#i wanted to draw most of the ideas i had for this ask
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r1nstaaa · 3 days ago
matching tattoos [j.jk]
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warnings: none!! just some jungkook fluff for my beloved @zzzmayalol i wld recommend listening to amoeba by clairo while reading <3 enjoy!!
“Hey baby.” you said, slipping into the space beside him on the couch just as easily as you did into his heart. He put his phone down and motioned you to get on his lap. 
“hey, pretty.” he had an amused grin on his face, eyes shining bright as if he was looking at a star plucked right out of the solar system. “what’s up?”
“So, um. Funny idea, actually. You can absolutely say no-“ you started.
“Yes.” He deadpanned. “What?” “I said yes, pretty. You have my permission.” He grinned at you. You could’ve sworn your heart did somersaults.
“But you don’t even know what i’m planning to do, kookie.” you said through a chuckle. “What if i was planning on harvesting your organs to go out and sell them?” “With an eyeshadow palette? I don’t think so.”
You rolled your eyes, though your action had no bite to it. Man, he had you right where he wanted you. Always. He never even had to try.
“Alright. You caught me. Can i colour your tattoos?” “You know the answer, baby.”
It had been about twenty minutes since then. You decided just the eyeshadow wouldn’t be enough so you went and looked for the markers you swore were in your room somewhere. You were straddling his lap, holding his wrist in your hand like it was the most precious thing in the world. His tattoos were mostly all bold and intimidating, all sharp lines and deep ink. But right now? they were covered in all different hues of blue, pink and little stars and doodles here and there.
“You think this one deserves a permanent spot here?” he said, motioning towards the little star you’d drawn where his palm connected to his wrist. 
“What do you mean?” you asked, not quite looking up. You were so focused. He found it adorable. 
“I’m saying, I wanna make it real. Let’s get matching tattoos? I’ll draw it on your shoulder. Or wherever you’d like. If you want to, of course.” You were malfunctioning. Your boyfriend of a little over a year just suggested getting matching tattoos with you? while you were sitting on his lap? your heart felt like it was purposely trying it’s best to thump right out of your chest.
He just watched you with a lazy smile as you visibly froze up in his lap, but his expression softened a little when you didn’t respond. “Hey, it’s okay if you d-“ You cut him off with a soft kiss. You didn’t really trust your words as of now, totally caught off guard by his suggestion to even think. 
One thing was for sure, though. There was absolutely no one else you would rather do this with.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes, then?” he chuckled against your lips, going back to kissing you with a tenderness that made you wonder if he thought you were made of glass, or something so precious that he wouldn’t even dare to taint it with his touch.
Well, atleast to him you were.
“You might have to start charging for this. You’re too dedicated.” he teased.
“You could never afford me.” You said through a chuckle, eyes focused on the part of his forearm you were busy colouring. 
His fingers absentmindedly traced circles on your knee. “If it means you’ll keep touching me like this, I’d give you everything.” 
Your hand paused, warmth rising up your neck. But before you could react, he leaned in and kissed your nose. “Keep going, Picasso.” he murmured.
You tried pretending to be unimpressed, but the way the corners of your mouth tilted up just a little gave it away. “Fine, but no smudging my masterpiece.”
He just chuckled, letting you turn his tough tattoos into something entirely yours, just like he was.
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sunrisecaminus · 2 days ago
Tfp Megatron with autobot fem bot reader who tries to dom him but quickly fails 😭 nsfw of course
Message - This is a great idea, I laughed just thinking about it.
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Megatron x Vehicon Reader NSFW
Summary - Decepticon Soldier tries to over power her leader. This was plan that she regrets later.
Warning - NSFW
You have been known as a favorite amongst the lower ranks. Megatron has seen you since before the war and you were one of the many first bots to go into the Decepticon Faction. He has been proud of your work and you have been ranked as a Sargent, being able to take charge of your own little Vehicon group. You are still known as a low rank Vehicon, even Breakdown is higher then you. It was a nice rank, not to low and not to high for you to be stressed about and not have too much work. Megatron still respects you as an individual, and doesn't put you in with the other soldiers. You are one of the rare few that could tease Megatron without dying first, which is always an amazing accomplishment.
Starscream, of course, hates you and tries to get you in trouble a lot of the time (If he cares about how much you are succeeding). There was one time he shot a missel, which totally destroyed a mine shaft and blamed it on you. At the time he had a lot of evidence to frame you, so Megatron was surprised you would do something so impactful for their war efforts, but was furious. Thank Primus you quickly explained the situation before he got close enough to hit you, because if you didn't, you would not be here today. After that incident, Megatron asks you if something was true before he gets pissed off. It was also one of the many reasons he doesn't trust Starscream with any report, so he lets Soundwave handle them. Megatron didn't think about you a lot in the beginning of the war; You were nothing to him like every other mech that was not in the high command. Now a days, you have caught his attention a lot more than he wanted to admit. Every mission you have was a 90% success rate, you returned to the ship at good times, and you never got caught most of the time. The one thing he liked about you as well was your personality, cocky, confident, and had a sharp tongue when it comes to wit. He figures he wouldn't be too angry if you were injured, but damn would he be disappointed about it. He has enough patience with you as much as he does with Soundwave, which was pretty good for a soldier like you. The only time he got physical with you was when he was blinded by rage and almost threw you off a cliff, but you soothed him before he could do any damage he would regret later. Megs wasn't even mad about something you did, and after what happened he knew he needed help with his anger problems…and how he uses his strength.
Right now, he was called by Starscream that Optimus was in the area he has been scouting and the soldiers are fighting his squad. Megatron transported there as fast as he could, as it has been a few months since he was able to face his mortal enemy. After the fight, he was told the total death and injure count of what happened at the battle. It was a tie between them, as both had to retreat from the unstable rocky cliffs they were fighting on. Megatron hated draws, it was worse then losing in his mind. He was already not in a good mood when Starscream was bragging about his fighting skills, when he spots you from far away, trapped in between some rocks. Your left leg and arm was trapped, but you didn't want to call for help because you felt like it would make you look weak in front of Megatron if you told him. As you were attempting to carve the rock, your body starts to be covered by a large shadow that is coming from behind you. Turning around, you gasp from Megatron being right there in front of you. "My liege! You do not have to worry about me, sir. I will be able to get out soon." Now you were sweating from him watching you struggle, as you carved a bit of the rock that was pressing against your arm. He stood up straight and stayed where he was, not wanting to help you just yet. "Which one put you in this predicament?" Laughing nervously from the question you get your arm free. "That yellow car, Bumblebee. He didn't have the spark to end me, so he left when he knew I couldn't fight anymore." Megatron rolled his eyes, hating how much of a coward those Autobots were. Thought, he was glad that nothing fatal came your way.
