#i’m not gonna tag every ship I can think of lol
blainesebastian · 1 year
words: 2,237 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “reader has to have surgery for something and she goes under anesthesia and then Austin goes to see her and she’s acting all fuzzy and high in a cute way“ notes: probably more plot than you wanted lol thanks for the request!  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @austinbutlermischief , @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
Here’s the thing—you’ve never had surgery before in your life. Have never had to. You’ve always been pretty healthy and lucky, not too wild as a kid. No crazy bike accident stories or jumping off the bed and landing on your chin, nothing. Nada. You’ve got a handful of tattoos but needles freak you out (totally not the same thing, right? Medical needles and tattoo needles, psh). So the fact that your sister needs a part of your liver, well, there’s a lot to think about.
Actually, there’s nothing for you to think about because of course you’re going to do it? She’s your sister and she’d do it for you in a heartbeat but…but like, this entire thing freaks you out, the idea of someone cutting you up and—the liver regenerates? Which sounds like Frankenstein science to you.
“Maybe she doesn’t actually need me to do it,” You throw the comment out into the air of your living room, pacing in front of your husband who has been…completely supportive and calm about this whole thing. “Like maybe she changed her mind.”
“I don’t think organ transplants work like that.” He says back but his voice is warm, teasing, trying to make you feel better in any way that he can. “But…” Austin says gently, “You can change your mind.”
The fact that Austin is even here is throwing you for a loop—of course you were hoping he would be? But like…he’s got a busier schedule, a film he’s working on, and yet here he is on your shared couch so that he can be around when you’re in and out of the hospital.
No, no, you can’t change your mind, that would be— “I can’t do this,” You laugh out a sharp sound, throwing your hands into the air, “Like, I need my liver—it’s in the name, ‘live’.”
Austin shakes his head, standing from the couch. He reaches for your elbow so that you stop wearing down the carpet but you can’t quite look at him. Your body is shaking and you feel sick to your stomach and…despite all the jokes you’re making, you’re going to do this, but you’re scared.
“Hey,” Austin murmurs, gently tilting your chin up so you’re looking at him. You kinda gulp in some air, breathe, your gaze landing on his blue eyes. It’s a little crazy how much better that makes you feel. His hands settle on your arms, squeezing your shoulders, open palms up and down.
“I know,” You mumble, shaking your head, “I know.”
Austin leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead, “It’s going to be fine. Surgeries like this happen every day, practically textbook. If you want to do this, which…I know you, you’re not gonna change your mind, you can do it. Alright?”
You swallow, allowing your eyes to close for a few moments, breathing in the combination of his skin and cologne. Austin threads his fingers through your hair, only taking a step back when you do. Your hands rest on his chest, playing with the fabric of his sweater between your fingers.
“I keep picturing that scene from Alien, you know—the one where it like, bursts out of his chest while they’re eating.”
You feel rather than hear him laugh, a gentle rumbling against your fingertips, “That…literally has nothin’ to do with what’s going to happen tomorrow.”
And then you laugh because, “I know, I told you, I’m bein’ ridiculous.”
Austin cups both sides of your head, a handsome smile on his face. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your lips and you lean into him, his arms automatically wrapping around you to keep you close.
“Your sister is lucky to have you.”
You crinkle your nose, a soft whine leaving your lips, “Tomorrow when I’m in hysterics you’re going to be wishing I was an only child.”
Austin shakes his head, amusement tugging the corners of his mouth, “Ridiculous.”
“Is that why you married me?”
“Definitely part of it.” He smooths his hand down your back, calming circles against your spine.
Letting out a soft sigh, you let yourself be held, lingering in his touch until you feel calmer. You’re so glad that he’s here—you’re honestly not sure if you’d be able to go through this thing at all if he wasn’t.
“I know you’re scared,” Austin says a moment later, “But you’re gonna be okay,” He gives you a soft smile, his one hand running his thumb along your lower lip and then your jawline.
It’s nearly unfair how easy he can read you, has always been able to, even in the beginning when you first started dating. It’s probably why you worked so well together, because he sees you, even when you felt completely invisible. Some people just fit, like puzzle pieces. You never really thought that way until you met Austin.
“You know you’re gonna be taking care of me for like…six weeks.” You huff out a laugh.
“I mean, you’ll probably be all good to go in four, so…”
He huffs out a laugh when you smack the back of your hand against his chest, rolling your eyes. Austin grins but you know he’s going to be there for you because he always is.
So there’s really nothing left except to do it.
In all honesty? Austin is not the biggest fan of your sister. He’s known her long enough to understand that she isn’t the nicest person and in comparison? It feels like you and her are total opposites. He gets that she’s older and maybe had to take over a lot of the responsibilities when you both were kids and your mom left but…the handful of times Austin’s been around her? Hasn’t been great.
He's never really said anything to you because he knows that your heart is perhaps twice the size it should be, that you’d be there for your sister no matter what, despite her not giving the same thing to you in return. She needs money? Done. A place to stay? Check. A shoulder to cry on? Of course. Now apparently…an organ. But Austin’s not about to tell you what you can do with your own family…even though its his now too by marriage.
He’ll remain supportive of you because that’s what really matters but, he has a terrible feeling that if the tables were reversed? Your sister wouldn’t give anything up for you. But he’s really not about to bring that negative energy anywhere near you when you’re having surgery. It’s a conversation for another day, or maybe something he’ll never have to mention.
Austin runs through the routine with your doctor—four to six hours for surgery, one to two days in the hospital afterwards, six to eight weeks recovery, thirty minutes to two hours to come down from the anesthesia.
“So definitely one to two days in the hospital after surgery?” Austin asks, just to make sure. The doctor confirms, just for monitoring, no post-op infections. “She is gonna hate that.”
The doctor smirks, “Hope you have a charming bedside manner Mr. Butler, because it’s not optional.”
He lets out a soft breath through his nose but nods, sticking his hands into his pockets and begins the hardest part—the waiting.
Hours pass, doctors communicate, and then you’re in recovery. Austin’s allowed to see you once nurses have checked your vitals a few times but note that visiting hours aren’t for much longer. He’s definitely going to have to bypass that somehow.
“She might be a bit out of it,” One of the nurses tell him, “In and out of sleeping, anesthesia kind of affects everyone differently.” She pauses by the door, a blush kissing her cheeks, “Loved you in Elvis by the way.”
Austin smiles, “Thank you.” He slides past her into your room, allowing the door to gently close behind him.
He gets a good look at you in bed, I.V., hooked up to a monitor, oxygen nose tube—and no matter how cliché it sounds in his head, you do look beautiful. When he approaches the side of the mattress, your head turns to look at him, eyes half open and grin splitting your face.
“Hi,” You breathe out.
“Hey baby,” Austin says softly, his hand smoothing your hair back, “How you feelin’?”
“Drugged,” You reply with a soft laugh and despite how put-together you’re trying to appear, he can see the glaze over your eyes, “And I hate this…thing in my nose.”
You attempt to tug it out but Austin gently grabs onto your hands, making sure the oxygen tube doesn’t fall out. “I know, just keep it in for now, alright? Doctor said you can go home tomorrow.” And, well, might be two but…one day at a time. Might be easier to talk to you about that when you’re a bit more lucid.
“Do you think my bed misses me?” You ask, very serious, an adorable pout to your lips that makes Austin smile.
“I think there is a definite possibility.”
You laugh, something warm but far too full. He’s been around that sound when you’ve been drunk and he knows it comes from heavy emotion, a teetering on the edge of spilling over into something else. And just like that you pout and cover your face with one hand, your lower lip wobbling,
“I want to go home.”
Something clenches in Austin’s chest at seeing you upset—he knows its from the drugs, that you’re not even on the same planet as him right now, that everything feels more serious and intense than it should.
“I know,” Austin shushes gently, reaching down in one of the bags you both packed from home, “But that’s why I brought this.”
It’s…it’s a small trade-in, he knows, no comparison to the real thing of being in your own house, own bed. It’s mostly to distract you, to stop the crying. He sets a black cat stuffed animal on your lap, the one he got you on your second date, something you kept and cherished. Felt like the moment he realized that you still had it on your bed, he knew he wanted to marry you.
And he eventually did.
You sniffle, wiping one side of your face as you look down and kinda gasp at the stuffed animal. “Whiskers?”
Austin had no idea you called it that but he laughs softly, “Yeah, he’ll keep you company until I can come back tomorrow, alright?
There’s a dramatic sigh as you lean back against the pillows, pulling Whiskers close to your chest as you give Austin a onceover. You take in a soft breath, eyebrows drawing together,
“You know you—you look just like my husband.”
A startled laugh leaves Austin’s chest, so amused, “Well I would hope so.”
You grin, satisfied, before allowing your eyes to droop, “He’s taller though,” You mumble, “More handsome too.”
