#isaac carnell
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
I wanted to ask that how would the Ro's react when they are staying with mc who is apparently drunk at the moment and then mc went to mc "Hey...can I tell you a secret?"Mc would ask and then when the Ro's nodded at them and mc shyly said "I really love (Ro's name) But they never seemed to interested in me...I wish they can clear wether or not they like me"Mc would say seriously and their face says they are not playing around 😳
"Hey..." You shift from foot-to-foot drawing their attention, your gaze locked with your feet before you shyly look back up. "Can I tell you a secret?" At their nod, you brighten noticeably and practically beam with excitement. "I really love [Insert Chosen RO], but they never seem interested in me... I wish they can make it clear whether or not they like me."
Adrian/Ariana: Warmth spreads through their chest at the admission, but they tamper it down when they see how clearly drunk you were-- if the smell of beer on your breath wasn't enough. "I have a great idea, MC." They easily maneuver from their seated position, wrapping a supportive arm around your waist. "Why don't you tell them in the morning? I'm certain that this will be a conversation they'd be more than interested in having." Not resisting the sudden urge to do so, they gently bop your nose. "A conversation that needs to happen when you're not completely hammered. Now, I'd be a horrible spouse if I left you by yourself to deal with this. Let's get you to bed."
Blake: A surprisingly gentle look etches itself across their face and, for the briefest of moments, they regret agreeing to listening to what you had to say. However, that moment of guilt quickly transforms into one of extreme self-satisfaction. "This is quite the revelation, MC," they purr, hazel eyes observing you with a glint. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this secret." They place a hand over their heart. "I'll keep it with me always, I promise." Now, I just need to get you to admit it when you're not drunk.
Liam/Leah: Their worry quickly mutates into worried confusion, their mind desperately trying to take in the information you had given them. You loved them? Truly? The revelation brings a small smile to their face, but it quickly falls away when they realize how drunk you were. Now wasn't the time to overthink your admission, nor was it the time to have a heart-to-heart, they had a job to do; they had to get you somewhere safe, everything else was secondary to that. "Let's get you home, okay?" They place a steady hand on your arm. "I think you've had enough to drink for the night." Or the year...
Isaac/Isabel: If they had a camera, they'd take a snapshot of this very scene to commemorate the moment for eternity, something they could forever hold close to their heart. With bright eyes, and an even brighter smile, they touch your arm. "That's delightful news, MC," they beam, warmth spreading throughout their entire body. "I think this is definitely something you should bring to their attention." Sniffing, their nose wrinkles at the heavy smell of alcohol in the air. "A discussion that you should have when you're not as inebriated. Until then? Why don't we find someplace for you to wind down, okay?"
Carson/Cara: "No." The word was as final as it was sharp. Dark blue eyes reminiscent of storm clouds as they stare at you, arms crossed over their chest. They didn't wish to hear your secret, didn't wish to pull any information from you when you were barely cognizant of what you were doing. Especially if it had anything to do with them. "We need to get you a glass of water, some Advil, and then a bed, before you start spilling your guts all over the place." They shake their head, gently taking you by the arm to guide you from the room. "We have a contract after all, MC. It wouldn't do to break it now." And, despite everything, they have to ignore the sting of disappointment, of want, at what could have been if they had simply let you speak.
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orioncarnell · 1 year ago
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I still get a little scared of something new But I feel a little safer when I'm with you
Devil Town - Cavetown
Orion Carnell & Isaac Apatow
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checkoutmyflow · 1 year ago
Star Elite: Ethnicities
I've decided to show a little bit more about my Blue Lock ocs, that being their ethnicities. Hope you enjoy
Fiorello Dal Lago: Italian Amari Wilde: Nigerian-American De'Andre Wilde: Nigerian-American Xaivier Johnson: Australian Enkai Nakajima: Japanese Anselmo Espinoza: Argentinian Isaac Espinoza: Argentinian Vespa Richelieu: French Deong Daon: Korean Elio Rossi: African American/French Alexander Bennet: British Lixue Bai: Korean Axel Hart: Catalan Seia Morikawa: Japanese Carnell Reid: Jamaican Bruce Matthews: African American/Caucasian Amador Shimizu: African American/Japanese Omair Rosario: Filipino Emeterio Narvaez: Afro-Puerto Rican
I've been thinking about changing some of these but idk
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isaacapatow · 2 years ago
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* * #TRAINING & #HOME CONVO WITH @orioncarnell
Orion Carnell Isaac, I normally don't question your decisions but are you sure you wouldn't rather train hand-to-hand combat with… well, someone else?
ike Eyyyyy. What's that supposed to mean??
Orion Carnell Well, in comparison you are kind of… -tries to find a different word for scrawny, fails- Are you sure you don't want to use your bat?
ike I'm not gonna use my BAT with you being unarmed! Jesus. People drop weight as they get older, y'know. I used to be all beefy like -- well, not quite as big of a brick shithouse as you, but yeah. I can hold my own.
Orion Carnell … Brick shithouse? -furrows his eyebrows- Did you get into a lot of fights? How did you even get that bat?
ike C'mon. You've known me for more than twenty minutes. -gives an enormous shit-eating grin- I been in more fights than you've had hot meals, kid. -thumbs his nose at the question, affecting a girl's voice to say:- Oh my god, Orion, you can't just ask someone why they're white! -hoots loudly at his own joke, before realizing Orion doesn't know wtf he's talking about- Aaaaand you've never seen that movie, have you.
Orion Carnell To be fair, being in fights and winning them are two different things. -tilts his head in confusion at the 'Mean Girls' reference- No, I can't say I have. Was I supposed to know that reference?
ike -waves his hand at the question about the reference- I've won a few here and there. And the ones I didn't win, well. The other guy knew he'd been in a fight by the time it was through. -cracks his neck- If you wanna know about my bat, big boy, you gotta buy me dinner and give me a little kiss first.
Orion Carnell I see. -seems to consider the proposition seriously for a moment- Where do you want the kiss? -cracks his knuckles in response, before getting into a fighting stance-
ike -chuckles, lifting his fists- My ass, once I wipe the ground with you. -tucks his tongue into his cheek, narrowing his eyes consideringly; makes a couple of feints with his left before taking a real swing with his right-
Orion Carnell I'll hold you to it. -watches Ike closely, falls for the feints and takes the actual hit; on instinct goes immediately for a gut punch in return, before taking a step back to bring in some distance and get a chance to compose himself You do hit harder than you look. Huh.
ike -catches the gut-punch even though he instinctively tries to shuffle back to avoid it; stays hunched over a bit, catching his breath as they separate- And your reach is even longer than it looks. Jeez. -straightens, hanging his hands on his hips for a moment, then hops on his toes- Who taught you to fight? You learn that shit while you were hitting the gym four hours a day?
