. She was a terrible liar, and he felt like laughing when she looked insulted when he scoffed.
''And where is this place so far away?'' He insisted.
(Y/N) glared at him.
''As far away as you could tell.''
''The name?''
If she looked angry before, she looked furious now.
''You would not understand. It's not your language.''
''Really?'' Alexander thought, ''And how come you speak my language so well?''
She paled, but recovered very quickly.
''I studied.''
Alexander hummed and decided to stop questioning her. For now. She looked tired and scared, from what he could read from her body language and something inside him told him not to disturb her anymore.
''Call the servants. Give her a tent, clothes and food.''
All of her generals looked perplexed, even Hephaestion.
Even the woman, (Y/N), looked confused.
In fact, he didn't even know why he was doing this, but he needed to make sure she was going to be alright.
It was a need that screamed inside him. The need to protect her and he didn't know why.
He needed to find out about her. Who was she, where did she come from, everything.
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You were taken to a tent away from the camp and left alone.
You looked around curiously. It was a small tent but it had a small bed, which you recognized as a cot, and some candles. It was just that.
You wondered if you could freak out now, but it wasn't feasible. No, everyone could hear it and it would get you in more trouble than you already were.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You started to feel the tears in your eyes. You wanted to cry and scream and cry some more. But you couldn't. Not when you were in such a vulnerable position and you were scared.
So scared.
You were scared of everything. Fear of being tortured, dying and being abused. You noticed some soldiers looking at you with lust and it scared you so much. What would stop them from making you a booty? A toy?
And it was so desperate.
You sat down on the small cot and finally allowed yourself to cry, the hot tears running down your face, as you sobbed and contained your screams of frustration.
You didn't even notice the servant entering your tent and placing a plate of food beside you or the clothes that were brought for you. You didn't notice because you were so desperate and you were sinking in your fear and despair.
You needed to go. You needed to go back to the 21st century.
And you had no idea how to do it.
And just that thought made you cry even harder.
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— lady l: I was going to post it tomorrow but I got some time and I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer so finally chapter 2 is here. I hope you enjoyed it, what did you think of Y/n's first interaction with Alexander and some generals? Feel free to give me your opinion. I love you all and until the next chapter!! ❤️
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years ago
I just read Yandere Alexander the Great x modern reader part one, and I loved it can’t wait to see more interactions between reader and him. I have a few questions like is there any part that you are going to write in this long fanfic a preview of Alexander because I would like to know how he thinks like his thoughts and another thought popped into my head. Could you imagine if Reeder went back to her time to the modern world, and Alexander went to seek help from a witch who teleported him to reader and he sees the modern world for a while that would be interesting and it would also be funny because I can see him attacking a car when it’s moving. I never thought I would find a history yandere fanfic. I am such a nerd when it comes to history like sometimes I think I have a kink about historical figures that I like.
Thank you, anon! I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the next chapters! 🩷🩷
And yes, I intend to write a preview, or a point of view of Alexander! I usually tend to write in third person, but I don't mind writing character pov, so yes, I will write his pov. In fact, the next chapter will have his thoughts and maybe some generals.
So, I don't want to spoil too much, but as expected, the Reader will go back to her time... And Alexandre won't react well to that and maybe he'll find a way to go after her. How? I won't tell, but there's a clue in the first chapter. 😄 Him freaking out about a car or a television, radios or even concerts? The poor man is going to pass out.
I love history and want to major in history in college, perhaps becoming a history teacher or pursuing something related with that. And I wish there were more historical fanfics, whether they are yanderes or not! By the way, I was thinking of doing one of Augustus (Emperor of Rome) if anyone wanted to... 🧐🩷
~ Lady L
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months ago
❝commission: alexander the great x surrogate!reader with some smut. So Reader is Roxanna's shy and pretty handmaiden and like we all know that Roxanna had trouble conceiving so she gives Alexander permission to impregnate her virgin handmaiden (noncon).
❝ 📜 — lady l: I kind of made the smut a little more subtle without realizing it, but I still tried to give it some detail 😞 I hope you like it anyway! Forgive me for any mistakes and happy reading! In fact, I think I have to write more to Roxanna. 👀
❝tw: non-con elements, smut, NSFW, breeding kink, loss of virginity, Reader's basically a breeding mare.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, slight yandere!roxanna x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,343.
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You knew something was wrong when you were summoned to your Queen's tent that night.
It wasn't uncommon for Roxanna to call you during cold nights to keep her company, so you knew you should be fine with that.
But something told you that something was wrong. You thought about it as you walked to her tent. The guards didn't even blink when they let you in, already used to your presence there.
You smiled sweetly as you entered and advanced deeper. You stopped abruptly, however, when you caught a glimpse of Alexander standing next to a chair and Roxanna sitting on the cot. Both dressed, and for that you thanked the gods.
You waved to Alexander and Roxanna from where you were. You looked like a statue, a beautiful statue.
"Come, my dear." Roxanna called you, beckoning you to sit next to her like you had done many times.
