#i'm done with all these labels; about
revenantghost · 9 days
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Ok but the fact that Vash is absolutely already onto Wolfwood's bs (he really never tries to hide it, to be fair) and yet he still values his words enough to break that hunger strike... ough
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thegreenhordes · 7 months
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Field Guide to encounters with The Glow, Part One: Type 1 infected, AKA Growlers.
Growlers are intensely aggressive, so much so that they are just as violent towards other infected as anything else that moves. While blind, the Growlers are equipped with keen hearing and smell, and can locate a potential meal from far distances. Constantly on the hunt, these unfortunate beasts' diet of choice ultimately leaves them unsatisfied and starving. Stage 3 Type 1 infected usually die within weeks, but some have survived up to two months.
To Distract a Growler: Find some way to create noise in the opposite direction that you are located. Make sure it is loud, and lasts long enough for you to run. Flying is a viable method of escape if you possess wings, as stage 2 and 3 Growlers are incapable of flight. Stage 2 due to the weakening of their flight muscles- and stage 3 due to the loss of feathers.
How to avoid detection: Mask your scent. Try to remain as neutral-smelling as possible. This can be hard to do, but do your best and you will avoid being sniffed out by a late stage Growler. Avoiding detection by a stage 2 is simply a matter of staying out of sight and keeping noise to a whisper. Additionally, avoid making noise when near a stage 3 Growler. If you cannot be detected through smell, your best bet with a stage 3 is to hold completely still, breath slowly (quietly), and wait for them to leave line of sight- then you can make a run for it. Stage 3 Growlers are strong but slow-moving. Outrunning them in a large enough space is possible.
Special Notes: Growlers at stage 3 cannot be reasoned with and have the minds of starving, cornered predators. However, due to stage 2 Growlers being still rather cognizant, you can communicate with them- it is recommended to do so with some form of barrier however, due to their overwhelming instinct to bite and infect everything they see. When things were still relatively stable and infected were being appropriately contained, Princess Twilight Sparkle had frequent verbal contact with multiple stage 2 Growlers in her care. They were reluctantly polite, expressing a clear desire to attack the princess, but understood their situation well enough to be compliant at the time. All these stage 2s eventually progressed into stage 3, and were either put down, escaped, or kept for further study.
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
reading alison weir's new novel; she's adapted and altered the primary source material she's clearly using in a way that is...um. something?
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taegularities · 1 year
hi hi. uhm small thing regarding cmi. if you're a reader, do lmk what you think please 🤍
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spoilthevines · 2 months
my brain has chosen to combine two of my biggest hyperfixations of recent years and i am now sitting on a beautiful beautiful concept for an rdr2 au set in the 90s hardcore scene in california*
no but imagine dutch as a manager of a diy hardcore band in the age of every major label suddenly looking to sign the next nirvana and promising the world to bands only then to fuck them over beyond belief and try to make them marketable according to what the labels think is marketable (make micah the pushy label a&r)
mix that with the rise of nu metal and the toxic cis het masculinity of it all and how certain bands literally split up because they couldn't handle their queerer weirder audiences get fucked up at festivals by the nu metal bros
make arthur the frontman (javier is lead guitar, john is bass, bill is fhe drummer) who is very uncomfortable with all this on multiple levels
and i haven't settled on the plot wheels yet but charles is either hired into this as a tech (even though he's a really fucking good musician), OR arthur used to do rhythm guitar as well but now they want him to focus more on performance and "arthur will you stop hiding behind that guitar of yours already" and charles is a session musician they hired for a tour to play arthur's rhythm guitar parts
and we are really fucking golden
don't even get me started about how easy would it be to borrow from larry livermore + green day biography to explain why arthur and john have been around for so long
or on the opportunities for all the side characters (o'driscolls and colm easily morph into a version of epitaph records and brett gurewitz and rancid which makes it easy to draw another link between brody dalle and sadie)
* not in the historic precision sense but in a vague rockstar sense because i have no intention of actually being accurate or figuring out how these characters would fit into the existing dynamic of the scene
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cyrsed · 11 months
i hate enjoying popular female artists sometimes bc it feels like the way people talk about them has literally not changed since 2008 except now people use the word flop constantly
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llycaons · 6 months
I've never heard anyone say 'prommy' outside of that one tumblr text posts and jokes deriving from it but I think if I heard it irl I'd think it was cute. if I hear someone say doggo irl though I WILL need to restrain my urge to maul them
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queerdiazs · 6 months
everyday i think of the way the american south is treated and everyday i get more fuckin mad about it
my way of life has been romanticized and watered down into an aesthetic for the internet yet if a majority of you were to ever meet me or somebody like me in real life you'd hate us because we don't fit into that cute little cubby you've made for us. it makes me laugh thinking about the way most of you would react if you ever saw a coal miner fresh off work and on their way home.
and it's not a big deal really but it's a big deal to me because a lot of you call yourselves progressives but you're actually everything you accuse people from the south of being :)
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keyrousse · 9 months
Breaking news!
