#i was trying to practice how ro draw them
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hws-lceland · 5 months ago
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der-schweizer · 4 months ago
This is a little idea about the post of @proneterror204 make sure to hit them up for the og post.
Part two
Danny was somewhere between bored, tired (which he almost always was) and generally not okay. How his parents had managed to draw the attention of Wayne Enterprise and get invited to a Gala that Bruce Wayne himself was hosting, was beyond him.
Granted he hadn't even known about it until about three days ago. Honestly he should be used to getting utterly blindsided by his parents ‘Come on, Danny. We are going to drive for the next three days. It's going to be fun’-type of surprises.
They had just left him enough time to lock down the portal, something his dad should have done, grab his suit that Vlad had gifted him. (As much as he dislikes the Froot Loop, Danny wasn’t stupid enough to throw out a multi-thousand Dollar suit.) And then they were off.
He managed to sneak in a few texts to Sam and Tucker on the ride. So now he was here, halfway bored out of his head. He had already been talked to multiple times, and each time got mistaken for one of the Wayne kids.
Danny could see it honestly. Blue eyes, Black hair, decent build body and an air of exhaustion that hung around most of them like a cloak. It was probably the reason why they kept coming to him. Thankfully he managed to shake them off rather quickly.
He had finally found a quiet corner where he could lurk and eat some of the finger food that was laid out on the buffet. Going for thirds was tempting as everything was very tasty but sadly not very filling.
“Man, I could go for a burger.”
A snort came from next to him, which nearly startled him. The girl that had been in the corner before was putting a hand over her mouth in clear embarrassment.
“Uhm. Hi?” Danny gave an awkward wave, not knowing how he should talk to her. In turn she said a quiet “Hello” whilst also signing it. Danny of course immediately picked up on it.
“Sorry to ask but are you
” he gestured towards his ears, signing himself in case she was deaf. The girl looked at him with surprise before smiling softly. “No, I don't like talking.”
“Ah, perfectly understandable. I do know ASL, one of my friends is almost deaf but she got those fancy implants that let her hear everything.”
In lieu of the answer all he got was an “Mhh.” He went quiet after, having no fucking idea what to talk about. Danny quietly wondered what the fuck he could even talk about, the weather? Either rain or fog. The city? Rockbottom in every poll except for crime. Thinking about it gave him an idea.
“Say, who is your favorite Vigilante?”
The question got her attention, making her think for a moment before quietly saying. “Like Wing. Yours?” Danny mused for a second, humming loudly.
“Hmm, I think it's Orphan. I mean, have you seen her move? Just pure grace and elegance. I bet she is an immortal Vampire that simply got bored and decided to fight crime.”
He didn’t see how she blushed, “No.”
Danny just scoffed, “Are you kidding me? She moves with far too much elegance and grace to be mortal. Credit to the other bats but they move like mortals. She dances around both rogues and vigilantes!”
She turned away for a moment, trying to hide that she was blushing but it didn't really work. “Orphan. Is. good. What about others?”
“Oh, hmm.” Danny looked up whilst tapping a finger against his chin. “Well there’s Red Hood and Stabby Robin. Both are top tier, which should be a no brainer.”
She tilted her head in thought. “Why?”
“Well. Stabby robin practices the art of the sword, a forgotten art in modern times. And Red Hood shoots pedophiles! Who doesn't like that?” Danny set his empty plate aside, looking around for a waiter with drinks.
Her answer drew his full attention back to her. “Batman.”
Danny scoffed at the name. “Yeah, of course he doesn't like that. I mean have you looked at the costume of the very first Robin? Doesn't take much imagination why he dislikes Hood offing pedos.”
A crackle in her ear drew Cass’s attention away from him. “Red Robin here, Lantern and Superman are moving in to arrest his parents. Can you keep him distracted for a while longer?”
“Mmm. You still want burger?”
“Huh? Uh, yeah? Do you know a good place?” The question itself caught him absolutely off guard.
“Yes, take me out?” She tilted her head, giving him a cute look. Danny just shrugged, “Sure, my parents are going to take hours to explain everything anyway and they keep getting sidetracked whilst doing so. I fully expect to still be here tomorrow. Might as well spend the time with a cute girl.”
She blushed visibly, then stuck out her hand. “Cass, we date now.” He grabbed her hand, flushing a bit as well. “I’m Danny.”
“No, not Danny. You boyfriend.” She hooked her arm with his and pulled him along. Danny quickly went along with it, not saying no to it.
In Cass’s ear Red Robin spoke again. “Uh Cass? That wasn't the plan. You don't have to date him. Cass? Please don't make me explain this to B.” A click was heard as another com went to the same line. Batman growled out a simple. “Follow. Them.” before it went off.
Cassandra just put a bit more pep into her step as she pulled her new boyfriend towards her personal favorite Bat burger.
Nightwing clicked his comm on, “Found them. They are in the parking lot at main and fifth street.”
He spent a moment taking a picture of them. It showed them sitting on a concert divider, with Danny pointing up with his left whilst holding a half eaten burger in his right. Cass was sitting next to him,a bunch of fries sticking out of her mouth whilst she was grabbing a bunch more. She is also starring right at the camera. Her look perfectly said ‘if you ruin this date, i will end you’.
Batman's voice echoed in his ear, “Keep your eyes on Danny. He might have the same ideology as his parents. Oa and the lanterns are already moving in on the Ghostly Investigation Ward. We might have to take him into custody if things turn bad.”
Dick was just about to answer when Cass abruptly stood up, dranging Danny up and then away.
“Hold on, they just started moving again.” Nightwing got up from his perch and followed them quickly.
Tim worked on cutting through the strange rope, “Okay. Just to make sure I got everything right. Danny and Cass went to Batburger and had some takeout, then went for a walk in the park whilst you followed them, right?”
Dick who was trying not to wiggle, nodded. "Yeah."
“Then some weird ass shadow creature jumped you, tied you up and hung you from this tree, right?”
“You are forgetting the part where I described it as a lady from the eighteen sixties, and the part where she said to leave ‘the king of kings’ in peace. Other than that you got it spot on.”
“You know, I would make fun of you for that but considering that there is no knot in this rope and its tough as hell I will believe you.”
“Great. Do we know where they went after I lost them?”
Tim looked him right in the eyes. “Steph found them, and considering how red she was when she came back, it's best to wait until morning.”
Dick opened his mouth to ask why before it clicked in his head. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.”
Danny woke up groggy, his eyes were crusted over and his limbs felt heavy. For a moment he just laid there, then did a full body stretch, stretching from toes to fingertips.
After it he laid there for a moment listening to noises in the room. He could hear cars and their horns. Some shouting down the hall and the shower in the bathroom.
That prompted the memories of last night which caused the ‘i got laid’ grin. He let out a satisfied noise, before crossing his arms behind his head.
After a moment Danny wondered if Cass would be up to ‘share’ the shower only for him to freeze at the sight of the Batman in the room.
“Daniel James Fenton.” Batman growled out. “You are hereby placed under investigation by the Justice League for potential violation of interdimensional rights. Your parents have already been arrested and are awaiting their trial. Do you have anything to say to that?”
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someonexsomeone · 6 months ago
Title: Sweetness
Author: SomeonexSomeone
Word Count: 3.3k
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans
Summary: The Marauders LOVED to watch you with Remus.
Authors Note: this was actually born from another fic i was writing that i hated scrapped and kept one sentence from lmao
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“What are you idiots up to now?” 
There was very little that could rattle Lily Evans. Her sister, Severus Snape, and, as reluctant as she wanted to admit it, James Potter, were just a few people, not to mention the very Gryffindor nature she adopted over the years making her susceptible to reckless actions, but she was getting the hang of it, honest! It was just that stupid Potter that set her on edge without having to do anything, and then he’d bat his pretty eyelashes at her and--
Ugh. Thinking about him made her feel nauseous.
She’d done her best to avoid Potter as much as possible, not that Dumbledore made it any easier assigning them as Head Girl and Boy (despite her many protests), but he seemed adamant on sticking by her side. Or, as Marlene suggested, not that Lily believed it anyway, that Potter was simply going about his day to day life and they just happened to share a few classes together and of course he would sit near her in the Great Hall since it was practically commonplace to sit near your yearmates, and why was she paying so close attention to him anyway?
“Because he’s so annoying it's impossible to ignore. Like a moldy cheese, his stink of annoyance just fills a room.”
“You know, Lily,” Marlene teased, drawing out every word. “Some people think smelly cheese is irresistible.”
She stormed away before she could think that her red face was attributed to anything but anger.
So, imagine her surprise when, the very person she was trying to avoid, was acting more a fool than usual, his butt hanging out of a classroom door with none of the decorum required of a Head Boy. Though, she mused, why did she expect anything different from him, even if he’d been acting more mature this term.
His goofy shocked face caused her heart to flutter, another symptom of her annoyance.
“Lily!” Potter whisper-shouted, somehow being incapable of speaking quietly even when it was so obvious he was trying. Sirius Black, used to his antics, knocked a knobby elbow into his side from his position on the floor, playful glare on his face as he shushed his better half.
“Quiet!” Black hissed, voice just as loud. Potter didn’t seem to notice, sending him a sheeping smile.
“Sorry!” he said, though his voice was only lower in pitch, not volume. Lily rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here? I thought you were studying with Marlene?”