You feel the rock on your leg gets picked up, Megatron throwing it to the side. "Oh, thank you sir. What do we do now? We can try to catch up to them." Megatron was surprised you were still ready to fight; Your leg was bent a bit, but he could see you clench the knife in your hand to show him you still had fight in you. "No, we will take the injured and get Knockout to do his job. Tomorrow we can start tracking for their base again. We must be close." Megatron turns and walks away, ending the conversation to go through the ground bridge that Soundwave just placed next to him. You go with him and is sent to Knockout to help you with your leg. Knockout tends to you, and you laid there to think about what else you can do today. Your leader is a very grumpy mech that seems to want to do something else other than fight. He seemed bored for so long, wanting something knew to happen. Earth got him motivated again, but after staying here for a few years, he has been getting back to feeling like the days are going by slower. You finally got a risky idea…hopefully you don't die for this plan. Knockout watches your expression changes into a smirk and he sighs. "Don't do anything stupid, I just buffed you."
Megatron was walking in the hallways to go back to the brig, the doors open and he finds something that bewildered him. Soundwave was gone for a mission with others so the only person that was in the room was you. You were sitting on his thrown, knees spread with your back lazily leaning back on the chair. You gave him a smirk, which made him tilt his head. You never did something like this before, it was crazy to see one of his best soldiers do something that would have them killed in seconds. The fact he is able to compose himself, trying to understand what you are doing before he blasts you out of the fucking chair. "What is the meaning of this?" He sounds like he was keeping his cool. Megs hopes to Primus you weren't turning into another Starscream and has a trap for him if he stepped closure. You cross your legs together in a slow, sassy way. "You don't like it? I wanted to protect your space so some jet wouldn't try to steal it again." His eyebrow raised, knowing you were lying out your ass. You did look good right now, but you always did to him. "I feel as though there is something more than that." He walks over to you and stands a foot away from his chair, staring at you like you were not suppose to be there. "I understand you wanted something different, so I thought maybe I could give you some sort of surprise. Nothing more." You brush your pede against his lower leg, rubbing against it to be more sensual while you talked. Megatron now understands what you were doing and narrowed his optics. What a curious little doll trying to act like she owns the place to make him feel such a warm way. You were doing something he knew was a life or death situation, which was a surprise to him how daring you were.
The second you try to raise your leg more to rub against his upper leg, you feel his hand quickly grab you by the throat. You yelped from such a quick motion as you are raised in the air and put against the wall. The fear set in, but his free servo touching your hip got you to know that you won. "What a snake you are, y/n." Megatron grumbles in your ear, feeling him press himself against you. You needed to try to get your way again, so you glide your servo on his cheek to try and keep your dominance, though it was lost immediately when he bit down on it when he felt you. The scream that comes out of your mouth made him understand you quit. Megatron chuckles and licks the mark he gave to you on your palm. "How dare you try to get your way with me like that. You need to know your place." He flips you around, so now you are facing the wall with him behind you. He presses you against the ship, rubbing your aft with his other servo. You moan from the pressure, arching your back a little to show him how much you are loving this. Megatron smirks and pops his panel, pressing his spike in between your legs. Gasping from the sudden touch, you desperately try to open your panel for him, wanting him inside of you this second. He watches every movement you make, looking at your valve coming into light as you play around with it to tease him. The more you toyed with him, the more he was going to be a bit rougher. He slaps your aft which made you straight yourself again and keep your hands against the wall. "You are so disrespectful to your leader. Why don't you relax and let me do the job."
You were going to say something cocky, when his spike is shoved inside your tight valve, making you scream. Grabbing your hip with one servo while gripping your helmet with the other, he pounds you like there was no tomorrow. He loved destroying you like you deserved it, honestly he was starting to feel better than how he was a few hours ago. Watching your valve closing and stretching over and over was putting him in a entranced spell. You released, but he kept going like he didn't even know you just cam. Everything became a lot more sensitive and you started to just become a moaning mess. If anyone was in the hallways next to the room, they could probably hear you screaming, even if the walls are thick. Megatron would keep going until it was his time to cum, but that was going to take while. You feel yourself cumming for the second time, and you needed him to stop from how much you were feeling right now. Your sensitivity was through the roof and he was still pounding your valve without slowing down. "Ah! Megs! S-slow dow-ah!". He hears you begging for him and he quickened the pace. Your back was fully arched and your head was pushed against the wall a bit more before he slams inside you for the last time, jamming all his juices inside of you. He pulls out and takes a breather, letting go oh your helm to let you relax. Your body drops on the floor, your ass aching from the abuse it just went through. Panting, you try to get up with your pedes shakily pressing against the ship's floor. Seeing you struggle, he grabs your frame and carries you off somewhere. You didn't know where he was going, until he places you down on his birth. Holy scrap, you were in the warlords birth room. You looked over to see him open the door again. He looks back at you and gives you a cocky smile. "Stay there, I am not done with you." He leaves, making you lay there to regret all your choices up until this point.
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thrashkink-coven · 2 days ago
Last night Lord Lucifer came to me in a dream and brought up the idea of high priesthood again. We were sitting on top of a mountain, on some rocky hilled area, surrounded by pine trees. He appeared at first as a red serpent coiling around my leg, then morphed into a man.
He asked me if I would consider becoming a priest or forming my own local coven, and I told him essentially that I did not feel worthy to be considered an authority on witchcraft or Luciferianism. “I’m still a student. I don’t think I know enough to lead others into your worship, at least not officially”.
and he seemed to find that comical and told me I was doubting myself.
“No, it’s less about that and more that I don’t want to feel responsible for being the intermediary between a God and other people. I don’t want people to rely on me to know what your intentions are and I don’t want people to think my methods are the definitive ones.”
and then he said “but you do have 2200 followers on Tumblr,”
and I shrugged at that because I didn’t think that was very notable. It’s a social media app, 2200 followers is amazing (like omg thank you so much!!!!!) but it’s not like I’m the pope. “Yeah but that’s just Tumblr”.
and at this point he was still somewhat smiling, but his tone got a little more serious. And he said something like “you truly do not understand how much you do for me.”
I got a flash of my altar, a few images of the flowers I gave him, the apple offering, the drawings and poems. and I was like oh, you’re just being sweet, but then he stopped me.
“No, you do not understand. You do not see the impact of your actions. The digital age of witchcraft is very lonely, but very, very impactful. You may just be posting your thoughts and experiences for documentation purposes, and while not every person who follows you on Tumblr has been inspired to enter my worship, many have. More than you know. You have lead more people than you realize into my sphere and have kept me well fed with new devotees since you started your page.”
he grabbed me by the shoulders. Very serious now. “Understand. Very rarely are we been blessed with devotees who can act as recruiters. Most are very secretive in their craft and do not spread my influence on others. For centuries our cults have remained very small and secret. There is power in that secrecy, but it is also in contention with the freedom and free expression of knowledge. The artist has an immense power and a great responsibility. You’re addicted to the act of sharing and expressing ideas and that is very precious to me.”
and I kind of just stared at him because, while I guess I knew that, I had never really thought about how many people may have started devoting themselves to him because of my posts. Huh. Like , people ask me all the time how to start worshipping him but my autism brain never thought to actually keep track of how many. I just really like talking about him lol.