Orion Carnell -flexes his aching jaw during the brief pause- I wasn't hitting any gym. takes a deep breath, narrowing his eyes as he takes in Ike's movements If you actually manage to "wipe the ground with me" I'll tell you. -goes in for another hit, this time for the liver-
ike -takes that hit so he can grab onto Orion's shirt and hold him there, swinging his knee up to get him a few times in the side before letting go with one parting roundhouse aimed at his ear; scrabbles back real fast out of reach- So what was it then? You don't get muscles like that by accident. Or from eating your Wheaties. -scrubs his face with the back of one fist as he catches his breath, wincing at the pain from where Orian slugged him- Me, I lived on the street for a while. Had to learn to scrap if I didn't wanna get fuckin' rolled every night.
Orion Carnell -stumbles back with the force of the kick, head spinning- Didn't know you lived on the street. -takes a deep holding his throbbing side as he figures out his next move- Farm work. We did most of it by hand. How did you end up on the streets? Or is that a question to ask over dinner? -moves in again, but this time doesn't go for a punch but instead a tackle to take Ike down to the ground-
ike Yeah. For a good long while, no fixed address. Just sidewalks and shelters and sometimes out of the city, upstate. Where it was wooded. -makes an interested sound in his throat at Orion's info about growing up- A farm boy, really? Explains the Clark Kent-ness. -he gives a short laugh at the mention of dinner, surprised enough that he doesn't defend until it's too late -- orion lifts him clean off the ground and takes him down, ike giving a shout as the breath gets knocked out of him-
Orion Carnell -immediately puts most of his body weight, lying half across Ike to hold him down; once he feels like Ike can't get out of his grip, he relaxes a little- You shouldn't get distracted. If I had been an actual opponent, you'd be dead now. Or pinned, like right now. looks down at Isaac with a mildy curious gaze, intrigued by what the man told him about his life and wanting to hear more- Are you okay? Or was I too hard?
ike -faint irritation in his voice, when he makes one heave in an effort to get loose but finds it fruitless- Listen. I don't need a lecture. I've survived this long without your sage and wise advise, brat. -stares at Orion when the younger man asks if he went too hard- If you were too much for me, Orion, you woulda known it. I would've told you. -grins suddenly, smacking a hand over Orion's mouth and then kissing it- There you go, you won. Let me up now.
Orion Carnell You wouldn't have survived me, though. -eyes widen in surprise at the sudden hit and then kiss; stares at Ike for a moment, both a little dumbfounded and confused, before getting back up to his feet and holding out a hand to help Ike- What was that for? I thought I was supposed to kiss you. And buy you dinner.
ike -is charmed by Orion's matter-of-fact arrogance though he doesn't let on- Hupsy-daisy, there we go. -smacks dust off himself once he's on his feet- You won, so you get kissed. Them's the rules. But I can do you one better-- -swings fast on Orion with a glint in his eyes, adrenaline up, aiming his knuckles square for the other man's mouth-
Orion Carnell I don't remember that being the rul- -gets caught entirely off guard by the punch; gets hit straight into the mouth and falls onto his back; stares up at Ike in surprise, blood trickling from his busted lip, before mustering the hint of a smile- Suppose I should listen to my own advice. -licks the blood from his lips as he sits back up- You win that one.
ike -steps over Orion's prone body, one foot planted on either side of his hips, smirking down at him and flexing his fingers- All that wisdom and you dropped it in the shitter. C'mon. Up you get. -reaches down to angle a shoulder under Orion's arm to lever him up though he hardly needs it- So your folks owned a farm, huh? I think that's the most personal information I've gotten outta you yet.
Orion Carnell -pushes up with Ike's help to get back to his feet, feeling slightly dizzy after that hit- You're not too forthcoming either, most of the times. -wipes the blood off his lip, before looking down at Ike, considering- It was my dad. Who trained me. Taught me most of my fighting tricks. -cracks his neck, slightly wincing at the pain throbbing in his body- Want to go for another round?
ike And push my luck? No thank you. We can beat the tar out of each other when we don't have a scouting mission the next day. Thanks for this, though, Orion. -cocks his head, thinking of something- Y'know, when I was a kid I thought the constellation was Irish? O'Ryan. It's a helluva name for your parents to give you. Though if you were learning fighting from the old man on your farm, I guess they figured you could handle such a weighty name.
Orion Carnell -tilts his head, letting out an amused snort at Ike's revelation, before becoming contemplative- Never thought about that, really. But… maybe you're right. hint of a smile appears on his lips, before disappearing again- Oh, before you leave- leans forward and presses a kiss to Isaac's lips (because "them's the rules")
Orion Carnell -hears a knock on the door; sits up on the sofa, Cat on his lap- Who's there?
ike Just me! I came to see if your fridge was running.
Orion Carnell -brows furrow in confusion- I don't- is that some kind of reference again? -gently lifts Cat off his lap before opening the door for Ike-
ike Aw, kid, you're killing me. -peers past Orion the minute he opens the door, then grins at him, punching his arm- It's a joke. You say, yeah, my fridge is running! and I say, well, you better go catch it! -snickers- Invite me in. You're dying to have me over. (edited)
Orion Carnell That is… really not a good joke. -tries to hide his amusement, shaking his head Am I? I was unaware of that. -still decides to step aside to let Ike into his small apartment-
ike Aaaand you have a cat. God, does everyone need to have some kind of furkid around? -he eyes the cat warily- They don't like me. I think.
Orion Carnell Furkid? -raises his eyebrows: Cat stretches before jumping from his spot from the couch to walk over to Ike, letting out a greeting mrrrow- If Cat doesn't like you, I'd have to reconsider our partnership.
ike -gives Orion a glance, before stooping down to rub his knuckles against the cat's skull and let it push its face against his thumb- Here's to making a good impression, then. -lets the cat rub a bit more, then straightens up- Barn cats, right? I can see how you'd get attached to them if they're the only things standing between you and a mouse infestation.
Orion Carnell -Cat purrs, taking the chance to rub against Ike's legs before coming up to Orion- I think he doesn't dislike you, at least. -gently picks up Cat and holds him in his arm- I'm not sure if he used to be a barn cat.
ike Well I didn't mean him specifically was a barn cat. Just surmising that's why you like the species. -starts roaming around looking at things- Forgive me if I have no follow up questions about your cat. I'm more interested in you, Kong. -starts poking at a shelf-
Orion Carnell Kong? -shakes his head, assuming it's another reference he is not going to understand- So you are not here to tell me bad jokes but to rummage through my things? Can I ask why?
ike No you cannot ask why. What you can do is get me something to drink -- your choice -- and then explain what … this is. -he picks up something at random from the table, turning it back and forth- Go on. I'm parched. Hydrate me.
Orion Carnell -contemplates his options before putting Cat down and going into the kitchen; comes back with a bottle of lemonade- Here. -hands Ike the bottle- And that's a shortwave radio. Doesn't pick much up anymore, though.