“Stalking me now, Potter?” She was shocked, however, when Potter flushed red instead of his flirty remark.
“I-I would never! You know that, don’t you?” And then, as if he realized how pathetic he sounded, his mouth twitched into a grimace. “Unless, you--
you want me to?”
“Oh Merlin,” Black sighed, shaking his head, voice exasperated. “Marlene told us in case Dorcas finished her meeting with Professor Gropmorph early.”
This time, it was Lily who flushed in embarrassment. Thankfully, Remus took the perfect moment to open the door to the classroom, unamusement clear, even as Potter and Black toppled like dominoes face first onto Remus’s shoes.
“What are you idiots doing now?” Lily felt her chest swell in kinship, even as Remus’s face dropped in shock at spotting her standing there. “Lily?”
“I promise,” she said quickly, “I have nothing to do with this!”
what are you doing here? What are any of you doing here?”
“Well, you see--!” Black scrambled to his feet, knocking James over in his attempt to get up faster. “I was just--...we were just--...”
“Rounds!” James shouted, gracelessly, despite his usual athleticism, using the door frame to pull himself up. Once he was on his feet, he swung an arm around Lily. When she tried to sidestep away from him, he kept his arm firm, and she pretended to hate it. “We were just doing rounds, right, Evans?”
It was a miracle these marauders didn’t get into more trouble if this is what they were like when they were lying. James was staring down at her with his big brown eyes, twinkling with hope. Black was making a subtle motion to play along, though it was in clear view of Remus, who eyed them suspiciously.
Why me?, she thought, miserably.
“...Yeah,” she finally said, though the moment had stretched on for far too long to be convincing. Black face palmed.
“Rounds? But it’s not even dinner yet?”
James cursed under his breath. Lily rolled her eyes. How could he forget his best friend was a prefect?
“It’s those new Head rounds, right?” Black provided. James slumped in relief, immediately nodding along.
“Yep! Yeah, new rounds for Head Girl and Boy. Wouldn’t have taken the job if I knew there was so much to do!” James laughed too loud, then abruptly stopped, whipping his head down to look at Lily. “Not that I’m not responsible! I agreed, so I’ll follow through. Promise!”
“...okay,” Remus agreed, drawing out the sound to fill the sudden awkward silence. He eyes Black, almost looking like he was going to ask what he was doing there, then decided better and kept the question to himself. Lily didn’t blame him. “Well, have fun
“Yes, yes! You as well, whatever mysterious thing you’re doing in there!” Black babbled, practically pushing Remus back into the room, throwing a glare over his shoulder. 
Just before the door shut, Lily swore she saw a familiar silhouette.
With the door now closed, and Black assured that Remus was far enough away, he whipped around, voice exasperated as he said, “Way to go, Prongs.”
“What?” Lily shrugged off Potter’s arm, and he had the decency to look embarrassed. “Oh, sorry. I panicked.”
“I could tell.” She made a show of whipping off her shoulder, but made no move to walk away. “What were you even doing?”
Potter opened his mouth to respond, but Black launched himself, covering his mouth with both hands. Potter's eyes widened, grabbing Black’s arms to push him away.
“Why are you curious? We’re not breaking any rules,” Black said suspiciously, voice trembling as he held his hands still. Lily eyed the two, Potter obviously not putting all his strength into the fight, then looked at the door.
“Remus is allowed to be in there,” she said instead of responding. She turned to Black, crossing her arms and standing her ground. “You, however, are being incredibly rude by spying on him.”
“He’s our friend,” Black argued, as if that justified his actions.
“Friends don’t spy on each other.”
“Friends don’t keep secret lovers.”
Immediately, the two looked at each other in equal shock, eyes widening in unison. Potter used the distraction to finally free his mouth, playfully spitting on the floor.
“Ugh, wash your hands, Pads.”
Lily blinked owlishly at Black, who looked horrified at what he revealed.
“Remus is dating--”
“We don’t know for sure,” James said before she could continue, warily glancing at the closed door. Deciding it would be best to move away, he nodded his head at Black, then gestured Lily down the hall, an illusion of privacy she found she appreciated. Once they were a good ways down, where the door all but disappeared into the lopsided cobbled wall, James continued, “It’s just a hunch we’ve had.”
“A hunch?” 
“Our Moony is very protective of his pack--” Potter coughed pointedly at Black, who just rolled his eyes, “--of friends.”
“What he means,” James cut in, “is that Moony is very selective of who he gets close to. Childhood trauma and all that. He just hasn’t gotten around to introducing us yet.”
Lily thought they were being very nonchalant for discussing childhood trauma, but she shrugged it off, reminding herself these were the boys who thought dungbombs were funny because they smelled like farts.
“And you were
what, trying to find a good time to introduce yourselves?” Potter turned sheepish while Black laughed.
not exactly.”
“Not that you would know, dear Evans, but our Moony is quite the romantic.”
“Remus? Remus Lupin?” Lily conjured the shy Remus she knew, the one who stuttered the first time they interacted, who she recalled being too quiet to stand up to his friends’ wrongdoings, but helped in every other instance. Remus, who she rarely saw with anyone but his roommates, despite the countless people throwing themselves at his feet for a date.
Black nodded, long hair swinging around his shoulders.
“The most. Would put Calyna Ollapianne to shame.” Although Lily was lost, no doubt one of many pop culture wizards she hadn’t had the time to discover, the way Potter was nodding his head made her inclined to believe it was a good thing. Maybe Mary would know, she wondered to herself, she’s always been into wizarding things.
“And, you see, he’s shy.” To this, Lily nodded. “So, when he does fancy someone, he doesn’t always have the courage to say something.”
“Except!” Black’s mischievous smile made her nervous. “Our dear Moony, who usually runs away tail between his legs when a pretty thing walks by, is currently locked in a room, far from other students or distractions, supposedly tutoring a very pretty thing.”
Lily stopped, her two companions falling in line to look at her, identical smiles on their faces. If she didn’t know Black had been staying with the Potter’s, she might have been weirded out. Instead, she only felt confusion, looking back over her shoulder to the hallway they just abandoned. Black was practically bouncing on his feet as he waited for her response.
“Remus is currently tutoring a fellow classmate and your
disrupting him?” Black sighed dramatically, obviously not what he was expecting to hear from her.
“Come on, Evans. You’re not the littlest bit curious?” He gestured down the hall. “We just let you in on one of our biggest secrets and you can’t even give me a dramatic gasp?”
“One of--?”
“We don’t bother them,” Potter reassured before she could continue, giving her a softer smile, one that relaxed her nerves, as much as she hated to admit it. “We just
want to make sure he’s doing alright. Provide emotional support, or whatever.”
Lily looked, really looked, at James as he stuttered over his words, pointedly avoiding her eyes. Even with his tanned skin, she could see the beginnings of a flush creeping up his neck, painting the tips of his ears rosy. The more she looked, the more he stammered, hands waving wildly, knocking into Black, though neither of them really acknowledged it, too busy studying her or too used to it, she didn’t know. She tucked away the knowledge that her stare made him stumble over her words.
By the time his voice was getting shrill, pathetically forming messy sentences that somehow implicated him and Black in a torrid affair with Remus, a familiar boy rounded the corner.
“Hey! Sorry, am I late?” Pettegrew called, face red and sweaty from no doubt running to meet up with his friends. “I got here as fast as I could.”
Though Remus was by far her favorite Seventh Year boy, Peter Pettigrew was high on her list, thanks to his inability to talk without his friends nearby. Lily hadn’t had many interactions with him, beyond the odd Gryffindor camaraderie at matches and being paired up in class, but there was something about the way he followed along behind his friends, as if he was completely spineless, set her on edge. Pathetic, she hated to admit, was one of the few words she associated with him, and she felt bad enough about it that she often went out of her way to be extra kind to him. Like now, as she gave him a small smile. Pettigrew gave her a toothy one in return when he spotted her.
“Oh, Evans! I didn’t know you liked watching Moony too!”
“Yeah!” He laughed, setting Black and Potter on edge. “These two are obsessed with watching Moony get all lovey--”
“You’re such a snitch!” Black yelped before he could continue, locking Pettigrew’s head in the crook of his arm, pushing his fist into the top of his head and rubbing until both of their hair was askew.
“I thought you were there to provide ‘moral support’?” Lily questioned, side eyeing Potter, who started to stutter again. 
It should have been obvious, she mused, that they were lying about being there for his friend. As long as she’s known them, they were always up to something. Niceties hiding deception, innocence hiding trickery. Even if he’d matured in the past term, actually being a good Head Boy despite her reluctance to admit it, old habits die hard.
“We really are! It’s just--...It’s just
” Potter’s stutter, despite usually making her want to roll her eyes, made her feel a little bad. After all, they were a collection of contradictions. Who's to say he couldn't be spying for good and bad reasons? She nearly pinched herself at the thought.
Black, noticing his friend's dilemma, loosened his hold to step closer. Pettigrew used the distraction to pull his head away, surprisingly knocking a leg out to trip Black, sending him tumbling into Potter, and both of them onto the floor.
“They're looney,” Pettegrew rushed out, a mischievous smile on his face. Potter and Black wiggled against each other on the floor, untangling limbs to stop their friend from saying more. “Obsessed with how Moony gets all soft. Did they tell you their favorite thing is when he stands behind to guide wand movement with his whole body? ‘Oh, Prongs, hold me like Moony does!’, ‘Pads, Pads! Do you think they’ll kiss later?’!”
