Glitz, Glam, & Gunpowder
74 posts
Mira (She/Her) ☆ A child destined for greatness. A name destined to be written into the pages of history. Whatever happened in your past didn't matter anymore. You were born with raw talent and charisma that couldn't be wasted. But your innate gift didn't mean your path would be easy. After the circus shut down, you stumbled through life delivering each performance like it was your last. You thought you've reached your peak, until a mysterious offer suddenly throws you into a life of crime ☆ Demo: TBA
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 4 days ago
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Alistair/Alice Delacroix (THE RIVAL) - Oh 10000% YES. They're extremely skilled at yapping and dancing around the point to the extent that even they would believe their own lies. Sometimes they just tell white lies that have no bearing on their life for funsies. It's kind of difficult to tell when they're lying because they're perpetually lying to everyone around them and themselves
Samuel/Samantha "Sam" Kaminski (THE BOSS) - I would say so! They've been around for long enough to learn how to present themselves and what to say while navigating society. But for Sam, I would say it depends more on people they're trying to lie to. I feel like they would hesitate to lie to the people closest to them opposed to lying to a stranger (this could have stemmed from Sam's parents were always able to catch them in a lie from childhood)
Hendrik/Helena Rietveld (THE BODYGUARD) - Technically yes! But they don't like mincing words or telling half-truths, so they avoid lying as much as possible. They speak tactfully and with intention always. But their loved ones can tell if there's more left unsaid by the subtle way their eyes widen before shifting away.
Jesse Lê (THE FRIEND DETECTIVE) - Nope 😭 they're so so obvious I fear they don't even make an effort to lie. Their main tell would be self-soothing movements like tapping their foot or fidgeting with their fingers under the table.
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 5 days ago
Speaking of eyes, which of the ro's do you think would be good in a staring contest, and what do you think their tactics would be? (Just sitting, trying to get the other to flinch, etc)
Sam has better things to do with their time than engage in such frivolities, but they would win pretty easily by just sitting/staring deeply into your eyes in a ~haunting~ way. I feel like most would lose to them in a staring contest, which would definitely piss A off imo. A doesn't play nice during any contest, so they would try to get the other to flinch or play dirty somehow, but they would do pretty well WITHOUT cheating 😑 because people are so...entranced by their eyes
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I don't think H would be good at staring contests tbh because I don't think bodyguards want to unnecessarily strain their eyes like that? It also distracts them from consistently monitoring their surroundings. Jesse wouldn't even entertain the idea of a staring contest because they don't like intense eye contact, so they're just watching all of this tomfoolery go on
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 6 days ago
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to sadomasochistically torture fictional characters
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 6 days ago
“Through devotion, you inspire others to embrace the beauty of their souls.”
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 6 days ago
I love story concept are there any fun facts about the mc😘😘😗😗🤗😗😗😘😂😍
Aww tysm, I'm so glad 🥺🫶🏽 I took a long time answering this because I was trying reaaally hard to pick and choose what I say without spoiling anything (a theme on this blog unfortunately 😭) I can tell you five things though! Make of them what you will:
MC is ethnically part [Italian, Irish, Jewish] and choosing one will have an impact your backstory and interactions with some of the characters
They have a strong eye for detail (a skill garnered from their life of traveling) and are skilled at differentiating between cheap and expensive products
MC is canonically agnostic
Children & Animals are either really fond of/at ease around MC or they're unsettled/downright terrified of them. They're rarely indifferent
Their signature scent is a mix of fruit, floral, and spice (these are the main primary aromas, but you can choose the specifics as you see fit for your MC!)
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 6 days ago
I have no idea where that ask went but YES OMG OFC MY DARLING YOU'RE TOTALLY FREE TO MAKE FANART/WRITE FANFIC/SHARE MC INTROS FOR GG&G 🥺 if you ever end up doing so pls tag me I'd love to see it <3
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 6 days ago
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
I answered this but it didn't save to my drafts 😑
Alistair/Alice Delacroix (THE RIVAL) - Blue Green Eyes; It's one of the first things people notice about them as their ocean-like serene appearance is a mesmerizingly stark contrast to their inner chaos
Samuel/Samantha "Sam" Kaminski (THE BOSS) - Deep Brown Eyes ignore any rumors that state otherwise; People don't appreciate brown eyes as often as they should! Sam's eyes carry a tender love and immediately put you at ease. Looking into them exudes the same energy as receiving a strong yet comforting hug
Hendrik/Helena Rietveld (THE BODYGUARD) - Amber Eyes; They're the only ones in their family immediate family to have amber eyes that share an uncanny resemblance to their grandfather's amber eyes. H's parents always looked at them with a poignant gaze
Jesse Lê (THE FRIEND DETECTIVE) - Dark Eyes (Practically Black); Jesse isn't the type to love aggressive eye contact, so people don't really get a chance to just stare into their visible eye. But on the off chance they do, they'll leave feeling very unsettled. It's like looking into the darkest depths of the universe. Lifetimes of wisdom carefully residing within them
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 6 days ago
Also, how do you feel about NSFW asks? Are you comfortable with them? I promise, this is the last one for now. I'll wait a couple days before asking the next ones, or I fear your entire ask-box-thing (whatever it's called) will just be me.