Ike Where'd you get it? No, actually -- why'd you get it. Were you trying to pick up survivor messages? -he takes the lemonade gratefully, downing most of it in one go- Lots of people do that. Lots of people give up on it when they don't hear what they're hoping for.
Orion Carnell It belonged to my parents. I thought it'd be practical, so I took it. -shrugs and sits back down on the couch- That sounds like you did that too. -begins to pet Cat who begins to purr- A lot of people were sending messages like that when it started. Where to meet up, who went missing, who died. It stopped after some time.
ike -watches Orion sit down, but doesn't follow suit, still looking at things- Yeah. It did stop. Bit by bit, people moved on. -pauses in front of some photographs- You had family, you had your parents. They were alive when you took the shortwave? (edited)
Orion Carnell -pauses and stays silent for a moment, eyes fixing on Ike- …No. They died before the outbreak. -resumes petting Cat, but watches Ike carefully- Is there a reason for you asking about that?
ike If mine hadn't been dead I wouldn't have tried to save 'em. -he's still not looking at Orion, picking up something heavy … a paperweight?- But they lived rural. They might have been fine even if I didn't. A very enclosed community.
Orion Carnell -let's out a soft breath- You didn't have a good relationship with them? -gets up and walks over to Ike to reach for the object in his hands: a small, square, decorated box filled with something heavy-
ike Not really. Once I split from the place I grew up, I never looked back. Nothing there for me. -noting Orion wanting the box, Ike holds it away from him- This is from them? Or from where you grew up?
Orion Carnell -lets out a mildly annoyed huff as Ike holds the box away from him- It's from the farm. -attempts to reach for it again- Isaac. Give me the box.
ike Tell me what it is, first. You don't have to open it. Just tell me.
Orion Carnell … It's ammunition. For hunting.
ike Yeah? -lifts his chin, teeth bared in slight amusement, a clear challenge- For hunting what? -holds out for a few beats, then hefts the box in his hand, and lobs it carefully over to Orion- This is why you should just show me things instead of letting me ferret them out. I've got a nose for it.
Orion Carnell -stares down at Ike, clearly intending on taking the challenge- What do you think? -meets his gaze before catching the box; thinks better than to put it back and slides it into his jacket- I noticed that. I could maybe help you if you told me why you- -pauses, tilts his head- Are you trying to get me to talk about my past?
ike And circle gets the square. -smirks, knowing by now Orion might not get the reference- I'm making conversation, kid. I come to your place, I meet your cat, I drink your lemonade-- -shakes the bottle, then finishes the last bit of the drink- You tell me more than three words about where you come from and what you're all about. (edited)
Orion Carnell And you go through my things. -runs a hand through his hair- This is really the most you way you could have gone about this. -steps back a little after noticing he is still in Ike's personal space There isn't really much to talk about there. My life wasn't that eventful or anything.
ike I don't think that's true. I don't think that's even remotely true, Orion. -follows back into the other man's personal space- And what's more, I think you wanna tell me. You're just not used to telling people shit.
Orion Carnell -squares up a little as Ike pushes back into his space; meets Ike's gaze with a mix of reluctance and defiance- Plenty of people here don't talk about their past. Whether they want to or not. You don't either, most of the time. -narrows his eyes- Why not start us off, if you wanna talk about what came before?
ike -* rocks back on his heels slightly, with a not-entirely kind smile*- Because I'm older than you and I'm your boss. Shit rolls downhill, kid. Not up. Down. I get to call the shots.
Orion Carnell -stares at Ike with an intense expression, a hint of anger and recognition appears in his eyes- You're my boss out there. Not in here. You're not my-stops himself and takes a deep, trembling breath; takes another step back again- You know what? Fine. If you want to do this, let's do it.
ike -keeps his head leaned back, not moving from the spot, his eyes gone more watchful and unreadable- Confess ye to one another that you might be healed. -spreads his hands- I'm not going anywhere.
Orion Carnell I'm not confessing to anything. -averts his gaze and closes his eyes for a moment, before turning his eyes back to Ike, forcing his expression into neutrality My parents were doomsday preppers. From the moment I was born, they spent their time preparing me for when the world was gonna end. They never got to see it. My mum died of cancer, dad got himself killed in a hunting accident. But it did end. And thanks to them, I survived it. Is that what you wanted to hear?
ike Mmmmm. -steps forward more, close enough that he can tap the back of his forefinger against the jacket pocket where Orion put the box- Riiiight. -his smile inches wider- Hunting.
Orion Carnell grabs Ike's wrist, hard, wrenching his hand away Yes. Hunting. What exactly are you trying to imply?
ike -looks at him for a long, long time, tongue caught between his teeth on one side as he keeps the smile. Finally:- Absolutely nothing. The shit we left in the past belongs there. I've seen you out past the wire, kid -- you're no farm boy anymore.
Orion Carnell -stares at Ike for a moment, almost a little dumbfounded- I normally wouldn't say this, but you are an absolute asshole. -let's go of Ike's wrist and runs a hand through his hair, letting out his breath while trying to calm himself- Don't do that again. I will hit you.
ike -clicks his tongue against his teeth and gives his shoulders a shake to settle his jacket- Well. I can recognize a cue to see myself out. But it was good to see where you squat and meet your roomie.
Orion Carnell stays silent for a moment, before sighing softly- You can come again. And knowing you, you probably will, whether I tell you to or not. Just keep your hands to yourself next time. -musters a hint of a tired smile- Alright?
ike Awright. -pauses on his way to the door, whapping the back of his hand against Orion's arm- You're a stand up guy, kiddo. Don't pay any attention to what they all say about you. -heads out before there can be any follow-up questions, snickering to himself-
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the-price-if · 3 years ago
How'd the ROs react to the MC cupping their face in their hands and saying, "Look, I can hold the entire world in my hands!"?
P.S.: How are you doing? Haven't seen activity on this blog for a while now, I hope you're doing well! Your health, mental and physical, comes first! Take care!
Adrian/Ariana: A soft smile appears on their lips at the sentiment; their head turning to place the lightest kiss they could on the palm of your hand. Their nose nuzzling against it for a brief moment before they too cup your face. The smile gracing their face rivaling that of the sun. “And I can hold my universe in mine.”
Blake: Rolling their eyes, Blake allows the smallest smile to quirk their lips as they pull you closer to them. Their lips descending onto yours for a chaste kiss. “You’re a sappy idiot sometimes,” they murmur softly, one of their hands stroking your cheek. “But you’re mine and I’m grateful for that.”
Liam/Leah: Grinning, they wrap their arms around your waist and pull you closer to them. Their nose nuzzling against yours as their eyes sparkle merrily; love and adoration mixing beautifully. “I love you,” they whisper. “More than I have ever loved anything before.”