“Snitch!” Potter shouted this time, launching himself across the floor towards Pettigrew’s knees, knocking them down. The two grappled on the floor, Pettigrew laughing while Potter stuttered apologies towards Lily, swearing they weren’t creeps, while Black rose beside her, cackling and cheering them on, an annoying ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ that brought on a migraine she did not need to deal with right now. 
“What are you doing?” All four of them froze, the unexpected stern voice rattling them to their bones. 
Lily was the first to turn, wince pulling her eyebrows to her nose as she watched Remus hurry down the hall, obvious exasperation on his face. She felt even worse as she spotted you trailing behind him. It was obvious they weren’t as quiet as they hoped, pulling you from the tutoring session Remus had gone through the trouble of renting a room for.
“Lily?” You called, evidently more confused to see her than the two locked in a wrestle on the floor. “What are you doing here?”
“I was--...I was just--
” She felt foolish stumbling over her words like that. It was a public hallway, she had every right to be here just as the others did, and she wasn’t one of the bubbling fools getting their uniforms dirty while they rolled on the floor. Well, she wasn’t one of the fools, but she had to admit she was very much bumbling.
“Why are you two always on the floor?” Remus said, exasperated. He reached down, hauling Pettigrew to his feet, much to Potter’s dismay, who had to rise on his own, Black still too busy eyeing you up. She could have sworn she saw Remus send a sharp glare in Black’s direction, but the harshness completely vanished as he looked at you again. Instead of the mean look he reserved for his friends, his eyebrows relaxed, face going rosy as he apologized. “I’m sorry, we’re meant to be studying.”
“Yeah, studying
” Black murmured under his breath, much too loud to be a private thought. Lily stomped on his foot not too discreetly in retaliation. “Merlin’s beard--!”
She turned to stick her tongue out at him, a very irresponsible thing to do as Head Girl but there was something about these troublemakers that made her feel like a little kid again, but before she could do more, Potter elbowed her harshly in the side. When she whipped toward him, he had an embarrassed flush on his face, evidently not meaning to hit her so hard, but he gestured quickly back to you. Only curiosity had her pulling her eyes away from him.
“It’s alright, Rem.” Lily watched as Remus all but melted at the nickname, easily dodging around the group to return to your side. His hand hovered over your shoulder, then dropped, either too nervous or too aware of the watching eyes to actually touch you. It didn’t stop his fingers, however, from twitching towards you as you gave him a smile. “It’s getting close to dinner anyway.”
“Sorry about them.” 
Black wiggled his eyebrows at Lily as Remus’s voice dropped to something sickly sweet, lower and smoother than she was used to hearing. However, as he flicked his eyes towards his friends, all in unison the boys whipped their heads away, whistling or otherwise pretending to not be paying attention. Lily flushed, then looked to her feet, disbelieving that she was following along. But, she hated to admit, this was much too good to walk away from.
“They're fun. And, we can always pick up where we left off tomorrow. No big deal.” You seemed to have no qualms touching him, your hand reaching out to squeeze one of his in reassurance. Lily lifted her eyes just in time to watch a scattering of goosebumps litter the back of his neck, just above the collar of his messy button up. “Same time?”
“Yeah, same time.” She could almost hear the sadness in his voice, easily picturing puppy ears sprouting from his head at how downtrodden he was at leaving you. You seemed to agree, laughing, and then reaching out to gently pat his face. “Have fun at dinner.”
“You could always join us, you know!” Black called out when you pulled away, surprising everyone by daring to speak out and break the gentle atmosphere that surrounded you two. Remus whipped his head around to glare, though he failed as his eyes widened in shock, motioning to cut it out. Potter hissed under his breath in tandem with Lily’s pinch to his side, but Black simply let a smooth smirk pull across his lips, ignoring everyone’s not so subtle hints. “Remus always talks about how much he misses you--”
In perfect unison, Lily stepped out of the way, latching onto your arm to pull you away, while James slapped one of his big hands across Black’s mouth, giving you a bright smile.
“--your tutoring lessons!” he gasped out, glancing at Remus quickly before returning his smile to you. “Loves--likes what a good student you are! Best one he’s ever had!”
“Potter was just telling me how good Remus was. Tell me about it?” Lily suggested, piggybacking off Potter’s obvious lie, tugging you down the hallway. You looked at her quizzically, obviously wondering why she suddenly was all buddy-buddy with you when you two hadn’t shared so much as a whole conversation before, but you didn’t press.
“Alright?” She felt giddy as a soft smile stretched across your lips, neck craned awkwardly so you could turn to look back at Remus, waving your hand. “Bye, Remus. Thanks again.”
“Yeah! Yes! Anytime!” Lily giggled to herself at the fumble, his hand waving a bit too frantically to be casual, but it seemed to only endear you more, nearly tripping over your feet so you could continue to look at him.
The two of you barely managed to round the corner before Black’s obnoxious voice rang out, “Way to go, Moony! You sly wolf!”
Yes, it seemed those marauding boys had a hobby of watching your interactions with Remus, somehow managing to do it in the creepiest, most intrusive way possible. But, she thought as you laughed, wistfully looking over your shoulder, she saw the appeal. 
And, if she found herself in this hallway again tomorrow, now, that was surely just a coincidence.
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alaritheaurora · 3 months ago
Kingdom of Fools designs!!
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Closeups and design notes under cut
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Everyone has bells and something spade reminiscent on their design.
Tango hates me. I am not making him a hotdog, so instead I took some creative liberties. His design gets to be hotdog reminiscent instead. Including dog ears. Hos bells are on his hat, and the yellow on his shirt has a vague spade design at the bottom.
Owen was fairly simple, I wanted him to both look jolly and a bit menacing (y'know for that Monday Executioner). He's also the shortest because I like the idea of this tiny little guy rushing after and protecting the king with his life. Bells are on his shoes and hat, and the spade on his chest.
Foolish's skin is so nice and it was fun to make it into a design. Trying to make him jester-esque while still royal was fun. Don't look too closely at the coat, it's not practical and is held together by theoretical thought alone. Bells are on his shoes, and his gloves have little gems that look like spades.
Clown!!! He's always fun to draw, although my design doesn't ever change much for him. I gave him little rosy cheeks because it makes him both cuter and scarier at the sane time, it's very reminiscent of doll faces and I think it adds to his unsettling factor. This guy's got bells all over, and the spade is on his shirt.
Ros looks the least like a jester, but I am really happy with her design. Her belt turning into ribbons is my favourite part. She has bells on her shoes and belt.
Clown and Ros have hints to how they're traitors. They're holding hands, tying them in together. And Ros looks almost nothing like a jester, hinting that she's not like everyone else. In turn Clown is going a bit too into the role in a creepy way, like he's playing a part. They also look much more cunning than the others.
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leo-interactive-fiction · 6 months ago
ROs being teleported to the past and finding MC as a cute child
Haha, let's see...
E: Your wide, saucer like eyes look up at the smiling figure as they squat down to your level.
"Hey MC... It's been a while... since I've seen you like this..."
"You look familiar..." you murmur quizzically.
"I know... you don't have to recognize me now, but always know..." They envelop your small hands in theirs, "I'll always be by your side, so please don't forget me... okay...?"
R: You see them brush a strand of golden hair from their face as they stoop down.
"Well, I wasn't expecting this..."
"Who are you...?" You tilt your head obliviously.
"Oh, me? You don't have to worry about it for now," R looks into your eyes for a moment, finding something in it that makes them chuckle before standing back up and turning away, "Yeah... just forget about me for now, okay? I want our first meeting to be just as it is..."
You have to crane your neck to look up at the towering figure before you.
"A-Ah, that must be uncomfortable... my apologies," They awkwardly move to sit on the floor with you, "My curiosity got the better of me, and I wished to see..."
"Who are you...?" You ask, still having to tilt your head slightly to look at them.
"I am, um..." L tinkers with the small silver hairpin that catches your youthful fascination, "Oh! Would you like to see? Be careful though... it's important to me..."
As you grasp the elegantly crafted spiral shaped hairpin, you sense a vague, foreign feeling welling up within you.
L continues softly, "Maybe... you would like to keep it? I truly believe that someday... it will find it's way back to me..."
You watch as the silver haired figure sits down next to you, taking in the world around them.
"This is... where you came from..." They draw their legs to their knees, as if trying to shield themselves, "There's no gunshots... no smoke... no death..."
"Who are you...?" You ask hesitantly.
"I will tell you... next time..." They look at you for a fleeting moment before turning away, continuing quietly, "When you see me again... tell me that I'll be okay..."
You gaze up at the brutish redhead standing before you.
"So it's actually you, huh...?"
"Do you know me...?" You wonder aloud.
"Yeah, something like that..." They huff and crouch low to look you in the eyes, "Don't worry too much about it. Eventually we'll see each other again."
"I don't know, but when we do... try to ignore what I tell you."
Your attention is taken by the humming redhead crouching in front of you, wearing an amused smile.
"Oh... you're so... adorable... as a kid..."
"Do you know me...?" You wonder aloud.
M taps a finger to your lips, hushing you playfully, "You shouldn't... ruin... the surprise... Just look forward... to when... you're ready for it... okay...?
K: You feel a sense of overwhelming unease as the unkempt stranger reaches towards you, gripping you by your shoulders in a tight claim as they look deep in your eyes.