Austin smirks lightly, tugging up one of the blankets to cover you. He stays until you fall asleep.
It’s not a surprise that when you wake up the next day, you’re groggy, tired and sore. The doctor’s been in to check on you and say that the procedure had gone well for both you and your sister. It’s all you could hope for—now you just want to go home.
“Tomorrow.” The doctor says, scribbling something on your chart and sticking it on the end of your bed.
You huff out a sound, crossing your arms over your chest as the door slides open and Austin walks in. He exchanges hellos with the doctor as he leaves and despite being in a crappy mood, you can’t help but smile a little at your husband.
Austin leans over and presses a kiss to your forehead, “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“Did you miss me?” You ask, glancing at the coffee he’s drinking when he sets it down on your bed tray. “I’ll give you a kiss if you let me steal even just a sip of that.”
Austin smirks, “Nice try—m’sure you’ll be able to have caffeine soon.” He brushes his thumb over your pouting lower lip, “And of course I missed you—though I just saw you last night.”
Your eyebrows draw together in slight confusion because you…definitely don’t remember that, at all. “Was I cute at least?” You were probably a hot mess.
He hums as he reaches into the bag he brought, “Very,” Austin smiles a little, “Though a bit too insistent that your husband was more handsome than me.”
You purse your lips, “I mean…sounds legit.”
Austin scoffs out a laugh, “Guess it’s a bad time for me to say I brought you this.”
He pulls out the book you’ve been reading that you left on your nightstand. Not that you don’t want to watch TV a part of the day, but Austin knows that it’ll eventually drive you crazy. You might be able to get out of bed, walk around a little—go outside and read your book. Will make the one extra day here until you get to go home completely bearable.
“Oh my god,” You reach for it with a laugh, “I’d ask you to marry me if we weren’t already married.”
“I’ll take it,” Austin teases, leaning in to kiss you.
It’s the calmest you’ve felt since you’ve been home.
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I’m on the ✨ #LukolaEndgame ✨ hopes and dreams delulu (but hopefully not actually delulu) train 🚂 just as much as the next person here
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I wouldn’t be mad at this?? 👀
Like…. He’s a handsome man, and if Nic intends to respectfully climb him like a tree, I GET IT. 👀🤤
See below for more Lukola positive thoughts though…
SO Nic has already mentioned Eamon by name (as a friend) in at least 2 or 3 interviews during the recent press tour… She’s also said she very much believes in the friends to lovers trope that is just as applicable here…. Andddddddd I’ve seen Nic hug A on video in a very friendly way (not that she wouldn’t hug her or be nice to her even if she didddd want L rn) and I also just saw someone’s theory on the Lukola tag about Nic’s “shit or get off the pot” paddle hit side eye vibes potentially being about her just giving L friendly advise on his stuff with A, which I can technically see as plausible…
So yeah, I know those ideas are gonna pisssss people off, but I’m just saying…. It would be a gorgeous love story for Lukola to one day be endgame, BUT in the meantime, I can see their current situations being all of thisss^
NOW in terms of my personal hopes and dreams of Lukola actually being endgame… I see it the way I see #Beliza 😅
Is anyone here from THOSE days?? When we used to look at #Bellarke and say, “if Bellamy is not supposed to be in love with Clarke, someone needs to tell Bob to stop looking at Eliza like that” (because we thought it was justtttt an acting choice)???
And then BAMMM
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Out of absolutely fucking NOWHERE (I mean for some of us crazies that were following too closely it wasn’t 100% out of nowhere… but I knooooow that’s how the majority felt) they’re about to be filming the last season of the show and they’re just like yeah so GUESS WHAT GUYS I MARRIED MY BEST FRIEND and everyone is like ??? 🤯 I mean y’all were definitely close friends when you were shooting and doing promo every year for sure but like when the fuck did you become actual bestttt friends irl??? When the fuck did you start dating???? When did you even decide you’d get married?? Cause just a few months ago we were still seeing both of your other public shipssss!!! (Let’s also fully jump over THAT drama 👀) And then they were just like, so ummm we kissed after our first date and we just KNEW this was ITTTT so we got married 2 seconds later cause like why wouldn’t we?? We are best friends and soulmatesssss ✨🌈🦄 🥰🦞
That’s how I imagine Lukola to one day become official 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like they’ll date other people openly, and then suddenly OUT OF THE BLUE they’re MARRIED and everyone’s fucking confused AND elated! Lol
I do wonder if already having been so intimate with each other as Polin (unlike Bellarke, which, let’s just not think about that anymore either 😫) would delay or speed up Lukola if this were the case.
Like either it’ll speed them up because they know they LIKED all of THAT 👀 so by the time Bridgerton is officially coming to a close they’ll feel comfortable enough to stop being so professional about their relationship and acknowledge the 🐘 in the room and get on itttttt and get married 4 dates in… ORRRRR it will slow them down because they would continue to think they LIKED IT only because they were experiencing emotional residue from being too in character as Polin. Meaning the show would have to end and they’d have to actually part ways for a while, and they’d have to miss each other a LOTTT, and realize it wasn’t just Polin that created all this 🌩️ energy 🌩️ between them, and then one of them would need to just jump in the deep end and be like, so uhmmmm I thought I was feeling the tingles cause I was just super into being Colin but maybeee that wasn’t ittt…. so do you, errr… wanna??? 👀
My concern with option 2 is that it has higher potential for “ships that pass in the night” vibes 😫
GOD I humbly pray that it’s actually the first version, and that they’re just sowing their wild oats until Bridgerton is nearly over, justttt because they don’t wanna accidentally fuck up any work dynamics, and that as soon as the official end is in sight, they will just get married two seconds into dating irl AMEN 🙏🏼
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harbingerofsoup · 2 months
I’m not surprised to see they are acting out in the tags again. They are having a bad week 😂💀
first everyone, the official accounts included started blocking them and their fake accounts so no more spam comments. Then the deleted scene dropped which showed Tommy in yet again a bad light. Today they were literally gloating how Lou would be being named a main character at the TCA panel and not only was he not, the only article to come out about the new season listed all the normal mains coming back, Gavin included. Again with no Lou in sight. Only to then also have a tvline article drop using a buddie still from the finale as its thumbnail. And then another organization reshared an old article they made during the season 4/5 era of 911, listing tvs 13 most undeniable chemistry partners with buddie used in the photo header and on the list, but also the list being comprised of most of the greatest tv history partners to romantic partners there are.
Not to mention on the season 8 teaser announcement video, it’s just nothing but a sea or positive buddie love, and buddie love asking for Ravi main etc, so they few bt comments are just absolutely being drowned out because ultimately, there is no competition or comparison to the fandom numbers and who’s gonna come out on top in it every time 😂😂😂
oh wow 😂 i thought i was up to date but i had no idea they had such a bad week
i’d feel bad but… they’ve been nothing but hateful and spiteful towards us for just loving our ship so i have no qualms about being a little mean in return lol and with the bs they were spouting against chris and eddie while s7 was airing i find myself inclined to gloat over gavin confirmed alongside the usual mains (the kid can act, he deserves it!). basically, if they want to support a racist (and be racist themselves) they can live with the consequences
however, i think it’d be best if we follow the trend of having a “sea of positive buddie love” for our own sake and block the instigators who are clearly just lashing out
thanks for the info!
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
☆ Introduction ☆
Hi! You can call me Starz! (I have a few other names but this one is funky lol)
I'm 22 years old, I use them/them pronouns and if you just give me a nudge, i Will talk your ears out about my hc about the valkyries and the black sisters. Oh also fuck Joanne, hope you choke <3
Working on a register of marauders nicknames because it gets confusing :(+ new idea for the girls.
I'm mostly into:
✦ The Valkyries
✦ The Black Sisters (and their parents & partners)
✦ The Marauders
✦ And a sprinkle of Slytherin Skittles, Batfamily and Golden trio era (mostly Drarry)
(✦ Merlin is always in my mind but also I don’t wanna interact with it too much bcs they genuinely make me sick like I feel so strongly about them.)
Favorite ships:
Dorlene, Marylily, Pandalily, Jegulily, Quillkiller (+ Zabini on the weekend), Nobleflower, Noblesilver (Narcissa x Zabini), Wolfstar, Poppy x Minnie, and Sybill x Peter.
But honestly I can be sold anything that isn't icky (big age gap, power imbalance, INCEST, etc) if you’re convincing enough. I’m not a big fan of straight ships tho I’m gonna be frl… but any queer ship? Slay!
Fav platonic ships: Marlene & Peter & James, Marlene & Sirius, Moonflower
Favorite characters:
✶ Marlene McKinnon
✶ Peter Pettigrew
✶ Narcissa Malfoy
✶ Evelyn Zabini
✶ and honestly all the girlies ( Lily, Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, ...)