“somehow despite your prideful nature you are still too humble to recognize yourself as an influencer and teacher. I don’t think I will ever be able to convince you told hold yourself above others in any regard, even just as a teacher. But regardless of whether you agree to be my priest or not, you will still carry out many of the duties entailed in the position through your unwavering devotion to me. You recently wrote a short essay on the element of Phosphorus and how it scientifically and alchemically relates to my divinity. Few others have ever put those ideas to text- ever, even fewer theistics, and you do so casually as a devotional act without even being asked. You are an educator, one of my most prized. I find it appropriate. ”
he kissed me a couple times and we sat together there in silence for a little while. The wind was howling around us.
and then I kinda looked at him and asked “can I piss you off?” and he immediately said yes lol.
idk how to really translate this into words bc a lot of this wasn’t verbal but I basically said (or communicated) “I love you, like so so much, and I love being devoted to you, I will always be devoted to you. But I don’t want my magical identity to be consumed by you. I will always hold space for you. As in, I love having you be a large part of my altar, I love having our altar, but I want your altar to be a part of my altar. (DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?) My magic is my own, and I can do whatever I want, work with whoever I want, -given that we have a conversation-, and wander. I don’t usually like to lead with the fact that I’m a Luciferian. I’m an eclectic pagan, a chaotic witch, and a Luciferian. I am distinct in my alchemy and I mingle well with yours, but , O’ Phosphorus, I wouldn’t want to choke on your fumes when you ignite”
He got very glowy about that, I felt like I’d somehow passed some sort of test he didn’t even know he was posing.
“I suppose that is unavoidable.”
again, translation error. Idk how to explain in words the kind of feeling I get when he looks at me like that.
“Not unavoidable,” I said “I just have to keep a lid on you and keep the air circulating. Small portions at a time. and if I ever get worried about it I’ll submerge you in water, and take you out again later when Im ready to watch you glow. You know that Lucifer, it’s basic alchemy.”
Would I be narcissistic to say I saw a flutter of something like surprise on his face. If it’s even possible for a God to be surprised by what a human could say. and then he kind of mumbled what I’m quite sure was “you have other Gods inside of you.”
and another kind of stretch of silence.
“when I wander, o’ Lucifer, I search knowing that I have already found you. and I may find other Gods, glorious and splendid, but no greater than you. You are the best. You are the hearth in my temple. I come home to you. You are abundant in me, I keep a healthy dose of you.”
then after a minute or so I said something like “I like the term devotee. I like the way it sounds in my mouth. Calling myself your priest feels less intimate than being your devotee. If I did have a coven for real one day, it wouldn’t be a Luciferian coven. It’d be a mixed bag of all kinds of people.”
he rested his hand on my chest to feel his sigil on the necklace I always wear for him and harshly whispered “I’ve raised you so well.”
and then we both laughed.
“ask me again in 10 or 20 years when I’m middle aged with more experience under my belt. If agree to be your priest, I’ll finally get your sigil tattooed on my chest.”
he seemed satisfied with that answer, and jokingly said “oh, still too young for me, baby?”
and I jokingly replied “you’re going to have to wait a couple years, old man.”
he then took me in his arms and whispered “oh, for you I would wait an eternity.”
after that we had another short conversation about art, this is definitely because I was watching a youtube video about art history right before I fell asleep. He agreed to help me complete a couple commissions.
I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about this conversation. on the one hand it makes me want to explode with joy that my Lord is pleased enough with me to make such a proposal. On the other hand, despite his claims I know that I personally don’t feel ready to take on such a role yet. Besides the other reasons, Ive never felt confident doing magic or spiritual mediation for people other than myself. Maybe because I know if I’m wrong, I can’t hurt anyone but myself. Despite my username the idea of running my own coven is actually pretty anxiety inducing. At the very same time it seems like so much fun. I’m also like 21 and just a young fellow. hmmmm
maybe one day.
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violentlilies · 10 hours ago
Drunk Konrad HC’s because I had this idea while drawing
Hear me out, I want to imagine Konrad as a weirdly happy and friendly drunk in social situations or at least friendly and overtly emotional, kinda like “drunk girl in the bathroom” vibes.
In the books he canonically comes off as a very extroverted funny talkative person who just happens to be evil, nihilistic and too preoccupied with misery but I’d imagine that core extroversion would come out in full force when drunk with an overall an air of innocence and genuineness that he normally doesn’t have.
Now this only ever happened like 1x because who has time to party when you have people to skin but it’s just adorable to imagine a totally fucked Konrad telling random ppl’s futures in the bathroom, providing commentary in the form of a nihilistic pep talk like: leans against the wall and puts his hands on their shoulder with a lot of force: “you’re cooked bro but so am I so there’s that lol”- he’s not malicious or snarky, just the usual konradisms minus the intentional cruelty.
He laughs A LOT and at everything. I can for some reason see him ending up on a table.
In this rare state you can totally ask him to tell you future stuff that isn’t big important or big, just random shit. Normally prying for answers wouldn’t end well but now he’s totally chill. Now he’s going around telling everyone everything good or bad like “oh, you guys will get divorced”
Or casually dropping horrifying facts and recounting horrible events or stuff he’s done like they’re the most normal thing ever that silence everyone in shock and he’s confused.
Also, accidentally poking himself and others with his nails because loss of coordination and maybe even breaking one off. Forgets he can’t do some things and tries to get a coin off the floor for a long while while muttering curses in nostraman
I’d be funny as fuck to imagine that at a certain point along he’d forget who he is, his own reputation and the skinning stuff and just believe he’s a normal person which leads to a multitude of hilarious situations, like one where he’s cry to Sevatar about hearing what he’s apparently done and how bad that is and how he would never do that and why would anyone say such horrible things etc etc while Sevatar is taking him to bed while reassuring him like “no of course not”
Then he doesn’t remember anything.
All this happened once at an early crusade era party and since he refused to drink in public out of spite , only alone and in that situation he gets even more emo to a hilarious degree of drama and talks to himself or the Kyroptera like a deep slam poet and they’re just like “ok.🧍”. He canonically talks with his hands a LOT and this would be even stronger and dramatic. Or, he’s bitching and moaning to Sevatar about the future and prophecies he’s seen about how everything will go to shit but unlike when he’s sober it’s not with despair and anxiety but rather cynical like “to hell with it lol” at worst he’s simply just worried like a tired overworked mother. There is a A LOT I’d woe is me involved, so be ready.