"You are important. Do you understand? So very important..."
"W-Who are you...?"
"Me? You want to know... me?" A strangely sharp smile creeps onto the strangers face, "I am... the only one you need... Promise me... that you will remember me..."
S: You yelp as the homely stranger suddenly picks you up.
"What! Ya got so small! I could throw ya!"
"W-wha-- AH!" You scream in fright as S does a small practice toss of you up in the air, nearly dropping you onto the hard floor below before finally catching you.
"Oop! That could'a been bad! Nearly pancaked your head there!" S merely laughs it off as you are striken with unrecoverable childhood trauma.
You instinctively shudder under the frigid gaze of the stranger before you, even as they bend over to look at you more closely.
"Oh...? How wholly unremarkable... to think you would grow to be..." They pause, seeming to silently berate themselves.
"Do you know me?" You murmur hesitantly.
"That is correct... though it appears you do not know me... rest assured, though, that will not be the case for long..." A devilish smile creases the thin line on their face as they pat your head, "Perhaps if I start feeding you information from a developmental stage, it may expedite our process later... I look forward to seeing how you internalize this..."
F chuckles darkly and settles in as you are subjected to everlasting mental trauma.
Thank you for the ask! I had a lot of fun with it haha
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star-wrote · 2 years ago
nsfw alphabet : daryl dixon
ao3 link
character: Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
warnings: | nsfw(obviously) | swearing | sexual details | mentions of daryl’s trauma | intentional lowercase | 18+ |
a/n: recently became obsessed with this man. there aren’t enough nsfw alphabets of him so enjoy :)
(not my gif or character)
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A- aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
daryl thinks the aftercare is the best part of it all. it took a while to break down the habit of him just rolling over and falling asleep, but he got there eventually. he holds you and makes sure you're okay, cleaning you up if necessary. he lets you curl up into him, wanting to feel your warm breath on his skin. you listen to each other’s heartbeats, and drift into an exhausted sleep.
B- body part (their favorite part of both of your bodies)
daryl dixon loves every part of you. he doesn’t say that his favorite are your tits or ass, that’s something merle would say, and it just doesn’t sit right with him. instead, he thinks that your eyes are his favorite part of you. he likes that he can communicate with you just through the looks you give each other. he loves that he has to ask you to keep them open and look at him when he's making you feel too good to do so.
your favorite part of daryl are his thighs. big, strong, and sturdy; the perfect seat. his thigh can fit perfectly between your legs, holding your hips with his giant hands. his hands. you suppose that they could also be your favorite.
C- cum (anything to do with it)
since it’s the apocalypse, you and daryl decide that it’s better to be safe and not cum inside you. even though it takes every ounce of his control not to. he opts for pulling out and humming on your stomach instead. but you better prepare for when he finds condoms on a run because he will fuck you like it’s your last time together. which, hey, it could be.
D- dirty secret (self explanatory)
other than wanting to cum inside you, daryl really wants to fuck you alone in the woods, up against a tree. he knows it’s not very practical, especially with the dead walking around. he just can’t help but thinking how hot it would be for you to try and be quiet as not to draw in any walkers. 
E- experience (do they know what they’re doing)
most of daryl’s experience came from random drunk hookups that merle pressured him into before the world ended. it involved dramatic moans from the women, and daryl being too stuck in his head to remember anything else. he was open to you teaching him what felt good, and picked up on it fast. as a hunter, he has always been observant, and that doesn’t leave when it comes to your pleasure. he watched every expression, and hears every hitch in your breath to learn what makes you feel good. he asks if you're liking it, which sounds like sinful dirty talk to you.
F- favorite position (self explanatory)
it started out being doggie style, because he just couldn't bear for you to look at him or his scars. but with some gentle begging from you, he decided that he couldn't bear for you to not look at him. missionary is now his favorite, because he can still control the situation, and see the pleasure in your eyes at the same time.
G- goofy (how serious are they)
daryl is obviously very serious when it comes to the outside world, which doesn’t really change when it comes to the bedroom. since you managed to relax him and get him comfortable enough around you to break his walls down, he lets little laughs and smiles come through at your jokes, but not without jokingly telling you to stop.
H- hair grooming habits (how much hair do they have down there)
it is the apocalypse, so grooming isn’t necessarily the most important. the carpet matches the drapes. plus he doesn’t expect you to shave, so why should he? in fact, when you did shave one time, he freaked out and begged you to never do it again(unless you wanted to of course), which warranted a sigh of relief from you. he says that only bitches eat shaved pussy.
I- intimacy (romantic or rough/dirty)
it was always hard for daryl to bring out his romantic side, but he tries so hard for you. he grunts out praises and a little “love ya s’much” when he cums, letting you know that you’re the only one on his mind. 
J- jack off (how often do they masturbate)
literally never. it isn’t very convenient, and he never really has a high sex drive. when he does get turned on, it’s because you’re right there. no point in taking care of it himself when you're in front of him.
K- kinks (self explanatory)
daryl never got a chance to explore his kinky side before the apocalypse since most of his experience was with women who he didn’t trust or love. when he started to trust you in the bedroom(or where the apocalypse allows), you both started to experiment with what you are into.
  -size kink: he loves when you look so small compared to him
  -daddy kink: this one felt weird to him at first since you were younger than him, but he couldn’t help the twitch in his dick when you called him that while you were cumming (it is definitely used more after that)
L- location (where they like to get it on)
anywhere that is safe and gives you time to explore each others bodies is his favorite. still, the idea of fucking you in the woods sounds hot to him...
M- motivation (what turns them on)
anytime he sees you taking down walkers, or just overall being badass, he gets a little turned on. also when you look at him with your big doe eyes, he has to control himself from taking you in front of everyone.
N- no (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
daryl isn't into hurting you in any way, especially because of what he went through in his childhood. he sees it as somehow becoming like his father, and that is something that he hates. so big no on hurting you, even if he does think you're pretty when you cry.
O- oral (do they prefer receiving or giving)
one of daryl’s favorite sights is you on your knees for him, with tears streaming down your face as you try and fit all of him in your mouth. however, that sight can't compare to how you look when he’s between your thighs. he thinks he must've died and gone to heaven when he sees your breasts rising and falling with each deep breath. the little tugs on his hair and the praise from your lips makes him decide that he loves going down on you more than anything.
P- pace (do they prefer fast or slow)
when he’s had a long day or just wants to get some anger out, he wants to go fast and rough. usually he goes slow and deep, just to feel all of you for as long as he can.
Q- quickie (do they like them)
quickies have become a must in some cases, especially if you don't have much time because you're on a run, or you have to get a round in before the group wakes up. he always makes sure to make every time you're together special, no matter how short.
R- risk (do they like to try new things)
he’s never been a risky guy, but if you suggested something to try, he would consider. as long as he knows you're safe, he is down for anything.
S- stamina (how many times and how long each round)
even though he’s older than you, his stamina is immaculate. even if he’s tired, he knows how to make you cum enough to tire you out.
T- toys (do they like using them)
since most things gathered on runs get checked, toys aren't really a priority. if you’re with him on a run, you two might find one and use it, but you don't dare bring it home with you. daryl likes to pleasure you by himself anyway.
U- unfair (how often do they tease)
such a tease. when he’s feeling especially cocky, he likes to have complete control over you, which includes controlling your orgasm. he will edge you for what feels like an eternity, just because he loves hearing your pretty voice beg all pathetically. 
V- volume (how loud are they)
he adapted to being very quiet because most of the time you were together were around the group, or outside where walkers could hear. his grunts, moans, and dirty talk start coming through when the group finds safety, or when you are on runs in a safer place. he definitely starts going on runs with you just to fuck you and hear your moans.
W- wild card (anything random)
daryl had never been one for talking, but when his dick is deep inside your wet pussy, he can’t help but spout the dirty thoughts that come to his mind. whether it’s praise, degradation, or the occasional swear, he knows it works you up from how you whimper and clench around him.
X- x-ray (what’s going on down there)
long and thick, a couple of prominent veins, and a slight upward curve. this man walks like he has a big dick.
Y- yearning (sex-drive level)
very very low before he met you, but now he wants to fuck you every night if able.
Z- zzz (how fast do they fall asleep)
maybe it was his body adapting to living on the run, or never getting good sleep as a kid, but daryl takes ages to fall asleep. having your body next to him helps, and he starts to feel safe enough to let his guard down and sleep. however, he does wrap a protective arm around you just in case <3
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chillenby · 3 months ago
It's 2 am so um sorry if this doesn't make much sense..
I know a lot of people hate Jimmy and rightfully so. I mean he's a bad person, raped Anya, was too much of a coward to face his own actions so he decided that he should write a tragedy, then fails at it, only to be the reason why everyone died one by one and then finally killing himslef and giving Curly extra 20 years to be saved to once again avoid conciquences and to be the 'hero' he so much wishes he could be. He is selfish, greedy, a bastard and genually an awful human being. I understand that fully.
And yet, he is my favorite character along with Curly (and I don't mean only the pre-crash 'hot' Curly, but also post-crash Curly). You know why? He's so complex and interesting to think about. From psychoanalysis to just trying to figure out how he would interact with characters outside of what we see in the game.. it's all interesting. And it doesn't help that he is the reason for what happens in the game and I cannot explain how much I love the plot (the best way to describe it is that Jimmy is the core of this game, he is connected to everyone and everyone connects ro him, so in my mind, if I want to appreaciate this game fully, I need to extend it to that asshole, because we out him there would be no plot or those hard hitting messages). I love him as a character, I love how fucked up he is, I love that we play as him, I love his dialoge scenes and lastly I love his delusions because I love metaphores and I love that he is one of those characters that makes me think.