Isaac/Isabel: A hearty laugh falls from their mouth; tears pricking their eyes from the force of their joy. “That’s as bad as something I’d come up with, sugar.” They shake their head as they loosely wrap their arms around your neck. Their head tilting to the side. “You know you’re my world too, right? We’re in this together. Forever.”
Carson/Cara: “I wasn’t aware that I was a floating mass of rock in space,” they quip with an amused look briefly appearing. Their gaze turning soft at the brief rejection they see flit across your own. “Well, if I am, I’m glad that you’re the one that can hold me. As I wouldn’t trust anyone but you to do so.”
(I’m doing all right 💚. I just get sick very easily and have been battling a horrible cold for the past few weeks. I hope you’re doing okay.)
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the25centpaperback · 2 years ago
I posted 25 times in 2022
25 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#vintage - 25 posts
#paperback - 25 posts
#book - 23 posts
#science fiction - 19 posts
#1970s - 14 posts
#anthology - 7 posts
#unknown artist - 6 posts
#1980s - 6 posts
#1960s - 5 posts
#ace books - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 30 characters
#the league of green-eyed women
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy 4: Spells, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh, cover by Kinuko Y. Craft (1985)
124 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
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The League of Grey-Eyed Women by Julius Fast, cover by Unknown Artist (1971)
The cover artist is possibly Bob Pepper.
124 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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Chthon by Piers Anthony, cover by John Jude Palencar (1987)
149 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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New Writings in SF 21, edited by John Carnell, cover by Unknown Artist (1973)
262 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The Silkie by A. E. van Vogt, cover by Bart Forbes (1974)
536 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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auburnfamilynews · 6 years ago
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Lee Hunter’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeeHunt54019537/status/1155260243275845634
Like Big Cat Weekend, the goal of this past weekend was to get a number of top targets on campus in order to lay the groundwork for future booms. Mission accomplished.
This week is a unique week on the recruiting trail. For much of July and all of August, it’s the dead period in recruiting which means that prospects and coaching staffs can not have any face to face contact. But from July 25th to July 31st, there is a quiet period which allows recruits to have face to face contact only on a college campus. That has lead to the majority of programs throwing very large recruiting events in hopes of getting their top targets on campus one more time before fall camp begins.
Starting in 2016, Auburn has taken advantage of this time period by throwing a picnic/bbq event at the end of each July. It’s almost like a second Big Cat Weekend though its focus is a bit more split between this class and future ones. It’s proven to be successful thus far. This year it looks likely to have the same results.
The Tigers landed one commit and sure sounds like a few more could pop in the coming weeks. Like Big Cat Weekend, the goal of this event isn’t necessarily to land same day commits. Instead, it’s to forge strong bonds not only between their top targets and the coaching staff but also allow current commits and future targets to bond as well. Often times, it’s the connection between fellow prospects that ends up mattering just as much as the relationships with the coaching staff.
Here’s a rundown of who made the trip and updates on their recruitments.
Auburn Commits
4* LB Trenton Simpson
4* LB Wesley Steiner
4* WR Kobe Hudson
4* WR Ze’Vian Capers
4* WR JJ Evans
4* LB Cameron Riley
3* OG Tate Johnson
3* OG Avery Jernigan
3* OT Jeremiah Wright
3* QB Chayill Garnett
3* OT Jonathan Buskey
All but four Auburn commits made it to campus this past weekend and it doesn’t appear that any of the four showed up at other events. Last year, George Pickens spurned Auburn’s event for Georgia’s, something that in hindsight proved more important than I realized at the time so I was playing close attention to see if something similar went down this year. Thankfully, that doesn’t appear to be the case and even more importantly, the majority of Auburn’s top ranked commits made the trip to help the staff recruit.
The biggest news from this group is obviously Wright’s commitment. He’s someone JB Grimes has wanted for a long time and Auburn is reportedly thrilled they could get him on board before the season. He gives Auburn 6 offensive line commits which could mean they are done at that position. However, they will reportedly continue to pursue some JUCO OT talent and don’t be surprised if they host some more OL official visitors during the season.
@CoachGusMalzahn @AUBRecruiting @GabrielWade10 @KennyDillingham @LevornH WAR EAGLE pic.twitter.com/7okyrPyDFX
— thatjeremiah77 (@thatjeremiah771) July 27, 2019
2020 Targets
4* RB Tank Bigsby
4* WR EJ Williams
4* DB Ladarius Tennison
4* CB Marco Domio (JUCO)
4* CB Kendall Dennis
4* DB Brian George (JUCO)
3* DL/Buck Rashad Whitehead
3* DE Bradyn Swinson
K Evan McGuire
One of the bigger storylines this weekend was tracking where Tank Bigsby would visit. There was confidence that he would be on the Plains but with Tank anything is possible. Well the nation’s #7 running back elected to head to Auburn over Athens and even more importantly returned Sunday to talk with the staff. This is turning into an AU alum showdown between Carnell Williams and Dell McGee. Can Caddy land his first big boom as an assistant? That possibility feels MUCH more realistic than it did just a few weeks ago.
The other big time offensive target to visit was Phenix City native EJ Williams. He was close to being an AU commit following this event last year but his recruitment absolutely exploded during the fall and now Auburn has been playing catch up. The good news is he stated Auburn had moved up to #2 on his list following the visit. The bad news is Clemson continues to lead and with a decision coming at the end of August, it’s hard to see this one going Auburn’s way. Luckily, the Tigers already have a very strong WR class committed so Williams is more of a “really nice to have” than a necessity.
It’s been hard to get a handle on Auburn’s top DB targets this cycle and even harder to know who might actually be favoring the Tigers. That picture got a lot more clear this weekend. All four DB prospects that visited are absolute takes for the Tigers and there’s a chance all four might now be favoring Auburn. Two are JUCO prospects Marco Domio and Brian George. Both have already used official visits to the Plains and could be closing in on a decision. Interestingly, EJ Williams was only one of two uncommitted prospects to visit Auburn for both Big Cat Weekend and the War Eagle Picnic. The other? The nation’s #2 JUCO cornerback Brian George. Jason Caldwell also reports that Domio’s flight was cancelled which could have meant taking the much shorter drive to College Station but his family instead elected to drive 10 hours to the Plains. The JUCO prospects also reportedly spent a lot of time together during the event. Auburn very well could have to replace both starting cornerbacks next season. Signing two of the top three JUCO recruits this cycle sure ain’t a bad way of going about filling that hole.
As for prep targets LaDarrius Tennison and Kendall Dennis, both have been reported in the past as having Auburn as a top school. But you really can’t start taking players’ interest seriously until they start taking multiple visits to campus. The fact both elected to travel to Auburn for this weekend is big news. Getting Domio, George, Tennison and Dennis in this year’s class would be huge for Auburn. The other name to continue to track is 4* CB Ethan Pouncey. Chances are good at least three from that group will be Auburn Tigers next season.