You slowly walked over to the cot and sat down next to her, keeping your gaze down like the sweet and submissive handmaiden you were. Alexander smiled, taking in your features. You had good features and although he couldn't see your body because of your clothes, he could see that you had good hips.
Good hips to give him a son.
"She's quite pretty." Alexander commented and you felt your face heat up and a feeling of fear hit you.
You knew how jealous Roxanna was, how possessively she loved Alexander and you already knew what she had done to his other wives.
"She is, isn't she?" Roxanna laughed and placed her hand over yours, squeezing them gently. You looked at her and saw her smile contentedly.
"Are you sure about this?" Alexander questioned you and you fought against the curiosity that arose. What were they talking about?
Roxanna was stroking your fingers, "I do, love. You need an heir and I've been having a hard time about that." You heard the hint of pain in her words and remembered the countless nights Roxanna spent by your side, confiding in you how disappointed she was in herself for not having given birth to a child yet.
Alexander seemed to contemplate his wife's words, "Very well."
Their attention was on you and you felt like one of those dancers that sometimes wandered around the camp. Roxanna brought her hand up to your face and removed a strand of hair that would fall into your eye.
"Look at me." She ordered softly and you did as you were told. When you met the dark eyes of your Queen, you felt genuinely afraid.
You didn't even notice that Alexander sat down next to you until you felt a calloused hand touch your bare arm. You were startled and looked at him in fear. He smiled at that.
"You were right, wife." Alexander said, patting your arm, "She's the perfect choice."
"The perfect choice for what?" You finally had the courage to ask.
Alexander touched your face gently and whispered, "To carry my heir."
Your eyes widened in confusion and fear. No... They couldn't be thinking about that, could they?
"I..." Your voice was weak, "...I don't understand."
You blushed heavily when you felt Roxanna's warm breath against your ear and her low voice whispering, "You, my sweet handmaiden, will bear a son for my husband."
Your heart felt like it had been ripped out of your chest at Roxanna's words. Give Alexander a son? No, that wasn't right. You didn't want to, you couldn't.
"I can't." You said, looking at the floor. Roxanna kissed your cheek warmly.
"That's not your choice, sweet girl." She said and you felt an even greater desperation rise within you, "You belong to me, remember?" She continued and you felt hot tears run down your face, not even realizing you were crying.
She was right, however. You belonged to her. Your parents were long dead and you remembered little about your childhood. The only person you knew was Roxanna. And you belonged to her, according to the laws. That meant she could do whatever she wanted with you.
And if she wanted you to sleep with her husband... You couldn't refuse.
But you didn't want to. You were not an object, although others may say otherwise. And the idea of sleeping with a married man didn't please you at all. Not only because you were completely inexperienced in the pleasures of the flesh but also because it was something you abhorred.
Alexander finally said something, "You will carry my heir. Don't you see how important this is? You will be the mother of the next King." He tilted your head to the side and kissed your neck and you shivered when you felt his tongue licking your skin.
You started crying even harder at his words. You didn't want to be his son's mother, regardless of whether your son was going to be the future King. You didn't want to.
Roxanna wiped the tears from your face and kissed your cheek again, tasting her tears. Alexander and her exchanged a look and before you could say or do anything, you were pushed onto the cot.
Your eyes widened in fear as you were pushed and Alexander was on top of you. He watched you silently, your gaze meeting his. You swallowed hard when you felt his hands on your legs, touching them. Roxanna caressed your head.
You closed your eyes in agony when you felt something hard and hot dangerously close to your private parts, in a place that not even you had dared to touch. The pain, the humiliation of what was to come made you sob even louder. You hated this feeling of helplessness.
"Shh..." Roxanna whispered, still stroking your hair, "It's okay, sweet girl."
As soon as she spoke her words, you felt a painful twinge in your low parts and the burning sensation only increased as Alexander moved deeper into you. You screamed in pain when he finally entered your hot, tight hole completely, dry from a lack of arousal on your part.
The pain was excruciating and your pussy clenched painfully around Alexander's length. Your eyes opened in anguish, your vision blurred with tears. The sight of Roxanna's calm face made you even sicker. How could she do something like that to you?
Alexander didn't wait for you to get used to it or make the act less painful, he just started hitting you, eliciting screams from you. The lack of humidity made it uncomfortable for him too, but it was worse for you.
"S-Stop! P-Please..." You whimpered as he grabbed your thighs and lifted them up, and pounded into you deeper. The excruciating pain had eased somewhat as your own body released its natural lubricant in an attempt to lessen the pain. Alexander's thrusts didn't slow down for a second, he was determined to get you pregnant.
You closed your eyes tightly when you felt Roxanna kissing your forehead and whispering sweet nothings to you. Her words made you sicker than the fact that you were being used as a breeding mare. The pain of Roxanna's betrayal was too much to bear.
Alexander moaned loudly as he came inside you after a few minutes, his cum filling your warm insides. You sobbed as you felt his seed inside you, possibly making you pregnant. When Alexander pulled out of you, you breathed a sigh of relief. It still hurt and would be for a long time.