I know people shit on him and you know what? Fair. I sometimes do that to characters that've done nothing wrong, but I think they're cunts. But it sometimes just saddens me how people just ignore him or just make stupid jokes like 'sorry you had ro draw Jinglebells'. I know they are jokes, but I don't know, I'm tired of seeing them everywhere and being fed a lot of 'I hate Jimmy' stuff.
I mean there are Jimcurly fans which have amazing art and they sometimes get one thing correctly (in my tastes, this is all a personal opinion and I just want to yell it out into the void called internet) is that it hurts. Jimmy hurts people and hurts Curly, and in a lot of fics and art Curly just lets him. And I like that, as much as usually I like silly and wholesome stuff, for this game specifically I want it to hurt. I hope it hurts. Because that's the theme of the media, it's hard to consume and it hurts, it's dark and fucked up, it talks about our society and the people in it.
Also the aus and stuff can be fucking wild. Like there are amazing ones like surviviors au comic where instead of crashing the crew is stuck in a wormhole (I love it so much, genually can't stop thinking about it and rereading it, so beautiful and so good, didn't knew that was exactly what I needed until I read it) and like anti-tulpar (which I'm just receantly getting into and it's odd but in a good way, it's funky). But one the other side we have like lobotomy au and hypno au (the hypno au I read is like on the fence of being uncomfortable and not too bad, since the hypno used makes Jimmy docile and truthful, but on the inside he is still the same person, and like I read a smut and I was left wondering is it rape or not..). I just found out about lobotomy au and as much as I like fucked up shit that to me feels like crossing the line especially since I heard that it's usually used in a sexual manner(I don't have twitter so luckily I managed to escape most of it, but I heard a few things and I have certain opinions I just want to yell out, but if my info about this is wrong feel free to inform me :)). On that I have only one opinion, what is wrong with people? Like I get it, he is a bad person and has done awful things, but to do something to dehumanize him to the point of not being able to have deeper thoughs and not being able to take care of himself, then put him in a sexual manner where he gets practically raped since he can't consent? Why? Do people actually find this attractive or is it some type of letting out your anger? I think it's fucked up
But yea.. if anyone reads this thanks I guess? I just needed to spew out all my thoughts and make them make sense. Form them into proper words and ideas instead of unprocessed junk
So as a closing thought, please apreaciate Jimmy more and make more complex jokes. (Or at least don't like hate on this post too much aand don't post those stupid jokes under this post too much, I'd make my day if none of that would happen)
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 3 months ago
Do you have a physical description for the ROs?
Hello anon!! I'll probably add additional details later, but I used some pictures to try and convey the overall vision I have for everyone (these aren't their canon FCs or anything I couldn't find a one-to-one ratio for all of them based on their given descriptions). I don't have official visuals with them just yet because I want to avoid making AI portraits, and I haven't found a Picrew with the more gritty/realistic style I want also I can't draw but hopefully someday I can commission artists to help out!
ALSO, I'm aware some of these hairstyles are not historically accurate. I also know that beauty standards have changed over the years so what was attractive then isn't necessarily attractive now. Since this takes place in an alternate universe, my explanation is going to be that the "traditional hairstyles" of the time are for more formal/official settings, but they have their own preferences for how they like to wear their hair in their free time (like a stylized modern interpretation similar to what Bridgerton does).
Alistair/Alice Delacroix - THE RIVAL
French/Irish; Average Height (Alistair is 5'10 and Alice is 5'5); Somewhat Muscular; Ivory Skin Tone; Shoulder-Length Wavy Blonde Hair; Blue Green Eyes; One-Sided Dimple on Right; Sharp Jawline; Scar over Left Eyebrow
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Samuel/Samantha "Sam" Kaminski - THE BOSS
Jewish and Black; Tall (Samuel is 6' and Samantha is 5'7); Muscular; Deep Brown Skin Tone; Textured Black Hair; Deep Brown Eyes though there have been rumors they glow red at night; Sharp Eyebrows; Adorn Themselves with a lot of Accessories/Jewelry
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Hendrik/Helena Rietveld - THE BODYGUARD
Guyanese; Above Average Height (Hendrik is 5'9 and Helena is 5'6); Muscular and Toned Body; Sunkissed Skin Tone; Curly Dark Brown Hair; Amber Eyes; Traditional Tattoo that Travels from One Arm All the Way to Back
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Vietnamese; Above Average Height (5'8); Fit Body; Light Tan Skin Tone; Slightly Wavy Long Black Hair Typically Tied Back; Dark Eyes (Practically Black); Wears an Eyepatch over Right Eye
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vendetta-if · 2 years ago
How would you describe the body types of the RO's?
'Cause I get several ideas of my own.
Ash: Solid. Wide shoulders, strong arms. They'd have put in the work for a build that's more function over form, yet retains the curves that draws people's attention. Really, put them in a tanktop and passers-by are going to have neck problems from the double takes they do.
Rin: Svelte. Shortest of the bunch, could pull a Marilyn Monroe and wear a potato sack and make it look stunning. A slight build without clear muscle definition. Maybe most visible if they dance or do high-level yoga.
Santana: "Average" if thin leaning. They're overworked, overstressed and overcaffeinated. Whilst they might not necessarily look unhealthy, a good meal more regularly would work miracles.
Skylar: Pick basically any comicbook superhero character from DC or Marvel of the lean and defined variety and you'll have a decent approximation of how they look. Maybe how most Spider-Folk look or if you average'd the Bat-family.
Anything on or off the mark? Maybe got any references of your own?
Love the story, btw. Hope to see more soon, the barfight was a hoot-and-a-half.
You're not that far off actually đŸ€” I'm not really the best in describing body types, but I'll try my best 😅
I like to imagine Ash body built like an MMA fighter, lean and athletic and not too overtly muscular like a bodybuilder. Their muscles are built for practical uses, not to show off.
You're pretty spot on for Rin. They are slender and elegant/graceful and don't really have clear muscle definition. The prime example of prioritizing their mind and charisma over physical stuff and combat. But yeah, they'd slay anything they wear, undoubtedly.
To me, Santana is just average overall. Not too slender, but not to the point of skinny where they don't really have muscles. They do have some muscles to a degree (they are a cop after all, and had to pass like police academy beforehand), but certainly not like Ash and Skyar. They don't really go to gym nor do they spar to maintain them. They're also not too plump or chubby as well, because of their less than ideal lifestyle. They're just... average.
Picture a fitness model, that's pretty much how Skylar's build (but not the really muscular ones mind you 😂). They are still lean and athletic, but unlike Ash, their muscles are definitely more... defined? Like, Male Skylar definitely has pretty well-defined six-packs and pecs.
They do workout in the Agency's gym regularly and supplemented with some sparring with other superheroes for more practical training. As a superhero, they gotta appeal to the masses while also still be able to hold themself in a fight.
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wings-of-ink · 1 year ago
How would the Ro's react if Mc is getting flirt/asked out in front of them?
(In crushing stage and dating stage)
I'm just here for the drama! 😅😋
Oof, Anon out here asking the hard questions. I don't know if my spirit is prepared lol.
This may come up a bit as the story progresses with some "NPCs" approaching as optional hook-ups as well as an RO or 2 being a bit flirty. There's a chance of a couple antagonistic forces that may try to flirt with MC too.
For now, these are my best estimates of their reactions:
Oswin: Same at both stages, lol. He's quietly seething and his heart is racing. He respects MC's autonomy a great deal, and he's not going to raise a fuss - yet. The second that MC is uncomfortable or needs help, he's already there. He might pout a bit later. If MC opts to tease him afterward (good-naturedly, of course), he will fluster big time.
Zahn: As a crush, Zahn will be observing intently, but will feel pretty confident that they can gain MC's affection even better. They're not necessarily jealous at this stage, but they may quietly fret over it if the MC has shown interest in Zahn.
In a committed relationship, they're a bit pouty about it, maybe surprised even by their own feelings too. They'll likely ask MC questions, like if Zahn should flirt with them the same way. At least in the moment, they may crave a bit of reassurance. They're quick to bounce back.
Duri: At the crushing stage, Duri is having fun with it. They're playfully teasing MC about it, maybe even low-key egging it on. (Perhaps a defense mechanism?) đŸ€” They may get involved, pretend to be jealous of MC.
In a committed relationship, Duri is having a little less fun with this situation. They may try to get involved again, but this time, it's a competition to woo MC even better. They're surprised by their own reactions. If MC's admirer is a jerk, Duri is on the defensive. Said jerk can expect all of their left shoes to go missing in the night.
Rune: In both stages, they're likely to critique the flirting process to throw off their competition's game. Expect some potentially sick burns on MC's admirer's technique or character. They may bring out their lyre and compose a soundtrack to the interaction.
When in a committed relationship, they find attempts to flirt with MC "cute" in the most condescending way. They feel confident, smug even depending on how long into the relationship they are. They're cutting in to easily steal MC away from the flirtatious foe.