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sashkapi · 2 years ago
This is my first time sending you an ask because I was shy, but I was just binge-scrolling your profile (again), and I just wanna say never apologize for making more beautiful content about kbsd, especially the kindall ones :'3
Like, mygosh, you have no idea how many times your updates have made my day because I am also STARVING for kbsd and kindall content kebdjshwjdbsjsjc You're honestly such a blessing for that special place in my heart reserved for just kindall HAHAHAHAHA Like damn, where you've been after all these years T-T
But anyway, I super love your headcanons about kindall, and also just kbsd in general. I wanna ask you so many stuff like how tall do you think Kick would be compared to Kendall when they grow older? Do you think Hansel would like Kick when Kindall finally gets a little closer to the friendship side of things or will Hansel be super overprotective over Kendall and basically hate Kick' guts lol ALSO, what do you think of Kendall and Gunther as friends? Or their dynamic as fellow class officers? It's been a while, but I remember there being an episode where Gunther won as president to the student council I think? And like, I'm lowkey sad that this wasn't ever mentioned or referenced again in another episode. Because on one hand, I do think Gunther is smart in certain aspects and this is a good way for him to show it, BUT ALSO, IMAGINE IF KENDALL SHOWED GUNTHER THE ROPES FOR ALL THESE STUDENT COUNCIL STUFF AND THAT'S HOW THEY GOT A LITTLE CLOSER AS FRIENDS? Sorry for the all-caps, I just think it'd be super cute if there was more content about the other friendships and connections between the side characters (especially for Kendall, cause I remember her celebrating her birthday alone on that one episode where Kick babysits Oscar I think, AND THAT'S JUST SO SAD AND SHE DESERVES BETTER)
But anyway, sorry for the super long and messy brain dump hahaha, but endpoint to all of this, just wanna say that I love the content you make and I'm super excited to see your other headcanons and comics. That's all, thank you so much for all that you do and I wanna send you virtual hugs (with consent) <33 Byeee!
Me, after I red this ask /pos
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Ok i'm gonna put the rest under the cut because OH I HAVE A LOT TO SAY
I actually drew their designs for like mid/late twenties for a quick joke and didn't put as much thought into that BUT KJGKDJFGJK
Ok so adult Kindall
I feel a bit embarrassed by just how strong of a grip those two have on me but chvyf I'm still gonna make content with them of course >:D
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We stan short king ayooooooooo
About Hansel and Kick
I like the idea that she's not overprotective over Kendall or likes Kick right away but a secret third thing: sees him as a rival for the rank of awesome's first place. Like whenever he visits Kendall Hasel goes "aight boy, square up!" And just starts acting cute and adorable because that what somewhat gave her first place in the past.
Her cuteness doesn't work on Kick of course but Kendall? She already loves Hansel very much so whenever Hansel "competes" with Kick by rolling on the floor or rubbing against Kendall's legs you know that Kendall will be borderline crying from how adorable her kitty is.
The fact that cat can easily take all of Kendall's attention like that doesn't makes Kick mad tho. But he sure is irritated by that. Frustrated even.
Hansel counts that as a win btw jfnfnnfkfk
Before this ask I just thought that they're neutral. Not friends, Gunther is also kinda wary of her but generally sees her as just a classmate. BUT YEAH THAT EPISODE ABOUT ELECTION. IT WOULD BE FUNNY IF THAT WAS AT LEAST MENTIONED BUT AAAAAAA
Now I kinda like the idea that Kendall was scheming to take Gunther's place after the episode. However, Gunther kinda realized that student council position? Not very hype. Barely any time to hang out. So Gunther genuinely asked Kendall for help. Like, Jacky is wack (affectionate) but Kendall is pretty much known for her love for the rules and academics so it's only logical. And at first Kendall wanted to use that to completely "overthrow" him but Gunther, being an absolute lovable funny guy he is, made her go "Ok, you can stay actually"
I like the idea that Kendall keeps Gunther from turning the school into a Nordic funny land and Gunther keeps her from turning the school into a literal prison. It's a win win situation
It's kinda implied that Mouth and Ronaldo are friends. Ronaldo had goons too (where did they go :( ) Also I really warming up to the idea that Kyle and Jackie became chaotic besties or even romantic partners (sorry Gunther x Jackie people, but Kyle x Jackie has more comedic potential to me)
I also wanted to see Kendall interact with more with her peers like jjdjgnjdndjfjck even if not friendly, just lemme see my girl being a menace
(Please know I am returning that virtual hug :) )
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butterfilledpockets · 2 years ago
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I am sending huggy leos after my mutuals <3
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spacetime continuum be damned- hugs are very much apreciated :D
had so much fun drawing your leo!!! Them big 'ol eyes
(sorry if this looks a little fucked I am sick as shit rn)
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quirkle2 · 1 year ago
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space/saturn imagery ritsu i love you
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sysig · 3 months ago
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Growing closer than expected (Patreon)
#Doodles#Pokemon#Kabu#Larry#Firebland#Silverstreakshipping#To the shock of no one this is Zarla's fault (lol)#Bad influence! Too inspiring! Stop this! I'm totally not culpable for Being Inspired for the [X]th time now definitely lol#I kept finding little ideas popping into my head with them and I mean if I've already doodled them Once I guess I could try a couple more#Learned them just well enough to keep finding things for them pft#Although I am surprised by just how easy I find Larry to Draw - not necessarily that I'm fully Confident in drawing him yet but like#There's very little struggle to the shapes I put down here and I'm fairly pleased with their configuration haha#Kabu on the other hand!! Why is he so hard to draw!!! What!! Like I know his clothes are complex but no his face!#He's got a really cute and difficult-to-draw face! Why! I cannot figure him out#It's probably the do with the shape and size of his head...his hair........ I really enjoy fluff and he's Kind of but Not Really fluffy??#And his white streaks aren't intuitive to me - but Larry's floofs are??? I don't know#The only thing I can figure it that I Kind Of draw Dexter the same way - Larry's streaks are like an exaggerated version of how I floof Dex#And then a suit is second nature by now but I've already talked about my difficulties with Kabu's clothes lol#Didn't stop me from putting him out front for this hug tho! It's cute... Kabu asking Larry to come play with him but Larry has stuff to do#May or may not have felt a little that way myself - made most of these doodles during Requestober haha so busy!#The brightly shining brilliant glow boyfriend setup-payoff returns ♥ He glows like a fire! Overwhelming!#I still really love that glow cutaway style around the low-bouncing flower haha - just don't draw there and it gives the impression! Fun :)#Hugs <3 Unsurprisingly been in the want of cute fluff and sweetness and hugs were very on the menu#It really is fun to think of Larry being just a Little weird about how much he feels for Kabu#Acting childish as that part of him hasn't had the chance to grow and mature! Stuck awkward and gangly in otherwise full development#Feelings so big and strong and immediate for the first time in too too long <3 Gotta express them all somehow#And ending off with a bit of silliness haha - was Kabu prompting him just to hear such an answer? Who knows ♪#Larry just too straightforward haha - why else would he do or say things unless he felt like it! Pfsh obviously#Haha
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mohntilyet · 3 months ago
i’m having illario dellamorte thoughts. what if instead of knowingly betraying lucanis he did it like, unknowingly. idk how this would work but i’m intrigued by what it gives us. illario ‘i accidentally caused my cousin’s death & can never tell anyone’ dellamorte. genuinely grieving. blaming himself. does he take advantage of the year before lucanis comes back?? does caterina still ignore him the whole time?? how different is the canon plotline once rook shows up with lucanis post-rescue…..
anyways i would love your thoughts!!