Alexander looked down at your thighs and smiled when he caught a glimpse of his cum dripping from your sore and abused pussy. He looked at his wife and said, "I think we'll have to do this more times to make sure she's pregnant."
When his words registered in your mind, you stifled a scream as he attacked your mouth, taking your lips in a desperate kiss.
Roxanna just smiled and rubbed her legs, also feeling aroused, "I agree with you, husband."
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years ago
Can you do Yandere Alexander the great headcanon?
❝ 📜— lady l: so here it is! I confess that I was unsure how to write this, but after talking to my friend I had the ideas :). Before reading, I'll give you a warning, this is not 100% historically accurate, ok? Although I've based his yandere personality on what I've read about him (and I've read a lot) it's obviously fiction. Hope you guys like it!!
❝tw: yandere themes, obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of torture, murder, physical aggression and severe punishment.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x gender neutral!reader
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Many people throughout history consider him a hero, loved and feared by many. He is regarded as one of the greatest generals of all time. He remained undefeated throughout his short life. Everyone adored them except you, and that was your downfall.
He is what many consider an "aggressive" person, which is true, especially when he is drunk. Alexander has no discretion or scruples when it comes to his drinking. The only thing superior to his… nasty habits, is you.
You have captured this King's interest after refusing to obey him as your new ruler. To say he was furious about it is a huge understatement, he was way beyond furious. Alexander wanted you to be severely punished. But to his surprise, the moment he laid eyes on you he quickly changed his mind.
To your surprise, Alexander was kind to you and treated you with respect, which left you quite disconcerted and a little scared. He stated that he doesn't mean to hurt you and that he would give you as much freedom as possible as long as you stayed with him. That was the catch, he wasn't going to let you go if you wanted to but you were offered the chance to be with him out of sheer will. Take one false step and it's all fucked up for you and those you care about.
Alexander has a dangerous temper and several outbursts of anger, all of which get worse as his paranoia grows as his affections for you grow. No one and not even you will be safe from the crises he has and his punishments are extremely painful. His preferred way of punishing his sweetheart is through physical pain, mostly scarring her skin with whiplash cuts. The scars that form on his skin are so perfect for him. They suit you so much, don't you agree?
He is extremely possessive, a fact confirmed, Alexander gets jealous so easily it's ridiculous. He will be livid if anyone dares to flirt with you, be it one of his friends or a servant, they and you will be punished. He possesses pathological jealousy, if you prefer a more formal and current term, and combined with his paranoia and fear of losing you, Alexander becomes jealous and suspicious with even the simplest interaction, such as a nod. Be very careful when interacting with other people around him, as your King will not react very well.
Alexander has an intense fear of losing you, whether through "natural" means, you trying to leave him willingly or through assassination attempts, so needless to say he is overprotective of you, but it's still true. You have an armada of guards behind you just to ensure your protection (and to make sure you don't try to run away) when you go out somewhere. The slightest scratch on your skin, which was not caused by him in this case, will not be ignored. He will scream and punish his guards for their incompetence to protect you. No one can think of hurting you and think you'll get away with it.
The King's megalomania combined with his explosive personality will do you no good. He wants to conquer the world, but this desire of his is meaningless if you are not by his side, as his Queen or as his Chiliarch. Either way, you'll be by his side, whether you like it or not. What's the point of him conquering the known world if the only person he loves so much is not by his side?
Alexander the Great is an explosive and extremely dangerous yandere. He is violent and will not hesitate to use violence and brute force to get what he wants from his sweetheart. His possessiveness mixed with his paranoia only makes the situation worse, the moment he feels threatened by anyone will be the last time they'll ever see sunlight again. You are the only one capable of keeping the King sane at least, the only one he truly listens to and considers his opinions and wishes. If you are wise enough, you can get out of this situation almost unscathed, but with the rest of being the most feared woman/man in the world for having the most powerful man in the world obsessing over you. Everyone will walk on eggshells around you and you will be isolated, only having the company of the passionate and obsessive King.
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aphroditelovesu · 3 years ago
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Please, follow the rules or else you will be blocked.
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With who I write:
This is my fandom list for now, but I can always add new ones if you want.
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus, Castlevania.
Percy Jackson series/Rick Riordan Universe, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), Throne of Glass, Crescent City, The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Hunger Games, The Phantom of the Opera.
Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale, Baldur's Gate 3, Dead By Daylight, Friday the 13th, Civilization VI, Baldur's Gate, Stardew Valley.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Rebelde (Netflix), The Spanish Princess, The White Princess, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom, The Boys.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars, Gladiator 1 and 2.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar, Baldwin IV, Henry VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Brandon, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon and others.
Among many others, just ask and I will do it. If you're unsure about some fandom or character in particular, feel free to send me and DM or an ask! ❤️
taken anon's: O-, 👀, 🌓, 🪷, 👒, 🧚‍♀️, 🧋, 💻, 💌.
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