???: He doesn't think he "crushes" on anyone, necessarily. So, if he found MC being flirted with by someone else at this stage, he'd not understand that strange pull in his gut. If he's feeling mischievous, he might leer at MC's admirer and make rude/obscene gestures.
After forming a relationship, he'd probably feel a mite competitive and try to draw some attention away from MC while they were being flirted with. Partly to get their attention back on him and partly to "rescue" MC, if that's needed. Expect him to rudely interrupt and feign ignorance.
Thank you for the question, Anon! 😆
These may be more dramatic in practice with an actual scene for me to work with. Chapter 4 might give us the opportunity for a little drama even.
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disenchantedif · 2 years ago
The MC wakes up from a terrible nightmare, sweating and crying. They turn to look at the RO laying next to them and calm down, saying "You're still here...". Turns out their nightmare was the RO abandoning them. How would the ROs react/handle this?
The nightmare is sudden and you’re heaving when you wake. Gentle hands grasp your shoulders and you nearly sob.
"You're still here..." You breathe out, voice cracking and shaky.
Luci, who was hovering above you having woken you just seconds before, flinches back at the words as if you’d struck them. They immediately lean back in, pulling you into a tight hug.
They can't say they'd never leave you. That's not true, because they did, and it hurts them worse than anything knowing the repercussions it's had.
"I'm here," They say instead because it's all they can say. They hope you hear the promise in the words anyways.
She’s hovering close when you wake and the instant your eyes open, you’re in her arms.
"You're still here..." You whisper into her neck, clinging to her shoulders.
She grips you tightly, careful of her sharp nails against the bare skin of your arms, "Always. You won't get rid of me so easily."
"Thank you." You whisper into the darkness.
"Hush, love. Get some more rest."
Her voice is melodic, soothing, the lilt of her accent making it easy for you to sink back into sleep. She's definitely using her song to achieve it, but you can't be anything but grateful right now.
She cradles you in her arms for the rest of the night.
"You're still here..." You say, hoarse, staring at them from where they're tangled in your sheets, looking concerned.
Their eyebrows draw together before their face falls. They look so upset you almost apologize, but they gather you in their arms before you can even attempt it.
"I am. I always will be." They swallow thickly, "I love you."
Your fingers twist in their t-shirt, the soft fabric grounding, the floral scent of their shampoo filling your senses. When you pull back, they bring a hand up to stroke your cheek, still wet from tears.
"Are you okay to go back to sleep?" They ask softly.
"Yeah." You answer, laying beside them and practically curling into their body.
You don't have any more nightmares.
You're in his arms before you're even fully awake. He strikes a thumb across the curve of your cheekbone and you shudder in relief.
“You’re still here
” You sigh, your eyes slipping shut at his touch.
“That’s never up for debate,” He says wryly, and you open your eyes to see a faint smile on his lips.
You shift in his arms, curling closer, “I
it was a nightmare.”
“I know,” Viktor leans down, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “It’s okay, though. I’ll always be here to wake you up.”
You fall asleep pressed against his chest, his body a warm and comforting weight. He tosses an arm around you, tugging you as close as possible, and plays with the hair along the nape of your neck until you drift off under the soothing touches.
You think you might be crying, you’re not honestly sure. You sit up sharply, and hands are stroking up and down your arms in a comforting motion.
“Hey,” Theo whispers, raising a hand to tilt your chin up, “Where’s my sunshine, huh?”
You heave a shuddering sigh, leaning forward into their arms, “You’re still here
They freeze for a moment, as if not comprehending the words, and then their arms wrap you in a hug.
“Yeah, babe, I’m still here.” Theo rests their chin on your shoulder, “Don’t have any plans on letting you go, either.”
You both lay back down, curled into one another, entwined completely. Theo’s tail ends up wrapped around your waist, as if to pull you closer, and they press their lips to yours in a brief kiss before you go back to sleep.
You wake to gentle hands carding through your hair. You breathe deep, trying to shake off the terror of the nightmare, looking up to see Amri’s worried face.
Your head has somehow ended up in their lap, their wings coming to circle around the both of you protectively.
Amri tilts their head, their hair brushing their bare shoulder, “What’s the matter, hm?”
“You’re still here
” You say, eyes flush with tears.
They blink, eyes widening, before a hand brushes across your cheek and reaches down to cup your jaw. They press a firm kiss to your lips, before leaning back to look you in the eyes.
“I’m lucky,” They say, clear and concise, “To have you. Anyone would be. Whoever doesn’t realize that is an idiot and it’s not your fault.”
They wrap you in a hug, their breath warm on your skin as you slowly begin to doze off once more.
You jerk upward, your pulse racing from your nightmare. Charlie follows suit, gasping awake as they’re startled by your sudden movements.
“Wha-?” They blink, looking at you in concern, “Cariño, I love you, but you just took a year off my life.”
“You’re still here
” You sigh, slumping back against the headboard.
They pause before reaching an arm over to pull you in and tuck you into their side. Turning their head, they press one kiss into the crown of your head. It’s followed by another, and then another, then they’re kissing your forehead and the tip of your nose.
They finally press a kiss to your lips, pulling back to smile gentle, “I’ll always be here.”
Typically, you’re not the one being shaken awake from nightmares, but it seems the roles are reversed tonight.
You gasp, nearly choking on air as you wake, and are met with Harlow’s pale face staring back. They reach out a shaking hand, gripping your own tightly.
still here.” You say, your chest sore with panic and harsh breathing.
“I am,” Harlow says quietly.
They’re never one for grand declarations, but they squeeze your hand three times. It’s a comfortable silence, one you could float in forever as you lean back against your pillows once more.
Harlow lays beside you, breaking their grasp on your hand in favor of resting their head in the crook of your shoulder. It’s a timid touch, something shy, but you’re used to it. You understand.
“Goodnight,” You whisper.
“Night,” They say in response, their breath ghosting across your skin.
It’s obvious Avery is quite familiar with panic attacks, and they soothe you quite effectively until the weight isn’t so heavy on your chest.
You bury yourself in their arms, curling close. They’re soft; softer than you ever thought they’d be, before you actually knew them.
“You’re still here,” Your breath catches as you try and speak.
They bury their face in your neck, hungry for any kind of touch. Pressing a kiss along your pulse point, they wrap an arm around you and pull you close. Their hand settles on the small or your back, warm and comforting.
“I’m here, and I’ll remain here.” They say, “You shouldn’t have let me stay so long. I’m
you’re very easy to need.”
“Says you,” You tease back, pressing closer.
You can hardly tell who is laying on who by the time you fall asleep again, limbs entwined in a perfect tangle.
Their touch feels like a breeze on your skin as you wake, and you nearly choke on a sob.
still here
” You reach out, borderline desperate.
They’re like an apparition until they slowly solidify, their incorporeality fading as you touch them.
“I am,” They say, voice sad, “I wish-“
They don’t finish. They wish a lot of things. You do, too.
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junkdrawerfics · 2 years ago
Safe Place
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Summary: Takes place when Bob and Phoenix almost go down from the bird strike. Afterwards, Rooster seeks you out to make sure you're okay because you aren't answering anyones calls. He finds you in your safe place. (hurt/comfort)
Word Count: 1278
Warnings: spoilers? Kinda? Reader struggles with the concept of losing someone.
It was a hard day.
Now, when you joined the Navy, you were expecting hard days. Plenty of them. But that doesn’t mean you feel any more prepared for them.
There’s no way to prepare for your best friends almost dying, after all.
You know they’re okay. Everyone has told you that over and over and over again. Natasha and Bob experienced minor injuries at best. But you can’t get past it. The sound of her rising panic over the comms. The sight of the plane careening into the side of a mountain. The pillar of smoke. It’s burned into your head, replaying on loop as your imagination runs wild.
What if they hadn’t ejected in time? 
What if the plane had blown up?
What if they had died?
What’s to stop the same thing from happening to you? To Rooster?
Tendrils of panic dig deep into your chest, leaving you gasping, and all you can do is seek out the one place you always do when you need to clear your head.
Rooster knocks softly on your door before drawing back and waiting. He rocks on his heels, lips pulling into a frown when nothing happens. Even after he tries again, nothing. Something uneasy forms like a rock in his gut. He glances through your windows, but the little house looks empty.
Where are you?
He came by to make sure you’re okay, not able to shake the worry clinging to him. He was right next to you when it happened. The sight of your face, crumbling with so much anguish, is trapped in his memory and it makes his heart ache.
With a frustrated sigh, Rooster rubs at his face. You could be anywhere. You grew up here, close to Top Gun, so you know the place front and back. He already tried calling you, with very little success. Even Phoenix and Bob couldn’t get a hang of you, which made the feeling in his chest so much worse.
So, he digs through every memory he has, trying to figure out where you would go first. Not his place, he just came from there. The beach maybe, but he doubts it with the dark clouds looming overhead. He really thought you’d be here, the house you grew up in. It’s yours, since your parents moved. You love telling him stories about growing up here, especially about the little house you and your dad built out ba-
Rooster takes off, right into the rain. His steps are sure as he rounds the corner of the house, eyes scanning the backyard before falling on a small cabin-like shed tucked into the back corner.
Even with no answer, he can’t shake the feeling that he’s right, so he keeps going.
It’s old, definitely a little worn around the edges. The walls, once painted green, are now faded and chipped, showing the wood beneath. There’s a little sign on the door, one that would make him smile if he weren’t so focused on finding you..