2021 Targets
5* DB Ga’Quincy McKinstry
5* DT Lee Hunter
4* WR Jaquez Smith
4* WR Julian Nixon
4* WR Dacari Collins
3* LB Chaz Chambliss
3* QB Aaron McLaughlin
3* DT Isaac Washington
3* WR Jackson Meeks
3* OL JT Pennington
This weekend wasn’t just about locking down some top 2020 targets, it was also about getting a jump start on the 2021 class. The recruiting cycles kick into gear so much earlier with the new early signing period. That’s why Auburn really split their focus of this event between finishing out their current class and getting a foundation in place for the next one. It sounds like they made signifiant progress on both.
It’s believed that Kenny Dillingham’s cryptic tweets on Saturday evening about a 2nd possible commit were in regards to Alpharetta, GA native Aaron McLaughlin. The 6’4” 225 lb gunslinger camped (along with 3* Will Crowder) with the Tigers on Friday and it sounds like he impressed both Gus Malzahn and Kenny Dillingham. So much so that the Tigers are hoping to get him on board very soon. It’s interesting that Auburn might go so hard after a pro style QB given Auburn’s recent focus on dual threat prospects the past few classes, but supposedly McLaughlin showed enough mobility during camp to make the coaching staff feel good about him being able to run the whole offense. One thing is for sure though this dude can throw the football.
McLaughlin might not be the only future 2021 boom. Lee Hunter has long favored the Tigers so much so that when asked about his top schools his answer was “Auburn, Auburn, Auburn, Auburn”. The Eight Mile, AL native is a 247 Composite 5* already and expected to be one of the top prospects in the country next season. Landing Hunter would be a massive early boom for this 2021 class. He reminds me a lot of Derrick Brown at this point in his career and I don’t say that lightly.
Hunter wasn’t the only instate 5* on campus. The man they call Kool-Aid, Ga’Quincy McKinstry, was back on campus again this weekend. Ranked as the nation’s #15 overall prospect in the 2021 class, McKinstry has long been a frequent visitor to the Plains. But this trip was a bit different as it wasn’t only Gus Malzahn that wanted to meet with him. Bruce Pearl stopped by and let McKinstry know that he also has an offer to play basketball for the Tigers.
#AG2G Truly Blessed & Honored ‼️To Receive An Basketball ⭕️ffer From Auburn University... I WILL HAVE THE CHANCE TO PLAY BOTH SPORTS #WAREAGLE @coachbarber @CoachFlanigan pic.twitter.com/Jcaq6Xprul
— GaQuincy McKinstry™ (@GaQMcK1) July 28, 2019
You don’t see many kids play both football and basketball in college but Auburn is willing to let McKinstry do both. This is going to be one of the most hotly contested recruitments in the state next cycle. It will be interesting to see if Alabama follows Auburn’s lead and gives Kool-Aid a chance to be a dual sport athlete at the next level.
Finally, file the name Isaac Washington away. Visiting from Pilot Mountain, NC, Washington appears to be an early top target for Rodney Garner. He left the Plains with the Tigers on top. Don’t be surprised if his name quickly climbs the prospect rankings over the next year.
Really great day at Auburn University yesterday one of the best days of my life thank you @coachg76 & @CoachGusMalzahn for everything can’t wait to be back. #WAREAGLE pic.twitter.com/LIQQfUQ4A9
— isaac (@isaacw_74) July 28, 2019
OL Lucas Taylor
QB MJ Morris
DT Dominick James
DB Andre Stewart
DB Khamauri Rogers
I will admit that even my obsessiveness over recruiting hasn’t lead me to watch much 2022 film but there was a bit of news from this list. Khamauri Rogers left the Plains with an offer in hand. Given Auburn’s recent success in the state of Mississippi and Rogers having Marcus Woodson has his position coach, I think he’s a name to track over the next couple of cycles. I am guessing we will see him on campus more in the future.
Blessed to receive an offer from Auburn University #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/A6u6RKuZvB
— 1 (@Khamauri1k) July 27, 2019
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/7/29/2506604/auburn-football-recruiting-war-eagle-picnic-tank-bigsby-ej-williams-jeremiah-wright-aaron-mclaughlin
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sustainhealthmagazine · 5 years ago
NFL 100 Greatest Game Changers' Premieres Friday, October 25 with Parts 1 and 2
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The NFL 100 Greatest series kicks off another category Friday, October 25 at 8:00 PM ET with 70 of the top 100 greatest game changers unveiled.
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Last week's episodes of NFL 100 Greatest Characters revealed the top 30 in two parts, with names such as Marshawn Lynch (No. 24), Vince Lombardi (No. 22), Rob Gronkowski (No. 15) and Joe Namath (No. 1) all making the countdown.
Among the NFL personalities and events viewers can expect to make the 100-31 countdown of NFL 100 Greatest Game Changers are:
Eric Dickerson – Who "infused the fan base in LA with such hope"
Moving the goal post, which quite literally changed the game
The man voted most respectful NFL decision-maker, Ozzie Newsome
The fearless Dan Marino known for his accuracy and quick release who changed how the ball was thrown
Apple's First Super Bowl Commercial which introduced the hype around Super Bowl commercials
Ronnie Lott who changed the game in many ways, but especially in Super Bowl XXIII
For the NFL 100 Greatest series, NFL Films and NFL Media conducted more than 400 interviews with celebrities, current NFL stars and Legends. Parts 1 and 2 of NFL 100 Greatest Game Changers features interviews with the following personalities:
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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Kenny Albert
Erin Andrews
Saquon Barkley
Bobby Bell
Matthew Berry
Mel Blount
Kobe Bryant
Nate Burleson
Garry Cobb
Terrence Crawford
Anthony Davis
Mike Ditka
Boomer Esiason
Ric Flair
Jay Glazer
Greg Gumbel
Kevin Harlan
Tim Jennings
Ed "Too Tall" Jones
Jim Kelly
Chuck Klosterman
Jarvis Landry
Howie Long
Eli Manning
Matt Millen
Beth Mowins
Joe Namath
Patrick Peterson
Jalen Ramsey
Lindsay Rhodes
Rob Riggle
Drew Rosenhaus
Barry Sanders
Don Shula
Dick Stockton
Marc Summers
Fran Tarkenton
Sarah Thomas
Courtney B. Vance
Adnan Virk
Ed Werder
Chris Willis
Charles Woodson
Ernie Accorsi
Morten Andersen
Brian Baldinger
Charles Barkley
Upton Bell
Brian Billick
Joey Bragg
Joe Buck
Cris Carter
Cris Collinsworth
Tommy Davidson
Brian Dawkins
Tony Dungy
Brett Favre
Dwight Freeney
Tony Gonzalez
Todd Gurley
James Harrison
Keyshawn Johnson
O'Shea Jackson Jr.