Beliefs, favorite headcanons and stuff under this (take a peek) :)
Things i believe in that can be controversial(?):
Begging people to stop making Peter fucking skinny I'm being so serious, I WILL block you. (also when people don't include Pete as a member of the group like he was chosen as Secret Keeper because he was their BEST FRIEND be frl)
Lily Evans is polyamorous and she's so real for that (with maybe a hint of aromantic vibes tbf)
PANDORA DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY AS LUNA *cries* no but frl like Xenophilius is right there being a fucking Luna clone and you're gonna give her personality to Pandora?? (i need to get more into how i see her, will make a post at some point lol) Also I don't believe in the hc that she's a Rosier and Evans twin.
If you're gonna redeem Barty and Evan, you cannot go and shit on Bellatrix like let's be serious. You definitely can not like her but why are you over there calling her a psycho (derogatory).. have you seen your boys? (also people are sleeping on the Black Sisters as a whole)
Sybill Trelawney is such an interesting character and I think giving so much of her characteristics to Pandora water them both down. Also the angst is so good? Like come on guys (more on this)
I actually think Severus Snape is an interesting characters.
You shouldn't buy official merch or tickets to events or anything that would give money to jkr because that makes her believe people support her in her views about Trans People.
Favorite headcanons:
✮ Peter, James and Marlene being childhood best friends
✮ Fat Lily my beloved <3
✮ Dorcas and Marlene doing each other's hair every month after getting together (Dorcas dye Marlene's hair blonde and Marlene learn how to braid so she can do new protective styles for Dorcas)
✮ Bellatrix, Rita and Evelyn being the Diamonds and terrorising Hogwarts when they were there.
✮ Peter k!lling Marlene :)
More about me:
My first language is French. I have the shittiest sleep schedule known to man. I am a professional yapper.
I'm absolute shit with tone so might use tone indicator (but tbf the wonder of # here are making this much easier)
If you couldn’t tell from my choices up there, I fucking love angst. I’m writing sad shit and giggling, I’m writing happy shit so the angst is sadder. I Will make you cry (hopefully).
I’m also mad silly.
I have a few others account in the marauders community (Insta, Tiktok, Ao3, ...) but it's a secret (lol)
If you’re interested in what I like to say here, just look up the #starz yap tag, it’s what I use when I have ideas that I write more deeply about. :) + #starz hc for when it’s a personal add on headcanons. Using @starztakes for reposting just my hc and yapping without all the extra stuff.
Alright i think that covers it up. Hope you enjoy my account! P.S: idm stalking of my page and spamming lol so go for it (I do it by accident all the time… #starz struggle)
oh also i'm a Marlene kinnie. kiss.
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galaxycunt · 7 months
My Dinner With Buggy pt 2
I love playing with dialog so I figured why not keep going. As with part one it’s all dialogue so enjoy the ride everyone lol
Tagging @gingernut1314 @gayafsatan as yall requested a part 2 a million years ago
Sea spray hits your face as you left the restaurant, “so, what’s the move?”
Hands appear in front of you holding two bottles of wine, “one for each of us.”
“Really? In front of a lieutenant like that?”
“You gonna handcuff me, officer?”
You giggle, “miss Impel Down that much, huh?”
“God! Let’s not talk about that fucked up place. Take the wine, honey.”
“I let you order steak and this is how you repay me?”
He wags his tongue, “I’m covering dessert.”
“You love it, shut up. So where’s this room you got?”
“Couple blocks down. You don’t wanna go to a bar?”
“I haven’t seen you in at least 6 years. I wanna make up for lost time.”
“Tch. Shooting for the stars tonight?”
Buggy frowns, “I thought this was a date.”
You falter, “hey. I thought we were teasing. Come here, Bug.”
Your lips taste sweet, “I missed you a lot. I’m not the only salty dog missing their lost love, but hey, you’re more important, so there.”
You kiss him again, “let’s go out for a little bit?”
“Sure, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go. Oh shit! I forgot, I left something for you on the ship.”
“We got road wine, let’s go get it”
“This is nice, by the way.”
“It is. Too bad you ain’t a civ, easier. Even easier if you were a marine.”
“I’m gonna ask again. You’d like it.”
“I dunno, man. Lot of baggage with that. Especially on the Grand Line.”
“Not with me.”
“You already got captured once, baby.”
“I know, I know. But you hate this shit. Been in the game too long, why?”
“I dunno, maybe I felt we were doing something good. Too old for that shit, I guess”, the Big Top is as nice as you remember it, “there’s the old girl.”
He smiles, “my two girls, together at last.”
“I wonder if that note I left is still there.”
“Note? What-“
“-captain! Oh shit, look who it is!”
“-Cabaji! Glad someone’s keeping Bug outta trouble!”
He smiles at the two of you, “we should catch up. Later.”
“Thanks, man. See ya.”
“So what note?”
“Oh! It’s uh, not important. Just something I wrote last time I was here.”
“Where’d you hide it?”
“In the galley, deep, deep in the pantry.”
He kisses you, “let’s go find it then.”
“Buggy, no. Come on, you’re supposed to take me out.”
“Real quick. I promise.”
You tug him away, to no avail, “Buggy. It’s really stupid, you’ll enjoy it after a few drinks.”
“I got a few bottles in my room. We can read it there.”
“What about my gift?”
“Just a buncha jewelry, who cares? I’m finding that letter.”
Turns out he can find anything with ease if he wanted to, “aw. Your handwriting is so cute sometimes.”
“Oh, shut up.”
He kisses your temple, he’s getting very touchy, you realize, “lemme guess, treasure map?”
“Look, it’s something I wrote when we were like 18.”
“Uh huh.”
He jerks his chin toward his cabin, “let’s take this somewhere quiet.”
You hear your heart beat in your ears, cheeks on fire, “it’s really cringey. I was 18.”
“Do you really not want me to read it?”
“You’ll make fun of me.”
“I won’t. I really won’t.”
“I already know you love me.”
You laugh, “shit. Guess you’re right.”
He clears his throat, “Buggy, our paths are unwinding, the red string of fate tugging us apart.”
“Oh Jesus, it’s worse than I thought.”
Heightening his voice he continues, “if only I knew the devil’s pact I made, and the one you sold your soul to. My love I can’t bear it. You don’t even know I love you.”
“See, that’s why I didn’t wanna read it.”
“So why even give it to me?”
“Because I didn’t think you loved me.”
He grows serious, “I did. Why did you think I did that stupid shit? To impress you, dummy.”
“You’re such a clown.”
“Exactly! You liked clowns.”
You smile, “yeah, I remember that asshole at the pier.”
“Join my crew, I’ll marry ya.”
“Only if I join?”
“We been apart too long, I’m not waiting until I hit some shitty village every six months to see you.”
“Ah, that makes sense now.”
“Sometimes I’d lower the Jolly Roger, just see if our boats can pass by, if I can see you on the deck.”
“I didn’t know that.”
You stare at his lips, you wouldn’t be the only Marine turning, “marry me tonight then.”
“Don’t think captains can officiate their own wedding.”
“Let’s find someone.”
He looks at the clock, “and if we can’t?”
“Ask me again tomorrow. Do it for real.”
Buggy picks you up instead, “can we just skip to the wedding night?”
“I’m not gonna marry you then.”
He smirks, “according to that letter, we’ve been married for 18 years already.”
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adriennefrombrooklyn · 2 months
I was tagged by @fkajohnlennon 🧡🧡 Thank you!! 🧡🧡
I’ve seen a lot of folks have already gotten a tag and I might be repeating tags but I’ll tag @m1ssunderstanding @forthlin and @merseydreams if you haven’t done it yet and you wanna 😊
Three ships
John/Paul has completely taken over every brain cell. But I’m gonna be such a twin here and echo @notgrungybitchin with Aziraphale/Crowley and Meyer/Charlie from BWE. Steph and I have very aligned ship types lol
First ship
As far as actively shipping a pairing with all the deviant art searches and fic reading to go with it, it was Holmes/Watson, (the books, not the Moffatverse) and then Sherlock came out and really fucked up my search and I’m still bitter about it lol
Last song
Technically it was How It Ends by Devotchka. They were playing in Santa Fe (where Steph and I are currently visiting family) and that was the final song of their set
Last TV Show
The Acolyte (same answer as Steph *again* lol. It was really good, my favorite live action Star Wars show since Andor (but nothing on this earth will beat Andor tbqh)
Currently watching
The Olympics. Every two years I become a person who enjoys and willingly partakes in *sport* and wonders what would happen if I made handball or trampoline my entire personality instead of the expected football/basketball/baseball
Currently reading
Other than JP fic I’m currently reading Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand and it’s V GOOD. Perfect Venn diagram of 60s British music scene and rural folk horror and I’m so invested. It’s short but I’m personally taking it slow so I don’t burn through it too quickly. Highly recommend if you’re looking for rural English atmospheric summer spooky vibes with a 60s music angle
Currently eating
I’m in Santa Fe rn so I’m mainlining New Mexican red and green chile whenever I can get it BUT I broke my streak of only enchiladas and just had the most amazing dinner at a Japanese restaurant that gets a lot of hype, but holy shit was it worth it. Some of the best food I’ve ever eaten
Currently craving
I’m very stuffed with gyoza and spicy tuna but I’m also excited for the mocha cake at The Shed where I think we’re gonna have dinner tomorrow. This whole trip has just been planning where we’re gonna eat next but I’m not mad about it
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piningpercussionist · 1 month
Hii! I didn’t know if replying to my own post would be best or just sending an ask so I’m just gonna send an ask in response to your tags lol!