‘(Y/n)’s Hangar - certified personnel only’
Considering he’s an aviator, he figures he’s certified, so he doesn’t hesitate to crouch down and slowly push the door open, calling your name again.
Your breath rattles in your lungs as you take a sharp inhale. Looking up from where you’re tucked into a pile of blankets and pillows, you watch as the tall man shuffles into the small playhouse, practically bent at the waist.
“Hi, Ro-o,” your voice breaks, even at a whisper.
Bradley settles down next to you, and if it were any other day, you might laugh at how out of place he looks. Like a giant in your small home.
“Hey, songbird.” You offer a watery smile at the nickname, at the concern dripping from his words. “We’ve been worried about you.”
“Yah, I um
” You swipe at your eyes to get rid of any leftover tears. “I just, I didn’t
Rooster’s brow furrows, and you turn your eyes back out the window, to watch the raindrops race. You really don’t know what to say. You should be with them right now, but you just
can’t. Because then it’s real. Too real. So you’re here, and now Rooster is too, just sitting quietly beside you. It’s not often the aviator is quiet, but he can practically feel the storm of emotions coming off you, like a reflection of the world outside.
“This is my safe place,” you murmur after a long moment, fingers curling deeper into your blankets. “I would, I would come here when I was young, whenever I was upset. Dad said, he said it would protect me ‘cause inside, I’m part of the Navy. And the Navy protects its own, but, but today-” You take a shuddering breath, holding back the pain in your chest as much as you can.
Rooster pulls you close, his arm wrapping around your shoulders so tenderly, so surely, as if he can protect you from everything crashing down on you. You look up at him, eyes wide, gleaming with a fear you’ve never felt before. And the look in his eyes, the warmth, the sadness, the understanding-
It shatters you.
A heaving sob shakes your whole body as you curl into Rooster. He immediately pulls you into his lap, cradling you, making soft shushing noises in your hair as he presses a kiss to your head. You hold on to him for dear life, his shirt twisted between your fingers, because you’re scared. Scared that if you let go for even a moment, he’ll be gone too. 
“I could’a lost them, Roo,” you sob, “I could have lost both of them.”
“I know. I know, sweetheart.” His voice is soft, softer than you’ve ever heard it. “But they’re okay. You didn’t lose them.”
“But I could have!” Your voice pitches with desperation. “What if it happens again, Roo? What if I lose you? I can’t- I couldn’t-”
“(Y/n).” Bradley cups your face. You bite back your cries, eyes too heavy with tears to make him out. But his hands are warm. They’re warm and calloused and tender and they’re holding every broken piece of you together. “You didn’t lose them and you won’t lose me. I’m not going anywhere.”
“But how can you say that, Bradley?” You whimper, “How can you be so sure?”
“Because I know I will do everything on this Earth to come back to you-” Rooster rests his forehead against your, and your eyes flicker shut at the contact. “-always. I’d even partner up with Bagman if I had to.”
A watery laugh escapes your lips and some of the tension slips away. Rooster smiles, a faint one still creased with concern, but at least you’re laughing. He pulls you back into a hug, lips finding your temple. 
“Why don’t we go see Phoenix and Bob? Then you can see that they’re alright, and maybe all of us can go get dinner. How does that sound?” He proposes in a soft whisper, tracing random shapes on your back.
“Only if we get Thai, that’s Phoenix’s favorite,” you sniffle, “And ice cream after for Bob.”
“Sounds like a plan, songbird.”
You don’t move, though. You just need this a little longer. Just a few more minutes wrapped in Bradley’s arms, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat. You release one last, shaky breath when his fingers interlace with yours. You give his hand a squeeze, appreciation swelling in your chest.
Because here, in his arms, you feel safe. Safer than you’ve felt in a long time.
It looks like Bradley Bradshaw is your safe place, now.
Cheesy, I know. Let me love my cheese.
Also let me know if you guys have any requests or prompts!
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glettokono · 11 months ago
I just wanted to say that I always get super excited when I see that you’ve posted something new. Your style is so cool and it just really flows. I was wondering how you make your panels interesting and not too grid like, but not hard to follow. Any advice?
Hi!!! Thank you for the kind words and im so glad you like my works!! Unfortunately, I cannot give any practical advice, because I always do everything SO HAOTIC because I have ADHD and have a very hard time finishing an idea. An idea just flashes in my head, and what I manage to sketch becomes the basis . And most often nothing works out for me) Usually, I draw a storyboard on paper in the office, and in the evening at home I transfer it to the computer, and I always have too many frames and they don’t fit into the format, or too few frames and I have to - either remove or add something. I don’t make a very precise sketch, I just throw out ideas and see how it goes) And to be honest, most often I miss and I can’t fit all the frames into one page, and there aren’t enough frames for the second page) Comic where i needed to add more frames to make it more understandble:
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Comic where i made the final page the way i made it on paper(but it is sometimes to hard ro understand what i made in paper xddd):
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or the bad example where the skethc was good but i didnt make it right so at the end the finale comic is so messy and hard to read)
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so I’m not an adviser, I just insert frames as they are inserted, and try my best to make them clear to read) sometimes I succeed, sometimes not) I think my main advice is to read more good comics, look at beautiful pictures and try to repeat it) learn, get inspired and work, work and work! Over time, you will learn) I myself am still learning, I make mistakes, but every time I try to do something new and more correct!
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prince-rowan-of-the-forest · 1 year ago
Things may be better, but Roman still struggles occaisonally. Remus is happy to help him out.
| Ao3 |
Written for: This Prompt
Warnings: Some self dep, mainly Roman thinking badly about himself again. overstimulation. vague reference to past self harm.
Pairings: Creativitwins, Roceit
Word Count: 1481
Darkside Roman fic!
Thank you to Oatmeal for the prompt here on my Tumblr (feel free to leave a request yourself!), I did write this on my train ride - I just forgot to post it yesterday, haha.
Roman stood before his mirror. The floor length one, in his room, with ornate golden carvings around the frame. The mirror itself looked like something that belonged in a king’s chamber in a palace, not Roman’s bedroom. His room may be ornate, his red canopy bed was beautiful, with a carved wooden headboard and translucent red drapes. His desk was mahogany, also elegantly carved and looked like something straight out of a vicotorian drawing room, his plush red rug created a nice centrepiece to his room and his closet was full to bursting with clothes he would probably never actually get to wear, bis room was ornate, but it wasn’t fit for him.
A beautiful, elegant room, fit for a prince. Roman didn’t feel like he belonged there.
His tail had been the last thing to come through, he was pretty sure, and now it swayed behind him, brushing over the ground repeatedly in a way that irritated him to no end. He thought he should be used to it by now, after his week spent in the imagination. Which he didn’t remember most of, but Janus had reassured him that nothing bad had happened, he hadn’t hurt anyone – he, apparently, had actually been kind of cute. And he’d somehow gotten Virgil to join them for movie nights, too, he wondered how exactly he’d done that with his dragon brain.
Dark wings spread behind him, the bloody red of the scaley skin making him cringe away from his own reflection. Red was his colour, the colour of passion and love, romance. Red was also the colour of anger, of fire burning brightly, hurt, pain, distruction. When he was a Prince, the red meant love, a bright spirit, now

His wings twitch and Roman reaches around himself to – what, try to get them off? He’d already tried that more than enough and all it did was hurt, there was no point, he was stuck like this now. His tail started to thrash behind him without his permission, he hated how out of control it was, he couldn’t stand how it moved when he was irritated or upset – it made it practically impossible to hide what he was feeling and the way it dragged against the hardrood floor of his room made him want to scream-
“Roro!?” His bedroom door slammed open, making his wings flare out in surprise. He whipped around to face his brother in the doorway, forgetting once more about his tail and only remembering when it slammed into the mirror, sending it crashing to the floor in shards. The golden carved frame was ruined, the mirror itself now only showing a fragmented reflection. Roman stared at it in shock, wondering if this reflection was more accurate.
“Oooh- that’s not good,” Remus said, “Sorry Ro – did I scare ya?”
“No- no, it’s- it’s fine I was just
” Roman trailed off, looking back at the mirror, “Focused.” He settles on.
“What? On admiring yourself?” Remus giggled, coming over, “Janny wanted me to come get you, you’re missing dinner.”
“I am?” Roman asked, looking at his twin with a frown, he thought dinner was still a few hours away.
“What’s going on in that silly head of yours, Ro?” Remus knocked on his skull like it was a door, and Roman winced away, batting halfheartedly at his hands, he hadn’t noticed Remus come over, “Oh c’mon, I can basically see your thoughts crowding up in there.”
“Just- leave it, it doesn’t matter,” Roman tried to wave him off, “I’ll be down for dinner soon.”
“Oh no, nope, absolutely not,” Remus said, shaking Roman lightly by the shoulder, “You only say crap like that when something’s really wrong, now what’s got my lil’ bro so upset?”
“Remus-“ Roman huffed, he was going for a warning tone, trying to get his brother to back off, though he was pretty sure it sounded a lot more pathetic than he was intending, “Just-“
“Nope, get, now, sit down, go on,” Remus practically shoved him back towards his bed and Roman’s tail curled around his feet as he was pushed to sit down as he continued to weakly protest. Once he was down, Romus practically threw himself on top of him, putting all of his weight on him. Roman hated to admit that it did help, even if he had to shuffle around so he wasn’t squashing his wings.