Mina Kimes
Bonnie-Jill Laflin
Willie Lanier
Michael MacCambridge
Dan Marino
Chris Mortensen
Chad Michael Murray
Pam Oliver
Scott Pioli
Ahmad Rashad
Condoleezza Rice
Ron Rivera
Darius Rucker
Deion Sanders
Dan Soder
Eric Stonestreet
Cole Swindell
Maria Taylor
Mike Tirico
Dick Vermeil
Lindsey Vonn
Dana White
Trey Wingo
Rayfield Wright
Troy Aikman
Clayton Anderson
Alec Baldwin
Lem Barney
Chris Berman
Men in Blazers
Isaac Bruce
Kevin Burkhardt
Bernie Casey
Bryan Cranston
Thomas Davis
Ray Didinger
Herm Edwards
Jay Feely
Fred Gaudelli
Joe Greene
Jon Hamm
Ron Jaworski
Jimmy Johnson
Stacy Keibler
Peter King
Carnell Lake
Carli Lloyd
Method Man
Al Michaels
Randy Moss
Brent Musburger
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Bill Polian
Ed Reed
Jerry Rice
Philip Rivers
Rex Ryan
Adam Schefter
Leigh Steinberg
Hannah Storm
Michele Tafoya
Joe Theismann
Jim Trotter
Michael Vick
Matt Walsh
Aeneas Williams
Rod Woodson
The NFL and the AP elected the "100 Greatest" across five categories – Plays, Games, Characters, Game Changers and Teams. The 80-person blue-ribbon panel was comprised of experts selected by the AP and NFL Media.
Friday nights are home to the slate of NFL 100 original programming on NFL Network this season. The NFL 100 Greatest Series continues Friday, November 1 at 8:00 PM ET with Parts 3 and 4 of NFL 100 Greatest Game Changers, rounding out a countdown of the players, personalities and events that have revolutionized the game.  
As the official site for all things NFL 100, NFL.com/100 is the primary destination to stay up to speed with all the initiatives, activities and content happening across the league and at the club level. Additionally, NFL.com/100Greatest offers a companion experience to the series where fans will be able to relive their favorite moments from the show with clips and bonus content from the celebrities and influencers who shared their favorite NFL memories from the series.  
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
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Adrian/Ariana Ocean [Giulio Berruti // Bianca Balti]
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With dark brown hair, that's been dyed a myriad of colors in the past, sparkling blue eyes, the color of the sky on a cloudless day, and tanned skin, it's no wonder that no one can get enough of them. They're a constant on Hollywood gossip sites for their troubled past, but it seems that they're trying to outgrow their old image. They have a toned body and stand at around 6'3". [Adrian keeps his hair like in the picture shown and Ariana has her hair down to her shoulder blades.] (For Ariana there’s a bit of Ariana Grande in her FC too.)
Blake Turner [Sam Claflin // Dianna Agron]
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With mischievous hazel eyes, golden hair, and fair skin, Blake has always been the one to look out for when in L.A.. Their presence has quickly taken over the big screen. They're believed to be as much of a partier as A; never staying in one place for long. They have an athletic build and stand at around 6'1". [M!Blake keeps his hair like in the picture shown and F!Blake does the same in her picture too.]
Liam/Leah Shaw [Saeid Ezatolahi // Sarah Shahi]
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Hired by your new spouse to protect you; they have expressive dark brown eyes, and raven black hair that is always kept from their face. Their smiles, while small, never fail to make you feel safe. As you know that they’d never let anything happen to you. They have a muscular physique and stand at around 5'8". [Liam keeps his hair short and Leah keeps hers like in the picture.]
Isaac/Isabel Carnell [Charles Michael Davis // Janelle Monáe]
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Dark brown skin, light brown (gold in some lights) eyes, and ebony black hair, they’re quite the sight to behold. Their warm smile and overall cheerfulness already add to the unique glow that seems to surround them. They have a slender build and stand at around 5'6". [Isaac keeps his hair like in the picture and Isabel has hers just over her shoulders.]
Carson/Cara Madden [David Giuntoli // Phoebe Tonkin]
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Lightly tanned skin, ash brown hair, and impassive dark blue eyes, they’re everything one would expect from a reputable lawyer. Hardworking and devoted to their job, they'll try their best to make sure everything goes smoothly for you. They have a lean body type and stand at around 5'11". [Keeps their exactly like it's shown in the pictures above.]
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
How would the RO's react when they realize they are in love with mc?
Adrian/Ariana: They're in complete disbelief. Being a person that believes wholeheartedly in soulmates, A never believed they would find their own within the industry they worked in. Past experiences showcased that fact all too well. When they realized the depth of their feelings for you? I’ve finally found them… Would be one of the first things through their head.
Blake: I was wondering if they were going to come back… It's not a secret that Blake can be, and most of the time is, self-absorbed, but realizing that they could have a second chance with you? Do it right this time? That you were coming back to them? It'd wake them up in a sense, and they wouldn't let the new opportunity pass them by.
Liam/Leah: This will make my job a bit more complicated… Their job is to protect you without feelings. Something they already took super seriously before even developing said emotions, but now that they're in love with you? It'll make their job that much more complicated but all the more important.
Isaac/Isabel: No wonder they’ve become my muse… They felt an instant connection with you upon your first meeting. It's not something they could describe, but it is something they can showcase within their work and they do it with a burning passion. You've become the rejuvenation they've needed for some time.
Carson/Cara: This is just perfect… Not impressed with themself at all, but wouldn't be too surprised either. They tend to get into situations that are difficult to get out of-- like taking A on as a client. They wouldn't truly know how to react to the knowledge that they've fallen in love with, but they wouldn't take it for granted either. Love is fleeting, and they don't wish to have any more regrets.
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
Who blushes the most? What can the MC do to make them blush?
From Most to Least Flustered:
Isaac/Isabel > Liam/Leah > Adrian/Ariana > Blake = Carson/Cara
Adrain/Ariana: You just being you tends to do it, but caring enough about them to make them a meal, or restocking their fridge, would have them fighting for words.
Blake: It’s really hard to make Blake flustered, but on those rare occasions the thing that tends to do it is you reminding them how much you care for them.
Liam/Leah: They can be a bit oblivious sometimes when it comes to teasing and/or jokes, especially of the dirty variety, which means they get doubly flustered once they figure it out.
Isaac/Isabel: You smiling in their direction can get them flustered— you’re their muse after all.
Carson/Cara: You’d have a better chance at getting a brick wall flustered before them but, on the off chance you’re able to manage it, it’ll probably be because you’re being genuine with them, being honest about your feelings, etc.
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
What are the ROs love languages?
[Giving // Receiving]
Adrian/Ariana: Words of Affirmation // Quality Time
Blake: Quality Time // Physical Touch
Liam/Leah: Acts of Service // Physical Touch
Isaac/Isabel: Giving Gifts // Words of Affirmation
Carson/Cara: Acts of Service // Quality Time
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theprice-if · 2 years ago
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Roaring stadiums, filled to the max with screaming fans, as you stand with a microphone in hand. Your heart pounds against your chest as you get ready to perform. Shouts of adoration filter past your ear as the lights finally turn on; the show truly begins. With you in the center of it all.