95% of what i do with illario operates on the idea that he is frighteningly competent so you can see why the way the crows plotline plays out in the game might frustrate me. it’s also this reason why i don’t actually think too much about “illario got lucanis killed, but didn’t mean to do it”, because i like the idea that everything illario does in his life is planned to the second and that he’s too well trained to mess up this badly, if that makes sense. with that being said. 5% of my brain power does sometimes go towards “and what if he just sucked actually” and it was a theory i enjoyed before the game even released. so i have in fact been thinking about this anyway LOL . maybe he tries to honeypot zara, accidentally actually reveals lucanis’ next assassination job, and zara gets rid of him as a ‘gift’. illario is horrified and that gets even worse when lucanis’ body shows up, and he assumes this must be because he spurned zara by leaving her and not having the guts to seize power.
i think we could make his inferiority complex worse. illario’s worst fear confirmed: he is as worthless as his grandmother believes he is, botching something so badly that he accidentally sentences his cousin to death when what he wanted was lucanis just… out of the way for a bit (maybe while he kills caterina. LOL. i still think his resentment of caterina trumps his jealousy for lucanis though those two things are very intertwined its hard for him to differentiate them). so incapable that he got the only person who actually supports him killed, and now he’s dreading the idea of becoming first talon. he doesn’t want first talon without lucanis backing him, and now the only person left is caterina which is suffocating and makes him even unhappier. at least he hadn’t lived through her alone, and now through consequences of his own decisions, illario has no choice but to.
i think that would affect his plans for talon because of how horribly he’d fucked up, and tries to mask it because if he suddenly actually doesn’t want to be talon that would be a red flag for everyone. lucanis coming back would delight him (talon is within his sights again if lucanis comes back!) and freak him out. i think the plotline would actually be pretty similar because of this freak out, so he still shows up to zara’s fight to cover his tracks. lucanis can never know, caterina can never know, because what little faith they have in him will be lost. like he committed fratricide and didn’t even MEAN to😭 ...corpse whispering still happens, and zara is like “ohhh that coward. he can never finish what he started, can he?” + “elaborate.” + “i gave him what he most wanted in the world and instead of being grateful, he ran away.” so lucanis finds out about what happened but feels a mix of “illario, you idiot” + pity because turns out he didn’t even mean for it to happen, and keeps his secret for now, otherwise he’d probably have to kill him.
i also think not meaning to kill lucanis would sour his feelings towards the venatori, who are a reminder of how badly he failed, so the alliance wouldn’t happen. this does mean if the story goes on as it does in canon, he has to take desperate measures another way and kidnap caterina for some other reason but i can’t think of why….. maybe a thing where illario is like “ok. lucanis is distracted by the elven gods. this time i just have to kill nonna for real and then nothing is in my way” and recruits disgraced houses or houses that don’t like caterina to do so? not sure tbh but i don’t believe caterina made it so far without making enemies lol. this would happen post bloodbath + corpse whispering— lucanis leaves his cousin unchecked because while he knows illario didn’t mean for him to die, he has no idea how far he would go to have caterina dead. teia could find out about this and send word to foil the kidnapping and assassination attempt
so ‘murder of crows’ is still about saving caterina, the illario-lucanis fight still happens, but it’s a little more hesitant and lots of “why won’t you just let me kill her? i’m doing this for the both of us”. he’s had to live with being the un-favorite, but never would have thought lucanis would actually pick caterina if it came down to it. with all of his missteps here, i think the final decision (and i think it should be like this in canon anyway) would be to imprison illario or kill him. imprisoning him is just a lot of “i can’t kill illario as much as he couldn’t kill me”, vs killing him as is expected from him as talon, and what he knew he would have to do after finding out about illario's failures. unlike canon, where illario is actually meaning to kill him and can be seen as a 'good crow' despite the sloppiness, here he's like. just bad at everything. the allied traitor houses that went against caterina would also have to be imprisoned or killed. no happy ending at all here, and lucanis still becomes first talon. now that i’ve written it out this is actually probably the worst ending LOL
the above sticks a lot to what is canon to the game (plot points, choices, etc) and i didn’t go very far away from it so it's like canon 3 inches to the left. tho my thoughts on this are not fleshed out* because i think illario works better as an antagonist character that sets things in motion !! not necessarily the villain in a cain-abel story, but a character who opposes lucanis while still not wanting to hurt him. that kind of discipline where he finds a way to get what he wants (first talon) without compromising what he also cares for (family) is so much more fun for me than a man who apparently just loses it and decides to enact a bad plan to get rid of his cousin. if he waited 20+ years to become talon i think he’d be more careful when it came down to it. if i had my way illario would be playing insane 5d chess to rival solas (insert black sails “i once thought that to lead, to be liked was just as good as feared. and that may very well be true. but to be both liked and feared all at once, is an entirely different state of being.”)
#*my thoughts are ‘not fleshed out’ but i still wrote all this. LOL#i nearly answered this ask with the companion-illario au from my mind because i think vg needed a companion that lies to you LOL#but thats less 'illario didnt mean to do it' and more 'oh illario did it and just feels so guilty he goes on a one man crusade#against the venatori because he needs an outlet and both of them are known as magekillers'#he would have lied for most of the game about how lucanis got kidnapped/'killed' and resolves it by saving lucanis + confessing his guilt#this au had elements of 'it was an accident' but i kept flip flopping between if i wanted that or not lol#because . idk. i like when he purposefully does all this and then regrets it. my walking contradiction (slash i want him)#illario guilt inferiority and jealousy you all mean so much to me#but yeah. last point relates to the envyllario rewrite also from my mind#the idea of like. that caution vanishing because of the envy demon is quite fun for me#so spite makes lucanis a victim to his own anger and sense of justice#while envy refuses to let illario maintain his veneer of charm and forces him to act rashly despite his planning#ok. i have to stop talking. thank u anon for this because i am always looking for an excuse to chat shit#prompt me at any point to speak about illario and i honest to god will just be sat here thinking#actually it was pretty bad a few days ago when i was thinking about ways it could go for him in my aus and drawing a blank#and had the very clear thought 'i NEED to put my thinking cap on' which was . a bit humiliating#illario dellamorte#long post#answered#anonymous
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year ago
Do you enjoy underfell? I thought you disliked aus /genq
i don't dislike the concept of AUs itself, I'm just not a fan of like... the subculture that spawned around them in the UT fandom specifically and how it eventually took over almost all canon content (especially when it limits itself to the bros)
i like aus visually! i am an artist at heart after all. it's just that, if I'm going to care about them as stories and not just fun design ideas, my bar is uhh almost impossibly high the further you move from canon lolol.