1. I’ll try to find the source of O’Malley calling them crimesex, but I fear it may be buried due to the fact that he randomly switched up and stopped posting anything Gideon YEARSSSS ago (+ deleting a lot of the posts, especially about Gideon and Ramona)
2. Gravesflowers is such a good ship name tbh
3. It’s all good! Haha I mostly just didn’t put it in main tag because I didn’t want hate en masse. Reblogging my post is totally chill :3
Agkcshskf so fair
Okay, this vaguely rings a bell now, actually; I've probably been told this before. I can confirm for you that it probably definitely isn't on his instagram anywhere- I went through it a while back and screenshot literally every Scott Pilgrim post in sight, so if it was there I'd probably have it. (I'll even go check those screenshots just to be sure, but I feel like if I saw even crumbs about what their relationship was like, I probably would've passed it along to the fandom immediately; big on providing those kinds of things to the people, me... which means I've got livestreams to go through at some point and take notes/clips off.... even if some of what he says in those is a very "I Pretend I Do Not See It" worthy...) Next best scenario is I do follow a sort of archival Scott Pilgrim account I could poke around on, but I don't think they've uploaded anything like that there yet, should they have it. It's quite possibly something lost to him deleting it like you said, or otherwise it's lost in the depths of Twitter, and we will probably never see it again because that site is broken as fuck. (Every day I Languish about the Lainey art that's supposesly on his twitter somewhere....)
I thought so too! It's just kind of the Vibe their relationship gives off to me, very appropriately summed up in the name. "Gravesflowers." It just provides a very dark, grim picture,, to me,,
So Fair, and ty! Relieved to know it's chill. If anyone gives you shit about the post do let me know; I'm pretty sure the people that follow this blog wouldn't do that about this one in particular, but if they do I'll block 'em lol. You lose access to my little archive of SP stuff if you're a dick to the people I reblog stuff from for no good reason- seems a fair punishment.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
First things first(spoilers for spiderverse/spidergeddon and comic noir storyline) this is a long post but you’ll have fun I promise. As always feel free to engage with the post, I’d love to hear different theories/opinions/conclusions on this in the tags or comments. Sorry it took so long!
Now I’m gonna say something morbid:
Spider Noir’s death in the comics was hilarious
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Jarring, but hilarious. Like why’d he grab him like that. I physically had to shut off my iPad and go for a walk after this scene when I first read it.
But to my point, you know how some people say your birth mark is how you died in your last life?
Well post resurrection we might have A, B, and C:
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(Now before anyone gets on me for, why would you do that/even think of this? In my defense, I couldn’t remember where he was grabbed, it’s been a while since I’ve read these. I thought it was gonna be on his back or shoulder and I’d give him a burned on handprint going all ‘gripped you tight and raised from perdition’ which is cool, fun, sexy, and conveniently hidden. Then I reread it and it’s basically a permanent face palm. Also pretend his face looks the same in every one. Couldn’t decide on hair either lol.)
Either way post resurrection Peter should have physical after effects of his resurrection. Either lines all over his body from having the life force sucked out of him or birth/burn marks on his face. I think this would be hilarious, angsty, and interesting. I also hate when people are just resurrected willynilly. LET THE TRAUMA OF DYING AND COMING BACK TAKE ITS TOLE. Especially if it’s multiple times.
In MK: Midnight Mission they, pretty recently, came up against this problem with the MK system being resurrected over and over again and facing really no visible consequences. But then we find out, there isn’t really a limit(ignoring the whole Khonshu imprisonment), but eventually mentally, there will be nothing left to resurrect. And the mindless mummy warrior creatures we meet from Khonshu’s ‘world’ were old avatars that wasted away from resurrections. It explains the alterations and perversions of the MK system’s mental conditions, because they are actively being altered and changed, to be brought back, by a multidimensional creature that doesn’t care about their mental health/state(that Khonshu takes advantage of, knowing what he’s doing). Sound familiar?
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Now, time to get philosophical. Ship of Theseus.
What is it? Ship of Theseus is an ideological/philosophy problem about a king, Theseus, who saved the children of Athens from king Minos and the Minotaur and then sailed his ship to Delos. Then each year Athenians would sail that same ship from Athens to Delos in celebration of the myth. Over time they kept replacing parts of the ship for maintenance purposes, till every plank had been replaced, so they could still make the voyage. Now the question is, is it still the same ship? At what point did it stop becoming that original ship? And does it matter?
Applying this philosophical exercise to resurrection, with what we know above, we can get an interesting dialogue going. But, with that said, it’s important to keep in mind that the resurrection process in this context with these multidimensional gods isn’t explained with enough detail to really take it apart. Like what happens to the soul? Is the brain damage we know Marc has from repeatedly dying and his brain repeatedly going without oxygen or is it from just interacting with a multidimensional god? Is the spider god comparable to Khonshu? Is the spider god even real, if not what or how was Peter actually resurrected? And if it is real, what is its main goal? At least with Khonshu we know he has an agenda. What does it want, what’s its end game?
But let’s get into it anyways.
Now, you may be wondering, why do I keep saying multiple resurrections in regards to Spider noir? I am so glad you asked! I believe Peter's initial spider bite killed him. He had to go to the afterlife to actually see the spider god. That’s why we really only see them three times, at the initial power conception, Peter’s resurrection, and when Peter goes to the ‘underworld’ in the 2020 run. We see something similar with Khonshu in Midnight mission, while he’s in space jail, Marc can only see him during resurrections or while he’s dead. And while we’re comparing the MK system to spider noir, when Marc got his powers, he basically had to die first. That was implied to be his first resurrection. So this wouldn’t be a one off situation. We have some rules.
What we don’t see with Moonknight and Khonshu is visual physical change. Outside of the ghost bird skull armor the boys aren’t visually changing. Meanwhile, Peter has physically turned into a monster before and turned completely back. In #4/5 of the 2020 noir run the cicada stone/pink meteor turns people into monsters, but not everyone. Huma turns, Shocker turns, Peter turns, and all the resurrected villains(one guy just explodes). But Hu-Ri and Checkpoint Red don’t, until Hu-Ri touches the stone. Huma and Peter are both in close proximity to eldritch beings, them turning into inspired versions of those beings make sense. The Shocker turns because he spent so much time holding onto the stone, whereas Red hasn't. But notice Shocker and Hu-Ri don’t turn into an animal inspired version of themselves like Huma and Peter do, he becomes more of a hulk like creature, because he isn’t attached to an other-worldly being. And when Peter turned back he essentially said “that hurt like a bitch” and kept moving.
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If we want to keep with the canon noir timeline and going with the idea that the Spider god is either continuously changing Peter, or just changing him during resurrections this would explain the webbing and mood/personality change from the 2009 comics to the 2020 comics. But that’s boring and too simple and I hate the time jump so fuck that shit.(again another post).
So let’s focus back on ‘Ship of Theseus’ in the context of resurrection. We have too many questions about the process of resurrection for spider noir to properly have this conversation, but I’m going to try anyways. Let’s hit what we know again: resurrection changes your brain chemistry/structure, the spider god is changing Peter throughout the series, Peter has possibly had three resurrections, the spider god resurrected Peter from a different dimension, which confirms this is a multidimensional being(if she exists but shhhh). So now that we’ve established that there are changes happening to Peter(one way or another) we know that the spider god is ‘repairing’ Peter throughout the series or ‘replacing his boards’ so to speak.
At what point is this no longer Peter? Is it when he is no longer recognizable as a human? Or is it when there is nothing left in his mind to resurrect? Or has this never been Peter, or rather not since his first resurrection when he got his powers? Is this change sudden or slow? Is it the resurrection that turns him into something else, is it slow build up like an Iodine Clock titration and one day he just wakes up no longer human, or is it a slow process of subtle changes? But if the latter, what’s the change that does it? What defines Peter’s humanity? Does it matter if he’s human or not? Does it change anything for him if he’s no longer human in body and mind?