Except… that isn’t you. You’re to the side, watching it all, with a clipboard pressed to your chest. Making sure that nothing was out of place.
You’re just an assistant, an assistant to the biggest star gracing the stage in the past decade, but still just an assistant.
That is until you woke up alone in a room that was way above your pay grade; with a shiny ring on your finger. Your new spouse? The very star that you have been working for, for the last two years. The same star that many believed would never settle down— until you came along.
These rapid-fire events thrust you into the spotlight. Rocketing you towards the twinkling lights of stardom as you desperately try to figure out how to come to terms with everything.
The media and tabloids are just the tip of the iceberg. The very star you’re married to offers you the deal of a lifetime.
Stay married to them for a year and get a record deal; the biggest reason you moved to L.A.... All of your dreams will come true after twelve months.
If only you had known what the price of stardom truly brought.
The Price is rated 18+ for explicit language, sexual themes, alcohol/drug use, questionable behavior, and more!
★ Features ★
Customizable MC: name, gender, appearance, facets of your personality, hobbies, and more!
Get into the studio and start preparing for what will come when the year is up. Find the voice that you have always wanted to showcase in the industry!
Create your own music! Cultivate your debut album and show the world what it's been missing!
Interact with your fans and the music industry as a whole through social media! Will you become an upcoming star that the media loves or a black sheep that'll keep them returning for more?
Engage in romance with a variety of characters. Will the fake one become real with your pretend spouse? Or perhaps you'll find passion building with the less complicated-- and fun-loving-- photographer?
Discover what truly happened the night of your marriage. Or, if you choose to do so, leave it as the hazy fog in the recesses of your mind.
And much more as the story continues forward!
Are you willing to pay the price for your dream? Will that dream change over time?
★ The ROs ★
Adrian/Ariana Ocean ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 28 ★
Your boss, and also your spouse, the most sought-after star in the entertainment industry. With a reputation as spotty as one would expect with someone at the top. However, with the news of your marriage, people seem to be seeing them in a new light; something that they’ve been wanting for a very long time. Let’s hope it’ll last.
Blake Turner ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 28 ★
A Hollywood starlet that’s coming off their recent Oscar win; who also happens to be your ex from college. An ex that dumped you when they dropped out of college to become a star. A story that you never truly got to hear the entirety of. And suddenly, just like that, they’re back in your life with the same smirk from before. The one that made you fall in love with them, to begin with.
Liam/Leah Shaw ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 29 ★
Your newly assigned bodyguard, you still have to get used to that, who is supposed to protect you whenever your spouse can’t be with you. You just weren’t expecting them to start affecting you the way that they have. Their warm smile is like a beacon in this unfamiliar world.
Isaac/Isabel Carnell ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 27 ★
The photographer who is tasked with taking lovely shots of the newly wed couple. One of the only people, besides management, that actually knows what the hell is actually going on. Their general cheerfulness does wonders to lighten your spirits. Not to mention the pictures they take are absolutely divine.
Carson/Cara Madden ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 33 ★
The lawyer that is making sure everything goes smoothly; while also trying to not get gray hairs throughout. An aloof individual that only cracks a smile around a select few people. However, they’re good at their job and that’s what should matter most to you. Even though you sort of wish they’d smile at you. At least just once.
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checkoutmyflow · 1 year ago
Star Elite: Blue Lock AU
So with the encouragement of @snaillock I've decided to post some of my ocs on here for Blue Lock.
To explain the world of my AU, there's a program called Star Elite ran by Aldus Shendon, who takes specific people into this program to train them into becoming the world's best. One of the specifics for this program is a soccer project, of which several teenagers have been chosen to represent as a team called AllStars where they face of other teams. Unlike most of Blue Lock however, AllStars is considered better than Blue Lock in terms of skill, being able to win against actual world class professional teams later on in their competing.
The players of AllStars are these people-
- Fiorello: False Nine
- Amari Wilde: Creative Playmaker
- De’Andre Wilde: Wingback
- Xavier Johnson: Ball-playing midfielder
- Enkai Nakajima: Ball-winning Midfielder
- Anselmo Espinoza: Box-to-box Midfielder
- Isaac Espinoza: Defensive Midfielder
- Vespa Richelieu: Winger
- Deong Daon: Full-back
- Elio Rossi: Inverted winger/winger
- Alexander Bennett: Midfield General
- Lixue Bai: Sweeper-keeper
- Axel Hart: Poacher
- Seia Morikawa: Target Man
- Carnell Reid: Center back
- Bruce Matthews: Wingback
- Amador Shimizu: Regista
- Omair Rosario: Stopper
- Emeterio Narvaez: Center back
Despite AllStars and Blue Lock are two different projects, both Aldus and Ego are well acquainted and on pretty good terms. So after one of AllStars biggest wins, being AllStars vs France's national team, a game broadcasted worldwide with 8-9 points (I actually haven't came up with a proper scoring yet ._. I want it to be a lot but not too much. I'm also stuck on them going up against either France or Argentina's national team. I don't want to act like a mary sue but I also want their win to be extremely impressive to the point they're recognized by other professionals), Aldus takes AllStars into Japan for further training, only an hour away from Blue Lock. So of course, Aldus being the charmer he is, somehow convinces Ego to let AllStars and Blue Lock have joint training. Eventually this turned to AllStars and Blue Lock merging to become StarLock (temporarily, but still) during the NEL.
The characters in the clubs they chose:
Bastard Munchen: Enkai Nakajima, Anselmo Espinoza, Isaac Espinoza, Bruce Matthews
Ubers: Amari Wilde, De'Andre Wilde, Fiorello Dal lago, Elio Rossi
Manshine City: Emeterio Narvaez, Carnell Reid, Xaivier Johnson
Paris x Gen: Vespa Richelieu, Lixue Bai, Alexander Bennet, Deong Daon
FC Barcha: Omair Rosario, Axel Hart, Seia Morikawa
Hope you stuck around to read all of this, I know it's a lot. Tell me what you think and stuff in the comments. I like reading comments :). I'll start posting more about my ocs ig. I also have an ao3 chatfic about my Blue Lock ocs but I'm not sharing that yet till I do some rewriting in it. Bye now.
@etoiile @snaillock @gojorbit @empressyu123 @fisshindasea @maochira
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orioncarnell · 2 years ago
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Name: Orion Carnell
Age: 38
Town Occupation: Raider
Previous Occupation: None Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male; He/Him
Orientation: Aromantic/Pansexual
Family: Isaac Apatow (Partner)
Residence: An apartment at the edge of town, close to the library
Time in Redwood: Joined January 2042
Orion lives in a small but relatively cozy apartment towards the outer edge of Redwood, close to the library.