“There, better?” Remus asked, already knowing that ‘being squished’ as Remus called it, tended to help quite a lot, Roman nodded weakly, “Now, what’s the shit bothering you?”
“My stupid- stupid brain,” He huffed, looking up at the canopy of his bed, “I feel like- like all this stuff – it’s not -it’s not mine – it’s like I don’t- I don’t feel like I- I deserve it-“
“Deserve it?” Remus says, “Why the fuck wouldn’t you deserve it?”
“I don’t – because, because I’m hideous – because all I do is cause pain? I just- I hurt Patton and Logan, I hurt Virgil – I definitely hurt you, and I probably hurt Jan and I just-“
Repetitive, insistent tapping on his cheek drew him back out of the spiral he was descending into, Remus was frowning at him.
“Tell your brain to fuck off, Ro,” Remus said, bapping him on the forehead, “You’re cool as fuck, you haven’t hurt Janny or Virgin, you haven’t hurt the others nearly as much as they fucked you up, and yeah, being isolated from you hurt like a fucking soap bath but that wasn’t your fault-“
“I know that but – but this-“ he pulls at one of his wings again and Remus slaps his hand away.
“Is really fucking cool,” he finishes Roman’s sentence, “Literally, you can fly – and you can set shit on fire, how is that not cool as fuck?”
“And I’ve told you that- that doesn’t matter – it’s – it’s – dragons are evil,” Roman said, dragging his hand over his face, his claws leaving the lightest marks on his own skin, “They’re meant to hurt people destroy things, hoard gold, I don’t want to be a greedy, prideful, nasty creature.”
“Yeah, and we’ve told you every time you say this that you’re not any of that shit,” Remus said, pulling Roman’s hand away from his face so he doesn’t hurt himself any more. Roman whined, before coughing smoke right into Remus’ face and immediately panicking.
“Mm!” Remus said, “Thanks Roro,”
“The smoke?”
“Yeah uh – why are you thanking me?”
“Cause’ it smells good?” Remus tilted his head, “Like free perfume.”
Roman can’t help the snort of laughter that escaped him. He should’ve known that Remus would enjoy smelling of smoke. Of course, something like that wouldm’t have upset him, he was Remus for goodness sake.
“Y’know Janny would say something poetic about how dragons were strong and awesome again if he heard this, right?” Remus poked him in the side and Roman batted his hands away again.
“Yeah yeah – I know – it’s getting better though, I swear.”
Remus hummed, flopping down properly on top of him, “These spirals not happening so often?” He asked.
“No – it’s just – sometimes it all starts to bother me – it’s like –“
“You’re feeling loads of things all at once and you feel like you’re whole body is gonna explode?” Remus suggests, “Like there are ants crawling all over your skin and you can’t get ‘em off?”
“Yeah- um- something like that,” Roman nodded.
“Is the squishing helping?” Remus asked.
Roman took a long, deep breath, “Yeah, thanks.”
“Awesome ‘cause if it didn’t I’d have to crush up all your bones.”
Thanks, Ree,” Roman shook his head with a fond smile.
“You feeling good enough for dinner?” Remus asked, “’Cause I think Janny’s made pie, and he’s gonna get worried ‘cause we’ve been gone so long.”
 I think so,” Roman nodded. Shoving Remus away so he could get up. He waved away the mess from the mirror and now that spot felt far too empty, but he wouldn’t let it bother him right now. His tail still dragged over the hardwood floor, but it didn’t bother him so much now. Remus grabbed him by the arm and dragged him downstairs.
“Sorry we’re late!” Remus yelled as they arrived in the dining room, “Roro was having a crisis again.”
“Is everything alright?” Janus looked up with concern clear in his expression. Roman smiled.
“Yeah – it is now,” he said, taking his seat.
“Mhm, I helped,” Remus said proudly. Janus chuckled.
“Thank you, Remus, I presume you did an awful job?”
“As always,” Remus nodded with a grin. Roman couldn’t help but smile as he settled into their company, finally able to relax now that they were both here.
When Roman returned to his room later that night, he found a new mirror in the old one’s place, this one was just as ornate, but made out of black marble.
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
I wanted to ask that how would the Ro's react when they are staying with mc who is apparently drunk at the moment and then mc went to mc "Hey...can I tell you a secret?"Mc would ask and then when the Ro's nodded at them and mc shyly said "I really love (Ro's name) But they never seemed to interested in me...I wish they can clear wether or not they like me"Mc would say seriously and their face says they are not playing around 😳
"Hey..." You shift from foot-to-foot drawing their attention, your gaze locked with your feet before you shyly look back up. "Can I tell you a secret?" At their nod, you brighten noticeably and practically beam with excitement. "I really love [Insert Chosen RO], but they never seem interested in me... I wish they can make it clear whether or not they like me."
Adrian/Ariana: Warmth spreads through their chest at the admission, but they tamper it down when they see how clearly drunk you were-- if the smell of beer on your breath wasn't enough. "I have a great idea, MC." They easily maneuver from their seated position, wrapping a supportive arm around your waist. "Why don't you tell them in the morning? I'm certain that this will be a conversation they'd be more than interested in having." Not resisting the sudden urge to do so, they gently bop your nose. "A conversation that needs to happen when you're not completely hammered. Now, I'd be a horrible spouse if I left you by yourself to deal with this. Let's get you to bed."
Blake: A surprisingly gentle look etches itself across their face and, for the briefest of moments, they regret agreeing to listening to what you had to say. However, that moment of guilt quickly transforms into one of extreme self-satisfaction. "This is quite the revelation, MC," they purr, hazel eyes observing you with a glint. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this secret." They place a hand over their heart. "I'll keep it with me always, I promise." Now, I just need to get you to admit it when you're not drunk.
Liam/Leah: Their worry quickly mutates into worried confusion, their mind desperately trying to take in the information you had given them. You loved them? Truly? The revelation brings a small smile to their face, but it quickly falls away when they realize how drunk you were. Now wasn't the time to overthink your admission, nor was it the time to have a heart-to-heart, they had a job to do; they had to get you somewhere safe, everything else was secondary to that. "Let's get you home, okay?" They place a steady hand on your arm. "I think you've had enough to drink for the night." Or the year...
Isaac/Isabel: If they had a camera, they'd take a snapshot of this very scene to commemorate the moment for eternity, something they could forever hold close to their heart. With bright eyes, and an even brighter smile, they touch your arm. "That's delightful news, MC," they beam, warmth spreading throughout their entire body. "I think this is definitely something you should bring to their attention." Sniffing, their nose wrinkles at the heavy smell of alcohol in the air. "A discussion that you should have when you're not as inebriated. Until then? Why don't we find someplace for you to wind down, okay?"
Carson/Cara: "No." The word was as final as it was sharp. Dark blue eyes reminiscent of storm clouds as they stare at you, arms crossed over their chest. They didn't wish to hear your secret, didn't wish to pull any information from you when you were barely cognizant of what you were doing. Especially if it had anything to do with them. "We need to get you a glass of water, some Advil, and then a bed, before you start spilling your guts all over the place." They shake their head, gently taking you by the arm to guide you from the room. "We have a contract after all, MC. It wouldn't do to break it now." And, despite everything, they have to ignore the sting of disappointment, of want, at what could have been if they had simply let you speak.
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foxrazorblade · 3 months ago
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full spread.
boring rambles and useless commentary below.
i was trying to write my emo shit before i began the ROLAL in the middle. i wanted to simply cross it out, but that'd ruin the page, with the need for it to be cropped out in pictures/hidden if others must see. so, to cover up, i wrote "MUST ROT".
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i didnt sketch it out with a pencil beforehand, and the letters may feel awkward. the T looks a bit silly -- like the nose of a cat. because of the way the words go over one another i gave "ROT" thicker lines and darker shading.
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already shared this one. it was actually sketched yesterday. i finished up the inking and erased the pencil today.
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these are stupid thoughts taken out of context and stitched together. all of this, like "MUST ROT" above, is done without pencil sketching beforehand.
the next page was all sketched before using ink. everything except the lals on the far right was started yesterday.
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the first to ink the outlines of, this lal is one that goes down not in the best way. the spacing is whack, id try to fix it, but each new attempt was worse than the last. i did the "shading" after the middle lals so that this one wasnt too bland (i shouldve kept the letters empty).
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middle lals. bottom one was inked first, and turned out way better than the top lal, even if it was off-center until i added the speech bubble. im not even going to touch on the top one; i left it unfinished because i messed up the lines that i was drawing while really annoyed from my environment (class).
each of these lals was sketched in a seperate grid, toplals looking like )++( where by the middle vertical the letters should squish, and bottmlal being like (__) where the horizontal line curved in the middle was supposed to make the lines spread out. you decide if thats what it looks like.
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nothing much to say about the righties. they were done today in an attempt to fill up the page. ro-lal is ugly and the perspective is incorrect. mock tribrolal wouldve been a nice touch if it was more in style.
overall, this looks bad. and so was expected; im trying out a new style. id sketch my throwups with more soft and circular shapes, so this is my first time actually giving the edges a go. instead of ovals and squiggly lines in mind, the letters were blended with trapezoids, diamonds and rectangles, while also trying to not be too stiff. i didnt use any references as one can easily tell. it looks amateurishly, and im satisfied with how it is as an actual thing, not a try-hard toy attempt.
maybe soon ill try this out on a wall. but first, practice in the 'book.
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