Part of the answer may lie in the villains we see through the 2009 and 2020 runs. In the first run the main villains were the Goblin and the Vulture. Both who were implied to not be human or having physical inhuman qualities(but I’m partially ignoring the whole carney thing cause honestly it’s ableist and boring). In Eyes Without A Face, the second run, the main villains are the Crime Master and Dr. Octavious, both humans with no inhuman or supernatural qualities. For simplicity sake, let’s focus on Octavious and Goblin. In comparing the two I think most people would agree Octavious is the more heinous of the two. Goblin takes on the role of a mob boss. He runs a crime empire, exploiting the defenseless in New york. It’s nothing new and he’s even somewhat sympathetic ‘I’m finished with freakshows’, you can understand how he got where he is. This is not to say he isn’t a villain but he very much fits the ‘villain with a tragic backstory’. People look at him like he is a monster, we, the reader, start out the story knowing what he is.
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Whereas Octavious is not even remotely sympathetic because there is no empathizing with how he ended up there and why he does what he does. He is not only othered by his actions but also by the narrative for his disability(it’s important to acknowledge the ableism in his story but that is another post). Ultimately his delusions and the acts he commits make him a much more sinister monster than Norman, despite Norman actually having stereotypical qualities of a monster.
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Then we have Huma and Shocker from the 2020 run. Huma is the closest person we see who is in a similar situation to Peter in terms of the spider god. While we don’t know all the details, whether she is the same as Peter, bearing a curse of power, or the actual god. Either way she presents as human and is not treated differently than any other human woman. At the end of the series we realize how corrupt she is and that she’s been working with Nazi’s, not necessarily for the ideology but to achieve what she wants. Her transformation is the nail in her coffin of her monsterous perception. The question is did we need her to look like a monster to see her as one?
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In general we are left with more questions and theories than answers.
But onto my subjective answers to the questions. My answers might change over time so don’t hold me to them.
Of course it matters if Peter has humanity. Peter Parker across the board is one of the characters who HAS to hold himself to a moral code or he falls apart and becomes the villain(well maybe not the villain but you know what I mean) of the story. He holds back during fights and has a no kill policy for a reason.(Good men don’t need rules, today is not the day to find out why I have so many.-dr.who) But noir Peter isn’t your typical Peter. He kills, he maims, he doesn’t hold back. With that said, he still is held together by his morality. It’s just different than what we are used to seeing from Peter, but don’t mistake that as a lack of morality. However, do I think it’s a very real possibility that this morality could be eroded over time especially considering his home world and the above circumstances? Absolutely. Peter is someone who historically needs someone to ground him and ‘make’ him human. This is normally May Parker, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, occasionally Harry Osborn, Daredevil, Johnny Storm, and Flash Thompson, and the ghost of Ben Parker. Dude lives by a passing saying of a dead relative, he clearly doesn’t have a super solid moral compass. I think this is part of the reason the noir comics kept his relationship with May and Mary Jane(I disagree but whatever whatever), because he needs support to stay grounded.
Now, under what circumstances is Peter no longer Peter? I’m going with the Iodine Clock titration theory. Just drop after drop of ‘changes’ and morally questionable decisions that don’t seem to hold much weight, until he does something truly off the reservation. Like seeing himself do something truly horrific that a couple years ago he would have never done and shocking himself out of it. Or looks in the mirror and doesn’t see a person staring back. For either circumstance, because he’s appalled with himself or struck by the fact he doesn’t really care. This is not to say I don’t think he could come back from this but holy shit will it be a process.
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But it brings us back to ‘If there is too much power then it is the responsibility of the people to take it away.’ Peter losing his humanity puts him in the Goblin’s place as the one with great power that cannot be trusted from the first comic. Whether it’s the resurrections, the spider god ‘replacing’ parts of him, or him just being pushed to the brink mentally that does it. Whether the change is physical, neurological, spiritual, or mental. This ‘Peter’ is not the Peter we first meet in 1932.
This is a different ship, and you can sail and stay on the same course in memory of, or under the false pretense of being, the original as many times as you want, but you cannot bring back the parts you replaced and undo the ‘improvements’ you made. But that doesn’t need to make Peter a monster.
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queenimmadolla · 3 months
ooh, we are social this week, which i’m digging! please note this isn’t an attack on anyone, this is just me adding to the conversation. so on the status of the fandom being dead. it is. (and this is a lot, cause i can’t shut up when i get going)
we can like sugar coat it all we want and say people don’t venture out to read or maybe they’ve lost interest in writing, but fandoms usually go dead—and this term doesn’t necessarily mean like absolutely NO FICS—it just means it wasn’t as hype as it was when the last season dropped, and that’s a literal fact. it’s been two years lol. summer of ‘22, i could refresh the eddie munson x reader tag and like 16 new fics and blurbs and posts would load every time, there was just so much fucking content—it was glorious and positive because there was so many people, way too many for people to start whatever bullshit ended up happening (that occurred during the first phase of people losing interest).
now if i refresh when i dare venture out to the tags (and we’ll get to that next), it’s not as frequent. plain and simple. it’ll pick back up when the next season drops, it’ll be all hype, and then it’ll die down again as the years go by. hell, even the supernatural fandom isn’t as wild as it used to be, and they were around for YEARS.
this is coming from someone who’s been here and read (and when i was just a reader, i lived in those tags) a specific steve fic for like 5 years because there wasn’t a ton of stuff being produced, yes some, but not even to the amount that’s coming out now. and that’s again because of the YEARS long gap. and the proof of that is in stonathan. we all know the gay ships are some of the most popular amongst fandoms, and while stonathan was replaced with steddie essentially, it’s been a hot minute since stonathan owned the stranger things fandom because again, it died down. people moved onto other ships from other shows or outgrew fanfiction for the fandom. that ship was like the stranger things equivalent to destiel at one point and now it’s a literal ghost, proof that this fandom does die down and that’s fine. it’ll pick back up one last time, it’s not the end of the world.
now onto the tags, a lot of people here—i’ve noticed more so sexually explicit writers (and i love your work, thank you for your service) just think people are like lazy or something. but really? it’s because a lot of people don’t tag their fics correctly.
some people have dark kinks, some people have more niche kinks, more innocent, etc., that’s inevitable, people have their own tastes. but they won’t tag it. and that’s when people get vocal about kinks and not letting people post what they want and stuff. do you, just make sure you do your due diligence, because when you intentionally don’t, people are gonna speak up. you and i know very well all tumblr users have opinions.
and when they do tag their work, it’s usually after it’s caused a stir or several hours after its been up (this is a tactic for engagement purposes, it’s not tagged for a couple of hours and then magically it appears hours after people have seen it and spread it and it happens pretty routinely). this is also applies to REBLOGS. i’m not sure if people think that because the original was tagged, it’ll be the same when they reblog, but it’s not! in fact, a lot of people just slap the eddie x reader tag on it and send it out again.
i get it, whatever it is may be your thing, my thing, but that’s just irresponsible and it sucks the joy out of whatever moment people were in when they went into the general tag. i don’t think it may have triggered them to the point of a mental breakdown, though i guess that could happen, but it definitely could put them in a man, fuck this shit i’m gonna go do something else or read something else from some other fandom, blah blah blah, and that’s valid, too. running into something you filtered out through the tags because someone didn’t want to tag their work so they could get more engagement kills vibes.
it’s happened a ton of times with me and so now i don’t go searching, because i’ve encountered waaaaaaaay too many dead doves with no proper tags other than “smut”.
i don’t ever really leave the three tab thingies on tumblr mobile home screen, so now i just get whatever i see my mutuals reblog, or something with a tag i follow (another neat feature to utilize), but again, because some people dont care to tag their stuff appropriately, it’s not always something i can read or something i feel mentally safe reading.
i doubt, like i seriously doubt, people only want to read their mutuals’ stuff. like me, i will support my mutuals and i appreciate them dearly but like….its not enough lol, i LOVE to read and i’m not tryna use them to farm a bunch of writing i can read for myself, that’s just fucked so i’m always looking (as best as i can while trying to avoid other people’s hidden landmines so to speak, because if i happen to like someone’s fic to read, i go back and check to see the blog is now just ‘???’ for me 💀) for new stuff from new writers, writers i don’t know, etc. that fits what i want to read (please, no more white character sibling!reader recs for me, i think you guys are so sweet for tryna plug me with something you think i’ll like but that immediately takes me out of the reader insert, like i can’t imagine myself or someone that looks like me)
yes, you can say there are cliques here who only support each other, and we haven’t been blind to drama and whatever, but people can say the same about you and your group of friends here. it’s all viewpoint. everyone is a part of a clique or group unless they literally don’t talk to anyone.
that aside, i dont know how many times ive gotten on here and like begged for recs and have been desperate enough to jump back into the general x reader tag to search for something to read only to encounter those dead doves. i hate not being able to venture out of my little cave, but it’s what i have to limit myself to. after this last dead dove with no warning, its gonna be a hot damn minute til i try again but i guess the whole point of this is
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robiinurheart33 · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @sergeantwoods !! I went a little crazy on the questions lols,,,
1. how many works?