Your local aroace Sunday gamer didn't play Stardew Valley at all today and got some shit (like cleaning and other tedious things) done in her flat!
(tomorrow she might try to repeat that and actually unpack the cardboard box that's waiting on the armchair in her office/storage room since October. Yes, since the makeover of that room. Although, considering how much she needs the contents of that box, /s, she might as well just put it in the trash.)
(no, she won't. I mean put it in the trash. But there is a slight chance of unpacking. Unless she plays Stardew Valley, because then stuff won't be done.)
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
biting and attacking past me for being lazy with this .oto and only .otoing half of each sample so they could move on to the immediate gratification of hearing the vb in action
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elytrafemme · 2 years
a few days ago i had the epiphany of like, okay, i’m not kidding anybody here and the only people disagreeing with me are figments of past people who float around in my head. i have BPD. and it would take a major fucking overhaul of my entire life and the way that i have operated for seventeen years to say any different. so instead of me saying BPD with fifteen asterisks specifying i am not technically sure and this is medically recognized but not professionally diagnosed etc etc let me just say i have it.
and then now i’m like oh God but what if i don’t have it
#nightmare.personal#like at this point i think the only thing that would convince me is to have a professional say it#but my therapist literally will not diagnose me (for several reasons which are all incredibly valid) and i am not seeing another person#like i am lucky enough that i have a therapist that i can scream at for a session and then the next time talk about my last date or whatever#i don't want to have this label put on me because that's going to fuck up so much about my life#but i am literally never going to be able to get rid of that doubt that's telling me nobody thinks you have BPD you're lying to yourself#and it's like! that's not unreasonable for people to think! i know that i'm 17 and that's young for a diagnosis!#and maybe i'm biased because people have told me to look into BPD because of my behaviors since i was 13#but i've watched testimonial videos and spent hours in forums and talked to people diagnosed with BPD and read articles about it#and i've studied the symptoms like the back of my fucking hand and i've tracked my behaviors and i've done EVERYTHING#and i've considered EVERY other option i've considered: autism ptsd bipolar adhd. to name a few#and NONE of them explained this the ONLY thing that makes sense is bpd#not even other personality disorders explain it it's just this one#and i know people think that you shouldn't seek labels but. i have been looking for a community for so long#and now i think i have one. but i still feel like i don't actually have it#and that everyone thinks i'm lying but just isn't saying anything yet
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I rather dislike Harry Styles but I have decided that it's honestly a waste of my energy to get mad about him and I think I'm one step closer to achieving inner peace
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
post-bite Jeremy doesn't actually have a lot of empathy but they manage to fake it by asking themself "what would >insert empathetic person here< do in this situation?"
#like they have no instincts for how to respond to other people's emotions#and just use how other people act and the memory of how they used to act as a model for their behaviour#they also have trouble with like. abstract concepts.#which could be why they were so unbothered by the labels thing when mike was freaking out about it#this is made so much worse if the ''insert empathetic person here'' is literally just#jeremy saying ''okay what would i have done before i got injured''#like they're constantly trying to live up to the person they used to be#and mike is like. that's not healthy.#not that mike is really the best authority on what is and isn't healthy. but.#saffron pawn au#maybe jeremy gets unnerved sometimes because like. they clearly enjoy other people's company#but they don't seem to get very attached to people.#there's no instinct for ''be happy when others are happy'' or ''be sad when others are sad''#or ''be comforting when others are sad'' in jeremy's head anymore. it's all stuff they have to actively remind themself#and they don't seem to *miss* people anymore. they have sort of an ''out of sight out of mind''#thing when it comes to people. jeremy's relationship with their own emotions are probably difficult#and distant as well. never able to identify what they're actually feeling. never aware that they're feeling anything#in the first place. unable to imagine what feelings feel like until they are actually feeling them#is it alarming that i'm using personal experiences to characterize someone with a severe brain injury?#probably.#oh and then there's jeremy being unnerved by not missing their sister anymore#but also being unnerved by the fact that they're not unnerved ENOUGH#they think they should be feeling more. they're handling this too well. something's just. fundamentally wrong.#oof ig jeremy isn't the one well-adjusted person in the au anymore#is valerie going to steal that title?
