#i was ready to throw hands
pumpkinhrat · 9 days
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Alice, respectfully and with love, but count your days
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ghosts-of-love · 2 years
I hope that little Daley never figured out that his mum was having an affair, that would be too much tragedy for me actually
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lucycarlyle · 2 years
Thank FUCK she’s northern
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whatyadrawin · 2 years
*me to the creators of CoD MW2:
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shinayashipper · 2 years
still wonder how Yugi really felt when Kaiba called him a "Vessel" in DSOD, I just think That is one of the most cruelest thing Kaiba could say to him 😂😂 i mean he always says mean things and done Worst especially to Yugi but idk That Part about how Yugi's just a Vessel and he only needs the Pharaoh back REALLY HURTS ME 😂😂😂😂
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about strong girl nam soon, episode six
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
At first i was wondering why nam soon was explaining her lineage and how it's only the women who inherit the superhuman strength but then it's because she's turning 22.
oh so it's mandatory to find a suitor at the age of 22, interesting. Because it's the height of the women's strength.
Hwang geum ju being even more interested in hee sik now that she thinks he has feelings for her daughter. He's just concerned about nam soon but she immediately jumps to the conclusion of "Hee sik is in love with my daughter."
hwang geum ju 'inspecting' hee sik because he seems like a good suitor is hilarious. Poor boy just wants to find the drugs but now he's involved in nam soon's love life lmao
we all know they're gonna end up together (nam soon & hee sik) but still, he's not at the stage of being sure of his feelings for nam soon yet.
*shocked pikachu face* I thought nam soon wouldn't be able to recognize hwa ja because i don't think they've ever come face to face before but she still recognized her impostor. I am surprised. Or maybe I didn't pay attention and missed something in the previous episodes.
I like that nam soon, instead of going into fight mode, opted for her mother's response to the whole hwa ja ordeal. She chose to forgive her and tell her they (nam soon & her mother) understand why hwa ja did this. However there's still a warning that if hwa ja ever does this again, nam soon won't forgive her.
I think this hurt hwa ja even more than nam soon directly fighting her. I don't think hwa ja likes being shown compassion and understanding because she equates this to being pitied. The actress playing her is doing an amazing job with her facial expressions. I'm repeating myself I know that but it's just that she's incredibly talented. I don't know if she ever played such a role in the past but if she ever decides to star in one, and as the main role, it would be an instant hit.
It's weird for me to say this but I feel for hwa ja. Don't get me wrong, I still think she's a bad person for what she's done to nam soon and her mother, but part of me still feels for her when I see people treating her with disrespect (manager telling her off when she clapped back at a customer who groped her). It's like seeing a pressure cooker about to explode. She's always been alone. She's never had anyone who she could trust. She's always had to fend for herself and that is why I'm feeling sympathy for her.
/!\ Going back to one of my previous points, I don't like how they're treating nam-in in this drama. He's always the butt of the joke and they're treating him being overweight as something to poke fun of instead of helping him out. Even he said that eating is his way of unwinding and not think about all his stress. Yet, as we can see here, HIS MOTHER is mocking him by comparing him to p1gs. Absolutely disgusting behavior by hwang geum ju. I know that some parents think "pushing/criticizing" their kids about their weight is the best way to make them want to diet but trust me, it's not. Making fun of your own child should NEVER and i mean NEVER be the solution. The best solution is to seek help from a specialist who will make a diagnosis and move forward accordingly. A lot of people who suffer from obesity suffer from many other things as well (sleep deprivation, depression, heart problems, etc.) And to think that some parents/family members/friends believe that making fun of someone's insecurity/health problem will miraculously make them want to get a cure for said disease is INSANE!!! I'm just over it with this show making fun of nam in when it could have done a much better job at tackling obesity.
I'm getting angry but for a good reason. I know the men in nam soon's family are seen as 'losers (affectionate)' and 'weak' because they don't have this super human strength but still, I don't understand why they chose nam in's funny/ok to make fun of trait to be his obesity when it's such a tough thing to go through. I'm absolutely livid to see it keep on happening. You should never joke about someone's health, but it seems ok to mock someone who's obese. Get a grip!
Ugh. Severe minus points for hwang geum ju. She's using her hatred for her now ex-husband to not talk to her own son. It's insane how she wants him to slim down first before she interacts with him again.
Nam in himself stated he hates being the butt of the joke. He doesn't want to pursue an education just so others won't make fun of him. That's how deeply-rooted the comments about his weight are. And to think that one of the people who should help him/be there for him is adding on to making fun of him is disgusting.