Honestly no idea lmao (if ur talking on ao3, I don’t have an account there, but I’ve been thinking about it.) (14 wips atm)
2. Total word count?
Again, no idea LOL! My actual works have been around 1K ish per post? So id say in total maybee 10k?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, COD. I wanna expand more soon though, so stay tuned in the far, far future
4. top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m gonna list down my fav fics of all time (multi fandom) if im reading this correctly
1. Anything by buzzcut_season really. Their writing is spectacular and made my heart clench on so many occasions. My personal GOD of writing fluff. And the person that got me through the hells of teenage puberty.(for the record, i am still in puberty lmfao) my firsts in the tag tooth-rotting fluff and the magics of slow burn. (Sk8 the Infinity)
2. Neon Void by sugarpastels. The creator is here on Tumblr with the same user so if you wanna check her out go ahead!! FANTASTIC writing, villain Leo au with heart pounding scenes that leave me dizzy. A fic has never made me breathless and needing to pace around my room more than this one (special shoutout to her sister as well who is writing a mutant mayhem fic that unfortunately didn’t get added to the list but is still super well written!!) (ROTTMNT)
3. Anytime You Need Me by thirteenbullets. I really don’t need to elaborate more. Character analysis + fluff + non sexual intimacy + long fics… it’s the perfect series for me. I felt like a stuck gold when i read this. (COD)
4. The Eldest Brother by dEBB987. Classic 2012 x 2018 crossover, but it doesn’t have ooc and is just such. A. Fun. Read. Made me giggle and kick my legs more than one occasion and good family feels all around. (TMNT)
5. Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by a_platypus. Old Leo comes back to the past after the events of the movie to readjust to new life. The right amount of drama with the perfect amount of slice of life. This fic actually gives the old turtle a break but also not letting go of the teenage angst and everything that comes with seeing your dead friends young and alive again. Would have been higher on the list but it’s not completed sadly. The author does write for COD as well though, and it’s worth to check it out! (ROTTMNT)
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I love love love it when people comment and try to interact if possible.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the panic attack Ghost fic. Haven’t written much angst if im remembering correctly. I’m a major fluff person
7. fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh god i really haven’t written a proper fic at all helps. I’m frantically swiping through my robs ramblings tag and just realising most of the ghoap stuff i write is about their undying dedication to each other. Jesus. Happiest ending is probably one of my blurbs cause every time i try to write actual fluff i overheat and explode.
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
Nah. I don’t think ill ever write smut honestly not because im asexual its just that I don’t think I can write one accurately if that makes sense. Also im a minor I don’t think im allowed to do that
10. craziest crossover?
None yet
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not, but if i have i would take it as a sign that I’ve made it as a writer. Unless it’s more popular than the actual post in that case burn it with fire.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unfortunately and fortunately no. I would LOVE to collaborate, don’t get me wrong. But i would get so anxious about not disappointing the other person or procrastinating and motivation and all the works and just. Yeah I don’t have the mental capacity for that rn.
14. all time favourite ship?
ghoap, renga, ineffable husbands, solangelo (Off the top of my head rn)
15. what’s a wip that you want to finish but doubt you will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
I would say making everything just too dramatic and emotional
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. I can barely talk irl how am i supposed to write witty banter
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it. As a bilingual myself i love seeing diff languages it’s like a bonus secret for that language user
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. That was when i was in my “i think this is so cringy of me and i hold myself back because of it” because wow. I reread some of it recently and it’s horrible it will stay and rot in my notes app. Although i will say it’s so nice to see how far I’ve come in terms of writing and just posting publicly in general
20. favourite fic you’ve written?
The drunk soap one and the Ghoap one where they’re on stakeout together. I didn’t like the second one initially, but i think slaving over it worked. I love how I managed to balance the quietness and mutual respect and fondness of each other.
If you couldn’t tell, i had a lot of fun answering these questions haha
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations!! You know more about me than the average online follower 👏👏👏
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My Rules with Fanfics and Headcanons:
Archive of Our Own has had to make me take down my General Fanfic Rules, My Devil May Cry Rules, My Street Fighter Rules, and my smut prompts for February of 2024 due to all four violating guidelines and I had to delete them within 7 days otherwise my A03 account gets at best suspended or at worst terminated, so… those are gone from my archive.
However! I can repurpose my written rules for the current fandoms I’m in on here because I’m gonna get back into posting my written content on here. Especially since Street Fighter barely has any “x reader” content I like, and I figured that I needed a different place to cross post my works and I wanted to put visuals. So, here we are. This will also be a link in my pinned post.
Before I forget, I don’t write for Mortal Kombat anymore. I lost all interest a long time ago. Plus looking back at my main blog during the Mortal Kombat phase makes me want to cringe into a wadded ball of paper every time someone leaves a like on one of my old posts or reblogs. Oh and if you want to request something, do it in the notes. It may sound strange, but it’s because of yet another stupid bug on Tumblr where I can open my inbox up on my main blog but for some reason not on here. It just kept telling me, “it needs to be 26 characters long” and whatever, so until the bug is fixed (which will probably be never lol), we’re gonna have to make requests via the notes or if you don’t want to do that my DMs are always open.
As of right now, requests are open, just keep in mind that I’m slow and I procrastinate, lol.
And also, this is EXTREMELY important: because from what I heard from Tumblr being Tumblr… if I cannot use tags related to any TWs/CWs, it’ll be in a “Content Warning” note. Example: Content Warning(s): CNC
Finally, kiddos, go play Nintendo or something. This is a blog made by an adult for adults. That is also going to be a recurring tag for any explicit fics I make or reblog.
I do NOT do the following: Incest, Rape (closest you’ll get is a reference or implied rape, which WILL NOT be between the ship or CNC), Underage (as in Underage x Adult or Underage Characters having sex on screen), Mutilation during sex, golden showers, feces, spitting in mouth (or spitting in face), cheating (ick), sounding (it looks painful to me), period sex, feet, cervix fucking (as a woman this makes me cringe super hard), oviposition (keep your eggs to yourself and not inside someone’s holes, thank you), High School AU, any any explicit sexual act that is pregnancy related (like intentionally getting pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or having sex while pregnant) and more will be added
I do male x male, female x female, and male x female ships.
I write for male, female and gender neutral readers. I do NOT write for a specifically detailed reader such as short reader, Black reader, Latino reader, Asian reader, White reader, fat reader, tall reader, skinny reader, reader with big boobs, reader with small boobs, etc, etc. it defeats the entire point of a reader insert in my opinion. At THAT point… it’s now just an OC.
Speaking of OCs, when I do Canon x OC, I mainly do my own, so those will be tagged as such when you go into character tags.
I’m also thinking of doing text message AU type things because I’ve been reading them a lot in the JJK Fandom (all of you make such REALLY good ones, I swear to god), just keep in mind I’m a special type of lazy, and will just write it like a typical fanfiction or series of headcanons.
I will always have a trigger warning in the notes and in the tags similar to how I would use the “Non-Con” archive warning on A03, whenever I write CNC, so if that is not your cup of tea or it is very triggering for you to read, filter out tags (I’m gonna have tags titled “CNC” and “consensual non-consent” like this to make it easier), block me if you want to, just remember to stay in your lane when it comes to content like this. In fact, keep a very close eye out on this emoji: “⚠️” next to the title on these types of fics and any other fanfics that deal with serious subjects.
I hate that this needs to be said now, but when I write things like CNC, it’s purely fantasy, I do NOT condone any of the stuff I write. It is NOT an encouragement to do any of the stuff I write in real life. If anyone thinks that this is an encouragement to harm actual real people, then that is a completely different story. It’s like blaming Shooter games for real life mass shootings. This is gonna be the one and ONLY time I say this.
Devil May Cry Specific:
Obviously, no Spardacest, it’s weird. No smut involving DMC4 Nero or DMC4 Kyrie that is also weird.
I don’t ship Trish with any of the Sparda bloodline.
I don’t ship Vergil with Lady. I don’t write anything with Reboot Vergil because I hate him.
I also don’t write the Sparda twins sharing the same partner because in my opinion that’s on the same level as Spardacest plus the idea of dating two siblings (or literally any family members period) simultaneously makes me go, “bleh…”
No, I’m not gonna write anything about Nero x Kyrie, those two are canonically adopted brother and sister, and them being boyfriend and girlfriend is super weird. When I write Nero x Reader for instance, Reader is taking Kyrie’s role as the love interest, and Kyrie will be depicted as being Nero’s sister (maybe even having her date Nico instead).
Resident Evil Specific:
I write mainly for Leon, Carlos, Chris, Piers, Buddy (underrated king), Jill, Claire, Rebecca, Helena, Jake, Sherry (obviously canonically adult Sherry if it’s smut involving her) Wesker, Ada, and more will be added or removed soon.