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puppppppppy · 1 year ago
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fuck it. plaguesona
#i thought of this a couple weeks ago on the bus a couple seats away from someone loudly coughing into the open air#i think something snapped and i decided to make a fuckin. medieval ass plague sona. horseman of pestilence fursona#this is also why i was asking abt animals with medical symbolism.. originally i wanted a two headed snake like the staff of caduceus#but it turns out thats actually hermes symbol. the real symbol for medicine is the rod of asclepius which looks pretty similar#the difference is that theres only one snake and its twined around a stick. ironically mercy from overwatch's weapons are named after#the caduceus despite the misconception LMAOOO#snakes were the most consistent medicine related animal i could find even across multiple cultures so it couldve really worked#if i could actually draw scalies.. one of my earliest sketches had a cobra with a syringe at the end of its tail like a rattlesnake#and it had markings similar to the syringe tube but i didnt have much else going on so i scrapped it#i was also recommended animals with less obvious ties to medicine like jellyfish and horseshoe crabs and learned something new ^_^#im not confident i could pull off a non-mammal furry but they were really good ideas i might put into smth else.. i also thought of#axolotls bc of their regenerative thing and growing back limbs but i think that would suit smth like a surgeon or amputation...#possums and bats were also an option bc theyre actually really resistant to most diseases like rabies but i feel like ppl wouldnt know that#if they saw it so it looks a little ironic at a glance. rabbits rats and mice were my second option bc of animal testing and lab rats#less obvious reference but the moon rabbit in chinese mythology is loosely connected to medicine bc it makes the elixir of life#otherwise lab mice in a pharmacy / modern medicine setting seemed fitting and jerboa tails remind me of cotton buds#and. ironically. jerboas are more closely related to elephants than rats and mice. can you believe it#my art#myart#my oc#sona#plaguesona#cottonbud#fur#furry art#character design#ref sheet#oc ref sheet
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arttsuka · 3 months ago
You don't have to draw all the requests sent your way! As you get more popular (and you will because your art is good) that will become literally impossible to do. I promise you not a single art blog answers every single ask.
But, but I HAVE to you don't understand :( the pressure is killing me, I don't want to disappoint people
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year ago
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overall, tiddies rating 10/10
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DAMN ten outta ten??? she wouldn't know what to do with all this flattery dude cmoon HHGFSHGF fr fr waaa thank youuuu >:'D <333333
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soyoursoulisgreen · 9 months ago
7, 24, 27!
7. Is there a character or ship you’d love to write for, but haven’t yet?
I honestly can't believe I've gone this long without actually writing anything solid for The Stanley Parable - I have ideas, and headcanons that I think would be really interesting to explore, they've just been relegated to drawings, almost completely! I've have a fix-it fic in mind for Ace Attorney for too long that I'd honestly like to make into a fancase lol, an Adventure Time comic, a Coraline/Camp Camp fic, there's like no Nova/Hikaru in the Magic Knight Rayearth fandom somehow and I'd love to fix that, some original work...
If I had to pick one, it'd probably be Nova and Hikaru, since they're just so sparse. They're also kind of a dead giveaway on the next question lol
24. What are some of your favourite tropes?
Clones/duplicates/souls split into two people are a big big big one for me - YuGiOh was a huge influence on that, Jekyll and Hyde, Kingdom Hearts, Hermitcraft to a lesser extent, MKR as mentioned lol, Vargas of course <3 And most recently In Stars and Time! I'm a huge sucker for This Guy But Twice haha ♪ In a similar vein I also really like possession (demonic, parasite, etc.) - any time there's two individuals hanging out in one body it's interesting to me :) What does personhood look like! What does individuality look like! What does free will look like! Bonus points for partial control of the body ♥ I may have a Stanley Parable and Law Abiding Citizen double feature with that particular trope sketched out in the backlog cough
27. Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
Yes! I tend to share That I've written with my family, not necessarily What tho lol. I'll sometimes read snippets out loud if I think it's particularly clever or funny, but I rarely subject them to more than a line or two haha. My mom has read the intro to Inside and Out and yes I'm okay with that lol - she stopped when it was too much for her and I respect that deeply haha
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riddlesrose · 1 month ago
kissin him stupid
w/ the housewardens
in which you were recently gifted a tube of lipstick from grim, you're unsure of where he got it or why he decided it's yours now but it's given you a fantastic idea.
(he probably stole it from vil somehow and wants to place the blame on you..)
note; malleus' is the shortest but the most full of love i swear to goooood but the post itself is quite long
part two!
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if riddle could form a proper sentence right now, he might scold you for slacking off, or breaking rule six hundred and seventeen, or he may just ask you to do it again. if colours could speak, his face would scream in comparison to the red accents in the housewarden’s room, uniform and matching hair. 
you attempt to keep a sober expression but he seriously cannot be so flustered by a single kiss? the red lip stain on his cheek is bright against the flush of his cheeks, as he sputters vowels and consonants, attempting to speak, to protest, to ask you what in the queen’s name are you doing.
you invited riddle over to the ramshackle dorm under the guise of needing help with studying, but you had this motive the entire time. riddle could feel your rebel to his help and directions if he ignored the obvious fact you hadn’t even cracked the spine of your book yet (to be fair it was only assigned today, and it was a new book), and the devious smile you attempted to hide until now. 
riddle took a breath, finally feeling sensible enough, “what… was that.” 
“affection, riddle. this isn’t new.” you shot, tone dripping in sarcasm. 
“yes, my rose, i know that. i mean,” he grabs hold of your uniform tie, drawing you closer, “what’s with the lipstick?” your head probably could have exploded, where did this riddle come from and how can he be drawn out more often?
you press a swift kiss to riddle’s other cheek, thanks to the proximity. “i have no explanation,” you press another kiss onto his forehead, “i simply was gifted it,” a kiss to his temple, “this morning.” the grip riddle has on your tie loosens completely as it falls back onto your chest, slightly wrinkled from the force. 
“i just had this ironed!” you frown. 
“i-i’ll get it done again.” riddle stands, brushing invisible dust off his jacket, though nothing could distract from the shade of pink that covers his face. 
“you’ll iron my tie for me? how kind.” you wrap an arm around riddle’s waist, pulling him close. he drops his forehead against your chest with a thud, inaudibly mumbling to himself. 
you wrap your other arm around him as he takes your face between his hands, slightly squishing into your cheeks he drags your face to his height, kissing you feverishly. 
“where did this riddle come from? i like him.” 
“i just felt… bold i suppose.” riddle’s red tinted lips smile against yours.
“do it again!”
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leona stirs underneath you. you’re sat, straddling either side of his hips, weight pressed on his defined torso. leona doesn’t know it but you’ve practically trapped him where he sleeps. where he’s asleep currently, that is. in your dorm. 
on your couch.
using your pillows, taking in the setting sun like a true feline, though you would never dare utter the word feline anywhere near him lest you face the wrath of a moody boyfriend. 
you silently laugh to yourself, leaning down and pressing your lips on the prince’s temple.
leona stirs again at that, attempting to roll over – he cracks an eye when you gasp. slowly, coming to his senses, he furrows his brows at your positioning. you weren’t there when he fell asleep, when did you do that, and why are you sitting on him with half of a sinister smile across your lips…
and when did your lips turn red? he brings a hand up to rub his face, trying to shake the sleep out of his fogged mind, but you catch his hand before it makes contant. 