Omg please never worry about sending too many asks 😭 I love love LOVE getting/answering them <33 If anyone sends in an ask and I don't answer it immediately, it's either because a) Tumblr ate it or b) I'm spending a lot of time answering overthinking what I say. Sorry if I gave off the impression asks are "bothering" me because they certainly don't!
As for your question, I'm totally fine with NSFW asks! I'll have a tag for them so that you can block them if you're trying to avoid NSFW mentioning content this month
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 9 days ago
I wanna do a lil ask game where my dearest goblins (affectionate) ask gg&g questions and I can only respond with yes or no instead of my long ass ramblings but I'm also a scaredy cat 😖
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 10 days ago
I wanna do a lil ask game where my dearest goblins (affectionate) ask gg&g questions and I can only respond with yes or no instead of my long ass ramblings but I'm also a scaredy cat 😖
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 13 days ago
How would the ROs react to a really shy MC, super shrinking violet type, that you couldn't ever imagine going up on stage, just flipping like a switch once they're in front of a crowd - performing like it's breathing, like they're trapped in a desert and the show is an oasis - and then once it's over just... going back to that same little mouse.
(I have ideas, okay?? I'm a proud goblin!)
Aww my goblin army grows stronger by the day 😈 I'm so proud of you darling anon 🥺 also the "just flipping like they're trapped in a desert and the show is an oasis" simile ATE
Alistair/Alice Delacroix (THE RIVAL) - Ok so this is kind of spoiling their introduction, but they would be MESMARIZED. They adore unpredictability, so meeting a person who has layers and isn't quite what they seem to be on the surface would feel like a thrilling mystery for them alone to solve
Samuel/Samantha "Sam" Kaminski (THE BOSS) - Sam would watch every show radiating an aura of unshakeable confidence. Even though they weren't the ones performing, they would watch as their hearts swelled with pride knowing they were the ones who scouted MC out. I think a deeper part of them is also happy that the MC would feel comfortable enough around them to even be shy rather than put on an act. The way MC lights up a room whenever they're performing is truly indescribable and something historians wish they could have properly captured in person
Hendrik/Helena Rietveld (THE BODYGUARD) - They didn't come to shows like these on the regular before being assigned as MC's bodyguard, which makes these shows much more special. I feel like they would be more naturally protective of a shy MC because they know how corrupt the industry is. But it would also bring up the question, which is MC's real self? Is it the one who's on stage oozing charisma, or the shy mouse who seems to want to be nowhere near it?
Jesse Lê (THE FRIEND DETECTIVE) - They're an interesting case because of all the ROs, Jesse is the only one who knew them from before. So their reaction would kind of depend on how you choose to play MC when they were younger. If you chose to be more naturally confident when younger, and now the way your confidence shines are only through your performances, than they would be concerned as to what happened to you while they weren't around. But if you choose to play as shy when younger, they wouldn't be surprised, and they would watch every one of your shows to show their support with their jaw glued to the floor
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 20 days ago
helo authorrr, checking in on you! How are you doing today?
I'm doing even better because you asked anon <33 Tysm, I hope you're doing magnificent
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 29 days ago
man, can't wait to recreate some of the things described in some that handsome devil songs (this is a recommendation in disguise u fothermucker >:D)
<33 I fear I haven't heard of Handsome Devil but I have listened to The Amazing Devil!!
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 1 month ago
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L'Art et la mode, no. 3, vol. 28, 19 janvier 1907, Paris. Robe de soie blanche tissée d’or, garnie de guipure brodée d'or. Manches de tulle blanc pailleté or. Imp. Artist. L. Lafontaine, Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 1 month ago
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Verdi’s opera Aida enthralls a packed house in New York City, July 1964.Photograph by Albert Moldvay, National Geographic
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 1 month ago
I wonder how would A feels about if the MC keeps forgetting who they are every time they met?
I could imagine A thinking "Oh, they're just joking around. Nobody could would ever forget me of all people." And then MC does, and they're like
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This would be even funnier with an MC who isn't really known for having memory problems or anything of the sort. Imagine someone who gets thrown into a new, unfamiliar, and dangerous world. Who can retain a surprising amount of new information, but for some reason, a disturbing blonde who happens to be their blood rival isn't memorable enough to them? Comedy gold.
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 1 month ago
GG&G: The Canary Sings Again I
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"Teach me." You stepped forward, feeling the weight of your words settle between you two. It was like a ring of dust clouded the room, making the other's intentions appear under the veil of a thick hazy shadow. H's gaze hardens. "You know I can't.'' "Can't, or won't?" They stiffened, unacquainted with your sudden shift in tone. A bout of what felt like otherworldly possession. But they didn't let a trace of fear reach their eyes. "It's not up to me, [Chosen Title/Surname]." [Tone and Rest of Dialogue Changes Depending on Choice] "Learning how to use a revolver won't make you obsolete..."
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