I don’t ship Wesker with anyone except Ada Wong and William Birkin. I also don’t write for Aeon, because I prefer looking at artwork of them rather than writing about them or reading about them, if that makes sense. My main ships are Chreon, Leon x Ashley, JilLeon (Not enough content of them tbh), Jill x Claire, Jake Muller x Sherry Birkin, Kennechenko, Metaltango, and more will be added or removed soon.
Street Fighter Specific:
I write for Ed, Luke, Rashid, Chun-Li, Cammy, Elena (come home faster baby girl), Falke, Poison, Ken (there’s gonna be special rules with him), Ryu, Juri Han, and A.K.I. More will be added or removed soon.
When I write Ken x Reader, I have Reader be Ken’s spouse in place of Eliza, so don’t worry, he’s not being a man hoe while married, he’s gonna be married to reader instead whenever I write any romantic or sexy situation with them. This rule applies to any canonically married character I may become interested in.
Also when I write A.K.I, I am NOT going to ship her with Fang Fei. I know it’s canon that she simps for him, but that’s literally her adopted father and her master, so it’s a “nope” from me.
The Evil Within Specific:
Call me crazy, Ruvik and Stefano are my slasher villain fantasies just like how any girl thirsts for Ghostface. So… when I write sex scenes with them and Reader, always expect hardcore sex acts.
Detroit become Human Specific:
Here, on both my main blog and this blog, Hankcon and Reed900 requests are equally welcomed with open arms. No ship bashing!
I’m not writing anything for Leo Manfred or Todd because screw them.
Jujutsu Kaisen Specific:
I’m watching the anime, I have not read the manga nor have I seen any parts of the manga, so I might miss a ton of things when writing for JJK.
Characters I will mainly write for are, Gojo, Geto, Sukuna, Toji, Choso, Shoko, Takuma, and Yaga (because there is BARELY any content of this handsome walking unit of a man who loves his dolls and plushies).
No, I’m not writing smut of say, Yuji Itadori. And no, I’m not aging any of the students up for smut purposes. I’m not doing that when there are plenty of canonically adult characters I could write for, aging up the students for smut purposes is weird to me. Just sayin’.
Also similarly to my TEW rules regarding Ruvik and Stefano, I will specifically write the most hardcore stuff with Sukuna because it’s the most fitting with him.
A lot more things will be added to the future.
All of these rules apply to my A03 too.
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yorshie · 7 months
Please eXCUSE some upcoming like+reblog spam from me for I am EATING UP(!!!!) your soft, platonic fics where reader and the BoysTM are just existing >:O
I C R A V E more slice-of-life fics where the brothers are just being goofs. Where nothing major is happening, y'know? It's movie nights and good times and just-
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Hello! Don’t worry like/reblog spamming doesn’t bother me at all, if I’m gonna be honest I don’t even register it because that’s how a lot of ppl catalogue things for later reading and I love when I see someone loved something enough to reblog it!
Oh man I know what you mean! For a while I was a little worried because I thought I had them watching tv or eating in EVERY fic but then I just decided to role with it. Let them eat cake and watch tv and do nothing important, because that winding down Is Important. Also, not biased at all, but. Turtle Snuggles. With slice of life I can write all the Turtle Snuggles. 🤣
And it’s so interesting you use the word platonic! I mean this genuinely, because I’ve had a few discussions with ppl asking what the ships in those fics are (Appy slices, cistern and warm coded come to mind) and I’m just like “whatever you want them to be?” I think I described it to someone as “they love you but you get to decide how” the most important part was feeling like reader belonged with them. (And I didn’t want to rewrite declarations of love over and over). I def had a certain outlook writing them, but I’m so open to ppl interpreting it different ways and I’m a little nosy looking at how ppl tag them when they reblog. Sorry btw, you probably chose that word without thinking much of it and I pounced on it lol.
Thank you for stopping by and saying hi!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
HERE WE GO: Thai QL Favorites Tag Game! Thanks to @telomeke, @lurkingshan, and @kattahj for the tags!
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy, with a close second going to Until We Meet Again. My valuation here is -- what show do I think about the MOST on a daily basis? In every other show I watch, I’m thinking of Bad Buddy, and how BBS did x, y, and z differently. Still to me one of the most brilliant overall dramas I’ve ever watched, so mind-blowingly layered, and to me, BBS serves as a love letter and an honoring to the traumas that Asian children face as their parents grow, painfully, out of their own traumas.
Favorite Pairing: I’m going to assume pairings refers to the fictional ships, so: PatPran, obviously, with DeanPharm, BunTan, TeeFuse, and FrameBook in close running! Honorable mention to ThunMed, but Med is a ghost, sooooo, yeah, is object permanence a requirement in ships?! 
Most underrated actor: I’m adding to @telomeke and @pandasmagorica‘s pitch for Gawin Caskey. I know I have yet to see him in Not Me, but he was fabulous in Dark Blue Kiss.... and he is TEARING IT UP in Be My Favorite. There is not one hiccup with this man’s acting. He and Krist are CARRYING BMF to fabulous results. Honorable mention to my fave, Nammon Krittanai, who held down in SOTUS S and ATOTS, and he’s gonna be in The Rebound with Frank Thanatsaran, so we’ll see how that goes!
Favorite Character: Haaaaaa. OMG. I have so many. Honestly... for this very moment, I’d have to say Pharm from UWMA. I know his blushing maiden approach turned off a lot of folks, but Pharm just gave us EVERYTHING by way of demonstrating ALL of his emotions at his entire situation in holding Intouch’s spirit within him and negotiating his future with Dean. Pharm may have been a blushing maiden, but he also held his own, stood up for himself with the temporary break, and found his true love on his own, independently, in the end. I absolutely loved Pharm’s trajectory. 
Favorite Side Character: Oh no, also too many to list! I love that @telomeke mentioned Yihwa from Together With Me, but for me, I think tied for my tops in this category, would be Thun’s mom in He’s Coming To Me, and Pete’s dad in Dark Blue Kiss. The very, very best BL parents.
Favorite scene in a QL: Thun’s coming out scene on the rooftop in He’s Coming To Me/episode 5. I float when I think of Ohm Pawat’s acting in that moment.
Favorite line in a QL: This is a good one. For pure sessyness, I like what Ae says to Pete in the thin-walled dorm room in Love By Chance, and what Sarawat says to Tine at the end of Still 2gether. 
But I think I like what Dean says to Pharm in... I think it’s episode 6 in UWMA. “Who taught you to say something like this?” Gives me the shivers.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends, of course, with 23.5 and Dangerous Romance in close seconds. (If this were NOT a Thai list, I would say the second season of What Did You Eat Yesterday?, because I’m planning to LOSE MY MIND OVER THAT, lol.)
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Are we talking romantic relationships?! Because Thun and Thun’s mom in HCTM, and Pete and Pete’s dad in DBK definitely count, ha. As far as couplings go? I might actually argue for Uea and King in Bed Friend! They went through SO MUCH to get to where they were at the end of that show. SO MUCH. And King just LED in such a positive and healthy way, listening to every one of Uea’s needs and responding to them. They are a fabulous couple. I’ll give them their flowers for ending in such a healthy and open place! 
Most toxic relationship in a QL: TharnType, and that’s all I’ll say about that.
Guilty pleasure series: Ooooooh. I don’t think I can answer this, because I don’t think I’ve watched enough Thai QLs out of the context of the Old GMMTV Challenge to have watched a series PURELY for pulpy goodness. I think I need more familiarity with the genre by way of quantity to fully answer this!
Most underrated series: I agree with @telomeke. HE’S COMING TO ME. A show that was WAY before its time, and did not get its flowers, publicly, by GMMTV or the 2019 fandoms. The writing and acting on this show was SPECTACULAR. I will beat this drum forever: anyone who calls themselves a QL fan MUST watch this show for the standards it set in acting, in writing, and in message delivery. Utterly stunning.
Gonna tag some of the usual suspects of the OGMMTVC in here, as well as new friends I’ve made through Be My Favorite! @absolutebl, @solitaryandwandering, @nieves-de-sugui, @clairificusrex, @manogirl, @telomeke, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @twig-tea, @crowie, @chickenstrangers, @grapejuicegay, @dribs-and-drabbles, @miscellar, @aliceisathome, @rocketturtle4, and anyone else, feel free to jump in!
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karebear923 · 6 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @befuddledcinnamonroll! Thank you so much for the tag!! 🥰 I really liked your post too!
I’m going to over explain everything 😅 sorry not sorry
3 Ships You Like:
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1. Gao Shi De & Zhou Shu Yi are currently on my mind again! I remember We Best Love was one of the first BL shows I watched and the angst was intense! Plus the songs were really good too!
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2. Lian & Kuea from Cutie Pie are one of my top pairs! The romance is on point! The Next Prince when??