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raspberryconverse · 2 years
Today I had to tackle the cat with a towel so we could give her her asthma inhaler.
While I am very proud of my ability to move quickly and grab her as she tried to run away without crushing her tiny ancient body, it also was a moment of realizing, "So this is my life now..."
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klngbottom · 2 years
"write me starters"
Maybe be around long enough to actually do any scope of writing whatsoever. Leaving your partners hanging when you ask for things isn't cool. You never reply to anything, why should we keep interacting?
i am not gonna pretend i’m blameless for your frustrations anon, i understand i’m not as active as i “should” be, and i know how frustrating it can be to wait for a reply and see your partner post about wanting interaction, and if i left you waiting i’m sorry. my intent isn’t to hurt you or make you feel ignored, however, you have also made two active choices with writing this: 1) not reaching out to voice your frustrations privately first, this would have allowed us to talk and for me to explain why i haven’t been around, and talk about the fact my blog is labeled low activity / to explain more in depth what that means for me to clear up misunderstandings 2) you have continued following me. following me is optional, and roleplaying is a hobby.
you create the space of your dash and if something i have done or do irritates you thank you for letting me know, but i’m not obligated to reply to things fast, or at all. just like no one is obligated to write me starters if they don’t want. if you feel you’re waiting too long for a reply coming to me privately and asking is an option and is encouraged. i will admit i’m not the best at keeping track of threads and it is something i am actively working on, but we are meant to be roleplay partners, and that requires communication, i am sorry for not reaching out to explain why you’ve had to wait for replies, but i am not the only one who didn’t communicate.
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medicinemane · 3 months
also a legit favor to ask
please don't pray for me. it honestly makes me uncomfortable
i try not to bring it up cause i don't want to be an ass but... like i'm nothing, i don't believe in shit cause i just kinda don't care what comes after, too much going on here and now to deal with (too many people in trouble that need help and that's... that's the question that interests me... how to help, i just don't think about stuff after death enough to have an opinion and it's not like i'll know)
like understand, i don't like bringing this up cause i see too many of those asshole atheists that shit on prayer when it's like... buddy, i ain't gonna tell other people how to live their lives
but you gotta understand the context that stuff exists in, of very much a vocal portion of us christians wanting to do exactly that, tell me how to live my life based on things they believe but i don't... that's it, that's why i prefer not to be prayed for
cause i don't believe and just... lotta times where my views aren't respected on faith, at least on the big scale by certain groups, so for me... if there's a god (which i got no opinion on in either direction) i'd rather not have my name in their ear... i ain't part of nothin, i ain't asking for help or salvation, pray for all the people really suffering in this world instead cause they're the ones who need help
so listen, i'm not gonna get mad if you pray for me, i'm just tossing it out there that it's not my thing and it kinda makes me uncomfortable
just in a mood where i feel like saying this is all. not about anything or anyone, just a thought i forget why i even had it... it's just not for me, and if it's real important to you that's fine, but it's not for me
(clarification: anyway; i hope the take away from this post is what i want it to be; that if praying for me really makes you feel better that's fine, but it's not what i care for, though my opinions aren't solid enough that it's like hurtful or something)
#if i were gonna be anything i think i'd be jewish#for many reasons; one being a i grew up around a bunch of jews i really liked; like i said; i found my dreidel from elementary school#but second cause stuff like hallelujah with lines like 'maybe there's a god above'... that resonates much more with me#the questioning; the saying i don't know the answer and i never will i can only stumble blindly#if that were a question i wanted to ask; i think judaism is where i'd find the thing that most felt like how i feel about stuff#but i'm not jewish and i'll never be; mostly cause i'll never ask to learn and join#legit even since i was little my feeling was kinda 'i'm not jewish but i kinda wish i was'#which may sound like a strange thing with all the antisemitism in the world#but that's the honest truth... that's how i felt when i was small and it's how i feel now#but i'm not ever gonna be; i'd never try to convert... it's not the path for me#i'm nothing; even agnostic... it describes me best; but i'm just not big on labels#i yam what i yam; and i suppose i ain't what i ain't and i ain't a theist or all that interested in the afterlife#...most i can really muster is putting it out there that any of my past cats will always be welcome in this house#mm tag so i can find things later#i got like 2 scenarios i'd like from being dead; and one is to stop existing#don't need that for everyone else; they all go to heaven or nirvana or whatever that's wonderful#i need to be done though#second option you don't get to hear
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