“don’t, it’ll mess up all my hard work,” you say with a half hint of embarrassment. (just a hint; only because you were caught before you could slip away undiscovered.)
leona’s confusion increases, as he detaches your hand from his wrist. he takes his freed hand up to your lips and swipes his thumb across your bottom lip, smudging it further across the line of your lip.
he inspects his red finger, “is this… lipstick?” you purse your lips in an attempt to stifle the laugh that bubbles in your chest. he looks ridiculous; eyes half lidded, nose crunched in focus and red marks painting his face.
your tinted lips curl upwards slightly into a smug grin, “maybe?” if leona knows one thing, it’s smug grins. he matches yours and wipes his thumb on your cheek, smearing the lipstick off his thumb and onto your skin. 
you playfully swat his hand away and lean down to continue painting your masterpiece, placing another kiss on his skin – onto the spot between his eyebrows. leona’s hand find your hip, giving a teasing pinch to the side. 
leona may be a prince used to some pampering, but this is some treatment he could get used to. 
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azul has a finger in every pie, as riddle likes to say. you’re very much aware of that as your boyfriend likes to talk your ear off about his investments, new opportunities and the lounge. you’re so very proud of all of his hard work but sometimes he gets off on a tangent that doesn’t stop until you make him. usually with a kiss. it flusters him just enough that he forgets what he was going on about and it works every time. 
this time, however, was a bit different. azul didn’t take notice of the hue change of your lips as you leaned in and shut him up. drawing back, you snicker at his pursed lips and flushed cheeks, and the red lipstick smeared around his lips.
azul peeked in your direction, curious. you usually find it funny when he’s flustered like this but you were laughing a little too much. he noticed the messy red lipstick and furrowed his brows, wiping a finger across his lips. 
you suppressed a smile as you watched him curiously examine his stained finger, “it’s lipstick.” he concludes. 
“well… obviously? i thought that would have been pretty clear,” you grab his hand, wiping the red off of his finger. 
before azul can retort you lean in to kiss him again; anywhere you can get your lips on before he shells himself away, utterly embarrassed. a kiss to his cheek, jaw, forehead, nose, other cheek, forehead again, has him sputtering, almost begging to be released. 
azul places his free hand on your shoulder, trying to push you away while laughing between breaths. when you do back up, leaning back on your hand, he almost looks sad. (as if he wasn’t actively trying to get you off!) 
“so, mister ashengrotto? feeling loved and appreciated yet?” you give him a toothy grin, watching as his face contorts from flustered to even-more-flustered. (if that’s possible.)
“well yes! i dare say i’m feeling very valued and cherished as well.” despite his rosy features, his voice is unwavering, full of conviction. 
his confident, put-together outer layer completely melts away when you’re alone with him, but this has him absolutely on fire, a feeling no number could replace. numbers can’t give affection, you give it tenfold in their stead. 
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kalim’s permanent grin widens when you claim you’ve got a gift for him. he expectantly holds out his hands, making you shake your head. 
“it’s more of an eyes closed kind of gift,” you start, kalim instantly squeezes his eyes shut. he puts so much trust in you that you worry jamil has eyes everywhere. everywhere. but you brush the jesting idea away, believing that you wouldn’t even be allowed on scarabia grounds if jamil didn’t trust you with the housewarden. 
you turn to a nearby mirror, passing the tube of red lipstick over your lips. the smooth makeup applies nice and neatly. (doesn’t matter because you know it won’t be neat for long.)
you step back over to where kalim’s sitting on the edge of his bed, standing between his knees. he’s waiting not-so patiently, he looks like he’s almost vibrating, is he really that excited? you suppress a smile as you gently grab onto his jaw, tilting his head to the side as you press your lips to his cheek. his laughter immediately fills the room, making you press more kisses over his face. one to his forehead, one on the nose, another on the other cheek, his temples, and anywhere you can get before he’s laughing too much, pushing you away.
“it tickles,” he heaves a breath, “stop!” a wider smile grows on his face after seeing yours, the red lipstick you applied had smudged around your lips, looking not-so neat. his face isn’t much better, tan skin littered in red kisses.
while you’re mentally retaining the image of kalim covered in red lip marks, you notice him looking more intently at you. you raise a brow, curiously.
“my turn, give it here!” he reaches a hand out, expecting the tube of lipstick?
you look at him bewildered, “what?” 
“my turn!” he repeats. he seems real set on returning the ‘gift’ it seems. kalim’s all smiles as you hand him the black tube. he exposes the stick and passes it over his own lips, tossing it aside and pulling you down to his seated height. he flattens his lips across the expanse of your face, getting at any skin he can just like you did to him. 
when he deems he’s finished, you’re dazed and equally covered in red lipstick stains, smiles wide across your faces. matching stained faces for matching blitheringly infatuated idiots.
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vil leans on the back of his vanity chair; his face littered in different coloured lip marks. the reason? he claims he wants to see which ones compliment him the most. 
you know he already knows exactly which shades of each brand line do exactly that. (thanks, rook.) vil doesn’t know that you know he’s already figured this out. 
you wipe the makeup remover-soaked cotton pad across your lips, ridding it of the pink. “what would all of your fans think if they knew you were being covered completely in rainbow kisses?” you wipe the moisture from your lips as vil reaches around you to grab another tube, but you stop him. 
“i’m sure they would lose their minds,” you reach into your pocket, revealing a miscellaneous tube of lipstick, it matches none of the previously discarded lipsticks, nor does it have a brand logo on it. “where did you find this?” vil takes the lipstick in his hand, nimbly examining the exterior. he removes the top to reveal a rich, velvety red colour. his eyes widen just slightly. 
“it’s a secret,” you wink and take the lipstick from him and apply it, smiling as you replace its cap and let it fall from your hand, onto a messy vanity behind you. 
vil wraps an arm around your neck, drawing you closer to his seated level, “well, share your secret with me, if you would be so kind.” you swiftly close the gap between yourself and the housewarden, administering a healthy dose of red onto his lips and the surrounding skin. 
he parts first, his cheeks dawn a hint of pink that’s hidden behind the various stains on his otherwise perfect skin. he truly is the most beautiful person ever. makeup or not, hair tied back or loose, vil is sincerely as pretty as the morning's first light, a flower; freshly bloomed, and a fresh set of nails. 
“you’re staring. not that i mind,” you snap out of your hazy daydream about your gorgeous boyfriend and back into reality. 
“yeah, sorry. you’re just really fucking pretty.” you lean down and tenderly kiss his forehead as he internally squeals like one of his fan-girls. he really hit the jackpot with you as his (second) biggest fan.