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3. Hira & Kiyoi from My Beautiful Man are so perfect together! Literally the definition of made for each other! Could never be with anyone else!
First Ship Ever:
I’ve always been into romance, I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t 😅 but my first huge obsession/OTP was Edward and Bella from Twilight 🙈
I know, I know, I’m sorry to disappoint. I acknowledge that they’re problematic, and I in no way endorse any crazy behavior irl. But just like Kristen Stewart I look back on that time fondly and no one can ruin it for me.
Last Song You Heard:
I have way too many songs on my Spotify, so if I’m not in the mood for anything in particular I’ll just listen to my music in alphabetical order so I know I’ve heard them all. Right now I’m finishing up the letter U.
Favorite Childhood Book:
I read a lot as a child, but I don’t think I had a favorite. I remember Junie B. Jones and Geronimo Stilton the most but those were series so I read multiple of those. Twilight doesn’t count cause I was a teen by then.
Currently Reading:
I still read a lot, but I don’t read books anymore. I read fanfics on AO3 cause it’s easier access, they’re shorter stories, and I already know the characters. Sometimes when I finish a show I love the characters so much that I don’t want to let them go yet! Right now I’m eagerly awaiting every new chapter of “a glitch in the universe” by VishCount 😊
Currently watching:
- Unknown (everyone keeps saying it’s gonna hurt but I’m in denial lol there’s a happy ending though, right???)
- 1000 Years Old (I wasn’t planning on watching this, I just clicked on it on a whim but I’m really enjoying it)
- 23.5° (GMMTV’s first GL! Gotta show support! And it’s cute so far)
- Pit Babe (first time watching but I know some plot points)
- Vice Versa (#vvrewatch2024)
- Beauty Newbie (I didn’t watch True Beauty but I’m watching this remake cause Win Metawin is in it and it’s good so far but also I’m 4 episodes behind 🙈 they post 2 a week! That’s a lot for me!)
Currently consuming:
Water lol. I had Pollo Campero for lunch about 3 hours ago tho 👍🏽
Currently craving:
My bed! 😩 I have to get ready for work now and I don’t want to!
No pressure tags
I don’t know 9 people on here like that 😅😬 @stormyoceans @buckystilinski @katemagic @poetry-protest-pornography @absolutebl
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
“Are there a lot more Damangela posts out there that I’m missing? Because I saw a couple posts complaining about people talking about Damangela but I swear it’s literally only you and MAYBE one or two other people talking about them. Also it’s wild to me that people would complain about Damangela when Ianthony is RIGHT THERE or even amangela or spommy like people talk about these ALL the time writing lots of smut and everything but people are gonna complain about the five Damangela posts that happen every few days at most?? No hate to people talking about any of those ships I’m not one of those people who care so much about what people ship (if I don’t like it I just ignore it) but I just think it’s weird to call out Damangela when it’s such a small ship no one really talks about too much. And 99% of the Damangela posts are platonic and not romantic anyway so I don’t get why people are bothered by it.”
Hi Mitty! good to see you!
“Are there a lot more Damangela posts out there that I’m missing? Because I saw a couple posts complaining about people talking about Damangela but I swear it’s literally only you and MAYBE one or two other people“
That’s what has me all confused. I’m pretty sure there’s only a small handful of Damangela acc on here, or anywhere. I don’t really know why people have been getting so up in arms about Damangela? I’ve been seeing a lot of hate for ‘damangela shippers’ when I really can only think of like 3? that are openly shipping them together??
Most people posting about Damangela are purely Dynamic Enjoyers™, and openly stating that. I don’t know where this wave of people came from, talking about ‘damangela shippers’ like there’s so many.
“people would complain about Damangela when Ianthony is RIGHT THERE or even amangela or spommy“
I think it’s because those ships in particular are all queer ships. It always strikes me as odd that people are EXTREMELY comfortable shipping rpf if it’s queer, but if it’s hetero they say it’s an invasion of privacy and weird. Like you’re saying IT’S NOT AN INVASION IF ITS GAY??? WHERES THE LOGIC?? do people not understand how sexuality works? (if you have a problem with rpf COMMIT TO IT. DONT PRETEND ITS OK ONLY IF ITS QUEER. shipping real people is shipping real people.)
(I do realize that all of those ships have pretty obvious reasons why they aren’t taken as seriously. Amanda is married, Spencer is straight(?), ... , so I understand that side, but if you truly think rpf is bad, commit to it.)
I’d also like to say just because a Woman/Man is hetero, does NOT mean they romantically like EVERY Man/Woman they meet. 
“it’s weird to call out Damangela when it’s such a small ship no one really talks about too much“
That’s what I’m thinking as well, like I said, I can only think of maybe 3 people that openly ship them together? and they don’t even post that regularly. It almost feels like they’re trying to head off future shippers because of the Podcast clip that came out recently? (the Christmas Event™)
That’s ^ the only reasonable thing I can think of. (they still aren’t doing a very good job as a community... I think it’s because there’s been a lot of new fans the last couple years)(along with Smosh not being very good with fan discourse)(I could go on for days about this lol)(if there was an obvious figure head in the community that could point the fans in good directions I think that would help with the weird dog piling that’s going on rn)
“99% of the Damangela posts are platonic and not romantic anyway so I don’t get why people are bothered by it.“
It doesn’t make much sense to me either. 
The one thing I did see that I could imagine being annoying, is that people trying to look through #Angela Giarratana tag are getting flooded with damangela content. (and obviously the #Damien Hass tag as well) I could TOTALLY see why that could make some people mad! but there’s really not much to do about that.. 
(other than going into settings and filtering out damangela manually)
I feel a little bad that we’ve been flooding their tags, but I can’t really do anything about it? I could start not tagging both of them? but I feel like it makes more sense to just filter your own tags than get me to change how I tag (other people would be tagging them even if I stopped anyway..)
Anyway, I’m sure all this will blow over soon! something about April Fools Marriage and a Solar eclipse is getting everyone all red blooded.
-Much love Mitty! <3
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collegeoflore · 6 months
OC meme!
tagged by @aliasknives!! thank you love :3
tagging @menzoberranzans @elminsters @tadpole-apocalypse @undead-potatoes and anyone else who wants to do it :3c
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Full name: xarrai. just xarrai lol. they’ve never once used their last name and so that gave me an excuse to never make one up for them :)
Gender: sure. whatever. (transfem flavor)
Sexuality: bi/pan/who cares
Pronouns: any
Family: they don’t remember if they ever met their father or not, and while their mother and at least two half siblings live in neverwinter, they don’t speak at all
Birthplace: the outer city, somewhere between wyrm’s crossing and the basilisk gate
Job: bard, courtesan, information broker, pickpocket, con artist, professional drunkard, etc etc etc. post-game, they add adventurer and (reluctantly) bard college instructor. (jury is still out on if the xarrastarion harper ending is canon in which case they add harper to the list even more reluctantly LOL)
Phobias: loss of autonomy, The Church Of Bane As A Whole lol
Guilty pleasures: if you asked, xarrai would tell you they’re a true hedonist and would never feel guilty for any pleasure. but if you dig deep enough into the trunk they had stashed at the elfsong you will find a collection of some of the worst romance novels in faerun buried under fancy dresses and thigh high boots that they would VEHEMENTLY deny is theirs. they don’t Like these books but they are obsessed with them the way people hate watch reality television LMAO
Hobbies: reading, leather working, writing (mostly music or poetry), stick n poke tattoos, drunkenly making out with strangers at the blushing mermaid, petty theft. obvs they sing and play their lyre but that’s part of their day job so i’m not sure if it counts under hobbies? lmao
Alignment: chaotic neutral, leaning a littleeee chaotic good by the end of act 3. a little.
Sins: most of them if we’re being fully honest. lmao
Virtues: self-control, vigilance, freedom (is that a virtue? whatever.)
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
this section was such a challenge for xar they r very much an Everything All At Once guy lol. take these answers with a grain of salt ig
OTP: astarion, unfortunately for everyone involved
Acceptable Ships: gale (but it never really works out for them,) technically they romance halsin in game as well but it’s not really romantic. tbh u could make an argument for them with most of the companions and it wouldn’t be That outlandish
OT3: i mean like astarion/xarrai/halsin is vaguely canon but they’re never Serious with halsin, though perhaps they get a little more romantically involved with him post-game? realistically i think xar just keeps a rotating cast of other partners coming in and out of their life until the end of time and i rly dont see astarion ever having an issue with it. they would get bored without hearts to break tbh. its enrichment.
Brotp: karlachhhh forever and ever. after she dies, they’re probably closest with gale (sorry gale lol)
Notp: it’s not technically a notp but i am obsessed with how badly xarrai wants jaheira and how she turns them down every time. ur never gonna get that milf honey but u can keep trying
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