Now even the father is telling him "Just lose the weight. Is it that hard?" I'm speechless. How can you be so insensitive to your own child's struggle? I know that both parents are considered normal/slim in terms of weight and I doubt they ever went through an overweight/obese phase but if you see your own child struggling to lose the weight and verbally telling you how hard it is for him to lose weight, shouldn't you idk accompany him to seek professional help? Like any sane parents would do. They even have the money to take an appointment with the best of the best nutritionists. I'm just suprised at how desensitized they are to their own son's problems. All they both (parents) seem to focus on now that nam soon is back is nam soon herself. It's like nam in became a secondary character. JUST TREAT YOUR CHILD WITH RESPECT AND LOVE!!! Is that too much to ask for? /!\
This brings me to nam in saying he's tried every diet pill there is. I wonder if he's tried the one the mysterious woman gave him yet. He might be the key to finding out who the real culprit is in the doogo dr*g case. I'm intrigued now. Edit: NO NAM IN. DON'T INGEST THE DR*G NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
This episode made me like hwang geum ju less. She's a good person to her daughter and those in need, that's for sure. But I don't like how she's treating her own son and her secretary.
The close up shots in this episode are making me cackle. It's such a great comedy tool.
Hwang geum ju seeing through bread song's lies was such a sweet sweet moment.
So as we can see with the leader of the diu team, the dr*g's effects are heightened with water and, if a minuscule amount is ingested, the victim will survive longer. We can see the dr*g does give superhuman strength as well. If we ever get a fight scene in future episode, this will be epic. I know for sure.
I'm rooting for the gil dan's love story. It's like seeing a teenager crushing on someone for the first time ever.
So ryu si o was able to survive because he drank the dr*g and the antidote at the same time. Seems the effects of the dr*g are only temporary though and that's why he's ingesting it many times.
Seeing nam in finally speaking to his mom first and letting her know how she mistreated him felt so freeing. I shed a tear or two. I'm proud of him for standing up to what he knows is right.
Ending this episode with a cliffhanger like this one? TORTURE
all the making fun of nam in's weight to justify him taking the dr*gs. I can understand it but still, i'm a little iffy about the way it was treated.
i'll give this episode an 8/10
side note: the comments i made between the two /!\ are things i'm not sure i have a definite opinion on. Depending on how nam in's story will unfold, I'll either reconsider what i wrote or have the same opinion as what i stated before. I'm just unsure at the moment.
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
Sometimes you wake up before 7:30 on a Saturday specially to do your laundry so there’s no risk of running into your neighbors, one of whom smoked so much pot last night it stunk up your apartment, and you know if you see anyone you won’t be able to stop yourself from asking “was it you?”
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ryunekoyoarashi · 1 year
Those times were you dreams something so vivid you literally sit up in bed from dead sleep and it takes you a moment to figure out that wasn’t real? Yeah. I had one of those yesterday.
I dreamt that my cat, who is re-homed to my best friend because rules changed where I live and he can’t be a lone cat in the home; showed up in my apartment with 3 kittens, purred at me and turned to leave when I sit up in bed irl almost screaming: Who THE FUCK LET YOU OUT?!
Background information: He’s a cocky lil shit who isn’t scared of any of the things he should be. Fireworks/trucks/dogs no matter how big or difficult/low flying planes/noises/cars so you can imagine he is NOT outdoors material (he’s been an indoor cat his whole life for good REASONS) he adores kittens, though, so that’d be on point in my dream. The 1 thing he fears? Syrian hamsters.
Anyways, I was about to scold him, then call my friend; tell her I’m VERY angry that they let him out and they’d better be grateful that he’s okay!
A few moments and it connects. He’s not here, there’s no kittens, there’s no way my best friend wouldn’t tell me the second he disappeared. It was just a dream. Intense, vivid, but still a dream.
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thecmaly · 2 months
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harem squad said deal's off folks
more windbreaker comics
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potatounicoorn · 5 months
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It's a hereditary trait, nothing to be done😔
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myuminji · 1 year
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the bride walked down the aisle to where the groom stood, and there they exchanged their vows in front of the altar...
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wyrmwright · 5 months
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bro he does NOT want to hear you practice your villain monologue
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rayllurn · 1 month
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01x02 || 05x01 inspired by this post from @m4rs-ex3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Get Souped!
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Percy after Annabeth tells him Athena was punishing her because she "embarrassed" her:
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It ain't adding up, sis
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legendoflozer · 6 months
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Legend and Sky as a duo is so funny to me!!
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Red to the last pic
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