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idia looks up at you with wide yellow eyes, but they have a sort of gloss over them that makes you believe he would not want you to get up and leave his dorm right now. you grin at his feeble attempt of a silent, inconclusive plea. an ask to what, you’re unsure because his face (minus the eyes) and hands grabbing at you tell you he’s very much enjoying you straddling his hips right now.
you reach into your pocket, revealing your master plan. a tube of lipstick, you swipe it over your lips once, then twice before replacing the cap and tossing it down, letting it hit the plush bedsheet you’re atop. 
the translucent tips of his hair start to turn pink as you lean down towards his face. a trembling hand comes up to your shoulder, not pushing you away but seemingly grounding the housewarden underneath you. “how cute,” you smile against his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth, then another to his left cheek, then the right. one more on his forehead for good measure. maybe one more. okay, one last one couldn’t hurt.
you sit upright and drag a hand down idia’s chest, over the sweater you know is probably two sizes to large for him, (but that’s how he likes them you suppose and it just makes for a more comfortable sweater when you steal ‘em) while admiring the definitely not smudge-proof lipstick marks on idia’s face, giggling as you compare the red smears to his blue features. you wonder if-
the rapid rise and fall of idia’s chest catches your attention, it almost sounds like he’s hyperventilating, but when you look up to his face it’s surrounded by fiery pink hair and a flush across his cheeks, spanning down his neck, you realize he’s fine. probably a little more than fine. 
“well, that’s some false advertising,” you smile, wiping at the edges of your lips lightly with a finger. idia snaps out of his stupor, hastily agreeing with a stuttered breath. his hands find your hips, giving you a small squeeze. you lean down and press a proper kiss to his lips, you lift away just as quick as you bent down, pushing idia back down as he chases you up, hoping for more. a pitiful whine escapes him as his hair burns brighter. 
the red lipstick mixes with his natural blue lips gives him a sort of purple that would put the octavinelle’s house colour to shame. though, he almost looks forlorn. the usual solemn and gloomy housewarden; reduced to a blushing mess after a few kisses. 
hilarious, isn’t it?
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malleus’s eyes flutter shut, a pleased sigh escapes his lips. his hands, hidden by your sweater, trace messy patterns on your back as his nails scratch lightly. he’s unsure of how he got himself into this humanoid predicament but he’s not complaining. 
you’re sat in his lap, placing kisses all over his face, leaving red lip marks behind. 
“you look like you’re enjoying this more than i am, malleus.” you bring a hand up to rake it through his bangs, pushing them behind his horns and revealing the shiny scales hidden beneath. 
the housewarden cracks a sharp emerald eye, examining your features. the slope of your nose, the curve of your stained lips, your eyelashes, cheeks. your eyes. oh how he loves your eyes, the way they look up to him with adoration, not fear or indifference like other humans do. 
you cup his cheek, “malleus?” 
he blinks once, twice. the gloss over his eyes breaks, refocusing on you. “i apologize, i was lost in thought.” 
“i could tell,” you trace your finger to the tip of his ear, then drop your hand back into your lap. “what were you thinking of? me?” 
“woah, okay. blunt!” heat rises to your face. 
a hand leaves your back, trailing around your side and up to tuck a piece of hair away from your eyes. “was i not suppose to tell the truth?” 
“no, malleus, you should have said you were thinking of pancakes.” 
“but i wasn’t? i was thinking of-” you cut him off, placing a kiss on his lips. 
“now, let me resume my art.”
malleus is more than happy to sit as still as the gargoyle statues he studies while you press kisses all over his face. he is, truly is.
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this was so self indulgent i ain’t even sorry (is my favouritism showing??)
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rafesangelita · 2 months ago
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DILF!RAFE X HOUSEBUNNY!READER who spend their days fucking like rabbits. whether rafe had her clinging onto his bed sheets for dear life, or muffling her screams while he drilled into her poor cunt, he knew he had hit the jackpot when she was deemed useful in more ways than one. housebunny!reader who worked as a cart girl at the country club for only two days before rafe whisked her away and turned her into his pretty maid. with his kid out of the house for school, rafe enforced a strict dress code that kept her catering to him in mini skirts, thigh high stockings, heels, and maybeee a lacey bra (he preferred her to be topless most of the time). dilf!rafe who took care of absolutely everything; hair appointments, lash appointments, nail appointments, wax appointments, he made sure to always have his bunny in tip top shape, according to his liking.
DILF!RAFE X HOUSEBUNNY!READER who always get concerning glares whenever they’re out in public. here you have rafe always dressed in business casual, his clothes ironed flat without a single wrinkle in sight, courtesy of housebunny of course, and then you have the girl at his side that’s all glitz and glamour, her outfit drawing the attention of every single person in the same room. dilf!rafe who has an intense housewife + breeding kink, always telling bunny that he’s gonna keep her in the house forever while he’s balls deep inside of her. she never opposed the idea, the vision only making her warm, velvety walls clench around him even tighter. housebunny!reader who made rafe’s favorite meals, loving the way he nodded approvingly while he chewed. “you’re just too good to be true.” her heart is fluttering in her chest at his words, the praise not going unnoticed. dinner was always delicious, but dessert was even better.
DILF!RAFE X HOUSEBUNNY!READER who are sooo playful behind closed doors, rafe finds himself full on giggling before he’s masking his laughter with a serious expression so bunny doesn’t think he’s too soft. dilf!rafe who has the music taste of a frat boy in college, cursing under his breath as bunny sings along to the explicit lyrics booming throughout the house. “pretty girls don’t have filthy mouths.” he’s reminding her, smirking to himself when he see’s her sparkly lips come to a stop. housebunny!reader who does literally everything rafe asks her to do. “..sooo you want me to walk around with bunny ears, and that thing?” rafe is living for the hesitation on her face, and the fact that he knows she won’t tell him no. the following night, he manages to get the cute little bunny tail right where he wants it, housebunny!reader loving it more than she thought she would..
DILF!RAFE X HOUSEBUNNY!READER who plan bunny’s outfits for the week (it’s just an excuse for her to give him an unsolicited fashion show). “i would rather you wear nothing at all..” rafe grumbles when she comes out of his closet in an assortment of clothing. housebunny!reader who slips pink sticky notes into rafe’s pocket before going to work so he could find them throughout the day. ‘can’t wait to be your slutty lil’ bunny later ♡’ rafe is excusing himself from his meeting, sending her a text message that easily gets her needy. ‘just read your note. you‘re gonna be so fucked out by the time i’m done with you.’ she shoots him a quick ‘promiseee? ૮꒰◞ ˕ ◟ ྀི꒱ა’ before squealing in excitement when he reacts to her message with a thumbs up. it’s not long before rafe gets home and has her legs on top of his shoulders, her knees knocking against her chest while he’s wiping away her tears of pure unadulterated pleasure with his thumb.
DILF!RAFE X HOUSEBUNNY!READER who are equally as nervous to have rafe’s son back home, unsure of what the small boy might think. housebunny!reader who nearly cries when she overhears little ray say she looks like a princess with her ‘pink puffy dresses’. dilf!rafe who is relieved and overjoyed that his boy adores her so much, since that was all he was waiting for in order to make her his, officially at least, since he already thought of her as such. housebunny!reader who wakes up to the smell of breakfast wafting up from downstairs, her eyebrows knitting in confusion as she wraps her fluffy robe around her body. “what are you doing?” she’s taking in the view of a shirtless rafe drinking out of a coffee mug, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. “making you breakfast since you’re not just my house bunny anymore..” at his words, you smiled. “just bunny then?” he hummed, “just bunny.”
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୨୧ bunny comes home from all of her beauty appointments!
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