When he came to Redwood, he couldn't read as his parents never taught him. Over the course of his time in Redwood, he's learned however, and quickly become an avid reader. His writing is still a bit scratchy, though.
He likes animals and adopted a cat somewhere on his travels. He named it Cat, since it seemed to be fitting.
He has a pretty high pain tolerance and is used to stitching himself up
He has hardly ever been drunk, and it takes a lot of alcohol to get him inebriated
Orion grew up pretty prepared for the apocalypse. As long as he could remember, he lived with his parents in the rural countryside, far away from any type of civilization or community. Most of their information about the outside came from an old radio, one of the very few communicative devices his family ever owned. The family was self-sustainable, his parents had grown up with the fear of nuclear conflict during the cold war, and that anxiety and trauma pushed them to go into a sort of prepping-mentality in case there was a form of nuclear fallout. Orion grew up learning everything he could about survival. His parents were never the best, neither to him nor to each other, and Orion grew up in a household where survival seemed to be the basic tenant, and anything else was not necessary.
But while his lifestyle left Orion scarred in many ways, it also was what allowed him to survive when the virus hit. His parents never lived to see the start of the apocalypse, both of them dying shortly before the first cases appeared. While his parents had prepped and Orion could have stayed hunkered down and survived, something inside of him drove him towards packing up as much food, water and medicine as he could carry and set out into the virus-infested world.
He doesn’t really talk much about the time he spent wandering after leaving his parent’s place and reaching Redwood (or generally about his past). His focus was on his own survival, so he never had much time or opportunity to really care about morality until he reached Redwood. He stumbled across the community with mild interest. So far, he hadn’t really been interested in the survivor communities he came across so far, mostly only forming temporary alliances and symbiotic relationships. He scoped out the settlement, and, eventually for his own personal reasons, decided to join in for the time being. Being in a proper community for the first time poses challenges that never really came up previously, things his parents never bothered to prepare him for. 
It took him quite a while to properly settle down in Redwood, with the town offering many new experiences to a loner like Orion, who wasn't familiar with such a big, settled community. Although there were challenges he faced, he's become a member of Redwood, feeling comfortable within the town.
This does not mean that the easy times will continue. Nothing lasts forever.
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checkoutmyflow · 1 year ago
Star Elite: Biggest food pet peeves
Here are some of Star Elite's biggest pet peeves. Also if you don't know Star Elite is my Blue Lock AU with my original characters. Here's the link so you can read up on it if you're interested.
Fiorello Dal Lago: He fits the Italian stereotype a little bit, but he understands that people have their own preferences when it comes to food... but if you break pasta in half in front of him, he will never let you into the kitchen again.
De'Andre Wilde: If he cooks something and you ask for some, only to eat the entire thing by tomorrow, he's GOING to beat your ass. Better yet, if he orders something and you don't, but proceed to ask and try and eat off his plate he is going to backhand the shit out of you.
Amari Wilde: Nothing really ticks him off, mostly because he's too timid to confront you about it. However, if you don't wash your hands before cooking, he will politely tell you to leave the kitchen (Translation: Get the fuck out the kitchen you heathen) so he can prepare the food instead.
Xaivier Johnson: If you pour milk before your cereal he's side eyeing you. Put milk first and then heat it up in the microwave, and he is going to think you escaped a mental asylum.
Enkai Nakajima: Loudly chewing with your mouth open. Something as simple as this makes him want to actually knock the shit out of someone. Now does anyone really like this? No. But for whatever reason this pisses him off on a global scale.
Anselmo Espinoza: Ok, he's a really nice dude, but people who try and chastise what other people can eat really work his nerves. If he wants to eat something a certain way he's gonna eat it. If it isn't incredibly gross and unhealthy for your body he's gonna try it at least once. And if he doesn't like it, then oh well.
Isaac Espinoza: He hates ranch. It nauseates him to the highest degree. He hates to even look at it. Ranch anything makes him sick including ranch doritos. Also people who can't wrap burritos correctly-.
Vespa Richelieu: Very similar to Anselmo, he isn't too pleased when people try to judge and tell him what to eat. However his annoyance is mainly targeted towards vegans who try and say their way of eating is the superior one because they don't eat on dead animals. Please believe that if a vegan karen were to come up to him and try to reprimand him for eating meat, he will purposely eat meat in front of them while laughing his ass off. Why? Just because he can.
Deong Daon: When people, usually those who are inexperienced in the kitchen, don't properly use knives. Like sir, that is a steak knife. It's meant to cut steak. Also, whenever people just walk into the kitchen while you're cooking. Not helping at all, especially when they come near him while he's holding a knife. It makes him paranoid.
Elio Rossi: People who over-season their food. Salt and pepper get the job done sometimes you don't have to add all this extra shit to make something taste good. Chill out.
Alexander Bennett: He doesn't care if the food is the best in the world. If there's grease flooding the plate, dirtying his hands and clothes, he's not gonna fucking eat it. He doesn't want to take a bite of something and have grease immediately explode in his mouth.
Lixue Bai: If he's eating something chewy and he feels something oddly crunchy in the food, he's lighting his mouth on fire.
Axel Hart: Big silverware make him want to go into cardiac arrest. Yes he will make a dramatic scene about it because it is necessary. Big silverware was made for torture purposes.
Seia Morikawa: Allergies exist. Why do some people treat it as a weak thing?? It's not like people can control it?? What you want them to just grow out of a food allergy? Dumbass. Oh- also people who just throw food away carelessly.
Carnell Reid: If he's eating with you, he doesn't wanna hear or see you throw your head back and moan loudly in front of god and everyone about how good the food it. He gets it. The food is good. You can just say that instead of making everyone uncomfortable with your food porn rant.
Bruce Matthews: He has no clue how people can just drink coffee bland with no sweeters or spices. No sugar? Cinnamon? Ginger? Like seriously?? If you drink plain black coffee he considers you one of the most boring people to live on planet earth.
Amador Shimizu: People who shit on other people's food, especially when it's apart of their culture, piss this man off. You're allowed to dislike it but why hate on it just because of the culture it's from??
Omair Rosario: He loves to cook for people. it's something he learned to love from his mother. He loves seeing the happiness on people's faces as they join together to eat. He sees food as not only a necessity, but a way to bring people together. It's very hard to anger let alone annoy him. Except some things. People being forced to eat when they don't want to, and people who deliberately waste food. These things irk him heavily.
Emeterio Narvaez: White people who put raisins in everything. Why? Damnit he wanted mashed potatoes not a fucking milky, watery abomination with shit pallets inside (aka raisins). Let him catch a single raisin in his food when it's not supposed to be there. He's never trusting your cooking again. EVER.
That's all for this post. If you want to, comment or repost with your own opinions. And like if you want to. Bye :)
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